Men's Dorm Ghost Incident

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Mens Dorm, UPLB

A few weeks after super storm
Milenyo, I decided to transfer to
Mens dorm because my dorm in the
upper campus, MAREHA, still had no
electricity since the storm.
When I checked in, I was given a
room at the unit 4, 2nd flr of Mens
dorm (The room with a tainted
window pane). This might have
happened during a weekend
because when I went up to the room,
my roommates werent there. It was
already night time so the first thing I
did was to pick a bed to sleep on.
There were four beds, but only three
had mattresses. I assumed that the
mattresses were already provided,
so I chose from one of the three and

picked the lower bed at the far side

of the room. I laid down my things
and turned off the lights, but as I
was about to go to sleep, the bed
suddenly started shaking in every
direction. It was shaking so violently
that I thought there was an
earthquake. So I sat up and looked
around the room, everything else
seemed undisturbed except for the
bed which was still shaking voilently.
When the bed stopped shaking (I
was still sitting on it), I looked under
it to check if it was just some person
playing a prank on me but no one
was there and I later realized that
even I couldnt move the bed since it
was fixed to the wall. I then
hypothesized that it could be caused
by my next-room neighbors since
the beds of adjacent rooms might be
connected. I went to their room,
knocked and when I opened the

door, saw that they were just sitting

or lying idly in their own beds. I
asked nicely if they were jumping
about in their beds or if they felt an
earthquake a moment ago, and both
questions were, as predicted,
answered with a no. As I went back
to my room, I was thinking of other
rational explanations as to why only
my bed was shaking. Then I realized
(which was a bit of common sense
really) that when they built the
rooms, they wouldnt have made
holes in the walls just to fix the beds
on it, of course the bed would have
just been bonded to the wall, so it
couldnt have been the neighbors at
all. Also, they didnt feel an
earthquake at all.
It became clearer and clearer that
what happened a moment ago was
something that was very
unreasonable, illogical, improbable

impossible. It wouldve been a lot

better and easier to explain if it was
just a door closing or a mirror falling,
but a bed that shakes? A bed fixed
to the wall that would shake
violently in all directions?
Running out of plausible
explanations, I was finally forced to
accept that lingering thought which
Ive been trying to dismiss it had to
be a poltergeist.
I went back to my room, turned off
the lights and sat again on the bed. I
looked around as I called out to thin
air, Sino ka? repeated this a few
times and waited silently for any
kind of response. No one answered. I
went to sleep and the incident never
happened again.
I found out the next day that the bed
I had slept on was my roommates

and the mattresses were not

provided by the dorm.
P.S. Up until now, I havent heard of
a similar incident happening in
Mens dorm. If anyone who reads
this knows someone who had stayed
or is staying in that room, let me
know if someone answers.

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