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Caroline Wilson Dissection 5AA radio Interview 5.2.

by Bruce Francis Sun Feb 08, 2015 5:16 pm

Dear M/s Wilson

Sorry for the delay, the transcript of your 5AA interview only arrived this afternoon.
Item (Wilson) 1: We are still going, well there has been some misreporting thats been followed up by some
correct reporting. From what I can ascertain now that I am back in town Stephen is that it was not true that the
players or any small group of players were offered a two week deal from ASADA or form the AFLs lawyers.
What is true is that they were offered looked at an eight week situation and that just wasnt the players who are
at Port Adelaide or those involved at the Western Bulldogs, but it was all the players.

My Comment:
You have no idea what you are talking about. What does From what I can ascertain mean? If you havent
spoken to either Peter Gordon, David Koch, Andrew Dillon, Xavier Campbell, Paul Little, Paul Marsh, the
players or the lawyers you should just shut up;
The Essendon camp was told, Dillon, under extreme pressure, offered the Western Bulldogs and Port Adelaide
players suspensions from the NAB Cup and two competition games. The current Essendon players were not
offered the deal because their lawyers were not involved in the negotiations. However, the lawyers were told
about the deal offered to the Bulldogs and Port. As the lawyers believe the players will be cleared, they had no
interest in seeking the same offer for the Essendon players as those offered to the Bulldogs and Port;
Irrespective of Port Adelaides attitude to the deal, it wasnt in a position to consider it because it would have
exposed David Koch as being one of the worlds biggest hypocrites. As media people are want to, Koch shot his
mouth off in 2013 in a vitriolic outburst from the pulpit about Hird and the Essendon players. Basically, he
opined that anyone involved with banned substances should be banned for life. Although Koch is known for
putting both feet in his mouth who could ever forget his disgusting comment about Mrs Howard, or his crass
comment about the Christchurch earthquake victims he thinks a smug apology gets him off the hook. If
Monfries and Ryder were to admit to taking Thymosin Beta-4, there is no way Koch could allow them to stay at
Item (Wilson) 2: Now that would tell me that there is genuine belief from all parties that these players could
well face suspensions
My Comment:
Leaving aside for a second your unacceptable habit of pursuing agendas and vendettas against people, your
observation encapsulates other traits that prove you are way passed your used by date. You have extrapolated
this comment from something that is factually incorrect. Current Essendon players were not offered the same
It is absolute nonsense to suggest the current Essendon players are considering a deal for the following
They dont believe they were administered a banned substance;
Dank testified under oath in May and November 2012 to the ACC that he didnt administer Thymosin Beta-4
to the players. It is reasonable to assume that if the ACC had evidence to the contrary, it would have charged
him with perjury by now;
There is no proof Thymosin Beta-4 was supplied to Essendon;
Even if we assume Dank wanted to use Thymosin Beta4, if there is no proof Thymosin Beta-4 was supplied,
Dank wouldnt know what was in the syringes.

Although I am sure this is not a consideration for the Essendon players because they believe they are innocent,
but there is a compelling reason why the tribunal cant convict any player:
To get you excited lets assume there is proof Thymosin Beta-4 was supplied to Essendon;
Lets assume the tribunal members have an off day, week, or months, and are confident one of the amino
acids was Thymosin Beta-4;
Lets assume the tribunal members are sufficiently confident some players were administered Thymosin Beta4;
In case you have forgotten, 34 players were charged as individuals with being administered Thymosin Beta-4;
How does the tribunal decide who was administered Thymosin Beta-4?
You have scrapped the bottom of the barrel over the last two years but I cant believe that you would support
finding innocent players guilty just to ensure you catch the guilty players. Your hatred for Essendon and Hird
surely doesnt extend that far!
I suspect the majority of football followers dislike you, but if you are advocating we change the core of our
legal system, then I believe every football follower would advise you to get on your bike and go to a country
with that type of legal system.
Item (Wilson) 3: We learned today via Mick Warner in the Herald Sun that the Essendon players, as has been
suggested before, but verified today, apparently, are considering boycotting the NAB Cup.
My Comment:
Mark Robinson originally floated the story and got smashed. Presumably, he sent a hospital pass to Warner and
he was forced to run with it. To my knowledge, neither Robinson nor Warner quoted a single source. I can
understand you relying on the Herald Sun for a story because your paper is hopeless, but surely as a reader, you
require the author to be able to substantiate his claim!
Item (Wilson) 4: I must say I find that absolutely outrageous. I mean I just think at some point you have to
accept the judges decision. If this is still a live case which it clearly will be when the NAB Cup starts
My Comment:
Here we go again. Without any proof, the Warner story is true. Once again, you have used an unsubstantiated
article as an excuse to bash Essendon;
Who is the judge you refer to? Lets assume ASADA is the judge in this instance and it has issued infraction
notices, which means the players are suspended until exonerated. That means about 20 current Essendon players
are suspended and shouldnt play in the NAB Cup. There have been hundreds of incredibly bad decisions during
this saga but arguably the worst is to hold the tribunal hearing in camera. Apparently, this was done to protect
the identity of the players who have been suspended. The three men you will worship for the rest of your life if
they find the players guilty made the decision to protect the players identity. Are you suggesting they made a
mistake and you dont support their decision? Even your beloved AFL supported the decision of confidentiality;
As I said in criticising Robinson, if only the 20 suspended players are left out of the Essendon NAB Cup team,
their identity would become known. Therefore, Essendon would be entitled to leave perhaps a dozen other
players out of the NAB to protect the identity of the 20. Even the AFL couldnt object to that because the AFL
has supported protecting the players identities;
Losing 30 plus players would mean Essendon would be forced to pick a team of kids to play in the NAB Cup.
I not sure Essendon wouldnt be breaching their OH&S responsibilities to allow the kids to be belted up
physically and mentally by Carlton and the like. The AFL would also have OH&S responsibilities to protect the
kids, but as we learnt on 19 October 2011, the AFL doesnt give a stuff about its OH&S responsibilities

Item (Wilson) 5: I dont see how it is in anyway supporting the AFLs competition for an entire club to boycott
the NAB Cup. I dont know I think that is a ridiculous idea.
My Comment:
Where is your evidence the club intends boycotting the competition? Which person has used the word boycott?
Tell us. We want the truth. Boycotting suggests that Essendon would be taking action to spite the AFL, or to
correct a wrong-doing. As usual, your comments dont contain balance. You havent canvassed in detail the
reasons for protecting the players identities, and you havent considered the OH&S aspects of playing kids
Item (Wilson) 6: No the entire will in defence of their team and in an attempt to preserve their anonymity,
which is sort of I think a bit silly because generally I think people know now who most of the players are now, or
all the players are
My Comment:
This comment suggests that you are refusing to accept the judges decision. You dont agree with the players
names being suppressed. What a hypocrite. Give Hird a ring and ask him how to appeal a decision.
Item (Wilson) 7: There is no doubt that if the players are found to have taken, knowing or not, banned
My Comment:
I know your articles suggest you have been on holidays for two years, but for your edification the players have
been charged with being administered one substance, Thymosin Beta-4. That is singular substance. Your
repeated use of the word substances (plural) is factually wrong.
Item (Wilson) 8: I just think, and I know I am a broken record on this boys.
My Comment:
Why use the word record? Why qualify broken? We know you are broken. Why not give everyone relief and
retire and try and fix yourself?
Item (Wilson) 9: I know youre probably thinking that when I say this, at what point are they going to accept
the judges decision. Or at least play ball, I mean they agreed to do these interviews with the AFL and ASADA,
they agreed to the entire process.
My Comment:
When the players signed their AFL / Essendon / Player Agreement they knew the AFL could screw them.
However, I am sure that none of them believed the AFL (and their mates in the media); law and accounting
firms; and ASADA would get access to their private emails and texts;
The players were assured all evidence would be confidential. Brett Clothier, who had access to everyones
evidence, was given a second lick of the lolly, and sent an email to ASADA at 12.33pm on 17 July 2013, which
was unconscionably accepted as evidence. You regurgitated Clothiers evidence in the on-line edition of
THE(garb)AGE just after 6pm the same day. I cant imagine that the players ever considered that your
relationship with AFL staff was so close that you would be leaked evidence that quickly;
It appears you and the four Federal Court judges are the only ones who believe that the players could have
refused to participate. I believe every AFL player, except perhaps those at Sarahs radio friends club, would
believe the players had no choice;
You are talking absolute kak when you say the players and staff agreed to the entire process. The players
believed they would receive procedural fairness. They werent. The players and staff didnt agree to participate
in a process that allowed ASADA to change evidence; fabricate evidence; and omit evidence. The players and
staff definitely didnt agree to participate in a process in which ASADA was allowed to testify. The players and
staff didnt agree to a process where Demetriou, McLachlan and Clothier would tell ASADA what could go in
the Report and what had to be left out. The players were guaranteed confidentiality, and yet Andrew Dillon

published slabs of verbatim text from the Interim Report in his first charge-sheet.
Item (Wilson) 10: For James Hird to continue, to say you know, that he is doing this in the name of all
international sports men and women, how these players have got less rights than anyone else on the planet, it is
just laughable,
My Comment:
Everyone in Australia is entitled to appeal a decision. You obviously believe Hird is the exception. If you had
any sense of responsibility as a journalist, you would explain why;
Its hard to imagine any group of people being screwed the way Essendon and Hird have been by ASADA and
the AFL;
The onus of proof of wrong-doing for sportsmen and women is significantly weaker than on anyone else in
society, which is wrong;
Sportsmen arent protected by the Trade Practices Act the way everyone else is. It is unconscionable that
players are forced to play under a salary cap and be told where to play. Although the Age and its readers would
benefit significantly by employing journalists from other newspapers, those journalists wouldnt tolerate being
forced to work at the Age. Why should footballers be forced to play interstate or at clubs such as Carlton and the
Western Bulldogs?
Item (Wilson) 11: He [Hird] is doing it to suppress the truth, he doesnt want the truth to come out.
My Comment:
Stuart Littlemore where are you? Please volunteer to run Hirds defamation cases against Wilson and the Age.
If Hird and Littlemore tackled you and the Age every time you defamed Hird, they would own Fairfax.
Hopefully, they would close the rags down and flog the building.
Would you please substantiate your claim Hird is trying to suppress the truth?
To my knowledge, you and your two mates, who appear incapable of writing their own articles, were leaked
information from the investigation. After I identified 51 leaks in your respective columns, I gave up looking for
more. I assumed 51 leaks were sufficient to prove the ACC was as capable as the Keystone Cops, and your idols
at the AFL and ASADA, were naughty boys;
What more do you need to know about the truth?
The Age obviously has a copy of the Interim Report;
Shortly after the start of the investigation in February 2013, you pronounced Hird and Essendon guilty, what
else do you want to know?
You were the beneficiary of continuous leaks. Are you suggesting you werent given all the salacious leaks?
Dillon published slabs of the evidence in his first 34-page charge sheet;
Hird testified in public for over a day before Justice Middleton;
The tribunal will only find for or against the players so their judgment wont enlighten you;
My understanding is ASADA said it would start the investigation again. How then is Hird trying to suppress
the truth?
If you tell me why you have had a change of heart, and why you suddenly want to know the truth, as a gesture
of goodwill, tell me what you want to know and I will tell you.
I cant understand why you havent made similar demands on the AFL for the truth. Every time the AFL

looks like it has to appear in court and talk under oath Dr Reid and Dean Robinson for example - it runs away.
And lets not forget the bullying of Essendon and Hird for Hird to stop his Supreme Court case.
One of the most crucial pieces of truth concerns Hirds legal responsibilities for the supplement program. You
have repeatedly said he was in charge. I have repeatedly explained to you that the Victorian OH&S Act, the
Essendon matrix organisation structure and Hirds job description, meant he had no legal responsibility. But you
werent interested in the truth. You dont want the truth because you cant handle the truth.
M/s Wilson, its time. I suggest you ask Andy, I didnt inject anyone but metaphorically speaking I sat back
and didnt try and stop the players receiving 10,000+ injections, to write you a reference.
Bruce Francis
8 February 2015
Cc The Media
The Governor

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