OOAD Complete Notes 1 5

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5. Define class.


A class is a set of object that share a common

structure and a common behavior.

1. What do you mean by Object Oriented Systems

Development methodology ?
object oriented systems Development is a way to
develop software by building self contained modules or
objects that can be easily replaced, modified and reused.

System Development refers to all activities that go

into producing an Information system solution. Its activities
consists of system analysis, modeling, design,
Implementation, testing & Maintenance.
3. What are the advantages of object oriented

Higher level of Abstraction

Seamless transition among different phases
Software Development
Encouragement of good programming techniques.
Promotion of Reusability

Requirements and identifying classes and their
relationship to other objects in a given applications.
7. Define Attributes or properties.

2. What is system development methodology?

6. What is Object-Oriented Analysis?


Attributes represent the state of an object.

8. Define Information Hiding.
It is the principle of concealing the internal data and
procedure of an object and providing an interface to each
object in such a way as to reveal as little as possible about
its inner workings.
9. What do you mean by Formal or Abstract classes?
Formal classes have no instances but define the
common behavior that can be inherited by more specific

4. What is an Object?

10. Define Inheritance.

Object means a combination of data and logic that

represents some real world entity.

Inheritance is the property of object oriented

systems that allows objects to be built from other objects.

11. What do you mean by Dynamic Inheritance?

15. What do you mean by Aggregation?

Dynamic Inheritance allows objects to change and

evolve overtime.

Also called a part of this represents the situations

where a class consists of several component classes. A
part of is a special case of association.

12. Define association.

16. Define OID or uID?
Association represents the relationships between
objects and classes. Associations are bidirectional.

Can fly

flown by


Object Identifier (OID) or unique Identifier (uID) is

dispensed by a part of the object-oriented programming
system that is responsible for guaranteeing the
uniqueness of every Identifier.
17. What do you mean by Dynamic Binding?

13. What do you mean by consumer produce

relationship. It is a one-way interaction in which one object
requests the service of another object.
Print server

Request for printing


The process of determining (dynamically) at run

time which function to invoke is termed as dynamic
18. Define Static Binding?
The process of determining at compile time which
function to invoke is called static binding.

14. Define cardinality.

19. What do you mean by object persistence?

It is an important issue in association, which

specifies how many instance of one class may relate to a
single instance of an associated class.

The ability of an object to endure beyond

application session boundaries by storing the object in a
file or a database.

Cardinality may be one or many.

20. Define Metaclass?

It is defined as class of classes
21. Define Software Development process?
Software Development process that consists of analysis,
design, development, implementation.
22. What do you mean by RAD?
Rapid application development (RAD) is a set of
tools and techniques that can be used to build an
application faster than typically possible with traditional
methods. RAD does not replace the system development
life cycle (see the Real-world case) but complements it,
since it focuses more on process description and can be
combined perfectly with the object-oriented approach.
23. Explain about software components.
The software components are the functional units of
program, building blocks offering a collection of reusable
24. Describe the concept of component based
Dynamic inheritance allows objects to change and
evolve over time. Since base classes provide properties
and attributes for objects, changing base classes changes
the properties and attributes of a class. A previous
example was a Windows object changing into an icon and

then back again, which involves changing a base class

between Windows class and an Icon class. More
specifically, dynamic inheritance refers to the ability to add,
delete or change parents from objects (or classes) at run
25. What do you mean by CASE tools?
Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools
allow their users to rapidly develop information systems.
The main goal of CASE technology is the automation of
the entire information systems development life cycle
process using a set of integrated software tools, such as
modeling, methodology, and automatic code generation.
26. What do you mean by prototyping?
A prototype is a version of a software product
developed in the early stages of the products life cycle for
specific, experimental purposes. A prototype enables you
to fully understand how easy or difficult it will be to
implement some of the features of the system.
27. Explain about Horizontal prototype & its
A horizontal prototype is a simulation of the
interface (that is, it has the entire user interface that will be
in the full-featured system) but contains no functionality.
This has the advantages of being very quick to implement,
providing a good overall feel of the system and allowing
users to evaluate the interface on the basis of their normal,
expected perception of the system.

28. Define vertical prototype?

32. List out the various phases of SDLC?

A vertical prototype is a subset of the system

features with complete functionality. The principle
advantage of this method is that the few implemented
functions can be tested in great depth.

Software development life cycle (SDLC) consists of

three macro processes: object-oriented analysis, objectoriented design, and object-oriented implementation.
33. Define collaboration?

29. What do you mean by domain prototype?

A domain prototype is an aid for the incremental
development of the ultimate software solution. It often is
used as a tool for the staged delivery of subsystems to the
users or other members of the development team. It
demonstrates the feasibility of the implementation and
eventually will evolve into a deliverable product.

The intersection among objects roles to achieve a

given goal is called collaboration.
34. Define 80-20 Rule.
80-20 rule generally applies for documentation: 80
percent of the work can be done with 20 percent of the

30. Explain about analysis prototype?

35. What do you mean by waterfall approach?
An analysis prototype is an aid for exploring the
problem domain. This class of prototype is used to inform
the user and demonstrate the proof of a concept. It is not
used as the basis of development, however, and is
discarded when it has served purpose.
31. What do you mean by use case modeling?
Expressing these high-level processes and
interactions with customers in a scenario and analyzing it
is referred to as use-case modeling.

Waterfall approach starts with deciding what is to be

done, how to accomplish them, step in which we do it, test
the result to see if we have satisfied the users
requirements. We use what we have done.
36. What are the disadvantages of water fall
In the real world, the problems are not always welldefined and that is why the waterfall model has limited
utility. This model assumes that the requirements are
known before the design begins, but one may need
experience with the product before the requirement can be
fully understood.

37. List out the four quality measures for system


Design and refine structures

Design and refine associations.

System evaluation in terms of four quality

measures: correspondence, correctness, verification, and

Here are a few guidelines to use in your object-oriented


38. Define Reusability?

Reusability is a major benefit of object-oriented
system development. It is also the most difficult promise to
deliver. To develop reusable objects, you must spend time
up front to design reusability in the objects.
39. What is the purpose of Object Oriented Design?
The goal of object-oriented design(OOD) is to
design the classes identified during the analysis phase and
the user interface. During this phase, we identify and
define additional objects and classes that support
implementation of the requirements.

Reuse, rather than build, a new class. Know the

existing classes.

Design a large number of simple classes, rather than a

small number of complex classes.

Design methods

Critique what you have proposed. If possible, go back

and refine the classes.

40. List out the guidelines that must be followed

during Object Oriented Design phase?
First, build the object model based on objects and
their relationships, then iterate and refine the model:

Design and refine classes.

Design and refine attributes

Design and refine methods



Object Orientation:

1. Explain Object Oriented Systems Development


Some reasons why object orientation works is given


Systems development refers to all activities that go

into producing an information systems solution. Systems
development activities consists of systems analysis,
maintenance. A software development methodology is a
series of processes that, if followed, can lead to the
development of an application.

Two orthogonal views of the software: Objectoriented systems development methods differ from
traditional development techniques in that the traditional
techniques views software as a collection of programs (or
functions) and isolated data. This means that there are two
different, yet complementary ways to view software
construction: we can focus primarily on the functions or
primarily on the data.

Unified approach (UA) is a methodology for

software development that is proposed by the author, and
used in this book. The unified modeling languages (UML)
is a set of notations and conventions used to describe and
model an application. However, the UML does not specify
a methodology or what steps to follow to develop an
application; that would be the task of the UA.

Object-oriented systems development is a way to

develop software by building self-contained modules or
objects that can easily be replaced, modified, and reused.
Furthermore, it encourages a view of the world as a
system of cooperative and collaborating objects.

High level of abstraction

Seamless transition among different phases
software development.
Encouragement of good programming techniques
Promotion of reusability


Overview of the unified approach:

Layered architecture is an approach to software

development that allows us to create objects that
represent tangible elements of the business independent
of how they are represented to the user through an
interface or physically stored in a database.
An object orientation produces systems that are
easier to evolve, more flexible, more robust, and more
reusable than a top-down structure approach. An object

Allows working at a higher level of abstraction

Provides a seamless transition among different phases
of software development
Encourages good development practices
Promotes reusability.

The unified approach (UA) is the methodology for

software development proposed and used in this book.
Based on the Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson
methodologies, the UA consist of the following concepts.

Use-case driven development

Utilizing the unified modeling language for modeling
Object-oriented analysis (utilizes use cases and object
Object-oriented design
Repositories of reusable classes and maximum reuse.
The layered approach.
Incremental development and prototyping.
Continuous testing.

2. Discuss Object Oriented System Development life

cycle? [or] SDLC?

The Software Development Process:

System development can be viewed as a process.
Furthermore, the development itself, in essence, is a
process of change, refinement, transformation, or addition
to the existing product. Within the process, it is possible to
replace one sub process with a new one, as long as the
new process as a whole.
The process can be divided into small, interacting
phases-subprocesses. Each subprocess must have the
following [1];

A description in terms of how it works.

Specification of the input required for the process
Specification of the output to be produced

Transformation 1 (analysis) translates the users needs

into system requirements and responsibilities.
Transformation 2 (design) begins with a problem
statement and ends with a detailed design that can be
transformed into an operational system.

The essence of the software development process

that consists of analysis, design, implementation, testing,
and refinement is to transform users needs into a software
solution that satisfies those needs.

Transformation 3 (implementation) refines the detailed

design into the system deployment that will satisfy the
users needs.
Waterfall model: An example of the software
development process is the waterfall approach, whish
starts with deciding what is to be done ( what is the
problems). Once the requirements have been determined,
we next must decide how to accomplish them. This is
followed by a step in which we do it, whatever it has
required us to do we then must test the result to see if we
have satisfied the users requirements. Finally, we use
what we have done.

requirements statement. Validation is the task of predicting

correspondence. True correspondence cannot be
determined until the system is in place. Correctness
measures the consistency of the product requirements
with respects to the design specification. Blum argues that
verification is the exercise of determining correctness.
However, correctness always is objective.

Verification. Am I building the product right?

Validation. Am I building the right product?

In the real world, the problems are not always well

defined and that is why the waterfall model has limited
utility. This model assumes that the requirements are
known before the design begins, but one may need
experience with the product before the requirements can
be fully understood.
Building high-Quality Software:
The software process transforms the users needs via
the application domain to a software solution that satisfies
those needs. A means of system evaluation in terms of
four quality measures: correspondence, correctness,
verification, and validation. Correspondence measures
how well the delivered system matches the needs of the
operational environment, as described in the original

The object-oriented software development life cycle

(SDLC) consists of three macro processes: object-oriented
analysis, object-oriented design, and object-oriented

Documentation is another important activity, which

does not end with object oriented analysis phase and the
user interface. During this phase, we identify and define
additional objects and classes that support implementation
of the requirements.


First, build the object model based on objects and their

relationships, then iterate and refine the model:





Object-oriented analysis use case driven

Object-oriented design
Component-based development
Incremental testing

Object-Oriented analysis use-case Driven

The object oriented analysis phase of software
development is concerned with determining the system
requirements and identifying classes and their relationship
to other classes in the problem domain.
Scenarios are a great way of examining who does
what in the interactions among objects and what role they
play; that is their interrelationships. This interaction among
objects roles to achieve a given goal is called
Expressing these high-level processes and
interactions with customers in a scenario and analyzing it
is referred to as use-case modeling.

Design and refine classes.

Design and refine attributes
Design and refine methods
Design and refine structures
Design and refine associations.

Here are a few guidelines to use in your object-oriented


Reuse, rather than build, a new class. Know the

existing classes.
Design a large number of simple classes, rather than a
small number of complex classes.
Design methods
Critique what you have proposed. If possible, go back
and refine the classes.

Although the object-oriented analysis and design
describe the system features, it is important to construct a
prototype of some of the key system components shortly

after the products are selected.

A prototype enables you to fully understand how
easy or difficult it will be to implement some of the features
of the system.

problems that need to be addressed in the

intermediate prototype stage.
3. To give management and everyone connected with
the project the first (or it could be second or
third . ... .) glimpse of what the technology can

Prototypes have been categorized in various ways.

Implementation : component-Based Development.
A horizontal prototype is a simulation of the interface (that
is, it has the entire user interface that will be in the fullfeatured system) but contains no functionality.
A vertical prototype is a subset of the system features with
complete functionality. The principle advantage of this
method is that the few implemented functions can be
tested in great depth.
An analysis prototype is an aid for exploring the problem
domain. This class of prototype is used to inform the user
and demonstrate the proof of a concept.
A domain prototype is an aid for the incremental
development of the ultimate software solution.
The purpose of this review is threefold:
1. To demonstrate that the prototype has been
developed according to the specification and that
the final specification is appropriate.
2. To collect information about errors or other
problems in the system, such as user interface

Component based development (CBD) is an

industrialized approach to the software development
process. Application development moves from custom
development to assembly of prebuilt, pretested, reusable
software components that operate with each other. Tow
basic ideas underlie component-based development. First,
the application development can be improved significantly
if applications can be assembled quickly from
prefabricated software
components. Second, an
increasingly large collection of interpretable software
components could be made available to developers in both
general and specialist catalogs.
The software components are the functional units of
program, building blocks offering a collection of reusable
Rapid application development (RAD) is a set of tools
and techniques that can be used to build an application
faster than typically possible with traditional methods.
RAD does not replace the system development life
cycle (see the Real-world case) but complements it, since


it focuses more on process description and can be

combined perfectly with the object-oriented approach.
Incremental Testing
If you wait until after development to test an
application for bugs and performance, you could be
wasting thousands of dollars and hours of time. The
problem was that developers would turn over applications
to a quality assurance (QA) group for testing only after
development was completed.

represents some real world entity. For example, consider a

Saab automobile. The Saab can be represented in a
computer program as an object. The data part of this
object would be the cars name, color, number of doors,
price and so forth. The logic part of the object could be a
collection of programs.
A class is a set of objects that share a common
structure and a common behavior; a single object is simply
an instance of a class[3]; A class is a specification of
structure (instance variables) behavior (methods) and
inheritance for objects.

A major benefit of object-oriented system
development is reusability, and this is the most difficult
promise to deliver on. For an object to be really reusable,
much more effort must be spent designing it.
The reuse strategy can be based on the following:
Information hiding (encapsulation)
Conformance to naming standards.
Creation and administration of an object repository.
Encouragement by strategic management of reuse as
opposed to constant redevelopment
Establishing targets for a percentage of the objects in
the project to be reused (i.e., 50 percent reuse of
3. Explain about Objects and its basic with example?
Object means a combination of data and logic that

Classes are an important mechanism for classifying

objects. The chief role of a class is to define the properties
and procedures (the state and behavior) and applicability
of its instances. The class car, for example, defines the
property color.
A method or behavior of an object is defined by its
class. Each object is an instance of a class.
Attributes: object state and properties: Properties
represent the state of an object.
A method implements the behavior of an object.
Behavior denotes the collection of methods that abstractly
describes what an object is capable of doing. Each
procedure defines and describes a particular behavior of
an object. The object, called the receiver is that on which
the method operates. Methods encapsulate the behavior
of the object, provide interfaces to the object, and hide any


of the internal structures and states maintained by the

object. Objects take responsibility for their own behavior.

objects data, a message is sent to the target object

requesting information.

Objects respond to messages: An objects capabilities

are determined by the methods defined for it. Methods
conceptually are equivalent to the function definition used
in procedural languages.

Another issue is per-object or per-class protection.

In per-class protection, the most common from (e.g., Ada,
C++, Eiffel), class methods can access any object of that
class and not just the receiver. In per-object protection,
methods can access only the receiver.

Messages essentially are nonspecific function calls:

We would send a draw message to a chart when we want
the chart to draw itself. A message is different from a
subroutine call, since different objects can respond to the
same message in different ways.
Methods are similar to functions, procedures, or
subroutines in more traditional programming languages,
such as COBOL, Basic, or C. The area where methods
and functions differ, however, is in how they are invoked.
Encapsulation And Information Hiding: Information
hiding is the principle of concealing the internal data and
procedures of an object and providing an interface to each
object in such a way as to reveal as little as possible about
its inner workings.
An object is said to encapsulate the data and a
program. This means that the user cannot see the inside
of the object capsule, but can use the object by calling
the objects methods [8]. Encapsulation or information
hiding is a design goal of an object-oriented system.
Rather than allowing an object direct access to another

An important factor in achieving encapsulation is

the design of different classes of objects that operate using
a common protocol, or objects user interface. This means
that many objects will respond to the same message, but
each will perform the message using operations tailored to
its class.
A car engine is an example of encapsulation.
Although engines may differ in implementation, the
interface between the driver and the car is through a
common protocol: Data abstraction is a benefit of the
object-oriented concept that incorporates encapsulation
and polymorphism.
4. Briefly discuss about class Hierarchy?
An object-oriented system organizes classes into a
subclass-superclass hierarchy. At the top of the class
hierarchy are the most general classes and at the bottom
are the most specific. The family car in figure 2-4 is a
subclass of car. A subclass inherits all of the properties
and methods (procedures) defined in its superclass.


By contrast, superclasses generalize behavior. It

follows that a more general state and behavior is modeled
as one moves up the superclass-subclass hierarchy (or
simply class hierarchy) and a more specific state is
modeled as one moves down.

The car class is a formal class, also called an

abstract class. Formal or abstract classes have no
instances but define the common behaviors that can be
inherited by more specific classes.
In some object-oriented languages, the terms
superclass and subclass are used instead of base and
Inheritance: inheritance is the property of object-oriented
systems that allows objects to be built from other objects.
Inheritance allows explicitly taking advantage of the
commonality of objects when constructing new classes.
Inheritance is a relationship between classes where one
class is the parent class of another (derived) class. The
parent class also is known as the base class or
Dynamic inheritance allows objects to change and
evolve over time. Since base classes provide properties
and attributes for objects, changing base classes changes
the properties and attributes of a class. A previous
example was a Windows object changing into an icon and
then back again, which involves changing a base class
between a Windows class and an icon class. More
specifically, dynamic inheritance refers to the ability to add,
delete or change parents from objects (or classes) at run


Multiple Inheritance:
Some object-oriented systems permit a class to
inherit its state (attributes) and behaviors from more than
one superclass. This kind of inheritance is referred to as
multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance can pose some
difficulties. For example, several distinct parent classes
can declare a member within a multiple inheritance
hierarchy. This then can become an issue of choice,
particularly when several superclasses define the same
method. It also is more difficult to understand programs
written in multiple inheritance systems.
One way of achieving the benefits of multiple
inheritance in a language with single inheritance is to
inherit from the most appropriate class and then add an
object of another class as an attribute.
5. Explain about polymorphism with example.
Poly means many and morph means form. In the
context of object-oriented systems, it means objects that
can take on or assume many different forms.
Polymorphism means that the same operation may
behave differently on different classes. Polymorphism is
the relationship of objects of many different classes by
some common superclass; thus, any of the objects
designated by this name is able to respond to some
common set of operations in a different way. For example,

consider how driving an automobile with a manual

transmission requires you to operate the clutch and the
shift, so in addition to all other mechanical controls, you
also need information on when to shift gears.
Polymorphism, is a fundamental concept of any
object-oriented system. Polymorphism allows us to write
generic, reusable code more easily, because we can
implementation details to the objects involved. Since no
assumption is made about the class of an object that
receives a message, fewer dependencies are needed in
the code and, therefore, maintenance is easier. For
example, in a payroll system, manager, office worker, and
production worker on objects all will respond to the
compute payroll message, but the actual operations
performed are object specific.




Association represents the relationships between

objects and classes. For example, in the statement a pilot
can fly planes the italicized term is an association.
Association are bidirectional; that means they can
be traversed in both directions, perhaps with different
connotations. The direction implied by the name is the
forward direction; the opposite direction is the inverse
direction. For example, can fly connects a pilot to certain
airplanes. The inverse of can fly could be called is flown
by. An important issue in association is cardinality, which


specifies how many instances of one class may relate to a

single instance of an associated class.
Consumer- Producer Association: A special form of
association is a consumer-producer relationship, also
known as a client-server association or a use relationship.
The consumer-producer relationship can be viewed as
one-way interaction: one object requests the service of
another object. The object that makes the request is the
consumer or client, and the objects that receives the
request and provides the service is the producer or server.
For example4, we have a print object that prints the
consumer object. The print producer provides the ability to
print other objects. Figure below depicts the consumer
producer association.

other objects. For example, a spreadsheet is an object

composed of cells, and cells are objects that may contain
text, mathematical formulas, video and so forth. Breaking
down objects into the objects from which they are
composed is a decomposition. This is possible because an
objects attributes need not be simple data fields; at
tributes can reference other objects. Since each object has
an identity, one object can refer to other objects. This is
known as aggregation, where an attribute can be an object
itself. For instance, a car object is an aggregation of
engine, seat, wheels, and other objects.
A car object is an aggregation of other objects such as
engine, seat, and wheel objects.

7. Briefly discuss about aggregation and object

Aggregation and object containment: All objects, except
the most basic ones, are composed of and many contain


8. Explain about Object Oriented Approach?

The Object Oriented Approach:
Object-oriented systems development consists of

Object-oriented analysis.
Object-oriented information modeling.
Object-oriented design.
Prototyping and implementation.
Testing, iteration and documentation.

Object-oriented software development encourages you

to view the problem as a system of cooperative objects.
Object-oriented analysis shares certain aspects with the
structured approach, such as determining the system
The first task in object-oriented analysis is to find
the class of objects that will compose the system.

Persons. What role does a person play in the system/

Places. These are physical locations, buildings, stores,
sites or offices about which the system keeps
Things or events. These are events, points in time that
must be recorded.

We need to identify the hierarchical relation between

superclasses and subclasses. Another task in objectoriented analysis is to identify the attributes (properties) of
objects, such as color, cost, and manufacturer. Identifying
behavior (methods) is next.
The goal of object-oriented analysis is to identify
objects and classes that support the problem domain and
systems requirements. Object-oriented design identifies
and defines additional objects and classes that support an
implementation of the requirements.
The main program would be written in a general
way that looped through all of the employees and sent a
message to each employee to calculate its payroll:
Employee compute Payroll
9. Discuss about object and its identity.
A special feature of object-oriented systems is that
every object has its own unique and immutable identity. An
objects identity comes into being when the object is
created and continues to represents then object from then
In an object system, object identity often is
implemented through some kind of object identifier (OID)
or unique identifier (UID). An OID is dispensed by a part of
the object-oriented programming system that is


responsible for guaranteeing the uniqueness of every

identifier. OIDs are never reused.
As another example cars may have an owner
property of class person. A particular instance of a car, a
black Saab 900S, is owned by person instance named
Hal. Pointers refer directly to the address of the thing they
point in the physical memory. Object references directly
denote the object to which they refer. References often are
implemented by using the UID of the object as the
reference, since the UID guarantees object identity over
time. The owner property of a car contains a references to
the person instance named Hal. In addition, an object may
refer back to an object that refers to it. In this example, a
person has an owns property that contains a references to
the car instances. References may or may not carry class
information with them.

The owner property of a car contains a references to the

person instance named Hal.

1. What are the various phases of OMT?
OMT consists of four phases, which can be
performed iteratively:

System design
Object design

2. Define object model?

The Object Model
The object model describes the structure of objects
in a system: their identity, relationships to other objects,
attributes, and operations.
The object model is
represented graphically with an object diagram.
3. Define OMT Dynamic Model?
The OMT Dynamic Model
OMT provides a detailed and comprehensive


dynamic model, in addition to letting you depict states,

transitions, events and actions. The OMT state transition
diagram is a network of states and events.

is technical management of the system.

4. List out the primary symbols used in Data Flow


7. List out the various steps involved in macro


Data flow diagrams use four primary symbols:

The Macro development process consists of the following


1. The process is any function being performed

2. The data flow shows the direction of data element
3. The data store is a location where data are stored
4. An external entity is a source or destination of a
data element


Analysis and development of the model
Design or create the system architecture
Evolution or implementation

5. What are the diagrams in Booch Method?

8. Define Micro development process?

The Booch method consists of the following diagrams:

Each macro development process has its own

micro development processes. The micro process is a
description of the day-to-day activities by a single or small
group of software developers.

Class diagrams
Object diagrams
State transition diagrams
Module diagrams
Process diagrams
Interaction diagrams
6. What do you meanly Macro development process?
The Macro process serves as a controlling
framework for the micro process and can take weeks or
even months. The primary concern of the macro process

9. What are the steps involved in micro development

The Micro development process consists of the following
1. Identify classes and objects
2. Identify class and object semantics
3. Identify class and object relationships


4. Identify class





10. Define Use Cases?

Use Cases
Use cases are scenarios for understanding system
requirements. A use case is an interaction between users
and a system.
11. Define Abstract use case?
An abstract use case is not complete and has no
actors that initiate it but is used by another use case.
Abstract use cases also are the ones that have uses or
extends relationships.
12. What do you mean by OOSE?
Object oriented software engineering (OOSE),
also called Objectory, is a method of object oriented
development with the specific aim to fit the development of
large, real time systems.
13. Define use case driven development?
The development process, called use case driven
development, stresses that use cases are involved in
several phases of the development, including analysis,
design, validation, and testing.

14. What are the different models in objectory?

Objectory is built around several different models:
Use case model
Domain object model
Analysis object model
Implementation model
Test model
15. What do you mean by OOBE?
Object oriented business engineering (OOBE) is
object modeling at the enterprise level.
16. Define pattern?
A pattern is [an] instructive information that captures
the essential structure and insight of a successful family of
proven solutions to a recurring problem that arises within a
certain context and system of forces.
17. What are the various characteristics of a good
A good pattern will do the following:

It solves a problem
It is proven concept
The solution is not obvious
It describes a relationship


The pattern has a significant human component

18. Define proto pattern?

Antipatterns are valuable because often it is just as

important to see and understand bad solutions as to see
and understand good ones.

A pattern in waiting, which is not yet known to

recur, sometimes is called a proto pattern.

23. Define pattern mining?

19. Define generative patterns?

The process of looking for patterns to document is

called pattern mining (or sometimes reverse architecting).

Generative patterns are patterns that not only

describe a recurring problem, they can tell us how to
generate something and can be observed in the resulting
system architectures they helped shape.
20. What is meant by nongenerative patterns?
Nongenerative patterns are static and passive:
They describe recurring phenomena without necessarily
saying how to reproduce them.
21. Define Anti patterns?
An antipattern represents worst practice or a
lesson learned. Antipatterns come in two varieties:

Those describing a bad solution to a problem that

resulted in a had situation.
Those describing how to get out of a bad
situation and how to proceed from there to a
good solution.

22. Describe the advantages of antipatterns?

24. Give some guidelines for capturing patterns?

These guidelines are summarized from Buschmann et al.

Focus on practicability
Aggressive disregard of originality
Nonanonymous review
Writers workshops instead of presentations
Careful editing

25. Define Frame work?

A frame work is a way of presenting a generic
solution to a problem that can be applied to all levels in a
26. List out the differences between patterns and
The major differences between design patterns and
frame works as follows [15]:

Design patterns are more abstract than frameworks

Design patterns are smaller architectural elements
than frameworks
Design patterns are less specialized than
27. What do you mean by OOA?

The access layer has two major responsibilities

Translate request
Translate results
31. Define model?

Analysis is the process of extracting the needs of a

system and what the system must do to satisfy the users

A model is an abstract representation of a system,

constructed to understand the system prior to building or
modifying it.

28. What are the various steps involved in OOA?

32. Define static model?

OOA Process consists of the following Steps:

A static model can be viewed as a snapshot of a

systems parameters at rest pr at a specific point in time.
Static models are needed to represent the structural or
static aspect of a system.

1. Identify the Actors

2. Develop a simple business process model using
UML Activity diagram
3. Develop the Use Case
4. Develop interaction diagram
5. Identify classes
29. What are the responsibilities of user Interface
This layer typically is responsible for two major
aspects of the applications.
Responding to user interaction
Displaying business objects
30. What are the Responsibilities of Access layers?

33. Define Dynamic Model?

A dynamic model, in contrast to a static model, can
be viewed as a collection of procedures or behaviors that,
taken together, reflect the behavior of a system over time.
34. Give some examples for Dynamic model?
The UML interaction diagrams and activity models
are examples of UML dynamic models.
35. Give an examples for static model?
The unified modeling language class diagram is an

example of a static model.

36. What are the various components in a modeling


5. Manipulation of the model (changing variables) is

much easier.

39. What are the key ideas that was followed while

A modeling language must include [2]

Model elements fundamental modeling concepts
and semantics
Notation visual rendering of model elements
Guidelines expression of usage within the trade
37. What are the Benefits of modeling?
The use of visual notation to represent or model a
problem can provide us several benefits relating to clarity,
familiarity, maintenance, and simplification.
38. What are the advantages of modeling?
Advantages of modeling [9]:
1. Models made it easier to express complex ideas.
2. The main reason for modeling is the reduction of
3. Models enhance and reinforce learning and training
4. The cost of the modeling analysis is much lower
than the cost of similar experimentation conducted
with a real system

Key ideas regarding modeling:


A model is rarely correct on the first try

Always seek the advice and criticism of others
Avoid excess model revisions
As they can distort the essence of your model. Let
simplicity and elegance guide you through the

40. Define UML?

The unified modeling language is a language for
specifying, constructing, visualizing, and documenting the
software system and its components. The UML is a
graphical language with sets of rules and semantics.
41. Define OCL?
The rules and semantics of a model are expressed
in English, in a form known as object constraint language
(OCL). OCL is a specification language that uses simple
logic for specifying the properties of a system.
42. What is a class diagram?

A class diagram is a collection of static modeling

elements, such as classes and their relationships
connected as a graph to each other and to their contents.
43. Define object diagram?

47. What do you mean by multiplicity?

A static object diagram is an instance of a class

diagram. It shows a snapshot of the detailed state of the
system at a point in time.

Multiplicity specifies
associated classes





44. Define Binary association notation?
A binary association is drawn as a solid path
connecting two classes, or both ends may be connected to
the same class. An association may have an association

1..3, 7..10, 15, 19..*
48. Define OR association?

45. What do you mean by association navigation?

Association navigation or navigability to specify a
role affiliated with each end of an association relationship.

An OR association indicates a situation in which

only one of several potential associations may be
instantiated at one time for any single object.

46. Define Qualifier?

A qualifier as an associations attribute.
example, a person object may be associated to a Bank
object. An attribute of this association is the account#.






case, showing the pattern of interaction among objects.

49. What do you mean by N-ary Association?
52. What do you mean by sequence diagram?
An n ary association is an association among
more than two classes
Semester Class




Grade Book

50. Define Generalization?

Generalization is the relationship between a more
general class and a more specific class.

UML sequence diagram sequence diagrams are an

easy and intuitive way of describing the behavior of a
system by viewing the interaction between the system and
its environment. A sequence diagram shows an interaction
arranged in a time sequences.
53. Define lifeline?
The vertical line in sequence diagram called the
objects lifeline. The lifeline represents the objects exists
existence during the interaction.
54. Explain about collaboration diagram?
A collaboration diagram represents a collaboration,
which is a set of objects related in a particular context, and
interaction, which is a set of messages exchanged among
the objects within the collaboration to achieve a desired
55. Define state chart diagram?

51. What do you mean by Interaction diagram?

A state chart diagram (also called a state diagram)

shows the sequence of state that an object goes through
during its life in response to outside stimuli and messages.

Interaction diagrams are diagrams that describe

how groups of objects collaborate to get the job done.
Interaction diagrams capture the behavior of a single use

56. What do you mean by activity diagram?


An activity diagram is a variation or special case of

a state machine, in which the states are activities
representing the performance of operations and the
transitions are triggered by the completion of the
57. Define Implementation diagram?
Implementation diagrams show the implementation
phase of systems development, such as the source code
structure and the run time implementation structure.
58. What do you mean by package?
A package is a grouping of model elements.
Packages themselves may contain other packages.
59. Define model dependency?
Model dependency represents a situation in a which
change to the target element may require a change to the
source element in the dependency, thus indicating the
relationship between two or more model elements.
60. Define Meta model?
A metal-model is a model of modeling elements.
The purpose of the UML meta-model is to provide a single,
common and definitive statement of the syntax and
semantics of the elements of the UML.

1. Explain Rumbaugh et AL.s Object Modeling

The object modeling technique (OMT) presented by

Jim Rumbaugh and his coworkers describes a method for
the analysis, design, and implementation of a system
using an object oriented technique. OMT is a fast,
intuitive approach for identifying and modeling all the
objects making up a system.
OMT consists of four phases, which can be
performed iteratively:
1. Analysis: The results are objects and dynamic and
functional models
2. System design: The results are a structure of the
basic architecture of the system along with highlevel strategy decisions.
3. Object design: This phase produces a design
document, consisting of detailed objects static,
dynamic, and functional models.
4. Implementation: This activity produces reusable,
extendible, and robust code.

OMT separates modeling into three different parts:

1. An object model, presented by the object model and
the data dictionary.
2. A dynamic model, presented by the state diagrams
and event flow diagrams,
3. A functional model, presented by data flow and




The Object Model


Create Transaction


The object model describes the structure of objects

in a system: their identity, relationships to other objects,
attributes, and operations.
The object model is
represented graphically with an object diagram (see
The object diagram contains classes
interconnected by association lines; each class represents
a set of individual objects. The association lines establish
relationships among the classes.
The OMT Dynamic Model
OMT provides a detailed and comprehensive
dynamic model, in addition to letting you depict states,
transitions, events and actions. The OMT state transition
diagram is a network of states and events.


Checking Saving Account



Figure: The OMT object model of a bank system

The OMT Functional Model

The OMT data flow diagram (DFD2) shows the flow


of data between different processes in a business.

Data flow diagrams use four primary symbols:
1. The process is any function being performed
2. The data flow shows the direction of data element
3. The data store is a location where data are stored
4. An external entity is a source or destination of a
data element

Nothing is selected

Account has
been selected

Selected checking
or savings account

Select checking

Select transaction
type (withdraws,
deposit, transfer)

Enter the


Figure: State transition diagram for the bank

application user interface


is technical management of the system.

The Macro development process consists of the following
2. Discuss about Booch Methodology?

The Booch methodology is a widely used object

oriented method that helps you design your system using
the object paradigm. It covers the analysis and design
phases of an object oriented system. Booch sometimes
is criticized for his large set of symbols.
The Booch method consists of the following diagrams:
Class diagrams
Object diagrams
State transition diagrams
Module diagrams
Process diagrams
Interaction diagrams
The Booch methodology prescribes a macro
development process and a micro development process.
The Macro Development Process
The Macro process serves as a controlling
framework for the micro process and can take weeks or
even months. The primary concern of the macro process

1. Conceptualization: During conceptualization, you

establish the core requirements of the system. You
establish a set of goals and develop a prototype to
prove the concept.
2. Analysis and development of the model: In this
step, you use the class diagram to describe the
roles and responsibilities objects are to carry out in
performing the desired behavior of the system.
3. Design or create the system architecture: In the
design phase, you use the class diagram to decide
what classes exist and how they relate to each
4. Evolution or implementation: Successively refine
the system through many iterations.
5. Maintenance: Make localized changes to the
system to add new requirements and eliminate
The Micro Development Process
Each macro development process has its own
micro development processes. The micro process is a
description of the day-to-day activities by a single or small
group of software developers. Which could look blurry to
an outside viewer, since the analysis and design phases
are not clearly defined.


The Micro development process consists of the following


Identify classes and objects

Identify class and object semantics
Identify class and object relationships
Identify class and object interfaces


3. Explain Jacobson ET AL. Methodologies?


The Jacobson et al. methodologies (e.g., object

oriented Business Engineering (OOBE), object oriented
Software Engineering (OOSE), and Objectory) cover the
entire life cycle and stress traceability between the
different phases, both forward and backward.
traceability enables reuse of analysis and design work,
possibly much bigger factors in the reduction of
development time than reuse of code. At the heart of their
methodologies is the use case concept, which evolved
with Objectory (Object Factory for Software Development).
Use Cases
Use cases are scenarios for understanding system
requirements. A use case is an interaction between users
and a system. The use case model captures the goal of
the user and the responsibility of the system to its users.
Use cases are described as one of the following [4]:

Non formal text with no clear flow of events

Text, easy to read but with a clear flow of events to
follow (this is a recommended style)
Formal style using pseudo code
The exceptional use case extends another use case
to include the additional one. The use case model
employs extends and uses relationships.
An abstract use case is not complete and has no
actors that initiate it but is used by another use case.

Checking out books


Getting an interlibrary loan

Doing research
Reading books,



Object Oriented Software Engineering: Objectory

Object oriented software engineering (OOSE),

also called Objectory, is a method of object oriented

development with the specific aim to fit the development of
large, real time systems.
The development process, called use case driven
development, stresses that use cases are involved in
several phases of the development, including analysis,
design, validation, and testing.
The system development method based on OOSE,
Objectory, is a disciplined process for the industrialized
development of software, based on a use case driven
design. It is an approach to object oriented analysis and
design that centers on understanding the ways in which a
system actually is used.
Objectory is build around several different models:

Use case model

Domain object model
Analysis object model
Implementation model
Test model
Express in
Structured by

Tested in
Implemented by
Realized by





n Model

Object Oriented Business Engineering

Object oriented business engineering (OOBE) is
object modeling at the enterprise level. Use cases again
are the central vehicle for modeling, providing traceability
throughout the software engineering processes.
Analysis phase: The analysis phase defined the
system to be built in terms of the problem domain
object model, the requirements model, and the
analysis model.
implementation environment must be identified for
the design model. This includes factors such as
distribution of process, constraints due to the
programming language, available component
libraries, and incorporation of graphical user
interface tools.
Testing phase: Finally, Jacobson describes several
testing levels and techniques. The levels include
unit testing, integration testing, and system testing.
4. Briefly discuss about Patterns?
A pattern is [an] instructive information that captures
the essential structure and insight of a successful family of


Figure: The use-case model is considered in every model and

proven solutions to a recurring problem that arises within a

certain context and system of forces.

The following essential components should be

clearly recognizable on reading a pattern [5]:

A pattern in waiting, which is not yet known to

recur, sometimes is called a proto pattern.
A good pattern will do the following:

Name: A meaningful name.

Problem: A statement of the problem that describes
its intent
Context: The preconditions under which the
problem and its solution seem to recur and for
which the solutions is desirable.
Forces: A description of the relevant forces and
constraints and how they interact or conflict with
one another and with the goals we wish to achieve.
Solution: Static relationships and dynamic rules
describing how to realize the desired outcome.
Examples: One or more sample applications of the
pattern that illustrate a specific initial context
Resulting context: The state or configuration of the
system after the pattern has been applied, including
the consequences (both good and bad) of applying
the pattern, and other problems and patterns that
may arise from the new context.
Rationale: A justifying explanation of steps or rules
in the pattern and also of the pattern as a whole in
terms of how and why it resolves its forces in a
particular way to be in alignment with desired goals,
principles, and philosophies.
Related patterns: The static and dynamic
relationships between this pattern and others within
the same pattern language or system.
Known uses: The known occurrences of the pattern
and its application within existing systems.

It solves a problem
It is proven concept
The solution is not obvious
It describes a relationship
The pattern has a significant human component

Generative and Nongenerative Patterns:

Generative patterns are patterns that not only
describe a recurring problem, they can tell us how to
generate something and can be observed in the resulting
system architectures they helped shape.
Nongenerative patterns are static and passive:
They describe recurring phenomena without necessarily
saying how to reproduce them.
Patterns Template
Every pattern must be expressed in the form of a
rule [template] which establishes a relationship between a
context, a system of forces which arises in that context,
and a configuration, which allows these forces to resolve
themselves in that context.[2]


A pattern represents a best practice, an
antipattern represents worst practice or a lesson
learned. Antipatterns come in two varieties:

Those describing a bad solution to a problem that

resulted in a had situation.
Those describing how to get out of a bad
situation and how to proceed from there to a
good solution.

Antipatterns are valuable because often it is just as

important to see and understand bad solutions as to see
and understand good ones.
Capturing Patterns
Writing good patterns is very difficult, explains
Appleton [5]. Patterns should provide not only facts (like a
reference manual or users guide) but also tell a story that
captures the experience they are trying to convey. A
pattern should help its users comprehend existing system,
customize systems to fit user needs, and construct new
systems. The process of looking for patterns to document
is called pattern mining (or sometimes reverse
architecting). An interesting initiative started within the
software community is to share experience with patterns
and develop an ever growing repository of patterns.
People can contribute new solutions, lessons learned (or
antipatterns), and more examples within a variety of

How do you know a pattern when you come across

one? The answer is you dot always know. You may jot
down the beginning of some things you think are patterns,
but it may turn out that these are not patterns at all, or they
are only pieces of patterns, simply good principles, or
general rules that may form part of think rational for a
particular pattern. It is important to remember that a
solution in which no forces are present is not a pattern [5].
These guidelines are summarized from Buschmann
et al. [10].

Focus on practicability
Aggressive disregard of originality
Nonanonymous review
Writers workshops instead of presentations
Careful editing

A frame work is a way of presenting a generic

solution to a problem that can be applied to all levels in a
5. Differentiate static of Dynamic Model? (90-91)
Static and Dynamic Models
Models can represent static or dynamic situations.
Each representation his different implications for how the
knowledge about the model might be organized and
represented [7]


Static Model
A modeling language must include [2]
A static model can be viewed as a snapshot of a
systems parameters at rest pr at a specific point in time.
Static models are needed to represent the structural or
static aspect of a system. For example, a customer could
have more than one account or an order could have more
than one account or an order could be aggregated from
one or more line items. Static models assume stability and
an absence of change in data over time. The unified
modeling language class diagram is an example of a static
Dynamic Model
A dynamic model, in contrast to a static model, can
be viewed as a collection of procedures or behaviors that,
taken together, reflect the behavior of a system over time.
Dynamic relationships show how the business objects
interact to perform tasks. For example, an order interacts
with inventory to determine product availability.
A system can be described by first developing its
static model, which is the structure of its objects and their
relationships to each other frozen in time, a baseline.
Then, we can examine changes to the objects and their
relationships over time. Dynamic modeling is most useful
during the design and implementation phases of the
system development. The UML interaction diagrams and
activity models are examples of UML dynamic models.
6. Briefly discuss about modeling?

Model elements fundamental modeling concepts

and semantics
Notation visual rendering of model elements
Guidelines expression of usage within the trade
The use of visual notation to represent or model a
problem can provide us several benefits relating to clarity,
familiarity, maintenance, and simplification.
Clarity: We are much better at picking out error and
omissions from a graphical or visual representation
than from listings of code or tables of numbers.
Familiarity: The representation form for the model
may turn out to be similar to the way in which the
information actually is represented and used by the
employees currently working in the problem
Maintenance: Visual notation can improve the
maintainability of a system.
Simplification: Use of a higher level representation
generally results in the use of fewer but more
general constructs, contributing to simplicity and
conceptual understanding.
Turban cites the following advantages of modeling [9]:
1. Models made it easier to express complex ideas.
For example, an architect builds a model to
communicate ideal more easily to clients.

2. The main reason for modeling is the reduction of

complexity. Models reduce complexity by separating
those aspects that are unimportant from those that
are important.
Therefore, it makes complex
situations easier to understand.
3. Models enhance and reinforce learning and training.
4. The cost of the modeling analysis is much lower
than the cost of similar experimentation conducted
with a real system
5. Manipulation of the model (changing variables) is
much easier than manipulating a real system.
7. Explain UML class diagram?

Object Diagram:
A static object diagram is an instance of a class


Boeing 737

Length: meter
Fuel capacity:
Doors: int

Length: meter
Fuel capacity:
Doors: int

Lift ()
Break ()

UML Class Diagram

The UML class diagram, also referred to as object
modeling, is the main static analysis diagram. These
diagrams show the static structure of the model. A class
diagram is a collection of static modeling elements, such
as classes and their relationships, connected as a graph to
each other and to their contents.

Figure: In class notation,

Class Interface Notation

Class interface notation is used to describe the
externally visible behavior of a class; for example, an
operation with public visibility.

Class Notation: Static Structure

Binary Association Notation
A class is drawn as a rectangle with three
components separated by horizontal lines. The top name
compartment holds the class name, other general
properties of the class, such as attributes, are in the
middle compartment, and the bottom compartment holds a
list of operations.

A binary association is drawn as a solid path

connecting two classes, or both ends may be connected to
the same class. An association may have an association
Association Role


A simple association the technical term for it is

binary association is drawn as a solid line connecting
two class symbols. The end of an association, where it
connects to a class, shows the association role.

Bank Account

Figure: Interface notation of a class

The UML uses the term association navigation or

navigability to specify a role affiliated with each end of an
association relationship.
A qualifier is an association attribute. For example,
a person object may be associated to a Bank object.
Multiplicity specifies the range of allowable
associated classes.
It is given for roles within
associations, parts within compositions, repetitions, and
other purposes. A multiplicity specification is shown as a
text string comprising a period separated sequence of
integer intervals.

Multiplicity specifies
associated classes
1..3, 7..10, 15, 19..*





OR Association
An OR association indicates a situation in which
only one of several potential associations may be
instantiated at one time for any single object.
Association class
An association class is an association that also has
class properties. An association class is shown as a class
symbol attached by a dashed line to an association path.
N-Ary Association
An n ary association is an association among
more than two classes.
Semester Class



Lower bound .. upper bound



Aggregation and Composition (a-part-of)

8. Discuss about Use case diagram?

Aggregation is a form of association. A hollow

diamond is attached to the end of the path to indicate

Use Case Diagram

Composition, also known as the a part of, is a

form of aggregation with strong ownership to represent the
component of a complex object. Composition also is
referred to as a part whole relationship.
Generalization is the relationship between a more
general class and a more specific class at the super class

consist Of

A use case diagram is a graph of actors, a set of

use cases enclosed by a system boundary, communication
(participation) association between the actors and the use
cases, and generalization among the use cases.
Help Desk


Figure: Association path

A use case corresponds to a sequence of

transactions, in which each transaction is invoked from
outside the system (actors) and engages internal objects
to interact with one another and with systems

Separate target style


Make a call

Take the call


Do research


Shared target style


Return a call





Figure: Generalization notation Shared target style

Figure: A use case diagram shows

36 the relationship among
actors and use cases within a system

A use case is shown as an ellipse containing the

name of the use case. The name of the use case can be
placed below or inside the ellipse. Actors names and use
case names should follow the capitalization and
punctuation guidelines of the model.
An actor is shown as a class rectangle with the
label << actor >>, or the label a stick figure, or just the
stick figure with the name of the actor below the figure.




Figure: The three representations of an actor are


These relationships are shown in a use case diagram:

1. Communication: The communication relationship of
an actor in a use case is shown by connecting the
actor symbol to the use symbol with a solid path.
The actor is said to communicate with the use
2. Uses: A uses relationship between use cases is
shown by a generalization arrow from the use case.
3. Extends: The extends relationship is used when you
have one use case that is similar to another use

case but does a bit more. In essence, it is like a

9. Explain Sequence diagram? (104 105)
Sequence diagrams are an easy and intuitive way
of describing the behavior of a system by viewing the
interaction between the system and its environment. A
sequence diagram shows an interaction arranged in a time
A sequence diagram has two dimensions: the
vertical dimension represents in time, the horizontal
dimension represents different objects. The vertical line in
sequence diagram called the objects lifeline. The lifeline
represents the objects exists existence during the
interaction. This form was first popularized by Jacobson.
An object is shown as a box at the top of a dashed vertical
line. A role is a slot for an object within a collaboration that
describes the type of object that may play the role and its
relationships to other roles.
Telephone Call




Dial Number

Figure: An example of a sequence diagram

Each message is represented by an arrow between

the lifelines of two objects. The label also can include the
argument and some control information and show selfdelegation, a message that an object sends to itself, by
sending the message arrow back to the same lifeline.

Telephone call



1: OffHook

2: DialTone

3: DialNumber


The sequence diagram is very simple and has

immediate visual appeal this is its great strength. A
sequence diagram is an alternative way to understand the
over all flow of the control of a program.

4: RingTone
5: OffHook

10. Briefly discuss about collaboration diagram?

A collaboration diagram represents a collaboration,
which is a set of objects related in a particular context, and
interaction, which is a set of messages exchanged among
the objects within the collaboration to achieve a desired
outcome. In a collaboration diagram, objects are shown
as figures. In a collaboration diagram, the sequence is
indicated by numbering the messages. Some people
argue that numbering the messages makes it more difficult
to see the sequence than drawing the lines on the page.

6: OnHook


Figure: A collaboration diagram with simple numbering

Telephone call



1.1: OffHook

2.1: DialTone

1.2: DialNumber

2.2: RingTone

A collaboration diagram provides several numbering


3.1: OffHook
4.1: OnHook


Figure: A collaboration diagram with decimal numbering


The main advantage of interaction diagrams (both

collaboration and sequence) is simplicity. An interaction
diagram basically is used to examine the behavior of
objects within a single use case. It is used to examine the
behavior of objects within a single use case. It is good at
showing collaboration among the objects but not so good
at precise definition of the behavior [3].
11. Explain about state chart diagram?
A state chart diagram (also called a state diagram)
shows the sequence of states that an object goes through
during its life in response to outside stimuli and messages.
The state is the set of values that describes an object at a
specific point in time and is represented by state symbols
and the transitions are represented by arrows connecting
the state symbols. A state chart diagram may contain sub
diagrams. A state diagram represents the state of the
method execution (that is, the state of the object executing
the method), and the activities in the diagram represent
the activities of the object that performs the method.

The name compartment holds the optional name

of the state.
The internal transition compartment holds a list of
internal actions or activities performed in response
to events received while the object is in the state,
with out changing states.
The syntax used is this: event name argument
list / action expression; for example, help / display help.
Two special events are entry and exit, which are
reserved words and cannot be used for event names. The
state chart supports nested state machines; to activate a
sub state machine use the keywords do: do/machine
name (argument list).
The transition can be simple or complex. A simple
transition is a relationship between two states indicating
that an object in the first state will enter the second state
and perform certain actions when a specific even occurs.

An event occurs at the instant in time when the

value is changed. A message is data passed from one
object to another.
A state is represented as a rounded box, which may
contain one or more compartment. The compartments are
all optional. The name compartment and the internal
transition compartment are two such compartments:


Lift receiver and get dial


Prepare incoming


Index documents
electronic file

Entry and start dialog
exit and stop dial tone



Complete request

Entry and


A complex transition may have multiple source and

target states. State diagrams emphasize the use of events
and states to determine the overall activity of the system.

Check data for life


Draw up contract
mortgage - deed

Calculate data for

construction mortgage

Pay provision to
insurance agent

12. Explain Activity diagram with example?

An activity diagram is a variation or special case of
a state machine, in which the states are activities
representing the performance of operations and the
transitions are triggered by the completion of the

Draw up insurance
Figure: An activity diagram for processing mortgage
requests (Loan: Processing Mortgage Request)


An activity is shown as a round box, containing the

name of the operation. When an operation symbol
appears within an activity diagram or other state diagram,
it indicates the execution of the operation. An outgoing
solid arrow attached to an activity symbol indicates a
transition triggered by the completion of the activity. The
concurrent control is represented by multiple arrows
leaving a synchronization bar, which is represented by a
short thick bar with incoming and outgoing arrow. Joining
concurrent control is expressed by multiple arrows
entering the synchronization bar.
An activity diagram is used mostly to show the
internal state of an object, but external events may appear
in them. The two states are wait state and activity state.
Activity and state diagrams express a decision
when conditions (the UML calls them guard conditions) are
used to indicate different possible transitions that depend
on Boolean conditions of container object.
Actions may be organized into swimlanes, each
separated from neighboring swimlanes by vertical solid
lines on both sides.
Each swimlane represents
responsibility for part of the overall activity and may be
implemented by one or more objects.

physical components (such as source code, executable

program, user interface) in design. These high level
physical components may not be equivalent to the many
smaller components you use in the creation of your
Another way of looking at components is the
concept of packages. A package is used to show how you
can group together classes, which in essence are smaller
scale components. Packages will be covered in the next
section, but a point worth mentioning here is that a
package usually will be used to group logical components
of the application, such as classes, and not necessarily
physical components. However, the package could be a
first approximation of what eventually will turn into physical
grouping. In that case, the package will become a
component [4].
A component diagram is a graph of a designs
components connected by dependency relationships.


13. Define component diagram and explain it briefly

with examples?
Component Diagram Component Diagrams model the


Figure: A component

14. What do you mean by Deployment diagram?

Explain it with an examples?
Deployment diagrams show the configuration of run
time processing elements and software components,
processes, and objects that live in them. Software
component instances represent run time manifestations
of code units. In most cases, component diagrams are
used in conjunction with deployment diagrams to show
how physical modules of code are distributed on various
hardware platforms. In many cases, component and
deployment diagrams diagram can be combined [4].

A deployment diagram is a graph of nodes

connected by communication association. Nodes may
contain component instances, which means that the
component lives or runs at the node. Components may
contain objects; this indicates that the object is part of the
Components are connected to other
components by dashed arrow dependencies, usually
through interfaces, which indicate one component uses the
services of another. Each node or processing element in
the system is represented by a three dimensional box.
15. Explain about packages with a need sketch?
A package is a grouping of model elements.
Package themselves may contain other packages. A
package may contain both subordinate packages and
ordinary model elements.

Node 1: Admin Server



A package is represented as a folder, shown as a

large rectangle with a tab attached to its upper left corner.
If contents of the package are not shown, then the name of
the package is placed within the large rectangle.

Node 2: Johns PC

Figure: The basic UML notation for a

deployment diagram


require a set of instances for its meaning.



1. What do you mean by OOA?

Business Model



The object oriented (OOA) phase of the unified

approach uses actors and use cases to describe the
system from the users perspective. The actors are
external factors that interact with the system; use cases
are scenarios that describe how actors use the system.
2. Define actors.



The OOA process consist of the following steps


Figure: A package and its dependencies

Packages can be used to designate not only logical

and physical groupings but also use case groups. A use
case group, as the name suggests, is a package of use
Model dependency represents a situation in which a
change to the target element may require a change to the
source element in the dependency, thus indicating the
relationship between two or more model elements. It
relates the model elements themselves and does not

1. Identify the actors:

Who is using the system?
Or, in the case of a new system, who will be
using the system?
2. Develop a simple business process model using
UML activity diagram.
3. What is the advantage of Business process model?
The advantage of developing a business process
model is that it makes you more familiar with the system
and therefore the user requirements and also aids in
developing use cases.
4. Define use case model?


The use-case model describes the use of the

system and shows the courses of events that can be

initiation actors but is used by a concrete use case. Which

does interact with actors. This inheritance could be used at
several levels. Abstract use cases also are the ;use cases
that have uses of extends associations.

5. Define extends association.

9. Define two three rule?

The extends association is used when you have

one use case that is similar to another use case but does a
bit more or is more specialized, in essence, it is like a

Jacobson et al. provide us with what I call the two

three rule of identifying actors start with naming at least
two, preferably three, people who could serve as the
actors in the system. Other actors can be identified in the
subsequent iterations.

6. What do you mean by uses association?

10. What are the steps involved for finding use case?
The relationships among the other use cases and
this new extracted use case is called a uses association.
7. What is the similarity between extends and uses
The similarity between extends and uses
association is that both can be viewed as a kind of
inheritance. When you want to share common sequences
in several use cases, utilize association by extracting
common sequences into a new, shared use case. The
extends association is found when you add a bit more
specialized, new use case that extends some of the use
cases that you have.
8. Define abstract use case & concrete use case?
An abstract use case is not complete and has no

Here are the steps for finding use cases.

1. For each actor, find the tasks and functions that the
actor should be able to perform or that the system
needs the actor to perform.
2. Name the use cases
3. Describe the use case briefly by applying terms with
which the user is familiar. This makes the
description less ambiguous.
11. What are steps involved in transaction use case?
The steps in the ATM transaction use case
1. Insert ATM card
2. Perform the approval process
12. Define classification.


Classification the process of checking to see if an

object belongs to a category or a class, is regarded as a
basic attribute of human nature.
13. What are the various approaches for identifying
The following are guidelines for selecting classes in an

Look for nouns and noun phrases in the use cases

Some classes are implicit or taken from general
All classes must make sense in the application
domain; avoid computer implementation classes
defer then to the design stage.
Carefully choose and define class names.

14. Define Noun-phrase approach.

Nouns in the textual description are considered to
be classes and verbs to be methods of the classes
(identifying methods will be covered in chapter 8) all
plurals are changed to singular, the nouns are listed and
the list divided into three categories.
15. What are the various categories of candidates
class in noun phrase approach?
Using the noun phrase strategy, candidates classes
can be divided into three categories: Relevant classes,

Fuzzy classes (those classes that we are not sure about),

and irrelevant classes.
16. What ado you man by Redundant Class?
Two classes that express the same information if
more than one word is being used to describe the same
idea, select the one that is the most meaningful in the
context of the system.
17. Define concept class?
The concept class encompasses principles that are
not tangible but used to organize or keep track of business
activities or communications.
18. What do you mean by Event class?
Event classes are points in time that must be
recorded. Things happen, usually to something else at a
given date and time or as a step in an ordered sequence.
19. Define Organization class?
The organization class is collection of people,
resources facilities, or groups to which the users belong;
their capabilities have a defined mission, whose existence
is largely independent of the individuals.
20. What is meant by people class?
The people class represents the different roles
users play interacting with the application.


21. Define places class?

Places are physical locations that the system must
keep information about
Example: Buildings stores, sides and offices are example
of places.
22. What do you mean by Tangible things and device
This class includes physical objects or groups of
objects that are tangible and devices with which the
application interacts.
Example: Cars are an example of tangible things, and
pressure sensors are an example of devices.

The classes, Responsibilities and collaborators

process consists of three steps.
1. Identify classes responsibilities ( and identify
2. assign responsibilities
3. Identify collaborators
26. Define Association?
Association represents a physical or conceptual
connection between two or more objects.

23. Define classes, responsibilities and collaborators?

Classes, Responsibilities and collaborators is a
technique used for identifying classes responsibilities and
there fore their attributes and methods.
24. What do you mean by CRC cards?
Classes Responsibilities and collaborators cards
are 4n x 6n index cards. All the information of an object is
written on a card. Which is cheap, portable, readily
available, and familiar.
25. What are steps involved in CRC process?


Packages can be used to designate not only logical

and physical groupings but also use case groups. A use
case group, as the name suggests, is a package of use

29. List out the common associations involved in

common association patterns?
The common association patterns are based on
some of the common association including.

Model dependency represents a situation in which a

change to the target element may require a change to the
source element in the dependency, thus indicating the
relationship between two or more model elements. It
relates the model elements themselves and does not
require a set of instances for its meaning.

1. Location association next to, part of, contained in

2. communication association talk to, order to. For
(communication association) with an operator

27. List out the guideline for identifying tentative


30. What are guideline for identifying super-sub


Guideline for identifying the tentative associations

A dependency between two or more classes may
be an association. Association often corresponds to
a verb or prepositional phrase, such as part of next
to works for, or contained in.
A reference from one class to another is an
association. Some associations are implicit or taken
from general knowledge.

Guidelines for identifying super-sub relationships in the


28. Explain about generalization hierarchy?

Super class- subclass relationships, also known as
generalization hierarchy, allow objects to be built from
other objects.

Bottom up
Multiple inheritance

31. Define a part of Relationship?

A part of relationship, also called aggregation,
represent the situation where a class consist of several
component classes.


35. What do you mean by Responsibilities?

32. What are the two major properties of a part of

Responsibilities are meant to convey a sense of the

purpose of an object ant its place in the system.

Two major properties of a part of relationship are

transitivity and ant symmetry:

36. List out the guidelines for identifying attributes?

Guidelines for identifying attributes of classes in use

Transitivity. The property where, if A is part of B and

B is part of C, then A is part of C.
Antisymmetry. The property of apart of relation
where, if a is part of B, then B is not part of A.

33. What are the guidelines for identifying a part of

To identify a part of structures, Coad and Yourdon provide
the following guidelines:
34. What are the common patterns of Association?
Common patterns of associations are these:
Location association, for example, next to, part
of, contained in ( notice that a part- of relation is
a special type of association)
Directed actions association
Communication association. For example, talk
to, order from.

Attributes usually correspond to nouns followed by
prepositional phrases such as cost of the soup.
Attributes also may correspond to adjectives or
Keep the class simple
Attributes are less likely to be fully described in the
problem statement
Omit derived attributes
Do not carry discovery of attributes to excess.
37. What are the various attributes of Bank Client
The attributes of the Bank client are

First Name
Last Name
Pin Number
Card Number
Account: Account

38. What are attributes of Transaction class?


The attributes for the Transaction class:

Trans lD
Trans Date
trans Time
trans Type
post Balance

39. List out the various attributes of ATM machine

ATM Machine class could have the following attributes:


40. What are the methods involved in Account class?

create Transaction

41. Define methods & messages?

Methods and messages are the workhorses of
object- oriented systems. In an object- oriented
environment, every piece of data, or object, is surrounded
by a rich set of routines called methods.

1. Explain Unified Approach for use case driven
object oriented analysis?
Use-case Driven Object-Oriented analysis:
The Unified Approach.
The object-oriented analysis (OOA) phase of the
unified approach uses actors and use cases to describe
the system from the users perspective. The actors are
external factors that interact with the system; use cases
are scenarios that describe how actors use the system.
1. Identifying the actors:
Who is using the system?
Or, in the case of a new system, who will be
using the system/
2. Develop a simple business process model using
UML activity diagram.
3. Develop the use case:

What are the users doing with the system?

Or, in case of the new system. What will
users be doing with the system?


Use cases provide us with comprehensive

documentation of the system under study.

4. Prepare interaction diagrams:

Determine the sequence
Develop collaboration diagrams.
5. Classification develop a static UML class diagram.

Identify classes
Identify relationships
Identify attributes
Identify methods

6. Iterate and refine. If needed repeat the proceeding


2. Define Use-case






Use cases are scenarios for understanding system

requirements. A use-case model can be instrumental in
project development, planning and documentation of

The object-oriented analysis process in the Unified

Approach (UA)


requirements. A use case is an interaction between users

and a system; it captures the goal of the users and the
responsibility of the system to it users.
The use-case model describes the uses of the
system and shows the courses o events that can be
The use-case model can be developed by talking to
typical users and discussing the various things they might
want to do with the application being prepared.
The use-case model expresses what the business
or application will do and not how, that is the responsibility
of the UML class diagram. The UML class diagram also
called an object model, represents the static relationships
between objects, inheritance, association and the like. The
object model represents an internal view of the system, as
opposed to the use-case model, which represents the
external view of the system.
Use cases under the microscope an important issue
tat can assist us in building correct use cases is the
differentiation between user goal and system interactions.
A Use Case is a sequence of transaction in a system
whose task is to yield results o measurable value to an
individual actor of the system.
Now let us take a look at the keywords of this definition:

Use case: Use case is a special flow of events

through the system

Actors. An actor is a user playing a role with respect

to the system.
In a system. This simply means that the actors
communicate with the systems use case.
A measurable value. A use case must help the actor
to perform a task that has some identifiable value.
Transaction. A transaction is an atomic set of
activities that are performed either fully or not at all.

The following are some examples of use cases for the


Use-case name: borrow books. A member takes

books from the library to read at home, registering
them at the checkout desk so tat library can keep
record, different courses of events will follow.
Use-case name: Get an interlibrary loan
Use-case name: Return books
Use-case name: Check library card
Use-case name: Do research
Use-case name. Read books, newspaper.

Uses and Extends Associations:

The extends association is sued when you have
one use case that is similar to another use case but does a
bit more or is more specialized, in essence, it is like a
The relationship among the other use cases and
this new extracted use case is called a uses association.

The similarly between extends and uses

associations is that both can be viewed as a kind of
inheritance. When you want to share common sequences
in several use cases, utilize the uses association by
extracting common sequences into a new, shared use
case. The extends association is found when you add a bit
more specialized, new use case that extends some of the
use cases that you have.

1. For each actors, find the tasks and functions that

the actor should be able to perform or that the
system needs the actor to perform
2. name the use cases
3. Describe the use cases briefly by applying terms
with which the user is familiar. This make the
description less ambiguous.
Dividing use cases into packages:

An abstract use case I not complete and has not

initiation actors but I used by a concrete use case, which
does interact with actors. This inheritance could be used at
several levels. Abstract use case also are the use cases
that have uses or extends associations.
Identifying the Actors:
Identifying the actors is (at least) as important as
identifying classes, structures associations, attributes and
behavior. The term actors represents the role a user plays
with respect to the system.
Jacobson et al, provide us with what I call the twothree rule for identifying actors: starts with naming at least
two, preferably three, people who could serve as actors in
the system. Other actors can be identified in the
subsequent iterations.
Guidelines for finding use cases:

Typically, a design is broken down into packages.

Naming a use case:
The naming should be done with care, the
description of the use case should be descriptive and
consistent. For example, the use case that describes what
happens when a person deposits money into a ATM
machine could be named either receive money or deposit
3. What are the ways for developing effective
Documenting your project not only provides a
valuable reference point and form of communication but
often helps reveal issues and gaps in the analysis and
design. A document can serve as a communication vehicle
among the projects team members, to it can serve as an
initial understanding of the requirements.

Here are the steps for finding use cases


4. Organization convention for Documentation:

The documentation depends on the organizations
rules and regulation. Most organizations have established
standards or convention for developing documentation.
Guidelines for Developing Effective Documentation

What do you mean by common class patter

approach? Explain the various classes in
Relation with this?

The second methods for identifying classes I using

common class patterns, which is based on a knowledge
base of the common classes that have been proposed by
various researches, such as Shlaer and Mellor, Ross and
Coad and Yourdon. They have compiled and listed the
following patterns for finding the candidate class and

Name Concept class.

Context. A concept is a particular idea or

understanding that we have of our world. The concept
class encompasses principles that are not tangible but
used to organize or kept track o business activities or
Example: Performance is an example of concept class

Name. Events class

Context. Events classes are points in time that must

be recorded. Things happen, usually to something else at
a given date and time or as a a step in an ordered
Example: landing, interrupt, request, nd order are possible
Name.Organization class
Context An organization class is collection of people,
resources, facilities, or groups to which the users belong.
Example: an accounting department might be considered
a potential class.

Name. People class (also known as person,

roles and roles played class)

Context. The people class represents the different roles

users play in interacting with the application.
Example: Employee, client, teacher, and manager are
examples of people.

Name Places class

Context. Places are physical locations that the system

must keep information about.
Example: Buildings, stores, sites and offices are examples
of places.

Name. Tangible things and devices class

Context. This class includes physical object or groups of


objects that are tangible and devices with which the

application interacts.
Example: Cars are an example of tangible things, and
pressure sensors are an example of devices.
Explain about CRC concept & CRC cards?
Classes, responsibilities and collaborators (CRC),
developed by Cunningham, Wilkerson and Beck was first
presented as a way of teaching the basic concepts of
object-oriented development. Classes, Responsibilities
and Collaborators is a technique used for identifying
classes responsibilities and therefore their attributes and
Classes, Responsibilities and Collaborators cards
are 4 x 6 index cards. All the information for an object is
written on a card, which is cheap, portable, readily
available and familiar.
Class Name

A classes, Responsibilities and Collaborators (CRC) index

stresses the importance of creating objects, not to meet
mythical future needs, but only under the demands of the
Classes, Responsibilities, and Collaborators Process
The classes, Responsibilities and collaborators
process consists of three steps
1.Identify classes responsibilities (and identify classes)
2. Assign responsibilities
3.Identify collaborators.
The Classes, Responsibilities and Collaborators process.


classes and


Figure 7-9
A classes, Responsibilities and collaborators (CRC) index


The ViaNet Bank ATM system: Identifying Classes


using Classes, Responsibilities and Collaborators.

Account and Transaction provide the banking
model. Note that Transaction assumes an active role while
money is a being dispensed and a passive role thereafter.
The class Account is responsible mostly to the Bank
client class and it collaborates with several objects to fulfill
its responsibilities. Among the responsibilities of the
Account Class to the BankClient class is to keep track of
the BankClient balance, account number and other data
that need to be remembered.
Classes, Responsibilities
Account Object.





Common cover. All documents should share a

common cover sheet that identifies the document
the current version, and the individual responsible
for the content.
80-20 rule. As for many applications, the 80-20
rule generally applies for documentation 80
percent of the work can be done with 20 percent of
the documentation.
Familiar vocabulary. The formality of a document
will depend on how it is used and who will read it.
Make the document as short as possible. Assume
that you are developing a manual. The key in
developing an effective manual is to eliminate all
organization chapters in less than three pages;
and make chapter headings task oriented so that
the table of contents also could serve as an index.

.Organize the document. Use the rules of good


Define Noun phrase Approach and Explain it with

The noun phrase approach was proposed by
Rebeccfa Wirfs-Brock, Brain Wilkerson, and Lauren
Wiener. In this methods, you read through the
requirements or use cases looking for noun phrases.
Nouns in the textual description are considered to the
classes and verbs to be methods of the methods of the
classes. All plurals are changed to singular, the noun are
listed, and the list divided into three categories.
Identifying Tentative classes:
The following are guidelines fro selecting classes in
an application.

Look for nouns and noun phrases in the use cases

Some classes are implicit or taken from general
All classes must make sense in the application
domain, avoid computer implementation classes
defer them to the design stage.
Carefully choose and define class names.

Selecting classes







of association.

Redundant classes. Do not kept two classes that

express the same information. If more tan one word
is being used to describe the same idea select eh
one that is the most meaningful in the context of the
Adjective classes. An adjective can suggest a
different kind of object, different use of the same
object, or it could be utterly irrelevant.
Attribute classes. Tentative objects that are used
only as values should be defined or restarted as
attributes and not as a class.
Irrelevant classes. Each class must have a
purpose and every class should be clearly and

7. Define Association and explain about the various

guidelines for identifying patterns?
Association represents a physical or
connection between two or more objects.


Identifying Associations:
Identifying associations begins by analyzing the
interactions between classes. After all, any dependency
relationship between two or more classes is an
association. You must examine the responsibilities to
determine dependencies.
The following







Is the class capable of fulfilling the required task by

If no, what does it need?
From what other can it acquire what it needs?

Answering these questions help us identify association.

The approach you should take to identify association is

Association name

Class A

Role of A

Role o B

Class B

Guidelines for Identifying Association:

The following are general guidelines for identifying the
tentative associations.

Parent of





A dependency between two or more classes may

be an association. Association often corresponds to

Basic association See Chapter 5 for a detailed discussion


a verb or prepositional phrase, such as part of next

to, works for , or contained in.
A reference from one class to another is an
association. Some associations are implicit or taken
from general knowledge.
Common Association patterns:
The common association patterns are based on
some of the common associations defined by researchers
and practioners. Rumbaugh et al. coad and Yourdon and
others. These include.
Location association- next to, part of, contained in soup
object , cheddar cheese is a prt-of soup. The a part
relation is a special type of association, discussed in more
detail later in the chapter.

The following are guidelines for identifying super-sub

relationship in the application:

Top-down. Look for noun phrases composed of

various adjectives in a class name. Often, you can
discover additional special cases.
Bottom-up. Look for classes with similar attributes o
methods. In most cases, you can group them by
moving the common attributes and methods to an
abstracts class.
Reusability. Move attributes and behavior (methods)
as high as possible in the hierarchy. At the same
time, do not create very specialized classes at the
top of the hierarchy.

Communication association talk to order to. For example

, a customer places an order (communication association )
with an operator person.
Eliminate Unnecessary associations:

Implementation association. Defer implementation

specific association to its design phase.
Ternary associations.
Ternary or n-array
association is an association among more than two
Directed actions (or derived) associations.

8. Explain about the concept of super-sub class




Multiple inheritance. Avoi excessive use of multiple

inheritance. Multiple inheritance brings with it
complications such as how to determine which
behavior to get from which class, particularly when
several ancestors define the same method. It also is
more difficult to understnd programs written in a

multiple inheritance system. One way of achieving

the benefits o multiple inheritance is to inherit from
the most appropriate class and add an object of
another class as an attribute.
9.Explain a part of Relationships and explain in detail
about aggregation?
relationship, also called aggregatin
represents the situation where a class consists of several
component classes.
Two major properties o a part o relationship are
transitivity and antisymmetry.

Transitivity. The property where, if A is part of B and

B is part of C, then A is part of C. for example, a
carburetor is part of an engine and an engine is part
of a car.
Antisymmetry. The property of a part of relation
where, if a is part of B, then B is not part of A. For
example, an engine is part of a car, but a car is not
part of an engine.

A clear distinction between tht epart and the whole can

helpt u determine where responibilities for certain behavior
must reside.



A Part of Relationship patterns:

To identify a-part-of structures, Coad and Yourdon provide
the following guidelines:

Assembly. An assembly is constructed from its parts

and an assembly-part situation physically exists;
Container. A physical whole encompasses but it not
constructed from physical parts.
encompasses parts that may be physical or
conceptul, for example, a football team is a
collection of players.

10. Explain how the attributes are defined by analyzing

use cases and other UML diagrams?
Attributes can be dervived from scenario testing
sequence/colloboration, activity and state diagrams, you
can begin to understand classes responsibiliites and how
they must interact to perform their task. The main goal
here is to understand what the class is responsible for


Guidelines for identifying attributes of classes in use


Attributes usually correspond to nouns followed by

prepositional phrases sch as cost o soup, Attributes
also may correspond to adjectives or adverbs.
Keep the class simple; stae only enoug attributes to
define th object state.
Attributes are less likely to be fully described in the
problem statement. You must draw on your
knowledge of the applicatio domain and the real
world to find them.
Omit derived attributes. For example, do not use
time elapsed since order. This can be derived from
time of the order. Derived attributes should be
expressed as a method.
Do not carry discovery of attributes to excess. You
can add more attributes in subsequent interations.

Another point to remember is that you may think of many

attributes that can be associated with a class.

Account: Account

Defining Attributes for the Account Class

Defining Attributes for the transaction class:
The transactions class, for the most part, must keep
track of the time and amount of a transaction. Here are the
attributes for the Transaction class:

post Balance

11. Explain the various attributes for Vianet Bank


Defining Attributes for the ATM Machine class

Defining Attributes for Vianet Bank Objects.

The ATM Machine class could have the following attributes

The attributes of the bank client are


12. Explain methods & messages and define it by

analyzing UML diagrams & use cases?

Objects not only describe abstract data but also
must provide some services. Methods and messages are
the workhorses of object-oriented systems. In an object
oriented environment, every piece of data or object is
surrounded by a rich set of routines called methods.

Sequence diagrams can assist us in defining the

services the objects must provide. For example by
studying the sequence diagram to withdraw checking. By
analyzing the use the cases, such as the one in figure 611, it is apparent that Account class should provide the
deposit operation.

Operations (methods or behavior) in the object

oriented system usually correspond to queries about
attributes ( and sometimes association ) of the objects.

13. How we are defining methods for vianet Bank

objects? Explain it?

Defining methods by analyzing UML diagrams use

An event is considered to be an action that
transmits information. In other words these actions are
operations that the objects must perform and as in the
attributes methods also can be derived from scenario

Defining Methods for Vianet Bank Objects.

Operations (methods or behavior) in the object
oriented system usually correspond to events or actions
that transmit information in the sequence diagram or
queries about attributes (and sometimes associations) of
the objects.
Defining Methods for Vianet Bank Objects

For example to define methods for the Account class we

look at sequence diagrams for the following use cases
Deposit checking
Deposit Savings
Withdraw checking
Withdraw More from checking
Withdraw Savings
Withdraw Savings Denied
Checking Transaction History
Savings Transaction History

Operations (methods or behavior) in the objectoriented system usually correspond to events or actions
that transmit information in the sequence diagram or
queries about attributes (and sometimes associations) of
the objects.
Defining Account class operations
Deposit and withdrawl operations are available to
the Client through the bank application but they are


provided as services by the Account class since the

account objects must be able to manipulate their internal
attributes ( that is modify the balance based on the
transaction). Account objects also must be able to create
transaction records of any deposit or withdrawl they
Here are the methods that we need to define for
the Account class.
Create Transaction


ATM manchine

Defining Bank client class operations

Analyzing the sequence diagram in figure 7-, it is
apparent that the Bank client requires a method to validate
clients password.
Defining checking Account Class Operations
The requirements specification states that when a
checking account has insufficient funds to cover a
withdrawal it must try to withdrawal the insufficient amount

Address state

Bank Client
last Name

Trans ID
Trans date
Trans Time
Trans Type



Checking A/c
Saving A/c

Savings A/c


Its related savings account. To provide the service

the Checking Account class needs a withdrawl service that
enables the transfer. Similarly we must add the withdrawl
service to the Checking Account class. The withdrawl
service appears in the Checking Account class symbol.
14. Explain the concept of identifying classes and their
behaviors through sequence/ collaboration modeling?
Use-Case Driven Approach: Identifying classes and
their behaviors through sequence/collaboration
The use-case driven approach is the third
approach that we example in this chapter and then one
that is recommended. Use-case modeling is considered a
problem-driven approach to object-oriented analysis in that
the designer first considers the problem at hand and not
the relationship between objects as in a data-driven
Implementation of Scenarios
The UML specification recommends that al least one
scenario be prepared for each significantly different usecase instance. Each scenario shows a different sequence
of interaction between actors and the system with all

decisions definite. In essence this process help us to

understand the behavior of the systems objects.
The ViaNet Bank ATM System: Decomposing a Use
Case Scenario with a sequence Diagram: Object
Behavior Analysis.
The sequence diagram represents the
sequence and interactions of a given use case or scenario.
Sequence diagrams are among the most popular UML
diagrams and if used with an object model or class
diagram can capture most of the information about a
To identify objects of a system we further analyze the
lowest level use use cases with a sequence and
collaboration diagram pair (actually most CASE tools such
as SA/Object allow you to create only one either a
sequence or a collaboration diagram and the system
generates the other one).
The following are the low level (executable) use cases:
Deposit checking
Deposit Savings
Invalid PIN
Withdraw checking
Withdraw More from checking
Withdraw Savings
Withdraw Savings Denied
Checking Transaction History
Savings Transaction History


Req.Take card

Let let us create a sequence/collaboration diagram

for the following use cases:

Invalid PIN use case

Withdraw Checking use case
Withdraw More from Checking use case

Take card
Display main

The dotted lines are the lifelines. The line on the right
represents an actor in this case the Bankclient, or an event
that is outside the system boundary.
diagrams are just another view of the sequence diagrams
and therefore can be created automatically; most UML
modeling tools automatically create them.

1. Insert ATM card

2. Enter PIN number
3. Remove the ATM Card
Based on these activities the system should either grant
the access right to the account or reject the card.

The following classes have been identified by

modeling the UML sequence/ collaboration diagrams:
Bank Bankclient ATMMachine, Account, checking Account
and Savings Account.

The sequence diagram for the invalid PIN use case


ATM machine

Bank cheque

Insert ATM card

Request PIN

Verify PIN Number

EnterPINNumber Bad PIN Number

BAD PIN Number
Reject ATM card

15. Explain the Relationship analysis for the Vianet

Bank ATM system?
Relationship Analysis for the vianet Bank ATM system:
Analysis is performed on a piece of the system
design are added to this partial analysis model and then
the design is implemented.
Identifying classes Relationships
One of the strengths of object-oriented analysis
is the ability to model objects as they exist in the real
world. To accurately do this you must be able to model

more than just an objects internal workings.

Developing a UML Class diagram Based on the UseCase analysis

The UML class diagram is the main static analysis
and design diagram of a system. The analysis generally
consists of the following class diagrams.

One class diagram for the system which shows the

identify and definition of classes in the system their
interrelationships and various packages containing
grouping of classes.

Multiple class diagrams that represent various

pieces or views of the system class diagram

Multiple class diagrams that shows the

specific static relationships between various

Some common patterns of associations are these:

Association often corresponds to verb or

prepositional phrases, such as part of next to works
for contained in.

Location association. For example next to part of

contained in (notice that a part-of relation is a
special type of association).
Directed actions association.
Communication association. For example talk to
order from.

Defining super-Sub Relationships

Let us review the guidelines for identifying super-sub

Top down. Look for nouns phrases composed of

various adjectives in the class name.

Bottom-up. Look for classes with similar attributes

or method. In most cases you can group them by
moving the common attributes and methods to an
abstract class.

Reusability Move attributes and behaviors

(methods) as high as possible in the hierarchy.

Multiple inheritance.
multiple inheritance.

Defining Association Relationships

Identifying association begins by analyzing the
interactions of each class.
Remember that any
dependency between two or more classes is an
association. The following are general guidelines for
identifying the tentative associations as explained in this

A reference from one class to another is an

association. Some associations are implicit or
taken from general knowledge.


Avoid excessive use of

Identifying the Aggregation/a Part of Relationship

To identify a part of structures, we look for the following


Assembly. A physical whole is constructed from

physical parts.

Container. A physical whole encompasses but is

not constructed from physical parts.

Collection Member. A conceptual whole

encompasses parts that may be physical or


What do you mean by an Axiom?

An axiom is a fundamental truth that always is

observed to be valid and for which there is no
counterexample or exception.
Explain the relationship between theorem and
A theorem is a preposition that may not be selfevident but can be proven from accepted axioms. It
therefore is equivalent to a law or principle. Consequently
a theorem is valid if its referent axioms and deductive
steps are valid.
A corollary is a preposition that follows from an axiom
or another preposition that has been proven.

Define coupling.

Coupling is a measure of the strength of association

established by a connection from one object or software


component to another. Coupling is a binary relationship:

A is coupled with B.

What are various types of coupling among
Types of coupling






Object oriented design has two types of

coupling: Interaction coupling and inheritance coupling [3].
Interaction coupling involves the amount and complexity of
messages between components.
Inheritance is a form of coupling between super-and


Define about single Inheritance?

Single inheritance means that each class has only a

single super class. The technique is used is Smalltalk and
several other object-oriented systems.

Content coupling
Common coupling
Control coupling
Control coupling
stamp coupling
data coupling


object. Highly cohesive components can lower coupling

because only a minimum of essential information need be
passed between components.

Define Cohesion and its advantages?

Cohesion reflects the single purposeness of an

What do you mean by Design patterns?

Design patterns are devices that allow systems to

share knowledge about their design by describing
commonly recurring structures of communicating
components that solve a general design problem within a
particular context.
What are the various steps involved in object
oriented design process?
Object oriented design process consists of

Designing classes (their attributes, methods,

associations, structures and protocols) and applying
design axioms. If needed this step is repeated.
Designing the access layer
Designing the access layer
Designing the user interface


Testing user satisfaction and usability based on the

usage and use cases.
Interacting and refining the design.


What are the two design Axioms?

What are the set of values used in an
The expression are meant to work on sets of values
when applicable.

The two design axioms are

Axiom 1. The independence axiom. Maintain the
independence of components.
Axiom 2. The information axiom. Minimize the
information content of the design.


List out the six design corollaries?

The six design corollaries are

Corollary 1. Uncoupled design with less

information content
Corollary 2. Single purpose
Corollary 3. Large number of simple classes.
Corollary 4. Strong mapping
Corollary 5. Standardization
Corollary 6. Design with inheritance
Define OCL.

Object constraint language (OCL) is a specification

language that uses simple logic for specifying the
properties of a system.


Item selector. The selector is the name of an

attribute in the item.
Item. Selector [ qualifier value ] The selector
indicates a qualified association that qualifies
the item.
Set select (Boolean expression ). The
Boolean expression is written in terms of object
with in the set.

Define private protocol?

Private protocol (visibility) of the class includes

messages that normally should not be sent from other
objects; it is accessible only to operations of that class. In
private protocol only the class itself can use the method.

Explain about public protocol?

The public protocol (visibility) defines the stated

behavior of the class as a citizen in a population and is
important information for users as well as future
descendants, so it is accessible to all classes.

What do you mean by protected protocol?

In a protected protocol ( visibility ) subclasses the can

use the method in addition to the class itself.

17. When and Why encapsulation leakage occurs?
The problem of encapsulation leakage occurs when
details about a classs internal implementation are
disclosed through the interface.

What are the various types of attributes?

The three basic types of attributes are
1. Single value attributes
2. Multiplicity or multivalue attributes
3. Reference to another object or instance connection.

opposite of the single-value attribute since as its name

implies it can have a collection of many values at any point
in time.

Define instance Connection.

Instance connection attributes are required to

provide the mapping needed by an object to fulfill its
For example a person might have one or more bank

Give the UML Attribute presentation?

The attribute presentation suggested by UML is


What do you mean by Attribute?

Attributes represent the state of an object. When

the state of the object changes, these changes are
reflected in the value of attributes.

Explain single value attribute with examples?

The single value attribute is the most common

attribute type. It has only one value or state. For example
attributes such as name, address, or salary are pf the
single value type.

What is meant by Multivalued attribute?

The multiplicity or multivalue attribute is the

Visibility name : type expression = initial value

Where visibility is one of the following:
+public visibility
# protected visibility
private visibility

List out the attributes for transaction class?

The attributes for the Transaction class are these:




Where visibility is one of

What are the attributes in ATM machine class?

+ public visibility
# protected visibility
-private visibility

The ATM Machine class could have the following


What are the various types of methods that a

class can provide?


What do you mean by object persistence?

A file or a database can provide a longer life for

objects-longer than the duration of the process in which
they were created.

A class can provide several types of methods



Conversion method
Copy method
Attribute set
Attribute set]
I/O methods
Domain specific
Give the UML operation presentation?

The operation syntax is this:

Visibility name: (parameter list ) : return type

Define DBMS?

A DBMS is a set of programs that enable the

creation and maintenance of a collection of related data.

What do you mean by schema?

The description is known as the schema or

meta-data and contains a complete definition of the data
formats such as the data structures types and constraints.

Define DB model.

A data base model is a collection of logical constructs

used to represent the data structure and data relationships
within the database.



What is a primary key?

A primary key is a combination of one or more attributes

whose value unambiguously locates each row in the table.

databases which implies that portions of the database

reside on different nodes (computers) and disk drivers in
the network.
38. What is client server computing?


What do you mean by DDL?

A data definition language (DDL) is the language

used to describe the structure of and relationships
between objects stored in a database.

Explain about DML.

A data manipulation languages (DML) is the

language that allows users to access and manipulate
(such as, create, save, or destroy) data organization.

Client server computing is the logical extension of

modular programming. The fundamental assumption of
modular programming is that separation of a large piece of
software into its constituent parts (modules) creates
39. Define two-tier architecture.
Two tier architecture a client talks directly to a
server with no intervening server.

35. Define SQL.

40. Define client & server.
The structures query language (SQL) is the
standard DML for relational DBMSs. SQL is widely used
for its query capabilities.
36. What do you mean by transaction?
A transaction is a unit of change in which many
individual modifications are aggregated into a single
modification that occurs in its entirely or not at all.
37. What do you mean by Distributed DB?

In client server computing the calling module

becomes the client (that requires a service) and the
called module becomes the server (that which provides
the service.
41. Explain about 3 tier architecture.
A three tier architecture introduces a server
(application or Web server) between the client and the
server. The role of the application or Web server is

Many modern databases are distributed


42. What are the various components in client server

A typically client-server application consists of the
following components:
1. User interface
2. Business processing
3. Database processing

the interfacing between many modules or classes

more manageable.
Examples: Imagine that you need to write a
program that needs to represent a building as
rooms that can be manipulated manipulated as in
interfacing with objects in the room to change their



1. Explain about Design patterns.

Design patterns are devices that allow systems to
share knowledge about their design by describing
commonly recurring structures of communicating
components that solve a general problem within a
particular context.




Design pattern example created Kurotcushi

Pattern Name: Faade

Rationale and Motivation: The faade pattern can
make the task of accessing a large number of
modules much simpler by providing an additional
interface layer.
Classes: There can be any number of classes
involved in this fascade system, at least four or
more classes are required: one client the faade
and the classes underneath the faade.
Advantages/Disadvantages: As stated before the
primary advantage to using the faade is to make


2. Explain about





Class visibility: Designing well-defined public, private

and protected protocols


Private ( internal ) protocol

A class also might have a set of methods that it

uses only internally, message to itself. This the private
protocol ( visibility ) of the class, includes messages that
normally should not be sent from other objects; it is
accessible only to operations of that class. In private
protocol only the class itself can use the method. The
population and is important for users as well as future
descendants, so it is accessible to all classes. In a
protected protocol (visibility), subclasses the can use the
method in addition to the class itself.

Protected protocol

The problem of encapsulation leakage occurs when

details about a classs internal implementation are
disclosed through the interface.
Private and Protected Protocol Layers: Internal

Public protocol

Items in these layers define the implementation

of the object Apply the design axioms and corollaries,
especially corollary 1 (uncoupled design with less
information content) to decide what should be private:
What attributes (instance variables) what methods?
Because only a minimal amount of essential information
need be passed between objects.
Public Protocol Layer: External

Sub class

Items in this layer define the functionality of the

object. Here are some things to keep in mind when
designing class protocols.


Good design allows for polymorphism

Not all protocol should be public; again apply design
axioms and corollaries.

The following key questions must be answered

What are the class interfaces and protocols?

What public (external) protocol will be used or what
external messages must the system understand?
What private or protected (internal) protocol will be
used or what internal messages or messages from
a subclass must the system understand.

3. Define attributes and explain the various types of

The three basic types of attributes are
1. Single-value attributes
2. Multiplicity or multivalue attributes
3. Reference to another object,



Attributes represent the state of an object. When the

state of the object changes, these changes are reflected in
the value of attributes. The single-value attribute is the
most common attribute type. It has only one value or state.
For example, attributes such as name, address, or salary
are of the single-value type.

the single-value attribute since, as its name implies, it can

have a collection of many values at any point in time.
Instance connection attributes are required to provide
the mapping needed by an object to fulfill its
responsibilities, in other words, instance connection model
UML Attribute Presentation
The following is the attribute presentation suggested by
Visibility name: type-expression=initial-value
Where visibility is one of the following:
+ public visibility
# protected visibility
- private visibility
Type-expression is a language-dependent specification of
the implementation type of an attribute.
Initial-value is a language dependent expression
for the initial value of a newly created object. The initial
value is optional. For example, +size: length = 100
In the absence of a multiplicity indicator (array), an
attribute holds exactly one value. Multiplicity may be
indicated by placing a multiplicity indicator in brackets after
attribute name; for example.

The multiplicity or multi value attribute is the opposite of


names[10]: String
The multiplicity of 0.1 provides the possibility of null
values: the absence of a value, as opposed to a particular
value from the range.
4. How we are designing methods and protocols?
Explain it.
A class can provide several types of methods

Constructor. Method that creates instances

(objects) of the class.
Destructor. The method that destroys instances.
Conversion method. The method that copies the
value from one unit of measure to another.
Copy method. The method that copies the contents
of one instance to another instance.
Attribute set. The method that sets the values of
one or more attributes.
Attribute get: The method that returns the values of
one or more attributes.
I/O methods. The methods that provide or receive
data to or from a device.
Domain specific. The method specific to the

Design issue: Avoiding Design Pitfalls

Some possible actions to avoid these are :

Keep a careful eye on the class design and make
sure that an objects role remains well defined. If an
object loses focus, you need to modify the design.
Move some functions into new classes that the
object would use.
Break up the class into two or more classes.
Rethink the class definition based on experience
UML operations Presentation
The following operation presentation has been
suggested by the UML. The operation syntax is this:
Visibility name: (parameter-list): return-type-expression
Where visibility is one of:
+public visibility
#protected visibility
-private visibility
5. Define DBMS and explain the various concepts in
A DBMS is a set of programs that enable the
creation and maintenance of a collection of related data. A
fundamental characteristics of the database approach is
that the DBMS contains not only the data but a complex
definition of the data formats it manages. This description
is known as the schema or meta-data and contains a
complete definition of the data formats, such as the data
structures, types and constraints. In DBMS the format of

the metadata is independent of any particular application

data structure; therefore, it will provide a generic storage
management mechanism.
Advantage of the database approach is program
data independence.

Network Model
A network database model is similar to a
hierarchical database, with one distinction, a network
models record can have more than one parent.
Relational Model

Database Views:
The DBMS provides the database users with a
conceptual representation that is independent of the low
level details (physical view) of how the data are stored.
The database can provide an abstract data model that
uses logical concepts such as field, records, and tables
and their interrelationships.

Of all the database models, the relational model has

the simplest, most uniform structure and is the most
commercially widespread. The primary concept in this
database model is the relation, which can be thought of as
a table. The columns of each table are attributes that
define the data or value domain for entries in that column.
The row of each table should have only one primary key. A
primary key is a combination of one or more attributes
whose value unambiguously locates each rows in the

Database Models
A database model is a collection of logical
constructs used to represent the data structure and data
relationships within the database. Basically, database
models may be grouped into two categories: conceptual
models and implementation models.

Database system have adopted two approaches for

interfaces with the system. One is to embed a database
language, such as structures query language (SQL), in the
host programming language.
Another approach is to extend the host
programming language with database related constructs.

Hierarchical models
The hierarchical model represents data as a single
rooted tree. Each node in the tree represents a data object
and the connections represent a parent-child relationship.

Database schema and Data definition language: A data

definition language (DDL) is the language used to describe
the structure of and relationships between objects stored
in a database. This structure of information is termed the
database schema.



CREATE DATABASE (database name)
Data Manipulation Language and Query Capabilities
A data manipulation language (DML) is the
language that allows users to access and manipulate
(such s, create, save or destroy) data organization. The
structured query language (SQL) is the standard DML for
relational DBMS.

component of client-server computing is connectivity,

which allows applications to communicate transparently
with other programs or processes, regardless of their
locations. The key element of connectivity is the network
operating system (NOS), also known as middleware.

Three-tiered architecture

6. Explain about distributed DBs and Client server

Distributed database and client-server computing
Distributed databases, which implies that portions of
the database reside on different nodes (computers) and
disk drives in the network.
What is Client-Server Computing?
Client-Server computing is the logical extension of
modular programming. The fundamental assumption of
modular programming is that separation of a large piece of
software into its constituent parts(modules) creates the
The calling module becomes the client and the
called module becomes the server. Another important

In a two-tier architecture, a client talks

directly to a server, with no intervening server. This type of
architecture typically is used in small environments with
less then 501 users.
A three-tier architecture introduces a server
(application or Web server) between the client and the
server. The role of the application or Web Server is


manifold. It can provide translation services metering

services or intelligent agent services.
A typical client-server application consists of the
following components.
1. User interface
2. Business processing
3. Database processing
Distributed and Cooperative processing

manage themselves and the resources they control.

components that can be distributed and accessed by users
across the network. Distributed object computing
introduces a higher level of abstraction into the world of
distributed applications.
Distributed object computing will be the key part of
tomorrows information systems.

The distributed processing means distribution of

applications and business logic across multiple processing
platforms. These processes may not run at the same time.
Cooperative processing is computing that requires
two or more distinct processors to complete a single
transaction. Cooperative processing is a form of distributed
computing in which two or more distinct processes are
required to complete a single business transaction.

Object management group (OMG), with over 500

member companies, has been specifying the architecture
for an open software bus on which object components
written by different vendors can operate across networks
and operating systems.
Currently, there
standards; like.





Common Object request Broker Architecture

7. Explain briefly




Distributed objects computing the next generation of

client-server computing
Distributed object computing promises the most
flexible client-server systems, because it utilizes reusable
software components that can roam anywhere on
networks, run on different platforms, communicate with
legacy applications by means of object wrappers, 2 and

Common object request broker architecture

(CORBA), a standard proposed as a means to integrate
distributed, heterogeneous business applications and data.
The CORBA interface definition language (IDL) allows
developers to specify language-neutral, object-oriented
interfaces for application and system components.
CORBA object request brokers (ORBs) implement a
communication channel through which applications can
access object interfaces and request data and services.


Microsofts Active X/DCOM

Microsofts component object model (COM) and its
successor the distributed component object model
(DCOM) are Microsofts alternatives to OMGs distributed
object architecture CORBA. DCOM is supported mostly by
one enterprise. Microsoft DCOM was bundled with
Windows NT 4.0 and there is a good chance to see DCOM
in all forthcoming Microsoft products. DCOM also is
backed by a very efficient web browser, the Microsoft
Internet Explorer.
8. State and explain briefly about Multi Database
A multidatabase system (MDBS) is a database
system that resides unobtrusively on top of, say, existing
relational and object database and file systems (called
local database systems) and present a single database
illusion to its users. An MDBS maintains only the global
schema, and the local database systems actually maintain
all user data. The global schema is constructed by
consolidating (integrating) the schemata of the local
databases; the schematic differences (conflicts) among
them are handled by neutralization (homogenization), the
process of consolidating the local schemata.

The MDBS translates the global queries and

updates for dispatch to the appropriate local database
system for actual processing, merges the results from
them, and generated the final result for the user.
The distinctive characteristics of multidatabase systems.

Automatic generation of a unified global database

schema from local databases, in addition to schema
capturing and mapping for local databases.
Integration of heterogeneous database systems
with multiple databases.
Integration of data types other than relational data
through the use of such tools as driver generators.
Provision of a uniform but diverse set of interfaces.

Application Programming Interfaces


Open database connectivity (ODBC) is an

application programming interface that provides solution to
the multidatabase programming problem. Initially proposed
by Microsoft, ODBC provides a vendor-neutral mechanism
for independently accessing multiple database hosts.

ODBC and the other APls provide standard

database access through a common client-side interface.
ODBC is conceptually similar to the Windows print model,
where the application developer writes to a generic printer
interfaces and a loadable driver maps that logic to
hardware-specific commands. The application interacts
with the ODBC driver manager, which sends the
application calls (such as SQL statements) to the
database. The driver manager loans and unloads drivers,
performs status checks, and managers multiple
connections between applications and data sources.
9. Define Object Oriented Databases & Differentiate it
with Traditional databases?



The object-oriented database management system

is a marriage of object-oriented programming and
database technology to provide what we now call objectoriented databases.
The categories can be broadly divided into objectoriented language properties and database requirements.
First, the rules that make it an object-oriented system are
as follows:1. The system must support complex objects
2. Object identity must be supported


Objects must be encapsulated

The system must support types or classes
The system must support inheritance.
The system must avoid premature binding. This
feature also is known as late binding or dynamic
binding which shows that the same method name
can be used in different classes.
7. The system must be computationally complete.
8. The system must be extensible.
The rules make it a DBMS:
9. It must be persistent, able to remember an object
10. It must be able to manage very large databases.
11. It must accept concurrent users.
12. It must be able to recover from hardware and
software failures.
13. Data query must be simple.




One obvious difference between the traditional and

object-oriented databases is derived from the objects
ability to interact with other objects and with itself. Objectoriented databases represent relationships explicitly,
supporting both navigational and associative access to
information. Another benefit of using explicit relationships
is the improvement in data access performance over
relational value based relationships.


Object-oriented databases also differ from the more

traditional relational databases in that they allow
representation and storage of data in the form of objects.
Each object has it own identity or object-ID.
All these advantages point to the application of
object-oriented databases to information management
problems that are characterized by the need to manage

A large number of different data types

A large number of relationships between the objects
Objects with complex behaviours.

10. Explain how Access layer classes was designed.

The access layer performs two major tasks:
1. Translate the request. The access layer must be
able to translate any data related requests from the
business layer into the appropriate protocol for data
2. Translate the results. The access layer also must be
able to translate the data retrieved back into the
appropriate business objects and pass those
objects back into the business layer.
The main advantage of this approach is that the design
is not tied to any database engine or distributed object
technology, such as CORBA
or DCOM. Other benefits
of access layer classes are these:

Access layer classes provide easy migration to

emerging distributed object technology, such as
These classes should be able to address the
(relatively) modest needs of two-tier client-server
architectures as well as the difficult demands of
fine-grained, peer to-peer distributed object

The process
The process of creating an access class for the
business classes we identified so far follows:
1. For every business class identified, mirror the
business class package.
2. Define relationships.
3. Simplify classes and relationships
3.1. Redundant classes. If you have more than one
class that provides similar services (e.g. similar
Translate request and Translate results), simply
select one and eliminate the others.
3.2. Method classes. Revisit the classes that consists of
only one or two methods to see if they can be
eliminated or combined with existing classes.
4. Iterate and refine.
Another approach is to let the methods be stored in a
program (e.g., a compiled C++ program stored on a file)
and store only the persistent attributes. Here is the
modified process:


1. For every business class identified determine if the

classes has persistent data. An attribute is transient
if the following condition exists: Temporary storage
for an expression evaluation or its value can be
dynamically allocated. An attribute is persistent if
the following condition exists. Data must exist
between execution of a program or outlive the
2. Mirror the business class package
3. Define relationships.
4. Simplify classes and relationships
4.1 Redundant classes
4.2 Method classes
5. Iterate and refine
11. What are the various Data Organizations and
explain about access control?
Logic database organization refers to
conceptual view of database structure and
relationships within the database.


Shareability and Transactions

A transaction is a unit of change in which many
individual modifications are aggregated into a single
modification that occurs in its entirely or not at all. Thus,
either all changes to objects within a given transaction are
applied to the database or none of the changes. A

transaction is said to commit if all changes can be made

successfully to the database and to abort if cancelled
because all changes can be made successfully. This ability
of transactions ensure atomicity of change that maintain
the database in a consistent state.
Concurrency Policy
A basic goal of the transaction is to provide each user
with a consistent view of the database. This means that
transactions must occur in serial order.
The most conservative way to enforce serialization is to
allow a user to lock all objects or records when they are
accessed and to release the locks only after a transaction
commits. This approach, traditionally known as a
conservative ort pessimistic policy. The policy is very
conservative because no other user can view the data until
the object is released.
Under an optimistic policy, two conflicting transactions
are compared in their entirely and then their serial ordering
is determined. A process may be allowed to obtain a write
lock on an object that has a read lock if its entire
transaction can be serialized as if it occurred after the
conflicting transaction. In such cases, the optimistic policy
allows more processes to operate concurrently than the
conservative policy.
12. Explain the various attributes in via NET Bank



Refining Attributes for the Bank client class
During object-oriented analysis, we identified the following
Additional attributes can be identified during this phase to
enable implementation of the class:
#firstName: String
#lastName: String
#pinNumber: String
#cardNumber: String
#account: Account(instance connection)

Refining Attributes for the Transaction class

The attributes for the Transaction class are these:
#transID: String
#transDate: Date
#transTime: Time
#transType: String
#amount: float
#postBalance: float
13. Explain the various methods that was to be
designed for VIANET Bank objects?
Bankclient class verify password method
The verify password methods performs first creates
a bank client object and attempts to retrieve the client data
based on the supplied card and PIN numbers.

Refining Attributes for the Account class

Account Class Deposit Method
Here is the refined list of attributes for the Account class:
#number: String
#balance: float
#transaction: Transaction (This attribute is needed for
implementing the association between the Account and
Transaction classes)
#bankClient: BankClient(This attribute is needed for
implementing the association between the Account and
BankClient classes)

An amount to be deposited is sent to an account

object and used as an argument to the deposit service.
The account adjusts its balance to its current balance plus
the deposit amount.
Account class withdraw method
An amount to be withdrawn is sent to an account
object and used as the argument to the withdraw service.


The account checks its balance for sufficient funds.

Object-Relational Mapping
Account Class Create Transaction Method
Each time a successful transaction is performed
against an account, the account object creates a
transaction object to record it.
Checking Account Class Withdraw Method
An amount to be withdrawn is sent to a checking
account and used as the argument to the withdrawal
service. If the account has insufficient funds to cover the
amount but has a companion savings account, it tries to
withdraw the excess from there.

In a relational database, the schema is made up of

tables, consisting of rows and columns, where each
column has a name and a simple data type. In an object
model the counterpart to a table is a class (or classes),
which has a set of attributes (properties or data embers).
Object classes describe behavior with methods.
A stored procedure is a module of precompiled SQL
code maintained within the database that executes on the
server to enforce rules the business has set about the
Referential integrity mean making sure that a
dependent tables foreign key contains a value that refers
to an existing valid type in another relation.

ATM Machine Class Operations

Table-Class Mapping
The ATM Machine class provides an interface
(view) to the bank system.
14. Explain about object relational systems?
Creating an object model from an existing relational
database layout (schema) often is referred to as reverse
engineering. Conversely, creating a relational schema from
an existing object model often is referred to as forward

Table-class mapping is a simple one-to-one

mapping of a table to a class and the mapping of columns
in a table to properties in a class.
Car table
Cost Color Make







Keys for instance Navigation

Person Table
Cost Color Make




In mapping columns to properties, the simplest

approach is to translate a columns value into the
corresponding class property value. There are tow
interpretations of this mapping. Either the column is a data
value or it defines a navigable relationship between
instances (i.e., a foreign key). The mapping also should
specify how to convert each data value into a property
value on an instance.

Table-Multiple Classes Mapping

In the table-multiple classes mapping, a single table
maps to multiple noninheriting classes. Two or more
distinct, noninheriting classes have properties that are
mapped to columns in a single table.

A popular mechanism in relational databases in the

use of stored procedures. As mentioned earlier, stored
procedures are modules of precompiled SQL code stored
in the database that execute on the server to enforce rules
the business has set about the data.

Table-inherited Classes Mapping

In table-inherited classes mapping, a single table
maps to many classes that have a common superclass.
This mapping allows the user to specify the columns to be
shared among the related classes.
Table-Inherited Classes Mapping
Another approach here is tables-inherited classes
mapping, which allows the translation of is a relationships
that exists among tables in the relational schema into class


The view layer objects are responsible for two major

aspects of the applications:
1.Input responding to user interaction
2. Output displaying or printing business objects
4. What are the major activities involves in designing
view layer classes?
The process of designing view layer classes is divided into
four major activities:

1. Define GUI?
A graphical user interface (GUI) uses icons to
represent objects, a pointing device to select operations,
and graphical imagery to represent relationships.
2. Define Object Oriented User Interface?
An Object oriented user interface focuses on
objects, the things people use to accomplish their work.
3. What are the two major responsibilities of view layer

1. The macro level UI design process identifying

view layer objects.
2. Micro level UI design activities
3. Testing usability and user satisfaction
4. Refining and iterating the design
5. Define User entered interfaced?
A user centered interface replicates the users
view of doing things by providing the outcomes users
expect for any action.
6. What are the process involved in designing view
The following is the process of designing view
(interface) objects:
1. For every interface object identified in the macro UI
design process apply micro level UI design rules


and corollaries to develop the UI. Apply design rules

and GUI guidelines to design the UI for the interface
objects identified.
2. Iterate and refine.
7. What are the different types of modes used in user
Modes that can be used in the user interface are:
Modal dialog
Spring loaded modes
Tool driven modes
8. List out the uses of Windows?
Windows commonly are used for the following
Forms and data entry windows
Dialog boxes
Application windows (main windows)
9. What are the various tasks involved in data entry?
Data entry tasks include the following:

Navigating rows in a table, such as moving forward

and backward and going to the first and last record.
Adding and deleting rows
Changing data in rows

Saving and abandoning changes

10. What are the various steps involved in creating a

user interface?
Creating a user interface generally consists of three steps:
1. Create the user interface objects (such as buttons,
data entry fields)
2. Link or assign the appropriate behaviors or actions
to these user interface objects and their events.
3. Test, debug, then add more by going back to step 1

11. Define Debugging.

Debugging is the process of finding out where
something went wrong and correcting the code to
eliminate the errors or bugs that cause unexpected results.
12. What are the different types of errors?
Kinds of errors

Language (syntax) errors

Run time errors
Logic errors

13. Explain about error based testing?

Error based testing techniques search a given

classs method for particular clues of interests, them

describe how these clues should be tested.
14. What do you mean by Scenario based testing?
Scenario based testing, also called usage
based testing, concentrates on what the user does , not
what the product does. This means capturing use cases
and the tasks users perform, the performing them and their
variants as tests.
15. Define Black Box Testing?
In black box testing, you try various inputs and
examine the resulting output; you can learn what the box
does but nothing about how this conversion is
16. What is the Advantage of Black Box Testing?

18. What is the use of white box testing?

The main use of the white box is in error based
testing, when you already have tested all objects of an
application and all external or public methods of an object
that you believe to be of greater importance.
19. Define Path testing?
One form of white box testing, called path testing,
makes certain that each path in a objects method is
executed at least once during testing.
20. What are the types of path testing?
1. Statement testing coverage
2. Branch testing coverage

Black box testing works very nicely in testing

objects in an object oriented environment. The black box
testing technique also can be used for scenario based
tests, where the systems inside may not be available for
inspection but the input and output are defined through
use cases or other analysis information.

21. What do you mean by Top Down Testing?

17. Define White Box Testing.

22. What is the use of Top Down Testing?

White box testing assumes that the specific logic is

important and must be tested to guarantee the systems
proper functioning.

Top down testing is useful to test subsystem and

system integration.

Top Down testing assumes that the main logic or

object interactions and system messages of the
application need more testing than an individual objects
method or supporting logic.


23. Define Bottom up testing?

Bottom up testing starts with the details of the
systems and proceeds to higher levels by a progressive
aggregation of details until they collectively for the
requirements for the system.
24. What is the use of Bottom up testing?
This approach is more appropriate for testing the
individual objects in a system.
25. What are the various objectives of testing?

Specify what you are testing and which particular

feature (methods)
Test the normal use of the objects methods
Test the abnormal but reasonable use of the
objects methods
Test the abnormal and unreasonable use of the
objects methods.
27. Define Test Plan.
A test plan is developed to detect and identify
potential problems before delivering the software to its

Objects of testing as follows:

Testing is the process of executing a program with

the intent of finding errors.
A good test case is the one that has a high
probability of detecting an as-yet undiscovered
A successful test case is the one that detects an as
yet undiscovered error.

26. What are the guidelines for developing quality

assurance test case?
Describe which feature or service (external or
internal) your test attempts to cover
If the test case is based on a use case (i.e., this is a
usage test), it is a good idea to refer to the use
case name

28. What are the steps needed to create a test plan?

The following steps are needed to create a test plan
1. Objects of the test
2. Development of a test case
3. Test analysis
29. Define Regression testing.
All passed test should be repeated with the revised
program, called regression testing, which can discover
errors introduced during the debugging process.
30. Define Beta testing?
Software companies also use beta testing, a
popular, in expensive, and effective way to test software

on a select group of the actual users of the system.

31. Define Alpha testing.
Alpha testing, where testing is done by in house
testers, such as programmers, software engineers, and
internal users.
32. What do you mean by configuration control
A configuration control system provides a way of
tracking the changes to the code.
33. What are the steps involved for successful test?
o Understand and communicate the business
o Develop an internal infrastructure
o Look for leaders
o Measure and document you findings in a defect
recording system.
o Publicize improvements
34. Define Quality.
Quality refers to the ability of products to meet the
users needs and expectations. The task of satisfying user
requirements is the basic motivation for quality.
35. Define Usability Testing.

Usability testing measures the ease of use as well

as the degree of comfort and satisfaction users have with
the software.
36. What are the guidelines for developing usability
Guidelines for developing usability testing

The usability testing should include all of a

softwares components
Usability testing need not be very expensive or
Similarly, all tests need not involve many subjects.
Apply usability testing early and often.

37. Define user Satisfaction test?

User satisfaction testing is the process of
quantifying the usability test with some measurable
attributes of the test, such as functionality, cost or ease of
38. What are the
satisfaction test?





Principal objectives of the user satisfaction test

As a communication vehicle between designers, as
well as between users and designers


To detect and evaluate changes during the design

To provide a periodic indication of divergence of
opinion about the current design.
To enable
specific areas of
dissatisfaction for remedy
To provide a clear understanding of just how the
completed design is to be evaluated.
39. Define USTS.
The user satisfaction test spreadsheet (USTS)
automates many bookkeeping tasks and can assist in
analyzing the user satisfaction test results.
40. What are the advantage of User Interface?
Ease of use is the main issue of the user interface
Is easy to operate
Buttons are the right size and easily located.
Is efficient to use
Is fun to use
Is visually pleasing
Provides easy recovery from errors.
41. Define Wizard of OZ.
Wizard of OZ, a testing specialist simulates the
interaction of an interface. Although these latter techniques
can be valuable, they often require a trained, experienced
test coordinator.

1. State and explain Micro level process?
A user centered interface replicates the users
view of doing things by providing the outcomes users
expect for any action.
The following is the process of designing view (interface)
1. For every interface object identified in the macro UI
design process apply micro-level UI design rules
and corollaries to develop the UI. Apply design rules
and GUI guidelines to design the UI for the interface
objects identified.

2. Iterate and refine

Figure: The micro level design process
UI Design Rule 1. Making the Interface Simple
(Application of Corollary 2)
First and foremost, your user interface should be so
simple that users are unaware of the tools and
mechanisms that make the application work.

Apply micro level UI

design rules and GUI
guidelines to each
interface object
identified to develop
the UI
Next interface objects
Refine and iterate

There is no simple equation to determine when a

design trade off is appropriate. So, in evaluating the
impact, consider the following:
Every additional feature potentially affects the
performance, complexity, stability, maintenance,
and support costs of an application.
It is harder to fix a design problem after the release
of a product because users may adapt, or even
become dependent on, a peculiarity in the design.
Simplicity is different from being simplistic. Making
something simple to use often requires a good deal
of work and code.
Features implemented by a small extension in the
application code do not necessarily have a
proportional effect in a user interface.
UI Design Rule 2. Making the Interface Transparent
and Natural (Application of Corollary 4)
The user interface should be so intuitive and natural
that users can anticipate what do next by applying their
previous knowledge of doing tasks without a computer.
A metaphor, or analogy, relates two otherwise
unrelated things by using one to denote the other.


UI Design Rule 3. Allowing Users to Be in Control of

the Software (Application of Corollary 1)


The third UI design rule states that the users always

should feel in control of the software, rather than feeling
controlled by the software. The first implication is the
operational assumption that actions are started by the user
rather than computer or software, that the user plays an
active rather than reaction role.
The second implication is that users, because of
their widely varying skills and preferences, must be able to
customize aspects of the interface.
The final implication is that the software should be
as interactive and responsive as possible. Avoid modes
whenever possible. A mode is a state that excludes
general interaction or otherwise limits the user to specific
interactions. Some of the ways to put users in control are

Make the interface forgiving

Make the interface visual
Provide immediate feedback
Avoid modes
Make the interface consistent

Make the interface Forgiving

The users actions should be easily reversed, when
users are in control, they should be able to explore without
fear of causing an irreversible mistake.
Make the Interface Visual

Design the interface so users can see, rather than

recall, how to proceed.
Provide Immediate Feedback
Users should never press a key or select an action
without receiving immediate visual or audible feedback or
Avoid Modes
Users are in a mode whenever they must cancel
what they are doing before they can do something else or
when the same action has different results in different
situations. These are some of the modes that can be used
in the user interface are
Modal dialog
Spring loaded modes
Tool driven modes
Make the Interface Consistent
Consistency is one way to develop and reinforce
the users conceptual model of applications and give the
user the feeling that he or she is in control, since the user
can predict the behavior of the system.
2. Explain about Quality Assurance tests?
Quality Assurance Tests

Debugging is the process of finding out where

something went wrong and correcting the code to
eliminate the errors or bugs that cause unexpected results.
Language (syntax) errors result from incorrectly
constructed code, such as an incorrectly types
keyword or some necessary punctuation omitted.
Run time errors occur and are detected as the
program is running, when a statement attempts an
operation that is impossible to carry out.
Logic errors occur when code does not perform the
way you intended.
The elimination of the syntactical bug is the process
a debugging, whereas the detection and elimination of the
logical bug is the process of testing. Quality assurance
testing can be divided into two major categories: error
based testing and scenario based testing. Error based
testing techniques search a given classs method for
particular clues of interests, and then describe how these
clues should be tested.
Scenario based testing, also called usage
based testing, concentrates on what the user does, not
what the product does.

The concept of the box is used to represent a

system whose inside workings are not available for
inspection [16]. In a black box, the test item is treated as
black, since its logic is unknown, all that is known is what
goes in and what comes out, or the input and output.
In black box testing, you try various inputs and
examine the resulting output; you can learn what the box
does but nothing about how this conversion is
implemented. Black box testing works very nicely in testing
objects in an object oriented environment. The black box
testing technique also can be used for scenario based
tests, where the systems inside may not be available for
inspection but the input and output are defined through
use case or other analysis information.



Figure: The black box is an imaginary box that hides

its internal workings

3. What do you mean by Black Box testing ? Explain

it ?

4. Discuss about white box testing and its uses?

Black Box Testing

White box testing assumes that the specific logic is

important and must be tested to guarantee the systems


proper functioning. The main use of the white box is in

error based testing. When you already have tested all
objects of an application and all external or public methods
of an object that you believe to be of greater importance.
One form of white box testing, called path testing,
makes certain that each path in a objects method is
executed at least once during testing. Two types of path
testing are statement testing coverage and branch testing
o Statement testing coverage: The main idea of
statement testing coverage is to test every
statement in the objects method by executing it at
least once.
o Branch testing coverage: The main idea behind
branch testing coverage is to perform enough tests
to ensure that every branch alternative has been
executed at least once under some test.

5. Briefly discuss about top down testing concepts?

Top Down testing assumes that the main logic or
object interactions and system messages of the
application need more testing than an individual objects
method or supporting logic. A top down strategy can
detect the serious design flaws early in the
The top down approach can test the navigation
through screens and verify that it matches the
requirements. Second, users can see, at an early stage,
how the final application will look and feel [6]. This
approach also is useful for scenario based testing. Top
down testing is useful to test subsystem and system
6. Explain Bottom up testing?
Bottom up testing starts with the details of the
system and proceeds to higher levels by a progressive
aggregation of details until they collectively fit the
requirements for the system. This approach is more
appropriate for testing the individual objects in a system.

Figure: In a white box testing strategy, the internal

workings are known

In bottom up testing, you start with the method

and classes that call or rely on no others. You test them
thoroughly. Then you progress to the next level up: those
methods and classes that use only the bottom level ones
already tested. Next, you test combinations of the bottom
two layers. Proceed until you are testing the entire


program. Bottom up testing leads to integration testing,

which leads to systems testing.
7. Explain about test cases and test plan?
Object of testing as follows
Testing is the process of executing a program
with the intent of finding errors.
A good test case is the one that has a high
probability of detecting an as yet undiscovered
A successful test case is the one that detects an
as yet undiscovered error.
Guidelines for Developing Quality Assurance Test
Basically, a test case is a set of what if questions.
Guidelines that have been adapted for the UA:

Describe which features or service (external or

internal) your test attempts to cover
If the test case is based on a use case (i.e., this
is a usage test), it is a good idea to refer to the
use- case name.
Test the normal use of the objects methods.
Test the abnormal but reasonable use of the
objects methods
Test the abnormal and unreasonable use of the
objects method

Test the boundary conditions.

A test plan is developed to detect and identify

potential problems before delivering the software to its
users. The following steps are needed to create a test
1. Objects of the test: Create the objectives and
describe how to achieve them.
2. Development of a test case: develop test data,
both input and expected output, based on the
domain of the data and the expected behaviors
that must be tested.
3. Test analysis: This steps involves the
examination of the test output and the
documentation of the test results. If bugs are
detected, then this is reported and the activity
centers on debugging.
Most software companies also use beta testing a
popular, in expensive, and effective way to test software
on a select group of the actual users of the system. This is
in contrast to alpha testing, where testing is done by in
house testers, such as programmers, software engineers,
and internal users.
Guidelines for Developing Test Plans
The following guidelines have been developed by
Thomas for writing test plans


You may have requirements that dictate a specific

appearance or format for your test plan.
The test plan should contains a schedule and a list
of required resources.
After you have determined what types of testing are
necessary ( such as black box, white box, topdown, or bottom up testing), you need to
document specifically what you are going to do.
A configuration control system provides a way of
tracking the changes to the code.
A well thought out design tends to produces
better code and result in more complete testing, so
it is a good idea to try to keep the plan up to date.
At the end of each month or as your reach each
milestone, take time to complete routine updates.

Guidelines for Developing Usability Testing:

Some guidelines for developing usability testing:

Similarly, testing should include all of a softwares

Usability testing need not be very expensive or
elaborate, such as including trained specialists
working in a soundproof lab with one- way mirrors
and sophisticated recording equipment.
Similarly, all tests need not involve many subjects.
Consider the users experience as part of your
software usability.
Apply usability testing early and often.

8. State and Explain Usability testing?

Recording the Usability Test

Usability testing measures the ease of us as well as

the degree of comfort and satisfaction users have with the

Record the test results using a portable tape

recorder or, better, a video camera. Since even the best
observer can miss details, reviewing the data later will
prove valuable recorded data also allows more direct
comparison among multiple participants.

Usability is one of the most crucial factors in the

design and development of a product, especially the user
interface. Therefore, usability testing must be a key part of
the UI design process.
Usability test case begin with the identification of
use cause that can specify the largest audience, tasks,
and test goals. When designing a test, focus on use cases
or tasks, not features.

9. Explain the concept of User Satisfaction test?

Use satisfaction testing is the process of quantifying
the usability test with some measurable attributes of the
test, such as functionality, cost, or ease of use. Usability
can be assessed by defining measurable goals, such as


95 percent of users should be able to find how to

withdraw money from the ATM machine without
error and with no formal training.
70 percent of all users should experience the new
function as a clear improvement over the previous
90 percent of consumers should be able to operate
the VCR with in 30 minutes.

Principal objective of the user satisfaction test [3]:

As communication vehicle between designers, as
well as between users and designers.
To detect the evaluate changes during the design
To provide a periodic indication of divergence of
opinion about the current design.
To enable pinpointing of just how the completed
design is to be evaluated.
Guidelines for developing a User Satisfaction Test
The use cases can provide you with an excellent
source of information throughout this process further more,
you must work with the users or clients to find out what
attributes should be included in the test.
Ask the users to select a limited number (5 to 10) of
attributes by which the final product can be evaluated.
Once these attributes have been identified, they can
play a crucial role in the evaluation of the final product.

The user must use his or her judgment to answer

each question by selecting a number between 1 and 10,
with 10 as the most favorable and 1 as the least.
10. What is the purpose of a view layer interface
explain it is detail?
The purpose of a view layer interface

Forms and data entry windows.

Dialog boxes
Application windows ( main windows)

Guidelines for Designing Forms and Data Entry

When designing a data entry window or forms ( or
Web forms). Identify the information you want to display or
change. Consider the following issues:
In general. What kind of information will users
work with and why?
Do users need aces to all the information in a
table or just some information?
When working with a portion of the information
in table, use a query that selects the rows and
columns users want.
In what order to users want rows to appear?

Typical data entry task include the following:

Guidelines for the Command Buttons Layout

Navigating rows in a table, such as moving

forward and backward, and going to the first and
last record.
Adding the deleting rows.
Changing data in rows.
Saving and abandoning changes
You can use an existing paper form, such as a
printed invoice, as the starting point for your
Users scan a screen in the same way they read
a page of a book, from left or right and top
bottom, as if they were using a typewriter.
Put similar or related information together, and
use visual effects to emphasize the grouping.
Guidelines for Designing Dialog Boxes and Error

For easy readability, make buttons a consistent length.

Consistent visual and operational styles will allow users to
transfer their knowledge and skills more easily.

A dialog box provides an exchange of information or

a dialog between the user and the application.
If the dialog box is for an error message, use the
following guidelines:

Your error message should be positive.

Your error message should be constructive.
Your error message should be brief and meaningful.
Orient the controls in the dialog box in the direction
people read.

Guidelines for Designing Application Windows:

A typical application window consists of a frame ( or
border) that defines its extent and a title bar that identifies
what is being viewed in the window.
An application window usually contains common
drop-down menus.
The file menu: other menus are the file menu
provides an interface for the primary operations that
apply to a file.
The Edit menu: Include general purpose editing
commands on the Edit menu.
The view menu and other command menus.
Commands on the view menu should change the
users view of data in the window.
The window menu. Use the window menu in
multiple document, interface style application for
managing the windows within the main workspace/
The help menu: The help menu contains commands
that provides aces to help information.
Tool bars and status bars. Like menu bars, tool bars
and status bars are special interface constructs for
managing sets of controls.

Guidelines for Using Color

The following guideline can help you use colors in the
most effective manner:

You can use identical or similar colors to indicate

related information.
For an object background, use a contrasting but
complementary color.
You can use bight colors to call attention to certain
elements on the screen, and you can use dim
colors to make other elements less notice able.
Use colors consistently within each window and
among all windows in your application.
Using too many colors can be visually distracting
and will make your application les interesting.
Allow the user to modify the color configuration of
your application.

Guidelines for Using Fonts

The following guidelines can help you use fonts to best
convey information.
Use commonly installed fonts, not specialized fonts
that users might not have on their machines.
Use bold for control labels, so they will remain
legible when the object is dimmed.
Use fonts consistently with each form and among all
forms in your application.

Using too many font styles, sizes, and colors can be

visually distracting and should be avoided.
11. What are the steps involved in prototyping the user
interface? Explain it briefly?
Rapid prototyping encourages the incremental
development approach, grow, dont build. Prototyping
involves a number of iterations. Through each iteration, we
add a little more to the application, and as we understand
the problem a little better, we can make more
It is highly desirable to prepare a prototype of the
user interface during the analysis to better understand the
system requirements. This can be done with most CASE
tools3, operation software using visual prototyping, or
normal development tools. First, it provides an effective
tool for communicating the design. Second, it can help you
define task flow and better visualize the design. Finally, it
provides a low-cost vehicle for getting user input on a
Creating a user interface generally consists of three steps:
1. Create the user interface objects (such as buttons,
data entry field)
2. Link or assign the appropriate behaviours or actions
to these user interface objects and their events.
3. Test, debug, then add more by going back to step 1.


2. Micro level Ul design activities:

When you complete the first prototype, meet with the
user for an exchange of ideas about how the system would
go together. When approaching the user, describe your
prototype briefly. The main purpose should be to spark
12. Explain about designing view layer classes?

2.1 Designing the view layer objects by applying

design axioms and corollaries.
2.2 Prototyping the view layer interface. After
defining a design model, prepare a prototype
of some of the basic aspects of the design.
3. Testing usability and user satisfaction. We must
test the application to make sure it meets the
audience requirements.
4. Refining and iterating the design.

The view layer objects are responsible for two major

aspects of the applications:
1. Input-responding to user interaction. The user
interface must be designed to translate an action by
the user, such as clicking on a button or selecting
from a menu, into an appropriate response.
2. Output-displaying or printing business objects. This
layer must paint the best picture possible of the
business objects for the user.
The process of designing view layer classes is divided into
four major activities:
1. The macro level Ul design process-identifying view
layer objects. This activity, for the most part, takes
place during the analysis phase of system
development. The main objective of the macro
process is to identify classes that interact with
human actors by analyzing the use cases
developed in the analysis phase.

13. What are the various concepts that occur in

macrolevel process?
The view layer macro process consist of two steps:
1. foe every class identified, determine if the class
interacts with a human actor. If so, perform the
following: otherwise move to the next class.


Identifying the view (interface) objects for the

class. Zoom in on the view objects by
utilizing sequence or collaboration diagrams
to identify the interface objects, their
responsibilities, and the requirements for this
Define the relationships among the view
(interface0 objects. The interface objects, like


access classes, for the most part, are

associated with the business classes.
2. Iterate and refine
The advantage of utilizing use cases in identifying and
designing view layer objects is that the focus centers on
the user, and including users as part of the planning and
design is the nest way to ensure accommodating them.
After all, the interface object handles all communication
with the user but does not process any business rules; that
will be done by the business objects.

Effective interface design is more than just following

a set of rules. It also involves early planning of the
interface and continued work through the software
development process. The process of designing the user
interface involves clarifying the specific needs of the
application, identifying the use cases and interface objects,
and then devising a design that best meets users needs.


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