Release Notes M3 SP5: Basic Design

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Release Notes M3 SP5

Basic Design

Release Notes Tribon M3 SP5

Basic Design

Release Notes Tribon M3 SP5

Basic Design

1993-2005 AVEVA AB



Conversion of Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Basic Design Working Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Display of Block Seams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Material Lists in Basic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Removal of Seams in Design Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Block Division in Design Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Panel Split in Design Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

General Merge of Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Design Projects in Basic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


Simple Surfaces Created in Batch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11


Model Info on Reference Surfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Tribon M3 SP5

Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design

1993-2005 AVEVA AB


Tribon M3 SP5

Release Notes Tribon M3 SP5

Basic Design

Conversion of Projects

The new Design Project facilities (as described in another release note) are represented by
a different data structure compared to previous project versions. To allow users to convert
old projects, a batch utility program is supplied that adds Design Blocks and Design Panels
into an existing project, turning it into a Design Project. The utility can also be used to
convert a Design Project into a project of the old type (removing all Design Blocks and
Design Panels).
Important: Backup databanks before usage, since the utility makes severe changes to
block and panel structure of the project.

This utility makes it possible to convert old projects into Design Projects.

1993-2005 AVEVA AB

Compatibility Constraints

For further Information

See Tribon M3 / Basic Design / Batch Utilities / Create/Remove Design blocks and panels.

Affected Programs
Basic Design (sj700).

Tribon M3 SP5

Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design

Basic Design Working Modes

The new Design Projects (as described in another release note) have changed the Basic
Design application in a way that the user now can work with two views of the model, Design
View or Production View. The current view is shown in the title bar of Basic Design and is
changed using the new function Project->Set Design View Mode/Production View Mode.
Basic Design is by default always in Design View when starting the program. If working with
old projects or projects where the design view of the panel is not wanted, the new default
variable PROD_PAN_VIEW must be set in the Basic Design default file.

Blocks are now of two kinds, Design Blocks or Production Blocks, which have to be
specified when defining blocks in Basic Design. Furthermore, if the intention is to work in a
design project, the production blocks must be connected to a design block. This means that
design blocks must be created first, allowing the user to pick one of the design blocks when
creating the production blocks. The block definition in Inithull does only create production
blocks and cannot be used in Design Projects. Instead the functions in Project->Blocks
shall be used.
The automatic steel generation performed when using the function Func. Structure>Generate Panels or the Job Launcher function Generate Steel on RSO is generating all
panels in a block with the fixed name "JUMBO". The new version of the software is by
default creating a design block and design panels. If the project should not be a Design
Project, then a production block named "JUMBO" must be manually created before any
automatically generated panels are made.
The Quick Panels supplied with a Tribon installation are not updated to support a Design
Projects and should not be used in these types of projects

New concept allows for concurrent basic and detail design.

Compatibility Constraints
None, however existing projects must be prepared for this new working procedure.

Affected Programs
Basic Design (sj700).

Tribon M3 SP5

1993-2005 AVEVA AB

All model input and model display functions (e.g. Create View, Input Model) are considering
only model parts corresponding to the setting of the view mode, if the system is in Design
View mode, then only Design Panels are shown. Production functions, such as PPI Hull are
not active when the system is in Design View mode.

Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design

Display of Block Seams

In Tribon M3 SP5 seams also in plane panels (primarily design panels) may be defined as
block limits (via the stand-alone keyword BLL). In planar views such seams may be
associated with a special symbol (block mark). Also normal seams without any bevel
information may be associated a symbol of a different look.
By default the block mark is a filled arrow and the symbol for normal seams consists of a few
parallel lines at an angle to the seam.
The symbols and their font are controlled by default parameters. The default setting as
delivered are as follows:

1993-2005 AVEVA AB

The seams are better presented and it is easier to distinguish between ordinary seams and
block seams.

Compatibility Constraints

For further Information

See Tribon M3 / Default File of Tribon Planar Hull Modelling.

Affected Programs

Basic Design (sj700)

Planar Hull Modelling (sj001)

Tribon M3 SP5

Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design

Material Lists in Basic Design

Material lists are now available in Basic Design for both Design and Production panels. The
lists are created independently of if production parts are available or not. All information is
fetched from the panels themselves.
The content of the lists is the same as in the former lists for Material Ordering of Bars and
Material Ordering of Plates, but presented as CSV files and possible to customize by the

Simplified and customizable reporting of material usage.

Compatibility Constraints

Affected Programs
1993-2005 AVEVA AB

Basic Design (sj700).

Tribon M3 SP5

Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design

Removal of Seams in Design Projects

Design Panels can contain Block Seams. Block Seams cannot be deleted via the scheme or
via Planar > Model > Delete. As the block seam represents the limit between Production
Panels, removing such a seam implies merging of Production Panels.
To remove a block seam, the function Planar > Panel > Remove Seam must be used. If the
Design Panel has Production Panels the user is asked to confirm the merging of these
Production Panels.
The exception is when a Design Panel does not have any connected Production Panels yet,
but still has Block Seams defined. Then the Block Seams can be modified and deleted
freely, just as any other seam.

Production Panels can be merged around Block Seams.

1993-2005 AVEVA AB

Compatibility Constraints

For further Information

See the Tribon M3 Basic Design documentation.

Affected Programs
Basic Design (sj700).

Tribon M3 SP5

Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design

Block Division in Design Projects

Block Division is the tool used to create Production Panels from the Design model. The
Production Blocks must already be created and connected to the Design Block to divide.
The boundaries of the Production Panels are defined by the given intersecting planes but
they also define Block Seams on the Design Panels.
If Block Seams are defined on beforehand on the Design Panels, they can be used to
intersect the Design Panels creating the Production Panels. In all cases there is a
correspondence between the Block Seams of the Design Panels and limits of the
Production Panels.
Block Division can also be used only to create Block Seams on the Design Panels without
creating any Production Panels. This leads to two ways of creating the Production model:

2. Initially use planes or RSOs to create Block Seams on the Design Panels without
creating any Production Panels. Then optionally modify the Block Seams if needed for
special cases. Finally run Block Division again now using the Block Seams to create
the Production Panels.
Block Division can be used incrementally. E.g. if new Design Panels are added to a Design
Block that has already been divided into Production Blocks, Block Division can be run again.
Then only the new panels are handled. Likewise if new Block Seams have been added to an
existing Design Panel, a repeated Block Division will divide the already connected
Production Panels.
If the Production Blocks don't cover the whole Design Block there is a risk that created
Production Panels don't fit inside any given block. In such a case, and if the option Keep in
source block is used, a default Production Block is created to hold these panels. The name
of this block is derived from the Design Block by adding _P in front of it.
Of course there is still a possibility to divide a Design Block into other Design Blocks
provided its Design Panels are not connected to any Production Panels yet.
Also a Production Block can be divided into new Production Blocks. These new Production
Blocks must be connected to the same Design Block as the original one. New Block Seams
will be created on the connected Design Panels whenever a Production Panel is divided.
For a more detailed description of Block Division see the Basic Design User's Guide /
Functions Overview / Divide into Blocks.

Block Division builds up the Production model from the Design model.

Compatibility Constraints

For further Information

See Basic Design User's Guide / Functions Overview / Divide into Blocks.

Tribon M3 SP5

1993-2005 AVEVA AB

1. Use planes or RSOs to divide the Design Block. Production Panels are created and
sorted into the connected Production Blocks. Block Seams are created on the Design
Panels wherever they are intersected by the planes/RSOs given.

Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design

Affected Programs

1993-2005 AVEVA AB

Basic Design sj700.

Tribon M3 SP5

Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design

Panel Split in Design Projects

In a Design - Production project the function Planar > Panel > Split can act on Design
Panels or Production Panels.
If Design Panels are to be split they must not have any connected Production Panels. Use
Block Division instead.
If Production Panels are split, the connected Design Panels will be updated with Block
Seams at the split location.

New concept allows for concurrent basic and detail.

Compatibility Constraints
None, however existing projects must be prepared for this new working procedure.

For further Information

1993-2005 AVEVA AB

See the Tribon M3 Basic Design Documentation.

Affected Programs
Basic Design (sj700)

Tribon M3 SP5

Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design

General Merge of Panels

A new function Merge Panels has been added to Basic Design. It can merge a number of
panels into one, merging not only the boundaries but also plates with edges along the
coinciding limits. Also seams, stiffeners and flanges with ends meeting at the coinciding
limits are combined if possible.
For panel components to be combined they must share the main characteristics such as
type, dimension, direction, inclination etc.
The merging between two panels can take place provided that they share a common limit
and that the limits surrounding the shared limit have equal definitions. Also the panels must
have the same main plane and symmetry.
If more than two panels are given all panels are compared with each other recursively,
including the new panels resulting from the merge of two previous ones, until no more
merges are possible. If only one panel remains it is a success.
A check option can be used via the dialog to see if it is possible to merge all given panels
into one. No panels are then created or changed.

1993-2005 AVEVA AB

In a Design - Production project only Design Panels can be merged by this function. If the
merged Design Panels have connected Production Panels a Block Seam is created
replacing the merged limit.
Production Panels can not be merged as the Block Seam referred by from the coinciding
limits may connect to limits on other Production Panels as well.
However by using the function Planar > Panel > Remove Seam, all Production Panels
connecting to this Block Seam can be merged two and two.

A time-consuming manual task has now been supported by efficient tools.

Compatibility Constraints

For further Information

See the Tribon M3 Basic Design Documentation.

Affected Programs
Basic Design (sj700).

Tribon M3 SP5

Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design

Design Projects in Basic Design

From Tribon M3sp5 Basic Design works in two modes; Design View and Production View.
The purpose is to support the different needs of both the structural designer and the detail
designer, still keeping one consistent product information model.
The Design View handles Design Panels while the Production View Handles Production
Panels. These panels are separate objects but still two sides of the same model meaning
that a modification in one of the views will affect the other view.
This also means that from now on there are two kinds of Tribon projects, one having the
Design - Production Views and one with just panels working very much like the Production
View. Utilities exist in Tribon M3sp5 to convert a projects from one kind to the other (see
specific relese note on this subject).

The Design Panels and the Production Panels belong to Design Blocks and Production
Blocks respectively. Each Production Panel is connected to a Design Panel and represents
a part of such a panel. The same is true for Production Blocks and Design Blocks. One
Design Panel typically represents several Production Panels. Also e.g. a stiffener on a
Design Panel can represent stiffeners on several Production Panels.
The connection between Design and Production Panels makes it possible to transfer
relevant changes from one to the other. It also implies certain restrictions in order to
maintain the consistency of the model. E.g. the location and boundary of a Production
Panels is determined by the connected Design Panel.
Design Panels can be created by adding material properties to Functional Structures and
then generating panels (see Basic Design User's Guide / Functions Overview / Generate
Panels) or by using the ordinary modeling tools.
Production panels are created from Design Panels by Block Division (see Basic Design
User's Guide / Functions Overview / Divide into Blocks).

New concept allows for concurrent basic and detail design.

Compatibility Constraints
None, however existing projects must be prepared for this new working procedure.

For further Information

See the Tribon M3 Basic Design Documentation.

Affected Programs
Basic Design (sj700).


Tribon M3 SP5

1993-2005 AVEVA AB

The Design View is typically used for early modeling without high demands on detailing, and
for preliminary calculations of e.g. weights, weld lengths and strength. The Design Panels
don't contain information typically related to production. In the Production View detail design
and production design is performed very much like before.

Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design


Simple Surfaces Created in Batch

The concept of automatic modelling on RSOs, created in TID Surface/Compartment and to
some extent in Basic Design, was introduced in M3SP4. One of the features within this
concept is to update the RSOs with properties also using a CSV file. This function has now
been extended to allow for creation of RSOs simply by adding their definition to the CSV file.
The new functionality handles RSOs in principle planes with one face only.

Simplified creation of RSOs in principle planes.

Compatibility Constraints

For further Information

1993-2005 AVEVA AB

See Tribon M3 / Basic Design / Batch Utilities / Updating RSO Information.

Affected Programs
Basic Design (sj704).

Tribon M3 SP5


Tribon M3 Release Notes

Basic Design


Model Info on Reference Surfaces

Tribon M3 model information facilities has been extended to handle also Reference Surface
Objects (RSO's).

General RSO information is displayed in Model Info.

Compatibility Constraints
To be able to use this, the projetcs object templates have to be upgraded. To do this, run
Developers Toolkit from the Administration Tools menu and select the Object Properties
tab. A dialog will show up prompting whether to upgrade templates, choose yes. Now the
feature is available in the project.

For further Information

1993-2005 AVEVA AB

Only noted in this release note.

Affected Programs
All Drafting based applications.


Tribon M3 SP5

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