Feb. 1-7, 2015

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6th Sunday of Easter

Official Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website: www.ourladyofcandlesnationalshrine.com email:jarocathedral@yahoo.com.ph

Feb. 1-7, 2015

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

Vol. XXIII No. 06

Jesus Authority to Serve

he people were all so amazed that they

asked each other, What is this? A new
teaching and with authority! He even
gives orders to impure spirits and they obey
Usually when we make a statement
that originally belongs to another person,
we quote it in the name of this person. But
in the case of our Lord Jesus He simply says,
I say to you He spoke with authority.
He demonstrated His authority when He
commanded the evil spirit what to do, and
the evil spirit obeyed. When a person is
possessed by an evil spirit, the exorcist has
to prepare himself very well and pray hard
and drive the evil spirit in the name of God.
But Jesus just did it differently, astonishingly
to our human eyes. He simply ordered the
demon to leave and the demon obeyed his
straightforward word!
In Colossians 1:16 and Ephesians
1:20-21, Jesus, the Son of God, had all the
authority in the world. God the Father
created all things and put all things under
the authority of His Only Son, Jesus Christ.
So with these evil spirits, though He allowed
them to exist, they were completely subject
to Him, Jesus Christ.
In our society today, when election
time is approaching, candidates go around,
and with seeming humility shake hands
with people. After the election, when they
assume their office, some of them become
entirely different. One cannot even go
near them because they are surrounded
by their bodyguards. They use their office
with authority. What kind of authority?
For most of them, their authority becomes
a means of enriching themselves, of getting
their own way, of suppressing the truth,
and of getting and holding on to power to
keep on doing these things. We can hear
these comments over the radio. No need
to elaborate because we ourselves are
Let us learn from Jesus through this
Gospel. Jesus is not authoritarian. Despite
all His authority, he uses it entirely different
from the way we, ordinarily people, do. For
example, He takes action when necessary.
First, He just let people go on living
normally so as not to disrupt the normal

Fe Marina S. Siacon

course of events. Second, He simply deals

with the problem decisively. Third, He does
not overreact. His casting out of the demon
was not theatrical in order not to attract
attention. He didnt declare war against the
demon. He just made it go away. Third, He
did not crow about it. There were no flyers,
tarpaulin or big advertising boards to tell
the people that He was the one who drove
the demon away.
Rather, Jesus used His authority to serve
and not to be served. This is the very essence
of His message to us. At home, in the office
or in any working place, Jesus wants to use
our God-given authority to help others, and
not to make ourselves big shots of society.
He explained like this to his disciples: You
know that those who are regarded as rulers
of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their
high officials exercise authority over them.
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants
to become great among you must be your
servant, and whoever wants to be first must
be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did
not come to be served, but to serve, and to
give His life as a ransom for many (Mark
10:42-45). Under Jesus authority, we are
subject to His blessing.
He serves us with patience and mercy helping us to grow, and to make us see how
much we need Him. Jesus is compassionate,
gracious, patient, loving and merciful. The
authority of sin is fraudulent but Jesus
authority is absolute.
Let us then walk with Jesus, trusting
Him to lead us. Feel the confort of His Love!

The Pastor Speaks

Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde



a tapos nga mapaathag ang mga

ginatudlo sang Simbahan nahanungod
sa Sakramento sang Eukaristiya bilang
Sakripisyo, bilang pagkaon kag bilang
presensya sang Ginuo, may pila naman ka
mga bagay nga dapat mahibaloan sang tanan
nahanungod sa nagakaigo nga pagselebrar
sini. Ini nga mga bagay ara sa mga
pagsulondan nga ginapatuman sang liturhiya
kag sang Kodigo sang Derecho Kanoniko.
Ang labing mataas kag ang ginahalinan
sang tanan nga pagsimba kag Kristiano nga
kabuhi amo ang Sakramento sang Eukaristiya.
Gani ang Sakramento sang Eukaristiya amo
ang nagatingob kag amo ang ginapadulongan
sang iban nga mga Sakramento kag tanan nga
mga buhat nga Kristiano. Tungod sini, ang
Kristiano nga tumoluo dapat maghatag sang
pinakamataas nga pagtahod sa Eukaristiya.
Dapat sia magpakig-ambit sing aktibo sa
selebrasyon sang Santos nga Misa, dapat sia
magbaton sing may daku nga debosyon kag
sing masunson sa Santos nga Pagkalawat,
kag dapat sia magsimba sa Labing Santos nga
Sakramento sa Altar.
1. Sin-o ang ministro sang Santos nga Misa?
Ang naordinahan nga pari nga
nagapanghikot sa Persona ni Kristo amo
lamang ang sarang makaselebrar sang Misa.
Gani ang isa nga indi pari, ukon nga ang iya
ordinasyon wala ginakilala nga isa ka valido
nga ordinasyon, ukon ang nagapakunokuno
nga isa sia ka pari indi makahiwat sang
Misa. Kag indi lamang amo ini: Ang isa ka
pari nga naordinahan kag wala ginadumilian
sa pagselebrar sarang lamang kag dapat
magselebrar sini suno sa mga pagsulondan
nga ginapatuman sang liturhiya kag sang
Derecho Kanoniko.
Ang pari nga nagaselebrar sang Misa

ilang pastoral thrust sang aton

ginahatagan gid sing daku nga
Tanda sang aton handum nga mabalay
kag mapalig-on ang aton MKK, ang mga
katapo sang MKK Organizing Team (MOT)
nga katapo man sang Parish Pastoral
Secretariat wala lamang nagatener diri sa
opisina kondi aton man sila ginapadala sa
barangay agud mag-organize sang MKK.
Subong man, nagdihon kita sang MKK
Animators Team (MAT) kon sa diin kalabanan
sang mga katapo sini amo ang aton mga cell
leaders. Sa pagbuligay sang MOT kag MAT, ang
aton mga tumuluo sa barangay padayon nga
nangin aktibo sa ila pagpakigbahin sa kabuhi
kag ministeryo sang aton parokya paagi sa
Magagmay nga Kristianong Katilingban.
Apang, indi man lipud sa aton ihibalo
nga may mga katapo sang MKK
naga-aktibo lang kon malapit na lang
ang piyesta. Kon malayo pa gani ang
piyesta, wala man sa bungog sang mga ini

sarang makahalad sini para sa tanan, buhi man ukon

patay. Ang isa ka pari may kinamatarong sa pagselebrar
sang Misa sing isahanon ukon kaupod sa iban man
nga kaparian kag ini ginatawag nga konselebrasyon.
Subong man, ginapanugyan nga ang tagsa ka pari
magselebrar sang misa pirme, kon mahimo sa adlawadlaw nga tanan, apang ginatugot lamang sa iya ang
magselebrar sing makaisa lamang sa isa ka adlaw,
luwas lamang sa mga adlaw kag mga sitwasyon nga
ginatugot nga magselebrar sia sing sobra sa isa ka misa
sa sina nga adlaw.

2. San-o kag diin sarang maselebrar ang Santos nga

Ang paghiwat sang Misa kag ang pagpakalawat
sarang mahimo sa bisan ano nga adlaw kag tion,
luwas lamang sa mga ginadumilian sang pagsulondan
sang liturhiya. Ang Santos nga Misa dapat hiwaton
sa isa ka sagrado nga lugar pareho abi sang isa ka
Simbahan ukon isa ka kapilya. May mga sitwasyon kag
mga kabangdanan nga nagatugot sang selebrasyon sa
lain nga lugar lamang nga ini nga lugar isa ka lugar
nga disente kag nagakaigo kag may pahanugot sang
natungdan nga awtoridad sang Simbahan.
3. Ano naman ang nahanungod sa ginatawag nga
stipendio ukon donasyon para sa paghiwat sang
Santos nga Misa?
Suno man sa naaprobahan nga kostumbre sang
simbahan, ang isa ka pari nga nagaselebrar ukon
nagakonselebrar sang Misa sarang makabaton sang
halad agod i-aplikar ang Misa para sa intensyon sang
nagahalad. Apang may donasyon man ukon wala,
ginapanugyan sa pari nga maghalad sang Santos nga
Misa para sa intensyon sang mga tumuluo labi na
gid ang mga may kinahanglan sini. Dapat man tanawon sang tumuluo nga nagahatag sing halad para sa
selebrasyon sang Santos nga Misa para sa ila intensyon
nga ini isa ka paagi nga sila nagabulig sa simbahan kag
sa pagsuporta sang mga kinahanglanon sang pari sa iya
matag-adlaw nga pagpangabuhi. Apang ginadumilian

sang kasugoan sang Simbahan ang maghimo

sa Misa nga isa ka palangabuhian ukon isa ka
negosyo sa bagay nga ang nagalapas sini nga
kasugoan sarang mahatagan sing nagakaigo
nga penalidad.

(May kasugpon)
Buas nga adlaw, aton selebrahon ang
Piesta sang aton Mahal nga Patrona, ang
Ntra. Sra. de la Candelaria. Sa kalendaryo
liturhiko sang aton simbahan ini amo ang
Piesta sang Paghalad sa Bata nga si Jesus sa
templo kag sang Pagpaninlo sang Mahal nga
Birhen. Suno sa kasugoan sang mga Judio
ang tagsa ka panganay nga anak nga lalaki
pagaihalad sa Dios sa tapos nga sia mabunag sang iya iloy. Subong man, ginasugo sang
kasugoan nga ang tagsa ka iloy nga bag-o lang
magpanganak dapat magkadto sa templo sa
pagtuman sang rito sang pagpaninlo tungod
kay ginakabig nga mahigko ang isa ka iloy nga
bag-o lang magpanganak kag gani dapat sia
magpaidalom sa seremonya sang pagpaninlo.
Ang paghalad sa bata nga si Jesus sa
templo isa ka palatandaan sang lubos nga
paghalad niya sang iya kaugalingon sa
krus. Ining pagkamatinumanon nga wala
ginapangayo sa kay Jesus kag kay Maria isa
man ka leksyon sa pagkamapainubuson.
Karon nga mga inadlaw kinahanglan naton
ining duha ka birtud: ang pagkamatinumanon
kag pagkamapainubuson. Madamo sing mga
kaayohan ang matigayon para sa Simbahan
kag para sa pungsod kon ang tagsa ka
tumoluo kag pumuluyo nagaangkon sini nga
mga birtudes. Kabay pa nga buligan kita sang
aton Mahal nga Patrona.
O Birhen sang Kandelarya,
Pasanagan mo kami,
O Birhen sang Kandelarya,
Ig-ampo mo kami!

Parokya kag Parokyano:

Nagabinuligay Para sa Pagbag-o
Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon

ang magtambong sa faith-sharing. Pero, tungod

kay ang ila pagpakigbahin sa aton MKK isa ka
talaksan agud mangin consignees sang Perdon
Candles, napilitan sila nga mangin aktibo sa MKK.
Isa ini ka panimuot kag pamatasan nga dapat
bag-uhon sang mga natungdan. Indi lang tani kita
magpalapit sa Simbahan bangud kay may materyal kita
nga mga pangkinahanglanon kag may ginakuha o may
ginaganar kita. Kondi, nagapalapit kita sa Dios kag sa
Simbahan bangud kay luyag naton magpasalamat kag
mag-alagad sa Iya, kag aton ginaako nga kinahanglan
naton ang Dios bangud kay kita mga makasasala.
Aton pamalandungan sing maayo nga ang
panimuot naton nga ini nagapahayag nga kinahanglan
naton sang pormasyon espiritwal nga ma-id-id. Wala
pa gid man sing madamo nga mga pormasyon ang
naagyan kag naangkon sang mga katapo sang aton MKK
luwas sa ila mga faith sharing, parish recollections
kag ginatambungan nga Misa, indi pareho sa mga
katapo sang religious organizations nga nakaagi na sa
madamo nga mga teachings kag formations. Gani, indi
man naton sila mabasol kay basi nagkulang man ang
parokya sa pagdihon sing maayo sa mga katapo sang
aton MKK kag kon may mga pormasyon man, basi
nagkulang man ang aton mga tumuluo sa pagsabat sa

panawagan sang parokya nga magpakigbahin

sila sa mga programa pastoral. Katulad abi
kon Barangay Monthly Mass - diutay man
lang kon kaisa ang nagasimba. Kanugon sang
kahigayunan nga magtubo sa espirituhanon
nga pangabuhi. Apang, sa pihak nga bahin,
indi man naton mapwersa ang iban nga
magpasakop sa mga hilikuton sang Simbahan.
Kon amo sini, ano bala ang maayo
nga himuon? Magbinuligay kita! Samtang
nagatinguha ang aton parokya nga mabantala
ang Maayong Balita paagi sa aton MKK,
kabay pa nga ugyunan naton ini sing himpit.
At the end of the day, it is really
the person who benefits from all the
evangelization efforts of the parish. Ang
personal nga pagbag-o may maayo nga epekto
sa aton katilingban, sa aton nga parokya!
Sa aton pagsaulog sang Kapiestahan sang
aton Patrona, Nuestra Seora de la Candelaria,
wala na sing may makapahamuot pa sa aton
Mahal nga Iloy kondi ang aton pagpaninguha
nga mabuligan ang aton kaugalingon kag ang
aton parokya paagi sa pagpasanyog sang aton
mga Magagmay nga Kristiyanong Katilingban.

CANDLE LIGHT (Feb. 1 - 7, 2015)

Cash on Hand Jan. 23, 2015

Add: Donation received:
Php 1,000.00
Atty. & Mrs. Soteo Gardose
Dr. Anita Lacuesta Jesena

Total Cash Donation of the week

Total Cash Donation-Jan. 27, 2015

Add: Donation from the Donation Box:
Jan. 11, 2015

Bro. Edzel

May Duero


Grace E. Gomez


Jervin & Joanne

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Tung

Minica Magbanua
Teresita P. Francisco
Bakhaw MKK cell # 4
Nemia D. Jardenil
Mayn Mar Malones
B.D.L. # 7
Francisco Pasquin, Jr.
Urna Candelaria Cell III-Brgy. Calubihan
Ronalyn Yu
Fecundo Family
Jevin Diaz & Family
Syclor Consultax Inc.
Anonymous-Donation Box

Jan. 18, 2015
Ray & Jonalie
New Nani Auto Painting & Repair Shop
Eddie G. Dolutan, Jr.
Dus Homs
Souls of Rita & Salvador Regulacion & Ana Caon
Tomas Go Family

In Memory of the late Carolina & Paterno Jardeleza, Sr.
Anonymous-Donation Box


Ang aking karanasan sa katatapos na

Apostolikong Pagbisita ni Papa Francisco sa ating
bansa ay isang pamamaraan ng pagpapahayag
Jan. 23-27, 2015
at pagpapadama ng pagmamahal ni Kristo
Php 444,442.02 sa mga Pilipino. Masasabi ko na ang Diyos
ay kasama natin an Emmanuel Experience
in the person of Pope Francis. Madarama
mo ang init ng pagtanggap ng mga Pilipino
sa mahal na Sto. Papa sa pamamagitan ng
14,500.00 kanilang pagtitiis, pagmamatyag at pagtulog
Php 458,942.02 sa mga kalsada masilayan lamang siya. Habang
nakikipagsiksikan sa libu-libong tao sa Luneta
makadalo lamang ng banal na Misa ng Papa
hindi ito ang dahilan upang ako ay umatras o
umuwi sa tinutuluyan naming bahay bagkus
ito ay nagsilbing ningas at puwersa ng aking
damdamin na magpatuloy na mag-antay, na
magpatuloy na makipagsiksikan, na magpatuloy
na mabasa ng ulan masilayan lamang ang
ministro ni Kristo dito sa lupa.
Ang Awa at Malasakit ay maisasabuhay
mo kung ikaw ay nasa lugar na mismo na kung
saan ang Sto. Papa ay naroroon, mararanasan
mo na tulakin ka, sigawan ka at pag-iisipan ka
ng masama. Ngunit ang lahat ng ito ay siyang
magdadala at hahatak sa iyo upang maging
daluyan ka ng awa at pasensiya sa ibang tao.
Siguro ito yaong dahilan kung bakit hindi ko
pinansin ang ganung uring pagkakataon at
pakikitungo ng ibang pilgrims dahil na mismo
sa katauhan ni Papa Francisco.
Habang minamasdan ko siya, mababanaag
ko sa kanyang mukha ang kabanalan, pag-ibig
at awa na gustong ipadama sa atin ni Kristo
Hesus. Ito rin siguro ang panawagan sa ating
lahat na maipakita at maisabuhay natin ito
sa mga taong dukha at nangangailangan,
mga taong inaapi sa lipunan, sa mga taong
napabayaan at nakalimutan na, dala na marahil
ng ating pagkamakasarili. Nawa ang kanyang
pagpunta dito sa ating bansa ay magdadala sa
atin sa tunay na pagmamahal at pagbibigay
ng malasakit sa mga dukha at sa mga taong
nangangailanagn nito.
Sem. Doy Montojo

January. 25, 2015

Jasmine Venice Parangan
Casumpang Family
Pedro T. Soriaga
Kareen Panerio
Bongbong & Haydee Gomez
San Francisco Auto Parts, Inc.
Child of God
Barbara Mirrian S. Sijide
Phoebe Mhay Porras
Ingrid Denise P. Parangan
Aleia Robbyn J. Muyco
Embellado Family
Perez Family
Anonymous-Donation Box


Cash on Hand as of Jan. 27, 2015

Cocoy P.

Accounts Payables-Labor

CANDLE LIGHT (Feb. 1 - 7, 2015)

Reflection on
Pope Francis Visit


$ 100.00
Php 480,287.80

The Lords Presentation

Quote of the Week

Obedience to lawful
authority is the
foundation of manly
Robert E. Lee

source: asianetindia.com


RT. REV. Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde, JR., JCD, PA

Parish Priest

Rev. Fr. randy doromal

Rev. fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon
Parochial Vicars
Rev. fr. Philipp Neil Y. Antenor-Cruz
Special Assistant for Temporal Affairs
rev. msgr. Alejandro P. Esperancilla
Special Assistant for Liturgical Affairs
Rev. fr. Francisco T. Angostura
Rev. fr. joenick s. territorio
Resident Priests

Editorial Board
Pureza D. Lacuesta
Associate Editors
Fe marina s. siacon
News Editors
julieta g. aquilo
ma. rosario r. tejada
Feature Editors
Lalaine D. Pasquin
Layout Artist
SEM. Doy montojo
Sem. Mark Jason L. Bacalso
The Candle Light is a non-profit
weekly publication.

Readings for
the Week

Ma. Rosario Rote-Tejada

omorrow, February 2, is
exactly forty days after
the birth of Jesus. It is also
our Parish Fiesta in honor of
Nuestra Seora de la Candelaria.
Jareos, who may have been relocated elsewhere but try to
go and find a way to go home
to Jaro. People from all walks
of life, young and old, make
their way in the crowd, just to
participate in the celebration of
the Mass, buy and light Perdon
candles, and pass by relatives
or friends houses for a chat and
a meal, and in the afternoon,
join the procession.
This day is also not just
about the Jaro fiesta. There
are three great mysteries we
celebrate on this day:
Presentation of Jesus, our
Redeemer, in the Temple;
the meeting in the Temple of
Simeon and Anna with the
child Jesus and His parents; and
the Purification of the Blessed
Virgin Mary.

The Presentation of Our

Redeemer in the Temple
Jewish Law obliges that all
first born sons be offered to God.
When the appointed day came,
Joseph and Mary walked several
miles to Jerusalem to observe
the Law. Being of humble
means, mary offered two turtle
doves for thanksgiving and
purification, then she presented
her Son by the hands of the
priest to His Heavenly Father.
He was redeemed with five
shekels and was received back
in His mothers arms until the
Father shall again demand Him.
Clearly, Christ was not
included in the law. He is the Son
of God, the Redeemer of both our
body and soul. Nevertheless,
He set an example of humility,
obedience, and devotion, and
allowed Himself to be offered
to the Father like an ordinary
human being, and would later
publicly renew this submission
of Himself to the Father which
He made at His Incarnation.
The Meeting of Jesus with
Simeon and Anna in the
Let us imagine the event
on that day when Jesus was
presented in the Temple. Joseph
and Mary with their Son arrived
at the Temple tired after a long
Awaiting them in
the Temple were Simeon and

4th Sunday, February 1

Deut 18:15-20
Ps 95:1-2, 6-9
Mk 1:21-28

Anna. Simeon was a prophet

who received the promise that
he would not die until he had
set his eyes on the Messiah.
So he waited for Him in the
Temple, day and night, until the
appointed time came. Anna
was a prophetess who shared
the privilege of recognizing
and worshipping the worlds
Upon arrival at the Temple,
the holy Simeon received Jesus
in his arms, this Jesus Who Is
the object of all his longings
and desires. He praised God for
the happiness of beholding the
longed-for Messiah. Then he
foretold Marys martyrdom of
sorrow. A sword shall pierce
your heart all because of
your Son. He also announced
that salvation through Christ
awaited those who believed.
The Purification of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
According to the Jewish
Law given by God to Moses,
within forty days after the birth
of a son, and within eighty days
after the birth of a daughter, a
woman is considered unclean.
A woman is considered impure
for forty days after childbirth
not because procreating was a
sin, but for the pouring of blood
during the delivery. During
this time, she must not appear
in public nor touch anything
consecrated to God.
this time, she has to bring to
the door of the Tabernacle or
Temple, a lamb and a young
pigeon or turtledove: the
lamb as a burnt offering and
acknowledgement of Gods
sovereignty and thanksgiving
for her safe delivery, and the
bird for a sin offering. In the
case of poor people, a lamb
was not required, but two
pigeons or turtledoves had to
be brought. When these are
sacrificed, the woman is not
cleansed of the legal impurity.
Come to think of it, Mary
was conceived without sin
- for she was destined to be
the Mother of God. When she
conceived our Lord Jesus, it was
through the power of the Holy
Spirit - Christs Incarnation.
However, since Jesus assumed
our humanity, He and His
mother were covered by this
law in the eyes of the world.
Moreover, it was not only
the Law but Marys personal

Monday, February 2
Mal 3:1-4
Ps 24:7-10
Heb 2:14-18
Lk 2:22-40
Feast of the Presentation of the
Tuesday, February 3
Heb 12:1-4
Ps 22:26-28, 30-32
Mk 5:21-43
St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr
Wednesday, February 4
Heb 12:4-7, 11-15
Ps 103:1-2, 13-14, 17-18
Mk 6:1-6

Thursday, February 5
Heb 12:18-19, 21-24
Ps 48:2-4, 9-11
Mk 6:7-13
St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr

Friday, February 6
Heb 13:1-8
Ps 27:1, 3, 5, 8-9
Mk 6:14-29
Sts. Peter Baptist, OFM,
Sts. Paul Miki and Companions,
Saturday, February 7
Heb 13:15-17, 20-21
Ps 23:1-6
Mk 6:30-34
St. Colette of Corbie, Virgin

(Let us pray for each other)



conviction to obey the Law. Her

faith and zeal to honor God by every
prescribed observance prompted
her to follow this act of religion,
and being poor herself, having
come from humble background,
offered two turtledoves.

CANDLE LIGHT (Feb. 1 - 7, 2015)


Msgr. Andres Sagra

Fr. Lufe Benjamin Ibero, Jr.
Msgr. Antonio Anino
Fr. Socrates Sardon
Fr. Jerry Locsin


Fr. Miguel Tadifa

Fr. Justiniano Hingco



That prisoners, especially the
young, may be able to
rebuild lives of dignity.
That married people who are
separated may find welcome
and support in the
Christian community.

:: Gospel Reflection

Ang Pulong Nangin Tawo

Ika-4 nga Domingo sang Tuig, Pebrero 1, 2015

Ang Tawo nga may Malaut nga Espiritu

Nag-abot sila sa banwa
sang Capernaum, kag sang
nagsulod si Jesus sa sinagoga
kag nagpanudlo. 22 Ang mga
tawo nga nakabati sa iya
natingala sang iya pagpanudlo
kay nagpanudlo sia nga may
awtoridad kag indi sia pareho
sang mga manunodlo sang
Sa amo gid nga tion
nagsulod sa sinagoga ang isa
ka tawo nga may malaut nga
espiritu kag nagsinggit, 24 Ano
ang luyag mo nga himuon sa
amon, Jesus nga taga Nazaret?
Nagkari ka bala sa paglaglag
sa amon? Nahibal-an ko kon
sin-o ka. Ikaw ang Balaan nga
ginpadala sang Dios!
Ginamanduan ni Jesus
ang espiritu: Maghipos ka kag
maggwa sa tawo.


ga kautoran ko kay
Kristo, sa aton Santos
nga Ebanghelyo, aton
nabatian ang pagpanudlo ni
Jesus sa mga sinagoga nga
may gahum kag awtoridad.
Subong man aton nabatian ang
pagsinggit o ang reaksyon sang
malaut nga espirito nga naga
pamangkot kay Kristo ano ang
luyag mo nga himuon sa amon,
Jesus nga taga Nazaret? Nagkari
ka bala sa paglaglag sa amon?
Ini nga mga pamangkutanon
nagapakita sang pagkahambog
pero puno sang kahadlok nga
Ang pamatasan nga kis-a
ukon sa madamo nga beses amo
ang ginasunod sang kadaman sa aton. Ang riyalidad sang
aton kabuhi kag ang sahi sang
aton pagpangabuhi amo ang
makapamatuod kon ano ang
aton pamatasan ukon sahi sang
relasyon nga ara sa aton dira
sa pagmamati kag pagtuman
sang mga pulong sang Dios.
Kadam-an sa aton masako sa
mga hilikuton nga naga bulig
sa aton sa pagpa-uswag sa aton

CANDLE LIGHT (Feb. 1 - 7, 2015)

Mk 1:21-28
malaut nga espiritu ang tawo,
nagsinggit sing tudo kag
naggwa sa tawo. 27 Ang mga
tawo natingala gid, sa bagay
nga nagpinamangkutanay sila,
Ano ini? Bag-o bala ini nga
pagtulon-an? Ini nga tawo may

gahom bisan pa sa pagsugo sang

malaut nga mga espiritu, kag
nagtuman sial sa iya.
naglapnag sing madali sa bug-os
nga probinsya sang Galilea.

source: vridar.org

kabuhi o estado sa komunidad

nga kon kaisa wala na kita
tyempo sa pagpamati sang
pulong sang Dios, kag kon kita
makapamati gid man madamo
sa aton ang naga-react kay
kita ginatawag indi lang sa
pagpamati, kundi sa paghimu
sang iya mga pulong nga may
hilway kag mapinasalamaton
nga tagipusuon. Kon kis-a, ang
aton adlaw buta na sang mga
hilikuton, pero ini, mga hilikuton
nga aton gusto patabuon, kag
kadam-an sa aton wala na
sang tion sa pagpamangkot sa
Dios kon ano ang Iya gusto nga
patabuon sa aton kabuhi. We
become lord ourselves.
Kag kon kis-a bisan balan na naton nga ang aton mga
pangginawi indi maayo kag
ini wala naga-angot sa mga
ginatudlo ni Kristo, hala sige
man gihapon yadi pa ina.
Daw kapareho man kita
sang malaut nga espirito nga
biskan bal-an na nila nga
si Jesus isa ka bala-an nga
ginpadala sang Dios. Wala man
gihapon nagapamati sang Iya
mga pulong, padayun man
gihapon sa pagpakatig-a sang

tagipusuon, ang tagipusuon nga

puno sang bugal kag matinaastaason.
pagpanglakaton sa sini nga
kabuhi indi naton paglipatan
nga ang Dios kaupod naton kag
siya naga pangaada sa aton sang
pagpamati sang Iya mga pulong
kag ini ginpahayag sang Salmo
sa subong nga Domingo nga
nagasiling if today you hear his
voice, harden not your hearts.
Ang pang-agda sa aton nga
tanan sa pagkamapa-inubuson
ano man ang estado sang aton
kabuhi, ang pagpakanubo sa
pagpamati sa kon ano ang Iya
gusto para sa aton.


1. Ano bala ang akon ginahimo

nga ubra nga makapahalipay
kag nakapahamuot sa Dios
kag sa akon isig katawo?
2. Ginakilala ko bala si Jesus
nga Dios sang akon kabuhi?
Matinumanon bala ako sa
Iya sugo?
Sem. Mark Jason L. Bacalso


Parish services

Barangay Sponsors
Misa Pro Populo Sponsors/Offerers



Oras sang Parokya (kada Mierkules)



San Roque

First Saturday Dawn Rosary

Tabuc Suba - Ilaya
March 7 Bakhaw

Fiesta 2015 Baptism Schedule

February 2, 2015
Venue: Saint Vincent Ferrer Seminary
Brgy. Seminario, Jaro, Iloilo City

Fiesta 2015 Novena Mass Sponsors

February 01 - Sunday, 4:30 PM
Presider: Rev. Fr. Randy Doromal
Extraordinary Ministry of Holy Communion
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Apostleship of Prayer
Zone 9 (Brgy. Desamparados, CC El 98, Seminario)

Coffee table book fiesta sale!

@ 1,200.00 from 1,500.00


05:30 a.m.


06:30 a.m.


06:00 a.m.

12:15 p.m.


08:00 a.m.



03:00 p.m.


06:00 p.m.




04:30 p.m.

(English Anticipated Mass)

09:30 a.m.

12:00 NN

5:30 p.m.

06:30 a.m.

(English, Monday-Friday)

05:30 p.m. (English)

05:00 a.m.

07:30 p.m.





11:30 a.m Saturday

11:00 a.m. Sunday

CONFIRMATION: 8:00 a.m. -12 p.m.

every 1st and 3rd Thurs. of the Month

Tuesday to Friday

CONFESSION: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

wala misa sa patyo

Wala sing pagahiwaton nga kinaandan nga Misa sa

Pebrero 2, 2015 sa patyo. Ini bangod sang Kapiestahan ni
Ntra. Sra. de la Candelaria.

Jaro Parish Youth Ministry

Coronation of Our Lady of Candles

February 1, 2015
8:30 p.m.
Rev. Fr. Randy G. Doromal


COUNSELING: by Appointment

A commemorative Book of 2014 Jaro Fiesta Celebration wherein

Marys Miracles are shared and the Laitys participation in our parish
is recognized and affirmed!
Available at Parish Candle Light office and Libreria Candelaria!

Novenario Masses
January 24 February 1, 2015
Monday Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
Sunday, 4:30 p.m.

Taize Prayer 2015

The Poor at the Heart of our Prayer
February 14, 6:30pm
@ Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral
CANDLE LIGHT (Feb. 1 - 7, 2015)

Parochial Vicar
National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles

Solemn Feast Celebration

February 2, 2015

A.1. Shrine
4:00 a.m.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde, Jr., PA, VG

Parish Priest/Vicar General
A.2. Main Altar
5:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Lester P. Villa

Parish Priest, St. Joseph Parish

Lebas, San Lorenzo, Guimaras
6:00 a.m.
Very Rev. Msgr. Alejandro P. Esperancilla, PC

Rector, St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary
7:00 a.m.
Solemn Pontifical Mass

Main Presider: Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo, DD
Archbishop of Jaro

Homilist: Most Rev. Guillermo Afable, DD
Bishop of Digos

Concelebrating Bishops
Most Rev. Jose Palma, DD
Archbishop of Cebu

Most Rev. Antonio R. Raola, DD
Auxillary Bishop Emeritus of Cebu
9:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Philip Vincent Sinco

Procurator and Human Formation Director

St. Joseph Regional Seminary
10:00 a.m.
Very Rev. Fr. Midyphil B. Billones, SThD

Rector, St. Joseph Regional Seminary
11:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Kenneth Ezpeleta
Chaplain, Iloilo Doctors Hospital
12:00 p.m.
Rev. Fr. Jesus Glofel Mana-ay

Director, St. Augustine Parochial School
Dumangas, Iloilo
3:00 p.m.
Rev. Fr. Ron Michael Alquisada

Parochial Vicar, Immaculate Conception Parish
Calinog, Iloilo
5:30 p.m.
Most Rev. Antonieto D. Cabajog, DD

Bishop of the Diocese of Surigao
7:00 p.m.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Sergio Jamoyot, HP
Parish Priest

Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

Alta Tierra, Jaro, Iloilo City
8:00 p.m.
Rev. Fr. Roberto Marcelino, Jr.

Vice Chancellor and Secretary to the Archbishop

Archbishops Residence, Jaro, Iloilo City
A.3. Grotto
5:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Ronald C. De Leon
5:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon
6:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Dennis Galon
6:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Roger Palmos
7:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Aris James Java
7:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Jose Alex Seraa
8:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Francisco Angostura
8:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Ian Niel Llona
9:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Randy Doromal
9:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Julius Revesencio
10:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Rex Marfil
10:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Moises Tacardon
11:00 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Gualberto Susaya
11:30 a.m.
Rev. Fr. Peter John Guarin

CANDLE LIGHT (Feb. 1 - 7, 2015)


8:00 a.m. 12 p.m.

Rev. Paul Patrick Alipao

Rev. Fr. DB Ray Badoya

Rev. Fr. Ricky Gubac

Rev. Fr. Gremar Lacson

St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary,

Brgy. Seminario, Jaro, Iloilo City
4:00 p.m.
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde, Jr., PA, VG

Parish Priest/Vicar General

Pendon of the Blessed Virgin (Fiesta Queen 2015 & Consort)
2015 Fiesta Princesses and Consorts
Childrens Fancy Ball Queen and Consort with her Princesses and
Colegio de San Jose
Carriage of San Simeon
Barangay Banners with Members of LOMAS/MAMO at the middle
Sto. Nio/Couples for Christ
Medalla Milagrosa
San Roque
Sto. Rosario
CC El-98

Sagrado Corazon de Jesus
San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila/

Apostleship of Prayer
Ntra. Seora de Salvacion
Ntra. Seora de los Desamparados
Ntra. Seora de Guadalupe/

Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Libertad/Sta. Isabel Sta. Isabel de Ungria
Our Lady of Lourdes

Sta. Teresita del Nio Jesus
Ma. Cristina

San Jose/Legion of Mary
San Roque

San Roque
San Vicente

San Vicente Ferrer

Medalla Milagrosa
Simon Ledesma
Virgen de las Flores
Tabuc Suba Proper San Roque/Catholic WomensLeague
Tabuc Suba Ilaya
Ntra. Seora de Salvacion
Taft North

Sagrada Familia
Taytay Zone II

San Jose Obrero/Daughters of Mary

Immaculate, International
Carriage of the Holy Family
Standard of Our Lady
Ave Maria
Attributes of Our Lady
Seven Virtues
Community of St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary
Community of St. Joseph Regional Seminary
Monoguillos and Acolytes
Carriage of Our Lady of Candles
Parish Priest and his Assistant Priests
Cabatuan Band

Marian Spirit Seminar

Jaro Fiesta 2015 Procession Participants

1. Gail Yvette Tirazona
2. Meryl Robleza
3. Carla June Soberano
4. Britny Allyson Tabaosares
5. Ma. Edeline Mancilla
6. Pichi Ericka Balladares
7. Fennelyn Babac

1. Khrizztle Angel Jamerlan
2. Freya Marie Banderado
3. Tricia Tuares
4. Shaina Rhose Torres
5. Yna Chrislyn Alegria
6. Ma. Isabel Albito
7. Keziah Gai Sanor
8. Micka Gonzales
9. Ayra Dominic Yanson
10. Darlene Ann Marie Leal
11. Mary Louise Magno
12. Elmie Ledesma
13. Allysa Ann Gortayo
14. Kholen Davila
15. Ferren Katalbas
16. Shiela Dumlao
17. Clara Flores
18. Jo Ann Ducanes
19. Ana Margarita Alvarez
20. Marianne Jewel Bereber
21. Bea Marie Cajandig
22. Cenia Jen Luzille Matullano
23. Kaye Nicole Valenciana
24. Lyka Mae Dasmarinas
25. Kyla Marie Dasmarinas
26. Janelle Natividad
27. Sharee Lynde Cercado
28. Ma. Janelle Milrose Garcia
29. Claire Pueblo
30. Athena Gabriella Julabar
31. Camille Shane Lacanaria
32. Julienne Marie Oro
33. Mary Loureen Depaloma
34. Yvonne Angela Faeldonea
35. Jazree Rian Pudadera
36. Francheska Gabrielle Espino
37. Florence Belle Demasiado
38. Angeli Camille Guadalupe
39. Diandra Patriza Armada
40. Khaessha Jhae Arsenal
41. Jemimah Banza
42. Veil Maria Castro
43. Vanessa Mae Costoy
44. Chatelaine Daniz Gallardo
45. Ma. Shanine Militar
46. Chin Chin Quidato
47. Madeline Jonette Solis
48. Kristine Joy Tabares
49. Kye Alexandrea Velasco
50. Kaori Maire Combatir

1. Sianson, Rain Anthony D.
2. Morano, Kurt Russel A.


Briobo, Eand Gabrylle C.

Magluyan, David A.
Haresco, Carl Matthew L.
Games, Neil F.
Aranas, Christian Andrei S.
Pastrana, Andrei S.
Jalbuena, Ian Dave
Luzarita, Mitchell Janz J.
Jaruda III, Ricardo S.
Wesslund, Bjorn-Olof S.
Duhina, Rovhel P.

1. Baiza, Charinna Avelene
2. Sale, Zyza Dawn
3. Castro, Maria Sofia
4. Laud, Kaitlin Avanna
5. Pacifique, Lila Anelise
6. Llanera, Princess Mattea
7. Gallardo, Rykiel Leigh
8. Gison, Mary Antonette
9. Ancheta, Gwyneth Danielle
10. Hojilla, Shereimei Anne
11. Paredes, Franchesca May
12. Sancio, Andrea Junifer
13. Tanagon, Artha Camille

1. Espora, Nadine Nicole C.
2. Esquillo, Mary Mycah V.
3. Ilano, Tisha Marie B.
4. Jison, Felrose Destiny D.
5. Maraon, Kyle G.
6. Mijares, Lucille Alexandra B.
7. Panes, Uzziel P.
8. Rios, Patricia Angela D.

1. Aquino, Reina Maria Angela A.
2. Barcelona, Marie Emmanuelle
3. Bartolome, Jasmin C.
4. Bartolome, Kriyah L.
5. De los Reyes, Cielo E.
6. Evidente, Trisha Isabel B.
7. Haresco, Dazel Genesis E.
8. Jover, Jan Therese G.
9. Leysa, Camille L.
10. Mercado, Alyssa G.
11. Olarte, Joelyza J.
12. Provido, Shayne Rizzabel A.
13. Querubin, Jana Casandra A.
14. Salanatin, Lei Angeline B.
15. Sampani, Alexa Belle B.
16. Sulit, Jan Dyrren B.
1. Palmares, Paula Bianca S.
2. Simora, Danielle Marie L.
3. Tacsay, Patricia Roselle G.
4. Togonon, Mary Nicolle L.
5. De los Santos, Jamaica Marie
6. Lacanaria Kristine Nicole D.


Notorio, Mary Nel L.

Aplasca, Hazel Grace Marie D.
Bartolome, Jewel Jade C.
Saquibal, Xylyn Jizyn A.
Panes, Kryzzel P.
Enesa, Angelyn Z.
Alalon, Mary Lues Corinth D.
Cerbas, Kriztyll Rhea G.
Zerrudo, Chelsea May V.
Borres, Jewel Anne P.
Tan, Carla A.
Tan, Suzanne Fyne D.
Palermo, Carrie Faye D,
Dubria, Thea Alexis Marie P.
Contapay, Kathleen Keith C.
Serdea, Thea Alyanna L.
Bartolome, Aliyah Crista L.
Discaya, Althea Faye P.
Sondia, Nisha Choleen N.
Pedroso, Emmy Louise D.

1. Socolar, Jeffrey L.
2. Laud, Julian Nelson E.
3. Sales, John Michael T.
4. Sumaylo, Norge Pherry G.
5. Subala, Jethro V.
6. Panhilason, Chester Al F.
7. Solilap, Rommel Angelo G.
8. De la Cruz, Jedon Paul P.
9. Hojilla, Russel Joshua S.
10. Gedoria, Dave Joshua S.
11. Daocup, Cris Justin C.
12. Bertuldo, Mark Rodan B.


1. Necesario, Chaqui Lois C.
2. Badiango, Bon Jorte L.
3. Andig, John Vincent F.
4. Lestingio, Melvin G.
5. Gadnanan, Kim C.
6. Tapia, Ernest J.
7. Pelopero, Prince Jamille
8. Hecita, Kianne Xavier Y.
9. Famillaran, Breyn Errald D.
10. Tangente, Hans Christian F.
11. Sales, Eric Steve Jr. T.
12. Pelopero, Shamsidin
13. Esquillo, Neil Joshua V.
1. Delgado, Jed Martin S.
2. Sumagaysay, Edmar L.
3. Castro, Paul Jewel T.
4. Jardenil, Franc Maurice N.
5. Quiros, Leonardo III F.
6. Lamera, Tristan Carlo J.
7. Esquillo, Neill Joshua V.
8. Madrazo, Bryan John B.
9. Reynes, Rey Miguel L.
10. Padilla, Ed Raphael A.

CANDLE LIGHT (Feb. 1 - 7, 2015)

n preparation for the much-awaited Jaro

fiesta this 2015, Year of the Poor, the
parish held a Marian Spirit Seminar for
two days.
On the first day, January 21, the seminar
started promptly at 5:30 in the afternoon
at the La Isabelita Hall. An opening Liturgy
was done. Everybody sang O Birhen sang
Candelaria. This was followed by Gospel
reading from Matthew 28:16-20. Fr. Gentizon
then discussed what a Marian Spirit Seminar
and its objectives was all about.
The assembly was then divided into
groups. Each group discussed and reflected
on the topic: How am I as a Magagmay
nga Kristianong Katilingban/Religious
Organization/Ministry Leader Member?
The responses were varied and
interesting. One participant from Tabuc
Suba said: The MKK developed in me
strong faith. A member of the Living Word
Family Community shared the mission
of the organization which focuses on the
following: First day Celebration of the
Holy Mass: Second day Bible Reading
and faith sharing: Third day healing;
and 4th day witnessing. She said, I am
happy. I have a personal relationship with
the Lord. Whatever problem we encounter
we just pass it on to the Lord, like passing
the ball in a basketball game. He will take
care of everything. Other members said
that joining the MKK has sharpened their
awareness about God. Some affirmed
that they are sons and daughters of God,
therefore, they too have to spread the Good
News as His missionaries.
Dinner was served just before the
seminar proper. Afterwards, Fr. Nathaniel
Gentizon talked on the good news about
the love of God through our mother, Mary.
He relayed to us the story of his boyhood
and his relationship with his mother. He
and his brothers were encouraged by their
mother to participate at daily Mass and to
serve as acolytes. Their mother also taught
them basic prayers. Fr. Nat revealed that he
was encouraged to serve the Church with
happiness. Problems occurred, too, but his
mother was always there to understand and
console him.
The love of God for us is channeled
through the human instrument that is the
Blessed Virgin Mary. In John 1:16, we read:
sent His Son through Mary. Mary taught
Jesus what compassion, love and mercy are
all about in the context of home. Mary herself
introduced God to Jesus and because of this
Jesus was able to feel the unconditional love
of the Father.
Fr. Nat saw our mother Mary through
his mother. As his mother is always with
him, Mary is always there to help us not
only because of her love for us but most
importantly for Gods love for us all. Mary
attributes all merits to God. She is our
intercessor, helper, who invokes God for us.

CANDLE LIGHT (Feb. 1 - 7, 2015)

Fe Marina S. Siacon

Marys love is not only for Jesus but

for us. At the Cross in Calvary Jesus said
to John: Son, behold thy mother. John
here represents the whole of mankind. To
Mary He said: Woman, behold thy Son. To
Mary He entrusted the whole mankind. She
was to be their mother. This is the reason
why Mary is also our mother who loves us
(please meditate on the Memorare).
Our journey in the MKK has many
challenges. It may not be smooth because of
many struggles, but our Church is dynamic,
and struggles are a part of its dynamism.
What is Gods message for us? Mary
had always been with Jesus, and this shows
her compassion. We are suffering and Jesus
and Mary suffer, too, with us. Jesus and
Mary share with us in our sufferings. He
suffered on the Cross. He is like us, human
beings, He lived among us and He is like us in
everything, except sin. He learned of human
compassion because of Mary.
What shall we do? We must go on and
live with hope and faith. We cannot solve
problems by deliberately committing more
mistakes. The only solution we have is to
trust in God, to pray to Him for He is there to
guide us in His compassion.
As part of the days activity , we were
made to reflect on the the question: How
have we experienced Gods love for us? We
fell into a deep silence. After a few seconds,

Fr. Nat led us to a short prayer of thanksgiving

to God: Thank You Lord for sending Your
Son to save us. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for
giving Your Mother to us to be our mother.
Thank you, Blessed Virgin Mary, for being
our Mother who is always with us, loving us.
Your love never left us alone. Jesus, You are
our Emmanuel!
We all felt rich in love. We then rose to
(to be continued)
sing Mother of Christ.

Gentle Reminders for our

Fiesta Celebration

Please participate actively during the

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Let us sing
with the choir and be active in the
Let us maintain order during the
Mass by our silence and prayerful
Let us maintain the cleanliness of the
Church and the Church ground by
throwing our garbage in the trash cans.
Please take care of your children. Do
not leave them behind.
Let us assist the elderly and the
Fall in line patiently and properly when
going to the Ladys Shrine.

Engr. Alberto H. Yanga
Parish Secretary

The couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For any
impediment or serious defects that will prohibit marriage,
please inform the Parish Secretary or call 329-16-25.

RICHARD B. SONIZO, 31 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Tabuc Suba,
Ilaya, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Felicisimo Sonizo & Sherlita Bodijas
and DIA C. SALVINO, 36 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Tabuc Suba,
Ilaya, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Peddy Salvino & Lydia Catalan.


JESUS BOMER A. ALVAREZ, 44 yrs. old, resident of Pasadero

St., Poblacion Buruanga, Aklan, son of Bonifacio M. Alvarez &
Myrna M. Abayon and CRISTINA S. PEROJA, 38 yrs. old, resident
of F. Bonifacio St., Mandumol, Macasandig, Cagayan De Oro City,
daughter of Daniel R. Peroja & Ruperta D. Suerte.


PHILIP N.BALMORES, 37 yrs. old, resident of Green Valley

Subd., Buhang, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Henry M. Balmores & Alicia
M. Naval and JOBETH P. SALAZAR, 27 yrs. old, resident of 10
Libertad St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Jose Ma. J. Salazar, Jr. &
Jubeth G. Puey.
MANULO M. BAYABAN, 38 yrs. old, resident of Dulangan,
Pilar, Capiz, son of Rogelio Bayaban & Teresita Malinao and
ROSALIE P. TRESBALLES, 36 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Calubihan,
Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Rolando Tresballes & Lilia Pabillo.

National Shrine
of Our Lady of Candles
Collection and Expenses Report
For the Period
Jan. 12 - 18, 2015

Total Collection:
Less: Expenses


In the spirit of transparency and accountability, we

are giving a weekly financial report. For inquiries on
the details, feel free to come to our parish office or call
during office hours using these numbers: 320-9505 and

05:00 a.m.
Parish Solidarity Fund Sponsors
06:30 a.m.
Parish Solidarity Fund Sponsors
08:00 a.m.
09:30 a.m.
Parish Solidarity Fund Sponsors
12:00 n.n.
Parish Solidarity Fund Sponsors
03:00 p.m.
Parish Solidarity Fund Sponsors
04:30 p.m.
Parish Solidarity Fund Sponsors
06:00 p.m.
Parish Solidarity Fund Sponsors
07:30 p.m.
Parish Solidarity Fund Sponsors
05:30 a.m.
+Ninfa Tanlu by Mary Anne Jordan
06:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Mr. & Mrs. Crispulo Celeste,
Jr. & Family
06:30 a.m.
Mass Intention of Emily Jane Guadalupe for

taking the PT Board Exam

by Mrs. Ma. Teresa Guadalupe
12:15 p.m.
+Alfredo G. Ladrido by Aileen J. Ladrido & Family
05:30 p.m.
+Jose Engracio Padilla


05:30 a.m.
Special Intention of Julidith J. Lademora
06:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass for the 66th Birthday of Capt.

Joe Layawon by Carol E. Layawon
06:30 a.m.
Death Anniversary of Dolores Jalandoni

by Guadarrama Family
12:15 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Rose Marie Lechoncito

& Joanne Ituriaga
05:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Adorers of the Holy Trinity


05:30 a.m.
+Ninfa Tanlu by Christine Joy Reyes & Children
06:00 a.m.
+Rodolfo & Zenaida Canong

by Evangeline B. Egida
06:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Mr. & Mrs. Crispulo Celeste,

Jr. & Family
12:15 p.m.
+Gil S. Jamili, Jr. by Agnes P. Jamili & Family
05:30 p.m.
+Jose Engracio Padilla


05:30 a.m.
Sacred Heart Intention of Juliet Solas
06:00 a.m.
Sacred Heart Intention of Marilyn Salazar
06:30 a.m.
Sacred Heart Intention of Rena Penecilla
12:15 p.m.
Sacred Heart Intention of John, Jennifer

Jucaban & Children & CHJ/JL Jucaban Fish Broker
05:30 p.m.
Sacred Heart Intention of Apostleship of Prayer


05:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Mr.

& Mrs. Angel P. Lademora, Jr.
06:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Mr. & Mrs. Crispulo

Celeste, Jr. & Family
06:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Theotokos Prayer Mission,

Our Lady of Candles Prayer Community Chapter
05:30 p.m.
Death Anniversary of Rodolfo Alenaje

by Connie Alenaje & Children


JANUARY 23, 2015


JANUARY 24, 2015


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