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As a conclusion, we can see most of the leaders are from men. The women
hold the position as a leader in some position like welfare about women and others.
Many politicians in our country are from men and there are selected from the general
election representing from various political party. The members of that political party
will choose the right person to represent the party.
Nowadays most of the leaders are talentless and most of them are nominal
leaders. The Malaysians did not know the vision of the leaders and they remain
inconsistent. The politicians always blame their competitors if they cannot perform
well. The political party also have their own problem rather than the leaders itself.
The leaders prefer to make the decision based on the loudest voices because they
believe the loud is might and the soft is meek.
The only reasons why women cannot be leader because it is overwhelming
numbers on men and already hold those leadership position. If we want women be a
leaders at some position, we need to bring down the current leader to give space for
the new leaders. Why people nowadays are fed up because thhe current leaders not
speak up the words of others, especially without vetting them first.
Women do not make categorically better leaders, and its no favor to them to
suggest that they do. By all means, we need to select the smart, judicious leaders who
happen to be femalebut dont expect them to do a better job than the men by reason
of estrogen alone. Leadership by example is not a new concept, but what the qualities
the leader show to us, that is the main point. When they can be kind, instead they are
uncaring especially of the poor and marginalised. When they have the oppurtunity to
do the right things, they dont, when they can ge gracious they not.
We believe that anyone can develop leadership skills, and I don't think
anyone's really starting from ground zero. We have all kinds of different talents that
we're born with, and we're learning more about that as we learn more about genetics.
We develop styles based on who we are and the schema we learn from our
environment. You develop different styles throughout your life because of the way the
culture treats you, the way other people treat you, and the way you react to the way
you're treated because of those schema that you have.

The ability to communicate is key because the leaders are motivating and
influencing others and inspiring people and all of those things are part of
communication. Conviction is another. Leaders who don't have strong conviction
about their purpose are not as effective. The problems here is do men have the good
communocation skills compared to women? lYes we can have leaders from women,
but we must think twicely to put women as a leader especially the high risk position.
Last but not least, they are nothing wrong if we put womens as a leader
because they also have good qualities to be an effective leader compared to men. The
women must be placed at the right position for the right task and the right time. Its
because women are more emotionally compared to men and some decision we need to
be firm to make a conviction.

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