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Title focus Sweden

Macro focus 12 February 2015

Super-dovish Riksbank stresses the safeguarding of the inflation target

The Riksbank surprised the market once

Focus remains on inflation expectations,
threatened by lower oil prices
Riksbank highlights effect on krona from
negative repo rate and QE
Further policy measures are likely

The Riksbank cuts the repo rate to -0.10 percent and at the
same time the fine-tuning deposit rates were being restored
again at +/- 0.10 percentage points. Moreover, the Riksbank
will buy government bonds corresponding to SEK 10 billion.
Furthermore, they stress that there is preparedness to do
more on short notice. Interestingly, the Riksbank signaled a
readiness to act quickly make monetary policy more expansionary, even between the ordinary monetary policy meetings, should the need arise. This will primarily entail making
further repo-rate cuts, postponing the first repo-rate increase
and increasing the purchases of government bonds. In addition, The Riksbank opened for possibility of providing loans
to companies via the banks. The dovish bias was also underlined by the fact that according to the repo rate path,
there is a likelihood of a further rate cut. The repo rate path
bottoms out at -0.12 percent. Swedbank expects that there
is a likelihood for further policy measures.

In an in-depth analysis of the effects of negative repo rate

and QE, the Riksbank highlights the effect on the Swedish
krona. The transmission through a weaker exchange rate is
clearly the effect that is expected to increase inflation
through higher import prices and greater ability for firms to
raise prices. QE is expected to work through portfolio rebalancing, which can help weaken the krona and increase
other asset prices. On other unconventional measures, the
Riksbank mentioned targeted long-term refinancing operation. This is expected to have a smaller effect on inflation
compared to QE, but can help to stimulate lending to medium-sized firms. At the end of the in-depth analysis, the
Riksbank highlights that further measures: could entail,
for instance, purchases of different types of securities and
interventions on the foreign exchange market. Exactly which
further measures may be used will depend on the situation,
however. The measures discussed in this article can be implemented quickly, or increased in scope, if necessary. We
read this as a reference to the fact that it is the exchange
rate that is the key transmission mechanism and that the


Riksbank will focus all its efforts on trying to increase inflation through a weaker krona.
The Riksbank lowered inflation path for 2015 for the near
future and the average inflation rate for CPIF has been revised down to 0.9 percent from 1.0 in December forecast.
Lower energy prices and depressed external price pressure
explain the downward revision despite a weaker-thanexpected krona compared to the forecast in December. For
2016 the inflation path is more or less unchanged and the
inflation is expected to increase by 2.0 percent on average.
The low inflation is driven by difficulties for firms to raise
prices due to sluggish demand and increasing global competition.
The change in the monetary policy stance was not caused
by a material change in the outlook of the real economy. The
forecast of the global growth was revised down slightly from
3.7 percent to 3.6 percent for 2015 (trade weighted) mainly
on account of lower growth in China and Japan. Both the
Euro area and the US see upward revisions driven by i.a.
lower oil prices, which was revised down to 55 $/b from 74
$/b in the December forecast of last year. This is also reflected in the inflation estimates, which in trade weighted
terms was cut from 1.5 percent to 1.0 percent for 2015. For
2016 it was more or less kept at 2%. Swedish growth forecasts are literally unchanged at 2.4 percent in 2015 and 3.1
percent in 2016. However, the assessment of household
spending is revised up marginally and investments slightly
down. There was no change in the contribution from external
trade, which remains negative in 2015 before turning positive in 2016. The Riksbank remains optimistic on wage developments estimating an increase of 3-3.5 percent over the
next three years. Given the very low expectations on inflation, that would lead to significant increases in real wages.
Thus, we will also see increases in the unit labor costs over
the next couple of years. The loss in competitiveness will be
dampened by a weaker krona. Compared to the December
forecast the krona is almost 3 percent weaker in 2015 and
almost 2 percent weaker in 2016 (in trade weighted terms).
Analysts: Knut Hallberg, Anna Breman, Jrgen Kennemar,
Cathrine Danin & Magnus Alvesson

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Macro focus Sweden

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