Tidings For December

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Boone's Creek Baptist Association

Serving, Encouraging and Supporting Christ’s Churches

JIM’S COMMENTS: James Smith, Director of Missions
Greetings in this new year of 2010 and in this new decade. Time Angel Kane, Secretary
seems to fly by faster and faster the older I get. Years seemed to Floyd & Gale Holbrook-Camp Manager
pass by slowly when I was a boy, but not now. Our Lord is Good and Office (859) 744-0037
we thank Him for His blessings! We can look forward to what our Fax (859) 744-1069
Lord will do in our Churches and Association this year. As you already E-mail: boonescreekbapti@bellsouth.net
know, a Major event for us is the Find It Here Campaign. Churches, Web-Site-www.boonescreekbaptistassoc.com
how much are you praying and planning for this Evangelism event? Printed Jan. 2010, Volume 43, issue 1
You need to know in your area which streets and roads your Church Deadline for next Issue: Feb. 15, 2010
will cover with those brochures and handouts bags. As you know, this
is not a contest to see what church can reach the largest number of
people, but it is a cooperative effort to get the gospel message to
people-to reach people for our Lord! We don't want to face people at Bible Drills/ Speakers Tournament
the end of life who says, “Why didn’t you tell me about Jesus?” A few Churches, please Promote and Work
years ago a deaf lady in Floyd County got saved after a deaf ministry
with Children & Youth on Bible Drills. Call
was begun, and she said, “I don’t know what I would have done if
you hadn’t found me”. My friends, that statement is all of the encour-
Jeff Ryder at 859/497-3826 or Association
agement one needs to keep going regardless of expense, time, and Office for materials.
effort. Also, Promote a SPEAKER’S TOURNA-
We cancelled our January 11th Associational Executive Board Meet- MENT. The winner of an Assn’l Speaker’s
ing because of snow. Ephesus Baptist Church was looking forward to Tournament will receive a gift of $75.00
hosting our meeting, and we certainly appreciate this fine church from a private donor!
family. Our next Executive Board Meeting is scheduled to be at Salem
Baptist Church on February 15, 7pm. Pastors and Board members try
your best to be present. Of course, all church members are welcome Best Wishes to these February Birthdays:
to attend our Associational Board Meetings. It would be wonderful if 3-Tom Barnes-Pastor-Creekside
every church could be represented at our meetings. 5- Ray Coates-Pastor-Allansville
Be much in Prayer for KY that we don’t get any Expansion of Gam- 6-Patty Martin-Retired Pastor’s Wife
bling, and that a bill will not be passed to permit wine to be sold in 8- JT Rafferty-Pastor-Spears Mill
our grocery stores. Also, be much in Prayer for Hurricane Ike Recov- 13-Noreen Lahrmer-Pastor’s Wife-Cow Creek
ery Operation around Galveston Island. Help is still needed. Also, 16-John Runyon-Pastor-Spring Street
pray and watch for World Equestrian Games Ministry opportunities 23-Delmar McGee-Pastor-Greenbriar
this year. Prayerfully, Jim Smith 28-Barbara Bishop-Retired Pastor’s Wife

Best Wishes to these February Anniversa-

February 2010 Calendar ries:
11– Camp Meeting-7 pm 16-Gerald & Barbara Bishop-Retired
14– Valentine Day 22-Chris & Judy Winkler-Irvine First
15– Ex. Board Mtg., Salem Baptist-7 pm
18-Pastor’s Prayer Fellowship-Cedar Village-Irvine-11:30am
20-Workday at Camp-9am (weather permitting) ATTENTION
22&23– Evangelism Conference, Severns Valley Bapt. Church If you are interested in being on the Camp Staff
26– Associational Family Mission Night-Kiddville-7 pm this summer 2010 please contact the Association/
Camp office as soon as possible. Call 859-744-
0037 or email at boonescreekbapti@bellsouth.net

Christian Love and Sympathy

Boones Creek Baptist Associational History Books
To Brother Harold Calmes in the earthly passing of his precious wife of More History Books have been printed. Churches
69 years, Mrs. Burnadean Calmes. Bro. Calmes is a retired Pastor in
& Individuals, please let us know if you want a copy
our Association. Keep this family in your Prayers.
or copies. You may contact the Associational Office-
859/744-0037 or email boonescreek-
bapti@bellsouth.net or Norwood Thorpe at
606/723-4479 or email nthorp@irvineonline.net
from our CHURCHES - Dec. 2009 faithful and longtime members has gone to be with the Lord. On
Jan. 1st Doris Farthing, wife of Davinal Farthing died. She was
BEECH GROVE –Ladies had a get together on Dec. 16th had a great
time. Did Fruit Baskets for 25 Families , Fire Dept., Police Dept., and our pianist (since she was a young girl) and could make the piano
Nursing home. sing and dance. She gave us such joy and will be missed by all.
BOONES CREEK-Feb. 7-10,2010, Hershael York will be preaching a Jan 4th Anna Helms died at her home. She has been a longtime
Revival. Dr. York is currently pastor of Buck Run B.C. in Frankfort and a member and very faithful. She was home bound and not able to
professor at Southern Seminary in Louisville. Services will be at 7pm attend church but never stopped giving to the Lord’s work. Both of
each evening. these ladies were dedicated to serve the Lord.
CALVARY - Children’s Christmas Program and Cantata was given Dec. IVORY HILL-Had 15 Christmas Food boxes for the needy.
20. WMU had 50 Fruit Baskets for Widows & Widowers. Delivered
CENTRAL - Our Adult Choir presented a Christmas Worship Christmas presents from the Angel Tree. Planning for VBS, also
Experience called “Have no Fear” on Saturday and Sunday for spring cleaning and painting.
evenings Dec. 12 & 13. We had a Candlelight and Communion MACEDONIA-Deacons/yokefellows delivered 20 Christmas
Service at Central on Christmas Eve. We will have our annual baskets. Our youth went to Hope Hill Children’s home on
Ladies Luncheon on Feb. 20 at Noon. Christmas Eve. They bought presents for the residents and played
CLAY CITY–The Children’s Program and Cantata did a good games and shared their faith with them. Had a great turnout for the
job. children’s Christmas play. We complied a cookbook from our
EMMANUEL-Dec. Youth outing to see Walt Disney movie “The members as a fund raiser for the youth. On Sunday nights during
Christmas Carol.” Church Congregation and Special Singing for January, several men of the church will bring the evening message.
Christmas Service followed by Christmas Dinner. Best news of all, NEW HOPE-Day care did a Christmas program Dec. 6, had a
two of our teenagers made professions of Faith and were Baptized dinner and fellowship.
right before Christmas!! NORTHSIDE-We had a good Christmas and the Children had a
EPHESUS– Elected Dola Rader and Jesse Wilmoth as Deacons. wonderful Christmas Program.
Exceeded goal for Lottie Moon Offering and still collecting. Had PANOLA-Church going to get a new outside sign. Committee set
25 people pledge to read through the Bible in 2010 with Mrs. to check all details. Looking to install in the spring.
Fredith Brunn the winner of a ESV Study Bible. Enjoyed worship POWELLS VALLEY-”A Ceramic Christmas” Church Christmas
and fellowship on New Year’s Eve. Baptist Men’s Day will be Program. Delivered 24 food baskets to needy families in
celebrated Jan. 31st. community. Reach more people in our community witness and
FAITH– Our Sunday School Kids raised money for Lottie Moon win souls for Gods service in 2010.
with a penny drive. .PROVIDENCE-CC-Enjoyed a Christmas program by Children
.FRIENDSHIP– Had a wonderful Christmas Program by the Youth and Adults. Enjoyed fellowship with refreshments
Youth. Fixed food baskets, Christmas Dinner– money for nursing afterward. Musical group called “The Witness” will be singing at
home patient presents. Spring Revival for May 7,8,9. Men’s day the Church on Jan. 31st.
breakfast for the ladies on Feb. 13. Plan to do Church year book. PROVIDENCE, E.C-The Bronson Home for Boys will be here
GREENBRIAR-Our Church took up a love offering for the Haiti on Sunday night Jan. 31 to visit our church and sing some songs.
Relief Fund of $551.40 this past Sunday and will be forwarding it Also on Jan. 24, PM service Bro. Greg Lakes and family will be
to the Kentucky Baptist Convention per instructions from Bro. sharing a video from his time spent Serving the King in South
James Smith. Asia, we are so thankful for all of our Foreign and State
HERITAGE –Musicals from both Children and Adults were the Missionaries as they spread the word of God. Always remember
highlight of the Christmas Season, along with good fellowship them in your prayer time.
among members and youth. Planning meetings in January “Plan REID VILLAGE-We are having Bible Study at Gateway.
To Win 2010”, Discipleship Training to begin in February. Special Children Service every Tue. Night at 5 pm They range in age
Concert with “Sons of the Father” March 7; and Revival with Don from 12-18. We made 410 Christmas Cards took them to the Jail
Mathis in May. Youth to begin working toward attending for inmates, to Nursing home, Gateway Children Service and to
Centrifuge this summer. the Shepherd Shelter. We went to Freeda Harris Baptist Center
HOWARDS MILL-Candle Light service held at Church Dec took 110 shoe boxes, new toys, clothing, diapers and candy. Our
23rd with Pastor Phil Milheiser leading. 3rd & 4th grade class Children put on a Christmas Play. It was enjoyed by all.
prepared “Dinner and Movie bags” which are being distributed by SALEM-Members went Caroling and also delivered food boxes in
the Church families in need. This is an on going Ministry and the the neighborhood. Collecting articles to send to the Dessie Scott
out reach has been great. Children’s home.
IRVINE FIRST-Dec 2nd -Youth decorated Parsonage and it SPRING STREET-WMU held annual auction & the money from
looks really good. Dec. 6th-Holiday meal after Morning Worship, auction was donated to Jessica Sorrell, who is a Missionary in
there was lots of food, fun and fellowship. The food was really Lima, Peru. She is a member of Spring Street Baptist Church.
good and the thanks belong to all the ladies plus Steve Baber (he’s .SPEARS MILL-We had a Lottie Moon offering of $5,100.00
a great cook). 3 pm the Community Choir sang at the United (Praise the Lord). We also had a very good Children’s Christmas
Methodist Church, with 2 ladies from our church included-Marsha program on Dec. 6, and on Dec 13, The Adult Cantata.
Stone & Myrna Gover plus Bethany Noble of the ECHS Jazz Band THOMAS-Another member of our Congregation passed away on
performed midway in the program. (Hats off to all 3). Dec. 13th– Christmas Eve, Pauline Riddell– Age 88. The Ladies Christmas
We observed Lord’s Supper after evening service. Dec 31st– Party is rescheduled for Jan. 23rd at 4:30 pm. Our Christmas
Watch night stated at 9 pm. Youth had a great lock-in Happy program was presented by the Youth Group on Dec. 20th.
Birthday Jesus Pizza party Thursday evening till Friday evening WILLIAMS MEMORIAL-Our Children, Youth and Choir
(Jan 1st). There were 19 youth plus adults, everyone enjoyed presented a good Christmas Program. “The Best Gift”, on Dec. 20
welcoming in the New Year. Jan1st– This month has brought great with fellowship following.
sadness to our members of First Baptist Church. Two of our .
World Equestrian Games Preparation Mission Trip July 5-9, 2010

Students grades 7-12 are invited to Georgetown next Summer for a special ministry opportunity. You will
stay at Georgetown College. The cost is $200.00 per person and includes all meals, lodging and ministry
supplies. You will need to contact LaRaine Rice as soon as possible if you are interested. Also to get the reg-
istered forms and to ask any questions. You can also e-mail her at: LaRaine.Rice@kybaptist.org

Sharing Christ Across Kentucky
Churches, keep Praying and planning for this special evangelistic emphasis to
get the Gospel across our Association and across KY during March 6-21, 2010.
April 4 is Harvest Sunday and April 18 is Reach in, Reach out, Reach up Sunday
School High Attendance Sunday. We will probably receive the brochures and
handout bags by the end of this month.

BIBLE HUMOR University of the Cumber-

Untimely Answered Prayer
During the minister’s prayer THE DIRECTORY
Offers Courses for Credit through-
one Sunday, there was a loud Winchester Center Biblical Studies
whistle from one of the back On page 3- under Moderator, 36 Wheeler Avenue
pews. Tommy’s mother was hor- I put the wrong email address Winchester, KY 40391
rified. She pinched him into si- for Bro. Gary Willoughby Spring Schedule:
lence and, after church, asked, Thursday, Feb. 4—May 20, 2010
‘Tommy, whatever made you do
The Correct email is: Elementary Hebrews (3 Sem. Hrs.) 6:00-
willouga@bellsouth.net 8:45 pm—Instructor: Rev. Kerby Rich
such a thing?’ Tommy answered Synoptic Gospels(3 sem. Hrs.) 6:00-8:45
soberly, ‘I asked God to teach pm-
me to whistle, and He did!’ Instructor: Rev. Todd Rader
Cost: $125.00 per course, plus books
Register now by calling 859/744-7679
Need a minimum of 10 students per
Powell County Center
Look for the UP COMING events: For Biblical Studies
Spring Classes:
Tuesday Feb. 9—May 11, 2010
1-Find it Here.
2-Calendar. Isaiah (second half) 7:00- 8:30 pm
3-Birthday’s and Anniversary’s. Instructor: Rev. Kerby Rich,
4-World Equestrian Games (Mission B.A.,M.A.,M.DIV.
Location of classes:
Trip) First Church of God
5-Univ. of Cumberlands & Powell 4200 Main Street, Clay City, KY
County Center Registration and Tuition: Free
6-Bible Drills/Speakers Tournaments Books: $20.00-$40.00
Register now by calling 606/663-7870
7-Associational History Books
8-Correction for the Directory

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