Database Course Outline INFO1101

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Kulliyyah Information and Communications Technology (KICT)

Department Information Systems

Programme Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT)

Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS)

Course Title Introduction to Database

Course Code INFO 1101

Status Kulliyyah Required Course

Level 1 and 2

Credit Hours 3 credit hours

Contact Hours 3 hours

Pre-requisites None
(if any)

Co-requisites None
(if any)

Instructional • Presentation and Lectures

Strategies • Project
• Discussion
• Tutoring
• Computer Lab Work
• Oral reports

Assessment LO Assessment Method %
State weightage 1,2,4 Midterm Exam 15
of each type of 1,2,4,5 Assignments
assessment. • Lab 10
• Written 5
1,2 Lab Test (SQL) 10
3,5,6 Group Project (user requirement 20
collection, designing, report,
presentation – lab based)
1,2,4,5 Final Examination 40
TOTAL 100 %
Instructor(s) TBD

Semester Semester I and II

Course Synopsis This course covers introduction to database, database environment,
relational model, relational algebra, SQL, database planning, design and
administration, entity relationship modelling, enhanced entity relationship,
normalization, methodology such as conceptual database design, logical
database design, physical database design and monitoring and tuning the
operational system.

Course The objectives of the course are:

Objectives • To expose students to the theory and principles of Database Systems.
• To prepare the students with the ability to apply the theory of DBMS.
• To expose students with small scale database projects.

Learning Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate database knowledge and understanding of basic
concepts of database.
2. Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of structured query
language (SQL), in particular Data Definition Language (DDL)
and Data Manipulation Language (DML).
3. Apply and use computer-based software to design and create
4. Demonstrate the knowledge, understanding and methodology of
database design through translating user requirements into data
5. Apply data modeling and normalization techniques in designing
6. Work as a team to collect user requirement, design database, write
report and demonstrate the output through collective presentation.

Content Outlines

Week Topics Chapters

1 Course Introduction 1
Introduction to Databases
2 Database Environment 2

The Relational Model 3

3 Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus 4

4 SQL: Data Manipulation 5

• SELECT statements
• Restricting & Sorting Data
• Grouping Data
• Subqueries

Hands-On: Lab Session

5 SQL: Data Manipulation 5
• Multi-Table Queries (Join statements)
• Set Operators (UNION, INTERSECT)

Hands-On: Lab Session

6 SQL: Data Definition 6
• Table Creation (CREATE TABLE)
• Table Structure Modification (ALTER TABLE)
• Integrity Constraints

Hands-On: Lab Session

7 SQL: Data Definition 6
• Views
• Views Restrictions
• Access Control (GRANT, REVOKE)
• Data Dictionary

Hands-On: Lab Session

8 Database Planning, Design and Administration 9

9 Entity-Relationship Modeling 11
Hands-On: Lab Session

10 Enhanced Entity-Relationship Modeling 12

Hands-On: Lab Session

11 Normalization 13
• First Normal Form
• Second Normal Form
• Third Normal Form

12 Advanced Normalization 14
• Fourth Normal Form
• Fifth Normal Form
• Boyce_Codd Normal Form

13 Conceptual Database Design 15

Logical Database Design for the Relational Model 16

Physical Database Design for Relational Databases 17

14 Monitoring and Tuning the Operational System 18

Overview of Database Security, Transaction Management and 20

Query Processing.

References Required
Connolly, T.M., & Begg, C. (2005). Database Systems: A Practical Approach
to Design, Implementation, and Management (4th Edition). USA:
Addison Wesley.

Date, C. J. (2004). An Introduction to Database Systems. (8th Eddition). USA:
Addison Wesley.

Garcia-Molina, H., Ullman, J.D., & Widom, J. (2002). Database Systems:

The Complete Book (International Edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Gerald, V. Post (2005). Database Management Systems: Designing and

Building Business Applications (3rd Edition). USA: Mc Graw Hill.

Nilesh Shah (2005). Database Systems Using Oracle (2nd Edition). USA :
Prentice Hall.

Ramakrishnan, R., & Gehrke, J. (2002). Database Management Systems
(3rd Edition). New Jersey: McGraw-Hill.

Rob, P., & Coronel, C. (2001). Database Systems: Design, Implementation,

Management (5th Edition). Boston, MA: Course Technology.

Proposed Semester I, 2007/2008

Start Date
Batch of ALL
Students to
be Affected

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