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LOCGOV Final Exam Questions

maligaya, leah, rubio, sucgang, chua, baluyot, haulo, caluag, guinto, sison, marquez, celles, rico, uy, del castillo ,
mendoza, cua, chavez
1) Which of the following is not a territorial and political subdivision of the Republic of the Philippines?
a) provinces
b) cities
c) municipalities
d) autonomous regions
e) none of the above - correct answer
2) The term of office of elective local officials, except barangay officials, which shall be determined by law, shall be
_____ years and no such official shall serve for more than _____ consecutive terms.
a) one
b) three - correct answer
c) two
d) five
e) four
3) It is a political subdivision of a nation or state which is constituted by law and has substantial control of local
a) local government - correct answer
b) national government
c) international government
d) federal government
e) none of the above
4) All local government units may raise its own revenue. From the following which is not included form revenueraising measure of the local government:
a. tolls
b. charges
c. estate taxes --- answer
d. share in Internal Revenue Allocation
5) Which of the following is a purpose of local autonomy?
a. identical with decentralization
b. to prevent local government units from over dependence on the central government
c. administrative autonomy of local government units
d. all of the above ---- answer
6) Which of the following is incorrect?
a. Devolution refers to the act by which the national government confers power and authority upon the various
local government units to perform specific functions and responsibilities.
b. Local governments enjoy not only governmental but also proprietary functions
c.The President exercises general supervision and control over LGUs for the purpose of ensuring that their acts are
within their powers and functions. ---- answer
d. The Barangay is the primary planning and implementing unit.
7.) Which among the following is NOT among the corporate powers of the LGU
a. Sue and be Sued
b. enter into contracts
c. have and use a corporate seal
d. none of the above -> correct answer

8.) What among the following is not a characteristic of a highly urbanized city?
a. population of at least 200k
b. 50 million annual income -> correct answer
c. all of the above
d. none of the above
9.) What is a means taken to insure the proper and impartial conduct of an investigation against an official?
a. dismissal from service
b. preventive suspension -> correct answer
c. hospital/house arrest
d. exile to dapitan
10. Which among the following was mainly and effectively dealt with by the Local Government Code of 1991?
a. Limited authority to prioritize and approve development projects
b. Limited supervisory control over personnel of national line agencies
c. Fiscal constraints faced by the local government units (ANSWER)
d. Inadequate tax base
11. What does decentralization mean?
a. It is the process by which local government units are given more powers, authority, responsibilities, and
resources by the national government.
b. It is substantially similar to "devolution".
c. It means devolution of national administration -- but not power -- to the local levels.
d. All of the above (ANSWER)
12. What is a recall?
a. An electoral process whereby designated percentages of the electorate may initiate legislative or constitutional
changes through the filing of formal petitions to be acted on by the legislature or the total electorate.
b. The process of referring to the electorate for approval a proposed state constitution or amendment or of a law
passed by the legislature.
c. It is a mode of removal of a public officer by the people before the end of his term of office. (ANSWER)
d. It's either decentralization of administration or decentralization of power.
13. Who authored the Local Government Code of 1991?
(a) Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
(b) Aquilino Pimentel, Jr. (Answer)
(c) Miriam Defensor-Santiago
(d) Juan Ponce Enrile
14. Under this doctrine, the acts of the Department Secretaries, performed and promulgated in the regular course
of business, unless dispproved or reprobated by the Chief Executive are presumptively the acts of the Chief
(a) Regalian Doctrine
(b) Qualified Political Agency (Answer)
(c) Police Power
(d) International Comity
15. Who has authority to choose the chief of police from a list of five eligibles as recommended by the Police
Provincial Director.
(a) Governor
(b) City/Municipal Mayor (Answer)
(c) PNP Regional Director

16.The President shall exercise supervisory authority directly over the following, except:
a. Provinces
b. Highly Urbanized Cities
c. Independent Component Cities
d. Component Cities (Answer)
17. In case of permanent vacancy in the offices of the governor, vice governor, mayor or vice mayor, the highest
ranking sanggunian member shall become governor, vice governor, mayor or vice mayor, as the case may be.
However, should there be a tie between or among the highest-ranking sanggunian members:
a. Sanggunian members shall elect who among those sharing the highest rank will become the governor, vice
governor, mayor or vice mayor, as the case may be.
b. Appointment by the President, through the DILG secretary
c. Resolved by drawing of lots (Answer)
d. COMELEC is mandated to hold a special election for that purpose
18. Preventive suspension may be imposed at any time after the issues are joined, provided that:
i. Evidence of guilt is strong
ii. Given the gravity of the offense, there is a great probability that the continuance in office of the respondent
could influence the witness or pose a threat to the safety and integrity of the record and other evidence
iii. Any single preventive suspension shall not extend beyond 60 days
iv. In the event that several administrative cases are filed against an elective official, he cannot be preventively
suspended for more than 90 days within a single year on the same ground/s existing and known at the time of the
first suspension
a. i and ii
b. i, ii and iii
c. i, ii and iv
d. i, ii, iii, iv (Answer)
19. Pursuant to the General Welfare Clause (Section 16 of the LGC), LGUs can exercise powers that are:
a. expressly granted
b. necessarily implied from the power that is expressly granted
c. necessary, appropriate or incidental for its efficient and effective governance
d. essential to the promotion of the general welfare of their inhabitants
e. all of the above - ANSWER
f. none of the above
20. Which of the following is NOT a barangay's seminal function?
a. basic political unit
b. primary planning and implementing unit
c. coordinating unit - ANSWER
d. forum
21. Which among the three is NOT a general-purpose government?
a. City
b. Municipality
c. Barangay ANSWER
22. Local government unit as a corporation, shall have the following powers:
a. to sue and to be sued (answer)
b. to issue business licenses with appropriate fees
c. to sell public land

23. The following are the requisites for a valid exercise of eminent domain, except:
a. an ordinance must be passed authorizing the local chief executive to subject a certain property to an LGUs
power of eminent domain
b. the power must be exercised for public use, purpose or welfare for the benefit of the poor and landless
c. the pay just compensation
d. valid and definite offer to buy the property (answer)
24. Statement 1: The power of eminent domain may be delegated to an LGU.
Statement 2: Even barangays may file (for) expropriation proceedings.
a. both true (answer)
b. both false
c. only 1st statement true
d. only 2nd statemnt true
25) Can LGUs still exercise police power without the general welfare clause?
A. Yes, as this is expressly stated in the Constitution
B. Yes, as this can be inferred in the Constitution
C. No, it is delegated by the President, based on residual powers
D. No, it is delegated by Legislative, and should be granted expressly --- answer
26) "General Purpose Government" refers to:
A. Province
B. Barangay
C. Municipality --- answer
D. City
27) Recall is
A. The period during which an officer holds office
B. A mode of removal of public officer by the people before the end of his term ---- answer
C. When there is no person lawfully authorized to exercise the duties of the office
D. An exercise of initiative by the people through a proposition sent to Congress
28.) Reading the General Welfare Clause (Sec. 16) of RA 7160, it can be deduced that every local government unit
may exercise the following EXCEPT:
Powers expressly authorized by law
b. Powers necessarily implied from those expressly authorized by law
Incidental Powers
d. None of the above---> Answer
29.) The following are Governmental powers of the Local Government EXCEPT
Provision of Research and Marketing Services
b. Provision of information hub for investments, tax matters and marketing systems
Acquisition and Conveyance of real and personal properties ---> Answer
d. Maintenance of Centers such as day care and health centers.
30.) Which of the choices best describes the comparisons below?
I. It is CONTROL when the higher officer take action as prescribed by law to make the subordinate officer
perform his duty; while it is SUPERVISION when there is power coming from the higher officer to modify what the
subordinate officer had done in the performance of his duties.
II. It is DEVOLUTION when National government confers power and authority upon the various local governments
to perform specific functions and responsibilities; while it is DECENTRALIZATION when central government
delegates administrative powers to political subdivisions in order to broaden the base of government power.


I-FALSE; II-TRUE ---> Answer


31.) Which of the following CANNOT create, divide, merge, or abolish a barangay within its territorial jurisdiction
by ordinance?
a) Sangguniang Panlalawigan
b) Sangguniang Panlungsod
Sangguniang Bayan
--> correct answer
d) none of the above
32.) It is the act by which the national government confers power and authority upon the various local government
units to perform specific functions and responsibilities.
a) Decentralization
b) Devolution
--> correct answer
Local autonomy
d) All of the above
33.) Which LGU has the power to administer the Katarungang Pambarangay, which simplifies the procedure to
resolve and settle controversies among barangay residents?
a) Barangay only --> correct answer
b) Municipality only
Province only
d) All LGUs
34) The following are grounds for disciplinary actions except:
a. Disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines
b. Culpable violation of the Constitution
c. Commission of any offense involving moral turpitude or any offense punishable by at least prision correccional -> Answer
d. Abuse of authority
35) The following candidates of highly urbanized cities must be at least twenty-three (23) years of age on Election
Day except:
a. Governor
b. Vice Governor
c. Mayor
d. Punong Barangay -->Answer
36) The following are qualifications of an elective official of the sangguniang kabataan except:
a. Must be a Filipino citizen
b. A resident of the barangay for at least one (1) year immediately prior to election
c. A qualified voter of the katipunan ng kabataan
d. None of the above --> Answer
37) Which of the following is not a power of the President?
I. Power of control over local governments
II. Power over administrative disciplinary cases against elective local officials
III. Power to inquire into facts and conditions
A. I only ANSWER
B. I and II
C. I and III

D. All of the above

38) Which among the following statements is incorrect?
A. The municipality serves primarily as a general purpose government.
B. Only Congress can create, divide, abolish, merge with another political unit or substantially alter the boundaries
of a municipality
C. The President also has the power to create municipalities ANSWER
39) Which of the following statements is correct?
I. The corporate existence of a newly created LGU shall commence on the date specified by the law or ordinance
creating it
II.The corporate existence of a newly created LGU shall commence upon the election and assumption of office by
its chief executive and the majority of the members of its sanggunian if the law or ordinance does not specify it.
A. A only
B. B only
C. Both A and B -- ANSWER
D. Neither of the two
40) Which of the following is true about the community development tax?
a. Everyone residing in the country, foreigner or citizen has to pay an annual community tax
b. The rate of the annual income tax is P5 plus an additional P1 for every P1,000 income
c. Juridical Persons are liable to community tax
d. Diplomats and consular representatives are absolutely exempted from paying community tax
e. All of the above are true <<< ANSWER
f. All of the above are false
41) What are the limitations on Local Initiatives?
a. It shall not be exercised more than once a year.
b. The subject matter must be within the power of the local sanggunian to enact.
c. The favorable action of the sanggunian, approval of the mayor or governor cancels the initiative.
d. Those who oppose the adoption of the sangguinian of the petiotion may not exercise the power of initiative. <<<
e. All are limitations on local initiatives
f. There is no limitation on local initiatives
42) Who may not preventively suspend local officials in appropriate cases?
a. President
b. Governor
c. Mayor
d. Ombudsman
f. All of the above
43) If a permanent vacancy occurs in the offices of the governor, vice-governor, Mayor, or vice-mayor, it shall be
filled by:
a. Provincial Administrator
b. A special election shall be called
c. Highest ranking sanggunian member (correct answer)
d. The President, through the Executive Secretary shall appoint the governor or mayor
44) Any national or local road, alley, park, or square may be temporarily closed during:
a. Actual emergency, or fiesta celebrations,
b. Public rallies, agricultural or industrial fairs,

c. Birthday of Governor
d. a and b (correct answer)
45) It is the legal process whereby the registered voters of the local government units may approve, amend or
reject any ordinance enacted by the sanggunian:
a. Local initiative
b. Local referendum (correct answer)
c. Both a and b
d. People Power
46)Every local government unit, as corporation, has the following powers except:
a. to sue and be sued
b. to enter into a contract
c. to have continuous succession in its name
d. none of the above -> answer
47.) which of the following is not part of Sangguniang Bayan Composition
a. vice mayor
b. women's representative
c. president of the Liga ng mga Barangay
d. none of the above -> answer
48.) which of the following is not a ground for disqualification in any elective local position
a. those with dual citizenship
b. those convicted by final judgment for violating the oath of allegiance
c. those removed from office as a result of an administrative case
d. sentenced by final judgment for an offense not involving moral turpetdue-> answer
49) How will the tie be resolved in case there is a permanent vacancy in the office of the Governor or Mayor?
a) Re-election
b) Appointment of a competent officer
c) Voting viva voce
d) Draw lots >> pick me
50) Which does not form part of the powers of the Chief Executive?
a) Initiates and maximizes the generation of resources and revenues and applies them to the priorities
b) Ensures the delivery of basic services
c) Exercises such powers and performs such duties as may be prescribed by law or ordinance
d) B and C only
e) All of the above
f) None of the above >> pick me
51) Local Referendum shall be held under the control and direction of the Comelec within the following days as to
a ______ barangays _______provinces and cities, _____ municipalities?
a) 45days, 30 days, 60 days
b) 30 days, 60 days, 45 days >> pick me
c) 60 days, 45 days, 30 days
d) 45 days, 60 days, 30 days
e) 36 days, 24 days, 36 days

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