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JCTAD grade of registration (if any)

Relevant field

Name of the respondent






Please answer the following questions on your experience in the industry

The information provided by you will only be used for the develop an Expert system on mark-up size decision
and will not be exposed to others
The questions are about the factors those affects the decision on bidding and most of these are of uncertain

Details of your Firm :


Dr. Asoka Perera and Eng. Ruchika Pathirana

Department of Civil Engineering -University of Moratuwa

Development of Expert System for Mark-up Size in Competitive Bidding

8. Project Cash Flow

(based on cash flow diagram)
Project characteristic

7. Experience in similar projects

CR.!Cated to the firm

6. Risk involvement
Cconomic situation

5. Rate of Return
Cconomic situation

4. Past profits in similar projects

CR.sCated to the finn

3. Owner /Client identity

CR.!Cated to the finn

2. Need for work

(1- Current work Load)
CR.!Catecf to the finn

1. Availability of Projects
rBidcfing Situation

on going projects to relevant category


Past projects completed with the client satisfactorily



Total cash flow

X 100%

projects completed in last 5 Yrs

Total Negative cash flow


X 100%

X 100%

X 100%

X 100%

# Similar projects completed in last 5yrs

Total Variations

Variations due to client only

Anticipated RoR of the company

Expected RoR of the project

Sum of (Cost in each project)

sum of ( profit made in similar projects)

Projects completed with the client

1 -

X 100%

X 100%

Estimated turn over of the company for the considered yr

Total value of the projects in hand

1 -

X 100%


# Contractors available in relevant category


IL 1






r 1

tH I M I L




(}3Ufding situation

9. Current work load

Volume of all current Projects
the company has committed
CRfatea to tfie firm


Total # contractors registered in same category

# Competitors for this particular Project

X 100%

Estimated turn over of the company for the considered yr

Total value of Projects in hand

X 100%



fM ILl


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