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Lec. 1

*Virus ,bacteria ,fungi ,protozoa and helminthes cause

many diseases so we use chemotherapy to treat these
chemotherapy as antibiotic ,anti bacterial ,antipyretic(in
case of fever )and anthelmintic

14- disinfection of syringe

15- disinfection of diseased animal after death (as dog
suffer from rabies )
16-preservation of carcass for education purpose
17- preservation of food
18- preservation of drugs
*requirements of antiseptic : antiseptic should be;-

local anti infective drugs as antiseptic & disinfection *

*antiseptic : applied on skin , m.m ,urethera , uterus &
intestinal tract
*disinfection : for dis infection of floors & instruments
*indication (therapeutic value ) of antiseptic &
disinfection ;1-antiseptic for umbilical cord
2-home antiseptic
3- antiseptic during retention of plcenta
4- antiseptic for wound &abcess
5- antiseptic for inflamed skin
6- antiseptic for burns
7- antiseptic for pyometria
8- antiseptic effect during FMDv
9-intestinal antiseptic
10 -disinfection for animal house
11- disinfection for poultry house
12- disinfection of surgical instruments
13- disinfection clothes &floor

3-potent (effective )
4-sustained action
5-not irritant
6-not stained tissue
7-not delayed the healing
8-not corrosive to metal (cause metal damage)
*NB)) antiseptic & disinfectant non chemotherapeutic
due to not differentiate between m.o & host cell , but
antibiotics are chemotherapeutic


Skin , m.m

Walls ,floors

*phenol co efficient: standard for antiseptic solution

if 5mg phenol kill bacteria and the 1mg unknown
antiseptic kill bacteria
then, unknown antiseptic is stronger 5 times than phenol

*mechanism of action :
3-damage for cell wall & cellular enzyme

formaldehyde gas in water 40% formalin 40%
-formalin 40% disinfection of surgical instruments
fixation of tissue specimen

*physical antiseptic :-

6-medicinal dyes
as acre flavin & gentian violt

1- dry heat = burning

2- moist heat = boiling , auto claving
3- ultra violt rays & sun rays
4-osmoticaly active substance (salt &suger )

*chemical antiseptic :1- acid

a- boric acid for skin eye
b-salicylic acid for fungi
c-nalidixix acid
d-benzoic acid

*chemotherapy of bacterial infection;1- antibiotic

2- non antibiotic ( sulphonamide & fluroquinolones )
- sulphonamide as sulpha dimidine & sulpha guanidine
- fluroquinolones as norfloxacin &enrofloxacin
fluroquinolones :

a-methyl toxix not used
b-ethyl non toxic used
3-oxidizing agent
a-H2O2 for pus
b-potassium permenganat
a- Iodinetincture iodine , iodine oint , iodine +
but iodine is irritant ( dis ad.)
b- clwater chlorination

- they are derivatives of nalidixic acid

-duration 24 hrs (stable )
-administration orally &by injection
-bacterio cidal
-minimum binding with plasma protein , so it is highly
active drug

-M I C (minimum inhibitory concentration ) close to
lethal dose

-act on bacteria (+ve & -ve ) have cell wall
-act on mycoplasma have no cell wall


-PABA help bacterial cell in synthesis of folic acid
folonic acid used for synthesis of DNA

*classification of sulphonamide :

sulphonamides prevent bacterial cell from synthesis of

folonicacid inhibit synthesis of DNA stop groth
, so sulphonamides is bacteriostatic

1- rapidly absorbed & rapidly excreted (short acting )

-sulpha diazine
-sulpha mezathine

*bacterial cell have cell wall , cell mem , DNA,

Ribosome , intermedially metabolism

2- rapidly absorbed & slowly excreted (long acting )

-sulpha dimethoxine
-sulpha methazolw

*target area in bacterial cell fore antibacterial drug

action;-drug act on cell wall & cell mem bacteriocidal
-drug inhibit DNAkinase bacteriocidal
-drug act on Ribosome & intermedially metabolism
NB)) streptomycin miss code for RNA , so inhobit the
protein synthesis , so it is bacteriocidal
*slphonamide synergist :
Slphonamide dizine inhibit folic acid synth.
trimethoprim inhibit folonic acid synth.

-sulpha guanidine
-succinyl sulphathiaxole
-phthalyl sulpha thiazole
-sulpha quinoxaline
4- special (neutral )
For eye
ex sodium sulpha acetamide
*distribution :
Sulphomamide reach CNS
*toxicity :
sulpha need acetylated enxyme so not used for dog as
dog in this enzyme

But together bacteriocidal

a)) alkalineamine as in ruminant so sulphonamide not
b)) acidamine as in dog and human so sulphonamide ppt
and form calculi so we should alkalinization this urine
by giving sodium bi carbonate or (as ) 7UP
*Forms of sulpha in blood
- free form antibacterial
-bound form
-acetylated form metabolized
-chronic toxicity of sulpha renal caliculi
-acute toxicity of sulpha redness in skin
NB))to prevent renal caliculi
1- alkalinization this urine by giving sodium bi
carbonate (as) or 7UP
2- water intake
3- use sulphonamide mixture
*therapeutic value of sulphonamide :1- act on gram ve & gram +ve bacteria
2- act on coccidia
3-treat brucllosis with oxy tetracycline &streptomycin
4-CNS infection as meningitis
5- eye infection (by sodium sulphacetmide )
6- upper respiratory tract infection
7- pneumonia
8-diarrhea (enteric infection ) treated by sulpha guanidine

-come from living m.o
-arrest growth of bact. bacteriostatic
-kill bacteria bacteriocidal
* classification of anti biotic :1- acc to spectrum of activity
A)) narrow spectrum ex penicillin for gram ve and
streptomycin for gram +ve
B))broad spectrum ex tetracycline act on ve &+ve
bacteria & rickettesia and mycoplasm

-s/c (as compher) &irritation to skin


2- acc to mode of action

a-polymixin make pores in cell wall
b- streptomycin& tetracycline &erythromycin inhibit
protein synth.
c- fluroquinolones inhibit DNA synth
d-penicillin act on cell wall synth.
e- sulpha act on intermedially metabolism

Resp. depressant
-barbiturate toxicity as it decrease sensitivity of resp.
-cough depressant(anti tussive drugs)as codeine &dextro

3- acc to kill or stop growth

-arrest growth of bact. bacteriostatic tetracycline
-kill bacteria bacteriocidal penicillin
4- acc to chemical structure
a- betalactames penicillin & cephalosporins
b- aminoglycosides neomycin & streptomycin
c-polypeptide polymixin
d-macrolides erythromycin
Drug acting on respiratory sys.

Drug acting on the bronchioles &bronchi (broncho

dialator )
-sympatho mimetic drugs as
Adrenaline &ephedrine
-B2 stimulant as sabutamol
-parasympatholytic as atropine
-direct bronchial ms relaxant as theophylline


-leptazol (medullary stimulant)
-xanthin(cerebral cortex stim.)
-co2 & o2
-chemoreceptor stimulated by -co2 & o2 &acid ph
-baroreceptor stimulated by change blood pressure

-they are the drugs which increase the volume of

bronchial secretions &decrease its viscosity&increase
ciliary movement
-relieve cough in chronic 7acute bronchitis
Classification of Expectorant
Acc. To
-route of administration
-site of action

1-local expectorant
2-reflex expectorant
3-emitic expectorant
4- mucolytic expectorant

- increase all secretion in body

1- local expectorant
-act directly on mucosa of respiratory tract
-they are applied by
a- inhalent local by steaming &smearing
As benzoin - tereben

Ex ipecac ( emetin & cephalin )

Squil ( scillarin A & B ) SYRUP
Balsam tolu .. used as syrup for dog

*therapeutic uses : used in all time in inflammation of

the respiratory tract

b-non inhalent local given orally 7make its effect during

Ex potassium iodide
Potassium chloride
Potassium citrate
Na iodide
2-reflex expectorant
Reflex stimulation of the nerve ending of oral ,
pharyngeal , laryngeal , esophageal ,gastric mucosal cell
3-emitic expectorant
It is drug which make reflex stimulation of the nerve
ending of oral , pharyngeal , laryngeal , esophageal
,gastric mucosal cell

4- mucolytic expectorant
drug liqefication of viscous secretion (mucopurulent
secretion ) so give great chance to anti microbial drug to
be act
-used in pulmpnary emphysema
1- acetyle cystiene
-20% inhalant (liqefication mucopurulent secretion in 1
minute )
2-bromohexine Hcl
3- ambroxal
Respiratory antiseptic
Ex tylosin & erythromycin
Respiratory antihelmintic
Fenbendazole &ex Levamisole

*mechanism of action :reflex stimulation of the nerve ending of oral ,

pharyngeal , laryngeal , esophageal ,gastric mucosal cell
-so it is reflex expectorant

By/ Ramadan el -ghamrawy

Special thanks
Mahmoud khdr
Abdel kariim
Ahmed hamdy

Frahat shahin
Ahmed ezz
Ahmed mabrouk

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