CSC 3401 - Operating System - Sem10607 Suriani

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Department of Computer Science

Kulliyyah of Information & Communication Technology

International Islamic University Malaysia

Kulliyyah Department
Kulliyah of Information and Sr. Suriani Sulaiman
Department (Section
of Computer 1)
Communication Technology Sr. Masnida Hussin (Section 2)

Semester Offered All

Programme Bachelor of Information Technology
Course Objectives Bachelor
The main of Computer
objectives ofScience
this course are as follows:

1. To provide students with an understanding of how operating

Course Title Operating
2. To introduce students with the history and evolution of
operating systems.
Course Code 3. To3401
CSC provide students with an overview of different types of
operating systems.
4. To provide students with the general concepts, facilities and
Status Coreservices offered by an operating system.
5. To present a comparative study and provide awareness of the
market prevailing operating systems and their suitability in a
Level 3 particular situation.
6. To provide students with the understanding of the concepts
of the processes, process and storage management, and
Credit Hours 3 fundamental skills in OS administration tasks

Contact Hours 3 (Wed 10.00 am - 11.00 am, Thu 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm)
Course Synopsis Operating System is the basic software, which makes the
Pre-requisites CSC 1401 of
resources Introduction to Computer
the computer Organization
available to the user. A general-
purpose computer can be of no use if it does not have an
operating system. Operating System provide the first layer of
Teaching Methodology Lectures which provides the basis for all other software working
on a computer. This makes the knowledge of Operating System
essential for IT professionals. There has been recently a lot of
development in the operating system like UNIX, Windows
family and LINUX. IT professionals need to be aware of the
Method of Evaluation Assignment(s)
latest : 15% by these operating
developments and the facilities provided
Quiz (s)
systems. : 10%
Project : 15%
Mid Term : 20%
Learning Outcomes After completing this course, students are: expected
Final Exam 40% to be able to:
Total : 100%
1. Analyze and apply the concept of operating systems and relate
them to current operating system design, direction and
development issues.
2. To demonstrate the fundamental hands-on skills in various
operating system administration tasks.

3. To list and relate the basic concepts of computer organization

and how the communicates within an operating system’s
facilities and services.

Course Outlines

Weeks Topics Reference

1 Computer System Overview

 Basic Elements
 Processor Registers
 Instruction Execution
Chap. 1
 Interrupts
 The Memory Hierarchy
 Cache Memory
 I/O Communication Techniques

2 Operating System Overview

 Operating System objectives and
 The Evolution of Operating
 Major Achievements
 Developments Leading to Modern Chap. 2
Operating Systems
 Microsoft Windows Overview
 Traditional Unix Systems
 Modern Unix Systems
 Linux

3 Process Description and Control

 What is a Process?
 Process States
 Process Description Chap. 3
 Process Control
 Unix SVR4 Process Management

4 Threads, SMP and Microkernels

 Processess and Threads
 Symmetric Multiprocessing
 Microkernels
 Windows Threads and SMP Chap 4
 Solaris Threads and SMP
 Linux Process and Thread
5 Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion and
 Principles of Concurrency
 Mutual Exclusion: Hardware
Support Chap. 5
 Semaphores
 Monitors
 Message Passing
Readers/Writers Problem
6 Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation
 Principles of Deadlock
 Deadlock Prevention
 Deadlock Avoidance
 Deadlock Detection
 An Integrated Deadlock Strategy
 Dining Philosophers Problem Chap. 6
 Unix Concurrency Mechanisms
 Linux Kernel Concurrency
 Solaris Thread Synchronization
 Windows Concurrency
7 Memory Management
 Memory Management
Chap. 7
 Memory Partitioning
 Paging
 Segmentation

8 Virtual Memory
 Hardware and Control Structures
 Operating System Software
Chap. 8
 UNIX and Solaris Memory
 Linux Memory Management
 Windows Memory Management
9 I/O Management and Disk Scheduling
 I/O Devices
 Organization of the I/O function
 Operating System Design Issues
 I/O Buffering
 Disk Scheduling Chap. 11
 Disk Cache
 Unix SVR4 I/O
 Linux I/O
 Windows I/O
10 File Management
 File Organization and Access
 File Directories
 File Sharing
 Record Blocking
Chap. 12
 Secondary Storage Management
 Unix File Management
 Linux Virtual File System
 Windows File System

11 Computer Security
 Security Threats
 Protection
 Intruders
Chap. 16
 Malicious Software
 Trusted System
 Windows Security

References Required :

1. William Stallings, Operating Systems, Fifth Edition,

Prentice Hall, 2005.

Recommended :

1. Silberchatz, Galvin, & Gagne, Operating System

Concepts, Seventh Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2004

2. Andrew S Tanenbaum, Albert S Woodhull, Operating

Systems Design and Implementation, Third Edition,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.

3. Harvey M.Deitel, Paul J.Deitel, David R.Choffnes,

Operating Systems, Third Edition, Pearson Prentice
Hall, 2004.

4. Gary Nutt, Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective,

Third Edition, Pearson Addison Wesley, 2004.

Proposed Start Date

Batch of Students to be All batches

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