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BIO 1 VIDEO PRESENTATION (note, lahat ng

dialogues ay subtitles lang :D, no talking sa vid

Scene 1
Setting: Classroom or any formal looking room
Facilitator: Ok class! Today well be discussing
about the importance and, of course, the steps in
risk management in the event of an earthquake.
Earthquakes are very---

Facilitator: *comes out from under the table* I

told you all so. Risk management could have
saved us! All you had to do was listen! (scene
Props: None
Scene 4:
*students begin to wake up*
Setting: In the classroom again

*cameras focuses on the students slowly falling


Facilitator: *looks on, disappointed* Tsk tsk tsk

*shakes head*

Props: chalk

Student1: Sorry sir/maam! Please just repeat it a

little bit, we promise well listen this time!
Scene 2

Setting: Some heavenly looking place hahaha

*music sets in: wiggle*
(Scene shifts from atlas dancing to the people
experiencing the earthquake)
Student1: (looking like hes panicking) ITS AN
Student2: (stops panicking, rolls eyes) WE

*other students nod in agreement*

Prof: But hmmmit seems like you guys really
did get bored with my discussion. Well, good
thing I have a video about it right here!
Student: Why didnt he do that in the first place?
Prof: Excuse me?
Student: Oh nothing sir! Carry on! :D
Prof: Okay then!
*zoom in to a laptop screen*

Student3: (clutches head while panicking) WHAT


Props: Laptop

*then everybody just panics and runs around*

Setting: Anywhere.

Facilitator: *hiding under the table* (gestures)


*BG Music plays*

(optional: the scene can alternate at least 2 or 3

times from atlas to the people, para
maemphasize sa viewers na si atlas nga yun
hehe )
Props: Table, white cloth for atlas


Title: Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Whiteboard: Drawing of the earth, a hand then
gradually draws symbols of floods, earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, etc. (will be played in fast
forward if necessary)

Setting: Outside

Subtitle: Natural Disasters can happen anytime,

and anywhere. Floods, earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, and lots more.

Scene: Earthquake stops. People are bruised,

confused, etc.

Whiteboard: Drawing of a person, hand draws a

thought bubble with a question mark in it.

Student 1: *emerges from somewhere* Our house

is gone!!! (((

Subtitle: So what can you and your community do

about it?

Student 2: I cant find my family!! We ran in

different directions huhuhu (((

Whiteboard: Hand erases question mark and

unsure face, replaces it with exclamation mark
and a surer or smiling face.

Scene 3

Student 3: There are dead bodies everywhere!

This is horrible!!!



Props: Whiteboard


*bg music na mas lively*

Setting: outside
Scene: People lined up with IDs (?) indicating
theyre the Disaster Action Team
Subtitle: The community should appoint a
Disaster Action team. They will be tasked to
implement activities in line with risk
management, which will help minimize or lessen
the impact of the disaster!
Scene: A large shot of the people lined up.
Subtitle: Located above them, So what are the
function of Disaster Action Team groups?
Props: IDs

Setting: Anywhere na may kita na doorway

Scene: Whiteboard with Evacuation is shown
close-up, person flips it with the words and
Scene: A person with the ID gestures for people
to move out of the building, and people come out
carrying some stuff. The person picks up a
whiteboard, and moves towards the camera.
Subtitle: (positioned on the whiteboard)
Ensures safe and orderly conduct of
Designates evacuation routes to
assembly area;
Facilitates transport of victims to
medical facilities
Props: Whiteboard, bags, boxes (?)

Setting: Anywhere with a fire alarm
Scene: Person holds whiteboard with information
and warning on it, creative short clips as person
moves closer to the camera.
Scene: A person teaches a group of people a
bunch of warning signals by pointing to the fire
Subtitle: Ensures everybody understands warning
signals and Activates warning system & calls for
Props: Fire alarm, whiteboard

Setting: consecutive scenes of doorways and

roads. Preferrably 2 doorways, 2 roads.
Scene: A piece of paper is taped to a persons
back with the words Security and Traffic, person
walks away.
Scene: The same person with the ID is holding a
checklist, passing through the doorways and
roads. Observes them, nods, jots something
down. Closes one of the doors.
Subtitle: (Positioned on the door)
Secures all entrances & exits from
undesirable elements;
Ensures safety of assets;
Maintains smooth flow of traffic; etc.
Props: Checklist/board

Setting: Outside
Scene: Someone trips, acts hurt, someone carries
that person, and the whiteboard slowly rises from
below with the words RESCUE AND FIRST AID
on it, and the two people nod and give thumbs
Scene: A person looks injured from the rubble,
two people with the IDs come, and gestures as if
they are to lift the person up.
Subtitles: Conducts rescue operations and
administers first aid
Props: Whiteboard

Setting: Outside
Scene: A person with an ID bends down to
remove piles of rocks. Under the pile of rocks is
the whiteboard. Camera closes up on the
Damage Control/Salvage
Evacuates/Salvages equipment & other
assets; etc.

.Clearing of scene of disaster after the

Props: Rocks
Setting: Outside
Scene: A person wearing a mask na mukhang
apoy fights with another person. The other
person wins, and takes away the whiteboard from
the mask-wearing person. Ihaharap sa camera.

Scene: All 8 are visible, everyone tries to go to

the door all at once, panicking, etc. One person
pulls away from the crowd, seems to shout and
gets there attention, gestures for them to calm
down. That person the proceeds to lead to group
outside (theyre aligned).
[On screen: Dont panic. Go out orderly to
prevent stampede and further casualties.]
Props: Tables and chairs


Fire fighting

Suppresses fire

Props: fire mask, whiteboard


Setting: Anywhere with an elevator.

Scene: Shot of 1 person into an elevator then a
red x.

Simple caption frame: Part of preparation for risk

management is conducting drills! As an example,
here are the some guidelines you should follow
during an earthquake.

[On screen: Do not use elevators or

escalators because there's a probability you'll get

Setting: All inside classroom

Props: None

Scene: Ground shakes, there are about 8 people

in the room.
Setting: Classroom

Scene: Shot only covers 2 people, one person

panics, waves arms around, the other person
calms him down and goes into a crouch pose and
protects back of the head.
[On screen: Protect the back of your head
to prevent fatal head injury.]
Scene: Shot only covers 2 people one person
panics, climbs on table and cowers, the other
rolls his eyes, pulls the other one down and points
under the table. Takes shelter under table/chair
[On screen: Take cover under solid-built
material to protect yourself from falling debris.]
Scene: Shot only covers 2 people, one tries to run
towards the windows, the other pulls him away
and they both move out of the scene.

Scene: Laptop is shown with the words end. On

screen. Camera then shows the students
reactions. Some are nodding, some are finishing
their notes, etc. Camera then shows prof nodding
with satisfaction, checking his watch and
gestures that they are dismissed. Students then
start to stream outside, some thank the prof, etc.
Prof closes the laptop, a separate shot shows the
top view of the laptop being closed, and stays
focused on the closed laptop.
Subtitles: (positioned on the laptop) Risk
management is important to help the community
lessen the effects and impact of a disaster, which
is why the knowledge of it should be spread to
everyone. We hope you learned something from
our presentation, thank you for watching!
Props: Laptop, notebooks, pens

[On screen: Go away from windows to

prevent from falling down and away from
breaking glass.

Scene 1- Classroom or any formal looking


2- Some heavenly looking place

3- Outside
4- In the classroom
5- Anywhere
6- outside
7- outside
8- outside
9- anywhere with doorway
10- 2 doorways, 2 roads
11- outside
12- outside
13- classroom
14- anywhere with elevator
15- classroom


Scene 1- chalk
2- table, white cloth for atlas
3- none
4- laptop
5- whiteboard
6- IDs
7- fire alarm, whiteboard
8- whiteboard
9- whiteboard, bags, boxes
10- checklist/board, pen
11- rocks
12- fire mask, whiteboard
13- tables and chairs
14- none
15- laptop, notebooks, pen

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