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# United Kingdom and Minors 24000 - 24999 by Lothos

# Unit building AI
= Standard Building of units
= Priority Building land units
# Air AI Flags
# Behavior Flags
th D-Day
# Naval AI Flags

= Air vs Naval priority

= Strategic Bombing has priority
= Ground Support has priority
= England is trying to invade Norway since low g
= England is trying to invade Norway since low g
= England is trying to help an AI USA wi


rough the Pacific
and Med
c and Med
and Med

Ignore the English Channel cause France fell

Protect the English Channel
English Navy support Norway Invasion
English avoid sending ships through the med
Same as Channel but shuts down Med
Same as ChannelP but shuts down Med
Same as Norway but shuts down Med
= English avoid sending ships th
= Same as Channel but shuts down Pacific
= Same as ChannelP but shuts down Pacifi
= Same as Norway but shuts down Pacific
= Same as Channel but shuts down Pacific
= Same as ChannelP but shuts down Pacifi
= Same as Norway but shuts down Pacific

# Battle of Britain
event = {
id = 24000
random = no
country = ENG
trigger = {
ai = yes
war = { country = GER country = ENG }
NOT = { war = { country = GER country = SOV } }
OR = {
control = { province = 56 data = GER } # Paris
AND = {
# Belgium
control = { province = 45 data = GER }
control = { province = 50 data = GER }











name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 4
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
# England sends help to Greece
event = {
id = 24001
random = no
country = ENG
trigger = {
ai = yes
random = 30
war = { country = ITA country = GRE }
alliance = { country = ENG country = GRE }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 4
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
# Poland is being attacked DELETED
#event = {
id = 24003
random = no
country = ENG
# England release troops from England to attack with
event = {
id = 24004

random = no
country = ENG
trigger = {
ai = yes
OR = {
random = 30
alliance = { country = ENG country = USA }
war = { country = GER country = ENG }
OR = {
war = { country = GER country = USA }
war = { country = GER country = SOV }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 4
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
# England sends more troops to France since they are allive still
event = {
id = 24005
random = no
country = ENG
trigger = {
ai = yes
exists = FRA
control = { province = 56 data = FRA } # Paris
NOT = { exists = VIC }
war = { country = FRA country = GER }
alliance = { country = ENG country = FRA }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = FRA value = 35 } }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1941 }
offset = 4
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
# England changes production prios
event = {

id = 24006
random = no
country = ENG
trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
# Australia changes production
# Event 24007 deleted by Lothos
# England updates Protection list
event = {
id = 24008
random = no
country = ENG
trigger = {
ai = yes
war = { country = GER country = SOV }
war = { country = GER country = ENG }
NOT = { war = { country = SOV country = ENG } }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 4
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
# England loads EXP Force Ratio for war with SOV
event = {
id = 24009
random = no
country = ENG
trigger = {

ai = yes
war = { country = USA country = SOV }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
# England Load D-Day AI
event = {
id = 24010
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
NOT = { local_flag = ENGDDay }
alliance = { country = ENG country
OR = {
AND = {
ai = USA
flag = DDay
control = { province = 292
control = { province = 92
control = { province = 91
control = { province = 78
control = { province = 47
control = { province = 46
control = { province = 45
control = { province = 18
control = { province = 42
control = { province = 41
control = { province = 39
control = { province = 33
control = { province = 32
control = { province = 34
control = { province = 35
control = { province = 59
control = { province = 325
control = { province = 326

= USA }




name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 0 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }



Le Havre

action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGDDay }
event = {
id = 24011
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGDDay
alliance = { country = ENG country
NOT = {
AND = {
ai = USA
flag = DDay
control = { province = 292
control = { province = 92
control = { province = 91
control = { province = 78
control = { province = 47
control = { province = 46
control = { province = 45
control = { province = 18
control = { province = 42
control = { province = 41
control = { province = 39
control = { province = 33
control = { province = 32
control = { province = 34
control = { province = 35
control = { province = 59
control = { province = 325
control = { province = 326

= USA }






Le Havre

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 0 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGDDay }
# Canada Load D-Day AI
# Event 24012 deleted by Lothos

# England Air AI Naval portion

event = {
id = 24013
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
OR = {
NOT = { local_flag = ENGAirAINaval }
AND = {
day = 1
NOT = { day = 2 }
# These statements must be false if not the land air AI has prio
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value = 2 }

00 type =
99 type =
72 type =
02 type =
71 type =
98 type =
97 type =
96 type =
95 type =
12 type =
13 type =
14 type =
11 type =
09 type =
10 type =

# These statements have to be true for it to load naval AI

OR = {
AND = {
war = { country = GER country = ENG }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
naval size = 2 area = no }

= 24
= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 23
= 23
= 23
= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 24

garrison = { country = GER province = 24

06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ITA country = ENG }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = ITA province
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = ITA province
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = ITA province
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = SPA country = ENG }
OR = {
# North Sea

= 24

= 24
= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 23
= 23
= 23
= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 24

garrison = { country = SPA province = 24

00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = USA country = ENG }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = USA province
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = USA province
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province

= 24

= 24
= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 23
= 23

97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }

garrison = { country = USA province = 23
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 23
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = SOV country = ENG }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = SOV province
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = SOV province
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = SOV province
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }

= 24

= 24
= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 23
= 23
= 23
= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24
= 24

garrison = { country = SOV province = 24

09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {





local_setflag which = ENGAirAINaval }

local_clrflag which = ENGAirAIStrategic }
local_clrflag which = ENGAirAIGround }
ai which = "switch/" }

# England Air AI Land portion
event = {
id = 24014
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
OR = {
NOT = { local_flag = ENGAirAIGround }
AND = {
day = 1
NOT = { day = 2 }
# These statements must be false if not the land air AI has prio
OR = {
lost_national = {
OR = {
control =
control =
control =
control =

country = ENG value = 2 }

Boot of Italy
{ province = 526
{ province = 525
{ province = 523
{ province = 521






= { province
= { province
= { province
= { province
= { province
= { province

= 520 data = ENG }







# These statements have to be true for it to load naval AI
NOT = {
AND = {
war = { country = GER country = ENG }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value =
2 } }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {

war = { country = ITA country = ENG }

NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value =
2 } }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province =
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = SPA country = ENG }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value
2 } }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = SPA province =
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province =
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province =
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast



garrison = { country = SPA province = 24

02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province =
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = USA country = ENG }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value
2 } }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = USA province =
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = USA province =
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }



garrison = { country = USA province = 24

12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = SOV country = ENG }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value
2 } }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = SOV province =
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = SOV province =
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = SOV province =
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =



10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }

garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {





local_clrflag which = ENGAirAINaval }

local_clrflag which = ENGAirAIStrategic }
local_setflag which = ENGAirAIGround }
ai which = "switch/" }

# England Air AI Strategic portion
event = {
id = 24015
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
OR = {
NOT = { local_flag = ENGAirAIStrategic }
AND = {
day = 1
NOT = { day = 2 }
# These statements must be false to load the Strategic AI
NOT = {
lost_national = { country = ENG value = 2 }
OR = {
#Southern Boot of Italy
control = { province = 526 data = ENG }
control = { province = 525 data = ENG }
control = { province = 523 data = ENG }
control = { province = 521 data = ENG }
control = { province = 520 data = ENG }
#Greece (Area)
control = { province = 394 data = ENG }
control = { province = 401 data = ENG }

control = { province = 411 data = ENG }

control = { province = 390 data = ENG }
control = { province = 410 data = ENG }
# These statements must be false to load the Strategic AI
NOT = {
AND = {
war = { country = GER country = ENG }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value =
2 } }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ITA country = ENG }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value =
2 } }
OR = {

# North Sea
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province =
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = SPA country = ENG }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value
2 } }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = SPA province =
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province =
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province =
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = SPA province =
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province =
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }



garrison = { country = SPA province = 23

98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 23
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province =
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = USA country = ENG }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value
2 } }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = USA province =
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = USA province =
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = USA province =



13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }

garrison = { country = USA province = 24
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = USA province =
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = SOV country = ENG }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value
2 } }
OR = {
# North Sea
garrison = { country = SOV province =
00 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
99 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
72 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
# East Coast
garrison = { country = SOV province =
02 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
71 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
98 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
97 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
96 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
95 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
12 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
#West Coast
garrison = { country = SOV province =
13 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
14 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
11 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
09 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
10 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =
06 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province =



05 type = naval size = 2 area = no }

garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
04 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
03 type = naval size = 2 area = no }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {





local_clrflag which = ENGAirAINaval }

local_setflag which = ENGAirAIStrategic }
local_clrflag which = ENGAirAIGround }
ai which = "switch/" }

# Englands loads Standard builds AI
event = {
id = 24016
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes

= 0.5 }

= 0.9 }

= 0.2 }

= 0.2 }

trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
NOT = { local_flag = ENGBuildStandard }
NOT = {
AND = {
war = { country = GER country = ENG
NOT = { land_percentage = { country
AND = {
war = { country = ITA country = ENG
NOT = { land_percentage = { country
AND = {
war = { country = SOV country = ENG
NOT = { land_percentage = { country
AND = {
war = { country = USA country = ENG
NOT = { land_percentage = { country

= GER value

= ITA value

= SOV value

= USA value

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGBuildStandard }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGBuildLand }
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
# Englands loads Land builds AI
event = {
id = 24017
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes

= 0.5 }

= 0.9 }

= 0.2 }

= 0.2 }

trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
NOT = { local_flag = ENGBuildLand }
OR = {
AND = {
war = { country = GER country = ENG
NOT = { land_percentage = { country
AND = {
war = { country = ITA country = ENG
NOT = { land_percentage = { country
AND = {
war = { country = SOV country = ENG
NOT = { land_percentage = { country
AND = {
war = { country = USA country = ENG
NOT = { land_percentage = { country

= GER value

= ITA value

= SOV value

= USA value

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGBuildStandard }

command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGBuildLand }

command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
# England invades Norway due to lack of defenses
event = {
id = 24018
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes

7 type
8 type
9 type

9 type
0 type
7 type

8 type
4 type

trigger = {
ai = yes
random = 10
war = { country = GER country = ENG }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value = 2 } }
NOT = { local_flag = ENGInvadeNorway }
OR = {
NOT = { exists = NOR }
puppet = { country = NOR country = GER }
OR = {
war = { country = GER country = SOV }
war = { country = GER country = USA }
OR = { # Norway
control = { province = 107 data = GER }
control = { province = 108 data = GER }
control = { province = 109 data = GER }
control = { province = 110 data = GER }
control = { province = 117 data = GER }
control = { province = 118 data = GER }
control = { province = 124 data = GER }
control = { province = 125 data = GER }
OR = {
AND = {
NOT = { garrison = { country = GER province
= land size = 1 area = no } } # Oslo
NOT = { garrison = { country = GER province
= land size = 1 area = no } } # Kristiansan
NOT = { garrison = { country = GER province
= land size = 1 area = no } } # Stavanger
AND = {
NOT = { garrison = { country = GER province
= land size = 1 area = no } } # Stavanger
NOT = { garrison = { country = GER province
= land size = 1 area = no } } # Bergen
NOT = { garrison = { country = GER province
= land size = 1 area = no } } # Alesund
AND = {
NOT = { garrison = { country = GER province
= land size = 1 area = no } } # Trondheim
NOT = { garrison = { country = GER province
= land size = 1 area = no } } # Mo I Ran

= 10
= 10
= 10

= 10
= 11
= 11

= 11
= 12

NOT = { garrison = { country = GER province = 12

5 type = land size = 1 area = no } } # Narvik
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 4
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGInvadeNorway }
event = {
id = 24019
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes

nce =
nce =
nce =

nce =
nce =
nce =

nce =

trigger = {
ai = yes
war = { country = GER country = ENG }
local_flag = ENGInvadeNorway
OR = { # Norway
control = { province = 107 data = GER }
control = { province = 108 data = GER }
control = { province = 109 data = GER }
control = { province = 110 data = GER }
control = { province = 117 data = GER }
control = { province = 118 data = GER }
control = { province = 124 data = GER }
control = { province = 125 data = GER }
OR = {
lost_national = { country = ENG value = 2 }
NOT = {
AND = {
NOT = { garrison = { country
107 type = land size = 1 area = no } } # Oslo
NOT = { garrison = { country
108 type = land size = 1 area = no } } # Kristiansan
NOT = { garrison = { country
109 type = land size = 1 area = no } } # Stavanger
AND = {
NOT = { garrison = { country
109 type = land size = 1 area = no } } # Stavanger
NOT = { garrison = { country
110 type = land size = 1 area = no } } # Bergen
NOT = { garrison = { country
117 type = land size = 1 area = no } } # Alesund
AND = {
NOT = { garrison = { country
118 type = land size = 1 area = no } } # Trondheim

= GER provi
= GER provi
= GER provi

= GER provi
= GER provi
= GER provi

= GER provi

nce = 124 type = land size = 1 area = no }
nce = 125 type = land size = 1 area = no }



garrison = { country = GER provi

Mo I Ran
garrison = { country = GER provi

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGInvadeNorway }
# England Naval AI Section


rough the Pacific
and Med
c and Med
and Med

Ignore the English Channel cause France fell

Protect the English Channel
English Navy support Norway Invasion
English avoid sending ships through the med
Same as Channel but shuts down Med
Same as ChannelP but shuts down Med
Same as Norway but shuts down Med
= English avoid sending ships th
= Same as Channel but shuts down Pacific
= Same as ChannelP but shuts down Pacifi
= Same as Norway but shuts down Pacific
= Same as Channel but shuts down Pacific
= Same as ChannelP but shuts down Pacifi
= Same as Norway but shuts down Pacific

event = {
id = 24020
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalChannelP }
OR = {
local_flag = ENGDDay
AND = {
alliance = { country = ENG country = FRA }
control = { province = 56 data = FRA } # Paris

AND = {

95 type = naval size = 1 area

12 type = naval size = 1 area
13 type = naval size = 1 area
14 type = naval size = 1 area

war = { country = ENG country = GER }

OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = GER province
= no }
garrison = { country = GER province
= no }
garrison = { country = GER province
= no }
garrison = { country = GER province
= no }

= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24

AND = {

95 type = naval size = 1 area

12 type = naval size = 1 area
13 type = naval size = 1 area
14 type = naval size = 1 area

war = { country = ENG country = ITA }

OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = ITA province
= no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
= no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
= no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
= no }

= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24

AND = {

95 type = naval size = 1 area

12 type = naval size = 1 area
13 type = naval size = 1 area
14 type = naval size = 1 area

war = { country = ENG country = SOV }

OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = SOV province
= no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
= no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
= no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
= no }

= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24

AND = {

95 type = naval size = 1 area

12 type = naval size = 1 area
13 type = naval size = 1 area
14 type = naval size = 1 area

war = { country = ENG country = SPA }

OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = SPA province
= no }
garrison = { country = SPA province
= no }
garrison = { country = SPA province
= no }
garrison = { country = SPA province
= no }

AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = SPR }
OR = {

= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24

# Baltic
garrison = { country = SPR province = 23
95 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPR province = 24
12 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPR province = 24
13 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPR province
14 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = SWE }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = SWE province
95 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SWE province
12 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SWE province
13 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SWE province
14 type = naval size = 1 area = no }

= 24

= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/ENG_Naval_Channel_Protect.
ai" }








ENGNavalChannelP }
ENGNavalChannel }
ENGNavalNorway }
ENGNavalChannelMed }
ENGNavalChannelPMed }
ENGNavalNorwayMed }

command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacific }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPacificM
ed }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific
Med }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacificMe
d }
# England Naval AI Section

= Ignore the English Channel cause France fell

event = {
id = 24021
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes




trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
NOT = { control = { province = 56 data = FRA } } # Paris
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalChannel }
OR = {
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalNorway }
AND = {
NOT = { local_flag = ENGInvadeNorway }
local_flag = ENGNavalNorway
NOT = {
local_flag = ENGDDay
AND = {
alliance = { country = ENG country = FRA }
control = { province = 56 data = FRA } # Paris
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = GER }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = ITA }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = SOV }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = SOV province = 23
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province = 24

12 type = naval size = 1 area = no }

garrison = { country = SOV province = 24
13 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
14 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = SPA }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = SPA province
95 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province
12 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province
13 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province
14 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = SPR }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = SPR province
95 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPR province
12 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPR province
13 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPR province
14 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = SPR }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = SWE province
95 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SWE province
12 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SWE province
13 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SWE province
14 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {

= 24

= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24

= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24

= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24






ai which = "switch/" }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelP }
local_setflag which = ENGNavalChannel }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorway }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPacific

command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacific }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPacificM
ed }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific
Med }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacificMe
d }
# England Naval AI Section
= English Navy support Norway Invasion
event = {
id = 24022
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes


trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
local_flag = ENGInvadeNorway
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalNorway }
NOT = {
local_flag = ENGDDay
AND = {
alliance = { country = ENG country = FRA }
control = { province = 56 data = FRA } # Paris
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = GER }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = GER province = 23
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = GER province = 24
type = naval size = 1 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = ITA }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = ITA province = 23

95 type = naval size = 1 area = no }

garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
12 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province = 24
13 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = ITA province
14 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = SOV }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = SOV province
95 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
12 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
13 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SOV province
14 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = SPA }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = SPA province
95 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province
12 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province
13 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPA province
14 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = SPR }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = SPR province
95 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPR province
12 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPR province
13 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SPR province
14 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = SPR }
OR = {
# Baltic
garrison = { country = SWE province
95 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SWE province
12 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
garrison = { country = SWE province

= 24

= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24

= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24

= 23
= 24
= 24
= 24

= 23
= 24
= 24

13 type = naval size = 1 area = no }

garrison = { country = SWE province = 24
14 type = naval size = 1 area = no }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {





ai which = "switch/" }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelP }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannel }
local_setflag which = ENGNavalNorway }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPacific

command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacific }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPacificM
ed }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific
Med }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacificMe
d }
# England Naval AI Section
= English avoid sending ships through the med
event = {
id = 24023
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
war = { country = ENG country = GER }
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalMedShut }
OR = {
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country
#NOT = { naval_percentage = {
e = 2.5 } }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country
#NOT = { naval_percentage = {
e = 2.5 } }

= ITA }
country = ITA valu

= VIC }
country = VIC valu

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGNavalMedShut }
event = {
id = 24024
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGNavalMedShut
NOT = {
NOT = { war = { country = ENG country
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country
#NOT = { naval_percentage = {
e = 2.5 } }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country
#NOT = { naval_percentage = {
e = 2.5 } }

= GER } }
= ITA }
country = ITA valu

= VIC }
country = VIC valu

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalMedShut }
# England Naval AI Section (Uses regular flags with Med Shut down to figure out
what to do)
= Ignore the English Channel cause France fell
= Protect the English Channel
= English Navy support Norway Invasion
= English avoid sending ships through the med
= Same as Channel but shuts down Med
= Same as ChannelP but shuts down Med
= Same as Norway but shuts down Med

event = {
id = 24025
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGNavalMedShut
local_flag = ENGNavalChannel
NOT = { local_flag = ENGInvadeItaly }
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalChannelMed }
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalPacificShut }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/"
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGNavalChannelMed }
event = {
id = 24026
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGNavalMedShut
local_flag = ENGNavalChannelP
NOT = { local_flag = ENGInvadeItaly }
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalChannelPMed }
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalPacificShut }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/ENG_Naval_Channel_Protect_" }
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGNavalChannelPMed }
event = {
id = 24027
random = no

country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGNavalMedShut
local_flag = ENGNavalNorway
NOT = { local_flag = ENGInvadeItaly }
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalNorwayMed }
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalPacificShut }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/" }
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGNavalNorwayMed }
# England builds transports
event = {
id = 24028
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value = 1 } }
NOT = { transport = { country = ENG value = 20 } }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = build_division which = transport }
# England invades Italy
event = {
id = 24029
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes

trigger = {
ai = yes
NOT = { local_flag = ENGInvadeItaly }
war = { country = ENG country = ITA }
# Italian North Africa
NOT = { control = { province = 916 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 919 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 920 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 923 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 924 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 917 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 918 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 921 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 922 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 925 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 926 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 927 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 929 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 928 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 930 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 931 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 932 data = ITA } }
NOT = { control = { province = 933 data = ITA } }
OR = {
NOT = { exists = VIC }
NOT = { war = { country = ENG country = VIC } }
AND = {
war = { country = ENG country = VIC }
# Vichy North Africa
NOT = { control = { province = 939 data = VIC }
NOT = { control = { province = 949 data = VIC }
NOT = { control = { province = 953 data = VIC }
NOT = { control = { province = 958 data = VIC }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {





ai which = "switch/" }
setflag which = InvadeItaly }
local_setflag which = ENGInvadeItaly }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelP }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannel }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorway }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPacific

command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific

command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacific }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPacificM
ed }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific
Med }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacificMe
d }
event = {
id = 24030
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGInvadeItaly
# Italian North
OR = {
NOT = {
AND = {

= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {
= {

= { country = ENG country

province = 916 data = ITA
province = 919 data = ITA
province = 920 data = ITA
province = 923 data = ITA
province = 924 data = ITA
province = 917 data = ITA
province = 918 data = ITA
province = 921 data = ITA
province = 922 data = ITA
province = 925 data = ITA
province = 926 data = ITA
province = 927 data = ITA
province = 929 data = ITA
province = 928 data = ITA
province = 930 data = ITA
province = 931 data = ITA
province = 932 data = ITA
province = 933 data = ITA

war = {
# Vichy

= ITA } }

country = ENG country =

North Africa
= { province = 939 data
= { province = 949 data
= { province = 953 data
= { province = 958 data

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }




action_a = {





ai which = "switch/" }
local_clrflag which = ENGInvadeItaly }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelP }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannel }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorway }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayMed }
local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPacific

command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacific }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPacificM
ed }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific
Med }
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacificMe
d }
# England Naval AI Section
rough the Pacific
= Same
= Same
= Same
= Same
and Med
= Same
c and Med
= Same
and Med
event = {
id = 24031
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes

= English avoid sending ships th

as Channel but shuts down Pacific
as ChannelP but shuts down Pacifi
as Norway but shuts down Pacific
as Channel but shuts down Pacific
as ChannelP but shuts down Pacifi
as Norway but shuts down Pacific

trigger = {
ai = yes
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalPacificShut }
war = { country = ENG country = JAP }
war = { country = USA country = JAP }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGNavalPacificShut }

event = {
id = 24032
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGNavalPacificShut
OR = {
NOT = { war = { country = ENG country = JAP } }
NOT = { war = { country = USA country = JAP } }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = local_clrflag which = ENGNavalPacificShut }
# England Naval AI Section
Regular Pacific Shut Down
= Same as Channel but shuts down Pacific
= Same as ChannelP but shuts down Pacifi
= Same as Norway but shuts down Pacific
event = {
id = 24033
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGNavalChannel
local_flag = ENGNavalPacificShut
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalMedShut }
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalChannelPacific }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/ENG_Naval_Channel_Pacific.
ai" }
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGNavalChannelPacific

event = {
id = 24034
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGNavalChannelP
local_flag = ENGNavalPacificShut
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalMedShut }
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalChannelPPacific }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/ENG_Naval_Channel_Protect_" }
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific
event = {
id = 24035
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGNavalChannelP
local_flag = ENGNavalPacificShut
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalMedShut }
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalNorwayPacific }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/ENG_Naval_Norway_Pacific.a
i" }
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacific }
# England Naval AI Section


Pacific and Med Shut Down

= Same as Channel but shuts down Pacific
and Med
= Same as ChannelP but shuts down Pacifi
c and Med
= Same as Norway but shuts down Pacific
and Med
event = {
id = 24036
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGNavalChannel
local_flag = ENGNavalPacificShut
local_flag = ENGNavalMedShut
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalChannelPacificMed }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/ENG_Naval_Channel_Pacific_" }
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGNavalChannelPacificM
ed }
event = {
id = 24037
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGNavalChannelP
local_flag = ENGNavalPacificShut
local_flag = ENGNavalMedShut
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalChannelPPacificMed }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/ENG_Naval_Channel_Protect_" }

command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGNavalChannelPPacific

Med }
event = {
id = 24038
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGNavalChannelP
local_flag = ENGNavalPacificShut
local_flag = ENGNavalMedShut
NOT = { local_flag = ENGNavalNorwayPacificMed }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 1
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ai which = "switch/ENG_Naval_Norway_Pacific_M" }
command = { type = local_setflag which = ENGNavalNorwayPacificMe
d }
# UK builds paratroopers and transport plane
event = {
id = 24039
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
style = 0
trigger = {
ai = yes
technology = 4250
alliance = { country = ENG country = USA }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value = 2 } }
NOT = { transport_plane = { country = ENG value = 2 } }
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1938 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
name = "AI_EVENT"
action_a = {
command = { type = build_division which = transport_plane }

event = {
id = 24040
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
style = 0
trigger = {
ai = yes
technology = 1070 # Airborne
alliance = { country = ENG country = USA }
NOT = { lost_national = { country = ENG value = 2 } }
OR = {
AND = {
transport_plane = { country = ENG value = 1 }
NOT = { transport_plane = { country = ENG value
= 1 } }
NOT = { paratrooper = { country = ENG value = 1
} }
AND = {
transport_plane = { country = ENG value = 2 }
NOT = { paratrooper = { country = ENG value = 2
} }
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 4
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
name = "AI_EVENT"
action_a = {
command = { type = build_division which = paratrooper }
# England builds Submarines
event = {
id = 24041
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
#NOT = { local_flag = JAPHomeland }
NOT = { submarine = { country = ENG value = 6 } }
OR = {
atwar = yes
year = 1939
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0

date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }

offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = build_division which = submarine }
# England AI Slider manipulation
Free Market
event = { # Free Market
id = 24042
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
can_change_policy = {type = free_market value = 1}
government = democratic
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1955 }
action_a = {
command = { type = change_policy which = free_market value = 1 }
event = { # Free Market
id = 24043
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
can_change_policy = {type = free_market value = -1}
OR = {
government = fascist
government = communist
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1955 }
action_a = {
command = { type = change_policy which = free_market value = -1

Standing Army
event = { # Standing Army
id = 24044
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
can_change_policy = {type = professional_army value = 1}
NOT = { domestic = { type = professional_army value = 9 } }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1955 }
action_a = {
command = { type = change_policy which = professional_army value
= 1 }
Hawk Lobby
event = { # Hawk Lobby
id = 24045
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
can_change_policy = {type = defense_lobby value = 1}
AND = {
NOT = { domestic = { type = defense_lobby value = 9 } }
OR = {
ideology = nazi
ideology = fascist
ideology = leninist
ideology = stalinist
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1955 }

action_a = {
command = { type = change_policy which = defense_lobby value = 1
event = { # Hawk Lobby
id = 24046
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
can_change_policy = {type = defense_lobby value = -1}
AND = {
domestic = { type = defense_lobby value = 0 }
NOT = {
ideology = nazi
ideology = fascist
ideology = leninist
ideology = stalinist
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1955 }
action_a = {
command = { type = change_policy which = defense_lobby value = 1 }
event = { # Interventionism
id = 24047
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
can_change_policy = {type = interventionism value = 1}
OR = {
atwar = yes
AND = {
NOT = { domestic = { type = interventionism valu
e = 9 } }
OR = {
ideology = nazi
ideology = fascist
ideology = leninist
ideology = stalinist

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1955 }
action_a = {
command = { type = change_policy which = interventionism value =
1 }

# England 24500 - 24599 = Minister Change Events
# Minister of Security Section 24500 - 24509
event = { # Sir John Simon takes power
id = 24500
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
minister = 1005 # Sir John Simon
NOT = { InCabinet = 1005 }
OR = {
manpower = 200
NOT = { minister = 1083 } # Viscount Templewood
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 1005 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
event = { # Viscount Templewood takes power
id = 24501
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes

trigger = {
ai = yes
NOT = { manpower = 200 }
minister = 1083 # Viscount Templewood
NOT = { InCabinet = 1083 }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ministerofsecurity which = 1083 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
# Chief of Staff Section 24510 - 24519
event = { # Sir Alan Brooke takes power
id = 24510
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
minister = 1120 # Sir Alan Brooke
NOT = { InCabinet = 1120 }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = chiefofstaff which = 1120 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
event = { # Archibald Nye takes power
id = 24511
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
atwar = yes
minister = 1122 # Archibald Nye
NOT = { InCabinet = 1122 }
NOT = { minister = 1120 } # Sir Alan Brooke

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = chiefofstaff which = 1122 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
# Head of Intelligence Section 24520 - 24529
event = { # S.P. James takes power
id = 24520
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
minister = 1107 # S.P. James
NOT = { InCabinet = 1107 }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 1107 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
event = { # Lord Cecil of Chelwood takes power
id = 24521
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
minister = 1102 # Lord Cecil of Chelwood
NOT = { InCabinet = 1102 }
NOT = { minister = 1107 } # S.P. James
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7

deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }

action_a = {
command = { type = ministerofintelligence which = 1102 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
# Chief of the Army Section 24530 - 24539
event = { # Sir Cyril Deverell takes power
id = 24530
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
minister = 1127 # Sir Cyril Deverell
NOT = { InCabinet = 1127 }
OR = {
atwar = no
NOT = { minister = 1130 } # Sir Alan Brooke
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = chiefofarmy which = 1127}
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
event = { # Sir Alan Brooke takes power
id = 24531
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
minister = 1130 # Sir Alan Brooke
NOT = { InCabinet = 1130 }
OR = {
atwar = yes
NOT = { minister = 1127 } # Sir Cyril Deverell
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }

action_a = {
command = { type = chiefofarmy which = 1130 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
# Armament Minister Section 24540 - 24549
event = { # Lord Beaverbrook takes power
id = 24540
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
minister = 1063 # Lord Beaverbrook
NOT = { InCabinet = 1063 }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = armamentminister which = 1063 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
event = { # Sir John Simon takes power
id = 24541
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
minister = 1060 # Sir John Simon
NOT = { InCabinet = 1060 }
NOT = { minister = 1063 } # Lord Beaverbrook
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = armamentminister which = 1060 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
event = { # Hugh Dalton takes power

id = 24542
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
minister = 1065 # Hugh Dalton
NOT = { InCabinet = 1065 }
NOT = { minister = 1063 } # Lord Beaverbrook
NOT = { minister = 1060 } # Sir John Simon
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = armamentminister which = 1065 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
# Chief of Air Minister Section 24550 - 24559
# Air AI Flags
= Air vs Naval priority
= Strategic Bombing has priority
= Ground Support has priority
event = { # Railton Freeman takes power
id = 24550
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGAirAINaval
minister = 1154 # Railton Freeman
NOT = { InCabinet = 1154 }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = chiefofair which = 1154 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
event = { # Sir Hugh Dowding takes power
id = 24551
random = no

country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGAirAINaval
minister = 1168 # Sir Hugh Dowding
NOT = { InCabinet = 1168 }
NOT = { minister = 1154 } # Railton Freeman
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = chiefofair which = 1168 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
event = { # John Strachey takes power
id = 24552
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGAirAIStrategic
minister = 1155 # John Strachey
NOT = { InCabinet = 1155 }
name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = chiefofair which = 1155 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }
event = { # Sir Owen Boyd takes power
id = 24553
random = no
country = ENG
persistent = yes
trigger = {
ai = yes
local_flag = ENGAirAIGround
minister = 1010 # Sir Owen Boyd
NOT = { InCabinet = 1010 }

name = "AI_EVENT"
style = 0
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1936 }
offset = 7
deathdate = { day = 29 month = december year = 1948 }
action_a = {
command = { type = chiefofair which = 1010 }
command = { type = dissent value = -1 }

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