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So that's the R Profiler.

And the R Profiler has a function in R

that's called Rprof.
And it, an Rprof is used to start the
profiler in R.
One could note is that R must be compiled
with profiler
support and so it's not something that's
going to built in all cases.
However, and I'd say 99.9% of the cases
this is the true, this is
the truth, so mu, you will only, R will
only be compiled without profiler
support in some very cer, special
And so I wouldn't, the chances are your
version of R use, it can use the profiler.
The other function that's useful is the
summary Rprof
function, which takes the output from the
profiler and summarizes
it in a way that's kind of readable,
because the
raw output from the profiler is generally
not very usable.
And so the summary Rprof function is very
It's important to realize that you should
not use the system time
function and the R Profiler function
they, these are not really designed to be
worked together, to be used together.
So you should always use one or the other
and not both.
So the Rprof function keeps track,
basically what it does is it
keeps track of the function call stack, at
regularly sampled intervals, right?
And so basically it as you're function is
running, it kind of
goes it, it, it queries the function call
stack, so how
many functions you, functions that call
other functions that call other functions.
And it just prints it out.
Basically, that's all it does is it prints
out the function call stack at, at very
quick intervals, so, so that every 0.02
and it prints out the function call stack.
So first thing you'll notice is that if
your function takes less
than 0.02 seconds to run, then this R, the
profiler will be useless.
And in general, because it will never
sample the function call stack.
And in general if your program is runs
very quickly, the profiler is not useful.
Well, and but of course that if your

program runs very quickly,

you probably wouldn't think to run the
profiler in the first place.
So it's usually not a problem.
But you really need to use the profiler in
situations where your code
is taking much longer on the order, at
least on the order of seconds.
So here's just a quick example of the raw
output that comes
from the profiler.
Now you generally speaking you will not
ever use this output, but
I thought it might be interesting to look
at what's going on.
So you can see that I'm, you, I'm just
calling the lm
function, which is kind of a univariate
outcome and a univariate predictor.
And, and what happens here, as you can
see, that
each line of this output is the function
call stack.
So you can see at the very right, is kind
of the top.
and, and at the very
left is kind of the bottom, so to speak.
And the, so the very right, you can see
lm was called, and lm called eval, and
eval called eval.
So I'm going from right to left here.
And eval called model frame, which called
model frame
default, which called eval again and eval
in the list.
So all these functions call each other.
So you can see that the function calls
back goes out for the deep.
As you go further in the evaluation you
can see
that that the function calls that changes,
so at the
very bottom you can see that lm called
And if you're not familiar with the LM
function, is really
the workhorse of this function, it does
all the really kind of computation.
And so, you, you wouldn't suspect that it
spend a reasonable amount of time in the function.
So, that kind of raw output is not
particularly easy to read, so we use the
function to tabulate the Rprof or the
and calculate how much is spent in which

So, the idea is that once you see that the

function call stack, you know that
the, that each line of the con, the
function call stack is separated out by
0.02 seconds.
Access the frequency which is sampled.
So, given that you can calculate how many
seconds are
spent in each of the functions, because if
it appears in the function call
stack then you're actually spend, then you
must be spending some time in it.
So there are two methods for, for
the data that you get the R Profiler.
One is called, which divides the
time spent in
each function by a total, by the total run
And by.self, which does the same thing,
but at first
subtracts out time spent in functions
above in the call stack.
So, its important to realize that the two
separate concepts here of kind of, and by self.
The basic idea is that by total, I, I
mean, the, the normalizing
by the total amount of time spent in a
function gives you basically,
how much time was be, was spent that that
how many basically, how
many times that function appeared in the
calls, in the kind of printout here.
And so for example, a 100% of your time is
spent in the top-level
function, right, so the function that you
call, suppose it's lm, you spend a
100% of your time in that function,
because it was at the top level.
And so, but the reality is that often
the top level functions don't really do
anything with
that's kind of important, all they do is
call helper functions that do the real
work, right?
So chances are if your function is
a lot of time doing something, it's
a lot of time in those helper functions
which is just being called by this top
function to kind of do, to do all the
And so often it's not very interesting to
know how much is time is spent in
these top level functions, because that's
not where
the, where the real, where the real work

All right, so you really want to know
kind of how much time is spent in the
top level function, but subtracting out
the low, the functions that it calls
So it turns out that it spends a lot of
time in the
top level function, but even after you
subtract out all of the lower level
functions, then that has something that's
But most of the time you will notice that
when you subtract out all the lower level
functions that get, that get called
there's very
little time it spends in the top level
And because all the work and all the kind
of the computations is being done
at the lower level function, so that's,
kind of where you want to focus your
So, the, the buy.self format is, I, I
think, the most
interesting format to use because it tells
you how much time
is being spent in a given function, but
after subtracting out all of the
other, all of the time spent in, in lower
level functions that it calls.
So it gives you I think a more accurate
picture of, you know, which functions are
really, are truly
taking up the most amount of time and
which functions
that you might want to target for
optimization, later on.
So here's an example of some output in the format and you can see very
clearly at the very top that 100% of the
time is spent in the lm function.
So the total time was 7.41 seconds for
this run.
And all of it was spent in lm.
Of course, because lm was the top level
But you can see that and so you can
see that the second place winner was the function.
I mentioned is where a lot of the
computation occurs.
And so that was three and a half seconds,
so about half of the time in that
Now, now you also see that a number of
functions here model.frame,
model.frame.default, eval,

all these functions don't really

involve computation but there is a
reasonable amount of
time spent within those functions, so
that's kind of interesting.
Now, I think a more useful output is the
by.self output which kind of
subtracts out any lower level function
from, so and calculates the amount of
time spent in a, it's kind of truly spent
in a given function.
And here you can see that is the
clear winner, because that's really where
all the computation occurs.
In particular, calls, calls a four
trend routine for inverting a matrix.
And so, that's usually where in most large
scale regression problems, that's where
all the computation occurs.
The next function that takes a lot of time
ap, ap, apparently, or 11% of the time
is the as.list function, for the method.
It's not immediately clear why so much
time is being spent in
this, but, spent in this function,
but it's maybe something you want to
Because it maybe something that's not very
important to the kind of core computation.
for, and so you can kind of go down the
list here
and see how much time is being spent in
various functions.
And then you'll see a lot of these
functions don't directly pertain
to computation or kind of core
computation, but they're really more kind
of pertain to data, formatting of the data
and things like that.
The last part of the summaryRprof output
just the sample interval, so you can see
how, what, what time interval the sampling
place for printing out the function call
So you can see, it's 0.02 seconds.
And the sampling time, which is just the
amount of time that the expression took to
This is the same kind of, this is so this
is the, I think equivalent to the kind of
elapse time in the system.time function.
So that's a quick tour of the R profiler
in R,
it's a very handy tool for doing
performance analysis, R code to

give you some useful feedback and I find

often highlights functions that
you may not have suspected as being
kind of time hogs or bottlenecks.
And because they're not really core to the
kind of, the real computation that you're
working on.
So the profiler can be really useful,
I think for highlighting these kinds of
and, and often finding things that you are
kind of unexpected.
The summary Rprof function summarizes the
output from Rprof and
gives you the percent time spent in in
each functions.
And I think the by.self kind of [UNKNOWN]
normalization is the
most useful for kind of highlighting
bottlenecks in your, in your code.
One of the, one of the implications of
using the
profiler is that it's useful to break your
code into functions.
So rather than have one massive function,
it's useful to break your code into kind
of logical pieces of different functions.
And so the profiler can use this
to tell you where the time is being spent.
So remember the profiler prints, prints
out the function call stack.
And if you break your code into mul,
multiple little functions, the
function names that you give will kind of
serve as little identifiers.
In the function call stack to tell you
kind of where
the, where the code is spending the most
amount of time.
So that's another little strategy
that's kind of that's can be useful when
you're profiling your R code.
The last thing that's worth learning is
that if your R code, or any other R code
call C or Fortran code, this C and Fortran
code is can, is like a black box.
It's not profiled.
You, you won't see any information about
that code.
All you will know is that some time is
spent there, but you won't know any
details about that.
So overall I think the profiler is very
I encourage you to use
it rather than just try to guess at, you
know, where to optimize your code and, and
just, the profiler can be used to kind
of collect data about where time is being


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