Muusika Tsitaadid Ing

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Blow away the dreams that tear you apart

Blow away the dreams that break your heart
Blow away the lies that leave you nothing
but lost and broken-hearted
--Bruce Springsteen "The Promised Land"--
+ + + + +
Let me in, let me drown or learn how to swim
Just don't leave me at the window
I could be the one to be your next best friend
You might need someone to hold you
--The Wallflowers "Sleepwalker"--
+ + + + +
All love's luxuries
Are here for you and me
And when our worlds
They fall apart
When the walls come tumbling in
Though we may deserve it
It will be worth it
--Depeche Mode "Halo"--
+ + + + +
Hide what you have to hide
And tell what you have to tell
You'll see your problems multiplied
If you continually decide
To faithfully pursue
The policy of truth
--Depeche Mode "Policy of truth"--
+ + + + +
Is a dream a lie if it don't come true
Or is it something worse
--Bruce Springsteen "The river"--
+ + + + +
you are divine you're the
twilight in my eyes
you are the key to success
you're both the truth
and the most terrible of lies
a diamond in wilderness
--Mr. Lawrence "Follow the stars"--
+ + + + +
The glass is cut
The bottle run dry
Our love runs cold
In the caverns of the night
We're wounded by fear
Injured in doubt
I can lose myself
You I can't live without
Because you keep me holding on
You're all that's left to hold on to
--U2 "Red hill mining town"--
+ + + + +
K�ll l�puks saabubki kevade,
kui oodata kevadet
--Folkmill "Tahan, jah vist tahan"--
+ + + + +
Kuid kui polekski neid
soove musttuhandeid,
ei siis viitsikski oodata homset
--Dag� "Hallid p�evad"--
+ + + + +
Tean t�ustes igal hommikul
end enam odavalt ei m��
--Dag� "Shveits"--
+ + + + +
Annad mulle valgest kruusist juua,
p�leb palavikus mu suu
--J����r "Palavik"--
+ + + + +
Ei saa,
ei v�i,
ei taha endaks j��da
--Singer Vinger "Kalkar"--
+ + + + +
Mul on su ilu vaja,
mul on su elu vaja,
mul on su hinge vaja,
sinu ilu vaja,
sinu rahu vaja
--Ruja "Rahu"--
+ + + + +
Hetke vaid m�ni m�lestus kestab,
kuid on neid, mida minna ei lasta
K�llap siis on meil v�ga neid vaja,
sest nad leiavad aja, k�lastavad meid taas

Hetke vaid m�ni m�lestus kestab

kuid on neid, mida minna ei lasta
K�llap siis meie vajame neid,
sest nad tulevad taas, kas sa ootad v�i ei
--Ruja "Suudlus l�bi j��tunud klaasi"--
+ + + + +
L�bitud tee pole kurnanud mu keha
iga ta toll t�elist kogemust on t�is
Ainuke r�nd, mille �ksi v�isin teha
olengi see, teisel pool kes �ra k�is
--J����r "Tolmused riided"--
+ + + + +
Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa ja ajan pys�ytt��,
kun maailma lainaa kaikkein kauneintaan?
Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa ja ajan pys�ytt��,
kun maailma antaa kaikkein parastaan?
--Suurl�hettil��t "Kuka pys�ytt�isi kellot"--
+ + + + +
Sormet iholla kiipeilee
suu pid�tt�� huokaustaan
Ja y� se lukee meille runojaan
--Suurl�hettil��t "Laske valot vaakaan"--
+ + + + +
Now is not the time to cry
--Verve "Weeping willow"--
+ + + + +
She's the kind of girl you want so much
it makes you sorry
--The Beatles "Girl"--

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