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1. What is the current total fertility birthrate?

Do some research on the internet and

explain how statisticians calculate the total fertility birthrate for a country.
The current total fertility birthrate is 1.21 babies per person. Statisticians calculate the
total fertility birthrate of a country by counting the percentage of women of any given
age who had a child in a specific year. They then total up these percentages for all
ages, and divide by 100.
2. What is the optimal replacement birthrate for Singapore? Based on your
readings, explain how the government came to the conclusion that this number
should be the optimal replacement birthrate for Singapore.
The optimal replacement birthrate for Singapore is below 2.1. The government came to
the conclusion that this number should be the optimal replacement birthrate for
Singapore because in most developed countries, the necessary replacement rate is
about 2.1. Since replacement cannot occur if a child does not grow to maturity and have
their own offspring, the need for the extra .1 child (a 5% buffer) per woman is due to the
potential for death and those who choose or are unable to have children.
3. What are the main causes highlighted by MM Lee and the newscaster?
Cost of living, women are educated and have their own independent way of living, have
their own dreams and mindset, career.
4. What are the current solutions that has been proposed in the broadcast? How
effective are these solutions? Explain your answer using facts from your
The solution that has been proposed in the broadcast is to get more immigrant children
and not adults. Also, he feels that immigrants with more than 2 children should
increase. These solutions are quite effective because with more immigrant
children coming into Singapore, the population will increase and thus there would
be more girls to make babies which increases the fertility rate which is declining.
5. In the opinion of Dr. Yap Mui Teng, what are the main causes for the population
decline? Explain your answer.
The main cause for the population decline is due to people postponing marriage or not
getting married at all and also for those who are married, they don't have as many
children as they have before. Also, young people feel they need better qualifications to
get better jobs to raise their child up.

6. Based on the opinions of the two men interviewed by the news, what are the
issues that they bring up as possible reasons why the population in Singapore
continues to decline?
They brought up the fact that every one is so stressed up with work, working 9 to 5 and
overtime and by the time they get home they are tired and they've got no time to make
babies. Also, to bring a kid up is not easy, Singapore education is very 'hard' and is also
very expensive, school fees very expensive, tuition fees.
7. Which do you think is more accurate in explaining the causes for the fall in total
birthrate in Singapore? Support your answer using research from the internet.
Your answer should be based on statistical evidence and facts from government
papers and other reliable sources of information.
The causes for the fall in total birthrate in Singapore during the past few years are the
fact that education in Singapore is very expensive and that everyone is very stressed in
work. Thus, people do not want to have babies as they feel it would cause more money
and also because they have no time to make babies with their long working hours.
However, I feel that money is not a problem. The government already provides tax
incentives like the baby bonus scheme that are aimed at encouraging couples to have
children. Also, we will get a cash gift of $3,000 for the 1st child, and a cash gift and cosavings of up to $9,000 for the 2nd child, and up to $18,000 each for the 3rd and 4th
child. The Government will match our savings dollar-for-dollar as we contribute to our
childs Children Development Account (CDA). These funds can be used to may the
childs childcare centre fees, kindergartens, etc. Thus, with all these funds and
incentives, money is not a very big problem which will cause the declining fertility rate.
Also, I feel that the fact that singapores education is very hard is quite true. According
to a survey, more people are getting competitive and with the increase in foreign
students, this makes it even more competitive in schools. Parents may be worried that
their children will not have a happy childhood due to the stress from school. Also, some
schools only accept a PSLE score of above 265 before giving the student financial help.
This makes it even more stressful and more hard. Lastly, Singapores education
system also involves streaming and GEP. I feel that streaming really shatters a persons
confidence because the person may not do well enough and thus lose confidence in
himself. According to an article written by da-cheese-freakk, he said that he feels GEP
is simply about a greater intellect to learn at a faster pace and also feels that they
should just simply skip a grade instead of being labeled as Gifted students. This is
because many people are jealous of the gifted students and always give weird looks to
them. So from all this, you can really tell how hard Singapores education is.
So in conclusion, I feel that the fall in the birthrate is due to the fact that singapores
education is very hard. Many parents do not want to have babies because they do not
wish to see their children suffer and also have a stressful and competitive childhood.
They want the best for their children.

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