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Adminstrative Law

Arellano Univeristy School of Law

aiza ebina/2015


15 SCRA 569
Delegation to Administrative Agencies
FACTS: During the period from September 4 to October 29, 1964 the President of the Philippines,
purporting to act pursuant to Section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code, issued Executive Orders Nos.
93 to 121, 124 and 126 to 129; creating thirty-three (33) municipalities enumerated in the margin. Soon
after the date last mentioned, or on November 10, 1964 petitioner Emmanuel Pelaez, as Vice President of
the Philippines and as taxpayer, instituted the present special civil action, for a writ of prohibition with
preliminary injunction, against the Auditor General, to restrain him, as well as his representatives and
agents, from passing in audit any expenditure of public funds in implementation of said executive orders
and/or any disbursement by said municipalities.
Petitioner alleges that said executive orders are null and void, upon the ground that said Section 68 has
been impliedly repealed by Republic Act No. 2370 and constitutes an undue delegation of legislative
Said Section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code empowers the President of the Philippines by executive
order to define the boundary, or boundaries, of any province, subprovince, municipality, [township]
municipal district, or other political subdivision, and increase or diminish the territory comprised therein,
may divide any province into one or more subprovinces, separate any political division other than a
province, into such portions as may be required, merge any of such subdivisions or portions with another,
name any new subdivision so created, and may change the seat of government within any subdivision to
such place therein as the public welfare may require.
ISSUE: Whether or not the provision in question constitute an undue delegation of legislative power
RULING: Yes. The authority to create municipal corporations is essentially legislative in nature. As the
Supreme Court of Washington has put it "municipal corporations are purely the creatures of statutes." It is
obvious, however, that, whereas the power to fix such common boundary, in order to avoid or settle
conflicts of jurisdiction between adjoining municipalities, may partake of an administrative nature
involving, as it does, the adoption of means and ways to carry into effect the law creating said
municipalities the authority to create municipal corporations is essentially legislative in nature.
Although Congress may delegate to another branch of the Government the power to fill in the details in
the execution, enforcement or administration of a law, it is essential, to forestall a violation of the principle
of separation of powers, that said law: (a) be complete in itself it must set forth therein the policy to be
executed, carried out or implemented by the delegate and (b) fix a standard the limits of which are
sufficiently determinate or determinable to which the delegate must conform in the performance of his
Indeed, without a statutory declaration of policy, the delegate would in effect, make or formulate such
policy, which is the essence of every law; and, without the aforementioned standard, there would be no
means to determine, with reasonable certainty, whether the delegate has acted within or beyond the
scope of his authority. Hence, he could thereby delegate upon himself the power, not only to make the law,
but, also and this is worse to unmake it, by adopting measures inconsistent with the end sought to be
attained by the Act of Congress, thus nullifying the principle of separation of powers and the system of
checks and balances, and, consequently, undermining the very foundation of our Republican system.
Section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code does not meet these well settled requirements for a valid
delegation of the power to fix the details in the enforcement of a law. It does not enunciate any policy to
be carried out or implemented by the President. Neither does it give a standard sufficiently precise to
avoid the evil effects above referred to. In this connection, we do not overlook the fact that, under the last
clause of the first sentence of Section 68, the President:
... may change the seat of the government within any subdivision to such place therein as the public
welfare may require.
It is apparent, however, from the language of this clause, that the phrase "as the public welfare may
require" qualified, not the clauses preceding the one just quoted, but only the place to which the seat of
the government may be transferred. At any rate, the conclusion would be the same, insofar as the case at
bar is concerned, even if we assumed that the phrase "as the public welfare may require," in said Section
68, qualifies all other clauses thereof. In Section 68, as above indicated, the creation of municipalities, is
not an administrative function, but one which is essentially and eminently legislative in character. The
question of whether or not "public interest" demands the exercise of such power is not one of fact. it is
"purely a legislative question ".

For this reason, courts of justice have annulled, as constituting undue delegation of legislative powers,
state laws granting the judicial department, the power to determine whether certain territories should be
annexed to a particular municipality or vesting in a Commission the right to determine the plan and frame
of government of proposed villages and what functions shall be exercised by the same, although the
powers and functions of the village are specifically limited by statute or conferring upon courts the
authority to declare a given town or village incorporated, and designate its metes and bounds, upon
petition of a majority of the taxable inhabitants thereof, setting forth the area desired to be included in
such village or authorizing the territory of a town, containing a given area and population, to be
incorporated as a town, on certain steps being taken by the inhabitants thereof and on certain
determination by a court and subsequent vote of the inhabitants in favor thereof, insofar as the court is
allowed to determine whether the lands embraced in the petition "ought justly" to be included in the
village, and whether the interest of the inhabitants will be promoted by such incorporation, and to enlarge
and diminish the boundaries of the proposed village "as justice may require" or creating a Municipal Board
of Control which shall determine whether or not the laying out, construction or operation of a toll road is in
the "public interest" and whether the requirements of the law had been complied with, in which case the
board shall enter an order creating a municipal corporation and fixing the name of the same.
To summarize and conclude upon this point: Sec. 3 of the Recovery Act is without precedent. It supplies no
standards for any trade, industry or activity. It does not undertake to prescribe rules of conduct to be
applied to particular states of fact determined by appropriate administrative procedure. Instead of
prescribing rules of conduct, it authorizes the making of codes to prescribe them. For that legislative
undertaking, Sec. 3 sets up no standards, aside from the statement of the general aims of rehabilitation,
correction and expansion described in Sec. 1. In view of the scope of that broad declaration, and of the
nature of the few restrictions that are imposed, the discretion of the President in approving or prescribing
codes, and thus enacting laws for the government of trade and industry throughout the country, is virtually
unfettered. We think that the code making authority thus conferred is an unconstitutional delegation of
legislative power.
If the term "unfair competition" is so broad as to vest in the President a discretion that is "virtually
unfettered." and, consequently, tantamount to a delegation of legislative power, it is obvious that "public
welfare," which has even a broader connotation, leads to the same result. In fact, if the validity of the
delegation of powers made in Section 68 were upheld, there would no longer be any legal impediment to a
statutory grant of authority to the President to do anything which, in his opinion, may be required by public
welfare or public interest. Such grant of authority would be a virtual abdication of the powers of Congress
in favor of the Executive, and would bring about a total collapse of the democratic system established by
our Constitution, which it is the special duty and privilege of this Court to uphold.
RATIO: Accordingly, in delegating powers to administrative bodies, the legislature must ordinarily
prescribe a policy, standard, or rule for their guidance and must not vest them with an arbitrary and
uncontrolled discretion with regard thereto, and a statute which is deficient in this respect is invalid.

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