Quiz 1 Resuelto

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headquarters Medelln
Questions short survey (10%). September 2014
NAME: Laura Tatiana Snchez Gonzlez

CARD: 1128447183

1. How do you explain the relationship between analytical chemistry and the three
steps of any industrial process, namely: input raw material, converting it into the
and sending it to the client
The role of the analytical chemist in the control of industrial processes, is related to
many things, between them we can find the recycling, it will be the responsibility of
the analytical chemist to ensure that the quality of the recycled waste is suitable for
reprocessing, there we can find part one (input raw material). The document
mentions that packaging is an extremely important part of any industrial process
and in recent years has developed into an industry in its own right. its very
important to have into account the shelf life of the product , to protect the product
from physical damage while in transit or on display and to increase customer
appeal. This is different depending of the product on sale, for example, technology
has a big shelf life, but there are things that dont. This is the case of food, which
has different lifetimes depending of the product; There we can see part two and
three (converting it into the product, send it to the client).
The analytical chemistry and the three basic steps of any industrial process, are
related in many ways, since creating the product to packing, and from packing to
delivering, its very important because is the chemistry the thing which determinate
de life of the product, mainly in the packing and the delivering.
2. Give examples of the role of analytical chemistry in the food industry (which do
not appear
in the article)
The role of analytical chemistry in the food industry is very important, because it
comes from the production, to the very birth of the food, there are some examples:
A. In the case of crops, crop yield is affected by several factors, among which is an
important availability of essential plant nutrients in the ground. When those
nutrients are not in adequate amounts, there is a need to add chemical fertilizers to
reach the sufficient nutrients and correct the adverse conditions.

B. In food packaging, because it must have the appropriate layers or covered so

that the chemical is packed material where no company with food and do harm to
the consumer
C. In genetics, analytical chemistry often is used to alter food from another point of
view to improve or modify its properties
D. In the culinary industry, to give better flavors and create new types of sauces,
seasonings and flavors.
Those are just some examples of the application of the analytical chemistry on food
industry; we can find more information from the subject, delving more specifically
what type of food we will treat, because they all have different lifetimes and
different chemical treatments.
3. Comment on the three aspects mentioned by the authors of the article relating to
environment at work, applied to the university environment where you unfolds, ie
contact with reagents, the risk of explosion and inhalation of chemicals and dust air.
Check with the occupational health office headquarters
In the case of the university, this could be mainly in the chemistry labs, and physics
or mechanical workshops in some materials.
Is important to emphasize the point of inhalation of contaminated air, because this
is the main factor in why people get sick and in which less care is taken, it is
recommended to control it by carrying masks previously before starting any
practice or contact with a harmful agent.
On the issue of direct contact with chemical agents, this may be the same as the
point above, but there are more controls such as lab coats, gloves and other items
that protect the body, which are previously demanded by the laboratory technician
before any contact with chemicals.
Explosion risk in college by mixing agents is relatively low due to the high
supervision being provided by the laboratory staff and the wide supervision is
carried, it is important here to consider the quality of the water you will use and the
air quality of the environment surrounding the chemicals, because if they are in
balance, explosion risk is much lower.
4. Briefly explain some analytical techniques to monitor both air quality and the

One of the most important solutions is the participation of the government to make
plans to prevent and attack the problem, for example, to use an Inspector, who has
the faculty to set limits for the emission of acidic and other substances for
scheduled industries. He is an empowered person and its able to monitor the
emissions and, if necessary, he can close down a plant which does not adhere and
adapt to the limits he has set.
The document mentions that other factors indirectly affecting air quality are the
control of potential pollutants, where sulphur in gas/diesel oil is the most dangerous
thing and it causes the most harmful effect, and to control him, occasional private
legal actions are taken against companies who cause pollution of the atmosphere.
Another techniques used to monitor air quality vary greatly and range from simple
absorbers to sophisticated gas chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques;
Currently, new techniques to control air pollution are developed from organizational
prevention, to fines, and from fines to investment in less polluting gases and
Some of the ways to control the quality and water pollution, starts ranging from
making and changing some laws to rationalize the water consumption and
contamination, we can find here that governmental participation is very important,
in this part there are a big number of actors like public bodies such as analysts,
local authorities, government and the scientist of the polluting organizations.
Otherwise, there are more complex procedures such as gas chromatography,
required to deal with pollutants such as pesticide residues or polycyclic aromatic
compounds. Larger water laboratories use auto analysers to deal with the
throughput of large numbers of samples.
The sampling of the water is a very important part of his analysis, mainly in carrying
out surveys of rivers, lakes and tidal estuaries. Due account must be taken of river
flows, tidal currents and still water areas in assessing where to sample and how to
interpret results.
Using this, we can detect the problem, the pollution factor and the guilty, that way
the control organisms can act and they can put end to the problem and try to save
some water.

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