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<a href="http://www.optimalstackfacts.

the guy could test is there fantastic products are one of my favorites around so
awesome thank you DI former being withes today and for offering all this
information into I'll be watching this video today I hope you enjoyed everything as if
you have any questions you can leave your comments for go to hell happens
naturally write us sister time and say hello ask your questions cool effective for us
take your body yet do well I Claire got a lot to cover insert their time they said he
asked me that come up with something that would be generally applicable so I'm
going to hit alive served topics a and try to stress the basic concepts and more not
get into a lot of details like that some details and some slides that you can look at it
later butte yeah I'm and I Im glad I'll having seen how many if not herbal sleep
before a review a bunch a bunch of things a circuit ill no potential conflicts
adventurous Id certainly be discussed up label uses the like Medicaid but just
grateful so glare per cent 21 at construct one model or how pieces fit together and
you could do this in many different ways I'll well think for most people I'll mean is
probably the primary driver up behind depression 30 and more or sleep a but the
what I'm trying to get across in this sly is the idea that all these things are
interrelated more that if you're depressed it very much sense that the pain it's like
it's going to be bad its leaders and slicer mean it's going to be hard to get your
question under control it's going to be hard to get lots of sleep benefits the mister
cell how do you break the cycle well I rarely include references and mudslides
because a lot of what I say up until recently had not been supported by any medical
literature scuffle a echo what by Claire's that it's nicety start buying some things
this I just came across literally in alpine yesterday a reviewing some abstract from
last years mild pain complex is the big internet happen sign I'm a man's that on
and doctor Mays what's the coordinator up the whole program and he got up to
make introductory remarks and said or every patient aquatic what's that named
requires evaluation sleep than or sleep and depression independent decision me I
and this is this huge because pain specialist don't know anything about sleep suffer
pain specialist to get incumbents and say pain patients need to have to sleep
looked into I spray groundbreaking so how do you break the cycle the basic a
approaches you have to address everything together both it's a okay you know I'll
as I said as long as you're in pain youre sleeping depression it but he are not going
to get completely better funded right and sleep he will not improve much butte big
the big yeah hurdle here they got to go there is no magic formula up for how you
know that no magic pill going to work for everybody and thats because everybody's
different on may go around the room as it seemed and some a bit surveyed Claire
present at that sixty percent of people have yes and or 87 percent people have that

up notifications are going to be the same in terms of symptoms and then there's
also tremendous variability in how people respond to their symptoms to patients
with identical medical problems that have different yes it's a short different
reactions to them depending on their life situation that their support systems
whether they tend to be a generally optimistic as person or a bunch but the Packers
and then they're physiologic factors arm a big one is you know how healthy where
you book or things started to fall apart a do you have other medical conditions
unrelated ehlers-danlos that are going to complicate matters I'll and then a I'd like
to play in a plug for that Jan elect people up because pharmacokinetics really big
factor arm individuals respond very differently medications and understanding what
their purpose many backers X a significant amount the trial and error and the
guesswork out coming up with medications so a obvious stating the obvious here
every patient requires a comprehensive training program that's also going to be
individualized to their ticket setting situation cell I'm how do we go about
addressing pain fatigue depression poor sleep well and again clearly it to this one
study and the different types of pain I and so figuring out what kind of pain
somebody has re it sends out the deciding whats going to be the optimal treatment
for that so I muscle and joint pain a tends to be primarily mechanical in this
condition but there are planetary component arson there pappy upon I'll this royal
pain means pain to be the in these in else is going to be domino all coming from the
internal organs on and that can happen planetary mechanical narcotic even ageless
met the his being black blood flow cousin Paul on them I think bring your lecture
and Icon easily type but our I'm headache said about the best the in16 different
type that had a patient that there was a breeze by them and sell it certainly had a
question about I'll you have headaches here take this pill or caregiver yes I'm and a
lot of patients and doctors themselves are the spirit felt treat somebody's headache
and maybe the headaches get sixty percent better arm that's because military one I
pay theyre still I'd except says so the biggest issue in approaching pain is don't
underestimate this is a major problem for patients actually a major problem or
parents arm air does not saying that working for positions to arm its hard specially
for young people to recognize how much in there and on we have both unfortunate
system I'll asking patients to rate their have a scale at what and on at the border
and all much if you like you don't know what Europe feels like and so it's really hard
to tell where you are um and conversely theyre lots of patience you recognize their
incites say things like oh it's not that bad at youth to act like to live with that I don't
want to be taking up the pain medication all not helpful a living in pain is
perpetuating the vicious cycle or sleep 30 raft or how do we dress depression again
depression is different things for different people and I find inserted the this
construct useful it's for pharmacological approach when you get to the point that
that depression is bad enough and bigger factor in pay and sleep in he to work
Haitian for or I'm and this is not this is not you know 100percent scientifically and
happened is I think accurate but I'll but this is the construct that I modified from the
a template a many years ago that that patients at than very helpful in
understanding why for example a particular medication might lead some other

symptoms of depression by not all of them I'll and sales see that a lotto lot of
physicians reach first research on drugs and treating Russian unfair to find drugs are
great for anxiety and worry and says a compulsive or sees things like that but I
really dont do much for things like pain and 30 and cognitive impairment
motivation I'll which tend to be pretty widespread features a depression impatient
Dallas so depression like paying them tends tube something that patients and their
estimate I of their work or some the press wouldnt be depressed I'll I that you know
my quiet life terrible and I mean in I can't do the things that my friend still and a sits
at Starbucks understandable to menthe price me that crap at very true but that
doesnt mean that it isn't already at being addressed in some way so again like
paint saying that we at present the house but I'm used to being the past that it's not
that bad I couldn't I can deal with it I don't you take medication need counseling I
can its yeah suck it up and deal with it its not help approach to get better I couple
their points that that justice Europe highlight I you don't have to be sad to be
addressed I again to go back to that band diagram you can have problems with the
Texan poor concentration lack of motivation I not be tried outlook on still wrath and
some early a concept that efficiencies are the various neurotransmitters shown in
the diagram and be significant but even in the absence love what are generally
considered the diagnostic features up when the crash so sleep again very much like
main and depression acquires different types approaches forget that types sleep
problems at that some people have a primarily trouble getting to sleep others were
a couple staying asleep it will get to sleep okay but wake up it back to sleep I and
there are many factors that that affect us and just pain is a big line inside a worrier
big ones I'll I environmental factors yet be overlooked a lot of people helped by the
bay get a new mattress loaned behold there painlessly becomes that all cell again
saying that mean here but don't underestimate about your patinas don't
underestimate how depressed you are don't underestimate how bad your sleep its
I'm a eight-year over never ask people actually are that sleeping and they say will
and sleeping by I as a well I don't like sleep that well but I never have and I'm used
to it as a that's at this never been a good sleeper and you can't really expect it but
hand even your pain in your depression you get better if you're not getting worse
much sleep %uh a big problem with sleep is that allot of people don't sleep well and
are whereof that sleep you know back at that's a concept that would sleep
misperception so very often I hear people I'm a great sleeper I can't sleep anytime
anywhere I cant sleep ten twelve forty hours II always been a good sleeper and
when Islay to them you know it think that means not its per they're really have
trouble be happening there get there and around that concept %uh failure you sleep
nine hours and wake up tired some things along with its late lesser will know that so
they said I think fun more you just said you slept or nine errors in with the higher
degree of sleep eight hours and then a couple hours later you let them have anal
just I'll and I hesitate to use the inward or more insights of people that's not normal
its normal is so different for different people but Ryan's plan to ask patience do you
feel rested when you get up in the book you know up back that I think in the next
slide I this ideas like this perception is actually is not unique act Amazon on support

our on the 3rdsleep there that is showing that many as 90 percent effaced sleep
apnea are where they have it be scarcely and alive H the periodic limb movement
scan be moving around might not be aware arm and the most common features
above nonwhite Cordoba or quality sleep Inn am loath and to black be mostly and
frequent disruptions the continuity its the arousals and the only real symptoms up
those are young are going up in the morning not more else you going to be aware of
thatll show you know let's face it so because the best sleep studies really are
helpful arm you really just don't know whats going on wirelessly without act I
problem is bats most sleep specialists are not trained to recognize the types that
this'll LLC most often touchdown and such a lot of patients who come in with report
not asleep that clearly normal I home sleep monitoring really helpful because it's
often difficult to sleep in a sleep lab unfortunate the best the home sleep unearth
puppy the bank but that year ago so there were limited what's available now I'll one
about probably the most helpful thing we have right now or so and movement
based monitor that its and job boards and bases that I'll it yet can tell you a little bit
about when you're when your way and but not all sleep state information like cell
yes one woman so Nickerson on this line all its mine have a little tiny red down your
or as I about well that was the idea that so I as I mentioned most common sleep
disorder with you know allocations characterized by frequent arousal Richards
disruptions cock million sleep and awakenings so I'm the Sleep Lab we define
awakening as a disruption to the time Willie sleep that lasts more than 30 seconds
turns out that most people may be late for at least two minutes remember having a
nestle the public furless than 30 seconds a letter wells soul I in this the Spurs are
the Hobart easily hit Nick Graham showing sleep stages to the court night a you'll
see that the station starts off in green shower sleep and that is a big chunk blue
which deep sleep and then shallow a reddish brownish red and that and a that
patients cycles through most the shower sleeping RAM the rest the night with most
the deep sleep being or even night the lower bar is a fairly typical sleep study for
patient with a stainless steel slept for seven hours and patches that pretty well and
woke up feeling like she had slapped Ill and you'll see right away by looking at this
there's no red no blue that she had no deep sleep essentially no and there's nothing
that looks like a normal cycle what you can't see here is that she remembered
waking up twice and she actually woke up twenty three times in addition to the 23
awakenings show125 arousals so the cut me a personally but or in a150 time about
seven hours she was only aware to it so that's where you really is sleep study to find
its all now is that this slide because the unfortunate but no to the previous slide is
that the second sleep study with a hundred that the arousal was redissolved normal
by aboard-certified sleep back cell although the doctor here's time the patient that
his MRI shares his head is riddled with conventional wisdom it's a black be the
patient and the doctor that his head as well but nationalist and then fatigue like
pain depression and sleep different types of fatigue: different causes fatigue need to
be addressed differently but clearly much over the fifty in the ice demos comes
from or sleep Iain depression and I gnomic dysfunction I but that doesnt mean is it
not only causes 30 and this clearly detail as many contributing factors that you can

identify and address do something about it going to help even if their own small
pieces of the puzzle so I don't have time and past years I spent an hour just
discussing our nominee destruction so I don't have time to go into that Abut so
maybe you have never her lease the sale think anybody here is it up and pots but
um but I dont action-packed so many things so just Barry brace very basic units
and dont care system I basically but as in this is a new concept they are out every
system regulates everything about it because I automatically also what pressure
circulation breathinggestion everything that's happening all the time you don't have
to consciously think about and it's a pretty simple system a sympathetic side
generally speeds things up and that it's out later that year by your flight response
and the parasympathetic system is the besom digest making we thought it best
rate sympathetic hyperactivity or the tendency to make too much adrenaline
response to my nurse travels and I think you can imagine make insensitivity worse
it makes sleep problems worse and at times can mimic anxiety panic or and at any
and thats something I spoke for almost an hour about last yearend and if you're
parasympathetic irresistible reactive which is as Claire mentions less common back
in aggravate 30 and just a general sense that Mel s or cell a so in addition to the big
30 pain sleep and depression a anemia is a fairly common problem we always look
for low thyroid Ill other sort of common routine medical problems need to be looked
for a Mike religion deficiencies are area commented out there lies the two big ones
are probably by the media b12 deficiency a remarkably calm and in the population
in general but seemingly more prevalent patients well as well I magnesium
deficiency doesn't very calm in the general population I'll the problem with
magnesium deficiency is that standard blood test for magnesium is not going to tell
you where you museum levels are because only about 1 percent of your total body
is was so for a lot of different symptoms well apparently people magnesium there it
really is tea and muscle cramp second help digestion so don't overlook simple
things or hormone deficiency is something I think were just starting to look at and
signed I'll frankly both Gautama were having trouble finding and technologists are
interested in helping us try to sort out these parts the puzzle arm been the past
year I plucked at iPod struck by the prevalence up low levels rhea in testosterone a
especially young women I started looking because I would say young women who
were feeling better sleeping better having more energy exercising regularly and
despite regular exercise we're not building any muscle we're not building the Sprint
all that needed to help stabilize their lists and it was clear that something was
missing I'm and extremely high percentage of people they have a formal stuff from
up on women is about15 percent by I Valley and about 80 percent at the end when
the war in the single digits well level support 6 arm assault fluid ounces and I think
we talk about any anybody have had problems with static in Hollister pots are just
tell it like it I've been told to increase your salt intake and for twenty-plus years we
tell people you know are subject my water I this is very surprising to me in the past
year when I went to look at stocks with the balance the way to my patients were
work doing this appropriate on their own and I was struck by the Federal not in our
shade as in seconds and then I just added by a kinder the source but youre not

common but the really getting to the bottom of the barrel and nobody can
understand or basis if your symptoms arm you might read about my under the stars
so I'm again for or want to find somebody with more expertise to help me
understand this I readily admit I don't know a lot about lithium and things like that
but I thought let Icon at least look at concentration applied and the concentration
guarantee get some idea what's going on summits of the belts I what I found is that
that total concentration everything that leads to be between to a 300 over and over
again I was seeing numbers right at the 31 September 1977 need for patience even
whole the not saw and yet still there but concentrations were low and if they look at
their year and bothSeok is a problem with the kidneys are the kidneys dumping
solvent lead a sitting playing up it is summit are holding on to it here that that was
not me back that the kidneys are trying to hold onto Salt and get radar clean water
to try and get concentration what up so bottom line yes that I Ian ninety percent
people that I've been saying they have been whole lot solitaire rewire anyway wire
not nearly enough salt so arm so the best solution no pun intended are the
electrolyte drinks basically when a great plain water your theyre leaving out but
and then your kidneys have to work hard to all that the salt and get rid of the latest
rate try to keep your like concentration up I'll so replacing plain wire electrolyte
solution is an easy way to go a let me know plain water you drink is helpful up
forget the conventional wisdom that salt bad for you and more striking than with
anything think personally has been number time that I ask people you note
estimate how much water they drink a typical day and that they will I know I'll really
know until okay at the drink water yes this yeah I drolly being 10 or 12 it easy today
Mike here drinking hyper 60 liters of water a day there's no way the gets out to keep
up with that on cell again but yet non-pharmacological stuff as much as possible try
and put up for the balance made big difference in a lot of patience yeah there are
you I'll yeah yes the question is and you get electrolyte replacement without sugar
yeah there are you such products one in Iraq menisci new nun well tablets you
upland what Houston water bottle that instant electrolyte solutions that actually
Union something to think about and sorry in1880 nun and they come in different
flavors ands and he was like coming back PowerAde zero which is that which is that
sugar-free electrolytes of med I again I just searchers starting to learn about these
things but I have been struck you want to look at the Syrian concentration that a lot
to love the sports drinks I will have same concentrations %uh between 9:30 that
three hundred milligrams of sodium leader other numerous about 720 arm so all
together by my we were told that US on July water not getting enough salt all yes
KR etch way and there's something called you lately I panel I T E us electrolytes
make some all elect right place concentrated liquid concentrates the and utility in
water so there are options out there or aside the question Id daily I'd be silly and
Asians well what I found is that most people even Asians at one point we're getting I
saline most people don't need it most people can regulate yourself with bells early
the prom a lot of people are meant. sailing is that they were drinking too much
water in its all hold on to water and try and explain to people that you're chronically
dehydrated because you're going too much water it might be a good thing to do I

jobs but if you think that you need alcohol not the fluid at you think about this
concept the drinking water gets out allied and then you have to get me to the wire
in order to keep it but that it in plain wire up in can make the problem worse so how
do we break the cycle well early we need to go and identify its many sir treatable
intractable factors as and put together a comprehensive treatment program a so
here's where I'm going tan escape alive specifics I think the one thing I stress in this
light is to have some realistic goals that that pain relief you know reducing your
overall pain levels by 50 percent as a realistic goal a get taking somebody it says
are paying as a 16-8 down to one or two may not be a realistic goal I'll and the
remember this is both a challenge and I help in some ways that I of people my job a
lot easier all the parts were connected arm but one treatment an awesome cannot
make something else worse or make something else better or one medication
character defect nether a so ideally we try to use that to our benefit and use
medication might for example help both a densely all so this is another construct
this Isa late looking at this vicious cycle that a lot of my patients I'm very helpful
that is to say okay you know what do I have to do to get better I and but you look at
that he has the central problem and that with depression and pain and parsley up
chatting he or when I suggest to people as think about having your own the Altay
your own energy supply and that basically sleep is your purposes only is your best
chance put gas in a I'm sorry scratch SKR etch not the them up but if you think
about having your own energies why that sleep this year is it really only its yes in
that and then stresses like mean sup that energy at the chronically dehydrated that
the community if you're tired youre constantly about with the that's using up their
D any sort of emotional stress or depression with that at: any other metabolic
factors stupid efficiency I didn't think that all other using that energy I and then if
you're also trying to exert energy to deal with house all responsibility or school or
work I love this thing both are drawing for energy supply and so that it becomes
very easy I think my patients look at this recognize that almost a they're using up
more anarchy during the day then they opened the take the night for I and this is
really how the vicious cycle spiraled out of control and so then the answer to I do I
get better is to try and do this get a better more restful night's sleep reduce your
pain rest when you're tired don't clap with the T a make sure you're not the high
grade it that you're getting yourself fluid balance I'll recognize the other stresses
that usurp energy try to minimize them as best here so and I will like to stress that
going to get your program is not all about vacation that basic things like resting
when you're tired and not forcing yourself to keep going anyway on are important
measures and that there are lots of non-pharmacological purchase a for the
treatment of pain depression sleep entity I just got rid of very briefly I'll daily
exercise and physical therapy are helpful long-term about if you're getting
inappropriate physical therapy horse size can be tricky if it's easier to aggressively
could be painful it to you relaxing it could further destabilize your joints be some
people find things like that puncture dry needling also helpful a pain medications
again Im not going to go through this list I'll it's actually despite the business it's a
very short list when you're dealing with pain if I you can look down the list pretty

quickly trying things they don't help are you up side effects from living up move on
to something else or similarly there liven on-pharmacological measures to deal with
depression anxiety and stress I'll soul just general a.m. just general I found that the
idea empowerment the idea out having a treatment program same okay here what
do I need to get better this is what I need deal a helps will have a little more
positive outlook that's very important agree I'll try to reduce stress recognizing that
that various stresses whether they're a bushel I'll or it's cost us is sucking up the
energy that you're trying to conserve a relaxation techniques are very helpful
especially in the set a buyer namaproblems for your body and overreact stressed
you could tell that down with things like deep breathing and meditation a lot on this
helpful beard and other interventions where you need specialist to help you at a
things like hey mirror be back in both a stress reduction and more conventional help
slim and psychotherapy that back to this just in terms of I choosing medications
then if you look at what your primary symptoms of depression area that's ok on
saying okay well different medications work through different pathways cell as I
mentioned search on drugs will help mostly with things like anxiety and worry
sessions at its territory carpenter for drugs can help both those and pain City I'll will
be a trend a helps a lot with can help with energy and motivation Remer on is
interesting drug can help with the asleep and appetite as laws and the occasional a
lot like Asian lot of patience taking anti-depressant pill feel somewhat but not
completely better and adding so-called admin Taylor secondary can help boost the
energy and sense of well-being I'm II added here specifically that and that is things
like the islands and access at and klonopin I medications for depression house you
can prescribe a lot and is our downers make depression worse I see Connie the pan
client and in particular when I see people and klonopin I will say to them you're
complaining about cognitive problems and fatigue and depression why take a
vacation that causes of three if this thing's and of course there's a lot onionpharmacological measures to improve your sleep basic it sleep hygiene I'll Khan film
actress making room dark quiet comfortable temperature are really important
because your body is trouble both I do not mix regulating extra bodies over respond
to small noises it's over span late arm and then look for sleep apnea untreated
significant light be wary that a lot of sleep doctors will find very mild sleep apnea a
sleep study because they don't have a better explanation worthwhile your sleep
they'll recommend that you get ready for sleep I'll vacations for poor sleep this is
again I think I gave an hour lecture that a it's very much trial and error and most
patients are going to need a combination medicines were complimentary facts
people do than one thing I'll play out here is that a lot of people do not think about
taking pain medication at that time it's just not aware back there in pain overnight
much pain maybe this report Lee arm and find the right combination can be a
frustrating trial and error process frustrating for the doctors wells the nation but
when you do find a combination and get your rest nicely that really gets the whole
ball rolling and gets the whole dish cycle going back lack so yeah I don't have time
to get through all these various different medications web is to upgrade the quiet
sleep in various different ways addressing different problems that people have with

their sleep or and then measures overall to reduce T I'll the biggest one seems
obvious thing I keep coming back to that get adequate rest there so many of us who
are so busy and try to pretend not sick and plow through the day and keep doing all
the things we have to do a really even just taking short breakeven if you just saw a
pica I minute timeout put your feet up close your eyes let the miracle of permit
won't be quite as white at the at the day and exercise however limited it's going
tube important several people yesterday and met me consultations with it the way
there too saucer in too much pain to exercise I'll almost everybody you know in
those situations at the very least start by lying flat back closing eyes and moving
their arms and legs around the pope just without having to worry about gravity of
that aggravate pain stimulants can be helpful the exhorted the double-edge sword
really have to be careful not you're not taking stimulant up with clout with thirty
exhausted from pain and parsley any detail those things not just x denotes because
you know it's been just aggravate right now I'm a dysfunction its make all but a lot
of interesting likes to voters up crash and that's aggravating all cycle but we're
trying to correct I am by the same token a you agencies in length early in the day
can help reset your circuit Readmes if youre somebody who you know yet get up
early it takes hours an hour to get functional than your actual editor with are if you
get up and take something and be a little more active early that can often help your
sleep here your circadian clock I'm 18 supplements can help with the T especially Btwelve and treatments to improve your circulation in yet another function talked a
lot about adequate soil let of and paste on the medications as well so highly how we
break this nasty vicious cycle I we look at he why the contributing factors and try to
identify the ones that we candor something about and put them together into an
overall not print treatment program openly all yes the question about that's gamer
them this functioning again yes very problem for people at skating with the Stars a
the most common older probably our patients to drag through most of the day and
then either get little energy in the morning that that phase by late afternoon early
evening and then get a second wind say nine or ten o'clock at night and will say you
know midnight is the most weight I have allay so there's no way I can go to sleep
them I'll it's very common for some people and virtually that's the first wind a
tractor the whole day and they're not awake till ten o'clock at night I so that type it's
a queue and socialist is very probably I can I send I dont know enough about it too
said to guess what the underlying that all so I'm not sure I got no question would
your medications that help receptors getting rhythms help will the symptoms yes
yet we often will we often will try that will try to do that all or yeah I think I think
they need to hold questions for trying to make sure I get there my pocket I'll to get
through it so we get back tithe slide and the overall going through piece by piece
what can we do to relieve pain as much as possible Hackle optimize the quality how
can we minimize dehydration but these other stresses to conserve energy because
as you replenish your energy cool bill yet the vicious cycle go back the other way
with less pain more restful nights sleep we'll have more energy will do more the
more you do variously the more you do the better you feel when it gets better
energy level group and I'll as you oppression gets better than pain and sleeping that

he will get better sleep gets better density depression and pain are reduced as he
improves you feel bad I really do more I'm Berry sleep better mood improves an
assault psycho has reversed and that I get better so thank you very much for your
attention I am charges last night no arguments like I did why head thank you get
advance Anne for the obviously for biting me and for all their hard work and
spreading knowledge and awareness I and my colleagues especially their Beckham
and I'm better understand have got me most what I about act and ice and might
friendsPeter Rowan and David Austin ill encourage me many years ago when people
I was nuts I trying to explain somebody's phenomenon and of course I thank my
patience for having the confidence in me too basically let me experiment on them
and say you know this is what I think is going on and I think this medication might
help you are you going to try it and this is how I Clarence what works and what
doesn't and reinforce my understanding of thepathophysiology the seller's thank
you %uh do %uh them health that bob and Debbie demerit awhile come once again
to another half hour health program in this evening we're going to be talking about
you are guide OptumHealth you know tab one the biggest challenges when patients
come into my office they always say this doctor bob is soul are how do you do it in a
sec kind of crying' and in love I just get the just the Bigot smile give a little pat on
the back the head and say easy its one the reasons I was so blessed to write this
book just for you this is doctor Bob guy Ophthalmic this is a bible-based wellness
guide we've made its solo simple there's 8 here for every day at the year so I'm not
asking you to go home and clean the pantry out when the Lord told me to write this
book was this really simple the something called a Babbitt I don't like to use the
word habit so I changed it to the word had your life is based on your patterns what
you do so if you're not happy what's going on inside your life you'regonna want to
do an assessment your happens and I've been made that job easy for you also
because the very fun the book I have natural help assessment questionnaire so you
can ask your body questions or yourself questions and when you done you can have
a better idea of whats going on inside so the book is divided up into 18 help had
earns and one pattern 21 days doctor bob and I have my two because we often talk
about having partner and with your partner whether it be your spouse for one your
good friend go through it and be the top sharpened iron sharpens iron cry and so
that you can work together on your psyche new accountability no debt night been
married since 1976 so we work together on a regular daily basis and I think was so
significant about this you can add this with a coworker next-door-neighbor obviously
be great for your spouse somebody at church this is a bible-based wellness
devotional so when I would like to spend the next few minutes is talking about just
some the patterns and the significance up them and when I was put in the book
together in I really pray to the Lord gave me torso much wisdom and insight when
you read this you can be intrigued on you intrigue by the massive amount of
information but I went to the Bible in Genesis chapter one the first and are two it
talked about the Holy Spirit harboring over chaos in the water sewed my very first
tip and the very first have turned in the wellness guide is about drinking water in
water from Apure source so this when I'm holding my hand is 11and I'm not trying

to be silly lemons our citrus alkaline in your body just the opposite of what
you think the hall %uh the lamina when it hits your small and your intestines the
sodium salt mix with the lemon and it becomes alkaline you could have Bible my
Alger I do not promote citrus when the temperature is sixty degrees or less than one
should be eating lots oranges but for the sake of this long-term al you take the lamb
Inn for a plea inorganic lemon by the way any take a wedge up the lawn in and you
put it in a warm water hot water you so choose squeeze the lemon in theater if you
like to go on the wild side you can get some fresh parsley and put some snips up to
flower the parts that the flowers supple flower at in the water also and let the
parsley see so drink the water eat the Paul the lawn the acid will be neutralized by
theater so you don't have to be concerned about the NAM love you T but that little
matcher prescription for hell promotes liver function the liver is the key organ in
your body for detoxification so you want to drink I intensely during a minimum up a
quart of water every day and thats not counting the vegetables ay Apple I E you
want shore fluid in your body promote how in throughout the book we have all these
different tips but the water is so a Sans because so many times people say to me
that bob I don't like the way the water taste you want to know what if I was drinking
and filtered municipal water I'm not sure if I would like the way that it tastes they do
put a lot of chemicals and water see one drink water from a pure source now I want
to understand something not all spring waters are the same a sprain is only as good
as whatever icon top of the seeps down into the spring so you live-in farm territory
and there's a spring the herbicides and pesticides from the finding could get into
that water table so if you're getting water from a local source you may actually want
that water to be tested you know you do quite a lot I love the first part of the book
on water and there's so many other chapters doctor bag better in here but to
intrigue me that I thought we would spend I just a few minutes on and one is
digestion and the second one is a restful peaceful sleep I feel that we talk about
digestion probably not enough because I think digestion from the source of a lot of
misgiving in on comfortable which should I say situations in people's lives and I
think 3 also part why America is so sick well it's very interesting bring it up but they
chess because you live and die in that got inland that seemed to be silly your body
is as good as you absorb now this is going to be sick significant information I'm
going to pass on to you number one donor drink ice water or beverages with your
meals that's going to stagnate by Josh thats important by the way when you eat
food in we have in the backing this book is a great food combining chart when you
consume let's say a piece animal tissue you want to eat a green that support that
because it's easier to digest if you have a animal tissue and a baked potato it
stagnates digestion so your body lives and dies in that ability to digest that for so
that has to do with food combine not though this out to you do not and your meal
abhor with route this fruit will be on top on the compost pile fruit from Matt protein
future fish if foul-smelling stool I'll stools that Sir Bob moment will have some
fragrance but if you walk in to the facility after you had a bowel movement or
someone in your family did in it really it does not smell appropriate is because they
could have poured digestive distress now something that we've learned overtime

we've seen this what problem today and I think it's because a genetically
engineered food is that you may want to think about minimizing week you tend to
have loose stools a lot of digestive distress because wheat as gluten in it dad
Lupton causes the little fibers in your intestines to stick together called bill I you can
actually get heart palpitations from eating wheat I have a piece of equipment in my
practice called an acoustic cardiogram we can actually do electronic stethoscope
assessment your heart hearts a very sensitive muscle so digestion is so critically
important you may have that difficult digestion with Ray in 02 also let's talk a little
about Debbie said with sleep now but I'm holding here is an alarm clock you watch
your alarm clock in all the lights in your room to be covered you want them Harvard
because you dont want your brain to be stimulated what restful peaceful sleep
couple pots don't exercise before you go to bed at nights that could increase orders
all you really want your body tube slowing down I would not lead a heavy meal
before you go to bed at night your body goes through tissue repair and all the blood
will be in your stomach rather than all at your muscles in your tissues if you have
difficulty falling asleep in your leg cramps at night in cold sores and poison ivy its
possible you Kevin else in deficiency you might want to take some calcium citrate
well you know what that a bad you often talk about people that maybe have certain
color hair or maybe have of freckles so you know the on their skin might have
award time falling asleep and you say it's because it's too much are that's a good
point copper up individuals that red hair people who have Rachael's and have high
up yeah I copy your brain's going to go 100 miles our yep more but difficulty
autonomously I also see that individuals who happened to be vegetarian they tend
to have I cop we're going to take a short break and we're going to continue one so
much more %uh do %uh the how's that about and Debbie Di Maria what once again
by half of all program and we've been talking about that about guide stop to help
the Bible based well with the motional naked gay great gift anytime to the year you
could start this anytime the only supposed to read one page today I'm not sure
where at anybody tell me that they be one aged eight hits keep on going and going
and going and you know I talked about it is true I think what happens is they getting
treated they want to see if the knack tip have something to do maybe more what
they are or they say oh this is theabedi your this is definitely me I've goat share this
with someone and they keep going at least that's what I've heard but you know
think that it does talk about in here a lot and I feel that it's important to people is
it's about food what do I do for breakfast what do we do for lunch what do I make
for supper sweets and desserts you know me oh crap I don't think thats part of the
problem with all about certain that may be a problem but more which challenge is
we talk about getting healthy but we just don't know where to start we know that
that's really good pointed you brought up because want to tips after water attacks
pattern happens tube about practice then we have a section on lunch and dinner we
actually have our readers Journal what theyve consumed per Packers and then they
do an assassin you know this might sound silly to you but cheese is prepared fish
for his disciples for practice with barley loaves I can imagine too many
americanswatching me right now are going to have fish for practice long real fish

maybe a fish stick that's process space so heres what his some thoughts okay
when you wake up in the morning you should wake up hungry with that but don't
want to wake up honey that means that many keep and ET see you want restful
peaceful sleep so when you wake up in the morning your body is making growth
hormone during the night you notice I never talk about taking a growth hormone
supplement you know the best by missus the whole world you know the best one
small world lives while inside you feed your body write your pharmacy your national
policy will make whatever you need and one of those happens to be growth
hormone so when you wake up in the morning here's your choice now listen to this
your body's a furnace so when you wake up in the morning you feel paper on the
furnace paper would be a pastry all day long at the bank borrowing paper to the
ferns that scar whats sweet that cookies that take that the stuff that you liked it but
lot calories than cause your box to grow role at Mosley now the other choice is a
protein so personally doctor bob he starts his day with the protein but I E that's
double protein you seen you do that about through the day out he carrots and
cucumbers and red peppers and orange peppers and radishes and a Happy Apple
and not because theism trine keep my blood sugar the same all daylong so I'm not
really craving anything sweet but I buy here you see that but carrots their protein
that's the balls have protein you get those some green beans in here if you want so
if you start your day after the protein that's like putting a log on the fire pastries are
paper protein dialogue soil day long your blood sugar stays the same fear not raving
I'd rather have you have a hard-boiled egg or scrambled egg with the that's the
balls for practice not post not prior week or photos with shelly-ann because see that
will promote date just the challenges it'll cost in San the spike in you really want to
avoid bagels in the morning cut in other against the Eagles year on coming from
and try to help you blood sure you want to start the day up protein I'd rather have
you have a piece of organic deli meat and would that be a turkey sausage with an a
not miss tally without or have some nuts because he you want your blood sugar to
stay stable you the daytime so that about 10 here youre known for your doctor by
baby feat happen a red apple be and carrots wall where would you suggest as
you're talking about you have the bag and you do it with it you know without in
throughout the day how would you suggest somebody to do that well I get a red
apple and I cut it in half and I put that in a plastic bag and I also get either a median
here 45 baby carrots like at that up and I put the bag and then we put beats an
arise out so Debbie Nike at least the third cup beats every day now yes be have
fiber and yes be are basically a sugar kind of that's a bold the fiber in the up be is
going to lawyer class roll by forty percent so we incorporate that support throughout
the daytime not Debbie bill is another section in the book that we talk about oil
there's so much misconception about oil I use I'll every day and my cell I E avocados
on a regular basis we use whirl healthy oil in our lives we do not use coronel we do
not use oil we do not use genetically engineered or what is commonly thought oil by
the way we use organic based oil see your cell membranes I'm made up back you
want to put good were you never heat flax oil we actually have a rice oil button our
website enough to over 400 degrees I'll will use the Site smoke about 3 Reina order

you do not want to overheat your oils but oils promote life in oils are very significant
here skin for moms and them that in the book and I learn this along the way this
happens to be miniature I Anna Res and I know many of you right now have
received yes us I scented candles for Christmastime holiday time Mother's Day
Fathers Day board does any day but scented candles unless theyre really organic
or come from up your source that chemical that comes out is actually quite oxy in
the manufacture this particular air cleaner will tell you not to use a arms scented
handle and close room because that synthetic papers and debris actually coat the
plate service wow is no different than the plates in your law Wow you know what
doctor bob and got that's really probably as far as Campbell said yeah everybody
like candle thing they want their house dust now fresher I know that there's organic
soy candles know beeswax candles most beeswax candles so do not have fragrance
to them at all so people are looking for fragrance and I can get it from there so I
would suggest they really look at their sourcing read the label on replied yes that
about this of course is my favorite toy her or prop should I say by I think its
because when I looked at this it just it reminded me up all tied up in not and that's
how people are sometime and I know you have a couple different tips throughout
the book in regards to how to alleviate eliminate from the stress in your life the
damn I have to tell you and once again we've been practicing since 1978 happy
with the leading causes dysfunction in our practice are people who are straps in
your life stress is an issue because stress causes the pH in your body to become
acid in your body needs minerals to neutralize the acid but minerals are the spark
plugs to the body thats why we encourage Celtic Sea salt another way to minimize
the impact of stress believe you're not baby and I have stressed you know we are
on the go what we sleep we don't eat sugar we don't read alcohol the site praying
having loran life which is really integral part of our marriage we also exercise we
exercise as often as we can in the climate that we live in but we lift weights we use
BN's we do calisthenics had to exercise we ride our bikes exercise produce hormone
in our brain halt in orphan now I'm sad to report this next to test it to you but I know
that in America Americans consume 27 billion dollars I've anti to pass a type
medications with that we have fun from my experience when the leading causes
depression happens to be a low by Roy severe cold hands and cold feet whitespace
T thinning air constipation high cholesterol does a body signals a low-power I'm
holding my hand right now the shower declining because the I know that most you
took shower today or yesterday will tomorrow in a four by five gas glass chamber
see what does that mean that about your reading in chlorine gas which is hypoxic to
your thyroid gland if you thought a glance at punctually optimally that's when the
leading causes up depression and I don't want anybody depressed because
depression lease the spears like never get out at this never ending right so we're
here they give you good news yeah we're here to make a big difference in your life
you don't and just be aware the word you speak and even have time to go into that
but would ever use speakers with happening in your life we're speaking life into
right now in when I'm holy here this is a key in you know it you can food periodically
thats okay they want you to understand this is that the layer in the inside the

scheme is a plastic resin called this penal at a which when the heat the food the
estrogen from that hand was into the food so this is just one of many challenges
that people have perpetual thats bothering their body so that BPA impacts your
liver now we have a whole book just and female hormones alone but this liver is a
he organ leisure watching us right now in your tender breasts and heavy menstrual
flow it's very possible that your liver is compromise but I me take a moment and
talk about it shell 90 the Debbie talks until the about this lot and I are on our
programs as we have a lot of children that come into office we have chilled to come
in with chronic ear infections and sore throat and lung problems and growing pains
and constipation and headaches and skin rashes or that about your chiropractor
was hire packet at that papers neck and back pain know what we treat is the
nervous system and what we have learned is that your brain sits here and it
continues on as the court if you have a traumatic burr the worth trauma itself can
interfere with your brain's ability to send messages down so I'm not necessarily
pleading with you right now but I'm going to make this comment suggests in if you
have a child as a chronic fever chronic headache chronic growing pains and their
just not going away and your higher-ups all the antibiotics you are common CS I
don't have a license to take you off medication I have a license to educate you to
make wise choices we love children in office we love seniors in office as a Ready up
conditions in categories in this book from Debbie said from sleeping properly men's
health womens health children so digestion sleeping properly practice want
exercised every night regular exercise right women encourage you to exercise
regularly we have a chaptering here and areas on the glycolic index the glycolic
index is how your blood sugar is impacted by what you eat during the date up the
bed the home was to Be a Millionaire is the most lucrative TV show in the history of
the world they make well over a billion dollars year in just the US and it's on 40 or
so different countries you'd think they'd have enough money to know what they're
doing I all the regions is in on all the planets orbiting all the stars in this universe in
a trillion others couldn't ask enough questions over the lifetime at universe ok for
that phrasing with occurred never a.m. you have a tattoo on my ankle says born to
do math that serves to remind me what I should be doing I'm naked in front of an
art class happen to see it reminds me that I shouldnt be just be in a nude boy for
being a bouncer I should be doing physics and math 0 I'll on there were some early
innings just all these little anecdotal things put together the puzzle with the fifty
states that some early age I'll sitting in the barber chair reading Esquire magazine
age were asking what premature ejaculation means people were bigger on the
whole concept changes back posts but Nick US catching up space race parents
thinking there kids were geniuses and I had all that genius stuff I wasn't junior high
but the three-dimensional statistical distribution curve generator that made threedimensional bell curve out a bee bees for no good reason no good reason made a
nice group every nerdy person hopes her nose in his heart that he's nerdy but that
he's so brilliant that his inter goodness and Smart Missile shine through in and will
still be able to get girlfriend 0 the No 0 there is one of these placement kind kissing
parties I'm hitting on this girl trying to gather to kiss me by asking your you know

exactly how do you kiss anti-civil how do you can suck shiner pressured somebody
heard me say suction repression that one up on all the blackboards forth rest
eighth-grade suction pressure my dogs really wears missing the Google my best
friend at for the Beagle we walk our dogs together thing did somehow would be less
embarrassing we each walked or embarrassing dog together we have a long walk
and walk for miles trying to figure out how we would never never lose our virginity
I'll well why at the in the seventies were talkingdisco were talking mostly pre
Herbages free HIV it was important to get lead and when I say get laid its kind
shorthand for the whole having a girlfriend you know I would be happy to have
girlfriend she in touch my Weiner every once in awhile early snow French kissed me
let me going to play with your boobs are some you know but in another that was
happening good it wasn't exactly a nervous breakdown but it wasn't stable behavior
either I'd took advantage of whatever laws let me get access to my high school
permanent record I found out my actual IQ scores there about 150 I want to do the
most interesting thing which is think about the structural the world you like an
Einstein would doe didn't think I Q 150 was adequate for doing that the just swathe
score 150 in just decided that wasn't good enough but not world shaking Lee smart
that smartest person at your high school smart that's what scared me about
Harvard cut I B go into school with a bunch people who all had IQ's 150 so I decided
to reeducate myself as ant so smart person by took as my model behavior and
appearance Barbarian from Welcome Back Katter so I start lifting weights start
talking like this don't try to get my hero goofy in trouble to like can just walk in but
this boulder in which is a small-town everybody grown up with me nobody was
buying it in 0 every episode of the show I was on had major glitch affecting the
outcome of the game 0 I'm start off by calling a phone number inlaying the phone
game they give you four things to put in order put these steps in giving a cat appeal
in order put these countries in order from north to south anything in a zillion these
things I'm your odds of getting the three questions right are 2 percent foreperson I'll
they put you in a random drawing 0 that usually takes 30 to 40 successful tries get
a call back to play around too which is again over the mail you do well enough at
bat games they fly into New York I'll so too long crossings when you get on your as
on the very first episode of the shook everybody was nervous I'll on this group the
first fastest runner the second fastest finger at Regis asks put these Woody Allen
movies in the order they were first released Manhattan Annie Hall gets to the third
one he says what the heck is that the third one ishannah and her sisters the letters
were to cram together for him to read it I got it right I got to write fast now the
producers have a choice make a judgment call about whether or not this is a flawed
vices fingered what should be my bet is the day let other factors influence that
other factors and a woman for instance one that fastest finger odds are much
higher that they would have kept that questioned the first guy in the horsy looked
like younger cuter version aim were both Jewish we both had cooties and black hair
I think there's an eighty-five to 90percent chance I was the one who ended up in the
sea internet first episode that everythings writing on into a parade goatee boys
producer would have had to be motherteresa not to take the opportunity to roll the

dice again and hope that adwoman makes it on the next fastest singer so the throw
it out a woman gets in the center well which is what I think they want which is what
I think they want good on good I haven't inkling that chicks might dig scars had a lot
of scars all of them in bad places ninth-grade I start working-out give myself over
you get a four-inch scar bluntly growing budgets cars up and down my left leg from
varicose vein stripping that should have been done it all went out for wrestling put
myself on this not very well advised diet letters dog biscuits cut I was reading
package labels the biscuit seem to have a lot of fiber not a lot about I got very bad
hemorrhoids Anthony and hemorrhoids are aspect topper the same deal I'm walking
around the school you know with the maxi pad back my shorts and pantyhose to
keep my lakefront Bonaparte plus I'm on for getting up so dont really give a shit the
time like parting from my destroyed rectum every time like go down the stairs I'll Id
had all the scars shown that Id been through these various procedures they only
serve to be kind of embarrassing baby chicks will dig cool scars good scars and
good places I started going as Conan every Halloween Conan's always like bleeding
from a couple places from his sort encounters in stock so couple years I just like
back myself about alone cone been ramble comes out my only 85 his scars were in
almost exactly the same place as I please mild and they had had like a designer
scar Council decided newsworthy look the best so Infelt validated in that I had good
aesthetic taste in by policemen have scars of the deal is that women do not really
dig scars and the few women who do were women that I didn't want to know way
too scary so that a bad choice mean I wish I were more perfect double was a
girlwant to my first high school that she was perfect exception to harkinBeazer she
had a suspicious falling off thetractor while drunk accident came back with perfect
nose amazing I just wish there were just a couple things that could be messed with
on me that would make me amazing probably in October a mime first senior year in
high school I read a book called type a behavior and your heart at that point I was a
super high achiever eyes and all these clubs I have really good grades high SAT's all
this stuff to alarm clocks sharp stuff on the floor between the bed and the alarm
clock so that I'd put my feet would wake me up advised at a lot of stuff going on
they said that a type a person looks back on stuff that happened him and which is
that it could be extra done over since I read that but that's an interesting idea do
over it's like time trial broke into my high school budget like transcript materials
created a new high school permanent record it myself abs average in seven AM we
will work you lowered your average I saw high school as something that could be
done right I just want to be or more regular kid go back to high school in
Albuquerque in have a more fun high school existence so episode 1 you get
balanced out I'm I just didnt get the senator you go home your I figured having
gotten on there once there's pretty good chance I can get back on the show kept
calling plan the phone eventually I made it back on because you were older and
wiser no obsessive practicing on can you practice to be the fastest finger you can I
take the calculator to my steering wheel sideways in use the keypad the words on
billboard could have an alphabetical order number son a license plate numerical
order practice you know a few thousand fastest fingers I have a 6-year-old daughter

Isabel we went down to Disney World for a family vacation I know that we're going
to be spending ascertain amount of time you know standing around her sitting
around you know waiting for some Disney thing to happen so I took my World
Almanac I tore out all the pages that want pertinent zip codes have every single
town above population five thousand don't need that toss those away each section
was about100 pages thick I just take one section with me every time we went out
into whatever land we were going was Isabella saying about all thisnothin she
knows I'm kind of all you know always lost my own fog mean you know what she
care what Im reading mom home 0 %uh home 0 %uh I wasn't the first one in the
middle on that show mom the guy who was got all the way up tithe million dollar
question I was feeling suck thing in our writers another time Im not going to make
center not to go back home and wait another year try to get back considering in all
that least home than these came by and said good time you want more fast them
the 0 going back to high school I had to manufacture a whole new identity I want to
mess with my name to the point were it would pop up on a computer matching
make anybody suspicious so I turned Rick into my middle name and gave myself a
first name that nobody in a million years would ever want to use that name being
Gilligan so I became Gilligan Rick roster in a registered Highland High in
Albuquerque classical 79 you're applying for a second senior year you mine true
freshman know why I there's nonpoint going back to high school and not being a
senior the seniors are the ones who have the fun in the power want to go backend
be a good oppressed little freshman ok Island Highway was moreover goody-goody
school led by former school and I what they're trying to be a 'me Barbarian with my
jean jacket my collar up Park no drop in my G's dollar I'm a new kid I don't fit in and
people think I'mkinda fucking I was regarded with suspicion and is todays and
haven't eaten nighttime employment skills first time I went back to high school as
living in a small apartment without apartment without a phone if I had a dime I find
an empty beer bottle ago fill up with gas and that would give me enough gas to get
to thetas station to buy fifty cents more gas don't and working in a pet store ok
being was cleaning up grabbing this was a pet store that was wall towel 110 120
puppies cages stacked everywhere been a bum bedim and stealing dog food to eat
so storms Green Dog yang sometimes good handful for the public in a few pieces for
mid in I tried cat food good Catholics nasty little bones would get cut my throat
made outtalk some ground up something and its it's spiky that was one of my jobs
had another job where I was the only person who didn't speak Spanish at a cabinet
factory after I'd realize that nobody was going to like me anyway figured alright I'm
going to actively participate in bother you people so I took by Rob breakfast eggs
with met my first three classes day raw meat in first period chemistry saying the
masturbation song in choir the masturbation song um last night I state I was not
house ago was not a cinnamon masturbated it felt so good I knew it would Snyders
did not master their chosen I said it was a push that Paul did rolling on the floor ugh
did something slammed in the door some people think that sexual intercourse is
neat but me B-twenty anyway by November I was done with that high school trying
in the second time it was even worse yes the news what's worse the second time

how many times you wind up going to high school the first time Class A 78 bed as
Class A 79 prom for somebody the classic eighty was unsuccessful she moving my
way into the LA public schools class 81 impersonated somebody class 84 and then
my last time in high school was plus 80s high schools attractive to me not because
you necessarily have a goodtime because it's clear why you are miserable this and
this as opposed to real life post-high school life you can be miserable and not have
clear idea what makes you miserable to satisfactions are more Bay more
amorphous high school is unabridged version love real-life and its abridgment adds
clarity and that clarity is comforting ok in the briefings I was there for executive
producer Michael Davies service don't worry about correctness in the quantum if the
question is not right we will track down the truth on the question and we will rectify
good they asked the woman along to takemichelangelo to think the Sistine Chapel
their answer was four years tha
howling it took him to pick just the ceiling he spent another six seven eight years
painting the last judgment on one of the walls at the chapel so is total painting time
was ten to twelve years in which was one of the answers so no right answer they
had to bring it back 0 in graduations Richard recently so I decided is that he was a
best as big a contestant on a very foreshow now all these months later 123 shows
later you made it in the hot seat bachelors let's play wants to be millionaire. and
there it is 100 I answer all the easy questions theres one question that strikes me is
a little bit odd according to a familiar expression all good things come 7 I heard
good things come in small packages I heard that dead celebrities come in threes are
the bad things come in threes I'd never heard good things come in threes put I was
the only answer that made sense so had to guess a little bit on that up good things
come in threes your her no sixteen thousand dollars right now sixty thousand dollar
questions can be answered about seventy percent of the time by an intelligent
knowledgeable person on what capital city is located at the highest altitude above
sea level on I'm shocked because I've tracked the show watch just about every
single episode a recorded the hardness level at every level is based on hundreds
and thousands of questions on ice bin my wife time did 22 minutes in the chair on
it's really something is in any way tithe year to get back now you hear now we're
waiting here for your answer your by the time you get to the senior during 5-6 hours
each way in coach feeling nervous cut you're going to be on the show you get there
at 10 at night just in time to try to sleep a few hours while they pick you up early
they take you to where they can watch it you know allow you any reading materials
and we did quarantined at ABC since something like seven ale now it's like530
igniting your adrenaline is pretty much depleted on Mexico City's attractive because
gets well highest make a metropolis in the world so big that people don't even know
how many people live there on Kathmandu's extremely attractive after people have
asked who knew where all four cities work answer Katmandu on Bogot is an
attractive answer cut it differs from keno in World Almanac elevation by only about
five hundred and fifty feet I'll on no 0 I read a book called Texas celebrity Turkey Trot
by the guy who wrote North Dallas forty everybody who was obnoxious got what

they wanted at book convinced me I wasn't nearly obnoxious enough in my

behavior by decided to start working in obnoxious fields what would my life be like if
I wasnt smart at all how would I make a living and I came up with stripping and
bouncing I thought bouncing might be one more way to meet women choir social
skills I've been a bouncer now for almost 21 years and I get to mess with people
who wouldn't have like me if I going to high school became a stripper the same time
actually had to stop with my date in theca and go to a strip job on the way to prom
with my Dayton with her corsage incident in theca she was very tolerant may be
part of having the better high school experience is having the opportunity to be a
jerk my self-esteem was all screwed up not only had I not gone to Harvard but I
hadn't even done well going back to high school the second time around at the high
school the second time around a return to Boulder after a few months wrecked
ended up registering for Mike hometown college barely going to class eating ate
meals a day trying to bulk up striven bouncing found out that that IQ tests on which
it scored 150 only 1250 on took some more IQ tests and started scoring in the 17
he's won a tease 1 nineties something can all right that is adequate intelligence to
be able to really do what I want to do I should start acting smart and the one thing I
knew I could do even if I could successfully complete a theory theunivers was I
could absorb information mom so I set a target reading a book and Adam when I got
to LA I want to check out whatever library resources the area of prom my
accumulated 44 library Marys River communities crusts them San Diego home San
Luis Obispo members %uh one-time in a librarian Oceanside Caliph on a book on
relativity it never seen anywhere before amazing diagrams love word the rotational
axes actually would look like at various speeds close to the spill like in Oceanside
Caliph and somewhere in there I decided all right I'll go back to high school and just
certainly doesn't think all day for your high school would be a good place to do that
you're staring out the window for X number of hours a day high school was like a
controlled experiment the variables are limited it's got a nice structure Im make
discoveries I'm bomb them Michael Davies executive producer your Michael as you
might expect from someone who spent hundreds of hours over the course of the
year studying and practicing to make it to the hot seat I spent the last two weeks
scrutinizing every aspect of the elevation worsening you must already know the
question is flawed I'll about 4 percent to the questions they ask are magnitude
questions the all this youngest Baggers longest whatever they have two ways
asking magnitude questions I'll which of these I'll and what is I'll which these implies
you have to pick from among those four when they say what is the what is the
biggest state in the United States you have to pick the very biggest from all 50
states my question is phrased what capital city is located at the highest altitude the
capital city the highest altitude the answer is the Paz Bolivia unless you consider
Lhasa capital which some people do and some people down because to bed was
taken over by China in the fifties in neither those cities were listed among the
answers in according to the way the question as phrased the correct answer is
missing your dear mister Rustler after reading your letters and reviewing our
research we continue to believe the answer to your sixteen thousand dollar question

is correct before capital cities given as answer choices he does the highest and bus
is the correct answer sincerely Alexandra W cantaloupe on this time II forged a
certain 40 separate documents that all went into my high school permanent record
which were all lost by the school district so I made it in on the basis of four extra
documents and sitting around I had lot of trouble with stubble shaved every day
very close to three times but I still have a lot of 5 o'clock shadow I looked much
younger in the morning after gravity had pulled my face up while I was sleeping and
at the end of the day I had trouble using my bus pass my face would have fallen I
would have aged an apparent three years or something I always had a bike show
the rest of the fake content sat my wallet in order to use my student bus pass and
by then I knew how to do it right it was high school student by day nude model
bouncer by night just very tired all the time the movie I was going out with big
mostly woman big muscle angry woman very attractive the monthly angry woman
who I'll suggested become a bouncer with the new and what are the bars I was
working should did she was good she was good at taking people down. children a
man I'll results were angry scary sex I'll I had a hard time getting over sex that
linked with fear makes indelible impression sex that's link with here you know it
somehow hard wires itself in your brain we would have angry fights beloved the
fight to get a bigger erectionbecause I knew that at the into the argument we would
be having wild monkey angry sex the anyway she into finally blown me off for yet
another bouncer the up the man barista bouncer was a horrible breaking I was
taking a long time to recover as you might imagine but I had specific strategies for
getting over my bombed this I had to do something goofy at least once a week the
I'll I fluid physics equation on a banner towed by airplane over Boulder and Denver a
physics equation year I have this formula that reflected what I thought about the
structure the University the way planks constant shrinks in proportion to the
addition love mass in your locality that was just stupid thing one that they stupid
thing to was I went toe Jewish singles dance knowing it was going to be kind of an
embarrassing unproductive experience I would because it was a goofy thing to do I
didn't anticipate things being so good at this Jewish singles dance Denver
Colorado1986 my future wife was there the meetingjewish in just want to big purple
prom dress which she dressed as a high school girl no it was just a not quite
appropriate but still very attractive dress then and then you had a daughter yes
she's probably more socially adept in either up her parents she's smart a specially
visually in it's too early to say extraordinary but she's good at stuff she's faster at
doing jigsaw puzzles they on my wife she's been faster for couple years but not
looking for a prodigy year watch looking for somebody who can live their life
affectively your Michael I hope that you've had a chance to look-over the letter I
faxed on Friday I'm sorry to keep sending me letters Im not a grievance oriented
person but I found overwhelming inconclusive evidence that millionaire made
devastating mistakes on this question the POS loss Alito Katmandu Bogot Mexico
City none of these are flight little towns all these are big splotches of humanity the
Erbil way up the sides amounts he does like a city built on a crumpled piece of
paper runs up this item blocking you know its up and down everyplace on the

lowest altitude below 600 feet the guy on the bomberRiver to highest altitude
15,000 696 feed top at the park you know but Chinch you go the choice is pretty
arbitrary you can pick any point from 600 free to 16,000 we're talking three miles
vertical range happen do is this big urban mess sits at the bottom this valley sits at
the bottom this palette bill all the way up these mountains running up to about
9,000 Mexico City covers more land 30 the world's nations 15 miles but sixty miles
volcanoes in goes from a load about seven thousand feet to 12,000 so all the city's
help altitudes that overlap each other but all that is secondary they want the
highest capital the highest capital was 1 up the choices offered it's a bad question
there's a map book at the lake all the Thomas guide has a 120 pages I've kept track
of how many different pages at the Thomas guide I've been naked it something like
forty it's like I'm running my own game show naked bingo trying to get you know
like seven consecutive squares where I've been naked if Im looking to complete a
naked square you know a look in that squares if there are any colleges and I'll go
get the art department see if they can use a model is as competitive the Pens Arts
Center Pasadena doesn't hire me anymore because they've cut me you know idiot
too many times which means right sometimes the ask you to work in costume they
asked me to be construction worker which was fine I could buy have a budget to
also brought in some tools there's this all easel stand that's just all run and I'm
actually working on it trying to knock it back together the what is all termite eaten
in the sauce lives I saw my phone in half so blood going all over the place not going
to get off the stand and get wrapped up though I was accurate because a few look
at the hands of people who actually work irk as carpenters they all get nine and half
acres little bit too authentic the ok you're in a tough pose for all your muscles are
clinch ok pain and immobility would help me focus on ok thinking about the
structure the universe good relationship between physical constants like coal easy
to do physics citing that that's an interesting constant between the proton the
electron maybe the universe is that ratio times the apparent agent universe all did
so how old was put into each on the universe are able to take a wild guess let's
pretend this is very valuable question on millionaire at least the proton electron
mass ratio times the apparent age in the universe 30 trillion years old got to be at
least thatll good the time it takes a person to former block is about 130 at the
Cirque two and a half billion thought today in which an engine -inc: Carolina black
oMGafter intense not issue what that what you got online we have doctor Brian
mountains and Kindest Carolina age management condition at wanted me toast on
in the genetic Carolina nutrition specialist please they can't ask your question
doctor ground mount and technique acting after their presentation good evening
everyone thank you for joining us I welcome tour July webinars outlets up with your
gut I get issue directory %uh note allergy is an autoimmune disorder in chronic
condition a partly seventy million people in thus are affected by gastrointestinal that
they forty percent of them are dull according to the American all gastroenterology
get either responsible for the hospital patient more people in thus any other single
group of disorders this accounts for approximately 15million issue it annually that
night we have doctor Brian mild on to discuss what so many people suffer from got

disorder welcome back to my old make it happen E the certainly hatching a topic for
me and I'm excited to keep your lips back a little bit about how to restore their
comps hell here antigenic that week many patients who have suffered from chronic
gastrointestinal disorders I'm not there may be terrible air about ingrown crown that
the altered collided and the like I allied attack they think that theyre eating the
cracked to exercising taking supplements and medications prescribed by their
doctors but they still don't feel any better unfortunately lecture on capitol tactic line
with an adequate amount of healthy bacteria your body template not able to
properly I guess the vital nutrients found in your to it up from ok lament
appropriately and the medication that they may be taking that tonight we're going
to talk about theca in detail he can hope we have a better understanding what is up
with your cat and how it how-to get functioning better during the webinar will be
referring to the cast on capitol packed racket got and it may not be 100 percent
perfect for purists out there but a common term that we all know what were
referring to are able thank you doctor mount this is the very passionate topic for me
as well as the naturopathic doctor I'll we believe in our train all disease begins in the
guy it a quote from them after doctor himself a poverty he recognized century that
order to maintain good health you have to keep your intestinal track unit extremely
healthy so attack in here unintelligent mean so much I'll wear our patients with
them airport correct nutritional deficiencies and giving on the party that correct the
poor on me heal their GI tract I'm really glad that we decided huge webinar on an
and Peter listeners our approach to healing the guy child let's go ahead and get
startedalright doctor now why don't you go ahead adjust give us an overview love
the digestive tract should happen and he could be a problem that plied Attica is
divided and to or think part it back up RPS which carry to this dynamic which makes
his it but I get the band time righted down to a more liquid on absorption in the
small intestine absorbs most that the nutrient and the path gone through the colon
or large intestine we absorbs water and eliminate the indigestible it and read it is
why the most important part and that they got hit that a campaign about seventy
percent E in tissue and the body a few other interesting up back to get is one of our
largest interfaces between the outside world any human internal environment and
from the mouth to the anus as you can the other lighted about nine meters long and
over Leipheimer Oxley the and political path that that and it may be more people
who are eating lot more lot or and indigestible to it that certainly important par well
being or labor pact the cat she do I be normal to help you not constitute a threat to
our helpalright we'll happily every you let go a little bit deeper into the guy in 10
years talk about the micro flora inane goes on air sure NP in the problem that that
light am will talk about it alittle bit normal micro flora back at any at that and which
it back composed of over 500 he bacteria and many of the bacteria benefit on the
actually former them biotic relationship with that human being it that means that
we may have acted rate how the bacteria and our cat and each person has a defect
that Michael Laura so when certain organic and coca grower can disrupt the
Palestinian and the it all and Kat problems and in there got the ballot that the
bacteria can change depending on a variety of factors such as dietary factors

lifestyle habits and bit normal bacterial organic at began to basic defense
mechanism to the body in have pathogens which may cause in action the role of
Crooke Park at the microfloramake at as you can see from the by the bacteria are it
here even my tithe epithelia whining and it is important for stimulation opinion that
them and that that come by admininnovation a pathogen that we mentioned and
digestion and absorption nutria yeah I really like that picture on the sly on could it
really does show how the bacteria and outlining I really do you communicate air
why it why can't get rush honest communication and disrupt the flora here up the
gut what way we can pick from the next flight that there are factors that alter the
Michael war up antibiotic that while the most common culprit that alter the cat at
not Laura they cannot totally to overgrowth Michael organism I'm a family how and
partly to local and systemic a back some other medication that chitchat no steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs cortical steroids I am one the most common ones being
pregnant down can also suppress Immune at the Met well analog the at that
blocking medication change the pH yen the cat and change Michael or in the
environment also food including had wheat protein actually a gluten dairy products
highly part that who which will talk about later viral or bacterial infection lead to
gastroenteritis and ride it now they think we might not think about that alcohol and
rare can alter the micro flora its fairly common press hear from outpatient how often
rat it manifested get and well absolutely I'm alright well what can you tell us about
Candida and they got in a really popular topic lately that we hear a lot about and
want to go ahead and go over that well Candida is a leave in it it's a part of the
normalmicroflora dollar Hannah handicapped on have not track and most people
maybe promoter with that Im infection to oral Rosh or back you know you inaction
in women and all about have Candida on or in our body but what can happen is that
there's a disruption in the ballot in overgrowth of Candida can occur even in that
God so what will happen if the good bacteria die from think that antibiotic that we
mentioned earlier and or they're suppressed in there route and that allowed a
candidate eat who wrote on healthy level and hearted I O it yeah I think we have a
really good picture here on the next slide the unexplained sure if you can't be that
lied had a picture on the left and applied it and normal up again and have to help
lining and on the right it the overgrowth Candida East and you can see that circuit
area it much less in the he overgrowth lied and as is yeast overgrowth spread and
produces how r a byproduct heart damage back tithe body tissues or granting we
crabbing in your knee in estimates while yeah I think there's another side that we
have here with the really good picture on in the in the got here now well you goahead and go over that and tell us about find candidate he progress Sharon didn't
actually imparted mall al and you can the once again that the circuit area for
absorption I it much like because that the overcoat and you can't be the case you
look I fairly in blamed and start he caught a lot of problems in that area when we
will be getting ocracoke and action that that and a minute find symptoms you might
Hewitt eat dog aquatic pink bike have the patient diarrhea terrible pal and rum am
terms with the Domino pain at loading indigestion even you think manifest that in
rashes that egg let rioted he'd bladder infection sometimes rectal it changed jock

itch and very commonly back in awake infection it out in to clear out yeah a really
good overhearing you know something thank you I you probably will agree with
here we see this I in our it's ridiculous lot in a lot on incident a nightmare and
unaware that day happen underlined he and in you know unfortunately there many
doctors they just don't really understand in a problem that this Cape harbor
especially with sugar craving than all the gas and bloating and abdominal on issues
so I'm glad you really whenever that and then another thank you that I I'll worked
with a lot of our patients that have yes love them have to respect that they had this
in a tried to treat them cell and you know the you can really make yourself worse
there's something called her summer reaction that is the diet of Aggies when he
started Kilda stuff in your gut it can release here talks and then they can actually
feel a lot worse I'll so impatient you know we have to we work with them here we
have to walk them through this process cell I just wanted to mention that so there's
another big butt word out there when you talk about diet and the heat got in ground
so I was hoping you could go over that and maybe tell us how Keenan can expect
yes well make the best that Im about to

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