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The Maple Lake

Volume 120, Number 20 Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Maple Lake, MN 55358

Inside . . .


Derby Day Success

Mild weather brings out the crowds

Valentines for
Veterans: page 6

Wrestling: page 10

by Vicki Grimmer

Sweet Sentiments:
page 8-9

Coming up
* 5th grade musical is
Feb. 12 at 7 p.m.
* Maple Lake Fire
Department Pancake
Breakfast is Feb. 15
* Life Line Screening
is Feb. 18, both at the
Maple Lake American

Mother Nature contributed

sunshine and milder than average temperatures to make the
40th Annual Maple Lake Fishing Derby a great success, especially in the number of
registered fish. 499 Northerns
were registered in the two-hour
Derby period, exceeding past
years by over 100 fish, according to Greg Thomes, chairman
of the Derby committee. They
must have been hungry, was all
Thomes had to say about the un-

usually high numbers of fish

Over 5,000 people participated in the varied events
throughout the day, despite the
fear that delaying the event
would hurt attendance.
We hated to have to postpone for a week, said Thomes,
but I dont think overall revenue suffered. Our goal is to
pump the money all back into
the community and the lake, so
thats important to us.

Fishing Derby
continued on page 14

Above: A sea of fishermen and women at the 2015 Fishing

Derby. Right: Brant Lewison of Maple Grove was the
lucky winner of the Ice Castle fish house for the 40th
largest Northern Pike. Greg Thomes, Fishing Derby Chairman, and Mike Raiche, President of the Maple Lake Property Owners Association, are pictured with Lewison.

* Maple Lake
Community Theatres
Arsenic and Old Lace
plays Feb. 27, 28 and
March 1, 6, & 8

making the
most out of
mild winter
by John Holler

A year ago at this time, when

Punxsutawney Phil saw his
shadow on Groundhog Day, it
was supposed to signal six more
weeks of winter. But, as those
who survived the Winter of
2013-14 can attest, it meant that
there were almost 12 weeks remaining in one of the most brutal winters in recent history.
A year later, the ground has
been brown more than white as
the major snowstorms of the
season have largely missed
Minnesota. Nobody is happier
about that than those at the
Wright County Highway Department, because a year ago
they were kept hopping with
constant snow followed by bitter cold.
Last year, we had a stretch
of almost 20 days straight
where we had to run the plows
and sand trucks, Highway Engineer Virgil Hawkins said.
Its not nearly as bad as it was
last year, because not only was
there snow and cold, it seemed
like we got hit almost every
weekend. Its been welcome,
but we know that theres still a
lot of winter left.
Last winter, Wright County
was buried under more than 70
inches of snow in a winter in
which we were introduced to
the phrase Polar Vortex. This
winter season, Wright County
has seen only about 15 inches
of snow, most of that coming in
a single snow event in Novem-

Mild winter
continued on page 3

Left: Greg Thomes interviews the candidates for the 2015 Maple Lake Ambassador Program. Being interviewed was Maddie Nelson, along with Maya
Ortiz and Heather Blahut. Right: Penguin Patty aka Patricia Manuel, the emcee for the Arctic Plunge, along with Jeanne Manuel DeSmith, John Peterson and Deb Geyen sporting their costumes for the Arctic Plunge. Deb Geyen raised over $1,000 for the Arctic Plunge. (Photos by Charlene Wurm)

Doherty celebrates 100th birthday

by Brenda Erdahl

Helen Doherty holds up a drawing of herself from 1945.

Doherty was the artists night nurse in Normandy, France
during World War II. Her patient, Gary Sheahan, drew the
picture from his hospital bed. Doherty will turn 100 years
(Photo by Brenda Erdahl)
old on Saturday, Feb. 14.

Author Oscar Wilde once

compared memory to a diary
that we all carry around with us.
If thats true, Helen Doherty
has a masterpiece of literature
stored in her brain, and she can
retell nearly every bit of it.
From the day of her birth 100
years ago Saturday, Feb. 14,
through her life in the Depression, her time as an Army nurse
in World War II, and the polio
epidemic of 1946, Dohertys life
story is as interesting and compelling as any novel you could
find on a shelf at the library.
And it all started right here in
Maple Lake.
I was born on a Sunday,
Doherty recalled with a faraway
smile on her face as if she were
reliving a favorite story told to
her countless times before. My
dad was at a masquerade ball the
night before (at the famous Bohemian Hall) but Mom was
home, and I guess my grandma
was with her. The only thing I
remember about the house was
the bathroom. We had relatives
visiting from New York and he
was a photographer. I remember
his negatives hanging in our

Doherty was born on the
farm her grandfather Thomas
settled two generations earlier.
His parents, including Dohertys
Hudek, were immigrants from
They came over on the ship,
but it was off course, Doherty
said with a grin. Instead of
landing in New York, they
landed in Key West.
The grandmotherly Maple
Lake woman is full of anecdotes
like that.
Shell tell you of the country
school teacher from Maple Lake
who parked his horse and buggy
in her familys barn every day
when he came out to teach. Although only five at the time, she
remembers asking if she could
tag along with him to school one
day. There was nothing for me
to do at home, she said.
Then shell coolly recall his
name, which was Paul Madigan,
even though it was 95 years ago,
and tell you how he went on to
become the warden at Alcatraz.
Thats also how she started
school a year earlier than her
classmates. Back then, most
children started school at the age

of six, not five. Since then, she

has always been a year too
young, she said.
I was 12 when I started high
school when I should have been
13. I graduated when I was 16.
Even getting into college
proved challenging because of
her age, but she did it, and in
1935, she graduated from St.
Marys Hospital School of Nursing in Minneapolis.
As a nurse in the exciting
1940s, she always seemed to be
where the action was.
After a year at a 50-bed hospital in Wisconsin, she moved to
California where her sister, Florence Menth, was working as a
One of the first things I did
when I got out to California was
become a special nurse for a
burn victim. I even remember
his name, but I wont tell you,
she said. He went on to become
a well-known politician.
After that she moved on to
another medical center until she
discovered that the doctor was a
morphine addict and the nurse
wasnt a nurse at all.

Helens 100th
continued on page 12

Maple Lake Messenger Page 2

February 11, 2015


by Harold Brutlag
The Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) issue I referred to several
weeks ago, which would have required all people who tow water
related equipment in Minnesota to participate in a training course,
apparently will be modified by the legislature. Its too early to tell
what will happen in St. Paul, but there must have been enough people putting pressure on the laws author, Sen. Tom Saxhaug, to have
them give the law another look. . . Anglers who have been
fishing various lakes should have a new regulations book with them
as there have been some changes made. Some are new and have to
do with slot sizes, some are modified and other lakes that had experimental or temporary regulations now have become
permanent. The only one that
could have an effect on my
sunfish angling is Star Lake
where a 10-fish limit is now
permanent. The only good
thing about the reduced limit
is there will be fewer to fillet.
I didnt get out to the fishing
contest Saturday on Maple
Lake, but I was out there to
take a look at the vintage
snowmobiles which included
this old-timer which looked
spanking new. The exhibitor
was from Buffalo and had nu-

Its in
your court
by Judge Steve Halsey
Your Lawyer is Your
Advocate, Not Your
Young lawyers representing
parties in lawsuits have a long
learning curve. As a young
lawyer you are amazed that
clients actually hire you for
your expertise, listen to your advice, and follow your recommendations. What may take
longer to learn is ones responsibility to the legal profession,
the public, and the courts under
ethical rules. Even if a potential
client has money for a retainer
and wants to hire you, there
may be important reasons that
you, as a lawyer, decline to represent them.
Perhaps the most important
reason, to be blunt, is that the
person is a jerk and wants you,
as their lawyer, to inflict as
much pain, anguish, emotional
and monetary punishment on
the opponent as you can; i.e., be
their muscle. Certainly any
self-respecting lawyer is not
going to engage in criminal activity and risk their attorney license and freedom to please a
client. But a lawyer also has
ethical rules that prohibit them
from taking a scorched earth
approach to litigation.
Here are just a few of the
ethical rules which Minnesota
lawyers must follow:
In representing a client, a
lawyer shall exercise independent professional judgment and
render candid advice. In rendering advice, a lawyer may refer
not only to the law but to other
considerations such as moral,
economic, social, and political
factors that may be relevant to
the clients situation. Minn. R.
Profl Cond. 2.1.

A lawyer shall not bring or

defend a proceeding, or assert or
controvert an issue therein, unless there is a basis in law and
fact for doing so that is not frivolous, which includes a good
faith argument for an extension,
modification, or reversal of existing law. Minn. R. Profl
Cond. 3.1.
A lawyer shall make reasonable efforts to expedite litigation consistent with the
interests of the client. Minn. R.
Profl Cond. 3.2.
A lawyer shall not: . . . in
pretrial procedure, make a frivolous discovery request or fail
to make a reasonably diligent
effort to comply with a legally
proper discovery request by an
opposing party[.] Minn. R.
Profl Cond. 3.4(d).
It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: . . . engage
in conduct involving dishonesty,
fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation or engage in conduct that
is prejudicial to the administration of justice[.] Minn. R.
Profl Cond. 8.4(c)-(d).
The Minnesota Supreme
Court has also adopted Professional Aspirations to guide attorneys, which include the
A lawyer owes allegiance,
learning, skill, and diligence to
a client. As lawyers, we shall
employ appropriate legal procedures to protect and advance our
claims, and objectives. In fulfilling our duties to each client,
we will be mindful of our obligations to the administration of
justice, which is a truth-seeking
process designed to resolve
human and societal problems in
a rational, peaceful, and effi-

The Maple Lake

Maple Lake, MN 55358
Michele Pawlenty, Publisher
Harold Brutlag, Master Printer,
Columnist, Publisher 1968-2000
Kayla Erickson, Projects Manager
Vicki Grimmer, Ad Sales/Marketing
Sam Zuehl, Newspaper Ad Design/Sales
Linda Ordorff, Office/News
Mollie Graham, Student Intern

Subscription Rates
$25 per year in Wright County
$28 Minnesota Out of County
$52 Out of State
E-Edition Free with print subscription
(No refunds on unexpired subscriptions)
For change of address send old address with
current address to the Maple Lake Messenger,
P.O. Box 817
Maple Lake, MN 55358
(USPS 3285-6000)
News: Monday at 4 p.m.
Programs and Events: Monday at 4 p.m.

Phone: 320-963-3813
Published every Wednesday at
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merous vintage snowmobiles on the lake. The

most unique was the
Bolens unit built in
Canada which featured
two tracks under the engine and an attached
sled for the driver and
riders. Ken and Margaret Paumen had four
Arctic Cats at the show,
too. Their oldest was a
73 Panther. I thought I
had a photo of John Peterson, who was decked out in an Elvis costume, complete with tiny guitar, for the Polar Plunge, but he was
so far out of focus it wasnt usable. Anyway, he made a big splash
when he jumped in with two other firemen. Star Banks warming
house was a good spot to stop which Vanna and I did briefly to get
out of the wind. Joe Rassat was one of the vendors at the derby,
displaying some of the winter fishing items winter anglers need.
He was featuring the Marcum fish locators which seem to be overtaking the Vexillars in popularity. Buffalo radio announced there
were nearly 500 Northerns caught at the contest which, if correct,
has to be an all-time high. All in all, Id say the Maple Lake Property Assn. did a great job with the contest, which might have suffered a little in attendance because of the postponement, but still
attracted a huge number of people.
I had a couple of good pheasant reports over the weekend. One
was Pastor Culynn Curtiss at Holy Cross who spotted five roosters
off County Road 7. A native of South Dakota, he didnt think there
were any left. Pam Millers oldest daughter, who was putting in
some drivers ed. time for a future license, had a small flock fly
across the road on their way to Cosmos last Saturday. Unfortunately, the only pheasant I saw was a road-kill hen near the Hwy.
37 and 25 intersection.

cient manner.
A lawyer owes courtesy,
candor, cooperation, and compliance with all agreements and
mutual understandings to opposing counsel, in the conduct
of an office practice and in pursuit of the resolution of legal issues. As professionals, ill
feelings between clients should
not influence our conduct, attitude, or demeanor toward opposing counsel. Conduct that
may be characterized as uncivil,
abrasive, abusive, hostile, or obstructive impedes the fundamental goal of resolving
disputes rationally, peacefully,
and efficiently. A lawyer owes
the same duty to an opposing
party who is pro se.
Unfortunately, in family law
the worst often comes out in litigating parties and occasionally
in their attorneys. I recall from
private practice that some
clients would be upset that I was
being cordial to the opposing attorney in and out of the courtroom.
approach to the divorce case
was I hate my spouse and their
lawyer, so you must also. As
judges we do our best to insure
that lawyers do not follow the
expectations of their clients to
take no prisoners for several
1. It is unprofessional and
harms the administration of jus-

tice and public confidence in it.

2. It is demeaning to the parties and their witnesses
3. It costs money in increased attorneys fees and
court costs (each motion fee is
4. It may adversely affect the
childrens emotional health and
well-being now and for many
years to come
In summary, lawyers must
seriously consider declining to
represent a prospective client
who wants to extract a pound
of flesh from the opposing
party. If they are not so willing,
they may find it hard to sleep at
night and may face discipline
from the Lawyers Board of Professional Responsibility, causing even more sleepless nights.
Clients with such unreasonable
expectations, also, are rarely
Submitted by Judge Steve
Halsey, Wright County District
Court, chambered in Buffalo.
Judge Halsey is the host of The
District Court Show on local
cable TV public access channels
throughout the Tenth Judicial
Excerpts can be
viewed at Go
to Community and click The
District Court Show. Judge
Halsey may also be heard on
Legal Happenings on KRWC
1360 AM (Buffalo) on Saturdays
at 12:30 p.m.

Thank You
I would like to thank everyone who helped sponsor me in
this years Maple Lake arctic
Because of all of you, I was
able to raise $1,020.00 for
such a great cause.

All proceeds from the

plunge will benefit the Maple
Lake Property Owners Association and the Maple Lake
Fire Department. Thanks for
all you do!!!
Deb Geyen

Picture perfect

Hello, Maple Lake. My name

is Bob Zimmerman, and I will be
doing some photography for the
Messenger. My wife, Lynda,
and I moved to Maple Lake last
summer after retiring from careers located in the Twin Cities.
I was employed as a rehabilitation counselor for the State of
Minnesota for 40 years, and
Lynda was an academic advisor
at Metropolitan State University.
Photography is one of my favorite activities, and I am still a
bit awed by the capabilities of
the digital age. Shooting with
film was fun, and shooting with

digital cameras is fun on steroids.

The ability to share photos with
the world with the click of a
mouse amazes me, and I upload
hundreds of photos to
Many of the albums on the site
are of endurance horse riding
events my wife participates in, as
well as travel and family images.
My favorite albums were created
by following my imagination to
create abstract images involving
kaleidoscopes, camp fires and
my iPad Mini. All of the albums
are public and can be viewed by
clicking on the icon image on the
home page.
Volunteering my time and
camera for non-profit events has
been satisfying for me. Using
images to help tell a story intrigues me, and meeting people
is enjoyable. These are some of
the reasons I am looking forward
to taking pictures in my community and am pleased to be involved with my hometown

Ask a
by Sgt. Jesse Grabow

Help Us Celebrate
Maple Lakes



We need your old pictures

of people, places and things
from Maple Lake.

We especially
would like photos
of Maple Lake
Drop/Scan Your Photos to

The Maple Lake Messenger

218 Division Street 963-3813

Question: What are the new

graduated drivers licensing laws
for new drivers?
Answer: The 2014 Minnesota Legislature passed a new
graduated driver licensing law
effective January 1, 2015. The
new law requires driver education programs to offer a 90minute class for parents of teens
obtaining their instruction permits and provisional drivers licenses. This class will provide
information regarding teen driving risks, teen driving laws and
adult influences on teen driver
behaviors. The new law also requires that students under the age
of 18 submit a supervised driving log to the driver exam staff at
the time of the road test for the
provisional drivers license. The
log must verify the student completed 50 hours of supervised
driving time, 15 of which must
be nighttime hours. If a
parent/guardian completes the
parent class and submits a certificate of completion to the driver
exam staff at the time of the road
test, or if it was submitted when
applying for an instruction permit, 40 hours of supervised driving time are required, 15 of
which must be nighttime hours.
The parent awareness class is
critical to understanding todays
teen driving risks, Minnesotas
teen driving laws, and how to
help your teen become a safer
driver. As a parent, dont put

convenience ahead of safety. Just

because teens have their licenses
doesnt mean theyre ready for
every driving situation. Parents
should continue to supervise
their teens driving after theyre
licensed. The key to developing
safer teen drivers is to provide
supervised experience a lot of
windshield time, discuss driving responsibilities with your
teen, establish clear family driving rules and follow through
with consequences when warranted. We encourage parents to
practice with their kids well beyond the new minimum requirements of the law to ensure
theyre prepared to drive in the
many driving and weather conditions they will eventually experience on their own. The extra
required driving practice hours
and the supervised driving log
help teen drivers become more
experienced and help parents
track progress and areas to improve.
A portion of state statutes was
used with permission from the
Office of the Revisor of Statutes.
If you have any questions concerning traffic related laws or issues in Minnesota, send your
questions to Trp. Jesse Grabow
Minnesota State Patrol at 1000
Highway 10 West, Detroit Lakes,
MN 56501-2205. (You can follow him on Twitter @MSPPIO_NW or reach him at,

Maple Lake Messenger Page 3

February 11, 2015

Feb. 9 Wright County

Sheriffs report
On February 2, Wesley
William Paumen, 22, of Maple
Lake, was arrested in Maple
Lake Township on a Wright
County warrant for possession
of liquor by person under 21.
On February 2, Rachelle
Marie Crandell, 21, of Buffalo,
was arrested in Buffalo on the
charge of theft.
On February 2, Edmund
Bernard Griffin, 48, of Monticello, was arrested in Monticello on a Wright County
warrant for 3rd degree DWI.
On February 3, Holly Katrina Lea, 43, of Monticello, was
arrested in Monticello on a
Wright County warrant for 3rd
degree DWI probation violation.
On February 3, Norton
Steven Hussman, 57, of
Howard Lake, was arrested in
Middleville Township on a
Wright County warrant for 3rd
degree DWI probation violation.
On February 4, Brett Alan
Pendergrass, 39, no permanent
address, was arrested in Monticello on the charges of false information to law enforcement
and littering.
On February 4, Sara Ann
Tonn, 46, of Monticello, was arrested in Otsego on the charges
of domestic assault and possession of a legend drug.
On February 4, Justin
Alexander Skalsky, 25, of Annandale, was arrested in Annandale on a Ramsey County
warrant for 5th degree controlled substance.
On February 5, Tyler Steven
Purtilo, 25, of Maple Lake, was
arrested in Maple Lake Township on the charge of 3rd degree
On February 5, Casey
Harold Lambert, 23, of Waverly, was arrested in McLeod
County on a Wright County
warrant for criminal vehicle operation probation violation.
On February 5, Melissa Kay
Crandell, 40, of Buffalo, was arrested in Monticello on a
Wright County warrant for 5th
degree controlled substance violation and a St. Louis County
warrant for financial card fraud.
On February 5, Brittany
Elizabeth Jensen, 26, of Maple
Lake, was arrested in Maple

Lake on the charge of violation

of a domestic abuse no contact
order and Wright County warrants for 3rd degree DWI and
domestic assault.
On February 6, Franchesca
Alicia Grimaldi, 39, of St.
Michael, was arrested in Sherburne County on Wright County
warrants for 2nd degree DWI
and obstruction of legal
process, and a Mille Lacs
County warrant for 1st degree
On February 6, Dale Allan
Larson, 25, of Buffalo, was arrested in Scott County on a
Wright County warrant for
On February 6, Dennis
George Capko, 33, of Clearwater, was arrested in Buffalo on a
MN Department of Correction
apprehension and detention
order for a controlled substance
On February 7, Jonathan
Michael Moe, 40, of Cokato,
was arrested in Cokato on the
charge of 3rd degree DWI.
On February 7, Jessaca
Kendyl Speikers, 22, of Rockford, was arrested in Rockford
on a Wright County warrant for
5th degree controlled substance.
On February 7, Julie Ann
Marty-Neal, 21, of Monticello,
was arrested in Monticello on
the charge of domestic assault.
On February 7, Steven Ray
Brown, 27, of Albertville, was
arrested in Albertville on
Wright County warrants for 5th
degree assault and 3rd degree
criminal sexual conduct.
On February 7, Adam
William Reich, 29, of Rockford,
was arrested in Buffalo on the
charge of 2nd degree DWI.
On February 8, Jaime
Christopher Balinbin, 41, of
Clearwater, was arrested in
Clearwater on a Hennepin
County warrant for a firearm
possession violation.
There were 22 property damage accidents, 8 personal injury
accidents, no hit and run accidents and 9 car-deer accidents.
There were 5 arrests for
DWI, 5 underage consumption
arrests, 1 school bus stop arm
violation and 106 tickets for
miscellaneous traffic violations
reported this week.

Board approves grant application for mountain bike trail

by John Holler

For several years, the Wright

County Board of Commissioners has wrestled with the topic
of the Bertram Chain of Lakes
Park land acquisition. An ambitious eight-figure project, it has
been daunting from the start.
Much of the funding has
come from state and federal
grants. At the Feb. 3 meeting of
the Wright County Board of
Commissioners, Parks Administrator Marc Mattice came before the board looking for
another grant application to do
the heavy lifting for the funding
of a project within the scope of
the BCOL project.
The request was to submit an
application for the construction
of six miles of mountain bike
trails. The grant would require
25 percent matching funds and
Mattice felt the project fit not
only the project plan, but was
one that could complete a project that has already been started
on the site.
This grant came across my
desk and I thought, lets run it
up the flagpole, Mattice said.
The grant is through the Federal Recreational Trail Program

federal transportation dollars

designed for recreational trails.
Thirty percent of the funds are
used for motorized trail projects
ATVs and off-road vehicles;
30 percent is used for non-motorized projects hiking, crosscountry skiing and mountain
biking; 40 percent of the monies
are for projects that utilize both.
Well be going for that 30 percent that is non-motorized.
The grant funds will become
available in November 2015.
The project, if approved,
wouldnt start until 2016. The
maximum grant request would
be $150,000. The organization
Minnesota Off-Road Cyclists
has said it would come up with
$8,000 in a cash donation and
$2,000 in in-kind volunteer
labor. The county would pay
$27,500 and the federal grant
funding would be for $112,500.
The grant application is due
at the end of the month, so the
timing of making the request
was fast-tracked. As Commissioner Mark Daleiden stated,
there isnt really anything to
lose if the county doesnt get selected as a project for federal
funding or not even if the
county turns down the grant

money after the fact.

The small amount of trails
that we have in there now have
been utilized quite extensively
already, Daleiden said. I just
see it as an enhancement to the
park. If we dont get it, we dont
get it. It doesnt hurt to apply.
Even if we get it, it doesnt
mean we have to accept it.
In other items on the Feb. 3
agenda, the board:
* Announced the start date
for on-line application for accepting camping and shelter
reservations. County campgrounds will be open from April
24 to Sept. 27. Plans are underway to extend the campground
hours in 2016, keeping campgrounds open later into the fall.
The county also is planning to
open the public swimming
beach at Bertram Chain of
Lakes Park on May 26.
* Directed Information
Technology Director Adam
Tagarro to evaluate both the former sheriffs area and former
county assessors space for future expansion of the IT department. The IT department is
currently looking to expand its
current space in the county
courthouse and the two open

sites are all that is available

within the courthouse building.
* Approved funding of the I94 West Corridor Coalition for
$7,500. The coalition has been
instrumental in getting the State
Legislature to approve the expansion of I-94 to three lanes
west of the Twin Cities metro
area. The coalition requested
$10,000 in county funding, but
the county board approved
$7,500. Last year, the coalition
requested $8,000 in county
funding and $7,500 was approved.
* Authorized increasing the
hourly wage of draining inspector Michael Young from $30 an
hour to $42.50 an hour. Young
was appointed to the position in
2014, but came before the board
earlier this year saying that the
equipment he needs to use, the
compensation he agreed to,
simply didnt cover his own
costs sufficiently. He felt $60 an
hour was more commensurate
with the work he performs, but
agreed to the $42.50 an hour
* Approved an employee in
the sheriffs department to temporarily work out of classification. A supervisor in the

up on maintenance functions
that were forcibly abandoned
last winter, the mild winter of
2014-15 has not been without
its problems. Fluctuating temperatures above and below the
freezing level have greatly reduced the frost level in the
ground and under roadways,
which is critical to preventing
potholes and cracks in the roads.
The biggest difference with
the roads this winter is that, as
of right now, we have about 40
inches of frost, Meyer said.
Last year at this time, we
knocked the door on seven feet.
What makes it hard on our roads
is when we have temperatures
above freezing during the day
and below freezing at night.
What is best for the roads is
when it gets cold and stays
One of the biggest issues
with the amount of snow from
the winter of 2013-14 was that

plows were constantly having to

drop salt on the roads. The
county buys salt under a state
contract and the 11,000 tons that
are annually purchased are submitted in April. Last winter, the
cupboards were bare and the
county had to purchase more
than 3,000 additional tons of
road salt. The lack of regular
storm events has helped stock
the storage sheds to give the
county some leeway in how and
when to drop salt.
The sheds were empty at
the end of last winter, Meyer
said. We went way over on
what we needed like one-third
more than we had anticipated.
That was one of the largest
deficits weve ever had. This
year weve been able to maintain a pretty strong inventory to
balance that out and were fortunate we didnt get back-toback winters like the one we
had last year.

While the lack of snow can

be seen in different ways by different people ask a snowmobile enthusiast about that at your
own peril Hawkins was quick
to point out that, while the light
at the end of the winter tunnel is
getting closer, it isnt here yet
and a lot can happen in February, March and April. But, for
those looking for spring to get
started, the roads are clear (for
now) to get there.
Theres still plenty of winter left, so were not out of the
woods yet, Hawkins said.
Last year was so hectic because the storms and cold never
seemed to stop or give us a
break. This year has been much
easier on our drivers and our
equipment, but you never say
winter is over until you get into

Mild winter
continued from page 1
Predictions had been made
that we were in for another brutal winter and, when the first
major storm in early November
hit, the projection of a dj vu
type of winter was running
through the minds of those
whose job it is to clear of the
roads to make them safe for motorists.
When we got hit with that
big storm in early November we
thought, Oh boy, here we go
the predictions were true, Assistant Highway Engineer Steve
Meyer said. But then it pretty
much fizzled out and most
places in the county were brown
at Christmas and, for the most
part, its remained that way
Although the lack of snow
has allowed the highway department to devote more time to
clearing out tree limbs on roads
with poor sight lines and catch

Wright Countys Fairest of the Fair prepare for 2015

Feb. 2 Wright County

Attorneys report
Gerhardson, Tracy Marie,
age 49, of Maple Lake, sentenced on 01/29/15 for Misdemeanor Fourth Degree DWI to
90 days jail, $1,000 fine; 88
days, $1,000 stayed for one year
on conditions of probation,
serve 2 days jail, pay $25 chemical dependency assessment,
pay $75 public defender co-payment, have no use or possession
of alcohol or non-prescription
drugs, submit to random testing,
remain medically compliant, undergo chemical dependency
treatment and follow all recommendations, serve 28 days on
electronic home monitoring, undergo a psychological evaluation
recommendations, attend a support group, have no same or
similar violations. Sentenced by
Judge Halsey.
Gray, Spencer Thomas, age
19, of Montrose, sentenced on
01/30/15 for Felony Receiving
Stolen Property to 13 months
prison, pay $50 fine plus surcharges. Sentenced by Judge
Hansen, Bruce Leroy, 46, of
Clearwater, sentenced on
01/28/15 for Domestic Assault
by Strangulation to 365 days
jail, $300 fine; 305 days stayed
for two years on conditions of
probation, serve 60 days jail,
pay $300 fine plus law library
fee, pay restitution, provide
DNA sample, have no contact
with victim, abide by any outstanding order for protection/harassment order/no contact order,
have no use or possession of
firearms or dangerous weapons,
have no same or similar violations. Sentenced by Judge

Kalway, Chad James, age
46, of Monticello, sentenced on
01/28/15 for Felony Criminal
Damage to Property in the First
Degree to a stay of imposition
for five years on conditions of
probation, serve 20 days jail,
pay $100 fine plus surcharges,
pay restitution, obtain permission before leaving the state,
complete the Wright County
Domestic Abuse Batterer's Intervention Program and follow
all recommendations, undergo
an anger management assessment and follow all recommendations, have no use or
possession of alcohol or nonprescription drugs, submit to
random testing, provide a DNA
sample, have no use or possession of firearms or dangerous
weapons, have no contact with
victim or victim's residence,
have no same or similar violations.
Klingelhoets, Ryan Robert,
age 29, of Buffalo, sentenced on
01/30/15 for Misdemeanor
Fourth Degree DWI to 90 days
jail, $1,000 fine; 87 days, $600
stayed for one year on conditions of probation, serve 3 days
jail, pay $400 fine plus surcharges, complete a Level I
driving program and follow all
Awareness Panel for Impaired
Drivers, have no use or possession of alcohol or non-prescription drugs, submit to random
testing, have no same or similar
violations. Sentenced by Judge

continued on page 13

2014-2015 Wright County Fair, Fairest of the Fair Ambassadors, Amy Marquette of Buffalo, Maria Zaske of Maple
Lake and Chelsea Menshausen of Monticello, took advantage of the opportunity to attend the Minnesota Federation
of County Fairs conference January 16th and 17th at the
Doubletree Hotel in Bloomington, MN. They joined the Fairboard members for seminars and guest speakers and
learned more of what goes into choosing the events at the
fair and the extensive planning that it takes to bring it all
together. This year promises new and exciting events and
a new carnival, Todd Armstrong Shows out of Las Vegas,
NV. The Ambassadors encourage you to watch the website and to like them on Facebook so
you dont miss any of their exciting announcements.(Photo
submitted by Sheila Mazer, Wright County Fair Director)

Feb. 6 Maple Lake Fire Department Report

Maple Lakes Volunteer Fire
Department and Ambulance
Service responded to the following emergencies during the past
Feb. 6, 10:06 a.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake Ambulance to the Buffalo

Hospital ER.
Feb. 5, 1:41 a.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake Ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.
Feb. 4, 5:41 p.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake Ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.

Now Open!
New veterinary clinic in Maple Lake!
Full service care for your animals with
24-hour on-call veterinarian.
Located on Highway 55 next to H&H Sport shop.
We also have locations in Watkins (320-764-7400)
and Kimball (320-398-3600)
Call now for an appointment!

Feb. 3, 8:20 p.m.: Medical.

Patient transported by Maple
Lake Ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.
Feb. 3, 7:36 p.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake Ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.
Feb. 3, 5:08 p.m.: Medical.

Patient transported by Maple

Lake Ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.
Feb. 2, 5:38 p.m.: Medical.
Feb. 2, 3:49 p.m.: Medical.
There were no fire emergency calls during the same time

Maple Lake Messenger Page 4

February 11, 2015


Feb. 16: Multiple Sclerosis
support group, 12-1:30 p.m.,
Buffalo United Methodist
Church. Cathy, 320-274-8408
or Mary Jo, 612-353-1460.
Feb. 17: Maple Lake City
Council, 7 p.m., city hall.
Feb. 17: Annandale Lakers
AA & Al-Anon, 8 p.m., United
Methodist Church of Annandale, 20 Oak Ave. N. 320-2743380
Feb. 17: Gamblers Anonymous & AA, 7:30 p.m., Buffalo
Evangelical Free Church, 2051
50th St. NE, County Rds. 25 &
Feb. 17: Celebrate Recovery (non-denominational Christian-based recovery program), 7
p.m., Monticello Covenant
Church; 763-295-2112.
Feb. 18: Maple Lake
V.F.W. 7664 Post & Auxiliary,
7 p.m. at The V by HH.

And thats the

way it was . . .
Samantha Zuehl of Annandale won the 33rd Annual St.
Patricks Day button contest...
Citizens Club (formerly Senior
Citizens Club) celebrated 40
years in Maple Lake... Sierra
Bastien and Drew Seibert were
the top two finishers at the annual Maple Lake Spelling
wrestlers shared the conference
title with D-C... Joseph OSullivan exhibited the Grand
Champion Shorthorn Plus
Heifer at the National Shorthorn show in Denver, CO...
And thats the way it was 5
years ago this week.
John Aretz celebrated his
100th birthday on Valentines
Day... MLHS teacher Ben
Youngs appeared as Bob Dylan
at the Snowcoming Gong
Show... Retired barber Ed
Raiche appeared in the opening
act of the final performance of
Maple Lake Community Theatres WWII Review, shearing
the head of director Dale
Bothun... Lighting hockey wins
one, drops two... Lake Country
opened a new branch in Maple
Lake, headed by Charlene
Wurm of Emerald Mortgage...
And thats the way it was 15
years ago this week.
The new Rogers Amoco on

Wellness on Wheels

Wright County Public Health

offers cholesterol testing in the
Wellness on Wheels (WOW)
van. The WOW Van schedule is
and or by calling our
new phone number, 763-6827516 (toll-free 1-800-362-3667
ext 7516). Please use this number for more information or to
make an appointment.
Wellness on Wheels Services
include: Adult and Child Immunizations; Health Screening:
Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cholesterol (by appointment), Pregnancy, Health and Wellness;
Child Car Seat Check (by appointment); Information about:
Healthy Lifestyle - Exercise,
Nutrition, Recommendations
for Routine Medical Care,
Safety - Individual, Home, Car
Seat, Pregnancy, Childbirth,
Parenting, Child Health, Growth
& Development, Reproductive
Health & Family Planning, Infectious Diseases, Chronic Illness, Unhealthy Lifestyle

Maple Ave. and Hwy. 55 was

progressing steadily toward a
planned April 15 opening..
Bruce Hanks, Americas leading portrayer of Abraham Lincoln, entertained members of
the Silver Creek Reformed
church... The Maple Lake
School Board installed golf as a
permanent spring sport...To celebrate Presidents Day, complimentary pieces of cherry pie
were offered by the Maple Lake
Commercial Club... Joe Menth,
a sixth grade student at St.
Tims, won the schools geography bee... The Irish girls basketball team upset the D-C
Chargers 45-38... And thats
the way it was 25 years ago this
Andys Red Owl Anniversary sale offered whole chickens for 29 cents a pound,
tomato soup, 10 cans for 89
cents, and colby cheese for 59
cents per pound... The Last
Dance Before Lent was being
held at Maple Lakes Legion
Club with music by Charley
and Erv... Kenny Engels Irish
Grapplers placed 7th in the district wrestling tournament... A
deal was completed for the purchase of approximately 30 acres
of land from Walter and Myrtle
Jude by School District 881...
And thats the way it was 50
years ago this week.

Behaviors, such as Smoking,

Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Unsafe Sex; Information and Assistance in Accessing Resources.
For immunizations, bring
past immunization records to
the van, if available. * Van
hours Monday through Thursday are from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to
1 p.m.
Upcoming dates:
Thursday, February 12:
Marketplace, Annandale
Tuesday, February 17:
Clark Station, Montrose
Wednesday, February 18:
Marketplace, St. Michael
Thursday, February 19:
Marketplace, Cokato
Saturday, February 21:
Cub Foods, Buffalo
The complete WOW van
schedule is available online at:
Wright County Public Health
offers cholesterol testing in the
Wellness on Wheels (WOW)
Van. The entire test takes about
30 minutes. We have two different test options. A 12 hour
fast is required for a lipid profile
including blood sugar screening. The cost is $35. A non-fasting test is also available. This
test gives your total cholesterol
and HDL. The cost is $25.

Upcoming Red Cross blood drives

Donors of all types are encouraged to help save lives by giving
blood. Appointments can be made by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS
or visiting Upcoming blood donation opportunities in Wright County: Feb. 11, 1 - 7 p.m., Community Center,
505 Walnut St., Monticello; Feb. 12, 1 - 7 p.m., St. Albert's Parish
Center, 11400 57th St. NE, Albertville; Feb. 17, 12:30 - 6:30 p.m.,
Our Fathers Lutheran Church, 3903 Gilbert Ave. SE., Rockford;
Feb. 23, 1 - 7 p.m., First Baptist Church, 395 Broadway Ave. N.,
Cokato; Feb. 24, 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Community Center, 206
Central Ave., Buffalo; Feb. 26, 1 - 7 p.m., St. Ignatius Church, 35
Birch St. E., Annandale.

February 11th Puzzle

Feb. 12: Friends of the

Maple Lake Library, 4:30
p.m., at the library.
Feb. 12: Maple Lake
Lions, 7 p.m., American Legion Club.
Feb. 12: Sons of American
Legion, 8 p.m., Maple Lake
Legion Club.
Feb. 12: AA & Al-Anon,
7:30 p.m., Buffalo Evangelical
Free Church, 2051 50th St. NE,
County Rds. 25 & 113.
Feb. 14: AA, 7:30 p.m.,
Buffalo Evangelical Free
Church, 2015 50th St. NE,
County Rds. 25 & 113.
Feb. 16: S.A.M. quilting
group, St. Timothy's Church
basement, 8 a.m.
Feb. 16: Al-Anon and
Men's 12 Step Group, 7:30
p.m., Buffalo Evangelical Free
Church, 2051 50th St. NE,
County Rds. 25 & 113.

Programs & Events

Cozy Up With A Book January winners

Heres How It Works:

Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into
nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must
fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once
in each row, column, and box. You can figure out the order in
which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already
provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier
it gets to solve the puzzle!
Answers on Page 12

60+ and Healthy Clinics

The 60+ and Healthy Clinics,
provided by Wright County
Public Health, provides foot
care for the senior citizens of
Wright County. Toenail trimming is offered to meet the
needs of those seniors who have
a health condition such as diabetes or are unable to trim toenails themselves.
The 60+ and Healthy Clinics
will be charging a $15 fee for
foot care services. This fee is
necessary because the clinics are
no longer being funded by grant
money. However, if you are unable to pay the fee, you will not

be turned away. The clinics are

hosted from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
If you have any questions,
please ask clinic staff or call WC
Public Health at 1-800-3623667 or 763-682-7456. Upcoming dates:
Tuesday, February 17:
Maple Lake Maple Manor East,
333 2nd Street West
Tuesday, February 24:
Monticello Senior Center, 505
Walnut Street, Suite 3
For the full schedule, visit:

55+ Driver Improvement Program

The Minnesota Highway
Safety Center will be offering
55+ Driver Improvement Program courses on the following
February 18th (4Hr. Refresher Course) 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.,
City of Rogers Community
Room, 21201 Memorial Dr.,
February 20th (4Hr. Refresher Course) 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.,
Keller Lake Commons, 655
Norwood Ln., Big Lake
The Driver Improvement
course is open to the public; preregistration is required. A MN
Highway Safety & Research
Center certified instructor
teaches this class. By utilizing
the most up-to-date research in

the field, participants will be

provided the latest information
in regards to driver safety, new
laws, and vehicle technology.
The fee for the four-hour refresher course is $20 and the
eight-hour course is $24. For
more information or to register,
visit or
call TOLL FREE 1-(888)-2341294.
Persons age 55 and older who
complete the course qualify for
a 10% discount on their auto insurance premiums for three
years, according to Minnesota
law. First-time participants must
complete the initial eight hours
of training and a four-hour refresher class every three years to
maintain the 10% discount.

Senior Dining Menu February 9-13

Offering a nutritious meal in
a warm, caring atmosphere with
friendship and fun. Everyone
welcome. The Senior Dining
Center is located at Maple
Manor West, 555 2nd St. W. For
more information, call 320-9635771.
MONDAY, Feb. 16
BBQ Pork Riblet, O'Brien
Potatoes, Broccoli Normandy,
Wheat Bread, Cereal Bar
TUESDAY, Feb. 17
Beef Tips in Gravy, Egg
Noodles, French-Cut Green
Beans, Lettuce Salad, Warm

Fruit Compote
Tuna Casserole, Candied
Sweet Potatoes, Fresh Veggies
w/Ranch Dip, Wheat Dinner
Roll, Sliced Peaches
Roast Turkey, Whipped Potatoes w/Gravy, Country Trio
Vegetables, Wheat Bread, Carrot Cake
FRIDAY, Feb. 20
Scrambled Egg and Cheese
on a Croissant, Scalloped Potatoes, Squash, Sweetened Strawberries

The January winners of Maple Lake Library's "Cozy Up With A

Book" are Kathy Jacobson, Kate Mooney, Jeff Sylvester, Sue
Sylvester, and Mary Wurm. Each will receive Business Bucks that
can be spent in a variety of local businesses.
Readers have another opportunity to participate in this adult reading incentive program. Any book from the library that is read during
the month of February is worth a chance in the Business Buck drawing. Visit the Maple Lake Library for more information.

Free trial of for Feb. at Library

The Maple Lake Library is offering a wonderful opportunity for
the month of February. Patrons of the library will be able to research
on free during this month. If there is enough interest
from the community in using this website, the library will provide
free access for a full year. If you are not a patron of the library, you
only need to fill out an application. So come join us at the library,
take advantage of this opportunity, and discover your roots. Library
hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00
p.m. and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

St. Johns Lutheran Valentines brunch is Feb. 12

Chocolate... that's a woman's favorite sweet. It's also the feature
for the "Love is a Many Splendored Thing" brunch held at St. John's
Lutheran Church, 331 Harrison St., Annandale, Thursday, Feb. 12,
at 9:30 a.m. Chocolatier Lisa Dietrich-Blocker will tantelize your
senses with the how-to's of making chocolates (you may even get a
sample). This sweet morning will be rounded out with music by
Sharon Planer of Annandale and speaker Dodie Davis of Coon
Rapids whose theme is "Fairy Tales Can Come True... It Can Happen to You...OR NOT." Invite your friends to this Valentines event
and make reservations by calling Amanda at 612-670-4702, Dawn
at 612-723-3905 or email This event
is sponsored by Stonecroft Miniestries.

First-time home buyers seminar is Feb. 12

Wright County residents thinking about buying a home are invited to attend a one day workshop designed to help them learn the
basics of home ownership. Wright County Community Action
(WCCA) offers a first-time home buyers seminar (Home Stretch)
which will cover a variety of topics related to the home buying
process. Volunteer instructors for the program are professionals
who work in the Wright County area. This program is approved to
meet the Neighborhood Stabilization Program Requirements and
the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) Requirements.
Thursday, Feb. 12, from 8 a.m. 5 p.m. at Wright-Hennepin
Electric Co-op, Rockford.
To register, call Wright County Community Action (WCCA) at
(320) 963-6500, ext. 238.

ML Fire Department Annual Pancake Breakfast

The Maple Lake Fire Department is having their Annual Pancake
Breakfast at the Maple Lake American Legion on Sunday, Feb. 15,
from 7:30 a.m. to noon. This pancake breakfast is sponsored by the
MLFD Relief Assocation.

February Food & Fun at Maple Manor is Feb. 17

Maple Manor Senior Dining invites you to February Food &
Fun on Tuesday, Feb. 17, at 11:45 a.m. There will be door prizes,
bingo and entertainment. Lunch will include beef tips in gravy, egg
noodles, fresh cut green beans, lettuce salad and warm fruit compote. Please make reservations by Monday, Feb. 16, by calling 320963-5771. The Maple Manor Dining Site is located at 555 2nd St.
W., Maple Lake.

Bloodmobile in Annandale Feb. 26

Annandale is sponsoring a Red Cross bloodmobile at St. Ignatius
Catholic Church on Feb. 26 from 1-7 p.m.
It takes about an hour of your time and a pint of your blood to
save at least three lives. You can donate, relax, chat with friends and
neighbors and have a snack. If you are 16 years (with parental permission) or older, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in good health,
you can donate.
To make an appointment and for more information, please call
Valerie Kaz at 320-274-5531.
The Need is Constant. The Gratification is Instant. Give Blood.

Maple Lake Community Theatre show dates

Maple Lake Community Theatre announces the show dates for
their production of Arsenic and Old Lace at the Maple Lake High
School Auditorium: Friday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 28,
at 7 p.m.; Sunday, March 1, at 2 p.m.; Friday, March 6, at 7 p.m.;
Sunday, March 8, at 2 p.m.

Relay for Life Winter Luminaria event is Feb. 28

Come help celebrate

Helen Doherty's
100th Birthday!
Sunday, February 15th
from 2 to 5 p.m.
at The V by HH

The 2nd annual Relay for Life Winter Luminaria event will take
place at the Robert Ney Memorial Park Reserve in Maple Lake on
Feb. 28 from 5:45-8 p.m. Upon arrival, you can decorate and light
your luminaria in remembrance or in honor of your loved ones that
have faced cancer. Enjoy special music with the acoustic sound by
Chad Wiles from Rusted Revolver. The luminarias will be placed
while hiking the 1.3 mile pond trail. Sunset is at 6 p.m., so the luminarias should be decorated by 6:30. Luminaria bags, candles,
pens/markers and some bag decorations will be supplied. Refreshments will be provided. For more information email or Ney Park
information online at

No presents please

Submit community programs and events to

Maple Lake Messenger Page 5

February 11, 2015

Maple Lake Library strategic plan update

400 County Rd. 37 NE, Maple Lake
Ph.: 320-963-3118
Interim Pastor: Michael Fritz
FRI.: Noon, Ecclesiastical Council.
SUN.: New Members--9:30 a.m., Worship; 10:30 a.m., Fellowship; 10:45
a.m., Sunday School, Confirmation.
WED.: Ash Wednesday--6:15 p.m.,
Lenten Supper; 7 p.m., Lenten Service;
Choir to Follow.
8 Oak Ave. N., Maple Lake
Ph.: 320-963-3726
Pastor: Father John Meyer
Interim School Principal: Dawn Kincs
SAT.: 3:30-4:15 p.m., Confessions;
4:30 p.m., Mass.
SUN.: 8 & 10 a.m., Mass.
5460 63rd St. NW, Box 462, Maple
Ph.: 763-463-9447
Pastors: Culynn Curtis
Visitors Are Always Welcome!
THURS.: 7 p.m., Bible Study.
SAT.: Confirmation Retreat.
SUNDAY: Transfiguration--8 a.m.,
Traditional Worship; 9:15 a.m., Faith
Formation; 10:30 a.m., Contemporary
MON.: 10 a.m., Bible & Brew; 11
a.m., First of All Prayer Group; 1 p.m.,
WED.: Ash Wednesday--2 p.m., Lent
Worship; 5:45 p.m., Soup Supper; 7
p.m., Lent Worship.
11390 Elliott Ave. N.W., M.L.
Ph.: 763-878-2820, 320-333-8636
Pastor: Rev. George W. Sagissor III
SUN.: 10 a.m., Worship Service; 11:15
a.m., Sunday School, Bible Study.
WED.: 6 p.m., Ash Wednesday Service.
4282 114th St. NW, Maple Lake, MN
3 miles so. of I-94 on Co. Rd. 143,
just off Hwy. 8; Ph.: 320-963-3957;
Pastor: Luke Baehr
SUN.: 9 a.m., Worship; 10:30 a.m.,
Sunday School, Bible Study.
10252 St. Hwy. 55 N.W., Annandale
Ph.: 320-274-8951
Pastor: Dennis L. Johnson
THURS.: CryOut Practice.
SAT.: 7:30 a.m., Men's Breakfast.
SUN.: 8:15 a.m., Prayer; 8:30 & 11
a.m., Worship Service w/Communion;
9:45 a.m., Sunday School; 6 p.m.,
Gospel Life.
MON.: 9 a.m., Grandmas in Prayer;
6:30 p.m., Book Club; 7 p.m., Men's
Bible Study.
TUES.: 7 p.m., Celebrate Recovery.
WED.: 2 p.m., Young at Heart; 5:30
p.m., Wednesday Night Supper; 6:30
p.m., Wednesday Night Connection.
250 Oak Ave. N., Box 329, Annan.
Ph.: 320-274-5127
Pastor: Ruth Hograbe
FRI.: 7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous.
SUN.: 9 a.m., Worship Service; 10:15
a.m., Coffee Fellowship, Sunday
TUES.: 8 p.m., AA/Al-Anon.
7809 Co. Rd. 35 W., Annandale
Ph.: 320-963-3592
Pastor: Lynn Machula
THURS.: 1 p.m., LWML; 7:30 p.m.,
Elders; 8 p.m., Church Council.
SUN.: 9:30 a.m., Worship Service
w/Communion; 10:30 a.m., Sunday
School & Bible Study.
PO Box 1020, Annandale
Location: Hwy. 55, next to The Marketplace
Ph.: 320-248-6024

Week of February 13-19

Fifty Shades of Grey (R)

11:55am, 12:20, 2:40, 4:15,
6:35, 7:05, 9:20, 9:45
Kingsman: The Secret Service (R)
12:30, 4:10, 6:55, 9:40
Jupiter Ascending (PG-13)
12:35, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35

Lead Pastor: Jason Pence & Facebook
SUN.: 10:30 a.m., Worship Service;
Energized Music and Quality Children's Programs Provided.
1284 Keats Ave. N.W., Annandale
Ph.: 320-963-3284
Pastor: Marianne Zitzewitz
SUN.: 9:30 a.m., Worship.
331 W. Harrison St., Annandale
Ph.: 320-274-8827
Pastor: Dave E. Nelson and Tom Heyd
SUN.: 8:30 Traditional Worship; 10
a.m., Contemporary Worship.
200 2nd Ave. NE, Buffalo
Ph.: 763-682-3582
Pastor: Devin Locati
SAT.: 9:45 a.m., Bible Study; 11 a.m.,
Church Service.
1705 Hwy. 25 N., Buffalo, Mo. Syn.
Pastor: Rob Jarvis
Ph.: 763-682-3278;
SUN.: 9 a.m., Worship Service; 10:30
a.m., Bible Study and Sunday School.
TUES.: 8 p.m., Young Adults Group.
WED.: 10 a.m., Bible Study; 7 p.m.,
Confirmation Class.
WED.: Discussion Group Meets the
2nd & 4th Wednesday, Sept. thru May,
7:30 p.m., at Buffalo Community Center, Across the Street from the Post Office at 206 Central Ave. (Hwy. 25). For
More Information, Call Luke at 763682-4616 or Visit
Everyone is welcome.
2051 50th Street NE, Buffalo, MN
(corner of Hwy. 25 N. & County Rd.
Ph. 763-682-6846;
Senior Pastor: Brian Thorstad
THURS.: 7 p.m., Small Groups; 7:30
a.m., AA & Al-Anon.
FRI.: 6 a.m., Men's Small Group; 7
p.m., Small Groups.
SUN.: 9:30 a.m., Worship Service,
Coffee Fellowship, Children's Church;
11 a.m., Sunday School for All Ages; 6
p.m., Youth Groups; 7 p.m., Small
MON.: 7 p.m., Women's Bible Study;
7:30 p.m., Al-Anon.
TUES.: 7 p.m., Knitting Ministry; 7:30
p.m., Men's Small Group, AA, GA.
WED.: 6:30 p.m., Awana, Choir Practice.
1601 Hwy. 25 N., Buffalo
Ph.: 763-682-1470
Lead Pastor: Max Frazier
SUN.: 8 a.m., Traditional Worship;
9:30 & 11 a.m., Contemporary Worship, Sunday School; 9:30 a.m., Membership Class; 11 a.m., High School
Milestone; 6:30 p.m., Chill Out,
MON.: Noon, Prayer Group; 1 p.m.,
Women's Bible Study; 7 p.m., Messianic Expectations in Isaiah.
TUES.: 6 a.m., Deep Waters; 9 a.m.,
MOPS; 6 p.m., Grief Share; 7 p.m.,
Church History: Reformation to Present, Men's Discipleship Group.
WED.: 8:30 a.m., Home School Testing; noon, Lunch & Learn; 6 p.m.,
AWANA, Hang Time; 6:30 p.m., 9th
Grade Confirmation.
THURS.: 6 a.m., Raising a Modern
Day Knight; 8:30 a.m., Home School
Testing; 6:30 p.m., Worship Team Rehearsal, Divorce Care; 6:45 p.m.,
Choir Rehearsal; 7 p.m., Love for Lifetime Seminar.
12449 Clementa Ave. NW, Monticello
Pastor: Jim Tetlie, 763-878-2092
Secretary's office hours are: 9 a.m. to 3
p.m., Mon., Wed., Thurs.
Tuesdays, Wednesday & Thursday
SUN.: 8:30 a.m., Traditional Worship;
9:45 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m.,
Celebration Worship.
Affiliated with Evangelical Free Ch.
Box 171, Montrose; 763-675-3003
Interim Pastor: Dawson Grover; 763675-3003
SUN.: 10 a.m., Worship at Montrose
Elementary School Gymnasium.
8464 160th St. N.W.
Clearwater, MN; 320-558-2750
Pastor: Dave Fogal
SUN.: 10:30 a.m., Worship Service.

The Seventh Son (PG-13)

12:05, 2:25, 4:45, 7:10, 9:30

The Imitation Game (PG-13)

11:50am, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50
No Passes Allowed
100 1ST AVE NE (763) 682-3000


a new mission statement, vision, three-to-five-year strategic

plan and a preliminary work
plan. Our strategic plan is comprised of four components:
1. advance organizational
2. ensure stable and dependable funding,
3. enhance services and facilities,
4. increase marketing and

Thank you to everyone who

participated in the Maple Lake
Librarys strategic planning
process last fall. Many wonderful ideas were shared at the two
community meetings. It was
very evident that the library
plays an important role in the
As a result of the two community meetings the library has

All of the strategic plan components are intertwined with the

end result being a better library
for the community. We will be
exploring partnerships with the
city, schools, and businesses.
Within the next few years we
will be discussing the possibility of developing a relationship
with the Great River Regional
Library System.
One of our first priorities is
to make the library accessible to

by Sue Sylvester
Maple Lake Library

adding to the archival collection. If you are interested in history and would like to help with
the building of the archival collection, please give the library a
call at 320-963-2009. Leave
your name and number and let
them know you are interested in
working in the archives. The
work is not difficult and we can
match your abilities with the
various projects.
The following items are what
we would like to collect for the

Take advantage of the free

use of in the
month of February. You can
look up past generations and finally get that family tree started
or expanded. The Maple Lake
Library also has archives for
you to research. You may discover information or find pictures from past generations to
include in your family story.
Every week volunteers are

Maple Lake Archives. Your

items will be scanned and returned.
1. Pictures of people, organizations, businesses, farms and
residential areas before 1970.
They must be labeled and dated.
2. Local obituary or marriage
announcements before 1950.
3. Maple Lake School pictures before 1947. Any senior
class pictures. Pictures should
be labeled and dated.
4. If you have completed

Richs at Russells
Game 1: 37 #s - Win $200
Game 8: 53 #s - Win $500
Game 9: 40 #s - Win $200
Game 16: 53 #s - Win $300

This two bedroom condo

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Every Monday night at 6:30 p.m.

View Guestbooks, Obituaries,

and Videos Online.

your family history and are

willing to share it, we would
love to have a copy for the
Now is the time to take the
opportunity of joining us at the
library to research and use for free. The Maple
Lake Library hours are Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday 12:00
p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

103 Star Street E. Maple Lake

The Annandale Lions Clubs announces...


Al Hoekstra
Hoekstra & Reiss
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Quantity Rights Reserved

Annandale: Hwy. 55 (320) 274-3828
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Cokato: Hwy. 12 (320) 286-6341
7 a.m. - 10 p.m. 7 Days a Week

Prices Good



Feb. 10-15


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nd Gree abys

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Smoked Bacon

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12 oz pkg


Coke Products
12 pack cans
6 pack 24 oz btls
8 pack 12 oz btls



24 pack
1/2 liter btls



1 lb loaf

Muffin Valentine
Bread Cookies
$ 99
$ 99

1 3

1 doz


Crescent Valley

5 4


16 oz box

56-64 ct box
Select Varieties


6 oz

18.5-19 oz - Select Varieties


Essential Everyday Saltine Crackers

16 oz - Select Varieties - Save $1.00

Good only at

RETAILER: Return to SUPERVALU RETAIL ACCOUNTING, 101 Jefferson Ave. So., Hopkins, MN 55343.

$ 79

27.8-33.9 oz
Select Varieties

Mrs. Gerrys

Annandale or Cokato, MN

Folgers Coffee

Melt chips and shortening/oil

over low heat stirring frequently. Remove from heat.
Dip lower half of strawberry in chocolate and place
on wax paper lined tray.
Refrigerate uncovered 30 min. or until firm.



copied, transferred, altered, prohibited or restricted. Good only in the USA and APO/FPO post office
addresses. Consumer: No other coupon may be used with this coupon. Consumer pays any sales
tax and will not receive any credit or cash back if coupon value exceeds purchase price.
ConAgra Foods, Inc. All Rights Reserved

2 cups strawberries,
rinsed and dry
1/2 cup semi sweet
chocolate chips
1 tsp shortening or vegetable oil

The Laughing Cow


Essential Everyday

BUY FOUR (4)...

Progresso Vegetable Classic Soups

Chocolate Dipped

Gourmet Croutons


Assorted Varieties



Facial Tissue

Chicken Mild Cheddar Spreadable Strawberry

Delight Salad
Breast Cheese


18.5-19 oz can
Select Varieties


Assorted Varieties


Progresso Soup



Fun Dogs

16 oz

5-6.25 oz bag

8 oz
Reg or Lite

8-13.58 oz box

Deli Shaved
Lunch Meat


2/ $

2/ $


Cool Whip


Baking Chips




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Elliotts - Assorted Varieties

9.75-12 oz box
Select Varieties

8 oz


11.4 oz bag
Select Varieties



Russell Stover




Jade Lion - 26-30 ct - Tail off


Maple Lake
(320) 963-5731

more people by adjusting our library hours and programs for

adults and children. In order to
do that more volunteers are
needed to work in the library
and to plan and organize the
programs. Expect to see more
information on this soon.
A copy of the strategic plan
is available in the library. If you
would like more information
please contact Margaret Jenniges at 320-963-3566.

Notes from Archival Corner, Maple Lake Library

Tips...dip pretzels, marshmallows or other fruits! You

can prepare white chocolate the same way & drizzle
for decoration or add sprinkles after dipped!

The SpongeBob Movie:

Sponge Out of Water (PG)
12:10, 2:30, 4:55, 7:15, 9:25
American Sniper (R)
12:00, 2:50, 6:25, 9:30

by Strategic Planning Committee

Maple Lake Library


BUY ONE (1)...

Folgers Coffee
22.6-33.9 oz - Select Varieties



Essential Everyday Coffee Filter

40-250 ct - Select Varieties

Up to $1.49

copied, transferred, altered, prohibited or restricted. Good only in the USA and APO/FPO post office
addresses. Consumer: No other coupon may be used with this coupon. Consumer pays any sales
tax and will not receive any credit or cashback if coupon value exceeds purchase price.
ConAgra Foods, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Good only at


RETAILER: Return to SUPERVALU RETAIL ACCOUNTING, 101 Jefferson Ave. So., Hopkins, MN 55343.

Annandale or Cokato, MN

Maple Lake Messenger Page 6

February 11, 2015


School Board Recognition Week set for February 16-20

Boards Association has designated February 16 through February 20 as School Board
Recognition Week in Minnesota.
The Maple Lake Public School
District is joining school districts
throughout our state in celebrating School Board Recognition
Week and honoring our local
school board members for their
commitment to Maple Lake and
our children.
School Board Recognition
Week is designed to recognize
the contributions made by Min-

nesotas school board members,

including the Maple Lake School
Board, who are responsible for
governing public education
under state law.School board
members invest a great deal of
time and energy in promoting
student achievement. In addition
to attending school board meetings, they are responsible for formulating
approving curricula, maintaining
school facilities, and adhering to
state and federal education law.
Legal concerns and the complexities of school finance, including

budgeting and taxation, require

them to spend hours in training
programs and personal study to
enhance their understanding of
these issues. Their love for learning and concern for our students,
staff and community drive their
desire to serve in this capacity.
School Board Recognition
Week is a time to build awareness and understanding of the
role an elected board of education plays in our society, to show
our appreciation and begin to
better understand how local
board members work together to

provide a positive future for our

children. Please make an effort to
tell each of our school board
members that his or her hard
work has been noticed and is
truly appreciated. We are fortunate to have the following individuals serving as school board
members in Maple Lake.
Arnie Michalicek - Chair
Joe Paumen - Vice-Chair
Shelley McAlpine - Clerk
Shelly Liljequist - Treasurer
Ben Elsenpeter - Director
Rick Thomas - Director
Joe Mavencamp - Director

Valentines for Veterans

On Community Day, during
Catholic Schools Week, St.
Tims students made Valentines
Day cards for veterans.
Grandma Sally Custer organizes
the activity and says, St. Tims
students do such a great job on
the cards and it really brings a
smile to the homeless veterans
faces, they really love it. She
collects the cards from Annandale and St. Tims students and
delivers them to the VA in Minneapolis and St. Cloud.

The children at Maple Lake

Elementary are very caring and
concerned about other people.
We believe that everyone has an
imaginary bucket that can be
filled or dipped into. The buckets
are filled with kind comments
and actions. We could dip into
other peoples buckets by saying
or doing unkind things. Mrs.
Schmitz 1st graders share some
of the ways they decided that
they would fill other peoples
I would fill someones bucket
Helping someone whos
hurt. Brayden Fobbe
Being respectful. Paxton
Not being naughty. Blake
Caring for other people.
Katelyn Hagin
Playing with kids on the
buddy bench. Delaney Haglin
Being nice. Landon Holland

Not bullying. Alana Idelburg

Not mimicking other kids.
Avery Kolehmainen
Being ready. Ryley Korbel
Smiling. Andrew Marquette
Not running in the hallways. Alivia McClanahan
Being nice and doing what
the teacher says to do. Ben Nelson
Treating people kindly.
Miley Oravetz
Being nice to Ben. Ethan
Dont leave people out at
recess. Mack Preisinger
Dont run in the halls.
Brooklynn Skreen
Dont talk back to teachers.
Makkal Tessman
Dont run at lunch. Charlie
Show your Irish Pride.
Kieran Williams
Follow school rules. Gage

District 881 Menus

Top Left: Collin Kass holds his card open for the camera. Top Right: Emma Jude, Brooke Mergen and Allie Jude display their cards. Bottom Left: Luke Goelz, Collin Kass, Tucker Sigler and Matthew Gendreau creating their Valentine
cards to cheer up veterans. Bottom Right: Kalli Hennen and Bridget Donnett having a great time crafting cards.
(Photos by Sally Custer)

Can you
identify these
Maple Lake
Public School
Class of 1917
as 2nd graders.
Maple Lake

School News
Dress up days:
Wednesday - Career Day
Thursday - Superhero Day
Friday - Hawaiian Day
There will also be a pep-fest at 2
p.m. on Friday. A king and queen
from each grade will be crowned.

Preschool registration is
open from Feb. 2-27
Wee Irish Preschool is an integrated program providing a high
quality learning experience for children 3, 4, and 5 years of age. Classes
are held two and three days a week.
Registration is open February 227. Drop off or mail in your completed form and payment.
Registration forms are available in
the preschool classroom at Maple
Lake Elementary or online at Please call Christine Schultz at 963-7468 with any
questions you have.

St. Tims Kindergarten

Round-Up is Feb. 16
St. Timothys School has its annual Kindergarten Round-Up on
Monday, February 16th, at 7 p.m.
St. Timothys offers:
- Full-day kindergarten

fruit, milk
MONDAY, Feb. 16
Turkey ranch wrap or corn dog, Italian meatball sub; baked beans, baby
carrots, cauliflower; choice of fruit,
TUESDAY, Feb. 17
Chef salad or Italian pasta bake
w/garlic toast, chicken tacos on a
soft shell; peas, broccoli florets,
corn; choice of fruit, milk
Deli sandwich or fish sandwich on
a WG bun, pizza parlor, cheese
pizza; garlic herb broccoli, tomato
wedges, celery sticks; choice of
fruit, milk
7 layer salad or hot ham & cheese
on WG bun, pasta, popcorn chicken
w/pasta; cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers; choice of fruit, milk
FRIDAY, Feb. 20
Crispy chicken wrap or pizza parlor,
cheese pizza, parmesan crusted fish
filet w/fries; glazed carrots, green
peas, broccoli; choice of fruit, milk


(Photo submitted by
John Haack)

Snowcoming is this week

MONDAY, Feb. 16
Bacon breakfast pizza (elem. and
high school), sausage/cheese biscuit
or choice of WG cereal, WW toast,
jelly/margarine, vegetable selection,
fresh fruit, milk
TUESDAY, Feb. 17
WG pancakes w/syrup, tri-tator
(elem. and h.s.), breakfast pizza or
choice of WG cereal, WW toast,
jelly/margarine, vegetable selection,
fresh fruit, milk
Breakfast fruit crisp (elem. and h.s.),
breakfast burrito or choice of WG
cereal, WW toast, jelly/margarine,
vegetable selection, fresh fruit, milk
Scrambled egg tortilla, salsa (elem.
and h.s.), ham n egg-wich or choice
of WG cereal, WW toast, jelly/margarine, vegetable selection, fresh
fruit, milk
FRIDAY, Feb. 20
Iced WG cinnamon roll (elem. and
h.s.), egg n cheese bagel or choice
of WG cereal, WW toast, jelly/margarine, vegetable selection, fresh

- New preschool program

- Small class sizes
- Individualized attention
- Music, art, computers and physical education specialists
- Accredited by MNSAA
- Academic excellence in a faithfilled enviroment
Call 320-963-3417 or visit

Academic Honors for Holy

Spirit Academy
Holy Spirit Academy in Monticello takes great pleasure in announcing the Academic Honors for first
semester in our inaugural year.
Congratulations to the following
10th grade - Madison Haberman,
Anna Lefebvre and Grace Stokman
9th grade - Thomas Jude and Anthony LaFond
Holy Spirit Academy is a private
high school in the Catholic intellectual tradition offering a classical curriculum.
Christ-centered approach to education fosters an environment grounded
in the Truth, which prepares students
to realize their purpose instilling in
them confidence to enrich the culture
by service to others.

Graduates for SCSU fall

semester 2014

Students named to UST 2014

fall semester deans list

St. Cloud State University graduated more than 890 students during
fall semester 2014. Commencement
ceremonies took place Sunday, December 21, 2014. Among them are...
Luke Fobbe, Bachelor of Science, Marketing
Hilary Hogan, Bachelor of Science, Marketing, Summa Cum
Stephanie Neidenfeur, Bachelor
of Science, Nursing, Cum Laude
SCSU offers more than 15,000
students more than 200 undergraduate and graduate programs in business, education, fine arts and
humanities, science and engineering
and social sciences. St. Cloud State
is located 70 miles northwest of the
Twin Cities along the banks of the
Mississippi River and has one of the
strongest international programs in
the Minnesota State Colleges and
Universities system; has one of three
business colleges in Minnesota nationally accredited at the undergraduate and graduate level; and is one of
the largest producers of new educators in the country.

Students from the area have been

named to the University of St.
Thomas 2014 fall semester deans
list. Students must post grade point
averages of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale
to be named to the deans list.
Named to the list:
Lisa A. Northenscold
Emily I. Stockham
Zachary P. Stokman
St. Thomas, founded in 1885, is a
Catholic, independent, liberal arts
university. With a coeducational student body numbering more than
10,000, it is Minnesotas largest independent college or university.
More than 2,000 of the universitys
undergraduates were named to the
fall semester deans list.

Local students named to

BSU deans list
Paige Blizil, Mitchell Gindele
and Kristi Reid from Maple Lake
earned a spot on the dean's list from
Bemidji State University at the conclusion of the 2014 fall semester.
Located in north central Minnesota, Bemidji State University enrolls 5000 students in over 13
programs on the graduate level.

Wee Irish Preschool is an integrated

program providing a high quality
learning experience for children 3, 4,
& 5 years of age. Classes are held two
and three days a week.
Registration is open February 2-27.
Drop off or mail in your completed
form and payment. Registration forms
are available in the Preschool Classroom
at Maple Lake Elementary or online at Please call Christine
Schultz at 963-7468 with any
questions you have.

St. Timothys Preschool

3 & 4 Year Olds

Now Enrolling for Fall 2015!

St. Timothy School is pleased to announce
the opening of our new Preschool for
3 & 4 year olds for Fall 2015!
4 Year Olds: M, W, F - 8:15-11:00 a.m.
M, W, F - 12:00-2:45 p.m.
Cost: $130 per month for 3 day session

3 Year Olds: T & Th - 8:15-11:00 a.m.

Cost: $90 per month for 2 day session

For more information, please call

Mrs. Kincs @ 320-963-3417 or email:

Faith-Filled and Nurturing

Catholic School Environment
From SMALL beginnings come GREAT things!

Marine Cpl. Thomas Bakka - Stationed in Louisana

Army Pvt. Kasie Carriveau - Stationed in Fort Sill, OK
Air Force Staff Sgt. Scott Christen - Stationed at Hill Air Force Base, UT
Navy AME1 Barbara (Borell) Curtis - Stationed at Whidbey Island Navel Air Station
Air Force Airman 1st Class Joshua Heath - Stationed at Moody Air Force Base, GA
Air Force Staff Sgt. Christopher Hoce - Stationed in Virginia
Air Force Staff Sgt. Nicole (Willems) Hoce - Stationed in Virginia
Air Force Sgt. Christian King - Stationed at Landstuhl, Germany
Air Force Tech Sgt. Sue Leahy Krasnow - Stationed in Boston, MA
Marine Lance Cpl. Jonathan R. Loftis - Stationed in Okinawa, Japan
Army PV2 Samson Luebbers - Stationed at Camp Casey in Korea
Army SPC Dyllan Otto - Stationed in Fort Lewis, WA
Navy ICSA Thomas J. Piram - Stationed at San Diego Naval Base
Marine PFC Keena Prosser-OLeary - Stationed at Camp LeJeune, NC
Army Spc. Jake Serfas - Stationed in Vilseck, Germany
Marine Cpl. Joshua Serfas,
Stationed at Cherry Point, NC
Army Sgt. Marcus Steuck,
Stationed in Ft. Bliss, TX
Army Capt. C. J. Willems,
and love...
Stationed in
Pierre, SD
To our service


men & women

around the world!

Proudly Sponsored By Your Local Businesses!

A-Meat Shoppe
Advanced Disposal
Albion Ridges
Golf Course
American Legion
Post #131

Community Education
of Annandale
& Maple Lake

Lengyel Lectric

Rogers BP Amoco

Loch Jewelers

Country Chev

Lundeen Bros. Ford

Robs Custom
Upholstery & Flooring

Construction, Inc.

M&M Bus Service

Wenner & Co.

Delmont Lieske, D.V.M.

M&M Express
Sales & Service

SJ Roofing

Elfmann Plumbing

Maple Lake Bakery

Star Bank

H&H Archery

Maple Lake Library

T&R Meat

Hegle Door Sales

Maple Lake Lions Club

Home Appliance

Maple Lake Messenger

Howards Plumbing

Maple Lake
Wine & Spirits

J&J Athletics

Mayor Lynn Kissock

Co-op Electric

Lake Central
Insurance Services

MP NexLevel, LLC

Wright Service Center

Lanttos Store

Pace Industries,
Product Tech Division

Zahler Photography

American Mini Storage

Becka Beads
Blizils Repair
Borrell Refrigeration
Bruce Dalbec
C&W Spinning
Cedar Lake

The Marketplace
V.F.W. Post #7664

Maple Lake Messenger Page 8

February 11, 2015

To: Helen
Happy Valentines Day,
Grandma Helen.
Love: Darling Luke
To: My Big Sister
For over 50 years we've been
By each other's side.
Never a tiff, never a fight.
"Saturday Therapy" of fine, tiny
Apparently work just right!
Together we've weathered
And together we know...
Cousin, Mummy and Auntie
Will always love us best!!!!
Na zdrovie!
Mmmmm, M's. mk.!
To: Doug
Piece of cake from now on!
From: L+6


To: My Mom & Dad, Joe

and Jolene Hannon
Mom and Dad, this year, and
every year, you have been my
Valentine. Its because you have
loved me ever since I was born.
You gave me love, a home, food,
practically everything in my life.
The reason I wrote this is to let
you know that I will always love
you and will always love me for
who I am. Well, at least I hope
you will!?
From: Your daughter, Liz Hannon
Happy Valentines 100th
Birthday Aunt, Great Aunt,
Great-Great Aunt, Helen!
Love from all: Mark & Barb, Brandon, Jenny, Ben, Katie, darling
Luke, Joe, Tammy, Hanna & Dani

To: My 'CCO Weather

Watcher Hubby
When my Weather Watcher is
blue, Coffee, cookies and a big
cigar will do.
When my Weather Watcher is
glowin' red, A warm, cozy night is
just ahead.
When my Weather Watcher is
shinin' bright, We'll "Dance with
the Stars" And have Mai Tai's all
Whatever the weather our life together sees, It's better together,
just you and me!
I love you!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Anniversary!
From: Your 'CCO Weather
Watcher Wifey

Sincerely, Caleb

To: D & M
Happy Anniversary! You deserve a MaiTai!
From: D & L

Dear Mom and Dad,

You make me laugh, you
make me smile. Your face
shines down on me like sunshine,
You arent any computer file. You
are real, you are here, and I am
glad to call you mine.
From: Mary Anne M

To: Jack and Ben

Love the way you love your
Dear Mom,
I love how you take good
care of me making sure Im
healthy and get good rest. Love

Gift Cards

Monday-Wednesday: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Thursday-Saturday: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday: Closed

Next to Cenex 901 State Hwy. 55 East, Maple Lake 320.963.3715


Wine of the Month

reg. $5.99

While Supplies Last


Winter Ale
Join Today & Experience
Maple Lakes

12 pack bottles

reg. $15.99

Come In & Check Out

Miller Lite


of the Month

24-12oz. cans



reg. $19.99

Sierra Nevada
Pale Ale Celebration Torpedo


Killians Irish Red

Blue Moon



Belgian White First Peach

Shiner Bock

reg. $15.99

My lovely parents,
They are really generous.
They both make me smile.
Logan C.
Dear Mom,
You are always so joyful. You
always have fun. Youre always creative, and like to make
Love, Luke
To: My Mom
Roses are red
Violets are blue
My heart loves you too
From: Jacob

Dear Mom,
Roses are red, violets are
blue. Thats why I love you
and me too.
From: Brayden B
To: Nora Mae F
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Kittens are cute,
and so are you!
From: Jack H
My Family is...
Funny, sweet, caring, kind.
And really dont mind when
its time to say I Love You, because they are the best. I love
them a lot.
From, Madeline G
Dear Sadie:
I want to thank you for all
that you do for me. I want to
thank you for helping my basketball team and me one day. I hope
to make the varsity basketball
team. And I love you for all that
you do for me. Im so lucky to be
your sister.
Love, Gus
Dear Mom and Dad,
You, the wonderful parents
taught me most I know. I
know you taught me bout the
Lord our God who came to rescue
And now I hope you know that I
love you for that but no need to
worry, thats not the only reason.
I love you both so much but it is
way too much to write about in
here, but I am just telling you that
I love you.
I dont have enough space right
here to write all about you, but
thanks for all that you have done
youve done a lot for me.
Love, Dawson
Dear Sisters,
Sweet as a Valentines flower
Never seen acting like a coward, Rarely bad in public.
Or are you...
But I still love you. Youre sweet,
cute and loveable. Best of
all...youre snugable.
From: Hailey W.
Dear Coco,
Yo dog. Yes Dad/Mom are
sometimes mean to you.

Sorry for shocking you yesterday,

but you cant go next to the road.
Love you, Daniel N
Dear Mom,
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
And I love you
Love ya, Kelsey P
Dear Mom,
Roses are red, violets are
blue, thank you for being
there for Megan and me, too. You
are the sunshine in the sky. Every
day I look up on you and see the
woman that is always there, even
when shes not. I see great power
and strength of being a mother
and raising three boys and twin
girl, thats hard. When Im mad or
sad at you, you know that I will
always love you so much, and I
will always be your baby girl, and
you will always be my mother.
Love, Amanda L
Dear Mom & Dad,
I cant thank you enough for
all that you do for me. You
are always there for me no matter
what. I hope this day is full of joy
for you.
Love, Brady C
Mom & Dad,
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
You love me just as much as I
love you.
From: Molly E
Youre the one and only!
Love you guys with all my
heart! Matthew youre AWESOME! Brendon youre fun! But
together...youre an amazing
Love you! Happy Valentines Day,
Hailey A
Dear Mom,
Days go by fast,
With great and beautiful,
Mother who makes me happy too,
all days.
Love, Emma
Dear Mom & Dad,
You give me so much, basically everything, so I give this
note to you. To say that I love you
more than anything. You gave me
life and I will give you hope that I
will be the person you want me to be.
Love, Lexi H
Roses are red, violets are
blue, everything is better
with you. The B from blue is
everything is better with you. The
R from red means youre so random.
From: Charlie B
Dear Mom,
I want to thank you for all
you do! You light up my days
and give me confidence! I know
you will always be there for me,
no matter what!! I love you to the
moon and back! XOXO, Kayla H
Dad deserves a break, of all
the work hes done. Dad I
love you. Mom, you do too
much cleaning. Mom, you deserve
a break. Mom, I love you.
Love both of you, Sean Z
Dear Mom,
Roses are red, violets are
blue, you smell like pooh

(peppermint, oranges, orange

flowers and home), and I appreciate you!
Love, Gabby F
Dear Mom,
Roses are red
violets are blue
I hope you know
I love you.
Love, Tatum L
To: Dawson M
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I love you more
How about you?
From: Sierra M
Dear Sister,
I like playing with you, you
are so funny to play with.
You can gamble now.
From: Orry
Dear Samantha.
You are an awesome sister!
You can always make me
laugh whenever I am sad. You are
always willing to help me when I
cant figure something out! There
is no sister out there who is as
awesome as you! I love you so
Love, Jessica K
Dear Jordyn,
I love it when you make me
smile cause I know you are
worth a mile. You have a great
personality and a great attitude.
Im so glad that I can call you my
Love, Lexy B
I love my family, my
friends. Happy Valentines
Love, Ryley H
To: Mom, Dad, Grandpa
and Grandma
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I love you too.
From: Kade J
To: Mom
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I love you so much, too.
From: Hayden
Dear Mom and Dad,
I love you from the moon and
back. I love you like mother
goose loves her gosslings. You
dont know how much I love you.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
From: Alayne J
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You dont know how much,
I Love You
I miss you when you leave, like a
momma monkey misses her babies!
From: Kiana E
Dear Mom and Dad,
I decided to write to both of
you because I cant choose
just one, because I love you guys
with all my heart. When I have to
choose between you two, I cant
because I feel bad, if the other
one wants to be with me. I love
you guys with all my heart. You
guys do everything for me and Im
grateful for that.
Love, Samantha S

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Maple Lake Messenger Page 9

February 11, 2015

Dear Family,
I have learned so much these
couple of years. I love going
to horse shows and camping. It
means a lot that you can get me
all of the things I want.
Love You,
Caroline W
Roses are red, violets are
blue, I love you parents, I
hope you love me too.
From: Gabriel R
Mom, you cared for me, and
you hugged me when Im
sad. And you make sure Im
alright. I love you!
From: Megan L
Roses are red, Violets are
blue. Thank you mom, I love
From: Alexis H
I love you mommy, You
mean the whole world to me.
You are the best mom!
Love, Maci P
Mom and Dad,
Always helpful with homework. Always getting us ready
in the morning for school. Helping us learn. Thank you for everything you do.
Love, Jaret D
Funniest people in the world
Mine (even if I dont always want

Loving (sometimes)
Yep, thats what they are
Love you guys, even when you
bother me.
Love, Magz L
Dear Mom and Dad,
Thanks for all you do. I love
you with all my heart, you are
my sunshine.
Love, Lyndsie C
Dear Mom and Dad,
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Sugar is Sweet
and so are You.
Love you, Mom and Dad! Youre
both the best.

Love, Jessica P
Dear Family,
Thank you Mom, for cooking
for me and loving me. And
getting presents for me on my
birthday and Christmas. Thank
you, Dad, for bringing me hunting, fishing, golfing and all the
other good things you do for me.
Oh yeah, and playing ping-pong.
And thank you, brothers, for playing with me. Thank you.
Sincerely, Ted P
Being a family means you
are a part of something wonderful. It means you will love
and be loved for the rest of your
life, no matter what.
Love, Grace J
Mom & Leon,
Love is like a big fur coat.
Its made of love, and it keeps
you warm. Just like you.
Love, Ella M
You are the best Mom.
Carter, Morgan, Dad is too.
And I love you!
Brady S
Happy Valentines Day,
13 years & still going strong.
Im looking forward to many
more adventures with you!
Love, J
Dear Laura,
You have raised me when I
was 5 to here, maybe
younger, but a lot of my life, and
we live with you and Miranda and
you have time for us and love us.
I know it is hard because Dad is
not there and so you always have
to do everything and it is good
when Dad is home, but still.
Laura, you rock, and Becky and
everyone else does not.
Love, Deja M
Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you for all that you do.
Dad you help me when I
need help, you teach me, and
youre always there when I need
you. Mom, you work so hard and
get money so we can eat and live
in the nice house that we live in. I

dont know what Id do without

you guys. I love you.
Love, Noah B
Mom & Dad,
You are both so spontaneous!
Courageous and strong...
And I know that roses are red, violets are blue.
I love your personalities, and I
Love you two!
Trinity G
Dear Mom and Dad,
Dad, you always help me
with homework, when I dont
get it, and practice pitching with
me. Mom you work hard to let us
eat good meals and let us have a
nice house.
Love, Dani G
Dear Mom,
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You have a greatness
Inside of you
You make me smile
Worth a mile
You make me mad
So help me Dad
Make me food is what I do
but thats not why I love you!
Jack K
To: Herby
You will ALWAYS be the object of my desire!
From: Jackie

To: John,
I love you with all my heart. I
know I dont show it, but
know you are my heart. You are
my favorite.
From: Tara

Just a note
so I can say
youre the BEST mom
in every way!
XOXO, Your favorite daughter

I just love ya!

To: Our dear darling Z

Who is sweet as a pea
We want to say
Happy Valentines Day
Love, Mommy & Daddy
February Ten plus Four,
no secret what that is
Valentines a day thats hers!
And likewise also his?
Mainly couples use that day
to certify their love
gals, quite eager, go all in,
most guys go push and shove.
Chocolate, flowers, cards are bought,
and dinners out are had.
Guys assume gals needs are met,
and gals, in turn, are glad.
Guys who REALLY aim to please,
and think its cool to be
super duper generous
will purchase jewelry.
Thats just fine, but if you wish
to break the spending curse,
write your gal a poem, guys,
all ladies love nice verse.
MySmallTown poetry
By: Thomas Fobbe

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Maple Lake Messenger Page 10

February 11, 2015


ANML wrestlers win undefeated conference title

by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

wrestlers ended their regular season with five more wins, boosting
their final record to 21-3 and
claiming an undefeated Wright
County Conference victory.
ANMLs only losses this season were to the No. 1 in Class A
ranked Minneota, No. 3 in Class
3A ranked Willmar, and No. 6 in
Class 3A Anoka.
They lost no matches in their
own Class 2A and are currently
ranked fourth. Their stupendous
season has them expecting a top
seed going into the Section 6-2A
tournament which will start on
Thursday, Feb. 12.
Foley will likely win the No.
2 seed, head coach Jason Bartels
The Lightning kicked off the
week on Tuesday, Feb. 3, with a
48-23 win over Tri-City United.
The victory also marked coach
Bartels 100th dual meet win of
his head coach career. Bartels
gave credit to the entire coaching
staff, wrestlers and parents. He
also said that the accomplishment
gives testament to the stability of
the Annandale-Maple Lake
wrestling program, which he
feels is important.
The Lightning got off to a nice
start by winning the first eight
matches. Quinn Youngs, Nate
Carlson and Spencer Ogden produced pins for the team and Tanner Vassar provided a technical
Hunter Malachek probably
had the biggest win of the dual,
though, by beating one of their
best wrestlers in a close 3-0 battle, Bartels said.
TC-U made up some ground
in the upper weights, but ANMLs
early lead helped them secure the
The Lightning faced Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunberg in their
second duel of Tuesday night,
and defeated the Fighting Saints
K-M-S is a highly-ranked
Class A team, so ANML knew
going in that they could take
nothing for granted. The Lightning again started out well, winning their first seven matches, but
wins became harder to come by
after that.
ANML had to do some maneuvering in their line-up to ensure the victory, Bartels said. The
Lightning ended up forfeiting to
their best two wrestlers, which KM-S wasnt too happy with, he
We were simply doing what
seemed to be the obvious
choices, he said.
Tuesday was also Senior
Night and the Lightning honored
five seniors: Cullen Gallagher,
Walker Rask, Hunter Hicks,
Spencer Ogden and Josh Gindele.
Each and every one of them
has been a vital part of our program in the past and present,
Bartels said. We are very proud
of what they have become and
what they have accomplished.
On Thursday, Feb. 5, ANML
traveled to Dassel-Cokato for a
make-up dual that would marked
the final WCC competition and
secured the Lightnings confer-

ence title with their 50-17 win.

D-C has always been our
friendly rival, which has been signified with our Battle of the
Bolt trophy, which has been
passed back-and-forth now for
over a decade, Bartels said.
Both teams always seem to
wrestle a bit more intensely
against each other with the underdog always seeming to be a surprise. Therefore, we by no means
were looking past them. They are
a very gritty team and are wellcoached.
Keeping with the theme of the
week, the Lightning got out to a
hot start by winning their first
seven matches and nine out of
their first 10 matches.
There was really no one
wrestler to point to in this dual as
they all came up fairly big for us,
Bartels said.
ANML ended the week with
another double dual at Zimmerman on Friday, Feb. 6. They
started off the night with a 64-9
win over Little Falls.
To be straight, the Little Falls
score was greatly aided by the
quantity of weights they forfeited
to us, Bartels said. They had a
handful of better wrestlers sit out
against us due to injury and various other reasons, which allowed
us to win by the margin that we
did. With their full line-up we
would not have beaten them by
55 points, it would have actually
been a pretty competitive dual.
But with the sport being such a
grind and this being the end of the
regular season, line-ups are sometimes decimated.
Quinn Youngs wrestled a
close match at 113 pounds that he
got out to an early lead on, but
was just barely able to fight off a
comeback by one of the Flyers
best wrestlers in a tight one-point
Vassar was in a tight battle as
well at 132 pounds. Despite losing early on, he was able to make
a come-back, turning it on to capture a fall in dramatic fashion.
Tomberlin one-upped the dramatics by bumping up a weight
class, to 160, to wrestle a stateranked opponent. He came back
in the final seconds to push his
match into overtime where he
scored in an aggressive manner
to secure an exciting win, Bartels
At 182 pounds, Ben Gindele
showed some of the best energy
and effort the team has witnessed
all year, scoring late in the final
seconds of his match in order to
save a team point despite an individual loss, Bartels said.
We love effort like that and
were hoping its contagious, he
The Lightning dominated
Zimmerman 66-6 in their second
dual of Friday night. A section
opponent, Zimmerman has a returning state champion on their
team and a handful of other great
wrestlers, but lack overall depth
and numbers, Bartels said.
ANMLs Hunter Manka,
Hunter Malachek, Mitchell
Bergstrom and Chandler Rask all
got pins for the team to add to the
Lightnings high team score,
which was also fueled by forfeits.
Vassar once again bumped up

a weight class for the team to

wrestle a great wrestler.
He was down early, but was
able to get things going late in the
match to make another comeback
He keeps us on our toes and
our hearts racing, but he just
keeps finding ways to win, Bartels said.
On Thursday, the high seed
ANML will host the Section 62A quarter-finals. The semi-finals
and finals will be held the following day, Friday, Feb. 13, at Zimmerman.
It has been a great season,
and we hope to keep this train
rolling in any way that we can, regardless of the obstacles we face
on and off the mat, Bartels said.
Annandale-Maple Lake 48
Tri-City United 23
106 Holden Youngs (ANML)
won an 8-0 major decision over
Nick Johnson (T); 113 Quinn
Youngs (ANML) won by fall in
3:46 over Jack Hiller (T); 120,
Cullen Gallagher (ANML) won
by forfeit; 126 Nate Carlson
(ANML) won by fall in 2:50 over
Justin Kopet (T); 132 Tanner Vassar (ANML) won by technical
fall in 5:28 over Thomas Franek
(T) 138 Hunter Malachek
(ANML) won a 3-0 decision over
Levi Nelson (T); 145 Hunter
Hicks (ANML) won by forfeit;
152 Derek Tomberlin (ANML)
won a 6-1 decision over Max Arroyo (T); 160 Jonah Johnson (T)
won a 10-0 major decision over
Austin Hurrle (ANML); 170
Cory Schmidt (ANML) won a
10-0 major decision over Sonny
Wietzke (T); 182 Mason Rutt (T)
won a 14-6 major decision over
Ben Gindele (ANML); 195
Spencer Ogden (ANML) won by
fall in 3:55 over Jordan Simonette
(T); 220 Jacob Nading (T) won
by forfeit; 285 Alex Burns (T)
won by fall in :31 over Josh Gindele (ANML).
Annandale-Maple Lake 38
Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunberg 27
106 Holden Youngs (ANML)
won a 7-0 decision over Jacob
Carlson (K); 113 Quinn Youngs
won by fall in 1:06 over Dylan
Rudningen (K); 126 Carlson
(ANML) won a 1-0 decision over
Caleb Collins (K); 132; Vassar
(ANML) won by fall in :40 over
Jake Magaard (K); 138 Malachek
(ANML) won a 3-0 decision over
Derek Krieger (K); 145 Hicks
(ANML) won a 4-0 decision over
Simon Johnson; 152 Jordan Engler (K) won by forfeit; 160
Aaron Collins (K) won by fall in
3:30 over Tomberlin (ANML);
170 Schmidt (ANML) won by
fall in 3:15 over David Gordon
(K); 182 Israel Rodriquez (K)
won a 19-3 technical fall in 5:30
over Ben Gindele (ANML); 195
Zach Carlson won by forfeit; 220
Ogden (ANML) won by forfeit;
285 Colton Kinney (K) won a 52 decision over Josh Gindele
Annandale-Maple Lake 50
Dassel-Cokato 17
106 Holden Youngs (ANML)
won an 11-2 major decision over
Prestin Bradley (D-C); 113 Quinn

Youngs (AMNL) won by fall in

1:15 over Jack Selseth (D-C); 120
Hunter Manka (ANML) won a
17-4 major decision over Taydon
Butcher (D-C); 126 Tanner Vassar (ANML) won by fall at 1:10
over Brody Schmit (D-C); 132
Nate Carlson (ANML) won an
18-2 technical fall in 0:00; 138
Hunter Malachek (ANML) won
by forfeit; 145 Walker Rask
(ANML) won by fall in 1:43 over
Nick Selseth (D-C); 152 Jack Anderson (D-C) won a 15-6 major
decision over Derek Tomberlin
(ANML); 160 Hunter Hicks
(ANML) won a 12-3 major decision over Clay Brost (D-C); 170
Cory Schmidt (ANML) won a 95 decision over Jareth Hoernemann (D-C); 182 Mike Leffler
(D-C) won a 13-3 major decision
over Ben Gindele (ANML); 195
Spencer Ogden (ANML) won by
fall in :50 over Jacob Brost (DC); 220 Logan Polzin (D-C) won
by forfeit; 285 Brok Huikko (DC) won a 1-10 decision over Josh
Gindele (ANML).
Annandale-Maple Lake 64
Little Falls 9
106 Holden Youngs (ANML)
won by forfeit; 113 Quinn
Youngs (ANML) won an 8-7 decision over Leo Wilczek; 120
Cullen Gallagher (ANML) won a
16-6 major decision over Grant
Litke (L); 126 Nate Carlson
(ANML) won by forfeit; 132
Tanner Vassar (ANML) won by
fall in 4:41 over Logan Kapphahn
(L); 138 Hunter Malachek
(ANML) won by fall in 2:30 over
Wyatt Lillemoe; 145 Walker
Rask won by forfeit; 152 Hunter
Hicks (ANML) won by forfeit;
160 Derek Tomberlin (ANML)
won a 3-1 decision over Justin
Jenks (L); 170 Cory Schmidt
(ANML) won by forfeit; 182
Jesse Roach (L) won a 9-3 decision over Ben Gindele (ANML);
195 Spencer Ogden (ANML)
won by forfeit; 220 Gage
Blechinger (L) won by forfeit;
285 Josh Gindele (ANML) won
by forfeit.
Annandale-Maple Lake 66
Zimmerman 6
106 Holden Youngs (ANML)
won by forfeit; 113 Quinn
Youngs (ANML) won by forfeit;
120 Hunter Manka (ANML) won
by fall in 1:12 over Nathan
Thompsen (Z); 126 Nate Carlson
(ANML) won by forfeit; 132
Tanner Vassar (ANML) won a
10-6 decision over Trent Milless
(Z); 138 Hunter Malachek
(ANML) won by fall in 5:30 over
Conner Gagne (Z); 145 Mitchell
Bergstrom (ANML) won by fall
in 4:29 over Ben Ortberg; 152
Chandler Rask (ANML) won by
fall in 1:23 over Calvin Waterhouse (Z); 160 Hunter Hicks
(ANML) won by forfeit; 170
Reed Rasset (ANML) won a 7-0
decision over Randy Bray (Z);
182 Austin May (Z) won by fall
in 1:42 over Ben Gindele
(ANML); 195 Spencer Ogden
(ANML) won by forfeit; 220
double forfeit; 285 Josh Gindele
(ANML) won by forfeit.

The Bison girls hockey team

advanced to the Section 8AA
semi-finals with a convincing 50 victory over the St. Cloud Icebreakers on Saturday, Feb. 7, at
the Buffalo Civic Center.
Jillianne Hovland hit the top
corner of the net on the Bison's
first shot on goal at the 51-second mark with an assist to Abby
Halluska. That was the only goal
of the period as the Bison outshot the Icebreakers 15-3.
It was a good way to start the
game, getting a goal early,
coach Ray Dahlof said.
The Icebreakers kept the
game close with some good forechecking in the middle eight
minutes of the period and their

goalie played well.

The Bison added two more
goals in the second period, enjoying a 17-6 shot advantage.
Taylor Thompson got the first
of her two goals at 9:41 in the
second period on an unassisted
effort as she skated in from the
neutral zone, beat the defender
and took a wrist shot that beat the
goalie to the high corner of her
glove side, the same spot Hovland hit for the first goal, Dahlof
Ali Klein skated in from the
blue line for a shot from the slot
area which was saved, but she
followed her shot and poked in
the rebound with assists going to
Allison Roethke and Halluska.
It was big to get that third
goal before the end of the second

period. It gave us a three-goal

lead at the intermission, Dahlof
The Bison saved their best period for last, launching 20 shots
on goal and allowing only four.
About midway through the third
period, Kirsten Olson took a pass
from Thompson and cut around
the defender to slip a shot past
the goalie. Sydney Driver also
assisted on the goal.
It was just a great effort on
that goal, Dahlof said.
Thompson scored her second
goal on a power-play opportunity
after taking a pass from Payton
Rudiger in the neutral zone. She
beat a defender and scored on a
nice wrist shot, Dahlof said.
Bison goalie Kendra Carlson
made 13 saves for the shut-out.

ANML's Cory Schmidt wins an intense match by a fall @

3:15 over KMS' David Gordon.

The youth wrestling program was highlighted at Thursdays meet against Dassel-Cokato. Trevor Pribyl was honorary coach for the night. Pribyl is pictured above with
Steve Kosloski and coach Jason Bartels. The Tri-City
dual on Tuesday, Feb. 3, was ANML's coach Jason Bartels 100th dual meet win of his head coaching career.
(Photos by Mary Christen)


Dr. Mark Drabenstott


Bison girls hockey advances to section semi-finals

by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

Hunter Malachek wins a 3-0 decision over KMS' Derek


We played very well against

a gritty St. Cloud team that
wouldn't go away, Dahlof said.
We were happy with our puck
movement and possession in the
offensive zone. It was the same
type of game we had against
them last Friday in St. Cloud.
The Bison will host Moorhead Tuesday night at 7 p.m. in a
semi-final game. The Spuds
were seeded sixth and upset
third-seeded Sartell-Sauk Rapids
2-0. The Bison defeated Moorhead 4-1 in the Centennial tournament.
They have a solid goalie so
we will have to put shots on goal
and crash the net for rebounds,
Dahlof said. We need the same
type of effort as the St. Cloud

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Maple Lake Messenger Page 11

February 11, 2015

Boys basketball continues to win

By Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

Spectrum, Foley and Rockford became the latest victims of

the Maple Lake boys basketball
team that now boasts a nearly
flawless 20-1 record, with their
one-and-only loss coming at the
hands of Eden Valley-Watkins,
which they later redeemed in an
exciting rematch.
The Irishs tough defensive
pressure kept the Spectrum
Sting on the run, Monday, Feb.
2, at home, allowing the home
team to cruise to a 78-44 win.
Although Maple Lake suffered some shooting woes, their
solid rebounding and defense
more than made up for it. The
home teams defensive pressure
resulted in steals, which turned
into transition lay-ups in the
first half, leading to the Irishs
44-21 lead going into the break.
They ended up with 22 second-chance points, compared to
the Stings eight, and produced
17 points off Spectrum
We didn't shoot the ball particularly well, but our rebounding and defense were very
solid, coach Tim Staloch said.
Despite shooting woes, four
Maple Lake players were in the
double digits scoring-wise.
Andrew Schonnesen led with
20 points; David Stokman put
up 18; Brandon Borell had 12;
and Tony Goelz contributed 11.
Monday was also Parents
Night. Players and coaches took
the opportunity to thank the
many moms and dads who support the basketball program with
their time, encouragement and
financial support.
On Tuesday, Feb. 3, Maple

Lake traveled to Foley to take

on the Falcons where they won
66-49. The Irish dominated the
first half by playing very well in
all facets of the game to take a
38-20 lead going into the half.
The second half was much
tighter. Foley scored 29 points
to Maple Lakes 28.
There was a stretch in the
second half where they hit a
bunch of threes and our shots
were not falling, Staloch said.
They closed the gap to three,
but we were able to get a couple
big shots to get back on track
and finish strong.
Stokman led the Irish with 21
points and seven rebounds and
Schonnesen contributed 18
The Irish shot 41.9 percent
from the field.
On Thursday, Feb. 5, Maple
Lake traveled to Rockford for a
hard-fought, exciting game that
featured eight ties and nine lead
changes on the way to a 69-65
Irish win.
The Irish battled the very
solid-shooting Rockets all
through the first half to take an
eight point, 38-20, lead going
into the break.
The shots continued to fall
for the Rockford team in the
second half. They shot the ball
well enough, in fact, to take an
eight-point lead with about fiveand-a-half minutes left to play.
Thats when Stokman took
over on the offensive end for the
Irish, scoring 19 of Maple
Lakes last 21 points.
The Falcons out-scored
Maple Lake 29-28 in that half.
The Irish did a great job rebounding on the offensive end,
Staloch said, where they totaled

21 rebounds that led to 15 second-chance points.

Stokman led Maple Lake
with 21 points for the night and
Schonnesen contributed 18.
Games like this are good
character builders and will help
prepare us for future close
games against quality opponents, Staloch said. This
group of players continues to
work hard, stays focused, and
believes in each other.
The Irish were scheduled to
play again on Monday, Feb. 9,
at Paynesville. On Tuesday,
Feb. 10, they were to host Kimball and on Friday, Feb. 13, they
will play Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa at home at 7:30 p.m.
Maple Lake vs. Spectrum
Pts Rebs Asts
A. Schonnesen 20 1 4
T. Goelz
11 4 4
A. Ruhland
2 8 1
D. Stokman
18 4 3
M. Scherber
4 4 1
B. Wellsted
2 2 1
C. Olson
4 7 2
A. Toedter
- 3 1
N. Paumen
2 2
B. Borell
12 8 2
First Half
Maple Lake - 44
Spectrum - 21
Second Half
Maple Lake - 34
Spectrum - 23
Final Score: 78-44
Maple Lake vs. Foley
Pts Rebs Asts
A. Schonnesen 18 3 3
T. Goelz
5 6 2
A. Ruhland
1 1
D. Stokman
21 7 8

M. Scherber
B. Wellsted
C. Olson
R. Kalinowski
A. Toedter
N. Paumen
B. Borell




First Half
Maple Lake - 38
Foley - 20
Second Half
Maple Lake - 28
Foley - 29
Final Score: 66-49
Maple Lake vs. Rockford
Pts Rebs Asts
A. Schonnesen 6 4 2
T. Goelz
11 4 1
D. Stokman
35 3 5
M. Scherber
2 1 2
C. Olson
4 5
A. Toedter
2 5
N. Paumen
5 5 1
B. Borell
4 6 3
First Half
Maple Lake - 37
Rockford - 35
Second Half
Maple Lake - 32
Rockford - 30
Final Score: 69-65

Central Minnesota
Conference Boys
Basketball Standings

Conf. Overall
10-1-0 20-1-0
10-2-0 18-2-0
5-3-0 14-5-0
5-4-0 10-9-0
4-3-0 12-4-0
2-6-0 10-11-0
1-5-0 3-11-0

Girls basketball falls to top teams in CMC

by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

The Maple Lake girls basketball team faced the top two
teams in the Central Minnesota
Conference last week, Eden Valley-Watkins and BelgradeBrooten-Elrosa. Despite a
valiant effort, the Irish could not
hold up against these two teams
dominating defense.
On Tuesday, Feb. 3, the Irish
hosted the highly-touted and
conference-leading Eden ValleyWatkins and fell 54-33 to the Eagles.
On Thursday, Feb. 5, the
Maple Lake ladies went on the
road where they fell 60-47 to the
B-B-E Jaguars.
These two games were without a doubt against the toughest
defenses we have seen all season, coach Adam Ronnenberg
said. Our lack of depth really
seems to be taking its toll on us.
Tuesdays game started with
the Irish in a half-court zone defense as they tried to stop an aggressive Eagles attack. Despite
their efforts, EV-W made open
jumper after open jumper to take
an early 21-3 lead. Switching to
man-to-man defense helped the
Irish settle into the game and
they ended up closing the half on
a 14-6 run to trail by just 10, to
make it 17-27 going into the
Through the first nine min-

utes of the second half, the Irish

battled on defense and really
made it difficult for the Eagles to
score. Maple Lake managed to
cut the lead to seven, 31-38.
Eden Valley-Watkins took a
time-out, and after that, the Irish
momentum seemed to dissipate.
The Eagles quickly took control
and finished the game on a 16-2
run to end the Irish hopes of an
Emily Webb led the Irish
with 13 points and six assists.
We had stretches of great
defense, but ultimately couldnt
maintain our intensity, Ronnenberg said.
EV-W shot a blistering 56
percent from the floor.
Two days later, the Irish
faced the equally tough B-B-E,
the team that currently holds the
second-place spot in the CMC.
In fact, the Jaguars only loss of
the season is to EV-W.
The Maple Lake team once
again found itself in an early
hole, trailing the Jags 12-2.
Constant full-court pressure
really bothered the Irish
throughout the game and despite
a great effort to get back into
the game, they trailed 21-33 at
the half, Ronnenberg said.
The second half was more of
the same. Full-court pressure
from B-B-E and the Irish failing
to capitalize in transition led to
a disappointing finish for Maple

Lake as the game ended 60-47.

Linsey Rachel had 20 points
and eight rebounds for the night
and Brooklyn Toedter ripped
down a career-high 14 rebounds in addition to scoring six
points, Ronnenberg said.
Maple Lake turned the ball
over 34 times to the Jags.
We are continually improving despite the losses and look
forward to the remaining games
and playoff run, Ronnenberg
This week, the Irish were
scheduled to host Paynesville on
Monday, Feb. 9. On Thursday,
Feb. 12, they will go to Rockford for a 7:30 match-up. The
following week, on Tuesday,
Feb. 17, the Irish will host Kimball, also at 7:30 p.m.
Maple Lake vs. Eden ValleyWatkins
Pts Rebs Asts
E. Webb
13 3 6
L. Rachel
2 7 1
K. Hoistad
6 1
B. Toedter
3 3
M. Scheiber
5 4 2
M. Wurm
2 1
L. Borell
J. Macziewski
- 2
First Half
Maple Lake - 17
Eden Valley-Watkins - 27
Second Half

Maple Lake - 16
Eden Valley-Watkins - 27
Final Score: 33-54
Maple Lake vs. BelgradeBrooten-Elrosa
Pts Rebs Asts
E. Webb
4 3 1
L. Rachel
20 8 3
M. Brown
- 1
K. Hoistad
7 2 1
B. Toedter
6 14
Morgan Scheiber 8 4 3
Mollie Scheiber 1
L. Borell
- 4 1
J. Macziewski

Maple Lake gymnasts tied

with Rockford, Tuesday, Feb. 3,
then finished fourth at the Granite Ridge Invite in Becker, Saturday, Feb. 7.
Jordan Sifferle had the top
finish for the Irish with her bars
performance. She placed first
with a score of 8.05. Other gymnasts placing well Tuesday night
were Gracie Elsenpeter who finished second on beam with a
score of 7.9, second on floor
with a score of 8.35, and third
on vault with a score of 8.85.
Katelyn Fuller snagged a
third-place finish on the beam
with a score of 7:15. She was
also fifth on the bars with a

Maddi Maas placed fourth in
the vault with a score of 8.8 and
was fourth on the beam as well
with a score of 7.1. Halle Geyen
tied for fourth with her floor
routine, scoring a 7.65. Geyen
was also fifth on the beam with
a score of 7 and fifth on the
vault with an 8.5.
The girls efforts earned them
a team score of 123.25 to tie
with Rockford.
On Saturday, the Irish traveled to Becker for the final conference meet of the season and
the final junior varsity meet of
the year.
This was a great final meet
for our JV team, coach Kaitlyn
Helmbrecht said. We had many

stand-out performances and

ended the season with a 109.1,
which was the highest score for
them this season and also placed
third in the conference.
The varsity squad finished
fourth as a team out of six competing schools, with a score of
Becker won with a score of
141.10; Rush City was second
with 136.375; Rockford was
third with 128.3; Howard LakeWaverly-Winsted was fifth with
114.05; and Little Falls was
sixth with a score of 106.425.
Jordan Sifferle was the only
Irish gymnast to place in the top
five, tieing for first on the vault
with a 9.25. She also made the
All-Conference team.

Moose hockey falls

to Cathedral
by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

The Crusaders pulled ahead

with two more goals in the third
period at 6:26 and 16:50 off
goals by Erik Gadbois and Matson Courrier, with assists from
Neu and Trevor Cornelius.
Moose goalie Nathan Isaacson had 44 saves on the night.
Monticello-AnnandaleMaple Lake had four minutes
worth of penalties on two infractions. Cathedral had 12 minutes
of penalties on two infractions.

The Monticello-AnnandaleMaple Lake boys hockey team

fell 3-1 to Cathedral, Tuesday,
Feb. 3, on the road.
After a scoreless first period,
the Moose were the first to get
on the scoreboard off a goal by
Trevor Nodland at 5:14.
Cathedral tied things up at
9:12 in the second period on a
goal by Logan Neu.

First Half
Maple Lake - 21
B-B-E - 33
Second Half
Maple Lake - 26
B-B-E - 27
Final Score: 47-60

Central Minnesota
Conference Girls
Basketball Standings
Conf. Overall
9-1-0 16-2-0
6-3-0 8-12-0
MAPLELAKE 5-5-0 8-11-0
4-5-0 10-9-0
2-0-0 5-1-0
0-0-0 1-4-0
0-7-0 6-14-0
HOLDINGFORD 0-7-0 2-14-0

Irish gymnasts prepare for sections

by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

Top: Michael Scherber, #14, was being double-teamed by

the Rockets, but Scherber managed to work the ball inside and score for the Irish. Bottom: With a little over 3
minutes left in the game David Stokman, #11, scores 2
points to bring the Irish within 3 points of the Rockford
(Photos by Charlene Wurm)

Honorable Mention were Gracie
Elsenpeter, Halle Geyen and
Katelyn Fuller.
With one week of practice
left before sections, the Maple
Lake gymnasts will now be
working hard on perfecting their
routines and doing a lot of
clean-up work, Helmbrecht
We are nervous and excited
for the section meet on Saturday. Going into this meet we are
working for our team and individual goals which include state
and season highs, she said.
On Saturday, Feb. 14, the
Irish will compete in the Section
7A tournament for a chance to
compete at the state meet.

The photo above is from the game on Thursday, February

5, against St. Michael-Albertville. McRae Haney, #5, leads
the team in assists. Following close behind is Nate Maas,
#11. Monticello-Annandale-Maple Lake lost to STMA 6-1.
Look for more details on this game in next weeks paper.
(Photo by John Olson)

This weeks Maple

Lake Irish activities
Thursday, February 12:
4:00pm Basketball:Boys 7th
Grade Game vs. Kimball Area @
Maple Lake HS Activity Center;
4:00pm Basketball:Boys 8th
Grade Game vs. Kimball Area @
Maple Lake HS Activity Center;
6:00pm Basketball:Girls JV
Game Rockford Area Schools
District @ Rockford High School;
6:00pm Basketball:Girls C Game
Rockford Area Schools District
@ Rockford High School;
7:30pm Basketball:Girls Varsity
Game Rockford Area Schools
District @ Rockford High School
Friday, February 13:
TBD Hockey:Girls Varsity Section Finals
Buffalo (coop)
vs. TBA @ TBA; 6:00pm Basket-

ball:Boys JV Game vs. Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa @ Maple

Lake High School; 6:00pm Basketball:Boys C Game
Maple Lake High School;
7:30pm Basketball:Boys Varsity
Game vs. Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa @ Maple Lake High School
Saturday, February 14:
TBD Gymnastics: Varsity Sections TBA @ TBA Time & Host
TBD; 9:00am Speech: Varsity
Meet Swanville @ Swanville
High School
Tuesday, February 17:
4:15pm Basketball:Boys 7th
Grade Game Eden ValleyWatkins @ Eden Valley-Watkins
High School; 4:15pm Basketball:Boys 8th Grade Game
Eden Valley-Watkins @ Eden
Valley-Watkins High School;
6:00pm Basketball:Girls JV
Game vs. Kimball Area @ Maple
Lake High School; 6:00pm Basketball:Girls C Game
Kimball Area @ Maple Lake
High School; 7:30pm Basketball:Girls Varsity Game vs. Kimball Area @ Maple Lake High

Maple Lake Messenger Page 12

February 11, 2015

Helens 100th
continued from page 1
Its surprising the people on American soil.
you meet in your life, she said.
She was stationed at Fort
Meanwhile, America was at Sheridan, Illinois, working 12
war, and had been since Decem- hours a day when she decided
ber 7, 1941, when the Japanese she had had enough of the Army
bombed the American fleet in and signed out.
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
She was studying at the UniIn 1943 Doherty decided to versity of Minnesota and living
join the military. She became a in the nurses quarters when the
member of the 104th Evacuation polio epidemic broke out the
Hospital, a mobile medical facil- spring of 1946.
ity that followed the troops as
Soon she was back in the
they advanced across the battle- trenches, working around the
clock for the Sister Kenny InstiOn July 12, 1944, Doherty tute to fight the outbreak.
and her unit landed on Omaha
We worked until the water
Beach. Just a month earlier, on ran off us, she said. We defiJune 6, U.S. troops had stormed nitely earned our money.
that beach in the famous D-Day
Interestingly, it was during
her time at the Sister Kenny InThere was lots of fighting stitute that Blue Cross Blue
going on, said Doherty, who Shield came around and offered
confessed that her memory isnt nurses health insurance for $1 a
as clear during this part of her month.
life, and for good reason.
Doherty went back to CaliYou dont remember it all, fornia for a time after things had
there is lots I dont remember, cooled off in Minnesota, then in
its better to forget, she said.
1949 she returned home.
I do remember being on
In 1951 she went to work for
night duty and the tents were so the VA Hospital in Minneapolis,
hot, a couple of us took our pil- and that is where she stayed until
lows and went outside to find her retirement in 1976.
some shade, she said, laughing
In 1958, she met her husa little at her joke. We didnt go band, Jim, at her 25th high
too far, though, because there school class reunion in Maple
were mineSame
day copies available! Lake. He, too, had served in the
During her 22 months over- military.
seas, she also served at the Battle
On May 25th, 1970, the couof the Bulge, the largest and ple moved back to Maple Lake
bloodiest battle fought by the for good.
United States in World War II,
Since then, the Dohertys
according to historians.
have become well-known and
It was very gory, Doherty active members of the commusaid. We lost an awful lot of nity.
young prisoners of war.
Jim was the mayor of Maple
Doherty was in her late 20s Lake from 1978 until 1979. He
when she was promoted to 1st was also the first Grand MarCALL the Maple Lake Messenger 320-963-3813
shall of the St. Pattys Day Paor EMAIL ads
As the battles continued on, rade. He died in 1981 at the age
Doherty was moved from one of 67 from colon cancer.
small camp to another across
Doherty served on the Maple
Europe. At one point she was Lake City Council for four
scheduled to go to Japan, but years, was commander of the
then the war ended, she said.
VFW, helped her sister, FloShe was still overseas in Oc- rence, who was the Maple Lake
tober, 1945 when she came Public School nurse, was a comdown with hepatitis.
munity education volunteer and
A month later she boarded a volunteered at the Wright
boat for the states. A combina- County Historical Society, runtion of sea sickness and her re- ning the country school house
cent ailment depleted her health exhibit at the Wright County
until she weighed only 109 Fair for many years.
pounds when she finally landed
She was a member of the




Honor Guard, the Red Hat Society and the Whist Club, was a
chartered member of the Lady
Bug Garden Club and an Auxiliary Camp Friendship Member.
She and Florence were the
Grand Marshals of the Maple
Lake St. Patricks Day parade.
Doherty is also a lifetime member of the American Legion Post
131, the VFW Post 7664 and St.
Timothy Catholic church.
She is the recipient of the Jubilee of Liberty award, a reward
the French government created
for American efforts during the
Battle of Normandy in 1944.
On Sunday, Feb. 15, friends
and relatives are invited to celebrate Dohertys life at her 100th
birthday party, from 2 p.m. until
5 p.m. at The V by HH in Maple


WEDNESDAY, FEB. 25, 2015 10AM Wright County, MN

February 12
& 4-6PM


204+/- Acres located in Sections 28 & 33

of Chatham Township
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Maple Lake, MN 55358.
Land Located: 4 miles west of Buffalo, MN on Co Road 35W.
This will put you at the NE corner of the land.
House Located: South at 773 Dempsey Ave, NW, Buffalo, MN 55313



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This cropland would be a great addition to a farmers operation or an investors portfolio. The 10 acre tract offers a great home
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Steffes Group Inc., 24400 MN Hwy 22 South, Litchfield, MN 55355
Ashley Huhn MN47-002, Eric Gabrielson MN47-006, Randy Kath MN47-007,
Scott Steffes MN14-51 | 320.693.9371 |
TERMS: This is a 5% Buyers Premium Auction. 10% down upon signing purchase agreement with balance due at close in 30 days.


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Maple Lake Messenger Page 13

February 11, 2015

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continued from page 3
Kruse, Trevor Steven, age
25, of Monticello, sentenced on
01/30/15 for Gross Misdemeanor Violation of an Order for
Protection to 365 days jail,
$3,000 fine; 290 days, $3,000
stayed for two years on conditions of probation, serve 75 days
jail, have no use or possession of
alcohol or non-prescription
drugs, submit to random testing,
abide by any outstanding order
order/no contact order, have no
use or possession of firearms or
dangerous weapons, have no
contact with victim, complete the
Wright County Batterer's Intervention Program and follow all
chemical dependency treatment
and follow all recommendations,
have no same or similar violations.
Sentenced by Judge
Munson, Matthias David,
age 25, of Monticello, sentenced
on 01/28/15 for Felony Domestic
Assault to a stay of imposition
for five years on conditions of
probation, serve 120 days jail,
pay $150 fine plus surcharges,
pay restitution, obtain permission before leaving the state,
abide by any outstanding order
order/no contact order, undergo
a chemical dependency evaluation and follow all recommendations, have no use or possession
of alcohol or non-prescription
drugs, submit to random testing,
provide DNA sample, have no
use or possession of firearms or
dangerous weapons, complete
Wright County Domestic Abuse
Batterer's Intervention Program
and follow all recommendations,
attend a support group, have no
same or similar violations. Sentenced for Felony Violation of
No Contact Order to a stay of
imposition for five years on conditions of probation, serve 120
days jail, concurrent, pay $50
fine plus surcharges, follow
above conditions. Sentenced by
Judge Mottl.
Newberry, Juan Eric, age 20,
of St. Cloud, sentenced on
02/02/15 for Probation Violations for Felony Receiving
Stolen Property to 10 days jail.
Sentenced by Judge Tenney.
Peterson, Keith James, age
46, of Buffalo, sentenced on
01/29/15 for Probation Violations for Felony Domestic Assault to 25 days jail. Sentenced
by Judge Mottl.
Sankus, Jeffrey Laurence,
age 45, of St. Michael, sentenced
on 02/05/15 for Gross Misdemeanor Identity Theft to 365
days jail, $300 fine; 335 days
stayed for two years on conditions of probation, serve 30 days
jail, pay $300 fine plus sur-

charges, pay restitution, provide

DNA sample, have no contact
with victim, have no same or
similar violations. Sentenced by
Judge Strand.
Schmieg, Jacalyn Anna, age
30, of Annandale, sentenced on
02/04/15 for Gross Misdemeanor Criminal Damage to
Property in the Third Degree to
365 days jail, $3,000 fine; 332
days, $2,800 stayed for two
years on conditions of probation,
serve 33 days jail, pay $200 fine
plus surcharges, pay $75 public
defender co-payment, have no
use or possession of alcohol or
non-prescription drugs, submit to
random testing, have no contact
with victim, pay restitution, provide DNA sample, obtain permission before leaving the state,
undergo a chemical dependency
evaluation and follow all recommendations, undergo a psychological evaluation and follow all
recommendations, have no same
or similar violations. Sentenced
by Judge Tenney.
Schultz, Marcella Francis,
age 60, of Montrose, sentenced
on 02/05/14 for Felony Wrongfully Obtaining Assistance to a
stay of imposition for ten years
on conditions of probation, pay
restitution, provide DNA sample,
have no same or similar violations.
Sentenced by Judge
Sperandio, Joni Gale, age 57,
of Buffalo, sentenced on
01/29/15 for Gross Misdemeanor Violation of No Contact
Order to 365 days jail, $3,000
fine; 343 days, $3,000 stayed for
two years on conditions of probation, serve 22 days jail, pay
$75 public defender co-payment,
have no use or possession of alcohol or non-prescription drugs,
submit to random testing, undergo a diagnostic assessment
and follow all recommendations,
remain medically compliant,
have no use or possession of
firearms or dangerous weapons,
have no contact with victim,
have no same or similar violations.
Sentenced by Judge
VanLith, Jeffrey John, age
34, of Buffalo, sentenced on
02/04/15 for Probation Violations for Felony Terroristic
Threats to 30 days jail. Sentenced by Judge Strand.
Waldhoff, Travis Douglas,
age 19, of Buffalo, sentenced on
01/28/15 for Felony Criminal
Sexual Conduct in the Second
Degree to 72 months prison.
Sentenced for Felony Attempted
Criminal Sexual Conduct in the
Second Degree to 24 months
prison, concurrent, pay $50 fine
plus surcharges, pay $75 public
defender co-payment.
Sentenced by Judge Mottl.

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Maple Lake Messenger Page 14

February 11, 2015

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Fishing Derby
continued from page 1
The Arctic Plunge, MCd by
The Costume Shoppes Trish
Manuel, AKA Patty Penguin,
and Ron Larson from KRWC
Radio, an excellent spectator
event, as well as another great
fundraiser, raised over $3,500.00
for the Maple Lake Fire Department and the MLPOA, thanks in
great part to Councilwoman Deb
Geyen, who raised over
$1000.00 single-handedly. Its
no big deal, said Geyen. People were very generous.
Back for its second year, the
Vintage Snowmobile Show,
sponsored by Bottomline Traction Products, Inc. and presented
by CentraSota Vintage SledHeads, took to the ice with
about 40 sleds to the delight of
local afficionados. We had
more sleds than last year, said
Tony Graham of BottomLine
Traction. A good turn-out.
The CentraSota Vintage Sledheads, who hail from the Watertown-Glencoe-Hector
enjoy participating in Maple
Lakes event. We had an excellent turn-out, especially for a
non-judges show, said Jack
Speckel, a member of the Vintage Sledheads. About half the

Local fisherman, Tom Kotilinek, was the recipient of the

Magnum Ice Auger for the fish he caught at the derby.
(Photo by Charlene Wurm)

group rode with me to take a

tour around the lake perimeter,
people seemed to really like that
kind of a parade.
And although it is not a
judged show, each participant
receives a dash plaque to commemorate the event- a nice incentive for participants.
Asked if Speckel and the Vintage Sledheads planned on returning to Maple Lake next year,
Speckel remarked, As long as
they want us well be there, and
I think itll grow every year.
Were glad to be part of the
Maple Lake event.
The Ice Auger drilling contest gathered about a dozen participants, including an unknown
man dressed head to toe in fur
who, accompanied by cheers
from the onlookers, used only a

hand auger to participate in the

contest. The three lucky winners
of $50 Cabellas Gift Cards were
1st place: Nate Zurn, Cokato,
2nd place; Greg Raisanen,
Cokato and 3rd place; Brett
Jim Wedell of Delano, who
co-ordinated both the Ice Auger
Drilling Contest and the Fishing
Klinics For Kids, sends a big
thank-you to the nearby Knights
of Columbus who stepped up to
help with the kids during that
segment of the event. We had
about 50-75 participants and
could never have done it without
help from the KCs, said
Steve Wick of Buffalo and
Dan Larkin of Maple Lake were
both winners in the Knights of
Columbus gun raffle.

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Thursday, Feb. 12th - SAL Meeting at 8 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 13th - Food Special! Tacos & Nachos 5-8:30 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 15th - Maple Lake Fire Department
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