Seasider 15th February

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Weekly Activities

Family all-age worship
(followed by Tea/Coffee/Biscuits and fellowship)
Lt. Sian Radford
14th - 21st February
Lt. Sian will be away on holiday for this period.
Self Denial Altar Service
Sunday 8th March 10.30am
Opportunity will be given during our Sunday worship
to give towards the work of the Salvation Army
around the world.
Mothering Sunday
Sunday 15th March 10.30am
An opportunity to give thanks for our mothers and all
females who have had a special influence on us.
Lt. Sian Radford
17th - 19th March
Lt. Sian will be away at a Divisional Retreat.
2nd April - Maundy Thursday 6.30pm
Devotions and light refreshments
3rd April - Good Friday 10am
Meditation at the foot of the cross
followed by
an opportunity to witness in the town centre with
Christians to the real meaning of Easter.
5th April - Easter Sunday!
9am - Easter Breakfast
10.30am - Time to celebrate Jesus resurrection
Corps away-day
Saturday 23rd May 10.00am
Emmanuel Church - Llandudno
Details to follow.

10:00am - 2:00pm

Silver Tones Choir Practice


Songster & Band Practice


Bible Fellowship
Mens Fellowship

10:00am - 2:00pm

The Seasider
Newsletter of the
Rhyl Corps of
The Salvation Army
15th February 2015

Friends and Heroes
childrens club

Charity Shop (Telephone 01745 331646)

9:30am - 4:00pm
Monday to Thursday
9:00am - 1:00pm

To find out more contact us at..

The Salvation Army Halls
Windsor St.
Rhyl, Denbighshire
LL18 1BW
Telephone: 01745 334313

Rhyl Corps Mission Statement

We will help people to know Jesus as a friend
and Saviour; reaching out to meet their
spiritual and practical needs

Prayer Rhythms by Lieutenant Sian Radford

As many of you will be aware, at the end of last year we decided,
as a follow on from our 40 hours of prayer (to celebrate our 40th
Anniversary as a church), to take a closer look at the way we can
develop prayer in the life of our church. This includes the way we
pray ourselves in terms of our own spiritual development, the way
we pray for each other within our fellowship, and the way we pray
for those we meet as God brings them along our path.
As we know, prayer is quite simply communicating with God. We
dont have to use fancy words or even make coherent sense to
others, but we express our thoughts and feelings from our hearts,
and we know God hears us as we pray. But at times it can be
hard, and others times we may feel its a chore or something we
do out of duty or when we need help.
But as a church we want our prayer life to develop so it becomes
even more a part of our everyday lives, not something we just do
when we come together corporately, but that our communion with
God is continual throughout the day, wherever we happen to be.
So were going to explore the idea of rhythms of prayer; that is
getting more used to stopping and praying through the day as we
take time to become aware of Gods presence.
So, each Monday from the 2nd March there will be an opportunity
to either meet together at the hall for prayer at 11am, or to simply
stop wherever you are, whether at work, home, or out and about,
at 11am (or as close to it as you can) and take a few moments to
be still, to pray, and to become aware of Gods presence with you
right where you are. In doing this we are not only all praying at
the same time, but wherever we happen to be, we are taking time
to acknowledge and be aware of Immanuel, God with us.
This is something that will take some time to get used to; experts
say the average person must do something 30 times before it
becomes a habit! The idea however, is not that we worry if we
have forgotten, but that we look at how we approach prayer with
a broader perspective; it is something we come together to do,
but it is also about being aware of and talking to God as we go
about our every day lives.
Other Prayer resources that will soon be available:
Prayer book located in the Worship hall for people to write
down prayer requests for themselves or those they meet and they
will be prayed for on a weekly basis.
Prayer Calendar a four week calendar for us to take home
with the names (only) of each person in our church spread across
the four weeks in order that each person in the church is prayed
for every month.
Prayer cards for you to give to people to let them know you
are praying for them.
Prayer Partners if you would like to be linked with another
person to pray with.

God is Love

This is me .

Well, yesterday was of course St. Valentine's Day. A day to tell that
special someone in your life that you love and appreciate them. Many
might say it's just an opportunity for retailers to encourage us as
consumers to spend more money, by buying cards, flowers, chocolates
etc at an inflated price (I'm sure most ladies in particular would agree
that it is rather nice to receive these things though!). But do we really
need to be told to tell the most important person in our lives that we love
them and do we really need to spend so much money to show them
how we feel. Should we not show them that we love and care for them
every day?!
Similarly, should we show our adoration for God just on a Sunday? Of
course not! We should show God and others that we meet that we love
God and want to do what we can to glorify his name and live our lives in
a way that pleases Him every day. Let us remember each day that God
is Love.


My favourite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways

acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. This verse
was written inside my first Salvation Army songbook I owned
and the truth of it has always stayed with me.


My favourite food is Roast Lamb and mint sauce.


I worked in finance administration for Kwik Save for many

years prior to being made redundant. Since then I have
assisted my current employer in running his small business
advisory contract and also helped with their housework.


My Favourite TV programme is The Good Wife (this was a

very hard decision as I could have listed many favourites being
a bit of a TV-holic!)


In my spare time I enjoy crafts, in particular making greetings



My favourite colour is blue.


My most recent holiday destination was Seefeld in Austria.


3 blessings : A loving family, a supportive husband and the

chance to live in a beautiful part of Gods world and enjoy his


Having been brought up in a loving Christian family my journey

to faith has been a gradual one, but by my mid teens I became
more aware of what God had done for me and of his sacrifices
and in turn of what I should be giving back to Him.

If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in

them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God
has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and
God in them.
1 John 4:15 & 16

10. My prayer for the future is:

That I may learn to love Jesus more each day,
That all my family are safe and well,
and that some kind of peace will be felt
all throughout the world.

If theres anything at all that you would like to contribute to

the pages of The Seasider just pass it on to me and Ill
happily include it in a future issue! Alternatively you can
email me at

Date of the next Seasider is:

15th March

Flower List
22nd February
1st March
8th March
15th March

Mike & Lena

In memory of Olive Jones
Alan & Val Hurd

Rita Dinsdale-Potter
Dorothy Davies and family
Velma Cryer
Mavis Edwin
Our Partners in Mission in South America
East, Pakistan, Ghana, Finland & Mozambique
Salvation Army Territories

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