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Objectives in Concert Programming

The purpose of this statement of objectives is to encourage the development of a cohesive, professional-calibre
concert series emanating from the School of Music. The statements below are intended to define objectives which
programming in that series will meet and to encourage faculty concert proposals across a broad and diverse range.
Once adopted, these objectives will be used to assist in the long-range planning and effective promotion of a series
which is as inclusive as possible. The statements are not prioritized, although the first two groups of statements
(student- and faculty-centred objectives) are considered as primary.

Student-centred Objectives
There are two distinct sets of objectives which are centred on students. In the first group, objectives which address
performance opportunities for students are highlighted. In the second, the capability of the concert programming to
expand students' knowledge of repertoire is elaborated.

Provide all students with ensemble performance opportunities.

Provide each ensemble with a minimum of one, preferably two exceptional performance opportunities during
the four-year span of every student's normal academic career. Exceptional performance opportunities are
understood to encompass major event participation; national or international festival participation; national or
international touring; performances with internationally renowned conductors/soloists; etc.

Provide students of exceptional performance or composing abilities with opportunities to perform with/be
performed by faculty and visiting artists.

Through recitals and lecture-recitals, provide exposure to a broad range of repertoire of solo and chamber

Provide exposure to professional performing practice through concerts given by faculty and other nationally
and internationally renowned artists.

Provide exposure to Canadian and contemporary repertoire.

Provide exposure to world and early music repertoire.

Provide performance opportunities for alumni.

Faculty-centred Objectives

Provide faculty with opportunities for collegial collaboration.

Provide faculty with opportunities for repertoire exploration/development.

Provide all faculty including not only performers, but also composers and research-oriented faculty with
opportunities to elaborate work-in-progress projects in concert form.

Provide faculty the opportunity to work in performance with other artists of international reputation

Provide touring opportunities for faculty soloists and ensembles in the Province, the region, nationally and

Develop exchange programs for faculty artists with other Canadian University Music Schools, as well as
elsewhere in North America and Europe

Assist faculty in obtaining broader exposure and partnerships through cultivation of relationships with other
presenters, CBC, arts organizations

Community-centred Objectives

Encourage programming which is, whenever possible, complementary to, rather than competitive with, that
being offered elsewhere in the community

Provide programming with strong educational bias and delivering that programming through free or
subsidized concerts tickets to school groups

Encourage programming initiatives which will assist in audience development

Partner with community-based music organizations (e.g., possibility of performing arts and letters
competition entries)

Generate occasional thematic and festival programming with broad appeal

Devise an effective communications plan to optimize concert series exposure to community

Proceeding from the objectives above, the Concerts Committee should consider launching the following initiatives.
Among these the first three are of highest priority.

Establish a coherent programming series

Maximize audiences (and concert revenue) through improved communications

Plan a multi-year, strategic placement of major events

Establish a multi-year plan for artists-in-residence (including composers-in-residence)

Encourage thematic programming

Encourage mini-festivals

Develop a program of advocacy for Canadian works and commissions

Encourage faculty chamber ensembles

Encourage the establishment of a contemporary music performance group

Encourage historic/early music performances and programs of world music

Optimize access to external funding partners (SOCAN, Canada Council)

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Project Management

What Is a Deliverable in Project Management?

by Kermit Burley, Demand Media

In project management, a deliverable is a product or service that is given to your client. A

deliverable usually has a due date and is tangible, measurable and specific. A deliverable
can be given to either an external or internal customer and satisfies a milestone or due date
that is created and produced in the project plan. A deliverable can be a software product, a
design document, a training program or other asset that is required by the project plan.
Costbenefit analysis (CBA), sometimes called benefitcost analysis (BCA), is a systematic process
for calculating and comparing benefits and costs of a project, decision or government policy (hereafter,
"project"). CBA has two purposes:
1. To determine if it is a sound investment/decision (justification/feasibility),
2. To provide a basis for comparing projects. It involves comparing the total expected cost of each
option against the total expected benefits, to see whether the benefits outweigh the costs, and by
how much.[1]
CBA is related to, but distinct from cost-effectiveness analysis. In CBA, benefits and costs are expressed
in monetary terms, and are adjusted for the time value of money, so that all flows of benefits and flows of
project costs over time (which tend to occur at different points in time) are expressed on a common basis
in terms of their "net present value."

Closely related, but slightly different, formal techniques include cost-effectiveness analysis, costutility
analysis, economic impact analysis, fiscal impact analysis, and Social return on investment (SROI)
Project Scope
"The work that needs to be accomplished to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified
features and functions."

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