Oregairu Vol 3

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Not the original anon who posted this, just copy+pasta all his posts so Volume 3

also has a pastebin. Original thread: >>84420962

Things became rough since Hikki shot down Yui at the end of volume 2 even before
she can confess. So Yui stops going to the Service Club.
In the first part, Sensei poses a challenge for Hikki and Yukinon, they have to
get more actual members. Yukinon says that they just needed Yui back to solve th
e problem and she looked depressed when Yui's not around.
2nd chapter, Hikki goes on a date with Totsuka at the arcade, Zaimoukuza had to
butt in as usual, the arcade is actually his usual haunt. They weren't supposed
to be there since phototaking is reserved for couples. The people there mistook
Totsuka and Hikki as a couple and chased Zaimoukuza away, but he managed to slip
in and pic related happened. Totsuka, being an angel, gave Zaimoukuza a few pho
tos as well.
Pic: http://i.imgur.com/2xaqxIw.jpg
Third chapter, Hikki and Komachi went to attend some kind of pet show. Their mom
is pretty moe since she bullies Hikki. They play around a little until Komachi
sees Yukinon, who keeps looking at her brochure and sighing. Hikki thinks she mi
ght be lost. Pic related.
Pic: http://i.imgur.com/ZJCLWVD.jpg
They insult each other, then Hikki volunteers to take Yukinon to the cat showcas
e. They go near the dog part and Yukinon stopped, walked behind Hikki and starts
stuttering while talking to Hikki. Turns out she's afraid of dogs.
They make their way through the dog zone, but heard someone making a lot of nois
e and snapping photos non-stop. It's sensei, and she's embarrassing herself so H
ikki ignored her.
Before they can reach the cat zone, a small dog ran towards Hikki.
"H-Hikigaya-kun. T-The dog...:
Yukinoshita was at a loss. She kept looking around and her arms flailed wildly i
n the air.
Hikki picks up the dog and it recognizes him, it's Yui's pet dog. Yui sees the 2
together and started shaking in shock, she pretends to laugh and tries to leave
, but before she does Yukinon tells Yui to drop by the Service Club again.
At the end of the chapter Yukinon asks Hikki out (to buy present and celebrate Y
ui's birthday).
In the next chapter, turns
Komachi, Hikki and Yukinon
re they can find something
em once there, why did she

out that Yukinon's asking Komachi out and not Hikki.

traveled far to a shopping center where Komachi is su
to Yui's bitch tastes. Komachi ditches the both of th
do it, go think about it.

Pic: http://i.imgur.com/hG4G3zj.jpg
Both of them continued shopping and once Hikki stepped into a shop selling femal
e clothing, he felt all the women's stares on him. According to him, it feels li
ke facing off an FOE who might call in another monster to join the fray.
Yukinon chooses an apron for Yui. Hikki goes to another shop while Yukinon stops

at a pet shop and starts playing with the cats. Since there are people around,
Yukinon doesn't go "meow, meow" and tries to speak with cats.
Since the shopping is done, both of them head home, but before that a UFO catche
r machine catches Yukinon's eyes. She wants the panda doll in the machine and Hi
kki says a newbie like her wouldn't be able to get anything (Yukinon has never p
layed one of those before). After some time Hikki decides to be the hero and ste
pped in.
"Let my show you my skills!" And then Hikki pays the arcade employee some money
to have her take a doll out of the machine.
Even though Yukinon didn't like Hikki's method, she tells Hikki she wouldn't ret
urn the doll to him even if he asks.
More dere stuff happens until the final boss, Yukinoshita Haruno appears. Hikki
immediately sees through Haruno's facade but he "felt immense coldness from Haru
no" and he couldn't move. Haruno keeps insisting that Yukinon's going on a date
with her boyfriend Hikki, and mentions their mother which angers Yukinon. Hikki
plays it off cooly but he couldn't do anything against Haruno, who had a smile o
n her face the whole time. Haruno left and Yukinon praises Hikki for being able
to see through Haruno, and thanks him for spending time with her.
Hikki finds Yui outside the Service Club, she's taking in deep breaths and prepa
ring herself for something. Yui makes up her mind and is ready to enter the Serv
ice Club again and then... Zaimoukuza appears.
Turns out he's here to make a request. Zaimoukuza angered the school's Gaming Cl
ub with his antics and he challenged them to a showdown. To make it easy for Yuk
inon and Yui, the Gaming Club members settled on card games. It's a pain to desc
ribe what the game is like, but it involves stripping. Gaming Club members purpo
sely loses the first round to rope the Service Club in, and somewhere in the mid
dle Zaimoukuza defected. Hikki stripped for the girls and is playing with only a
pair of boxers on, pic related.
Pic: http://i.imgur.com/k0vteX2.jpg
Long story short Yukinon almost had to strip but the Service Club won and the Ga
ming Club apologized. This ordeal also turned out to be a blessing, the Service
Club members became closer as a result.
Last chapter, Yukinon and Hikki decides to give Yui her birthday present.
Hikki tells Yui that... Hikki's an asshole here, by the way.
"I've thought about it. How do I put it, aren't we even now? I saved your dog an
d you being interested in me. they cancel each other out."
I didn't look at Yui or her reactions from the moment I started speaking, and I
talked non-stop.
"In the first place, you didn't need to show an interest in me. The hospital fee
s were covered by the insurance company, the driver and a lawyer also dropped by
to apologize. That's why I didn't need your pity or care, they weren't required
at all."
Each and every word from my mouth put a nasty pressure on my heart. Even then, I
didn't stop talking.
"Anyway, I didn't save it because of Yuigahama."

Yuigahama gave me a look of sadness, then lowered her head again.

Yukinon tells them that both of them misunderstood each other, Hikki didn't save
the dog because it belongs to Yui and Yui didn't think she was taking pity on H
ikki, and she proposes that the 2 start all over again.
After that, Yukinon purposely leaves the room, Yui opens Hikki's present and Hik
ki gave her a collar, Yui says that it matches her hair color and puts it on.
"Does it look good on me?"
"Well... That, it's meant for a dog."
Even so, why does it look so good on her,,,
Yui's face turns red and then even redder, then threw the wrapping paper at Hikk
i. She got angry and took off the collar, but stopped right before leaving the r
"...Thank you, baka."
Pic: http://i.imgur.com/9yhQ5hj.jpg
Yui leaves the room and Hikki's all alone again. He tells himself that there wil
l forever be a distance between Yui and him.

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