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Endgame Themes:

Philosophical Viewpoints: The Absurd

Beckett often gets classed in the "Theater of the Absurd." Beckett himself disliked the label. He
disliked it because it sounded like he had a thesis about life (i.e., Life is absurd). For Beckett, the
whole point was that we don't know whether or not life is absurd. So, our theme is not a thesis about
whether or not life is absurd. Our theme instead refers to the source of so much humor in Endgame.
There are many points where the characters concerns are simply incongruous to their situation; it
doesn't feel quite right. The fact that Hamm keeps his parents in trash bins, for one, is funny
because it is absurd. Whether or not life is absurd, the characters seem to be saying that it certainly
seems absurd right now.
Questions About Philosophical Viewpoints: The Absurd
1. Is there any way to understand Hamm and Clov's situation except through the lens of the
2. Does absurdity allow us to sympathize with the characters or does it distance us from them?
3. In what ways do bodily functions make for constant comedy in the play? How do these
become a rare source of enthusiasm for the characters? How is their corporality (the fact
that they have bodies) related to the absurdity of their situation?
Chew on This
Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devils advocate.
Clov has a better understanding of humor than does Hamm because Clov has no ego. When one is
ready to give up, everything seems humorous and absurd.
Absurdity gives the characters a rare escape from the horrible nature of their situation. In moments
of physical comedy, they forget themselves and what they are going through and thus find brief
moments of happiness.
Quote #1
Clov goes and stands under window left. Stiff, staggering walk. He looks up at window left. He
turns and looks at window right. He goes and stands under window right. He looks up at window
right. He turns and looks at window left. He goes out, comes back immediately with a small stepladder, carries it over and sets it down under window left, gets up on it, draws back curtain. He gets
down, takes six steps (for example) towards window right, goes back for ladder, carries it over and
sets it down under window right, goes back for ladder, gets up on it, draws back curtain. He gets
down, takes three steps towards window left, goes back for ladder, carries it over and sets it down
under window left, gets up on it, looks out of window. Brief laugh. He gets down, takes one step
towards window right, goes back for ladder, carries it over and sets it down under window right,
gets up on it, looks out of window. Brief laugh. (1.Opening Stage Directions)
How does this comic opening affect your attitude toward the play? What do you
make of the predictable nature of Clov's forgetfulness? Why does Clov laugh?
Quote #2

Me pap!
Accursed progenitor!
Me pap! (1.77-79)
Why is this line funny? Is it Hamm's choice of words or the general sentiment? In
what ways does absurdity mask honesty? In what ways is there no way to understand
honesty except as absurdity?
Quote #3
No one that ever lived ever thought so crooked as we. (1.110)
Is there something about the post-apocalyptic situation that makes Clov and Hamm's
absurd behavior more understandable? How does their behavior show how much
their thought has been perverted? What things that seem absurd to us might seem
perfectly sane to them?
Quote #4
NELL(without lowering her voice)
Nothing is funnier than unhappiness, I grant you that. But
Yes, yes, it's the most comical thing in the world. And we laugh, we laugh, with a will, in the
beginning. But it's always the same thing. Yes, it's like a funny story we have heard too often, we
still find it funny, but we don't laugh any more. (1.194-196)
What is funny about unhappiness? Who has a right to laugh at the unhappy? Do you
need to understand what they are going through in order to laugh at them? What
happens when the characters are too exhausted to laugh but the audience still
HW> Find out at least two more quotes on this theme in Endgame, and formulate a reflection or
question for your classmates as in the examples.

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