Plant A Tree Info Pack

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With the support of the Erasmus + of the European Union

This project became

reality thanks to:

Youth exchange
Island Murter,
16. 05. - 24. 05.

With the support of the Erasmus + of the European Union

- the project
Trees - they are all around us. They are part of our community, our yard,
our life. Trees alter the environment in which we live by moderating
climate, improving air quality, conserving water, and harboring wildlife.
Climate control is obtained by moderating the effects of sun, wind, and
rain. Radiant energy from the sun is absorbed or deflected by leaves on
deciduous trees in the summer and is only filtered by branches of deciduous trees in winter.
We are cooler when we stand in the shade of trees and are not exposed to direct sunlight. Trees have a big effect
in our lives. Do we know their role? What will be life without trees? Why the old people usually say plant a tree
plant your future? These are the questions that we will raise during the Youth exchange Plant a Tree.
Interesting creative and non-formal workshops based on the concept of learning by doing will be implemented
and will provide participants opportunity to learn about nature, environment and how important is to take care
of our planet. The project will provide a chance for youngsters to work together and explore a topic of their join
interest, chance to meet and share cultures, to recognize and accept diversity.
49 participants from Croatia, Macedonia, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Poland and Romania will, through the various
educative, creative, practical workshops and non-formal methods of learning, practice their presentational,
organizational, creative and animation skills, enrich their knowledge on environmental topics, learned how to
reduce their footprint on the planet, how to preserve nature, they will listen to positive actions implemented on
this topics, learn a lot about different cultures and traditions and practiced tolerance, respect and acceptance.

With the support of the Erasmus + of the European Union


promote sustainable development to 49 youngsters

raise awareness about the meaning of environment

Include the young people from

multicultural, multiethnic and
multipath backgrounds, young
people coming from less
development areas with fewer
opportunity to travel/have the
less chances to meet the culture
of the other European countries

promote protection of the

environment we are sharing by
giving a chance to 49
youngsters to take part in a
project working on the theme
trees around us

promote cultural diversity in

Europe by giving an opportunity
to 49 youngsters to experience other cultures
while practically living and working for a common
goal and to
increase tolerance as well as to strengthen
inter-cultural dialogue

broaden participants knowledge about the

meaning of the trees as a fundamental part of the
environment we are living in
motivate participants creativity to invent a booklet
speaking about trees aiming to raise awareness of trees to
a wider audience

With the support of the Erasmus + of the European Union


More about venue

Murter, Croatia
Hotel Colentum
Arrival day:
16th of May
Departure day:

The venue of this exchange is on island

Murter in a hotel Colentum.
Participants will be accommodated in triple
and four bed rooms, each bedroom with its
Accommodation, three meals a day and travel
costs are
completely covered by hosting

24th of May

With the support of the Erasmus + of the European Union

Young people from 7 countries Spain, Poland, Norway, Portugal,
Macedonia, Croatia and Romania. Each country should be represented
by 6 participants age 18 - 25 (ideally 3 boy and 3 girls) and one
leader making a group of 7 people total :D


Working language of the
exchange will be English.
Well learn through:
role playing games,
simulation games
team building games
short lectures,

and by having fun!

With the support of the Erasmus + of the European Union


Arrange your travel details - if you need help with this, please dont hesitate to contact us on:
Think about how best present your country - in the time table youll see national evenings that should be
organized by your team. During national evenings youll have a chance to organize a table for your country and
present to us your food, drinks, promo materials from your country, city
For this purpose please think about what you can bring (food, drinks, snacks, promotional materials) with you to
promote your country in the best way you can.
Its up to you - dont be afraid to think creatively!
Make presentation about trees in your country - include information of various specific types of trees in your
country (ex. tree of cactus in Gran Canaria ect), take pictures of trees from your community and include those
pictures in the presentation, include information about how you use trees in your country (give examples of
factories for tree...) and finally include information about possible actions connected to environment and
environmental protection or trees.
Share positive examples for projects already delivered in their country related to environmental protection.
Presentation can be creative on paper - or as power point presentations.
Think about the theme of the exchange! Think about things we could include in a educative booklet about
importance of trees in our lives. Youll have an opportunity to share your ideas.
Bring sun cream, sunglasses, swimming suit, camera, a smiling face and a lot of positive energy to this project!

With the support of the Erasmus + of the European Union


This project is approved by Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes in

Croatia and will be implemented under the Key action 1 of the
Erasmus+ Programme set for youth.
According to the rules of the Erasmus+ hosting organization will cover
100% of travel costs up to maximum amounts set under the Erasmus+
To reimburse your travel costs, you need to save:

original ticket (bus, train)

invoice from a travel agency,

boarding pass if you travel by plane and e- ticket

Without the tickets reimbursement can't be done. Please save all

Maximum amounts from which we can reimburse 100% are:

20 Eur per person


170 Eur per person


170 Eur per person


170 Eur per person


270 Eur per person


270 Eur per person


400 Eur per person

With the support of the Erasmus + of the European Union


Kate Karate

Hosting team
The hosting team of ARGONAUTA wishes you
good preparation and if you have
any questions regarding preparation or time
table please do not hesitate to contact us on:

He who plants a tree,

plants a hope
Lucy Larcom



"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication
reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any
use which may be made of the information contained therein."
With the support of the Erasmus + of the European Union

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