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CEMAS collaborated
with UGOS, who specialise
in destination marketing
production, to create a utility
app to promote events, culture,
travel, dining and hotels.
Based in Neath and founded by practicing marketing
consultancy Eugene Osborne, the UGOS app offers
a range of interactive and useful options to the would
be traveller or socialite.
UGOS was collaboratively developed to meet the needs
of modern living and to take advantage of the current
boom in the use of mobile hardware and technology.
Aimed at consumers and suppliers, the app offers users
the ability to book events, flights, hotels, look for offers
and deals, or just plan a night out.
Currently available on Android, Eugene has plans
to develop an iOS version in the near future.



telephone. 01443 654265 email.

twitter. @CEMAS_USW website.

CEMAS has provided all the technical support

and industry insight we needed to get UGOS
to its current state. Coming from a marketing
and business development background,
our idea would not have become a reality
without the help of CEMAS.
Every aspect of the app was evaluated and
tested, CEMAS also made recommendations
that improved our initial idea.

Eugene Osborne,
UGOS Managing Director

Mae CEMAS wedi cydweithio
ag UGOS, syn arbenigo mewn
cynhyrchu marchnata cyrchfan,
i greu ap cyfleuster i hyrwyddo
digwyddiadau, diwylliant,
teithio, bwyta allan a gwestai.
Wedii leoli yng Nghastellnedd ai sefydlu gan
ymgynghoriaeth marchnata weithredol Eugene
Osborne, mae ap UGOS yn cynnig ystod
o ddewisiadau rhyngweithiol a defnyddiol
i deithwyr a chymdeithaswyr.
Datblygwyd UGOS ar y cyd er mwyn diwallu
anghenion bywyd modern a manteisio ar y twf
presennol yn y defnydd o galedwedd a thechnoleg
symudol. Maer ap, sydd wedii anelu at ddefnyddwyr
a chyflenwyr, yn galluogi defnyddwyr i drefnu
digwyddiadau, tocynnau hedfan, gwestai,
chwilio am gynigion a bargeinion, neu gynllunio
noson allan.
Mae ar gael ar Android ar hyn o bryd, ond mae
gan Eugene gynlluniau i ddatblygu fersiwn iOS
yn y dyfodol agos.



ffn. 01443 654265 e-bost.

twitter. @CEMAS_USW gwefan.

Mae CEMAS wedi darparur holl gefnogaeth

dechnegol ar wybodaeth am y diwydiant yr
oedd eu hangen arnom i ddatblygu UGOS iw
stad bresennol. Gan mai cefndir marchnata a
datblygu busnes sydd gennym, ni fyddem wedi
gallu datblygu ein syniadau heb help CEMAS.
Cafodd pob agwedd ar yr ap ei gwerthuso
ai phrofi, a gwnaeth CEMAS hefyd argymhellion
a wellodd ein syniad gwreiddiol.

Eugene Osborne,
Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr UGOS

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