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You Make Me Want To Scream

"Fuck you!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him, which he dodged. "Violet she is j
ust a friend" he replied picking up the pillow and tossing it back on the bed. "
She's your ex girlfriend!" I retorted and he sighed. "This is why I didn't intro
duce her as my ex because I knew you would freak out" he stated. "I wouldn't hav
e cared Jesse! You know I don't get jealous, but the fact that you didn't mentio
n to me that she was your ex upsets me, you tried to hide that from me" I remark
ed and he sighed. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and
I tried pushing him away but he only pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry" he whi
spered, kissing my cheek. "No your not" I huffed. "I am too. I didn't tell you b
ecause it's not important, I don't want her. I'm happily married to the most bea
utiful and most incredible woman in the world. Violet I love you and you're the
only one that I want not her, that's why she's my ex" he explained, kissing my c
heek and I groaned in annoyance. I love him to much to stay completely mad at hi

*Violet s P.O.V*

Damn I can t get over how sexy you look tonight Jesse whispered in my ear. I smiled
and looked up at him. He had his arms wrapped around my waist and my back was to
his chest. Today was Jesse s 20th birthday and there were guest everywhere. It s be
en four months since we ve got engaged. We got engaged May 7th and today is Septem
ber 15th.

How sexy do I look tonight?

I questioned.

So damn sexy that I ll kill any guy who looks at you


I laughed.

I m not joking

I know, that s the worst part

Your mine and only mine

Hey tonight is about you, and I want you to have fun

I smiled.

I am. The guys are trying to get me drunk

Oooh can I have a drink?

I asked.

You re not even 18 so that s a hell no

But I ve never had one I whined.

I said no and I mean it

You re so lucky it s your birthday

Does that mean I m still getting lucky tonight?

I scoffed in response and pulled out his arms. It s your birthday go have fun but I
think I have an hour before my bedtime since I m so young, I mean I m not even 18 y
et, I shouldn t even be thinking about sex I smirked and he gaped at me.

Not funny Vi

he replied.

It wasn t a joke


He called and I laughed.

Come on sexy it s time to cut your cake I smiled and he sighed. I was far away from
him by now but I could still see him. We were still alone though. I waved at him
and turned the corner and joined everyone. I found Monica and helped her with t
he cake. Jesse was dragged to the table by Allen and Paris while Monica placed t
he cake in front of him and everyone began to gather around. I went to turn off
the lights while Harold was lighting the candles on the cake.

Before I could walk away though Jesse grabbed me by my hips and pulled me down o
n his lap. I couldn t help but laugh, he knows I wasn t actually mad at him but I wa
s serious I just wanted a little sip. I ve never had any and he s not even 21 so he

really can t be talking. He said no though and well that means no so I guess I was
never getting that sip. Why did I have to be so young?

Jesse I was trying to turn off the lights

I stated.

Let someone else do it, you ve been on your feet all night doing stuff to make ever
ything perfect for me but now I just want your attention

I was only turning off the lights

Are you trying to avoid me?

I pouted.

he asked lowly.

No I m not but I m still upset with you

Violet I don t want you having any alcohol

And why not? Everyone else can have some but me

I don t care about everyone else I care about you. I love you and I want what s best
for you, I like that you re so innocent and I ve taken a lot of that away but I m tell
ing you no. It s not good for you and there is a reason you re supposed to be 21. I ve
already lost basically all my innocence a long time ago. You ve cared about being
innocent so I m only looking out for you so please just let it go he explained and
I smiled.

Awe! Everyone chorused and I blushed. I forgot everyone was gathered around since
we were going to cut the cake, so everyone heard him. I hid my face in Jesse s che
st and he chuckled. He ran his fingers through my hair and said, I love you Viole

I love you too and I m sorry

nto his blue eyes.

I apologized. I ignored everyone else and just stared i

Don t be sorry just relax and enjoy being young

Someone get the lights

he replied and kissed my forehead.

I requested and soon they were turned off and the candles w

ere shining bright. I turned in Jesse s lap so I was facing the cake just like he
was. He rested his head on top of mine while everyone began singing Happy Birthd
Jesse kissed my cheek as everyone finished singing. I looked at Jesse and smiled
, time to blow out your candles baby. He took a deep breath and I put my hand over
his mouth.

Make a wish

I added and he rolled his eyes.

Violet I rather just blow the candles out

Make a wish, seriously for me I pleaded and he sighed and nodded. He closed his ey
es and we all waited a moment before he blew all 20 candles out and opened his e
yes. Everyone was cheering and clapping. Harold then began cutting the cake givi
ng Jesse the first piece. Jesse then swiped off some icing from his piece with h
is finger and put it towards my mouth. He wasn t a fan of icing but I was. I sucke
d all the icing off his finger only to get annoying comments from the guys about
other things I suck. I just rolled my eyes and stopped blushing after the first
two comments. Jesse of course thought it was funny though. I hopped off of his
lap and Jesse sobered up.

Where you going?

He asked.

To get something to drink

Can you get me something?

Of course baby I replied and went into the kitchen and poured Jesse and I each our
own cups of soda. We would share a cup but knowing him he d drink it too fast and
drink all of it before I even get a sip. I carefully carried the cups to the di
ning room while being stopped by people. I simply told them thanks for coming an
d just to stop by and say happy birthday to Jesse himself.

I took a seat next to Jesse and handed him his cup. Thanks baby he grinned. I grab
bed my fork and began eating my slice of cake. After about an hour or so everyon
e was leaving, I got stuck with Jesse at the door saying bye to every single per
son. Only because he wouldn t let me go, he had an arm wrapped tightly around my w

Once everyone was gone I sighed in relief. Jesse chuckled and kissed the top of
my head. We headed over to his parents and said goodnight to them and I told Mon
ica I d clean the mess up in the morning. Then Jesse and I headed upstairs to our


He locked the door behind us and led me over to the bed. I pushed away from him,
and walked past him. His eyes were on me the whole time while I went over to th
e dresser and grabbed myself a change of clothes. Violet come on you can t be mad a
t me he frowned.

I m not mad at you

Well you know exactly what I wanted to do and we re not doing it

I told you that you weren t getting lucky

You couldn t have been serious

I was dead serious I smirked and took my clothes and headed into the bathroom and
of course Jesse followed me, shutting the door behind him.

That s not funny

he frowned.

I m not joking I replied as I began stripping out of my clothes. Jesse groaned and g
rabbed me by my hips.

Violet come on baby I really don t want you drinking

I know

I sighed.

You re still upset though



Because Jesse I m 17. I just wanted to do something normal teenagers do, I can t do a

Is that really how you feel?

I don t know

Yes you do. We can do whatever you want to, if it will make you happy

I don t know what I want to do. I mean you know what I mean. I didn t mean I can t do stu
ff because we do but Jesse your older than me and can do more things and you sho
uld be able to without worrying about me

Violet I do worry about you. I love you and if I wanted to do certain things I wo
uld. And I get it now, but Vi you drinking won t make you fit in. You already do,
and I don t ever want to see you drunk. There s a reason why you ve never seen me drun
k even though I do drink, every now and then

I m sorry

Don t be. And I told you to stop picturing me with other girls that are my age beca
use I don t want them. I want you because you re so perfect for me, you make me happ
y, and I love you
Do you mean it?
Yes Vi, I know you get insecure but babe tell me that, I will always reassure you
that you re the one for me, the only one. And you should know by now that your ag
e doesn t matter, we ve been together for almost a year now

I know, and I know you love me

I do love you and I get it but please trust me when I say I love you and I always

I love you too

I know that, you are real young but we re only three years apart

I know and it s kind of sexy that your older than me

How sexy is it?

Sexy enough that I want you

So can I have you?

He asked pulling me closer to him.

Well I have to take a shower

We can do it in there

he smirked.

You know we ve never done it in there

I stated.

Yes I know

So you going to get a condom? I questioned and he pecked my lips before rushing ou
t the bathroom. I started the shower while he was gone and he came back in time
to literally watch me strip out of my clothes. He groaned and I smirked and wink
ed at him before hopping into the shower.

He soon joined me in the shower and I wrapped my hands around his neck. He pushe
d me up against the tile wall and I moaned as his body pressed up against mine c
ompletely. He smashed his lips on mine and kissed me hungrily. I tangled my hand
s in his hair and kissed him back. The kiss was lustful and kind of rough. He ta
sted like chocolate and it was so delicious. His lips were moving against mine a
s his tongue was in my mouth fighting with my tongue for dominance. Of course he
won and took over the kiss.

When we pulled away for air his lips never left my body as he started trailing k
isses down my neck. My hands stayed on his back and I felt all his muscles movin
g as he moved. His hands were going up and down over my hips while my boobs were
pressed up against his chest.

Oh Jesse!

I moaned as he got to my soft spot. He knows just how to make me feel so

good. He trailed his kisses up my neck, going for my ear and as he reached it h
e gently began to nibble on my earlobe. Jesse please I begged. He was killing me;
I just want to feel his hands all over my body. He tends to give me so pleasure
that it hurts until he finally gives me what I want and I want it so bad.

He met my eyes and his were filled with lust. I want you I stated and his lips hun
grily attacked mine. The kiss was softer than the first one but way more lustful
. When we pulled away this time his main attention was my breast as he licked ar
ound one nipple making it instantly go hard. He then took the nipple in his mout
h and began to suck on it until it was again soft. He did the same to my other b
reast except for he bit on my nipple making my back arched into him. He pushed m
e up more so we were eye to eye level. He stepped back but held my legs open. He
kissed on my torso a bit and I was being tortured. I wanted him right now, I wa
s throbbing for him.
His lips then got a little lower as he began to kiss on my inner thighs getting
so close. He was building an inner fire with in me and it was driving me insane.
Oh Jesse! Jesse! I yelled as my breath hitched as I felt him lick against my core
. His tongue soon found my clit and his tongue flicked it. He pushed me up a bit
more and continued except for now his tongue was going around it in a prefect c
ircular motion.

I felt the pressure building up inside and I know I was close and so did
he stopped. Jesse! I cried out and he put a finger over my lips. Hold
ing he soothed and I tilted my head back as I waited. He slipped on the
st and was soon holding me tightly by my thighs then he thrusted in hard
oaned in response.

he but
on baby I m com
condom fa
and I m

He came in and out over and over again a few times before I reached my climax. Vi
olet he groaned lowly as he thrusted in me again and stayed in me until I was fin
ished climaxing. He picked up his pace and pushed me up against the wall again.
I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist making him go deeper and deeper and s
oon he was climaxing, making us both moan and groan repeatedly in ecstasy.
When we were done we were both panting for air but neither of us were moving. He
had pulled out of me but our bodies were still pressed together. That was amazin
g I breathed.

Damn you re so tight

he muttered, leaning his forehead against mine.

I love you I stated, ignoring his last comment because I really didn t know what to
say to that.

I love you too, I love you so damn much he replied, pecking my lips. The water was
pounding down on our bodies as we simply stared into each other s eyes. He pulled
away and gently put me back on my feet. Oh god, I couldn t stand. My knees were l
iterally weak and I think Jesse noticed. He wrapped an arm around my waist and p
ulled me towards him. I got you babe he assured.

Jesse I can t stand

I know and I got you, I won t let you fall

You re too sweet

I try. Now let me wash this sexy body of yours he replied and literally he held me
and washed my body and once I was able to stand I washed his body in return and
we finished our shower soon after that.

Jesse and
s against
owel real
ked as he
k out but

I got out the shower and his body was pressed against mine. My back wa
his chest while we were both wrapped in one towel. I stepped out the t
quick only to pull it off of him. I began checking him out and he smir
watched me. My eyes roam up and down his body. Damn babe I know you wor
my goodness I commented running a hand down his chest.

I know I m sexy but will you stop being a perv and let me put on some boxers

he repl

I can be a perv your my sexy fianc

Yes I am and your my sexy fiance but its past your bedtime he teased and I narrowed
my eyes. I wrapped the towel around myself and went back into the bathroom wher
e I left my clothes and quickly got dressed in them while I heard Jesse laughing
and telling me he was just joking.

Babe it was a joke! He laughed. I walked out the bathroom in one of Jesse s t-shirts
and a pair of really short, blue shorts. He smiled and I gave him the bird. I wo
uld love for you to he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

Is sex all you think about?

I asked.

No I think about you too

Having sex with me doesn t count

I teased.

Shut up, I think about you all the time. And you re just so sexy I can t resist he rep
lied and I blushed. I walked over to him and pecked his lips, stepping on my tip
py toes. I pulled away and smiled at him, ready for bed? I asked.

Yeah he answered and I walked over to the bed and got in it while he went to turn
off the lights before joining me in bed. He pulled me in his arms and I snuggled
up against him, cuddling into his chest. You cold? He questioned.

A little bit
us both.

I answered and snuggled closer to him while he pulled the covers over

Is that better?

Yes it is, thank you

You re welcome babe, goodnight

he whispered, kissing my forehead.

Night babe I yawned and kissed his bare chest. He put a hand under my chin and mad
e me look up at him.

I love you

I love you too I grinned and he pecked my lips, letting his lips linger on mine fo
r a moment before pulling away. I opened my eyes to get one last glance of him,
and he had that gorgeous smile on his face that made my knees weak. I smiled bac
k and got comfortable again, cuddling up against him. My eyes shut closed and I
fell into a dreamless sleep.
Chapter 1

*Violet s P.O.V*

I cuddled closer to Jesse, I didn t feel like getting up I was still tired. Jesse
chuckled and pulled away and sat up. I groaned and looked up at him, morning baby

Morning Vi

he grinned.

Lay down with me

No, we both know you won t be able to fall back to sleep

What if I just wanted to cuddle?

Awe babe I m sorry he apologized wrapping his arms around me and pulling me up so I
was now sitting up just like he was.

You suck

I pouted.

No you suck

he winked and I blushed and smacked his chest.

I can promise I won t ever do it again I retorted and he narrowed his eyes.

Not cool Vi

he replied and I laughed.

I love you baby

Do you love me enough to suck right now?

Jesse you have such a dirty mind

I blushed.

Is that a yes or a no?

It s a no! I have to go and clean up the mess from last night

Or you can stay with me

And have sex? I ll pass plus you have to go with your daddy

I teased.

Don t remind me

he groaned and I laughed.

You can join me in the shower

I smiled.

I d love to he replied and I crawled out of bed and he groaned. I turned to look at
him to see what he was groaning about. I raised an eyebrow at him and his eyes r
ake my body.

Those shorts don t cover a damn thing

It s only for your eyes baby

I winked and he smiled.

It better be

Oh it is, trust me you re the only one I want

I love you so much

I love you too I smiled and he got out of the bed and we went into the bathroom. H
e shut the door behind us and grabbed me by my hips and roughly pushed me up aga
inst the wall. It didn t hurt but it sure hell did turn me on.

Have I mentioned how sexy you were lately?

You might have mentioned it

He questioned and I laughed.

I teased and he smiled at me.

Well your sexy as hell and this is what I mean, it's so hard to resist you he smir
ked and his eyes raked my body. I moaned and pushed my body more against his so
our cores were touching. I wanted him right now and it turned me on seeing the w
ay he looked at me like that. I already knew what he wanted to do and I was more
than tempted.

Are you just going to perv on me or are we actually going to take a shower?

I aske

d trying to clear my mind.

Or we could always move this back to the bedroom he replied and I wanted to say ye
s but I had to prioritize. I had to go clean, then I would have to go to the off
ice, and I promised to have lunch with Candice today just to talk about some stu

Or we can keep our hands to ourselves and take our shower

Now where is the fun in that?

"We can have some fun tonight if you re lucky, but seriously babe I do have plans"

"I know and none of them involve me"

"You have plans too"

"Yeah to go help my dad"

"I'm just going to clean up from last night, then go to the office, and then hav
e lunch with Candice. I'll be home by 4 though"

"You better be"

"Shut up" I laughed and he pecked my lips. He let me go and we both quickly stri
pped out of our clothes and hopped in the shower together. We were actually in t
here for a while because Jesse couldn't keep his hands to himself but I really d
idn't mind.

Once we were out the shower we were both getting dressed. I slipped on a pair of
skinny jeans, a light pink sweater, and a pair of matching pink heels. I mean i
t was September and it was already cold outside.

Jesse and I headed downstairs and he gave me a small kiss before he headed out t
he house to go meet Harold. I was going to get those two to get along if it was
the last thing I do. I mean yeah parents are annoying and always think they're r

ight but you love them and you should at least be able to get along.
I started cleaning up and the twins ended up coming over to help and Monica had
joined us too. "Hey Violet when are you and Jesse getting married?" Ciara asked.

"Um I don't really know" I answered.

"You do know by the time your 18 you two would have been engaged for over a year
and that's only 8 months from now and it takes a lot to plan a wedding and it t
akes a lot of time" Monica stated.

"We just haven't talked about it since we knew we were going to be waiting so I'
d be of age then we'd get married after that, like I know we're getting married
in the summer" I replied.

"After Harold proposed I waited a month before I started planning and we got mar
ried 10 months later"

"It really takes that long" I groaned.

"Yes Violet" they all chorused and I sighed.

"You think we should start planning?" I asked.

"Yes" they all said together, again.

"Fine I'll talk to him about it tonight, and you three better help me with the p

"We will as long as we're all bridesmaids" Clara smiled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" I grinned and we all continued and now all I
kept thinking about was our wedding. I wanted to have a huge wedding and I wante
d it to be perfect. Now I was really excited about all this planning. I wanted t
o plan it myself that way I know nothing will get messed up plus I'll have Jesse
and all my friends to help with everything.

Once we finished cleaning up I thanked the girls and said good bye. I hopped in
my car and drove over to the pack house. When I got there I went right into the
office and Weston handed me all my paper work and I groaned and he chuckled.

"Your uncle is sending more papers over for you to look at. And we still have to
handle the re-construction" he stated.

"I know he told me he was sending the papers on where we get our supplies from a
nd I'll let Jesse look at that since he knows all that stuff. And the re-constru
ction starts next Monday so I want you to gather 75 guys not including you and E

"I'll get on that"

"Hey Weston, can I ask you something?"


"When you and Michelle got engaged how long did it take to plan the wedding?"

"Almost a year, it was was like 9 months"

"Damn it"

"Oh you were thinking about the wedding?"

"Yeah Monica helped me realize that in 8 months I'll be 18 and we wanted to get
married right after that like June or maybe July so she suggest we get started"

"Yeah you need to get started on that right away; the whole process of planning
takes forever"

"You better help me plan, I'm going to come into work, and you re going to help me

"As long as I get paid" he joked and I laughed.

"I pay you enough; you get to see my beautiful face everyday"

"Sorry sweetheart but I wake to my wife every morning and her face is enough but
it isn't putting any money in my pocket"

"I just can never please you" I smiled.

"You sound like Michelle now" he laughed and I joined in.

"I love your wife, now how's my baby boy?" I asked referring to Weston's son.

"He's about to be three months"

"Awe I miss him he's so cute, he looks nothing like you"


"I mean come on he looks just like me"

"Violet you re too much" he laughed.

"I'm joking, I can't even decide who he looks more alike you or her"

"He looks exactly like me" Weston stated.

"Well he has your brown hair, but it s curly like Michelle's hair, he also has her
green eyes, he has your chin though, but he has her nose"

"Why does everyone say that?"

"He does not have her nose, that's definitely from me"

"Face is Weston he looks like you, but looks more like your wife"

"Just go do your paper work" he grumbled and I laughed. I took a seat at my desk
and began to look at the plans for the re-construction. We were expanding the p
ack house; going away from where Jesse's land is that way there is still a lot o
f land between the two places. Jesse feels if we expand that way then over all w
e would own more land all together and it makes sense.

I changed the structure of the blue prints a bit because I didn't want our pack
house looking weird. I wanted it to stay looking normal, I mean the shape now is
a rectangle and I just want to stretch it out not change the whole thing.

After I finished that I said goodbye to Weston and headed to lunch. Candice soun
ded pretty upset on the phone when she asked me to meet her so I knew this was i
mportant, not many things can make Candice cry.


met her at the restaurant and sat down across from her. She smiled at me and w
made small talk and ordered what we wanted and then we started talking while w
waited for our food. "Well after losing the baby Dalton and I were pretty upse
and the thing is he wants to try for a baby now" she stated.

"Don't you want a baby?"

"I mean I was happy we were going to, but it wasn't planned, it was a huge surpr
ise, but I would of never got rid of my kid it s just now I have a choice and I do
n't think I'm ready to have any kids. We're only 19"

"You have a point"

"See if you were planning to have a baby it would be fine at least you two are g
etting married"

"Do you want to get married?"

"Not yet, it s different for you and Jesse"

"How is it different for us?" I questioned.

"You two love each other and he's also older than you. You re going to be 18 when
you marry and he'll be 20. You could handle having a kid and you would be great
at it, but I couldn't handle that I have too much going on. Dalton loves me and
I love him but we're not married, he's real busy, the pack is driving me crazy b
ecause he always has something to do, I have no freedom, I mean how do you and J
esse do it when both of you are running your own things?"

"I don't know. When I tell people all the things I have to do and he has to do t
hey wonder how we can even spend a second together but we do. I know my beta Wes
ton him and his wife spend a lot of time together especially with their new baby
. He comes into work every morning and does what he has to in order to help me a
nd the pack, then after he makes plans he gives half of his work to our third in
command then he goes home. I mean right now he's home with his family"

"I feel like I can't do anything but sit in the room all day and when he comes h
ome he's tired"

"Candice I think the problem is you re used to your independence and doing what yo
u want. I mean you're not used to the feeling of having to do work, like actual
work. You're his mate and that means you have to help him out especially in his
position. Weston's wife, Michelle helps him all the time, just doing little thin
gs for him. When he comes home help him relax or something, cook dinner for just
you two, just any little thing. Trust me things will get easier and I think you
guys should wait to have a baby. Dalton is doing a lot of work especially since
Simon is trying to get things back on track. You just need to tell Dalton that
it's better if you guys wait"

"I want to wait at least until I'm 21 or 23" she smiled and I laughed.

"Then wait, all couples are different. Jesse probably wants to wait maybe a year
or two after we're married. After we do get married though if I got pregnant yo
u know we wouldn't have a problem with it"

"Because you two are both ready and would be able to decide on what to do, Dalto
n and I aren't there yet"

"Let him know that. You can have kids, just because you lost your first one does
n't mean you should try to rush things now to have a baby. I mean I want to have
kids and so does Jesse but we talked about it and we're going to wait at least
until after we're married and then we'll see what happens. I'd like to wait unti
l I was at least 20 but if I'm pregnant right now, I'm having it and I'll be hap
py and we'll find a way to work things out and prepare for the baby. Now what yo
ur telling me seems like you wouldn't even be able to prepare and plus I think y
our just afraid to become a mom and that's fine you are only 19. If I was pregna
nt now yeah I'd be happy and excited about it, but I'd also be scared, I'm good
with kids, but would I be a good mom? I'd be insecure and nervous; I could ruin
my kid's life if I don't know what I'm doing and Dalton has to understand that y
ou both have to be physically and emotionally ready because then you have to rai
se your child"
"This is why I love you, you re so smart, and you make things easier"

"I try" I smiled and soon our waitress came out with our food. I guess things do
happen for a reason. I mean yeah I was sad she lost her baby and I wish she did
n't, but she wasn't ready then and she isn't ready now to have one and that baby
would of had it rough and her and Dalton would have had a tough time raising th
e child especially seeing how busy he is, and Candice is emotional and she's not
as mature as some people but I love her and she's one of my best friends.

"Oh guess what?"

"What?" She asked.

"Seeing you may need things to do while Dalton is at work I think I can keep you

"What could you keep me busy with?"

"Well I'm going to talk to Jesse tonight because everyone thinks we should begin
planning for the wedding"

"I agree, you guys need to start planning and I'll be glad to help"

"I'm really excited about this wedding"

"You two were made for each other, you two love each other more than anyone I kn

"More than you love yourself?" I teased.

"I hate to admit it, but yes" she sighed dramatically and I laughed.

"I'm going to have a lot going on and so is Jesse once we start wedding planning
, but I think we'll be fine"

"Of course you will be, he'll always make things work out for you two"

"That's true"

"You re lucky, after I saw how much he loves you, it just ruined me; I can't even
be mean to him anymore" she stated and I laughed, yeah Candice and Jesse don't g
et along.

"He's amazing and I love him so much and I can't wait to marry him"

"I can see that"

"I just want to hear people say look that's Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stevens or someth
ing like that at least"

"Awe that's so cute"

"I like how it sounds, Violet Stevens"

"Awe you re so adorable"

"I mean come on just say it"

"Violet Stevens"

"I love it" I squealed.

"I like your last name though, Violet Bell"

"My last name is cute, but saying Violet Bell seems weird to me. I like them bot
h individually, but not the way it sounds together so I can't wait because I'll
get to say Violet Stevens, all day every day. I think the moment we're married I
'm going to keep saying that"

"I feel so bad for Jesse"

"Oh shut up"

"Sorry Mrs. Stevens"

"See how cute that sounds"

"Violet you just can't wait to get married"

"No I can't. I mean I'm so jealous of Monica right now only because she's alread
y a Stevens. Her and Harold are cute though, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens"

"I think it s so cute how perfect they are"

"I have never seen them fight"

"Wow, Dalton and I do it constantly"

"Jesse and I do too, but I easily forgive him or he easily forgives me"

"I'm jealous"

"You should be. I just want to get married soon. Why is my birthday so far away?

"I don't know"

"I just want to be Mrs. Violet Stevens so bad, I mean it s so cute and has this ri
ng to it" I stated.

"Eat your food" she laughed. We finished up our lunch soon after that and went o
ur separate ways. I couldn't wait to see Jesse and talk to him about the wedding
planning. The sooner everything is the planned the sooner we can get married af
ter my birthday.
I drove home in silence besides my constant chanting of 'Mrs. Violet Stevens' be
ing said in my head. Jesse and Violet Stevens! Ugh I'm going to drive myself cra
zy, but can you blame me I'm just eager to get married to the love of my life. D
id I mention he's perfect?

When I got home I rushed inside, I really wanted to see Jesse. I searched everyw
here, where the hell was he? Maybe he's in the basement. I headed into the basem
ent and all the guys were laughing until they noticed me. Allen nodded at me and
Jesse looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey baby" Jesse grinned and that made me feel better, it felt pretty weird when
they all got silent.

"Hey" I smiled and I walked over to him and sat on his lap.

"Fine just stare at me and not say hi" I frowned.

"Hey sexy" Paris greeted and Jesse glared at him, but didn't say a word.

"Hey Violet" Allen smiled.

"Hi Allen" I replied and everyone else said hi.

"Did you just get home?" Jesse asked.

"Yup" I smiled.

"What are you so happy about?"


"Oh really? That smile on your face says otherwise"

"I'm happy I get to see you, I missed you"

"I believe that, but I doubt that's the reason why"

"Fine, I have an obsession with your last name"



"No tell me, what do you mean?"

"When we get married my last name would change and I like saying it" I rushed ou


"Don't make me say it again" I muttered.

"You re so cute, and besides the fact it is a bit weird it s cute"


"It may sound weird, but it's cute and I can't wait for us to get married"

"I'm so serious though I love saying it"

"Say it"

"Violet Stevens" I smiled and he chuckled.

"Well it must be fun when you say it like that" Rico laughed.

"It sounds better when I say Mrs. Violet Stevens" I grinned.

"Hey when are you guys getting married?" Nigel asked.

"That's what I wanted to talk about" I stated and looked at Jesse.

"I picked a date already"


"I went through our plans already and I picked a date"

"Without me?"

"I'm sorry, but you can check your calendar we're not doing anything at all in J
une or July"

"Why not?"

"Because anything we had planned I moved to after July and in June all those thi
ngs I rescheduled"

"So what's the date?" I asked.

"June 2nd" he answered and I nodded.

"Sounds perfect" I smiled and pecked his lips. I stayed hugging him for a moment
and then pulled away.

"We have to start planning soon I mean everyone keeps telling me it s going to tak
e so long"

"We can start planning as soon as you want" he stated.

"Yeah!" I squealed.

"So what do I get in return for making you so happy?" He asked.

"You could have me" I smirked and he smiled.

"I think I'll take you right about now" he replied and stood up, holding me brid
al style. The guys all started cheering and crap and I blushed, but didn't say a
nything and let him carry me upstairs.

"I hope you know this means I'm going to start planning as soon as possible" I s
tated as we walked upstairs.

"We can start tomorrow if you like" he smiled and I shrieked.


"Yes babe"

"I love you so much" I smiled.

"I love you too" he replied and opened the door to the bedroom. He carried me to
the bed and I smiled then he laid me on the bed and got on top of me, he was in
between my legs and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed me hungrily
. I wanted him and he wanted me. We sure hell got exactly what he wanted as he e
agerly got us un-dressed and we made love and we didn't bother getting out of be
d after that.
We just laid in bed naked, cuddled up next to each other and talked about random
things and I told him about what Candice told me and he told me he wouldn't min
d having kids soon and I agreed. I mean I think it be cute having little Jesse's
running around and little me's. It would be adorable and I would love it. We we
ren't trying though not at least until after the wedding and then we'd see if we
were even ready to try. Right now all I know is that I'm so happy and can't wai
t to get married to Jesse.
Chapter 2

Jesse and I have been up to nothing. I wanted to start wedding planning now. It'
s been a week since his birthday. It was was September 22nd. Jesse and I sat in
the living room along with Monica, Natalie, Candice, Tanya, and Michelle. Oh Nat
alie is Uncle Gavin's mate.

"Um well since not everyone knows eachother I'm just going to say who everyone i
s. Monica is Jesse's mom, Natalie is my aunt, Candice and Tanya are two of my cl
osest friends, and Michelle is my beta's wife" I stated and everyone said hi to
each other.

"Calm down would ya?" Jesse whispered and I groaned. I felt so awakrd and stress
ed and we haven't did anything yet.

"Ok someone please help me before my fiancee has a heart attack" Jesse sighed an
d I rolled my eyes at him. I was on top of his lap and I was pretty comfy.

"Alright I have a bunch of magazines I think you two should look at to give you
guys some ideas for the wedding" Monica smiled and handed me all the magazines a
nd I squealed.

"My wedding has to be purple or violet" I stated and they all laughed, but nodde

"Alright let's talk about who's in the wedding" Natalie chimed in and I put the
magazines to the side and jesse began flipping through one. I kissed his cheek,

I really wanted him involved and I knew he was going to be.

"Okey dokey" I smiled replied.

"Um have you picked a best man?" She asked.

"My dad" Jesse grumbled and I laughed. I kind of forced him into that. He loves
his dad it's just this means them two will be together for most of this time up
until the wedding to help with the planning. Plus I think it's cute for his dad
to be his bestman. Jesse barely fought with me on the subject and that made me s
o happy.

"Maid of honor?" Natalie questioned.

"Well I was hoping Monica would be" I smiled and Monica gaped at me and was smil
ing, but shaking her head no.

"Please mom?" I begged.

"Fine Violet" she laughed and I grinned. Jesse shook his head at me and kissed m
y nose.

"Groomsmen?" Natalie continued.

"Um well dad, Allen, Nigel, Weston, Dalton, Lane, Paris, Rico, Holden, and Malco
lm" Jesse answered and I frowned, do I have enough bridesmaids to match that?

"Violet, bridesmaids?"

"Uh...Monica, Courtney, Clara, Ciara, Tanya, Candice, Michelle, Kendra, and Reba
" I answered then tried counting it. Reba and I were getting along a lot better
since she kind of saw Jesse and I have a moment and realized I really did love J
esse. No he just proposed because he wanted it to be some type of prank. Anyways
she's a bridesmaid because we get along and Jesse kind of forced me too.

"Damn it I need one more person" I frowned.

"What about Olivia?" Jesse asked.

"I'll ask her, but I'm sure she'll say yes" I replied and he nodded. Olvia was E
li's wife and we were kind of close friends, at least I think we are.

"Ring bearer and flower girl?"

"Lilly and Mikey" I grinned.

"How many guests?" Candice asked.

"Um there are about 300 of mine and 200 of hers" Jesse answered and Tanya was st
ill writing this all down on the checklist Monica had given her. Natalie and Can
dice were the two that were next to Tanya and could see the paper.

"Okay so how are we having this wedding?" Monica asked and I chewed on my bottom

"We have a lot of guest so I figured a church was too small..." I trailed off.

"I was thinking we should have an outdoor wedding, maybe in the backyard?" Jesse
suggested and I smiled.

"Sounds perfect and we could have the reception in doors" I smiled and he kissed
my cheek and made me sit next to him. At first I frowned, but then he laid his
head in my lap and I began running my fingers through his hair.

"Research photographers, bands, florists, and caterers. They're going to be need

ed so I suggest you both get on that like now" Tanya chimed in.

"Yeah she's right. And you need to book an officant" Natalie stated and we both
"Mom is picking out the officant" Jesse stated and I nodded.

"An engagement party!" Candice cheered.

"I'm throwing it" Natalie stated and I nodded.

"Hey you pick a date and we'll show up, but talk to Monica about the plans" I re
plied and she nodded. I loved Monica and she was like a mother to me and we were
really close so she'd know what I want.

"You know since you waited a little bit after getting engaged you'llbe picking o
ut your dress to get caught up since you only have 8 mjonths tto plan this weddi
ng" Tanya smiled.

"I can't wait to go dress shopping!" I shreiked and everyone laughed.

"And you two need to register too" Candice stated and we nodded. Jesse and I got
this, it wasgoing to be easy, I hope.

"Alright Monica and aunt Natalie plan that engagement party. Monica don't forget
about booking the officant and the wedding is going to be on June 2nd" I stated
and everyone nodded. Jesse sat up and kissed my cheek before getting off the co
uch and pulling me to my feet. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and
pecked his lips lightly. I grabbed the magazines and Jesse and I headed upstairs
to our bedroom.

I tossed myself on the bed and Jesse chuckled. "Tired?" He asked and I sat up.

"A little bit" I answered and he nodded. He sat on the bed next to and I climbed
on top of his lap, so I was straddling him.

"I really have something to tell you that I feel is important" I stated.

"Just tell me"

"No sex"


"No sex after the engagement party until the honey moon"

"That's eight months"

"I know, I just figured it be special if we wait. I mean I'm not a virgin and ev
eryone knows that its just I want to wait from now until the wedding"

"Alright" he smiled and I grinned and kissed him passionately. I meant it and I'
m glad he was okay with waiting. He was too perfect, sometimes. I loved him to d
eath though and wouldn't want anyone, but him.

When we pulled away we were both out of breath and he was laying on the bed with
me sitting on top of his chest, still straddling him. "Damn" he muttered.

"I love you too" I laughed and laid next to him. After a moment we both calmed d
own and caught our breath and Jesse grabbed a magazine. "I want to look good in
my tux" he stated.

"I know you will, you look good in anything" I replied and he smiled.

"So do you"

"Yeah right" I scoffed and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever I just want a cool looking tux, maybe a blue one"

"No. You're wearing a black tux" I stated.

"Why black? What if I wanted to wear white?"

"Shut up" I laughed and added, "I don't care if it's white or black, but those a
re your only options are wedding theme is not rainbow"

"Do we have a theme?"

"No and if we ever get one it's not going to be the circus" I frowned.

"What happen to rainbow?" He asked with a teasing smirk.

"You're so annoying! I messed up rainbow is a color, circus is a theme" I laughe

d and he pecked my lips and handed me a magazine.

"I want a huge dress" I stated.

"You can have whatever you want babe"

"What color should I wear?"

"Well white is out of the question"

"It's your fault" I blushed.

"Takes two people to have sex and I'm one and your two. As I recall I didn't hea
r you saying let's wait until we're married"


"Anyways I think you should go for silver, it will look good with purple plus it
seems to be one of the colors that look good on you, even though you look good
in everything"

"Your too sweet, but can I ask what colors do I look good in?"

"Silver or gray, purple, blue or periwinkle, aqua, pink, black, dark green, and

"I'll keep that in mind" I smiled and flipped through some pages and we sat in s
ilence as we read through some magazines.
"Vi?" Jesse called.


"I was thinking maybe we could split up this work"

"What do you mean?"

"Like I worry about the band and photographer while you worry about the caterers
and florists"

"Are we still going to meet them together?"

"Of course, its just we visit and try out each other's recommendations on who to
try out" he explained and I nodded. Basically he may say he thinks we should ch
eck put this band so we do and then after checking some out we both decide on on

"Alright" I agreed and he smiled. We soon stopped with that and headed downstair
s. I was hungry and Jesse decided to cook me something for lunch. I sat on the c
ounter and watched him cook.

"Jesse!" Allen shouted excitedly coming into the kitchen. He said hi to me and k
issed my cheek and then went over to Jesse. "The guys and I were thinking about
going out tonight" Allen stated.


"Yup thinking about going to the bar or something maybe even to the club"

"I'm in" Jesse replied.

"Good" Allen grinned.

"Be ready 9 tonight" Allen added and Jesse noddded. Allen waved bye to me then t
ook off as face as he came. I didn't care Jesse was going out or that he didn't
ask me. He was a grown man and I trusted him. There was nothing wrong with him g
oing out with his friends and having fun.

Jesse finished cooking and handed me my plate and I went to the dining room tabl
e and Jesse sat across from me. "Hey Jesse?" I called.


"I have some papers I've been forgetting to have you fill out for me"

"Just give them to me and I'll handle it" he replied and I nodded. Uncle Gavin s
ent some papers last week and Weston gave them to me and I told him I'd have Jes
se fill them out but I just kept forgetting to have him fill them out.

Once I finished eating we went back to the room and I had him fill out the paper
s while I sat on the couch and watched tv. Jesse eventually joined me when he wa
s done and we cuddled up. My head hurt a bit and I felt so tired, it was only 7
o'clock though.

"You ok baby?" He asked.


"You sure?"

"Yes Jesse, I'm just tired" I answered and he nodded. I started falling asleep a
nd Jesse picked me up and carried me to the bed. He tucked me in and laid with m
e. I cuddled closer to him and he held me while I finally did drift off to sleep

*Jesse's P.O.V*

I really didn't feel like leaving her. I knew something was wrong because she ke
pt looking away from the tv and she wasn't looking at me, but at the wall. I ass
umed she was just spacing out, but I doubted it. She didn't really day dream or
anything and when I asked her she tried smiling a bit as she told me she was fin
e but the smile was kind of forced. I guess she was just tired. I worry about he
r too much, its just if she was in any type of pain before I couldn't just leave
her. What if she wasn't feeling okay when she woke up?

I texted Allen and told him I wasn't going. It was almost nine o'clock and Viole
t has been sleep for a couple of hours. When she began to stir I moved back and
let her move around. She began to sit up and when she met my eyes she smiled, bu
t then she closed them tightly for a moment.

"Baby are you ok?" I asked.

"Can you get me some tylenol or something?" She questioned and I hopped out of b

"What's wrong Violet? And don't make me ask again"

"My head hurts a little bit"

"Was it hurting earlier?"

"Kind of"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked coming out from the bathroom with the tylenol.

"Because I thought it was just a head ache and I didn't want to worry you"

"Well I'm passed worried, now take the pills and relax"

"I'm fine it's just it hurts" she stated and I nodded. She took two pills and I
sat on the bed and held her in my arms. I scrunched uo my nose, she didn't even

need anything to drink.

"Hey I thought you were going out tonight"

"I decided not to"

"Why not?"

"I didn't want to leave you because I knew something was wrong"

"Your too sweet, but you could of went I'll be alright"

"Nah I rather spend the night with you. I just went out with the guys Thursday"
I replied and she pecked my lips.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"I had the weirdest dream"


"I was pregnant and we had three kids already"

"The three were my boys right?" I smirked.

"No it was crazy. We had a daughter who was 10, another girl who was only 4, a b
aby boy that isn't yours and he was 2, and then I was pregnant with your baby"

"A boy that wasn't mine?"

"I think we adopted him. He was kind of cute, but he didn't look like us. It was

n't like we didn't love him, but there was this girl who kept being so rude abou
t the baby and I'm pretty sure it was because she wanted you. She kept touching
you and talking about what yours and her kids would look like and at some point
I handed you our son and slapped her and after that my water broke and it was a
boy and I let you name him and his name was Pubert" she explained and I laughed.

"Glad it was a dream, I'd kill myself if I named my kid that"

"Babe our kids were weird. Our adopted son had a mustache, one of our daughters
had a mohawk, and the other one was a bitch and kind of a slut"

"Hey don't go getting nervous that will never happen. And we will have kids, jus
t three boys who look exactly like me and are normal"

"I'm not nervous and yeah we can have triplets" she smiled.

"You're amazing"

"I try now turn on the tv and please don't let me fall asleep and have another n
ightmare" she replied and I kissed her cheek. I went and grabbed the remote and
handed it to her. She turned on the tv and soon found something to watch. She se
ttled on watching The Big Bang Theory, I knew her well and this was one of her f
avorite shows. She cuddled up against me more and my grip on her tightened a bit

"You know what I want?" She asked looking up at me.


"Maybe for you to get me some icecream"

"I'll be right back" I laughed and she kissed my cheek and I got out of bed, let
ting her go. I headed out the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. I opened
the freezer and grabbed her tub of icecream. It was almost gone so I just put th
e rest of the icecream in a bowl.

"Hey son" my dad greeted walking into the kitchen.

"Hey dad" I smiled.

"Violet?" He asked nodded at the bowl.

"Yeah" I answered and we both laughed.

"Excited about the wedding?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to get married"

"You picked the right girl"

"There was no other option" I frowned.

"I mean you've grown up and your taste in women has changed and she might be you
ng, but she's very mature"

"I know, she's perfect dad"

"You really do love her"

"Yes I do"

"Now you know what I always meant, love changes everything"

"Yeah I see it no wonder your so whipped"

"No your whipped, I'm happily married" he stated and I laughed.

"I most defeinitely am whipped" I admitted and we laughed then fell into silence

"Do you ever think about the fact she could do better?" He asked breaking the si

"Rarely, but it has crossed my mind. I mean she could have way better guys, I tr
y my best to make her happy and she makes me happy"

"Everyday I'm with your mom just looking at her sometimes I think about how grea
t she is and the fact she does deserve better"

"Then how the hell did we get so lucky?"

"Well it's not because your a jerk sometimes" Violet answered.

"Nor the fact they take so long to do a favor" mom chimed in and I looked at dad
and he couged and I held back a laugh.
"You know all I wanted was icecream and kind of some of you, but if you and your
dad want to talk about women by all means I'll take this and go" Violet smiled
and grabbed the bowl of icecream and began walking off. I wrapped an arm around
her waist stopping her.

"You can have all of me if you like" I whispered in her ear.

"Or I can have all of this icecream and head to bed my headache is coming back"
she replied.

"Well maybe you should head to bed" I smirked.

"Nah I'm going to sit right here and eat then head up to bed" she stated and sat
at the table. Mom had joined her and I looked at dad and he smirked.

"Don't you know those times you find yourself randomly thinking about?" Dad aske

"Yeah and you wonder what she's doing and wish you were with her" I replied.

"When your mother and I first got engaged we were both excited and I don't know
what it was about the fact, I was just a bit nervous...I can't explain it"

"You think one day your going to wake up and she changed her mind?" I asked and
he nodded.

"I've been with her for 246 years and the feeling doesn't go away"

"Everytime you fight you figure it's over. That you screwed up and she should be
with someone who won't hurt her. Then you wonder why the hell is she still with

"And you want nothing more then to apologize and tell her how much you love her"

"You know one the best part about being in love?"


"The fact that no matter how many time you screw up she's still by your side"

"I know it's amazing. Another thing is that you change for the better because yo
u want to be perfect for her"

"You can say that again. How about even with all your flaws how she is still abl
e to love you and look past them all?"

"Yeah. They don't understand how much work it is to please them"

"It's a lot of work, but it pays off the moment you see that smile on her face"

"Yeah, nothing is too good for your mother"he smiled.

"You know what's weird? The fact Violet has somed quirks, but I love them all"

"You love them because you love her, she wouldn't be the same woman you loved if
she wasn't weird or had all those other traits we can't stand"

"Yeah they love us with all our flaws, and we love them with theirs" I smiled.

"Yup, like their constant whining when they want something"

"Or when they're jealous they make it seem like you did something wrong"

"How they assume the worst and take everything the wrong way"

"Yeah" I agreed.

"But somehow you manage to love it about them"

"It wouldn't be them if they didn't do all those things, and after awhile you st
art to find it cute"


"Sexy" I replied and we looked at eachother.

"How sexy?" Violet asked and my head turned to face her. I think after awhile I
forgot her and my mom were sitting there.

"Very sexy" I answered and she winked.

"I think I should head to bed now" she replied getting up and washing her empty
bowl. I just watched her ignoring my mom and dad who were behind us. When she wa
s done she grabbed my hand and we said goodnight to my parents and she dragged m
e to the bedroom.

I shut the door behind us and she looked at. She grabbed my face in her hands an
d softly spoke, "I love you Jesse, more than anything in the world. I'm never go
ing to leave you"

"I love you too baby and I know that it's just sometimes I can't help, but think
about it"

"You can keep thinking about it, but I'm not going anywhere" she smiled and I pe
cked her lips. We pulled away and she went to go change into her pajamas while I
stripped down to my boxers. I turned off the lights and joined her in bed. I pu
lled her in my arms and she cuddled up against me. "I love you" she whispered.
"I love you too" I replied and she laid her head on my chest. I kissed the top o
f her head and held her tight. I was happy and in love with Violet and I knew I
always would be. We were getting married in eight months and I couldn't wait. I
wanted us to be together and I have some work to do. She deserves a good life a
nd whatever she wants. I just want to do something for us both that will make us
both happy. I know what I want to do it, it's just it will take long and I don'
t want to work on the project now while we have all this wedding planning to do.
Plus I want to be there for Violet, I do not want her stressed, but I doubt I c
an stop her from stressing herself out. I guess I'll just wait for after the wed
ding to start. Everything was going to be fine and we were going to be happy.
Chapter 3

"Yes we picked it out" I stated and Monica nodded. We were going on the last cou
ple of things we needed to do that way tomorrow I can go dress shopping. I wante
d to have the perfect wedding dress! I needed to have the perfect dress. I wante
d this to be my dream wedding, I mean I already have my dream guy.

Today was the engagement party. We did this all in a week, it is September 28th.
Jesse and I were going to stick to our rule of no sex from today until the hone
ymoon. Jesse made sure we did it all last night and even this morning and that w
as the last time we'll be doing until June 2nd. This last week Jesse and I have
been busy. Candice, Tanya, Jesse and I have been to see so many caterers and I f
inally picked one. Jesse was just there for support because really he's obviousl
y not really going to be eating unless I make him. Monica and I are actually mak
ing that special vampire dish for all the vampires that are going to be here.

Harold, Allen, Jesse and I went to seat different bands everynight until we pick
ed one. It was so boring, especially when I think the group sucked and we had to
watch the whole thing. We haven't picked a photographer yet, I mean it's only b
een a week since we've been looking. Jesse and I are going to meet with some fl
orist this week along with Natalie, Monica, and Courtney.

I was so glad that everyone was helping! Natalie and Monica through the engageme

nt party and I'm here helping with the final decorations. We were in a hotel in
one of these huge rooms and across from us is the ball room. We actually will b
e using this hotel for the reception after the wedding. It'a quite complicated a
ctually. We were going to get married in the backyard, in between our house and
the pack house. Jesse picked a perfect spot then everyone is riding to the hotel
which is huge. The whole place is going to be empty for our wedding day.

I was so nervous today. I was meeting Jesse's grandparents from both sides and M
onica told me Harold's parents aren't the nicest people. I just want everyone to
like me. Reba is going to be here today and Jesse really wants us to get along
so I'm going to try for him, I mean I already made her my bridesmaid. Jesse was
out with Weston picking up some extra food and other stuff we asked for and I re
ally needed him because I was starting to panic.

"Violet?" Uncle Gavin called and I smiled weakly and gave him a hug.

"Hey" I replied.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Tired, nervous, stressed" I answered and he nodded.

"Where's Jesse?"

"He went to the store with Weston to pick up a few things"

"Well why don't you sit down and relax?"

"I can't because if I try to relax I'm going to throw up"

"Are you that nervous?"

"Yes! I have to keep myself busy" I answered and he shook his head at me.

"Look there he is now" he stated and I grinned and waved bye and ran over to Jes
se then stopped in my tracks. His hands were full of bags. I grabbed some from h

im and some from Weston and carried it to the huge tables. I put everything down
and then hugged Jesse tightly. "Someone missed you" Weston teased and Jesse chu

"Hey baby" Jesse greeted.

"I missed you" I stated.

"I was going for only-"

"34 minutes"

"Wow. Anyways what's wrong?"

"I feel sick"

"How sick?"

"Sick like if I don't calm down I'm going to puke"

"You really do need to calm down"

"I know, but I can't"

"Let me distract you then" he replied and I nodded and he pulled me closer. I wr
apped my hands around his neck and he leaned down and kissed me tenderly. When w
e pulled away I was calm and out of breath.

"I love you" he mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too" I breathed and he pecked my lips. We pulled away from eachother
and he help me set the tables up. Jesse ended up heading out again to the store
to pick up something for his dad to fix something. I don't know I was confused
and hungry. I didn't eat breakfast because I was to busy in bed with Jesse makin

g it our last time.

"Violet?" Monica called, waving at me to come over. I walked over to her and she
whispered, "Harold's parents are here." I nodded numbly and gulped. Where was J
esse when I needed him today? We walked together and Harold was standing their i
nfront of a man and a lady. Harold turned to Monica and I and grinned. "Here's t
he bride-to-be" he stated and the couple looked at me and smiled politley. Well
the guy did while the lady looked me up and down then she smiled and I sighed in

"Mom and Dad I would like for you to meet my daughter-in-law to be, Violet. Viol
et this is my mom Theresa and my dad, Alfred" Harold introduced and I shook hand
s with both of them.

"It's nice to meet you both" I smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too Violet" Alfred replied.

"Violet?" Theresa called.

"Yes?" I asked meeting her blue eyes, she reminded me of Jesse. I guess that's w
here he get his eyes because neither his mom, dad, nor grandad have those dark b
lue eyes.

"I love your dress, where did you get it?" She questioned.

"Thank you, and I believe I got it from Macy's" I answered and she nodded. I was
wearing this strapless, soft pink, dress that was loose on my body, and came ri
ght above my knees. I had on black heels and my make up was pink too, well my li
ps, cheeks, and eyeshadow was.

"It's beautiful"

"Thanks" I smiled and told them that everything started in about an hour. When J
esse got here he hugged his grandparents and I know what Monica meant, Theresa d
id not like Monica at all. I had mentioned Monica had picked out some decoration
s and she looked at Monica and gave her this disgusted look before looking at me
and smiling politely, giving me a small nod without another word on the subject

"Well we have twenty more minutes" Jesse stated and I nodded. Most people were a

lready here and some were just walking in. "Jesse?" I called and he looked down.

"Did I mention I love you?" I asked.

"You might have mentioned it" he smirked.

"Well just so I know I have, I love you Jesse so much" I smiled and he leaned do
wn and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you too" he muttered before kissing my nose making me grin. We walked aw
ay from his grandparents and greeted some other guest. I really waned to ask Jes
se something and I've been thinking about it, but I don't know if he'd like it.
I'll ask him later, I might.

"Hey Michelle" I greeted and she smiled.

"Ooh give me my baby" I requested as Weston walked over with his son, William. W
eston chuckled and handed the baby to me while Jesse sat down and pulled me down
carefully on his lap. "Look at him" I cooed and Jesse laughed. He rested his ch
in on my shoulder and we both looked at the small baby in his arms.

"So when are you two having a baby?" Michelle asked and I looked up at her and t
ried to hide my smile.

"We're not planning on having a baby yet, maybe after the wedding" Jesse answere
d and I looked at him, but he was looking at William and playing with him. I wou
ldn't mind having a baby. By June I'll be 18 and be married already. Jesse is 20
alreay, we're in no rush though. I just stared at Jesse, I wondered if he wante
d kids soon. I would love to have a baby, if I got pregnant I would be so happy,
and clearly that can only happen after the wedding since we're waiting to have
sex again until the wedding.

We sat there with the baby and Weston and Michelle for awhile then I got to meet
Monica's parents, Clark and Debra. It drove me crazy meeting them, Reba looks j
ust like Debra. Jesse had went to talk to Eli leaving me alone with Reba. "Hey"
I greeted.

"Hi" she replied and I rolled my eyes as she looked me up and down.

"Why don't you like me?" I questioned.

"Seeing when I met you, you were rude....I don't know" she answered sarcasticall

"You know what I don't like you, I'm not going to pretend to like you, I'm not g
oing to lie to Jesse about liking you, and I'm not dealing with your bullshit. Y
our a bitch to me and your right Jesse does love which is why I'm tolerating you
. Did you ever think it's you not me? I get along with everyone here even your p
arents. So I'm telling you only once to stay out of my way, this is mine and Jes
se's wedding. He might love you, but he loves me more don't forget that" I snapp
ed and walked off.
I went right over to Monica and wrapped my arms around her as I began to cry. Je
sse is going to hate me. "Shh...Violet what's wrong?" She asked rubbing circles
on my back. I pulled away and looked at her. "I told Reba I didn't like and I wa
sn't going to pretend to, that I think she's a bitch, I was only tolerating her
because Jesse loved her, I told her she was the only one I don't get along with,
that it was my wedding and she needed to stay out of my way, and that Jesse lov
es me more. Now she's going to tell Jesse and he's going to hate me, but she des
erved it" I sobbed and Monica pulled me out the room saying she didn't need Jess
e seeing me crying because we don't know if Reba told him or not.

She brought me to the bathroom and wiped my face. "VIolet stop crying, she did d
eserve it and your right he does love you more. Nothing you could say or do woul
d ever make him stop loving you. He might be upset, but afterall he knows you an
d he shouldn't e that surprised he knows how you are just like you know how he g
ets. He gets jealous, angry, upset, and possesive. Now it's okay for you to be r
ude when someone is rude first, it's okay to express your feelings, to be upset,
annoyed, and angry with someone other than Jess" she stated and I chuckled in r

"Now I bet you fiance is looking for you so why don't we go see him?" She questi

"What if she told him?"

"Oh she did, I know her and I know without a doubt she told him"


"Just like you said it's your wedding not hers, that's the problem she always li
kes to be the center of attention. At my wedding I cursed her out, at my bridal
shower I slapped her, but she was still my maid of honor just like she's your br

idesmaid. Jesse can be mad all he wants, but you did nothing wrong. Harold did t
he same to me and told me it was wrong and he was upset about it and I ignored h
im until he apologized and told me it was none of his business what happened bet
ween the two of us. Have you noticed how he scolds me when I'm rude to her?"

"Yeah" I answered.

"He thinks since we're sisters we should be nice to her and now he considers her
family. No she isn't his favorite, but he tolerates her more than we do"

"That makes sense"

"Just like it was none of Harold's bussiness when I slapped her it's none of Jes
se's either. He's her nephew not her husband, no wonder that man left her"

"Monica" I laughed and she shrugged.

"No one messes with my daughter" she smiled and I hugged her.

"I love you" I stated and she pulled back and blinked trying to keep beack hushe
d tears.

"I love you too" she replied and I smiled. I think that's the first time we've a
ctually told eachother though she had to have know I loved her. She was like a m
other to me and I couldn't thank her enough for everything she did for me.

"Now come on she is not to ruin your day, and Jesse needs to know that too" she
stated and we walked out the bathroom and joined everyone once again.

"Oh Monica there you are, and Violet" Debra smiled and gave me a small hug. I sa
id Reba and her looked alike not act alike.

"Harold was just looking for you Monica" she stated.

"Well he'll come looking again" Monica smiled.

"Violet are you okay?" Debra asked.

"Y-yeah" I answered and she dragged me and Monica out the room.

"Were you crying?" Debra asked.

"Yes" I admitted.

"I know when someone has been crying, trust me I do it all the time. Don't worry
you look beautiful, but you look so sad, you can see it in your eyes"

"I'm fine now"

"What happened?"

"Reba was being Reba" Monica answered.

"Don't mind her, she's such a cry baby and an attention seeker. It's quite annoy
ing trust me I raised her" Debra sighed.
"Alright new rule no one is allowed to be bothered by Reba today" I smiled and t
hey smiled at me and nodded. We headed back inside, I was in the middle of them
two and our arms were linked. I tried to back up as I saw an upset Jesse headed
this way. "Would you relax we got your back?" Debra winked and I couldn't help b
ut let out a small laugh at her comment. Jess met us half way and his eyes were
locked on mine. Look away Violet, look away! I couldn't, I was getting lost in h
is pretty blue orbs.

"Ladies, mind if I borrow my fiancee?" Jesse questioned with his face completely
emotionless and that was scary.

"Yes we do mind" Debra spoke up and Jesse looked shocked for a moment.

"I just want to borrow her for quick minute"

"Too bad now listen to gradma and go find my purse" she requested.

"Grandma please I'll get your purse soon I just need to talk to Violet"

"Jesse did you not here her, you've been raised better than that. Now I'm tellin
g you Violet is busy and we're all bonding" Monica chimed in.

"Violet come here" Jesse demanded, he wasn't stupid and he got what they were do

"Jesse Stevens! You do not talk to that girl like that, what is wrong with you?"
Theresa questioned joining us and giving me a wink.

"You got to be kidding me" he muttered.

"I asked you a question" she stated.

"I need to talk to Violet"

"You need to go find your manners"

"Violet please?" he pleaded and I wanted to give in so bad.

"Jesse leave the women alone, they're trying to get to know your bride-to-be" Ha
rold stated and Monica thanked him as he dragged Jesse away.

"So girls what did he do?" Theresa asked.

"Violet told my sister Reba off and Jesse loves his aunt and is upset about it"
Monica answered and Theresa locked arms with Monica which surprised Monica and I

"Well then he deserves to be taught a lesson about messing with the Stevens wome
n" she smiled and I smiled.

"Don't worry Debbie your included" Theresa winked and I smiled.

"Oh there's
Natalie and
over to sit
sat down on

some people I want you to meet" I stated and went to introduce aunt
she got along well with Theresa and Debra. After that we all headed
with my bridesmaids not including Reba since she was avoiding me. I
Courtney's lap and Courtney laughed.

"Hey ladies" I greeted and they all replied back.

"I want you guys to me my future grandmothers, Theresa and Debra. Um these are m
y girls, Candice, Michelle, Courtney, Clara, Ciara, Kendra, Olivia, and Tanya" I
introduced and everyone said hi to one another and we were all talking and laug
hing. Today wasn't going to be that bad, I was surrounded by my girls.

"Violet?" Jesse called and I looked at him adn the laughter stopped.

"Huh?" I asked looking up at him and he put out a hand and I hesitantly took it.
He pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly, too tightly. "I love you" he
whispered in my ear.

"Can't breathe" I gasped and he let go and smiled sheepishly. He kissed my nose
and I moved my head up a bit so our lips were touching, but we weren't kissing.

"I love you too" I replied my lips brushing against him as I spoked. He kissed m
e softly and pulled away slowly.

"Want to dance?" He questioned and I raised an eyebrow. He looked at Rico and no

dded, Rico nodded back and the lights went dim and the music became louder, it w
as ballroom music. "I can't dance" I admitted and he shrugged.

"Just follow my lead" he replied and I nodded. I was too busy staring into his e
yes to noticce he led me to the middle of the floor where nothing was in the way
. He smiled at me and I scrunched up my face. I did not want to embarass myself.
Jesse flicked my nose and my face relaxed as I gave him a flat look and he chuc
kled. He took ne of my hands and place it on his shoulder. Then he wrapped one a
rm around my waist and held my other hand in his to the side of us. He pulled me
closer and said "ready?"
"No" I answered and he rolled his eyes. He took a step to the right so I went le
ft to stay with him, then he went left then I went right. He took a step back an

d I took one forward then I took a step back as he nodded at me too so he could
take a step forward. He smiled at me and pulled me even closer so there was no s
pace between our bodies. "See it's not that hard" he smiled and I nodded.

"We can even take dance lessons for the wedding" he replied and I smiled.


"Yeah babe" he answered.

"Alright time to spin you" he stated and my eyes widened. "Calm down" he soothed
and he took a step back and I took one forward then he went to his right and mo
uthed for me to do the same and so I did, I went to my right making us stretch o
ur arms as there was space between us. I dropped my hand from his shoulder and h
e spinned me around and when I came all the way around he was right infront of m
e wrapping his arm around my waist again and I took that as my cue to put my han
d back on his shoulder. "That's all there is to it" he stated and I nodded, he l
eaned down and kissed me softly yet neither one of us stopped moving and I lost
focus on my feet as I kissed him back, but I didn't mess up!

As we pulled away we stared into eachother's eyes and continued to dance. There
was no space between us and his forehead was against mine. Before he could say a
nything effveryone was clapping and he pulled his face away and we looked at eve
ryone. Jesse had an amused smile on his face while I blushed and moved closer to
hide my face in his chest. We stopped dancing and soon everyone was dancing wit
h someone. Jesse and I began dancing again with everyone and I was so happy. Eve
rything was great, and I figured Jesse let the whole Reba thing go. Harold must
have said something to him, probably what Monica told me, when she slapped Reba
he apologized for being upset with her for it.

Soon after that uncle Gavin gave a toast and then Jesse did and it made me happy
. Uncle Gavin and aunt Natalie were like third parents, they used to be second p
arents, but now I have Monica and Harold. I always have my parents, in my heart
forever. I sighed in content, I missed them so much and wish they were here toda
y, but at the same time if they were none of this would have happened. Most like
ly my life would have been normal in SImon's pack and maybe when we would of met
he would of wanted me seeing I wasn't such a loner. The thing is I grew up when
my parents died adn that made me mature in a way I guess and I think that's why
Jesse is okay with being with me. Everything in life happens for a reason. My r
eason being to be with Jesse because he makes me happy and I love him with all m
y heart.
Chapter 4

It was now the beginning of October and today I was going dress shopping. This w
eek I had to pick a dress and find a florist. Jesse and i found a photographer a

nd well the guy is great. I was sure he was going to do a great job.

"Jesse!" I laughed and we pulled me on top of him. He flipped us over so I was n

ow under him. He pecked my lips and let his hands run down my sides. I bit my bo
ttom lip and he groaned. "I have to go" I stated and he frowned.

"Don't leave me" he begged and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I promise I'll make it up to you later, maybe we when I get home we can go out
for lunch"

"Or you can come home and just spend some time with me"

"Or that" I laughed and he joined and kissed me softly.

"I'm sorry babe, its just lately I don't have anything to do since we put everyt
hing off for awhile"

"Actually I decided that I want you handeling everything for the pack"

"Really?" He asked excitedly and I smiled. He always needed something to do he d

idn't like so much free time and I understood.

"Yeah, Weston should be in his office if you want t go work now"

"I do"


"I would love to have sex but I have to wait like 8 months"

"Jesse! You said you were ok with waiting"

"I know and I am, I was just teasing"

"Not funny" I pouted and he messed with my bottom lip that was now sticking out.

"You know I love you and I'm sorry"

"You better be home by 5"

"I will babe, and I want you home by then too"

"And you can make me dinner" I smiled and he nodded.

"Sure Vi" he smiled and then kissed me softly before walking me downstairs and s
aying bye to me again and letting me go with all the girls. There were so many o
f us yet I didn't care, I wanted to go find myself a dress.

When we got to the first store and I was so eager. I didn't care how many dresse
s I tried on I was so happy. I loved shopping and this was my wedding dress we w
ere talking about. I tried on dress after dress. Some of the dresses were so pre
tty and the girls took a picture of me in them.

"Ooh this one is cute"

as strapless, and real
out the dress room and
get it" Candice joked

I stated. It was a long dress that was floor length, it w

tight on my body, the dress was mermaid style. I stepped
gave the girls a twirl. "It's real pretty I think I might
and we all laughed.

"Alright I'm putting my clothes back on and we're heading to another store" I sa
id and they all agreed. I went back into the dressing room and stripped out of t
he dress carefully and then pulled my jeans back on, along with my long sleeve b
lue shirt, and my matching blue heels. It wasn't exactly blue it was teal. I loo
ked cute if I do say so myself.

We headed to the next store and after I tried on some dresses we decided to have
some fun and all of girls tried on some dresses. "Ready?" Monica asked and we a
ll told her yes and stepped out in our dresses. "Alright I say Courtney looks th
e best" I stated and we all agreed. "Again?" Candice asked and we all tried on a
nother dress. It was so much fun.

Well after we tried on practically every dress in that store we headed out to lu
nch it was only 3 in the after noon and we left around 11 this morning. We were
at lunch and while we were waiting for our food I decided to call Jesse, I was m
issing him already. "Hello?" He answered.

"Hey Jesse" I greeted.

"Hey babe"

"What you doing?"

"Um at a bar"

"A what?"

"The bar"

"With who?"

"Weston, Allen, my dad, Holden, and Rico"

"You're kidding me right?"


"I thought you and Weston were working"

"We were, then decided to take a break"


"Calm down Vi" he replied.

"I am, I just wasn't expecting you to be at a bar at 3 in the afternoon"

"It wasn't planned it just happened, I've only had one beer on my second, I'm fi

"What's wrong?" Courtney asked.

"The guys are at the bar" I answered.

"Give me the phone" I demanded and before I could protest she snatched it out of
my hand and began talking. "Hey Jesse. Are you serious? Your at a bar? Right no
w? We're at lunch taking a break from shopping because you fiance is trying to f
ind a perfect dress to wear on your wedding day. Who goes to a bar this early an
yways...? Sure jesse...Yeah she's not going to say she's upset but you two been
over this alcohol subject... your not even 21...yes it does matter, Violet doesn
't like it...Whatever let me talk to Allen...don't hey me Allen, why are you guy
s at a bar? I don't care, it's too early for you or any of you giys to be out dr
inking...It's like me saying the girls and I are at a club...Go home...because i
t's ridiculous to be drinking this one likes that" she said and I sig
hed then somehow y phone went around adn the girls all talked to their partner a
nd the last person was Monica talking to Harold.

"Harold that's stupid...yes I have a problem with it...I still wouldn't even lik
e it if it was 11 at night...don't you guys all hang out on Thursday's or whatev
er anyway? Oh shut up...Harold you're being an idiot...don't sweet talk me...tha
t's not funny...I love you your mouth your son may hear you...y
our awful...I still don't like that fact you guys are at a bar none of you need
to be drinking...bye...yeah soon you you.." Monica finished and han
ded my my phone.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

We ahd the girls on speaker and they did not sound too happy. "What's the big de
al?" I asked and dad shook his head. "It's a Tuesday and only 3 in the afternoon
. In two days will be going out again doing things like this and we're drinking.
Women tend to think everytime you drink you get drunk and act stupid" Allen ans
wered and I sighed.

"Hello?" I answered as my dad handed me back the phone as he began complaining.

"Sorry about that babe" Violet apologized.

"Your not upset are you?"


"You sure?"

"I don't know"

"Violet if you don't look like it then I'll stop" I stated.

"I just thought you were working, I was just assuming you were spending your tim
e doing something not at a bar"

"I get it, just relax babe. Enjoy yourself"

"Just like your enjoying yourself?"

"I'm heading home-"

"Jesse I'm sorry. I don't know, it just seems weird. I don't care if your at the
bar just be home by 5 ok?"


"I love you Jesse"

"I love you too Vi"


"Bye babe" I replied and hung up. I looked at the guys and we all just kept drin
king. I couldn't wait for my wedding day. I wanted Violet to be my wife, I loved
her so much. Sure I love spending time with her but I don't mind her going out
with the girls to go shopping. She's buying a wedding dress and I can't wait to
see her in whatever dress she picks for her wedding day. I wanted her to have wh
atever she wanted, nothing was too good for her.

"We should go bowling" Holden said and we all agreed. We had nothing better to d
o so that's what we went and did I had about two hours to kill. I wanted to take
Violet out tonight to go and do something. I know she didn't like the fact I wa
s at the bar, for what reason? I don't know but I knew it made her upset. I thin
k Courtney was madder than everyone. It's just a bar it wasn't like we were at a
strip club or anything. It was just a couple of us guys going out for a drink.

When I did get home I headed up to the room and about twenty minutes later Viole
t got home. I smiled at her and she came over and climbed on top of me and I wra
pped my arms around her. "I missed you" she stated.

"I missed you more"

"Oh really?"


"I didn't pick a dress"

"That's okay"

"Yeah we're going Thursday morning"

"Nice. And tomorrow we have to go looking at..."

"Some florists"

"Sounds like a plan. Anyways how about we go out and see a movie or something?"


"Yeah let's go"

"Then can we go out for ice cream"

"What is up with you and ice cream lately?"

"I love ice cream"

"It's october"

"Fine how about we go out for pizza?"

"Sure babe" I answered and she smiled. I pecked her lips and she climbed off of
me and then furrowed her eyebrows. "Sgould I change?" She asked.

"You look fine" I stated and man I was checking her out now. Her ass could not l
ook and better in those jeans, look so sexy and didn't even know it. She had on
light make up and her hair was up in a bun and she looked real innocent and righ
t now that was such a turn on.

"You sure?"

"Violet you look sexy as hell, now can you please stop trying to tease me"

"Tease you?"

"Yes" I answered as I got off the bed and smacked her ass making her let out a l
ittle yell. I laughed and she smacked my chest playfully. "I love you" I whisper
ed in her ear and she smiled. "I love you too Jesse" she replied. She wrapped he
r hands around my neck and kissed me softly, it was a nice and slow kiss yet it
still took my breath away.

We headed downstairs and we headed out the house. I drove and we soon made it to
the movies. I let her pick te movie then we got our popcorn and she got candy a

nd we shared a soda. "Jesse?" Someone called and I turned around and smiled.

"What's up dude?" I greeted as we shared a quick hug.

"Nothing man"

"Hey I might need your help with some stuff"


"Yeah I heard you took over the company"


"Sorry about that"

"We're over it" he replied.

"I'll give you call later this week"

"Sounds good, have any plans for anything now?"

"Nah maybe in a few months, I got a wedding to plan" I stated and he gaped at me

"Never thought I see the day you'd get married, who's the lucky woman?" He asked

"Um Carson I want you to meet my fiance Violet, Vi I want you to meet a good fri
end of mine Carson" I introduced and they shook hands. I shook my head at him as
he raised an eyebrow, I knew it was because she was a werewolf while I was a va
mpire just like he was.

I soon ended the conversation there promising to call him later and talk to him
about every thing. Once he was gone Violet and I headed to watch our movie. "How
do you two know eachother?" Violet asked and I sighed and ran a hand through my
hair. I couldn't lie to her so I had to word this nicely.

"He's in the construction bussiness, his dad recently was killed and his dad use
d to help my dad with stuff and I met the family" I answered.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, why does something have to wrong?"

"It doesn't I was just checking because it was weird how you said 'oh' so I want
ed to make sure you were okay"

"I am more than okay" she smiled and I gave her a small kiss on the lips. Some h
ow I knew I was going to actually tell her how I met Carson. I told the truth to
her it's just that's not how I met Carson.

*Violet's P.O.V*

"Ooh babe look at these" I urged tugging on Jesse's hands. I wanted this florist
s I was absolutely sure. It was only the 6th person we looked at today and we l
ooked at a lot yesterday. This was the only lady who has some of the prettiest a
nd most unique flowers ever. I was going for purple flowers and I didn't car wha
t type they were as long as they looked pretty.

"Nah, it looks weird" Jesse stated.

"How?" I asked.

"Look at that, it's all squished together and some flowers are taller than other

"I like the color" I frowned, he was right.

"We have more of those lavender or lilac flowers over here" the lady chimed in a
nd I smiled. Jesse kissed my cheek and we followed the lady and we looked at the
flowers. Today it was just Jesse and I. It was nice to spend time with him like
"What type of this one?" Jesse asked looking at the bouquet of purple flowers.

"A round bouquet of purple lisianthus and snowberries" she answered and I looked
at it.

"Did we want a darker purple?" He asked and I shrugged.

"It's pretty, and yeah that kind of looks white. We don't have a specific purple
, we wanted to pick the flowers first" I answered and he nodded. We looked aroun
d some more at the flowers and I started picking them individually and had her m
ake a bouquet for me.

"Just roses" Jesse suggested and I nodded. I picked out a couple colors of roses
I liked. There were light pinks, white, lavenders, and kind of a pinkish purple
roses in a huge bouquet and I loved it. Jesse and the lady talked about the pri
ce of the bouquet and we wpould keep in touch with her because we will need to t
ell her how many bouquets, I was going to let Monica sort that out. We were goin
g to have so many people so we were going to need a bouquet or more for each tab
le. And we needed alot of tables to fit 500 people.

When Jesse and I left we headed home. "Babe?" I called. Jesse grabbed my hand an
d led me upstairs to our room. "Yeah baby?" He asked.

"I was wondering about our honey moon"

"Whatever you wear I'm sure you'll look sexy" he winked and I blushed as we laid
on the bed.

"Oh trust me I'll make sure to wear something sexy for you" I reassured.

"I don't like how your smirking at me"


"You better not be planning anything about teasing me, because when I get you to
wherever I'm getting you in our room and taking you the moment we're alone"

"Sure you will..."

"Not funny Vi" he replied getting on top of me.

"It is funny. I think I will buy some lingerie and when we get to wherever I'll
walk around in it and tease you a bit and wait until late at night to finally gi
ve it up" I teased but I kind of liked the sound of that, that's if I can even w
ait because god Jesse knows how to turn me on.

"I would love for you to dress in lingerie but you will be on the bed the moment
I put down our bags" he stated and then began kissing down my neck making sure
when he got to my collar bone he began sucking on my neck right there making me
moan and throw my head back. "Jesse" I moaned.

"Yes baby?" He asked and I tangled my hands in his hair.




"No one said we had to have sex"

"Neither one of us will be having sex until our honeymoon and that's why, I want
us to plan our honeymoon" I replied.

"One I would never cheat on you, as you should know. And we can plan our honeymo
on now if you want to"

"I really want to" I stated and he groaned and climbed off of me. I grabbed his
hand and made him look at me, "I know you would never cheat on me just like I wi
ll never cheat on you" I stated and kissed me softly on the lips.

We sat up and he grabbed the laptop and brought it over to me as he sat next to
me. "Where do you want to go?" Jesse questioned and I smiled sheepishly.

"I was thinking Italy" I answered.

"Of course you already picked a place" he teased and I smacked his arm.

"Whatever, like you didn't think about it"

"Okay maybe I did"

"If you don't like Italy or if it's too hot or something since it is going to be
in the summer we don't have to go"

"Listen to me.
et to go where
you know when
n't mind going

I don't care how hot is or how much sun there is as long as you g
you want. I promise you if it's too sunny or something I will let
we get there, I can endure a little pain for your happiness. I do
to Italy I've never been there"

"Jesse!" I cried hugging him tightly.

"I love you Vi, I'll do anything for you"

"Wait, on my birthday when we went tof Florida was it too much sun?"

"I lived didn't I?"

"Seriously Jesse, I don't want it to hurt you"

"FIne to answwer your question it was killing me to be out there, I was fine tho
ugh. Yes the sun was killing me, but Vi I wasn't out there for to long. If I was

out there too long then I would of been in actual pain"

"What do you mean?"

"Vampires can be in sun but it hurts. If the sun shines on you it's like a sharp
pain all over your exposed body and it hurts pretty bad. It's like a warning we
're not supposed to be out in the sun like that. Its like the pain let's us know
we're in the sun. Anyways when we're out too long the pain grows until it's an
eexcruciating pain and if you don't get out of the sun fast enough you um..."

"You what?"

"You die" he answered. I slowly nodded and he grabbed me and pulled me on his la
p, moving the laptop to the side. "Look at me" he demanded and I looked at him,
staring into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I love you Vi, and I promise I know my limits to be outside. I'm never leaving
you like your never leaving me. I swear I will never die and when I turn you, th
ere is no way for you to die either"

"Your going to change me?"

"Eventually, I'm not going to live my life without you. I always planned to turn
you it's just I'm kind of..."

"Kind of what? Jesse you can tell me anything"

"Scared" he admitted.

"Of what?"

"Your a werewolf, there is so many chances of you dying. Plus I don't want you t
o hate me for turning you"

"I will never ever be able to hate you"

"Vi, I know you and I know how your life would change drastically and some peopl
e don't like being turned, most hate it. At a certain time they want to be turne
d but when they do turn intoo a vampire they hate it and wish they were dead exc
ept they technically are"

"Jesse...I love you and I get your scared but I promise I'd do anything to make
sure I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I will not hate it, I don't ha
te vampires as you know. I love you more than life itself. The only reason I hav
en't been turned is because I want you to do it not someone else. Plus then I ha
ve you to help me with all the changes in my life, and you make everything bette
r for me" I replied and pecked hs lips, letting mine linger against his.

"Can we change the subject?" He asked.

"Sure...where do you want to go for our honeymoon?"

"I was thinking England"


"Yeah, I've always wanted to go"


"If you want to go to Italy that's where we're going"

"But Jesse-"

"No Italy it is, I would love to go" he cut me off and I sighed. If he wanted to
go to England then one day I was taking him to England. I knew I wasn't going t
o be able to argue with him about not going to Italy. I did want to go to Italy
more than anything else. I would love to go to England, I want to go there but I
wasn't thinking for my honeymoon. I wouldn't mind going there though, if he wan
ted to I would give up Italy to go there. Since he's not letting that happen I'l
l just have plan for us to go to England one day. Maybe next year for his birthd
ay...I would like to do it sooner but what could be an occassion coming up for m
e to take him to England especially when we're planning our wedding. Ugh, I'll t
hink of something. He always does things for me it's about time I start doing th

ings for him. Sure I make him happy and I do things but it's not the same, I wan
t to do something really special for him.
Chapter 5

"Vi I miss you" Jesse whined. We were in bed, it was alredy seven at night and i
t was halloween. We were having party tonight which started at nine.

"Jesse we spend every day together" I laughed.

"Let me correct this, I miss your body" he stated running a hand up my thigh. I
moaned and pushed his hand away.

"Come on baby, it has been over a month and you've been teasing me all week"


"You walked around the room all morning naked"



"One you took my towel, two we forgot to do laundry which I did today, and three
you weren't complaining as you were checking me out" I answered and he chuckled

"Vi just give me something" he pleaded.

"No Jesse, my panties will not be coming off and you will be keeping your boxers
on" I replied.

"Vi..." He whined.

"Jesse we have 8 months left"

"Of course we do"

"It's kind of only 7 months since we are getting married June 2nd so the beginni
ng of June"

"It's still far away"

"I know but I promise to rock your world on our wedding night, it will be so goo
d it won't even seem like you waited 9 months for sex"

"You better on top"

"I will be for the first round" I winked and he groaned.

"Alright go get ready"

"I'm still upset your not dressing up"

"Well your being Betty Boop and I can't wait to see you all sexy in your little
red dress" he smirked and I blushed.

"No don't get all flirty with me, you refuse to dress up and it's really upsetti

"I don't dress up I told you that"

"Jerk" I muttered and got up before he could stop me. He was right though he did
tell me and we argued until he kissed me and decided for me saying I should be
Betty Boop. I forgot what else I was torn between.

"Well I'll leave you to get ready since you said the girls will be over and it's
not like I'm busy having sex" he sighed dramtically and I laughed. I pecked his

lips and before I could pull away he pulled me for a soft and passionate kiss.
Then he left the room and soon the girls did arrive and we all began to get dres

I quickly slipped on my red leather dress. It was strapless, came mid-thigh, and
it didn't cover my back. Jesse hasn't gotten a chance to see it and I wasn't ev
en giving him a kiss tonight, well I hope not because I wanted to play hard to g
et. I was supser upset he didn't want to get dressed up with me. He even walked
out on me when we were arguing.

I had told him I wanted us to dress up and he got all sarcastic on me which was
slightly annoying yet a turn on. He went "what am I a girl?" Of course I gaqped
at him waiting for his apology or for him to say he was joking but instead he la
ughed and told me he didn't care if I dressed up but he wasn't wearing a costume
, he didn't even want to go the party but that I forced him to. It was going to
be only vampires then me, I wanted my fiance there with me. One because I was ne
rvous, two I was scared, and three I wanted to dance with someone and be able to
have fun tonight and I couldn't do that known my future husband was at home doi
ng nothing while I was alone at a party.

My make up was done by Courtney and Candice also made me wear red lingerie under
my dress. Candice, Courtney, Tanya, Kendra, and Monica were here. Tanya and Can
dice were here just to help me get dressed. Tanya had a date with Justin and Can
dice is watching the couples' kids. Kendra messed with my hair to make it easie
r to fit my wig! I was so excited about this. Monica had bought my heels and I j
ust got them from her today.

Once all of us girls were ready I said bye to Candice and Tanya then Monica, Cou
rtney, Kendra and I headed downstairs to the party. Monica had been running up a
nd down all over the place. When I got down there I immediately went to go find

I found Jesse in the kitchen and Allen and him were talking. Allen nodded at me
and Jesse slowly stopped talking as he faced me and his eyes instgantly filled w
ith lust as his eyes slowly and hungrily raked my body. I was glad we agreed on
the no sex rule because now he knows not to cross the line and I can tease him b
ecause he knows I meant it. And I was also upset with the rule, I mean the way h
e was looking at me made me want to just lay on my back and let him make love to
me all night long.
I let out a growl and he licked his lips as he put down his red plastic cup on t
he counter. He camed over to me and placed his hands on my hips and pulled my bo
dy rtight against his and kissed me hungrily and I moaned at the intensity. His
hands roamed over my hips and towards my ass until he was gripping my ass and gi
ving it a squeeze making me pull away a bit, "oh god Jesse" I breathed against h
is lips and he pulled me back into the kiss.

There goes me playing hard to get and not giving him a kiss. I pulled away befor
e my body got any hotter. "Jesse, I'm still upset with you" I frowned.

"Too bad, I'm in love with you and I want you" he whispered huskily in my ear.

"Well that's too damn bad because you're a jerk"

"Violet let it go"


"Maybe I'll go upstairs and wait until you come to bed"

"Jesse! No baby I'm sorry" I apologized, he looked upset and I think it's more w
ith himself like he thought I didn't want him here with me. "What?" He questione
d and I grabbed his hand and tried tugging on it to get him to face me. "Look at
me" I pleaded but he shook his head. I took his hand and brought it to my chest
so he was cupping my boob and he groaned. I wanted his attention right now so I
could apologize. "Jesse please baby" I begged and he slolwy faced me. His eyes
filled with lust but also sadness. He also looked kind of ticked off.

"Come on baby, it's been a while. I mean baby you have no idea what's under this
dress" I said seductively and the sadness left and I could see he was no longer
annoyed with me. He pulled his hand away from my chest and I smiled. He smirked
and moved dangerously close to me. "Take it back" he whispered huskily in my ea

"T-take what back?" I questioned.

"The sex rule because no matter what I'm having my way with you" he groaned lowl
y in my ear. I moaned at just his voice it was such a turn on.

"Nope. If I take it back then you'll never wait"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we should be able to do this, just wait until the honeymoon"

"Eight months, and I've been through a month of your teasing. I can't wait any l
onger than this month" he stated.

"Well figure it out, and I don't tease you on purpose" I frowned. I didn't tease
him he just easily gets turned on.

"Oh really then what's under the dress?" He asked and I froze. Okay this time I
was going to tease him. It wasn't my idea though! Before I could dismiss his que
stion and go around it hands slipped under my dess and as he reached my panties,
not much of any material besides a bit of lace that covers my core and some of
my ass.

"Why your panties so wet?" He questioned, whispered lowly in my ear as he rubbed

his finger against me through my panties. He also was kissing on my neck a litt
le bit and what can I say I get turned on too I just control myself.

"Because...." I trailed off not able to explain. It's not like he didnt know. He
chuckled and then I smirked, "the same reason you went hard" I answered and I f
elt him frown against my lips.

"I guess you have to give me a solution to my problem and maybe I can return the
favor" he said and I raised an eyebrow. I was tempted and it wasn't exactly sex
but I was clear when I said his boxers stay on just like my panties off.

"My solution is you should go upstairs to the room, carry me to the bed, strip o
ut of your clothes..."


"And take a cold shower" I laughed and as he was shocked I ran off. I knew I was
turning him on there and he swore he was getting lucky. I felt like such a jerk
but I couldn't stop laughing. He didn't move because he didn't want anyone see
ing he was hard. Me on the other hand if he did turn around and I saw the huge b
ulge in his pants I knew I'd give in. I was definitely turned on but my body was
already cooling down and sex was now off my mind.
He was looking at me though. I thought I wait a minute for him to kind of calm d
own. I walked back over to him and kissed him softly and he kissed me back. "We
all good now?" I questioned.

"Were you really upset?" He asked.

"Kind of but I was going to get over it, I didn't mean to upset you. I love you
Jesse and yeah I wish you would have dressed up but I was going to ignore it bec
ause all I wanted was for you to be here with me and for us to have a good time
together. And I'm so sorry" I answered and he hugged me as tears filled my eyes.
I didn't like hurting him like that.

"Shh...I'm fine baby, don't cry" he reassured and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry" I sobbed and he pulled away and wiped my eyes.

"Vi, please baby stop crying. I hate seeing yo cry and there is no reason to rig
ht now. I understand why your crying but i need you to listen to me, I'm okay I
love you and I will never stop, I never will" he replied as he kissed me gently
yet so passionately.

After that kiss everything was fine and I laughed it off and Jesse just smiled a
t me. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor and it was nice. Exce
pt for when he got a little too excited again and he told me to stop grinding so
hard against him because he would take me to the bedroom. I couldn't help it th
ough. Eventually he did take me to the bedroom but I told him it wasn't happeni
ng and somehow I found myself giggling at his annoyed face. We went to bed thoug
h at 3 in the morning, well i went to sleep and Jesse held me all night.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

It was near the end of November so today was Thanksgiving. It sucks because it f
eels like I can't have my woman with me. The good thing I made it through basica
lly another month with no sex. I think the fact she said we weren't doing is wha
t drove me with crazy to do it with her.

Anyways we get married in 7 months its almost only 6 months away. My mom has kep
t us on track with planning this wedding and it was going great. We had got all
the invitations I was there picking them out. I didn't mind going it's just the
girls were irritating they made it so difficault but I sucked it up when Violet
told me I didn't have to come if I didn't want to. I knew she wanted me there an
d I wanted to be there with her it was just I was getting annoyed with all the g
irls. It's not like my opinion mattered becasue apparently I wasn't good at choo
sing things, according to my mom. Violet laughed of course and I scowled it wasn
't funny it was actually annoying, why ask me which one I liked it you were just
going to go you have bad taste and what you picked doesn't match.

We also planned out honeymoon and we were going to Italy and I got the hotel and
everything. Violet and the girls all went out every other day for two weeks goi
ng dress shopping. Apparently Violet picked her dress but the girls needed to ge
t their bridesmaid dresses and be sized and all this crap.

I felt like I did the boring stuff. Like I did the honeymoon, I called and every
thing with a little help from VIolet, she helped pick the hotel but I had to go
through plane tickets, our passports, the actually getting the room in the hotel
, transportation from the airport to the hotel, and bought tickets to the museum
s and other activities we wanted to do-actually what Violet wants to do. I was j
ust going because I love her and I'd do anything to make her happy and she has a
way of making the most boring things entertaining, and she knows how to make me
happy just seeing her happy. When she smiles I smile, even if I'm in a damn mus
eum looking at some bullshit I don't care about that she will, she's such a dork
but she's my baby girl, my little dork.

Also we met with the officiant and well Violet is too cute when she's confused.
We had to go over everything with the guy and Violet got to leave early since sh
e had to go to school which I wasn't thrilled about. I wish she was done school.
She keeps telling me though, if she keeps going every season then she'll be abl
e to graduate with her bachelor's degree this year. Which meant after we were ma
rried. I was sucking it all up right now since the most important thing was in a
bout 6 months I'll be married to the love of my life.
Violet was still snuggled up in my arms but I knew she'd be up soon. I sighed, s
he was having a big feast at the pack house and well my family was coming over s
o I had to be home. And Violet was alpha so she had to be at the pack house, she
was in charge of everything too.

When Violet woke up she was facing me and a small smile appeared on her face as
she opened up her eyes. "Morning beautiful" I whispered.

"Morning Jesse" she grinned which was followed by a long yawn. I chuckled and ki
ssed her forehead. We both sat up and she got on my lap straddling me. "I love y
ou" she stated and I smiled.

"I love you too" I replied then kissed her softly. When we pulled away she grinn
ed and bit her lip, I raised an eyebrow waiting for her to make her decision. He
r chewing on her bottom lip meant she was wondering if she should tell me someth
ing or not. I knew her too well.

"Well I'm staying with you all day until you have to go to dinner with your fami
ly" she stated and I furrowed my eyebrows but I was happy.


"I left Tanya and Candice to set up for the dinner at the pack house and I figur
ed I'd eat there when it was time, then after dinner I'll join you and everyone
for dessert" she explained and i hugged her tightly. I was so glad, I mean it wa
s holiday and I wanted to spend it with her. I loved having her around, I hated
leaving her side. We were still close and still everything together which is wha
t I love.

"Can't breathe" she gasped and I pulled and apologized. We ended up staying in b
ed all morning just talking about random things. That day ended up being amazing
, I got to spend all day with my favorite girl minus about two hours when she wa
s at the pack house but then she was right back in my arms and laying in bed sou
nd asleep again.

I stared at her while she slept taking in every part of her face. My eyes landed
on her lips and I smiled, I loved seeing a smile on her face and there was a sm
all little smile there and it made me happy. All I can think about is keeping he
r happy for the rest of eternity.

My mind wondered off to thinking about our wedding, having kids together, then I
stopped when I thought about December 2nd. Our anniversary was that day and I h
ad to make it special. I was running out of ideas. I mean our first date was on
the beach, second date was dinner along with the first time we made love. I mean
we've had a couple big ones, like the night I proposed and her birthday. I had
to keep doing things like that for her, I really wanted to. I just had to think,
it took me so much time to plan these type of dates. This date had to be amazin
g, I just didn't know if I could keep up with coming up with ideas like all the
ones I have before. I knew she loved me though and to her as long as she got to
be with me she would happy. We met October 1st, but we started dating December 2
nd. Two of the grest days of my life. I looked at Violet and kissed her forehead
, she was best thing that ever happened to me, I got the chance to meet the grea
test woman in the world. The one who takes my breath away, loves me more than li
fe itself, who has me wrapped around her little finger and I don't mind at all,
the one who made me fall in love.
Chapter 6

*Violet's P.O.V*

Oh my god. It was December 2nd. Jesse and I have been together for a year well i
gnoring we're engaged now. I was so happy. 365 days ago Jesse asked me to be his
girlfriend. So 48 weeks ago and 12 months ago. I'm such a nerd but I'm so freak
ing happy.

I woke up super early, now and have been kissing all over Jesse. His sexy chest,
his neck, and his face. He groaned as I was nibbling across his jaw. Finally I
brought my lips to his for a one hell of a kiss. His tongue pushed it's way thro
ugh my lips deepening the kiss. He tasted so damn good as usual but I couldn't f

igure out what it was, it was sweet though like...oranges and oranges never had
tasted better. I found the taste so damn addictive. Orange juice is so my new fa
vorite drink of the day.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pressed my body against his and he gr
oaned. I tangled my hands in his hair and his hands slipped up my shirt and stay
ed on ym back crawling up to my bra. I smacked his hands away and he settled for
his hands staying on my butt, not that I didn't mind I knew it wouldn't lead to

When we pulled away I cpouldn't help but grin at this amazing man. "Happy annive
rsary!" I shouted and he cringed but he chuckled too. I hugged him tightly and k
issed his lips. I was keeping my no sex rule and we were doing fine. Jesse told
me he was quite okay with waiting, okay well his words were 'I hate it but I lov
e you and your worth the wait, but the moment we're alone and married your mine.
' It was so sexy when he said it too.

I had told the girls about it and Candice and Courtney were scaring me. Then I k
new I was okay because Jesse loved me and would never cheat on me he says he's q
uite satisfied with what he has then the jerk threw in he waited a month two hav
e sex with me from when we started dating but he really waited two months. I was
n't upset though because he went without sex before meeting too. And I know I wo
uld never cheat on him, I mean have you seen my husband. I would kill myself bef
ore the thought of being with someone else besides Jesse came to my mind.

"You know what wpuld be a great gift for today?" He questioned his eyes looking
down at my exposed chest and I blushed.

"What?" I asked, biting my lip if he kept looking at me like that I was going to
lose my mind and lose complete control and have sex with this sexy man that I l
oved more than anytihng in the world.

"If you wore that sexy red lingerie again, since I never got to see you in it"

"Nah I threw it out"

"Why?" He frowned.

"Because I bought something very similar, I don't think I look good in red"

"You look good in anything, actually you better with nothing on"

"Jesse!" I blushed and he chuckled. He pecked my lips and fixed the big shirt I
was wearing so my chest was now covered.

"I love you Violet" he smiled.

"I love you too" I replied and kissed him softly before we got out of bed. We we
re spending every second together, today was our day and I wanted it to be amazi
ng. I knew it would because anything with Jesse is amazing.

Tonight we were going out but seriously if we stayed in the house cuddled up
the couch I'd be fine as long as I had him with me, and it was bonus because
been in his arms. Jesse and I decided to hop in a shower. I was so going to
k a mess all day. I didn't care what anyone said I had a date tonight then I
ld get all dressed up.


Well I couldn't think too much about today because Jesse's hands traced my sides
coming to a stop at my hips. He was behind me and the water was pounding on us.
I bit my lip and he pulled me closer to him. "Jesse" I giggled and I heard him
laugh then his lips kissed on my shoulder and he started trailing more kisses up
my neck. I looked over my shoulder and gave him a stern look.

"I was only kissing on you" he smirked.

"That's not what that was face was for, it was because I want your lips on mine"
I explained and turned around and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck
and pulled him closer. He picked me up by my thighs and I wrapped my legs aroun
d his torso, thank god it wasn't his waist because then I'd just be like 'take m
e now.' I knew Jesse wouldn't mind but would he question it, I mean I know he do
esn't like the whole waiting thing but he accepted but does he really care about
what I want? Of course he does.
I hate being insecure. I wasn't even going to say it just to see his reaction, t
hough the thought did cross my mind. The kis got rough and I moaned at intensity
of the kiss. It was full of need and urgency and it was so hot. His hands reste
d on my butt but I wanted further up. My chest was pressed up against his and we
ll I was turned on everywhere. I rubbed my chest against his, not breaking the k
iss but trying to tell him what I wanted.

He pulled away from the kiss and my back hit the cold tile wall. I gasped at the
sudden contact. It was so easy for it to slip my mind that Jesse's whole body w
as freezing cold, colder than anything I ever felt. "This what you wanted?" He q
uestioned playing with my nipple, twisting it gently and I moaned and nodded my

"That's exactly what I wanted" I panted.

"Really?" He asked.


"Tell me what you want Violet" he smirked.

"Your lips" I moaned and he brought his lips to my hard nipples and he sucked on
it and I arched my back. Damn him. I couldn't help it though, I know when I wan
t my man and I wanted him now. It was hard to find a time I didn't want him. I m
ean I was fine all the time then when Jesse is around my body gets all hot. I ca
n't help it, because most of the time he is giving me heated looks or flirting w
ith me. Then when it is innocent it changes and we start fooling around like now

Jesse met my eyes and muttered against my lips, "happy anniversary baby." Then h
is lips met mine and he kissed me gently and slowly yet it took my breath away a
nd made my heart skip a beat. "Did you know you are quite the charmer?" I asked
and he chuckled.

"Am I?"

"Yes and you are very romantic, and I can't wait for tonight"

"Is there anything in particular you wanted to do?"

"Actually yes"

"What?" He asked curiously.

"I want to be cuddled in your arms watching a movie, maybe the notebook" I answe
red and he rolled his eyes as I told him the movie.

"Anything for you"

"You can pick the movie"

"Nah, I think the Notebook will be just fine"

"I'm warning you cry everytime"

"I'm okay with that, I can wipe your tears"

"I love you"

"I love you too" he grinned then put me down and kissed my cheek before we both
continued to shower. That's so crazy. We went from that heatedmaking out then be
ing cute and now we were calm.

When we got out the shower Jesse threw on some dark jeans and a long sleeve red
shirt along with his red and white Nike's. I slipped on a pair of black yoga pan
ts and a pink sweater with my pink boots. I figured Jesse would prefer me in the
yoga pants rather than sweats, I mean if I do say so myself my butt looks amazi

"Come on sexy let's feed you" Jesse smirked then he smacked my ass. "You were ta
lking outloud and I do prefer looking at your ass in yoga pants then sweats but
only sometimes. Even in sweats you turn me on" he winked and I blushed in embara
ssment. I said that aloud? Wow talk about embarassing. I shrugged it off, he lov
ed me. Soon he was going to be my husband and he has been with me for a year and
a month so I don't think he cares about my weirdness. He doesn't care about my
dorkiness so I don't see how this is any different.

"Hurry up sweet cheeks" Jesse winked and walked out the door. I blushed furiousl
y then followed hi out the room and before he got to the steps I ran and jumped
on his back. My arms going around his neck and my legs by his sides. He hoisted
me up so I wouldn't fall, of course after he laughed and muttered how I was so d
arn cute. Then he carried me into the kitchen where Monica was cooking. I smiled
and howled at the smell and Jesse and Monica laughed at me. Then Jesse put me d
own on the counter.

"Yes you are bvery weird" Jesse stated and I pursed my lips at him and he gave m

e a small pack and I growled at myself. There goes any chance of being mad at hi
m, even pretending to be. He Jesse winked at me and wwent to his mom giving her
a kiss on the cheek.
"What's for breakfast mama?" I asked and Monica laughed.

"Well for my favorite baby girl, pancakes, eggs, bacon, and french toast"

"That sound so delicious! I want orange juice" I stated and smirked at Jesse. He
raised his eyebrows at me and was standing next to me. "Did you know you taste
like oranges? And I mean you taste so damn good" I stated and he chuckled.

"How good?"

"Too good that all I want is oranges" I smiled and he laughed. He stood in betwe
en my legs and had his hands on my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist an
d kissed him. He kissed me softly and nibbled on my bottom lip but I wasn't open
ing my mouth. He groaned and I smiled against his lips. "Kiss me" he demanded an
d then kissed me again and I wasted no time in shoving my tongue in his mouth. H
e moaned and I smirked. My tongue explored his mouth like I always did and he di
d the same to me and then our tongues continue to twist around in perfect sync.

"Alright love birds. I love you both but the kissing is disturbing, I wasn't goi
ng to stop it since today is your anniversary but its gross" Monica stated and w
e reluctantly pulled away.

"Thanks mom" I smiled as she handed me my plate. Jesse carried me to the dinigro
om table and sat me in a chair then sat next to me. "Here's your orange juice" M
onica laughed placing it down infront of me. I began to eat and Jesse just watch
ed but I was used to it because I liked staring back at him.

After I was done with breakfast I decided to Jesse. "Alright I

whole morning, now I suggest we go for a run. If I keep eating
ng to get fat" I stated and he laughed. "Even if you do I will
ur sexy and still won't keep my hands off of you" he reassured

have planned our

like that I'm goi
still tell you yo
and kissed my nos

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure, I already love you and plus we're getting married then I'm
stuck with you" he teased and I gaped at him.

"Jesse!" I shouted and smacked his chest and he laughed at me. He pulled me out
of my chair and pecked my lips. "I love you too much" he smiled and I grinned ba
ck at him. He swept me off my feet and I said "I wonder if I should shift"

"Yeah, you haven't been in your wolf in awhile" he replied and I nodded my head
in agreement. "Take me to the room, I'll strip there" I stated and he carried me
bridal style to my room. I then stripped and Jesse sat on the bed and watched m
e. I winked at him as I was standing there completely naked.

Then I took a step back and shifted into my gold wolf. That hurt a bit, it has b
een awhile. Jesse smiled at me and pet my head. "Have I told you how beautiful y
ou are?" He asked me softly as he stroked my fur. "Nice and soft" he commented a
nd kissed me on my nose. I was so glad he couldn't see I was blushing. He opened
the bedroom door for me and I walked out of it wagging my tail and he chuckled.
"Watch it Vi, I might just start checking you out" he winked as he made his way
infront of me. I let out a playful growl, nudging him with my head.

He laughed and ran down the stairs and I followed him slowly taking the stairs t
wo steps at a time. Wolves should not walk up and down stairs, esepcially someon
e as clumsy as me. Atleast in my wolf I can keep balance. From down here I was g
etting a good view of Jesse's butt, and I was so loving it. Did I mention he was
sexy? He really is. I mean his jeans hung low on his hips and I liked it.

Jesse opened the

. Jesse shut the
he woods?" Jesse
way. I walked by
ging to keep up.

front door and I ran out and jumped over the steps on the porch
door and walked over to me. "Want to go up the hill or around t
questioned and I nodded to the woods and he began to walk that
his side then soon Jesse was speeding off and I was barely mana

When we came to a stop Jesse sat down against a tree and I laid on top of him. N
ow that was quite the work out but Jesse didn't break a sweat. I know he could o
f went longer but I was tired. Plus I didn't want to waste all morning.
Jesse kept stroking my fur as we sat there and watched everything. There were bi
rds flying around and you could hear crickets. There were flowers growing in som
e bushes and I smiled at that, well it was a wolfish grin.

Soon I got up and nodded to the direction of the house and Jesse nodded and bega
n getting up. I took off then getting a head start and I heard Jesse yell, "chea
ter!" I kept running and soon Jesse caught up but I was still in front of him an
d was pushing myself to go faster and faster.

I just barely beat Jesse to the door before I could celebrate Jesse picked me up
and through me over my shoulder. He was carrying me regular though, not upside
. My big wolf head was on his shoulder. "Vi stay still I got you, damn you scrat
ched me" Jesse said and I licked his cheek. He ran upstairs to the room and gent

ly put me down on the floor and I took a step back and shifted back.

"I'm so sorry baby" I apologized wrapping my arms around his neck then pulled up
his shirt and saw where I must of scratched him when I was wiggling in his grip
. I kissed it and he winced a bit. "Vi it's fine baby, it'll heal eventually" he
smiled and I frowned then he pecked my lips.

"You do know your naked right?" He asked and I blushed. I pushed him away and h
e laughed. I began pulling my clothes on until I was dressed and we were ready t
o go. "Where are we going now?" Jesse asked and I smiled.

"It's a surprise for you"

"A surprise?"

"Yup" I answered.

"This is the last thing because I have plans for this afternoon"

"With me right?"

"Of course baby" he grinned and he grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers toge
ther. We headed out the house and I smirked at him before dragging him to my bea
utiful car. I opened the passenger seat for him and he glared at me and I ushere
d for him to get in and he reluctantly did.

I went to the driver seat and buckled up. Then I began driving, it was cute havi
ng Jesse ask me where we were going. Unlike me he didn't like surprises and he w
as very grumpy. I shrugged it off, it was out day and well I knew he couldn't be
upset for long. My surprise will definitely make up for everything though.


stopped at the park and Jesse gave me a flat look and I giggled. "Just get out
I laughed and we both got out the car and he wrapped an arm around my waist an
I leaned my head on my shoulder. Instead going towards the park I walked on th
sidewalk across from it. Almost there!

I turned a corner and walked into the pig toy store and I looked at Jesse and he
gave me a flat look. "Come on I want to buy you a baby doll" I joked and he rol

led his eyes. I quickly found them and stopped and Mikey came running over to us
. Jesse let me go and caught Mikey. Jessse hugged him tightly while I went over
and said hi to Malcolm and Kendra. I got little Max who was now 1, he was talkin
g and walking and everything.

I was taking Max and Mikey for the afternoon and then Monica was keeping the two
for the rest of the day until their parents picked them up. When Monica had tol
d me she was babysitting I called Kendra and asked if I could have them earlier
because I know Jesse loves his two baby cousins.

Jesse pulled me in a passionate kiss and then kissed down my neck, "thank..." he
placed a kiss on my collar bone and added, "you." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"We have them for as lon as you want" I smiled and he grinned at me. We said bye
to Malcolm and Kendra then we headed out with the kids who had there new toys.
"Hey take them to the park I'm getting the carseats" I said and Jesse nodded and
kissed my cheek before walking off.

I ran over to Malcolm's truck and he laughed when he saw me. "Yeah you wanted ha
ve gotten very far I figured" he stated pulling the carseat out for Max and Mike
's booster seat. Malcolm carried them for me and I unlocked my car door and he g
ot them in the car. "Thanks Malcolm" I smiled.

"No thank you, tell aunt Monica we'll be there by 9" he replied and I nodded. He
gave me a hug and then we went our seperate ways. I ran over to the park and gr
abbed little Max and he smiled at me. "Remember me?" I asked.

"Hey Vivi" he grinned and I kissed him on his little button nose. Jesse smiled a
t me andI sat down next to him on the bench. He kissed my cheek and then headed
to go over to Mikey who was calling for him. Mikey slid down the slide and ended
up right into Jesse's arms. Mikey laughed and they did it again.
I took Max to the swings and pushed him gently. He was so adorable in the baby s
wing. Jesse soon came over and wrapped his arms around me from behind. I knew it
was him because well his arms were colder than it was outside. Plus he smelt so
good, I loved his cologne, it was so manly and sexy.

I continued pushing Max in the swing but Jesse didn't let me go and I could see
Mike playing in the sandbox. You would think that I should be worried about the
kids playing at the park in early December since it was freezing out but I'm not
, not my kids I would have to worry about. Mike and Max are vampires my kids cou
ld come out as vampires or werewolves.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

It was now two in the afternoon and we had just got back from the park. We had g
ot Max and Mikey around eleven so I got to spend plenty of time with both of the
m. Violet and I were cuddled up on the couch watching cartoons. I didn't say a w
ord about it because I loved my view. I was just staring at my beautiful fiancee
, I can't wait until she's my wife then we can have a wedding anniversary.

I got off the couch, removing my arm from around Violet's waist. She looked up a
t me and frowned. "I'll be back in a second" I reassued and pecked her lips and
went to go find my mom. I found her in the room with the boys. Mike came and wra
p his arms around my leg and I laughed. I picked him up and carried him with me
while I made my way over to my mom.

"Mom?" I called.

"Yes dear?"

"I was wondering if you could do me favor..."

"And that would be what exactly?"

"To make lunch for Violet and I, I wanted to take her on a picnic"

"Awe, I see why she loves you, your actually sweet to her" she stated giving me
a pointed look and I rolled my eyes. "Sure sweetie I'll make it now" she smiled
and soon dad walked into the room and I gave him a hug then mom and him argued a
bit because mom said she needed him to watch the boys. "This is your fault" dad
sighed and I laughed.

"Yes it is, now I would take over but I have my fiancee waiting for me and I kno
w not to keep a woman waiting" I smirked and ran downstairs. I had something in
mind for tonight. It's just after Violet told me she wanted to watch that movie
and stuff well I planned around that. I had an idea but I hope she's alright wit
h it. I mean usually we do more. I guess it will be fine, I'm sure it would be.
I just had some shopping to do. I think Violet had to go shopping to get some st
uff for tonight, something for her to wear.

Violet immediately climbed on my back the moment I sat on the couch. I laughed a
nd wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. She was cuddled up against m
e, her head resting on my chest. I kissed the top of her head before resting min
e on her as we watched this ridiculous show. I couldn't help but smile when Viol

et laughed, she was to damn cute.

Chapter 7

*Violet's P.O.V*

Monica just
getting up,
is arms and
down at me.

called Jesse into the kitchen I frowned. I didn't like that he kept
I mean it's the second time he has done that. Plus I miss being in h
leaning on him. Jesse came back about five minutes later and looked
"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yup" I smiled and got off the couch and he waited for me to come to his side th
en he wrapped his arm round my waist and we said bye to Monica before heading to
his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I grinned. "Thank you sexy" I
smiled and he winked at me as I got in the seat. He shut the door and walked ove
r to his side of the car and got in.

We both buckled up and then he started the car and drove out the drive way and g
ot on the road. I didn't know where we were going and I didn't care, I loved sur
prises unlike a certain boyfriend of mine. I was hungry again, I mean I had brea
kfast hours ago and after that we went for a run then went to the playground wit
h the boys for a few hours.

"Can you give me a clue on what we're doing?" I asked.

"We're going to eat then we're going to do somethings I've been dying to do"

"Like what?"

"Somethings I know you won't like but I'm sure we'll have fun, let's just say th
at list you told me make a while back"

"Jesse!" I yelled, scared as hell. That list was all the things he wanted to do
like sky diving, scubs diving-

"Baby calm down, it's our anniversary and please just do some of the stuff with
me. We have all day until nine o'clock when we have dinner. I just want to do a
bunch of stuff today and have fun"

"Doesn't sound that romantic"

"Yeah so? We still are having dinner together, plus it's our day and I want us t
o enjoy it"

"Fine, now what's first?"

"First we're going to feed you" he replied and I smiled happily about that. He c
ontinued to drive then well I was lost. I had no idea where we were, if it was a
nyone else I would have freaked out and though they were going to kill me or som
ething but I trusted Jesse.

He eventually stopped the car and got out then went and got something from the t
ruck before helping me out car. He had a picnic basket. Awe! He wrapped an arm a
round my waist then led me up a hill. I liked where this was going. We got out t
he hill and it looked so pretty. There was this huge fiel on the other side of t
he hill and I could see little flowers going all around the fence that surrounde
d the field.

Then I spotted a little pond and there were a bunch of ducks! "Jesse there are d
ucks!" I squealed and he rolled my eyes. "I knew you'd get excited now after we
eat we can go down there and fee the ducks" he replied and I smiled.

He placed the blanket down and I plopped down on it and he did too then he began
taking all the food out of the basket. "When did you get a picnic basket?" I qu

"When I left you the first time I went and asked my mom to make then the second
time when she called me into the kitchen I got the basket and went out the back
door and put it in the car"

"Smart boy" I replied and he smiled. I kissed his cheek and he handed my food an
d I dug in. He was eating an apple and staring out at the field. I was eating my
sandwich, it was so good. I had three of them, what can I say? I was hungry and
I was a werewolf.

"Look what I got" Jesse smiled and showed me a can of whip cream. I squealed and
he opened it. I opened my mouth and he sprayed it in my mouth and I began to cl
ose my mouth but it was too much whip cream. Jesse sudddenly kissed me and took
a lot of my whip cream! Jesse pulled away and licked his lips and I narrowed my
eyes. "Jerk" I mumbled and he chuckled and I took the can and sprayed it on his

face and he stopped laughing. I began giggling.

"Not funny" he grumbled and I tried to stop laughing and he sprayed some on me a
nd it got some on my face and as I tried to push his hand away the whisp cream g
ot over my chest. Jesse stopped and smirked. Before I could ask what he was doin
g he was kissing on my chest and sucking on my skin, and licking in my cleavage.
I let out a moan as he got further in my cleavage, at first I was disgusted but
now it was kind of sexy.
He moved up my body and got it off my face, it was on my cheek and near the corn
er of my lips. I did the same to him and kissed it all off of him, really lickin
g his face. We have so many issues but it was funny and cute. We finished up eat
ing and headed down to the little duck pond. Jesse brought some breads with us a
nd I got to feed the ducks. I love ducks, I don't know why but I do.

After that we didn't go up the hill and back to the car he led me somewhere else
and soon we were walking into the woods. I was clinging to Jesse's arms tightly
. Hey I was a bit cautious going into here. Jesse tried to reassure me it was fi
ne I just was nervous about what he has planned.

"Jesse!" Someone greeted and Jesse smiled.

"Hey Ray. I want you to meet my fiancee Violet, Vi this is a friend of mine, Ray

"Hi" I smiled.

"Nice to meet you ma'am, ready to go Jess?" He asked and Jesse nodded. I looked
up at him and he winked at me before following Ray and dragging me with him. I d
on't like where this is going. What if it's something scary?

All those scary thoughts wen out the window when I saw two horses. Eeek! I smile
d and Jesse let me go and I ran over to the horses. One horse was all black but
with a white spot on his noze, while the other horse was a brownish red color wh
ith black hooves. "Which one do you want?" Jesse asked and I frowned.

"I can't choose"

"Fine I will, I pick the black one now get on the red one" he replied and I roll
ed my eyes. I love him so much, even when he was being a jerk. He helped me get
on the red horse and I smiled, I was so excited. We were going horseback riding!

"Alright I'll see you two when you get ther" Ray stated then walked off.

"What does he mean?" I asked.

"He's a vampire, he's going to run there and when we get to him he'll take the h
orses" Jesse explained and I simply nodded, that makes sense.

Jesse soon saddled up on the black horse and nodded his head and soon we both to
ok off. We kept our horses side by side the best we could and followed a trail i
nto the woods. I smiled this was nice, I didn't see this coming. Jesse told me h
e had the whole day planned out.

Soon we were riding the horses as we made out way in some water. I followed Jess
e's lead as he cut off and went out the water and back towards another set of th
e woods. I followed and caught up with Jesse. He reached over and grabbed my ha
nd and kissed it. "Having a good time?" He asked.

"Yes I love horses, thank you for this"

"Welcom babe" he replied and let go of my hand. We continued moving and I enjoye
d the ride, I loved the view too as we ended up on a beach. I saw Ray a far dist
ance and we went over to him. Jesse and I thanked him then Ray handed Jesse a ba
g and Jesse turned to me and smiled. He pulled out my black bikini and I shook m
y head at him.

He helped me strip naked and change into the biking then he got into his swimmin
g trunks. The beach was empty and there wasn't much sun the beach was like in th
e shade but it wasn't cold it was pretty warm. Jesse and I played in the water t
hen made a sand castle. Well I tried and Jesse kept knocking it over we had fun
though, the time was spent with a bunch of laughs.

Jesse finally buried my body in sand then took a picture, I looked like a mermai
d. It was funny because on my sand body Jesse kept trying to give me boobs and w
ell he was pretty frustrated when the sand kept falling. It was so damn funny th
ough. Finally Jesse got the sand off me enough so I could actually move. Then he
gave me a piggy back ride back t the car even though he ran the whole way, whil
e carrying me and our clothes. There was this little home, Ray lived there, most
of the time and Jesse and I took a shower there then put our original clothes b
ack on then headed back to the car.

I fell asleep during the car ride so I was pretty shocked to find us pulled over

on a bridge that was said to be closed. "What are we doing?" I questioned.

"Bungee jumping!" Jesse cheered and I gaped at him. He dragged me out the car an
d I whined, I was terrified of heights and I didn't want to do this, I couldn't
do this. Why was he trying to kill me. With in matter of minutes we were instruc
ted had the gear on and standing at the edge of the bridge. "Jesse I can't" I cr
ied and he nodded.
"I'm doing it, I wanted you too but if you really are scared then you don't have
to" he replied and I groaned.

"Fuck you!" I yelled annoyed. I was going to jump and he knows it obviously as h
e laughed. I rolled my eyes at him and he nodded. The damn things I do for him.
"It's just like when we jumped off the waterfall" he stated and I gave him the b
ird. I really didn't want to do this.

We got the edge and I took a deep breath and looked at Jesse. "Can you ateleast
hold me and we can jump together?" I asked and he laughed and nodded. He pulled
me in his arms and we were facing eachother. He counted to three and well the do
uche bag jumped at two pulling me with him. I screamed and Jesse's laughter fill
ed my ears. I would have been pissed but I wasn't, I was glad he was happy plus
I wasn't letting go of him.

The wind blew against out bodies and my shirt flapped up exposing my back and my
stomach. It was hard to keep my eyes open and I didn't like the feeling of my
stomach dropping. I will do all this crazy stuff with him but he better know it'
s only a one time thing.

We finally came to a stop and our bodies springed up and down

my lips and instead of him just piulling away I pulled him in
t was the only thing keeping me from panicking about the fact
n and the blood was rushing to my head. I loved Jesse so much
forgive him if I died but I knew I wasn't going to die.

bit. Jesse pecked

for a real kiss. I
we were upside dow
buit I would never

When we were safely on the bridge I reluctantly said thank you to the guys and g
ot in the car and tried to calm down and breathe. Its scarier then it seems, shi
t it was scary to begin with. Jesse soon got in the car with me and he said "tha
t was only the beginning"

Jesse then stopped in a forest well before we got into the trees and stuff. We h
iked up a mountain, it was nice and the view was amazing at the top. I was fine
as first started then it got tricky and almost to the top I got tired and finall
y gave in and let Jesse carry me since I had been telling him I could do it myse
lf the whole time.

Jesse put me down and there stood a helicopter. Oh no, we're not getting in that
are we. I gotten on a plane this year but that is clearly more safe looking the
n this damn loud helicopter. "Ready to go?" Jesse asked and I shooked my head an
d began taking steps back but tripped over a rock. I screamed but before I could
fall down the mountain and die Jesse caught me in his arm and I just let him dr
age me to the helicopeter I was in shock about the fact I could have just died.
Jesse was kind fo scred for me and we stayed silent the whole ride until the guy
driving or navigating, whatever it's called told Jesse to get ready.

My lovely boyfriend then told me we were going skydiving and we had to get suite
d up. I growled at him but kind of wanted to do it. I've always wanted to go sky
diving but I was too scared to but I knew with Jesse and all the other crap he h
as made me do I'd be fine. Once we were ready we were waiting for that guy to te
ll us to jump. I was infront of Jesse, that way he could pull the parachute. I w
anted to be in the back but I knew I'd be too busy hiding my face in Jesse's bac
k to worry about a damn parachute. The bad thing now is now that Jesse is behind
me I can't hide my face in his back and I'll be facing my doom.

"Jump now!" They guy yelled over the blaring wind and i began to whine. I couldn
't jump, have you looked down, it's nothing but clouds-before I got anothere tho
ugh Jesse pushed me in the back and we jumped off alright. "I'm going to kill yo
u!" I yelled and he ignored me and the wind began blowing against my face and I
kept falling down. I wanted to cover my face but I had to spread my arms and cra
p. I had fun doing the bungee jumping after I did it, since it was thrilling, I'
ve enjoyed the day even though I'm scared of everything at first.

Soon Jesse pulled the parachute and we safely landed to where we were suppossed
to. I was still pretty upset though. Some guy gave us a ride back to Jesse's car
, it took like an hour together but I was okay with that since I was curled up i
n Jesse's lap, I always felt safe and secure in his arms.
Jesse told me that was all for the day and I was relieved. I thanked him for the
adventurous time and told him that I did enjoy the day with him. Now I was read
y for that dinner though. Jesse dropped me off at the pack house and I began get
ting dressed. I had picked out the dress I'm wearing tonight a week ago.

Jesse told me not to get too fancy so I didn't. I ended up buying a short purple
dress. Before I got ready for tonight I went and took a nice long shower. Then
I slipped on my strapless, white lace bra and my matching white, lace panties. H
ey I knew we weren't having sex but I had no doubt he was going to get me out of
my dress and well I wanted to look good.

After that I slipped on my dress. It was purple and short. At the top it was shi
ny, the fabric was silver with a bunch of different shades of purple roses. Then
the skirt was kind of a see through fabric but there were many layers and it sh
owed the soft purple of the dress. It was a strapless dress that came mid-thigh
and brought out my eyes and I loved it.

After that I went and straightened my hair to perfection and let my long golden

brown hair fall down my back. After that I did my make up. I put on eyeliner, ma
scara, and a darkish purple and then added a smokey effect to it adding a layer
of gray over top and that made the original dark purple look lighter and appeare
d the same color of the skirt of my dress. And at the top of my eyes it was sil
ver looking like the top part of my dress. It matched perfectly and I loved it.

I added some blush to my cheeks then put on some pink lip gloss that made my lip
s shine and made my lips appear more pink then the natural color of my lips and
I loved it. My lips gloss tasted like strawberry. What? I couldn't help but lick
my lips a bit.

After I was dressed I put on ym silver heels. I got my nails and toes done yeste
rday and my tips are a bright purple and they were really cute. I added some per
fume then grabbed my littly silver hand purse and headed downstairs right when J
esse walked into the house.

He stopped in his tracks and his beutiful blue eyes met my gray ones. He smiled
at me and the smile made my knees weak but I carefully made it down the steps. J
esse grabbed my empty hand and looked me up a down and gave me a little twirl be
fore pulling me into his arms. "You look gorgeous, completely stunning" he whisp
ered in my ear. I smiled at him and got a look at him.

He looked so good. He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a white v-neck that
clung to him and showed all his muscles, he had on white Nike's and a dark blue
blazer. I bit my lip as I checked him out, he was really irresistible.

"You look pretty darn good yourself" I replied and he chuckled.

"Thank you, and these are for you" he smiled and handed me a bouquet of roses. I
t was full of reds, pinks, and dark purples. I hugged him and muttered a thanks
and he followed me into the kitchen as I grabbed a vase and filled it up with wa
ter and placed the flowers in it then took the vase upstairs and put it on my ni
ght stand.

After that Jesse and I left the pack house and we got in his car. The radio was
playing and I was humming along to the song and Jesse was holding my hand in his
free one as he drove. I didn't know where we were going but I didn't care, toda
y has been amazing.

We came to a stop and an all too familiar mountair stood infront of us. I looked
at Jesse and grinned. He winked at me then hopped out the car and I took off my
seatbelt right before he opened my door. He helped me out the car and I grabbed
my little wallet purse and we headed towards the mountain. I looked at Jesse an
d he smiled at me before picking me up bridal style and carrying me up the trail

of the mountain to the beautiful cabin.

When we got to the top I saw the cabin and I took a sniff, it smelt like cinnamo
n. I moaned, I loved cinnamon, plus the smell was so intoxicating. He put me dow
n and wrapped an arm around my waist as he led me inside the cabin.

Once I stepped inside and looked at the place I gasped. It was dark besides the
dim light coming from the kitchen and the candles that were all over the house.
I smiled and looked at Jesse. He smiled back at me and led me more inside and sh
ut the door.
He led me over to a small little table and pulled out a chair for me and I sat d
own. There was a silver platter infront of me and then a vase behind my platter
that held one single red rose, then on each side of the vase were a tall lighted
candle. I bit my lips and tried to stop smiling because my cheeks were starting
to hurt but I couldn't he was too sweet, the place looked and smelled amazing.

He went into the kitchen real quick and came out with a bottle of wine. I grinne
d and he rolled his eyes and chuckled, "I wanted to be the first person you'd ev
er drink with and I was afraid you'd drink without me after I told you that you
couldn't have time of drink. And for our completely romantic night I got us red
wine" he stated and I grinned.

"Now if you don't like then that other glass to your left is tea" he said and I

"And I got orange juice in the fridge" he winked and I blushed furiously. He pou
red my glass and then his glass then put the wine away, telling me that was the
only cup I was getting through dinner. When he said that I couldn't help but ask
if that meant after we ate I could drink some more which he said no to.

He took off the cover of my silver platter revealing my huge plate of delicious
food. It was spaghetti! That was my favorite but I didn't tend to eat it a lot,
that way when I do have it, it blows my mind like it just did. I immediately dug
in and Jesse watched me as he slowly ate his food, his plate being less full th
en mine but I was okay with that he is a vampire who doesn't need to eat at all.

Jesse and I talked casually over dinner and I sipped on my wine and it was prett
y darn good. I wasn't expecting to drink a lot, I knew this was like a one time
thing until I was 21. I didn't care though I just wanted to drink something. It
was only wine, soon I was going to work my way up to asking Jesse for sips of hi
s drinks so I can taste other stuff.

After dinner we sat on the loveseat and Jesse had the fire going in the fire pla
ce. Then he went a got us a blanket and I kicked off my heels and he joined me o

n the couch after putting on a movie. Just like I wanted, we cuddled up under th
e blanket and watched the Notebook and I cried a couple of time but Jesse just w
iped my tears and we enjoyed the movie.

"Happy Anniversary" Jesse whispered as he pulled the covers over us, I was half
sleep and couldn't say it back. He had carried me to the bedroom and got us both
into bed and I fell asleep in my arms with one thing on my mind, best anniversa
ry ever.
Chapter 8

*Violet's P.O.V*

I headed downstairs to look for Jesse. It was Christmas! I had slept in this mor
ning and when I woke up Jesse was watching tv and dressed for the day. I went an
d took a shower and I just got out so I am looking for my hunk of a fiance.

I found Jesse in the basement with a bunch of guys. They were playing Call Of Du
ty, really? I rolled my eyes and made my way over to Jesse and he was sitting on
the couch. I walked behind the couch and placed my hands on his shoulders once
I was completely close to him. He tensed and I began kissing on the back of his
neck and he let out a groan. "Vi your going to make me lose" he stated and I gap
ed at the back of his head.

"Really? Wait how did you know it was me? And I would think I was more important
than a game" I replied, pretending to be mad.

"I knew it was you because you smelt like strawberries, delicious
d plus your lips are so soft and perfect plus when you kiss on me
now what your doing and can turn me on unlike any other girl I've
as for the game I don't give a shit" he stated and turned around
ontroller to Macolm and grabbing me, pulling me on his lap.

by the way. An
you actually k
been with. And
throwing the c

I let out a yell as I fell backwards on the couch to land in Jesse's lap. Nigel
pushed my feet away from him, but didn't take his eyes off the tv screen. I roll
ed my eyes at him and nudged him, "hey best friend" I replied sarcastically and
he groaned in annoyance and I laughed.

I turned my attention to my fiance and pecked his lips. "I missed you" I stated.

"Weren't you two just together?" Nigel asked rolling his eyes.

"Fine I'll be more specific. Jesse I was quite lonely when I was taking a shower
" I corrected adn Jesse groaned.

"Ooooh" the guys all teased and I blushed, I should have knew better. Jesse told
them to shut up and brought his lips to mine for a nice sweet yet simple kiss t
hat managed to leave me breathless and wanting more.

"There these idiots are" Courtney groaned coming downstairs with all the girls.

"Um well then..." Holden trailed off and all the single guys left. That left me,
Jesse, Allen, Weston, Justin, Malcolm, and Dalton. I sat there amused as I watc
hed all the girls fight with their guys about why they were down here playing vi
deo games.

"Violet isn't complaining about Jesse being down here" Allen pointed out.

"Yeah well Violet is going to get her ass kicked for being such a softy, and plu
s she's inexperienced with relationships and Jesse has her wrapped around his fi
nger as much as he is whipped" Courtney retorted and Jesse and I gaped at her.

"I am not!" I defended.

"I'm not whipped!" Jesse yelled and everyone stopped arguing to laugh at him.

"Dud you've been whipped since you met Violet. You wanted to hate her so bad but
dude you found her attractive, innocent, and sweet. Plus your possessive, jealo
us, and protective. If a guy looked at her a second longer than you liked you wo
uld kill him" Allen laughed and Jesse glared at him and I smiled.

"I love that about you, how your so protective of me, that you care about me so
much and that you love me. And everything else is quite sexy" I stated.

"How come when I'm possessive you don't find it sexy?" Dalton questioned Candice
and she glared at me.

"Because I find it annoying unlike her" Candice frowned and I stuck my tongue ou
t at her.

"It's because I'm a better girlfriend. And it's amazing since I am soooo inexper
ienced" I teased and Courtney and Candice glared at me playfully.

"You are a better girlfriend, and Jesse is just lucky that your so nice" Candice
replied and I smiled and Jesse kissed the top of my head. "I'm so lucky" Jesse
murmurred and I blushed and we got up and left the couples to bicker unnecessari
ly some more.

"I can't believe it's Christmas" I smiled and he pecked my lips.

"I can't believe your still in love with me"

"I love you so damn much!" I shouted loudly

s blue eyes. I felt like it was a crime for
. "What you thinking about?" He asked and I
"About us, how we're so incredibly happy" I

and he chuckled and I stared into hi

us to be this damn happy but we were
answered and he kissed my forehead.

"How could I not be happy when I have the most beautiful woman in the world in m
y arms?"

"That's why she's so amazing, her fiance is so sweet unlike some people" Kendra
frowned as everyone finally came out the basement.

"Good going Jesse!" Malcolm groaned and Jesse laughed.

"I know it's no fair, Jesse start being an asshole. Stop etting the bar so high,
you got our women expecting us to be how you are with Violet. It's disgusting h
ow whipped you are" Allen joked and Jesse and I laughed while Courtney glared at

"Hey it's Christmas stop with the arguing. My son is a prefect gentlemen because
...I would like to say I raised him right and I did...but truthly he got it toge
ther because he fell in love with Violet and he became the man she needed and wa
nted him to be not a boy who liked to sleep around. He became a man and his pers
onality didn't change but he got focused and Violet fell in love with them...plu
s they're in that happy newly couple first it got old until they got
engaged...soon they'll get used to it and the excitement dies down...and you'll
fight, you'll make up, and you'll somehow stay happy for years and years to come
" Monica smiled and Jesse and I gave her a hug.

"The excitement might die down but the truth is Jesse is a huge romantic" I smil
ed proudly and he looked away. If he wasn't technically dead I would assume he w
as blushing still I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks and he smacked my hands a
way and held my hands in his, entwining our fingers.

"I love you" I grinned.

"I love you more Mrs. Stevens" he grinned and I squealed, hugging him it sounded
so wonderful to hear him say that.

"I love you too" Monica teased and I pursed my lips.

"Don't ruin his confession of love for me" I frowned and she laughed.

"Sorry Mrs. Stevens" she winked and I squealed again.

"I want us to be married so bad" I moaned and Jesse chuckled.

"And I want it to be honeymoon time" he winked and I blushed and smacked his che
st as I pulled away from his embrace. Stupid perv, I love him though. Monica kic
ked everyone out the kitchen besides me. Jesse though stayed because he didn't w
ant to leave my side just yet. Isn't he the sweetest?

"Jesse" I giggled as he hoisted me up on the counter so I could get something ou

t the top cabinet. I hand been desperately reaching it, I knew Jesse could reach
but I loved that he let me get it myself, I felt proud of myself for finally ge
tting it.

He put me down and I pecked his lips. "I did it" I smiled as we pulled away and
he chuckled but nodded his head. "Yes you did" he laughed and stepped back so I
could move around the kitchen to help Monica cook.

"You guys are so disgusting, it was cute at first but now it's too much, are you
sure you two aren't doing it on purpose?" She asked trying to sound annoyed but
the smile on her face said other wise.

"It's not on purpose, it's just things are so perfect right now" I explained.

"Well Jesse get out, your a distraction to her and we need to get this dinner do
ne" Monica huffed. Jesse frowned and wrapped his arms arond my waist.

"I can't leave my little Violet" he said pouting a bit talking in a baby voice.
Monica let out a frustrated groan and snapped, "I love you both and it might be
Christmas but you know how I feel about holidays and cooking especially with my
aunt on the Jesse leave or you two cook instead"

"We will" Jesse replied and I smacked his chest and Monica stormed out. "Jesse!"
I shouted and he shrugged, "what?"

"You just ruined your cuteness"

"How? I mean come on now we can spen the whole time cooking together" he replied
and I smiled. I wanted to be mad but the way he was pouting slightly like I'd t
ell him no just made me want to kiss him so bad.

"Alright you got to be serious though Jesse, we really got to make dinner" I sig
hed already getting stressed out. Jesse's hand went to my hips and he kissed me
hungrily and I was so in shock but I kissed him back ignoring the rational thoug
ht of we didn't have time to kiss, I told that side of my brain to make some dam
n time.
When we pulled away Jesse's eyes showed lust and love but he took a deep breath
as he closed his eyes and I noticed him forcing himself to calm down. I knew wha
t I was about to do wasn't helping but I don't know why he's so irresistible, I
placed a hand on his cheek and slowly let it fun down his body, down his chest a
nd stopping when I reached the waist band of his pants. He let out a moan and pu
lled away from me making me frown.

He opened his eyes and I saw determination in them. "We'll make the best damn di
nner ever" he stated and I smiled widely. That look in his eyes made me know for
a fact I had nothing to worry about.

We both got started on the dinner and it was only 11 in the morning. Jesse and I
were doing great and he was keeping me very happy as we sung to random songs wi
th no music playing. DId I ever mention how good of a singer Jesse was? He will
only sing infront of me though. Why? I don't know at all but I loved the giddy f
eeling I got thinking I was so special for being the only one.

I think I finally understood and believed that everyday with the person you love
you do fall more and more in love eachday. It was true, Jesse and I knew each o
ther so well and it was amazing to learn things about one another, just small cr
azy things but I loved it, even if we teased each other about what we learned or
called them weird and usually Jesse called me a dork or a nerd. If it was anyon
e else I would be offended but when he says it I shrug it off because I know eve
n with all my weird quirks that he loves me.

I loved him so much. It was so hard to explain in words how much I loved him, bu
t he knew. He had to know, I could show since I couldn't tell him. I knew that w
as enough proof that I loved him seeing I always showed it without even trying l
ike-my thoughts got jumbled as I groaned mentally.

"Jesse!" Reba exclaimed coming intothe kitchen dropping her bags and pulling him
away from me, and hugging him. I gasped at her actions. I was just holding my m
an, okay it sounds where but it was true. He was at the stove and he was the one
doing stuff so I stood next to him with my arms around his waist, even though I
was sidways and leaned my head on his chest.

I pulled him out of her grip. He did look kind of nnervous as I pulled him away.
Reba glared at me and I glared back. Yup I always show my love for Jesse like d
ealing with his annoying, over protective, rude, and bitchy aunt of his. "What t
he hell?" Reba exclaimed.

"That's what I was wondering when you did it first to me!" I yelled and wrapped
an arm around his waist and he threw his arm over my shoulder. "Violet calm down
" Jesse whispered and I gaped at him, and I thought he was on my side. No he was
trying to calm me down so I didn't kill his aunt.

I frowned. How could he love that bitch? Oh wait because she actually was nice t
o him! I fucking hated her, she was a pain in my ass. Remember when I said thing
s were perfect well emphasis on the WERE part. I pushed Jesse aways and went to
the stove.

"Your so bi-polar" Reba stated rolling her eyes and giving me a disgusted look.

"Get out!" Jesse yelled at her and she gasped.

"E-excuse me?" She stuttered.

"Now!" He ordered pointing to the exit. She scurried out the room and Jesse sigh
ed and ran a hand through his hair and turned to me. I tried to keep my face emo

tionless, to hid the hurt from before, the shock, and the confuseness I was feel
ing right now. It hurt that I thought he was taking her side, I was shocked he k
icked her out, and I was confused as to why.

Then thinking about maybe he wasnted to talk to me in private. He was probably u

pset with how I acted and now I was not going to hear the end of. Tears came to
my eyes thinking about that, she always stood in the way of my happiness and it'
s like Jesse's love for me was put to the side when it came to me and was replac
ed by the love and respect he had for my aunt.

What surprised me was how fast I was in his arms and he was wiping my eyes becau
se of the tears that fell and he was whispering, "don't cry" over and over in my
ear. I thought he was mad, maybe he was just sympathizing for me right now beca
use he did love me even if he was upset with me.
"Don't do this to me" I sobbed and pushed him away.

"Do what?" He questioned, his hands having a firm grip on my hips so I was withi
n reach of him and I was too upset to answer him and just yelled, "this!"

"What is 'this' Violet?"

"You can't just hold me and tell me not to cry when your upset with me! I don't
want you to stop me from crying only to make me cry again!" I yelled and pushed
his hands away.

"Violet, please stop crying-"

"Get out!" I shouted and he didn't budge so I pushed on his chest and kept going
but he was still in the same place. "Leave! Please" I begged and he walked out
the kitchen without a word but I didn't miss the sad, hurt, and pained look in h
is eyes.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

He hurt to have her push me away but I left knowing that my presence was just up
setting her more and more. Why? I had no idea, I was about to talk to her until
she started crying then yelling at me to get out.

I went to find my aunt and when I did I took a deep breath and ran a hand throug
h my hair. "I'm so sorry auntie, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that and I

apologize-" I began.

"What did you do to Violet?!" My mom demanded to know, interupting me.

"I don't know, now drop it. I'm trying to have a conversation"

"No my future daughter is in tears curled up in a corner-" I cut her off because
it was killing me to hear how upset she was but Violet made it clear she didn't
want to see me and it angered me I couldn't take her pain away and cheer her up
because she didn't want my help, for some unknown reason.

"She's my girlfriend! Leave it alone, she chose to cry and push me away!" I yell

"Watch your tone when your speaking ton your mother" my dad interjected and I gr
oaned in annoyance.

"Auntie as I was saying, I'm very sorry for yelling but we need to talk" I state
d and she nodded. My parents took a seat and curiously watched us.

"I don't care what you think of Violet. I love you and I respect you and it was
rude of me to yell at you. The thing is as much as I love you and others I will
always love Violet more than anyone. She might not understand why I love you but
I do because you have always been there for me, your like a second mother to me
especially when my own parents were too busy for me. And I thank you for loving
me and caring for me but I'm only going to tell you once. I don't care that you
and Violet fight, or don't get along not everyone can or does get along but you
will show her respect. She's the only girl for me and I love her more than life
itself and I will never let her go now watch how you treat and talk to her. And
stop provoking her all the time. If you keep doing it and you two keep fighting
like this I will have no choice to let one of you go. And you don't want me to
have to choose between the two of you because I will always pick her over you, o
ver anyone without a second though about the subject, do you understand?" I ques
tioned and she slowly nodded.

I walked out the living room leaving everyone in shock. I went to go check on my
fiancee, I know she was upset with me for whatever reason but I needed to go se
e her, it was tearing me apart to be away from her knowing she is so upset. I ne
eded to make her feel better, stop her for crying because it hurt and pained me
to know she was so sad and in pain and hurting herself. I loved her and I needed
to go show it, not let her push me away.
Chapter 9

*Jesse's P.O.V*

When I got to the kitchen I found Violet was sitting on the floor hugging her kn
ees to her chest with her back against the wall. I went over to her and sat down
and wrapped her in my arms. "Baby please stop crying" I whispered and cradled h
er in my arms.

"Are you mad at me?" She whispered and I furrowed my eyebrows. Why would she thi
nk that? "No, of course not baby" I answered and she looked up at me and I frown
ed. I wiped her eyes and she re-adjusted herself on my lap. She was now straddli
ng me and staring at me with her head tilted to the side.

"You aren't?" She sniffed and I smiled sadly.

"No Violet, I'm not mad at you. I'm definitely worried though. I mean what did I

"I'm so sorry, I feel horrible. I shouldn't have yelled at you, I thought you we
re upset with me and...and I-"

"Shh...I forgive you"

"No, I want to e-explain" she sobbed.

"Let's go to our room"

"But the food"

"Fine, we can talk later"

"Can we just pretend I didn't just breakdown and be a jerk?"

"You weren't a jerk" I murmurred and kissed the top of her head.

"Yes I was" she argued and I pecked her lips then pulled away and brought my lip
s to her neck. "If you want to keep arguing with me then that would leave to mak
ing up and I only know one way to do that so I suggest you cut it out" I whisper
ed and she laughed.

"Everything turns into sex with you, did you know that?"

"Well uh yeah I am the one saying it all"

"Your a jerk" she replied.

"I'm your jerk that you love"

"Yeah I do and I'm really sorry Jesse I-"

"You shouldn't bring it up, it never even happened" I replied and she nodded. Sh
e got off my lap and wiped her butt off and I got up and did the same, she had m
e sitting on the damn floor. Who am I kidding? I would have did anything for her
. Especially if I had to make up with her, even though I don't even understand w
hat happen between us this time. I don't really care either. All that mattered w
as my woman was happy again and we were okay.

*Violet's P.O.V*

Jesse and I took a break since most of the food was done. I went up to my room a
nd Monica came with me. I was still upset with myself for the way I treated Jess
e. When we got into the room Monica told me what happened with Jesse and Reba.

Now I felt a thousand times worse. I know she didn't tell em for me to feel bad
because in all honesty it was good to know that he took my side. "Monica I shoul
d apologize though, I mean I just assumed he was upset with me and that he was g
oing to take her side" I stated.

"Hey it's over and done with, isn't that what he said? To just forget about it?"

"I can't Monica"

"Why not? I mean it's not really your fault. Think of it like this when somethin
g happens between you and Reba its like a routine that Jesse takes her side. How
were you suppose to know for once he was going to break that routine and take y
our side? It was okay to assume because your following the routine and to your s
urprise it changed and well you had already assumed, the damage was done. You ca
n't be upset with yourself because you didn't do anything wrong. Now you just ne
ed to ignore your little breakdown and leave it alone. Jesse isn't upset with yo
u and he loves you" she stated.

"I know that"

"Than nothing else matters" she smiled and I nodded. That was true, as long as I
had Jesse nothing else mattered at all. I hugged her seeing it did make sense w
ith her little it's a routine speech. I understood it and now I need to get over
it and get ready for today. It was Christmas for crying out loud. I needed to g
o get dressed and look good for my man.


It was now New Year's Eve. Jesse and I were in the basement with the rest of the
guys and the couples. Jesse and I have been great as usual and the whole Christ
mas thing we got over. Reba and I are getting along for once. We went out to lun
ch together a few days ago. I mean the first hour was so awkward until I blurted
out I loved Jesse and she sighed and said he loved me too and she could respect
Then we ended up talking about the wedding and well it was easy a bit after that
. Jesse was so happy it went well when I got home. He was surprised and thought
I was joking at first then I reassured him we actually did get along.

Now it was New Year's Eve. It was ten o'clock at night and I couldn't wait until
midnight, I was so kissing Jesse. I mean we haven't kissed all day. It was kind
of a bet, we were trying to see who would kiss who first that's if it was befor
e midnight. I mean I almost kissed him earlier but then caught myself and kissed
his chin. It was so funny.

I catch Jesse staring at my lips all the time. I mean I didn't think we would wa
nt to kiss this bad but I guess since we both have the bet on our mine thinking
about not kissing makes us want to kiss even more sometimes. Especially since hi
s arms are always around me and sometimes our faces inches apart you just want t
o close the space with your lips but we haven't. I mean it hits midnnight and I'
m kissing Jesse, I mean it's going to be an amazing kiss since all my passion fo
r the times I wanted to kiss him today is going into our kiss.

"Violet can you help me?" Monica asked and I nodded. I got off of Jesse's lap an

d kissed his cheek before following Monica upstairs. I helped her set up everyth
ing. More people were coming over and she was throwing a huge party that started
at 11 and ended at 3. It was going to be amazing.

I had took a nice nap earlier that way I can help and party all night
Monica and I set up the food and some decorations I went upstairs to
d. I think I was the only one not dressed for the party. I had a cute
s wearing too and I couldn't wait for Jesse to see it. He asked about
old him he'd have to wait to see it.

long. Once
get dresse
dress I wa
it and I t

He was only eager to see it since the girls and I went shopping and stayed out f
or like 6 hours. That left Jesse in the house bored and missing me. I felt bad b
ut I explained to him I had to get my hair trimmed and I got my nails done plus
there were like 10 of us girls shopping for dresses so we were all doing it toge
ther and had to wait until all of us had a dress.

I went and took a shower then began getting ready. The girls were going to be up
here soon to help me get dressed. I had bought two dresses from the store and I
didn't know which one to wear. I mean they were both cute, I mean I've worn bet
ter dress but these two both were shiny at the top like I wanted.

Once I was in my robe the girls came up and they decided I should wear my all si
lver dress instead of my black and silver dress. The only difference between the
dresses had been the shape of the skirt or the dress and the color of it.

I went into the bathroom and slipped on my dress. It was a strapless dress that
came mid-thigh. According to the girls it only looked good on me. I mean when we
had saw a picture of it, it wasn't all that but they said it was because of the
model. I mean because I had saw the silver dress in a magazine while when I wen
t shopping with the girls I bought the black and silver dress.

Now the dres I was wearing had rhimestones that were all silver and made it look
shiny. The skirt part was a gray but it was silk making it look silver. At the
top it hugged my curves and at the bottom if flowed even though the skirt was sh
ort. I thought I looked good though.

I let Courtney do my make-up and she did an amazing job. My lips were a dark red
that was kind of bright. My eyeshadow was gray but she put glitter on top of it
and it looked stunning. I had light blush on my cheeks that all the girls tease
d me about. They said I didn't need a lot because knowing Jesse he'd be making b
lush all night.

I didn't argue, I couldn't I mean my face was bright red when they said it. Then
the girls went on acting like Jesse impersonating him and his impression when h

e'd see me tonight. It was really funny and I was definitely blushing then. I me
an Tanya did the best impression and i blushed only because I could really pictu
re Jesse saying all the crap she was saying.

I was wearing silver pumps that had silver sequins all over it making them reall
y shint. It matched with my dress though and was really shiny like I wanted and
I loved it. Then I let Candice do my hair. She straightened it then curled it an
d it was freaking beautiful.
Once they were done teasing me and I was dressed we all headed downstairs. "Oh b
aby you look so-" Candice began trying to tease me again talking in her man voic
e. I laughed and put a hand over her mouth as we entered the kitchen where all t
he guys were at. They were all standing around with cups in their hands.

The girls laughed with me as Candice still tried to finish her sentence. I pushe
d her over to Dalton and once she was in his arms she began laughing. I walked o
ver to Jesse and he was taking a sip of whatever he was drinking. He wrapped an
arm around my waist and put his cup down on the counter as he wrapped his other
arm around my waist. I looked at Jesse and smiled and he kissed my nose.

"You look so-why are they staring at me?" He asked and I looked and saw all the
girls looking at us. "Just finish the damn sentence" Courtney urged.

"What?" Jesse asked, looking back at me.

"Nothing" I answered and he nodded.

"Anyways you look beautiful Vi" he whispered in my ear and then he kissed my sho
ulder. Then his hands traced over my cuves and he can to a stop at my hips. "So
sexy babe" he added and then wrapped his arms back around me and his hands locki
ng right under my chest. The girls all laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Damn why d
idn't we think of that?" Candice laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"I know we had gorgeous, hot, stunning-" Tanya began and I cleared my throat.

"Are we all done?" I questioned and they nodded. I looked up at Jesse who looked
confused, awe he looks so cute. I turned in his arms and grabbed him by his chi
n. "You win" I whispered and then brought my lips to his and kissed him softly a
nd he soon took over the kiss and parted my lips with his own.

We pulled away and he was smiling at me. "You know if you waited a bit longer yo
u would have won" he smirked and I gaped at him and he chuckled.

"Come on cutie let's dance" he smiled and I nodded. I let him drag me out the
tchen and to the party. There were so many people here and then I realized it
s 11: 40 already. Jesse and I went to dance and we were having so much fun. I
ew he was getting turned on as I grinded against him. He warned me already to
op but I didn't.


It was finally time for the count down and we were back in the basement with eve
ryone. I was on Jesse's lap and we were watching tv with everyone. It was about
to be kiss central since everyone was getting ready to kiss. Everyone down here
were in couples besides the guys, Jesse's friends who are just down here with th
eir dates.

I looked at Jesse and he wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed. I turned in his lap
so I was no straddling him. I didn't even give a damn I was wearing a dress. Je
sse pulled me even closer and wrapped one arm around me while his other hand was
on my thigh, under the skirt of my dress. I threw my hair over my shoulders so
all my curls were falling down my back.

I pressed my body against Jesse's as I wrapped a hand around his neck and my oth
er hands was on his chest. I could hear the tv as they counted down from ten, th
ey were already at 4. I smiled at Jesse and he licked his lips and I bit my lowe
r lip. That made me want to kiss him even more. We leaned in as they got to two
and out noses were touching and we were staring into each other's eyes. "One" Je
sse whispered, making his lips brush against mine. Then he was full on kissing m
e and my eyes fluttered close as I kissed him back.

Our tongues fought for dominance and he easily won that but hey I wasn't going d
own without a fight. He controlled the kiss and his tongue explored every inch o
f my mouth and I did the same trying to taste all of him. I let my one hand tang
le in his hair as I got into the kiss more and more while my other hand left his
chest and slid up to his shoulder. I was trying to control my raging hormones.
It was just a kiss, I tried telling myself.

His hand that was on my thigh rubbed up and down slowly and I moaned into his mo
uth, loving the feeling. His arm that was around me left as that hand went to ho
ld the back of my head to keep me still as our kiss got more lustful. The kiss w
as passionate though as we kissed eachother with everything we had. It was like
we were never going to kiss each other again. I was loving it though.
I didn't care about the fact I was running out of air and fast. Breathing was no
t a priority right now. I didn't care that people were yelling and clapping arou
nd us. The only thing that matter was Jesse and his lips. The taste of him that
I found so intoxicating. He tasted like alcohol and like caramel. It was a weird
mix but I was loving it and couldn't get enough of it.

When we pulled away we were both breathing hard and i refused to open my eyes. I
was trying to focus on breathing and calming down. When I did open my eyes I wa

s again lost because I was starin into Jesse's mesmerizing dark blue eyes. I was
getting in his icyt blue orbs just like I got lost in our kiss. Everyone around
us faded away and were just in the background as we stared at eachother with sm
iles on our faces.

"I love you" he stated after a moment and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too" I breathed and he kissed the top of my forehead. He got everyon
e to shut up about teasing us and our little make out session. Eventually Jesse
and I went upstairs and danced some more and talked to the guest. Eventually aft
er two I went upstairs to bed and of course Jesse came with me. I told him he co
uld have stayed down there.

"There's nothing I rather do then be with you" he smiled and I pecked his lips.
I went and took of my dress and slipped on my sweat pants and one of Jesse's t-s
hirts then climbed into bed. Jesse locked the door and turned off the lights and
joined me in bed after he stripped down to his boxers.

Jesse pulled me in his arms arms and kissed up my neck then up my cheek then pla
ced a soft kiss on my lips. "Happy New Year's baby" he muttered and I gave him a
small smile, I was half asleep already.

"Happy New Year's Jesse, I love you"

"I love you too, now go ahead and get some sleep" he whispered and kissed the to
p of my head. I cuddled closer to him and let myelf drift off to sleep in my fia
nce's arms. I loved my life, and it will only get better once he becomes my husb
Chapter 10

*Violet's P.O.V*

"What type of cake?" Our baker asked.

"Chocolate" I answered.

"Strawberry" Jesse answered at the same time and I looked at him and furrowed my
eyebrows. "Strawberry cake?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Can you give us a moment?" I asked the baker sweetly and he nodded and walked o
ff. I turned to Jesse and he smiled sheepishly. "You want us to have a strawberr
y wedding cake?" I questioned him.

"No chocolate is fine"

"Jesse if you want straawberry that's fine baby, we can get whatever you want. I
just thought we both liked chocolate"

"I do like chocolate I just thought we'd have something different rather then th
e regular vanilla or chocolate cake. I mean of course the icing would be differe
nt and everything" he replied and I pecked his lips.

"We can get chocolate. I guess it makes sense since it's our wedding cake and it
's for everbody" he replied and I slowly nodded. I mean I knew he loved chocolat
e as much as I did. We called the baker over and went over the rest of the detai
ls for the cake. I was so excited. The cake was going to be purple against Jesse
's better judgement but I reassured him it would be fine. He easily let it go wh
en I brought up our honeymoon, horny bastard. Got to love him though, because I
know I do, more than anything in the world.

"Why couldn't the cake be white though?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Because I want something on it and it would be weird to have white icing on top
of a white cake" I stated, rolling my eyes dramatically and he laughed and we g
ot in his car.

"Whatever if it looks creepy I'm going to hurt you. That's girly to have a purpl
e cake" he grumbled.

"I'm a girl. And people think your whipped. I guess not whipped enough because a
pparently being macho is more important than your fiancee" I retorted, pouting s

"Awe Violet, baby I'm sorry. Your more important than anything I swear. I love y
ou Vi, so much and I am completely whipped. I'm fine with the cake, I'll get ove
r it I promise. I mean come on I am so whipped honey, I mean look we already got
the cake and will be purple" he ranted and I laughed, he was so cute and sweet.

"You were messing with me weren't you?" He asked, giving me a fake glare. I nodd
ed and smiled sheepishly but he shook his head and got the car started and focus
ed on just driving home. "Jesse come on I'm sorry. Babe I just didn't want to he
ar you complaining. I really didn't, I'm so sorry-" I began.

"Violet you should know I was messing with you. I wouldn't be mad at you for tha
t babe" he winked and I pouted. Damn it, he got me. I really thought he was upse
t with me. I mean come on I can't handle Jesse ignoring me, it breaks my heart.

"Not funny, I was worried about you. I hate seeing you upset or mad at me, it ki
lls me Jesse"

"Not you know how you made me feel. Everytime I hurt you, I beat myself up after

"Oh, I'm so sorry. No more joking like that?"

"Agreed" he smiled and I leaned over and kissed his cheek. When we got to the ho
use we got out the house and headed inside. "Babe, I'm going to go to the store,
I'll catch you later?" I questioned and he frowned.

"What? Why didn't you tell me? I could have taken to the store"

"I need um...girly products" I lied and he scrunched up his nose in disgust.

"Uh alright, call me later. I think I'm going to go hang out with the guys" he r
eplied and i nodded. I gave him a huge hug and when he tried to pull away after
hugging me back I didn't want to let go. He chuckled and wrpaped his arms around
me again and just held me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes" I whispered.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I just don't want to let you go. I was going to want your attention later
after I take care of some things"

"Baby I'm never to far away just call me and see if I'm home. If I'm not I'll co
me right home for you" he replied and I smiled and pulled away. He pecked my lip
s then his hands grabbed my ass. "I will always come to you baby girl" he stated
and I blushed. I said bye to him then decided to leave.
I rushed to the store and picked a couple of things up. Tomorrow was Valentine's
Day and Jesse wanted to have dinner but I told him I simply wanted us to just r
elax. I rather stay in his arms all day and just talk. I mean I love going on da
tes with him but sometimes I like just enjoying his company and simply relaxing.
And I also made him promise no gifts because it was so hard shopping for him.

When I got to the store I got cake mix-strawberry, strawberries, whip cream, and
strawberry icing. Jesse didn't get his strawberry cake as our wedding cake so I
figured I could bake him a little one. See I can do things for him. I mean he a
lways does things for me that are completely sweet. I just want to do something
for him just to make him smile and show me he's happy.

I decided to simply go to the pack house because I knew Jesse wouldn't be here s
ince he's with the guys. When I got there I got started. Following the direction
s on the back of the box. It wasn't too hard either.

I mixed all the ingredients in a large bowl then poured it into two circular pan
s. That way I can easily stack them on top of each other. I soon had both of the
pans in the oven and I while I was waiting for them to bake I licked the bowl.
It was so good.

I already had an idea of how I was going to make this cake and I wanted it to be
perfect. Well at least look nice. I got out this huge platter thing and put the
first layer of cake down on it. Then I cute the top of that cake off. What? It
looked funny and I wanted a completely smooth surface.

THen on top of my new smooth surface I put on some icing, just on the top of tha
t cake. Then I grabbed the other cake and put it dirrectly on top of the other o
ne and did the same thing; cut off the top, just a little bit and then put icing
on the top. Then as now both of cakes were together it made one cake and I put
icing on all the sides.

After that I put strawberries on the top. Going around the rim of the top of the
cake. They were like a border on the cake and I used the whip cream to fill in
the area, applying whipcream over all the strawberry icing that was in between t
he strawberries.

It only took about two damn hours. I had icing on my face and had some whipcream
in my mouth, it was so good. The cake was officially done and I think it looks
amazing. It was then that I decided to call Jesse to come home. "Hello?" He answ

"Hey babe" I sighed, I was tired now.

"You ok?"

"A bit tired"


"Relax, I'm fine I just want you to come over to the pack house"

"Uh alright, I'll be there within ten minutes"

"Okay Jesse"


"Later" I replied and hung up. I sat there waiting impatiently for Jesse to come
over. I mean I was hungry and if he didn't hurry up I was going to eat this who
le cake by myself. I was surprised Jesse wasn't fat for a vampire but then again
he is very athletic plus I don't actually know how his whole digestive system w

I know he's been holding off sucking my blood for awhile but tomorrow since we w
ere doing nothing anyways I figured we might as well let him bite me and I wasn'
t taking no for an answer. Actually I think we were having dinner but just with
his parents. I arranged it, so it was going to be like a double date and I think
it was going to be fun even if Jesse would be unhappy with the idea seeing I ha
ven't told him about it yet and I was clearly running out of time to do so.

When Jesse got here I stopped him at the entrance of the kitchen and he smiled a
s he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Hey my beautiful fiancee" he greeted and
I blushed.

"Hello my sexy fiance" I winked and he chuckled then placed a small kiss on my l
ips then we pulled away. "I have a surprise for you" I sang and he raised an eye

"Oh really?"


"Well I don't know if I want it...I mean I already have you and can't
exactly put sex in a bag so-"


"I'm joking babe"

"And what if I meant sex?"

"Yeah right" he scoffed.

"What's that supposed to me?"

"That means I respect your wishes of wanting to wait and plus if you wanted me y
ou wouldn't call it a surprise you would let it happen naturally as we had falle
n into the mood to do so...even though I'm always in the mood I just need to mak
e you-"

"Would you cut it out?" I blushed.

"Your so cute Vi"

"Are you really always in the mood?"

"Yes, everytime I see you. I mean your just so irresistable"

"I am?"

"Yup, your so damn sexy"

"ALright stop before you make me forget what I was suppose to be showing you" I
replied and grabbed his hand and led him into the kitchen and he laughed when he
saw the cake. "I can't believe you did that for me" he smiled.

"Do you like it?"

"Of course I do Violet. I just didn't expect this at all"

"Well I figured you deserved to have your strawberry cake" I grinned and he grab
bed a straberry from the top and took a bite then offered me the other bite of i
t which I glad accepted. "Well let's eat" he smiled and he cut me a piece and th
en a piece for himself.

Jesse and I talked and laughed as we ate our slices of cake. After that I decide
d I was staying in the pack house tonight. I mean usually I'm with Jesse at his
place which I call home but the pack house is also my home. Of course Jesse was
staying with me tonight. I mean he still had clothes here and everything. I mean
we were here a lot but we always spend the night at his house.

We headed upstairs and took a shower before getting ready for bed. We were curre
ntly in bed all cuddled up and I kissed his chest, which was right infront of my
face seeing he was taller than me. "Tomorrow I was thinking we could spend the
day at the cabin" Jesse stated.

"Sure, sounds great but I forgot to tell you something..."

"Forgot to tell me what?"

"Well tomorrow we're having dinner with your parents"

"We're what?!"

"Calm down" I sighed. Now he was over reacting.

"I know I've been getting along with my dad but Vi that's so stupid-"


"Sorry. But seriously babe I don't want to have dinner with them that's like a f

"Date? Yes it is, we're having a double date tomorrow for dinner. Now you ned to
suck it up because I want everything to be perfect just like if we were to have
dinner together. I mean come on your mom and you need to work things out. I mea
n it Jesse. I know you don't mean to be so rude to her but you do it. And I unde
rstand that your the king of the clan and everything but babe she's still your m
other and your dad is still your father. I'm an alpha and when people tell me wh
at to do it ticks my wolf off but I control myself and you need to learn to do t
he same. Sometimes when you get seriously demanding and tell me not to do someth
ing it pisses my wolf off but I ignore her, sometimes I don't even hear her grow
ls and it's because I respect you as my partner and no matter what I don't let t
he power of being in charge take over. I know your capable of controlling that n
eed to show your power because you do that to me and control yourself when somet
imes I piss you off. No need to lie I know sometimes I upset you baby, and just
like you respect me you need to respect your parents" I explained and he nodded.

"And for the record you don't upset me"

"Yes I do. Remember that time when Simon was in the hospital and I went to see h
im? You were upset with me because you didn't want me to go and against what you
wanted I went. Basically daring you to tell me I couldn't because I wasn't taki
ng no for an answer. You didn't flip out only because you respected that and kep
t control of that feeling we get except mine comes from my wolf and yours comes

"Myself" he laughed and I shrugged and pecked his lips.

"But please babe, if we can both control ourselves when we're upset with the oth
er we can control for other people we can make exceptions for which means for yo
u that you need to do the same for your parents" I stated and he sighed in defea
t and nodded.
"I get it and I promise to behave"

"That's all I ask" I smiled and he kissed my forehead.

Eventually I cuddled up with him and we said goodnight and all that good stuff b
efore I fell asleep in his arms. I was so tired and I easily fell asleep once Je
sse was holding me tight and I was cuddled in his chest. I just loved being in h
is arms even if I get chills everytime he touches me then the cold goes away as
I get used to it all over again.

"Jesse" I moaned as I woke up. Jesse moved away a bit and looked at him. "I love
when you moan my name" he whispered and I blushed.

"I love waking up to you"

"You'll always wake up to me"

"Actually there was a couple of weeks I didn't. Remember those two weeks when yo
u were out of town-"

"That was nearly a year ago"

"True but what about when I wake up and your not here"

"Well fine smart ass, you'll always wake up knowing I'm yours and your mine"

"I'm yours? Jesse your the one that's whipped and yes you are mine, but you real
ly think it's vice versa?" I teased.

"Yes" he grumbled angrily. I knew I was getting to him. Even if he knows I'm mes
sing with him he can't help but get upset.

"Your so cute" I giggled.

"Shut up"

"I'm most definitely yours" I stated and he smiled at me and pecked my lips befo
re letting his lips go to my neck. I pulled away and shook my head. "It's too ea
rly" I smirked and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Yeah we still have a few months to go"

"Jerk! I didn't mean sex I just meant in general, I was just waking up"

"So? We've done it then before"

"You know what smarty pants...I'll tell you when I think of something" I grumble
d and he laughed at me. I pursed my lips at him and climbed out of bed. Stupid,
sexy jerk. He always has something to say.

Jesse got up, still laughing and wrapped his arms around me and pecked my lips.
"I'm sorry baby, I really am now let's shower then head over to the cabin" he wh
ispered in my ear and I simply nodded. Of course I wasn't mad. I mean come on he
's my fiance and I love him plus life is too short to get mad at people and stay
mad and for me to be mad at him over laughing at me would be stupid and childis

Jesse grabbed my hand and led me into the bathroom then he began to strip me unt
il I was naked which was easy seeing all I had on was one of his shirts and I wa
s wearing panties but that was it.

Jesse and I took a long and cool shower. I don't take hot showers at all anymore
and when I want to I only make the water warm. I mean Jesse isn't one who likes
things that are hot because just like it stings to touch something so cold to m
y over heated body its the same for him just vice versa. Jesse doesn't care thou
gh, he says I mean more to him and he'd take any pain if it would make me happy.
I wasn't selfish though. I wouldn't make him suffer just to have a hot shower,
plus now I've grown accustomed to not having it that hot anymore and I don't min
d unless it's really cold.

When we got out I bit my lip. I had a dress I wanted to wear to dinner tonight b
ut I didn't know if I should put it on now and wear it all day or not. "Nah just
put it on later, you'll have to do your make-up and hair later anyways" Jesse s
tated and I smiled.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" I asked with a small small.

"You've been staring in the closet for about five minutes and had your thinking
face on"

"I don't have a thinking face" I mumbled.

"Yes you do. Your lip purse and switch side to side and your eyebrows furrow whi
le you always have a hand on your hip" he smirked and I moved my right hand off
my right hip.


"Your just jealous I know you better than you know me"

"I know you just as well if not better!" I yelled.

"Prove it" he smirked.

"Fine. When your stressed you tug on yourt hair, when your indecisive you glare
at whatever your looking at, when your upset you constantly run a hand over your
face, when your annoyed you run your hand through your hair 3 times in a row fo
llowed by a sigh, when your worried you can't sit still, and when your actually
sad you put your face in your hands and ignore basically everyone" I retorted an
d grabbed a shirt out the closet along with a pair of dark skinny jeans.
"That proves nothing" Jesse grumbled and I got dressed quickly telling him it me
ant everything and then we both agreed we knew eachother very well, and just the
same amount.

Once we were at the cabin Jesse led me inside carrying my bag and my dress that
was in a black bag so he couldn't see it. He took all my stuff to the bedroom an
d then I began to make myself something to eat. Jesse walked into the kitchen an
d wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled as he kissed the side of my neck

I soon ate then we found ourselves cuddled on the couch watching movies all day
before I went and got ready for tonight. I had a cute dress and I easily unzippe
d the bag and took it out.

I was soon dressed in my short red and black dress. It was a strapless with a he
art shaped neckline. It had a thick black belt well actually it was more like ri

bbon that had a red flower on it in the middle. Above the ribbon, at my chest ar
ea it was all red with a black lace that had little sequins on it and it covered
the red of the dress at that area.

Then under the black ribbon was the skirt part that was red completely but on to
p of it wasw a thin fabric that was see through which had a bunch of black flowe
rs on it and the whole thing draped over the red part. The black fabric at the b
ottom had a wavy design that I loved which made me feel like twirling around to
see it move around also.

I then put on my diamond neckalace Jesse got me months ago along with a silver b
racelet and these earrings I had that had red feathers on them and the red feath
ers had a spotted black pattern on it.

I pulled on my red heels then went into the bathroom to get started on my make u
p. I simply added some blush then did my eyes. I put on some dark red eyeshadow,
some eyeliner, and some mascara. I did my lips putting on some red lipstick the
n I was done. It took longer than it seems, about 30 minutes. Hey, I wanted it t
o be perfect.

"I'm ready" I sang as I walked out the bedroom.

"I'm at the door" Jesse stated and I made my way to him and he gave me a little
kiss before we headed out. This day has already been great and dinner should go
well. I was so glad that Jesse and I simply spent the day together. He wasn't ou
t with the guys, I wasn't shopping or out with the girls, and neither of us were
busy at all.

When we got to the resturaunt Jesse and I found his parents and joined them at t
he table and greeted them. At first we were going to just have dinner at the hou
se but Monica nor myself wanted to cook plus we figured it be better if we went

It did feel a little weird I was the only werewolf and there were three vampires
with me. Any other time I wouldn't mind it's just now we were in a resturaunt.
Everything went smoothly though, we all got along like grown adults which we all
are besides the fact Jesse pointed out I was still a teenager-stupid jerk.

After that Jesse and I went home and well his parents decided they be home later
. "Ready for bed?" Jesse asked and I nodded eagerly. We just got home and I am s
eriously tired. Jesse picked me up bridal style and I clung to him and he ran to
the room and I began giggling as we made it there.

Was it just me that found it sexy that he was that fast? I mean come on he got h
er within seconds. Jesse put me down and I pecked his lips before walking over t
o the dresser to change into a pair of sweat pants along with one of Jesse's shi

Jesse was already in bed and I figured he was just in his boxers since I could s
ee his clothes on the floor, he'll pick them up in the morning. I hopped in bed
and got on top of him so I was straddling him. He put his hands on my thighs and
raised an eyebrow. I pecked his lips then simply leant my forehead against his
and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Goodnight Violet" he whispered and kis
sed the top of my head.
"Night baby" I yawned and laid my head on his chest but never got off of him, I
was quite comfy.

"I love you Vi"

"I love you too Jesse" I smiled and slowly let myself drift off to sleep.
Chapter 11

*Violet's P.O.V*

"Jesse I want that one" I stated and he walked over to me. He stood behind me, p
lacing his hands on my hips and looked over my shoulder. He looked at where I wa
s pointing. Today we were ring shopping. Yup I was picking my ring now. "Alright
let me talk to the guy" he replied and I nodded but my eyes never left the ring
. It was so beautiful.

It was one of those rings that wrapped around your finger in like coils. I don't
know how to describe it but it was shiny, had a lot of diamonds, and was breath
taking. It had a big oval like diamond in the middle of it where two coils meet
. Then the other two coils went past it, not meeting but on each end they were o
n the sides of the big diamond. One was at the bottom while the other was at the
top and their were three circular daimonds that were kind of small there. Then
in the first two coils that met for the big diamond had small diamonds in them.

I don't know if that makes sense but I loved it. It wasn't as simple as my engag
ement ring but it was too extravagent but it was certainly beautiful. Jesse walk
ed back over to me while the guy that was in the stor grabbed the ring and measu
red my ring finger where I had to take off my engagement ring. After that Jesse
pulled the guy to the side and they discussed something. I furrowed my eyebrows.
I want to know what they're talking about.

I tried to listen in but Jesse was too smart for that his voice was really low a
nd I didn't want to walk over to them to get closer and make it obvious I was li
stening when it was clear that Jesse didn't me to know what they were talking ab

The guy handed Jesse a piece of paper and Jesse filled in some stuff and I simpl
y watched him. Why can't I know what was going on? I saw Jesse smirk and wink at
me seeing he saw me staring at him. I rolled my eyes and watched Jesse hand the
paper back to the guy and the guy laughed and Jesse joined in.

I groaned in annoyance. What the hell was going on? Jesse walked over to me and
kissed my cheek. "Ready to go?" He asked me and I narrowed my eyes.

"What were you two laughing about?" I questioned.

"It's nothing Violet, let's just go" he replied and I gaped at him and he began
dragging me out the jewelery store. "It's not nothing because people don't laugh
over 'nothing' so tell me what you two were talking about" I demanded.

"Babe your over reacting"

"I am not, I want to know Jesse so tell me, we don't keep secrets so don't start

"Fine. I was filling out some things like we did for my ring we picked out earli
er today and well I wanted to get an engraving on yours and when he read it he f
ound it funny. I'm not telling you what it says, you'll have to wait for our wed
ding day"

"Why would it be funny?" I asked.

"You wouldn't understand right now but he's in my clan and knows about us. I pro
mise it will make more sense that he gets it later when you see it"

"What does him being a vampire have to do with anything?"

"A human wouldn't find it funny. You'll get it later, not let it go" he urged an
d I sighed in defeat. I let him lead me to the car and he opened my door and I g

ot in and he shut it for me before walking around the car and getting in himself
. I better understand when I see the ring on our wedding day. And it better not
be immature or something because I'll kill him.

Jesse leaned over and pecked my lips. "Stop thinking about it, I promise you'll
love it" he reassured and I simply nodded. He started the car and was on the roa
d. He grabbed my hand and held it as he drove.

"Now are you suppose to meet the girls somewhere or am I taking you home?" Jesse

"Taking me home. The girls are meeting there and I'll be over later tonight" I a
nswered and he simply nodded. The girls and I needed to go shopping for me. I wa
s quite nervous to go.

"Are you going to tell me what you guys are doing today?" He asked sounding anno

"Baby I can't. You'll see oon our wedding day. I promise you that and I promise
you are going to love it" I smiled.

"I just don't get it. You have your dress, the girls have their bridesmaid dress
es, and everything is basically planned right about now"
"Trust me when you see it June 2nd you'll understand"

"Fine" he grumbled and I bit my lip to keep from laughing. I wanted to tell Jess
e but at the same time I wanted it to be a surprise. He drove me to the pack hou
se and I gave him a long sweet kiss before heading inside and watching him drive

All the girls were already here by the door and I sighed. It was me, Clara, Ciar
a, Candice, Courtney, and Tanya going shopping. We were all young so it was appr
opiate. You see I'm buying lingerie today along with other undergarments for my
wedding day. I still haven't decided if I'm going to wear regular undergarments
like a bra and panties or lingerie.

According to the girls they want me to bu alot since the

long. Yes I said two weeks. It was originally 1 week but
nd I have been waiting to have sex for so long it turned
make up for the last 8 months or so. I'm not complaining

honeymoon is two weeks

of course since Jesse a
into 2 weeks so we can

Now you understand why my aunt nor Jesse's mom or aunt is coming. I mean that wo
uldn't go to well for me. I wouldn't want Monica knowing I was buying lingerie a
nd her hear shopping with me because I'm buying it because I'm going to be havin
g sex with her son non stop for two weeks. Plus Reba would probably die and it b
e awkward if my aunt went since she's like a mom to me just like Monica is and i
t kind of creeps me out.


know everyone knows we're going to be having sex on our honeymoon but to me no
everyone needed to know what I was wearing or to be told that. Of course peopl
assumed things and they're right we'll have sex but I rather their imagination
take over then knowing I was wearing lingerie. To me its just embarrassing.

Courtney was driving everyone and well I was in the passenger seat while the fou
r other girls had to squeeze in her backseat. Courtney rushed to the mall and we
all headed inside together then the girls were dragging me into some stores. Oh
god. I didn't want to be doing this at all. Everytime I do step into one of the
se stores it makes me want Jesse to be here helping me escape and it makes me bl
ush thinking about Jesse's reaction if he saw me in any of these outfits plus th
e girls tease me the whole time.

"Alright first we need her bridal one that she'll wear under her wedding dress"
Courtney stated dragging me to where there was simply all white lingerie. I sigh
ed to myself. It was time to begin the blushing and the shopping. Apparently I w
as going to be buying 10 different ones. They could be whatever color I wanted f
or 9 of them but the one for my wedding day has to be a white one.

The girls began picking one out and showing them to me. Candice showed me one an
d I blushed furiously. "No. I'm not wearing that, it doesn't cover my ass" I sta
ted and the girls all laughed. Courtney showed me one next and I shook my head a
t it.

"I want something he can see through but covers me up because I like teasing him
" I admitted and they all laughed.

"Look at this one" Clara said and I looked at it.

"That's cute but does it come in a different color I want the one on our wedding
say to be the sexiest" I admitted and she nodded.

"They have it in black, purple, red, and green" Clara replied and showed me each

"I like it in black" I stated and I went and found my size and held on to it. On
e down, nine more to go. I liked this one though. Apparently it was called babyd
oll typer ofd lingerie. It was nice though.

It was black and tied around my neck. Then it had small slits where my breast wo
uld be and lace at the top of the cleavage. It was made out of silk eexcept for
the lace parts. It just barely would cover my butt and in the back it was all si
lk but in the front it was silk on the sides but lace in the middle. The lace wa
s black and of course see through and it had some black flowers on it. And there
was a small flower made out of lace that would go in between my breast. I liked
it alot but I was ging to need panties and when I wore my panties you will be a
ble to see them in the front through the middle lace part. Jesse was going to lo
ve it!
I ended up finding one myself. It was suspenders. It was a black corset that had
black lace over the top at the cleavage. Then the parts that covered my breasts
were read with a floral print on top that was black. Then the panties part was
that red pattern with black on the sides that had attatched the stockings part.
It had stockings that were black with lace at the top that was a the mid-thigh a
rea. It didn't show to much but I knew Jesse was going to like seeing me in it.
Now just 8 more to go!

I found another one. This one was a camisole. It was purple and it was real cute
. It tied around the neck and then came down like a dress that would barely cove
r my butt. At the cleavage it was all pueple lace you could see through with a f
loral pattern. Then the rest was some type of fabric that would cover my stomac
h but not my back. My butt would be covered though. It had like a skirt part tha
t was in tha fabric and it was in ruffles. Except there were only five ruffles a
nd the first was the regular purple fabric then the next would be a purple lace
ruffle and so on in that pattern down.

Eventually I ended up with 10 pieces of lingerie. I had a black one, a black and
red one, and a purple one then I got a red leather one, a hot pink lace one, a
dark green one that was a called a teddy, a navy blue silk camisole, a silver la
ce teddy, and a baby blue bustier. It took about two hours in that store but I g
ot all ten I needed.

I forgot to mention my bridal one. It was a white corset one. It was a white cor
set made out of silk, leather, and lace. The leather was only on the sides wher
e it covered the side of my curves. Then the silk was on the back. Then the fron
t of it the cleavage was white lace as was the middle of the front of the corset
and on the sides of the middle lace was white silk.

Then it had like white silk panties. Actually it was a thong and well it had the
suspenders thing attatched to it seeing it had white stockings but the girls th
ough I shouldn't wear the stockings part and I wasn't going to. Instead they bou
ght me a garter. I didn't know why but they were making me wear one. I know what
they were planning but I was hoping they would listen to me when I said no. I m
ean I'd wear and Jesse can take it off but I really didn't want to do it at the

The girls took the liberty of calling Jesse and putting him on speaker. "Guys if
he knows we got one he's going to know what we're shopping for" I pointed out a
nd they all seemed to think about. "Hello?" Jesse answered.

"Um hey babe"

"Hey Vi, you ok?"

"Not really-" I began.

"She's fine. Now Jesse we would like to know if you have a problem with your fia
ncee wearing a garter on her wedding day" Courtney interrupted.

"Oh you mean that tradition?" He laughed.

"Not funny" I growled.

"I would love to, I mean Vi wait until I can take it off of you. I can use my te
eth and-"

"On speaker!" I shouted.

"There are people with virgin ears here" I added.

"Your not virgin just to remind you" he replied and I bet he was smirking.

"I wasn't talking about me, I meant the twins" I frowned.

"Plus Jesse she might not be a virgin but she's still kind of inexperienced. I b
et there's some things you've never did with her or to her" Tanya chimed in.

"Yes there are" Jesse groaned.

"Babe hang up please" I begged.

"Can you come home?"

"Soon I promise"

"That's not the right answer" he retorted. Courtney was holding my hands because
she was finiding this amusing as we sat in the food court and the phone sat on
the middle of the table. I groaned in annoyance at him and his stubborness.

"Jesse please hang up" I urged.

"What's in it for me?"

"Are you kidding me right now?" I asked. Now I was upset. Why was he doing this?
I didn't like talking about this type of things. Sure I'm not virgin but I don'
t like talking about sex and stuff like that. And I hate that people always teas
e me about being inexperienced. It's embarrassing. I mean I'm 17 and up until I
met Jesse I had never even been kissed. I never did anything that had to due wit
h a boy.
When My parents were alive and I had friends all guys knew I was off limits by m
y guy friends and my girl friends that were older than me, and they were all ove
r protective of me since I was younger then them and they cared about me. Then m
y parents died and I pushed everyone away and everyone easily let me so I could

I felt tears come to my eyes and I tried to blink them back and listen to what J
esse was about to say. "No I'm not kidding right now. I miss you and I'm so bore
d, the guys were getting on my nerves. All I want is for you to come back home a
nd maybe I can show you some of those things" he replied and it took me a moment
to figure out what he meant.

"I'll be home later" I sobbed.

"Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying? I'm so sorry"

"For what?" I asked and wiped my eyes and the girls were trying to comfort me.

"For whatever is upsetting you. I'm sorry we're teasing you-"

"It's not you guys. I'm coming home within the hour" I stated and Courtney let m
y hands go and I hung up. I got up and wiped my eyes to stop the tears. I headed
to the bathroom and let myself cry it out. I really miss my parents. I miss my
dad. I miss my mom.

I'm getting married in two months and my parents won't be there. My dad can't wa
lk me down the aisle. My dad didn't get to threaten Jesse about what wouild happ
en if he hurt me. My mom never go to tease me about Jesse and I. She's not going
to help me raise my kids one day. The kids I want to have in a few years after
I'm married. My kids will only have one set of grandparents.

I need my parents. I miss them so much and it's not fair that they're gone. My l
ife is finaly good but their missing from this perfect picture. Neither of my pa
rents can ever even meet Jesse. Sure they are watching over me and obviously ove
r him to but Jesse can't meet them. He won't be able to meet them and be charmin
g with my mom and become friends with my daddy. Oh my gosh. Why am I doing this
to myself. They've been gone for a couple of years now. I need to get over it. I
did let go of them but sometimes it still hurts.

The girls were all in the bathroom right now and trying to talk to me and Jesse
was calling my cell phone non stop but I didn't want to talk about this. I wiped
my eyes and fixed my make up then smiled. "Um let's go to Victoria Secret" I su
ggested. I didn't give them a time to protest or anything because I walked out t
he bathroom and they all began following me and they let it go and we went shopp
ing at Victoria Secret and bought a lot of things then we all headed home.

When I got home Jesse came racing out the house and pulled me in his arms the mo
ment I stepped out the car. "I'm so sorry" he whispered and I wrapped my arms ar
ound him and just stayed in his arms.

"It's not your fault" I stated and he pulled away and looked my face.

"Are you sure? Vi if I upset you I am so sorry baby"

"Yes you did upset me but your not the reason I was crying" I replied.


"Just take me to our room please" I said and he nodded. He first got all of my b
ags, there were only 6 or so but there was a lot in them they were just clothes
so it was really that much since it was most lingerie and then just panties and
bras. He led me in the house and we headed upstairs to our room. I took the bags
ffrom him and gave him a stern look.

"Jesse seriously I'm not joking nor do I want to argue, do not go through these
bags or I will return everything in them" I stated. I was so glad that my Victor
ia Secret bags were in some other bags that the girls got for me that way Jesse
wouldn't see the name on the bags other wise he would put the pieces together.

"I promise
he closet.
his lips.
ogized and

I won't look" he replied and I nodded and shoved them on my side of t

I walked over to Jesse and wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked
"I love you and I'm sorry for worrying you baby...I really am" I apol
he shook his head.

"You have no reason to be sorry. I'm always worried about you because I care abo
ut you, I love you. I don't want anything to happen to you or hurt you physicall
y or emotionally" he replied, leaning his forehead against mine as he held my fa
ce with his hands on my cheeks.
"I was crying because...m-my parents are dead" I whispered.

"Baby it's okay to cry, I understand. I don't know how you feel but I do underst
and that it hurts. If you ever need to cry on my shoulder babe you can. I love y
ou and I know you miss them. And you can talk to me about anything and everythin
g" he replied and I smiled sadly and blinked back my tears.

"I just wish you got to meet them. They would love you" I stated.

"I bet I would love them. They are two of the greatest people in the world and i
n my life"

"Huh? How?"

"Because they made you, the most amazing girl I've ever met. Your the girl of my
dreams and the girl I love with all my heart" he answered and gave me a soft ki

"Two more months" I teased and he groaned.

"I know I'm counting the days" he replied and I giggled. It was April 7th so the
re was only two months until my wedding day. His hands went to my ass and he squ
eezed and I moaned.

"Jesse" I mumbled and he chuckled.

"I love that I have such an effect on you"

"You will always have this effect on me"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I am Jesse. You just always drive me crazy in a good way. You just-I ca
n't describe it Jesse" I frowned.

"No I want you to tell me how I make you feel"

"I can't" I whined.

"Shh...just speak what's on your mind" he replied and his lips met my neck and h
e began trailing his kisses down.

"That feels so good. Your lips are so soft" I moaned. Hey he said speak what's o
n my mind.

"Keep going"

"I just really want more then just light kisses. I want you to hit my soft spot
because your driving me crazy" I groaned out as he got closer and closer to my c
ollar bone yet he wasn't touching it.

"I want you to kiss me" I stated and he met my eyes before his clothes and mine

did thte same right before his lips met mine. He kissed me passionately and then
pulled away when we tan out of air.

"Tell me how I make you feel" he requested.

"You make me feel like I'm on cloud nine. When you kiss me like that you make my
toes curl and I just want you to kiss all over me. When you stare at me with al
l that lust in your eyes just turns me on. When you touch me on my sensitive are
as all I want to do is jump your bones. When you groan it makes me feel so proud
. Its like I can't believe your all mine and only mine. You make me feel so spec
ial and loved beyond belief" I breathed and felt myself blush. I can't believe I
told him all that. I meant it's just embarrasing.

"Your ccute when you blush"

"Your embarrassing me"

"Your embarrassed? Babe it's only me. I know the effect i have on you its just I
love when you express it because I know how you feel"

"Now tell me how I make you feel" I smirked.

"No way. What am I a girl?"

"Hey!" I shouted.

"I'm joking"

"You better have been"

"Or what?"

"Or-no changing the subject!" I yelled and he laughed and tried to walk away but
I grabbed him by his wrist and he sighed. "Fine" he sighed.

"Tell me" I demanded and he took a deep breath.

"Ok...When you kiss me all I want is way more. Everytime you tease me I begin to
lose self control and all I want is you. Everytime you smile I have to smile be
cause I love seeing you happy, it's what I live for. I feel like the luckiest ma
n in the world when I hold you in my arms. Everytime you tell me you love me I f
eel like...I don't know I just know that I love you back and that I could never
stop loving someone as amazing as you. To see you fall asleep in my arms makes m
e so estatic becaus your my girls and for hours I can just stare at you-sorry if
it sounds creepy but it's true. To see you wake up is so amazing too because it
feels so real. I feel like everything with you is so perfect that sometimes it
feels like a dream but seeing you wake up means everything is very real. We got
through a whole day together after you wake up and it proves to me you are my re
ality. You take my breath away when you kiss on me. Your laugh is literally musi
c to my ears, the tune that I can never get tired of. And you make me feel loved
just by being you and being there for me and I just want you to know I will alw
ays be there for you" he stated and I smiled happily.
"Yes it is kind of creepy" I laughed and he looked away.

"Babe I love you. Your so sweet and that makes me so happy. And I know what you
mean baby somethings are just so undescriable and its just so blissful" I added
and he pecked my lips. Before he pulled away I shook my head and pressed my lips
to his again bringing him in for a longer kiss.

I pulled away before he had me on the bed. I couldn't let him keep this up. I ha
d nothing against making out and I did trust we could keep control but we just h
ad that amazing conversation and I want to keep the atmosphere innocent. Plus I
am exhausted and I want to go to bed now, I'll take a shower in the morning.

Jesse stripped down to his boxers and before he walked into the bathroom I threw
a pair of sweat pants at him. "Their yours and I want you to wear them. I want
to keep everything innocent and seeing you sexy body isn't helping"

"What about my chest?" He smirked.

"Put a shirt on. I wanted you to wear the pants because I know what is under tho
se boxers and I want to keep the lust out of the atmosphere all night we can be
all sexya dn touchy feely in the morning" I answered and he chuckled.

"I'm putting on the pants but that's it, I don't get cold but I do get hot" he c

"Sounds good to me" I smiled and stripped down to just my panties and the slippe

d on one of Jesse's t-shirts, not one of his long ones though just a comfy one t
hat is simply loose and doesn't cover all of me, it doesn't cover all of my butt
it comes a bit past my butt and that's it but it smells just like him and is re
ally comfy and is perfect for sleeping in.

I slipped on a pair of small booty shorts that were made of some soft fuzzy mate
rial. I loved them and they were comfy. I went into the bathroom and brushed my
teeth and then put my hair into a messy bun. Jesse had brushed his teeth while I
was messing with my hair and taking off my make up.

Jesse picked me up bridal style and carried me into the room then he ran and thr
ew us on the bed and I let out a startled yell. I was still in his arms-kind of.
My butt was touching the bed and he was now laying on his stomach and we both b
egan laughing. "I can't believe you dived on the bed like that" I giggled.

"Believe it babe" he grinned and I got up and he rolled over to his side and we
got under the covers and I instantly crawled over to his side and he wrapped an
arm securely around my waist and pulled me even closer. I snuggled into his ches
t and took in his musky scent. I moaned in delight and closed my eyes. "Night Je
sse" I whispered.

"Night Vi, love you"

"I love you too" I smiled and let myself doze off. Two more months...two more li
ttle months. Then I get to marry this wonderful man. I can't wait to be married
to him. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stevens. Just to hear that make my heart race. June 2
nd had to be perfect. I just have this feeling its going to be one of the greate
st days of my life and I know it will be a day I will never foget even if everyt
hing goes wrong as long as at the end of the day Jesse loves me and I love him a
nd my name is Mrs. Violet Stevens.
Chapter 12

*Violet's P.O.V*

I woke up to Jesse shaking me. I groaned in annoyance and turned my back to him.
I was trying to get some more sleep. "Violet" Jesse laughed and I smiled and tur
ned back to face him. I was still in his arms and my eyes were still closed. "Co
me on babe its your 18th birthday" he urged and my smile widened and I slowly op
ened my eyes to stare at my fiance. "Ten more minutes, please?" I begged.

"No Violet"

"Why not?" I pouted and he sighed.

"Only ten more minutes" he grumbled and I giggled and pulled him closer to me so
I could snuggle back in his chest. He kissed the top of my head and I let my ey
es close as I felt sleep consuming me. Of course I jumped as there was loud bang
ing on the door.

"Come on birthday girl, we're going out to breakfast!" Courtney yelled and I gro

"Go away!" I shouted.

"Not happening, get up!"

"I am up" I stated.

"Jesse don't let her go back to bed" she called and I heard her walk away. I sat
up and looked up at Jesse and he smiled weakly at me. I leaned over and pecked
his lips. "Morning Jesse" I grinned and he chuckled.

"Morning babe and happy birthday beautiful"

"I can't believe I'm 18" I smiled.

"I can, now get out of bed"

"ONly if you join me in the shower"

"Wouldn't have it any other way" I smirked and I giggled. We both climbed out of
bed and before I made it into the bathroom Jesse wrapped an arm around my waist
and pulled me to him so my back hit his chest. "Your not doing anything until y
ou give me a real kiss" he whispered in my ear and I bit down on my bottom lip.
He turned me around and my eyes locked on his for a moment before my gaze lowere
d to his lips.

I stepped on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his and kissed him softly and te
nderly. Now my morning just got better after Courtney's interruption. He slowly
wrapped both arms around my waist and I wrapped my hands around his neck and pul
led his head lower so I didn't have to step on my tip toes.

We slowly pulled away and once his lips were no longer on mine I opened my eyes
and looked at a grinning Jesse. I couldn't help but grin back at him. "What do y
ou want to do for your birthday?" Jesse asked.

"Well apparently we're going to breakfast"

"Yes we are with everyone"

"What do you have planned for us?"

"Well a nice lunch date alone, then the girls are taking you out's suppo
sed to be a surprise so I actually don't know, and then to finish the night we'r
e going out to the club"

"What else? I mean I love that idea but it's freaking seven in the morning and l
unch time is around 12"

"True but its all a surprise"

"Okay but I wanted to ask you something"

"Ask away"

"Well I've always planned to do something like getting a tattoo or a piercing an

d well I was wondering would you be ok with me getting one?"

"Violet I'm not your dad. Your 18 now and its your body. Honestly though no. I d
on't like the whole piercing idea unless its your belly button" he winked and I

"And a tattoo?"

"As long as it says something not stupid and isn't somewhere innapropiate"

"I thought you would like it somewhere innapropiate"

"I would find it sexy if it didn't mean someone besides me would be looking at w
hatever area you choose to give you a tattoo"

"Oh" I mumbled.

"I really don't like the idea though but if you do then I'm sure I'll find it se
xy just doon't get your tongue pierced"

"It was only a suggestion plus I think I'm too scared for either"

"Come on" he laughed and led me into the bathroom and we hopped in the shower to
gether. I did want a tatoo but I was being serious I was terrified. I used to wa
nt a piercing then decided against it. It gives me an idea though but I'll think
about it later.

After I was out the shower I went and got dressed. I put on a pair of short dark
jeans shorts, white blouse that cuts kind of low in my cleavage and has pretty
but small pink flowers all over it, and a pair of my pink flats that are the sa
me mauve color as the flower on my shirt. I slipped on my dark jean jacket and t
hen headed into the bathroom to do my make up.
I put on some mascara, some dark pinkish purple looking eyeline, and a mauve col
or eyeshadow. Then I added some blush to my cheeks and then put on some clear li
p gloss that made my lips pop. I was so excited for today. Jesse always plans th
e best things for days like this. For my birthday, anniversaries, and just regul
ar old dates.

That's why for his birthday I was definitely giving him the best birthday sex ev
er-only because I'm going to torture him the way he does me. The goodd torture t
hat will tease him, for once I want to be in control and pleasure him and by the
n we can have sex again. Plus that day I am flying us out to England for a week!
And the birthday sex part was because this year he teased me about it. Of cours
e we slept together but I also gave him a gift but we ended up doing it in the s
hower but this time I want it to be special for us and I'm going to make it spec
ial not him.

Once I was completely ready I met Jesse in the room. He was wearing a pair of da
rk jeans that were hanging low on him, but still covered everything and you coul
dn't see his boxer. Now if his shirt didn't cover him I would be able to see his
sexy hip bones. He was wearing a white n-neck shirt that you could se his mucle
s through and he had on a pair of black nike's.

I walked over to him and he smiled at me and pecked my lips. Both of us took a m
inute to look over each other well he looked at me since I was perving on him al
ready from a distance. He wrapped his arms around me and lowered his face down a
nd smiled, "you look stunning" he stated and I blushed.

"Thank you baby, and you look sexy" I winked and he chuckled and stood up straig
ht. He grabbed my hand and spun me around in a circle. "Your ass looks nice in y
our shorts, your boobs are showing but not too much, and your face is beautiful
as always and I love your hair with it's natural waves" he smiled and I laughed.

"I love how you went from being a perv to sweet" I replied.

"That's what I do" he smirked and I rolled my eyes and he led me downstairs to j
oin everyone. Jesse's parents, the guys, my girls, and my uncle and aunt who are
staying in town until my wedding day well at least my aunt is while my uncle wi
ll be here now and then on my wedding day since he does have a pack to run as do
I but Weston is in charge until I get back from my honeymoon, yeah he took over
in the beginning of February and him and Jesse have been working on some constr
uction stuff that I have no idea about, I trust Jesse will expand the pack house
like I want and I'll see it when it's done. It should be easy since I talked so
me construction guys and hired them and now they're working with Jesse and Westo
n on the pack house.

Everyone gave me a hug and said happy birthday to me. After that Jesse and I got
into his car and he drove us to the resturaunt we were all having dinner at. "J
esse are you ok?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, why you ask?"

"You seem...tense"

"Nothing its just in a month hwe'll be getting married"

"Technically it's May 3rd and our wedding is June 2nd"

"Not helping. I was just doing a lot of thinking about the future especially aft
er we're married" he replied.

"Hey! We're getting married June 2nd and I don't care how nervous either of us a
re, you are marrying me and we're going to be happy"

"I've been thinking about living arrangements"

"Well right now I like living where we are and then having the pack house too"

"Yeah but don't you want to have our own place"

"Of course I do but I'm in no rush for it"

"Your not?" He asked.

"Not at all, I'm happy where we are and we have plenty of time to move out-actua
lly I'm giving you two years then we can get to baby making"


"Jesse you'll be 22 and I'll be 20..."

"In two years you want to have a baby"

"Okay fine in 5 years"

"When I'm 25 and your 23?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"What?" I questioned.

"I don't know. I can't think like that. It seems like I'll be old and you'll be
normal age and if we do earlier you seem real young its like your pregnant now"

"I'm most definitely not pregnant-got my period last week and we haven't had sex
in months. And I can't really think about either but seriously I know you'll li
ve forever but I still want us to be young"

"Alright but let's discuss this after we're married and you feel ready then I'll
see if I agree"

"Sounds good now relax" I smiled and he nodded. He parked the car as we arrived
at the resturaunt and then we headed inside and some people were her before us w
hile others weren't. We were seated and well soon everyone was joining us at the
long table.

After breakfast, which was very enjoyable. It was great to have everyone there.
After that though the girls dragged me away for the rest of the morning. They al
l wanted to go do something and I had an idea. If I wasn't getting a tattoo or a
piercing I would do something else. "Guys can we dye my hair?" I asked and ever
yone stopped talking and looked at me. Next thing you know we-as in the girls, i
gnoring me, decided to do this at the pack house but right now we were picking a

"I want purple" I whined.

"Alright" Candice smiled and grabbed purple and I scrunched my face in disgust.

"Ew about this one?" I asked grabbing a bright purple one that was kind
of lavender looking and I liked.

"Do more than one color" Michelle suggested.

"Alright blue and uh..." I trailed off.

"Hot pink" Kendra decided showing me one and I nodded my head vigorously. After
that we bought it and headed to the pack house. Of course my head hurt as the gi
rls messed with my head as they did everything while I just told them what I wan
ted. And after it was done they styled it.

When it was done I thought I looked ridiculous yet cute. I had my hair out comin
g over my shoulders to frame my face. My purple came out a kind of magenta looki
ng color unfortunately but it looked okay. At the top of my head my hair was hot
pink then in the middle of my hair was the purple well magenta color then at th
e bottom was a very light blue.

I was so not keeping my hair like this for long; it was too colorful for me even
if it was cute. The girls and I managed to go out to get our nails done and the
n we all went shopping just because then somehow we ended up at an amusements pa
rk. It was already 1 in the afternoon and well the girls had been together since
10 o'clock this morning.

When I spotted Jesse I grinned and he gaped at me and I furrowed my eyebrows. Wh

at was wrong? I walked over to him hesitantly and he grabbed a strand of my hair
and opened and closed his mouth and I giggled. "What happened?" He asked and I

"You don't like it?"

"I love you natural golden brown hair" he answered and I pouted. I guess that wa
s an indirect way of him telling me he didn't like it.

"Oh" I whispered as I pulled away from him. I was having a nice day but Jesse me
ans a lot to me and I thought he would like, at least a little bit. His opinion
means everything to me.

"Violet? Baby what's wrong?" He asked, grabbing me by my wrist.

"I got it, you don't like it"

"What? I love it" he replied and brought me close to him.

"I was just surprised but I like it" he explained and I smiled at him. He pecked
my lips and played with strands of my hair. Since my hair was layered it looked
good. The top of my head was of course hot pink and it was the real short part
of my hair that stopped at the top of my ears. Then from there magenta color ha
ir stopped at my shoulders while the light blue went the rest of the way down. I
t looks so pretty.

Jesse and I began getting on rides, it was just us and the girls along with the
guys. I wanted to have fun today so I let Jesse drag me on any ride he wanted me
to get on, even the scary ones that had me clinging onto his arm like my life d
epended on it and screaming at the top of my lungs.
Then Jesse and I ditched everyone to go on our date. I didn't know where we were
going or what we were doing. It was 4 now and well Jesse and I stopped at a din
er and spent like an hour sitting their eating and talking the whole time. I had
a huge chocolate milshake and a huge BBQ chicken sandwich and I was left extre
mely fool and well I basically took Jesse's food to go for later and I took a bi
te of his too and man I couldn't wait to eat it later.

"Alright where are we at?" I asked and he smirked and climbed out the car. I sig
hed and laughed to myself, that was quite the answer-the sound of the door slamm
ing. He walked around the car and opened my door and put out a hand which I took
and let him pull me out the car. We were in the middle of nowhere.

Jesse wrapped an arm around my waist and I leaned into him and he led the way to
...who knows where. We were walking through a huge, empty filled. The tall golde
n field looking grass were tickling my legs as we walked and were making me itch
y but I ignored the feeling and kept walking. Then I gasped as a hot air balloon
came into sight. He's joking! No way!

"Oh my god" I muttered and Jesse chuckled and led me all the way over. I was int
roduced to some guy that was in Jesse's clan and well he was going to wait for u
s. Apparently Jesse knew what he was doing so we were going up in this hot air b
alloon alone.

Jesse nodded at me to get on and I hesitantly did step into the over sized baske
t and Jesse did the same. I simply listened to everything he said and next thing
you know we were going up and I was looking over the side of the basket while J
esse was standing behind me with his body pressed to my back side. He had one ar
m around my waist and his other hand was on the other side of me as his hand was
holding on the basket. He kissed on the back of my neck and I moaned but never
took my eyes off the ground.

I was scared of heights but the sight below was just so mesmerizing and breath t
aking. "Do you like it?" Jesse asked, whispering in my ear and I nodded my head.

"It's absolutely beautiful"

"Nothing compared to you"

"Awe your so sweet" I blushed and looked at him and he kissed me softly. We ende

d up talking for a few hours and around 7 and we decided to head back home. We w
ere supposed to be going out to dinner so he dropped me off at the pack house.

I ended up stripping out of all my clothes and slipped on my dress that Jesse bo
ught for me. The dress was absoultely gorgeous and I was wearing this to the clu
b tonight. Dinner was at 8 and then after that we would head over to the club an
d make it there later on tonight. My birthday has been completely amazing. I had
so much fun and got to spend some time with Jesse, my fiance. My first brithday
with him he was my boyfriend, this year he's my fiance, and next year he will b
e my husband for my 19th birthday.

The dress I was wearing was still driving me crazy. He picks the most beautiful
outfits for me. I don't care if he got help picking the dress out or not, its th
e thought that counts. The dress was red and black well actually pink and black.

The dress was strapless and had a small heat shaped neckline. The whole bust was
covered in jewels and it was a bunch of colors. They were small jewels and the
colors they came in were white, silver, hot pink, red, and black. Then under my
cjhest was this huge waistband that was black and made out of silk. Then under t
hat was a black skirt with big hot pink cirles that made up some crazy pattern w
ith a bunch of entwined hot pink circles everywhere, it was almost hypnotising.
Then on top of the black skirt was a see through fabric that was black layered o
n top of the skirt. I couldn't resist twirling around as the dress flowed nicely

I slipped on a pair of black pumps and a hot pink leather jacket and then went a
nd did my make up and hair. I left my hair stright and just put it up in a bun a
nd it looked very colorful and really cute. I put on dark pink lipstick, some bl
ush, then gave my eyes the smokey effect.

I headed downstairs when I got Jesse's text saying he was here. I opened the doo
r for him and saw him in a pack of black jeans and a nice bright in a way but a
dark bue, if that makes snese, v-neck shirt that brought out his eyes alone with
white and blue sneakers and then he was wearing a black blazer with white verti
cal stripes on it and man he looked so sexy. He had the whole black, white, and
blue going on. If everything in black he was wearing was red he would be perfect
for the fourth of July but then that would be ugly looking while right now he l
ooks so damn hot.
He grabbed my hands in his and kissed the back of each of my hands. "Look ravish
ing" he winked and I laughed and kissed his cheek. He gave me a small twirl, tak
ing me all in. I blushed and heard him groan. "Damn you look sexy" he breathed a
nd II blushed.

"You look pretty damn good yourself" I smiled and he pulled me in for a brief ki

"Let's get to dinner birthday girl" he replied and I nodded and grabbed my hot p
ink hand purse. He linked our arms together and we headed out the house and to t
he car. He opened the passenger door for me and helped me into the car and once
I was in he shut the door behind me before walking to his side of the car and ge
tting in.

It was now past midnight, almost 2 in the morning, and well I'm sure Jesse is co
mpletely drunk. It's not funny at all. No he hasn't hit on any girls or anything
besides me. "Come on baby I know you want me" Jesse slurred and I groaned as I
tried pushing him off me.

"I'm already yours now please just come with me" I pleaded and he finished off w
hatever was in the cup he had. How he got alcohol, I have no idea he's only twen
ty. I wrapped an arm around his waist and we walked past the dance floor where I
spent like three hours dancing on and well while Jesse was sober he sat talking
to the guys while I danced with the girls then I made him dance with me for awh
ile and somehow he ended up drunk as the guys all handed him drink after drink.
The guys finally got there wish, he was drunk. They always try to get him drunk
and well this was the first time they suceeded since well he started college. I
encouraged it at first since I wanted him to drink since he had been refusing to

Okay so this was sort of my fault but I wanted him to relax. Plus I lost count o
f how many drinks he had. Jesse's hand went to my ass and he squeezed and I moan
ed making him groan in response as he pulled me closer to him. I stopped walking
since he was making this impossible. "Jesse? Baby? I love you and you can have
me all night long if we can make it home" I lied and saw his eyes fill with lust
and he pulled me with me and stumbled a bit but let me lead him to the car and
I got him into the passenger seat.

Well dinner had went smoothly and it was very romantic and simple but fabulous a
ll at the same time then we got to end our night clubbing and it was really fun
until my fiance kept trying to convince me to hook up with him. Oh my gosh. I ju
st thought about something. I figured he would sleep it off but he's a vampire h
e won't sleep but I will, I'm freaking exhausted but I got to keep an eye on him

I got into the car and Jesse put his hand on my thigh and kept inching it upward
s and I pushed his hand away, it would be different if he was sober but he isn't
. "Keep your hands to yourself Jesse" I sighed and he groaned loudly making me r
oll my eyes at him as I started his car. I easily made it home while Jesse well
kind of looked sleep but of course I knew he wasn't, his eyes were just closed b
ut we talked the whole ride and well he slurred all his words but I didn't care.

I got out the car then went over and helped him out and dragged him inside the h
ouse telling him to be quiet repeatedly since I didn't want him to wake anyone u
p. I got him to the bedroom and shut the door behind us, locking it, and he was
mumbling something. I grabbed him and pushed him down on the bed and pulled his

shoes off then began to tug on his pants and got them off then came his shirt an
d I ignored his flirting with me.

I slipped my dress off and was about to put something on when Jesse appearing be
hind me and dragged me to the bed. "I want you to sleep just like this" he whisp
ered huskily and I blushed. I was in my black panties and matching strapless bra
. He pulled the covers over us and I cuddled with him and he had no problem hold
ing me. "I'm going to sleep Jesse now just hold me and I'll see you in the morni
ng" I stated and he slowly nodded.
"Night Vi" He mumbled.

"Night Jesse, love you"

"I l-love you...too" he replied and I rolled my eyes and got comfortable enough
and let myself fall to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning I got to tell Jesse all about last night and he di
dn't like it one bit and he apologised but I told him everything was fine and it
was kind of funny which it was until all his pick up lines, that were making me
blush turned into becoming annoying and it had got late and I wanted to go home
. Either way it was a lot of fun and I loved my birthday, the day was so memorab
le and I defiinitely won't ever forget it, it was my 18th birthday after all. Pl
us I won't forget the first time I saw Jesse drunk, no matter what I loved him a
nd I always will.
Chapter 13

*Jesse's P.O.V*

I went and grabbed my bags and took them all downstairs to the door where the gu
ys were gathering all of their stuff. It was Thursday morning and my wedding was
Sunday. It was time to have a weekend for my bachelor's party. The only groomsm
en of mine not going is my dad, who was not happy until my mom told him she wasn
't going with Violet so my parents were going somewhere for a romantic getaway-g

The guys and I were going to Vegas! Yeah it was Allen's idea and I have been to
many places and well I haven't been to Vegas before. And even though I'm only 20
I have an ID saying I'm 23 thanks to this one guy and its very real its just th
ere is a convient mistake with my birthdate on my driver's license that I tend t
o use very often. Don't ask, its very complicated and came in handy since I was
18, since then I was 21. The only thing really with my real birthdate is my birt
h certificate.

After I got all my bags and the guys were all ready we were saying bye to the gi

rls. All of the girls besides my aunt Reba and my mom are going with Violet for
her weekend. I have no idea what they are going to be doing but I told the girls
if they made my innocent fiancee do anything I wouldn't like I'd kill them.

Also Violet went over so many things with me last night and told me not to liste
nt to the guys and hooking up with any girls over the weekend would result in he
r kicking my ass. As she likes to say we're not single like the guys and the gir
ls keep trying to say, "its your last few days being single." Violet doesn't agr
ee with that and neither do I because sure hell I won't be okay with hearing a f
ew days before my wedding Violet slept with some dude or kissed some guy or anyt
hing else like that. According to Violet, "we're not single, in a few days we'll
be married and if you think that we're single I can promise we will be before t
he wedding starts."

I'm not taking that lightly. I don't doubt she would break up with
w I did anything with another woman. I mean she's right, we're not
are engaged to be married. We haven't been single for over a year
ant to be single again. I'm looking forward to marrying Violet and
rest of my life with her.

me if she kne
single but we
and I never w
spending the

I went back to the room and wrapped my arms around my fiancee. "I'm about to lea
ve" I stated and she sighed and turned in my arms to face me.

"I know" she frowned. I kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly. I really did
n't want to let her go. I would see her Sunday at two in the afternoon on our we
dding day. It doesn't seem like a long time but I know the moment I leave I'll b
e missing her. Violet and the girls are going to Montreal, Canada.

"Relax babe, after this we'll be ggetting married"

"I know" she smiled sadly.

"What time is your flight supposed to arrive to come back home?"

"I'm coming back Saturday night, so the question is what time will you be gettin
g home?"

"At ten in the morning on Sunday then I'm coming to get ready for our wedding"

"Oh did I show the cake? I was supposed to show you this morning when the pictur

e was sent to my phone but I was making sure we were both completely packed"

"Huh? It's done already?"

"Yes, we're getting married Sunday not in a week, plus cake doesn't exactly go b
ad. Anyways look I have a picture from the baker" she smiled and grabbed her pho
ne out her pocket and scrolled through her pictures and I stopped her.

"What's this?" I asked.

"What?" She blushed.

"When did you take that picture?"

"This morning after you got out the shower"

"Who's the perv now?"

"Still you"

"Well I don't have any naked pictures of you"

"Hey! You were naked but your...well you know what I'm talking about is not show
n" she replied and I laughed.

"Your so cute"

"Shut up" she grumbled.

"Anyways it's almost showing my-"

"Watch your mouth" she hissed.

"Well you know what I'm talking about" I mocked.


"No it's not whatever. I want you to strip naked and let me have a picture and I
'll stop at your hips just like you did me"

"No because you don't have boobs"

"Your no fun" I pouted.

"I will be on our honeymoon" she said seductively and I groaned and she giggled.
She wrapped her hands around the back of my neck and pulled me closer to her. S
he brought my lips down to hers and I kissed her hungrily and passionately. I wa
s going to miss her and I was going two days without kissing her.

I nibbled on her bottom lip and she moaned in the back of

s parted enough for me to slip my tongue in her mouth. My
inch of her mouth like I've never kissed her before and I
on my hair. Damn I was addicted to her lips and the taste
e...watermelon, so declicious.

her throat and her lip

tongue explored every
groaned as she tugged
of her. She tastes lik

When we pulled away for air I trailed kisses down her neck. "Jesse" she moaned,
tilting her head at the same time arching her neck to my lips. I had already bit
her and sucked her blood a few days ago so I was good for this trip and for our
honeymoon. I was just hoping that she wasn't going to bring up me changing her
into a vampire soon. She is 18 now and we did discuss it and well I told her no.
I wasn't risking her life just weeks before our wedding but I knew soon she was
going to bring it up and well I don't know if she'll accept me refusing to chan
ge her again. She really wants me to but I'm scared, never been scared so much i
n my life. I noticed Violet tends to scare me a lot.

She scares me
try to change
somehow. And
s I guess she

because there is a possibility, a high one that she will die if I

her. It scares me thinking I can make some mistake and lose Violet
she scared me when she died for thos long hours. The only thing wa
wasn't really dead just like a short coma almost.

"Jesse!" Allen yelled and I sighed and stopped sucking on her collar bone. I smi
rked when I saw the hickey I liked and well Violet probably figure I did since s
he rolled her eyes at me. I was ready to head downstairs with her when she stopp
ed me and pecked my lips before bringing her lips to my neck and she kissed down
it then kissed up but stopped halfway and began to suck on my skin and I couldn

't hold in my moan, "Vi."

When she stopped I met her eyes and she smirked at me and pulled out of my arms
and I watched her walked to the door, swaying her hips seductively and I bit my
lip to hold in a groan. "Come on Jesse you have to go" she mused and I rolled my
eyes and walked over to her and we walked downstairs hand in hand.

When we got there all the guys were by the door and I looked at Violet and gave
her a soft kiss. "Bye beautiful" I mumbled against her lips and felt her frown.

"Bye Jesse" she whispered before hugging me tightly and I hugged her back and we
slowly pulled away and I picked up my bags and with one more tiny peck from Vio
let I headed to the truck with the guys and we put all of our stuff in there. On
ce everything was in there all of us guys were saying goodbye to our girls again

"Don't do anything stupid" Violet warned.

"I won't babe, plus I only have eyes for you"

"Good" she replied and I laughed.

"Have fun, but not too much fun or I'll have to kill somebody"

"I have no doubt you will. And call me tonight, please"

"I will, I promise babe"


"Bye Vi, I love you"

"I love you too" she smiled and I pressed my lips to her and let my lips linger
on hers for a moment before pulling away. Violet whimpered as I pulled away from
her, before pulling me in for a tender kiss that I easily got into and let my h
ands roam her body until we pulled away. I kissed her cheek then got into the tr

uck with the guys and we took off and I waved to Violet as we drove down the str
eet. Once she was out of sight I sat down and relaxed.

"Now it's time to party!" Lane cheered

we were headed to the airport. It was
Since most of us were vampires we were
g since I wanted to say goodbye.
Our flight was at 6: 05 am and when we
soon they called 291, that was us and
ated and I was sitting next to Weston.

and we all agreed. Holden was driving and

freaking 5:20 am when we left the house.
okay. I had to wake Violet up this mornin
got there we got situated and waited. And
we were boarding the plane. We all got se
"Missing the wife?" I asked and he chuckl

"Not yet"


"Well I'm bound to miss her sometime. Now I love her and all but I'm not getting
any younger and I can do without all the stress with her and the baby"

"I understand"

"Wait until you have kids" Malcolm chimed in, he was sitting a row infront of u
s but on the right side of the aisle while I was on the left.

"I can wait" I replied and everyone laughed. All the guys were in this area so i
t was easy for us to talk. Across from me was Allen and Lane, I think Dalton and
Rico were infront of me and it was hard to see the rest of the guys but we coul
d all hear each other.

"Alright guys we are going to be playing golf this weekend" Allen stated.

"I don't know how to play golf" I frowned.

"So what?"

"Oh god" I sighed.

"And we are all getting drunk tonight and tomorrow night"

"As long as I don't get drunk Saturday because I don't need to be acting like a
dick the day of my wedding because of a hangover" I replied.

"Yeah Violet would kill you" Lane laughed.

"She'd definitely marry you but we can all agree you won't be getting lucky that
night" Allen joked and I glared at him.

"If I don't get laid the night of my wedding I will personally kick your ass for
that comment" I threatened and she smiled.

"You miss sex Jesse?" Rico mused.

"Yes I do" I growled.

"You couldn't get her to give in? Either she is damn hard to turn on or you lost
your touch" Holden teased.

"No I didn't lose my touch. And I know where her soft spot is and the moment you
get there she's practically a goner but she wanted to wait so I said I'd wait.
Trust me I slept with quite the share of girls but Violet...just god damn she's
worth waiting for" I stated.

"Its because your in love" Allen sang.

"How do you know that?"

"Because Violet is your first love and well I slept with Courtney and then fell
in love with her and had sex and let me tell you-huge difference" he answered.

"Now Jesse is Violet the best you ever had? Honestly tell us, its just us and no
one is going to tell her if you said no" Paris questioned.

"Yes. She most definitely is. Its so hard to believe she was a virgin before I m
et her. It's actually quite sexy knowing I was the only guy to ever sleep with h
er and I will be the only guy" I answered.

"How good is she?" Nigel asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"So damn good, too damn good to tell you"

"Come on dude"

"What do you want me to say? I'm not giving you the play by play"

"Just tell us something" Allen urged and I shook my head.

"No. She's so damn good and let's just say she easilty turns me on. It's like se
x was sinply a word and Violet definitely showed me the fucking meaning" I expla
ined and he smirked.

"Awe so she makes you happy and she's good in bed" Nigel grinned.

"I'm very happy and if Violet ever asks any of you we never had this conversatio

"What if she asks you?" Weston questioned.

"I can't lie to her. I'd tell her and take all of her yelling and apologize" I s
hrugged. We all easily changed the subject and talked the whole flight. It was n
ice to tlak to the guys after we got off my sex life. I mean if it was any other
girl I wouldn't care but Violet was different and she'd kill me if I told them
how good she was. I mean she was super tight, like a damn waterfall, and she can
go for hours. I really can't wait until our honeymoon.

We got to Vegas right on time, it was 1:45 pm we were expected to be here and we
ll it was only a three minute late difference, no big deal, it was actually impr
essive. After the flight we headed to our hotel and did the room thing, got our
room and decided who was sharing rooms.

I was sharing a room with Allen, then it was Lane and Paris, Rico and Nigel, Hol
den and Malcolm, and Weston and Dalton. After we all got situated in the hotel A
llen, who planned the whole trip told us to put on our bathing suits. I didn't k
now why but he told me since it was still day time he wanted to do something fun
. I didn't argue and we all got dressed.

We had a car rental which happened to be a huge van and well he drove us somewhe
re and next thing you know I'm ready to go on a Black Canyon River Rafting Tour.
I didn't mind I thought it would be interesting. I also promised Violet I'd tak
e pictures so I brought my camera with me and I had my phone on me too to take s
ome on there and send th pictures right away to Violet. She was probably still o
n her flight to Montreal, I wasn't too sure about what time she was supposed to
get there.

Come to think of it we don't know much about each other's plans for the weekend
but then again I will ask her about hers and in return she'd ask me and I can't
lie to that girl to save my life nor would I ever even think about lying to her.

Once we were on the raft and moving the guys and I all began talking and we went
over the plans for tonight. Apparently tonight we were going to some club then
calling it a day. Allen was handling the expenses and trust me the trip was cost
ing him a lot. My dad though had bought all the tickets for us so that was nice.
And Violet's uncle bought the tickets for Violet and the girls to go so I didn'
t have to buy her a ticket or anything but I did giver her plenty of money and I
really hope she doesn't spend it all. I know how she gets when she goes shoppin
g, when she has money to spend she likes to spend it.

I can't really be mad though because some of her outfits are just so sexy. Plus
she gets her nails done and her hair. Plus when she dragged me with her to go sh
opping we spent nearly a 100 dollars on make up. Make-up! I mean she was buying
quite the amount of stuff by seriously like ten dollars for lip gloss. I nearly
lost my mind seeing that. I told her I was never going shopping with her again,
of course when she begged me to take her I couldn't say no so that was a pointle
ss statement. I rather just give her a lot of money and leet her but whatever sh
e wants without looking at the price tags for little things like nail polish. I
do have to say there's not a day where she looks a mess.

We ended up taking a break and were now allowed to swim and the moment we were t
old I jumped off the raft along with some of the guys and dived into the water.
I had left my phone and the camera in the raft. We were in the water under the H
oover Dam. The water felt so good since I was practically burning out in this so
n. Most of us guys wore long sleeve shirts to cover our bodies along with our sh

Hey it takes us longer to get hot compared to humans and werewolves since we're
so cold. So being hot wasn't our biggest problem but the sun was and now that we
were in the water we were all fine. As I surfaced the water I noticed all the g
uys were here. What caught my eye was a huge bird flying by. "That's a great blu

e heron" the tour guide stated and I grinned. I wish I got a picture of that. I
did take a picture of a sheep though, I forgot what it was called.

The guys and all messed around in the water, jumping, fliping, and diving in rep
eatedly and swimming around, racing each other. I also won 20 dollars in a bet t
hat Holden would beat Allen in a race-sorry Lane. We had fun for awhile and we a
ll actually ate well I ate some stuff along with the guys especially my werewolf
friends who were definitely hungry. If I thought Violet ate a lot well then she
barely eats compared to Dalton and Weston.

After we got back on the raft we all made out way there even though it took us a
while. My arms were also killing me from all the paddling we did. After that tho
ugh we ended up at Willow Beach and rode a bus back to the place we left the van
at the company that took us on the tour. Once we got in the van we were all off
icially dry and were now headed back to the hotel.

Once we were at the hotel I went and took a shower before Allen. When I got out
I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out the bathroom. Allen was on the
couch watching tv so he didn't see me. "You can take a shower now" I stated and
he looked over and saw me then turned off the tv and I headed to the dresser and
grabbed me some clothes while Allen took his clothes into the bathroom with him
I looked over my shoulder and made sure the room door was locked before dropping
my towel and slipping on a pair of boxers and then some sweat pants and then pu
tting the towel to the side before going to my bed and laying down on it. My pho
ne was on the charger and I took it off and dialed Violet's number. "Hey" she an

"Hey babe"

"Hi Jesse, how's the trip going?"

"Good did you get my pictures?"

"Yes I did, I was still on the plane though"

"Where are you now?"

"Um just got to the hotel no more than an hour ago"

"Babe it's almost 6" I pointed out.

"Well we caught the flight at 10: 05 this morning and got off the plane at 4: 30
something and well we were all unpacking"


"Yeah, you guys are having fun though"

"Yes we are"

"Well I'm glad, are you busy right now?"

"Nope, are you?" I questioned.

"Not at all, I'm waiting for Courtney to hurry up and get dressed, she's been in
the bathroom for over an hour"

"Are you guys going out?"

"I honestly don't know, I'm just tired "

"Awe well go to sleep"

"I can't sleep"

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know...I'm fine though Jesse, I just miss you already"

"How was the plane ride?" I asked.

"Still terrified of it"

"Well what time are you returning home?"

"We leave Saturday and get the flight at 5:45 and get home at 11: 30 that night"

"Sounds good"

"Yeah and you better be ready Jesse" she replied.

"Babe I'll be home before 11: 30 and I'll be at the wedding before 1 o'clock, I

"Good and I'll be at the pack house getting ready. Your mom and my aunt are sett
ing up everything so it will be ready with the stage and the chairs along with t
the decoration for outside" she stated.

"Good so relax"

"I am relaxed"

"Sure you are"

"Okay maybe I'm not but I'm just nervous"

"Babe it's me, your getting married to me. I don't care if it rains, if you fall
on your way down the aisle, your dress ripped, or some other bad thing happens.
I know you want this to be perfect and I do to but if it doesn't go as plan I d
on't care as long as you become my wife. Nothing will change the fact we're gett
ing married. You have nothing to worry about, just come out looking pretty or we
ll walk in sweats, I really don't care because when that minister ask me if I ta
ke you to be my wife I'm going to say I do no matter what"

"I love you" she gushed.

"I love you too"

"Finally! Well I have to go and get dressed for whatever is planned"

"Okay, call me in the morning when you wake up"

"I will"

"Bye Vi, love you"

"Love you too Jesse" she replied and I hung up and sighed. Man I missed her alre
ady. Allen and I ended up watching tv for awhile and some of the guys went to go
gamble in the casino in the hotel and I stayed down there for a few hours with
them and then retreated back to my hotel room until it was time to go out.

We didn't take the van to the club but we went in three different rtental cars.
Hell no was I riding in a van to a club, you got to be crazy. Plus if one person
wanted to go home we all would have to since we all rode in one vehicle.

When we got to the club it was bright as hell. Shit everything at this time of n
ight was lit up and it was amazing. The guys and all entered together, after wai
ting in line breifly and showing the bouncer our ID's. Once we were in I joined
Weston, Holden, and Rico at a table while some of the guys went to go buy us som
e drinks.
"Here you go Jesse" Nigel said handing me a cup and I took a sip and saw it was
vodka. I didn't care I was definitely drinking tonight. "Alright Jesse since we'
re here for you we're making sure you have fun so the first girl that asks you t
o dance you have to dance with" Lane stated and I rolled my eyes and nodded.

It was a shorter wait then I thought as this slutty blonde asked me to dance. Th
e guys all encouraged me to go so I got out of my chair and let the girl drag me
to the dance floor. Its not that I didn't like dancing or anything, I didn't mi
nd because I was good at it I just didn't need some random chick grinding on me.

The girl was facing me and I wrapped one arm around her waist and she put one ar
ound my neck and we began dancing along with the music. The girl looked half dre
ssed but still I couldn't find it in myself to find her attractive. It was like
now days no girl really was attractive. This is all Violet's fault. I'm not mad
though, I was happy with her so that's all that mattered.

The blonde moved closer to me but never stopped dancing and she was singing alon
g to the music. After a couple of songs I stopped dancing and she soon stopped t
o and gave me a confused look. "I'm going to get a drink" I stated, specking ove
r the loud music. She frowned but nodded and let me go and I walked through the
crowds of people and got myself a drink and made my way to the table and chugged
the drink I just got then the one NIgel had got me that I never finished.

Soon it was drink after drink and I got up to be dragged onto the dancefloor by
these twins. The one girl had bleach blonde hair while her twin had a dirty blon
de color. I did not know their names at all and I didn't care to learn them. Gir
l number one-bleach blonde hair, was dancing with me, standing infront of me and
well I didn't care, she wasn't doing anything. Now girl number two was on the o
ther side of me kind of to my side and I don't know what the hell she was doing.

I brought girl number one closer, keeping my hands only on her hips just so some
people could walk by before I put some distance between us. I was actually enjo
ying myself as I left the twins and danced around with a bunch of different girl
s. I went to the bar and this chick, Hannah was talking to me and she wouldn't s
hut up. "Hey want to dance?" I asked, cuttingher off and she nodded her head eag
erly and I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor. I have already da
nced with enough girls already, one annoying girl wasn't going to hurt. Plus it
was only dancing.

Eventually I hung back with the guys and well I was passed drink after drink. "J
esse are you drunk yet?" Dalton asked and I nodded my head slowly and got up we
ll stumbled to do so but Paris helped me. I went back to the dance floor just da
ncing alone, and for once it didn't look good and with the bright flashing light
around and the fact I was seeing doubles I didn't give a shit what I looked it.
It was hard to see in this place anyway unless you were a chick wearing somethi
ng shiny.

A girl came and danced with me and I didn't care as I kept a hand on her hip. Al
len came over and was dancing on the back side of the girl. I laughed and just k
ept dancing and more girls surrounded us. And I was turning back and forward to
dance with the girls all around me and a couple of the guys. I even saw Weston d
ancing with a girl so I didn't feel bad, I mean it felt weird to dance with anot
her girl besides Violet but it was just dancing.

If Violet was to dance with other guys for the first time I wouldn't care since
we were supposed to have fun. That only applies to the fact the guy doesn't touc
h my girl nor does she grind on him because then I'd kill the lucky bastard who
got to dance with her.

"Someone get me another drink" I slurred and the girl dancing with me giggled an
d nodded. I shrugged, I don't know what the hell she thought was funny. I was se

rious, I wanted another drink. Some other girl came t dance and well I didn't sa
y anything since I was really doing my own thing and just moving along to the mu
sic. She pressed her body against mine and I froze. I tried to look at her but m
y vision seemed kind of blurry but I laughed it off and pushed her away a bit bu
t wrapped an arm around her waist.
I would dance with a girl and have my arm around her waist on a hand on her hip
but that was it. I didn't need any girl getting to close to me. Nor did I want a
ny girl getting close at all to me. I might be drunk but I'm not stupid.

"Where the h-hell is my drink?" I questioned and soon the red headed chick came
back and I let go of blondie in front of me. I left a sloppy kiss on the red hea
d's cheek in thanks for the drink which I began to drink as I walked off in a di
fferent direction but none the less was dancing, sort of, to the music.

I found the guys and fell on the couch back their and let
to the floor. I saw Lane sitting there near my feet and I
crooked smile. "What's up dude?" I yelled, I was a little
ou needed to be heard over the music, still I didn't need
dn't help it.

my now empty cup fall

sat up and gave him a
too loud even though y
to be so loud but coul

"Dude you are so done" he laughed and I shook my head.

"W-What...time is it?" I asked.

"Near two in the morning"

"W-well what time d-d-did...we um...g-get here?"

"Near eleven"

"Its only been...a few hours...I just need another drink" I shouted and he laugh

"Alright Jesse since your drunk I dare you to throw a drink in girl's face"

"Give me a drink" I laughed.

"Here you go" Paris smirked and I smiled and took a small sip before walking ove

r near the bar to this brown headed girl. I looked at her and shrugged. I was to
o drunk to care. "Hey" I called and she looked at me and looked me up and down a
nd I couldn't help but smirk.

"Yeah?" She questioned with a flirtactious smile and I rolled my eyes and throug
h the drink on her making her gasp and let out a startled yell then I saw a hug
flash and a laughing Dalton and Lane. "What the hell?" She screamed and my atten
tion moved to the girl and my eyes widedned. I felt horrible now.

What the fuck was I doing? I ran my head over her cheek, wiping off the drink on
the side of her face. I tried to get her neck but as seeing her cleavage was sh
owing I pulled my hand back fast. I didn't need her getting the wrong idea. Too
late. She giggled and moved closer and I was sitting on the stool next to her.

She put a hand on my thigh and leaned over and I scrunched up my face in disgust
and pushed her hand off my thigh. I didn't realize she was putting all her weig
ht on her arm-well hand and she began to fall and her head was going to go on my
lpa so I jumped back making my stool fall over. Instead of her head falling int
o my lap she fell to the floor, now on her knees. I winced but leaned over the b
ar and ordered me another drink.

Once the bartender handed me my drink I took a sip then put it down on the bar c
ounter and then the chick had got up and next thing you know she slapped me and
walked off after calling me an asshole. Well that helped to make me sober. I sig
hed and chugged my drink then told the guys it was now time to go which they lau
ghed at.

When we got to the hotel Allen and Weston dragged me to my room and threw me on
the bed which I fell face first on. "Ow!" I yelled, my voice was all muffled.

"I would day sleep it off but you can't so your screwed" Allen laughed and I gav
e him the bird then grabbed my phone out my pocket. It was almost four in the mo
rning. I don't know what the hell made me do it but I did, I called Violet. SHe
didn't answer the first time but I called again and she did, "hello?" She croake

"Hey sexy"

"Jesse? I was sleeping" she grumbling.

"Is sleeping more important then me?" I pouted, even though she couldn't see. I
heard her laugh and I smiled to myself.

"Of course not" she replied.


"Baby why are you calling? Not that I mind, its just I'm so tired"

"Oh I'm sorry...I'll call later"

"No! Babe if you want to talk we can"

"I'm kind of drunk" I stated.

"Well that explain you kind of slurring your words"

"I miss you Vi"

"I miss you too"

"What did you do tonight?"

"Went out to the club"

"R-really? Me too. Did you drink? Did you dance with any guys?"

"Jealous babe?"

"Very" I growled.

"Well I did dance with a few guys but was mainly with the girls but I bet you we
re too"

"What do you mean?" I asked. She couldn't have known I danced with a bunch of gi
rls. Would she be mad. I didn't do anything wrond. I was just dancing. And she d
idn't know about me throwing a drink at that girl. Oh god. I'm such an asshole.
Why do I keep letting myself get drunk. Violet is going to kill me when I tell h
er what I did. I'll tell her in person, when I'm compltetly sober.

"Um I doubt you would dnace with one of the guys" she laughed.

"Of course not"

"So you did dance with girls...?"

"Yes I did, jealous?"



"Am I suppose to be?"

"Yeah" I pointed out.

"Of course I'm jealous. And jerk you weren't supposed to want me to be jealous.
But I am, all those girls got to dance with you. You better have behaved"

"Well...I didn't cheat on you, I only danced my hands on their waist or hip, but
I kind of misbehaved but not in the way you think"

"What? I don't care that you danced with girls, I trust you. I know you wouldn't
touch anothe girl or anything but what did you do?" She questioned. Shit. Why d
id I bring it up?

"I'll tell you later-"

"No now"

"I threw a drink at this girl and was trying to wipe it off her afterwards then
she got the wrong idea as I got to her neck and then I kind of made her feel, it
was her fault she had her hand on my leg. Then she slapped me"

"Serves you right! I should kill her for touching you but now why would you thro
w a drink at her then try to wipe it off?"

"One of the guys told me to so I did then I felt bad as I realized a second to l

"Jesse drink some water"

"I will, now did you drink?"

"Jesse I-"

"Oh wait of course you didn't your only 18"

"Jesse can we talk about this in the morning I'm tired. I'll tell you everything
in the morning I promise"

"Okay baby. I-I love you!"

"Shh...I love you too"

"Night babe" I whispered.

"Night Jesse" she replied and I hung up. I got up and thre myself on the couch a
nd watched tv until it was morning. I was finally feeling better and went and to
ok myself a shower. The guys and I waited awhile and then went to play golf. Epi
c fail on my part. I mindlessly hit the ball and well it was always I hit it too
hard or too soft when it should have been the opposite.

Eventually I gave up and the guys and I went to this indoor kart racing place. A
llen really had a lot planned. He knew a guy working her and well today we were
all racing which was going to be super fun. Then we were going to a shooting ran
ge. Of course I was going to have fun.

Yes I did talk to Violet this morning and I wasn't happy that she failed to ment
ion in Montreal the drinking age is 18, yeah she just made it-note the sarcasm.
Okay I sound like a hypocrite but she's my Violet, my sweet innocent Violet. I d
on't want her to ever get drunk unless I'm with her and I'm sober. She told me s
he only had two drinks so she was fine so I relaxed a little bit. I trusted her
just like she trusted me so I needed to relax.

"Okay that's bullshit" Nigel said and I laughed.

"Dude face it you lost three times in a row coming in dead last" I stated and he
flipped me off. Yeah we all had did three races. The first time we did it, it w
as teams which was me and Weston, it was kind of like a relay race. Then the oth
er one we were all racing and Rico won. Then we did it again and I won, just bar
ely beating Allen. Nigel though he was always last by himself and his team came
in last. He was partnered with Holden and Holden obviously wasn't the reason he
lost seeing in the single races he was in the top 5 along with me, Rico, Allen,
and Weston.
After that we went to the shooting range, we were driven there in a bus and of c
ourse the shooting range was a lot of fun. After that we went to play paintball.
I got the idea from Violet since she told me her and the girls were thinking ab
out so I looked into it. What? I like paintball she jsut gave me the idea to pla

Now later that night the guys dragged me to watch some show. I went, not knowing
what the hell we were supposed to be watching. It was dark as hell as we sat he
re facing a huge stage. It was black light in here which was cool as my white sh
irt appeared purple looking and it glowed.

Anyways on the stage was a bunch of chairs facing the same way my chair was, sin
ce I was facing the stage. Then a whole bunch of girls came out and I glared at
Allen who simply wiggled his eyebrows. The girls outfits all looked bright. They
were orange, neon green, hot pink, and bright purple. They were also in bras an
d panties basically besides the girls wearing strapless shirts that fit like a b
ra and other girls wearing shorts that really didn't cover anything.

I was bored already. I just couldn't say they were attractive because I wasn't r
eally checking them out but it was hard not to notice when they were supposed to
be giving us a show. This is basically a loop whole since I told Allen I was no
t going into a strip club.

Music began blaring through the speakers and the girls sat facing us on chairs,
so they were sitting backwards on them with their legs spread wide open. Wow. Bl
ow my fucking brains out. Now if I was watching Violet look like well then I wou
ld be having my way with her seconds later.

The girls began dancing and stuff, their heels clicking with each step. The guys
and I were all seated in one section of the place and we all started yelling, c
heering, whistling, and clapping. We were obnoxiously loud but the flirty smiles
sent our way told us they didn't mind at all. I mean I might not have came to l
ook at the girls and I wasn't but it was nice just being with the guys and us be
ing men.

I knew Weston, Dalton, and Malcolm were also not interested in the girls. Allen
on the other hand was half interested and half not. We all have girls at home an
d well I don't know how Vi was going to take this when I tell her what happened.
If she doesn't ask what we did then I'm not telling her. I'll tell her some stu
ff but she doesn't have to know everything like I don't expect her to tell me ev
erything she did on her trip. It was our weekend to have fun and I was.

After that we ended up going to the club again and well I didn't get drunk but I
did drink and do a lot of dancing. After that night though we went home and All
en and I planned for tomorrow. He planned on us enjoying a nice easy day.

The next day we went down to the casino in the morning just messing around and I
watched for the most part. I was kind of not into the whole gambling thing plus
it felt weird knowing I had a legit ID just with a mistake on it that will prob
ably never be fixed until I am 21.

After that we went swimming in the indoor pool at the hotel. That was nice since
we didn't have to be in the sun. The guys and I changed into some clothes then
went to some place where we watched the football game. It was nice. Just a place
fulll of mainly guys watching football and drinking beer. Their were waitress t
hough and we all ate, well we ordered some stuff but not actual meals of course.

The game ended late and then we went to a bar and the guys and I talked about a
lot. Mainly the girls. Settling down, families, and then we talked about the wed
ding tomorrow. Damn I can't believe it I'm getting married tomorrow. I feel like
the luckiest guy in the world to be getting to marry Violet.

Before it got too late I called Violet and we talked for a few hours before she
went to bed. She had just got home a little after midnight after her flight she
caught at 5. She simply told me she went to the spa and we talked about tomorrow
. "Night Violet" I said.

"NIght Jesse"

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, after the wedding"

"Okay my future hubby" she replied.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Bye Vi, future Mrs. Stevens"

"I can't wait!" She squealed.

"Neither can I. Now go to bed you have to get up early now I'll see you around 2
o'clock in the afternoon walking down the aisle to your truly, me"

"Your so cute"

"Watch it" I teased.

"Your so sexy" she corrected.

"I know I am"

"Goodnight" she laughed.

"NIght beautiful, love you"

"Love you too Jesse" she replied and I hung up and spent a couple of hours going
over my vows making sure I memorized them. I had them written down but I wasn't
going to use the cards I was going to memorize most of it then add what I need
to and let all the ideas flow together and hope I don't look like an idiot.

By tomorrow at this time Violet and I will be married. I would be holding her in
my arms as we spend our first night together in a hotel room in Italy. It would
be the first day for us as a married couple. And after we had sex for the first
time in like 9 months. A human has had a baby while we have been not having sex
. Oh the irony. I really need to get laid but if I don't well then that sucks bu
t I'll get over it as long as Violet is my wife at the end of the day. We were g
oing to be husband and wife in just a few hours.

Damn I was so lucky to have her. Tomorrow things were going to be perfect. We wo
rked hard on planning this wedding-mainly Violet but still I want it to be the b
est day of her life like she wants it to be. I'll be the perfect gentle men and
I already promised her during dinner I wouldn't teased her under the table like
I have tended to do in the past.

In twelve hours our wedding will be happening. In the end we'll be Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Stevens and nothing can make me happier then knowing she was officially mi
ne. Mine. I so love the sound of that. Violet Bell is mine forever and always an
d I'm hers completely.
Chapter 14

*Violet's P.O.V*

I was so not happy right now. It was freaking 4:30 in the morning! I was going t
o kill Jesse for waking me up. I growled his smirking face and he jumped out of
reach and I threw the covers off of me and got out of bed. "I'm sorry babe but I
have to leave soon" he stated and I sighed.

I forgot. Today he was heading for Vegas. We were both going to have the whole w
eekend for our bachelor and bachelorette parties. He was going to Vegas and I wa
s going to Montreal, Canada. Amazing, right?

I kissed his cheek and walked into the bathroom and got started on my morning ro
utine. After washing my face, brushing my teeth, and what not Jesse and I hopped
in the shower and as he said it was preview of our honeymoon as he kissed all o
ver my body well my upper body because I stopped him when he got to my hips.

Jesse and I hopped out the shower and quickly got dressed. I slipped on a pair o
f short, dark jean shorts along with a whit top that had thick strings or whatev
er they are tied around my neck, besides that it was strapless across my chest.
Then I slipped on my white sandals and was dressed. Then I went and made sure he
was all packed and then he began taking all his bags downstairs. He was now dow
nstairs and I was making sure he took everything.

I jumped when I felt Jesse's arms wrap around my waist from behind. I relaxed in
his arms though. I didn't realize he came in the room or anything since I was b
usy looking around the room and my thoughts are so scattered making sure everyth
ing for our wedding was set up for when we get back and making sure we were both
packed and not forgetting anything before we left for the weekend.

"I'm about to leave" he stated, softly speaking into my ear and I sighed and tur
ned in his arms to face him.

"I know" I frowned. He kissed her forehead and hugged me tightly. I really didn'
t want him to let go of me. I just loved being in his arms and I hated the fact
he was about leave me. Of course it was only a few days but Jesse and I are used
to being together all day, everyday. I'm going to miss him like crazy.

He was going to be in Vegas while I was in Montreal. That's two whole different
countries! He was going with the guys, all his groomsmen besides his dad. His pa
rents, Monica and Harold were going on a romantic getaway this weekend before th
e wedding then Monica was going to be setting up for the wedding for me and when
I get back I'll go over the other things her and my aunt didn't do that I speci
fically didn't do.

Me and the girls, my bridemaids were all going to Montreal for the weekend to re
lax and have some fun. The only bridemaids of mine that weren't going were Reba
and Monica. Reba says she is too old and I wasn't going to argue. Yes we were ge
tting aloong but I wasn't taking the chances of her runing my weekend. Plus she
was right she was old, I couldn't imagine going out with her and Monica to a clu

Acutally I would take Monica with me and we'd probably have an amazing time toge
ther but that's besides the point. Monica didn't want to go and she didn't want
Harold going with Jesse. I laughed when she told Harold he wasn't going with Jes
se. Harold was hoping to have some time with some guys and get a break from the
married life but Monica had other plans and told him they could go for a romanti
c getaway and he did not turn that down. I can still remember Jesse's face when
he heard his mom suggest that to his dad. He was so disgusted then it turned to
jealousy when his dad said he couldn't turn down getting lucky.

I think Jesse and I were both disgusted at that but Jesse gave me a pointed look
and saying 'even my dad is having sex.' I of coused smacked him upside the head
. He waited about 9 months, he can wait three more damn days. Horny bastard, I l
ove him though-heaven only knows why-just joking. Jesse is amazing and so perfec
t. He's sweet, smart, and sexy even if we do have our ups and downs-rarely.

"Relax babe, after this we'll be getting married" he said, bringing me out of my

"I know" I smiled sadly.

"What time is your flight supposed to arrive to come back home?"

"I'm coming back Saturday night, so the question is what time will you be gettin
g home?"
"At ten in the morning on Sunday then I'm coming to get ready for our wedding"

"Oh did I show the cake? I was supposed to show you this morning when the pictur
e was sent to my phone but I was making sure we were both completely packed"

"Huh? It's done already?"

"Yes, we're getting married Sunday not in a week, plus cake doesn't exactly go b
ad. Anyways look I have a picture from the baker" I smiled and grabbed my phone
out of my back pocket and then scrolled through my pictures then Jesse stopped m
e when I got to the latest picture, damn it I past the cake by one picture, the
one I just took of him.

"What's this?" He asked.

"What?" I blushed.

"When did you take that picture?"

"This morning after you got out the shower"

"Who's the perv now?"

"Still you" I laughed and he rolled his eyes. It was a picture of Jesse when he
got out the shower. He had just dropped his towel and his body was all wet with
water droplets running down his chest. I couldn't resist and the picture was of
his upper body just barely stopping at his waist. What a surprise because my eye
s had originally been staring under his hips a little and in between his legs. M
aybe I am a perv but I won't say that to him.

"Well I don't have any naked pictures of you"

"Hey! You were naked but your...well you know what I'm talking about is not show
n" I replied and I laughed. It's not funny! I was going to say...well you know.
Gosh I get so uncomfortable with the sex topic.

"Your so cute"

"Shut up" I grumbled.

"Anyways it's almost showing my-"

"Watch your mouth" I hissed.

"Well you know what I'm talking about" he mocked.


"No it's not whatever. I want you to strip naked and let me have a picture and I
'll stop at your hips just like you did me"

"No because you don't have boobs" I responded. See he is the perv. Girls have mo
re to cover than guys. And no way was I letting him have a picture of any of my

"Your no fun" he pouted.

"I will be on our honeymoon" I said seductively and hear him groaned, making me
giggle. I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to
me. I brought his head down, bringing his lips down to mine. He then kissed me h
ungrily and passionately. And I mirrored the intensity of the kiss. I was the on
e who wanted the kiss and made him kiss me. I sure hell wasn't going to tease hi
m. I was going to miss him and have to go a few days with out kissing him.

Okay it was only two days, but two days was 48 hours. Two days was 2, 880 minute
s and two days was 172, 800 seconds. And those twoo days are just Friday and Sat
urday. Once he leaves I won't kiss until the end of our wedding ceremony, when i
s the next time I'll see him once he leaves. And at the ceremony we'll have to w
ait for the minister to tell us he could kiss me, the bride. Man I couldn't wait
to be married to him.

He nibbled on my bottom lip and I moaned from the back of my throat. I parted my
lips enough for him to slip his tongue in her mouth. His tongue explored every
inch of my mouth like he never kissed me before. I did the same thing and explor
ed his mouth and took in the addicted taste of him. He tasted so minty and I was
loving it. I heard him groan as my hands made their way to his head and tugged
on his hair.

When we pulled away for air his lips didn't leave my skin because he began to tr
ail kisses down my neck. Damn, it felt so good. His lips felt so good against my
neck and he was kissing his way down my neck and I knew he was going to make hi
s way to my soft spot, my collar bone. "Jesse" I moaned, tilting my head to the
side along with arching my neck to his lips. I loved the feeling and didn't want
the pleasure to stop.

"Jesse!" Allen yelled and he sighed and stopped sucking on my collar bone. I saw
him smirk and I rolled my eyes at him. I already knew he gave me a hickey just
the way his eyes lit up as he stared at the place he was sucking on.
He began to walk away and I figured he was heading downstairs. I stopped him by
grabbing his wrist and turning him to face me. I pecked his lips before bringing
my lips to his neck. I kissed down his neck like he did to me, then kissed back
up but stopped at his soft spot on his neck. It was on the side of his neck jus
t under his jaw. I knew that was his favorite spot on his neck. He didn't really
have a soft spot like I did. Like I had my collar bone and when he touched it o
r anything all I wanted was to jump his bones. With him he was basically always
in the mood but his crotch and his dick was the area of no return for him. It ba
sically said 'now I'm taking you.'

Anyways I began to suck on his skin right at that spot and smirked a bit as I he
ard him moan my name, "Vi." I stopped and met his eyes that slowly opened as I s
topped and I smirked at him, seeing his hickey, now we were even. I pulled out o
f his arms and walked to the door, swaying my hips seductively since I know his
eyes were on me. "Come on Jesse you have to go" I mused, turning to look at him.
He rolled his eyes and walked over to me and then we walked downstairs hand in

When we got there all the guys and girls were by the door and Jesse and I stoppe
d walking. I looked up at him and saw him already looking at me. He leaned down
and gave me a soft kiss.

"Bye beautiful" he mumbled against my lips and I frowned. I really didn't want h

im to go, I was going to miss him too much.

"Bye Jesse" I whispered before hugging him tightly and he hugged me back. Then w
e slowly pulled away and he picked up his bags. I gave him a peck on the lips an
d walked with him to the truck. I watched as put all of his stuff in the truck j
ust like the guys were doing. Once everything was in there everyone was saying b
ye. You could see all the couples around over here, well most couples.

"Don't do anything stupid" I warned as he came back over to me.

"I won't babe, plus I only have eyes for you"

"Good" I replied and he laughed.

"Have fun, but not too much fun or I'll have to kill somebody"

"I have no doubt you will. And call me tonight, please"

"I will, I promise babe"


"Bye Vi, I love you"

"I love you too" I smiled weakly. He pressed his lips to mine and let his lips
linger on mine for a moment before pulling away slowly. I whimpered as he pulled
away from me. I stopped him and pulled him in for a tender kiss that he easily
got into. I felt his hands roam up and down my body until we pulled away. He kis
sed her cheek then pulled away and got into the truck with the guys. They took o
ff and Jesse waved to me and I waved back the whole time as the truck went down
the street. Once he was gone I sighed and all of us girls headed inside.

It was only 5:20 so now I had some time before I had to leave. Our flight isn't
until 10:05 this morning. I frowned, I sent the picture of the wedding cake to J
esse's phone and he texted me back, "nice, I forgot I didn't even get to see it.

"I know. Call me later, love you"

"Love you too" he replied and I put my phone away and the girls and us all got a
ll of our stuff packed and in the can we were taking. On the trip the only girls
going are Candice, Tanya, Courtney, Olivia-Eli's wife, Kendra, and Michelle-Wes
ton's wife. I forgot the twins couldn't go with us since they were young and the
re mom said no. It was funny since I'm only 18 and I'm the one getting married.
I love their mom though, she's sweet but she told me I was more mature then her
girls and I was the bride to be so I could do crazy things for being young.

The girls and I all took whatever was at the house and took it to the pack house
where I'll be getting ready on Sunday. I was going to be in the pack house whil
e Jesse will be home getting ready. I mean we were having the ceremony outside i
n between the two places so it was perfect. And we didn't want to take a chance
of Jesse seeing me before the ceremony.

I looked and made sure everything was here in the room and the girls were double
checking too. I smiled as I spotted the girls dresses. Their bridesmaid dresses
were so pretty. It was a pretty purple color either lilac or lavender but it wa
s kind of gray making it look kind of silver. It was like a metallic lavender co
lor. It tied around the neck and it had kind of a heart shaped neck line. It was
floor length and would hug all of their curves. And at the cleavage areea it lo
oked wear the fabric over layed other parts of it before flowing down to the flo
or. It was gorgeous though and went well with out colors.
Our wedding color are silver and purple. Which is why my dress is silver, Jesse'
s tux is black with silver according to Courtney who went with Allen, Harold, an
d Jesse when getting Jesse's tux. I haven't gotten to see his tux since no one w
ould let me. I do know the groomsmen are wearing black tux with silver ties. I s
aw Nigel try his on, and he willingly showed me since I let him see my wedding d
ress. What? He was my besfriend, well male bestfriend besides Roger, who will be
at my wedding with his boyfriend, Matthew.

After we were all ready we all headed out and Eli was driving the van for us. El
i was a great friend of mine and he couldn't resist taking the opportunity to dr
ive to spend a few more moments with Olivia which is why them two are in the fro
nt while the rest of the girls and I are in the back singing along to the music.

When we got to the airport we all said bye to Eli and thanked him then left Oliv
ia and him say bye. Courtney took over and was the one in charge of everything f
or the trip since she planned out the whole weekend along with the girls. She si
mply took everyone's ideas then put it in a schedule. I have no idea what is pla
nned though and I'm excited and nervous.

Our flight was right on time

y eyes were closed and I was
of her hand making her yelp.
hell did I get stuck next to

to leave at 10:05. Soon we were up in the air and m

sitting next to Candice and squeezing the hell out
I couldn't apologize yet until we were up. How the
the window? I was so terrified right now. Once we w

ere in the air Candice told me and I slowly began to relax.

I easily drifted off to a dreamless sleep since I did miss sleep when Jesse woke
me up so damn early. I was being shook by Candice and I growled at her and she
chuckled but stop. I sat up and realized it was time to go. We were soon off the
plane and had our bags then Courtney told us to search for someone holding a si
gn saying Bell. I rolled my eyes, I did love my last name but sometimes it was w
eird even if it was cute.

We ended riding in a limo to the hotel we were staying in. We had got off the pl
ane at 4:30 and then got to the hotel a little 5. When I got to my room which I
was sharing with Courtney we both began un-packing. The other girls were sharing
rooms to. Candice was with Tanya and Olvia and Michelle were together.

Once I was un-packed Courtney told us all we were leaving at 7 but

y where we were going. Of course Courtney was now in the shower so
n my bed and turned on the tv. I was watching some show and it was
was only picking up a couple of words but was using my imagination
e dialogue I understand.

she didn't sa
I laid down o
french and I
to put in som

My phone beegan to ring and I grabbed it off my night stand and let out a squeal
when I saw it was Jesse calling. "Hey" I answered.

"Hey babe" he greeted.

"Hi Jesse, how's the trip going?"

"Good did you get my pictures?"

"Yes I did, I was still on the plane though" I answered. It was true I did see t
he picture but I saw them when I got off the plane since on the plane I was slee

"Where are you now?"

"Um just got to the hotel no more than an hour ago"

"Babe it's almost 6"

"Well we caught the flight at 10: 05 this morning and got off the plane at 4: 30
something and well we were all unpacking" I explained.


"Yeah, you guys are having fun though"

"Yes we are"

"Well I'm glad, are you busy right now?"

"Nope, are you?" He questioned.

"Not at all, I'm waiting for Courtney to hurry up and get dressed, she's been in
the bathroom for over an hour"

"Are you guys going out?"

"I honestly don't know, I'm just tired"

"Awe well go to sleep"

"I can't sleep"

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know...I'm fine though Jesse, I just miss you already" I shrugged. I me
an I was tired but I wasn't. On the plane I fell asleep since I didn't get enoug
h sleep waking up so early plus I was bored out of my mind and now it felt weird
to try to sleep without Jesse holding me. It always sucked when I found myself
having to go to sleep without him.

"How was the plane ride?" he asked.

"Still terrified of it"

"Well what time are you returning home?"

"We leave Saturday and get the flight at 5:45 and get home at 11: 30 that night"

"Sounds good"

"Yeah and you better be ready Jesse" I replied.

"Babe I'll be home before 11: 30 and I'll be at the wedding before 1 o'clock, I

"Good and I'll be at the pack house getting ready. Your mom and my aunt are sett
ing up everything so it will be ready with the stage and the chairs along with t
the decoration for outside" I stated.

"Good so relax"

"I am relaxed"

"Sure you are"

"Okay maybe I'm not but I'm just nervous"

"Babe it's me, your getting married to me. I don't care if it rains, if you fall
on your way down the aisle, your dress ripped, or some other bad thing happens.
I know you want this to be perfect and I do to but if it doesn't go as plan I d
on't care as long as you become my wife. Nothing will change the fact we're gett
ing married. You have nothing to worry about, just come out looking pretty or we
ll walk in sweats, I really don't care because when that minister ask me if I ta
ke you to be my wife I'm going to say I do no matter what"

"I love you" I gushed. I'm such a girl.

"I love you too"

"Finally!" I yelled as Courtney walked out the bathroom.

"Shut up. Now that I'm out go shower" she replied.

"Well I have to go and get dressed for whatever is planned" I told Jesse.

"Okay, call me in the morning when you wake up"

"I will"

"Bye Vi, love you"

"Love you too Jesse" I smiled then hung up. I got off the bed and hopped in the
shower and took a nice, hot shower. It's been awhile since the water has been so
hot but it felt so good. I took a long shower then got out and slipped on my ni
ce white robe that was in the bathroom.

I went into the room and headed over to the closet and grabbed my dress that was
hanging up. It was a sexy little black dress Candice had picked out for me. I g
rabbed what I needed and went into the bathroom again. I took off the robe and s
lipped on my black panties and strapless black bra then slipped on the dress.

I decided I'd take some pictures in this and show Jesse after the wedding. The d
ressed went around my neck and the huge part that did broke into two pieces whic
h each covered one of my boobs, leaving a slit in the front. The slit stopped ri
ght where the bottom of my bra was but still outlined the shape my bra so you co
uldn't see my bra. Then the dress was tight hugging my curves and after the slit
part it looked like just a skirt you put from your waist and down and well it r
eached just barely mid-thigh.

On this weekened I was hoping to get a little tan. I mean for a werewolf I wasn'
t tan like most wolves are. For a wolf I was kind of pale and I missed my tan. A
fter that I slipped on my black pumps then did my make up. I didn't really put m
uch on. I put some eyeliner on, mascara, and then put some clear lip gloss to ma
ke my lips shine and that was it.

I left my hair out to dry naturally and let it fall in it's natural waves. Now t
hat I was ready I walked out the bathroom and looked over at Courtney. She was w
earing a nice dark blue dress. It was one shoulder and stopped mid-thigh. It was
simple but very cute and brought out the blue in her gray blue eyes.

I also noticed that all the girls were already in here and I took my time taking
them all in to see what they were wearing. Candice was wearing a gold dress. It
was strapless and looked like it was made out of silk. It stopped mid-thigh and
it looked good on her.
Then Michelle had a red dress on. It was strappless and went across her chest an
d flowed easily but stopped at her knees. Olivia had a similar dress but her was
emerald green and hers tied around her neck but other than that it went across
her chest and stopped at her knees. And Tanya was wearing a cute hot pink dress.
It was had thin spaghetti straps and a heart shaped neckline that cut low in he
r cleavage like my dress did.

"Damn everyone looks hot" I commented and we all agreed and then headed out to s
ome resturaunt and lets just say I wasn't pleased when I looked at the menu. Atl
east our waiter spoke english but he was definitely a perv as he checked us all
out when he greeted us. We had jsut sat at the tables and we were looking at the
menu and he asked what we wanted to drink and I could feel his eyes on me, actu
ally my chest.

I growled loudly at him and he jumped. "If you don't keep your eyes on our damn
faces I will personally claw your eyes out. None of us are single you pervert so
either stopped checking us out or get us another damn waiter or a waitress" I d
emanded and he gulped.

"S-sorry" he apologized and walked off saying he'd give us a few moments. When h
e came back we all order a cocktail or just soda. Well the only one with the coc
ktail was Candice.

"When Jesse finds out you made a waiter almost pee himself he's going to be so p
roud" Tanya teased and the girls laughed in agreement.

"When I tell him he'll want to have killed him for looking at us" I replied and
they laughed harder and we all joked around then as we ordered our food. I simpl
y had a sandwich because I will not eat pig or duck. I mean sure I eat things th
at come from pig but seriously I couldn't take it and the girls definitely agree

After dinner it was around 9 so we ended up walking around going downtown. All o
f us were complaining about our feet hurting but when we arrived at this club Co

urtney handed me her heels and ran off to get the car. It was dark and she found
some woods near by and she should be back in less than 5 minutes.

I walked in with the rest of the girls and it was nice. It was colorful and crow
ded with music blaring all around us. "Oh we didn't tell you, the drinking age i
s 18 so its time for you to drink" Candice cheered and the girls agreed and I ro
lled my eyes. Jesse was going to kill me if I got drunk. In all fairness he got
drunk on my birthday.

We all took a seat on a bunch of couches in a back corner while Olivia went to g
o get some drinks. When she came back she brough some guy that had a platter of
drinks that he placed on the table in the middle of us. We all eagerly grabbed a
drink and I hesitantly took a sip. I'm pretty sure I promised Jesse I would nev
er drink until I was age unless he allowed me to. But what the hell I wasd of le
gal age here and it was my bachelorette party.

We all drunk a drink before we all got up and Courtney of course was back and we
danced together first giving the guys around a show as we grinded against eacho
ther. We were all taking pictures as we dance and drank. Everytime I sipped on s
omething it burned going down until eventually the burning stop as I continued t
o drink unless the drink changed and it was something stronger.

Thew girls kept asking me if I was feeling it and at first I was saying no but I
really was. I was trying to focus on my dancing and nothing else. I was dancing
with Michelle and we were facing eachother and I felt hands go to my hips and I
smacked them away and turned around already glaring at the person which happene
d to be some random guy.

"Don't touch me" I growled.

"I just want a dance" he smirked.

"Well if you want to leave with a dick I suggest you move before I cut if off" I
threatened his face paled before his smirk was back.

"Cut it off? How about you suck-" He began and I punched him right in the nose.

"Fuck off" I snarled and he backed away and ran off holding his nose.

"He deserved that" Michelle stated and I nodded. I shook my head. I felt really

sober again so I went to the bar and then froze. I didn't know what I want. The
bartened came over and he looked young and his eyes roamed my upper body but did
n't linger on my chest or anything like other guys from tonight I have done. His
eyes met mine and his face was one of boredom. "What would you like?" He asked.
"Uh..." I trailed off and bit my lip nervously.

"First time at a club?"

"No, second actually and last time my fiance was the only one ordering my drinks
" I explained and he nodded while chuckling softly.

"Wait, fiance?"


"Bachelorette party?"

"Yes" I blushed, well it seemed quite obvious.

"Well you seem pretty young"

"I am"

"How old are you? I mean you don't have to answer-"

"Only 18"

"Whoa. Is he 18? Are you sure you guys aren't rushing?" He questioned and I laug

"We're not. He's 20 and will be twenty one in a few months. And we've been toget
her since I was 16" I shrugged and he sighed in relief and I furrowed my eyebrow

"I just don't believe regular old teenagers just jumping into marriage because t
hey claim they're in love but I guess you two are different. Sorry if this is to
o personal"

"It's fine, I understand what you mean. Many people seem disgusted with the idea
I'm getting married so young but I love him and we're mature, we were kind of f
orced into growing up young"

"Don't let anyone's opinion bother you" he advised.

"They don't. It just bothers me when people ask if I'm pregnant like that should
be the only way or reason someone who is my age should be getting married. Even
if I was I wouldn't get married if I wasn't in love. Sorry I'm rambling..."'

"Its fine"

"Um...can you just give me anything?" I asked and he laughed but nodded. He gave
me a virgin something and I scowled at that as Courtney joined me at the bar. S
he made it a joke and said I might as well have been a virgin.

Then the girls all joined and we talked to the bartender Charlie, he was funny,
nice, and gay. He was friendly and easy to get along with. I was rolling my eyes
as they told him how inexperienced I was but I reassured him my fiance wasn't t
aking advantage of me and the girls backed me up on that, Tanya even said 'they'
re so in love and they're so sickly sweet its disgusting.' I took offence to tha
t and elbowed her making her grunt in pain.

"You know when your not sober your mean" Candice mumbled and the girls agreed an
d we all laughed.

"It's a good thing, Violet is too nice for her own good" Michelle said and I shr

"It's just not like me to be so rude or agressive. I've been like that all night
even before we drank because of that waiter" I responded.

"Well your agressive when you don't have Jesse to scare all the guys away and be
agressive for you instead then" Olivia chimed in. I shrugged it off and we left
Charlie to work and got back on the dance floor. I danced with a few guys but w
arned them to watch where they placed their hands.

Eventually I was really feeling it and I was focusing so hard on walking and not
falling as I danced and went back and forward to the bar. I told Charlie to kee
p giving me whatever he was giving me and he laughed his ass off, telling me I w
as drunk. I told him I was tipsy but he didn't believe that and neither did the

I think I might be drunk. I mean I was saying weird things out of my mouth. I wa
sn't even thinking just blurting things out. I didn't know what came over me to
do what I did. Candice had suggested it as a joke and I jumped up off the couch
and went to the bar to do it. I told Charlie what I wanted to do and he thought
I was joking.

"Sir?" I called to the guy sitting ont he stool next to me.

"Yes?" He grunted and I rolled my eyes.

"Can you get up?" I asked nicely and when he refused Courtney and Michelle pushe
d him out of his chair and Charlie grabbed all the drinks off the bar counter an
d I sat on top of the bar and then slowly laid down on it. My hair falling all o
ver the counter. Tanya, Candice, and Olivia were all recording me with their pho
"Ready Charlie!" I shouted and the music had turn down and I had quiter the crow
d. I got nervous and as Charlie was getting what he needed I whispered, "is it n

"Relax, only the best for you" he winked and I nodded slowly. He took the hose t
hing and put it over my mouth. "Ready Violet?" He asked and I gave him a thumbs
up and opened my mouth and he pulled the trigger thing on it and beer began to c
ome out and I began gulping it down. It wasn't alot until he turned it up more o
r squeezed the trigger harder, I really don't know but it began coming out with
more beer and it was harder to swallow fast enough.

Everyone all around was cheering, 'chug!' then it switched to 'go Violet!' It wa
s overwhelming but I continued. Okay beer might not be my favorite but it wasn't
that bad. I kept going and the beer kept coming until it was too much and I cou
ldn't swallow fast enough and it was missing my mouth so Charlie stopped and eve
ryone cheered.

I swalled the last gulp of what was in my mouth and slowly sat up and my
lt like it was spinning. I got off the bar with the help of Michelle and
d me up. It was after two in the morning and they decided it was time to
ut I told her after the Rihanna song was over butt I didn't last because
tumbling all over the place.

head fe
she hel
go on b
I was s

The girls took me to the hotel and got me in bed. I went to bed with my dress on
and my chest sticky since beer had fell past my face and all over my chest. I d
idn't care though. I was sleeping good and sleeping off the fact I was drunk. Of
course my slumber was interrupted by my phone ringing and Courtney forced me to
answer it to make it stop ringing.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Hey sexy" Jesse greeted. What

orning. This is the second day
to kill him for doing this to
his time? Atleast this morning
or waking me up.

the hell? I looked at the time, it was 4 in the m

he's woken me up at 4 in the morning. I was going
me. What could be so important to ruin my sleep t
was reasonable now he better have a good reason f

"Jesse? I was sleeping" I grumbled.

"Is sleeping more important then me?" He asked and I laughed. My anger jusrt dis
solved. I was missing him so much, already.

"Of course not"


"Baby why are you calling? Not that I mind, its just I'm so tired"

"Oh I'm sorry...I'll call later"

"No! Babe if you want to talk we can"

"I'm kind of drunk" he stated.

"Well that explain you kind of slurring your words" I replied. I mean I was feel
ing better now besides my head hurting a little bit.

"I miss you Vi"

"I miss you too"

"What did you do tonight?"

"Went out to the club"

"R-really? Me too. Did you drink? Did you dance with any guys?"

"Jealous babe?"

"Very" he growled. That was kind of sexy. I mean he's not a werewolf so it was n
ot a regualr wolf growl but a possessive growl. A very sexy one that sent shiver
s down my spine.

"Well I did dance with a few guys but was mainly with the girls but I bet you we
re too"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Um I doubt you would dnace with one of the guys" I answered. I mean girls could
dance with other girls and guys while guys simply danced with girls.

"Of course not"

"So you did dance with girls...?"

"Yes I did, jealous?"

"Nope" I lied.


"Am I suppose to be?" I questioned. Of course I was jealous but he didn't need t
o know that. I can't believe he would just assume I'd get jealous.


"Of course I'm jealous. And jerk you weren't supposed to want me to be jealous.
But I am, all those girls got to dance with you. You better have behaved"

"Well...I didn't cheat on you, I only danced, my hands on their waist or hip, bu
t I kind of misbehaved but not in the way you think"

"What? I don't care that you danced with girls, I trust you. I know you wouldn't
touch anothe girl or anything but what did you do?" I questioned.
"I'll tell you later-"

"No now" I demanded.

"I threw a drink at this girl and was trying to wipe it off her afterwards then
she got the wrong idea as I got to her neck and then I kind of made her feel, it
was her fault she had her hand on my leg. Then she slapped me"

"Serves you right! I should kill her for touching you but now why would you thro
w a drink at her then try to wipe it off?" I asked. I couldn't believe he throw
a drink at a girl.

"One of the guys told me to so I did then I felt bad as I realized a second to l

"Jesse drink some water"

"I will, now did you drink?"

"Jesse I-" I began. I was going to tell him I did drink but he cut me off. And I

was getting tired again and was ready to drift off to sleep again.

"Oh wait of course you didn't your only 18"

"Jesse can we talk about this in the morning I'm tired. I'll tell you everything
in the morning I promise" I replied. I was sleepy, and my head was really killi
ng me.

"Okay baby. I-I love you!" He shouted.

"Shh...I love you too"

"Night babe" he whispered.

"Night Jesse" I replied and I hung up. I sighed and laid back down in bed and sn
uggled up in the covers. I closed my eyes and struggled to fall asleep. Eventual
ly I fell asleep and it was nice to sleep. When I woke up Courtney being a good
roomate gave me some medicine to help with my headache.

I got out of bed after I felt better and then went into the bathroom. I stripped
out of my clothes and took my hair out of the bun it was in. I most have put my
hair up sometime last night before we got to the hotel. Ew! My hair smelt like
beer. Wow. I did have so much fun last night.

The girls and I had fun together partying. I wanted to have more fun today. Cour
tney had so many things planned for today. I was actually really excited. Once I
was out of the shower I got dressed. I put on a my white bikini since Courtney
mentioned we'll be swimming sometime today. Then I slipped on a pair of dark ski
nny jeans and a navy blue tank top that had white polka dots all over it. I put
on my navy blue converse to match and then did my hair and make-up. I through my
hairr up in a messy side bun. Then simply put on some eyeliner and mascara then
gave my eyes the smokey look using eyeshadow and stuff. I checked myself out an
d smiled. I looked good and I was ready to go.

I walked out the bathroom and joined Courtney on the couch. "Morning" I chirped
and she smiled at me. "Morning" she replied and we watched tv for a bit and then
I told her I was hungry and so all of us girls decided to go ut for breakfast.

On the way to breakfast I talked to Jesse on the phone and well I tried explaini
ng what I did last night and well it was hard to so I had one of the girls who r

ecorded it to send the video to Jesse. When Jesse called back he was pretty piss
ed. I told him I was fine and argued that I really had fun so he calmed down and
instead told me it was kinf of hot.

He was also upset that I didn't tell him it was legal for me to drink here. He g
ot over it when I told him I didn't know. Then we talked some more and I told hi
m that we were supposed to go somewhere to go play paintball. Then he told me it
gave him a good idea. I rolled my eyes at that but I didn't care they were boys
it suited something for them. I can just imagine it, a whole bunch of grown men
running around with super speed.

After breakfast Courtney surprised us all by telling us we were going to six fla
gs! I'm so excited. When we got there it was kind of crowded and everything was
in french well most things. I really need to learn multiple languages. Jesse on
the other hand knows Italian, Spanish, French, and Latin. That stupid jerk, curs
e him for being so smart. I mean he even knows some German, some Chinese, and so
me Greek. Where he learns this stuff, I have no idea.

Then again my fiance is a genius. He was done with college at the age of 19, get
ting himself a bachelor's degree. Me on the other hand I'm 18 and well-wait this
my last year. It's funny though since I haven't been going to school much since
the whole wedding planning starts. I have a friend bring me my work though and
my professors are in my pack except for one guy who is human. Either way the wor
k goes to my office in the pack house and I do it all so things are fine.
"What do you guys want to get on?" Candice asked.

"That, it's called the vampire" I grinned and they all laughed but agreed. We al
l headed over there and when we got there I froze. Okay this wasn't the best loo
king ride. It looked fun but kind of scary. I take it back! I don't want to get
on. Before I could escape Courtney grabbed my wrist and told me it was too late
to back out.

After that though we got on more rides then we left. We decided to go looking ar
ound and we began taking pictures everywhere we went. We started our day of look
ing around near three in the afternoon. We headed over to Jardin Botanique (Bota
nical Gardens) de Montreal. So here we were walking around and I was so amazed.

"It's official, I'm telling Jesse I want to have a garden somewhere" I stated an
d they laughed.

"I'm not joking at all" I added and they all shrugged.

"I doubt he'd tell you no" Tanya said.

"Yeah that boy is so whipped" Michelle laughed.

"So is Violet" Courtney teased.

"So what?" I grumbled and they all continued to tease me.

"I need to invest in some new friends" I pouted.

"Invest?" Candice laughed and the girls all joined.

"Shut up and just look at the darn flowers" I sighed. Eventually we were done th
ere and we all left. I don't know where I want to go now. Courtney showed me all
the things we could go see and I grinned. "Let's go to Mount Royal" I suggested
and we all piled up in the car and they let me drive.

"No make a right!" Courtney yelled and I switched lanes and made the right.

"No stupid it was on the left" Candice chimed in.

"I'm not stupid" Courtney argued.

"Guys I've been around this circle three times!" I shouted over everyone who was
now arguing. "Someone just give me the damn directions" I demanded and Michelle
took over and nicely instructed me the way there. After we got out the car ever
yone's annoyance went away and we were all calm again and the view was gorgeous.

It was freaking beautiful. I took a picture of what was infront of me and sent i
t to Jesse and he called and I told him where I was and described it to him. I m
ean it was a bunch of hills and there were trees everywhere. There were green on
es, redish orange, and yellow ones all over the hills. Then there was like this
plain lower down and some type of lake in the middle. And you could see the city
and there was a lot of buildings all over. The sight of it astonished me, it wa
s huge and gorgeous. I got my phone and took more pictures after talking to Jess
e who was on his way to a shooting range.

I got a lot of information there. Mount Royal in French was Mont Royal apparentl

y. Then there was background information on it saying Mount Royal is a hill in t

he city of Montreal, immediately west of downtown Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the
city to which it gave its name. The hill is part of the Monteregian Hills situat
ed between the Laurentians and the Appalachians.

Elevation: 764 feet (233 m)

First ascent: 1535
First ascender: Jacques Cartier
Mountain range: Monteregian mountain chain
Province: Qubec

I was completely impressed and well this trip I can see is already educational a
nd I was so interested in learning about everywhere I was visiting. I wanted to
go to so many places so we had to get a move on.

We are now heading over to parc lafontaine. Getting out the car I gasped looking
around. I ditched the girls and went running. This was so cute! I recognized th
is as the lake thing I saw from Mount Royal. I was wrong it's not a lake. Parc L
a Fontaine is a 36-hectare urban park located in Montreal's Plateau Mont-Royal d
istrict. Named in honour of Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine, features include two lin
ked ponds with a fountain. So beautiful here. It was also a lot of fun for the g
irls and I to play around like we were little kids.
The next place on my list to go to was the Notre-Dame Basilica of Montreal. I ha
ve to say when we arrived it took my breath away. It kind of reminded me of old
times, it look like a freaking castle on the outside and I just gaped at it for
the most of the time.

Olivia closed my mouth and told me we were heading inside and I simply followed.
My breath caught when I looked around. This has to be the most beautiful thing
I've ever seen. It was colorful and undescriable. There was like this glass you
see in regular churches but this one was huge and had like a castle on it with a
huge cross in one of the arch looking shapes in the picture. It's so hard to de
scribe but it really is breath taking. Just looking up at the ceiling was nice.
It was all blue and made you feel really calm. The height of the whole thing was
197 feet (60m). The architectural style was Gothic Revival architecture. And it
opened in 1830. This place was something I'll never forget seeing.

The next place we were headed to was the Montreal Biodome. Now this seemed like
it was going to be fun. I dragged the girls around as I went to each exhibits. W
e went to the Tropical Rainforest, The Gulf of St. Lawrence, Labrador Coast, Sub
-Antarctic Islands, and The Laurentian Maple Forest. Wow! Today is freaking amaz

The Montreal Biodome is a facility located in Montreal that allows visitors to w

alk through replicas of four ecosystems found in the Americas. The building was
originally constructed for the 1976 Olympic Games as a velodrome. This place is
impressive, it sucks we are leaving though but we already looked around everythi

Montreal Underground city was the next place to go. Piling back up in the car, O
livia got in the driver seat and drove us. Now this was really intersting place
to arrive to. Seeing everything was nice and I learned about this place too, I r
eally am a nerd.

Montreal's Underground City is the set of interconnected complexes in and around

Downtown Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is also known as the indoor city, and is
one of the largest underground complexes in the world. It also opened in 1962.

After that I was hungry again. It was near dinner time already so we decided to
go out to eat. Okay I wasn't going to miss the food in Montreal. The dessert tho
ugh that was pretty good. Anyways after our kind of early dinner we continued to
go sight seeing.

We went to the Bonsecours market, Cathedrale marie reine du monde, Mccord museum
Montreal, March Atwater (Atwater market), Mont-Tremblant National Park, and the
1000 de La Gauchetire. Now that's what I call sight seeing.

And while it was still kind of day light outside we went to the beach and let me
tell ya there were so many good looking guys trying to talk to us and we all re
jected them. It was hilarious. I mean Jesse is the sexiest guy I have ever seen
in my life. These boys were nothing compared to Jesse. And I mean none of these
guys looked better than our guys, meaning the girls partners too. There was no t
hinking about it, the moment they approached they were shot down. It was funny t
o see there shocked faces when they got rejected.

The funniest part was I was the youngest in the group and most of the guys were
my age. The older guys no older than 25 were trying to talk to me while the 19 y
ear olds were talking to Courtney, Olivia, and Michelle. Now those three are the
oldest but since Courtney is a vampire she looks no older than 23.

After that the girls and I went to the bar and sat at a huge circular table and
began talking about the wedding which was only two days away. Well basically one
. Tomorrow was Saturday and tomorrow I was only going to breakfast then the spa.

"Alright time to talk about boys" Candice stated and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Violet your first, tell us something about Jesse" Courtney said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I mean anything, how's the sex?" She questioned wiggling her eyebrows and I fli
pped them all off. I should have seen this coming. Why is everyone always intere
sted in our sex life? Oh because it embarasses me.

"Good" I blushed.
"How good?" Tanya asked.

"Really good" I answered.

"Is he-" Candice began.

"We're not talking about this" I stated, cutting Candice off.

"Oh yes we are. Is he big?" Candice asked.

"Oh my god! You guys are sick"

"Answer the question"

"Yes, he's freaking huge. Can we not talk about this?" I begged.

"Who's usually on top?" Olivia asked.

"Guys shut up" I pleaded.

"Come on Violet just answer the questions" Courtney urged.

"Fine, he's usually on top" I stated.

"This is definitely peer pressure" I added and they ignored.

"So what type of sex do yoyu guys have?" Courtney questioned. My face was redder
than a damn tomato.

"Oh my gosh I am so done with this conversation" I blushed and sat silently and
they kept asking questions but I didn't answer. This made me feel uncomfortable.
I couldn't talk about it. I just think it feels weird to.

We went back to the hotel and I talked with Jesse on the phone for awhile before
going to bed only to be woken up at a normal time, eight in the morning to go t
o breakfast. I was so not complaining about that. I quickly got up and got dress
ed. I texted Jesse all morning during breakfast then we headed to the spa.

When we got to the place it was only eleven in the morning. We arrived early and
we checked in at the front desk and were shown to our lockers where I got my ro
be and slippers. After changing into the robe and stuff the girls and I headed
into the sauna and just talked for awhile. It was hot but it felt good and relax
ing at the same time. Eventually we got out and sat in the waiting room/ meditat
ion room and cooled down before we were eventually called. I was getting my mass
age done with Candice.

We both went inside the room and the lady who led us here left us. I faced one d
irection and Candice was facing the other direction and I dropped my robe and wr
apped the sheets around me and laid down after Candice told she was wrapped up t
oo. There was a knock at the door and we told the ladies we were ready and tha m
assage began.

I got some type of body treatment which was really weird, a facial, and a manicu
re and pedicure. I was getting my nails done tomorrow morning then coming back t
o the pack house to get ready. After that we went for one last lunch then packed
up and caught our flight at five o'clock.

We got home after midnight and we all headed into the pack house and I showed Co
urtney and Candice their rooms for the night while the other girls lived here so
they went to their rooms. After that I headed to my room and just put my suitca
se in the closet. I'll unpack it eventually, probably after the honeymoon.

I took a quick hot shower then put on some pajamas and crawled into bed and got
on the phone with Jesse. It was the last time we'll talk until the ceremony. I c
ouldn't wait to be married though. "Night Violet" he said.

"NIght Jesse"

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, after the wedding"

"Okay my future hubby" I grinned.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Bye Vi, future Mrs. Stevens"

"I can't wait!" I squealed.

"Neither can I. Now go to bed you have to get up early now I'll see you around 2
o'clock in the afternoon walking down the aisle to yours truly, me"

"Your so cute"

"Watch it" he warned.

"Your so sexy" I corrected.

"I know I am"

"Goodnight" I laughed.

"NIght beautiful, love you"

"Love you too Jesse" I replied. I heard him sigh and I smiled and hung up. We we
re both missing eachother but it would be fine. Once I wake up it will only be a
few hours before the wedding ceremony and we'll finally see each other and it w
ill finally be time to make me his forever and ever. I couldn't wait for us to b
e married. I was nervous, anxious, and excited. Tomorrow has to go perfect, it j
ust does. I worked so hard planning all this so it has to be perfect. It will be
, I get to finally marry the man I love tomorrow.
Chapter 15

*Jesse's P.O.V*

I spent all night watching tv, bored out of my mind. It was finally eight in the
morning. I had all my stuff pack and so did the guys so it was now finally time
to leave. In a few hours I will be getting married. I had to leave now since i
t was quite the drive to the airport and our flight is at 8:55.

All of us headed to the van after checking out the hotel. Once all of our stuff
was in we all climbed in and some guy from the car rental place was driving us t
o the airport. "Are you guys seriously drinking right now?" I asked.

"Yeah, want a beer?" Holden questioned.


"Why not? We won't purposely try to get you drunk?" Allen smirked and I flipped
him off and sat back in my seat.

"Dude I can't believe your getting married" Nigel said.

"Just a few hours" I mumbled and I tuned them all out until we got to the airpor
t. We grabbed our bags and we all headed inside and did the regular procedures u
ntil our flight was called and we boarded the plane. Well we were leaving right
on time, thank god. If I was late at all Violet would kill me.

Once we were on the plane I sat there listening to music. I don't know what was
wrong with me. I never really been nervous in all my life until now. I've been s
cared before, for Violet. But I've never been nervous. There was nothing to be n
ervous for until now.

I don't get why I was nervous either. I was only getting married. Okay that's a

good reason to be nervous. I can't screw anything up or Violet will literally ki

ll me. I just want to make sure everything is perfect.

Allen nudged me and I put my ipod away as we got off the plane. I saw my dad was
here when we got off the plane. We ended up getting in the truck and my dad was
talking to me about when and mom got married.

I just wanted it to be the way we planned. It seemed simple to just get dressed
and then remember my vows. I wish that was it though. I also don't want to embar
ass myself. I'm not one to stutter and I don't want to start now.

When we got to the house it was 11:40 am. Well that was okay timing seeing we go
t off the plane at 11:05. I took my bags and headed inside and told the guys to
meet me in my room soon, where we were all supposed to be getting ready.

I rushed into the room and through my bags in the closet and grimaced. When Viol
et sees that after the honeymoon she's not going to be happy that I didn't unpac
k. She hates mess but it's that or waste time that I don't have to get ready.

I put my phone on my charger since it's about to die and I'll need it later. I r
an a hand through my hair. Violet gave me a couple of instructions. I had certai
n things to do and I can't remember for the life of me what they are.

Shrugging it off, I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I just
need to relax, its a wedding not the end of the world. And things were going to
go perfectly. I started the shower and then stripped out of my clothes before h
opping into the shower. I took my time in the shower and made sure I was good. I
freaking washed my hair real well. What? I love my blonde hair and Violet loves
it more.

I love when she runs her fingers through my hair. It's nice to know someone appr
eciates the fact I take good care of my hair. Hell no do I want my hair to fall
out or anything. Getting out the shower I grabbed a towel off the towel rack and
wrapped it around my waist. I grabbed another towel and used it for my hair.

I walked out the kind of steamy room and made sure my door was shut and locked.
I threw one towel on the bed and the one that was around my waist I let fall to
the floor. I grabbed a pair of boxers and pulled them on before going to the clo
set and grabbing my tux which was still in the solid black bag on a hanger.

I tossed the thing on the bed and got the door since someone was knocking on it.
There standing there was Allen in his black dress pants and he had on his white

dress shirt but was still buttoning it up and he was holding some other stuff.
I let him in the room and went back to my dresser to put on some deodorant. Then
went into the bathroom to shave my face.
Coming out the bathroom I some of the guys came in also and I rolled my eyes. Th
anks for privacy guys-I though sarcastically. I opened up the bag holding my tux
and took it out. I grabbed my black dress pants and slipped them on then grabbe
d my white dress shirt and slipped my arms through the long sleeves.

I walked over to the mirror to look at myself and made sure my shirt wasn't wrin
kled. I buttoned up my shirt and talked to the guys who were try to make it seem
like it was the craziest thing in the world to see me getting married. "Guys I
would have never figured myself to be getting married now eithe but she's perect
. I love her so much and I'd be stupid not to tie myself down wither before some
other guy comes through sweeping her off her feet" I stated.

"Your so whipped" Allen laughed and I flipped him off.

"Jesse do you really think Violet would ever leave you and be impressed with som
e other guy if he came into her life somehow?" Nigel asked.

"Yes I honestly do. It was a possibility. If I somehow screwed up with her any g
uy could have easily took her away from me. I just still get insecured that I mi
ght do something that she can't forgive me for and she'll move on" I answered.

"Dude there's no way she'd ever leave you know matter what you do? The fact she
hasn't left you already means something" Paris said and I shrugged.

"You never though"

"She wouldn't leave you if you cheated on her-which you'll never do because I ha
ven't seen you look at another girl since you start dating" Allen stated.

"I was focused on school" I pointed out.

"Jesse still when I would take you out on the weekends we'd used to look at a lo
t of girls" Allen retorted and I shrugged.

"She has definitely changed me but it's for the better and I'm happy" I replied.

"Everyone who has seen you two together knows you two will never break up no mat
ter what, you love each other too much" my dad chimed in and I smiled.

I was still in just my white dress shirt and black dress pants so I grabbed my m
etallic silver tie and put it on. Next I grabbed my vest which was the same meta
llic silver and I buttoned the two buttons on that th grabbed my black jacket th
at goes to the tux and slipped it on.

"Should I button it up or not?" I asked and the guys all gave me their input and
I ended up leaving it un-buttoned. Afterwards I grabbed my matching metallic si
lver pocket square and put in the pocket on my jacket leaving a little part of i
t showing like it's supposed to be. I had noticed the photographer now arrived a
nd was taking pictures of us as we were all getting ready. Atleast he was doing
his job. I picked the photographer and stuff but Violet and him went over what p
ictures she wanted and stuff.

I grabbed my purple rose boutonniere with a silver ribbon wrapped around the ste
m and put it on the collar of my jacket where it's supposed to go. Since out col
or's were purple and silver and I rtefused to wear and purple and black tux Viol
et told me to wear a black and silver tux but my boutonniere had to be purple.

I grabbed my black socks and slipped them on, god damn they were longer than I'm
used to. My socks come up past my ankle and stop at the middle of my calf. I wa
lked over to the mirror of my room and looked at myself. Damn I do good look if
I do say so myself. I slipped on my black dress shoes and grinned, now I was rea

I walked over to the guys and saw they were all ready too. They all had on black
dress pants, white dress shirt, and a black jacket like me. There jackets were
also unbuttoned and they all had on silver bowties. Damn I was jealous. I like w
earing bow ties, Violet thinks that they are cute. I rolled my eyes at myself se
eing I was being stupid and looked back at the guys. They all had purple bouteni
ers to though but they weren't wearing vest. Oh that was a funny arguement betwe
en Courtney and Allen.

Courtney wanted them to wear everything I was but Allen told her he didn't want
to wear a vest so the guys weren't going to. And we were all going to wear bow t
ies but Courtney told me tha Violet wanted me to wear a tie for some reason, I'l
l ask her later about that.
The photographer had all take a bunch of group pictures between us all. There wa
s me alone, just my groomsmen, all of us together, and then my dad and I. I also
got a picture with each of the guys. I just did what I was told since this is h
ow Violet wanted it.

"Alright guys listen up. Nigel, Holden, and Lane go help everyone that is alread

y here make their way to the ceremony. Just walk along the cleared pathway it'll
lead you right there. After that you guys check in with my mom she said she nee
ded some help with some stuff. And Rico your going to stay by the door downstair
s and everyone who arrives after that you tell them where to go. Weston and Dalt
on can you guys handle the cake, it's supposed to get here soon and it's suppose
d to go to the reception and it's in the dining room, just take the truck. Allen
do me a favor and get all my bags that are by the bed-not the closet-and put th
em in the limo that's downstairs. And dad let's go" I ordered adn everyone scatt

"Why wasn't the cake just taken to the reception?" Dad asked.

"Because no one is there since everyone is here for the ceremony so the cake was
delivered here and we needed someone to take it to the place" I answered and he

We bothleft the room and headed downstairs and I talked to a few guest before th
ey all left. I was gathering some things that I also needed for the honeymoon si
nce some of my stuff I took for my bachelor's party. I ran what I needed to the
limo and put it in there. It was just my phone charger and stuff like that.

After that my dad and I headed to where the ceremony was taking place. We were o
utside in between my house and the pack house, right infront of a huge tree. I l
ooked at my phone and noticed it was 1:30 already. I was in place for the ceremo
ny and my dad went go pay some fees for stuff and all that good stuff.

I stood there and listened to the prelude music as the guest arrived and what no
t. I was just standing here trying to keep calm. It was almost time for me to ge
t married. I did everything right. Everything on my part before the ceremony sta
rted was done and so far everything went as planned. I was ready on time, the ca
ke was at the reception, and our bags were already in the limo.

It was showtime according to my dad. He let me know everyone was here and that V
iolet was here and ready. I couldn't see her or the other bridesmaids yet but I
will be able to soon. I watched my dad run off the clearing until I couldn't see
him and knew he was joining everyone else and here I was alone. The minister wa
s here in front of me and all the guest were here.

*Violet's P.O.V*

It was only seven in the morning and my alarm clock was going off. I smiled to m
yself and shut my alarm clock off. I threw my covers off and got out of bed. I h
eaded over to my door and grinned, "time to get ready!" I yelled.

I shut my door and headed into the bathroom. I had to look amazing today. It was
my wedding day and I was so excited. I decided to brush my teeth first then was
hed my face. Satisfied with the fact I looked refreshed I went and turned the sh
ower on.

I began stripping out of my clothes before hopping into my hot shower. I took a
long shower, making sure to wash myself with my amazing smelling body wash. I wa
s going to smell like strawberries today. I washed my hair thoroughly and then r
insed off before hopping out the shower.

I wrapped one towel around my body then wrapped my hair up in another towel. I t
ook an hour to do that, just great. I had a lot of time so I was not stressing.
I walked into my bedroom and took a deep breath. I dried my hair with my one tow
el then left it alone then dried my body and slipped on my lingerie which was re
placing my regular undergarments.

I had on my white corset made out of silk, leather, and lace. The leather was o
nly on the sides where it covered the side of my curves. Then the silk was on th
e back. Then the front of it, the cleavage was white lace and so was the middle
of the front of the corset. Then on the sides of the lace part on the front was
also silk.

I was also wearing a white thong that had the part to clip suspenders to it but
I wasn't wearing suspenders. I though I looked hot and Jesse better love this da
mn thing because just looking at myself in the mirror I was blushing. I couldn't
believe I was wearing this. No one will see me in it but Jesse so I was fine. A
ll of it was going to be covered by my dress and right now I had on my gold, sli
k robe.
I called for the girls, telling them I was ready and everyone came up. All the g
irls were in their bridemaid dresses and they looked so pretty. "Alright so how
are we doing this?" I asked.

"Your make up artist and hair stylist are here and since we decided everything y
esterday someone is here to do your toes and nails" Monica stated and I nodded.
The rest of the girls were all working with a different hairstylist and make up

I sat in the chair I was in, infront of this desk thing and this lady was sittin
g across from me and was doing my nails. I knew who she was, she was the lady I
usually had do my nails at the nail salon. How they got her to be here, I don't
know. I remember yesterday on the plane ride we talked about not having time to
go out and get my nails done and Courtney said she's work it out and I see she h

This other lady was doing my hair, she was standing behind my chair doing whatev
er. All I knew was I was being pampered and I was not complaining. I had my eyes
closed and I was sitting back. When the lady told me my nails were done I opene
d my eyes and looked at my nails. My tips were a shimmery silver looking color t
hat was dark enough to see. And there were a soft color of lavender that had lin
es making a neat design I couldn't describe. It looked cute and had my colors an
d surprisingly you could easily see both.

I just had to let them dry and now another lady was coming to do my make up. She
told me to close my eyes so I did. It felt weird as usual when someone was doin
g my make-up but I just ignored it and let what needed to be done, be done. The
lady was telling me what she was doing and I just listened. It was nice that she
was telling me since it just felt weird to feel randoming things on my eyes and
what not.

When she told me it was done I grinned as I looked in the mirror. Wow! I had a n
ice shade of foundation on which matched my skin tone perfectly and I definitely
needed it. I just had this glowing look to my face and I loved it.

Now my eyes, my god they looked amazing. I had on dark purple eyeliner that you
could clearly see. My eyeshadow was a pretty bright lavender color and it looked
more shimmery at the top. I had on some mascara and my eyelashes curled up perf
ectly. There was a little blush on my cheeks. And my lips were a pretty mauve lo
oking color and I though it looked amazing. I noticed my hair was also done.

My hair was all curled and was up in an elegant bun besides a few curls that wer
e framing my face. It looked so pretty, I looked so pretty, and now I was trying
to keep from crying so I wouldn't ruin my make up.

After that I was moved back and the lady who did my nails came back and did my t
oe nails, doing the same exact design. I looked so gorgeous and I didn't even ha
ve my dress on. Oh my god, my dress. It was so beautiful.

I looked at the girls and saw they were all dressed and their hair and make-up w
as done too. All of them had there hair curled, and some of their hair was up in
a bun while the rest of their hair fell down their backs. Then some of the hair
not in the bun was also over their shoulders. Their make up was kind of similar
to mine. There eyes were a a lavender color matching their dress, they on clear
lip gloss, and a darker shade of blush than me. Apparently I blush on my own so
I didn't need as much.

Once my toes were dry I was up and was to slip my dress on. I took my dress out
the clear bag and headed into the bathroom. I hung the hanger of my dress on the
towel rack and took my robe off and put it back on it's hook then took my dress
of the hanger and slipped it on.

My dress came floor length and was silver. It was strapless and had a small hear
t shaped neck line. At the top, my waist and up it was smooth and had a criss cr
oss kind of shape over my breast. Then at my waist there was this diamond belt.
Then the skirt of the dress had a bunch of ruffles all the way down. My dress ha
d a small train to it but I wasn't going to need anyone to help me with it.
I stepped out the bathroom and all of made a big fuss of how beautiful I looked.
It was now near noon and Candice went to get us all something to eat. It was on
ly something small since it was only near noon. I slipped on my silver heels and
grinned, I definitely broke these shoes in like I was supposed to.

We all began eating and once I was done all I did was put on more lip gloss. Aft
erwards we all talked and I went ovver everything to make sure everything was re
ady. At 1:40 my uncle Gavin was here and told me it was time to go. All of us he
aded out and stopped where the guys were which was in the clearing where no one
could see us. I matched up all the groomsmen and bridemaids and then we all line
d up.

I was in the back of the line and my uncle Gavin was on my right with our arms a
lready hooked together. I could hear the processional music playing and I knew i
t was time for everything to go. First to go down the carpeted aisle was Mikey a
nd Lilly. Them two were just so cute together.

After Mikey and Lilly was Harold and Monica, Allen and Courtney, Lane and Tanya,
Paris and Clara, Rico and Ciara, Nigel and Olivia, Holden and Reba, Malcolm and
Kendra, Weston and Michelle, and lastly Dalton and Candice. My breath caught in
my throat as I watched Dalton and Candice go. I was next!

Uncle Gavin looked at me and gave me a huge smile and I gave him a nervous smile
back and he chuckled quietly. "Sweetie it's okay. Just relax, I'm about to walk
you down to Jesse. We rehearsed this a thousand times. Everything is going perf
ectly and so will this, just relax, ok?" He questioned and I slowly nodded.

"I'm fine, thanks for that"


"And thank you for walking me down"

"I could never replace your father but I am honored" he replied and I kissed his

"Thank you for being there though"

"Your welcome. Now are you ready?" He asked and I took in a deep breath and slow
ly nodded and we began to walk into the clearing and I watched everyone rise. Un
cle Gavin looked at me and I gave a small nod and we began our rehearsed walk do
wn the aisle. It was just one foot in front of the other with a very short pause
and so on. I was holding my bouquet tightly and my palms felt sweaty as I took
my actual first step.

I looked up and my eyes locked on Jesse's ice cold blue eyes that I love so much
. He was grinning at me and my lips automatically formed into a smile. He made m
e so happy and now I could relax. It was just Jesse, I have been with him for mo
re than a year in a half. I loved him and I knew no matter what we were going to
get married.

In no time I was standing infront of

n Jesse's awaiting right hand. Uncle
you were great." I smiled at him and
ow next to aunt Natalie. I handed my

Jesse and Uncle Gavin placed my left hand i

Gavin then kissed my cheek and whispered, "
watched him walk to his seat in the first r
bouquet to Monica then focused back on ever

I turned back to look at Jesse and he grinned at me. I smiled back at him and we
turned to face the minister. Jesse and I were still staring at eachother as he
began to talk, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the presence of family a
nd friends to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony...."

I tuned him out as I took the time to take in Jesse. Starting with his hair, his
blonde hair was messy but very sexy and it was so tempting. I just wanted to ru
n my hands through it and hear him groan. I stopped myself of such thoughts and
paid attention, well I was going to try to.

"Who gives this bride to this Groom in marriage?" The minister questioned.

"I do" Uncle Gavin stated, raising his right hand and the minister looked at him
and gave him a short nod in recognition then continued talking. Jesse and I wer
en't ver religious to an extent so we wanted to keep all the bible stuff out of

He just kept talking and talking. I watched the minister's mouth move but it was
like he wasn't saying anything. I looked back at Jesse and stared at his face.
His eyes were lit up with happiness and a smile was placed on his full, red lips
My eyes drifted down as I looked at him in his tux. Damn he looks so good all dr

essed up. I stared at his tie for a moment and bit my lip. I don't know what it
was I loved ties and he looked so good dressed up wearing one.

Man was he super built. He had broad shoulders but still in the suit he looked g
ood and not like the Hulk ready to break out of it. You could still see how musc
ular he was though. I couldn't wait for our honeymoon. Once we get to Italy in o
ur hotel I'm am heading right to the bed. I want my man and I was going to have
him first chance I get.

"Please join hands" the minister instructed, snapping me out of my thoughts. Jes
se and I did as he said and I placed my right and in his left since my other han
d was already in his.

"I'm aware you have your own vows, so who would like to go first?" He asked and
I bit my lip nervously. I was so scared right now. Jesse always knows what to sa
y. He could give the best speeches. He was always so sweet and romantic.

Jesse gave me a questioning look and I shook my head no furiously and he chuckle
d and kissed theback of each of my hands. "I'll go first" Jesse stated and I gri
nned in appreciation, that he was going first. He cleared his throat and stared
right into my eyes.

"Violet I rehearsed this so many times but I still don't know how to tell you ho
w much I love you. I remember everything from the day I first met you. I wanted
to hate you so bad, I really did. I just couldn't though. When Allen and I first
saw you I was angry and upset. When I approached you something just didn't feel
right. I felt things I never really felt before like compassion and I didn't un
derstand it. You looked so broken and innocent, but even then I thought you were
beautiful. Of course I wasn't going to admit that in the beginning. I mean then
I was a self-centered jerk. I know it's hard for you to believe that I could be
so cruel and ruthless but I honestly was. I changed for you, as I got to know y
ou I began to like you more and more until I realized I couldn't keep just being
a friend. We easily began dating and I quickly fell in love with you and it was
the best feeling in the world. Then hearing you say those three little words ba
ck blew my mind. Everything felt so real and I just knew I couldn't let you go,
not then and definitely not now. I can't live without you, it hurts too much to
even think about. I'd do anything for you because I love you more than anything
and anyone. This last year or so has been the greatest in my life. I got to know
you, experience love for the first time, be in a real relationship, change myse
lf, and change my opinion on werewolves. Believe it or not I was nervous as hell
for some reason to do this. Not because I was thinking about not going through
with this but maybe I was just insecure for some stupid reason. Violet you are p
erfect in every single way, no one not even you can argue with me about it.To me
your perfect and always will be. And to know that you want to be with me just m
akes me so happy. You honestly could do way better than me. I'm just so lucky to
have you and I want you to be mine forever and today I can seal the deal. I lov
e you Violet and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he smiled and I f
elt the tears fill my eyes.

" don't cry, I was supposed to make you happy" he frowned, wiping my e
yes carefully. I laughed lightly and looked up at him.

"Y-you did make me happy, they're happy tears" I wailed and he kissed my nose.

"'s fine Vi, now come on it's your turn" he replied and I nodded. I slow
ly pulled myself together and chewed on my bottom lip and stared up at him. My n
erves were back and I was panicking. I stared into his eyes and mine locked on h
is blue ones.

"Jesse I love you too and I will always be yours. I never told you this but when
m-my parents died I honestly felt like it was the end of the world. I was mad a
nd I blamed myself for the longest time for their deaths. Once they were gone I
really was angry at the world, believe it or not. Everyday was like a routine wh
ere I went walking around like a zombie not caring about anything. I figured my
parents were gone and I slowly lost everyone else. My uncle and aunt were too fa
r away and couldn't be there so I really felt alone. I kind of stopped believing
in love too. I loved my parents so much and then losing them I thought it was p
ointless. My dad loved my mom so much and all it did was literally kill him. The
y were mates and I hated the word so much. I used to dream about finding my mate
and him being perfect then I saw what loving someone like my dad loved my mom a
nd saw it kill him. I didn't want a mate and I didn't want to ever fall in love.
When we met I was terrified as hell but I figured no matter what I was luicky t
o meet someone as sexy as yourself. And well things easily fell together and we
became friends. And just for the record you 'sealed the deal' the first time we
kissed. I'm so sorry for making you wait so long for me. I knew I liked you and
you liked me but I was scared because my feelings for you were way too strong fo
r my liking but I couldn't help it. I had never met someone so sweet, romantic,
smart, handsome, cocky, arrogant, and funny. I fell in love with you literally b
ut at that time I was no longer scared. When we started daing it was because I w
anted to of course because I realized friends don't have certain thoughts or fee
lings for eachother like I did for you. I just thought maybe we could give it a
try but in the back of my mind I was so scared of me getting hurt and then a day
later we went on a date. No matter my insecurities I couldn't back out of our r
elationship esepcially after our first date at the beach, I'll never forget that
. Then a month later I didn't realize it but I was in love with you and I admitt
ed it to myself when I realized I trusted you so much and I needed you. No matte
r how scared I was of being in a relationship and love I couldn't bring myself t
o stop feeling the way I did and I didn't want to. I promise you all those insec
urities been gone though since our first date though because I knew if you were
willing to wait a long agonizing month for me than you were the right guy for me
. And today has got to be the best day of my life because I get to beome your wi
fe, and your the one I want to spend the rest of my life with and I am going to
because I am never letting you go because your mine and I am forever yours" I gr
The minister then asked for the rings and Allen got them from Mikeey then handed
them to the minister. "Jesse as you place this ring on Violet's finger I ask th
at you repeat these words, this ring is my sacred gift to you, A symbol of my Lo
ve, A sign that from this day forward and always, My Love will surround you, Wit
h this ring I thee wed" the minister instructed.

"This ring is my sacred gift to you, a symbol of my Love, a sign that from this
day forward and always, my Love will surround you, with this ring I thee wed" Je
sse repeated, sliding my ring on my ring finger. Everyone looked at me expectant
ly and I Jesse chuckled. Sorry I was caught up in the moment of watching my man.
I didn't even hear the minister tell me to repeat the same thing, and the ring
was already on my finger but I couldn't take my eyes off of it.

"This ring is my sacred gift to you, a symbol of my love, a sign that from this
day ofrward always, my love will surround you, with this ring I thee wed" I smil

For as much as Jesse and Violet have consented together in holy matrimony and ha
ve witnessed the same before those present, and have pledged their faithfulness,
each to the other, and have declared their love by giving and receiving rings a
nd by joining hands, I now, by the authority committed unto me as a minister and
a priest, declare that Jesse and Violet are husband and wife" the minister grin

"You may kiss the bride" he finished and I grinned widely and Jesse and his eyes
looked at me and I saw so much love but I didn't miss all the lust. Jesse immed
iately pulled me to him by our locked hands and my chest hit his softly and his
arms snaked around my waist and he brought his head down and pressed his lips ag
ainst mine and I moaned. Man I missed kissing him more than I though. My hands w
erealready on his back, trailining up to grip his shoulders from behind. I kept
movingy hands up until I tangled them into his hair.

His tongue swiped across my bottom lip a few times and I teased him a bit and ke
pt my lip closed and he pulled me closer one hand dropped to my butt and I moan
ed as he squeezed. I could feel him smirk as he plunged his tongue in my mouth.
I mentally rolled my eyes and smiled against his lips as I let tongue dance wit
h his. We slolwy pulled away but stayed in each other's embrace.
We turned to face the clapping crowd and I blushed. "Allow me to present Mr. and
Mrs. Stevens" the minister announced and I squealed. Jesse laughed and held me
close to him, our arms hooked together. I leaned on his shoulder and whispered s
oftly, "I love you my sexy hubby." He smirked as he looked down at me. No matter
what heels I wear he's taller than me, its sexy though that he's so tall.

"I love you too my wifey" he grinned.

"Hey where's my compliment?" I asked and he rolled his eyes and chuckled.
od their signing the register together and then Monica and Harold did too
t man and maid of honor. Monica also gave me my bouquet back and I looked
pianist, he began playing the recessional music with a short nod from me
looked at Jesse and he pecked my lips.

We sto
as bes
at the
and I

"Let's go beautiful" he muttered and I nodded and we lead the way down the aisle

and everyone else followed as we left. Jesse and I hopped in our limo and told
everyone we'd meet them there. "We're married!" I squealed and Jesse pulled me
in his arms for a huge hug and I took his scent in. I really missed the smell of
his cologne and his aftershave.

"I missed you" I mumbled.

"I missed you too"

"I need you to say it" I smiled.

"Mrs. Violet Stevens" he grinned and I jumped happily in his arms.

"Want to make out?" He asked after a moment and I nodded my head furiously. He b
rought his lips down to mine for a hard and passionate kiss. The kiss was more l
ustful then the one during the ceremony.

The limo was now moving but that didn't stop us. I was laying down and Jesse was
on top of me and our lips were locked. We pulled away and he brought his lips t
o my neck and I stopped him. "Jesse save it for the honeymoon" I breathed and he

"Sorry" he apologized and I sat up and cuddled into his side.

"Don't be sorry, I want you now but if you kept going I was scared we'd make lov
e in the limo when we are practically here now" I explained and he nodded in und

"Oh. Well I have a question for you"

"WHat?" I asked.

"Why did I have to wear a tie? I thought you thought bow ties were cute"

"Bow ties are so cute and I love them on you but I love ties. Plus bow ties remi
nd me of peguins and peguins are cute but your not meant to be cute because your

sexy" I answered.

"Plus you can't do this with a bow tie" I added and grabbed his tie, untucking i
t from under his vest and pulled on the tie. I pulled his face down and him clos
er to me until his face was on level with mine and our lips were barely a centim
eter apart. He groaned and closed the distance by bringing our lips together for
a hot kiss.

We pulled apart reluctantly for air and he leaned his forehead against mine. "Yo
u know your ring is engraved..." he trailed off and I pushed him away and he lau
ghed as he saw my eager face. I quickly slipped my wedding finger off and looked
for the engraving and I gaped at it.

"You didn't!" I shreiked but I was smiling like crazy.

"Now I've said it and wrote it" he shrugged and I hugged him tightly before star
ing at the engraving of the ring. He held me in his arms as I sat on his lap. "T
hat's quite the compliment" I commented and he chuckled.

"I love you Violet"

"I love you too" I replied and leaned my head on his chest. We were almost there
so we sat in silence and I played with mr ring and read over the engraving over
and over again, "You Make Me So Hot." It's a nice compliment since he's a vampi
re and it takes a lot to make him hot when his body is so cold. It's also very s
exual but I could care less, I loved it. I also loved him, my husband.
Chapter 16

*Violet's P.O.V*

When the limo finally came a stop I sat up so I was no longer laying my head on
Jesse's chest. The door opened and Jesse grabbed me and helped me with my poofy
dress so I could get out. I carefully stepped out and stepp onto the side walk a
nd then stood to the side waiting for Jesse. I watched Jesse easily get out the
car and he quickly began fixing his tie.

"Can I take off my jacket or at least un button it?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm glad Courtney made you guys button it up but now you can un-button it"

"Thank you" he sighed and I kissed his cheek. He took off his jacket and held it
one hand over his shoulder while he wrapped an arm around my waist. I held my d
ress up and kept up with Jesse's pace while I was wearing these silver heels. "B
abe we have to go take the pictures now" I stated and Jesse simply nodded and we
made our way to the photographer.

Jesse took a few pictures by himself and then I took some infront of the flowers
that were outside before he made Jesse and I take our pictures together. All th
e girls and the guys are just arriving and hear I am being thrown over Jesse's s
houlder. "That's for not listening" Jesse laughed and I smacked his ass and saw
a flash. Well that was one hell of a picture.

Jesse put me down and then picked me up bridal style and the photographer took t
hree pictures of that and the videographer were moving around everywhere recordi
ng everything. Jesse turned me around and I instantly wrapped my legs around his
waist and my arms around his neck. "Jesse!" I shreiked.

"What? I'm not going to drop you" he laughed.

"That's not what I'm worried about. My dress is all huge how the hell are you ho
lding me?"

"Easily" he smirked and I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder and
smiled for the camera. We took other random pictures. One picture had me jumping
on Jesse's back or trying to. And another-Jesse's favorite was me trying to tak
e a picture alone. I was standing with one hand on my hip and was smiling and we
got a picture of that but as the photographer went to take more pictures of tha
t pose Jesse somehow came behind me and cupped my breast from behind. I gasped o
f course then smiled for the camera and got a few pictures. "Come on let's go ge
et everyone arriving" I suggested after all the pictures.

We took pictures of me with each of Jesse's groomsmen and he did the same with m
y bridesmaid. Then it was a mix with the whole bridal party and it was fun and k
ind of crazy. There's a picture with me and all the groomsmen. It looked like I
was falling and Allen was really holding me and some guys were holding the botto
m of my dress to look like they were holding me up and the rest of the guys were
gripping parts of my dress. It was really neat and kind of scary because I was
scared Allen was going to drop me.

Jesse and I along with my aunt and uncle, his parents, my bridesmaid, and the gr
oomsmen all stood in a line greeting guest and thanking them for coming. "Babe m
y feet hurt" I whined and Jesse looked at me and then down at my feet and I held
up my dress. It was only us two left our here greeting the last of the guest an
d some of the girls were here talking.

"Well come on, everyone's practically here so let's make our grand entrance" he
smiled and I grinned back at him. I wrapped an arm around him and he wrapped an
arm around my shoulder. "Where's your jacket?" I asked.

"My mom is holding it" he answered and I nodded. Courtney ran past us in her hee
ls and I gave her a thumbs up so she could let someone know we were coming in no
w. The rest of the girls headed in side before us and I laughed as they all ran
in their heels. We madeI couldn't wait to see the place. I picked everything out
and planned it all but Monica and my aunt Natalie set it all up with some help.

We slowly walked in together and all eyes were on us and the DJ's loud voice on
the microphone was booming all around. "Welcome the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Jes
se Stevens!" He announced and I smiled up at Jesse and he kissed the top of my h
ead and we made our way in and to our seats.

Jesse pulled out a chair for me and I got my dress settled and then sat down and
Jesse scooted my chair in then sat on my right. I leaned my head on his shoulde
r and noticed we were seated in the middle of the table and all of our close fri
ends were at our table alon with the bridal party.
I looked around the room and smiled. The table I was at was a long retangular wh
ile the other tables were circular. There was a center piece at each table that
was like a glass bowl thing with a bunch of purple flowers. All the table curtai
ns were silver and then there was a strip of a lavender color going down the mid
dle of each table. All the chairs were the same way. They had silver silk covers
on each chair with a lavender ribbon the back of the seats.

There were twinkly lights all around and then the cake was on a huge circular ta
ble. Our cake was purple and had four tiers. On the bottom of each layer it had
this silver ribbon type thing going all around it. Then in white icing was rando
m plant pattern going all through the cake. Then at the top there was this grayi
sh purple ribbon going down all tiers with purple flowers at the very top and on
the sides of the ribbon on each tier.

Everything was just so perfect. "Jesse?" I called and he looked down at me. I sa
t up a bit and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm hungry" I whispered.

"I know babe, we'll eat soon" he replied and I nodded.

"Well until then do you think you can occupy your wife?" I asked and he smirked.

"Yes I can" he groaned. I giggled and he leaned over and pecked my lips softly t

hen moved his lips down so he could kiss down my neck. He pulled my chair closer
to him and placed one hand on my thigh. "You know I've been meaning to tell you
this, you look so beautiful babe. I mean this dress looks amazing on you and yo
ur hair is done and everything" he murrmurred.

"Thank you. And you look very handsome" I smiled and he kissed my cheek.

"I love you Mrs. Violet Stevens"

"I love the sound of that Mr. Stevens" I grinned and he chuckled lightly and kis
sed me tenderly before sitting back up in his chair. I heard some soft music bei
ng played and I saw the waiters and waitresses bringing out platters of stuff. T
here were plates infront of each person and utencils in a silver napkin and the
platters were placed on the table and people began to dig in and everyone was ea
ting. I was eating a lot but I wasn't trying to stuff myself because then it'll
make me look fat and my stomach will stick out even though I'm skinny as hell. A
nd I don't want that because I have tight lingerie on that I want to wear for my
husband, and show off my body.

It's not attractive to see my stomach look like I'm trying to push it out throug
h my corset. I just want to look good. Is that too much to ask? I didn't think s
o. "Give me a sip" I requested and Jesse handed me his glass and I took a small
sip of the wine. I handed theglass back to Jesse and he kissed my nose. "Who's g
iving the first speech?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows. "My uncle, your mo
m, Allen, Courtney, Nigel, Candice, your dad, Weston, and then you" I smiled and
he shifted uncomfortably.

"I don't know what to say"

"Jesse you always know what to say. Just speak to me" I advised and he nodded. D
inner was finishing up and I looked at my phone, it was only 5 o'clock. Well the
wedding started at two in the afternoon and ended arund 3:30. Then the whole le
aving and driving here to the plaza and then greeting and now eating it was five
. Everything seemed right so we were good.

As dinner ended Uncle Gavin called for everyone's attention and he stood up and
looked around and waited until everyone was silent. "I want to start off by sayi
ng congratualtions to my niece and her lucky groom" he began and applause began
at that.

"I've known Violet all of her life. I was the one who drove her mother to a hosp
ital. Her parents were visiting me at my place and her dad had just went on some
crazy errand to buy her mother something. Next thing you know her dad is gone a
nd her mom starts screaming her water broke. I began to panic and I start tellin

g Victoria to calm down. I couldn't take her to the pack doctor since he was out
for some other emergency so I carried Vicky to my car and got her in the backse
at and drove her as fast as I could to the hospital. When we got there it was so
crowded and it was a werewolf hospital wing and the moment I walked through gro
wling with Vicky in my arms everyone went silent and she was the most important
thing in the world. I went with her to her room and called her dad and he was fr
eaking out. I never forget it, his exact words were 'what the hell do youy mean
her water broke? It can't break she still has 3 weeks!' I told him my niece coul
dn't wait and to get his ass down here. He got there in less than ten minutes an
d quickly took over and I was never more relieved in my life. I never told you t
hat story Violet but it was an amazing day. I never had my own kids and I'm too
old now but your like a daughter to me and to see you all grown up just fills me
with so much joy" he paused and I blinked back my tears.
"I told myself I wouldn't cry today and I won't, I don't think. Violet I'm so ve
ry proud of you. I know you've had a tough life and I'm sorry I couldn't be ther
e for you in your hardest times but now you got someone who will always be there
. Jesse is a great young man that also makes me proud. I can't thank you enough
Jesse for making my niece so happy. It had been so long since I saw a real smile
on her face. And I see the way you look at each other with so much love it's ov
erwhelming. I love my wife-she's my mate, my everything but you two just radiate
love everywhere you go. I've never seen a couple so in love and so happy even i
n the worst of times. When you two are together I truly believe that nothing can
ever come in your way. You both may be young but you have a promising future to
gether so congratulations on your marriage but give me a couple of years before
you make me a great uncle" he joked and I grinned and got out of my seat and hug
ged him.

"I love you baby girl" he whispered and I smiled. I saw the tears in his eyes an
d it made me so happy. He was getting emotional for the first time and it wasn't
anger. I've never seen him cry or even have tears like he does now. I felt like
cry after his speech and a tear or two escaped but I was quick to wipe it away.
I was trying not to ruin my make up.

"I love you too Uncle Gavin, and thank you for being here and your speech. And t
hank you so much for sharing me that story, I never knew that" I replied and he
kissed my cheek and I sat down with Jesse again and he kissed my forhead.

Uncle Gavin sat down and the applause came up and everyone was cheering. I looke
d at Monica and gave her a small nod and she nodded back. She took a deep breath
then slowly raised to her feet and tapped something to her glass, gaining every
one's attention.

"I have to say this has been a beautiful day. My son, Jesse I love you so much a
nd I am so happy for you. And I have never been more proud of you then now over
the last year. You meeting Violet was the best thing that ever happened to you.
Some how, someway she tamed you and made you a real man. You've truly grown up a
nd not just in age. Of course you werealways mature but you've always had this w
ild streak. In your teenage years it was hopping girl to girl. My lord it was di
sgusting but thank god you never tried to marry one of those awful girls. And Vi
olet I am so happy to have you officially join the family. I love you so much li
ke a real daughter, you just mean so much to me. You brought so much to all of o
ur lives in just the last year. My son is no longer a rude, mean, angry, and arr

ogant guy anymore. It's actually funny to see him this way compared to before. I
mean now he's sweet, caring, nice, polite, and relaxed. He doesn't take life to
o seriously. You two just balance each other out so well. Neither one of you let
the other control you, your both strongly opinionated, you both love each other
beyond belief, and you both make each other happy and that's what a relationshi
p is all about. Being with the person who can make you laugh when you want to cr
y, when you do cry they let you borrow their shoulder, you'd do anything for the
m, and you love them unconditionally. You two are truly special people individua
lly and together you two are unstoppable. Nothing can tear you apart and no matt
er what your in it together. She's a werewolf and he's a vampire but I never see
n something so beautiful together. It brings tears to my eyes to see you two tog
ether and so full of life. Now I want you two, to enjoy you day together and I w
ish you both the best in your marriage" she smiled and she wiped her eyes to get
rid of the tears rolling down her cheeks.
"I told myself I wouldn't cry today and I won't, I don't think. Violet I'm so ve
ry proud of you. I know you've had a tough life and I'm sorry I couldn't be ther
e for you in your hardest times but now you got someone who will always be there
. Jesse is a great young man that also makes me proud. I can't thank you enough
Jesse for making my niece so happy. It had been so long since I saw a real smile
on her face. And I see the way you look at each other with so much love it's ov
erwhelming. I love my wife-she's my mate, my everything but you two just radiate
love everywhere you go. I've never seen a couple so in love and so happy even i
n the worst of times. When you two are together I truly believe that nothing can
ever come in your way. You both may be young but you have a promising future to
gether so congratulations on your marriage but give me a couple of years before
you make me a great uncle" he joked and I grinned and got out of my seat and hug
ged him.

"I love you baby girl" he whispered and I smiled. I saw the tears in his eyes an
d it made me so happy. He was getting emotional for the first time and it wasn't
anger. I've never seen him cry or even have tears like he does now. I felt like
cry after his speech and a tear or two escaped but I was quick to wipe it away.
I was trying not to ruin my make up.

"I love you too Uncle Gavin, and thank you for being here and your speech. And t
hank you so much for sharing me that story, I never knew that" I replied and he
kissed my cheek and I sat down with Jesse again and he kissed my forhead.

Uncle Gavin sat down and the applause came up and everyone was cheering. I looke
d at Monica and gave her a small nod and she nodded back. She took a deep breath
then slowly raised to her feet and tapped something to her glass, gaining every
one's attention.

"I have to say this has been a beautiful day. My son, Jesse I love you so much a
nd I am so happy for you. And I have never been more proud of you then now over
the last year. You meeting Violet was the best thing that ever happened to you.
Some how, someway she tamed you and made you a real man. You've truly grown up a
nd not just in age. Of course you werealways mature but you've always had this w
ild streak. In your teenage years it was hopping girl to girl. My lord it was di
sgusting but thank god you never tried to marry one of those awful girls. And Vi
olet I am so happy to have you officially join the family. I love you so much li
ke a real daughter, you just mean so much to me. You brought so much to all of o

ur lives in just the last year. My son is no longer a rude, mean, angry, and arr
ogant guy anymore. It's actually funny to see him this way compared to before. I
mean now he's sweet, caring, nice, polite, and relaxed. He doesn't take life to
o seriously. You two just balance each other out so well. Neither one of you let
the other control you, your both strongly opinionated, you both love each other
beyond belief, and you both make each other happy and that's what a relationshi
p is all about. Being with the person who can make you laugh when you want to cr
y, when you do cry they let you borrow their shoulder, you'd do anything for the
m, and you love them unconditionally. You two are truly special people individua
lly and together you two are unstoppable. Nothing can tear you apart and no matt
er what your in it together. She's a werewolf and he's a vampire but I never see
n something so beautiful together. It brings tears to my eyes to see you two tog
ether and so full of life. Now I want you two, to enjoy you day together and I w
ish you both the best in your marriage" she smiled and she wiped her eyes to get
rid of the tears rolling down her cheeks.
The cheering all started and I tried to stop crying but I couldn't. It's just I
was about to cry during Uncle Gavin's speech and yeah a few tears fell but that
on top of this just caused some more tears, only a few though. Jesse turned to m
e and wiped my eyes for me and gave me a grin. I gave him a smile back and he gr
abbed my hand and kissed it then gave it a small squeeze and we turned to face A

"I honestly can't believe today is Jesse's wedding day. I always imagined gettin
g married first. I mean I am older, I am a vampire and I am 226 years old. Ths g
uy is literally 19 years old. I remember when he was a baby, never having kids,
he scarred me for life. Who knew if you decided to babysit at 4 month old baby y
ou'd have to change their diaper so many times? That's it though the moment you
learned to potty train I was like never had to see that much of you ever again"
he joked and everyone laughed.

"I never knew that we'd end up being bestfriends. Your like a son to me, like a
brother, and you are truly my bestfriend for life. I might be your godfather but
no one will ever know. Jesse you have the ability to do so much. You have a cla
n your running, my king-literally. Your doing an amazing job and you have such a
n amazing role model. Your dad has given over two hundred years of running the c
lan before you took over. Like they say each generation is better than the last
and it's true. Your dad was a great man and he's like a father to me. You are ru
nning the strongest clan in the world. You and your dad are very alike but you h
ave some better qualities. You are the fastest vampire in the world and you are
also the most accepting of other species. Now Violet, we haven't known eachother
for awhile but you have made an impact on my life in just a short year. You hav
e become a true friend to me, your always there when I need advice and you helpe
d me find the girl of my dreams or should I say finally see what was right infro
nt of me. You are an outstanding woman and yhou should be very proud of yourself
. Jesse and Violet you have my blessing in this marriage but I'm sure everyone k
nows you two will be togethe forever and always. You guys have much to do in you
r life together and I believe you two can do anything you want to do no matter t
he odds because of your differences so good luck" Allen finished and I smiled br
ightly and Jesse grinned at Allen. I leaned over and laid my head on Jesse's sho

"He really loves you" I stated and Jesse nodded.

"I know and I love him too" he replied and I kissed his cheek.

"Well thank you my handsome boyfriend now it's my turn. I want to say Jesse you
have changed a lot. I'm only 123 years old but I truly believe we've have come c
loser. I've seen a different side to you over the last year and I got to see a n
ew and better you. I mean before we used to hate each other and here we are. I m
ean sure we tolerated each other but now we actually get along. And Violet you a
re my bestfriend in the whole world. Meeting you was amazing because your like a
sister to me. I know I can always count on you to be there for me when I need y
ou to be. You are a role model to me, you may be young and I may tease you about
thing but I love you. You have inspired me in so many ways and helped me so muc
h. I'm taking an art class like I've alway dreamed and I got the man I've been i
n love with for the last five years finally and he loves me. Without you I don't
think I would have ever been this happy or been able to move on seeing I waited
all that time before so thank you. You just have a way with people and just mak
ing things better for everyone. I was so lucky to meet you and I'm so happy for
the both of you and I hope your wedding day is a perfect as you guys planned" Co
urtney smiled and the tears were rolling down my cheeks and I softly wiped them
all away.

"Alright my turn. Now you two, newly married couple I want to say I love you bot
h. Jesse we've been friends for so many years now and you like a brother to me.
And Violet you are my bestfriend. There's something about you that just makes yo
u so special and I can't be happier for you two to be together and finally be ma
rried. Jesse I want you to know your very lucky to have this girl and you've hel
ped her so much. I remember when you two were just friends you would talk about
how amazing Violet was or something she did. And Violet when we used to talk the
n and I'd bring up Jesse you used to blush so much by just his name. I'd go so w
hat you do today? Or how are you and Jesse doing and your face would turn so red
. You'd remember something you and Jesse had did or when I'd bring Jesse you jus
t giggle and blush and go 'awe well we...and he's just so sweet" and blah, blah,
blah. I was waiting for you guys to get together and now you finally are and ev
eryone sees how perfectly you truly are" Nigel grinned and the cheering was ever
ywhere and my face was red and Jesse was laughing. Once everyone settle down Can
dice got up.
"Today has been amazing and Violet you look so pretty. I am so happy for you. It
is true as Nigel said you were crushing on Jesse so bad but no matter what you'
d deny it. I ask what he looked like and you'd go he's so hot and continue on. I
'd ask if you like him you blush and shake your head no. Or I'll randomly ask ab
out Jesse and you start gushing about him, 'he has the prettiest smile ever, his
eyes are so blue, and he's so sweet and smart...' I used to laugh so bad about
how whipped you were without knowing it. We lost track of sometime and the next
time we talk I meet Jesse and see he's your boyfriend. Now Jesse we got off on t
he wrong foot and yes it wasw my fault but I was looking out for my friend and s
eeing if you were too good to be true like she said. And she was. You are a trul
y amazing guy and you care about Violet so much. I see how much you love her and
my hatred for you melted away because you make one of my bestfriends so happy.
Now I wish you both the best of luck but I doubt you need it, but I wish the luc
k that you to have a happy marriage to last forever" Candice said and every clap
ped and Jesse looked at me and grinned.

"Didn't know you were crushing on me, I swore you didn't like me at all" Jesse s

"I've always like you since the day we met. I was so attracted tto you and so dr
awn to you for some reason. I was just afraid but I was falling for you none the
less" I explained.

"Alright, alright, settle down. Today has truly been amazing to me. My son has b
ecome a real man because behind every man is a woman and he picked a woman perfe
ct for him. I love you son even if you drive me crazy. I am happy for you and I
am very proud of you. Violet welcome to the family, my new daughter in law. You
mean a lot to me too and to see you care about my son so much makes me happy tha
t someone can take care of him. I am very proud of you two. You both are young a
nd work very hard. Any other person in your positions would struggle like most p
eople do when taking over something. Jesse you run the clan now and I have compl
ete faith in you. And Violet your the alpha of your pack and your doing a great
job. I want you two to keep up the good work but have time to focus on eachother
like you do now" Harold advised and I smiled.

"Well guy congratulations on getting married today. You two have both become imp
ortant people in my life. Violet your my alpha but your also a great friend of m
ine. We work together and we both can come to each other for advice. We make one
hell of team and the pack is being ran wonderfully with your great leadership s
kills. And Jesse we've become good friends over the year and I am happy for Viol
et to have met you. I always saw tthe way she looked at you but I was just waiti
ng for her to make her move and get you because I knew you wanted her. I am so h
appy for you two and I thank you both for everything you have done for me. And I
thank you both for being such great friends of mine. I hope you two live a happ
y and wonderful life. I love you both and here to you and getting married" Westo
n cheered and everyone raised there glass and cheered before everyone drank thei
r drink and Weston sat back down.

"Now that we had an aofficial toast I just want to thank everyone for coming. Yo
u all means so much to me and Violet. We really love you all. Today has been one
of the greatest days of my life and I thank you all for being here with me and
Violet. I really can't believe I'm married but I am so happy, I truly am. I have
the most amazing girl I've ever met by my side now as my wife. I love her so mu
ch and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. Now thank you every o
ne who gave speeches, it means the world to us and even brough tears to Violet's
eyes. You alll are great friends and family and we couldn't be happied to have
you guys here with us for our celebration. And Violet I love you baby, so much a
nd can't wait to spend every day with you as my wife. Mrs. Violet Stevens you ma
ke me so happy and mean everything to me. I want you now and forever, I need you
in my life, and I promise you are the only one for me because I love you and al
ways will" Jesse grinned and I let myself cry and Jesse sat down and wiped my te
"Now here's a slideshow to the right if you will all be so kindly to watch" Jess
e stated and everyone turned to fact the screen. Jesse moved closer to me and he
ld me in his arms and let me cry on him. I stopped and wiped my eyes and fixed m
y make up that was kind of ruined.

After the ten minute slide show we all got up to cut the cake. Jesse and I pract
iced this and now it was finally time. Jesse led me over to the cake and grabbed
the huge knife and carefully place it in my hands. I gripped the knife in my ri
ght hand and Jesse came behind me and grabbed my left hand in his left hand and
kissed the back of my hand then held it while his right hand came on top of my r
ight hand and we positioned the knife.

Everyone was gathered around and I looked at Jesse and he gave me a small nod. I
looked back at the cake and Jesse's hand pressed down on mine and my hand press
ed down on the knife and we made a nice cut in the cake. We turned the kife diag
onal to cut the same way and then someone handed us a plate which I took while J
esse picked up the first piece and put it on the plate and then kissed my cheek.
He put the knife down and grabbed a fork and got some of the cake on the fork a
nd fed me the first bite and I moaned. I love chocolate!

I fed Jesse the next piece and he grabbed a purle flower from the cake and hande
d it to me and I took off one of the petals and ate the sugar flower. I fed him
a petal and every one was going "awe." Jesse and I headed to our seat and shared
our piece of cake and our etible flower. We both enjoyed it though and watched
Harold serve the cake to everybody.

After everyone ate the cake all of us got up and we got the women on one side th
e men on the other side of the room. I pecked Jesse's lips and then stood infron
t of the group of women. I turned around so my back was to them and I threw my b
ouquet over my head and I heard yelling and laughing everywhere.

I turned around and saw that Courtney was holding the bouquet. I smiled at her a
nd she ran over and hugged me. "So Allen when you going to propose?" Jesse asked
and everyone laughed. Courtney and I walked over to the guys and she grabbed me
a chair while Tanya got Jesse over to me. Monica push me down in my seat and I
blushed furiously. It was time for the garter toss.

Everyone moved out the way and Jesse got down on his knees. He grabbed the end o
f my dress and lifted it up a bit and I gaped at no one as his head went under m
y dress. Everyone was laughing and the guys were all cheering, clapping, and whi
stling. Jesse was literally under my dress. All you could see were his legs. I f
elt his hands grip my thighs and he pushed my legs apart and I closed my eyes. P
lease don't do anything stupid.

Suddenly I felt his lips on my leg and he kissed up it then up my knee and then
I felt his teeth graze against my thigh. He's not. He grabbed the garter with hi
s tteth and pulled it down my leg and over my heel, finally coming out from unde
r my dress witth the garter in his mouth. He winked at me then turned to the guy
s who were all jumping and cheering. Boys are disgusting. Jesse's head whipped b
ack and I watched closely as he whipped his head towards the guys and his mouth
quickly opened and the garter went flying over to the group of guys. I laughed a
s I saw Nigel with it dancing around.

The photographer had us all take pictures. Me and Courtney, Jesse and Nigel, and
then Courtney and Nigel. It was so funny though. My two bestfriends both catchi
ng the toss. After we all joked around we all settled down. "Jesse let's dance!"
I squealed as a familiar song came on.

"No" he replied.

"Please? Baby I really like this song" I pouted adn he groaned in annoyance.
"I thoht our first dance was going to be-" he began.

"Hurry it's about to start" I interruped and pushed him on the dance floor. I co
uldn't remember who it was singing but the song was called, "Two is better than
one." I knew Taylor Swift was in it though. Jesse wrapped one arm around my wais
t and I put on hand around his neck and placed my left hand in his free hand and
we began to dance.

"I remember what you wore on our first date,

You came into my life and I thought hey, you know this could be something,
'Cause everything you do and words you say, you know it all just takes my breath
And now I'm left with nothing" Jesse sang softly in my ear and I grinned.

"Who sings this song?" I asked.

"Um...boys like girls" he laughed and I nodded.

"I haven't heard this song in awhile" I mumumbled.

"Me neither" he replied.

"I remember every look upon your face" I sang softly.

"The way you roll your eyes, the way you taste" Jesse grinned, wiggling his eyeb
rows and I laughed but he kept singing. He has such a beautiful voice.

"Maybe two is better than one. There's so much time-" I began as I stopped laugh
ing but Jesse covered my mouth with his and I kissed him back but we kept swayin
g to the music and then pulled away and sang the chorus together.

"Sorry I just couldn't help myself. I was watching your lips as you sang and the
y were just so tempting" he explained as the song was now ending.

"You don't have to be sorry for kissing me, I was okay with it. Even if you were
interrupting my singing" I teased and he leaned his forehead against mine and w
e continue to dance. Everyone joined the dance floor, well other couples.

I danced with all the groomsmen and then my uncle Gavin, and I danced with Mikey
while Jesse danced with Lilly. I even danced with Justin-Tanya's boyfriend whil
e she went to the bathroom and Jesse danced with Reba. As the music change more
young people danced and everyone was just enjoying themselves. At 9 o'clock at n
ight everything was ended and I left my aunt Natalie, Courtney, and Monica in ch
arge o making sure the place was clean.

After that all of ourguest came outside and under the starts they threw flowers,
kids blew bubbles, and everyone was clapping as Jesse and I got into our limo t
o head over to airport to get this show on the road. We were ready to go on our
honeymoon. The only crazy thing is since there is a time difference we'd get to
Italy in a few hours but there it would be almost 3 in the morning. Who cares? I
t will be dark and Jesse and I have a couple of hours to make love before the su
n rise and we go touring Rome, Italy.
Chapter 17

*Violet's P.O.V*

"It's not funny" I whined and Jesse kept laughing.

"Vi I'm sorry that was really funny"

"Oh shut up. I knew I should have changed out of my dress"

"No it's easier to get you out of a dress" Jesse winked and I smacked his chest.
We were currently on out flight to Rome. I laid my head on his shoulder and he
wrapped his arm around my waist. Yes just a minute he was laughing at me because
I tripped in my dress. It was his fault though, he stepped on the back of it an

d I nearly fell over. He caught me though but he found it hilarious. It was emba
rassing, not funny at all.

"Tell me when we're in the air" I mumbled into his shoulder and he chuckled.

"I will babe" he reassured and I nuzzled my face into his neck. Once we were in
the air I pulled away from Jesse and we held hands, in between our bodies and w
e talked through the whole ride and I didn't get tired at all. All I could do wa
s smile. I was with my husband on my way to my honeymoon. I was so eager to get
to the hotel once we got off the plane because I've waited nine months for sex.

I truly do believe it will be ten times better then it would have if we didn't w
ait. I mean we waited nine months instead of just making it like regular times.
It's going to be better because it's been awhile and now we're pumped to finally
do it. I just want us to take our time and make slow sweet love all through the

When it was time to get off the plane I got up first since I sat on the aisle si
de, thank god. Jesse helped me get around things and get off the plane. I loved
being in my dress but it was too much. Jesse got our bags and everything and led
me over to the guy who was going to drive us to our hotel. He did such a great
job planning everything. The guy ended up ttaking us to a car rental place where
he had a car set up and Jesse and I switched into that car.

"Hey babe I was thinking about getting another car" he said and I furrowed my ey

"You already have two"

"Yeah I love the Mercedez and the Aston but I want either a Ferrari or Maserati"

"How about you get me a Ferarri and yourself a-"

"Not happening babe. You have a nice corvette"

"And I love it" I grinned.

"Then why do you want another one?"

"Because it's not fair you have more cars then me, duh" I laughed and he shook h
is head at me and kept driving.

"I'm serious babe I want a new car"

"Your obsessed with cars" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"So can I get a new one?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because we're married and plus you've always been my other half and we share ou
r money and I don't want to hear you complain later how I wasted money on a new
car when I have two good ones now"

"Babe yes we share money and I think we should combine our money together along
with the pack and clan's money. I mean why not share everything. There's nothing
to seperate anymore. Everything is going smoothly and we're together so why not

"We can put the money together, I don't mind. Your my wife now so your running t
he clan officially"

"And your alpha of the pack now" I smiled then frowned.

"Nah, it's all yours babe, I'm not a wolf-"

"But your my husband"

"Then why you frowning"

"Would you want that?"

"What?" He asked.

"To be alpha, I'd be your alpha female"

"And you don't think people would have a problem with that. And no I don't want
that, it's yours babe, I'll still be by your side though of course and take care
of the pack" he replied and I smiled.

"You can get a new car" I stated and his eyes lit up and I laughed at his excite
d face. We drove the rest of the way in silence but it was a comfortable silence
. For some reason I was nervous. I don't know if it was because I knew when we g
ot to the hotel room he'd strip and see what I was finally wearing underneath. I
do know I was excited, eager, and anxious to get to the hotel.
When we finally got to the hotel Jesse parked and got out the car then came to m
y side and helped me out the car. The cold breeze flew through the air making me
shiver and Jesse didn't think twice about giving me the jacket from his tux.

Jesse looked so sexy. His tie was loose around his neck, his white dres shirt wa
s rolled up to his elbows but still tucked in, his hair was messy, and his eyes
kind of look like they glowed and they were so mesmerizing, more than usual.

"Come on beautiful let's get you inside" Jesse said and I nodded. My face heated
up as I realized I was just staring at him while he got the bags and everything
. I picked up my dress and followed after him, just a step behind. He stopped at
the door and I furrowed my brows. Oh! I opened the door for him seeing his hand
s were kind of full. I took my one suit case for him and smirked.

"You know you can roll this one right?" I asked.

"Yes I do but I hate the noise"

"Well now you have to deal with it" I teased and he leaned down, and pressed his
lips to mine and my eyes immediately close as I kissed him back, not allowing h
im to simply pull away. I got a good taste of him too, that same sweet but minty
taste that I was addicted to. He always tasted like that unless he had just ate
something before we kissed.

We pulled away and he licked his lips and winked at me making me blush and giggl

e. God I loved him. We headed over to the check in area and Jesse got out key an
d all that good stuff then we got on the elevator and went to floor nine. Wow! I
t had like thirty or so floors.

We got off the elvator and we followed the numbers to our room, 963. "Hey babe o
ur room number is 963" I laughed.

"I know"

"Do you get it?"

"Yes I do, my wife is a dork" he replied and I scowled.

"Insulting me won't get you what you want when we reached that room" I retorted.

"Vi you know I'm just playing"

"Yes I do, now I was just joking with you, I am a dork and I'm proud of you. It'
s cute to see how much you missed sex" I teased.

"Not funny" he grumbled and I held back my laughter.

"Oh and thanks for not getting a room to high up"

"Welcome babe, I know how scared of heights you are" he smiled and I smiled back
at him. He was so sweet and just so perfect. How I got so lucky? I have no idea
, I'm just blessed to have him, all of him. He's all mine forever and always.

We reached the room and Jesse took the key card and swiped the thing next to the
door knob with it. A green light flashed and Jesse twisted the door knob and pu
shed the door open and held it open for me. I walked in with my suitcase and Jes
se came in and let the door shut behind him.

He put the bags down in the closet to the side of the room and I put my bag over
there too. Before I could do anything else though I heard the door shut and I l
ooked over and saw Jesse stepping in and I furrowed my eyebrows. "I just put the

door not disturb sign up" he winked and I blushed and nodded.

Next thing you know, in the blink of an eye Jesse was holding me bridal style. I
squealed and kissed his cheek and he walked me over to the bed. "Babe my shoes"
I frowned.

"I know your feet hurt, just let me take care of you" he whispered huskily. I si
mply nodded and he laid me gently on the bed. He sat down on the bed and took of
f his dress shoes followed by his socks and I just watched him. I watched each m
uscle in his arm move and it drove me insane. My man was so sexy, no doubt about
it. He was tall, had strong features, and very muscular.

He turned to me and flattened my dress down and grabbed my right foot and took o
ff my silver heel and dropped it on the floor and I laid back on a pillow as he
began to massage my foot. I let out a small moan when he got to the arch of my f
oot, where it hurt the most. Jesse kept going and I threw my head back. My feet
were so sore after wearing those heels so long.

Once Jesse was done he moved into my left foot and that one hurt even more then
the other one. When Jesse stopped he dropped my foot and grabbed both of my ankl
es as he got onto his knees and pulled me closer causing my head to fall on the
actual pillows not the ones up against the head board of the bed.
He let go of my ankles and spread my legs apart so he was in between them. He la
id down on top of me but held his own weight. He brought his lips close to mine.
I could feel his every breath and we just stared into eachother's eyes. His blu
e eyes held so much love and I knew my gray eyes were doing the same and he coul
d see the little purple in them.

He broke eye contact and he kissed the corner of my mouth and I whimpered. I was
hoping he was going for my actual lips. I felt his smirk against my chin and I
rolled my eyes. He kissed the other side of my mouth, gently in the corner. He g
rabbed my wrist in his hands and put my arms above my head and then used one of
his hands to hold both of my wrist there.

He brought his lips all the way to the left of face and placed a kiss where my j
awline began. He let open mouthed kisses across my jawline making me close my ey
es from the pleasure and the short moment where his tongue licked my skin. His l
ips then kissed around my face, meaning my cheeks, my forehead, my nose, and my

I kept my eyes closed and when I felt his soft, hot lips against mine I moaned a
t the contact. I had been awaiting for him to kiss me. He let go of my wrist and
my hand went to his back and I felt on his muscles all through his shirt before
tangling my hands in his soft and silky blonde hair. He groaned as I tugged on
his hair and I smiled, I loved that sound.

His hands roamed up my body, going over my curves and the stopping when he got t
o the top. His hands slid over my shoulders then one arm went around my waist an
d he lifted my body and then with his other hand he began pulling the jacket off
and I dropped my arms and let him take off me one arm at a time. Once the jacke
t was off I was just laying on it and Jesse and I were still kissing. His tongue
swirled around my mouth one more time before we pulled away for air.

We were both gasping for air but Jesse none the less pulled the jacket from up u
nder me and chucked it to the floor. I grabbed him by his tie and pulled on it b
ringing him back to me and he groaned and I saw the lust in his eyes. I winked a
t him and he smirked. I then felt his hand under my dress and his thumb rubbing
up and down against my panties. I gasped at the contact then moaned as he added
more pressure.

"Jesse..." I panted as my body was already heating up. He stopped and I sat up a
nd pulled on his tie that was still in my hand. His body jerked forward and I sm
ashed my lips to his. I kissed him hungrily and he mirrored the intensity. I dee
pened the kiss but of course he took over the kiss. I was used to him controling
everything and having dominance, plus it was hot when he did so.

We pulled away and his hands grabbed onto my dress and I smiled breathlessly. He
began to pull my dress down and I blushed. His eyes were locked on mine as he p
ulled it down. He stopped when he couldn't lower it any further and he raised an
eyebrow and I realized I got lost in his ice cold blue eyes. I raised my hips a
nd saw the amusement in his eyes along with his smile as he pulled the dress off
of me and let it fall to the floor.

He moved away a bit and his eyes slowly and hungrily raked over my body and I bi
t down on my bottom lip. His eyes went down my body and right back up until his
lust filled blue eyes stared into my gray ones. "Damn baby, you get more and mor
e beautiful everyday" he stated and I grinned at him.

"I love you"

"I love you tool, I missed you so much"

"I missed you too, three days was too long"

"And nine months was even longer" Jesse teased.

"It was worth it though, right?"

"Anything for you is worth it" he replied and then brought his lips down to mine
for a small, gentle kiss. When he pulled away my eyes fluttered open and I caug
ht the adoring look in his eyes. "I love you Vi" he whispered softly then pecked
my lips then brought his lips over to my neck and he left butterfly kisses all
down my neck then he went around my neck getting into my cleavage making my back
arch. He suddenly stopped and I realized I was still wearing clothing and so wa
s he and I wanted them to suddenly be removed.
"Damn I love you in this outfit"

"This is just the bridal one" I winked and he groaned. He took his tie off and w
hile he did that I began un-buttoning his dress shirt. Once I was done he threw
it off of him and his attention went to getting me out of my corset and the mome
nt he did my breast were exposed and the only thing on me was my white thongs an
d my panties were already wet. God he drives me so crazy with need and desire.

"Babe I need you" I moaned and he smirked. Here comes the foreplay. I loved it s
o much but hated it at the same time. I loved the pleasure from it but I hate th
at the pleasure kills me so much just making me want to get right to it. Either
way I love the foreplay even if it is torturingly pleasurable.

He brought his hands up to cup my breast and began to massage them and I wrapped
my legs around his waist and grinded my hips against him. I could feel how hard
he was and we both were moaning in sync and he stopped and rolled his thumbs ov
er my nipples. I cried out in pleasure and he cut my yell by smashing his lips t
o mine and kissed me ard, brusing my lips but I was doing the exact same. I need
ed so much more and I knew he did too as his erection was being restrained by hi
s black dress pants.

I grinded harder against him and he groaned into my mouth. I figured if he could
n't control himself and stopped resisting just to give me the sexy foreplay we c
ould get to the point faster. I did want it to be slow but I just couldn't contr
ol the need and the throbbing between my legs.

Jesse pulled away from the kiss and shook his head at me. "Your killing me Vi" h
e panted and I smiled innoncently twirling a lock of my hair around my finger as
I bucked my hips against his making us both moan. He pulled back and I ran my h
ands down his chest and I licked my lips suggestively and saw his eyes lit up. I
flipped us over and straddled him and brought my lips to his chest as I left sm
all kisses, moving my lips agonizingly slow everywhere before licking down his n
ice abs.

"Babe" he groaned out and I stopped when I reached the waistband of his pants. I

met his eyes and well his simply held lust, and overwhelming amount of lust tha
t made a shot of pleasure shoort right down to my core. I knew my eyes mirrored
the same amount of lust though, because I wanted him, right now.

He flipped us over so I was under him again but that didn't stop my hands from m
aking their way to the button on his pants and un-doing it along with un-zipping
them and pushing them as far as I could get them. Jesse kicked them off the res
t of the way and brought his lips to my torso as he scooted back a bit.

His lips kissed all over my flat stomach and I shuttered as I felty his tongue d
ip into my belly button. Well that's a new and sexy one. He spread my legs open
wide and I watched his body move lower and then his lip mad his way to my inner
thigh as he left long kisses in each spot and teasingly slow he kissed the spot
next to it and keep his lips there for a moment or so before placing another kis
s and so on.

I moaned as I felt him rub his nose against my core through my panties as he wen
t over my private area and began kissing on my other inner thigh. Damn that was
hot. Once he was down with my thighs he grabbed my panties with his teeth and ag
onizngly slow moved them down a bit. Then he stopped and sat up more and kept ey
e contact as he used his hands as if he changed his mind to pull my panties away

I got it. I know why he decided to start with his teeth then stop. As his hands
moved down ever so slowly his figers ran down my core making a amount of pleasur
e shoot down to my core. He got my thong off of me and cupped my butt in his han
ds as he lowered his head adn smashed his lips to mine. He licked my bottom lip
and I eagerly opened his mouth to get that minty taste to take over my mouth, te

I sneakily flipped us over and felt him smile so I knew he let me do that. When
we pulled away I kissed down his throat then across his neck and heard him moan
when I got to that special part on his neck. I smirked and sucked right there un
til I moaned as he cupped my ass in his large hands and squeezed. I stopped met
his eyes that twinkled with misheif.
He winked at me and flipped us over. His lips brushed past mine and then kissed
down my body and he spread my legs wide as his head lowered and I closed my eyes
awaiting the pleasure that was sure to come. I felt his tongue lick softly over
my core before plunging his tongue in, where he immediately found my clit and b
egan flicking his tongue over it.

I let out a low moan and threw my head back and his hands gripped my thighs. His
tongue began to swirl around making my breath hitch and I could feel the fire i
n bewtween my legs and when he began to suck I threw my head back and grinded my
hips towards his mouth. He made me climax and still then his tongue licked all
around and he kept going until I was completely done. Then he pulled up and lick
ed his lips making me blush.

I was already a little sweaty, well really sweaty. my body was on fire again as
his eyes raked my body hungrily. Damn him. He made me forget what I was trying t
o do. I caught him off guard and flipped us over and went right for his boxers a
nd slowly pulled them down, and kept my eyes on his hard member. Damn, that was
so sexy.

"Violet stop staring at me, do something or I'm flipping us" he groaned out and
I smirked.

" relax, I'm about to take all your pain away...and don't flip us just
let me do this and I promise you can take control afterwards" I whispered seduc
tively throwing his boxers to the floor and straddling his legs. I grabbed his m
ember in one hand and saw him close his eyes tightly and his jaw clench.

That wasn't happening. I wanted to hear every sinlge moan and groan from his sex
y red lips. I wanted to hear the encouraging moan of my name from him like he ge
ts from me. I loved knowing that I could pleasure him because he sure hell pleas
ures me.

I lowered my head and bit my lip nervously. Why the hell do I always get so nerv
ous about everything. We've had sex and I've did this all before but I was even
more nervous then the first time I did this to him on our date at the waterfall.
It was the one time we didn't use a condom. Thank god I got my period just two
days after that, so we were fine and I wasn't pregnant.

I licked around the head first and heard a small moan leave his mouth. I used my
free hand to run a finger down his length, slowly. He let out a groan and I dec
ided to stop teasing him. I lowered my head and took him in my mouth, just a lit
tle bit and my mouth closed in on his big member. His hands found mine and I too
k him deeper and he squeeze my hands and I knew he was trying not to hurt me but
I understood the overwhelming feeling of the pleasure inside of him.

I took him in as deep as I can get him, just barely fitting his whole shaft into
my mouth. I pulled back and did it again and he began pushing his hips to my mo
uth, thrusting in at the pace he wanted and I squeezed his hands and he let me t
ake control but I simply continued to do what he wanted and I knew he was close
to finishing and I went again and sucked him harder and heard him moan my name l
owly and he came but I didn't removed my mouth and his body got real stiff but I
waited until he finished before pulling away.

"You did not just do that" he whispered softly and I smirked. I licked the head
of him adn heard him groan. I kissed his inner thigh and he let out a grunt. "Ba
be your making me hard again" he groaned and I shrugged.

"So?" I questioned and he moaned and threw his head back.I staddled his waist, s
o close for him but yet out of his reach. I wiggled around a bit and could feel
his hard member in between my legs. "Where's a condom?" I asked.

"Well it was in my pocket" he answered and I jumped off him and rthen saw his lu
stful eyes raking my body slowly. I found his pants and slowly bent over giving
a nice view of my ass and hummed softly to myself as I searched his pockets. I g
rabbed the condom and turned around to face him. "So babe can I be on top?" I as
ked and he nodded eagerly and I opened the condom and got back on the bed and sl
ipped it on him before straddling him.

I frowned. "Um...Jesse..." I trailed off and he chuckled making me moan because

his body vibrated and hit my core. That was really hot. He positioned me, lingin
g up my front with his. He gripped my hips and I lowered myself on him, taking h
im just a little bit and I refused to move. "Vi" he moaned and I pushed hard dow
n on him taking him fully and we both moaned.
I rolled my hips moving a bit, nice and slow and it felt so good. He groaned out
my name and I sped up my pace to increase the pleasure for us both. And to stop
teasing him. I began to ride him fast and felt myself getting higher and higher
. He knew it too and his hands cupped my breast which he began to massage. I thr
ew my head back but kept riding him and moaned as I did so. When I felt myself c
limax I stopped moving but Jesse didn't. He was just barely able to move as I cl
osed in on his member.

I collapsed on him, my hands cupping him by his face. He moved my hands and I pu
t them over his head, on the side of the bed and felt his tongue lick around his
nipple and I moaned. I was still convulsing around his member and the pleasure
was too overwhelming. This was just so intense and I loved it. We were just gett
ing started though.

He began to suck on my nipple until it was soft and moved to my other hard nippl
e and licked around and flicked his tongue over my nipple then softly blew on it
making me moan and I began to ride him again and his mouth latched onto my nipp
le and he nit down on it and I cried, god this felt so good.

I knew he was close to so I began going faster and he did come and he had been k
issing on my neck and now he was biting my neck but not with his...well he was b
iting me like he would to suck my blood. He wasn't even drawing blood. I let him
finsish in me and then he flipped us around and began pounding into me.

I began to meet him for each thrust, my hips hitting his. "Harder baby!" I yelle
d out and he complied without a second thought and continued to thrust hard and
fast into me. I wrapped my legs around him and got him in deeper and we continue
d. "Oh god Jesse!" I cried as I felt myself reaching my high again.

His adrenaline was freaking amazing! He sped up even more, thrusting into me fas
t and still hard at the same time. His arms were wrapped around me holding me st
ill as he banged his member into me. My breaths were all moans and were coming o
ut short and in pants. "Damn Vi" he moaned as he lowered his head. I bit down on
his shoulder hard making him groan and I felt myself climax and he moaned.

My hands tangled into his hair and I pulled his head over to mine and kissed his
hard. The kiss was full of lust and I was loving it. I continued to meet each t
hrust of his and I noticed he slowed down. "Baby faster" I groaned against his l
ips but he didn't, he slowed down more and more. I pulled away from the kiss and
looked at him. I continued to grind my hips but he stopped moving. "What do you
want baby?" He asked huskily.

"I want you Jesse. Please!" I begged and he smirked.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

or that but that
hen pounded back
er and continued
through the see

I smiled and he pecked my lips. I was going to kill him later f

was so sweet. After his lips left mine he pulled out fast and t
into me, making me yell out his name as we both climaxed togeth
to go at it until we sould see the sunlight shining just barely
through curtains, covering the big windows.

Jesse collasped on me and then rolled to the side. "Now that was definitely wort
h waiting for" he breathed and I nodded in agreement and kissed his cheek. He pu
lled away from me just as I was about to snuggle up against him. "Babe?" I quest
ioned and he kissed my forehead. "Going to clean myself up a bit" he replied and
I nodded in understanding and watched his naked figure walk into the bathroom.

When he came back he didn't look as sweaty but he still was. He no longer had a
condom on though. He joined me in bed and helped me under the sheets. In between
my legs was already a little sore but I didn't pay it much mind. Jesse pulled m
e into his side and I cuddled into him. "I love you" he smiled and I grinned bac
k at him and wrapped a leg around his waist as I laid down, facing him.

"I love you too hubby" I grinned and he chuckled. I laid my head on his chest ad
n smiled.

"Did I wear you out?" I smirked.

"Yes" he breathed.

"Really?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. I mean he was a vampire and he should

be able to go for hours. Actually I knew he could. I was a werewolf and we could
go longer then humans but vampires could go literally forever and not ever get
tired. Like if they were running. Wolves would take long to get tired but eventu
ally would while vampires literally can't. Jesse does get tired but not actual t
ired. Like if I was running I'd collapse and fall asleep. He'd just need a break
and his breathing would be completely even.

"Yes baby. I don't know how but I've never felt so tired in my life. God damn th
at was amazing. It's been so long and I missed how tight you were. Everytime you
climaxed I swore I was suffocating it but it felt so good" he explained.

"Well I do have that affect on guys" I joked, throwing in a wink and bucking my
hips against his side.

"Not funny" he frowned and.

"I thought it was"

"Would have been before you said other guys"

"Well then it wouldn't be any joke because your the only guy I ever did anything

"I know, I just get jealous sometimes even if it is over a joke or just nothing
at all. Your mine, all mine Mrs. Violet Stevens" he replied.

"Well wake me up around 9 since it's already 6. I'm exhausted" I yawned and he w

"Night beautiful" he murmurred and kissed the top of my head and I closed my eye
s and let myself drift off into a dreamless sleep.
Chapter 18

*Violet's P.O.V*

I groaned and snuggled some more in my covers. Jesse was out of bed and now knee
ling infront of me trying to wake me up. "Violet come on babe wake up, you told

me to wake you at nine" he sighed.

"Later" I mumbled.

"Vi get up. I know you'll be mad if I let you sleep. We have a whole schedule fo
r this day as well as for the rest of the week.

"Jesse I'm tired" I grumbled, turning around so my back was facing him.

"Mrs. Violet Stevens do not make me drag you out this bed" he threatened and I f
rowned and immediately sat up. He chuckled and I flipped him off but couldn't ke
ep the grin off my face seeing we got married yesterday. I was tired though. I o
nly got like three hours of sleep. We were making love for the other three hours
, making up all the hours we've been here.

"I'm sore" I pouted and Jesse stopped laughing and he frowned.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.

"It's not your fault"

"Yes it is I shouldn't have been-"

"I wanted you to do me hard so cut it out" I blushed, looking away.

"With you talking like that I might just go hard"

"Watch it babe I have nine more pieces of lingerie so save it for lunch" I winke
d and he bit down on his lower lip and watched me climb out of the bed. I ignore
d the fact I was naked and swayed my hips as I walked past him, running a hand a
cross the waist band of his boxers and going right into the bathroom.

I shut the door behind me and giggled quietly. I gasped as I looked around the b
athroom. It was freaking huge! It looked as big as out bedroom. There was a huge
shower and then a tub that looked as big as a hot tub but you could clearly see
it wasn't. The floor was marble as was the counter. The bathroom was like cream

ish-gold color and I loved it.

I walked over to the shower and started it then went and looked in the mirror. D
amn. I looked a completel mess. My hair was all over the place, looking frizzy a
nd tangled, which it was. My make up was smeared and most of it was gone besides
by my eyes. I was sweating like crazy last night but my face didn't look too ba

The bathroom door opened and Jesse rolled his eyes at me. "You look so beautiful
" he whispered in my ear, coming behind me and placing his hands on my hips.

"Your just saying that I muttered"

"WHen are you going to get it through your head?" He sighed and let me go. I tur
ned to face him but he walked past me and took off his boxers and my eyes droppe
d to his butt. Before I got to perv on him some more he hopped in the shower.

I shook my head lightly and walked over to the shower and carefully got in. "Wha
t's that suppose to mean?" I asked him. He didn't answer me but instead just sta
re at me. I put my hands on my hips and impatiently waited for him to explain.

"I don't figure it out" he replied and I gaped at him.

"Really? Are we about to fight on our honeymoon?"

"I'm not the one starting it, my comment was kind of self-explanatory"

"Are you calling me stupid?"

"Never" he gasped in mock horror.

"Your such a jerk" I frowned and he rolled his eyes. Before I could attempt to g
et out he grabbed me by my hips and pulled me to him. "But I'm your jerk" he ret
orted and bent down to place a small kiss on my lips. "I love you and I think yo
ur the smartest girl I've ever met, that's why your my dork and I couldn't be ha
ppier" he mumbled against my lips and I moaned and tried to kiss him but he pull
ed away, his lips just out of my reach.

"I don't want to fight because it's not necessary. I love you babe and to me you
look beautiful all the time. There will never be a time where I don't find you
attractive. I just hate that your so self-conscious when you have no reason to b
e, especially when it's just you and me. There's nothing wrong with looking good
but sometimes I wish you would just relax and not worry what you look like. Eve
n when you do look like a person who had sex all night long there's no need to w
orry. I don't expect you to look perfect but you still look beautiful because it
's still you. I like you just the way you are even when your in just sweats, wit
h your hair put up, and no make up on. That's when you never look better besides
...after you wake up from such a blissful night with me" he winked.
"I am very self conscious and I can't help it. I like looking good for you. I do
n't like anyone seeing me look such a mess even you" I pouted.

"You look beautiful. Your gray eyes sparkling with happiness, your full pink lip
s in a small smile, your crazy sex hair, your breight red cheeks, and your absol
utely sexy, sweaty body"

"Your disgusting" I teased and kissed my nose.

"Can't help that I'm attracted to you"

"I love you"

"I love you too and I'll stop being a jerk, I'll save it until after the honeymo
on" he joked. I rolled my eyes and pulled out of his arms and he slapped my ass
making me jump and slip. He caught me though and laughed his ass off. "Becareful
you clumsy wife of mine" he teased.

"Well keep your hands to yourself" I grumbled and he tried to contain his laught
er and is now failing epically at doing so. I grabbed his member and that got hi
m to stop. I began to stroke him and I pressed my body against him and his back
hit the tile wall. "It's not funny" I said.

"Violet" he moaned and I began to slow down my stroke, torturing a little bit.


"Babe stop" he pleaded and I shook my head no.

"Nah, let me get rid of your now hard-" I began but he cut me off with his lips.
He grabbed me by head and kissed me hard and I began to stroke him faster. Damn
my man was such a good kisser. He began panting as we pulled away. I knew he wa
s getting higher adn I wanted to make him finish but he had other plans as he fl
ipped us around. "Get on your knees babe" he ordered and I did so and he pushed
his dick towards my mouth and I eagerly opened my mouth and heard him moan the m
oment he thrusted himself in my mouth.

"Oh yeah baby" he groaned as he continued and I began to

ing to need him to return the favor and I meant so soon.
away, out of my mouth but I smirked and brought him back
ed to suck him until he was finished and listened to him
he moaned when I stopped. I slowly raised off my knees,

get turned on. I was go

When he came he pulled
to my mouth and continu
moan my name. "Damn Vi"
licking up his chest.

"My baby becomes less and less innocent by the minute"

"It's our honeymoon don't expect this on the regular" I replied and he frowned t
hen shrugged it off.

"Now baby would you like a turn?" He questioned and I nodded my head vigorously.

"I can't hear yo" he taunted.

"Yes Jesse" I moaned.

"Yes what? Tell me what you want from me"

"I want you to get me out this shower and make love to me on that bed, right now
" I breathed and I saw him nod his head and he pressed himself up against me, my
back hitting the wet tile wall. "Why not right here?" He asked.

"C-condom" I stuttered. He instantly pulled away and I rolled my eyes. I guess h

e just realized why we couldn't do it right here. "Tonight" he stated and turned
his back to me.

"No! Jesse I want you right now. You asked me what I wanted"

"Violet I'm calm now and unlike you I'm thinking clearly. We have a day planned
and you'll kick my ass later if we're a minute off schedule so let's just shower

"No, please Jesse. You got your release now I need mine" I begged and he groaned
. I knew it was hard for himt o resist me and I wanted him right now. He had me
so turned on and then he says tonight. I can't wait until tonight. If I have to
wait another second I was going to go crazy. I would do it myself if I was that
type of a person but I wasn't. The only person who has ever touched me was Jesse
and only Jesse and it was always only going to be Jesse because I wouldn't touc
h myself, I have a man to do that.

"God damn I can't control myself" he complained and pushed me up against the wal
l and smashed his lips to mine for a lustful kiss that was so damn hot. He plung
ed his tongue into my mouth and spread my legs wide open and got in between them
He began to kiss down my body until his head was in between my legs and I felt h
is tongue. I banged my head against the wall as I tried to throw it back. I didn
't care I hurt my head I ust couldn't take the unbearable pleasure building up i
nside of me.

His tongue was just moving so fast and I couldn't take it. I arched my back and
my hips. I tangled my hand on his hair and tugged on it hard, I don't know if I
hurt him or not all I know is it felt so good! "OH god Jesse! Jesse!" I moaned o
ut. I began to grind my hips and he gripped my thighs and pulled me closer to hi
s face and I moaned when his tongue began to cuck instead.

My muscles clenched and I closed my eyes as I climaxed. Jesse's tongue didn't st

op moving though, he just kept lickign and licking. If he kept it up I was going
to climax again. Oh god that felt so good. He stopped and sat up and grabbed so
me soap and I raised an eyebrow. He just smirked and poured some of the soap on
my body and then massaged it all over my upper body and I wrpaped my legs around
his waist and felt his hands on my breast.

"Jesse stop teasing me or I'm never going to calm down" I panted and he twisted
my nipples and I moaned. "I love you" he whispered in ear as he moved his hands
down to my hips, beginning to pry my legs off from around his waist so he can fi
nish 'washing' my body.

"I love you too" I smiled and he kissed the side of my neck. He put me down and
his hands cupped my ass. "Jesse we've been in here long enough can we actually s
hower already?"

"Fine" he sighed dramtically and I rolled my eyes and smacked his chest. I was g

lad that Jesse woke up early and obviously unpacked all of our stuff. Jesse stoo
d behind me and we began to shower like we normally would when we share the show

Once we were out the shower we both went and got ready. The sun was shining so I
figured it would be a warm day like I was hoping. I was wearing a pair of pink,
well mauve shorts that almost reached mid-thigh, a white tank top that had lace
at the cleavage and the hem of it, and white sandals.

"Ready?" Jesse asked and I nodded, coming out the bathroom. I simply put on eyel
iner, mascara, and lipgloss and through my hair in a messy bun while I was in th
e bathroom and now I was ready to go and start my day.

"Did you pick somewhere for us to pick up some coffee and maybe something to eat
?" I asked and he nodded, grabbing my hand and leading us out the hotel room. "Y
es I did, now I know how to get there and to the Colosseum but you have to tell
me how to get to everywhere else" he replied.

"The map is in the car"

"Alright" he replied and I nodded. Today we were going sight seeing and checking
out a few things today and some tomorrow and whatever we planned for the rest o
f the week. When we got to the place I smiled. It looked so cute, it was a small
cafe with fancy writing on the outside saying the name of the place but I could
n't read what it said at all.

Jesse and I went inside and he led me over to a small table and I frowned as I s
tared at the sign with a copy of the menu on the place. This was the cafe sectio
n and in the back looked closed but where there would be a resturaunt.

"What do you want babe?" Jesse asked and I tilted my headed.

"I don't know, order for me?" I questioned and he laughed.

"Want coffee, a cappucino, hot chocolate, or tea?"

"You can read that?"

"Yes, now what do you want"

"Uh I guess a cappucino...are you getting coffee?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just wondering if we can share"

"I share everything with you now, literally" he smiled and kissed my hand. I blu
shed and left my hand in his while he called someone over and ordered for us and
when the guy came back he had our drinks and Jesse apparently ordered me a past
ry. Now that was pretty damn good.

"Want the last bite?" I asked and he laughed at me.

"Sure" he laughed and as he reached for it I picked it up and pulled it away.

"Not happening, open up" I smiled and he rolled his eyes but opened his mouth an
d I fed it to him and grinned.
"That was good" he commented and I nodded.

"Ready to go then?" I questioned after a moment.

"Yeah" he replied. We both got up from our table and Jesse grabbed outr stuff an
d trashed it for us. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Come on Vi" he smile
d, grabbing my hand and leading the way out the small cafe.

We got in the car and Jesse began driving. First place wwe have to go to see is
The Colosseum. I have my camera with me and since today we're going sight seeing
I'm going to be using it all day long to take pictures of everything and of me
and Jesse.

When we got to the Colosseum I gasped. Jesse was staring at it too and I ook out
the camera from my purse and Jesse did what I asked him to. I was such a dork a
nd I wanted to learn about everything so every place we were going I was having
Jesse look up so I knew all about it and I was loving that I was going to get to
learn about all the places.

"The Colosseum, or the Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre, is an elli

ptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy, the largest ever b
uilt in the Roman Empire" Jesse read out loud and I listened to him as he read o
ff his phone seeing he was using the internet on it.

I looked at his phone and took in all the information of it. I was so fascinated
. I remember learning about the Romans but seeing the Colosseum and learning act
ual things about it while seeing it in person was amazing.

The construction started in AD 70 but it opened in AD 80. The height of it is 15

7 feet (48 m). The architectural style was Roman architecture while the architec
ts were Vespian and Titus. And the function of it was being an Amphitheatre.

"Alright make this left" I instructed Jesse as we were now in the car and headin
g over to see the Basilica of St. John Lateran.

"Babe are you sure?" Jesse asked.

"Yes, I have the adress typed in my GPS, Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano, 4,

"Alright" he replied and I rolled my eyes.

"Just keep driving" I said and he nodded. When we made it I gaped at the huge wh
ite building infront of me. I hopped out the car and waited for Jesse and he got
out and walked over to my side and grabbed my hand. "Alright Mrs. Stevens calm
down" he requested.

"I can't help it. I want to go inside" I stated and he sighed.

"This is going to be
't help how I got so
reaking huge. It was
lumns all around the

a long day" he muttered and I laughed. Yes it was. I couldn

hyped all the time over stuff like this. The building was f
all white and had statues on the top of the building and co

As we entered my eyes widened and I grinned. It was so neat in here. The floor h
ad circles all over the place along with other swirl and lines everywhere. Plus
there were columns everywhere inside making an arch and in each arch was a statu


"Vi look" Jesse urged, pointing up and I looked up and gaped at the ceiling.

"Kind of reminds me of a maze" I commented and he chuckled and wrapped an arm ar

ound my waist and got us moving again.

The Papal Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, commonly known as St. John Lateran's
Archbasilica and St. John Lateran's Basilica, is the cathedral church of the Di
ocese of Rome. The height of it is 459 feet (140 m). The architectural style is
Baroque architecture and the architect was Alessandro Galilei.

It was just so beautiful here. My favorite part was the big room with the circul
ar ceiling. On the ceiling was yellow and there was a huge picture. In the middl
e was a church and all around was a bunch of people. Then going down the wall wa
s windows everywhere along the top of the wall and they were in the shape of an
arch and in between each window was a pinting of a person. Then was a blue patte
rn and under that was a brown kind of reddish pattern going all around. It was s
o neat and I was fascinated in the details the building had.

Next we headed to Capitoline Hill, Roman Forum, Piazza Venezia Pantheon, St. Pet
er's Basilica, Spanish Steps, Fontana di Trevi, and the Galleria Borghese. Now l
et me tell you after all that walking and traveling I was exhausted. It was so b
eautiful though. Each place we went to took my breath away.
The Roman Forum was where I learned the most stuff though. And the Galleria Borg
hese was so much fun. Jesse and I really enjoyed our day together. Gian Lorenzo
Bernini was an amazing guy. Seeing his work blew my mind. I loved Greek mytholog
y and he had sculptures of some of it and it astonished me.

My favorite sculpture was Apollo and Daphne. I remember reading about the story
of Apollo and Daphne. Poor Daphne had become a laurel tree. It was a fascinating
story and I remember learning about it in highschool. Anoter one of the sculptu
res I loved was Pluto and Proserpina. Otherwise known as Hades and Persephone. I
loved that myth about all the seasons involving the two of them. It was really
creative to think like that and I really admired the work of the myths written.
Greek mythology was something that made my mind wander off and had me intrigued
in reading it no matter how gross or crazy it could be.

After that long day Jesse and I headed back to the hotel and we relaxed and I ma
de a list of everything we had to see tomorrow.

San Clemente Basilica, Piazza Navona, Arch of Constantine, Capitoline Museums, P

iazza del Campidoglio, Sistine chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, castel sant'angelo,
piazza venezia, circus maximus rome, piazza del popolo, villa d'este tivoli, ap

ostolic palace, via veneto rome, palazzo farnese, hadrian's villa, and the pyram
id of cestius. Well some of it was for tomorrow and then the rest was for later.

I figured we'd do half of it tomorrow and then next day Jesse and I decided to g
o to the beach. I wanted to go to Anzio beach but Jesse told me no. Why? Simply
because he teased me about being a dork obsessed with learning. I wasn't offende
d because I knew he was teasing and plus he loved that about me. He didn't want
me to be more interested in the history of the beach more than relaxing so we c
ompromised and we're going to the beach, Nettuno. He wanted to go to Ostia and I
didn't. I mean it was the most crowded becah here apparently and I wasn't tryin
g to find out if I was correct or not. Either way we were looking forward to thi
s trip and I was looking forward to dinner.

I took a nice long shower and then slipped on my green piece of lingerie and the
n slipp on my dark red dress. My hair was in nice big curls that fell down my ba
ck and my dress was gorgeous. It was strapless and went right across my chest an
d then stopped mid-thigh. It had silver rhimestones all across the top though.

The dress hugged my body and fit me perfectly, showing off all my curves and mad
e my cleavage and butt look good. Once I was ready I headed out the bathroom. My
make up was light, just some eyeliner, mascara, and clear lipgloss. I found Jes
se all dressed in a nice black tux and I bit my lower lip. Damn he looks hot.

"Ready to go beautiful?" He asked and I blushed and nodd. He walked over and gra
bbed my hand, kissing the back of it before draping his arm over my shoulder. I
wrapped my arm around his waist and we left the house and headed to some restura
unt called Taverna dei Quaranta. I couldn't understand anything they said I simp
ly followed Jesse's lead and gushed over him when he spoke Italian.

"Babe what do you want?" Jesse asked and I shook my head, blushing. It was time
for dessert after I just shoved my face with spaghetti and some beef stuff. Yeah
I had two dishes and a side dish which Jesse and I shared. Jesse ate one whole
meal by himself and now here I was zoning out-again.

"Um can you read me the menu?" I asked and he nodded. After he readh the menu I
asked him to get me whatever he was getting and it ended up beign some chocolate
thing and I kissed the hell ouit of Jesse when I saw it. Man I loved chocolate
and it was so good. Now I just felt so fat and even with my stomach sticking out
since I was so full Jess was feeling me up. "Wait until I get you alone" he whi
spered in my ear as we waited for our change after paying the check.

Once we were good to go Jesse and I got in the car and I continued to tease him
by rubbing my hand up and down his thigh. My fingers trailing up his inner thigh
while my palm was on the top of his thigh. "Damn it Vi your killing me" he groa
ned. We were now parked infront of the hotel.
"Well wait until you get me to the bedroom" I whispered seductively, trailing a

hand up my own thigh and sliding up the side of my dress revealing the green lac
e lingerie I was wearing and he could see my private area through the thin fabri

"Oh I won't be waiting that long" he replied and he hpped out the car and I gasp
ed at hw fast he was at my door and carrying me bridal style inside the hotel. I
giggled, I really did love how fast he was. He quickly got us to our suite and
he had me lock the door after he kicked it shut.

He ran us
"Now it's
o my neck
Od I love

over to the bed and dropped me on it gently and climbed on top of me.
time to have my way with you" he said huskily bringing his lips down t
and right to my collar bone. I moaned and tangled my hands in hair. "G
you" I sighed in content.

"I love you too baby" he replied, pulling away and meeting my eyes. His eyes wer
e full of so much love and it took my breath away. I just knew my eyes mirrored
the same, all the love I had for this amazing man. He loves me, every part of me
. He doesn't care that I'm a dork, I'm crazy, or I'm weird. He's always there fo
r me when I'm insecure or emotional and I need him. And he loves me completely.
I could never doubt that he loves me, he shows it by how caring he is and he sho
ws me so much passion.

I'm so glad we're married, he's mine. All mine and I'm jsut so lucky to get him
all to myself. Call me selfish but I was never sharing him. Why should I? He was
amazing and I loved him just as much as he loves me and he knows he never has t
o share me, ever. I was completely his and he was about to show me that as his e
yes turned lustful and his hands began pulling my dress down.
Chapter 19

*Violet's P.O.V*

"You scared me half to death" I retorted and he rolled his eyes, shutting the do
or behind him as we walked into out suite

"As if I would let you die" he joked.

"You could reassure yourself if you turned me that way I never have to die"

"Violet don't
brought it up
e didn't have
t off. He was

start" he sighed, his playful mood gone. It's the first time I've
since I've turned 18. I thought about it on my 18th birthday but w
time then and I knew Jesse wasn't looking forward to it so I put i
going to fight me on it and we didn't need that before our wedding


now I've sealed the deal. Just joking no matter what we would have got marri
we love each other too much to cancel the wedding over a little fight. I wan
him to turn me now though. I mean now I have a reasonable arguement against
fear of me dying.

"No I'm starting this Jesse, we need to talk about this. It's what I want and I'
m 18 now"

"So what? I rather have my wife alive for more then two days after us getting ma

"Don't talk like that! I will live through it"

"You don't know that!" He yelled angrily and I cringed at the tone of his voice.

"I do know that I love you and it's worth it"

"How the hell is risking your life worth it?"

"Because I love you! Anything is worth being with you! I want to spend the rest
of my life with you and 80 years is nothing compared to you being immortal" I an

"I love you Vi but why so soon. We're risking your life if we go through with it
and I just want a few more years before I make that stupid decision and give yo
u what you want"

"So you don't want that?" I asked.

"Are you kidding me right? Is that what the hell you got out of what I said?"

"I listened to you but I know your scared to lose me. God damn it Jesse you don'
t think I'm scared to die? I'm freaking terrified but I know I want you to turn
me. I know your worried about the pack and what not but baby we'll work it out l

ater I just want you to turn me, please? I need to know that we can really be to
gether for life"


"Jesse we're married now!" I shouted and he sighed and ran his hand through his
hair then began tugging on it in frustration.

"Fine" he whispered.


"Let's shower first" he replied, ignoring my question. I knew he wasn't happy ab

out this but I was estatic. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his nec
k. I stepped on ym tip toes and kissed all over his face. "Thank you baby, I lov
e you and I promise things will be fine" I reassured and his arm encircled my wa

"damn right you'll be fine. I plan on spending the rest of my life with you so y
ou better live that way I can punish you later for making me do womething so wre

"I'm looking forward to that punishment" I winked.

"SO am I" he groaned and i giggled.

"Sex later, shower now, and then biting me" I grinned.

"I sound like a damn werewolf, you know your going to have my teeth marks on you
r neck forever right?"

"Why do you say that? It might heal"

"I'm just saying if you turn what if you lose being able to heal? Plus your not
a vampire so what if while your body changes it doesn't heal?"

"Well then I can show off your mark and everyone can know I'm taken" I smiled.

"Sounds good to me" he laughed and I joined in. I wrapped my arms tighter around
his neck and pulled his head lower, still standing on my tip toes. He got the m
essage and picked me up by my thighs. I smiled and leaned in closer and let my e
yes close and my lips press against his. My lips met his and I felt him groan as
he began to kiss me. I kissed back, moving my lips against his full moist ones.

He kissed me hard and I felt him moving and instantly wrapped my legs around his
torso. There was skin against skin seeing I was in my bikini and he was in his
swimming trunks. Yes we had just came back from the beach. It was Wednesday now
and we go home Saturday seeing we got here Sunday it be just about a week. Monda
y and Tuesday we went sight seeing and now Jesse and I were just doing random th
ings and enjoying the beautiful city.
We pulled away for air and I leaned my forehead against his. I was panting now b
ut at the same time smiling. I was so happy. That fight went really well. It was
short, simple, and easy. And the best part was I got my wish. I just couldn't b
elieve it was going to happen. I was excited yet nervous, happy yet scared, and
anxious yet sad.

I mean I was excited I was going to turn, happy that he was finally doing it, an
d anxious well eager for it. I really wanted this. At the same time I was so ner
vous he is right I could die, and well my life is very important to me. And I'm
scared that it's going to hurt or something. Sure he bites me to suck my blood b
ut what if it doesn't feel the same? What if it hurts? And lastly I'm sad. AM I
going to lose my wolf? What about the pack?

Damn it Jesse had some good points but I really didn't care I wanted this though
. I wanted to be with him. I don't care if I lose everything as long as I have h
im. I loved him with every fiber in my being and whatever changes that come with
changing I'll just adapt to. I can't wait for him to turn me. I'll be immortal
and we can be together literally forever.

Jesse put me down and went and got the shower started. I took off my top and the
n my bottom and got in the shower and Jesse got in like a second after I did. He
pulled me in my arms and kissed the side of my neck. "It's going to be alright
baby. I know your scared but I'm here for you, we're in this together" he reassu
red and I smiled sadly. He knew me so well and I loved that he did. He knew how
to comfort me and that meant a lot to me that he cared about me so much.

"I know" I smiled and he kissed my cheek and let me go so we could shower. We to
ok our time in the shower and Jesse made small talk keeping my mind off of what
was going to happen when we got out.

Hopping out the shower I grabbed a towel and handed it to Jesse and then grabbed
myself one, wrapping it around my body. "Um so how are we going to do this?" I
asked and he took a deep breath.

"Just put on your pajamas but don't worry about putting on a shirt"

"What about a bra?"

"I mean if you don't want to wear one..." he smirked and I blushed.

"Got it perv" I replied.

"Only for you" he winked and I laughed, shaking my head at him. He was too much
but he was also so perfect for me. We went into the room and I went over to the
dresser and grabbed myself some clothes. I slipped my matching bra and panties t
hat were both a light pink color and they were the most innocent thing I had. I
then slipped on some yoga pants and through my hair into a messy ponytail.

Jesse had put on some boxers and I was now watching him pull on some sweatpants.
I noticed he put our towels away already along with our beach towels and out sw
im suits. He looked up at me and wiggled his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes and w
ent and jumped onto the bed and relaxed. I needed to be calm, I was about to do

"Are you ready for this?" My wolf asked me.




"I promise we will make it"


"I'm not going anywhere"

"Please don't fight the change I want to be turned so just let it happen"

"I'm fighting the change for us. I'm your strength through this and if you want
to survive you let me do what i need to do" she replied then ignored me as I que
stioned her. I just wanted to be turned. I didn't understand what she meant. I w
as going to miss my wolf a lot. I was going to miss shifting and running in my w
olf. Maybe I'll be faster now and Jesse and I can run together all the time. Eve
rything was going to be okay.

"Relax babe" Jesse said softly, getting into bed with me. He got on top of me, h
overing over me. He gave me an easy smile and I instantly relaxed. It was all go
ing to be okay. Jesse was here and even if I did die I was just glad I did with
my husband. God I can't believe we're married. He pecked my lipss and kissed acr
oss my jaw line to the right side of my face. He began kissing down my neck and
kissed my collar bone then moved a bit and found the spot I knew was where he wa
s going to bite me.
All I know is he was about to bit the left side of my neck. It's the left side b
ecause on the right is where he simply sucks my blood when he bites me. It works
like that because I'm a wolf and well the right side is where my mate would hav
e marked me so I can't be bit there to be turned only marked. And I can't be bit
on the left side of my neck unless I was going to be turned so to suck my blood
he always had to do my right side since it wouldn't trigger anything since he w
as a vampire and not my mate and it wouldn't trigger the change to turn me into
a vampire.

"Baby relax" Jesse whispered and I nodded stiffly.

"Violet relax or I'm not doing this, I don't like seeing you so scared"

"I'm not scared of you" I pointed out.

"So what? Your scared"

"I'm just nervous, but I do want to go through with it"

"Just relax Vi" he replied.

"I'm fine babe" I reassured and he licked the side of my neck making me moan. I
felt him smirk then saw he pulled back a bit. Next thing you know I was feeling
his fangs move across my skin and stopped when he got to that certain spot. He h
ad one hand on ym hip and his grip tightened and I placed a hand on his shoulder
, reassuring him I was fine.

His teeth suddenly sank into my neck, his fangs going under the surface of my sk
in. I let out a small gasp and my eyes shut close. It hurt so bad. When he usual
ly bites me it's a small pinch, kind of like getting needles, but for some weird
reason I hate needles ad don't mind my husband sucking my blood.

I moaned in pain and

down in my neck and
p and the only thing
ge but I didn't want

felt myself losing consciousness. His fangs were still sank

his grip on my hip was super tight. My body began to burn u
I could think of for the reason was I was fighting the chan

I began to sweat as I fought to keep myself awake. My wolf was howling in pain a
nd agony. I let out a piercing scream as I felt this sharp pain in my chest wher
e my heart was. I began writhering in pain but Jesse didn't remove his teeth fro
m my skin. He couldn't. I had to change first.

My body felt as if it was on fire. Everything burt and I began to cry and the te
ars rolled down the side of my face. Jesse held me as still as he could with one
hand. Next thing you know I was freezing cold like a bucket of ice water was ju
st poured over me. I went from hot to cold in matter of seconds. Now I was free

My body was now ice cold. I was shivering completely and my body was shaking. Wh
at the hell? I didn't have much time to think as I blacked out.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

I could feel her temperature dropping at a rapid pace and next thing you know sh
e was no longer warm at all but I could barely feel her. I slowly pulled away kn
owing she was now unconscious. I stared at my mark on her neck and it looked lik
e a normal bite but I knew something was different when she started bleeding.

What the fuck? She's not supposed to bleed. The change was supposed to go throug
h which it did since she's no longer warm. She's not supposed to be able to blee
d and not so much. What in the world? Blood was getting all over the bed and the
scent was driving me crazy. What? I'm a blood lustful person and I usually cont
rol it but she's oozing blood out.

I immediately covered her neck with my hand and thought about what I could do. W
hat do I do? I need to stop the bleeding. I got off the bed and ran to the bathr
oom and grabbed a towel, of course all the towels and sheets were white. I place
d the towel on the side of her neck and applied pressure.

"Violet?" I called, I needed her to wake up. She was alive, thank god. That is u
nless she bleeds to death. I needed her awake before it was too late. "Vi?" I ca
lled again. I wanted to shake her awake but knew that wasn't the smartest idea.
God damn it. See! This is why I didn't want to do this.

She could be dying right now! "Vi? Babe wake up" I pleaded. I needed her. I love
d her too much and I wasn't going to lose her. I know what it feels like to thin
k she's gone and its the worst feeling in the world.
The bleeding began to stop but I still kept the towel against her neck. She lost
so much blood. I was kind of scared for her now. I mean she's barely bleeding b
ut I can't feel a pulse or anything. I don't know if that's because she actually
turned or if she's about to die. She can't die on me! Not again.

"Violet!" I shouted. I had her in my arms, carefully holding her. It was no good
, I couldn't wake her. She was going to have to wake up herself or she was gone.
The tears filled my eyes as I realized she was fighting for her life and didn't
even know it. She was going to wake, she had to. She couldn't take long to do i
t either so now I just had to wait for her to wake up. Just make it quick Vi, yo
u have to wake up atleast before the end of the day. If she's not awake by then
she's dead.

*Violet's P.O.V*

I felt really numb. It felt hard to move and all I could hear was someone breath
ing. Jesse! I knew it was him, I recognized his scent. He always smelt so manly,
I freaking love his cologne. I felt so stiff and cold.

I tried to sit up but it's like as hard as I tried I couldn't. I felt a burning
sensation near my neck and it stung so bad. I felt like screaming but couldn't.
The burning feeling began to spread throughout my body.

My body began to heat up and no longer felt cold but I still felt kind of numb.
I tried to move but got nothing. My eyelids even felt heavy. I mean really. THis
was over dramtic. Fuck it, I'm sitting up becazuse my back is killing me.

With some diffficaulty I managed to move a bit and I groaned out loud in pain. "
Violet?!" Jesse yelled and I tried open my eyes or move more and I was strugglin

g. I moved my fingers a bit and ignored the pain going through my hand and up my

"Vi come on your doing it, keep moving" Jesse instructed and I moaned in pain as
I opened my eyes. I immediately shut them as all I saw was a blur. I struggled
a bit to open them again and I finaly did then blinked a few times, ignoring the
stinging everytime I blinked. I eventually could see clearly and I tried to sit
up again.

Jesse helped me sit up and I heard something crack in back and I cried out in pa
in. Ow! Fuck that hurt. "Run me hot bath so I can relax my muscles" I requested
and my voice sounded so raspy but I ignored that.

"Let me just carry you" he replied and I stiffly and slowly nodded.

"That'd be nice" I croaked and he chuckled and carefully picked me up and I bit
my tongue to keep from yelling in pain. He took me to the bathroom and put me do
wn and I slowly stripped out of my clothes while he got my bath started.

He helped me in the bath and I cringed at all the dry blood on my neck and down
my arm along with some of my face. How it got there? I don't know. Jesse began t
elling me what happened and it all made sense while I was covered in blood as wa
s his shirt. He left me alone and went to go get us some new sheets, ones withou
t blood.

Eventually I got out and we talked and I was sure I turned. I couldn't talk to m
y wolf and my body was no longer over heated but for some reason I was still way
warmer then Jesse. And I was freezing cold which was weird.

I got dressed and after Jesse and I were all settled we talked a bit about me ch
anging but didn't focus on the pack or anything. I wanted to finish our honeymoo
n. I did realie I was out cold for seven hours. Yeah seven! It was all fine thou
gh, Jesse and I would worry later and relax now. I also teased Jesse about him f
orgetting we planned to have sex after he bit me. I then told him we'd talk abou
t it in the morning. I don't know what was going on but I was tired and I was go
ing to sleep. Jesse and I would work out the weird things going on in my body an
d why it was weird that only a little change when he turned me. Who knows? Who c
ares? I'm exhausted.

A few thing didn't change though. I was still falling asleep in Jesse's arms, I
still loved him of course, and we were still married. And to me that's all that
mattered. He was forever by my side, we were in love, and I was still Mrs. Viole
t Stevens, forever and always.
Chapter 20

*Violet's P.O.V*

"Welcome back!" A crowd of people cheered as Jesse opened the front door. I jump
ed and was about to fall until Jesse's arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled
me into his chest, holding me tightly.

"Can we not scare my wife?" Jesse asked and everyone laughed.

"Hey baby" Monica greeted, giving Jesse a side hug.

"Hi mom" Jesse replied, hugging her back. After they pulled away Monica hugged m
e tightly and I laughed as I hugged her back. When we pulled away she stepped ba
ck and let us in and Jesse pulled in our suitcases.

"How was the trip?" Harold asked as he pulled me into a hug.

"Good" I answered as we pulled away. He hugged Jesse next and soone everyone was
hugging us. After saying hi to everyone I was pulled to the side by the girls.
I tried calling Jesse for help but Courtney put a hand over my mouth.

"So how did he like his gift?" Tanya asked and I blushed.

"He liked it" I answered simply. Before they could get more out of me Jesse came
into the kitchen where I was. "Can I have my wife back?" Jesse asked.

"Nope" Candice answered.

"Wrong answer" he replied and walked over and picked me up bridal style aNd carr
ied me back into the living room where everyone else was. I could see the girls
following us making a scene as they yelled at Jesse.

"Girls be quiet" Harold ordered, his voice bouncing off the walls and everyone i
n the room fell silent. Jesse carefully put me down and we sat on the loveseat.
"Um you feel okay?" Monica asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, why?" I questioned.

"You look a little pale" she answered. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she was fr
owning as she studied my face. I turned to Jesse and he sighed. "Do you want to
tell them?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"Um I kind of turned Violet into a vampire" he stated and everyone just stared a
t him then me then him again.

"What? She told me to" he said, holding his hands up in defense. I laughed and c
uddled into his chest and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"What?" Harold asked.

"I turned her" Jesse repeated.

"And it worked?" Weston questioned and I nodded.

"How?" Monica asked and Jesse and I both shrugged.

"Um it's really complicated and we're trying to figure everything out because it
happened Wednesday and well now it's Saturday. It's getting late so we'll see y
ou all tomorrow because we honestly don't have any answers for anything yet" Jes
se said and we began to get up.

We said goodnight to everyone quickly then hurried to the room. Well that was aw
kward. Jesse and I really haven't talked much since he changed me. I didn't want
to get in the complications of it all right now because I was very confused on

"I'm so tired" I stated as we reached the room and Jesse laughed.

"Are you sleepy though?" He asked.

"Yes" I answered and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"That's weird..." he muttered and I nodded. The first night after the change I s
lept then I stayed up for two days straight and now I was back home and so sleep
y. It was only 5 in the evening but I was feeling so tired and I was seriously r
eady to go to sleep. It was the first time since the first night he turned me th
at I was actually sleepy.

"You know we haven't actually tested you all out" he stated.

"Um thanks for making me sound like an experiment" I frowned.

"I just mean I know you haven't slept the last two days but you ate dinner last
night but nothing tihis morning, you still can see, hear, and smell better than
me, and you might have a pulse" he replied.

"Can we experiment with me later?"

"Sure, but tomorrow your going to see the pack doctor"

"Okay" I sighed and he kissed my forehead.

"If your sleepy can go to sleep babe" he stated as I went to grab my suitcase.

"I want to unpack first"

"Vi don't worry about it, you can do it tomorrow"

"And here I thought you were offering to unpack and wash our clothes" I frowned
and he laughed and walked over to me and dragged me to the bed.

"I'll take care of it"


"What? You always do all this stuff just let me do it; let me take care of you"

"You already do" I pointed out.

"Just let me do this"

"Fine. Now make sure you wash all our clothes and then our-"

"Shh...I'm not an idiot, I got this" he cut me off. I slowly nodded and let out
a sigh. He pressed his lips to mine then abruptly pulled away making me whimper.
He smirked and kissed my nose then walked away. I kicked off my flats and got i
n bed, snuggling up in the covers.

"Wait babe where's the-"

"Jesse I'll do it just be quiet"

"I'm only teasing, I got this" he replied and I rolled my eyes as I watched him
stare at the clothes. "After I figure out what to do with this" Jesse mumbled to
himself and I held in my laughter and closed my eyes. He's smart, he'll figure
it all out. I let myself doze off to sleep. I don't know how all I know is I eas
ily and quickly fell into a dreamless sleep.

"Vi wake up" Jesse groaned and I slowly opened my eyes to see what was bothering
him so bad that he had to wake me up.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Two in the afternoon, it's Sunday"

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"Because I figured you didn't get much sleep. I just came back from a run and yo
u were still sleep and I decided to wake you so we could go to the pack doctor"

"Ten more minutes" I mumbled, closing my eyes and laying my head back on my pill
ow and he groaned in annoyance.

"No Violet, get up"

"What's wrong?"

"You've been sleep forever and I don't want you to sleep our days away"

"I won't my sexy hubby" I smiled and he smiled back.

"Now get up"

"Fine" I sighed, sitting up and climbing out of bed. Jesse grinned and walked ov
er to my side of the bed and I stretched. Once I was done I let out a long yawn
and Jesse wrapped his arms around my waist.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine and I smiled against his lips and be
gan kissing him back. He nibbled on my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I com
plied and opened my mouth allowing him to plunge his tongue into my mouth. I moa
ned as his tongue slid against mine and I felt him smirk against my lips. I igno
red his smirk and continued to kiss him. The kiss got more rough and more lustfu
l so I decided to pull away before we get too caught up in kissing and it led to
something else.

"Let's take a shower" I suggested and he groaned.

"Later" he mumbled, leaning in to kiss me again. I pulled back just in time to d

odge his lips and I pulled out of his grip and walked over to the bathroom. "Sor
ry but we have places to go and people to see" I said and he sighed.

"Your lucky I love you" he replied with a small smile. I laughed and rolled my e
yes at him.

"Yes I am, now come on" I smiled. I walked more into the bathroom and got the sh
ower started. He sighed and joined me in the bathroom and we stripped out of our
clothes and got in together.

Getting out the shower I grabbed myself a towel and wrapped it around myself and
Jess did the same. We walked out the bathroom and into the room and I went to t
he closet. I sighed as I searched my clothes. It was still June and it was hot o
ut yet I didn't know what I should wear. "Okay babe should I wear a skirt or sho
rts?" I asked.

"Shorts" he answered and I nodded and moved some clothes out of my way. I grabbe
d a pair of dark blue jean shorts and a sky blue tank top. I laid the clothes on
the bed then went to the dresser and picked myself out a bra and a pair of undi

Jesse was in the bathroom in just boxers now brushing his teeth. I headed into t
he bathroom and began to brush my teeth then washed my face. Afterwards I went b
ack to the room and slipped on my outfit along with putting on my long-sleeve, b
utton up cardigan and my matching sky blue flats with a flower on the top.
"Violet come on" Jesse groaned. I rolled my eyes and looked at him through the d
oorway of the bathroom, where I was currently at. He was dressed already in a pa
ir of faded jeans and a black short-sleeve, t-shirt that you could just barely s
ee his muscles through.

"Can I do my make up first?" I asked.

"No, you look pretty enough"

"Awe thanks but-"

"No buts I'm ready to go" he interrupted and I walked out the bathroom and heade
d downstairs. "Vi?" Jesse called as he came downstairs. I said hi to Courtney, A
llen, Nigel, and Paris who were all in the living room.

"Violet?" Jesse called as he came into the living room.

"What?" I asked.


"Don't you dare say your sorry" I growled.

"I am though. I didn't mean to be so rude-"

"I don't care, are you really that impatient?" I asked.

"Yes" everyone chorused and Jesse glared at everyone.

"Nice their first fight as a married couple" Courtney grinned.

"We're not fighting" Jesse and I stated at the same time.

"There's nothing to fight about. Now come on since your in such a rush to leave"
I said and Jesse sighed. He grabbed my wrist as I tried to walk past him. "I'm
sorry" he apologized.

"For what?" I asked, pulling my wrist out of his grip.

"For being a jerk, babe I really didn't mean it"

"Yes you did Jesse! Your not sorry because your impatient this morning for some
reason and the only reason you are sorry is because you made me upset! Now just
forget it I'll go see the pack doctor and I'll be back whenever the hell I feel
like coming back!" I yelled and his jaw clenched and I took a deep breath to cal
m myself down.

"Can you please relax?" He questioned.

"No I can't" I said through clenched teeth.

"Vi please just forgive me. I'm sorry, I was just ready to go and didn't feel li
ke waiting any longer. I really am sorry" he apologized.

"Can we just go?" I sighed, trying to calm down but it was really hard for some

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't know" I answered honestly and he narrowed his eyes as he scanned my fac

"Are you sure?"

"I swear I just feel mad for some reason, I just want to go though"

"Can I have a kiss?"

"Yes" I smiled, my anger easily fading away. That was weird. Not that I wasn't u
pset anymore because I usually didn't stay too mad at anyone especially Jesse. T
he thing though is I don't understand why I was so mad at him in the first place

I got on my tippy toes and placed my hands on his shoulders and he leaned down,
towards to me. I closed my eyes and let my lips press against his. I felt him gr
oan before I heard it as he began kissing me back. I opened my mouth as he licke
d on my lip. He immediately plunged his tongue into my mouth and his tongue swir
led around with mine.

As we pulled away I smiled and slowly opened my eyes. My eyes met his and you co
uld see the love he had for me in them. I got off my tippy toes and grabbed his
hands in mine. "You are definitely forgiven babe" I said softly and he chuckled

"I love you Mrs. Stevens" he whispered and I grinned.

"Oh god that is never going to get old" I gushed and he laughed.

"Let's go Vi" he smiled and I dropped one of his hands and waved to everyone wit
h my free and then Jesse and I headed out the house. We walked over to his car a
nd he opened the door for me and I climbed in and buckled it up then he shut the

He walked to the driver side of the car and got in. He buckled up then started t
he car and drove us to the pack doctor's office, which was conviently right next
to the pack house. "Hey Jesse?" I called.


"Have you and Weston figured out all the plans for expanding the pack house yet?

"Um just about"

"Did you need any help?"

"Nah babe it's practically done"

"Thank god because it was so frustrating to look at the blue prints"

"Your smart you would have eventually figured it out" he teased.

"My intelligence is not the problem"

"I know"

"It just stresses me out"

"I understand, that's why I'm doing. I'll always be there to help you out"

"I know that, just know you can always come to me for help if you ever need it a
t all"

"If I need your help I will ask, I promise"

"Good" I smiled and he kissed my hand that he was holding. When we got there Jes
se parked out front of the place and then got out. He walked to my side and ope

ned my door just as I had got my seatbelt off.

I hopped out the car and Jesse slung an arm around my shoulder and I wrapped my
arm around his waist. We entered the place and I smiled at the lady at the desk.
She smiled at Jesse and I warmly and we walked over to her. "Alpha Bell-I mean
Stevens" she corrected and I laughed.

"Call me Violet, Megan" I requested.

"Well Violet, Dr. Zimmerman will be right with you" she stated and I nodded. Jes
se and I sat down next to each other and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I ho
pe this goes well" I muttered and Jesse looked down at me.

"Well Dr. Zimmerman has the whole afternoon off just to take care of you" Jesse

"What did he say when you talked to him?"

"Well I told him I changed you and what has been going on the last few days like
not eating or sleeping and when you actually did" he answered and I nodded in r
eply. Dr. Zimmerman soon walked out his office and we spotted me he gave me a wa
rm smile.

"Come on you two" he said and we got up and followed him into his office. I did
as he said and sat on the little table and Jesse sat in a chair and Dr. Zimmerma
n sat in his chair, behind his desk.

"Violet has you wolf contacted you?" Dr. Zimmerman asked.

"No" I answered.

"Have you tried talking to her?"

"How if she isn't there?"

"The thing is we don't know. She might be there. When you go home, you and Jesse

alone go somewhere alone and try talking to your wolf"

"You think it will work"

"I'm not too sure. This is all brand new everything that will have to do about y
our relationship is new to the world. We're all testing this out together, all t
hree of us"

"Why just me and Jesse?" I asked.

"Because if you do change your wolf will trust Jesse hopefully, and if not he's
the only one strong enough to tame you"

"Are you saying he's stronger than me?" I asked and Jesse tried to hide his smir

"No disrespect alpha but he's simply...a male and if-"

"It's because I'm a female" I growled.

"Violet calm down" Jesse demanded and I glared at him.

"Violet?" Dr. Zimmerman called and I turned my glare towards him. I clenched my
teeth and tried to take in deep breaths but nothing was helping. I was getting a
ngry and angrier by the second and I wanted to tear Dr. Zimmerman apart.

"Violet!" Jesse yelled, getting out of his seat. He pinned me down to the table
holding me by my shoulders and stared into my eyes.

"Zimmerman get out!" Jesse ordered and I growled at Jesse. Dr. Zimmerman quickly
left the room and Jesse's eyes met mine.

"Calm down" he ordered.

"Don't tell me what to do" I growled, trying to sit up but he was too strong.

"Just listen will you. Now calm down before I make you"

"Are you threatening me?" I asked.

"Yes I am. I love you but right now your putting people in danger now calm down"
he answered. His voice hard and his eyes held no emotion and his face was also

"Get off of me"

"No. Calm down!" He yelled and my hands went on his chest and I tried to push hi
m off of me. I still had strength, I knew I did but he was stronger than me! God
damn it. I began to scratch his chest, ripping his shirt and I heard him grunt.
"Damn it Vi, that fucking hurts" he hissed.
"Get off of me" I repeated.


"Now!" I shouted.


"Jesse!" I growled and my nails dug into his skin and he clenched his jaw.

"Violet calm down, I'm serious"

"Not until you get off of me" I replied. Truth is I don't know if I was going to
be able to calm down or not but he was pissing me off more and more as he held
me down roughly.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

"Not until you get off of me" she growled and I closed my eyes tighly and presse
d her further into the table. I was stronger than her, she might be an alpha but
the strongest werewolf in the world was her uncle Gavin and him and I were simp
ly on the same exact level.

I love my wife and I do know how strong she is but she does not compare to me in
anyway. Sorry babe. Right now though she was a mid-change. That damn
doctor shouldn't have went there trying to explain by saying I was a male. That
was a true point too-no offense to the women out there. I do kind of think men a
re stronger than women. I'm not saying their aren't females in the world stronge
r than some men.

Now Violet was just about to shift. Her claws were out, her eyes were shining a
dark purple-almost black color, and he canines were coming out. She looked ready
to kill the doctor so I had to get him out of here and I literally had to get m
y woman under control.

"Ow Jesse!" She cried and I saw her eyes soften and slowly turn back to their gr
ay color. Her claws slow retracted and I sighed in relief. Damn she scratched th
e fuck out of me. I was kind of scared I was going to do something to make her g
o unconscious-most likely finding a pressure point because I would never want to
hurt her even though I kind of just did, but I needed to.

"Sorry babe, are you calm?"

"Yes! Would you let go of me?" SHe questioned and I hesitantly let her go and sh
e frowned and rubbed her shoulder.

"I'm sorry" I apologized and she ignored me. I removed her hand from her shoulde
r and took her cardigan off then removed her bra strap and the strap of her tank
top down, letting it hang off her shoulders. I slowly kissed on each shoulder a
nd heard a low moan leave her throat making me smirk. Someone wasn't mad anymore

"What happened?" She finally asked and I stopped and she fixed herself.

"You were about to shift" I stated and continued to tell her what happened and s
he felt bad. I had to calm her down and keep her from crying. I let Dr. Zimmerma
n back in and he forgave her and gave us some advice and well there were certain
things Violet and I had to do.

Step one was to get her to shift. Once she shifted I had to restrain her because

it may be similar to a wolf's first change. They're dangerous because their wol
f is really taking them over so their animal instincts makes them extra 'cautiou

Step two was to test out her werewolf abilities. After she shifted we had to mak
e sure she had all enhanced senses. Make sure she can control her anger. And als
o make sure she can control when she shifts. It should be easy and painless afte
r the first time.

Then step three he wanted to know if the change completely went through. We had
to see if there were any real changes which he thinks won't kick in until her wo
lf is out so we know the final reaction to being changed. So that means if she's
pale, if she eats, sleeps, or has super speed beyond werewolf abilities and stu
ff like that. And then we go from there.
Chapter 21

*Jesse's P.O.V*

"Violet for the millionth time I forgive you. It's not your fault baby and I'm o
kay. Stop apologizing because it makes me feel bad that you feel guilty for noth
ing. You didn't hurt anyone," I stated.

"I hurt you," she pointed out.

"Who cares? I'm your husband we're in all of this together. I don't care that yo
u scratched me. The scratches are already gone so you can relax. I love you Vi,
now stop feeling so guilty. You have absolutely no reason to be. It was your wol
f not you. The only thing we can do now is work on getting you to shift," I repl
ied and she simply nodded.

We were currently outside in the woods. I was sitting on the ground with my back
against a tree and Violet was on my lap. I was rubbing circles on her back with
my hand. She had been apologizing since we left the doctor's office.

"How are we going to do this?" She asked.

"Well I'm about to make your wolf very angry," I answered. Well I was going to t
ry to. Usually I just acidentally upset or anger Violet. I swear I never mean to
it just happens. I don't know how I was going to piss her off.

"Jesse I don't think that's going to work. My wolf actually loves you."

"She was mad at me early."

"We both were since a certain husband of mine is very impatient."

"Well try talking to her."

"I've been trying Jesse. I keep saying hello in my mind and nothing is working.
She's not responding at all. She's most definitely ignoring me and I don't know

"Fine is she loves me we'll show her that."

"Huh?" She asked. I removed her from lap and had her pinned to the ground within
a few seconds. "I love you Violet," I grinned.


love you more Jesse," she smiled. I pressed my lips to the same place I bit h
at since it didn't heal. She moaned instantly and tilted her head. I guess th
place is still sensitive for her. It's right by her collar bone, practically
it so biting there just made the area more sensitive. I'll have to keep that

She tangled her hands in my hair and tugged on it lightly. I continued to kiss d
own her neck while my hands worked on un-buttoning her cardigan. I put an arm ar
ound her to lift her up so I could take her cardigan off. She had no problem hel
ping me with that.

Her legs wrapped around my waist but I removed them so I could move back a bit.
She whimpered as I removed my lips from her body just as I reached her cleavage.
I smirked to myself and began to work on getting her out of her shorts. God my
wife was so damn sexy. I can't believe we're married. I had to be the luckiest m
an in the world to have someone as perfect as Violet.

I pulled her shorts off and flung them in the same direction her cardigan went.
Before I could get to taking her tank top off she grabbed me by my shirt and jer
ked me forward, pulling my face closer to hers. She brought her lips to mine rou
ghly and I grinned as I saw it was working. Violet was still in control but she
was getting agressive so I knew her wolf wanted to come out. Now I just need her
to shift.

I want her clothes off that way she can shift and still have clothes when she sh
ifts back. Oh god. She has to shift back. None of this is going to be easy. I ha
ve to get her to shift, control her while she's in her wolf form, and then get h
er to shift back.

I pulled away early, before the kiss deepened just to tease her. In response I g
ot a growl. Her eyes shined with lust but also anger. Okay her wolf was angry to
often and she needed to be tamed. Like seriously it takes a lot to make Violet
mad unless it's me doing something something stupid.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked, cupping her breast in my hands. I was teasing her
and she knew it. Violet just lost all sense of control. I knew she had been figh
ting her wolf for control from the moment she kissed me. After hearing her growl
I knew it was all her wolf. Now I just have to keep it up and make her angry en
ough to shift.

Her hands moved to my jeans but I grabbed her wrist and held them over her head,
restraining her from moving too much. I saw her claws extend at the same time h
er eyes darkened. She glared at me but only in annoyance. Vi was right her wolf
does love me. She just couldn't control her anger. That was surprising though be
cause Violet wolf always let her be in control of her body.
"Someone's being a little naughty don't you think?" I questioned and she narrowe
d her eyes. I teasingly ran a finger back and forward across the waist band of h
er panties and she let out a low moan which was followed by a growl. I knew she
was getting angry so it was working.

"I think we need to head home. I mean you haven't eaten and well-"

"Don't mess with me," she interrupted. She spoke through clenched teeth as she s
aid that. It was kind of creepy to see since it was my innocent Violet's mouth m
oving but I knew it wasn't technically her.

"I'm not but you which I would," I whispered huskily in her ear making her buck
her hips into mine. A groan escaped my mouth and instead of focusing on how that
turned me on and got me in the mood I focused on her annoyed impression since I
wasn't giving in to her.

"Come on babe you should know I have self control," I smirked and she growled in
response. She roughly yanked her hands out of my grip and was pushing me away w
ith force. Damn she was pretty strong. She was strong enough to push me off her.

I hopped to my feet and took my shirt off then threw it to the side like I had d
id with her clothes that I removed from her body. She glared at me and her body
began to shake un-controllably. I got her this far now I just need to piss her o

"That doctor was right your just a girl. Even for an alpha your not stronger tha
n me. It's a fact females are weaker than most men," I shrugged and that was it.
She lunged at me and shifted in mid-air.

I was prepared for the blow so the moment her body collided with mine I wrapped
her up in my arms and was laying on my side holding her still. She growled and t
ried to bite me but I shoved her face against the ground and restrained her from
moving at all.

"Baby I need you to shift back," I said. She wiggled in my grip but I held her t
ightly. Eventually she'd have to give up and Violet will be able to take over. "
Come on it's only me," I urged. I had to keep talking to her wolf. She needed to
calm down.

"Calm down babe. Your here now. Your such a beautiful wolf. I promise you the wo
rst is over and your fine. Nothing is going to get rid of you. Just calm down fo
r me," I soothed and she remained still in my arms.

"Come on do for me, your husband. I love you. I love all of Violet which means y
ou, her wolf. Usually when Violet is in wolf form and I'm playing with her she's
in control. It's nice to see her wolf come out but I don't want you to be so an
gry. I just made it so I can spend the rest of my life with Violet. She's immort
al now. I'm sorry if changing her hurt you but I need you to trust me and yourse
lf. Can I please have my wife back?" I asked.

It felt extremely weird talking to her wolf. It was like I was talking to Violet
but at the same time I wasn't. And to me it felt like I was speaking in third p
erson. Of course I wasn't but I was speaking about Violet in third person I gues
s. I was saying 'Violet' to Violet. I just though that was pretty weird.

Violet's body slowly went limp and her eyes drooped close. Panic filled my body
immediately and I let her go. SHe didn't move so I tried to shake her. I needed
her to wake up. "Violet!" I shouted. I felt like I was losing her repeatedly. Pl
ease just let this be another false alarm. She can't be dead.

I stopped shaking her when I heard a low growl. I moved back and watched as Viol
et's eyes opened and her eyes were that soft gray color. In her wolf you could s
ee more purple in her eyes and I just found them so captivating. She slowly got
up so she was standing on all fours.

Suddenly she began to shift and the wolf's body hunched over like a cat would wh
en it's scared. Next thing you know it's Violet crouched down. She stood up comp
letely and then she met my eyes. She jumped on me, wrapping her arms around my n

"I'm so sorry. I really am Jesse. I love you, I do baby. I'm sorry," she cried.

"Vi calm down I'm fine. I was just worried about you. Now look at what you did,
you shifted."
"Who cares? I could have hurt you!" She shouted, pulling away from me. I wrapped
my arms around her waist and kept her still so she was laying on top of me whil
e my back was on the ground. "I would have lived. Now let's put some clothes on
you and head back to the house," I replied and she slolwy nodded.

She got off of me and grabbed her shorts and pulled them on. I grabbed my shirt
and put it over her head. She still seemed upset and I wasn't too sure on how to
reassue her that what happened today doesn't matter.

She slipped her flats

bbed her hand in mine
ed back to the house.
you Violet," I stated
me a small smile.

back on, the ones she took off once we had sat down. I gra
and kissed it. She gave me a small, sad smile then we walk
I needed to cheer her up but I don't know how to. "I love
as the house came into view. She looked up at me and gave

"I love you too Jesse."

"We need to celebrate."

"Celebrate what?"

"That you have your wolf-"

"She's angry at the world."

"Not the point."

"I don't want to celebrate almost attacking you," she replied.

"Fine. How about you go out with me tonight?"


"We won't celebrate anything. It'll be a real date, just me and you. It'll also
be our first real date as a married couple."

"Well technically we went to dinner a few time over our honeymoon," she smiled.

"Well those don't count as dates they count as simple dinner. Now I'm leaving yo
u to go out with the girls and go dress shopping. I'll pick you up from the pack
house at nine, got it?"

"Yes sir," she mocked and I chuckled. I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my a
rm around her waist. When we reached the house I stopped walking. We were on the
porch but I didn't want to go inside. "I love you and I'll see you later babe,"
I said and she frowned.

"Your leaving now?"

"Sweetie it's already two in the afternoon. You need to eat something for lunch
and I have a date to plan. Our dates aren't amazing because I plan them in ten m
inutes. It took days to plan the night I proposed to you," I pointed out.

"I understand babe. I'll see you later then. I'll just go hang out with Courtney
for awhile then head shopping. I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled. I'm so glad she's not thinking about earlier. I need
ed for us to do something to get her wolf off her mind. Why not go on a date? I
mean come on we got back yesterday I want to do something for us. We're married!
We had the honey to celebrate and now we can have our first date. It's perfect
timing to. I had some thing I needed to go over with Violet. I just can't tell h
er everything just yet though.

I pressed my lips to hers and kissed her softly. She pulled away too early and I

opened my eyes to find her grinning at me. "Save it for tonight," she winked. I
groaned and grabbed her by her hips before she could reach the door. I smashed
my lips to hers and kissed her roughly but she didn't seem to mine as she gave i

I plunged my tongue in her mouth and her tongue swirled around mine. I moaned an
d pulled her closer to me. I took in the taste of her, she tasted fruity for som
e reason but I liked it. She always tasted so intoxicating no matter what. I pul
led away first this time and winked at her.

"That's just the preview of tonight," I whispered huskily in her ear. I heard he
r let out a small groan and I smirked. I smacked her ass and then moved out her
reach so she couldn't do anything back. She narrowed her eyes but couldn't keep
the smile off her face.

"Keep your hands to yourself mister," she scolded. I laughed and waved as I ran
off. I needed to find the guys. I was going to need a lot of help to pull off a
great date. I had no idea what I was going to do. I mean what can I do? We've be
en on some amazing dates and now I'm running out of ideas.

I called Allen and told him to meet me by the river. There was this river in tha
t ran through the woods in the back yard and I liked to come here to think. Afte
r getting off the phone with him I ran back into the woods and followed the path
I mesmerized by heart up to where the river was.
I sat down and waited for the guys who got here just a few minutes after me. I t
old them I needed an idea and well they just threw some crazy ones out there. "Y
ou guys sounds worst then Violet did the night I proposed. She asked if we were
going to Antartica to see the penguins," I laughed.

"She said what?" Allen asked.

"Her imagination was going crazy and she said random things she would like to do
for a date. There was going to paris and cuddling under the stars, a picnic on
the moon, going back in time to the 1950's, and going to Hawaii to see dolphins,
" I answered.

"She knows that's all impossible right?" Holden questioned.

"Yes she does, but technically we could go to Hawaii and Antartica."

"Why go all the way to those places though?" Rico asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that's what she would like. It's like saying you wa
nt to see the eiffel tower and only going to Vegas," I shrugged.

"Well I wish she would of have given us ideas we could use," Nigel huffed.

"That's it! We can use her ideas!" I yelled excitedly. I have the perfect idea.
Ignoring the guys I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Violet telling her
to dress warm. I had a lot planned for tonight and it was about to get crazy.

How I was going to pull this off? I don't have a clue but nothing is too good fo
r Violet. She deserves the best and if that's what she wants then I'm going to g
ive it to her. She wants a crazy and exciting date well she's about to get one.
"Guys I got the perfect plan," I grinned.
Chapter 22

*Violet's P.O.V*

After getting Jesse's text I began to panick. I was just thinking I could go and
buy a new dress. Now I had to worry about dressing warm and still looking cute.
What the hell could he have planned? It's the bginning of June and it's already
hot out especially since I'm a werewolf and my body is above regular temperatur

I decided to leave down and go shopping with Courtney and Tanya. Allen apparentl
y was with Jesse and Tanya's boyfriend Justin was babysitting their kids. It was
so sweet how Justin and Tanya were together. They made each other happy and bot
h have experienced the same stuff; loosing a mate and having to raise their kid
or kids alone. Now they're a couple and well they're serious about being togethe
r and I'm happy for them.

"What should I wear?" I frowned as we got to the mall.

"I don't know. It's too hot to be dressing warm," Tanya sighed. I groaned in ann
oyance but we continued to walk past a few stores. "Want to look in here?" Court
ney asked as Hollister came into sight.

"Nah," I replied.

"It's a huge mall so we can go to many places. How about Charlotte Russe? I love
that place."

"I love it there too," I grinned and so that's where we headed. When we got into
the store I began searching all over the place looking for something. "Look at
these skinny jeans," Tanya smiled and I laughed.

"I'm so getting some," I squealed as I found some cute colorful ones. I grabbed
a pair that were coral, another one which was a bright yellow, and a pair of eme
rald green ones. I found my size then moved on to look for something else. I fou
nd myself a nice spaghetti strapped tank top to wear for tonight. It was white w
ith lace around the cleavage and on the bottom of it.

After that since I didn't find anything else I paid for everything then we heade
d to Forever 21. I wasn't even sure what I was wearing tonight all I know was I
was having fun shopping right now. I ended up buying a simple gray cardigan that
was long-sleeve and that buttoned up.

Afterwards we went to a few other stores and I finally found myself an outfit. I
was so happy that I found something to wear. When I got to the pack house I tha
nked the girls then headed to my room to get ready. First I hung up all my cloth
es I bought today that wasn't part of my outfit for tonight.

I was just about to hop in the shower when my phone began ringing. I quickly ans
wered it and smiled when I saw it was Jesse. "Hey babe," I greeted.

"Hey, you seem to be in a good mood."

"Why shouldn't I be? My amazing husand is taking me out on a date tonight."

"Yes he is and your going to love it."

"Want to tell me what we're doing?"

"No, it's a surprise," he answered.

"Well I'll be ready at nine, right?"



"Did you have lunch?" He questioned.

"Yes I did."

"Good, well I have to go. I have a date to finish setting up for."

"It's been four hours," I pointed out.

"I know which leaves me two more hours to finish then an hour to get ready and b
e there to pick you up."

"Don't be late."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"Bye Jesse," I laughed.

"Bye sweetie, love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

"Is so," I aruged.

"Is not."

"Are we really about to argue about this?"

"If necessary we will."

"I love you too Jesse."

"That's more like it."

"I'm hanging up now," I sang.

"Bye Violet," he laughed. I hung up then headed into the bathroom. I started the
shower before stipping out of my clothes. I quickly got in the shower and let t
he hot water hit my back. I relaxed under the water and took a nice long shower
since I had three hours before our date.

Getting out the shower I grabbed myself a towel and dried my body. I walked out
into the bedroom and headed to my dresser. I dried my hair a bit then dropped my
extra towel that I was using for my hair to the ground. I dropped my other towe
l too then slipped on my white laced panties followed by my white, strapless bra
I threw my hair up in a messy bun then looked at my outfit that was laid out on
the bed. I grabbed my black skinny jeans and slipped them on before walking over
to the dresser again to put on deodorant. I grabbed my white tank top from the
bed and pulled it over my head.

I sat down on the bed and slipped on my socks which were black with pink polka d
ots all over them. Afterwards I pulled on my boots. They gave me two inches in h
eight since they had a real skinny heel. My boots were gray and stopped a few in
ches under my knees.

I headed into the bathroom to do my hair. First I straightened it then curled it

to perfection. Then I put my hair up in a pony tail leaving two large curls out
to frame my face. Afterwards I began on my make-up. I didn't realize I only had
25 minutes to get ready. It took like an hour to do my hair then the rest of th
e time I was actually getting ready. Time really does fly by.

I immediately started on my eyes. I first put on my eyeliner followed by some si

lver eyeshadow. The silver really brought out my gray eyes and I loved it. I the
n put on some mascara before moving on to add some blush to my cheeks. I have no

ticed that I was really pale for a werewolf but not nearly as pale as a vampire.
I was perfectly in between.

I then finished off with just adding on some clear lipgloss. Afterwards I left t
he bathroom and quickly slipped on my gray cardigan followed by my scarf. My sca
rf simply covered up my exposed tank top that wasn't covered by my cardigan. My
scarf was black and was plaid, with all the lines being an off white, kind of gr
ay color. Overall I think I looked good and I think I'll be warm for whatever Je
sse has planned.

I grabbed my phone off the charger and was slipping it in my left back pocket wh
en there was a knock at the door. "Come in," I called and I looked over my shoul
der to see Jesse. I grinned as I saw him and I quickly grabbed my wallet purse b
efore running over to him.

I hugged Jesse tightly, catching him a little off guard. He chuckled and hugged
me back. We pulled away and I stepped back to look at him. He was wearing a pair
of dark blue jeans that fit perfectly on him. They hung low on his hip bones bu
t still covered him up. He was wearing a nice black sweater that still seemed to
show his muscles. And he was wearing a pair black boots. Damn he looked sexy.

He was in need of a hair cut but I liked his hair long. He had more hair to flip
out of his eyes now and I found it sexy when he did so. His blonde hair you cou
ld easily see was still wet and his eyes naturally stood out since he was so pal

It's like Jesse had no flaws. Everytime I looked at him there was never nothing
that looked out of place and never a time where he didn't look sexy. He was just
naturally attractive and I was so lucky to have him. "You looked gorgeous," he
grinned and I blushed.

"You look very handsome yourself," I smiled. He grabed my hand in his and gave m
e a little twirl which ended in my chest lightly hitting his and his arms wrappi
ng around my waist. I looked up at him and stared at him lovingly as he leaned d
own to place a small kiss on my nose. "Are you ready to go beautiful?" He questi

"Yes, I really want to know what you have planned."

"Well your about to find out."

"Good, let's go babe," I replied. He let me go but kept an arm around my waist a

s he led
his car
rse down
e of the

the way out

then opened
to the side
car and got

my room, downstairs, and out the door. He walked us over to

the door for me. I carefully got into the car and put my pu
so I could put on my seatbelt while Jesse walked to his sid

Once we were both buckled up Jesse started the car and srove off down the road.
I turned the radio up a little and simply listened to it the whole ride. I had m
y eyes clothes but I wasn't sleepy. I was just thinking about random things. it
started off with thinking about tonight to thinking back to my wedding day and t
hen my mind drifting off to random moments in my life, well since I met Jesse.
When we came to a stop I didn't even notice until Jesse was opening my passenger
door. I smiled sheepishly and he smiled in understanding. I took my seat belt o
ff then grabbed my purse before getting out of the car. Jesse shut the door then
wrapped an arm around my waist. I leaned into him and looked around.

It was dark out and we seemed to be completely alone. I didn't recognize where w
ere as I looked at the building. There seem to be a sign on it that looks like i
t should light up but it wasn't lit. We werew currently standing in a large but
empty parking lot to this place which was isolated. There seemed to be nothing a
round us at all but this large building.

Jesse led the way to the building which had no windows it seemed. It was kind of
creepy and it scared me. I trusted Jesse though and I knew everything was going
to be fine if he planned it. Jesse grinned at me before opening the door to th
e place and holding it open for me. I stepped inside and Jesse followed me in th
is dark building. Coming a in a little bit more I noticed that all the lights we
re off and how cold it was. I mean it was freezing cold.

Jesse left my side momentarily and then bright lights lit the room, blinding me
for a ffew seconds. I blinked a few times for my eyes to adjust before I looked
around. What in the world? "You did all this?" I questioned and Jesse nodded.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes! Of course I do. This is amazing Jesse," I grinned. We were in some indoor
ice skating place. There was snow a few inches high covering the whole rink and
there were snowflake decorations hanging from the ceiling. "It gets better," Jes
se smiled.

"How could anything get better than this? How did you do all this? I mean it's s
nowing!" I yelled in excitement as I ran into the rink and threw myself into a p
ile of snow. I could hear Jesse laughing as I got up. The snow felt so real. Oh
my god.

"I know the guy who owns this place. And once I left you I got the idea and had
the guys help me with it. I quickly ordered some fake snow then went shopping to
decorate the place. Which tok about an hour to do. Then I made a special call t
o a very specila friend of mine who works at a place you love," he explained.


"You'll see after dinner," he replied and I

d me to a little table in the middle of the
ough the middle of the rink that led to the
it wasn't ice. I think it was carpet, like
uly amazing.

nodded. Jesse helped me up and walke

rink. There was a little pathway thr
table. It wasn't covered by snow and
rolled out white carpet. This was tr

Jesse pulled out a chair for me and I smiled in appreciation as I sat down in it
. Jesse sat across from me before opening the two silver platters that were infr
ont of each of us. I raised an eyebrow as I saw it was tuna caserole. "A special
occasion?" I asked.

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know. I just didn't see this coming."

"That's the point," he smirked. He poured me a glass of water and I mumbled a th

anks in reply. I began to eat and so did Jesse. He kept glancing at me while we
ate but I didn't say anything. I guess I'll figure out what was up soon. "That w
as so good," I sighed. I placed both hands on my full stomach as I sat back in m
y seat, staring at Jesse.

"Well time for our surprise so get your butt up," he grinned. He got up then cam
e over and helped me up. He dragged me across the rink. "Jesse your going to mak
e me fall," I hissed and he rolled his eyes.

"Shh...Vi all the flaling

the pace and followed him
he back of it and I saw a
er to it. I swore I heard

will be worth it. Now come on," he urged. I picked up

to a storage room, outside of the rink. He led me to t
huge box thing. Jesse let go of my hand then went clos
something but I wasn't sure.

"Surprise!" Jesse shouted as he opened the...cage! Out came 5 penguins! Penguins

! Oh my god. Was he serious? These are penguins. "Babe I want you to meet Clyde,
Tux, Oreo, Polo, and Topper," Jesse introduced.

"Can I pet them?" I asked and he nodded. I kneeled down on the cold floor and on
e of them approached me slwoly. "Which one is this?" I asked.
"Polo, his beak is more of a yellow color instead of orange," Jesse pointed out.
I gently pet the littly penguin and he made some weird noise making me jump. I
nearly fell over until Jesse caught me quickly. "Be careful babe," he muttered a
nd I smiled sheepishly before kissing his cheek.

"They are so cute," I gushed. Jesse grabbed a bucket and then called me over. I
got up and followed him back to the rink. He sat down in the snow and all the pe
nguins gathered around him. "What type of penguins are they? And how did you get

"They're gentoo penguins and I got them from the zoo. The zoo is closed right no
w but the guy who works with the penguins let me borrow a few of them for my bea
utiful wife who he would love to meet."

"Do you like showing me off?" I asked with a teasing smile.

"Yes I do," I grinned and I sat on his lap and helped him feed the penguins with
fish. It was nasty at first but Jesse helped me get over it. I couldn't ask for
a better first date for us. We were married and I really feel like I just start
ed living. Walking up the aisle to Jesse has got to be the greatest thing I ever

I sealed the deal with him because I was never letting him go and I would never
give him up. He was too perfect and he was all mine. I'd love to see someone try
to take him away because it be an epic fail on their part. I know how much my m
an loves me and I love him too. Neither one of us are scared to fight for what's
our, each other, and I don't think we'd ever have to.

*Unknown's P.O.V*

"Thank you," I grinned and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever," she sighed.

"You know I love you Sky."

"Then why can't you be with me."

"The timing isn't right."

"You said that before," she pointed out.

"Because I meant it. We only met about two years ago."

"Well you've been in a coma for over a year now."

"I just woke up yesterday, I know."

"I'm sick of this-" she began.

"We can be together soon enough Skylar, I promise you that."

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

"I will keep it."

"How am I supposed to know that? You've lied to me time and time again."

"You know what? I said thank you-"

"For what? Please tell me what your thankful for."

"I'm thankful for you being by my side while I was in a coma for over a year. Yo
ur my mate, I know that wasn't easy for you to do."

"Well I love you for some stupid reason," she sneered.

"I love you too," I lied. I pulled her in my arms and she easily caved in and hu
gged me back. I knew she couldn't resist me, she never has been able to. I felt
bad for hurting my mate and lying to her but the truth is I didn't want to be wi
th her. I never loved her and I don't think I ever will be able to if I can't lo
ve her after all the things she has done for me in a year and a half.

"Come home with me," she whispered.

"I can't Sky. I'm going back to my place," I sighed. I just didn't want to be ar
ound her. I liked her as a friend but I knew it wasn't enough for her so I had t
o lie to her just to make her feel a little better after all the hurt I continue
to cause her. I can't let her go though because I need her help.

"Are you ever going to tell how you-"

"In do time my love," I cut her off. I didn't want to talk about that with her.
Of course I used her and she had the right to know but I wasn't going to admit t
o her I lied about loving her because I was in love with another woman. Of cours
e I loved this girl. There was just something about her I couldn't resist but I
knew she didn't feel the same because she was in love with stupid boyfriend of h
ers. And I will get my revenge on that stupid slut and her boyfriend. I hated he
r and loved her at the same time.

She was so perfect yet if she couldn't be mine then no one deserved to have her.
My bestfriend says I'm obsessed with her and of course I denied it but then he
simply said that I was obsessed with getting revenge on the couple. Maybe it's t
rue, I don't know. I do know that I'll do anything to make them both suffer.
Letting Skylar go I kissed her softly on the lips then left her dazed as I walke
d out the hospital. I found my bestfriend's car parked out front and I hopped in
the passenger seat. I smiled when I saw him and he shook his head at me. "I don
't want to hear it," he stated.

"Too bad, I'm your alpha and you'll do as I say."

"I'm sick of it alpha. The moment you woke up you were going on getting your ave
nge after getting the girl you wanted so bad. She doesn't want you, leave her al
one. You have a mate."

"I don't want her," I growled making him flinch.

"Skylar loves you though."

"I don't care. She's not heartbroken so she's fine for now. I'll deal with her w
hen the time comes. I'll stop leading her on when I don't need her anymore."

"That's just wrong," he snapped.

"I don't care. I needed her and you are the one who got her to help me so it's y
ouir fault I'm still able to torture her."

"It was your orders."

"Still you followed them."

"I had to!" He shouted.

"It's over with. Take me home and gather up some of the guys. Our last plan was
a fail but this time we will suceed."

"Yes alpha," he said through clenched teeth. Reagan was mad at me now but he'll
get over it. He had to. There was nothing he could do to stop me from going thro
ugh with my plans.
Chapter 23

*Jesse's P.O.V*

"Jesse what is this about?" Violet asked as we got into the bedroom.

"I just needed to tell you something."

"You've been acting all nervous since we left the zoo," she replied.

"Babe sit down," I requested. She took her boots off and sat down on the bed. No
w how do I tell her this. I mean I can't tell her why but I can't lie to her bec
ause...I just can't. I never have and I don't want to start now.

I sat on the bed with her, kicking my shoes off in the process. Violet helped me
take my shirt off and then I laid down on the bed. She cuddled into my side and
I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Babe tomorrow I kind of have a meeting to
go to," I stated.

"A meeting? Is that what you were worried about? Jesse that's ridiculous. Have I
been clingy or something-"

"Babe that's not at all what I'm trying to say."

"Then what are you trying to say? I mean Jesse it's not that big of a deal-wait
a minute, since when do you have a meeting?" She questioned.

"Since I planned it before getting on the plane back home. It's just it's not a
regular meeting. I'm meeting up with an old friend of mine. Remember the guy I r
an into at the movie theater that one time?"

"Yeah, what was his name?"

"His name is Carson."

"Oh yeah. Didn't you say he was in the construction bussiness?"

"Yes he is. When you met him it was like three months after his dad died so now
his dad has been gone for almost a year. His dad owned a construction bussiness
and he's the one who built the house for dad. Now that Carson's dad is dead Cars
on has taken over the bussiness. And well he's a good friend of mine. He's also
going to be the guy working with me on a new project," I explained.

"A new project?" She questioned.


"What is it?"

"Nothing babe, don't worry about it."

"Jesse just tell me."

"Well I want to do the pack house and just some extra work I want to be done."

"Oh okay. You don't need my help do you?"

"No. I told you that I'd handle it and I will. I just have to go meet Carson tom

"Okay. I'm fine with that Jesse," she reassured and I sighed in relief.

"Good now let's get you to bed."

"But I'm not sleepy," she smirked and I groaned.

"Don't tease me."

"I'm not," she whispered seductively. She ran her hands down my chest and began
to climb on top of me. "I want you Jesse, right now," she moaned. I flipped us o
ver and pressed my lips to hers.


"Violet I have to go," I mumbled and she whimpered.

"One more hour," she pleaded.

"Babe I have to be there in less than half an hour."

"So what?"

"So I need to get ready to go."

"Fine ten more minutes."

"You've said that ten minutes ago, ten minutes before that, and ten minues befor
e that."

"I'm just so tired."

"We both know you can't fall back to sleep so let me get up so I can go shower,"
I replied.

"Do you have to go so early?"

"It's almost noon."

"Fine," she sighed. She reluctantly let me go, unwrapping herself from around me
. I had woke her up when I needed to get ready, over thirty minutes ago. She did
n't want me to leave her though.

I climbed out of bed and slipped on my boxers. I walked over to the closet and f
ound myself something to wear. Then I went to the dresser and grabbed myself a p
air of boxers along with a pair of socks. I placed my stuff on the bed then head
ed to the bathroom and got the shower started. "Care to give me a show?" Violet
asked and I chuckled. I shut the bathroom door then heard her gasp.

"Jerk!" She laughed. I slipped off my boxers then hopped into the shower. If she
wanted to see anything then she could join me.

When I got out the shower Violet was brushing her teeth. I grabbed a towel and d
ried myself breifly before wrapping it around my waist. I kissed Violet's cheek
before walking out the bathroom. I dropped my towel and began getting dressed. I
slipped on my boxers followed by my jeans. Violet walked out the bathroom and s
miled at me. She was wearing one of my t-shirts and she looked so ssexy right no
I put on my deodorant then slipped on my t-shirt. Violet walked over to me wrapp

ing her arms around my waist and laying her head on my chest. "I love you," she

"I love you too."

"Please don't be gone long."

"Babe I don't know how long I'm going to be gone. I'm hoping to get started righ
t away. I'm sorry sweetie."

"I understand."

"Are you sure? If you really want me to come home at anytime just call me and I

"I'll be fine. I'll probably just have a lazy day. I don't care how long you wor
k for just make sure your home before it gets too late," she responded.

"I'll be home before it gets dark."

"Good," she smiled. I laughed and kissed the top of her head before going into t
he bathroom. I brushed my teeth then did my hair quickly. Afterwards I kissed Vi
olet goodbye and headed to the place I was supposed to meet Carson. When I got t
here I was more surprise then anything in the world to see a certain girl.

Damn, bhe brings back so many memories. It's been so long since I seen her. It's
been about four years. She waved me over and I headed to her table. We were in
a little cafe place right now. She got up and pulled me into a hug. I hesitantly
hugged her back. "It's been so long," she stated as we pulled away.

"Yes it has, how's it going?" I asked.

"Things could be better."

"Sorry about your dad."

"It's fine Jess. Anyways I'm here because Carson couldn't make it."

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"Yes. It's just he didn't know how soon you'd be back and he ended up getting a
huge project to do."

"I wish he would have told me."

"Don't worry about it because I'm going to be handeling your project instead," s
he shrugged and I chuckled. When I saw the flat look she gave me I straightened

"Please tell me your not serious."

"Jesse I'm not a kid anymore. Carson and I have both been working in constructio
n for years now. I'm perfectly capable of doing anything he can do."

"I just can't see it. Coming from little Layla who would have a heart attack eve
rytime she broke a nail. No offense but I don't think it would be a good idea fo
r us to work together."

"Jesse come on. We're both adults I think we can handle working together. We've
known each other since we were 12. We have history together but I'm sure we bot
h are over whatever we had. So can we please just do this?"

"Layla..." I sighed.

"Jesse come on. We used to be so close. Just give me one chance," she pleaded.

"Fine," I sighed. What the hell am I getting myself into? How the hell am I goin
g to tell Violet? Why am I freaking out? I'm a grown man. I can make my own deci

"Good so what are we working on?" She questioned.

"One thing I'm going to need you to promise me something."

"Uh sure. What is it?"

"You can't tell my wife."

"Y-your wife?"

"Carson didn't tell you I was married?"

"He told me he met some girl with you awhile back but I didn't know you were mar
ried," she frowned.

"Oh. Well I just got married on the second and got home recently."

"Wow, congratulations," she replied.

"Thanks. Um anyways..." I began. I quickly went over what I wanted to do and she
made a few calls to schedule some people to come by today.

"Um did you want to take me to see where you want to start?"

"Sure. You can just follow my car," I answered and she nodded. We both got up an
d headed out the cafe. I showed her my car then walked her to hers. Once she was
in I got into my car. I started my car and headed home. Well I didn't go straig
ht home I took Layla where I needed her to be. It was a perfect spot where no on
e could reall see. It was exactly inbetween my house and the pack house house.
"This is it?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes it is."

"Well there's a lot of land so how big do you want this place to be?"

"Pretty big," I answered and she nodded.

"Well we can get some guys to be here in about an hour but for now I guess we ca
n think abou the inside of the place. And when the guys get here we can go over
the structure."

"How about we head back to my place?" I asked.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Layla it's fine, it's been years."

"Okay," she replied. We both drove to the house and headed inside together. I le
ft her in the living room while I went to look for Violet. I headed to the bedro
om first but she wasn't there. Heading back downstairs I ran into my mother. "If
your looking for your wife she's in the kitchen," she said through clenched tee
th as she glared at me.

"Thanks," I replied and ran off. I wasn't in the mood to hear her mouth. I heade
d into the kitchen to find Violet making herself something to eat. "Hey beautifu
l," I greeted and she whipped around to face me.

"Jesse!" She squealed, running over to give me a hug. I caught her and spun her
around. Placing her back on the floor I kissed her softly. She pulled away early
and furrowed her eyebrows. "I didn't expect you to be back so early," she said.

"I know. I'll be leaving soon though. Just waiting on some construction guys to
get here so I can take them to see what I need to be done."


"Yeah. And babe I got somebody I want you to meet. Carson is a little busy so hi
s sister who works for him is going to be the one I'm working with," I stated an
d she nodded. I wrapped my arm around her waist and led her into the living room
. "Layla?" I called and her head snapped up seeing she was looking down at her p

"Babe I would like for you to meet an old friend of mine Layla, Layla meet my wi
fe Violet," I introduced and Layla stood up and Violet and her shook hands. "NIc
e to meet you," Vi smiled.

"Nice to meet you too," Layla replied politely.

"Um babe I'm going to go finish eating but call me if you need me. Candice is co
ming to get me soon," Violet said, truning to me.

"Where are you two going?"

"We're going shopping for my friend Lyn. She's having a baby shower."

"You didn't tell me she was pregnant," I frowned.

"I did too. She's 7 months already. I told you like two months after I stopped g
oing to school."

"Oh yeah. Well tell Lyn I said hi and I'll see you later then."

"Okay babe. Nice meeting you Layla," Vi replied. Layla gave her small smile and
a wave in return. Vi turned to me and gave me a small kiss before leaving the li
ving room. Damn my wife was gorgeous. Shaking my head lightly to stop looking at
Vi's retreating firgure, I turned to Layla. I sat down onthe other end of the c
ouch she was on and turned the tv on.

The next few months were going to be interesting. Being around Layla after so lo
ng was so weird. Last time I saw her was when she ran away from me. I couldn't s
tand her most of the time but I dealt with her. I just really hope she has chang
ed and matured. Either way things are different because I have Violet. I just ho
pe Layla doesn't cause any problems for me while she's helping me.

When the construction guys got here we all went back to the place so I could sho
w the where we will be working. Then we simply went over some plans and decided
what we needed. I was so happy that I had something to work on.

*Violet's P.O.V*

"Thanks Candice," I smiled, giving her a hug before hopping out of her car.

"Call me later!" She yelled before driving off. I headed to the front door and l
et myself in. I noticed Jesse's car wasn't here so I guess he wasn't home yet. I
t was a little after 6 so that means he's only been gone for like three or so ho
I wanted to talk to him about something too but I guess that'll have to wait. He
was probably still out working with Layla. I knew Jesse he loved to work. He wa
s a workaholic. He loved having something to do. I headed upstairs to the room
and I placed my bags in the closet. I stood infront of my full length mirror and

I wonder what I'd look like pregnant. Lyn was seven months and she was huge. I w
ould hate to be that big but I wouldn't mind since I'd be carrying mine and Jess
e's baby. It was not time for me to be having a baby. I didn't need to think of
stuff like that. I still had one more year of college to finish up. I was alread
y half way through but since I took months off to plan fo rthe wedding I didn't
finish up my year by June so now I won't finish until January or February.

I plopped down on the couch and began watching tv as I waited for Jesse to come
home. I wanted him to come home but I knew he was busy so I'd let him do what he
needed to do. When he did get home it was a little past eight.

"Hey babe," he smiled as he joined me on the couch. He pulled me into his side a
nd I cuddled into him. "Hi handsome," I greeted. He grinned at me before kissing
me softly on the forehead.

"I'm going to shower. I feel kind of sweaty," he said.

"Okay," I replied.

"Then I can spend the rest of my night with you."

"Well then hurry up in that shower," I laughed. He chuckled then got up and head
ed into the bathroom to shower. When he came back out we laid in bed together an
d just talked.

"So how did it go with you and Layla?" I asked.

"Good. We got some work done. We won't be starting real work untilnext week sinc
e we need certain things to start and we have to wait for it. But once we get ev
erything I'm going to get really busy."

"I understand," I muttered.

"What's wrong Vi?"

"I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead."

"I'm starting school next Monday."

"So soon?" He questioned.

"Yes. You won't even notice since you'll be busy on your project," I replied hop
ing that made him feel better.

"I guess," he frowned.

"Calm down. We always make time for each other."


"Don't worry about it Jesse."

"I won't," he reassured, leaning down to give me a goodnight kiss. As we pulled

away my eyes fluttered open and I smiled brightly at him. "Goodnight my hubby,"
I whispered.

"Goodnight Mrs. Stevens," he whispered back and I sighed in delight. I cuddled c

loser to my man and slowly allowed myself to fall asleep.

*Skylar's P.O.V*

My precious mate decided to come over tonight after leaving me alone last night.
We were currently sitting on the couch together. Of course he was on the other
end, leaving distance between us. "Babe hold me," I pleaded and he shushed me wi
thout taking his eyes off the tv. I felt tears come to my eyes. I didn't deserve
this but I wanted him.

I got off the couch and headed to the bedroom. I hopped into bed and cried silen
tly into my pillow. I hated that my mate was an asshole and I hated myself for l
oving him. He says he loves me but I just don't believe him no matter how much I
want to.

"Skylar! Babe come back!" He shouted.

"I'm going to bed," I replied. I wasn't sure if he heard me or not but I didn't
care. I wasn't getting out of bed. It was late at night and I thought he came to
stay with me not to just stay at my house to watch tv.

"Sky?" He called and I looked up to see him entering the room. He decided to joi
n me in bed. I ignored my wolf yelling at me to move closer to him. He didn't li
ke being close to me, I just knew he didn't. That's why he hasn't marked me nor
has he mated with me.

He pulled me in his arms and I cuddled into him on instinct. "What are you doing
?" I sobbed. He let out a growl as he pushed me away violently. He glared down a
t me and I cowered under his gaze. Why was he so angry?

"I can't hold my own mate? Are you seeing someone else? Is there another man in
the picture Skylar? So help me god I'll kill you if there isw one man touch my w
"No! Of course not! I'm all yours baby. Its just...y-you never wanted to hold me

"Babe I missed you. I never felt so lonely in my life until last night. I didn't
get any sleep. All I could do was think of you. I didn't want to come over in t
he middle of the night and wake you up though. I guess nearly dying changed my l
ife. I love you Sky, I really do."

"Did nearly dying also make you angry with me?"

"No of course not. I could never be angry with you. I'm just a little insecure a
bout us. I feel like you could leave me at anytime. But I need you baby, I want
you. I really do love you Skylar, I just can't help but worry about you and me.
If you ever cheated on me I would go crazy. I'd kill the guy who touched my woma
n the way only I should. Your mine, do you hear me?" He questioned.

"Yes, of course I do. Your my mate, I don't want anyone else," I reassured, cudd
ling into his side again. He growled in approval as he wrapped his arms around m
e tightly. He kissed the side of my neck making me moan instantly. "Baby I think
it's about time I took that sweet virginity of yours," he whispered huskily and
my wolf howled in satisfaction.

"I think it's about time you did too, but I'm not ready."

"What?" He questioned.

"I love you but I'm not ready just yet. I need to know you truly love me. I near
ly lost you before and before you were so mean to me. I just need to trust you a

"I can do that," he said through clenched teeth. He seemed mad but I guess that'
s because he finally realized he wanted me and he's mad he has to wait now. I do
n't plan on making him wait that long but a few months sounds fair enough. I jus
t want to make sure he's still my normal mate and he's not acting like he wants
me. I just don't want there to be some alterior motive for him suddenly wanting
to mate.
Chapter 24

*Violet's P.O.V*

Giving Lyn one last hug I hopped into my car. I had to drive myself to school si
nce Jesse was leaving early this morning to meet with Layla to get to work early
. It's been two weeks since I met her and I don't think she likes me. If her for
ced smiles and her glares are anything to go buy. All I knew was that Jesse and
her must be doing something big for him to be so busy.

I mean he leaves early every morning then comes home around eight at night. I th
ink that's truly ridiculous. I get that he's working but I want him to spend mor

e time with me. Okay the real problem is he keeps blowing me off. After the day
I met Layla, Jesse and I were fine for the next week. Then when he got to work h
e's been so busy. Layla is now staying in the house too, much to Monica's dissap

I knew why I didn't like her, simply because I knew she didn't like me for some
reason. I just didn't understand why everyone else seemed to hate her too. I did
n't really know the girl but I knew if someone was shooting me dirty looks I was
going to do it back. Stupid bitch.

When I got home I sighed as I saw Jesse's car wasn't here. Of course it wasn't.
Does he not realize we were supposed to be going to see a movie this evening the
n out to dinner tonight? He probably forgot. Two days ago he forgot to do the on
e thing I asked him to do. I needed him to drop off some papers to my uncle Gavi
n but he forgot to. I had to drive by myself across a few states to take it to h
im since I needed to get them to him by a certain deadline and I knew if I tried
to mail it that it couldn't get to him by the end of the day.

I don't care how busy he was all I knew was I didn't like it. I was fine with hi
m being busy but for him to be that busy is really unacceptable. I'm his damn wi
fe but he spends all day with that Layla chick. I feel like I know her somehow b
ut I can't figure out how. I never met her before Jesse introduced me to her but
that name sounds so unfamiliar.

Making my way inside I found Monica stomping down the stairs. "God I hate that g
irl," she stated and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What?" I asked.

"This is for you," she said, ignoring my question. She handed me a note and I re
ad it then let out a growl. Who the hell did she think she was canceiling my dat
e with my husband? Okay I know Jesse grew up with her and they've been getting a
long great but I was going to kill her or kill him. I love him and I hated her s
o I think her dying sounds like the better option.

'Jesse is busy today since we'll be working late. We finally got our order in an
d Jesse is eager to get to it. Sorry but he can't make it to dinner tonight. He'
s a little busy right now so he asked me to tell you. I'm sure you understand. L
ayla.' The note said.

That was ridiculous. If Jesse was going to cancel on me he would have told me or
left his own note. I know my husband well enough to know that. I didn't know wh
at she was up to but that bitch wanted something and that was something was most
definitely mine. And he was not up for grabs.

Crumbling the note up and throwing it on the floor I stormed out the house. I ra
n down the front steps before letting myself burst into my wolf after so long. I
haven't shifted since Jesse made me that day but I was angry enough to shift ri
ght now. My wolf howled in delight since we were finally in wolf form. I took of
f sprinting into the woods, my paws pounding into the dirt with each step I took
. I was not a happy wolf right now and I needed to burn off all my anger I had a
t the moment.

When I was done with my run I mind linked Weston since I knew I could trust my b
eta. He brought me some clothes and I took them in my mouth before running off i
nto the woods. Weston was mated and was too old for me so he would never be inte
rested in me unlike some of these young and unmated wolves in my pack who I didn
't know too well.

Once I was in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that belong to some male I headed i
nside the pack house. I headed right into my office and Weston sat with a smirk
on his face. "Alpha Stevens I do not believe I've ever since such an anrgy wolf
in my life," he teased and I sent a vicious growl his way making him frown.
"THis is serious. What happened? You usually always have control fo your anger.
Where's Jesse?" He questioned.

"Who knows now days? The last god damn week he's been with that stupid bitch," I
seethed making Weston's eyes widened.

"Violet calm down," he pleaded.

"I can't! She cancelled our date! She left a note saying he was too busy working
late to have dinner with me! Who the hell does she think she is? She's upposed
to be doing construction work not working her way into my husband's life."

"Weren't they friends before though?"

"I know! That's the worst part. My god I love him so much but I just want to str
angle him for having such a bitchy friend. I get that they grew up together and
now are working together but for christ sakes I'm his wife!" I yelled in frustra

"What's all the yelling about?" Eli asked and I slumped down in my chair is I lo
oked at two of my bestfriends. "Someone is very jealous," Weston smirked.

"Weston this not the time for your jokes," I growled.

"Whoa. Violet calm down," Eli frowned. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the phone an
d quickly dialed Jesse's phone. If he didn't answer I was going to kill him. "He
llo?" He answered and I sighed in relief.

"I love you," I stated.

"I would hope so-"

"I don't need your teasing right now," I said through clenched teeth.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"I said I love you."

"And that's a problem?"

"My god Jesse when I say I love you, your supposed to say it back."

"Of course I love you."

"Enough to come home?"

"Vi what's wrong?"

"I miss you. I just need you right now."

"I'm on my way then," he replied.

"Hurry. I'm at the pack house."

"On my way now."

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"You never have to thank me. You mean everything to me. There's nothing I wouldn
't do for you. I love you Vi."

"Just please hurry," I pleaded as tears filled my eyes.

"I'll be there in about two minutes," he said then hung up on me. Well okay. I b
linked back my tears and left Eli and Weston in the office, in complete silence.
I didn't know why I was getting so jealous but I was. Usually when Jesse did so
mething he easily fixed it and he did it quickly. It's been a week and we haven'
t spent anytime together.

I waited outside for Jesse and he got here quickly, only because he ran over. He
looked so worried as he engulfed me in his arms. "Babe what's wrong? Are you ok
ay?" He questioned, pulling back to look at my face.

"I am now," I mumbled. I hugged him tightly, leaning into him and he held me. He
rubbed circles on my back. When I calmed down I looked up at him. "I love you J
esse," I smiled.

"I love you too," he replied, leaning down to kiss me but I turned my face so he
only got my cheek. "Can we go home and talk?" I asked and he nodded.

"Where's your car?"

"Um I kind of ran here."

"That would explain you wearing this," he smiled as he pulled on the bottom of t
he shirt I was wearing. "Wait you turned into your wolf?" He asked, his eyes sho
wing concern. I nodded in response and instead of questioning me some more he pi
cked me up and carried me bridal style as he ran us all the way home.

He took me to the bedroom and sat me on the bed, taking a seat next to me. He gr
abbed my hand in his and kissed it. "Vi please tell me what's going on," he begg

"I miss you Jesse. I don't like how your so busy, too busy for me."

"Violet I'm never to busy for you. If you want me to come home then I will."

"I don't want to do that to you. I didn't want to sound so needy, calling you to
come home to spend some time with me. But today I was beyond angry and I really
need to see you."

"Why were you angry?"

"Because Layla happened to cancel our date-"


"You forgot-"
"No I didn't. We're supposed to catch a movie at 5:30 and then I was taking you
for icecream then dinner."

"I know so why did she leave a note saying you were working late?" I questioned.

"I don't know. Maybe she got our days wrong. Today is June 24th but I will be ve
ry busy on the 26th since our new order is coming in, don't you know the one I t
old you we ordered a few days ago."

"Why were you with her?"

"She wanted me to go over some blueprints."


"Babe relax it's almost 5 so let's get ready for our date. I'm sure Layla just m
ade a mistake with the dates. She must have thought it was today and left that n
ote earlier.

"How Jesse when she was gone before both of us and she called you to come over?"

"I don't know Vi. Your thinking too much into this. I have no idea why she would
do that, I had nothing to do with it. Now relax sweetie, it's nothing. I'm here
with you now," he reassured right before capturing my lips in a passionate kiss

Layla wasn't off the hook. That sneaky bitch was up to something. What? I didn't
know but she better back off. Jesse and her are just friends and she's lucky if
she'll stay that way. Now if she keeps trying to come between us then I'm going
to kill her. There was no way she mixed up the dates and then lied about an ord
er coming in.

Before when I had first met her Jesse was telling me how he didn't think it was
a good idea to work with her and that he didn't think they would get along, boy
was he wrong. They get along good enough for him to defend her even if he didn't
know he was doing it, he was.

"Come on let's go take a nice long shower," he whispered huskily in my ear makin
g me moan. I pushed him away playfully and winked at him. "I'm really not in the
mood to go out tonight," I admitted.

"Vi come on-"

"Jesse I'm just not in the mood to go. I have homework to do."

"Need any help with it?" He questioned.

"Yes I do," I answered. He kissed my cheek then headed to go get my book bag out
my car. I laid in bed and waited for him to return. The little things are what
made thing feels so good. I loved spending time with him together even if it was
just us doing my homework together or going out to dinner.

"Jesse stop!" I shouted. He continued to tickle me seeing we were done with my h

omework. I continued to try swattting his hands away while I laughed. He stopped
only to lean his forward against mine. His lips hovering right over mine. "I lo

ve you Mrs. Violet Stevens and I'll make sure that I'm not out too late," he sai
d. I wanted to tell him that I just didn't want him out there everyday. I decide
d against speaking as his lips met mine softly.

He left daze after that kiss and as he slipped his hands under my shirt I shook
my head. I wasn't in the mood. It has been a long day and I was still a little u
pset. I didn't want to tell Jesse something about Layla if they were such good f
riends. I was kind of hoping that he was right in saying that they didn't get al

"I'm going to bed," I stated.

"Are you still upset with me?"

"No babe. I'm upset but not with you. I just want to be done with this day. I ca
n't believe I lost control earlier today."

"It happens to all of us Vi, it's not that big of a deal."

"Yes it is Jesse! Your not understanding. That's the problem with most alphas. E
very alpha has a short temper making it hard to control their anger but I have a
lways controlled it. I shouldn't have gotten that angry, no matter what. I was m
ad as hell but I should have been fine after my run. I was yelling and growling
at Weston for crying out loud."

"Babe shh...I promise I'll be home for the rest of the week to make it all up to

"You better," I mumbled. He held me in his arms and I climbed on to his lap and
cuddled against him. He kissed the top of my head then began to rock me in his a
rms. "I love you," Jesse whispered softly in my ear.

"I love you too."

"How about on the 27th we go out on a picnic?"

"A picnic?" I grinned.

"Yes beautiful. I have to be there for the order on the 26th but the next day I'

m all yours."

"A picnic where?"

"It's a surprise."

"I love surprises!" I shouted. He laughed and I kissed his cheek before getting
off his lap. I went over to the dresser and grabbed myself some actual clothes.
I took my pajamas with me as I went to the bathroom. "You taking a shower?" Jess
e asked.

"Yeah. You want to join?" I smirked.

"Of course I do," I groaned as he watched me strip in the bathroom since I left
the door open. He ran over into the bathroom and picked me up. "Aaah! Jesse!" I
squealed and he spun me around. "What can I say? I missed you too," he grinned.
Once I was down I quickly pulled his shirt off.

He smacked my butt and moved me to the side so he could start the shower while I
stripped out of my clothes. I hopped into the shower and a few seconds later Je
sse joined me. We both took our time in the shower then got out and I went strai
ght to bed. It was the first time all week that I wasn't up waiting until around
eleven at night for Jesse to get in. I didn't like sleeping without him so ever
ynight I would wait up for him.

*Number One's P.O.V*

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"I was out with a few friends," Skylar shrugged. I tried so hard to control my t
emper but she was my mate, whether I wanted her or not so she should listen to m
e. Either way I have been keeping myself calm because I needed her to think I ch
anged. She needed to believe I loved her and I wanted her. Obviously she wasn't
going to sleep with me anytime soon and I didn't want to do jeopardize the progr
ess I made so far.

I couldn't lie though. I was catching feelings for this girl and fast. Well my b
ody wanted her but my heart belonged to someone else. Skylar came and joined me
on the couch and I pulled her in my arms. My wolf had been bugging me all day. H
e wanted his mate close to us and I missed her like crazy.

"Why do you smell like cologne?" I growled, pushing her away abruptly.

"I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know Skylar? Were you with some guy?"


"Don't lie to me."

"Not technically."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Let go, your hurting me," she cried. I instantly let her go seeing I had a tigh
t grip on her arms.

"Sorry. Now explain what you meant," I demanded.

"All you care about is-"

"I said sorry!"

"Don't yell at me!"

"Don't lie to me. Don't cheat on me-"

"I'm not cheating on you. I was with my friends and two of them happen to be guy

"You went out with two guys-"

"And four girls!"

"So what? You didn't ask me to go," I responded.

"Like you would have wanted to go," she snapped.

"What is that supposed to mean? I'd go to spend time with you. Does it look like
I have fun when I listen to your bullshit about your day at work? No! I don't r
eally care what you tell me! I invite you over because I want to be with you. I
didn't call you over to talk."

"Your an asshole!" She yelled. She got up off the couch but I grabbed her by her
arm and pulled her back down. "I'm an asshole for what? I want to be around my
damn mate. If I was even near another girl you'd freaking cry thinking I was che
ating on you!" I shouted.

"Well I wouldn't be surprised. You never showed interest in me before. I just as

sumed that she could be someone you'd want to be with," she mumbled.

"Skylar..." I began. God damn it. I was getting emotional. Why did I start carin
g about her? Oh yeah because I'm getting attached to her.

"What? Just leave me alone."

"Baby I'm sorry. I love you Sky," I whispered softly. I pushed her down on the c
ouch and climbed on top of her. Before she could protest I pressed my lips to he
rs for a soft peck. I pulled away and began kissing her down her neck. "Don't,"
she whispered.

"Don't what?" I asked.

"Don't think I'll only forgive you if you-"

"Your such a mood killer. Is it surprising that I want my mate?" I asked.

"I'm sorry."

"Sky I want you."

"This is not how I planned my first time,"

Sure at first I wanted to mate that way it
ed to mate her was driving me crazy. I was
te Skylar that I wasn't focusing on coming

she replied and I hopped off of her.

would make me stronger but now the ne
getting so caught up in getting to ma
up with a plan.

I didn't know how I was going to do it but I had to. I needed a way to make the
girl I was in love with mine and her boyfriend to be alone. I was just waiting t
o come up with the perfect plan. I also needed my future woman to suffer a littl
e bit since she picked that asshole instead of me.
Chapter 25

*Violet's P.O.V*

"Are you ready?" Jesse asked.

"Yes I am," I smiled.

"Good because I'm here," he replied. The bedroom door opened and in walked my se
xy husband. He smiled at me and hung up before wrapping me in his arms. "Hey gor
geous," he greeted before kissing my cheek.

"Hey. Now since we cancelled our picnic

nned for tonight?" I asked and he shook
I were going on a date tonight. He had
with him but we changed our mind since
shining everywhere.

do you want to tell me what you have pla

his head. It was June 27th and Jesse and
asked me three days ago to have a picnic
it was just way too hot out with the sun

"It's a surprise. Now you lovely now let's go."

"It better be a good surprise," I teased. He chuckled and took my hand in his. H
e began to pull me along the way with him downstairs. We got downstairs then wen
t out the door and hopped in the car.

Jesse shut the passenger door behind me before walking to his side of the car an
d getting in. I smoothed out my dress and smiled. I was wearing a short pink dre
ss. It was a strapless dress and it was made out of some weird material. Either
way the skirt had a bunch of ruffles and t was overall a cute dress.

I hummed along to the radio while holding Jesse's free hand while he drove. I di
dn't where we were going or what we going all I knew was it was a hot night and
I was starving. All I had was breakfast today so I was really hungry. "Hey Jesse
?" I called.


"You think tonight you could give me a foot massage? These shoes are killing me
so I think I'll need one."

"Sure babe," he laughed, giving my hand a light squeeze. It was true. I was wear
ing black velvet wedges and they were so cute but they were new and I haven't br
oken them in so they hurt really bad.

Soon we came to a stop and Jesse let my hand go. Looking outside I was so confus
ed. All I could see was a huge baseball field. "What in the world?" I asked and
Jesse smirked.

"Come on sweetie," he smiled. He got out the car and walked to my side and opene
d my door for me. He helped me out before shutting the car door. "We've had the
most amazing dates in the world so I trust even though this seems weird that it
will be just as great," I commented and he laughed. He went to the trunk of the
car and pulled out a basket. I gaped at him and he simply smirked.

He wrapped an arm around my waist and I leaned into him on instinct. He led me o
nto the baseball field and took me to centerfield. He stopped and let me go. "We
decided not to have a picnic for lunch because I rather not burn to death but w
e never said we couldn't have a picnic at all," he stated.

He pulled out a blanket and laid it down on the grass. "But why on a baseball fi
eld?" I asked and he shrugged.

"You'll see," he answered. I nodded and sat down on the blanket. Jesse sat down
too and pulled out the food. "No way!" I squealed and he laughed.

"I made your favorite," he winked.

"Well hon I thought dinner came before desert," i pointed out.

"Well everything is sweet when it comes to you so really your not getting any di
nner," he laughed. I gaped at him and he took that opportunity to feed me a piec
e of cheesecake.

"God I love you," I moaned as I finished the small bite. We were eating frozen p
eanut butter cheesecake. I had such a sweet tooth and I had told Jesse a long ti
me ago that my dad had been an amazing cook and every year for my birthday he'd
make me this cheesecake instead of buying me a cake. It was my favorite dessert
but I usually only had it in the summer since it was hot enough to eat something

"I love you too baby," he mumbled before kissing me softly. I moaned into his mo
uth and allowed him to deepen the kiss. We've been spending the last two days to
gether while he took a small break from working on his construction project.

Jesse pulled away too early and fed me another bit before taking his own bite. I
scooped the little piece of a reece's cup in the whipcream that held it in plac
e and fed it too Jesse. "What else did you bring to eat?" I asked.
"A lot," he answered making me laugh. He began pulling out stuff and I watched w
ith wide eyes. First came out some chocolate covered strawberries, frosted brown
ies, and fudge. I went for the fudge and gasped when I saw it was my favorite. "
I will definitely be thanking Monica tomorrow morning," I muttered.

It was fudge that had nutes on the top and it had icecream in it. God it was so
perfect. I was struggling to eat it since it was beginnning to melt since it was
so hot. There were only two pieces. A piece of fudge for me and the other for J
esse. God this was amazing but I was going to want real food. Well we'll see if
I get full or not.

Eventually we got down to the last couple of sweets which was sugar cookies that
were in the shape of diamonds with white icing on top. "Okay so what's up with
the diamond theme?" I asked and he winked at me before whistling and instructing
me to turn around. I turned around to see Spencer sitting on the pitcher's moun
d with something hanging around his neck.

"Come here boy!" Jesse called and Spencer came running over.
ront of Jesse and before he could start jumping on Jesse and
estrained him and made him sit still. Jesse untied the thing
placed a long box infront of me then he slowly took off the
eyes landed on the diamond bracelet. He didn't!

Spencer stopped inf

licking him Jesse r
around his neck and
lid. I gasped as my

"I was originally buying you a tennis bracelet but then I saw this one and thoug
h it'd be cute for you since it's all hearts," he smiled. I cupped his face and
kissed him passionately in thanks before pulling away to let him put the bracele
t on me. It was a diamond bracelet that was a bunch of heart attached. It was go
rgeous and so perfect. I usually have earrings and neckalaces but I never really
have any bracelets so I was so happy to get this.

"Is this why we're at a baseball field?" I asked.

"No. I planned something else then needed a perfect place for it and saw it was
the baseball field then the whole diamond thing became the theme," he explained
and I nodded.

"Huh?" I asked and he shooed Spencer away making me frown.

"What? I can't have us playing with him then trying to get lucky. I mean I want
to be kissing all over you and I don't want to be worried about the fact you wer
e playing with our dog," he shrugged and I smacked his arm.

"Well you got your wish before I even got to pet him he was off. And who said yo
u were getting lucky?" I smirked.

"I did. I mean Violet how did you expect me to resist you when you got that secy
dress on. I mean come on all I want is to-"

"I don't want to hear your dirty thoughts," I interrupted with a laugh and he jo
ined in. He was getting lucky tonight. That's usually what happened after our da
tes. It was just because I had a great time and sometimes it was the sexual tens
ion that built up over the date. I mean his muscles were practically ripping out
of his shirt.

"Lay down baby," Jesse whispered softly and I laid down on the blanket and kicke
d off my heels. I was just going to relax but Jesse took that as the perfect mom
ent to hand me a caramel apple before beginning to massage my feet. I began to e
at my caramel apple just when I saw fireworks in the sky. "Oh my god! Is that wh
at you meant? How did you do all that?" I asked and he smiled.

"Easily babe, the fourth of july is coming up," he answered and I nodded. He had
a point. I can't believe he did all this. It was an amazing date well picnic. I

was having fun eating sweets and spending time with my husband.

"After this we can go out for dinner," he whispered in my ear. I nodded and cont
inued to watch the sky in astonishment. I loved fireworks. How he alway plans ou
r dates is beyond me? Soon enough I was planning the next date for us. Did I men
tion that I already bought two plane tickets to England? He's going to love his
birthday gift. It was only three months away!

After the fireworks Jesse and I packed up and headed home. It was completely sil
ent and Jesse told me it was because no one was home for some reason. I didn't q
uestion it since I was so hungry for real food. Jesse had steak made and I was s
o happy. I was dying for steak and I definitely enjoyed eating it. Jesse put my
plate in the sink when I was done then washed his hands and I went over to the s
ink and washed my hands too.
Once I was done I dried my hands and before I could throw my paper towel away Je
sse picked me up bridal style. I tossed my paper towel away and then Jesse ran u
s upstairs to the bedroom. I giggled and instantly felt in the mood. Could my hu
sband be any sexier? I got him all alone and we had a great night together. Plus
it was really hot how fast he was. I keep telling him I'll never get over that
and I never will.

He carried me to the bed and I quickly kicked off my shoes. "I want you right no
w," I stated, biting my lip. He groaned and began taking his shirt off. I went t
o take off my dress but Jesse stopped me. He grabbed my wrist and took off my br
acelet and placed it on the nightstand. I began taking off my earrings while he
got his shoes and socks off. Damn we were in such a rush to get to it.

After that thought I just threw my earrings on the nightstand and began giggling
. Jesse froze as he took off his belt. "Vi?" He questioned and I grabbed him by
his pants and I pulled him on top of me. I caught him off guard so I was success
ful in pulling him down on the bed. I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist
and bit on my lower lip. Jesse pulled on my lower lip so I was no longer biting
on it. "I love you," he whispered before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

The moment he was pulling away I took it upon myself to bite on his bottom lip g
ently. He raised an eyebrow and I grabbed his face in my hands as I let his lowe
r lip go. I brought him closer to me. The moment I could feel his every breath o
n my lips I whispered back, "I love you too Mr. Stevens." He groaned and pulled
on my thighs making my core hit his. God he was hard. I moaned at just the thoug
ht of him being in me.

"Oh god Jesse," I moaned. I went for the button on his pants and quickly pushed
them down his legs. I let him go so he could take them off all the way. He climb
ed back on top of me and got my dress off within seconds. He brought his lips to
mine for a long, hot, and passionate kiss that left me panting for air.

He began kissing on my neck and something in me just sparked more then usual whe
n he kissed the opposite side of my neck where he bit me to turn me. My body got
temperature hot and I could feel my wolf for the first time since the change. I
could actually feel her. I mean before I just knew she took over or she didn't
take over. Now she was really present and she wasn't angry. "Mate!" She yelled.


"Mate him! He's our mate!" She shouted.

"Jesse?" I questioned. Excitement was bubbling up inside of me and I was so happ


"Yes! Mate now! Mark him! Let him mark us," she pleaded.

"Jesse?" I called out loud. I blocked out my wolf for now. She was part of me ag
ain but I knew I was still half vampire because the mark on my left side of the
neck hasn't healed. "Yeah baby?" He hummed against my neck.

"Bite me," I requested.


"Mark me," I whispered breathlessly. I was getting so turned on right now. Jesse
and I have had amazing sex but the fact we were mates brought it up a notch. A
notch that made things way hotter. I wonder if he feels it too. "What?" Jesse as
ked, meeting my eyes.

"Your my mate. Mark me. Bite me on my right side just like how you turned me," I
instructed and he smiled.

"I'm your mate?"

"Yes. Baby we were meant to be. Now mark me as yours forever," I smiled and he k
issed me softly before going back to my neck. He licked down my neck and stopped
at his spot. I closed my eyes and felt his teeth slowly sink in. I took in a sh
arp breath and felt him drawaing blood. Oh shit. I relaxed and he reluctantly pu
lled away. I knew a part of him wanted to keep going but he loved me and he wasn

't trying to kill me. I think that's the best part about me being a...hybrid. I
stll have blood so he doesn't have to kill people or animals.

He looked at his mark and a huge smiled came across his face. He kissed on it an
d I moaned as a large amount of pleasure shot through my body from that one kiss
on that sensitive area. He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Well I guess my mark
is sensitive," he spoke.
"Only for you of course," I smiled.

"It better be. I'm the only guy your going to be with for eternity," he replied.
I couldn't take this. Things were sweet but everything was so hot and I smashed
my lips to his. He kissed me hard back and un-did my bra.

When we pulled away he pulled it off and began kissing down my torso. I arched m
y back and hips as he got closer to my waist. When he reached my panties he groa
ned loudly. "What?" I asked. He smirked and met my eyes. "I can smeel your arous
al," he answered.

"What? How?" I questioned.

"We're mates and I marked you."

"Maybe you'll get more enhanced senses once we mate."


"Well I want you right now so let's focus on that because I am overwhelmed with
pleasure," I panted and he smirked.

"It's only going to get better," he whispered in my ear huskily as he pulled my

panties down. I moaned and bit into his shoulder and he groaned, which was follo
wed by him moaning my name. I removed my teeth from his body and saw I had marke
d him on instinct. I licked over my mark and began to pull his boxers down. He k
icked them off his feet and pinned me down to the bed.

He spread my legs wide open and I gripped his shoulders. He plunged into me fast
and hard and I began making circles on my mark with my thumb. I could tell it h
ad the same effect that his mark had on me. He continued to pound into me hard a
nd I met him for each thrust.

As I was ready to reach my climax I felt like I couldn't breathe. This was the s
econd best time we ever had since my first is always going to be my best in my o
pinion. We both climaxed together and I let out a loud moan of his name as he gr
oaned in sync with me. We both just froze and then he began going faster as we b
oth finished.

After a few more more quick thrust he pulled out of me and laid down next to me.
We were both panting like crazy. I climbed on top of him and wrapped my arms ar
ound him. "God that was amazing," he breathed and I laughed softly.

"Yes it was. It felt so good and I want to go for round two but I'm so tired," I
replied and he noddded in understanding. He rubbed his hands up and down my nak
ed figure and then got to my hair. I cringed as I thought about how messy I must
look. "You look sexy as always," Jesse said outloud and I furrowed my eyebrows.
It was like he could hear my thoughts. That was weird.

"I think I can hear your thoughts," he stated and I froze before grinning.

"Oh my god! THink something," I requested. I focused on hearing his thoughts and
I heard him loud and clear, "how about next round you be on top?" He suggested.

"Jesse!" I laughed.

"Joking. Seriosuly though I'm tired as shit."

"Not sleepy though."

"I don't know what sleepy feels like."

"Don't worry about it. I am going to sleep though. I really am sleepy," I mumble
d and he nodded in agreement. He pushed me off him and got up a little bit. I kn
ew he was about to go put on some boxers but I stopped him. "Not happening sexy,
lay back down with me," I smirked and he laughed but complied. He laid down and
pulled the covers over us then pulled me in his arms.

"Goodnight Mrs. Stevens," he breathed in my ear before I drifted off to sleep in

pure bliss.
Chapter 26

*Violet's P.O.V*

"Bye sexy," I smiled. Jesse's hands moved down to my ass and he lowered his head
. He placed a kiss on my forehead, then my nose, and finally placed his lips on
mine. My eyes fluttered close and my heart started racing.

We were mates! Wasn't that amazing? I think so. We could mind-link each other, m
y wolf now under control, and we could feel each other's emotions. It was so coo
l. It was like Jesse and I were so in sync now, more than ever. We were simply p

"I love you beautiful."

"I love you more," I whispered, letting my eyes open finally.

"I hope to have a repeat of last night," he smirked.

"I still have some we'll see," I teased.

"I can't wait to see," he groaned making me giggle. I pulled him by the collar o
f his shirt and brought his face lower so I could whisper in his ear, "maybe I c
an be on top."

"Violet Stevens if you keep talking like that I will take you right now," he whi
spered huskily.

"Sorry hon but you have work to do. I will be looking forward to tonight though.

"Me too."

"I love you Jesse," I grinned.

"I love you too cutie," he replied. He placed a small kiss on my lips before lea
ving. I shut the bedroom door and threw myself on the bed. I felt like I was on
cloud nine right now. I was married to the most amazing guy in the world! I coul
dn't be happier. And last night. My god just thinking about it turned me on. I m
ean we moved real fast but it felt like we went for hours. We were both so tired

I slept until about half an hour ago. It was now eleven in the morning. Jesse wa
s supposed to go get working at eight. Once I was up I just talked to Jesse for
a bit then he took a shower while I stayed in bed. I'm still wrapped up in the s
heets from last night. I didn't feel like ever getting out of bed but eventually
I would.

I got out of bed still in the sheets and went into the bathroom. I looked a mess
. My hair was all over the place, my make up was messed up, and I felt sweaty. O
n the plus side I couldn't stop smiling. I was super happy!

I dropped the sheets and hopped in the shower. I took my time in the shower maki
ng sure I was clean after last night. I blushed just thinking about how dirty my
mind was getting lately. I quickly got dressed in a a pair of shorts and a plai
n, white tank top. It was still summer so I knew it was going to be a hot day.

I headed downstairs and made myself a nice breakfast consisting of pancakes, egg
s, and bacon. I was eating alone until Courtney came into the dining room. She t
ook a seat across from me and raised an eyebrow. I smiled and continued to eatin
g. I liked being in a good mood. It made me feel so carefree and stressfree.

"Why are you so happy?" Courtney asked.

"Jesse and I are mates," I squealed and she gaped at me.


"I don't know. I guess because he turned me. We have sweet perks with it too! We
can mind-link and he feels just as happy as I do," I sighed in delight.

"Where is he?" She questioned.

"Working," I shrugged and her face fell.

"With that bitch," she muttered and I raised an eyebrow.

"Who's a bitch?" I asked just as Monica entered the kitchen.

"Layla," Courtney answered and I put my fork down. My smile vanished and I got t
ense. I wanted to know why the hell everyone doesn't like her. I didn't like her
but there was no way everyone saw what I did since it's me she doesn't like bec
ause I'm with Jesse.

"Yes she is," Monica agreed.

"Why don't you guys like her?" I asked.

"How can you tolerate her?" Courtney retorted.

"Because Jesse and her are just working together," I shrugged.

"Yeah but if Allen was working with his ex I'd be mad as hell, shit I'd be pisse

"Excuse me?" I asked, not believing what she just said.


"She's his ex," I growled. My hands balled into fist and my jaw clenched.
"Yeah. Didn't you know? Remember Layla the girl Monica and I told you about like
a year ago?" She asked.

"I knew that name was familiar! And no I didn't know. God I'm going to kill him!
How could he not mention that?" I shouted. I got up from the table and was read
y to storm out but Monica stopped me.

"He deserves to be yelled at but let's not kill my son," she laughed nervously.

"Did everyone know that she was his ex but me?" I questioned and she looked down
at the floor. I felt tears come to my eyes but I quickly blinked them back. Why
didn't anyone tell me? I swear to god if he told people not to tell me I was go
ing to kick his ass. I'm not saying if he told me it was his ex that I would hav
e told him I didn't want him working with her because of that. I trust him but h
ow can I when he can't mention something like that.

No wonder the stupid skank hates me. She wants my man. "Ugh!" I yelled in frustr
ation. I trashed my plate and walked around Monica. My own mother in law didn't
tell me.

"Violet we thought you knew!" Courtney yelled.

"Yeah you thought I knew but everyone else knew I didn't. Did people really thin
k I'd be so okay with that? Why the hell didn't anyone ever question why I was o
kay with it then before now. It's almost been a god damn month!" I yelled.

I couldn't be mad at Courtney because clearly she didn't know. Monica did though
. I couldn't be mad at her either because either way he's her son first before a
nything and I understand if she didn't want to bring it up and cause problems. I
knew Monica knew the moment she put her head down in shame.

I calmed myself down and headed to the pack house. Focusing on work would keep m
y mind off of everything. Jesse tried to mind-link me but I blocked him out. I k
new he must have sensed my mood change but I'd deal with him later when he got h
ome. Right now I was in my office busying myself with paperwork.

I wish I had class today to distract me but the plans for the pack works too. I
just couldn't believe my husband right now. Why wouldn't he tell me? I'm a littl
e offended that he didn't tell me. He didn't lie to me because I believe they gr
ew up together. That's probably what led to them going out. That's also probably
the reason he thought it wasn't going to be a good idea to work with her since
he hasn't seen her in so long and I assume the last time was when he broke up wi
th her.

When it got late I headed home. I spent all day in my office alone. I took no ca
lls and I refused to see anyone. Courtney had called some of the other girls and
told them what happened and they all tried to talk to me but I wasn't in the mo
od for it. Especially because I knew Candice would make it worst by making me mo
re angry with Jesse.

I parked in the driveway and Jesse pulled up right behind me. I hopped out my ca

r and he ran over to me. He tried to wrap his arms around me but I kept power wa
lking to the door. "Vi what's wrong?" He asked but I ignored him. I went into th
e house and headed up to the house ignoring his questioning. I knew he was getti
ng irritated by my silence but I was trying to keep from yelling at him right no

When we got to the room I slammed the door shut behind me. It slammed right infr
ont of his face and I knew he was pissed. I kicked off my converse and sat on th
e bed. I took out my phone and looked at all my text from everyone. I deleted th
em all without reading any of them just when Jesse walked in the room. "Are you
on your fucking period or something? My god I've never seen you so damn rude," h
e snapped.

My jaw clenched and I sat up on the bed to face him since he was standing at the
edge of the bed. Did he really just call me rude and then try to blame it on me
being on my period? I stood on my knees as I glared at my husband. "I'm rude. Y
our the god damn liar who didn't tell me you were working with your ex girlfrien
d!" I shouted and his eyes widened.

"You know?" He asked.

"Yes I know! The question is why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it doesn't matter," he sighed.

"It does matter! You lied to me Jesse!"

"Violet your over reacting," he retorted. I grabbed one of his pillows and just
glared at him as he continued. "There's no reason for you to be this angry," he
"What? You told me she was a friend you grew up with. And you failed to mention
you dated her. How the hell could you tell me she was just a friend? She is now
maybe. Why should I even believe that your only friends now? Why should I even t
rust if you can't tell me everything? When you first introduced us you should ha
ve told me? Or later that day while we were alone. Not let me find out from a fr
iend of mine! Your a fucking asshole!"

"Don't call me an asshole. I technically did nothing wrong-" he began.

"Yes you did when you lied and said she was only a friend."

"I didn't lie-" he started again.

"Fuck you!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him, which he dodged.

"Violet she is just a friend," he replied, picking up the pillow and tossing it
back on the bed.

"She's your ex girlfriend!" I retorted and he sighed.

"This is why I didn't introduce her as my ex because I knew you would freak out"
he stated.

"I wouldn't have cared Jesse! You know I don't get jealous, but the fact that yo
u didn't mention to me that she was your ex upsets me, you tried to hide that fr
om me," I remarked and he sighed again.

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and I tried pushing hi
m away but he only pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry," he whispered, kissing m
y cheek.

"No your not," I huffed.

"I am too. I didn't tell you because it's not important, I don't want her. I'm h
appily married to the most beautiful and most incredible woman in the world. Vio
let I love you and you're the only one that I want not her, that's why she's my
ex" he explained, kissing my cheek again and I groaned in annoyance. I love him
to much to stay completely mad at him.

"She better stay as you ex," I mumbled.

"How could you even think I want anyone but you?"

"I've seen her Jesse. She's pretty. She looks better-"

"Now that's a lie. Don't ever say that because you are and always will be the mo

st beautiful woman in the world to me."

"She has more of a figure though."

"Violet if all I cared about was her boobs, her ass, and the rest of her then I
would have never broken up with her. Sure she's more...developed in a way, but V
iolet your perfect for me. She's my past, baby. I don't want, need, nor love any
one but you. We broke up years ago and I moved on to better things such as yours
elf. Don't compare yourself to her because it's a waste of breath. I love you an
d I don't find not one female but you attractive. I probably should have told yo
u but I didn't want to fight about it."

"Well guess what?"


"We just fought about it. And guess what else."


"I'm still mad at you. This isn't some little thing I can just move past becauss
e it really pisses me off. I thought we told each other everytihng. I lied to yo
u once but it was a small white lie and it was only because it was a surprise fo
r you and I told you I lied after you got the surprise. I didn't ever try to hid
e anything from you. I just can't believe you wouldn't tell me. Whether you want
ed to avoid a fight or not it was wrong not to tell me. I forgive you but I'm ju
st not ready to move on. It's not because I'm angry but because I'm hurt by the
fact you wouldn't want to tell me something that I feel is so important."

"I understand," he whispered softly. He reluctantly let me go and I climbed off

the bed. I knew he was hurt but so was I. He didn't want to tell me that for the
last month he's been working with his ex-girlfriend.

I walked past him and headed to where the hamper was. I made sure the bedroom do
or was shut before taking off my shirt. I took my bra off then slipped on one of
Jesse's t-shirts. Afterwards I climbed into bed and just laid there on my side.
I could hear Jesse moving around messing with stuff on the desk. My heart was b
reaking into pieces because for the first time we actually fought and didn't ins
tantly make up.
The worst part was I could feel his pain and his sadness. My god it was killing
me not to go and kiss him like crazy. At the same time I didn't want to because
I felt horrible. I was really upset with him more than angry.

It was obivous Layla still liked him or wanted him. She had to since she gives m
e dirty looks while she's a perfect angel for Jesse. I knew for a fact that her
canceling my date earlier this week was no accident. She had feelings for him an
d I didn't like how they were spending so much time together. If it wasn't for t
he fact I trust Jesse then I could think he cheated on me. I know for a fact he
didn't though. He didn't look at her the way he looks at me. In fact he paid her
no mind. He was just so naive and didn't notice the way she looks at him.

"I'll be back later..." Jesse mumbled.

"Jesse? You don't have to leave."

"I know but I figure its best that I do," he replied. I wanted to say it's not b
ut I kept my mouth closed. My wolf was howling in agony but I ignored her. This
situation was just a little more serious then any other fight we've ever had. He
meant everything to me and I told him everything. Was it so hard to tell me one

He left the room without another word. Once I heard him go down the stairs I let
myself cry. I was upset with how things turned out. I was in the best mood this
morning and was going to plan to have another night of amazing sex until Courtn
ey told me Layla was his ex. The girl he had his longest relationship with befor
e me. The same girl he grew up with meaning they had more memories together and
knew each other way longer.

I wasn't doubting our love or anything it just feels weird. Its just the fact he
didn't tell me kind of makes me feel like he's hiding something but I know for
a fact it's not his relationship with Layla because I do believe they are just f
riends. It's just for him to not tell me that seems weird. I know he said he did
n't want us to fight and I believe that its just I feel like there is more.

I do kind of want to know what he's working on with Layla but I rather not ask.
I meant after today I don't need to add anymore evidence for him to think I don'
t trust him because I do. He should know that, I hope he does know that. It's ju
st I don't want him to feel like I'd be interogating him because I know they wer
e together.

God they were together. They had so much history especially if they grew up toge
ther. Even if they didn't date for long who knows how they were before that. I d
on't know if they were really close or not. What really kills me is thinking abo
ut the fact they have had sex together. Apparently they did it a lot so much tha
t Monica refused to let them in his bedroom. Thank god for that but that doesn't
mean they didn't have sex.

It just makes me think that maybe I'm not right for Jesse. He's perfect for me b
ut how can he feel the same? I'm just me while she's so pretty. I just start thi
nking that mybe Jesse wanted a girl like her. Maybe he likes girls that dress ki
nd of slutty, that are always up to have sex, that are his age, that get along w
ith his aunt-

"I can hear your thoughts. Now stop it. I love you. I was only with her because
she yelled one day that she liked me and then she kissed me. We got together and
it was simply physical. Yes we had sex but babe that means nothing. You are my
first and only love. I make love to you and I married you because you are perfec
t for me. You deserve better, you deserve the best, and I'm just lucky to have y
ou love me back," Jesse said through our mind link and I began to sob.

"God I love you. I love you so much Jesse. I just wish you would have told me."

"I should have. I'm so sorry. I promise she'll be out of the picture soon. Very
soon sweetie. I've been working like crazy to get this project done that way I c
an focus on us. I have a surprise for you but we have to wait a little longer. S
oon enough things will be set up. It's only been a month but in one more or two
at the most we'll be done. We got people working all day every day so things wil
l get done fast then she's out of our lives."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I don't think she'll have any reason to stick around afterwards."
"Okay. Please get rid of her."

"She's not that bad."

"Don't defend her," I growled.

"Shh...calm down babe."

"I am calm I just hate her."


"Jesse she wants you-"

"Violet what we had is in the past. I know that and she knows that. I don't care
about what's going on in her life. I'm married to the most amazing woman in the
world and that's all that really matters. I have you by myside for eternity. W
e're immortal and I promise you nothing is ever going to tear us apart. I think
I've loved you since the day I met you, I just didn't know it then. I worked har
d to make us work and to keep you with me. Once we got the idea of the pack hous
e things just went great for us and I'll do anything to keep us like this. I don
't mean to hurt you but I know I do. I love you though and I'll make it up to yo

"I understand babe," I muttered and then we stopped talking there. What was I go
ing to do now? I needed to make up with my husband but I wasn't ready to let it
go. My wolf was relentless in telling me he was sorry and he loved us. I knew al
l that though. I knew how much he loved me and I knew how sorry he was. All his
regret and love just doesn't get rid of all the hurt. I could move on from this
of course. I promised Jesse and myself that I would always fight for him and alw
ays be by his side forever.

Anyone who thought they could tear us apart was going down. So Layla better watc
h her back because one wrong move and she's dead. People like her don't easily j
ust think they can steal someone's man. She's got a plan to steal Jesse from me
and I'm going to figure out what it is.
Chapter 27

When I woke up Jesse was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling. I smiled an
d climbed out of bed. I was still kind of upset but the distance wasn't doing ei
ther of us any good. I walked over to the couch and looked down at him. His eyes
snapped to mine and he gave me a small, sad smile. I leaned down and pecked his

"Morning Jesse," I smiled.

"M-morning," he stuttered and I kept myself from laughing.

"I'm surprised your not at work."

"I'll go later..."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Vi. How are you holding up?"

"I'm alright babe."

"Did you talk to anyone about us being mates?"

"I mentioned it. Anyways I'm going to see the pack doctor today. I want to find
out what abilities I have since I'm a hybrid apparently. Isn't that so cool?" I
grinned and he nodded.

"Amazing. Do you want me to go with you?"

"No. I'm a big girl I can handle it. If I do need you I'll call."

"Okay," he replied. I kissed his cheek then headed to the closet and picked out
an outfit for me to wear for the day. I took my clothes in the bathroom and quic
kly did my morning routine before hopping in the shower followed by quickly slip
ping my clothes on.

I settled on a pair of khaki shorts that came mid-thigh, a nice white blouse tha
t had sleeve's that were quarter length with slits down the middle of the sleeve
from my shoulder to my forearm, and a pair of white sandals. I simply put on ma
scara and some clear lipgloss then threw my hair in a pony tail before leaving t
he bathroom, fully dressed.

Jesse was now watching tv and I smiled sadly. I didn't want to be upset with him
but at the same time I couldn't help it. I wanted to just let it go but I didn'
t want him feeling like it wasn't a big deal because it truly was even if I can'
t stay fully mad at him. I'll calm down today and make up with him tonight. Yeah
that sounds like a plan.

"Bye Mr. Stevens," I winked and he turned around to look at me. I grabbed my pho
ne off the charger and slipped it in my back pocket before blowing him a kiss. H
e gave me a breathtaking smile in return before blowing one back making me blush

"Bye Mrs. Stevens. I love you Vi, call me if you need me," he replied.

"I love you too and I will," I grinned before waving one last time before leavin
g the bedroom. I headed downstairs and grabbed my keys before walking out the do
or. I hopped in my car and headed over to the pack house to see the pack doctor.

When I got there Dr. Zimmerman was ready to see me and had her whole day clear f
or us to work together. I just hope things went really well. I was eager to know
how being a hybrid was going to work out for me.

"So let's start with your senses. Can you still hear, see, and smell really well
?" She asked.

"Yes. All my senses are still enhanced," I answered with a small nod.

"How about your ability to heal?"

"Um..not so sure..."

"Well let's test that out, shall we?"

"Sure," I shrugged. She instructed to scratch myself. I was a little hesitant on

ly because I wasn't 100 percent positive that my wolf was fully under control th
ough she was fully attatched to me again after mating with Jesse.

I held my arm out and let my wolf come out just enough to where my canines came
out and so did my claws. I dug my nails well claws into my skin and hissed in pa
in at the deep cut that I just made. Dr. Zimmerman and I stared at it and watche
d as I quickly healed in under a minute.

"Well that's still amazing. Um...have you been able to shift int your wolf and s
hift back without difficaulty?"

"I think so. I was angry one day and shifted into my wolf but it was because I w
anted to go for a run. Then afterwards I was able to change back."

"Well that's good. Now let's see about this vampire business. Do you still eat?"

"Yeah but not as much. Almost human like. I still eat three meals but I'm an alp
ha wolf but I don't eat as much."

"Well I'm new with this whole hybrid thing so I guess that's normal since vampir
es don't get hungry. Now do you sleep?"

"All through the night?"

"Yes ma'am," I confirmed and she nodded.

"Have you tested your speed?"


"Well we can do that later. We can get Beta Weston in here and you guys can race
. You should be able to beat him by five seconds or so normally now we can see i
f you're faster or not."

*Layla's P.O.V*

I was watching as the guys moved around with heavy machinery. Jesse had just got
here and he was standing on my right. He hasn't said a word since he got here b
esides a quick 'hey' and 'what are we doing today?' Of course I said hi back and
told him what was going on and he simply nodded in response.

I could sense something was wrong but I was too nervous to ask. What the hell? W
hy not? I looked over at him and took a deep breath. "Jesse? Are you okay?" I as
ked and he looked down at me and simply nodded in response.

"Jesse talk to me," I begged.

"There's nothing to talk about Layla. I want this shit done soon so I can focus
on more important things."

"And this isn't important?"

"It is but my wife doesn't know about it and right now I can't afford to upset h
er even more."

"So you two are fighting?"

"I don't even know what to call it. She's upset with me but not angry so we're n
ot fighting but we're distant," he sighed and I nodded. Hope bubbled up inside o
f me as I turned my attention to the workers.

God I missed Jesse. I missed everything about him from the sound of his voice to
the way he walks. Everything about him was so perfect. Why he was with that wer
ewolf was beyond me? To make matters worst they were already married.

He was supposed mine. All mine. He was mine first. Some little werewolf bitch co
uldn't just lay on her back and say I love you to him and then think he was all
hers. I don't know what type of denial Jesse was in but he was having some type
of mental breakdown to be with her.

I was going to have tyo play dirty if I wanted to be with him. I planned for him
to see me and fall in love with me and want me-end of story. I didn't know he w
as married. I didn't know he was so called in love with some damn werewolf. And
I didn't know he hired my brther to do this for him and his wife! That was the w
orst part about this job. I was doing it for her. For the happy couple!

I thought our past was going to make us fall for each other. We were supposed to
rekindle our love. But noooo he was with her. I hated her. Why did she get my m
an? I needed to come up with a plan to get him back. I didn't know where to star
t though. How was I supposed to get him back? Who knows? I'll come up with somet

*Violet's P.O.V*

When Jesse got home from work I was quickly jumping on him as he walked through
our bedrom door. My appointment with Dr. Zimmerman went really well. Jesse caugh
t me, stumbling only a little bit. "I'm so happy your home! I'm sorry about last
night. I never want to sleep without you again unless I have to. I love you Jes
se," I rushed out.

He carried me to the bed and put me down. He sat next to me and I told him about
my appointment. I had superspeed! The only changes in me now was I had super sp
eed, my portions are smaller, and I'm paler.

I don't eat as much any more. Werewolves do eat three meals a day sometimes even
four or five. They also ate twice as much as a human. Now I eat like a human. I
didn't mind though. I was really happy being a hybrid.

Jesse was really happy for me too and we made up. We both were apologizing and n
ext thing you know we were making out. We stopped though and I ran my hands down
his bare chest. He kissed me softly before getting off of me and laying next to

"Can I ask you something?" I questioned randomly.


"Can you spend the whole day with me tomorrow?"

"Sure babe," he smiled and I nodded.

"I was thinking we could go up to the cabin..."

"Sure Vi, we can do whatever you want."

"It's June 29th and for the fourth of July I wanted to have a small cook out."

"Anything for you," he replied and I grinned.

"I love you Jesse, so much."

"I love you more."

"Not possible," I responded and he pulled me in his arms. I began kissing across

his jaw and he groaned before telling me to stop. "Don't tease me," he grumbled

"I can't help myself."

"Well try to because I can't stop myself from being turned on by you."

"Fine. Go take your shower and I'm going to go have dinner. I'm so hungry," I st
ated and he nodded. I climbed off of him and got off of bed. I watched him walk
off into the bathroom before leaving the room and going downstairs to the kitche

When I got ther Monica was there. "Hey momma," I greeted and her eyes widened. I
quickly hugged her and we both began talking at the same time.

"Awe isn't that cute," someone sneered and I let out a growl as I turned around
to face Layla. She was glaring at us and Monica and I pulled apart immediately.

"What the hell do you want?" Monica questioned.

"Like you care? You never liked me. I wasn't good enough for your son but appare
ntly she is."

"Bitch don't talk about me, talk to me. I'm right here. And yeah I'm good enough
for him and you weren't because your nobody. You were just some girl Jesse slep
t with. You were like every other girl before me and you don't back off I'll mak
e sure to bring you down a few notches and make you feel like he broke your hear
t all over again," I growled and she gaped at me before quickly recovering.

"I'm telling Jesse-" she began and I stalked over to her. I was infront of her a
s her back hit the wall. She looked terrified but she tried not to show it.

"I dare you. Do you think he's going to care what you have to say? The moment yo
u tell him he's going to ask why. And I'm going to make sure he gets rid of you.
I'm dealing with you because he works with you. Your his friend so I put up wit
h you. I don't want to hurt him by saying I don't get along with his friend and
I won't have to if you keep your mouth shut. You can keep playing this fantasy g
ame of being with him but he's mine. Now keep your mouth shut or you can lose hi
m as a friend and truly face the harsh reality that he doesn't want you, leaving
no room for denial. And if you try to get in my way I'll make sure your permane

ntly removed out of mine and my husband's life," I threated and she glared at me

I didn't want to take Jesse's 'friend' away but I really didn't like her. I didn
't want to be the bad guy and upset him. He had to work with her and he needed h
er help at the moment. I wasn't trying to start fightin with him or bring up any
other problems but Layla needed to know her place and I was going to make sure
she knew she was nothing. No one liked her. And she was never going to be with m
y husband. Emphasis on the MY. He's mine and only mine. And I would make sure sh
e stayed out of my hair.

Jesse can work with her but I can't tolerate her. I want her to stay away from m
e. I trusted Jesse and I knew he could take care of himself so I had nothing to
worry about there. Now the stupid slut better figure out that I'm not joking wit
h her. I truly hate her and I've only hated a few people in my life-Jade, Alvin,
and now her.

She scurried out the kitchen and Monica and I quickly made up. I told her all ab
out the cookout I wanted to have for the fourth of July. We also talked about La
yla and I told her how I lost control with my anger that one day. We caught up o
n the last two days while I ate dinner. When I was done I said goodnight to her
and went upstairs to the bedroom.

Jesse was just getting out the shower and I went and got into my pajamas. Jesse
was already in his boxers and laying in bed when I was ready for bed. I squealed
before running over and jumping in bed. Jesse laughed and pulled the covers ove
r us. He pulled me in his arms and I cuddled up against him. This felt right and
oh so perfect. I let everything that happened hours ago flee from my mind as I
relaxed in Jesse's arms. Last night I was so lonely but now I felt more comforta
ble than ever and was able to doze off to sleep quickly.
When I woke up Jesse had decided that he'd take me out to breakfast before we he
ad up to the cabin. I was really excited to go. I climbed out of bed and went to
go take myself a quick shower. When I got out Jesse was in the bathroom brushin
g his teeth. I walked over to him in just my towel and kissed his smooth back. "
Hey sexy," I greeted.

"Morning mate," he winked and I squealed. I still couldn't believe we were mates
. I began checking Jesse out since he was only in a pair of dark blue jeans that
hung off his hips and his hip bones were leading me down to another place. I wa
s slowly getting turned but I couldn't control it. He's just so sexy and I can't
help but want my husband.

"Violet your drooling," Jesse teased. I closed my mouth and rolled my eyes. I sm
acked his butt before leaving the bathroom while he chuckled. I headed over to t
he closet to pick out something. I would pick a dress but I don't want to be stu
ck in a dress all day just to sit around the house.

I settled on a pair of black shorts that were made out of some dressy fabric but
they were cute. I matched it with a long sleeve white top that fell over my sho
ulder and had thin, black horizontal lines across it. Then I slipped on some whi
te sandals before going into the bathroom to finish up my daily routine of washi
ng my face and brushing my teeth. Then I did my make up. I didn't put to much on
. I put on some mascara, eyeliner, and clear lip gloss.

Once we were both ready he grabbed his keys and smirked at me. I wanted to quest
ion it but I decided against it. We hopped in his car and he drove us to some sm
all resturaunt. It was really quaint and so cute! Jesse literally laughed when I
started jumping up and down as I squealed. "I met you when you were sixteen and
nwo your eighteen, what changed?" He teased and I smacked his arm before we wen
t inside to eat breakfast.

Okay so maybe I was a big kid. The place was a pancake house and well...I ordere
d M&M pancakes. What can I say? I love pancakes with candy. My pancakes ended up
with colorful spots on them because of the candy but all I did was get more exc
ited. The waitress we had looked to be around 40 and she was so sweet.

She asked Jesse how long had we been dating and he told her two years and that w
e were married! She congratulated us and winked at me telling me I was lucky to
have him. Boy did I know. I agreed with her and she walked away chuckling. "She
gets a nice big tip," I grinned.

"Good your paying," Jesse stated not looking up to meet my eyes. I scoffed and t
hat's when he looked up at me. He raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes. He hel
d my gaze for a couple of moments before he began laughing. "What's so funny?" I

"Nothing babe. I'm just glad you let me pay for everything-"

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"No. Of course not. Holden went on a date with some chick and he said it was gre
at until she went to pay the bill. Holden told her no but she refused. In the en
d that both ended up paying for their own meals."

"Well the girl is stupid. If a guy is taking you out he's going to pay. Everyone
knows that," I said shaking my head a little. Jesse grabbed my hand and kissed
the back of it.

"I love you," he murmurred.

"I love you more," I grinned and he rolled his eyes.

"What did I tell you about that? It's impossible for you to love me more."

"I know," I smiled and he gave me his gorgeous grin. We continued to eat our foo
d and then left. I reassure our waitress Lisa that we'd be back soon. I wasn't j
oking. Jesse ordered something with eggs, sausage, bacon, and some other stuff s
o he shared some with me and well I could get used to having that type of breakf
ast everyday.

He then drove out to the mountain and he grinned. Instead of driving around the
mountain on the back road he led us the same way he did on our date where we fir
st made love. We got out the car and he smiled at me. He grabbed my hand in his
and led me over to the lake. We climbed in the small canoe and he rowed us acros
s while we made small conversation about a lot of things.

When we got across Maddison was there! We rode the horse all the way up to the c
abin. When we got to the top I jumped on Jesse's back. He laughed and carried me
inside. He laid me down on the couch and climbed on top of me. "Did I mention h
ow sexy you looked today? You look professional and just so damn hot. If Weston
was mated I'd be worried about how you dressed to work," he teased.
"Why thank you. I do think I look rather cute today. But we're here on business.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes. I'm making it my business to explore this sexy body of yours," I whispered
seductively in his ear as I sat up a bit. My hands were already fiddling with t
he button on his jeans. Before he could reply I saw Spencer run in the livingroo
m. Well I heard him before I saw him. I jumped up to get off the couch which onl
y resulted in Jesse and I falling off the couch. He let out a grunt and I was ab
out to climb off of him as I began freaking out but he held me still.

"I really do like you on top," Jesse smirked and I pursed my lips.

"Here I was worried you were dying or something as you refused to let me off of
you just to be a perv," I frowned.

"Coming from the not so called perv who wanted to 'explore my sexy body' a minut
e ago," he retorted and I blushed.

"Whatever," I mumbled and he chuckled. I got off of him and let him get off of m
e. I ran over to Spence who was barking at us. I haven't seen him in so long. "H
e's coming home with us," Jesse stated and I grinned.

"I missed him so much. We got caught up in the wedding planning and stuff. But n
ow since I have no life he can be a woman's best friend. Thank Tanya and Justin
for us for watching him," I replied.

"I will. The kids had loved him so In promised we let him visit often."

"Sounds good with me," I reassured and began playing with Spencer who was happy
to see me. He loved Jesse though even though he obviously saw him yesterday or s
omething since he didn't get here on his own. I didn't care though because this
was my family with Jesse. I had my husband and my cute big dog. I loved life rig
ht now.
Chapter 28

*Layla's P.O.V*

he was
ce from
hten up

to lunch alone was pretty depressing. Jesse wasn't working today because
spending the day with his stupid wife. Jesse has been keeping his distan
me for the most part since we began working together and he began to lig
a bit until that day he got into a fight with his wife.

Jesse and I used to be good friends when we were younger and I at least want tha
t again so I can work my way up to getting back together. He could easily divorc
e his wife since clearly she's not the one for him because I am.

I walked into the small cafe and went to go stand in line. I felt like someone w
as watching me but I ignored it and waited impatiently in the long line. My god
I just wanted to get some coffee then sit down and relax. Why did it take so lon
g to order something? It was only Starbucks.

Next thing you know a guy was standing next to me. "Jesse," he simply stated. I
raised an eyebrow at the man who was now talking to me.

"Jesse? What about him?"

"You smell like him," he growled and I narrowed my eyes. He was a werewolf. I sh
ould have known by his tan skin and muscular frame.

"So what? I'm living with him."

"Are you dating him?"

"I used to and we're on the urge of getting back together," I shrugged.

"Your lying."

"I am not."

"Yes you are. I can tell. But you like him, don't you?"

"Yeah so what? Why do you care? How do you even know him?"

"Get your coffee and then come talk to me and I'll tell you whatever you want to
know about me," he replied and I nodded hesitantly. This was weird but I didn't
care. I wanted to know how he knew Jesse.

After I finally got my coffee I joined the guy who was sitting at a table alone.
"Start talking. How do you know him?" I asked.

"Easily. I met him."


"I hate him but that little girlfriend of his I want," he shrugged and I frowned

"He doesn't have a girlfriend."

"Yeah he does, my lovely Violet."

"They're married," I groaned.

"What?" He asked angrily.

"Calm down dude. They can get a divorce and they will if I have anything to do w
ith it. He's mine and she had no right to steal him away from me."

"Violet didn't steal him away from anyone. He couldn't back off and leave her al
one and then they just hooked up."

"Well they need to break up," I retorted.

"Yes they do. Nice to meet you, I'm Alvin," he introduced reaching across the ta
ble to shake my hand. I blaced my small hand in his warm large one and shook it
as I introduced myself to him, "I'm Layla."

"Well Layla how do you plan on breaking the happy couple up?" He asked with a sm

"I haven't came up with anything, have you?"

"Nope but I think together we can. Give me a call sometime, my mate is here," he
replied and I nodded. He grabbed my hand and took out a pen and wrote his numbe
r on it. I said bye and left the place while watching some girl give me a curiou
s look befre hugging and kissing Alvin. For some reason seeing that bothered me.
it felt like jealousy but I knew I was being ridiculous. I just met the guy plu
s I was madly in love with Jesse Stevens.

k on

I got back to the work site I made sure we were all back to working and bac
track. We had half of the place built already in the couple of weeks we've
working on this, it's been over a month actually. I wanted to get this done
Jesse and then focus on my relationship with him fully.

*Number One's P.O.V*

Skylar made her way over to me and gave me a hug and I leaned down to place a sm
all kiss on her lips. I let her go and she sat down in the seat that vampire Lay
la was just sitting in. I slid the coffee I bought her over to her and she thank
ed me and began sipping on it. I simply watched my lovely mate as she did so. Sk
ylar meant a lot to me but she was more valuable than anything. She had an amazi
ng ability that I took advantage of completely.
"So who was that?" Skylar asked and I smirked.

"Jealous baby? Well she's a girl I just met. Don't worry about her," I shrugged
and she narrowed her eyes before sighing in defeat.

"Just trust me," I smiled and she nodded. I leaned over the table and she did th
e same. I kissed her softly before pulling away and taking a sip of her coffee.
"So what did you want to do today?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see you. And I was wondering if you have dinner with me and my
parents. I told them I would come and visit and I was thinking they could meet
my mate."

"I'm sorry babe. I can't," I frowned and she sighed.

"It's fine," she mumbled. I could but I really didn't want to. I didn't want to
meet her parents because I didn't want things to get serious with us on top of m
e already falling for her.

"Next time I promise," I smiled and she nodded.

"I'll hold you to that. Are you free today?"

"Not really..."

"Oh. Can I spend the night at least?"

"Of course. Just let me know when your on your way."

"I will," she smiled and I nodded. We continued to make small talk before we bot
h went our seperate ways. Well that was a way of my life but I did get to meet t
hat Layla girl so that was a good thing I guess. She seemed pretty evil and that
was just what I needed.

After leaving Sky I headed home. I called my friend Reagan to come over. We need
ed to start discussing plans and if I threw in this Layla girl I could get every
thing I want. Get rid of Violet's stupid pack and make her join mine while also
having her to myself.

When I got home I waited about fifteen minutes until Reagan came over. I told hi
m about meeting Layla and he looked annoyed. "Get over whatever is bothering you
so much. I'm your alpha and you are to listen," I growled.

"You are trying to leave your mate."

"So what? Fate didn't always get it right. Just because your deceased mate was p
erfect for you doesn't mean all mates are matched up to perfection."

"Fine. What are we doing with the Layla chick?"

"Well she's living with Jesse..." I smirked.

"So what?"

"So we use that. It's that simple. We have an insider. She gets Jesse alone and
I pay sweet old Violet a visit-"

"You can't. If Violet sees you she'll tell Jesse-"

"Then I'll kidnap her," I shrugged.

"She's an alpha-"

"So am I," I growled.

" are you going to kidnap her? She seems to be attatched to Jesse at th
e hip."

"I get Layla to take Jesse away-"

"And he's willingly going to go with his ex-girlfriend somewhere?"

"He's letting her live with them," I retorted.

"Continue..." he sighed.

*Violet's P.O.V*

"Jesse!" I yelled and he smirked. I was on the one end of the couch and he was o
n the other. I knew he was teasing me. I had super speed too and even though he
was faster he wasn't using his super speed and neither was I. He was trying to c
atch me though.

We had been in the kitchen and we were making cookies. Jesse had smacked my hand
when I tried to eat the raw cookie dough. Every time I tried he caught me. Then
I swear it was by accident, I was having a little tantrum and hit some flour th
at was in the open cupboard and it managed to get all over him.

"Violet just give up. You have two seconds to give up or I promise your going to
regret it."

"I said sorry," I pouted.

"And I told you to stop the first time. If we had kids and they behave like you
would have I probably would have yelled like crazy. But you my dear wife are not
a child and I love you, I desire you, and I want you so I can punish you in a m
ore pleasurable way," he smirked and a small moan left my lips.

"No!" I yelled. It was more to myself than anything. Sure I loved the sound of t

hat but his form of pleasure is so good its torture. Plus I don't think I did an
ything wrong. Sure I had a small tantrum but come on, who doesn't? Jesse is the
only person I can be myself with fully. The song "I'm Only Me When I'm With You,
" by Taylor Swift describes it perfectly.
Sure I'm always myself but when it comes to the pack I'm more serious, emotionle
ss, and usually calm. With my friends I'm more relaxed and everything but its di
fferent with Jesse. I can tell him anything. He completes me-literally.

Jesse narrowed his eyes and moved and I tried to run but in a flash he had me in
his arms, my face pressed up against his chest. I squealed and wriggled in his
grip but he wouldn't let go nor could I free myself. He picked me up and dropped
me on the couch and got on top of me. I bit my bottom lip nervously to see what
he'd do. I was surprised when he began tickling me.

Of course that surprising feeling went away as I began wiggling under him as I g
iggled. I tried to swat his hands away but to no avail. I couldn't really move t
o dodge his hands either. It was becoming hard to breathe as I laughed continual
ly. "Jesse!" I screamed.

He began chuckling as he watched me squirm from his hands that were roaming all
over my abdomin. "Yes sweetie?" He asked with a huge smile.

"Stop! P-Please. I said I was sorry!"

"Sorry isn't good enough. Sorry doesn't clean up this mess you made, on me!"

"If you love me you'll stop," I pouted and he groaned before stopping completely
. He grumbled before climbing off of me. I grabbed him by the back of his shirt
as he was getting up. I pulled him back down on the couch so he was sitting with
me. Before he could get back up I climbed on top of his lap straddling him. "I
love you too," I stated before kissing him hard and passionately.

Jesse immediately responded to the kiss and I smiled against his lips. God I lov
ed this man. Everything about this man was so perfect. And the fact he put up wi
th me just made him that much greater. I wouldn't trade him for the world. Witho
ut him there would be no point in my life for anything.

When we pulled away I pulled off his shirt and lowered my head to lick all over
his chest. I listened to him groan a couple of times and when I stopped I smirke
d at him, "now your all clean."

"I think the rest of me is dirty," he grinned and I blushed.

"Well I think we have some cookies to finish," I replied and he sighed dramatica
lly making me laugh. I smacked his arm playfully and hopped off his lap. I helpe
d him off the couch and dragged him into the kitchen. We finished with the cooki
e dough and put the pan full of the balls of dough in the oven. Jesse told me I
could have the rest of the cookie dough since there was still plenty left over.

I ate my cookie dough while Jesse and I went into the living room to watch a mov
ie. I smirked at him before putting on the movie I wanted to watch. Jesse began
laughing when he saw it was Twilight. I smiled and cuddled up against him and he
wrapped an arm around me. I sighed in content. I was eating cookie dough-great,
watching a good movie-amazing, and in my man's arms-the best.

*Skylar's P.O.V*

I knocked on Alvin's door and waited for him to answer it. When he did he was sm
iling happily making me smile right back him. He let me in the house and I took
off my thin cardigan and kicked off my shoes. Alvin's arms wrapped around my wai
st and he kissed my cheek.

"How was dinner?" He asked and I sighed.

"It was fine. I'm still upset you couldn't go but I understand, you were busy."

"I'm sorry baby but next time I'll go ok?"

"You sure?"


"Okay," I mumbled and he turned me around to face him. He kissed me softly befor
e grabbing my hand and leading me over to the couch. We sat next to each other o
n the couch and I bit my lip. I was finally ready to go all the way with him and
I didn't know how to approach this situation.

I climbed onto his lap so I was straddling and looked into his gorgeous green ey
es. "I love you," I stated and he grinned at me.

"I love you too," he replied and I leaned down and kissed him passionately. He q
uickly responded and kissed me back just as roughly. I tangled my hands in dark
brown hair and tugged on it lightly making him groan. His hands slipped under my
shirt and began massaging my torso. I moaned lightly and kissed him harder.
When we pulled away I was quick in pulling his shirt off and drooled a bit as I
saw his six pack. He smirked and pinned me down to the couch before kissing me h
ard again. The kiss was completely was lustful. My hands were roaming up and dow
n his rock hard chest. It was getting hotter and hotter. We pulled away for air
and I smiled up at him, "mark me."

"What?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"I want you Alvin," I stated and he growled in approval. He kissed me again more
softly but either way it left my lips swollen and me out of breath. He simply b
egan kissing across my jawline until he got to the other side and was on the rig
ht side of my neck. He licked down my neck before kissing his way back up. He su
cked lightly on the place he was going to mark me. I moaned lightly and arched m
y back into him.

I could feel his canines extend and he grazed them over my neck back to the spot
. "Hurry," I pleaded. I was dying of pleasure right now and anxiety. I needed th
is and I wanted this even more. His teeth suddenly penetrated into my skin as he
bit into the side of my neck. I took in a sharp breath before a loud moan escap
ed my lips.

I felt his hot tongue licking over his mark. I closed my eyes as the pleasure be
came over whelming as well as the feeling of Alvin and I being connected. I then
became responsive when Alvin's lips met mine. I moaned at the feel of his soft
lips and began kissing him back. My god things couldn't get better. I had my mat
e all to myself and I couldn't get enough of him or his kisses.

When we pulled away I was panting for air same as my mate. "Can we go to bed?" I
asked breathless. I felt drained for some reason and all I wanted was to go to
sleep now. Alvin nodded in understanding and climbed off of me and the couch. He
picked me up carefully and carried me bridal style to his bedroom. He laid me i
n his bed and stripped down to his boxers before climbing in bed to join me. I c
uddled up against him and smiled happily. I was so content with him like this.

His arms were around my waist and his was body was practically covering mine. I
simply sighed in content at the closeness and made sure my body was against his.
I loved being wrapped up in my mate. It was a feeling I could and would get use
d to.
Chapter 29

*Violet's P.O.V*

I headed downstairs in the basement to go get the guys who were supposed to be c
ooking today. When I reached the basement all I could hear was a bunch of laught
er. I smiled and continued to walk into the room. I walked over to the couch all
while Jesse was checking me out. Why? I don't know. I was in a pair of dark gra
y yoga pants, my white slippers, and one of his huge t-shirts that I tied up in
the back but it still covered me.

When I reached him he pulled me down on his lap and I giggled. "Did I mention ho
w hot you look?" He asked and I scoffed.

"I look a mess," I replied. I wasn't wearing any make-up and my hair was in a me
ssy bun on the top of my head.

"You can say that again," someone said coming downstairs and I squealed. Jesse r
estrained me and kissed me softly before letting me go. I ran over to hug my unc
le Gavin. He laughed and hugged me back. When we pulled away I was grinning like
crazy. "Where's aunt Natalie?" I asked.

"Upstairs talking to Monica," he answered and I nodded. I didn't even realize th

at Jesse had came up from behind me until I saw him shaking Uncle Gavin's hand a
s his free arm wrapped around my waist from behind. I watched as Jesse and Uncle
Gavin talked like old friends and I smiled happily. Life was perfect.

"Enough chit-chat. I didn't eat breakfast and its already noon. So be a good hus
band and start cooking all the food and take your friends with you," I stated an
d Jesse groaned.

"Do I have to? Can't they do it while I take you upstairs?"

"No," I blushed and Jesse snickered. He leaned down and kissed my nose before ag
reeing to go get started now. We all headed upstairs and I said hi to Dalton and
Candice who had just arrived. Everyone was starting to get here now and the foo
d was just being put on the grill.

"Hey!" I greeted Simon in a huge hug.

"Hey Violet," he chuckled. We pulled away and I smiled at him. Simon, Jesse, and
I all got along now. It took him awhile to get over me but he did. He was happy

for us and he would have came to the wedding but he was out of town on business
since Dalton couldn't go for him since he was in the wedding.

"How's life?" I asked.

"Pretty good."

"That's great. I want you to enjoy yourself. Jesse is out back with the guys if
you want to say hi. And um we need to talk after the cook out," I stated and he
nodded in understanding.

"Alright let me go say hi to lover boy," he joked and I laughed but nodded. He w
alked past and I went to go greet Weston. I hugged Michelle first before taking
their son out of Weston's arms while giving him a side hug. "Hi William," I cooe
d at the baby boy. He was getting so big. He was already one and a month or two.
He was just so cute. He was staring to look like Weston more each day.

Afterwards I let the family pass through and greeted Tanya and Justin along with
the kids. I went back in the kitchen to help Monica, Reba, and Courtney in the
kitchen to make sure all the snacks were out for people to eat in the meantime w
hile we waited for the food.

"Clark! Debra!" I exclaimed hugging Jesse's grandparents from his mother's side.
I talked to them for awhile before leading them over to their daughter and prom
ising to make sure their grandson said hi to them soon.

"Let's bring all of this outside," Monica suggested and we all nodded. We all gr
abbed the trays of food and headed outside. Courtney was on my right and we were
discussing a movie that we wanted to see. Courtney and I both stopped talking a
s our eyes landed on Layla who was the only girl surrounded by all the guys who
were by the grill. I clenched my jaw and took a few deep breaths forcing myself
to relax.

"Oh my god! Layla!" Reba yelled in excitement and I mentally screamed in annoyan
ce. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. That was the onl
y three words I could process right now. Monica, Courtney, and I put the rays do
wn while we impatiently watched Reba and Layla catch up on life.

"I really don't like her," someone stated and I turned around to come face to fa
ce with Candice. I laughed and hugged her. "No one does," Courtney laughed and I
joined in.
"Violet!" Someone shouted and I moved to see Mikey running over to me. I stepped

into the open and caught him, picking him up and hugging him as I spun around.
"I missed you!" He stated in a fit of giggles and I laughed.

"I missed you too babe," I grinned, kissing his cheek.

"Good maybe you can keep him," Kendra said as her and Malcom caught up to us wit
h Max on Kendra's hip.

"I'd love to. I have nothing to do with my life anyways," I sighed and Malcolm f
rowned. Kendra got the hint and took the kids to go say hi to Jesse while Malcol
m raised an eyebrow. Malcolm and I were surprisingly close, much to Jesse's diss
apointment. Malcolm and I had the same relationship I had with Dalton, Weston, a
nd Nigel. We were good friends and they cared about me.

"What's going on?" Malcolm asked.

"Jesse is just so busy. It's like every now and then he takes breaks just to mak
e time for me. I love those times but then right afterwards he's busy as usual.
I just miss him. I don't know how to tell him that either. Nor do I know how to
explain to him that I hate his ex-girlfriend who he spends everyday with at work
," I ranted.

"Whoa, his ex-girlfriend?"

"Layla, you know her?"

"Ew. Why her? I hated her growing up. She was a huge slut."

"Well nothing has changed," I replied making him chuckle.

"If this is a case of jealousy you have nothing to worry about. The only reason
he got with her was because she yelled out she wanted him. Jesse is a genius rea
lly but the boy could not be more oblivious to the whole girl thing. He was a pl
ayer in high school and well those girls didn't make 'subtle' hints. Plus when J
esse wants something he goes for it and he gets it. He wanted you and he got you
-prime example. He wanted girls in a different way he wanted you. Now Layla he d
idn't exactly want. It just happened. Now he's probably oblivious to what your f
eeling or what she's doing to get his attention. But trust me that boy is too wh
ipped to even give her a glance."

"I know," I sighed.

"Sometimes us guys really do get busy. Ask Kendra. She used to hate it. She expe
cted me home by a certain time so she could have me to herself and often enough
I came home really late which resulted in her crying or yelling. I didn't mean t
o be out so late but ut happens. When we do it we don't think its a big deal. Pl
us girls are different than guys. You always get insecure and think your man is
going to find you clingy if you tell him you want more of his attention or somet
hing. It's not true. Especially if you really haven't been seeing each other in
awhile. Now guys we can simply just let you know we want to spend time with you.
We'll even plan to have some alone time. We don't care. So you shouldn't be bot
hered to say 'hey Jesse I miss you, let's do something together or spend the day
together.' It's not that hard," he shrugged and I frowned. He made it seem so e
asy but I didn't believe that it was.

Malcolm and I changed the subject and headed back over to the crowds of people.
Layla was still standing next to Jesse and it was almost laughable how mad I got
at one girl. I had the urge to just start laughing at her but for what reason?
I do not know. I walked over to my husband and wrapped my arms around his waist
from behind. "Hey baby!" He greeted loudly. I smiled and let him go so he could
turn to face me.

"You look so damn good," he muttered, looking me up and down.

"Perv," I scolded as his eyes landed on my chest. He shrugged and leaned down fo
r a small kiss. I met him half way and kissed him softly. When we pulled away he
seemed not to want to let me go. He had his arms wrapped around my waist and I
was pressed against him. His lips were brought to me neck as he kissed down it s
lowly. "Jesse," I moaned as he got closer to my mark. He smirked and licked arou
nd my mark making me arch my back.

"Baby stop," I pleaded and he groaned against my neck.

"I want you," he whispered huskily in my ear.

"Well I do have to get dressed..."

"I'll help," he stated.

"Jesse!" Someone shouted and I jumped in his arms. Jesse held me tightly and we

turned to face his grandparents. Well there goes our plans. Jesse reluctantly le
t me go and greeted his grandparents. I kissed his cheek and let him know I was
going to get dressed. I saw the lust in his eyes flash but he quickly calmed him
self. I left him with Debra and Clark before racing into the house.
I went into the bedroom and quickly hopped in the shower. I took a twenty minute
shower and when I got out Jesse was in the room. I was simply in my towel that
was wrapped around me. "Hey sexy," I greeted and he turned to face me.

"Hey Vi," he smiled. He walked over to me and placed a small kiss on my lips. I
wrapped my hands around his neck, not wanting him to pull away. He furrowed his
eyebrows as he looked down at me. "I love you," I stated.

"I love you more," he replied making me smile.

"Not possible babe," I laughed.

"Maybe it's not but I love you more than anything in the whole world."

"The feeling is mutual Jesse," I reassured and he smiled.

"Well get dress because I'm more than tempted to take this towel off you so I ca
n have my way with you."

"I don't think I'd mind," I smirked.

"Violet," he groaned in warning and I giggled. I pecked his lips before letting
him go. I kicked him out the room and then dropped my towel before slipping on m
y navy blue lace panties and matching strapless bra. Jesse was so getting lucky

I slipped on my blue dress and smiled. It was a pretty blue dress with a bunch o
f white stars on it. It had thick straps that tied around my neck. The dress cam
e mid-thigh and hugged all my curves and showed off my chest. I slipped on my re
d heels, my red denim vest, and did my make up with my eyes red along with my li
ps. I also threw on my red neckalace, my red and white bracelet and my earrings
that were of the american flag.

Once I was ready I headed downstairs and greeted more guest who were coming in.
"Well someone out did herself," someone commented and I turned around to hug Par

"Has Jesse seen you? I doubt it because he left you alone looking this damn fine
," he smiled and I laughed.

"Shut up. No he hasn't seen me. Is he still out back?"

"Yeah," he answered and I nodded. I headed outside and made my way over to my hu
sband. I stood next to him as I watched him cook on the grill. He turned his hea
d and looked at me breifly before stopping what he was doing. He pulled me away
from the grill and his eyes hungrily raked my body. "Damn babe. How the hell do
you expect me to resist you now?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know. But come tonight you won't have to," I smirked and he pulled me c
loser to him.

"God you kill me. And I better be getting some tonight if I have to watch you pr
ance around in this tight dress," he groaned in my ear before kissing the side o
f my neck.

"Well you never know. I might be too tired-"

"Don't joke like that."

"Okay I'm sorry. Everyone will be gone before eleven and it will still be early,
" I reassured.


"Now go finish cooking I'm hungry," I joked and he rolled his eyes. He kissed me
tenderly then walked off leaving me breathless. I shook my head at his retreati
ng figure and went to go join some of my friends. I hugged everyone before settl
ing on the seat next to Simon so I was between him and Candice. "I'm going to ki
ll her. Does she need that much attention?" Candice asked and everyone turned to
see Layla.

I took a deep breath as I saw Jesse wrap an arm around her waist to prevent her
from falling over. She laughed and Jesse let her go and handed her a cup then wa
lked off. How the hell she was falling? I don't even know. Stupid bitch. "So why

is she here?" Simon asked and I groaned.

"I'm not too sure," I stated.

"I think he means-" Tanya began.

"I know. And I'm honestly not sure about that either. All I know is she's helpin
g Jesse with some construction shit," I interrupted and everyone got silent.

"I'm sorry guys. I just...I don't even know. I hate that girl so much, it's not
even funny. She wants Jesse back and I just don't like how he spends all his tim
e with her," I sighed.
"Someone sounds awfully jealous," Uncle Gavin's voice sang and I turned to find
him standing right behind me.

"Maybe I am. I don't care anymore. I don't like her," I shrugged.

"Neither does your husband. The boy can't keep his eyes off of you. How he keeps
his hands off of you? I don't know. You can see all the lust and love he has fo
r you everytime he looks at you. And the moment someone says your name the love
is clearly shown as he talks about you. Now trust me I just talked to the boy. T
hat Layla girl is not important to him but his little construction project is an
d it makes sense he's spending so much time on it. It's a surprise for you-I'll
tell you that but trust him he's never going to leave you. And cheating on you w
ill never cross his mind. He's a man to know what he wants and respect what he h
as-" Uncle Gavin began.

"Are you saying he's settling for me?" I asked.

"No Violet. He does know what he wants and when he sees something he wants he ta
kes it. He goes after it. He wanted you and though you were apparently resisting
him at first he got you. You are married to him. GIrls don't understand most gu
ys don't keep feelings for their exes like women can. He's happy with what he ha
s-you. And you are all he needs. Don't ever doubt that. All it takes is one look
at him and you can see he's in love, he's completely whipped, and unbelieveably
happy," Uncle Gavin finished. He kissed the top of my head before going over an
d talking to Harold.

I sighed and we all began with

g abotu Jesse. I know he loves
sn't take away the fact I miss
ns," Jesse greeted coming over

me and
him, I
with a

conversation. I just couldn't stop thinkin

I know he'd never cheat on me but that doe
hate her, and I'm jealous. "Hey Mrs. Steve
plate full of food. I smiled and looked up

at my husband. He leaned down and kissed me lighly. I stood up as we pulled awa

y and he took my seat before pulling me down on his lap.

"Can we talk later?" I whispered in his ear and his face fell momentarily before
he nodded. I kissed his cheek and began eating with everyone else. It felt good
to be in my man's arms. He was all mine. I knew that and I just needed for Layl
a to know that.

When I finished eating I was completely full. I turned around in Jesse's arms to
face him. I smiled before pressing my lips against his then removing them quick
ly. "I love you Jesse," I stated and he grinned back at me.

"I love you too Violet."

"I know. I'm so full now."

"I bet. I packed just about everything on your plate," he laughed and I blushed
a bit.

"How about tonight we take a nice swim?" I whispered seductively playing with th
e buckle on his belt. He moaned lowly and nodded. His hands ran up and down my s
ides before landing on my boobs. I gasped and he simply cupped my breast in my h
ands. "You're mine babe," he stated and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"That means I can touch you anywhere I want and anytime I want."

"Then same goes for me," I smirked, undoing his belt. He groaned before squeezin
g my breast, making me moan. God I needed him. I was past wanting him. I just co
uldn't resist him. He was so damn sexy and it's been a couple of days. He let me
go before smacking my hands away from the zipper on his pants. I could feel he
had went hard under me. "Later, there's kids around," he stated and I groaned in

"Now you know how I feel all the time," he smirked and I narrowed my eyes. I for
got he could smell my arousal. His senses has enhanced but not to the extreme as
mine. But mine is because I'm an alpha. But since he's my mate his senses are j
ust as good as Weston who's a beta. They would be better but he is still a vampi

I let him calm down before I climbed off his lap. I pulled him to his feet and w

e went to go join all the other couples dancing. Eventually we sat back down bec
ause he had got dark and I was ready to see the fireworks the guys were doing in
the middle of the pack house and my house. I had to start doing things with the
pack. I wanted to have huge cookouts like this. I also wanted to do things for
the clan.
I mean Jesse and I do things together, with our friends, and with our family-or
his family but never for the pack or the clan as a whole. Maybe we can talk abou
t that later. Jesse and I sat down in the grass, I was in between his legs with
my back against his chest. He had his arms wrapped around me securely and we wer
e staring up at the sky.

I sighed in content before looking down at my nails. I smiled at them. They were
so pretty. My nails were red with white stripes and the tips were dark blue wit
h white stars on them. They looked so nice. "What you thinking about?" Jesse ask
ed, whispering softly in my ear.

"Nothing. Just admiring my nails," I laughed.

"Violet what's wrong?"

"Huh? Notihng baby."

"There has to be something on your mind for you to be trying to take notice in y
our nails all of a sudden."

"Can we talk about this later? People are about to start leaving," I replied and
he sighed but nodded. It was true though. After watching some fireworks and as
it was getting late more and more people were leaving. I said bye to each and ev
ery person then headed inside to handle some bussiness.

I was in Jesse's office that had the huge table in it. I was in here with Jesse,
uncle Gavin, Simon, Dalton, and Weston. "There has been a bunch of rogues spott
ed. No attacks but they seem to be moving this way, into this area specifically,
" Uncle Gavin stated.

"Why here?" Jesse asked.

"I don't know. You guys have had bad luck with rogues so far so..." he trailed o

"That's not exactly true. Before we were dealing with Jade. She was from this ar
ea and she wanted all vampires to be gone. She was just planning on starting wit
h us out of spite because she hated me and I was dating a vampire. The only rogu
es we've actually had were from Alvin who was an alpha of a bunch of rogues. He
went to my college and had asked me out. I never even knew he was a werewolf. He
didn't take rejection to well and I guess didn't like that I actually began dat
ing Jesse. He's been dead for like a year now. He died the same day Jesse propos
ed to me so actually over a year just about. And the other rogues that came in t
hat family we're not too sure. They had just been going after random packs to tr
y to overtake the alpha. Other than that there was no real rogue problems," I st

"Guys that's too much of a coincidence," Dalton stated.

"What?" I asked.

"First Jade with a bunch of vampires trying to take out werewolves. Then a rogue
family going around to over throw packs, and Alvin trying to steal you away."

"He wasn't trying to steal me away," I frowned.

"What do you think he wanted then?" Jesse asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"He wanted you Violet. He was trying to take you from me. His last words were th
at somehow, someone would take you away from me," he retorted.

"Don't get mad at me."

"Don't be so naive."

"Now I'm naive?" I asked.

"You know what I meant."

"No I don't think I do."

"Guys, have this personal arguement later," Uncle Gavin interrupted.

"No how about my husband just leave the damn room," I said and Jesse glared at m
e. He got out of his chair and headed to the door.

"No! Jesse sit back down. Violet grow up please. I don't care about your persona
l conflicts. Jesse has every right to be here. He runs the pack along side of yo
u. Plus we're in his office," Weson chimed in and I growled at him.

"Violet let's talk outside," Jesse suggested.

"For what?" I asked.

"Fine let's talk about right here. Why the hell do you have such an attitude wit
h me?" He asked.

"I don't," I stated.

"Oh really? You asked to talk before. About what?"

"About the fact that your the naive one who doesn't realize your ex is trying to
win you back," I answered.

"Are you serious right now? You want to argue with everything I say because your
jealous? There's people in danger and your worried about losing me!"
"Well maybe I shouldn't care because it seems like I already lost you!" I shoute

"Then why the fuck am I standing right here? Why the hell am I not with her?"

"I don't know you tell me."

"Easy! I love you! I love everything about you. I love how the only thing that p
isses you off in the world is me. Meaning you hate her because your jealous, and
it's over me. I don't have time to deal with this right now. I want to be with
you which is why I'm married to you, why I stay in bed for eight hours everynigh
t holding you while you sleep, the reason why I tell you I love you because I th
ink you need to know it. I want you to know it that way you never doubt it. Plus
I can't help but say I love you because its true. Sometimes I just stare at you
and I say it because I got so lucky to have you. I don't want to fight over som
e fucking chick who means nothing to me. We're friends, that's all. I'm working
with her because I have to. If you can't accept that then why don't you just ask
what the fuck we're working on and handle it yourself. Ruin our fucking surpris
e! I don't care, you're my wife. You come first. When have I ever told you I was
too busy for you. Instead of working today for us, I was here cooking. I was he
re with you, just relaxing. And all day long you been feeling like this and whil
e we get to something important you want to get mad at me over her? Are you kidd
ing me right now? I have never been this angry with you. I have been mad at you
for a couple of things but most were misunderstandings. Theres nothing to misund
erstand. You are being unbelievably selfish right now. If you have a problem abo
ut us tell me. But pick the right time to do it. You kept saying let's talk late
r and I accepted it because if it was serious then it wasn't the right place whi
le everyone was here. But do you honestly think this was the right time to bring
this up? The right time to get mad at me for nothing?" He questioned and I blin
ked back my tears.

"No it wasn't the god damn right time! I don't care though. You asked and I told
you. And if I'm so naive and so selfish why the hell do you even love me? Why t
he hell am I here right now? Why am I even the alpha of this pack? Why am I not
out of state in some other pack moving on from you and Simon. Because I cared ab
out you and stayed here. Because I fell in love with you and married you. And no
w I'm not even sure how. If you don't understand why I'm upset then I don't know
why I'm with you," I retorted. I got out of my seat and was headed out the room
when Jesse grabbed me by my wrist and yanked me towards him before pushing me u
p against the wall roughly.

"Because you love me. Beecause you need me. Because you want me," he whispered h
uskily in my ear. I pushed him away roughly but he didn't budge.

"Stop resisting me. I'm taking you upstairs to our room and I'm going to show yo
u eactly why you love me and why you're with me. You're going to regret even say
ing what you just did," he stated before forcing me out the office.

"You guys can leave, we'll talk about this some other time!" Jesse yelled over h
is shoulder as he dragged me upstairs to our room. I was upset, mad, and confuse
d all at the same time. I meant what I said, I think. It was true though. Awhile
ago I wanted to join a pack out of state to be with my own kind. I didn't want
to go back to my pack because I was still getting over my rejection from Simon.
And on top of that when I moved I would have had to get over both Jesse and Simo
n. Of course I stayed and became alpha of a pack that has grown over the last tw
o years the same as my relationship with Jesse, our love has blossomed.

But now we were not in such a good place. Of course I was never leaving him and
never letting him walk away from me. I was upset! I said some stuff becasuse I w
as emotional. I didn't like how he was yelling and cursing at me. I felt like cr
ying but instead I turned all that sadness into anger and yelled back at him. No
w we had to resolve this new issue on top of my jealousy problem. How that was g
oing to go? I'm not too sure. I had to wait and find out what Jesse was going to
do to me. I know he'd never hit me but he sure hell left a few makrs on my wris
t as he yanked me around and dragged me to our room. Plus he hurt my back a bit
when he shoved me up against the wall. And that's another problem we get to argu
e about. God getting married was amazing. Now the whole newly-wed happiness is o
ver and we're fighting a lot lately. And it's all over some stupid bitch.
I wasn't getting mad at Jesse over her before. I brought her up when he asked wh
at I wanted to talk about. We shouldn't have been fighting at all but I took off
ense to being called naive. Then we got into the whole jealousy thing and things
got ugly. We were going to make up. I just didn't know how long it was going to
take to. He was bayond mad at me. He was pissed. The only time I've seen him ac
tually angry at me was when we were in that hotel and he took it the wrong way w
hen I said that I wasn't going to tell him about Simon telling me he loved me. O
f course I would have told him but not right when it happened when he was alread
y worried about me. He was upset then I wasn't going to add anger to that when I
needed him to comfort me through all my pain of breaking my bond to Simon.

Now again we're fighting over someone. This time it's not my ex-mate but his exgirlfriend. I feel like we had this fight before but I know we're going to keep
having it as long as she's around, trying to flirt with my man and he's working
with her, spending all this time with her. I was jealous and just plain old angr
y and upset because of that. I missed my husband being around me all the time. I
felt like I was sharing him. And I didn't like that. I didn't want to share him
, I shouldn't have to. He was mine. All mine. She needed to know that and by him
not putting her in her place she doesn't. She takes any excuse to come between
us and it needed to stop. He needed to understand and open his eyes to what she'
s doing and how I'm feeling about it all. Until then things aren't going to be a
s peaceful or as happy. Its been feeling like that whole time Reba and I first m
et and she decided to stay for another week or so. She came between Jesse and I
to the point I didn't want to be around him, I ignored him,I was irritated and h
urt by him, and I was bitter. I didn't like Reba like I don't like Layla. But th
is was worst. It wasn't that he was picking his aunt over his girlfriend. He jus
t was faling to realize I'm his wife now. No one comes before me and he understa
nds that. But he doesn't understand that not everyone knows and respects that he
puts me before everyone else, he loves me like no other, and that he wants to b
e with me forever.

I had to fix this mess. ANd the fighting was about to start. but then the making
up will be beyond amazing. That doesn't mean I'm looking forward to us arguing.
Hopefully he understands and he forgives me for yelling at him. He'll apologize
for hurting me and yelling. Then we can move on and be happy. He can work with
Layla and she can back off. I can get my surprise and then Jesse and I can live
happily ever after.
Chapter 30

*Violet's P.O.V*

Jesse shoved me into the room before slamming it shut, locking it behind him. I
crossed my arms over my chset as I glared at him. "Don't even try to be angry wi
th me," he said.

"I don't have to try! I am angry with you."

"For what?"

"For dragging me up here!"

"Get over it. I don't want to have this fight Violet. Babe I'm sorry for yelling
and being so rough with you but I was angry. I don't like what you said to me.
I got upset and I'm so sorry for that. Come here," he requested, opening his arm

"No," I whispered.

"Violet don't fight me on this. Just let me make it up to you."

"You shouldn't have to be making anything up to me."

"I know. Babe its just upsetting to hear that you could be so jealous. Sure I ge
t jealous sometimes but it doesn't get this bad where I feel like you don't love
me. I know that you aren't going to leave me for some guy. And I konw no guy co
uld still you away from me. If he tried I'd kill him. I don't want to hear you t
alk like that. How could you even think I would pick her you. How could you even
be jealous of her when I barely talk to her? I get jealous because guys are act
ually touching you, flirting with you, but not because you are spending time wit
h them. I get that you don't like us spending so much time together but we are h
onestly working. But you make me feel like you would leave me because I don't sh
ow you enough attention-"

"I didn't mean to make you feel like that. I'd never leave you Jesse. I love you
too much. I just don't like her," I sighed.

"I get that. I really do. I just can't believe you aren't over it. She's not imp
ortant to me. You are. Violet I don't want her to come between us. I'm not aware
of the fact she wants me back. I pay her no attention what so ever. I don't nee
d to. I want nothing to do with her. Do I hate her? No. We're working together a
nd we did grow up together. if she upsets you that much then...then she can leav

e and I'll just wait a couple of months for Carson to help me once he finishes w
hatever he's working on. I just wanted it to be done for us. The sooner the bett
er but if you want her gone she can be."

"Jesse I hate her. I seriously don't like her. She does want you back. And it up
sets me she gets so much of your time. It's just I'm not used to us not being to
gether most of the time. We barely do anything now. I miss just having you aroun

"I'm sorry Violet. I'll fix that. I promise babe. Do you think you can tolerate
a few more months though so I can be done with this construction stuff? I promis
e you it's all worth it. You'll love it."

"I think so. Just please stop being so busy. Do you really need to be there ever
y single day? Do they need you to be there?"

"I guess not," he frowned.

"Then instead of being there all the time be with me," I replied and he nodded.

"I think I'll like that more," he smirked. He made his way over to me, wrapping
me up in his arms tightly.

"We're not done talking about this," I stated and he groaned.


"No. I'm still upset you called me naive-"

"And I'm still upset you said you should have left me."

"I did not...technically."

"What would you call it?"'

"I don't know. Asking why I stayed with you?" I shrugged.

"Either way it was wrong to do-"

"I know that but I was just upset."

"I don't want to hear that. You were angry I dragged you up here so roughly."

"That's different. I got your damn hand mark on my wrist and arms. Plus your hur
t my back when you shoved me against that wall."

"It's not different. I was upset and angry when I did it. I wasn't thinking logi
cally and I hurt you. I'm sorry."

"I don't forgive you for that."


"Dead serious Jesse. You put your hands on me-" I began.

"Not technically."

"So you think what you did was okay?"

"Yes I do. I just shouldn't have been that rough with you. And I already apologi

"You aren't getting the point."

"I get it. I just don't think it matters, I said sorry and I meant it. What else
am I supposed to do? I can't go back in time and fix it."

"Whatever," I replied, pulling out of his arms.

"Cut it out. Why do you still want to fight with me? You aren't over the whole L
ayla thing."

"I'm not. And I won't be. Saying some crap doesn't mean anything. I believe you
meant it all but I don't know how things are going to work. Last time we talked
about this it got a little bit better."

"Violet I'm done arguing with you about this. You are going to stop talking abou
t her. I love you. I don't want her. I will make things better for us-"

"The problem isn't going to go away but us just talking about it, actions are lo
uder than words."

"What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"I want her out of the picture."

"She will be eventually. We just talked about this."

"I don't like that she's living here. I don't like that I wake up alone sometime
s. I don't like that you come home so late. Those things are because she's comin
g in between us. She's working for you so you make all the decisions so don't gi
ve me any bullshit about you have to do something. She doesn't have to live here
. There is no reason for her to live here Jesse.
All it is, is another chance to be closer to you. That means she gets to head ho
me with you, head to work with you-"

"Stop. Just shut up. You make it seem like I'm doing it on purpose. It's really
annoying to hear you talk about her this much. She bothers you, I got that. You
hate her, I believe you. I'll fix it all. For right now let's focus on us. Let's
not change the subject. I didn't come up here to talk. I dragged you up here to
show you how much I love you. To prove that you want and need me. To make you r
egret questioning us. To show you why we're together," he interrupted. before I
could even say anything back his lips were hot on mine.

My eyes immediately shut close and my annger faded away as I kissed my mate back
. He walked us backwards and we fell on the bed. He was on top of me and I was l
aying flat on my back. His hands gripped my hips tightly, squeezing them lightly
. I bucked my hips against his making us both moan. He pulled away from the kiss

and stared right into my eyes.

"Don't try to fight me right now. You're mine and it's about time I prove that t
o you and everyone else," he stated and I moaned lowly. I wanted to argue but co
uldn't help but being turned on by his words. I loved when he got all possesive.
But did he have to do it when I was trying to be mad at him.

His lips landed on my neck as he kissed his way down slowly. He stopped and bega
n to suck on my mark making me throw my head back in pleasure. His hands were pu
shing my dress up so my legs were fully exposed. My hands slipped under his shir
t as I roamed my hands down his rock hard chest. I could feel his abs under my f
inger tips.

He pulled away out of my reach and quickly got me out of my dress. "Damn," he mu
ttered as he looked me up and down before pulling off his shirt. I whimpered at
the loss of his touch and he smirked.

"I knew you wanted me," he smirked. I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms over
my chest but that just brought my breast to his attention. "Lay down," he ordere
d. I slowly laid all the way down and he climbed on top of me.

"Remember awhile when I made you beg for me?" He asked.

"Yeah," I whispered softly.

"This is going to be way worst for you," he whispered huskily in my ear and I fr
owned. He began nibbling on my earlobe while his hands massaged my torso. When d
id he take off my earrings? I shrugged to myself and wrappped my arms around him
. He pushed my arms away and held my hands at the top of the bed so I couldn't t
ouch him. I gaped at him and he pecked my lips before trailing kissing down my b
ody. He licked around my belly button and for some reason that was a turn on.

He kissed my torso, over my lace panties that were kind of damp. Curse him. One
day the roles were going to be reversed. "Don't move your hands," he said and hi
s hands grabbed me by my thighs, spreading my legs wide open. He rubbed my thigh
s up and down as he placed a kiss on my core through my panties but I most defin
itely felt it.
I wanted to lift my hips and he knew it seeing as though he made sure they were
held down firmly. He brought his lips to the inside of my left thigh and kissed
down it and began trailing kisses all down my toned legs. Thank god I shaved.

He went to my right leg and kissed up it until he got to my inner thigh. His lic

ked on my thigh where my panties were at. I moaned and lifted my head to see him
. It was even more of a turn on to watch him. He licked across the top of my pan
ties before gripping the top with his teeth. I could feel his teeth grazed again
st my skin making me shiver.

He tugged on my panties and ripped them off of me. I gasped and he shot me a smi
rk before licking down my core. I let out a small cry of pleasure. He was killin
g me and he knew it. He began kissing back up my body and kissed all over my tor
so and slid his his hands up my back, massaging my sides.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

Violet moaned as I began sucking on her skin right under her bra. She was drivin
g me crazy and didn't even know it. I loved pleasuring her even if it pained me.
I just wanted to thrust into her and make love to her all night but that wouldn
't teach my wife anything.

I brought my lips up to hers and kissed her hungrily. I couldn't help it. I was
devouring her lips. She tasted so good. I don't know what the hell she ate for h
er to taste so sweet and minty. She tasted like peppermint. I was so glad I was
getting lucky tonight. I was going to have my way with her either way. I knew be
cause of the sexy little panties and bra she was wearing.

I pulled away from her lips and kissed her jaw. He skin was just so soft and tas
ted so good. I don't know why. It didn't have an actual taste but at the same ti
me I couldn't get enough. She squirmed under me and I groaned as she bucked her
hips against mine.

I quickly got off of her and went to grab a condom from the dresser. I un-did my
jeans and quickly took them off. God they were restraining my hard member like
crazy. I got back on the bed and grabbed her hands in mine. I know I told her to
keep them still but I knew it was driving her crazy. I placed her hands on my c
hest and she moaned. I smirked and kept from laughing. She was so expressive and
I loved it. It was a complete turn on to hear and see her response to my action

She ran her hands down my chest and played with the waistband of my boxers. She
looked up at me pleadingly and I nodded my head. She smiled slightly and pulled
my boxers down and moaned when they dropped down. I moved out of her reach to ta
ke my boxers off all the way. I got on top of her, holding her legs closed so I
wasn't tempted to thrust in now.

My hands went around her back and I un-did her bra. I flung her bra across the r
oom and cupped her breast in my hands. Damn. I almost moaned at the sight. She w

as just so beautiful. What was crazy was I've seen every part of her body before
. She just has that affect on me.

I leaned down to kiss her tanderly and she quickly deepened the kiss before lett
ing me take over. Her hands tangled in my hair and she tugged on it hard making
me moan into her mouth. My tongue wrestled around with hers while I massaged her
breast in my hands. She moaned into my mouth and I pulled away and began kissin
g on her neck again.

Out of nowhere she bit me. I groaned lowly as I felt her teeth in my shoulder. I
knew the pleasure was getting to her. I licked down her neck and stopped when I
got to her collar bone. I smirked before I began sucking on her skin right ther
e making her release my shoulder she could moan. "Jesse," she panted.

"Yes baby?" I asked, moving so I could look at her face.

"I'm sorry baby."

"Are you?" I questioned and she nodded. She looked like she was in so much pain.
I wanted to take the pain away but I knew at the same time she licked it. "Yes,
" she answered.

"For what?"

"Jesse," she frowned and I raised an eyebrow. I began to rub up and down her cor
e with my thumb and she moaned loudly. "For all of it. I was wrong. I shouldn't
have brough it up. And I didn't mean to upset you..." she apologized.
"And?" I asked.

"For...for doubting that you loved me..." she moaned. I stuck a finger in her an
d she took a shaky breath as she tried to talk again. "A-and for...for questioni
ng our relationship," she breathed and I stuck in another finger while lowering
down to place a soft kiss on her lips.

"Don't ever do that again. We're together because we love each other and we want
to be. Don't ever forget that I love you. Don't doubt it either. I don't want a
nyone but you. Look at us right now. I can't keep my hands off you. Now say it,"
I demanded.

"Say what?"

"Tell me something Violet."

"I-I don't know w-what to...say"

"Violet," I sighed impatiently.

"I love you Jesse. I don't know what else you want me to say."

"Do you want me?" I asked, stopping what I was doing.

"Yes! Of course I do! Don't stop babe," she pleaded.

"Say it."

"I want you Jesse! I want you, only you," she screamed and I leaned down and kis
sed her hard as I continued to pump her again. I stopped right before she climax
ed. She gasped and I shushed her. "Hold on baby," I whispered softly as I slippe
d on a condom. I quickly thrusted into her making us both moan. She was so tight
. I couldn't believe how tight she was.

I picked up my pace and began thrusting into her hard. Her arms went around my b
ack and her nails dug into to my skin as she dragged her nails down my cold back
. I moaned and picked up the pace. She was moaning each thrust and then finally
climaxed. I groaned and stopped moving a bit as I came to. I was nowhere near do
ne with her though. I picked up the pace while she was still sensitive and she m
oaned. She tried pulling me closer but we couldn't get any closer.

I suddenly leaned down and began sucking on her nipple as I continued to thrust.
She yelled out and arched her back. Damn this was hot. Her hips were meeting me
each thrust and her hands were roaming all over my body.

I didn't stop until it was almost morning. We were both sweaty and she literally
couldn't get out of bed. Damn. I was more than tired. I carefully got out of be
d and cleaned myself off. I slipped on a pair of boxers and a pair of sweatpants
before going back over to the bed. I climbed back into bed and pulled my sweaty
wife into my arms. She moaned in delight, I'm guessing since my skin was so col
d while she was sweating like crazy. She was still trying to catch her breath an

d all I could do was smirk. "I love you," I stated.

"I love you too Jesse, I really do," she breathed. I smiled and kisssed her on h
er forehead. I really loved this girl. How she could even doubt that is ridiculo
us. But if she needed me to tell her or show her froom time to time than I'm mor
e than happy to. There was nothing I wouldn't do for her. She was my wife. She w
as more than that. She was everything to me and she deserved the best.

Though I was upset and angry with her I have to say she was right. I wasn't goin
g to tell her that. But she was. I should be spending more time with her. I coul
dn't just be with her all day and night and then suddenly come home late every n
ight to just hold her while she sleeps. I didn't know that it bothered her so mu
ch though. I know she understood but that doesn't mean she had to like it and cl
early she didn't.

I understand though. if she had an ex-boyfriend I sure hell wouldn't like her or
even let her spend time with him. Sure they can hang out if he really was just
friend now but I wouldn't like them spending everyday together. Damn. Now I felt

"Jesse," Violet whispered, snuggling closer to me.

"Yeah babe?" I called and she moaned. I smirked as I realized she was dreaming a
bout me. I pulled her closer to me and she wrapped her leg around my waist. She
was turning me on. Shit. And she was sleep! I moved her leg and moved us so she
was laying by my side and not on top of me.

I sighed to myself and just held her tightly. I had to fix this mess with her an
d Layla. I didn't care if Violet didn't like her, I wasn't asking her to. I need
Layla's help with this construction stuff and that was it. Violet will understa
nd when things are done. If she asked what it was I'd probably tell her. She kno
ws it's a surprise now so she'll probably just wait for it.
Eventually I got out of bed and left Violet in bed. She was still tired. Poor th
ing. I really worn her out. I smirked to myself and headed into the bathroom and
hopped in the shower. I took a quick ten minute shower before going to get dres
sed for the day.

I left the room and headed to go find Layla. I knocked on her bedroom door and s
oon she opened it. "Jesse? Morning," she smiled and I nodded back at her. She pu
lled the door open and let me in. I took a seat at the chair behind the desk and

"Layla...we need to talk."

"About what?" She asked.


"Huh?" She asked but I could see a slight smile on her face.

"I'm married."

"I know," she frowned.

"Happily married. I love my wife-"

"How? Jesse she's-"

"Don't interrupt me. And don't you dare say one word about my wife. I love her m
ore than anytihng and she's the only woman for me. I don't want you. What we had
was in a past. You screwed up everything for you and us which is why I broke up
with you. I don't want you. I moved on and it wasn't that hard. You're just ano
ther one of my exes and mean nothing to me. We can be friends but you need to kn
ow you don't have a chance with me. I was meant to be with her and there's no ch
ance I'd ever leave her. I don't want you, any one of my other exes, or any othe
r girl in the world but Violet. Now I'm only going to tell you this one. I'm tak
en so back off. We can still work together but the moment the shit is built I wa
nt you gone. My wife clearly doesn't like you so I'm keeping distance from you f
or all of our sake. I don't want you getting the wrong idea, my wife upset with
me, and I don't want to upset my wife. She shouldn't be upset or jealous because
we work together. Now I won't be working today. Just get the other side built u
p and by the end of the week we can start with the brick," I stated and got up t
o leave.

She didn't say a word so I was free to go. I was shutting the door behind me whe
n Courtney bumped into me. "What the fuck Jesse?" She cursed rubbing her face se
eing she ran into me.

"My bad."

"What are you doing down here?" She asked as she looked up at me.

"Nothing," I shrugged and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Okay. Well bye," she said and I began walking away.

"Wait a minute! That was Layla's room!" Courtney yelled and I shushed her.

"Shut up. People are trying to sleep," I hissed.

"People? We're vampires...oh your WIFE is trying to sleep! I get it," she smirke
d and I narrowed my eyes. She quickly ran and headed upstairs. I cursed under my
breath and ran after her.

Courtney was already in the bedroom trying to wake Violet up. She was loudly tal
king about how she found me coming out of Layla's room. "W-what?" Violet croaked
, sitting up. I grabbed Courtney and threw a hand over her loud mouth. Courtney
didn't stop trying to repeat herself though. "Nothing babe," I smiled and Courtn
ey bit my hand making me pull it away. Violet looked completely confused as she
looked between Courtney and myself.

Courtney adjusted herself and stood up a straight. She took a step away from me
before she talked. "He just came out of Layla's room!" Courtney yelled, pointing
at me. I clenched my jaw and looked at Violet's reaction.

"Excuse me?" Violet asked, looking over at me.

"Babe go back to sleep. I know your tired," I suggested.

"What is she talking about?" Violet asked.

"He just came out of Layla's room," Courtney stated.

"Uh Court if you haven't noticed we just know," Violet blushed an
d I smirked.

"Well then why was he coming out of Layla's room literally a minute ago?" She as

"You were actually in Layla's room?" Violet questioned.

"Yeah but..." I began. I shot Courtney and annoyed look. Courtney simply smirked
back at me and took a seat on the bed.

"We just had sex on that," I smirked and she gaped at me before screaming and ho
pping off the bed. I watched as she ran out the room and I smirked. That's what
she gets. I shut and locked the bedroom door before joining Violet on the bed. "
I asked you a question," Violet reminded me, as if I forgot.

"I did but it's not what it sounds like. I just needed to talk to her."

"This morning! Right after we did it!"

"It wasn't right afterwards," I pointed out.

"I can't believe you!" She yelled and began hitting me with a pillow. I cringed
as she she continued to yell at me. "After all that shit you said last night! An
d then you go to her fucking room! Are you serious Jesse?" She asked.

"Vi calm down," I pleaded. She stopped and glared at me. She was still holding t
he sheets to her body like she was when Courtney woke her up. "Get out," she whi



"Vi just listen," I sighed.

"Listen to what? I don't care anymore Jesse," she replied and wiped her eyes.

"You don't care about what anymore?"

"About you two! I fucking hate her! What part don't you get? And after having se
x with me you sneak out of bed and are caught leaving her room. Just let me know
when you want to continue your marriage. I don't give a damn why you were there
. I trust you and all but that's unbelievable."

"Vi I told her to back off. I told her you were the only one for me-"

"I don't care! You couldn't have done that later today! You waited what? Two
rs after I was asleep to go talk to her? I wanted to wake up in your arms! I
ted to spend my morning with you. I wanted for us to spend some time togeher
find out that you went to talk to her at all. Thanks for talking to her but
picked the wrong time to do it."


"I'm sorry. Maybe it was the wrong time but it's done. She knows. Babe please do
n't be mad at me," I sighed.

"Why shouldn't I be? If I randomly snuck out of bed-if this was possible, and we
nt to go talk to some guy you hate in his bedroom right after sleeping with you.
If you found out what would you think? I know you didn't do anything with her,
I just can't believe you thought it was important to talk to her while I was nak
ed, in your arms."

"I'm not saying she's more important Violet! How could I? I went to tell her I w
as happily married and she didn't have a chance with me! I wanted to get it out
of the way so I could spend the rest of the day with you. I was headed right bac
k when I ran into Courtney. When she realized I had came out of Layla's room she
ran up here. I wasn't trying to get away from you what so ever. Please just for
give me. I didn't mean to upset you babe. You know how much you mean to me and i
f you don't...I don't what I'm going to do..." I trailed off sadly.

"I forgive you. I'm sorry for getting so mad. Just please think things through.
I love waking up to you not waking up to find out you snuck off to talk to some

"It wasn't like that-"

"I know Jesse which is why I forgive you. I'm going to go shower and then can we
spend some time together?"

"Yes. I'm all yours baby. I have nothing else I have to do today, well besides y

ou," I smiled and she blushed. She leaned over and kissed me softly before hoppi
ng out of bed. I admired my view of my naked wife and watched her head into the
bathroom. She winked at me before shutting the bathroom door. I chuckled quietly
and went and sat on the couch. Well I guess we're done fighting...for now. I wa
s just glad we were okay again.

Violet had nothing to worry about so

make more time for her so it can be
ack to normal now, right after I get
my wife, she was the most important
Chapter 31

maybe now she can relax. And I was going to

just like before. Things were going to be b
my revenge on Courtney. Then I can focus on
thing in my life and she needed to know it.

*Alvin's P.O.V*

"Babe you got to go," I stated.

"But Alvin," she whined.

"Sky I love you but I got to get some work done. The guys are coming over."

"Fine," she pouted and I kissed her softly.

"I love you too," I smirked.

"Whatever jerk," she frowned. I growled playfully and wrapped my arms around her
. "You can come over tonight, I promise," I smiled.

"Okay. And I love you too," she replied. I let her go and walked her out the hou
se to my car. Once she was gone I headed in the house. God she was driving me cr
azy. We have been spending every day together. I didn't mind really. My wolf lik
ed it but I needed space. Plus I couldn't stop thinking about another girl. I wa
s falling for Sky but I didn't want that. All I could do was think about my futu
re wife.

When my friends got over here we began going over some plans. Apparently I could
n't kidnap the girl. Thanks to my new friend, Layla I knew that Jesse was all ov
er my girl all the time. Layla was even more pissed with Violet after Jesse told
her to back off. "Watch how you talk about her," I growled.

"She's nothing but a slut. Why do you even want her?" Layla asked angrily.

"She's not a slut. She's gorgeous. Jesse is the one who said something to you, n
ot her so be mad at that prick."

"Watch it. He's not a prick. He's unbelievably handsome and sweet. And the whole
bad boy thing he has going on is so sexy."

"Whatever," I frowned. It disgusted me just talking about the bastard. "Don't be

jealous. No wonder Jesse has Violet. He's unbelievably gorgeous," she smirked a
nd I stalked over to her. She looked afraid but she kept talking about he had my
woman. Her back soon hit the wall and my body was pressed up against hers. I le
aned in close to her and she narrowed her eyes.

"No wonder Violet has Jesse. She's beautiful-"

"She looks like a toothpick," she retorted.

"Yet he wants her, but doesn't want you."

"He'll see it eventually that she's not good enough for him. There's no way a li
ttle girl like her could satisfy a grown man's needs."

"She definitely would be enough to satisfy me," I smirked.

"How? She has no body. Her voice is annoying as fuck-"

"Just because your voice isn't as beautiful as her and you know nothing about ha
ving a light girly voice doesn't mean you can talk about her."

"Yeah she has a girl's voice. A squeaky girl that sounds like she has a nasal pr

"You are such a liar. She has a voice of a girl unlike you. Her voice isn't so m
anly-like yours. The girl is flawless so don't make up things because you're jea

lous she can have what you gave up."

"At least I had him. He was mine first-"

"And he dumped you," I laughed.

"And soon he'll so it to her-"

"Yeah he will and once her heart is broken I can sweep in and make her fall for

"Taking advantage of her vulnerable state," she scolded.

"Yeah and you'll try to hook up with him and the moment Violet sees she'll never
go back to him for thinking that he's been lying to her the whole time. And the
n Jesse will reject you, as usual and be completely crushed. Then he'll die alon
e because I'll kill him," I grinned evilly.

Instead of responding Layla slapped me. "Did you just slap me?" I growled angril
y and she smirked. "Yeah I did," she answered. I pushed her further up the wall,
crushing her with my weight. I don't know what came over me but something about
her was a complete turn on. I loved how she didn't get completely scared of me
even when you could see the fear in her eyes. I loved the way she could be evil
and devious. That was quite sexy.

She must have been in the same position as me because she pulled her arms out of
my grip and tangled her hands in my hair. "Now what are you going to do it abou
t?" She asked. I growled lowly and smashed my lips roughly to her cold ones.

*Violet's P.O.V*

Jesse and I were laying in bed, simply cuddled up together. I turned a bit to fa
ce him as I laid on my side. We were all alone in the house as eveyone seemed to
be out this afternoon. I ran a hand down his bare chest and only stopped when I
reached his boxers.
I played with the waist band of his boxers and he groaned. I was about to slip m
y hand in his boxers when he caught my hand. He pushed my hand away and sat up i
n bed. I frowned as I looked up at him. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," he shrugged.

"What do you mean nothing? Since when did you turn me down when it came to sexua
l things?" I retorted.

"Don't try to get mad at me. I don't feel like being teased right now."

"Who said I was teasing you?"

"Um I did. You were going to turn me on and I was going to want you but of cours
e I can't have you," he answered.

"What? Why wouldn't you be able to have me? I don't have any plans. Don't tell m
e you do because we're supposed to be spending the day together," I frowned.

"No I don't have any plans. Babe why are you getting so upset?"

"You wouldn't be upset if you tried to have sex with me and I turned you down be reason?"

"What? Babe if you did whatever you were going to do would you then continue to
have sex with me?" He question but I could tell he already thought he knew the a

"Yes I would. I'm sorry if I wanted my husband. And I guess it makes sense I'm t
rying to get you in the mood but I don't want to have sex," I replied sarcastica

"Don't lie to me. You wouldn't."

"I'm not lying Jesse!"

"You know what, maybe I need to go make plans. It's not funny to tease me Violet
. You know how easily turned on I get by you."

"I'm not teasing you! We're alone and I thought it be nice to fool around," I cr

"How? You're on your god damn period!" He shouted.

"What?" I asked.

"I know it's that time of the month for you. It's on our calendar and you get it
around the first weekend fo every month so don't try to deny it," he explained
while slipping on some jeans. I just watched him throw on some clothes before le
aving the room, slamming the door behind him.

I hopped out of bed with only one of Jesse's t-shirts on me. I wasn't on my peri
od. What is he talking about? I looked at the calendar and froze. It was Sunday,
July 7th. He was right. I was supposed to be on my period. I always get my peri
od during the first week of every month. And most of the time it came on the wee
kend. Usually it started on the seventh and at the earliest was the fifth. Mine
didn't last that long. I got it on the seventh and by the tenth it was gone. Min
e was only four days. That was all.

I didn't understand why I was late. I usually was never late. I was only one tim
e but that was months ago. And I was one day late. I mean mine was regular and a
lways at the same time. I was beginning to panic. I took a deep breath and laid
back down in bed. When's the last time Jesse and I had sex? The fourth of July.
But he wore a condom. There was no way I was pregnant. That was the only thing I
could think of for me being late.

That one time I was late I technically got it on the seventh but didn't find out
until the next morning since I got it overnight. So I've technically never been
late. God damn it. I didn't even have my husband to talk to about this. I wante
d to tell him but at the same time I didn't. I was mad that he thought I was lyi
ng to him. But at the same time I understand. I wanted to tell him so he could c
alm me down. But I also didn't want him to end up freaking out.

I got out of bed and went to go find Jesse. I found him in the living room watch
ing tv. I rolled my eyes and put my hand on my hip. "Since when did we decide it
was okay to walk out the room in the middle of an arguement?" I asked, with a s
light smile.

"When you started lying."

"I wasn't lying," I growled. He turned and looked at me.

"So you're not on your period?"

"No I'm not," I admitted.

"What do you mean?"

"I just haven't gotten it yet."

"But your usually on time."

"I'll probably get it later today," I shrugged. He sighed and ran a hand over hi
s face.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized. I shook my head at him as he was about to get up.
I walked over to him instead and climbed on top of him, straddling his lap. "Yo
u are most definitely forgiven," I stated.

"Are you sure? I really am sorry. I got mad at you and I yelled-"

"Calm down. It's fine. I understand. I just don't want to bother with fighting w
ith you. I just want to spend some time in your arms. I really don't care what w
e do today."

"How about we just stay here, like this?" He suggested and I nodded. I was just
going to wait to see if I get my period later today or tomorrow. As long as I go
t it I was fine. I wasn;t trying to worry Jesse about it. If I don't get it then
I'll tell him. I didn't want to talk about it now and how I'm freaking out on t
he inside. I wanted to enjoy the rest of my day with my husband.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

Here I was in my office, trying to have this meeting again. This time Violet was
happily on my lap with her head on my shoulder. I had my arms wrapped around my
girl as I held her securely. Everyone was again here so we could tlak about thi
s rogue problem.

Everyone was awkwardly staring between each other as we tried to have a re-do me
eting. I sighed before taking a deep breath. "Can we just start where we left of
f? Dalton why do you think it was a coincidence that Jade's plan, rogues over th
roing alphas, and Alvin's plot?" I questioned and Dalton sat up in his seat.

"Well if you really think about it how do three things happen so fast?"

"It was about a month after Jade was dead when the rogues got here," I pointed o

"But he has a point. It was only a month. For all we know they all could be rela
ted," Violet shrugged. I looked at her and our noses were touching. "And how wou
ld that be possible Mrs. Stevens? Jade was dead and she was the one leading a bu
nch of people. Not to mention they were all a bunch of vampires while we have a
rogue problem," I replied.

"That's true. I don't get why Jade has anything to do with this rogue problem,"
Gavin chimed in. Violet frowned and shrugged her shoulders.

"The bitch was crazy, there's no doubt she knows crazy people-Alvin," Violet ret

"Okay what do we know about both Alvin and Jade?" I asked.

"They're both dead," Dalton laughed.

"Yes they are. I can assure you they most definitely are," I smirked.

"Yeah I witnessed Jesse killing Alvin, the boy was dead," Weston chuckled.

"Don't encourage his cockiness. But seriously let's talk about the two. Because
if you really think about it all the plans were kind of the same," Violet interj

"How so?" Simon asked.

"Alvin wanted...well me. To do that he was going to have to get through Jesse's
clan since obviously Jesse would be the main thing in the way seeing he was my o
ver protective boyfriend," she began.

"And now he's the over protective husband," Weston snickered and I chukcled lowl
y but I knew Violet could hear me.

"Then he would have to get through my pack because clearly I wouldn't leave it.
And then the rogues. They were going to try to ruin my pack. Why? What's the poi
nt? All the packs they got to before they destroyed but it was because they were
sneaky with it. But no matter what they didn't take over the pack. It seems as
though they only messed with the packs to get them out of the way. They were hea
ded for me. Why people don't like me? I don't know. But clearly it was different
when the group got here. Clearly we knew all about them and Jesse was quick to
dispose of them. Now that was only a family of about what? Five? There's no way
five people could ruin a bunch of packs. They had more rogues around. Then right
after thos rogues are gone Jesse finds some other rogues led by Alvin. Jesse ki
lled Alvin and most of the rogues were killed. But the rest of them retreated be
fore that. How do we know the remaining ones aren't the rogues we're having prob
lems with? It would make more sense if they were by Alvin's threat. They have re
al motive, to come after me," Violet continued and I frowned.
"Okay I got that. And it makes sense babe but where would Jade fit in?" I asked.

"I don't know," she mumbled and I chukcled. I kissed the top of her forehead and
looked around at everyone.

"What if she doesn't relate at all?" Dalton questioned.

"Okay take her out of the equation. We still have the real problem-rogues. Jade
is dead. I promise you that. But we still have the rogue family bullshit and the
n Alvin's rogues," I stated and Violet sighed.

"What do we know about Alvin?" Gavin asked.

"He was a kid who went to Violet's college. He was obviously obsessed with Viole
t. And he didn't take it too well when Violet turned him down when he asked her
out on a date," I answered.

"Violet was he smart?" Simon questioned.

"I guess," Violet shrugged.

"Why does it matter?" I asked.

"Because if he was really smart and he was only around Violet's age well younger
than us than he wouldn't have only been a sophomore in college. Violet was sixt
een if he was 18 he should have been a freshman. He lived on our area but neithe
r of us knew him. If he was our age we'd know him because everyone goes to the s
ame school. And for him to be in college he would have had to go to our high sch
ool with us," Simon explained.

"Violet and I didn't go to school together," I pointed out.

"Different your both smart. We're the same age and we were sophomores together t
hen you skipped your junior year. In your senior year you were 17 and taking col
lege classes. Then afterwards you were in college for two years since you had hi
gh school credits that made up your freshman year like Violet. And you finished
you sophomore year in college in your senior year of high school. During all tha
t Violet was just finishing middle school when you were in your senior year. She
was a sophomore in college while I was a senior," Simon retorted.

"Yeah because I skipped the fourth grade, then 10th, and in my senior year Simon
was in his junior year," Violet confirmed.

"True. That makes sense. And if he didn't go to school with us where did he go?"
I smirked.

"Oh yeah we got this Jess!" Simon cheered.

"What?" Violet asked.

"Babe if he didn't go to school with us then he didn't go to highschool. There's

only two high schools here," I began.

"What if he went t the other one?" Gavin questioned.

"He couldn't. Jesse's dad had built a school for vampires after Jesse graduated.
It was only for vampires and it was made because Simon and Jesse hated each oth

er more than any other future leaders. Plus if he was our age he had to have bee
n going to school while we all were meaning he would have to be in our school,"
Dalton explained.

"But he's a rogue. What if he had recently got to our area?" Weston chimed in.

"He didn't. He had a tatoo on his arm. He was in a pack from here," Violet state

"He wasn't in my pack," Simon replied.

"No! He wasn't! He's from here. Most werewolves get tattoos representing what pa
ck their in. Each state has a different color. His was green meaning our state,"
Violet grinned.

"Babe your not making any sense. There's only been one pack in this state for ye
ars. And what if he just had a regular green tattoo?" I asked.

"No babe listen. Most alphas-birth right ones have tattoos on their arms. They g
et crazy colors for each state. It's not like a regular tattoo a human can get.
This one is permanent. I never thought about it until now. He had talked about i
t to Lyn but since she's human he lied. I didn't realize he was a werewolf so I
didn't really think into it. Each alpha has the same mark but different color. H
is would look just like Simon's but would say his pack's name instead of Simon's
pack. That's how you tell them apart. Werewolves are all tan but their tattoos
always show up no matter what color it is. Look at Simon's and uncle Gavin's," V
iolet ranted.

She hopped off my lap and I watched both Simon and Gavin get out their seats. I
stood up and walked over to Gavin first. "Mine is on my back," Gavin stated and
I nodded. He took off his jacket before un-buttoning his shirt. God were all wer
ewolves on steroids. Shit I worked out like crazy when I was younger and still d
on't have huge muscles like that.
"I can hear your thoughts babe. And I don't know if you forgot but uncle Gavin i
s the strongest alpha in the world," Violet reminded me in our mind link.

"And I'm the strongest vampire in the world," I retorted.

"I know. It's such a turn on. And trust me I only have eyes for you. I don't kno
w if you knew this but vampires are my type. All the men in here are built but h
e's my uncle, and I don't find the rest attractive at all. Plus you have a lot o
f muscle," she replied and I looked at her. She sent me a wink making me chuckle

I turned my attention back to Gavin and I could see the tattoo Violet was talkin
g about. Gavin's was gold. It was so weird because he was so tan looking but you
could see from miles away his gold tattoo. I moved onto Simon's who had his on
his chest. I rolled my eyes at that but none the less you could see the dark gre
en circle with a wolf in it with words written under it. He was kind of similiar
to Gavin's but Gavin's was different to an extent, probably because he was the
alpha of all alphas.

After everyone put their shirts back on I sat back down. Violet hopped on my lap
and kissed me gently. I raised an eyebrow and she just shrugged. "I couldn't he
lp myself," she muttered and I laughed as I saw her blushing. She was just too d
amn cute.

"So we're saying Alvin's an alpha?" I asked, getting back to the meeting.

"He has to be," Violet stated.

"How? How could he be though?" Dalton questioned.

"Wait he's probably 20 right?" Gavin questioned.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Well Violet get me room at your pack house. I just extended my stay. Jesse get
me a meeting tomorrow with your dad. I think I know how it's possible but I need
to talk to your dad. If anyone knows anything it's him. Your dad is the second
strongest vampire in the world. He's also the oldest that's still alive. Most of
the old timers have died recently," Gavin replied and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Babe relax. Harold isn't going to die soon just because most of the people he g
rew up with have," Violet frowned and I nodded slowly.

"Okay. I'll talk to him. I guess I'll see you guys Sunday maybe?" I asked and ev
eryone agreed. It was Friday, July twelth. We were going to have this meeting ea
rlier but Simon had been out of town after our last meeting up until yesterday s
o we had it today.

Afterward everyone left. Violet and Weston talked before deciding Weston was goi
ng to get Gavin a room to stay in, leaving Violet and I free to head to bed. It
was late at night, now ten o'clock and the meeting began at seven. Time goes by
so fast. But this is something very important so we all have been thinking like
crazy. This problem needed to be solve soon but it could take months too. My big
gest worry was keeping Violet safe. She was my wife and my mate, I needed to mak
e sure she was safe at all times since she's in danger even if she doesn't want
to aknowledge or accept it. It didn't matter though because I would be keeping m
y woman safe. She meant everything to me and I would do anything for her.
Chapter 32

*Harold's P.O.V*

"Monica you can't go," I repeated. She groaned in annoyance and I wrapped my arm
s around her waist. She had her arms folded across her chest angrily. I sighed
and kissed her cheek. I had my meeting to go to with Gavin. My lovely wife wante
d to go and I keep telling her no.

"Why can't I go?"

"It's grown folk business," I answered.

"I'm older than Gavin," she retorted.

"You know what I mean. It's grown men business," I corrected.

"But sweetie," she whined.

"Monica you can't go. I'm not repeating myself again. I'll be back in a few hour
s," I stated. She gaped at me and I let her go. I closed her mouth and pecked he
r lips before leaving the room without another word. I loved my wife but we did
get in certain perdicuments but I know when enough is enough.

Sure she'll be upset with me when I get back but I'll make it up to her. I heade
d to meet Gavin over at the pack house. When I got there Violet and Jesse were s
nuggled up in the living room. "Son, Violet," I greeted. Violet jumped and i hel
d back a chuckle. Violet grinned before standing on the couch and hugging me. I
hugged her back and gave my son a small hug next. "Where's Gavin?" I questioned.

"In my office, down the hall," Violet answered and I nodded. I left the young co
uple and headed to the office. When I got there Gavin was talking with Weston. T
hey ended their conversation and Weston said hi to me before leaving.

I took a seat in the chair behind the desk that Gavin was on the other side of.
"What's this about Gavin?" I asked.

"Has Jesse filled you in with our rogue problem?"

"Yes he has."

"Well let's go back a few years to when Jesse was eighteen. I mean just turned e
ighteen. What month is his birthday?"

"His birthday is in September."

"And Simon's birthday is in December. The boths are both the same age. I'm aware
Jesse graduated a year or so early. Now back when he was 18 he was in college r
ight?" He asked.

"Yeah. He was in his junior year of college."

"Well you have a smart son. But do you remember their being a pack besides Simon
's dad in this state? Particularly in this state?"

"Yes. The Shonaesta pack. I remember. They were full of tribe people which is wh
y they had such a native name. They didn't get with the program like all the oth
er packs. Which is why it was weird having Simon's pack, Striking Shadow. It was
changed when Simon's great grandfather was alpha. Their last name used to be Sh
adow as you may recall. Simon's grandfather changed his last name when he skippe
d town, abandoning his pack to protect them. We dealt with that mess though. And
by the time Simon's dad was born his last name wasn't Shadow. The name didn't c
hange that much. They went from Shadow to Shaw," I shrugged.

"Yes the Shonaesta pack. They were only here for how many years?"

"Well Jesse was three when they got here so about fifteen years," I answered.

"Do you know why Simon's great-grandfather skipped town?"

"Rogues. Apparently rogues were after him. They had killed his dad, hoping to st
op the Shadow pack from continuing by blood. But Simon's great-grandfather, Sawy
er had a son. Sawyer had a two month year old son which was Simon's grandfather.
Sawyer was killed and the rogues thought that was it so they ran off to whereve
r they were sent from. Saywer's son, Solomon took over at 16, taking over from t
he alpha while he was still young. Solomon was always aware of the rogue problem
with his pack. Rogues didn't find out until Solomon had a eight year old son, S
imon's father. Simon Sr. was only eight when his dad took off. His dad left so t
he rogues would follow after him. He apparently made it cross the border of the
U.S and went to Mexico. Solomon was already 40 something at that age. He died so
mewhere in Mexico. He changed his name when the rogues took after him so they wo
uld believe that he was the last member of the Shadow family. Solomon changed hi
s last name when the rogues first appear and tried to attack him. His wife was p
regnant so he changed it so they never get his son, so they could stop the fate
of each heir being killed just after having a son. But when they finaly found So
lomon with nothing but a new last name they chased him down to Mexico and killed
him. Simon Sr. lived his life and had Simon, who is actually Simon Jr. Simon Sr
. died last year of some sickness," I explained.
"Wow. You know a lot."

"You'd be surprise what I know. I'm the oldest vampire out there. There isn't mu
ch I don't know. You know how vampires were wiped out for some time in this coun
try before my generation was born here and multiplied," I laughed.

"True. Well the Shonaesta pack alpha had a son. Did you know?"

"Yes I know he had a son. The alpha's wife died in birth. The alpha died about f
ive years ago though."

"I think the son is Alvin," he stated.

"That would explain the tattoo. But why would he be here? His pack has been gone
now for three years."

"Just enough for the boy to be 18 and become alpha."

"Then why would the pack leave afterwards?" I asked.

"Maybe they all had been rogues before Alvin's dad died."

"Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

"Yup," he sighed.

"Oh god Gavin. This is some history shit. We got to go way back to figure this o
ut. They couldn't have been rogues to form a blood right pack. Alvin's supposed
dad's place as alpha would have been handed to the beta of the pack, who I can't
remember. Then when Alvin was 18 he took over as alpha and the pack disappeared
why? If you are trying to say they went rogue all together that means you are s
aying it's the same rogues that were after the Shadow pack. Then why are they go
ing after Violet and not Simon?" I questioned.

"I don't know Harold. You tell me. You know exactly what I'm suggesting and I kn
ow you know it's possible."

"It is but I really hope it's not so."

"I think it is."

"Okay fine let's say it is. Alvin turns 18 and his pack disperse instead of goin
g rogue. Alvin get himself into a college after most likely dropping out of coll

"How would he have dropped out?"

"He could have been 15 or 16 when his dad died and dropped out. Then he snuck in
to college by connections to get closer to Simon. Instead though Simon didn't go
to college and wasn't a sophomore like Alvin wrongly assumed. Alvin met Violet
and became obsessed with her. Now he wants her. Or he did and he's dead. Now his
rogues are getting revenge on the newly-wedded couple," I explained and he smir

"I think we just solved this case."

"But that'll only bring more problems,"I sighed, running a hand through my hair.


"If he gets Violet then his attention is back on Simon. If Simon is killed their
goes the Striking Shadow pack. And we both can't let that happen. We can't have
a pack going crazy and everyone turning rogue," I explained.

"True. Damn it!" He growled.

"We have to make sure every single person is killed. The only way the Shadow pac
k wouldn't go down if that happen is if Simon had a heir which he doesn't. He re
jected his mate, Violet and is now mateless. He most likely won't have a heir fo
r years. We need to track down these rogues and see who's leading them," I repli
ed. He nodded in agreement and we both shook hands before going to find Jesse an
d Violet. I said goodnight to them both and told them we talk about everything S

I didn't need either one of them worrying about this mess right now. I was stres
sed with just knowing that it was possible. There was no way we were wrong. It a
ll makes sense. It's hard to follow but it makes sense. This shit goes back abou
t a hundred or more years ago.

When I got into the bedroom Monica was sitting on the computer. I walked over to
her and was standing behind her as she read some news article online. I placed
my hands on her shoulders and she shrugged them off. "Come on you can't be made
at me," I sighed.

"I can and I am."

"Monica," I groaned.

"What? You didn't want me to go and I didn't now leave me alone."

"You know you couldn't go. It was only Gavin and I talking. If you want you can
come to the meeting Sunday, ok? Just check with Violet if it's okay."

"There's a meeting Sunday?"


"Well you want to fill me in?" She asked and I sighed.

"Sure, why not?" I muttered. She got up and we went to lay down on the bed. I to
ld her everything besides what Gavin and I figured out today. She was happy I to
ld her which meant that she wouldn't be ignoring me. I was only happy if she was
happy. It's hard to be happy when your wife is upset especially when you know i
t's your fault that she is sad. I tell ya women are the most complicated species
in the world.

I've been a round for many centuries. I was with my share of woman when I was yo
ung. I was what humans would say old by the time I settled down with Monica. We
had knew each other for twenty one years before we began dating. When we first m
et she was engaged to another guy. I still remember the day I met her. I didn't
know she was engaged then. But I sure hell made her call the wedding off. Meetin
g her was one hell of a night.


"Allen you know I don't like him," I whispered.

"I know that. He's not the only person here though," Allen retorted.

"Who else is going to be here? It's going to be a bunch of rich snobs. I can't b
elieve I'm wearing a tux," I grunted and he snickered.

"Come on Harold, there are plenty of beutiful single women here," he smirked.

"And people think I can't keep it in my pants," I muttered and he winked at me.
I was the one all the girls said I got around. Was it true? Of course it was. Wh
en I see I pretty girl I go after her. If I want, I get her.

Now Allen was just as bad, if not worse. He knew how to make girls fall for him
before he even made a move on them. The ones he actually liked he paid no attent
ion to. He didn't want to settle down. That's why he's been single all his life.
He dated a girl for ten months then suddenly broke it off with her when she tol
d him she loved him. He said love wasn't for him and since he hasn't settled dow

I been in a few relationships, here and there but that was it. Allen dragged me
into the place and we stood in the huge ballroom. My eyes scanned the room for f
emales. One girl in particular caught my attention. She was wearing a long gold
dress that was strapless bringin attention to her chest.

She had long black hair that was in bun, it just wouldn't sit on the top of her
head because there was so much hair. WHat stood out was the annoyed look on her
face. All the women here looked happy and elegant. She looked like teen who was
dragged here. She had a wine glass in her hand and was tapping on impatiently in
sync with her foot that she was tapping on the marble floor.

I smirked and headed over to her. "So not everyone here is happy I see," I said
as I made my way over to her.

"Not everyone wants to be here," she muttered.

"Then why are you here."

"My parents. You would think a grown woman could make her own decisions, but I g
uess not," she sighed.

"Well how about we have some fun together?" I asked.

"We're at a ball. I don't belong here."

"Well then we're on the same page. Let's get out of here," I suggested. She look
ed at me and her eyes raked my body slowly. She shrugged and placed her wine gla
ss on the nearest table. She linked our arms and we raced up the long stairwell
and snuck out of the stpid black tie event. We were on the street and I realized
I rode here with Allen.

She didn't mind though. We walked up a long road and began tlaking. She was comp
laining about how her parents still controlled her life after so many years. We
were vampires, 18 didn't make us adults. 1800? Maybe.

We ended up a bar when we got far up the road. We decided to play pool. Well Mon
ica, my companion here didn't know how. She decided we order drinks and we did.
We began drinking and I tried to teach her to play but she was a light weight sh
e was practically already done after the first beer.
"Come on Harry, help me," she pouted. I sighed and brought her to the other end

of the pool table. I placed the pool stick in her hand and she leaned over but e
nded up falling on the table. He butt was sticking out while the rest of her bod
y laid down on the pool table. We both began laughing and she looked over at me,
not bothering to get up.

"Well Harry thanks for nothing," she sighed dramatically. I rolled my eyes and t
ried to help her up but she wouldn't budge. It's when I got behind her and was w
rapping my arms around her waist trying to pull her off that she moaned. "Harry?
I don't think this looks right...but it feels so good," she whispered. I took i
n our position and tried to control my raging hormones.

I let her go by her waist and was about to step back. "Don't move," she pleaded.
I frowned and she scooted her self more down the pool table untilher butt was p
ressed up against my crotch. I groaned and leaned over and flipped her over on t
he pool table so she was on her back, still with her legs dangling off the pool

She propped herself up on her elbows and wrapped her legs arund my waist. I step
ped clotser and caged her in with my hands coming down on either sides of her hi
ps. "Harry? Do you think this is the right place?" She asked.

"Do you think I care?" I questioned, leaning down to kiss her. She turned her he
ad so I got her cheek. I climbed more on top of her and she wrapped her arms aro
und my neck. "I don't have any protection," she whispered.

"I figured. But I do," I reassured.

"Good," she mumbled before leaning up and bringing her lips to mine. I groaned a
t the feel of her lips and kissed her back. I quickly deepened the kiss and took
in the taste of alcohol in her mouth. She tasted so addicting and she was so re
sponsive as she moaned repeatedly in my mouth.

When we pulled away I began kissing down her neck; on her soft, cold skin. My ha
nds had slipped under her dress and were on her thighs. I couldn't believe we we
re making out on top of a pool table. "Harold," she moaned as I sucked on her ne

I pulled back and we were both panting for breath. She went for my jacket and qu
ickly got it off me before beginning to un-button my shirt. My hands went to her
back as I tried to find the zipper. I pulled her zipper down and the dress fell
down exposing her upper body. She gasped and covered her chest. I pulled her ha
nds away and smashed my lips to her.

My body was pressed against her, chest to chest. She still had on her bra though
so her chest wasn't bare. We kissed a bit more and just when she was about to g
et my pants off the owner of the bar came yelling at us.


After we had got caught we got dressed and left. We ended up in a hotel. Once we
were in our room we had sex for the first time. When we woke up she told me she
was engaged. I was unbeliavably pissed. That had been one of the greatest night
s of my life and I couldn't even have the girl I actually wanted.

She left after we fought about it. She went home to her fiance and called me lat
er that night. She apologized for not telling me and explained it was an arrange
d marriage. We began sneaking around with each other but never became official.

Eventually she told her parents she was in love with someone else-me, a year and
a half later when her wedding was weeks away. She told the truth about us and h
er fiance slapped her. She ran out the house crying and I had been waiting outsi
de. She hugged me and her parents came out. When I saw who her dad was. He was n
ot happy to see me. Her dad was way older than me but I was old too. We met many
years before due to work and we just didn't get along.

When he found out it was me he forbid Monica to ever see me or talk to me ever a
gain. Trying to be the good girl she listened. I left the country and ended up i
n Paris. I had went back to being a player and then met a waitress. Really sweet
girl, also a vampire and we hooked up. It was about five years since I had seen
Monica and I was over her, sort of.

Me and the French chick dated for 7 years. On one of our dates I ran into Monica
. She was on her second anniversary to some British guy. Monica was so happy to
see me but I wasn't happy to see her. When my girlfriend found out we got into a
fight. She asked if I still loved Monica and I yelled yes. I was angry and coul
dn't even bother to lie to her.
After that I left. We decided to take a break. I headed to Italy and spent a few
years there. It was four years later after our break when she called me. She to
ld me she tried seeing other people but wasn't over me and wanted me back. I eas
ily went back to her and about two years later we got engaged. We were in the U.
S planning to move in together in a place there. I took her home to finally meet
my parents who I hadn't seen in forever.

My mom loved her my dad didn't. He had something against French people, so I ign
ored him. My fiancee and I had been engaged for nine months when the whole clich
e bullshit happened. I bumped into Monica in a grocery store. Dead serious.

She was single at the time and she told me she was happy for me. We talked about
my wedding coming up and somehow we ended up making out in one of the aisles. W
e decided to get out of there and went to her small town house where we slept to

When we woke up the next morning I left. I called off the wedding and then Monic
a and I finally got together. Since then we've been together. Well that's the sh
ort version of the beginning of our relationship. It took twenty one years of kn
owing each other, and loving each other for us to begin dating, being an officia
l couple.

We were crazy, we were young, and we were in love. No matter how much time we sp
ent apart we always found our way back to each other. We've been together for ab
out three hundred years now. When you're a vampire every a hundred years feels l
ike ten years for a human. It feels like Monica and I got married so long ago bu
t sometimes it feels like just yesterday. And to know I'm still lucky to have th
is beautiful, now mature woman is amazing. We truly grew up together and our lov
e has only sprouted from the first time we met.
Chapter 33
*Violet's P.O.V*
Jesse pulled me down on his lap and I threw my arms around his neck. I nuzzled m
y face in his neck and took a deep breath. It was Sunday meaning it was July 14t
h. And that means my period is exactly a week late. I haven't told Jesse anythin
g about me being late. I had an appointment to see the pack doctor tomorrow.
Here we were in Jesse's office as usual. Well actually the room is actually the
meeting room but on the right wall is the door that leads to his office. We were
trying to continue our meeting. Once everyone was here Uncle Gavin and Harold b
egan telling us there theory. When they finished everyone had fell into silence.
"So your saying if Alvin gets me he'll be after Simon next?" I questioned and Je
sse's grip on me tightened.
"Yes," Harold answered.
"Well now what? You said we would have to kill every single rogue. How can we do
that? We don't know where they are, who the leader is, or how many people there
are," I replied
"That's what we have to figure out," Jesse explained and I groaned.
"I don't want to deal with this though. I just want to be left alone. Someone in
this world hates me. Imagine if Simon and I did mate. What then? We'd both be h
uge targets then," I frowned.
"I'm never going to imagine that," Jesse stated.
"Grow up. You know I love you but seriously babe. If Alvin was stalking me or so
mething he would have found out about Simon and then we both would be in danger.
"Well then that explains why fate brought you to me," he retorted.

"True," I smiled and he relaxed a bit. I kissed him softly so he would relax. I
would never want Simon. I was in love with Jesse and he was all I ever wanted an
d needed.
"Question, are we ruling Jade out of all of this then?" Dalton asked.
"No," I answered at the same time Jesse answered, "yes." Jesse looked at me with
a raised eyebrow and I shrugged.
"You never know. We can't just rule her out because we don't even know for a fac
t that's what actually happened. It's a theory not a fact," I explained and he s
"Alright," he mumbled.
"First things first we need to do some background on Alvin," Uncle Gavin stated.
"How are we going to do that?" Monica asked.
"Easily. Gentlemen let's step outside," Harold smirked.
"Not so fast daddy dearest. I want to know," I stated.
"So do I," Monica frowned.
"Babe don't start. Let me go talk to them," Jesse whispered in my ear.
"Jesse," I whined.
"Violet no. I'm going to go handle some business. Why don't you head up to bed?
I'll be there soon."
"That's not fair. Why can't I know? I'm not some type of kid. And it is my pack
last time I checked," I retorted.
"I know that babe. Just please let me handle this. The information needs to be f
ound and it's probably best if you don't know about it all. Just go head up to b
"But Jesse..."
"Violet please go," he sighed.
"Fine," I grumbled. He kissed my cheek and I hopped off his lap.
"Monica no. I'm not telling you again. Go to our room, go anywhere but you're le
aving. We need to handle some business. This is not a place for wives," Harold s
tated. Monica huffed and got out of her chair. I waited for her and we walked ou
t together. "Boys suck," I pouted.
"Tell me about it. Harold never lets me do anything. I ask and say please but he
just demands that I leave. He doesn't change his mind on anything. When he says
something he means it. At least Jesse asked you to. He didn't demand you to lik
e Harold always does me," she said.
"I guess. Still I don't think its right we have to leave. I mean is it that seri
ous? Men and their stupid egos, dumb pride, and-"
"We can all hear you!" Jesse yelled and I blushed.

"Good because you all are jerks!" I shouted.

"Yes and that's why you women fall for us."
"Whatever," I huffed before stomping off. Monica and I found ourselves in the ki
tchen sharing a tub of ice cream. "Can I tell you something?" I asked.
"Of course, anything."
"My period is late..."
"I should have got it a week ago," I mumbled.
"No. You aren't saying what I think you are, are you?"
"I don't yet. I"m supposed to go to the doctor's tomorrow. I wanted to talk to h
er about it. And maybe she can check..."
"What if you are?"
"I don't know. We didn't plan for it to happen so early. I get happy thinking ab
out the fact I could be but at the same time I don't want to get my hopes up," I
"Hopes up on what?" Jesse asked. My eyes widen and I slowly turned around. He ha
d his eyebrows furrowed and a small frown on his red lips. "Hey hansome," I gree
ted with a nervous smile.
"I asked you a question," he pointed out.
"Fine don't say hi to your wife," I frowned. I was still trying to avoid his que
stion. I didn't want to tell him. I didn't know if I was pregnant or not. I didn
't want to make him freak out nor chance him getting his hopes up.
"Hey baby," he sighed, walking over to me. His arms wrapped around my waist and
he kissed my cheek.
"Don't make it sound like such a chore," I teased.
"Oh trust me its not. Every time I get to greet you, I get a kiss," he smirked.
I smiled and leaned up to kiss him. He pulled away too soon though making me fro
wn. "Now tell me," he requested and I bit on my lower lip.
"I'll leave you two alone," Monica muttered before leaving the room.
"Can we not talk about it?" I asked, more like pleaded.
"Babe if you're upset or something I want to know."
"I'm not. I promise you I'm fine. Oh and I forgot to tell you I have a doctor's
appointment tomorrow," I stated.
"For what?"
"It's personal..."
"So what? I'm your husband. I have seen every part of you, kissed-"
"Babe I get what your saying," I laughed, cutting him off.

"Just tell me."

"No," I frowned.
"Why not?" He asked sadly.
"Jesse I promise if there's something I need to tell you I will," I promised. He
nodded and kissed my forehead.
"Alright. And question, when do you go back to school?"
"Um in a week," I stated.
"A week."
"Yes Jesse. I want to finish up my last year."
"How long is going to take?"
"I don't know. I skipped my freshman. I was done most of my sophomore year when
we met. I took my junior year over the whole year we were dating. Then I was doi
ng my senior year then when we started wedding planning I stopped going. I'll be
done maybe in the fall."
"I'm proud of you," he smiled.
"It means a lot coming from you."
"Why me?"
"Because you are my genius husband who finished college already."
"Yeah but I was 19-"
"And I'm 18."
"Still younger than me," he retorted.
"Whatever," I mumbled.
"I talked to the guys and well we're done this situation. You have nothing to wo
rry about. We got to find some things out then we'll talk."
"Together you mean?"
"Yes. I said we'll as in we, as in me and you."
"It was only question so calm down," I replied and he rolled his eyes. He leaned
down and place a small kiss on my lips. "I love you Violet Stevens," he smiled.
"I love you too," I breathed. Suddenly his arms that were around my waist moved.
One went higher while the other went lower and next thing I know I'm in his arm
s being held bridal style. "Jesse!" I laughed.
"Yes baby girl?"

"Put me down," I cried.

"Not happening. I want to carry my woman up to our bedroom. It is way passed her
bedtime," he smirked and I bit on my lower lip to hold in a moan. God I liked t
he sound of that. He groaned and loked down at me with his eyes full of lust. "I
can smell you. I didn't mean sex but we can do that too," he said. I blushed an
d wrapped my arms tightly around him. He smirked down at me before running up th
e stairs.
*Jesse's P.O.V*
I kissed Violet goodbye and shut her car door. I stepped back to watch her drive
off. She was heading to her doctor's appointment while I went to go do somethin
g to keep myself busy. This was a perfect time for me to head to her school. I n
eeded information and someone was going to give it to me.
I hopped
d out my
side and
s trying

in my own car and quickly drove to her school. When I got there I hoppe
car and quickly walked to the main building. I met my friend, Howard in
he quickly led me into some office. We began going through file cabinet
to search for anything on Alvin. I didn't even know his last name.

Howard was a teacher who worked here. He was also a vampire and we were good fri
ends. He was helping me find something or anything on Alvin. I want to know how
the hell he got into the school. How does someone go to college if they never we
nt to high school?
"Jess check this out," he called, holding out a folder to me. I took the folder
and opened it up. We were looking for Alvin but I didn't know his last name so w
e were looking through all the Alvin's at the college. "No this can't be him," I
stated as I looked through it. This Alvin Greenstein was from a different state
, across the damn country.
Howard and I continued to look through all the file cabinets and I finally came
across a nearly empty folder. I opened and it had about three papers in it. Ther
e was a schedule, the application form to apply to the school, and a letter of a
I looked at the schedule and my jaw clenched when I saw it was the exact copy of
Violet's. It was for this year though. The schedule should have been made for h
im last year if he was going here. But no his schedule matches Violet's. The one
she'll have when she starts school, in two days.
What got me though was the name on the schedule. It said Alvin S****. Why is his
last name missing when no one's else is? I looked on the acceptance letter and
frowned. It said the same thing when adressing him with his name. And it was two
sentences. Dear Alvin you have applied to our school, blah blah blah. Then the
next sentence just said he was accepted and they look forward to seeing him soon
Why was his so short? I grabbed his application and all it had was his name the
same exact ways as the other one. And everything else was filled in with stars.
Even his signature at the bottom of the page had been crossed out with black mar
"This is our guy," I stated and Howard nodded. Howard and I talked a bit before
I said goodbye and thanked him. I headed home with my information and decided I
was going to find out who the hell allowed the boy into the school. I would have
went right to the dean of the school but I got a text from Violet saying she wa
s heading home and she wanted to talk. About what? I'm not too sure. Did I ask?
Yes. She said she just needed to tell me something important.

When I got home Violet wasn't here yet. I headed to mhy office and hid the folde
r in my drawer in my desk, the only one you need a key for. The key Violet doesn
't have and even if she had I knew she wouldn't go through it. I should make her
a copy soon enough. There's always been only one key for everything in my offic
e and I wanted my wife to have one. She meant everytihng to me so she should. Wh
y I just thought of all this? I don't know. I haven't been doing much work in my
office so I didn't think about it.
I left my office and headed up to the bedroom and Violet pacing back and forward
as she held her phone tightly in her hand. "Hey sexy, what's wrong?" I asked an
d she froze. She looked up at me and smiled nervously.
"Nothing. I'm fine babe," she replied and I nodded slowly, coming into the room
all the way. I shut the door behind me before walking over to her. I walked over
to my gorgeous wife and placed my hands on her hips. "Did I mention how sexy yo
u look today?" I asked and she blushed.
"I think so," she smirked.
"Good because you do. I'm loving these jeans on you," I stated and she bit down
on her lower lip. I walked her back and laid her down on the bed, climbing on to
p of her. She giggled and tried to push me back. "Jesse stop, now is so not the
time," she smiled.
"Why not?" I frowned and she traced her thumb over my bottom lip.
"Don't look so sad, it makes me sad," she pouted and I quickly pecked her lips t
o remove her little pout. She blushed and pushed on my chest again. This time I
let her push me off her. I sat at the edge of the bed and I kicked off my shoes.
I took off Violet's flats off for her and then afterwards she sat up and crawle
d over to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck from behind and kissed the sid
e of my neck. "I love you Jesse," she whispered in my ear.
"I love you too Vi," I smiled, looking over my shoulder. She rubbed her nose aga
inst mine and I closed my eyes before closing the spaces between us and going in
for a real kiss. The kiss was sweet and slow but left us both breathless. I pul
led Violet on my lap and brushed some strands of her hair behind her ear.
"What did you want to talk about?" I questioned and she bit down on her bottom l
ip nervously. Before she could speak her phone vibrated in her hand. She looked
down at it and squealed. She gott off my lap and I furrowed her eyebrows. She lo
oked down at her phone and quickly did something before putting it on the desk.
She slowly turned to face me. She was grinning ear to ear and looking at me with
so much love. I raised an eyebrow but none the less smiled. I couldn't help but
smile when I saw my wife that happy. But now I wanted to know why she was so ha
"What's up babe?" I asked. She took a deep breath and walked over to me, climbin
g onto my lap so she was straddling me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and
pressed her lips to mine lightly for a small peck. "Well you see babe, we're goi
ng to have a baby," she stated and I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What?" I asked. I had no clue what she had just said to me.
"You're going to be a father Jesse," she smiled.
"Who? Me? Wait what?" I asked, completely confused. I kept feeling like I couldn
't hear her. It's like her lips were moving but nothing was coming out. Everythi
ng she was saying wasn't processing in my head. My brain wasn't comprehending wh
at she was saying. It was like she was talking in code.

"I'm pregnant," she stated and my eyes widened. I heard that loud and clear. vio
let began laughing while I felt like the world just stopped spinning. I was over
whelmed with a bunch of feelings but the one that stuck out the most was fear. I
closed my eyes tightly and tried to calm down. She was pregnant. We were having
a baby. I was going to be a father.
I began panicking on the inside as I went over all the bad things this meant. It
would be dangerous for her, we were not in the perdicument to be having a baby,
we literally just got married, I'm still living in the clan house, I'm not read
y to be a dad, and I'm not ready to have a pregnant wife.
"Babe?" Violet whispered softly and I
rn. I should be the one concerned for
leaned her forehead against mine. "I
right now but I know it can't be good
ything right now," she stated.

opened my eyes. Hers showed a lot of conce

her. She ran her hands through my head and
don't know what's going through your mind
so stop. I don't want you worry about ever

"How can I not? We can't have a baby. Look around Violet, this is not the time o
r the place. How the hell did this even happen? When did it even happen? I alway
s made sure I was wearing a condom," I sighed in irritation.
Violet whimpered and got off my lap. She stood infront of me with tears in her e
yes and her hands on her hips. She looked sad and I wanted to take the pain away
. I couldn't though I was upset with myself. She's only 18. She's not ready to h
ave a baby. And I didn't want to risk her life just to have a baby. Of course I
wanted to have kids but I didn't want to right now. I wanted to wait at least an
other few months before this was even possible to happen. At the earliest I want
ed to wait a few more months until I was done my project with Layla that way Vio
let and I could settle down together, alone.
"We can have a baby and we are. Look around Jesse what the hell is missing? I lo
ve you and you love me. That should be the only thing that matters. And it happe
ned when we made love, the night we mated. The night you forgot to wear a condom
. The night we had the best sex of our lives besides our first time. I want this
baby and if you don't then..." she trailed off sadly. I could hear the irritati
on, anger, and sadness in her voice as she spoke.
"Babe-" I began but she cut me off with a sob. I got off the bed and wrapped my
arms around her. She struggled a bit before going still. She looked up at me and
met my eyes before crying in my chest. "Shh...babe please let me explain," I pl
eaded. She continued to cry and when she finally stopped I sat her down on the e
dge of the bed. I tried to make her look at me but she only looked down at the f
I got down on my knees right in front of her and took her hands in mine. "Violet
please listen closely. I love you baby. I love you so much Vi. You know I want
kids, and of course I want this one. I'm sorry if I made you think that I didn't
. I'm just scared to have a baby. Do you know how dangerous it is for you to try
having a baby? And how dangerous it is to raise a baby, our baby especially whe
n we have this rogue problem? I'm sorry for upsetting you Vi. I just was going o
ver all the things and it wasn't sounding like a good idea. I'm happy though. I
just want you to be happy. You're only 18, I don't want you upset the fact you'r
e becoming a mom so early. You're the most important thing to me and so is our b
aby now. I just wasn't ready to have a baby. I didn't see it coming at all. But
things are going to be fine. I'm really happy for us. I get to have a baby with
the love of my life. We're starting a family together Vi. How could I not be hap
py with that thought?" I asked.
"You are?" She croaked, looking up at me.

"Yes Violet. We're having a baby," I grinned and she smiled happily. I wiped her
eyes and she hugged me tightly.
"I'm so sorry. I thought you were upset and didn't want the baby. Please Jesse d
on't think about all the bad things. I know we didn't plan this and it's not per
fect timing. But I'm so happy right now. Please let's focus on the good parts. O
ur baby is going to have us as parents and we have all our friends and family he
re to help us with everything. Our baby will be safe, I know you'll keep them sa
fe and me safe. I trust you with my life and my heart Jesse. I want to have a fa
mily with you and I don't care that we're starting our family early."

"I understand baby. Now I'm sorry for my outburst. I was irritated with myself f
or not using protection. But I'm glad I didn't now. I want us to have this baby.
I really do and I promise not to be negative about it. I can focus on our happi
ness, I promise babe."

"Good," she smiled and kissed me tenderly. I moaned into her mouth and she soon
pulled away. She pulled me closer and I ended up on top of her as she laid down
on the bed. I got off her and pulled her on top of me, wrapping my arms around h
er waist. She then told me about how she found out. Apparently our doctor sent h
er a text with her test results and reported her pregnant. I was so happy though
. I was happy that she was happy. I was happy I was going to get to be a dad. An
d I was happy I was going to have a baby.
Chapter 34

*Violet's P.O.V*

Jesse and I were still laying on the bed just talking. I couldn't believe I was
pregnant! I was so happy and excited. Jesse was sure we were having a boy...thre
e boys. He was definitely set on having those triplets of his. Why? I'm not too
sure. I had just finished telling him about my doctor's appointment and then he
said something about not being able to wait to find out the gender of the babies
. Yeah he said babies.

"Vi, are you listening to me?" Jesse frowned.

"Uh no, sorry," I smiled sheepishly.

"As I was saying. If it happens to a girl in there then you're probably having q

"Excuse me? Jesse if I am having four babies during my first pregnancy then I'm

kicking your ass for doing this to me," I interrupted and fear flashed through h
is eyes before he shrugged.

"I don't care. I'm practically immortal so go right ahead. I know you want a gir
l so maybe there will be one in that small tummy of yours-"

"You are so cute," I squealed as I watched the huge grin on his handsome face. H
e looked like a little kid on Christmas. Jesse rolled his eyes dramatically at m
e before kissing my forehead.

"Hey babe why do you want triplets?" I asked.

"I don't know. I like the number three. It was just the picture I created in my
mind of having three kids, so triplets. And I wanted a boy or two...or three so.
..yeah," he shrugged.

"Well I can't promise you'll have that," I replied sadly. It made me and my wolf
upset when we thought about not being able to make our mate happy.

"Babe I don't care if we have a hundred girls or just one. I'll be happy with no
matter how many kids we have no matter their gender. Don't get so sad. I don't
really care if that happens or not, I'm just saying it'd be awesome if we did,"
he explained, caressing my cheek.

"Promise you won't be sad?"

"How can I be? I've got to be the luckiest person in the world to have such a pe
rfect wife that is pregnant with my child or my babies," he smiled and I leaned
down and brought my lips to his for a soft kiss.

When we pulled away I finally climbed off of him. Jesse looked up and frowned at
me before sitting up on the bed. "Where you going?" He asked.

"Downstairs to eat, I'm hungry. Now I would love for you to join me if you want,
" I smiled and he nodded eagerly. He hopped off the bed and wrapped his arms aro
und my waist from behind and began trailing kisses from the side of my neck to m
y ear. "Of course I want to," he whispered in my ear and I simply nodded my head
in response. My breath had caught in my throat and I was finding it hard to fin
d any words to say to him.

He let me go but threw an arm around my shoulder before leading me out the room
. When we got downstairs Allen and Courtney were in the living room cuddled up o
n the couch. Allen's eyes narrowed suspiciously as he eyed us and I furrowed my
eyebrows. Why was he looking at us like that. "What has you two so happy? My god
you two always find reasons to be unbelievably happy and lovey dovey," Allen co

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You can say that again. First is was because they were just starting to go out,
then they so in love, then engaged, and then marriage, so what could be the rea
son you're so happy? I think the newly wed stage is over and the honey moon stag
e been over, so what is it now?"

"Oh nothing, nothing at all," I answered and Allen nodded slowly in deibelief.

"Then why id he looking at you like that?" Courtney asked and I looked up rto se
e Jesse staring at me lovingly. I blushed under his gaze and he leaned down to k
iss my now red cheek. "Obviously because I love my beautiful wife," Jesse answer
ed, rolling his eyes at Courtney.

Jesse got us moving again and we headed into the kitchen where Monica was cookin
g. "What you making momma?" I asked and she turned to look at me and Jesse.

"Nothing for you," she stated.

"I take offense to that," I pouted.

"I'm only teasing. I'm making cookies," she stated.

"Chocolate chip?" I asked excitedly.

"Of course," she grinned and I squealed. I looked up at Jesse and threw my arms
around his neck. "I love cookies," I grinned. Jesse laughed and picked me up by
my thighs. I let out a yelp in surprise before wrapping my legs around his waist
. "You are so adorable," he stated and I blushed.

"Glad you think so. Now can you be a sweetheart and make me something to eat."

"What do you want to eat?" He questioned and I froze. What if I couldn't eat cer
tain things now that I was pregnant?


"I actually ordered pizza if you guys want to wait for that to get here," Monica
stated and I nodded my head. Pizza sounded okay. I'm sure there was nothing wro
ng with eating it. Jesse carried me into the living room where we sat on the lov
e seat. I cuddled into Jesse's side seeing his arm was wrapped around me securel

"You okay baby?" He asked softly and I nodded slowly. I felt a little tired but
didn't want to go to bed. I wanted to eat first. "Just tired," I whispered.

"Go to sleep."

"I don't want to," I whined.

"Shh...relax. I think Courtney is putting on a movie. Once the pizza gets here w
e can eat then we can go to bed," he replied and I nodded. A smiled tugged at my
lips after what he said. He said WE could eat and go to bed like he did either
of them. I loved that he thought like that though. We practically did everything
together anyways.

"Wait a minute. Why did your mom order pizza?" I questioned.

"Huh? I don't know. I didn't think about," he muttered.

"Because Gavin and Natalia are coming over and Monica didn't have anytime to coo
k a meal herself," Allen explained.

"Why are they coming?" I asked.

"I don't know. Harold and Gavin want to discuss some business and couldn't do it
with out their wives, who couldn't stay out of it. And somehow Monica and Natal
ia thought it would be great to have a double date," Courtney shrugged.

"Speaking of business Allen, I want to dicuss very important things with you," J
esse stated and I looked to see him smiling evilly and his eyes shined with mish
eif. I didn't even want to know what my husband was up to. I raised an eyebrow a
t him and he just sent me a wink making me narrow my eyes. "Don't mind your pret
ty little head about it," he mumbled softly and I nodded slowly.

"Babe can we talk later?" I asked.

"About what?" He asked and I grabbed his hand that was on my waist and brought i
t to my stomach. Understanding crossed his features and he kissed the top of my
head. "Just a few things," I stated. Courtney then got up to put on a movie and
I slowly began to fall asleep in Jesse's arms.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

It was around three in the morning when Violet finally started to stir. SHe had
me scared for a moment. She fell asleep around 6 or 7 and has been sleep since.
She groaned before snuggling closer to me. I sighed in content and closed my eye
s again. I guess she wasn't waking up now.

"Jesse?" She called, pulling away from me. I frowned and opened my eyes to look
at her. She pushed my arms off from around her waist and climbed out of bed quic
kly. "Vi?" I called as she ran into the bathroom.

"I got to pee!" She shouted and I chuckled. She had me worried for a second. She
came out the bathroom a few minutes later and shot me a weak smile. I could see
that she was still tired but I knew what was coming next. She was going to refu
se to go back to sleep. "Baby what time is it?" She asked, crawling into bed.

"A little after three in the morning."

"Oh," she yawned, pulling the covers over her before cuddling against me. I wrap
ped my arnms around her waist and kissed her forehead.

"You hungry? You didn't eat dinner."

"I'm a little bit hungry but I'm really cold," she replied and I chuckled. She's

cold yet she's snuggling up closer to me by the second.

"Well let's talk."

"Yeah that's what I wanted to do. I wanted to ask you when you wanted to tell ev
eryone that we were having a baby," she smiled and I shrugged. We both ended up
sitting up and I pulled her on my lap.
"We can tell them whenever you want. I just want to wait until tomorrow after I
talk to Dr. Zimmerman. This is going to be a crazy pregnancy Vi. You're the firs
t female werewolf to have a vampire's baby. And it's even more dangerous because
you're hybrid and your body is still adjusting to that."

"I know babe. But I really want to tell everyone."

"Can we wait a bit? Please? I don't want something bad happening any time soon."

"Like what?" She frowned.

"You could have a miscarriage, you might be in danger and we might have to have
an abortion-"

"That's not happening."

"Babe if it's impossible for you to survive then we are," I stated.

"Excuse me? Don't tell me what I'm going to do with my baby."

"It's our baby."

"Not when you threaten our child's life."

"I'm not. I'm just saying if I have to pick between you and our baby I'm picking

"But Jesse I don't want to kill our baby," she cried and I sighed.

"Please don't start crying. There's no one saying we have to. Let's talk to the
doctor and we'll figure out when will be the best time for us to tell everyone."

"Your mom knows my period was late though and that I went to the doctor's yester

"You told my mom but not me? Is that what you two were talking abou the other ni

"When you walked in? Yeah."

"Why didn't you tell me your period was still late?" I asked.

"I didn't want to get your hopes up or make you worry about me," she answered an
d I sighed in understanding. I wasn't happy with it but I understood.

"Let's just take you downstairs to eat."

"Any pizza left?"

"Yeah. I left three slices for you, let's go heat them up," I suggested and she
nodded. She kissed my cheek before climbing off my lap. She was still in her clo
thes from earlier only because I didn't try to change her out of them because I
didn't want to wake her. I had carried her up to bed then laid down with her.

We both got out of bed and headed downstairs together. There wasn't another pers
on around leaving Violet and I all alone. We made it to the kitchen and Violet t
urned on the lights. I wrapped my arm around her waist and she leaned into me. I
kissed the top of her head before leading her over to the table.

I went and got the plate out the fridge before putting it in the microwave for a
couple of minutes. I carried the plate over to Violet and she smiled happily. "
Thanks Mr. Stevens," she grinned and I winked back at her.

"You're very welcome Mrs. Stevens."

"I'll never get tired of that," she stated and I chuckled. I took my phone out m
y pocket and began playing a game on it while Violet ate her food. "We have a do
ctor's appointment at nine, ok?" She asked.

"I'm all yours," I answered.

"Good," she smirked, putting down her phone.

"Did you just schedule an appointment?"


"Zimmerman is up at this hour?"

"No but her secretarty is."


"Her husband is out on patrol tonight. She can't sleep without him. And Melanie
is a very good friend of mine," Violet explained and I nodded.

"Whatever babe, eat your food."

"I am," she whined. I rolled my eyes and let her feed me a bite. We continued to
sit there, I watched her eat with a small smile on my face and she continued to
blush under my gaze as she ate. "What did I tell you about watching me eat?" Sh
e asked with a small smirk.

"You told me not to, but I can't help myself. You're just so beautiful, I can't
keep my eyes off you," I answered and she rolled her eyes.

"You are way too sweet for your own good," she laughed, leaning over to place a

small peck on my lips. "I try," I smirked and she smacked my arm playfully befor
e getting up. I stood up and waited for her to finish washing her plate.

Once she was done she dried her hands then walked over to me, throwing her arms
around my neck. "I had a nice nap and you know I've been missing this sexy body
of yours," she whispered seductively.
"Oh really?"

"Yes really."

"How about we take it to the bedroom?" I questioned and she nodded. I picked her
by her thighs and she gasped in surprised before wrapping her legs tightly arou
nd my waist. My arms wrapped around her and my hands landed on her ass. She bega
n giggling and I kissed the side of her neck. How did I get so lucky? My wife is
beautiful and lovable. She's pregnant with my kid. I quickly ran out the kitche
n and headed to our bedroom.

*Violet's P.O.V*

"So how are you feeling this morning?" Dr. Zimmerman asked.

"Pretty good," I smiled. Jesse squeezed my hand that he was currently holding an
d I grinned back at him.

"Well I see you shared the news with Mr. Stevens. How happy are you Jesse?" She

"Happy is an understatement.
fefct family," he beamed and
on the bed in ther doctor's
"Well that's good. Now we're
t?" Dr. Zimmerman asked.

I got the perfect witfe and soon we'll have the per
I leaned down to kiss him. I was sitting on the bed
office while he sat in the chair right by the bed.
here today to go over how dangerous this is, correc

"Yes," Jesse confirmed and I frowned.

"Well you know this is going to be difficault anyways since one of you are a vam
pire and the other is a werewolf. It has always been a vampire woman with a were
wolf man. Even though many survive some don't. There's a 15 percent chance they
could die. Now you, Mrs. Stevens we don't know the risk but it's high. We could
have figured it out maybe before but now you're a hybrid which would make it eas

ier but you haven't adjusted fully to the vampire side and neither has your wolf
making it dangerous to carry a baby. Your wolf could physically try to hurt you
purposely to get rid of the baby. Do not under any circumstances let her take o
ver Violet. If she's not happy with the change or settled with it then she will
try to kill the baby and most likely find a way to suceed. You and your baby are
both very fragile right now. The baby is just forming, not even a baby really s
o it can be very easy to accidentally lose the baby. Now Jesse make sure you kee
p her safe. Do her a favor and keep her in bed for two weeks. I want her to see
me very frequently so I can keep an eye on her," Dr. Zimmerman stated.

"What can we do about her wolf?" Jesse questioned.

"I really don't know. Her wolf is still very hostile-" She began but I cut her o
ff with a growl. Jesse placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed it up and down soo

"Very hostile and even though she's calm now with the state she's in she
eact badly when her wolf finds out she's pregnant with perhaps a vampire
er wolf migh have accepted you two being together and even taking you as
but Violet is still young and so is her wolf. There's no telling how her
ll react. If she reacts badly then Violet is going to have to watched at
es to make sure her wolf doesn't take control and hurt herself."

could r
baby. H
a mate
wolf wi
all tim

"My wolf isn't going to kill our baby," I stated.

"Violet you have no control. I could be a simple as running into a wall and you
losing your baby," Dr. Zimmerman retorted.

"I'm not-" I started.

"Violet," Jesse warned and I clenched my jaw.

"I'm just warning you guys. If you both talk to your wolf then maybe she'll unde
rstand. She accepted Jesse so she'll probably accept the baby. Also another risk
is if you trust yourself enough to shift then you have to be careful. You don't
want to put yourself in danger. Try not running off by yoursefl and stuff becau
se if there's a rogue or something and they bite you near your stomach, on your
stomach, or you lose a lot of blood it will be fatal for your child."

"I'll take care of her wolf problems. She'll be fine with that," Jesse promised.

"Good. Now there is a regular high risk for miscarriage for couples like you two
. Hopefully since she's a hybrid you'll have a chance of having the baby. Or may
be we'll find out if couples like you too are easier to have a baby."
"I'm not an experiment," I spat.

"No you aren't. In some cases you practically are. There has never been a case l
ike this. We have to take precaution and we want to know everything about this t
ype of pregnancy."

"Why will it matter? I don't really care. I just want to have my baby peacefully

"Violet drop the attitude," Jesse demanded. My wolf growled in anger inside me a
nd kept fighting to come out. I couldn't control it though. She was pissed and I
was offended. I wasz agreeing with what my wolf was saying but I didn't have th
e guts to say it.

"No! I don't want to be here. I don't want to talk about this. I'll find someone
else to help me through my pregnancy and you can leave me the hell alone Jesse,
" I snapped. I got off the bed and pulled my hand out his before storming out th
e room. I made it one step into the the waiting room when I was grabbed by Jesse
frokm behind. My wolf was in control and now I just get to sit and watch her (m
e) fight with him. "You aren't going anywhere. You are going to sit down, listen
, and get over it. She's helping us out right now. Cut it out with the attitude
or we are getting rid of this baby," he threatened.

I growled angrily at him and pulled out of his grip and slapped him. His jaw cle
nched and he grabbed my wrist in a tight grip and yanked me towards him. "I'm no
t joking. Give me my wife back and calm the fuck down," he cursed.

My body began shaking in anger and I was ready to shift. "Violet, take control.
Now!" Jesse ordered. I'm trying! I really am. My wolf was restrained by Jesse as
he pushed my body up against the wall. His lips met mine neck and got to my mar
k. My wolf responded and purred in content. She was calming down to an extent bu
t she was still pissed off.

He licked over my mark and she let out a low moan. "Stop," she growled. Jesse pu
shed himself further against me and his hands left my wrist and cupped my breast
. "Don't tell me what to do. This is my wife's body and I'll touch it anyway I w
ant. Remember something Violet is mine and so are you. I'll do whatever I want t
o you and you'll like it. Now don't make me tell you again, give my wife back co
ntrol," he commaned.

Slowly her anger turned into lust and I was able to push past it. I roughly shov
ed Jesse off me and he grinned. "Don't be so happy just yet," I stated.

"Violet what's wrong?"

"My wolf wasn't completely wrong. I don't want to be an experiment. I just want
to have a healthy baby. My wolf and I had every right to be offended. She called
us hostile-"

"She called your wolf hostile, which she is."

"My wolf is apart of me Jesse! She is me! It's a package, me and her! We're one

"Babe you're over reacting."

"So what? You have no right to talk to me right now. I can't believe you! You ca
n touch me anyway you want? You threatened to abort our child! Who does that?"

"Violet this is dangerous. I'm not going to lose you over it! I want this baby b
ut if your wolf stays out of control then we should. I don't want you to acciden
tally harm our baby," he retorted and I froze. The tears were in his eyes and al
l my anger melted away as I grabbed both of his hands and pulled me to him. He s
tayed in my embrace and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sorry. I really am Vi. I want this baby, I do. I don't think I could ever g
et rid of it but babe you are more important. Please understand that. If it's sa
fer to wait then I need us to."

"Jesse I can't get rid of our baby. We just have to work with my wolf. She's not
upset with the baby but the way you're talking about our baby hurts us both. I
want this baby and I don't care if I die giving birth to it. I love you Jesse bu
t this baby means everything to me, you and the baby. If you died I would die, i
f this baby dies I will never forgive you."

"What if it's not my fault?"

"I'll understand that. I won't forgive you if you force me to terminate our baby


"Would you leave me?"

"Never babe. I told you I was yours forever. I will be upset with you for awhile
but I'd get over it, but it will be something I'd hold over you head."
"I'd never force you into it unless-"


"I'm sorry babe. I promise I'll be with you every step of the way and we will ha
ve my three triplets," he smiled and I turned my head and kissed him passionatel
y. I know he would never get rid of our baby. He was just scared for me and I un
derstood that. He also said it to force my wolf to give me control. I couldn't b
e mad at him for that when I already know how much he loves our baby. Our baby!
We were having this baby, I knew that for a fact. We just had to deal with all t
he dangers of having this baby. Jesse was going to be my side every step of the
way, I knew that. He was also going to be a great father.
Chapter 35

*Jesse's P.O.V*

Violet and I went back into the doctor's office and Violet immediately apologize
d. Once that was settled we all sat back down in our seats and I laid my head on
Violet's lap and let her run her fingers through my hair. "Well I have some new
s for you two. Your pregnancy is going to be very different. Werewolves usually
are pregnant for six months, Vampires four. Now Jesse is a vampire King and that
means his partner would be pregnant for two months. And Violet you are an alpha
usually alpha mates are pregnant for three months. But you Violet are different
. I'm thinking nine whole months, just like humans," she stated.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"You are going to be having a human pregnancy."

"Just great," Violet muttered sarcastically.

"It's going to be great. Nine amazing months to prepare," I grinned and she smil
ed down at me. She leaned down and kissed me on the chin. I frowned at the tease

I call my wife. "I love you too," Violet giggled.

"Well it's going to be just like a human pregnancy. You are in your fifth week o
ut of forty," Dr. Zimmerman informed.

"When can we find out if she's having more than one baby?" I questioned.

"In a few weeks. When she does her first ulrasound, between 6 to 10 weeks. Whene
ver you want to schedule it. The later the more accurate with most things."

"We'll make an appointment. Alright. Then we'll check to see if there is more th
an one baby and we'll calculate a due date. Sound like a plan?"

"Yes," Violet and I answered.

"Alright that's all."

"Question, can we buy baby books?" Violet asked.

"Yes you can. Human baby books will work perfectly."


"That's it. Have a great day guys," Dr. Zimmerman smiled. I sat up in my seat an
d stretched before getting up and helping Violet off the bed. "Can we buy some b
aby books?" Violet asked me.

"Of course babe. I'm really sorry about what I said. I hope you know I would nev
er..." I trailed off. Violet wrapped an arm around my waist and leaned into me.

"I know. I'm glad you love me that much though. I know you were just mad and try
ing to help. I'd knew if it came down to it you would never force me to no matte
r what. And I know that you want this baby as much as I do," she smiled and I st
opped walking. I turned to her and cupped her face in my hands by her cheeks and
kissed her passionately. This woman was too great. She understood me and was so

We pulled away and she blushed before cuddling back into my side as I threw my a
rm around her shoulder. We said good bye to both Dr. Zimmerman and her assistant
, Melanie. "Do you still want to wait to tell everyone?" Violet asked as we reac
hed the car. I let her go and opened the passenger door for her. She climbed in
and began buckling up. "Can we wait please? I don't want to deal with the drama.
I want to make sure we are in the clear of the baby being healthy first," I ans

"But Jesse..." she

car to my side. I
o was staring down
ook at me. "If you

frowned. I sighed and shut her door before walking around the
opened my door and got in my seat. I turned to face Violet wh
at her lap. I sighed and grabbed her by her chin making her l
want to tell everyone we can," I said.

"No. I don't want that if you don't."

"Violet if you want to we can babe. I just want you to be happy."

"I can't be happy knowing you're upset."

"I won't be upset," I reassured.

"You say that now-"

"I wouldn't lie to you."

"I'm not implying that you would."

"Vi we can tell them if you want to. I don't have a problem with it. I want what
ver you do."

"No. That makes me seem bad."


"I feel like a spoiled brat. I don't always have to get what I want. I do want t
o tell everyone but if you want to wait we can. Eventually we are going to tell
anyone, anyways. I just have a problem that you want to wait a long and I want d
on't want to wait to the point it looks like I'm just really fat. Nor do I want
to go through the hassle of having to hide my stomach," she explained and I sigh
"We're waiting for now. I promise we'll tell them soon, at the end of the next m
onth, when you are an actual month not from when your last period was."

"Sounds like a plan," she grinned and I nodded. I started the car and drove Viol
et to a book store. She bought a bunch of pregnancy books and forced me to pick
some out because she wanted me to read them with her. God being a dad was alread
y hard and the baby wasn't even born yet. Of course I'm over exagerrating, for n
ow but I know soon Violet will probably become a loving pain in the ass, somethi
ng I'm not used to or ready for.

After that we headed home. I took the bags up to the bedroom and placed them in
the closet. I found Violet in the living room watching tv and I decided to join
my beautiful wife. I sat down on the couch and wrapped an arm around her shoulde
r and she automatically leaned into me. "I'm so excited," she smiled.

"Me too. I can't wait," I replied and she pecked my lips before closing her eyes

"You tired babe?" I asked and she nodded her head but didn't move. I took it tha
t she didn't want to move at all so I let her lean on me. She fell asleep but I
didn't bother to wake her. I held my girl and continued to watch the movie that
was on. She'd wake up soon enough.

*Violet's P.O.V*

I woke up on top of Jesse. He was just staring at me as I forced myself to wake

up. We were still on the couch but the tv was now off. Jesse smiled down at me a
nd kissed my forehead. My head was reasting in his lap and he was running his fi
ngers through my hair. "How you feeling Vi?" He questioned.

"Pretty good, why?"

"No reason, you just been sleeping a lot," he shrugged.

"I'm tired a lot," I yawned. I wanted to fall back to sleep because I still felt

tired but at the same time I didn't want to just start sleeping my days away. I
wrapped a hand around Jesse's neck and pulled his handsome face lower. Why was
he so sexy? I pressed my lips to him weakly and planted a soft kiss on his red l

When we pulled away he was giving me a small smile as he looked at me affectiona

tely, making me blush. I sat up and got off the couch before stretching. "Hey b
abe how's your project coming along?" I asked.

"Um pretty good, why?"

"I was just wondering. Have you handled the pack stuff?"

"I'm getting around to it," he shrugged.

"Jesse! That stuff has to be done by the end of the month!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down."

"I can't calm down! Just don't worry about it, I'll get it done," I sighed befor
e leaving the living room. "Violet?" Jessed called.

When I reached the kitchen I began going through the cabinets. I was really hung
ry and wanted chicken. I closed the cabinet after getting out a bag of potato ch
ips. Jesse entered the kitchen with an annoyed expression covering his face. "Re
ally? Did you have to walk away like that?" He asked.

Something brough a pang to my chest and I knew it was my wolf breaking down beca
use of the tone of her mate. "I'm sorry," I mumbled. His eyes softened and mine
unwillingly filled up with tears. He pulled me in his arms and kissed the top of
my head. "Babe, it's okay. I'm not mad Vi. I don't want you doing anything, esp
ecially now," he stated.

"Can you make me something to eat?" I croaked.

"Anything for my wife," he smiled. I sniffled and he pulled back to wipe my eyes
. He sat me on the counter as he began making me something with a lot of chicken
. I didn't know what it was until I ended up with a salad with pieces of grilled

chicken. I moaned at the first bite of nothing but the chicken. Jesse groaned a
s he took in my face. I blushed a deep red colored and mumbled to him to get me
some salad dressing.

He got the dressing and poured a good amount on my salad. I stayed on the counte
r and ate while Jesse's hand were on the sides of the counter. "This is so good,
" I moaned.

"You are such a turn on," he mumbled, leaning over and resting his chin on my sh
oulder as he kissed on my neck a bit. "Jesse stop," I whined. He stopped and let
me eat my food in peace while he stepped outside in the backyard to make a phon
e call.
Once I was done I was back to eating some chips. They were so good! Everything w
as so good. I was eating honey BBQ chips and they were delicious and addicting.
Jesse came back in the house and took the bag away from me since I ate like half
of them. I pouted and he rolled his eyes at me.

We went upstairs together and I began reading one of my pregnancies book. Appare
ntly for people in their fifth week, women get a few discomforts already like te
nder or sore breasts, frequent urination, fatigue, and some times nausea.

I wasn't having any of those besides fatigue and frequent urination. I used the
bathroom twice while I was reading the first couple of chapters of the book. I t
hen found myself watching a movie with Jesse. I enjoyed myself as I was snuggled
up with Jesse on the couch and under some blankets. His strong arms were wrappe
d around me and were rubbing my thighs, which was surprisingly warming up my bod

After the movie Jesse and I limbed into bed. I was going to take a shower but I
was too tired. I'd take one in the morning. Of course Jesse told me he might not
be here when I wake up but I just nodded. I was too tired to ask him why not? H
e'd probably be going to work, unfortunately. It's not that I didn't like him wo
rking, it didn't bother be. I just don't like that he's always working and the w
orst part is that it's with Layla, I hate that girl, I really do.

Of course those thoughts left me as Jesse placed a lingering kiss on my lips bef
ore sleep took over me, leaving me in my dreams.

*Layla's P.O.V*

The last few days since the kiss with Alvin I have been spending with him. After
that kiss we slept together. My god was he good in bed. I nearly died with how
hot he was though. It brought some discomfort with the different body temperatur
es but we quickly adjusted. Afterwards I took a shower while he slept.

I had left after that and didn't see him until the next day. Alvin and I began p
lanning for breaking Jesse and Violet up. Jesse had called me today asking how o
ur construction project was coming along. it was going along great. I wanted eve
rything to be perfect because I knew even though its supposed to be a surprise f
or Violet it will eventually be mine when me and him get together.

I can't wait to have Jesse back in my arms. I've really missed him and all his s
exiness. His silky blonde hair was growing pretty long, coming into his eyes a l
ot now days. HIs blues eyes still shined but voided emotions. He was so perfect.
..perfect for me.

Tomorrow I was going to get to see Jesse and I couldn't wait. He's been busy lat
ely so I haven't seen him since he hadn't shwn up to work the last two days. He
said he'd stop by tomorrow and I was so looking forward to it. I don't understan
d why he was so busy anyway. What could be so important that it was taking up al
l his time?

Alvin pecked my lips before throwing me my shirt. I frowned at his panicking. "B
abe my girl is on the way, you have to leave like now!" He shouted. I groaned in
annoyance and shoved my shirt in my purse.

"Can't you just break up with her?" I asked.

"Now why would I do that? She's my mate. The only one I'll leave her for is Viol
et. I need Sky right now. I'm just using her babe. Don't be so jealous," he teas

"I'm not jealous. I don't even like you, but I'm in love with the sexy man named
Jesse Stevens," I sighed dreamily.

"Would you stop talking about that prick?" He snapped.

"Don't be jealous," I smirked.

"I'm not, I just hate that douchebag," he shrugged, leaning in for another kiss.
I kissed him softly before leaving his place. I wasn't really in the mood to do
anything else today so I simply headed home.

When I got to the clan house I went straight to my room and locked myself in the
re. I didn't know what the hell was going on between Alvin and I. I knew for a f
act everything was strictly physical. I honestly felt nothing for him. How could
I anyways? I was in love with Jesse while he was obsessed with Violet, it was t
ruthfully sad.
I sighed deeply and turned over, laying on my stomach. I pulled my stupid diary
out from under my pillow. I began scribbling in it talking about what happened t
oday. I also wrote in my plans on how to get Jesse to kiss me. I mean I was goin
g to try to seduce him and if that failed, which it probably won't I'll just kis
s him and won't let him go.

I'll wait until he roughly pushes me away but after the damage is done and that
Violet saw him. Of course she'll run off crying like the pathetic and stupid bit
ch she is, leaving Jesse alone with me. I won't let him chase after her. I'll ap
ologize and advise him to get her some time to cool down. Of course Violet will
be trying to get away from him and he'll try to explain later but she won't beli
eve him. Things were going to work out perfectly. I was going to get Jesse and V
iolet was going to be out of the picture.
Chapter 36
*Violet's P.O.V*
I hopped out of the car and smirked when Jesse got to my side. I knew he was goi
ng to open my door but I didn't want to wait for him. I was in a really good moo
d. I didn't exactly know why though. I started school a few days ago and today w
as July 19th. It was Friday and I was going to be having a meeting tonight with
everyone about the rogue problems. Then tomorrow night I was going on a date wit
h my husband. I also had an appointment Sunday so everything was very eventful t
his weekend and I was excited.
I was looking forward to the appointment. I was six weeks pregnant as of today.
I was really excited this pregnancy. I knew I was only eighteen and maybe most d
on't think I'm old enough to be having a child. To be honest I don't care. It's
no one's place but myself to say if I'm able to be a parent. Scientifically the
moment you reach puberty your body is ready and wants to start reproducing. As m
y teachers always said and still say, the two things the human race has to do is
survive and reproduce.
I think I'm more mature than most women who waited until sometime after they wer
e twenty. I mean at fifteen I lost my parents, at sixteen my life sucked and my
mate rejected me on top of that but I got to meet Jesse, at seventeen I was in m
y first relationship that was very serious because I was already in love with my
boyfriend and he became my fiance, and now I'm eighteen and was already married
to the love of my life. I also ran my own pack and was able to be with my my hu
sband and support his as his queen of his clan since he was the vampire king, no
w isn't that sexy?
Jesse frowned but it soon turned into a smirk as I wrapped my arms around his ne
ck while pressing my body against his. "You know I have been thinking a lot late
ly..." I trailed off, looking at my surroundings.
"About what?" He asked with a smirk, pushing me back until my back was up agains
t his car. I let out a small gasp in surprise. I wanted control and he knew that
, jerk. I smirked back and dropped my arms only to run my hands down his chest,
teasingly slow and play with the waistband of his jeans.
"About you...and know, the whole baby making process," I shrugged.

"What's that mean?" He questioned, his eyes filling with lust.

"It means that I'm really happy that I have you, that we're married, and we're h
aving a baby," I whispered softly before pecking his lips. When I looked into hi
s dark blue eyes I saw nothing but happiness, love, and admiration.
"I'm lucky to have you Violet, and you make me so happy. Now don't be a tease,"
he replied and I giggled while my face turned red.
"We have a meeting to attend in an hour," I stated.
"An hour is long enough to have my way with you."
"Jesse!" I shouted, my face growing a darker shade of red. Jesse began laughing
and I took that as my chance to push him out of my personal space and walk off.
My god. I knew I was teasing him but did he have to bring up sex right then and
there? Jesse easily caught up to me and wrapped me up in his arms. "I'm joking b
abe. Go do your homework like a good little girl," he teased.
"Cut it out," I frowned.
"I'm not doing anything."
"Yes you are. You're being mean to me," I pouted.
"I am not," he argued.
"Yes you are. Don't tease me. Behave yourself and be a good husband and help me
with my work," I replied and he sighed dramatically.
"Do I have to?"
"Yes," I answered and he chuckled. We both headed inside the house and I greeted
his parents before we made our way up to our room. Jesse has been being the bes
t husband in the world. Things are going smoothly for us. I go to school and he
takes me then goes to work. Afterwards he picks me up and we spend the rest of t
he day together to late at night when we're cuddled up while talking about anyth
ing we like.
When we reached our room I found myself being tossed on the bed by my husband. B
efore we opened the door to the bedroom he had picked me up bridal style. Then b
eing ever so kind he tossed me on the bed. I giggled and watched as he took off
his shirt. I wolf whistled at him and he spun around quick as ever and smirked a
t me. "Stop eye raping me and get started on that homework," he instructed.
"You know I could suggest something I'd like to do more that has to do with your
sentence but I think saying, 'how about I rape you instead' isn't appropiate so
I'm going to do that homework," I mumbled.
"It's not rape if I like it," he sang.
"Yes it is," I growled.
"Whoa! Babe what's wrong?"
"I'm just saying it would still be rape whether you liked it because you didn't
want it in the first place. And no sick bastard is going to like being raped. Im
agine some guy stronger than me taking advantage of me and touching me the way o
nly you should and you have. Doing whatever he wanted to just to pleasure himsel
f. And if I dared to tell you that I was raped yet I liked it you would probably

never speak to me again no matter how much you love me."

"Alright I won't talk about it again. I'm sorry babe. Can I ask you something th
"Anything," I whispered, wiping my eyes. I guess this conversation was going to
happen eventually. Jesse and I didn't know everything about each other but we ha
d eternity to fgure each other out. We knew all we needed to know about each oth
er's personalities and about a bit of our past plus the fact we've already been
through a lot together.
"I'm canceling the meeting," he stated.
"What? No!" I yelled. He shushed me and walked over to the bed. He pushed my boo
k bag off the bed and climbed on to the bed. He crawled over to me and I backed
away. "Don't be afraid of me," he frowned.
"I'm not afraid of you," I stated, not moving even when he got closer. I wasn't
afraid of him I just didn't want to be overwhelmed by his sexiness that I give h
im whatever he wants right now. I wanted to have the meeting. We could talk abou
t this but I did want to have the meeting afterwards.
He pulled me by my hips and pinned me down to the bed with him on top of me. "No
man will ever lay his hands on you. You're mine Violet. No one will ever dare t
o touch you. I would easily kill someone for you. I never want to imagine that.
I do want you to tell me what happened. I know it wasn't you. I was your first a
nd I felt that. You're my wife and I'm your husband, you know you can trust me.
I just want you to open up to me right now," he whispered before placing a soft
and tender kiss on my lips.
I could feel every emotion running through him from that kiss.He felt helpless r
ight now that he didn't know what was wrong with me. Scared for some reason, pro
bably thinking the worst somehow about how some rape affected me and scarred me
for life. He was also putting in all of his love and affection for me that a few
tears fell from eyes before he ended the kiss.
"My mom," I croaked.
"What?" He asked.
"My mom was raped. My dad was my uncle Gavin's beta. My mom was in college when
she met my dad. She was only twenty. She was dating a guy before they met and wh
en she ended it he became obsessed. A few months later he raped dad fou
nd her. That's how they met after he was eighteen. They had met before and went
on a nice date but that was when my dad was on business for my uncle," I began.
Jesse moved out of my way and sat down on the bed before pulling me on to his la
p. He held me tightly and whispered encouraging things in my ear. "My dad was so
angry but taking care of his new found mate was more important than anything. M
y mom got pregnant for the first time and was so angry with what happened that s
he wanted to kill the baby. She wanted to kill dad didn't want that
though. He wouldn't lose her and wouldn't let her get an abortion because he kn
ew she'd regret it later. The baby was so healthy and my mom was finally getting
better after a lot of therapy..." I continued.
"What happened Violet? I know you were the only child...weren't you?"
"Yeah," I whispered.
"Please tell me."

"She ended up in labor and there was a chance that she wouldn't make it. She sti
ll wanted the baby though. She ended up giving birth to a still born and somehow
ended up in a coma for three months. My parents then got married when she woke
up and two years later she had me," I smiled.
"My parents were great. I had fifteen amazing years with them. I can't even reme
mber most of them. I remember finding all that out when my mom had some type of
breakdown when she thought my dad was going to die in some fight he was in after
he joined my mom's pack to be with her. I cried so hard when I found out and th
en I understood why my parents were so protective of me. My dad refused to ever
let me date and he always told me to be careful who I trust. And thank god I fou
nd you. I love you with all my heart and I never want to lose you. I know you'll
never leave me," I grinned, wiping my eyes.
"Never baby. Never will I leave you. Thank you for telling me that. You're paren
ts sound really great. Like mother like daughter. Thank god that didn'tt happen
to you. And at least your mom had your amazing dad to be there for her. I just h
ope that you love, trust, and depend on me as much as your mom did for your dad
and vice versa. I love you so much Violet and I know that not everything is as i
t should be. We've done so many crazy things it doesn't even make sense. I just
want to be the man you need-" he began.
"You are Jesse. You're more than that. I know I may not show it but I truly do l
ove you-"
"You do it show it. I can see it in your eyes."
"You deserve so much better," I admitted.
"I feel the same. That's how I know we're meant to be together."
"I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you do for me. All the lit
tle things matter to me. That morning kiss, when you tuck me in, kissing my hand
, opening and closing my door, pulling out my chair, and all that good stuff. I'
m very lucky to have you and I'll never take you for granted. I just wish I coul
d show you that you mean everything to me, you and the baby or babies I'm carryi
ng. I just don't know how but you deserve to be shown that I love in many ways,"
I replied.
"Just being with me is enough."
"I don't think so," I teased. He wiped my eyes and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Let's move the meeting to after dinner. I want to take you out to eat," he sta
"We already are going out on a date tomorrow."
"How about we go out of town for tonight? Just get away for a little while. Then
kiss a little..."
"And a little more?" I smirked and he shrugged innocently. I giggled and grabbed
him by his shirt, pulling him more on top of me, so I slid off of his lap. I br
ought his lips down to mine and kissed him tenderly. When we pulled away I smirk
ed at his half-dazed face. "Now why don't you call everyone and tell them we're
moving the meeting?" I suggested and he nodded.
He hopped off of me and quickly went and called Weston, who ccalled everyone els
e for us saying that the meeting will be at seven tonight. Jesse brings me my bo
ok bag and helps me do all my homework before we both ended up fooling around in
the sheets together.

Afterwards Jesse and I got dressed after showering and then went out to dinner.
We went out of town and to a small diner where we had a fantastic meal that I en
joyed very much. Then we headed back home and went into Jesse's office to talk a
bout the rogue problem. Jesse and I wanted to resolve this problem fast because
we wanted it to be safe for our baby to be raised. I know we'd be fine anyways b
ecause Jesse would protect me and the baby with his life. He would never put him
self in a certain type of danger like I have done to risk his own life because h
e knows how much I need him.
I took a seat next to Jessse at the table and we waited for everyone to show up.
Once everyone was here we let the meeting begin. "Guys I think we have a seriou
s problem," Simon started.
"Why?" I asked cautiously. Jesse squeezed my hand that he was holding and gave m
e a reassuring smile. He warned me that he would kick me out of this room so I w
ouldn't stress out about anything.
"Don't you know how we decided to rule Jade out of the picture. I don't know if
we can," he answered.
"What do you mean?" Uncle Gavin questioned.
"I gave Jade's dad a call to get some more information on Jade and well to say h
e was pissed to hear my voice is an understatement, you would think I killed her
. Anyways he told me that she had been a rogue before she met me. Apparently she
fought with her dad and ended up running aaway. He said she was with a group of
rogues when he found her. He brought her back home but her boyfriend had become
obsessed with her and wouldn't get the hint that she was using him just so he w
ouldn't kill her-"
"Wait what?" Monica interrupted.
"If she was a rogue coming across a group of rogues they probably would have kil
led her. But she ended up seducing the guy and when her dad practically rescued
her she told him the truth but he was far too obsessed to let her go because he
really wanted her now. She soon met me and I started dating her so I don't know
how it ended," Simon explained.
"What if it didn't?" I questioned.
"What do you mean?" Dalton asked.
"I mean what if that guy was Alvin?" I answered with a question of my own.
"Okay imagine if it was Alvin. How would that have to do with now?" Harold asked
"Easy. If it was Alvin who was obsessed with Jade maybe he stalked her and found
her with Simon. He figured out who Simon was and figured out his vendetta again
st his family," Jesse answered.
"That would make sense because then he'd know I was mates with Simon but the thi
ng was for him to know means he had to have been their when Simon rejected me to
know," I pointed out.
"Not neccessarily. Everyone found out about that once we were already together.
Clearly Alvin knew you two were mates and he wanted you so he started going to y
our school but since I don't care to procrastinate I made you mine quickly. Now
I'm the only thing according to him standing in the way of you beding with him,"
Jesse retorted.

"I still don't see how it would add up," I frowned.

"Babe you said it yourself it could be Alvin. There's no denying Alvin is obsess
ed with you. ANd I have to tell you to be careful at school. No talking to any s
trangers because I know Alvin is in all of your classes."
"There's a guy named Alvin something that starts with an 's' that has all the sa
me classes as you. It wasn't given to him for the beginning of the semester but
for the day you started school. I don't know how but I'm sure he's still alive.
I don't think it's his men coming after us for revenge," Jesse stated.
"He's alive?" Everyone asked.
"Yeah. I don't know how it's possible but we need to figure it out. If I'm right
his name is Alvin Shona and he's back from the dead," Jesse answered.
"J-Jesse you can't be serious right now," I replied.
"Violet get out. Go to the room and relax. We'll talk later," Jesse ordered. I w
himpered at his tone of voice and he sighed. I got out of my chair, yanking my h
and out of his. "Baby don't be like that," Jesse pleaded.
I ignored him and left the room. I knew he warned me that he would or might kick
me out but I didn't think he would actually do it. I mean I knew he probably wo
uld have but I think he'd warn me first. Not to mention I sounded so not importa
nt when he said it. He acted like he was talking to someone who worked for him t
hat he didn't want near him at the moment.
The meeting was really important too. I mean I could be in danger for crying out
loud. I was also pregnant! God my husband was going to get it later. Now I'm ac
tually stressing out! I headed upstairs to the room and laid down on the bed try
ing to relax. I ended up grabbing a book and began reading it until Jesse came t
o join me. He quickly apologized and we made up but I forced him to tell me ever
ything they discussed after I left, which wasn't much. We also talked about some
precautions of me going to school. Jesse was eager to find Alvin and figure thi
s all out. I was too. Even though he didn't want me to be a part of this because
I was pregnant, I was and he was going to have to deal with it. We were going t
o get to the bottom together.
Chapter 37

*Violet's P.O.V*

I groaned in annoyance and elbowed Jesse in his stomach. He let out a grunt and
I smiled in satisfactory. "Violet get up!" Jesse demaned.

My wolf instantly made me listen to my mate as she came out a bit. I pushed her
back and whimpered. Just like Jesse had an effect on me I knew I had an effect o
n him. "I'm sorry Vi. But you need to get up baby," he said softly, pulling me i
n his arms.

"I don't want to go to school. I'm sleepy Jesse. Why won't you let me sleep?" I
cried, tears filling up my eyes, clouding my vision.

"Awe, baby stop crying. I'm sorry Vi. If you don't want to then...then you don't
have to. I promise you can just stay home and sleep all you want," he replied.
He pulled me in his arms and I began squirming trying to get out of his grip.

"Violet I said I was sorry," he sighed.

nd I

that makes everything okay? Let me go!" I shouted. He instantly let me go a

got out of bed and stomped all the way to the bathroom, planning to lock my
inside. "Oh no you don't!" Jesse yelled. He beat me to the bathroom and gra
my hands.

"Violet stop with the attitude. Just go to sleep or get ready for school. I'm no
t doing this with you right now. It's actually quite annoying to deal with your
mood swings," he grunted, laying me down on the bed.

"Now I'm annoying?" I sobbed and he groaned in frustration.

"Violet please babe...please just relax. You're perfect Vi. I love you so much,
more than anything. I really need you to relax for me. If you don't want to go t
o school then you don't have to."

"Just leave me alone," I muttered.

"Violet baby come on," he pleaded. He wouldn't let me go so there was nothing I
could do but cry.

"Can you get off of me?" I growled in annoyance.

"Can you stop acting like that?" He retorted.

"Like what Jesse? I'm sorry my hormones are all over the place because I'm carry
ing your child. But I guess that's not enough. I got to act all perfect and not
let anything get to me right? My body hurts. My husband doesn't love me-"

"Violet stop!" He warned.

"Why? Just leave me alone. I'm not going to school. Go hang out with your girlfr
iend," I pouted.

"She's not my girlfriend Violet. I can't believe we are fighting over this right
now. Layla means nothing to me, I promise you that."

"Then why are you always with her?"

"Because we work together."

"I bet you do a lot of things together," I growled.

"Oh my god Violet!" He shouted in annoyance. He got off of me and began pacing.
He ran his hands through his hair repeatedly while tugging on it hard in frustra
tion. I just sat there with a blank look. I could care less that he was stressin
g out. This was after all, his fault. We've been doing nothing but fighting for
the last three days and instead of solving our fights he just leaves to go "work
" with Layla.

"Isn't it about the time you go get comfort from your girlfriend, which probabl
y leads to other things I rather not talk about," I sighed in annoyance.

"Yeah I'm going to go fuck her right now Violet," he snapped. My whole body went
tense at that statement and soon I was nothing but furious. I grabbed the tv re
mote that was left on the bed and chucked it at him. "Get out!" I yelled.

"Ow! What the fuck Violet?" He cursed.

"I hate you! Just get the fuck out. And you have the nerve to lie in my face, te
lling me you love me," I cried.

"You're being ridiculous. When you find your sanity give me a fucking call. Actu
ally don't I wouldn't want you to upset my girlfriend since I'll be with her. Do
ing all the lovey stuff I could be doing with you if you weren't acting like thi

s!" He screamed.

"Oh so you are cheating on me? Everytime I'm in a bad move you go running to her
, huh?"

"Oh my fucking god-"

"Not even he can help you right now! Why the fuck vampires are immortal I have n
o idea. I'm starting to get sick of seeing your face," I said through clenched t
eeth. He just makes me so angry. And he doesn't even care.
"That was low, even for you right now," he said before storming out of the room
and stomping down the stairs. I waited until I heard the front door slam before
shoving my face into a pillow and crying my heart out. I got to say that was our
worst fight ever thanks to my mood swings. Usually he tries to make me feel bet
ter or when he's having a hard time keeping his temper under control he just lea
ves and goes to work. Never has he went along with my accusations of him cheatin
g on me. I knew he wasn't cheating one me but the way he was always with her, he
could be.

He doesn't even bother trying to be affectionate. If I don't do what he says he'

s annoyed and he leaves. When I start crying he gets angry. And when I'm angry h
e thinks I'm unreasonable. I'm having mood swings and bad. He just won't care. T
He first time we started fightin he tried to calm me down and we ended up sittin
g on opposite sides of the bedroom. We fought twice the first day. Ten times yes
terday about stupid stuff and he just kept leaving, to give me space. When he co
mes back he's either still angry or cautious. Now this fight was the first one t
oday but I haven't seen him this mad before because of my behavior lately.

"Are you seriously crying right now?" Someone asked. The way it sent a chill dow
n my spine I knew it was Jesse. I sprung up and looked at his face. He looked ex
haused and sounded exasperated. I hated myself for doing this to him but we were
both stressed and it was all my fault. I was acting like a bitch and that led h
im to being a prick. I didn't want to be mad at him for his comment but I was. B
etween my hormones affecting me and my wolf being cranky dealing with her other
hormones I was a complete mess. My wolf was the reason I either craved for his a
ffection-which I haven't been getting, or I was angry-imagining biting his head
off literally, which is actually pretty scary because I love the man with all my

"No water is just leaking from my fucking eyes," I snapped.

"Don't get smart with me," he said through clenched teeth. He looked so tense an
d so angry. I bit my lip at the sight of all his muscles flexing. He was just so
sexy when he was mad. Sure it wasn't as much of a turn on since he was mad at m
e but I still would love for him to just take charge and kiss me or something wh
ether or not I was in the mood for it now and rip my clothes off followed by mak

ing love to me.

"Violet control yourself," he begged.

"What?" I asked in confusion. My body was getting hot and I didn't know what to

"I can smell you and if you keep doing whatever you're doing then I'm going to l
ose all control."

"Everything is about sex with you isn't it? You got me knocked up already Jesse
now you don't want to live with the consequences."

"Oh shut up. You're the one that's turned on by nothing," he replied.

"Why are you so mean to me?" I shouted with tears filling my eyes. My body was c
ooling down. Jesse walked over to the bed and climbed on to it. "Violet I'm so s
orry. I've been being a jerk today. I know that baby and I'm very sorry. You kno
w I don't want anyone but you. I'm just frustrated. Your mood swings are really
getting to me. I know I should be more sensitive but you were pushing all my but
tons. There wasn't a second that passed that I didn't love you or want you. No m
atter what happens to you or what you do or say I will never stop loving you. Yo
u're everything to me and I want you to know that. WIthout you there would be no
thing for me to live for right now until our beutiful sons, all three of them ar
e born-" Jesse apologized. I cut him off with a giggle. He was set on having tri
plets. I doubted that we were having three though. I really wanted a girl. It wo
uld be so cool to have a daughter to be the next alpha of my pack.

"Violet do you forgive me?" Jesse asked softly and I nodded my head, letting som
e tears fall from my eyes. Jesse wiped my tears away and pecked me on the lips.

"Only if you forgive me. I'm so sorry Jesse. This is all my fault. I can't help
it Jesse. Just don't leave, please don't leave me. Not now and not ever. You mea
n the world to me," I sobbed.

"I know baby. I forgive you. Now how about I spend the whole day trying to make
you feel good?" He suggested.
"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm going to help you through all your mood swings during the next few d

ays, starting today."

"Does that mean you'll show you love me again?"


"I mean you barely touch me or hold me-"

"That's because I was afraid you'd kill me. I've listened to your thoughts. Your
wolf wants to kill me and I don't really like the idea of being near you when y
ou're that mad-especially for no reason because it makes me mad-but anyways let'
s just say I think I'm going to have a hard time keeping my hands off your sexy
body now. I'm just going to have to ignore the mood swings and get back to simpl
y being addicted to you," he smirked and I blushed.

"If I said I was hungry what would you say?" He asked.

"What? You're hungry, how?"

"Easily. I just wanted to know if I could have you for breakfast before-"

"Jesse!" I blushed. I couldn't hide the way every part of me came alive with his
statement though. My body was burning for him. I wanted his hands and lips all
over me. The more I imagined us together, the more throbbing happened in between
my legs.

"Violet I take that as a yes," he groaned. His eyes filling with lust. I moaned
and nodded my head, wrapping my hands around his neck. "I love you Violet," he w
hispered in my ear before kissing his way down my neck.

"I love you too," I whispered softly. He pressed his body down more so ours were
touching completely but he was still holding all of his own weight. I cringed i
n pain and froze. "Jesse that hurts," I croaked.

"What?" He asked, staying still.

"Ow! My boobs!" I shouted and he quickly rolled off of me. I sat up and cupped m
y breasts in my hands through my shirt and winced. "They hurt really bad," I com

"I'm sorry babe," Jesse replied, pulling my hands away from my chest and holding
them. I groaned in annoyance and moved so I was on top of Jesse. "I want you th
ough," I whimpered.

"Violet no," he stated and I frowned.

"I never thought I'd see the day where you would refuse to have sex with me but
I've gotten a few rejections since I've gotten pregnant."

"That reminds me, are we even allowed to have sex while you're pregnant?"

"Of course we can."

"How do you know?"

"I've studied pregnacies before," I explained and he nodded slowly. I placed my

hands on his chest and smirked.

"It's actually really good for the baby-" I began.

"Violet stop it. We're not doing it, your boobs hurt and those are one of my fav
ourite things about your body," he said, his eyes lowering to my chest.

"I think I'll be fine," I reassured.

"Violet I said no," he resonded.

"But Jesse," I whined, rocking my hips back and forward while moving my whole bo
dy lower. Jesse's hand gripped my hips and in one movement he was lifting me up
and rolling me to my side of the bed. He then hopped off the bed and gave me a d
irty look.

"That was low," he frowned.

"Don't give me that look," I pouted and his face softened. He smiled and walked
back over to my side. He sat down on the bed and wrapped an arm around my should
er. "Baby don't cry. I'm sorry. Come on don't cry," he pleaded.

"I'm not crying," I sobbed, wiping my eyes.

"Oh yeah then why are there tears?"

"There not tears. My eyes are training to be clouds and they're doing a good job
by raining," I giggled and Jesse began laughing.

"What the hell Violet?" He questioned through his laughs. I wiped away all my te
ars and gave him a frown. It wasn't that funny, was it?

"Jesse stop laughing," I complained.

"I'm sorry baby," Jesse chuckled. He kissed my cheek and pulled me on his lap. H
e held me tightly and whispered soothing things in my ear. "Are you hungry?" He

"Yes, I'm starving," I smiled.

"Well why don't you relax while I make you a big breakfast?" He suggested and I
nodded my head. He laid me down on the bed and I crawled under the covers. He pe
cked my lips before leaving the room.
I was almost back asleep by the time Jesse came back with my food. I thanked him
for all of it and and quickly ate. I couldn't stop thinking about Jesse. I felt
so bad for him. He's nothing but sweet to me, all the time and he knows I love
him but I never get to do anything for him. Of course I have a plan for his birt
hday. I need something before that though.

"Babe I just thought about soething. If we do have more than one baby perhaps th
ree what will we do?" Jesse asked.

"Raise them," I laughed.

"I meant the fact that I'll need a heir."

"Oh. Well then first biorn should be your heir. Next would be my heir and the re
st will be I don't know. My beta or something," I shrugged and he nodded.

"Vi, you know i love you right?"

"Yes. Of course I do. What I said earlier wasn't true. I know you love me and I
love you so much. I'm so sorry for saying that and making you feel guilty or any
thing like that."

"It's fine," he smiled and I odded slowly.

"Jesse I'm going to be pregnant for a long time," I stated.

"I know. We're in our seventh week, only four more days to go."

"Forty weeks is a long time."

"I know babe, it'll be fine though."

"When can we tell everyone?"

"Not yet babe," he sighed and I nodded. It was July 28th and my eigth week start
s on August 2nd. I was almost two months already! I still had a long way to go t
hough. My last doctor's appointment was a week ago.

"Thank you for breakfast," I smiled and he grinned back at me. He kissed my chee
k before replying," you're welcome sexy."

"I'm not going to be sexy for long, especially if I keep eating like this," I fr
owned and he rolled his eyes before sighing.

"You're too damn sexy for your own good. Weather you gain a few pounds or not yo
u're going to be as beautiful as you are now and I doubt I'kll be able to keep m
y hands off you. I also know that men are still going to be checking out what's
mine, I might just have to kill a few guys," he replied and I snorted.

"I'll be as big as a whale," I argued.

"You'll be a sexy, killer whale," Jesse chuckled.

"Thanks for telling me I'll be some sexy and skinny animal," I pouted.

"Babe you are the prettiest, most beautiful, and the sexiest woman I've ever met
in my life. I will always be with you. No one else can steal me, borrow me, or
have me besides you. Violet you come first in my life before anyone else. I'm no
t that shallow to simply like you for your looks. I'm in love with you, not your
body but your personality and every little thing about you. Especially your fla
ws even your pregnant ones," he smiled softly before kissing me tenderly.

"It's just a bonus that you have luscious lips, the sexiest curves, the finest a
ss, nice boobs, longest legs, and simply the tightest-"

"Don't you go there!" I blushed, smacking his chest before laughing.

"I was simply stating the facts, my god I really hope pushing out a kid or three
won't ruin-"

"You are such a jerk. Can all you think about is sex?"

"We've had this arguement before, a long time ago but none the less we had it. P
lus I can't help myself with the way you flaunt your body in those tight or seethrough clothes," he retorted.

"What are you talking about?"

"All your yoga pants, leggings, booty shorts, neon colored tank tops, my white t


"Not fair! I wear yoga pants when I'm too lazy not to tease you or ask for any a
ttention to my flat ass. I wear leggings only under dresses or skirts. That one
time I didn't was because you tore off my cute tutu and I was giggling too much
to want to have sex. I simply climbed off the bed and that was it, no one told
you to be a pervert and keep checking me out. And if you haven't noticed it's ho
t outside but I've only wore shorts a few times and they weren't booty shorts. Y
ou just kept trying to pull them up to look at my ass. And for the record the ta
nk tops aren't see through and I only wear your t-shirts to bed," I huffed.
"Well breathe wifey," he laughed.

"Sorry," I blushed.

"You don't have to say sorry but you are forgiven."

"Oh don't forgive me yet, I still get to tease you. You're the one who wears kha
ki's that make your butt look so damn good and squeezable, those shorts that sho
w off how muscular you are showing off your huge calves, the tight ass shirts th
at suffocate your muscles to the point you can see every single time you flex, a
nd you walk around the room in northing but a towel every morning," I smirked.

"Babe half of those things you've said are simply because you find me irresistib
le. I can't help that I have muscles or that I have a nice ass, I never knew you
thought so. Now my shirts I can't help you with, I like turning you on plus the
y're comfy. And nothing you can say or do will make me stop wearing them. Plus I
know you like checking me out. Now the towel thing is really not my fault," he

"I bet it's not," I responded sarcastically and he chuckled. He hopped off the b
ed and I smacked his ass. "I'm glad you know," I winked and he wiggled his eyebr
ows. I loved how our relationship was so playful and we could flirt. I wish we d
idn't fight earlier. I was going to make it up to him though.

"Hey babe can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Anything Mrs. Stevens," he smiled, walking over to the dresser.

"Can I take you out sometime?" I smiled innocently.


"I want to go out."

"Where to?"

"I don't think you understand. I want to take you out on a date," I beamed.

"OH really?" He laughed.

"Yes honey."

"I don't know about this Violet..."

"Jesse is it too much to ask to take my sexy husband out to make up for my behav
ior?I don't think you'd want to make me unhappy by rejecting your own wife. All
she wants is to take you out on a date."

"Fine, fine. YOu can take me out on a date."

"Have you ever been asked out by a woman before?" I asked with a smirk.

"Million of time. I either rejected, turned it around and asked them out, or wen
t with them but I still payed and picked them up from their house."

"So basically the dates you really went on were either because she simply asked
if you would go out with her or yyou asked her out?"

"Yes. If you want to plan it all then I'll let you. For once I'll let a woman ta
ke me out. My money is your money anyways so if tyou want to pay then be my gues
t," he laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know when but one day soon I'm taking you a romantic date or maybe not
romantic...but who cares. We're going to have fun and you're going to love it. A

nd you better be free. I won't tolerate you standing me up or something," I warn


"I promise I won't be too busy for you. I do think we should pick a date togethe
r. We have a few meetings to go to and I have a few plans along with work," he r

"We can work something out. I really want to take you on a date," I whined.

"Babe I promise I'll let you take me out," he reassured.

"You better but for now come cuddle with me," I pleaded. He took off his shirt b
efore coming back over to the bed. He laid down with me and got under the covers
. We simply enjoyed the day together all of us; Jesse, me, and our baby or babie
s. The upcoming months and simply weeks were something to look forward to. We ha
d meetings, surprises, doctor appointments, and a date coming up.
Chapter 38

*Jesse's P.O.V*

I walked over to Layla to go speak to her. I needed to go over some things with
her. I wanted her gone immediately. I just needed to make sure Carson was coming
. There were things I needed done so I can be with my wife. Speaking of my wife
she was calling. I froze and groaned. This was the tenth time she has called me.
I always answer but it was really disturbing my work. I was personally going to
talk to her when I got home but she can't wait. My god. I wanted so badly to ig
nore her call because I knew it was nothing but a reminder that we had a doctor'
s appointment today, not for the baby but for her and her wolf, which I definite
ly needed and wanted to be there for. She had to be there in an hour and I was l
iterally just outside her house.

"Hello Violet," I greeted with a small smile.

"Hey babe!" She chirped.

"What the hell? I talked to you ten minutes ago and now you sound like you just
had coffee or something, you better not have had coffee," I warned.

"I didn't. I'm just really bored and hyper! I'm so excited!"

"About what?"

"Nothing, I can't wait to see you. We have a whole day planned so can you hurry
on home?"

"I'll be home soon enough babe."

"How soon is soon enough?"

"I'll tell you when you get there."

"Jesse," she whined and I groaned in annoyance. I loved her. I really did. These
mood swings were kicking my ass though. She was on the verge of crying and I di
dn't even do anything. She has literally called me twenty times in the last ten
minutes. I'm sorry if I'm getting a little annoyed. I know she misses me and sh
e really is bored being cooped up in the house but I'm busy. If she wants me to
stop working with Layla she should let me finish the final touches on my project
that I was hoping to get done today but I keep having to reassure my wife I lov
e her, I miss her, and I'll be home soon and help her find stuff.

"Baby calm down. I'll see you in about thirty minutes. Can you wait that long?"
I asked.

"I don't think so," she croaked.

"Violet stop crying. Please don't do this to me right now," I begged.

"I'm sorry," she sobbed before hanging up. I clenched my jaw and fought myself f
or control. She'll be fine. She's fine. It's just the hormones in ten seconds sh
e'll be laughing at herself. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration befor
e turning to an annoyed Layla. I rolled my eyes at her attitude and looked in fr
ont of me.

"We're done. I want Violet to do the rest, this is all for her and I want it to
be perfectly done for her. Thanks a lot we can fill out the paper work later. If
you can call Carson we can get through the final fix ups on everything," I inst
ructed and she nodded.

"I'll call him right away. I was wondering if you'd like to come out sometime-"

"No," I answered, shoving my phone in my pocket. I couldn't stay here any longer
. I needed to check on my wife. I couldn't just leave like I wanted to because I
was at work.

"I meant the whole crew Jesse. We wanted to celebrate, it would be kind of fucke
d up if you couldn't join even though we all did this for you," she finished.

"I'll think about it. I have to ask my wife," I replied. I wanted to finish and
say because she'll have a break down and accuse me of cheating on her again, but
I didn't.

"You've really grown up."

"What does that mean?" I snapped.

"You have to check with your wife?"

"She's the first and the only person I've ever been married to. I never had a se
rious girlfriend before her either so yes I do have to check with my woman. And
I did grow up, I matured and settled down. Meeting the right person for you will
do that to you," I shrugged.

"How do you know she's even the one?" She questioned. I nearly snapped her neck
at the way she was talking to me and disrespecting my wife with the bitterness a
nd venom in her annoying voice.

The only reason I didn't was because I wouldn't have enough time to burn her bod
y afterwards. Plus Carson already lost his dad, he didn't need to lose his siste
r, and plus if anyone's going to kill her all honors should go to my wife. I smi
rked at seeing that. Having two girls fight over me sounds hot. Well it used to.
If she laid one hand on Violet I'd kill her. Plus I've had girls fight over me.
Why? Not sure I didn't actually want either of them. God I was an asshole back
"Because I actually love her. Now pack up your shit. I want you out of my house
by the end of this week," I ordered. Before she could say anything I was already
running to the pack house where I left Violet to be babysat by Weston. She was
bored in the house so I sent her to stay in the pack house that way she could do
some work if she wanted to.

I got to the pack house in one minute and a few seconds. Impressive but I could
have done better. I ran up to Violet's room and barged in. I stopped in my track
s and frowned at what I saw. Violet was sitting on the bed crying and next to he
r was Simon with his arm around her shoulder. Simon's head snapped up and he loo
ked at me. He slowly removed his arm and stood up. "Hey man," he greeted.

I reluctantly greeted him back and did the whole man hug thing. Violet got off t
he bed and headed to the bathroom. "I don't get a hi?" I questioned. She ignored
me and shut the bathroom door. I sighed and looked at Simon.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"I wish I knew," I muttered.

"Sucks," he mumbled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I actually came to talk to you. I found some files on Alvin and I was going to
drop them off with you. I didn't know you weren't here but Weston brought me up
here to give them to Violet and well she was in tears," he explained and I nodde

I couldn't be that mad at him I suppose. He didn't come here for her so that's a
good sign. I really didn't have time for my jealousy problems but at least mine
makes sense. Sure I dated Layla but I'm not even friends with her now. Violet w
as attatched to this dude to the point they were soul mates, as in meant to be a
nd now they're friends. I tolerate him, nothing more. I asked for his help becau
se well he made the mess with Jade so he needed to help clean it up. Now Violet
felt sorry for him for losing Jade, he didn't even love her. He liked her a lot
but he didn't love her. I knew he didn't because of the way he looked at my woma
n, the same way if another man did I fucking kill. Save the whole slow and painf
ul death shit. It'll hurt but I want it done right away.

"She'll be fine. Where's the files?" I asked.

"I gave them to Violet and she put them on you desk over there," he pointed and
I nodded.

"Well thanks I'll call you later. Right now I got to g my wife ready to go out,"
I muttered and he nodded. We quickly said bye and then he was leaving. I sat do
wn in my chair behind my desk and waited for my wifto come out the bathroom. I w
asn't going to break the door down because she'd get angry, which I didn't need
right now.

Soon enough she walked out the bathroom and her eyes landed on me. She gave me a
small smile and walked towards me. She bit down on her lip nervously before cli
mbing on my lap, straddling me. I didn't have time to let her turn me on like th
is. Sure if she moved a bit I'd take her right now but in this moment she was in
nocently sitting on my lap. "I'm sorry," she whispered, wrapping her hands aroun
d my neck.

"For what?" I asked softly.

"For crying again. I couldn't help it," she explained and I nodded.

"I forgive you baby."

"You're mad and I know it," she mumbled, her hands slipping through my hair.

"I'm not mad."

"Yes you are. Is it my fault?"

"No babe. I'm not even mad. I just wanted to make sure you were okay," I replied
. Before she could respond I pecked her lips. I knew she wasn't done talking abo
ut this. When I pulled back she grinned but her eyes were still closed. "I love
you," she stated.

"I love you more," I grinned and her eyes slowly opened.

"No you don't. Now talk to me Jesse, what's wrong?"

"Nothing Vi. I'm not mad at you or anything."

"Yes you are, I can feel it."

"Feel what?"

"All the tension. What's wrong? What happened?"

"Nothing happened," I reassured and she groaned.

"Jesse why won't you tell me?" She whined.

"There's nothing to tell."

"It's my fault. You're mad because you cam home early for nothing, is that what
it is?"

"Yes Violet that's it. That and the fact I found you here with Simon."

"You don't like Simon?"

"I didn't say that. It's not that I don't like Simon, it's that I don't like Sim
on with you."

"Is my husband jealous?"

"Yes the fuck he is and he has every right to be. Your past with Simon is way wo
rst then mine with Layla."

"No it's not. I was never even with Simon nor does he want me back, especially s
ince he never had me."

"He was in love with you. Layla is obsessed with me. Simon's is worst. You two h
ad a connection. I simply fucked her a few times," I retorted.

"I never knew you slept with her," she whispered.

"You didn't?"

"I mean your mom implied that you probably did but I knew she said it wasn't in
this house so...I just never really figured that you did. It makes sense though.
She's so pretty. She's your type?"

"I don't have a type unless you define it as you."

"You do have a type, I can see it in your eyes. What's your perfect woman look l
ike Jesse?"

"You Violet."

"There's more isn't there?"

"No. You're my perfect woman. But I guess I did have a type back then. I liked t
he slutty blondes with the innocent baby blue eyes, the killer body and easy lay
. I'm not goingto lie to you but I don't want you getting emotional it's in the

"I understand. You told me you were a man whore so I get it. To tell you truth b
londes were never my type until I met you. My dream guy though is Ian Somerhlder
. Now I'll give you the credit that you have more muscles but he's not blonde. H
e has a sexy smirk on his gorgeous and kiss worthy lips, a nice body-"

"I'm done listening," I cut her off.

"He's only my celebrity dream guy. Your my perfect guy. The one no one else in t
he world not even Ian Somehalder can compete with," she grinned, placing a kiss
on my neck.

"Well if we're sharing things like that I think that your going to look like Jes
sica Alba when your a little older but more sexier and more curvier with-"

"Enough," she giggled. I kissed down her neck and listened to her low moans befo
re her phone set off an alarm. She jumped on my lap and I held her tightly again
st me before she fell and hurt herself. "I'm fine," she stated. I nodded and hel
ped her off my lap.

She got her phone and turned off the alarm before turning to
hands out and I reluctantly placed mine in hers and let her
She sturggled a bit and I was finding it hard to pull myself
lling me up. I eventually got up and thanked her with a kiss
s go," I muttered and she smiled.

me. She reached her

try to pull me up.
up while she was pu
on the cheek. "Let'

She linked her arm with mine and laid her head on my shoulder. I smiled happily
to see my wife and happy and led her out the house and to my car, which I left h
ere before I went to work. I helped her in her seat before walking around the ca
r and getting into the driver's seat. Once we were both buckled up I drove to th
e pack doctor to see Dr. Zimmerman.

We got there a few minutes early but it didn't matter. We simply waited outside
her office with her assistant, Melanie talking up a storm with Violet while I si
lently played a few games on my phone. Violet was on my lap watching me from tim
e to time during her five minute conversation. Soon Dr. Zimmerman had called us
into her office.

"How's it going with the happy couple?" The doctor asked and Violet blushed.

"Pretty good. I think I've been stressing Jesse out with my mood swings," Violet
admitted and I rubbed her thigh affectionately. She was sitting on the table wh
ile I was in the chair next to it. "Mood swings?" She asked.
"She's happy then angry then sad in the span of five seconds," I explained.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Violet snapped.

"You're doing it again," I stated, rubbing her leg more. She pouted and I sighed
. I needed her to control her emotions. It was driving me crazy. I loved her so
damn much. "Stop it Violet," I pleaded and she nodded.

"I'm sorry. I really need to stop doing this to you," she reassured, wiping her
eyes. I nodded in agreement and leaned up to place a kiss on her lips. She giggl
ed when we pulled away and turned to look at Dr. Zimmerman.

"Anyways how's your wolf doing?" Dr. Zimmerman chuckled.

"Fine. She's just getting on my nerves. If Jesse was to tell me to immediately s

top doing something she forces me to stop," Violet complained and I raised an ey

"That's the power of the mate bond and the dominance of Jesse's being," Dr. Zimm
erman shrugged.

"He has everything. He gets to be the strongest, the fastest, tallest-"

"Sweetheart it's like that in most relationships. Males are built to be stronger
. You're the strongest, toughest, and bravest woman I've ever met. You should be
lucky to have a man to lean on. Jesse has been by your side for how long now? H
as it been two years officially?" She asked.

"No! It almost has been two years though. We met in October," Violet gushed and
I smiled.

"We have a new anniversary," I reminded her.

"I know. I was looking forward to December 2nd though for our 2nd year anniversa
ry of dating," she frowned.

"We can still celebrate it, only this year though. We can celebrate anything you
want baby," I promised and she squealed.

"You two are amazing. It's so good to see happy couples. Jesse I need you to get
ready if you think the mood swings are bad now see her in a few months and you'
ll see her go through ten different emotions in a minute. For the mean while I n
eed to check everything out. Next week we can do an ultrasound and see if there'
s more than one baby for our eager dad to be," Dr. ZImmerman chimed in.

"I can't wait," I grinned.

"Doc, we have a problem. Jesse wants to wait to tell everyone because of the ris
ks of something going wrong but I really want to tell everybody," Violet blurted

"Violet it's truly up to you two as a couple. I think you both need to sit down
and talk about it. You are at extreme risk, any woman is at the beginning of the
ir pregnancy. You've made it for two months but no one usually knows during the
very beginning of the first month. Then the fact that you could miscarriage beca
use of you being a hybrid or not a complete vampire or vice versa. And the dange
rs of being two important people who are having a baby together. Everyone knows
you two are a couple and you have problems on your plate already. I'm surprise n
o one has tried to kidnap you just to get you away from Jesse yet," Dr. Zimmerma
n advised.

"I really want to tell everyone," Violet whined.

"Cut it out," I ordered and she got tense. She frowned and glared at me while I
simply sighed in relief that she listened and didn't cry or something.

"Violet we need to check your wolf. Jesse I want you in charge. I want you to ha
ve her shift back and forwardth. Take her out on a run every day this week start
ing tomorrow. When she gets further in her pregnancy I don't want to risk her sh
ifting but this early since she made it this far I want her wolf to get adjusted
to the feeling of her being pregnant and get some excercise before she's cooped
up somewhere. Jesse you need to time her. I want her to be keeping up with you
r fastest not your regular sprint," Dr. Zimmerman instructed.

"I'll take her on runs," I assured.

"Good. Her mood swings should stop soon. Make sure she's taking her vitamins. I
don't want her doing a lot starting out right now. I want to make it through thi
s first trimester, I need you two to be careful," Dr. Zimmerman warned and we no

Dr. Zimmerman continued to instruct us on things and checked somethings with Vio
let. She gave her some type of test for her senses to see if they enhance at all
while she's pregnant and to make sure that she's doing okay. I was told to keep
track of her eating habits. She should be eating about four or five meals a day
. That was four meals because she's a werewolf, but since she's a female it shou
ld be three but she's an alpha so it's four and she might be hungrier due to her
pregnancy. Violet didn't eat that much on the regular basis. She was eating les
s though due to me biting her and turning her.
Afterwards we went home and I decided to relax. Violet's mood swings were gettin
g better I guess. She was fighting to control it but I knew she couldn't help it
so I dealt with it. When we got home Violet wasn't talking to me since we argue
d a bit over when to tell everyone about her being pregnant. I wasn't ready to t
ell anyone and now she was giving me the silent treatment. It didn't bother me t
hough. Soon enough she'll apologize for her actions and I'll be there to forgive
her. I'd be pretty pissed if she told anyone after I said I wanted to wait thou

I went to the bedroom while she went into the kitchen where my mom was. I sighed
and sat down at my desk opening the folder Simon brought. I furrowed my eyebrow
s I read over all of Alvin's family history. And I know exactly how he came into
power. That means he is an alpha to his own pack. His wolves aren't actual rogu
es, they move around like rogues. His family also had ties to witches. Well this
shit just got more complicated. Apparently when Alvin's grandfather was in char
ge he was stuck in some trap until this witch who owed him a favor saved his lif
e and somehow he managed to lock her away almost like a genie. He wasn't really
trapped but instead it was a trap set up for her. Well that was some fucked up s

I think it was his grandfather or his dad who actually slept with a witch or tha
t witch. Someone in that pack probably of higher rank had to sleep with a witch
to create hybrids. The witch died but an offspring was born and lived to bear a
few children then died in her early twenties. Now we have hyrbid witches running
around. The only reason the witches didn't have problems in pregnancies is beca
use they had the power to force their bodies to bear it.

Now I know how Alvin survied. There couldn't be that many hybrids around. The wi
tches all retreated and swore never to help a werewolf ever again. Plus hybrids
all die early without the help of pure bred witches. Before I could get up and g
o do some more research Violet came into the room.

"Baby I'm so sorry!" She yelled. I jumpedin my chair before smirking to myself.
I turned to face her and opened my arms. She immediately came running and I held
her tightly. It felt good to hold my girl in my arms again. "You're forgiven. Y
ou never even have to bother with saying sorry Violet. I will always forgive you
," I whispered softly but I know she heard me by the small squeak she let out.

"I love you Jesse," she mumbled, cuddling closer to me. Her head rested on my sh
oulder and her arms were wrapped tightly around me. "I love you too Violet, alwa
ys," I promised, kissing the top of her head.

She relaxed into me and I soon knew she was sleep. I chuckled lightly and carrie
d her to bed. So much for me getting some work done. I could worry about it in t
he morning once my wife was at school like she's supposed to be. For now though
I stripped her carefully out of her clothes down to her undergarments then slipp
ed on one of my t-shirts on her before stripping down to my boxers and joining h
er in bed.

I pulled the covers over us and pulled my beautiful werewolf, wife into my arms.
I nuzzled my face into her neck and placed a small kiss to the side of her neck
before closing my eyes. Eight hours of resting my eyes but not sleeping, coming
up. As long as Violet got a good sleep, well that was all that mattered. My wif
e was the most important person in my life and I doubt that was ever going to ch
ange until we had our child and future children

Chapter 39

*Jesse's P.O.V*

Violet moaned into my mouth and I pulled her closer. She managed to climb on top
of my lap, straddling me. The steering wheel and my body kept her trapped in my
embrace. I continued to kiss her and let my hands rub agonizingy slow up and do
wn her thighs. She began grinding her body and I groaned. This was not the time
or place for me to get a boner...a little too late for that. She began tugging o
n my hair and I leaned back into my chair. I knew Violet wasn't the type to want
to have sex in a car and if she was going to do it with me that way it wasn't g
oing to be in the daylight in the middle of her school's parking lot.

My hands ran up her back, slipping under her loose shirt. Violet wore looser clo
thes now. She hadn't got a baby bump or anything but she says it helps for when
her boobs her and her pants was because her hips were getting wider and I notice
d. It's actually very sexy the way she sways her hips. This pregnancy was not ma
king her look bad. I loved her the way she was though so I wasn't stupid enough
to tell her she was looking better. I don't really care my baby is hot no matter
what. I just can't keep my hands off of her but right now I had to.

"Violet," I breathed, pulling out of our lustful and passionate kiss. Violet moa
ned and began kissing down my neck.

"Baby you got to go. You have school Vi, I'll see you in three hours or so. I'll
be here on time and then maybe we can finish where we left off," I reassured, t
rying to move so she would stop with her sexy assault on my neck.

"Okay," Violet muttered. I pecked her lips before helping her off my lap and let
ting her climb out through my door. I grabbed her book bag and handed it to her.
"Have a good day cutie pie, your husband loves you," I teased.

"I love you too," she giggled.

"Bye Mrs. Stevens," I winked and she blushed. She shut my door and I watched her
and her sexy ass walk away. Damn was she fine. Could i ask for a woman more bea
utiful? I'm not going to lie I want her so bad right now and all the time. We ha
ven't done it since the day she told me she was pregnant.

Today was a busy day for me. I know Violet wants to take me out on a date but th
at has to wait until I'm not busy. I'm hoping to take her on a nice date tonight
. I wanted to have this big celebration today or tomorrow night. I just needed t

o do a lot of planning. Maybe the celebration could wait until Violet
wouldn't make that about ehr because she's so selfless.

I'm hoping Carson will be here by today to help me finish some stuff and to make
sure his sister did everything right. Anyways I got a great plan and Violet is
going to be jealous that I did it instead of her. I understand Violet doesn't li
ke Layla and I honestly get that. It's when Violet starts accusing me of cheatin
g on her with Layla, a girl I never even had feelings for. I simply slept with h
er a few times. She wasn't that bad but I definitely had better, before and afte
r her. Now Violet, now that girl. Don't get me started before I get a damn boner
. Today wasn't my day. I needed my wife.

Anyways I wasn't as oblivious as Violet likes to think I am when it comes to Lay

la. I know she's obsessed with me that's why I broke up with her. She was gettin
g on my last nerve. I know Layla wants me back it's the simple fact that I don't
care because she can never have me. I ignore Layla's advances, I'm not obliviou
s. I know she can be a bitch. I'm too smart for her. Now I'm going to do what I
need to do and figure out what the hell she has to do with this rogue problem.

I know she has something to do with it because she gives Violet funny looks now.
Not ones of hate completely or even jealousy but curious glances. She wants to
know what my wife is doing all the time which means she's obviously spying on he
r. For what? I don't know yet. Since we have this rogue problem it all makes sen
se. She has to ahve something to do with the rogues, I can just tell. I know she
isn't stupid enough to try to hurt my wife on her own without me killing her. A
nd the only people after Violet is Alvin and his pack of rogues.

Before going home I checked on my project. I checked in with Layla to see how ev
erything was going. There was something she was hiding and the way for once she
didn't ask me to join her for her lunch break I knew she had something planned t
oday. I wanted to know who she was seeing. I was going to follow her and find ou
t who it was.
For now I was going to leave her at work and promise to be back after lunch when
Carson was supposed to be here. When I got home I was greeted by mother who I s
aid hi to quickly before rushing to Layla's room. Once I was inside I began snoo
ping around a bit. She hasn't even started packing her shit but that was fine. I
'll make Carson make sure she has all over her stuff gone by today.

I went through her desk and paused. What the fuck? She's obsessed with me. I gra
bbed the photo album and sat down on her bed. The book had my name on it and I g
aped at the picture of me on the front. What the fuck? When I was with her. It w
as strictly physical for the most part. I didn't keep my hands off her only beca
use I was a hormonal boy with a girl willing to spread her legs for me.


picture of me on the front was me in nothing but a towel that was extremely
on me. Damn I used to look so good. I'm sure I still look good but damn I th
I need a hair cut. I'll talk to Violet later about myself. I wanted so badly
take the picture but I wasn't that rude. I had to respect that the picture w

as hers even if it was a picture of me. I did take a picture of it though on my

phone. Maybe I'll take this book from Layla one day.

The next couple of pictures were of just me until it got into me, Carson, and La
yla as kids. THen pictures of nothing but me and Layla. The girl had a thing for
pictures back in the day. Most of the pictures with me and her were actually cu
te and were before we started dating. I had my arm around her a lot or we were h
ugging. I didn't even hang out with her when we were younger. I would hang out w
ith Carson and only spend a few minutes saying hi to her since she had a crush o
n me.

Then I knew when the pictures got to when Layla and I were together. There was o
ne ofme trying to take off her shirt, another with her giving me a lap dance on
my birthday, one of her licking chocolate off of my chest, another of me trying
to braid her hair, and a few of us kissing and what not. It wasn't completely ba
d between Layla and I. It was just the fact we had good times only after bad tim
es. Nothing was ever perfect. Especially not why we got together. We spent a lot
of time together though. When I invited Carson to hang out she came over. Of co
urse I was also a good boyfriend but I wasn't the best back then at giving my gi
rlfriends attention.


I kissed my mom on the cheek before going to answer the door hoping it was Carso
n. The moment the door opened arms were thrown around my neck. I stumbled a bit
before catching my balance and wrapping my arm around my girlfriend. "Hey Layla,
" I greeted, looking over at Carson who looked ticked off.

"I missed you so much," Layla whispered in my ear before kissing me on the side
of my neck. I rolled my eyes before nodding. I only saw her two days ago. "Hey C
arson," I grinned.

Carson chuckled and we did our little handshake before Layla dragged me into my
living room. I sighed knowing how this day was going to go. All I had to do was
be nice. I sat down on the love seat and Layla plopped down on my lap. I frowne
d and tried pushing her off but she began complaining. "Come on baby," she said
seductively, running a hand down my chest. I clenched my jaw and gave into the l
ustful side before letting her annoy me more.

I turned her around so she was straddling me and I crashed my lips to hers. She
moaned immediately and wrapped her arms around my neck. I kissed her passionatel
y and let my hands roam over her body. She was tiny and skinny. She wasn't short
it was just my arms could go around her a bunch of times. I liked my girls a bi
t more thick.

We pulled away from th kiss and she bit her lip. "Let's go upstairs," she sugges
ted and I opened and closed my mouth. I wasn't one who usually turned down sex.
Layla wasn't that bad in bed. She was a bit more wild though which is the only r
eason I actually enjoyed it most of the time. Out of nowhere she would do some t
ype of trick and well it usually went pretty good other times I faked it a bit.
She didn't have thar sex appeal like my dream girl would have. She couldn't just
do or say anything that would make me want her immediately. Sure she can turn m
e on. I get around so a lot of girls usually can.
"I can't. Your brother is here," I replied with an excuse.

"Can you two stop whatever you are doing?" Carson asked annoyed. I pecked Layla'
s lips lightly to keep her from starting a fight with her brother. She angrily g
ot off my lap and I chased after her. My mom didn't like her and the last thing
I needed was for her to start fighting with my mother.

"Layla! Later Layla! We can do whever you want," I promised. The moment I caught
her I had her wrapped in my arms. I held her tightly since she could easily sli
p out. My god I knew we were vampires but maybe she should try to eat or someth

"Don't give me any attitude Layla. You know how my mom feels. She doesn't even l
ike you here. She's not going to let you up in my room any time soon," I stated.

"Well tell her to mind her business," she snapped.

"Watch it, that's still my mother. It's not my fault she doesn't like you. Learn
how to act and maybe she would. I can't really be with a girl who my mother doe
sn't like."

"So if she liked me, you'd think about us being more serious?"

"Maybe," I smiled and she bit her lip nervously. I liked when she was acting cut

"Maybe we can talk to her."

"Not today. Right now I want you to be a good girlfriend and watch me kick your
brother's ass in this game," I smirked and she instantly got angry.

"How is a game more important than us?" She asked.

"I didn't say it was," I argued.

"You're acting like it is. Why don't we go say hi to your mom?"

"You go say hi to my mom," I shrugged her off. She pouted and I rolled my eyes.
I shook my head at her letting her know her sad act wasn't going to work on me.
I didn't really care. She has the problem with my mom, not me.

"Layla I'm sorry. I really do want to play the game because I'm a selfish, self
centered bastard, who would love to have his girlfriend supporting him through i
t," I persuaded and she rolled her eyes dramtically before nodding.

I kissed her cheek and dragged her into the living room. Layla sat next to me la
ying on my shoulder. I wanted to shove her off me but didn't. This was the annoy
ing Layla the moment Carson left Layla and I got cuddled on the couch. I was kis
sing down her neck while she was watching some chick flick. I rather have her th
an watch this damn movie. I was trying to get her to take me to her house, anywh
ere we could go fool around ebcause it was going to happen in my house.

"Hey let's go to your place," I suggested.

"Now who's in the mood?" She laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Layla," I urged.

"Would you cut it out," she pleaded. I pressed my front side to her backside and
she let out a low moan. I knew she could feel how I went hard. That wasn't my f
ault she's the one who kept wiggling her ass. Plus my hand was up her shirt, pla
ying with her boobs but she kept smakcing it away. I wanted her right now. I was
bored and needed a quick fuck.

"Sweetheart the way I want it right now will be the best you ever had in your li
fe and from me," I stated in her ear huskily and she turned around to face me. W
e were under a set of covers and I was ready to rip these clothes off of her or
at least the skirt. Talk about easy access. Layla smacked my hand away again and
hopped off the couch. "Well Jesse can you take me home? It's getting kind of la
te," Layla asked.

"Sure Layla," I winked and she narrowed her eyes. I didn't care though. I haven'
t gotten any in awhile. I hopped off the couch put the cover with my mom's dirt
laundry of the rest of the sheets then said bye to everyone else in the room. We
ll when we got back to her house, it was safe to say everyone knows whaty happen
ed in the quickest quickie of my life that lasted about five minutes. I wasn't t
hat patient and wasn't waiting for her to go first.

Everything with her was up and down all the time. We had sex and that was our on
ly good times besides after we fight and all she wants is some attention. Then a
gain we fight everytime we're with each other. She doesn't trust me and I don't
blame her. I honestly would never cheat on her or any girl for that matter. No g
irl deserves that. If I wanted someone else I'd end my relationship first.
I knew Layla and I weren't going to work out. We weren't meant to be like she th
ought. It was simply physical. Of course I care about her but more in the way I
care about her brother. We were friends so I cared. I knew I was going to hurt L
ayla the moment I agreed to be her boyfriend. I knew I didn't want her that way,
I was never interested. I'm still not interested and I just finished having sex
with her. She was pretty and all but she's not my type, well she kind of is but
not someone I want to settle down with or someone who can handle loving me.


Once I was done looking at the pictures all of it came back to me. Layla and I w
ere barely even friends. She was the slutty type I was interested in and she wou
ldn't give up on me so I agreed to go out with her. I slept with her and that wa
s it. She hung around me a lot. Half of the time she wasn't invited. I just figu
red it was easier sleeping with her than going out and finding a chick to hook u
p with.

Either way Layla was long ago. Somethings weren't perfect in my life. I had a pa
st and I didn't care if Violet knows it. I just wish she understood she's my pre
sent and my future. She's all the woman I need. I've wanted her from the moment
I laid eyes on her despite the fact I was a bit disgusted with her kind. I have
my woman now though and I planned to keep her as mine for all eternity.

I soon began snooping around and started to get agitated when nothing was being
found. That was until I thrashed the bed and found a little book under her pillo
w. That was another thing. Layla hasn't gotten any smarter and I never liked dum
b girls. I simply had sex with them and that was it before moving onto the next
one. I had so many hormones back then and it made me crazy. Almost as crazy as V
iolet's body makes me. I needed to stop thinking about her because if I kept thi
s up I'd be having my way with her on the car ride home.

The book was barely filled out but I took pictures of all the pages she has writ
ten in. This is exactly what I needed. If I find out she was part of any of this
, which involved hurting my wife she was dead. I wouldn't hesitate to kill that

girl. I wouldn't wait to give Violet the honor of it.

I put everything the way it was before leaving the room. My mom was about to pas
t by and she was holding a laundry basket. "I swear to god that girl better not
be in there," my mom warned.

"What? Mom! Really?" I snapped.

"What am I supposed to think? What would your wife think?"

"My wife would at least ask me what I was doing there. Well actually she's been
cranky so she'd accuse me of cheating too. Anyways Layla is not here. She's at w
ork waiting for Carson to show up. Now if you excuse me I'm going to go on with
the rest of my day. And just for the record if I even thought about cheating on
Violet I'll kill myself before being that dumb," I explained and walked away ang

Why would I ever cheat on Violet? She has everything I need and want. She owns m
y heart-figuratively. I love her to death and I want to spend the rest of my lif
e with her and I can't wait for that. The girl means everything to me and now sh
e's carrying my child. I've always wanted children. I always tried to wait but I
couldn't lie the moment I first saw Violet with Mikey and Max I wanted to have
kids especially with her. I didn't really care to wait since I knew that's what
we both wanted and I'd be old enough to take care of them.

Surprisingly I didn't have a lot of time to myself since Violet called and said
she was about to get out of class soon. I had a bad feeling about this. I knew h
er mood swings had been cut basically. It was weird she had them apparently but
no one said it was going to be exactly like a human pregnancy.

I haven't even been asking her how she's doing. I felt guilty for some reason an
d I wanted to make that up to her the moment she got in the car. I left the hous
e after talking on the phone with Violet. I was ready to see my wife. I wanted t
o spend more time with her. She was the love my life and she came first. It's ju
st I forgot that she's going through the changes of pregnancy. And it's constant
ly changing.
I waited a few minutes for Violet to show up. I looked at the pictures of Layla'
s notes and read them carefully. It was actually quite confusing. All I was seei
ng at first was her fantasy of me and her being together. It was quite sad. I wa
s barely nice to her when I was with her before and that was saying something be
cause I used to tell her she was a bitch a lot and then sleep with her. I did a
lot of things I'm not proud of with some of the people in my life mainly females

"Babe!" Violet yelled. I looked up and saw her approaching the car. What caught
my attention was the girl on her right. Of course she wasn't anything special. I
only have eyes for Violet but I noticed the girl was familiar, too familiar. Sh
e was still good looking but she had nothing on my sexy ass wife.

"Hey baby," I greeted, rolling down the window on the passenger side.

"Hi hubby, can you give my friend Jenna a ride?"

"Anything you'd like," I smiled and she blew me a kiss before turning around to
talk to my ex-girlfriend. Yup Violet waws going to kill me. "Vi don't be mad but
I used to go out with Jenna," I stated through the mind link.

She tensed at my words and I watched her give Jenna a fake smile before leading
her to the car. Violet shot me a glare before laughing bitterly at something Jen
na said. Violet hopped in the passenger seat and groaned to herself. "She's your
friend," I pointed out.

"She's your ex-girlfriend! Which one is she Jesse? You said you only had three b
efore me" Violet questioned. We were still having a silent conversation to ourse
lves through out mind link that we share because we're mates.

"She's the girl from the woods. Remember when I was on that camping trip with th
e guys and we were arguing because you were jealous?" I asked.

"She was her? Take her home so I can never see her again."

"Yup that's her. If it makes you feel better I didn't sleep with her."

"Just Layla then?"

"Violet cut it out."

"I'm sorry," she sighed and I nodded. I grabbed her and kissed it before focusin
g on driving. Jenna gave me the directions to her house and soon I was heading h
ome. Violet seemed to be upset and I know she felt insecure. "Baby talk to me,"

I begged.

"I can't. Layla...I hate to say this but she's so pretty. Now Jenna looks like a
fucking model Jesse. I thought she was pretty but I didn't think she'd catch yo
ur attention at all since I know you usually don't look at other women but how c
an you help yourself when you practically already seen most of them or all of th

"Violet I don't find Layla attractive. I barely did when I was young. I thought
she was hot in the aspect of the fact she was so willing and so easy. Jenna was
my first real girlfriend. She said she liked me and I thought she was kind of cu
te. I got together with her and she was too clingy. By the end of the week she w
as out of my life for good...until the trip and then now. If I thought she was g
ood looking I don't think I would have broke up with her that fast whether she w
as clingy or not. Matter fact I wish you were clingy that way I could spend ever
y moment with you," I smiled.

"Alright I'll let it go."

"When did you meet Jenna?"

"She started today. She was assigned to sit next to me and we talked then she sa
id she needed a ride."

"I wanted to tell you easily which is the only reason I didn't tell her ass to r
un home."

"You should have," she grumbled.

"Don't be jealous Violet. You are mine and I'm most definitely yours. I don't kn
ow if you've noticed but I'm whipped as hell."

"I have noticed," she giggled and I grinned.

"Well I wanted to take you out tonight but I didn't have enough time planning so
I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me this weekend. We can celebrate
our ninth week of pregnancy next weekend since this weekend is being spent at ou
r first ultrasound and you still have school tomorrow," I replied and she nodded
It was August 2nd, which means Violet is officially eight weeks pregnant, not ex

actly two months until the seventh though. It was Friday and Violet has school t
oday and tomorrow for some seminar. Then on the 4th is our ultrasound. Which mea
ns I'll find out if she's carrying my triplets or just one baby.

Violet and I still haven't officially decided when to tell

tting off that conversation until after the date. I wanted
thly. I was hoping maybe by the end of the week I can have
a gone, what Layla's plan was and what not, and find Alvin

everyone and I was pu

everything to go smoo
my project done, Layl

"Hey babe I have somewhere I need to go," I stated. I forgot all about Layla and
I wanted to follow her.

"I'll go with you," she shrugged.

"Vi it's more complicated then that."

"Spill, I want to know everything."

"I'm going to follow Layla to see who she is supposed to meet for her lunch toda
y. I also went in her room and found a photo album that you won't like and that
she has a diary, which I took pictures of," I confessed. I couldn't hide it fore
ver and I was going to tell her. I guess it was going to have to be sooner rathe
r than later though, unfortunately.

"Well let's go stalk this bitch," she smirked and I frowned.

"I wouldn't say we were stalking her. I'm simply spying," I clarified and she ro
lled her eyes. Violet requested my phone and read out the next couple of pages.
We finished the whole thing and it was confusing.

It was an actual diary. She wrote about how she wants Violet out of the picture.
How she's confused about how some guy is make her feel, which I had to swear to
Violet it wasn't me. I mean during the times stated I was with Violet. I hated
that Violet was insecure and didn't trust me. I'd talk to her about that another
day. Then there was a plan of splitting me and Violet up by her trying to kiss
me and other nonsense, which wouldn't work because Violet wouldn't run crying if
she saw Layla attacking me with her lips and now Violet knows.

The confusing part was I wanted to know who the guy she was talking about was. S
he might not be aware of it but she has feelings for this dude, according to Vio

let. That alone started an arguement because Violet accused me of liking the att
ention of Layla being obsessed with me-which by the way isn't true. Anyways I t
hink the guy is Alvin but Violet disagrees because Alvin is more than obsessed w
ith Violet. Which started an arguement due to the fact Violet didn't know I was
joking when I accused her of being jealous of that fact Alvin isn't simply into
her but other females. The fact that the other female put Violet in disbelief, s
he was offended that if he was obsessed with her than why would he settle half w
ay for someone like Layla.

I got where Violet was coming from but the way she said it didn't sit well with
me. I didn't like how she was acting like she was so above Layla. In my world ye
s. In other people's eyes you don't know. Either way we resolved that and figure
d a lot out.

Apparently this random guy-I think is Alvin has a mate named Skylar, who Alvin i
s cheating on with Layla obviously. Then we have a page with four letters on it,
"JHLV." The V was circled in red and I knew it stood for Violet. Then the L was
underlined which has to be for Layla. What were the J and H for though.

"She's here," Violet murmured. I looked out the window to see Layla was at the p
lace she always invites me to for lunch. She sat a table alone and we watched he
r through the glass windows of the place, you can see through all of it.

We waited for awhile until someone sat across from her and my eyes widened. Heat
her Gastings, my ex-girlfriend. I got it now. "Jenna, Heather, Layla, Violet," I
stated outloud.

"What?" Violet questioned.

"All the girlfriends I ever have. V is you and your circled because your my pres
ent partner and she wants you out of the picture. Layla was my girlfriend before
you. Before that was Heather and you know my first was Jenna. That's why Jenna
is suddenly back again. That trip was a coincidence she doesn't live here, she l
ives there where I camped at. Heather ran off a few years ago to live in Colorad
o with her dad after her mom died and I apparently broke her heart. Layla is usi
ng herself and my other exes to tear us apart. Violet you got to be strong and t
rust me," I explained.
"I do trust you. Now I know. I promise no one will split us up. And I want all o
f your exes dead," she growled.

"Babe I don't know if we can. I don't want to kill them just because Layla wants

"If they give me a reason to kill them they'll end up dead, got it? I'm not taki

ng anymore of this ex-girlfriend business. It's pissing me off. Did you sleep wi
th Heather?" She asked.

"Once," I admitted.

"Great," she snarled.

"But I was drunk," I defended and she shot me a glare. I leaned

her cheek. She easily melted and sighed. "I know I can't be mad
the past. Now we get them to back off or they die. They're your
le that but if one of those sluts hit on you their ass is mine.
d?" She asked.

over and kissed

at you. It's in
exes so you hand
Do you understan

"Yes ma'am. It's pretty sexy when you take charge."

"Oh really?" She asked seductively and I nodded my head. I've been wanting her a
ll day.


"Then get me home. When you dropped me off at school you said we could finish wh
ere we left off," she stated and I immediately put my seat belt back on and head
ed home to finally have my way with my sexy wife. Thank god! I'm finally getting
some again. I wads having a serious withdrawal after all this crazy shit that h
as happened in the last few weeks. No matter what though, Violet and I were goin
g to be alright.
Chapter 40

*Jesse's P.O.V*

Life was going good. Today was Sunday and Violet and I have our first ultrasound
today for our baby. Violet is officially eight weeks pregnant with our baby. Ye
sterday Layla went back home with Carson, who I greeted after...satisfying my wi
fe and myself. Carson is staying for a few weeks only to hire some new guys for
me to help me with the rest of my project. Everything is scheduled for next week
because that's when I can tell Violet, on the date I'm taking her on. All the t
hings for my project now involve Violet so the sooner I give her, her surprise t
he better.

"Hey sexy," Violet purred in my ear. I groaned and turned to face her. She was s

tanding behind the couch that I was on in the living room. I was with the guys a
nd had left Violet while she was sleep. I left her note saying I'd be down here,
then again she has a phone and a mind link.

"Jess!" Carson yelled. I jumped and heard Violet giggled. My head snapped back t
o the tv and Carson began cursing. "Sorry dude," I shrugged. I tossed the contro
ller to Rico before turning around to face my wife.

"Morning beautiful," I grinned. I grabbed her by her hips and pulled her over th
e couch and onto my lap. She giggled some more and threw her arms around my neck
. I kissed her on her cheek. "How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Lonely," she pouted and I frowned.

"Don't give me that pout," I sighed.

"I was lonely though," she whimpered.

"I left about an hour ago," I pointed out.

"I know."

"And how do you know?"

"Because you woke me up a bit when you climbed out of bed. I thought you were ju
st going to the bathroom to use it so I went back to sleep."

"I'm sorry Vi. Next time I'll be sure to wake you up and spend the morning with

"It's fine," she reassured and I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. I don't need you with me all the time. It just sucked to wake up
without you."

"It won't happen least for some time," I promised and she nodded. We
were the same height with her on my lap so I leaned towards her and was able to
meet her lips. I began kissing her softly and felt her lips curve up into a smil

Her hands slipped further up and tangled in my hair. I groaned into her mouth wh
ich she responded to with a moan and sucking on my tongue. I didn't mind her tak
ing charge in our kiss for just a second. The kiss got more lustful so I pulled
away before I had the urge, well a more serious urge to have my way with her rig
ht this second when all my friends were here and we had an appointment to go to
in an hour.

Violet bit her lip shyly and nuzzled her face in my neck. "Want to go ready?" I
asked, whispering softly in her ear. She slowly nodded and pulled away. She hopp
ed off my lap and turned to me. "You coming?" She questioned and I nodded.

I let her help me up before heading to the bedroom with her. When we reached the
room she pushed m up against the wall and kissed me roughly. I smirked against
her lips before flipping us around so she was the one pressed up against the wal
l. My girl wanted me, almost as much as I want her.

I broke the kiss and she tried pulling me back for more but I knew we didn't hav
e time to be fooling around like this. "You need to get ready," I stated and she

"But Jesse...."

"But nothing, go take a shower and get ready," I ordered, stepping away from her
and she groaned in annoyance. I smacked her ass as she walked past me and she l
et out a small yelp. I chuckled and watched her walk into the bathroom. Damn tha
t girl had me wrapped around her finger. I just loved her so much.

*Violet's P.O.V*

I squeezed Jesse's hand before watching him drop me hand so he can stand up. He
lent me a hand and helped me out of my chair before wrapping one of his arms aro
und my waist. I was excited, anxious, nervous, scared, and happy. Dr. Zimmerman
just told us we can come in her office to do our first ultrasound. Not even Mela
nie, the receptionist knows about the baby appointments to her I was having cous

eling on my wolf.
Jesse led the way into the doctor's office before picking me up and placing me o
n the bed. I slowly relaxed and Jesse pecked my lips all while choosing to stand
next to me while holding my hand securely. "How are we feeling today guys?" Dr.
Zimmerman questioned.

"Anxious," we chorused. The doctor chuckled before nodding her head. She was mov
ing around her office gathering things. Soon she sat on a tall stool infront of
me. "Are we ready Violet?" She asked and I looked up at Jesse.

Jesse nodded with a huge grin on his face. "Yes I am," I smiled nervously. Jesse
squeezed my hand reassuringly before pulling up a chair next to me so he can si
t down. Dr. Zimmerman pulled a screen close to the three of us and positioned so
we can all see it. She stood up and grabbed a blue bottle before opening it and
squeezing the substance in her hand. SHe put the bottle to the side before walk
ing closer to me.

"Alright Violet this is kind of cold so relax and try not to tense up," she inst

"Okay," I replied.

"Jesse help her with her shirt. Can you pull it up right where her bra starts?"
She requested. Jesse dropped my hand and pulled my shirt up. I got butterflies w
hen he touched me, his hands gliding across my abdominal. He sat back down and t
hen Dr. Zimmerman placed the substance on my belly. I gasped and Jesse furrowed
his eyebrows.

I relaxed as she spread the thick and colorless goo on my belly. It wasn't that
colorless it had a green colored tint to it. She then grabbed the ultrasounh mac
hine called the transducer over and placed it on my sticky belly. She moved it a
round my flat stomach before stopping at the perfect spot which happened to be a
bit uncomfortable seeing I had to pee so bad and it felt like something was pre
ssing on my bladder.

Soon my attention was pulled to the screen. If I was in wolf form my ears would
be twitching. The sound of loud beating filled the room. "That's the heartbeat,"
Dr. Zimmerman explained. Tears filled my eyes as the fluttering of the rapid he
artbeat filled my ears. I looked at Jesse but his eyes were glued to the screen.
I pulled our intwertwined hands up to my mouth and kissed his knuckles. He face
d me and I can see the tears in his eyes that he was holding back. My tears soon
fell before Jesse pulled me in a tender kiss.

When we pulled apart we stayed close to each other until something caught my att

ention. The heartbeat sounded funny like it was over lapping. Or beating out of
the ordinary and going super fast. "Uh guys I have some news for you," Dr. Zimme
rman stated.

"What?" We questioned together.

"I think there's two babies," she smiled and I froze. Jesse did too but he snapp
ed out of it before I did. He moved closer to the screen and examined it as Dr.
Zimmerman moved the machine around my belly. SHe was right. there were two jelly
bean shaped babies on the screen. She told us something but it didn't register
in my brain.

Then she moved a bit more, the babies going out of view. "And there's the placen
ta. Seems they're identical twins since there is only one placenta," she stated
and I squealed, finally snapping out of it.

"We're having twins!" I grinned and Jessed nodded his head vigorously. He joined
my side and kissed all over my face before planting one of his soft and sweet y
et passionate kiss on my lips that made my toes curl, heart skip a beat, and goo
sbeumps appear on my arms.

"I love you so much. I'm proud of you too," he stated as we pulled away.

"What are you proud of me for? You created them too," I smiled.

"Yeah but you're the one carrying them," he shrugged and I let more tears fall f
rom my eyes. I was so happy. "I'm taking you out tonight. I have to. Canceling t
he date next weekend and moving it today. We need to celebrate and I want to giv
e you something since you deserve the world for carrying my two babies," he grin

"What happens when I deliver your babies?" I asked with a teasing smile.

"There will be a huge surprise but you'll have to share it with the babies," he
promised and I grinned.

"I love you Jesse, so much. I really appreciate you taking care of me and loving
me for the last two years. You mean everything to me and I can't believe we are
bringing not one but two beautiful babies into this world," I gushed and he wip
ed my eyes, shushing me.

"Guys I'm sorry to interrupt," Dr. Zimmerman chimed in. We excused ourselves and
let her talk, promising she wasn't interrupting. "Okay I'm positive there are o
nly two babies. We have one placenta so they have to be identical and then we ha
ve two seperate amniotic sacs so things are perfect. The babies look absolutely
healthy. We can figure out a due date today and I'll let you know when they're d
ue in a couple of days," she stated.

"Okay. And when will the next appointment be?" Jesse asked.

"Usually I'd say during the next trimester but I have to keep an eye on this pre
gnancy so next visit we'll have a doctor or two from another pack. I'll pick the
very best doctors, I assure you. And they will not be able to tell anyone besid
es their alpha who under Gavin's ruling will be forced off throne as alpha if he
spills to anoyone," she explained.

"Oh and we can do another ultrasound when you're eleven weeks, okay?" She asked
and we both agreed. She then told us what she was doing. She was measuring each
baby to calculate the due date and make sure they were the same size. She measur
ed from the crown of their head to their baby bottom then that was it. We were f
ree to go after she wiped the ultrasound gel off my belly.

Jesse took us both home and the moment we got their I ran to the bathroom, caref
ully I might add. When I came out Jesse was sitting on the bed with his phone in
his hands. "I'm so tired," I muttered, walking over to him.

"Want to go to bed?" He asked.

"Not really."

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I thought we had a date tonight."

"We do baby. If you want to go to sleep you can. Instead of shopping and stuff I
'll bring everything to you," he replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Violet. Go to sleep baby," he replied. He tucked me in bed before kissing m

e and then leaving the room to plan our date. I quickly fell asleep only to be w
oken up by Jesse.

I felt refreshed but confused. "What?" I groaned. He stopped shaking me and grin

"Wake up sexy, it's time for you to get ready for our date. I'll pick you up at
seven, ok?" He asked and I nodded.

"Okay babe. Love

bed. "I love you
in and I sighed.
too excited for

you," I mumbled. He kissed me lightly before helping me out of

too," he replied and I smiled happily. He then left me once aga
This date was going to be amazing, I could just tell. Jesse was
all of this so I needed to know what was going on.

Sitting on the edge of the bed was a large white box. I was confused but couldn'
t help myself. I opened the box and gasped as I saw a bright yellow piece of clo
th. I picked up the thin fabric and it fell down revealing a cute and simple yel
low dress with a gold type neckalace thing that will cover my exposed chest sinc
e the dress was practically strapless.

I laid the dress on the bed before grabbing a red bag that was on the bed. I rem
oved all the light pink tissue paper out the bag. I pulled out a shoe box and op
ened it. In the shoe box laid gold heels. I pulled out one shoe and gaped at it.
They were so pretty! It was solid gold and had a strap that goes around the ank
le, a strap across the toes, and a strap that went in the middle on the other st
raps with golden colored flowers covering it, which will go straight down the fr
ont and middle of my foot.

I went to place the one shoe down when I found a card laying under the shoes. I
grabbed the card and opened it, it was plain white on the front but I could see
pen writing through it since it was on plain paper. "I love you a lot Violet, I
hope you know that. The date will be simple but I know you'll still love it. Go
in the closet there is a huge green bag with a surprise for you and our twins, I
hope you like it babe," I read outloud to myself.

I grinned before placing the card in our top drawer of our dresser. I then skipp
ed over to our closet and pulled out a large green bag. It was covered with whit
e tissue paper that I quickly got rid of. I froze before pulling out the large i
tem. It was kind of heavy but I was able to get it. I laid it on the bed and the
n stepped back to see the picture that was in large wooden frame. I gasped and t
ears filled my eyes when I saw it was the sonogram. The picture was blown up and
framed. It was so beautiful. My thumb out lined the shape of each one of the ba
bies before i put the frame back. I couldn't wait to put that picture up. We cou
ldn't yet though since no one knew I was pregnant yet.
I grabbed the card inside the bag and smiled. On the front it was white with pin

k cursive writing. "My wife, You are more than special to me and you make me mor
e than happy. I love you so much and that's why it's 'til death do us part. I co
uldn't go a day with out you and I'm wishing today will be a day you will always
remember," it read.

I opened it up and read what Jesse wrote, "Violet I need you to get ready for ou
r date. Today is a special day for us. We're a happily married couple starting o
ur own family and today we make everything perfectly official. I can't wait to s
how you our surprise. Go get ready for it princess."

I squealed before putting the card away in a safe place. I ran to the bathroom a
nd froze in my tracks. There was a huge silky purple robe hanging on the back of
the door. Then on the closed toilet seat laid dark red and purple candles, a li
ghter, lavender scented bubbles, and bath salts. Then there was a small white ba
sket with body wash, more bubble bath, shampoo, lotion, hand soap, conditioner,
and body spray.

God I loved my husband. I turned on the water to the tub and ran myself a hot ba
th adding some bubbles and bath salts. There was also something else that I didn
't really know the name of that had a stick note that said to add one. I listene
d to my husband and pink the small purple drop and dropped it into the bath. It
began fizzing before the bath water was turned purple! Awesome!

I ran out the room while the water was left running and called Jesse. "Hello?" H
e answered.

"Babe I love you so much!" I shouted happily.

"I see you like your surprises," he stated.

"I do. I love it so much!"

"I'm glad. Now go enjoy your bubble bath. I want you to relax. I know this pregn
ancy has been making you crazy."

"I can't enjoy the bath..."

"Why not?" He asked, I knew he was frowning and his eyebrows were furrowed.

"Because bubble baths like this are supposed to be romantic. I don't want to be
alone," I pouted.

"Violet don't tease me."

"Can we make this date different? Can we get ready together?"

"Anything you want Violet," he promised.

"So you'll come take a bubble bath with me?"

"Of course sweetie."

"Bring something to drink and then come over," I replied.

"Okay Vi, I'll see you soon," he said and I hung up. I ran back to the bathroom
and turned the water off. I dimmed the lights before lighting the candles and pl
acing them all around. I knew this date was for me but I wanted to enjoy it with
my husband he deserved sweet stuff like this. I was definitely taking him on a
date soon. He was just going to have to make himself less busy for me.

I stripped out of my clothes before hopping in the hot bath. Once Jesse gets her
e it won't be as hot so he'll be fine. I relaxed in the tub and turned on some m
usic. Not romantic but not too crazy with the pop. "Before I fall too fast, kiss
me quick, but make it last. So I can see how badly this will hurt me when you s
ay goodbye. Kepp it sweet, keep it slow. Let the future pass and don't let go. B
ut tonight I could fall too soon into this beautiful moonlight," I sang along to
Demi Lovato's song, Catch Me.

Jesse walked in and I froze. I stopped singing and smiled happily. He shut the d
oor and placed a bottle of some type of sparkling juice on the counter of the si
nk along with two glasses. "Don't stop on my account," he smiled.

"So now you see why I'm scared. I can't open up my heart without a care but here
I go. It's what I feel. And for the first time in my life I know it's real. But
you're so hypnotising. You got me laughing while I sing, you got me smiling in
my sleep. And I can see this unraveling, your love is where I'm falling so pleas
e don't catch me. If this is love please don't break me, I'm giving up so just c
atch me," I sang quietly, finishing the song.

"Did I ever tell you I loved your voice?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I'm not too sure," I responded.

"I do. I love everything about you," he smiled, handing me a glass. I sat up and
took the glass, taking a small sip.

"I guess this works perfectly for you, huh?"

"What?" He asked.

"I can't drink because I'm pregnant and you're glad since I'm under age."

"It is perfect for me. If you weren't pregnant I'd give you champagne or wine th
ough. You're my wife, I can't treat you like a baby anymore. Just know you are m
y baby girl though," he repied, pecking my lips.

"I know I am. And you're my sexy husband so get out of those clothes and join me

"Be patient will ya," he teased. I sighed dramtically and sipped on my fizzy dri
nk. Jesse stripped out of his clothes then handed me his glass before climbing i
nto the bath behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my back a
gainst his chest. I leaned my head on his shoulder and moaned lowly. "God my bat
h just got way better," I muttered.

"My life got better the moment I met you," he whispered huskily in my ear, runni
ng a hand up my leg, closing in on my inner thigh. I bit my lip, holding in a mo
an and he began nibbling on my ear. "What gifts did you get?" He asked.

"The picture frame, the dress, shoes, and the bathroom stuff."

"Good then I can give you the one you missed," he replied and I raised an eyebro

"What will that be?"

"A surprise."

"Okay. Well babe I was thinking. This is all amazing. I need to give you a date.
SO how about next weekend on Saturday?" I asked.

"Sure babe. I'll clear my schedule."

"Yay!" I squeaked and he shushed me but leaning down and kissing me. It was weir
d kissing him basically backwards but we have done it before. We pulled away and
I grinned as I heard the next song come on. "I think I need to grow up," I chuc
kled and he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah but that will happen later," he replied, kissing me on the forehead before
putting our glasses to the side. "How long will I be waiting to be with you aga
in? i'm going to tell you that I love you in the best way that I can. I can't ta
ke a day without you here. You're the light that makes my darkness dissapear," I
sang softly and Jesse began washing my back.

"When you look me in the eyes I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, w
hen you look me in the eyes. Moving on, I start to realize. I can reach my tomor
row, I can hold my head up high, and it's all because you're by my side," I cont
inued singing to the Jonas Brothers' song, When you look me in the eyes.

"I was riding shot gun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car," I sang
loudly and Jesse laughed. I moved further away and let him scrub my body. "Sing
with me," I pleaded and he rolled his eyes. I knew he knew the song. I loved Ta
ylor Swift and I listen to her all the time. Jesse and I sang the song but soon
I weas cut off by him kissing me.

"Our song is the way he laughs-" I mumbled against his lips.

"Shh..." he muttered, kissing down my neck. I stopped him and made him leave me
alone so we can finish our bath. We both finished and were getting off the bed w
hen another song came on. I squealed and began singing. "But if you can find a r
eason to stay. I'll do whatever it takes to turn this around. I know what's at s
take. i know that I let you down. And if you give me a chance," Jesse began sing
ing and I joined him in the chorus.

"If we're going to make this work. You gotta let me inside even though it hurts.

Don't hide the broken parts that I need to see," he sang quietly walking out th
e bathroom.

"She said like it or not it's the way it's gotta be. You gotta love yourself if
you could ever love me. I'll do whatever it takes," I sang to myself.
"I'm so glad I have you forever," Jesse smiled, wrapping his arms around me. I k
issed hi softly while Lifehouse's song Whatever It Takes played in the backgroun
d. He had a point, we were happily together and we were never leaving each other
. Our love just burnt deep into our souls. For all eternity he was mine and I wa
s his.

We both got dressed and when we were done we were complimenting each other. He w
as wearing a white button up shirt that had long sleeves. He was wearing dark b
lue jeans and black boots. He looked so hot and I couldn't keep my eyes off of h

He pulled a box out of his pocket and opened it revealing gold earings, my last
gift. They matched my shoes with the pretty golden flowers. I smiled happily and
let Jesse put them on me. They were dangling earrings. The flower coming down o
n a solid gold chain. Once my earrings were on we were ready to go.

Jesse ended up taking me dancing which was amazing and completely sexy. I was al
l over himm. We had a lot of fun though and afterwards he put a blind fold on me
. Now I sat in the car confused and anxious.

The car finally came to a stop and Jesse helped me out the car. "You can't take
off the blindfold yet," he stated. He picked me up bridal style and I squealed i
n surprise. Soon I felt him let me go but it felt hard to stand up. He helped me
sit down on something that felt really weird. It felt as if we were on a hill.
Jesse sat behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist so we were in the same po
sition as we were earlier in the bath with my back flushed up against his chest.

"Now surprise," he whispered softly in my ear before removing my blindfold. I sl

owly and hesitantly opened my eyes then froze. We were on top of something but i
t wasn't a hill. Below me was nothing but grass. We were on a roof of a house! "
What the hell Jesse?" I asked, looking at him and he grinned.

He showed me a picnic basket and pulled out some food. I got distracted and join
ed him in our little dinner which turned out to be romantic. "Want to tell me wh
ose roof we're on?" I asked.

"Ours," he answered. I stayed sat on his lap trying to think. He then told me to
stand up so I did. He picked me up bridal style and said, "hold on tight." i wr
apped my arms around his neck tightly before he jumped off the roof! He was tryi

ng to kill me!

I shreiked then began hitting him the moment he put me down. He laughed and stop
ped me. "I'm sorry Vi," he apologized closing in on me. He shut me up with a hot
and passionate kiss that left me wanting all of him, right now. He pulled away
and tugged me along with him, around the house. I was confused completely.

"Welcome home baby," he stated, standing infront of the house. I gaped at the pl
ace and then turned to him who was standing to my right with an arm around my wa
ist. "What?" I asked in shock.

"I had Layla here because she owned half of her late father's construction compa
ny while Carson owns the other half and he was busy. I hired her to build the ho
use for us starting the moment after we were married. Surprise!" He grinned and
I smiled widely.

"Really? Our house?" I squeaked.

"It's empty babe but that's because I wanted you to design it," he stated before
handing me the keys to our house and letting us inside. The house hand plain wi
ndows and doors, white walls, and wooden floors. I couldn't wait to decorate. Je
sse thought it was perfect to give me something to do so while I was pregnant I
wouldn't be sitting around all the time. God, how did I get so lucky to have Jes
Chapter 41

*Violet's P.O.V*

"You never listen to me," I pouted. Jesse sighed and wrapped an arm around my sh
oulder. We were in a furniture store picking out stuff. Everyone knew about our
house now since it's been two days since he's showed me. I wanted to pick out fu
rniture before deciding on colored carpet and painting the walls first.

"Violet baby, I do listen to you. I'm just ignoring your pleadings for that damn
hot pink couch. You don't even want a leather couch so I don't understand," he

"Jesse, how about for our bedroom?" I suggested.

"No. I'm not having our room be pink," he sighed.

"What color do you want then?"

"Blue," he shrugged.

"Why do you get your favorite color? Can't we do purple?"

"Purple and pink are girly. Blue is a regular color for everything," he explaine

"How about red?"

"You don't like the color red."

"I do so. I'm not the biggest fan but it would be nice in our bedroom, sounds se
xy and romantic too," I convinced and he rolled his eyes.

"Violet I want our room to be blue," he stated.

"So you have to get what you want?" I frowned.

"No I'm not saying that babe. God, it would be nice though. I give you whatever
you want all the time," he muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked quietly, tears filling my eyes.

"Nothing Vi," he whispered, wiping my eyes and holding em tightly in his arms. I
cried a bit on his chest while I was in his embrace. "We can do it blue, you're
right," I said, wiping away my tears.

"Baby no-" Jesse began.

"Jesse, yes. Unless you changed your mind we can do it blue unless you have anot
her color in mind," I smiled weakly.

"Violet if you want red then we'll do red it doesn't really matter to me."

"It does so Jesse. Don't do this to me. You make me look like the bad guy. I don
't always get what I want, if I did then our house would have been built with me
knowing about it," I snapped.

"Violet now isn't the time to talk about Layla, she's going now cut it out with
the attitude."

"Why are we fighting right now? I'm so sick and tired of it. It's our house and
we are arguing over the color of our bedroom. Where's your mother when we need h

"She's on her way, so let's just wait," he suggested and I nodded. We walked ove
r to a living room display and we sat down on the nice leather couch. It was ha
rd like most leather couches and it was bright white. "Do you like this?" I aske
d Jesse.

"Yeah, I love it actually," he smiled and I smiled at his happiness.

"Aren't you basically taking the basement for yourself like at your parents plac
e, for you and the guys?"

"Yeah if that's okay with you."

"Of course it is, I want my man to be happy. To get some freedom from me and the
kids," I smiled, cuddling into his side. Jesse wrapped an arm around me and bro
ught his lips down to mine for a short and tender kiss.

"Break it up you two," someone chuckled. We pulled apart to stare up at his mom
and dad. I squealed and jumped out of my seat. I hugged Harold briefly before at
tacking Monica in a long hug. "I missed you so much. I'm so happy you're here-bo
th of you. Jesse and I are having problems picking what colors to do for each ro
om," I ranted.

"Babe let her go," Jesse said, pulling

nodded and was soon pulled to Harold's
her waist. Jesse kissed the side of my
. "Breathe for me Vi," he begged and I

me off of his mother. Monica chuckle and

side the moment he wrapped an arm around
neck before turning me around to face him
took a deep breath before pecking his lip

"Alright guys, no fighting. I'm always prepared because I know Jesse can be diff
icault," Monica frowned.

"What does that mean?" Jesse asked.

"It means son the woman picks everything," Harold laughed.

"What?" Jesse questioned.

"Who do you think designed the house?" Monica smirked.

"Seriously and it didn't come out pink, purple, and yellow?" Jesse asked.

"No," Monica frowned. She then pulled out a small notepad and pen. She sighed an
d wrote down a few things before turning to us. "You guys are a team now, a newl
y couple. It's your house, together. Jesse isn't like his dad in the aspect of n
ot caring about stuff. Now let's talk colors. Violet pick four colors then Jesse
you can pick four colors, no repeating," Monica instructed.

"Okay I pick purple, red, yellow, and pink," I answered.

"I want blue, green, black, and orange," Jesse shrugged.

"Alright that was easy enough. How many bathrooms are there?" Monica questioned.

"Four. One in our bedroom, one in the basement, one on the second floor, and one
in the hall of all the bedrooms," Jesse answered.

"Alright then it's decided. You both get two bathrooms. Jesse you get the one in
the bedroom and the one in the basement. Violet you have the other two," Harold

"What colors for each though? I don't want them to clash with anything ourside t
he bathroom," I voiced.

"Violet do the one near the living room pink and the other one in the halls red
or yellow. Jesse can do the basement black and the bedroom blue," Monica suggest

"If we do the bedroom bathroom blue can we do the bedroom red?" I asked Jesse sw

"Or a different color," he shrugged and I frowned. He smirked at me and kissed m

y cheek.

"What color should the living room be?" Jesse asked his parents.

"Well Violet what color do you want the kitchen?" Harold asked.

"Yellow," I answered.

"Then do green, a light pretty green that will go with yellow since they'll be a
ttached practically," Harold decided. Soon after we were walking around. Jesse a
nd I knew what we wanted each color to be. We had five bedrooms. Three Jesse wan
ted for kids-triplets, a guest room, and our bedroom. I guess we're having two g
uest rooms then. Not that it mattered we had a lot of friends.

The kids bedrooms were all close while the one supposed to be the guest room was
across the hall from theirs. We decided on the twins rooms privately. There wer
three rooms. One in the middle of the hall and then two the left were two bedro
oms. And further down the hall on the right was the bathroom.

Anyways Jesse was doing the basement, the living room, the bathrooms, and one gu
est room. We were leaving the kids room alone for now until we knew the gender.
I was doing the other two bathrooms, the bedroom, kitchen, and a guest room. I w
as set on having our bedroom be red. I didn't want a blue or purple. Purple was
too girly for him and I didn't like the sound of blue. It sounded too much like
a guys room if he was a teenager or a bachelor, which my man wasn't.

Jesse had the perfect living room set in his mind. I was goign to trust his judg
ement. He wanted it to be a mix of green and yellow while I was doing the kitche

n red and yellow or pink and yellow. We also had a back yard we were planning to
gether, which was going to compliment the kitchen since to get to the back yard
you go out the door in the kitchen.

Jesse was dragging us all around the store searching for a green couch. Some of
them were really tacky. They a grundy green, a lime green, neon green, and teal
colored couches but Jesse didn't like any of them, thank god. Finally he grinned
and found what he was looking for. It was beautiful. It wasn't leather, was sof
t, a pretty color, and it had a couch with three seats and a matching love seat.

"I want this one," Jesse stated and I nodded. I sat down on it and sighed in del
ight. Jesse joined me and happily grinned. He pulled me in his arms and we waite
d while Monica called someone over to help us. A guy named Chris helped us and w
ell we told him we were looking for more. He wrote down the order for the mint g
reen colored couches then told us to call for him after he left.

After we got that we checked out some dining rooms. We forgot all about that so
Jesse and I were sharing that. When you come in the house there's the living roo
m. In there leads to the doorless but archway of the kitchen. There's a glass do
or in the middle of a long wall opposite of the entrance of the kitchen that lea
ds to a light brown colored patio with steps going down to play in the backyard
while on the left side of the kitchen was an archway leading into the dining roo
m. The kitchen was huge, just like the rest of the house.
Jesse and I found a cute dark brown dining room set that we both liked a lot. It
had a glass table and a unique weight holding it that was colored a bronze like
color. It had skinny chairs that were dark brown with a soft fabric on it. We a
lso decided to not do such a bright yellow in the kitchen that way the dining ro
om and kitchen can both be painted the same yellow color, there wouldn't be too
much color.

After the dining room set Jesse and I searched for a small couch to put in the b
edroom and some in the guest rooms. We agreed on this cream colored leather couc
h that wasn't shaped like a block. It was comfy to sit on and a pretty color. We
got that for our bedroom and a matching reclining chair that Jesse wanted for t
he living room for him.

"Babe you know what I want in our room, a massage chair," Jesse smiled.

"Jesse those cost a lot. Where do you want it anyways?" I asked.

"In the bedroom," he shrugged.

"They're usually black. We can't have the cream colored couch with black and red
in the room," I sighed.

"Then we'll make the bedroom red and black. You can keep the cream colored couch
for your guest room," he suggested.

"Okay," I smiled, kissing his cheek. We hurried up and finished in the store buy
ing more furniture. I was happy though. We got everything we needed and today we
were also looking at flooring for the house hoping to get that started sometime
this week.

Jesse and I left his parents then met Jesse's friend Carson and a few other guys
to help us bick all our flooring. We picked tile for the bathroom, kitchen floo
r and walls, wood in the dining room, and carpet in all the bedrooms and the liv
ing room.

The kitchen was going to be done last with the walls. I needed to pick out cabin
ets and stuff for that before they could put in the tile that goes in the gap be
tween the counter and the cabinets. I was so excited though. Jesse and I finally
went home, back at his place and ended up talking about the baby. We wanted to
pick baby names. That way we could call the baby by their name from the moment w
e knew their gender.

"Shall we start with boys or girl names?" I questioned.

"Boys," he smiled and I chuckled. I knew that was coming. We were looking on the
internet and in books. "Fine. Here's your piece of paper and I have mine. I cal
l using the computer first while you look in the books. We'll switch in a half h
our," I stated and he nodded.

"And time starts now," he replied. I got up and headed over to the desk while he
grabbed the books out of the bag in the closet. I quickly logged onto the lapto
p and got on the internet. I searched baby names and opened up a few links in a
bunch of different tabs.

When the half hour was up we both read our lists out loud, Jesse insisted I went
first so I did. I took a deep breath before listing all the baby boy names, "Ac
e, Adam, Alec, Bailey, Blaine, Blaise, Brant, John, Casey, Daniel, Darel, Darren
, Joel, George, Mac, Mitch, Dennis, Kyle, Victor, Vincent, Logan, James, Jamieso
n, Jan, Jace, Liam, Donovan, Marco, Malik, Jasper, Eric, Aiden, Matthew, Benjami
n, Chad, Lucas, Joshua, Nicholas, Noah, Barrett, Devin, Kurt, Nathaniel, Joeseph
, Ian, Shane, Rex, Cole, Martin, Mason, Zayn, Louis, and Marshall."

"Archer, Adrian, Alec, Jace, Jacob, Devin, Jack, Vander, Vic, Van, Charles, Orla

ndo, Perry, Cameron, Donovan, Donald, Darwin, Liam, Jax, Jayden, Henry, Myron, S
teven, Dante, Corey, Robin, Robert, Marley, Gomez, Jared, Jett, Spinelli, Jason,
Vincent, Collin, Dawson, Mark, Aaron, William, Ethan, Terrance, Nate, Xavier, G
arett, Christian, Brian, Dillon, Cade, Christopher, Jay, Marvin, Andrew, Anthony
, Vance, Chase, and Zade," Jesse repsonded.

"Alright switch papers," I stated. We switched papers and crossed off the names
we didn't like. I didn't like Archer, Charles, Donald, Darwin, Corey, Robert, Go
mez, William, Terrance, Garrett, Brian, Dillon, Christopher, Marvin, Anthony, or
Chase. Mainly because they were too common for my liking. Or they sounded weird
. Like, "look at Jesse and Violet with their baby Archer." It sounds unfitting f
or us as a couple. So did Gomez, Corey, Darwin, Terrance, and Donald along with
others. Some of them I just thought were ugly for our kids. I didn't like the na
me Marvin at all for my child or Anthony.
When Jessse handed me my paper back he had crossed off Adam, Brant, John, Daniel
, Darel, Darren, George, Dennis, Jamieson, Jan, Marco, Malik, Benjamin, Lucas, B
arrett, Kurt, Nathaniel, Joeseph, Martin, Louis, and Marshall.

"Now what do we do we still have a lot," I pouted.

"Let's do the top ten from each then from what's left," he stated and I nodded.

"Alright; Jasper, Blaine, Victor, Casey, Logan, Aiden, Victor, Blaise, Zayn, and
Ian," I replied.

"I'd have to say...Vance, Jacob, Jace, Dawson, Jett, Donovan, Jax, Alec, Cade, a
nd Devin."

"Well I don't know what to do now," I sighed.

"We'll narrow it down to ten names only," he said.

"Okay. I need Jasper, Blaine, Ian, Blaise, and Zayn. I really like those. I'm in
love with Blaine and Blaise."

"I like it too, alot. If it's twin boys lets go with Blaine and Blaise."


"Yeah babe, I like it a lot."

"Okay well pick your top five," I insisted.

"Vance, Jett, Jax, Cade, and Alec," he stated.

"What if we do if it's a boy he'll start with a J like you and his middle name b
e a V for me?" I suggested.

"Okay since he'll have a J for me it's only fair you pick the name."

"Jasper," I grinned.

"I pick Vance."

"Jasper Vance Stevens," I said.

"I don't like it."

"Me either," I giggled.

"Let's try this again, Vincent."

"Jax Vincent Stevens."

"I actually like that."

"Me too, but it feels weird. I don't know how I like the name Jax actually," I f
rowned, biting on my lip.

"I get what you're saying. It doesn't sound like a baby. Screw it then. How abou

t we do the B's. Blaine with a J and Blaise with a V? Then go with whatever soun
ds the best."

"Blaine Jasper Stevens," I smiled.

"Blaise Vance Stevens," he grinned.

"Or Blaine Vance Stevens and Blaise Jasper Stevens."

"No because it sounds to alike with N in Blain and Vance and the s's in Blaise a
nd Jasper," he mused and I nodded.

"Which one do you like better?"

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"I kind of like Blaise Vance," I stated.

"I do too but I know you love the name Jasper," he replied.

"Who cares if it's a boy or there is a boy his name will be Blaine Vance Stevens
," I grinned, kissing him softly.

"And it works if there's two boys. But what if it's two girls? Let's do girl nam
es," he suggested and I nodded.

"Oh my gosh! What if it's one boy and one girl? I love the name Blair. Blaise an
d Blair?"

"That's actually really cute. I like the name Blair. Since we went with a V for
Blaise well do the same for Blair."

"You have to pick," I stated.

"Um...well I've actually thought about it a lot, us having a girl. I really love
the name Vienna."

"That's a beautiful name," I whispered softly.

"Blair Vienna Stevens and Blaise Vance Stevens, I love it Violet, I really do,"
he muttered, pulling me in his arms.

"Okay so we have if it's two boys, one boy and one girl, but we don't have two g
irls. Name some girl names."

"Jade, Jane, Jezza, Victoria-after your mother, Harley, Viola, Vivian, Bella-lik
e your maiden name, Bianca, Bloom, Vallery, Hannah, Minnie, Mandy, Mackenzie, Ke
ndall, Karry, Jayla, Justine-"

"Not to cut you off, sorry babe. What if we spelt the normal name Blair with an
E. So Blaire that way it will fit with the E on Blaise?" I interrupted.
"We can do that."

"Okay, continue."

"Umm...Brooke, Dakota, Baliey-again, Starr, Tanya, Brooklyn, Brenda, Phiona, Sta

cy, Tracy, Tiffany, Marlene, Maggie, Margret, Marie, Bridget, Avery, Claire, and
I don't know."

"I like Brooke, do you?" I questioned.

"I don't know. Brooke and Blaire, Blaire and Brooke. Not bad actually. Okay we d
id Blaire with a V for the middle name let's do Brooke with a J then."

"Um Brooke Jane Stevens," I shrugged.

"I like that. I really love it Blaire Vienna Stevens and Brooke Jane Stevens," h
e grinned.

"I think it sounds beutiful I love all the names. Imagine if we had four babies.
Blaire, Blaise, Blaine, and Brooke," I chuckled.

"Then I'd love them all," he smiled, kissing me on the nose. The cute moment was
ruined when my stomach rumbled. "Let's go feed you and our babies. How about we
go out? Let's go to Friendly's, you can use a nice treat," he smiled and I sque

"Yay! I love ice cream," I grinned.

"I know," he teased. He kissed my forehead before we climbed off the bed we both
somehow ended up on after we finished with our lists. We put on our shoes and I
slipped on a cardigan before we left and headed out to eat. Me and my babies we
re hungry. I'm so happy my babies won't be nameless for much longer! Yay!
Chapter 42

*Violet's P.O.V*

I placed my hands on my hips and glared at Jesse. He scoffed and looked back dow
n at his phone. I gaped at him and walked over to him. I plopped down on the cou
ch and snatched his phone out of his hands. "Jesse I'm talking to you," I frowne

"You're bothering me too. I don't want you involved in this, end of story."

"I want to be involved," I retorted and he shrugged.

"So what? I don't even know why I told you."

"Because I'm your wife, or have you forgot that? I can remind you if you just lo
ok at my left hand and the damn ring on my finger."

"I know you're my wife. I was at the wedding," he smirked.

"Don't change the subject."

"I didn't, you did."

"Anyways you said that you think Alvin was revived by a witch who you think is h
is mate. Now tell me why and what you plan to do about it," I demanded.

"First I'm going to find his mate, Skylar then I'm going to find Alvin, attack h
im and his pack of rogues and lastly kill him."

"What about Layla?"

"What about you not being jealous? Did you hear me say anything about Layla? I w
ill deal with that when it gets to it. First I want his mate."

"Now you want her?" I asked angrily and he chuckled.

"Violet stop it. Control your hormones and come sit on my lap," he requested. I
pinched the bridge of nose like Monica told me to do when I needed to calm down
since my anger has been through the roof the last couple of days. I took a few d
eep breaths before listening to Jesse. He was right. I needed to control myself.

I walked around to the front of the couch and plopped down on Jesse's lap. I sig
hed in exhaustion and leaned my head against his shoulder. "Baby I'm sorry," I a
pologized and he kissed the top of my head.

"You're fine Vi. Just let me handle it. I promise if I need your help then I wil
l ask you."

"Okay, fine. Fair enough...On a brighter note, we have a doctor's appointment in

nine days," I smiled. Today was August the 14th and my appointment was when I w
as eleven weeks exactly, which was on 23rd.

"I know baby. I can't wait. I want to frame all the sonogram pictures."

"Ooh we're hanging the first one up one the house is done and I was thinking we
could decorate the other ones in regular size in the living room, the nurseries,
and our bedoom. I wanted a collage of my pregnancy for me to put in our bedroom

"That sounds perfect. Once I get my office done I'm definitely putting in pictur
es of all three of my babies-including you of course," he smiled and I grinned b
ack at him.

"I want to buy stuff," I pouted.

"Like what?"

"I want scrapbooks Jesse. We have only taken a few pictures together. I want mor
e that way we can look back on our lives or our relationship. We used to kind of
take some when we first started dating. I'd cound us being just 'friends' too i
n there."

"Babe I don't take many pictures period."

"Well start, take a picture with me,"

back from me and went to his camera.
nd I wrapped my arms around him. "Say
like I was before clicking the button

I pleaded and he sighed. He took his phone

He turned the camera so it was facing us a
cheese," I squeaked and Jesse smiled just
and setting off a flash.

He showed me the picture and I grinned. I could have looked better but I didn't
care. He sent me the picture in a text message then I decided to leave him alone
. I know he was contacting people to figure things out about that Skylar girl. I
wasn't worried about it. I had my mind focused on fixing up the pack house, dec
orating my house, and being pregnant in general because that was hard work. "I'm
going to go see Candice today," I stated.

"What? You didn't tell me you were going anywhere today," he replied, looking up
from his phone.

"Do I have to tell you? I told you just now. It wasn't part of my plans but I'm
bored and you're obviously busy," I shrugged.

"Babe don't go," he sighed.

"Because I want you here with me," he responded. I could tell he was telling the

truth but for some reason I knew he was hiding something. Jesse has never actua
lly been secretive with me for the most part when it came to our actual relation
ship. Sure he would do things without telling me right away but the look in his
eyes were so vulnerable. I couldn't possibly leave him.

"But your busy," I frowned. I did want to go now. I haven't seen her in months.
Plus I was bored being cooped up in the house. Jesse is never bored. He's either
doing work of some sort, going places, hanging out with his friends, or spendin
g time with me.

"I'm not too busy for you, I need your help too," he stated.

"Really?" I squealed.

"Yes honey, please stay with me," he begged. I nodded and rushed back over to th
e couch. I jumped down in the seat beside him before scooting as close as possib
le to him. I placed one of my hands on his shoulder and the other on his thigh.
He wrapped an arm around my body and held me close to him. "You know you're mine
right?" He asked.

"What?" I questioned.

"You heard me Violet," he said.

"Yeah I did. You're right, I am yours. I will always be yours. I have never belo
nged to someone else babe," I reassured, rubbing his thigh affectionately. He si
ghed and nodded. He kissed the top of my head before taking a deep breath.

"You want to know don't you?" He questioned.

"Yeah," I whispered. He knew me too well. He was too amazing. He knew I wanted t
o know the real reason why he didn't want me to go.

"I'm jealous," he stated.

"Of what? Me and Candice?" I chuckled.

"No," he snapped.

"Whoa calm down. Is it Dalton? Because you know those two are together-"

"It's not Dalton," he said through clenched teeth.

"Then who is? Why can't you just say who it is? I don't get why you'd be jealous
. I spend all my time with you or alone. Don't take that the wrong way either. I
love being with you over being with anyone else, being anywhere else, or doing
something else besides spending time with you. I love you Jesse, only you. Now w
ho could you possibly be jealous of?" I asked.

"Simon," he muttered. His voice was so low I barely heard him.

"Simon? Seriously, what do I have to do to prove that he means nothing. He was m

y mate, there's no connection. He could never have me Jesse. I don't even spend
actual time with him. God if he meant something to me I would have just kept try
ing to win him back. I never wanted him Jesse, never. I have you, I'm with you,
and I love you. He has nothing going for me neither does any guy in the world. I
need and want you in every single way. If you feel jealous of someone it makes
me feel bad. I know what that feels like and to me it seems like I don't pay eno
ugh attention to you when I know that's not true. I care about everything you do
babe. Now if you don't want me to go I won't. All you have to do is say so. I u
nderstand. You're my husband and I respect your wishes," I replied, bringing him
in for a small kiss.

"I'm being ridiculous, aren't I?" He mumbled against my lips.

"Yes you are," I chuckled, pulling away from his lips. I ran my hands through hi
s soft and silky hair. "I love you baby and I need you to know that," I added.

"I know you love me Violet. I never doubt that. It's just that one time you were
crying and I saw you in his arms I almost lost it," he explained.

"Well then that was my fault babe. Just please let it go. He's just a friend and
that's barely. Now please focus on us. I want to help you," I smiled.

"We need to find Skylar, I think I have an address. Want to come with?" He asked

"Yeah cause I swear to god if she hits on you I will beat her ass. I'm so sick o
f women coming after what's mine. God at least some people have the decency to j
ust stare from far away," I rambled. Jesse chuckled and cupped my boobs in his h

"Calm down," he laughed, giving my breasts a squeeze that made me moan lowly. My
nipples had went hard and now I was bothered by my tight bra. "And go change yo
ur shirt. I swear those things are going to pop out," he said.
"It's not my fault that my bra is snug and has to squeeze them so close," I frow
ned, getting up and walking to the dresser. I grabbed one of Jesse's t-shirts an
d slipped it on over the tank top that I had on. The shirt was black so you coul
dn't see through it. I needed new clothes, mainly tops...and jeans, my hips are
getting so fucking wide.

"Hey babe don't we find out our due date during the appointment since you didn't
want to find out over the phone?" Jesse asked.

"Yes," I grumbled.

"What's wrong?"

"I want to know right now."

"Calm down. We can call her on the way."

"No. I don't want good news just to go see some bitch," I frowned.

"Don't be mean," he teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Jesse I'm so fat," I cried. His head snapped over to me. I was standing infront
of the mirror looking at myself. "Let's take a picture," he grinned.

"Life up your shirt I want to see your belly," he stated. I lifted up both shirt
s and placed my hands on my flat belly. There was a flash and I found myself smi
ling. At least we were taking pictures. Jesse then got up and came over to me. H
e grabbed me by my hips and pulled me flush against him. I moaned at the contact
, god he's such a turn on. He kissed the top of my boobs, through the shirt and

I found my self whimpering and arching my back. "Baby they hurt, I need you," I

He let out a sexy groan before pushing me up against the wall next to the floor
length mirror. HIs hands quickly made work of getting off my shirts and my bra.
His hands kneaded my breast softly. Massaging them tenderly while I cried out in
pleasure. His lips then covered mine in a hot and needy kiss. His tongue slippe
d past my lips and immediately grabbed my tongue. He explored my mouth like it w
as our first time kissing.

When we pulled away he kissed down my neck making sure to nip at my mark and suc
k on my skin over my collar bone. His thumbs teasingly rubbed over my nipples go
ing in slow motions in small circles. I wrapped my legs around his waist and gri
nded my lower half against him. I could feel him going hard and I know this wasn
't the tim for that but I needed him right now. I tried unbuttoning his pants bu
t he wouldn't let me.

His head lowered and soon a hot mouth was sucking on right nipple while my other
breast was being massaged. He bit down lightly on my nipple making me whimper f
or more. The tip of his hot and wet tongue flicked it and I grinded myself more.
I wanted this right now. All of him right now. "Jesse please, I want you. Pleas
e it hurts so bad," I cried.

I felt like the pleasure wasn't enough. I knew we weren't supposed to go further
tthan my boobs but he didn't care. "Whatever you need my lady," he said through
our mind link while sucking on my nipple until it lost it's hardness. He moved
over to my other nipple and took care of that before kissing down my stomach. He
got my pants undone easily and carefully pulled them down my legs. His hands pu
lled down my lace panties and he kissed over my core. "Don't tease me," I begged

He licked over me before his tongue plunged through my lower half set of...'lips
.' His tongue moved fast in circular motions and I found myself grinding against
him mouth, wanting more. I was close to my climax and I wanted it so badly it h
urt. He began sucking and even biting yet nothing was turning me on more than lo
oking below and seeing him down there. Now that was sexy. His large muscles flex
ing as his head moved a bit. My breath hitched and my core tightened yet Jesse's
tongue didn't stop moving.

I climaxed slowly and Jesse took it all in with pleasure. His hands rubbing the
inside of my thighs, just barely brushing over my core with the tips of his tong
ue. He finally stopped and soon his lips were on mine. It seemed gross since he
was just using his tongue somewhere else but then again it was all me. Still it
was weird. But I couldn't deny his soft and inviting lips. When we pulled away h
e helped me get dressed. He managed to calm himself down and then we were able t
o go.

We were both calm during the car ride. I was a little exhausted but I didn't wan
t to stay home. When we got to the place it was a small apartment complex. We fo
und the right one and soon I found myself in Jesse's arms as he carried me up a
flight a stairs in less than a minute.
We stood infront of the door and I took a quick sniff. I knew Alvin wasn't here.
Someone was though, only one person. Jesse wrapped an arm around my waist befor
e knocking on the door. I didn't know what he planned on saying to her or anythi
ng at all but I was going to be right by his side.

The door soon opened to reveal a tall and tan girl with bleache blonde hair and
dull green eyes. "Um hi. Who are you?" She asked timidly.

"Hey, I'm Violet and this is my husband Jesse. We were wondering if we could tal
k to you," I smiled sweetly.

"Uh I guess, come on in," she replied, stepping back. Jesse walked in first, his
arm falling from my waist but his hand grabbing my along the way. She welcomed
us into her home and we all sat in her living room. She was nice enough to offer
us drinks but we both refused.

"So what did you come to talk about?" She asked.

"Your name is Skylar right?" Jesse questioned.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I do research. I need your help and I need you to listen to me closely. Your ma
te, Alvin, he's very dangerous-"

"I know," she interrupted defensively.

"No you don't know. I know he's alive and I know you're the one who made it poss

"Oh so you think because you're some big and tough vampire you can just accuse m
e of things," she snapped.

"Calm down," I growled and her eyes widened.

"You know for a witch you're not that smart. Not even smart enough as a wolf. I'
m not my husband and I don't like you. I don't really care for females these day
s. Now you're mate is cheating on you, fucking some stupid slutty vampire bitch.
He's also obsessed with me and if he dies again-which he will and comes back to
life I swear to fucking to god that I will be the one to kill you. Now my husba
nd wants your help and I don't really care that much, it might be easier killing
you now so you don't screw anything up," I snapped.

"What do you want?" She questioned.

"I want you to stop helping Alvin. He doesn't love you. He died because I killed
him. He wants my wife and I don't need her in danger. I want you to tell me whe
re Alvin is, how many people there are in his pack, who he's working with, and h
ow many rogues does he have?"

"He's working with some chick named Layla, he has five groups of rogues no more
than 25 people each, there are around 250 people in his pack, and here's his add
ress," she stated, writing it down on a piece of paper.

"We're not paying him a visit," I stated in warning to Jesse.

"Thank you Skylar. If you stay out of the way you'll make it alive. Don't you da
re warn Alvin or anyone. They're all going to be dead," Jesse stated, aprubtly s
tanding up and draggin me out her apartment with him.

"Let's go home," I suggested and Jesse stared at me for a moment before nodding
in agreement. Once we did get home he locked himself in his office. I checked up
on him every once and while but I knew he was too determined on trying to get r
id of Alvin now. My man works fast. I can't even believe he found that Skylar gi
rl that fast.

While he was working I was making plans. Tomorrow I was thinking I'd go shopping
. I need new bras and new clothes that were looser. I wasn't ready for maternity
clothes yet. I invited Candice, Courtney, Monica, Ciara, and Clara. Tanya was o
ut of town with Justin, visiting some of his family with him.

I missed Spencer. He hasn't been with them since Jesse and I mated. Jesse took h
im to work everyday while he was working with Layla. Then when he came home Spen
ce would be either inside or outside the house. Everyone loved him especially Mo
nica. She would let him follow her around the house while she cleaned and took h

im with her when she went to the store and stuff. It was so cute. It was like Je
sse and I had a kid already.

My hands flew to my stomach at that thought. I couldn't wait for my babies to be

here. I didn't really know what I wanted. I thought about having two girls. I r
eally want a baby girl. I just thought it would be cute to have two baby girls.
Both girls looking just like their daddy. I didn't know about having a boy. I wa
nt one, I really do but I thought it would be sweeter to have two daddy's girls.
I want a son, definitely. But I acutally used to envision having twin girls and
a baby boy a year later or so that way I can spoil him to death.
Then again I thought recently it would be nice to have two boys. Both around to
help with stuff. Then when I do have a baby girl or a couple they'll have big br
others. Then again I don't know if I really wanted two boys at the same time bec
ause then it will be so hard. Taking care of one baby will be hard enough but tw
o sounded ridiculous and overwhelming. I think I'll stick with my fantasy. I wan
t two baby girls. And two boys later that way I can spoil them to death.

"Jesse?" I called through our mind link.

"Huh baby?"

"Do you want two boys or two girls?"

"I want one of each."


"I know you Vi. You want a baby boy to spoil right? Well if we have one of each
I get my boy who can still be protective of his twin and you'll get your baby gi
rl. Then we can have a boy later and I will have three kids all together."

"That sounds perfect," I stated.

"I know," he smiled.

"Hey, I'm going shopping tomorrow with the girls. Do you want to come?"

"You want me to go shopping with you and a bunch of girls?"

"Yes. I need bras and stuff. I want you there to protect me from everyone's nosi
ness. Please?"

"Of course I'll go Vi," he chuckled.

"Yay! Are you almost done working?"

"Yup. I just planned a meeting for us."


"We need to form some type fo group of people. I don't want everything to get to
o crazy. The only people at the meeting is us, Gavin, my dad, my guys, Simon, Da
lton, Weston, Eli, and your Uncle's beta-Raymond."

"Okay," I replied.

"I'm coming to meet you now," he stated. I smiled happily and waited a few minut
es for him to reach our room. He joined me on the bed and gave me a small kiss o
n the lips. "How are you?" He asked, kissing on my belly twice.

"Pretty good," I answered and he nodded.

"Want to watch a movie or something?"

"Sure," I grinned. He nodded and we headed to the couch to watch a nice movie. T
hings were going great. Soon this rogue problem will be over with, our house wil
l be done, and our baby will be here. The year is going to be great. I just want
everything done before Jesse's birthday. Speaking of that the flight to England
... I have to ask my doctor if she was going to allow me to fly over. Hmm...who
knows. I just want my man to have a great birthday, the second one we've celebra
ted together. He's growing up so fast.
Chapter 43

*Skylar's P.O.V*

I woke up naked next to Reagan. I can't believe that happened. I slept with my m
ate's beta. He was going to kill me after he killed Reagan. How the hell did tha
t even happen? I lost my virginity to Reagan someone I barely knew but I knew I
felt attracted to. God I felt like a slut. I felt horrible. I bet Alvin felt tha
t. I hated myself for sleeping with Reagan. So why did I want him all over again

"Baby?" Reagan croaked, pulling me closer to him from the arm he had arround my
small waist. I moaned lightly feeling his member. We mated last night. He marked
me as his, breaking my bond to Alvin. "How you feeling Sky?" He asked softly.

"Horrible, how could we do this to Alvin?" I cried and he let out a loud growl,
pulling me closer and turning me around to face him. He was not happy either.

"Don't you dare cry over him. I'm your mate now. I want you to be done with him.
I'm done with him."

"He's going to kill you," I whimpered, bringing one of my hands up to caress his

"I'll be fine."

"No you won't. We have to find that Jesse guy. He can help us," I said.

"Are you crazy? If he knew I was his beta he'd kill me. I don't know if you noti
ced there's no one in the world stronger than him. He's a determined young man w
ho easily has access to most of the world. He can have or get anything he wants.
How do you think he found you? Even without your help the moment he realized Al
vin was alive he probably sent people searching and would have found him. You ga
ve him his home address. Jesse probably knows where the pack is located."

"I'm going to find Jesse. And you're going to tell me where he lives," I growled

"Baby calm down."

"Don't call me that. We made a mistake last night Reagan. I do regret it. I enjo

yed it but it shouldn't have happened."

"But we're mates now," he said looking so vulnerable and desperate he broke my h

"I know that. I'm not leaving you. I like you, I do. I have feelings for you and
I know nothing about you. I want to take our relationship slow, please can you
do that for me? After we get out of this mess. Can you help Jesse? I want us to
be done with Alvin. I want Alvin to be done with completely. He died for a reaso
n. I was just stupid enough to keep that promise if he did die to revive him. No
w please I want to go see Jesse," I stated and he nodded.

He brought his lips to mine for a kiss and I hesitantly kissed him back. Just li
ke last night he tasted like oranges. He kissed me in a soft manner while his ha
nds hungrily roamed my body not that I minded. He was my mate. I just didn't kno
w what to do about that. I don't even know his last name. Everyone in Alvin's pa
ck is so damn secretive. He wouldn't let me join his pack. I was a rogue, I didn
't belong to a pack. I was only sane because I was half witch. God Reagan's kiss
es were taking me to another world. Just like last night...


After the married couple left and were out of hearing distance I called Reagan.
As much as I loved Alvin I knew Jesse and Violet were right. I needed to leave A
lvin alone. He was just using me. As much as that hurt I had to move on and be s
trong right now. I don't think most of Alvin's pack is innocent. It's not a real
pack. It's full of nothing but fighters over the age of twenty five, thank god
for that.

One person I refused to lose was Reagan, Alvin's beta. He was so sweet and so ca
ring. He was also attractive with rugged looks but a tired yet boyish smile that
made my heart race. I always thought Reagan and I had some type of chemistry. I
didn't want him to die when Jesse and Violet go to kill Alvin's pack.

I really liked Reagan and even though he was Alvin's beta he was the only one wh
o didn't agree with what he was doing yet he went through with it. "Hello?" Reag
an answered, bringing me out of my thoughts...about him.

"Hey, have you talked to Alvin?"

"I am currently."

"I need you right now. Come over immediately and don't tell him," I requested.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to tell you in person."

"On my way," he replied. I hung up and began pacing. I had to figure this all ou
t. Reagan was going to have to leave the pack. He was then going to have to run
away with me to get away from Alvin's crazy ass.

I began plotting places where could go to get away. Soon there was a knock at my
door bringing me away from my plans. I opened the door to be greeted by Reagan'
s tired smile. I pulled him inside and hugged him tightly. When I let him go he
demanded I tell him what's wrong.

I sat him down and told him about the visit I got from Jesse and Violet. He was
angry and was going to tell Alvin but I stopped him. I begged him to leave Alvin
's pack and he wasn't trying to agree. "Reagan please, stop being so loyal," I b

"You should be loyal to him he's your mate."

"Who's cheating on me! Who is doing all this crazy stuff because he's in love wi
th another woman," I retorted.


"Don't defend him. I"m trying to save you. Help you. I deserve to be loved Reaga
n by a man that actually loves me and wants me. Someone who can take me on dates
, kiss me, hold me, give me hugs, feed me compliments, and be my shoulder to cry
on. I just want a that too much to ask for?" I asked, moving closer to
him as my voice raised in anger than fell in depression.

He moved closer to me on the couch and cupped my chin in one of his rough hands.
"No, no it isn't Sky," he whispered softly. I sniffed a bit trying to keep back
the tears. My eyes met his warm earthly ones and my world stopped. He was so be
autiful. I didn't have time to examine the rest of his gorgeous figure because m
y eyes slammed shut when his lips touched mine, igniting something in me. A want
of something...and that something was Reagan.

I kissed him
can show me
onto his lap
anted him so

back firecely and desperately craved for a man's touch. Someone who
what it feels like to be touched softly and to be loved. I crawled
and slipped my hands under his shirt, getting lost in his kiss. I w
bad. Why couldn't he be my mate? He cared for me.

"I want you," I whimpered as we pulled away from eachother. His eyes were coated
with lust as he began to kiss down my neck. He pinned me down to the couch and
continued his trail of kisses. "Reagan no...I don't want any foreplay. Just make
love to me...please, will you? Take me to my bedroom," I pleaded.

"Are you sure Skylar?" He asked. I nodded my head eagerly and he picked me up br
idal style and carefully carried me to my small bedroom. He laid me down gently
on my queen sized bed before climbing on top of me.

We were joined in another kiss followed by our clothes being ripped off by one a
nother in lustful hunger. It grew darker outside yet it didn't matter as he brok
e the seal of my walls and took my virginity in one quick motion called a thrust
. He continued to make love to me softly and slowly while I moaned through every
minute of it.

Then we claimed each other, marking one another as our own. Binding us together
as one for the rest of our lives through soul, mind, and body. It was pure bliss
welcoming and accepting Reagan as my new mate and I believed it was the same fo
r him as he whispered I love you in my ear before placing a kiss on my mark then
my lips and us both drifting off to sleep together in my bed.


*Violet's P.O.V*

I laughed and smacked Jesse on the chest. He chuckled and placed the panties bac
k down. We were in Victoria secret buying me some bras and panties. Jesse was on
ly interested in buying the sexiest ones for me to wear just so he can rip them
off of me later. He was so darn stupid sometimes but it was so funny. "Alright s
eriously though babe I like these," he stated, picking up another pair of pantie

"Really? In my condition you think I should be wearing thongs when in a few mont
hs I'm going to be waddling all over the place?" I asked through our mind link a
nd he shrugged before finding my size.

"So you're going to get them?" I questioned out loud and he looked up at me and
nodded. I rolled my eyes and joined his side again. The pair he picked wasn't to
o band. It was a fuschia colored thong that had lace on the top and the rest was
silk. "Yeah, I think they're cute for you and sexy yet innocent with the little
flowers in the lace," he shrugged.
"I think they're cute too," I smiled and he winked at me.

"Alright can we buy me less thongs and regular underwear?" I asked and he sighed
dramatically making me slap his arm. He helped me pick out a few more than we j
oined the girls in the bra side. "I think you went up a cup size," Jesse stated
and Candice gasped.

"Are you finally a B?" She asked and I gaped at her. Jesse simply glared and loo
ked at me then at her. "Coming from the woman who still wears training bras. It'
s okay to be shocked that my woman is nice and developed," he snapped, grabbing
me by my hips and leading me in a different direction.

"God I hate that woman. A B cup really? Yeah maybe when you were ten," he mutter

"Jesse my boobs really aren't that big."

"They're not that small," he retorted.

"Baby I don't care. She was just teasing me. Seriously though I need new bras. M
ine are snug. Fine let's find you a D cup and try that out," he said and I nodde
d. We ended up finding the right size and I got a few colorful ones. They were s
o cute and I was so excited. Jesse was also very turned on when I tried a few on
. He almost made us do it in the dressing room. According to him it made sense s
ince I was already halfway there to being naked. God he's such a perv, but he's
my perv and only mine.

Once we finished shopping since that was the last thing we were shopping for we
all went our seperate ways and I thanked all the girls for coming. I really did
have a good time with them. Jesse and I headed back home but on the way we were
called by Weston to come to the pack house for some emergency.

Jesse and I entered the house with our hands locked and we were called into the
living room by Weston. I entered the living room first and Jesse followed, holdi
ng me from behind with his grip on my hips. "Skylar?" I gasped in shocked.

"Hey Violet," she smiled weakly.

"Weston we can handle it from here. I'll fill you in later. For now finish the l
ast files on our food and then when we're done can you talk to Jesse about the l
ast renovations for the pack house so we can finish with that other wing of the
building for that expansion?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am," he replied, leaving the room. Jesse and I sat down on the opposite
couch of Skylar and some other guy. "Who's he?" Jesse asked rudely.

"My mate, Reagan," she blushed.

"What?" I smirked.

"I'm so sorry guys. I know you told me not to tell anyone but I had to tell Reag
an. He's Alvin's beta. Once I warned him we slept together and marked each other
. It was an accident but of course I still want to be with him. We need your hel
p though, Alvin is going to kill us," she rambled.

"Sky calm down," Reagan whispered, holding her tightly.

"Reagan nice to meet you. I'm Jesse Stevens and this is my wife Violet, the alph
a here. Can I speak to you? Let my wife handle your mate," Jesse chimed in.

Reagan reluctantly and hesitantly let go of Skylar and stood up. Jesse pecked my
lips before standing up himself and walking out the room. I just prayed to god
my man keeps his temper. I knew he was going to be angry I just hoped he didn't
take it out on anyone and if he did let it be me so I can calm him down afterwar

"Skylar don't cry please. I think you're a sweet girl. Alvin didn't deserve you.
Jesse is going to come up with a plan and Alvin isn't going to touch you, I pro
mise. I'll make you a deal. If you can promise to stay on our side then you can
live here. Join my pack," I stated.

"You'd let me do that."

"Yes of course. I may be an alpha but I'm no meat head like all the rest. I'm a
young woman for christ sake. I'm not even old enough to drink," I joked.

"I like you," she smiled.

"Good. For the next two weeks I'll be your alpha. You can stay here and if you g
et along with people and come to like it here then you and Reagan are both welco
me as long as you don't cause any problems. I really hope we can be good friends
too. I don't have a lot of female friends. Well I don't have a lot of friends p
eriod no matter what it seems like. I think we can get along," I grinned.
"I hope so. I don't have any friends at all," she frowned.

"That's how I was two years ago when I met Jesse, the best thing that ever happe
ned to me," I smiled distantly.

"You two are really in love aren't you?"

"More than anything," Jesse interrupted, stepping back into the room with Reagan
passing him to join Skylar's side.

"Hey baby," I greeted and he smiled at me, taking his seat next to me.

"Reagan and I just worked something out," he stated, taking my hand in his.

"I just invited Skylar to join my pack."


"She's a nice young girl who needs some guidance."

"Okay. It's your pack and I don't have a problem with her. Anyways Reagan is goi
hng to go back as Alvin's beta but he will be reporting back to us everything."

"Good. I want this all done in two weeks. That's the length of Skylar's trial pe
riod to see if she can fit in the pack. If it works then it's her permanent home
along with Reagan as long as they both want to," I replied.

"We'd love to," Reagan stated.

"Well I'll show you guys a room. And then Reagan I guess you are going to head b
ack to Alvin's quarters. Do me a favor if you see Layla tell me," I replied.

"Will do Violet," he assured. I got up and let Jesse go see Weston while I showe
d the couple a room for tonight. Skylar and I discussedher using magic won't be
allowed in my house. She could only use it to hide the fact she's mated to Reaga
n, nothing else. I won't be letting a witch go wild here. "I promise you that yo
u'll have no problems with me doing magic. I don't have a lot of power since I u
sed most of it on Alvin to revive him. I'm not a full blooded witch so I run out
of power when I don't use it. By next year I'll be just a werewolf," she stated

"Sorry about that actually," I frowned.

"It's no big deal it doesn't matter to me," she shrugged and I nodded. I exchang
ed numbers with both of them and Reagan already had Jesse's number so I left the
m alone. I promised to give Skylar a tour of the place tomorrow. I was even goin
g to have a real girls day with her to welcome her into a new friendship. She wa
s a sweet girl and I thought we'd get along.

I mean I have a few friends. Courtney the chill back girl, Candice the crazy one
, Monica the mother, Olivia the respectable one, Tanya the responsible one, Clar
a and Ciara the young ones, and Skylar the sweet one while I'm apparently the in
nocent one. Skylar was only nineteen years old. She said she'd be twenty in a fe
w months. I really took a liking to that girl she's been through a lot and I kno
w how that feels.

"Hey baaby mama," Jesse greeted coming into my room.

"Hey sweetie, want to stay here for the night or go home?"

"Let's go home, Spence is waiting for us," he laughed and I nodded. I grabbed so
me clothes from here and took them with me. Then we left and headed home just fo
r Jesse to go hang out with the guys while I caught an early slumber.
Chapter 44

*Violet's P.O.V*

I was eleven weeks pregnant and still no one knew. Jesse and I were waiting unti
l I was thirteen weeks when everything was clear and I was starting in my second
semester. We decided to have a small barbeque with our close friends to tell th
em a few days before I told the whole pack and he told the whole clan.

We also went over the celebrations we were going to have when everyone found out
. It was tradition to throw a party for the alpha's baby and for the vampire kin
g's baby. We were hoping to have one big party though. It was August the 23rd an
d Jesse and I were just finished with our ultrasound. We got another sonogram an
d it looks better. It's easier to tell there are twins in me.

Jesse has been busy lately but we've still been spending a lot of time together.
Jesse is working with Reagan a lot and relaying the messages to Weston, Simon,
his dad, Allen, and uncle Gavin. The meeting before went quick and easy. We just
had to figure it all out. Jesse was having a meeting without me with everyone f
rom the last one since we're going into battle in a few days. We're hoping to ca
tch them by surprise. Jesse has the whole plan right now. He was going to tell m
e tonight when we both got back.

Tonight was a girls night. We were all going to an 18 and older club after going
out to dinner. Skylar has joined my group of friends and knows me pretty well.
We've spent a lot of time together over the last week. Everytime Jesse would go
to work I'd be over the pack house hanging out with her.

Skylar and I spent all day yesterday with Spencer teaching him cool tricks. She
was a really nice girl. She had a small temper. She was just scared really. Even
though she was mates with Reagan she wasn't close to him for many reasons I und

"I love you," Jesse grinned, kissing me one more time.

"I love you too," I replied. He kissed my belly on each side before saying bye a
nd finally leaving. I knew he had places to go while I had plans for now. I want
ed to have fun tonight just not that much. Even though I was going out tonight w
ith the girls we're doing a couples night in a month. I can't wait for that.

I headed upstairs to Skylar's room and barged in. Skylar jumped and I began laug
hing. Her blonde hair was flipped over her shoudler as she tried to look like a
bitch. "Alright I invited all the girls over. We're doing hair, make up, and nai
ls. Right after we go shopping!" I shouted happily.

I feel like I haven't been out in forever. I keep moving the date of my date I'm
taking Jesse on since he's so busy. The weekend after the war I was taking him

out though. We promised that. The date was for September 7th then the 10th was J
esse's surprise camping trip with the guys for two days. The thirteenth was his
party then the fourteenth was our night in the cabin and his birthday was our ge
t away for a week to be in England. Of course Jesse didn't know about everything
besides our date yet neither did anyone else. I just came up with it recently b
esides the date and his birthday trip.

"Alright!" Skylar cheered. Once all the girls arrived we left and headed to the
biggest mall in town that had four floors. I was so excited. We were going to ha
ve so much fun tonight. The only people who can't go is the twins but they're st
ill going to dinner with us. Next year they can go though.

"Alright we're all wearing sexy dresses. I call wearing pink," Candice stated.

"I want a green," Olivia said.

"Blue!" Sky called.

"Purple," I grinned.

"Red," Monica shrugged.

"Yellow," the twins chorused before glaring and then giggling at themselves.

"Orange sounds good," Courtney decided.

"Black is always sexy," Tanya winked.

"I'll go with silver then," Michelle smiled. I loved Michelle and Olivia. Michel
le of course was my amazing beta, Weston's wife while Olivia was the wife of my
third in command Eli. They were both nice women who are good friends of mine, ob

"Remember it has to be classy though," Monica pointed out and we all agreed. The
club we were going to was really fancy. Monica and Courtney have been before. C
andice is the one who decided where to go. Candice was a party girl so I knew it
was still going to be fun plus Monica and Courtney had a good time when they we

We all began frantically shopping. All of us going in our of dressing rooms. We

tried on about a hundred dresses or more all together. After three hours we were
headed back home. Everyone was simply putting on their dresses since they showe
red earlier today like I advised since we didn't have time to shower before we g
ot ready and I was right.

I slipped on my purple dress and smiled happily once it was on. We all went for
something simple yet elegant. I had to help Candice with both parts of that. I h
ad on a dark purple silk dress. It was strapless with a heart shaped neck line.
It was floor length and the whole thing looked scrunched up and it was into a di
amond shaped pin full of little crystals. The dress touched the floor on the rig
ht side while it came a bit above my left ankle on my left side. It was beautifu
l and I loved it.

I wore silver peep toe heels and my diamond bracelet Jesse gave me. Some silver
hoop earings. Along with my silver hand purse. Everything looked good and I was
perfectly ready for the long night I had ahead of me. Even with my tight dress t
hat showed off my curves but still flat stomach.

I had Monica do my hair. She straigtened it quickly then curled it in big and lo
ose curls that cascaded down my back and over my smooth shoulders. Once she was
done my hair Candice did my make up. She did my eyes purple that faded into gray
then added mascara and a thick coat of eyeliner. She put on suttle colored lip
gloss and a little blush on my cheeks.

Everyone else looked pretty too. Monica was wearing a long dark red dress that f
lowed at the bottom but hugged her curves at the top. It had a silver outlining
around the strapless top and it had clear color sequins covering it from the kne
es down. She had a thick black neckalace on, dangling earrings on a black chain,
and black pumps. She looked so beautiful. She had a smokey color affect on her
eyes, blood res lipstick, and a lot of blush on. I took a bunch of pictures of e
verybody. We were sending them to our guys who were all at the meeting currently
, haha.

Next we have Candice. She was wearing a hot pink dress that came mid thigh. It h
ad ruffles going down it after the black belt under her bust. It wasn't tight on
her so that was good but it complimented her figure still. It had a big bow in
the back that was tied perfectly. She had on silver stilettos, a pearl neckalace
, and matching pearl earrings. Her eyes were a magenta color as were her lipstic
k covered lips.

Then we have Courtney in orange. Her dress was floor length and strapless and wa
s a deep colored orange. It was very tight and was made out soft material. It wa
s mermaid style dress and at the bottom it black flowers. She then did her make
up all orange on her eyes, clear lip gloss, black heels, and gold hoop earrings
matching her gold and black purse.

Olivia had on a light green dress. It was short but wasn't tight at all. It was
over one shoulder that was covered in a darker green colored flowers. At the bot
tom it twirled around as it was loose. There was a white waistband under her bus
t that had dark green sequins on it that matched the flowers over her right shou
lder. She also managed to buy dark green wedged heel sandals. Her eyes were a ne
on green color, lips were coated in pink lip gloss, and a minimum of blush flush
ed her cheeks. She simply wore diamond earrings for her jewelry.

Clara had on a pale yellow sundress that was strapless and floor length. It was
scrunched at the top at the bust then was a plain soft fabric the rest of the wa
y down and she wore silver heels with it and a silver neckalace with a bow on it
. Ciara had on a dark yellow almost gold short dress that was really tight. On t
he sides of her body was black with gold glittery flowers going down it. She had
on black stilettos and gold hoop earings. Both girls had on nothing but mascara
and lip gloss.

Skylar had on a sky blue dress. It was all sky blue in the front which was short
and tight. It came midthigh on the front and at the bottom of it, it was scrunc
hed together with a little bow made out of the fabric on the right side of it. t
he back of the dress was a dark blue which faded into the same sky blue color wh
ich made up a little train of her dress. She had dark blue pumps on that had sil
ver glitter stars. She had on a blue neckalace that had three stars in the middl
e that were dark blue. Her eyes had dark blue eyeliner and mascara, her lips wer
e coated in ice pink lip gloss, her cheeks were trampled under blush over her da
rk tan skin.
Tanya had on a black dress that came down to her kness. It had white polka dots
all over it. It wasn't strapless but the straps tied around her neck leaving her
shoulders free. She had black velvet heels, a black three chained necklace, and
black colored pearl earrings. Her eyes had nothing but a lot of eyeliner, I mea
n a whole lot. She had on a mauve colored lipstick and red cheeks.

Michelle had on a silver dress that was full of nothing but ruffles. It had shee
r sleeves that came quarter length. It was tight on her figure but appropiate. S
he had on silver heeled flats. She had on a silver necklace with a silver heart,
heart shaped earrings, and a minimum of make up which colnsisted of eyeliner, m
ascara, and clear lip gloss.

That was everybody! Now we were ready to party! We headed out in two seperate ca
rs. In mine was me, Skylar, Candice, Monica and Olivia. Then were was Michelle,
Tanya, Ciara, Clara, and Courtney. We all arrived to the resturaunts and got in
with our reservations under Stevens, courtesy of Monica.

The resturaunt was

did Candice. I was
spicious of me not
up especially the
late syrup. Now it

fancy and we all loved it. Only the older woman drank and so
under age so I had nothing to worry about for anyone being su
drinking. The dinner was great and it filled me and the twins
chocolate cake with icecream on top with whip cream and choco
was time to hit the club!

*Jesse's P.O.V*

"Thank you for coming tonight," Violet said softly. She had her arms wrapped tig
htly around my waist as she was practically hugging me. I had my hands on her hi
ps with me head resting on top of hers.

"You're welcome," I replied. She pulled back and smiled up at me. She slowly let
me go and I ran my hands up her body feeling the silk of her dress under my fin
ger tips. After the meeting tonight I crashed Violet's girls night along with al
l the other partners of the women. They had been at the club for almost two hour
s when we got there. They stayed another three hours after us guys arrived.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just want everything to be perfect. I want the world to know I'm pre
gnant, I want our house done, and I want Alvin dead," she shrugged.

"My life is perfect as long as I have you and our babies are safe," I smiled and
she giggled.

"You're so sweet. How did I ever find you?"

"Oh you ended up crying naked on my lands in the woods-"

"Shut up!" She laughed.

"I wish I wasn't so stupid back then-"

"You weren't Jesse. When I smelt vampire I thought I was going to die."

"I'm sorry. I wish the world wasn't so complicated. Whatever dumb asses started
this war better be in hell right now."

"Or one is living still, being immortal."

"Not possible the oldest vampires out their are my dad and the people he grew up
with," I responded and she shrugged.

"Whatever," she scoffed and I chuckled.

"Ready to go to bed?"


"Good because tomorrow we can start painting our house," I grinned and her whole
face lit up. She began jumping up and down until I restrained her. She helped m
e get out of my suit then I stripped her out of her dress and dragged her to bed
in nothing but her undergarments. God I loved my wife.

We laid in bed and I held her securely while she slept for the next ten hours. S
he must have really been exhausted because she didn't wake up til noon while I s
tayed bored unless I stared at her face. She was so beautiful and I was so lucky

"Morning," she croaked.

"Morning," I said.

"I had a good night sleep."

"That's great Vi, it's alredy 12:30."

"What? Really? Damn. I'm sorry," she apologized and I laughed.

"There's no reason to be. Everyone is already at the house. Carson let them in.
We're painting remember?"

"Yeah," she smiled.

"Well let's go shower then head to our house," I replied. She nodded and we both

climbed out of bed. She picked out our outfits then joined me in the shower. We
qucikly showered together then got dressed.

She found me a pair of faded jeans and a black t-shirt. Both I could throw away
once I get painr on it. I was wearing black socks and an old pair of Nike's. Vio
let through on one of my black shirts and slipped on a pair of gray sweat pants.
She slipped on a pair of orange socks and then slipped on her old black high to
p converse that she rarely wears.

Once we got to the house we were instructed to do our bedroom. Violet and Courtn
ey did the bedroom while Allen and I did the bathroom. The twins rooms were left
alone. The two guest rooms were split. My parents and Carson did one while Dalt
on, Candice, and Simon did the other. The bathroom in the hall was done by Skyla
r and Reagan. Then downstairs was Tanya, Justin, Ciara, and Clara doing the livi
ng room. Weston and Michelle are doing the kitchen while Olivia and Eli were doi
ng the dining room. Rico, Holden, Lane, Paris, and Nigel were doing the basement
and the bathroom down there.

Everything was definitely going to get done. I was painting the bathroom a light
gray color. The floor was a mesh of barely gray and an equal amount of black an
d a light blue color. It had granite in the tile and each piece seemed to over l
ap of those three colors in thin and small rectangle shaped tiles. I was decorat
ing the bathroom with matching light blue, well aqua blue stuff to match the blu
e on the floor. The counter for the sink is going to be black on top of a gray m
etallic like counter underneath. The toilet and the tub were both white of cours
e. Violet was afraid I was going to take the color scheme too far. Once everythi
ng was approved by her she calmed down.

Violet was painting the room a deep red almost burgundy or a maroon color. She p
icked out a comforter set that came with a bed skirt the same color as the walls
, a white comforter with dark red and black flowers along with matching pillow s
hams, and bright blood red sheets and pillow cases. She loved it. Our carpet was
bright white too. She has already picked out a desk for her mainly, a mirror fo
r us, a new dresser, a tv, two nightstands, two matching lamps, some curtains, a
book shelf, a rug, and I picked out a nice king sized bed.

Once I was done with the bathroom Allen and I joined our girls. Even though I wa
s still plotting my revenge against Courtney I decided to be nice today. I even
had Allen in on my prank. One day Courtney is going to turn out to not be hersel
f. I blame my prank on Violet. She watches a lot of tv. We were watching Drake a
nd Josh...I can't wait. Courtney better watch out this summer.

After the bedroom was done Violet and I went to help in the dining room while Co
urtney went to help Skylar and Reagan and Allen helped out in the kitchen. The d
ining room was done quickly and soon my parents and Carson were done too. I sent
my parents to the other guests rooms and Carson to help in the basement. Violet
went to help in the kitchen while I went to help in the living room.

Soon the bathroom on the third floor was doner and Skylar, Reagan, and Courtney
were all free. The couple helped in the living room while Courtney joined in the
kitchen. After that the guest room was done so I split that group. One hald in
the living room the other half in the basement. Soon enough the house was done a
nd we were all eating pizza that Violet ordered. Well the wolves were eating and
so was I.

Violet was sitting in between my legs on the floor. I had my arms wrapped around
her waist and my hands rubbed her stomach slowly in circular motions. "Are you
tired?" I asked.

"Not really. You?"

"A little. I got a lot going on right now."

"I know babe."

"I'm fine though," I reassured and she slowly nodded. Once everyone was done eat
ing everyone headed home. Reagan was heading back to see Alvin to get more info.
I was attacking in four days. I'd tell Violet all about my plans tomorrow morni
ng when she wakes up since she was ready for bed.
Once I tucked her in I headed to my office to talk to my dad. He helped me with
some numbers. I didn't want to get too many people involved in this fight. Of co
urse all my guys were going. They were each going to lead ten men. We had a grou
p of 150 fighters. The guys were going to have to choose wisely. Just in case th
ey were supposed to go for guys without families then without partners then with
out important events and disabilities right now.

I also gave Gavin a call. I needed about four hundred people but I didn't want a
ll my fighters like I had last time. Jade's group was way bigger and was a bigge
r threat. The bitch was crazy. Not saying Alvin's not. Anyways if I have ten tim
es six that's sixy plus the regular six is sixty-six. Then there's me, my dad, a
nd Violet. So 69. I knew Violet was going to be involved no matter what, she ref
used to stay out of it but I came up with a plan.

Anyways I knew I could get 170 from Simon not including him or Dalton. That tota
ls to 241. Then Weston and Eli both leading a group of thirty not including them
selves either. That's 303. Reagan has gathered about 20 guys who are against Alv
in. They will be informed the plan. They'll be leading Alvin towards us and once
they meet the location they'll stop for a break and run off. All 20 men were we
lcome to Violet's pack or Simon's after the fight, if they prove trustworthy and
run off to the place I picked for them. They'll meet Reagan who will be with Al
len and his group.

If they aren't trustworthy my vamps will kill them all. If they are they'll wait
until Allen gets the signal to attack. They all have to be wearing a purple clo
th so I know they're on our side since all those rogue wolves look alike.

Anyways Alvin's pack will be attacked by the rest of my guys and Simon's troops,
all attacking about 300 people. The other 80 will be attacked by me, Violet, Ga
vin's guys, and my dad's troops of five old friends. Carson is bringing 15 guys
and well I'm hoping Gavin can bring the rest. "How many people is that Jesse?" H
e asked.

"Eighty five," I answered.

"That's alot. I don't know if I can bring 85."

"How about 50 then?"

"I can do 50. It's just hard for me to get all my guys all the way out there."

"I understand," I replied. I soon ended the call and dad and I figured something
out. I gave Weston a call to tell him to get five more guys. Then I gathered up
thirty more of my guys, adding five guys to each one of my six guys' troops. I
have everything planned now.

I thanked my dad before leaving and heading to my room to join my wife in bed. M
y wife who was still up. Apparently she couldn't sleep. I held her and we talked
for awhile. She used the bathroom a few times before crawling into bed with me
and falling right to sleep.
Chapter 45

*Violet's P.O.V*

It was the day before the fight. Jesse has been out all day with the gathered me
n. We're going out tonight. Skylar is staying home, at my pack house she can tal
k to Reagan since they're mates so he gives her the new information then she tel
ls me through our mind link too since I'm now her alpha and I tell Jesse through
our mind link since we're mates and he'll order everyone else.

I was at home getting ready. I made sure to shower in special body wash to hide

my scent so Alvin can't smell me, that creep. Jesse was wearing two shirts and h
ad shorts on under his jeans, which provides me with a change of clothes since I
'll be the only woman. I was in a pair of leggings, white socks, and a short sle
eve pink shirt. All clothes I will dispose of when I shift but before that Jesse
is going to be carrying me.

Jesse had a whole plan and everyone knew their job. I took a deep breath and rub
bed my stomach before leaving the room. I had too much to live for. After this I
was getting my furniture in my house, later taking Jesse for his birthday trip,
and then having these kids.

I met Jesse outside with the other group of people. I walked up to my husband an
d he wrapped an arm around my waist. He finished his instructions then turned to
me and all 400 and plus people went to talking amongst themselves. "Are you rea
dy?" Jesse asked.

"Yes. Do you really think it will take that long to get there?" I asked.

"Yeah babe. I had some people raid Alvin's place the other day. He lives close h
is pack doesn't. They'll barely meet us halfway."


"How are you doing? Feeling okay?"

"Yeah baby. I'm fine," I smiled and he nodded. He leaned down and kissed me desp
erately. I knew he was scared for me. He had no reason to be though. There was t
his building near the location and I was supposed to be in it. I was going to al
one and safe. I was to wait until Jesse let me come out. I wasn't supposed to be
spotted so no one could tell Alvin I was there and I wasn't supposed to be smel
t by anyone either.

We pulled away from the kiss and Jesse looked around. "Everyone get with your gr
oup's leader," Jesse ordered. Soon the crowd seperated in large groups. There wa
s Allen's, Uncle Gavin's, Raymond's, Harold's, Simon's, Dalton's, Nigel's, Eli's
, Weston's, Holden's, Rico's, Paris', Lane's, and Jesse's.

All the werewolves from my pack were split between Weston and Eli. Weston was to
stay while Eli was to go first. Along with Eli's group was Simon's, Lane's, Par
is', Allen's, and Raymond's. "Group one go!" Jesse shouted. All the vampires too
k off while the werewolves all shifted in unison.

"Group two is Harold, Weston, and Rico," I told Jesse and he nodded. The first g
roup was running until the first pit stop. Everyone was stopping there besides A
llen's group. Allen's group was going to be the first ones to the site. They wer
e to hide in a shed until Reagan's group showed up, which would take awhile. The
y would be far enough not to smell and will be out of sight.

Group two was supposed to go around. They were technically going to be attacking
from behind. While group one was supposed to be coming from the left side while
Allen and Reagan's group came from the right.

"Group two go to the right," Jesse instructed. Group two had a pit stop too. Onc
e group one reaches there's group two takes off. When group two gets there Jesse
and I are taking off along with Uncle Gavin's, Dalton's, Nigel's, Holden's grou
p. Nigel and Dalton are meeting Allen's area later since they have to move in sl
owly and creep on in. Holden's group was going to move in going straight in afte
r Jesse showed up. Uncle Gavin was going to be going to the same places as Jesse
and I but he was going on a different path since it was easier for werewolves.

Jesse and I stood together and waited over an hour until group one reached their
pit stop. I ordered group two take off while Jesse contacted Allen. Once Allen
made it their was when my pit stop was supposed to end. It was too late at night
for Reagan to make Alvin start leaving. It was around midnight so today was the
fight technically.

Once group two reached there pit stop almost two hours later everyone else took
off. Nigel and Dalton ran off to the right side while Uncle Gavin's group went l
eft to find their path. The only group with mine and Jesse's was Holden's, which
was running by our side.
Jesse had me climb onto his back to avoid me from hurting myself or tiring mysel
f out. I held onto him tightly as he ran through the dark woods. I kept my eyes
closed for the most part. The wind blew against my hair that was in a bun. It wa
s cold out and it gave me goosebumps despite my over heated body.

We didn't come to a stop until two and a half hours later. Group one was still r
unning off towards the site. Allen was too. Allen was about two hours away while
group one was five hours almost. Group two had four hours to go. Uncle Gavin me
t us almost a half hour later. He waited over an hour with us until we took off
together this time when Allen finally made it to the shed.

Jesse sent everyone off while he made me contact Skylar to tell Reagan to begin
the journey. Reagan was going to have Alvin tired out. The only people attacking
Alvin head on was Jesse's group, Holden's, and Uncle Gavin's. Allen's group was
moving in from there side on the right to be led to the pack house to kill ever
yone. Everyone else was doing the same. The moment Alvin spotted Jesse he'd have
back up come and group one was going to be there to stop them and they'll be to
o late.

Once Jesse and I took off he took me to the building which took awhile. When we
reached it he helped me inside and put me in a safe place at the top of the buil
ding near a large window so I could see and jump out of in case of an emergency.
He then took off and it was around four in the morning. The fight was going on.
Alvin was ambushed by Jesse and Uncle Gavin's people.

I watched from far away and focused. Skylar told me that Reagan was leading grou
p one to the pack house now. I was perfectly fine and Jesse would check up on me
after almost every five people he killed.

Weston let me know that he reached the pack house and that many were headed Jess
e's way. Eli was sent after the group along with Carson's group who showed up al
most an hour after Jesse left me. I sat down near the corner of the window out o
f view until I smelt vampire. Not an ordinary vampire but Layla. I jumped up to
my feet and narrowed my eyes. She wasn't supposed to be here.

She jumped in through the open window and everything seemed to clear up. I could
see her easily and clearly even though it appeared to be pitch black inside. "H
ello Violet," she smirked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to see my man," she shrugged.

"You better mean Alvin," I growled.

"I meant Jesse."

"He doesn't want you, get that through your head."

"Shut up you stupid whore. I know you're pregnant. That's the only reason Jesse
is with you."

"How did you know?"

"I have my ways. You're lucky I didn't tell Alvin. You're so predictable Violet.
When Alvin told me he was leaving tonight I decided to keep an eye out for him.
I was following him up to here but I sensed something was wrong. I climbed into
a tree and spotted Jesse bringing you in some I came to do him a favor and kill

"Don't you dare touch me," I warned.

e was
t. He
d but

up! Jesse is going to leave you and take your kids, you worthless bitch. H
only with you to keep him company while he waited for me to come back. And
I am. He got a little too serious with you though. Then he got you pregnan
doesn't want the kid but he's not hearless. He hates them and wants it dea
has to deal with you. Now I'm going to make this easy for me and him. I'm
to kill you and your baby," she stated.

Before she could get out another word I shifted in the air and pounced on her. S
he screamed i shock but it was too late. She laid under me struggling. I snapped
at her and got a chunk of her cheek in my mouth. I spit the piece out and she k
icked me in the stomach, pushing me off her. My babies!

I growled viciously before pinning her down completely and began clawing her fac
e. I jumped off her and kicked her in the head from behind and she was thrown ac
ross the room into the wall. I wasn't done yet. I leaped across the room and lan
ded with a tud on top of her stomach. I bit into her shoulder and she wiggled a
bit. I bit her whole arm off and threw it out my mouth.
She let out a yell in pure agony. I then went for her other arm and dislocated h
er shoulder. By then Jesse was headed this way. I didn't care. He was begging me
to tell hin what was going on but I was too focused. I was seeing red but still
had a clear head.

I pushed her onto the floor and got rid of her legs. I carried them out the wind
ow and that's when Jesse showed up. I didn't talk to him and I didn't need to. "
Let me finish her Violet," he said and I narrowed my eyes.

"No!" I yelled through our mind link, "You go burn her body, most of her is outs

"Let's kill her together," he said outloud and I huffed. I walked over to her an
d bit her in the side of her neck. Her screams were mute to my ears. Jesse stomp
ed on her chest and stomach while he squatted down and gripped her head. He snap
ped her neck the same time I pulled on it and her head flew out my grasp and rol
led across the room. "And you dated that bitch," I chuckled.

"Everyone makes mistakes," he grumbled. He began petting me and talked to me for

a bit before we went outside after I shifted back and Jesse gave me his shirt a
nd shorts. Everyone was practically dead. Jesse sent everyone after the pack hou
se. The only person that got away was Alvin, who had to be lurking around. Jesse
almost had him when he felt my distress and panic, when she kicked me in the st

"There's my mate," someone said. Soon Alvin revealed himself showing a smirk. Je
sse pushed me behind him. "She's my woman. You need to back off," Jesse stated.

"Now why would I do that? It's clear I love Violet and she loves me. If you woul
d step out of the equation we wouldn't have this problem. It seems you won't do
that and you're confusing Violet. Now I'll just have to dispose of you myself,"
he said with sigh in dissapointment.

"I don't love you," I corrected.

"And I'll be the one disposing you," Jesse added. Alvin scoffed before kicking d
irt up at Jesse and running off. Jesse went tense and stiff. He was pissed, no f
urious. He was past those both, I just don't know a word to describe mad or angr
y that's worse than furious. He looked viscious and evil. Jesse kissed me roughl
y before pulling away abruptly and running off, chasing after Alvin. After getti
ng out of my shock I ran after Jesse.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

I was catching up to him. I just knew it. With my enhanced senses thanks to mati
ng with Violet I could just barely see him. I also had his scent too. He smelt l
ike rotten tuna fish smothered in garbage. Disgusting bastard.

I ran faster, easily catching up to his pace. When I was right behind him I reac
hed out for him and cupped the back of his neck. Stoping immediately pulled me b
ack then forward, with that momentum I pushed his face hard in the ground while
my bod weight collided against his body, crushing him easily.

I picked him back up by his neck and tossed him into a far away tree. Within two
seconds I was in his face and I was punching him in his right jaw then left, wa
tching his head swerve side to side with the impact of each punch. He had a bust
ed lip and broken nose too. He spit blood of out his mouth onto my shirt and I h
ad it. He disrespected me one too many times.

I began packing punches to his gut in rapid speed. He couldn't even see me throw
my fist. He began coughing up blood but still I didn't let that go. I picked hi

m up and pushed him up against the tree laying himm horizontal and bent him arou
nd the trunk of the tree making some of his bones crack.

I dropped him when he shifted into his wolf, but that's not why his bones were c
racking. He charged at me and I kicked him in the face, sending him to the groun
d. He got up faster than I thought he would and ran off. I clenched my jaw and s
ensed Violet near. She ran to my side and pulled off my shirt. "Go kill him baby
, I'm going to the pack house," she stated, pecking my lips.

"I will Vi, I promise," I replied and she nodded. She ran off using her super sp
eed and I ran off in a different direction, headed towards Alvin. I easily caugh
t up and I leaped in the air and pounced on him causing him to fall on his stoma
ch and his legs to stretch to the sides. He howled in pain but I did nothing but
jump off him and stomped on his hind legs.
He yelped before jumping into his feet. He had a limp on the leg I stomped on. B
efore he could run again I grabbed him by his pointy ears and tugged on it, pull
ing him towards me. I picked the 900 pound wolf and slammed him to the ground on
his back. There went his spine. He shifted to his human form and with the stren
gth he srurprisingly had left he kicked my legs making me fall then jumped on me

I punched him in the nose and he

y feet he had bit me on the arm,
ot to my feet and tackled him to
ck hit a large boulder. I winced
rock. Shit.

jumped up. I sat up and before I could get to m

pulling off my skin. He spit that out while I g
the ground. We rolled on a small hill and my ba
in pain for my back and head that hit the large

I kicked Alvin off of me and he shifted again before tried to charge at me. I pu
shed him away, keeping him arm's distance. I got back on my feet and as he lunge
d at me I picked him up while he was in mid air and slammed his body down on the
boulder. He howled loudly but I ignored it. I punched him in his furry jaw and
then his nose, making him sneeze.

I pushed his face against the boulder and easily grabbed the front of his neck,
with the back of his head facing me. I pulled his neck back and it rolled off hi
s body. I cringed at the digusting scene and watched as the rest of his body tur
ned back into it's human form while his fur from his wolf shed and fell around h
is body. What thefuck? He basically exploded. I didn't care though. He was final
ly dead and he wasn't coming back to life.

I left his body and went back to burn Layla's. After that I found Violet and beg
an killing werewolf after werewolf. I was enraged and I didn't care. I killed Al
vin and Layla was dead. I wanted to be done. I was pissed I had to go through al
l this just because people were in love with my wife or hated her guts.

Something didn't feel right. Everyone was practically dead but I was now alone a

nd it was too quiet. "Hey Jesse," someone said.

"Hey Jesse," someone else greeted. I turned to see my two living exes, Heather a
nd Jenna. I should have seen this coming. They were both also naked. Before I co
uld wrap my head around what was going on Jenna pounced on me. Jenna began pulli
ng down my pants and then Heather gagged me with something. Jenna got my pants o
ff and I Heather pinned my legs still. I closed my eyes over the fact that Heath
er's huge boobs were hovering over my face, smothering me. I was going to throw

Jenna went for my boxers right when I was about to kick her off me I heard a shr
eik, "Jesse!" I sighed in relief. It was Violet. "What the hell? Get off of him!
" Violet demanded. Before they could do anything Violet had tackled Heather and
I kicked Jenna off of me.

I pulled the fabric out

d how did I ever go for
dy as Violet threw her.
op of her and put on my

my mouth and nearly threw up at seeing my exes naked. Go

girls like that? I was rammed into by Heather's naked bo
Damn my woman was strong. I moved ass Violet leaped on t

Jenna wrapped her arms around me from behind and rubbed her boobs against my bac
k. I gagged before backing up and slamming her back into a tree. She let me go a
nd I turned to face her. "Jesse leave now!" Violet yelled.

"No!" I replied, and grabbed Jenna's head. She leaned forward to kiss me and I q
uickly snapped her neck. Her body fell limp and soon Heather's dead body was flu
ng at me. Wow that was quick. Violet stormed over to me and shoved me up against
a tree. She smashed her lips on mine and I kissed her back. Her kiss was rough,
lustful, desperate, demanding, and dominating. I let her control the whlole thi
ng though.

Her hands roamed over my exposed body and she brought my hands under her shirt.
My hands slowly and hesitantly made a grab for her boobs. I knew she was possess
ive and I was the same. She wasn't that much in the mood but right now she was p
ractically claiming me and I was letting her. Reassuring her and mainly her wolf
that I was hers.
She pulled away and we were both panting for breath. "I'm sorry," she apologized
and I shook my head, pecking her lips. "Don't be. I'm sorry they showed up. Not
hing happened though," I informed.

"I know Jesse," she smiled and I nodded.

"Everyone is headed home. We won babe, we won," she whispered tiredly.

"Good now let's take you and our babies home. Let's check on you all too," I rep
lied. She nodded and I carried her bridal style all the way home during a seven
hour run. Everything happened so fast but it was no big deal. It was a whole day
but the action moved by fast. Still at the end of the day we won and Alvin and
Layla were dead.

Once we were home I took her to see doctor Zimmerman and Violet checked out perf
ectly fine with a small wound on her arm. She was okay and so was I. We both hea
led fast so our injuries were no big deal. Same goes for the rest of the people.
As of now only 15 people were killed out of 430.

I then took her to our room and we showered before climbing into bed together to
talk about our babies. Our twins we were having soon. I couldn't wait. I wanted
so much for my kids. The moment they were born I was spoiling them to death alo
ng with their mom who I spoil already. I just loved her so damn much. She was it
for me. The only woman I will forever want and always have for the rest of my l
Chapter 46

*Violet's P.O.V*

I sighed in delight and reached my arms out for Jesse. My husband gave me a bril
liant smile before walking over to me. I grabbed him in my arms and pulled him d
own on top of me, wrapping my legs around his waist. "I'm so happy!" I shouted a
nd he laughed.

"Me too," he replied.

"We are finally done. We brought all of our clothes, got all our new furniture,
and you just finished the bedroom for us. Now that our bedroom is complete I thi
nk we should test out the bed," I winked.

"We've been testing it out all week," he retorted.

"Well let's challenge it a little bit," I shrugged innocently, running my hands

down his chest. He chuckled and leaned down to place a small kiss on my lips. "N
ot in the mood Vi," he stated and I gasped in shock.

"What? Why not?" I asked, frowning. He's been fine all day. We finished every li
ttle detail of our house. It was so damn beautiful. It's been a week and a day s

ince the fight, only 23 people were lost. We had all the funerals, we finished o
ur house, and moved in a week ago after the big furniture came in.

"I just want to relax. I'm so tired. I've been doing a lot today," he sighed and
I frowned. I was being selfish. Here I was just wanting to sleep with my man wh
en he was exhausted. I let him go and let him sit down next to me on the bed. I
got on my knees and moved behind him. I placed my hands on his shoulders and slo
wly began massaging them. He groaned in pleasure and leaned his neck forward.

I kissed the back of his neck and around until I was nibbling on his ear. He moa
ned and I slid my hands down his back. I began pulling his shirt up to take it o
ff of him. I got it off and then got off the bed. I walked around until I was st
anding infront of him. I stood in between his legs and he lifted his head up. My
hands worked on his shoulders from the front while my lips made their ways to h

He moaned and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me flush against him a
nd tilted his head back so it was easier for us to kiss. His tongue licked on my
bottom lip, asking for entrance and I complied by opening my mouth. He slid his
tongue in confidently and wrapped his around mine. I moaned and he began pullin
g me on his lap so I was straddling him. I pushed him down on the bed and took i
n his scent. His cold body cooled mine down while the kiss heated up.

I pulled away too early and began kissing his down his chest, massaging the side
s of his torso. God he was so delicious. Literally. I climbed off of him when I
reached the waistband of his jeans. I turned him over and climbed on top of him,
sitting on top of his nice ass. I began massaging his back and listened to all
his moans and groans. God he was such a turn on.

"How you feeling?" I asked.

"Pretty good," he moaned. I kissed him in the middle of his back and then slappe
d his ass as I got up. I laid next to him and he lifted his head up. "Hello sexy
," I smiled.

"Hi wifey," he replied. I wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled myself clos
er to him. I wrapped an arm around his neck and kissed his cheek. "I'm almost th
irteen weeks," I stated.

"I know. I think I'm okay with telling everyone."

"That's not what I was getting at. I was just saying that I was thirteen weeks.

In a few more weeks we get to find out what we're having."

"We both want one boy and one girl right?"

"Yes!" I squealed.

"I'll be happy even if we have two girls or two boys."

"Me too. I'm just happy we're having a baby and two at that! Twins! I'm so excit

"I'm very excited too," he reassured.

"Well I'm going to go make myself something to eat. Want or need anything?" I as

"Can you get me something to drink?"

"Of course I can, anything else."

"I left my cell phone charger in the living room, can you bring that up?"

"Yeah babe."

"Thanks. I'll leave my phone on the bed, I'm about to take a shower," he replied
and I shook my head.

"I'll start your shower, you relax a minute," I said and he smiled. He leaned in
for a kiss and I closed my eyes as I awaited it. He placed nothing but a tender
kiss before letting me go. I got off the bed and headed into our bathroom.
Our bathroom had light gray walls while the floor was a blend of black glass, gr
anite, and blue pearl making up the tile. The toilet see had a matching aqua blu
e seat cover, a matching rug around the toilet, and another matching rug infront
of the tub. The shower curtain was black with with flowers on it and matching b
lue dots in the middle. The shower liner on the inside was a light blue that was
practically transparent. Everything inside from our shampoo, conditioner, body

wash, shaving cream, and hand soap was blue. I think Jesse out did himself and I
couldn't be more impressed.

I turned on the water for the tub and got the shower started adjusting the nozel
to something more comfotable for Jesse so he could relax. I turned it to the ri
ght temperature then left the bathroom. Jesse was still laying flat on his stoma
ch on the bed.

I headed down the bright white carpet stairs and held onto the dark brown wooden
railing. The walls in the hall way on the third floor was a pretty vanilla colo
r almost the same color as the kitchen and dining room. I headed past the living
room and grinned.

The living room was a green apple color green with cream colored carpet. We had
a mint green couch that sat three and a matching love seat. There was two yellow
arm chairs that sat across from the couch. While the love seat was on the right
of the couch. Our flat screen tv mounted on the wall across from the love seat.
A white rug with mint green stripes sat in the middle of the sitting area with
a glass table in the middle of it that had a white vase with yellow roses in it.

There was a book shelf next to the tv on the left. There was a long mirror that
filled up most of the wall across from the front door. Sheer yellowish curtains
with matching green flowers on vines covered the windows. There was a three yell
ow lamps in the living room with a gold chandeleir above the coffee table.

I left the living room and headed into the kitchen. The cream colored walls surr
ounded me and the floor was gold with diamond shaped tile. They matched the mult
icolored tile walls between the counters and cabinets and over the stove which w
as tile that was diamond shaped with one layer in gold and the other in a cream

I opened the bright white fridge and pulled out some food. I cooked quickly and
then found myself sitting in the dining room. The dark wood floor combined well
with the bronze part that held up the glass table. I relaxed and ate my food the
n washed my dish before grabbing Jesse's charger and heading to the bedroom.

The burgundy colored walls covered the room. The bright white carpet shined. The
bed was perfectly made with a bright white stripe in the middle of two read par
ts and black flowers covered the white part. The pillow shams were the same whil
e there were blood red color sheets and pillow cases. Turning to the sitting are
a was the black couch, white book shelf, large screen tv in the white wood enter
tainment system, and Jesse's leather black massage chair sat in the corner while
his game sysems covered the entertainment system besides a few framed pictures,
one of our wedding day, one of us on his birthday, and one of us at the beach t
ogether last summer.

I put Jesse's phone on the charger before checking up on him. I went into the ba
throom and pulled the shower curtain back to get a nice view of his back and ass
. "Psst," I called and he whipped around quickly. He relaxed visably and walked
closer he. Lowered his head and pecked my lips. "Did you eat?" He questioned.

"Yes I did," I answered. He nodded and pkaced his hands on my stomach. "How are
my babies?" He questioned and I giggled.

"Good. We're almost through our first trimester daddy. I haven't had morning sic
kness in weeks. Unlike some women I am enjoying the sex and wanting more of it.
I also am not as tired. Plus I only gained three pounds," I ranted.

"I'm happy too," he chuckled and I nodded. I left him to shower and plopped down
on the couch in our room and started reading a book. I found myself being woken
up by Jesse when he got out the shower. He carried me to our bed and tucked me
in. I thanked him and dozed off to sleep.
I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. Jesse was holding me tightly and I
couldn't be happier. Life with him was just so easy now. "Good morning," I whis
pered. HIs eyes opened and he smiled at me.

"Morning Vi," he replied. He let me go and we both sat up. He pulled me on his l
ap and began rubbing my stomach. "You'll be 13 weeks in two days," he stated.

"I know, I'm so happy."

"Are you ready to tell everyone?"

"Yes!" I shouted in excitement.

"Good because my mom called. She wants to help since we decided to have our firs
t barbeque at our house in two days."

"Alright, I'll call her and we can start getting ready. We don't even have a set
guest list," I frowned.

"Well I invited a bunch of people."

"Well lets write this all down," I stated. I climbed off his lap and ran over to
my desk. I pulled out a notepad from the top drawer before beckoning my husband
over. I grabbed a pen and clicked it, writing on the top of the paper, "Guest L

"Alright who did you invite?" I asked.

"Well I invited the guys. So that's Allen, Paris, Rico, Lane, Holden, and Nigel.
Then I invited Carson; Aunt Reba; Malcolm, Kendra, Mikey, and Max; my dad's fri
ends that were in the war-they're like family to me I haven't seen them in years
; and both sets of grandparents-Clark, Debra, Alfred, and Theresa."

"That's...twenty two people. I invited Courney, Tanya, Candice, Dalton, Weston,

Michelle, William, Olivia, Eli, Eli's kids, Uncle Gavin, Aunt Natalia, Monica, H
arold, Clara, Ciara, Skylar, Reagan, Tanya, Justin, Lilly, Justin's kids, and um
...Simon," I listed.

"You invited Simon?"

"Is that okay?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Yeah, you already invited him there's nothing we can do about it."

"I can uninvite him."

"That's just rude. It's fine babe, I don't really care."

"Are you sure? If you're still upset-"

"Violet I swear I'm okay with it."

"Thank god," I breathed. He chuckled before leaning down to kiss my forehead. He

kissed my stomach before stating that he was going for a run. I asked if he wan
ted me to join him and he said no, he wanted to be alone right now. I knew he wa
s fine with Simon coming but I also knew he still didn't like what he saw that o
ne day. He still held a grudge against Simon for everything he did to me plus wh
en he said he loved me, Jesse didn't get to kill him. I just wanted Jesse to mov

e on. I love him and I only want him. There was no reason to be jealous of me cr
ying on Simon's shoulder for less than two minutes.

I sighed and called Monica. We quickly arranged to meet at the store together. I
went and took a quick shower and soon Jesse was back right as I was getting rea
dy to leave. I was going to leave him a note since I knew he left his phone. He
kissed me goodbye then went to shower. He said he was going to hang out with All
en today.

I met Monica at the grocery store and we began shopping. We were cooking for abo
ut 50 people so we needed a lot of food. Even though only about 70 percent of th
e people were eating, the werewolves, they ate the most. Monica was going to mak
e her little vampire dish. I needed her to give me the recipe for that. One for
when the kids grow up so we can have family dinners and two for Jesse so he can
eat with me instead of me just looking fat and being the only one to ever eat.

After we shopped we headed back to my house. We began decorating for the most pa
rt outside. I called Jesse over to help and he brought Allen with him. The guys
cleaned the new pool for tomorrow and Jesse cut the grass while Allen helped us
bring all the table and chairs from the basement outside for the cook out.

After that I thanked Monica and Allen then they both left. Jesse was acting weir
d but I ignored it. I didn't want to upset him by prying into his business right
now. He'll talk to me when he's ready.

Apparently he was ready when I was almost asleep. "I've been thinking. I don't r
eally care for your relationship with Simon but I guess I can tolerate it. He's
just a friend and you don't have feelings for him or anyone else besides me. It'
s been two years so maybe he has moved on. If he hasn't though I really want you
to stay away from him," he stated.
"If he hasn't that doesn't matter. Just because he could be in love with me and
we'll hang out doesn't mean I'll fall in love with him. Simon and I don't even t
alk. We're barely friends. He's our friend though so I invited him. I didn't eve
n invite him to the wedding," I replied.

"You think I'm being unreasonable don't you?"

"No I just think you're letting your jealousy get to you. If I cried on Allen's
shoulder it wouldn't be a problem of jealousy. You'd check on me and thank Allen
before handeling it yourself."

"Yeah but Allen was never in love with you-"

"He saw me naked though."

"Who's fault was that?" He snapped.

"Hey!" I shouted, pushing him away from me. He began apologizing but I ignored h
im. Why would I bring that up? Why would he say that though? How could he?

"Violet I'm sorry."

"That was a low blow Jesse."

"I know and I apolgize. He barely saw you though and plus he's my best friend. H
e didn't have a connection with you and he would never do that to me," he replie

"Jesse please just forget about it."

"I can't."

"Why do you let things get to you? Simon is my ex-mate. I was never with him. Th
e only man I have ever been with is you. The only man I want, need, and love is
you. Jealousy is cute and possessiveness is sexy but this is over bearing. Insec
ure is not something I thought in a million years you would feel like being with

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"Say it. Say that you're done with it. Say you'll leave it alone and stop being

"I'm done, I'll leave it alone, and I'm not jealous," he stated and I rolled my
eyes. Sure he wasn't. I kissed him softly before cuddling closer to him before l
etting myself go to sleep wrapped up in his arms and legs along with his delicio
us scent.

It was the day of the cook out and we were setting everything up. Jesse's parent
s were here helping along with Courtney and Allen. We got all the tables opened,
placed table clothes over them, and had chairs for everyone. I filled up one of
the coolers with ice before placing in a bunch of water bottles. The blue coole
r was water, red was soda, green was beer, and orange was juices for all the kid

Jesse had the pool set up and the water looked nice. We had told everyone to bri
ng their bathing suits. Jesse and I even had a big sand box it was going to be p
erfect for the twins when they were old enough but for today it was for us to pl
ay volley ball. Courtney also wanted to have a game of soccer in the front yard.
There was a sprinkler set up on the other side of the yard in the back, across
from the sand box.

There was a picnic table that had all the food that was already cooked. Harold w
as on the grill while Monica was slaving over the stove. Monica's parents arrive
d soon, Debra and Clark. Debbie helped Monica with cooking. Clark on the other h
and relaxed in the living room talking to my husband and Allen who were taking a

I was busy running around until Jesse forced me to take a break. I was pulled do
wn on his lap and his grandfather began talking to me. I only got away to answer
the door. It was Candice! I hugged her tightly and asked where her mate was. "S
imon and Dalton are coming," she answered and I nodded. I wrapped an arm wround
her shoulder and led her outside. We had catching up to do.

"No way!" I yelled loudly.

"Shh...he wanted to bring her but didn't want to intrude," she explained.

"Aww, what is she like?"

"She's nothing like you. Where you're innocent she's more all over the place. Sh
e's sweet, really sweet. She's just a bit of a party girl."

"And you're not?"

"She's like Skylar actually. She's outgoing, nice and sweet, but have a more cra
zy personality too. I think you'll like her. I get along with her. It's put a da
mper on Dalton and Simon's relationship though."
"How so?"

"Would you believe Simon hates that I take her out to clubs? She's a party anima
l and so am I. Dalton would never let me go out with a male and he doesn't like
going clubbing either. Simon doesn't so I planned for me to take her. Simon was
so pissed. He's trying to make the girl a house wife, it's ridiculous. She'll be
a good wife but not a boring one like you," she complained.

"Hey!" I snapped.

"I didn't mean that type of boring," she sighed.

"Whatever," I muttered.



"Well she's a cool chick. Simon just doesn't want her to turn out like me, that'
s what he said. Then he brought up me bringing a stripper and Dalton lost it. I
never seen him so angry besides when he thought I was cheating on him with Roger
. He started a fight with Simon and ended up fine of course. Ferrah broke up the
fight so it was fine. Ferrah also argued with Simon about not letting her be he
rself. She only acts calm for Simon's sake. He needs someone mature and she's tr
ying to show she can be that and be a luna for him but not lose her self at the
same time," Candice explained.

She went on and on about Simon's new girlfriend. I was happy for him, honestly I
was. He wasn't in love with her, thank god. Simon had bad taste. I didn't trust
Candice's word either. She had bad taste too. If it wasn't for the fact that Ja
de was a bitch and showed her hatred towards her Candice would be her best frien

She finally stopped talking when Simon and Dalton joined us. I
then excused myself. I had came in time to see Malcolm walking
!" I screamed, running towards Malcolm. Jesse and Malcolm both
n at the bouncing three year old in Malcolm's arms. I snatched
ed him tightly. "I missed you baby!" I grinned.

"I missed you too Violet," he smiled.

hugged them both

in with Max. "Max
laughed at me the
Max away and hugg

"He's so cute," I gushed, kissing his chubby cheeks. He giggled and greeted Jess
e. I hugged Malcolm before heading into the living room with them all. "Where's
Kendra and Aunt Reba?" Jesse questioned.

"They're talking about me," Malcolm sighed.

"What did you do?"

"Kendra is upset that I went out the other night with a chick from work. It wasn
't us alone but of course I gave the girl a ride home and Kendra found out. She'
s been running her mouth about it since it happened a week ago," he explained.

"Jesse!" Mikey yelled. Jesse's head snapped to the door and he got up as he saw
his seven year old cousin. Jesse gave Mikey a big hug and the two began playing
around. I laughed at my husband but continued to greet all my guests.

Around an hour later everyone was here. I was with Skylar alone and she asked me
what was wrong. I was avoiding Candice since all she was talking about was Simo
n's girlfriend. Sky picked up that I was avoiding her and wanted to know why. "S
he keeps talking to me about some girl," I sighed.

"Yeah, who's Ferrah?" She asked.

"Simon's new girlfriend. I don't really care. I'll meet her myself one day. I do
n't need to hear all about her. I'm also kind of jealous," I admitted.

"Of Simon having a girlfriend?"

"What?" Jesse asked. I spun around to face him and he didn't look happy or mad.
He looked hurt and confused. "You're jealous because Simon has a girlfriend?" He
asked in disbelief. I was about to answer but it seemed he was saying it to him
self because he ran off before I could explain.

Tears filled my eyes but I blinked them all back. I couldn't break down. It was
just the hormones. "Is that true?" Skylar asked.

"No it's not true. I'm not jealous of the girl well I am but not because she has

Simon. I don't know if you noticed but vampire is my type preferably named Jess
e and only Jesse. I'm jealous because I feel like I'm losing one of my closest f
riends to a girl that just showed up out of nowhere a few days ago to her," I ex

"You need to tell Candice and Jesse that."

"I would tell Jesse if he wasn't being an idiot and running away," I mumbled.
"Well go find him," she urged. I sighed and nodded. I didn't want to find him be
cause I knew by now he was probably pissed and upset. I checked in the basement,
outside, and the living room but didn't find him. He had blocked me out so I co
uldn't mind link him. I finally found him in our room, pacing. "You're being rid
iculous," I stated, shutting the door.

"How Violet? For what? For believing you didn't have feelings for him-?"

"Shut up. I'm jealous of his girlfriend not for having Simon but for having Cand
ice. I'm losing my friend and it's depressing. I want your support not your atti
tude or anger from a misunderstanding," I interrupted, my voice shaking as I was
about to break down.

"W-what?" He questioned. I ran over to him and hugged him. I cried on his chest
as I explained to him everything. These damn hormones were making me emotional.
Jesse got me to calm down and soon we were fine. He was also happy Simon got a g
irlfriend and that Candice had a friend to hang out with instead of 'stealing' m
e away. Of course not for the price of my happiness of having her as one of my b
est friends.

After I was fine we went to join everyone for a game of volleyball. Most people
had ate including myself. We splited into two teams. It was me, Jesse, Allen, Co
urtney, Skylar, and Reagan against Dalton, Candice, Tanya, Justin, Malcolm, and
Kendra. We were doing couples. We played for awhile and then started doing coupl
es one on one.

First was Allen and Courtney against Weston and Michelle. Allen and Courtney won
then it was me and Jesse against Malcolm and Kendra. Kendra had quit and left M
alcolm, who gave up soon after. Then it was Jesse's grandparents versing each ot
her and Alfred and Theresa won then went against Monica and Harold.

In the end the top three were Harold and Monica-who beat everyone, Jesse and I-w
ho beat everyone but Monica and Harold, and Allen and Courtney who beat everyone
besides Jesse and I and Harold and Monica. It was really fun and afterwards we
had a bunch of other games.

"Jesse!" I shouted in fright as he hit the ball towards me. I was too scared to
hit it and jumped out of the way. We were doing girls against boys so it was me,
Courtney, Clara, Ciara, Tanya, Candice, Skylar, Theresa, Reba, Kendra, Olivia,
Michelle, Aunt Natalia, and Debra against Jesse, Allen, Holden, Nigel, Jusin, Da
lton, Reagan, Alfred, Paris, Malcolm, Eli, Weston, Uncle Gavin, and Clark.

"One more point and we win," Dalton stated and the guys all cheered.

"We're losing by five points," Candice pointed out.

"Maybe if you stopped filing your nails we could win," Courtney snapped, snatchi
ng the nail file and chucking it into the direction of the woods. The guys were
all going, "oooh."

"Or maybe if you used some super speed and ran for the ball we'd win," Candice r

"Maybe if you both stop fighting we could win," Skylar chimed in.

"No one asked you. If you stop trying to look so cute we would be better. The on
ly guy looking at you is your mate. Every other guy is taken and the guys who ar
en't can respect you're mated," Candice growled.

"Candice stop it," Dalton ordered. She rolled her eyes before walking out the sa
ndbox. The guys all sighed and I ran after her. "Candice wait up," I called.

"Leave me alone Violet," she replied.

"Not happening, you're my friend."

"Violet thanks for the food but I'm leaving," she said.

"How you getting home? Simon drove," I pointed out.

"I'll get a ride," she snapped. I bit back a retort and then felt tears come to
my eyes as I heard her call that Ferrah girl. She laughed and joked with her on
the phone while asking her to come get her. Candice left without another word an
d I stood there numbly. It all happened in five minutes.

I walked back to the house and sat down on the floor, my back against the house.
My tears fell and my wolf growled in fury. She was upset and angry with our 'fr
iend.' This day was supposed to be about me and Jesse. We wanted to tell everyon
e I'm pregnant and my own best friend didn't want to be here for it.
"Violet?" Jesse called. He sat next to me and pulled me on his lap. I told him n
ot to ask and he didn't. Once I calmed down I got up and we headed back to the c
ook out. Dalton asked about Candice and I told him she went home. He looked angr
y but didn't say anything else. We ended the game and counted it as the boys' wi

Everyone began eating again or hopped in the pool. I wanted to go for a swim so
I told Jesse. He helped me out of my capris, my tank top, shoes, and socks. He p
ulled off his shirt and kicked off his socks and shoes before hopping in the poo
l. I climbed in slowly and Jesse grabbed me immediately. "Cheer up sweetie," he

"I'm fine," I muttered.

"Violet don't let it get to you. Dalton and Simon are still here."

"It's not the same Jesse," I cried and he sighed. He was hurt because he knew I
was in pain but there was nothing he could do about it. Slowly people joined us
in the pool. First was Mikey and Max then Monica then all of our friends. "Lilly
," I laughed as she splashed me. I splashed her back and soon reached her, picki
ng her up and jumping under water with her.

When we came back up she began giggling. Soon I let her go and she began playing
with Mikey. I found myself talking to Tanya and she was very nice to me. She he
lped me cheer up after the whole Candice thing.

Once everyone was basically a bit worn out Jesse and I were ready to tell everyo
ne. We had everyone gather around while we stood on the patio. Jesse stood behin
d me with his arms wrapped around me and his hands flat on my stomach. "Thanks e
veryone for coming. It was practically a house waring party. The real reason we
had though was because we have an announcement," I began.

"Violet and I have been hiding a secret for three months," Jesse added. Everyone
began talking but Jesse got them all to quiet down. He looked at me and kissed
my cheek. We both nodded and smiled, "we're pregnant!"

Everyone's jaw dropped or their faces lit up. Everyone began cheering and Jesse
and I both laughed. We got down off the patio and were pulled in hugs. The first
to hug me was Monica, then Courtney, Tanya, Skylar, Dalton, Weston, Olivia, Mic
helle, Harold, Theresa, Clark, Debra, Ciara, Clara, Eli, Reagan, and so on...The
celebrations continued and everyone had pulled Jesse and I down to talk to them
. "We didn't finish," I admitted.

"We're having twins," Jesse stated and their was more of an uproar. Everyone was
so happy. I was happy too. Jesse looked estatic just how I felt. Everyone staye
d for about three more hours before heading home. The last ones at our house wer
e Simon, Dalton, Skylar, Reagan, Courtney, Allen, Jesse's friends, Uncle Gavin,
Aunt Natalia, and Jesse's grandparents.

We talked about the babies and then soon everyone left. Jesse and I were both al
one and were worn out. He tucked me in before going to clean up. I felt guilty b
ut he told me not to be. He wanted me to sleep and relax. He didn't like that I
was doing so much today anyways. My body was a bit sore and all but I didn't car
e. I wanted to help him. He insisted that I sleep and I couldn't argue with him
mainly because I was was past exhausted. Either way my husband was just too darn
sweet. I was lucky to have him as a husband, people were lucky to have him as a
friend, his family was lucky to have his as family, his parents were lucky to h
ave a great son, and the twins will be lucky to have his as a dad.
Chapter 47

*Dalton's P.O.V*

I thanked Simon and headed into the pack house. I headed to my bedroom that I sh
ared with Candice and upon arriving I found her with Ferrah. I didn't mind Ferra
h but I didn't like her. I knew she wasn't psycho like Jade though. She made Sim
on more responsible only because she's irresponsible. Ferrah reminds me very muc
h of Candice. Of course that didn't mean if I wasn't mated to Candice I'd go aft
er her. Honestly neither one is my type. I love my mate to death but she could b
e so irrational most of the time. She needs to grow up.

Candice is an amazing girl. That's what she is, a girl. I'm a beta I need more o
f a responsible mate. I have changed her a bit into a calmer person but her bein
g around Ferrah brings out the wild side of her, one I thought I tamed. Handelin
g Candice when she's all crazy isn't something I enjoy then having to Candice's
kills me.

"Get out," I ordered at Ferrah. She glared at me and opened her mouth to talk bu
t soon Simon was by my side, demanding her to leave with him. They both left and
I slammed the door shut behind them. "What's wrong with you?" Candice asked.

"Why would you leave?" I questioned.

"I didn't want to be there. Courtney was being a bitch."

"No she wasn't. She was right. If you didn't want to play then you should have s
at out not waste everyone's time and bring your team down."

"Don't defend her."

"I'm not. I'm stating the facts. It was rude of you to do your damn nails in the
middle of a game when people are counting on you. How do you think that makes m
e feel? I look bad. I'm ashamed actually. The front lines of our pack are me, Si
mon, and you. I think I do a good job, Simon has grown up, and now it's your tur
n. Candice you're best friend wanted you there and you left over someone snappin
g at you. Well I'm sick of it. You hurt Violet so bad. You don't do that type of
shit! I don't want you talking to Ferrah again, do you hear me?"

"I'll talk to whomever I want to Dalton you're not the boss-"

"Candice fine then. Talk to whomever you want, it's over. I'm not dealing with y
ou. If it wasn't for the fact I found my mate-you I would probablyh be with some
one more fitting as a beta's mate. Somone I can trust, depend on, and love."

"Excuse me?"

"Pack your bags, this is my pack. We're over so you're going home," I stated.

"You're breaking up with me?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

"I'm not leaving."

"I don't care where you go. You're not allowed in this pack anymore, goodbye. Ta
lk to me when you can love me back as a mate, that's if I'm pathetic enough to w

ait around for you," I replied. I picked her up and carried her out of the pack
house with her screaming, crying, hitting me, and wiggling in my grip the whole
time. I placed on her the porch and went inside, locking her out.

"What's going on?" Simon asked.

"I broke up with Candice," I explained.

"She's your mate-"

"At least I didn't reject her," I snapped.

"That was a low blow," he mumbled.

"I don't want her back here. My mate needs to grow up before I move on," I said
loudly so Candice could here me. Ferrah came downstairs and began having a fit.
Simon ordered her to his room and sighed.

"I don't like her. She's a bad influence on you. She's no better than Jade besid
es the slutty-just barely less slutty-parts and the psycho parts," I confessed.


"Simon I get that you love Violet. I really do. She's an amazing, beautiful, and
talented young woman. I love her but not in that way. You really screwed up. Fo
r as long as I've known you I've never seen you screw up this badly. Rejecting h
er was the worst mistake you ever made in your life and worst mistake ever made
for this pack. Violet was your mate but now she's taken she's happily married an
d in love. She's never going to leave Jesse. They are perfect for each other so
in a way thank you for finally doing something that would lead to her being happ
y after her parents died. Now do yourself and your pack a favor stop trying to r
eplace her with sluts, psychos, and gold diggers. Meet someone spontaneously and
fall in love. Don't try to force it so you can say you moved on while simply tr
ying to let her go though you never had her," I advised.
I left him in shock and headed upstairs to bed. It wasn't late but I was tired.
I missed my mate but this was for the best. Of course I wanted her back. I just
wanted her to learn to apprecitate me more and stop taking my kindness and the f
act I'm patient with her for granted. Seriously though if she wanted to be immat
ure still and play around I will move on. I won't wait forever for her to realiz
e her faults. I have a life to live and I'm not getting any younger. I'm committ
ed to her, I'm her mate for crying out loud. Yet she's not fully committed to me
, I can just tell.

*Violet's P.O.V*

The morning after the cookout I spent with Jesse. We were making pancakes togeth
er and playing around in the kitchen, doing nothing but making a mess. My phone
started ringing and I tried to stop laughing but couldn't. I grabbed my phone an
d seeing the caller id I froze. It was Candice. That got me to stop laughing.

Once again I found Jesse's arm encircled around my waist from behind. I hesitant
ly answered the phone, "hello?"

"Violet, I need your help."

"With what?" I asked her.

"Dalton kicked me out last night. I went to a hotel with Ferrah, she snuck out t
he house for me. I need a place to stay-" she answered.

"Sucks for you. Leave my wife alone and don't call again," Jesse interrupted, ta
lking to her. He hung up and took my phone from me and slipped it in his pocket.
"Why would you do that? She needs our help," I said.

"Her mate kicked her out. Plus she has her BFF with her so she'll be fine," he s
napped. I felt a pang in my chest when he said, "BFF." I was upset and hurt but
I still cared about her. He was right though. It was best not to get involved si
nce it was Dalton who kicked her out. I wonder what happened.

Jesse didn't give me much time to dwell on the situation since he had me finish
cooking our pancakes. We both ate and I stayed quiet. My good mood was ruined an
d nothing Jesse could do had cheered me up. Today was September 4th. I was thirt
een weeks as of yesterday and I was going to the doctor's to make sure it was fi
ne for me to get on a plane next week.

I also had to make Jesse's plans for his birthday official. I came up with the p
lans in my head I haven't told anyone about them yet. "Hey babe are you busy nex
t week?" I asked casually. I kind of wanted him to think I forgot about his birt

"No, why?" He questioned.

"Well Skylar proposed an idea of us girls all going to a spa resort for next wee

"For the whole week?"

"No just the weekend," I shrugged. He froze and stared at me for awhile. He look
ed dissapointed as he nodded his head. "Sounds like fun, you should go if you wa
nt to," he replied.

"I do want to go."

"Then get packing," he chuckled but the happiness didn't reach his eyes. Usually
he was happy if I was happy. I squealed and hugged him. "I will!" I shouted.

"Alright, well I think I'm going to go to my dad's."

"That's fine," I said, pecking his lips before running excitedly upstairs. How c
ould he believe I forgot? Who cares? I heard him leave a few minutes later and t
hat's when I started packing, for him. I packed him a bunch of clothes for our w
eek in England. Then for the camping trip which was going to be the 10th to the
12th. I'd have to talk to Allen about that first.

I texted Allen to come over and to bring all the guys. I didn't finished packing
completely but I wanted to get this out of the way while Jesse was busy. Once a
ll the guys were here we all were in the living room. "As you know Jesse's 21st
birthday is coming up. I'm making him believe I forgot it. Besides the point. An
yways I want you all to take him on a camping trip from the 10th to the 12th," I

"Can we leave on the 9th?" Holden asked.

"Sure, I don't care. He just can't leave before the 8th and he has to be back fo
r the 13th."
"What's before the 7th?" Allen questioned.

"Jesse agreed to let me to take him out on a date," I gushed.

"Wow!" They cheered.

"The on the thirteenth I wanted to throw him two parties. I wanted one mainly wi
th family that means everyone from the cook out besides my aunt and uncle. That
party was going to be simple. I haven't really planned it out yet. Then I wanted
a party during the night for all of us and some of his other friends along with
his parents and stuff. I wanted to do a Masquerade Ball. Don't judge me. It see
ms girly but really it won't be. The whole point for him to find me," I explaine

"Sounds kind of cool," Rico shrugged.

"That means tuxes and dresses with masks on," I stated

"It sounds awesome," Lane smiled.

"That's not all," I grinned.

"What else are you doing?" Allen questioned.

"I want him to have a more masculine party that night. It's going to be casino t
hemed. It's going to be just all of you, me, your dates I guess, and a few other
friends of his. I want him to have fun. I want him to party but I don't want hi
m drunk before that night if he allows it. Then the next day I'm taking him to t
he cabin and the day afterwards I'm taking him to England," I announed.

"England? He's always wanted to go," Nigel gasped.

"I know," I smiled.

"Wow that's amazing Violet."

"Thank you. I have to plan everything out. I have the tickets for that and the t
rip is set. The camping is too. I want you guys back by noon at the latest. I th
ink I might change the parties since it's all happening so fast. ANyways thanks

for coming I'll send you all invites to everything to else," I replied. We all t
alked a bit then they all left me to get packing. I'm surprised Jesse didn't com
e home. He was probably talking to his dad or busy working. Now that the guys we
re there he was probably with them.

Eventually I had finished packing his stuff for camping. I texted Allen and aske
d if Jesse needed anything special for the camping trip. He told me everything t
hen I was done. I even had time to pack for myself and him for our England trip.
By seven in the evening I was done, bored, and lonely. I had ate, packed, and c
leaned around but that wasn't much to do. It was easy to pack since everything w
as organized and there wasn't much to clean besides doing the dishes from this m

I had laid down on the couch watching a movie, snuggled up under some covers. I
was waiting for Jesse to come home. I didn't want to bother him if he was busy o
r having a good time. After the movie though it was past nine o'clock and it was
about time he should be home. I called him finally and waited for him to answer
. "Hello Violet," he greeted.

"Where are you?" I questioned.

"Calm down, I'm outside," he stated. I hopped off the couch, tripping along the
way to the front door. I pulled it open to see Jesse standing with Mikey and Max
in the front yard. I gaped at him and ran towards them. I hugged Max then Mikey
before kissing my husband. He chuckled and I raised an eyebrow. Was my kiss fun
ny or something? "And here I was thinking you forgot all about me," he mumbled a
gainst my lips.

"How could I ever forget you? I've been spending all day just thinking about you
. I had to greet our guests first," I responded. He nodded and pulled me in for
a deeper and longer kiss, pulling me closer to him. His hands gripping my hips a
nd holding them tightly as he struggled to keep control of himself. We had kids
with us right now.

His tongue danced with mine and I moaned. I wanted him so bad. Of course since I
started the pregnancy I've been okay with having sex except when I was feeling
like shit. I had my normal attraction and want of sex. Since I hit ten weeks tho
ugh I've been getting so turned on easily. It's like everything turns me on with

I pulled away earlier and whimpered in pain. Jesse frowned in understanding befo
re giving me a promising look and ushering the kids inside. I followed them in a
nd went with Jesse to the guest room. I helped both boys change into their pajam
as. Once they were ready for bed Jesse took them to the living room. All three b
egan playing video games. Jesse was playing some team thing with Mikey who didn'
t want him to stop playing but I was begging Jesse with my eyes and body languag

e to give me some attention.

Finally Jesse called it quits and let Max take over. Jesse dragged me up to our
bedroom. He got me on the bed and kissed me hungrily. "I'm sorry," he groaned, s
lipping his hands up my shirt. His hands traveled upwards until they slid under
my bra and his thumbs began teasing my nipples. I moaned loudly and Jesse kissed
down my neck. "We can't," he muttered.

"I know," I pouted. He kissed away my pout and pressed his body against mine. He
continued to play with my nipples and even stripped me out of my clothes and he
lped me into the shower so I can get to bed. I was tired and I needed to calm do
wn. After my shower I changed into some pajamas. I slipped on aqua blue sweat pa
nts and a matching sweater that said the words, "Sweet and Innocent." It had pre
tty flowers around it and I thought it was cute. I think Tanya had bought this f
or me in the store. I fell in love with the sweatpants and she ended up finding
the matching sweater. She liked it for me so she bought it. I loved that girl. I
haven't been spending time with her in awhile but I was going to fix that.

After I was dressed I slipped my hair into a messsy bun before spending about tw
enty minutes posing infront of the long mirror trying to see if I had a baby bum
p. That's how Jesse found me pulling my sweater back, as tight as it would go. "
What are you doing sexy?" Jesse asked and I giggled.

"I want to have a baby bump," I whined and he sighed. He walked over to me and p
laced his hands on my stomach, standing infront of me. I say by the end of this
week you'll have a bump. You'll be in the stage where people look at you and won
der, 'is she pregnant?' But you're not showing enough for them to get the courag
e to ask you," he said.

"So the stage where I could be pregnant or just gaining a lot of weight and no o
ne wants to be rude and ask just in case I'll say no," I finished with a sigh an
d he nodded.

"Yeah," he grinned and I rolled my eyes. I placed my hands on top of his and gra
bbed them in mine hands before placing a kiss on each one. "I love you," I whisp

"I love you too."

"I missed you all day today."

"Violet please don't go on the spa trip, take a look at the calendar," he begged

"Jesse I'm leaving on the 15th."

"But Violet..."

"But nothing Jesse," I smirked.

"It's my birday though!" He snapped and I laughed.

"NO it's not," I played along.

"It is so, I'll be 21," he stated.

"You're birthday already passed."

"Yeah, last year! We got married in June! You're three months pregnant!" He shou
ted in irritation and I placed a finger over his lips.

"Jesse I didn't forget. I know you're birthday. I've been thinking about it for
months. I just didn't know what to do. I have a lot of plans for you. Now you al
ready had a tantrum so don't even bother trying to tell me you don't want anythi
ng for your birthday because I want you to have the best twenty first brithday e
ver. I really hope you liked last year," I replied.

"You remembered? Of course you did. I love you. And I loved last year. Is was my
first birthday with you. I will never forget it baby."

"Are you sure? It was a lot of planning but it was worth it. It was really simpl
e I hope you didn't mind," I said.

"I loved it Violet. It was simple and sweet."

"Well this year I want to go all out, sorry I didn't last year."

"The best part about last year was getting you as a present."

"Hey I bought you the four hundred dollar boots you wanted and that leather jack

"Yeah but having you all to myself with your undivided attention with no intterr
uptions is the best gift in the world I could ever recieve," he retorted, kissin
g my forehead.

"Where are the boys?" I asked.

"They're in their room," he answered. I nodded and we both headed to the guest r
oom to tuck in the boys. They were growing up so fast. In just two years they bo
th had grown up. Mikey was seven and Max was alredy three. The boys argued a bit
but five minutes later they were begging each other to play with one another. T
hey were so cute.
Even though Mikey and Max were vampires they usually were to stay in bed for hou
rs. Usually as Kendra said she would tuck them in and leave them to either half
sleep or watch tv or something else to entertain themselves with. It was weird b
ut it was only because they were kids. Once they hit their puberty they became f
ull blooded vampires and it was impossible to sleep.

After tucking them in Jesse tucked me in bed, keeping me warm in his arms and un
derneath the covers. We both cuddled in bed and we talked to each other for hour
s until the fatigue hit me around three in the morning and Jesse let me sleep, n
ever leaving my side.
Chapter 48

*Violet's P.O.V*

I groaned in annoyance and threw a pillow at Courtney's face. It was me, Courtne
y, Tanya, Skylar, and Monica all in my bedroom at the pack house. Jesse was home
hanging out with the guys. Here I was trying to plan our date for tonight. Of c
ourse I still didn't know what I wanted to do. There was always something I didn
't want to do after I thought about it.

The girls were helping me look up stuff. They came up with cute ideas but I didn
't like some because I really wanted to take him somewhere not stayed cooped up
in the house for our first date. "Well how did this morning go?" SKylar asked.

"What?" Monica questioned.

"I mean did you guys do anything this morning? It's good to start the dayof the
date good together. Get him excited, anxious, or nervous about the date. Okay ma
ybe not nervous," Sky explained.

"I woke up really early and decided to dedicate the whole day to him. We made ou
t all morning and I served him breakfast with some of his favorite foods that he
usually doesn't eat since he doesn't eat...Then I played some video games with
him, which we both enjoyed before taking a shower with him and getting ready to
come here. I also invited all the guys over to play pool with him or something i
n the bassement. He really loves the basement," I rambled on.

"That's good."

"Yeah our day has been perfect. The guys have him occupied and he's having fun.
I told him I'd text him later on how to dress for the date."

"Alright so we canceled having a picnic, going to the beach, going to the movies
, going to a poetry reading, going to a sporting event, the zoo, the museum, goi
ng fishing, staying home, going hiking, going to a casino, going clubbing, you d
id the hot air balloon ride before, and amusement parks. I don't know what else
you can do," Sky sighed.

"Ugh! I know my own husband. So why is this so hard? He wouldn't mind a picnic,
the beach, the movies, or even the poetry reading. But they're either too boring
, stuff we always do, or too girly for a date all about him. We went to the zoo,
the museum is too boring. He'll be going fishing soon, we're in the house all t
he time, he won't let me go hiking and stuff, the guys want to take him to a cas
ino over their trip, clubbing isn't romantic enough, hot air balloon was for my
birthday, and amusement parks aren't a pkace I'd take him for our first date," I

"Well what does he like to do?" Courtney asked.

"He likes running, spending time with me, he loves excitement, he likes the outd
oors, he likes the night time, he likes hunting, he likes music, he loves talkin
g about our babies, he loves art, he loves building, he loves pampering me, he l
oves sweets, he likes being naughty, he likes action movies, and he'll love anyt
hing I plan for tonight but I want it to be sweet, memorable, and romantic while
being safe since I'm pregnant," I answered.

"Then go to a shooting range," Tanya suggested.

"He did during his bachelor's weekend," I groaned.

"Go play laser tag or paintball," Monica shrugged.

"He'd kill anyone who hurts me. Plus he doesn't like me doing a lot of running a
round," I said.

"Well Violet in the mean time do something cute or sexy for him. Text him someth
ing sexy," Courtney winked.

"I wouldn't know what to say," I sighed.

"I have an idea! Why don't tonight you wear lingerie and make the house all roma
ntic for him?" Tanya grinned.

"He'd like that," I blushed.

"Then do that," she smiled.

"I will but you guys can't go with me when I do get the lingerie you will only s
crew something up."

"Whatever, buy something now before your baby bump appears," Sky tease.d

"It will be here any day now," I grinned placing my hands on my stomach. I was t
hirteen weeks for crying our loud and didn't have a baby bump. And I was carryin
g twins!

"Let's think about this, what has he done for all of your dates?" Monica asked.

"On our first date we had a picnic under the stars at the beach with a bunch of
delicious deserts. The next real date we had went to dinner, took a boat across
a lake, rode a horse up a mountain, and slept together for the first time in a c
abin and he told me he loved me. We rode a horse up to a waterfall that we jumpe

d down from then swam in the water before having a barbeque together followed by
sleeping together in the grass then slept there. He took me to the zoo to help
me through a bad day. I've actually taken him out before on a dinner cruise and
the whole day I teased him along the way making him want me, either way I haven'
t taken him on a date with us as husband and wife. It's our first date of me tak
ing him out as husband and wife. For my birthday he took me to Florida, to Disne
y World. He took me on a cruise one night and we had an amazing dinner then he
told me all these great and sweet things before he proposed to me. On our annive
rsary we went for a run, we baby sat Mikey and Max, we went on a picnic, we rode
horses in the water, played at the beach area, went bungee jumping together, we
nt hiking, jumped out of plane for skydiving, we went to the cabin for a nice di
nner and then cuddled up on the couch watching "The Notebook," I shared.
"We went to an amusement park with everyone then the balloon ride for my last bi
rthday. Then we had our honeymoon. He took me ice skating in a secluded place wh
en it was closed and decorated it beautifully then we had dinner and I got to fe
ed penguins. We had a picnic on a baseball field where we cuddled up and watched
fireworks then we mated that night. Then our most recent one he took me on a pi
cnic on the roof of our house before telling me it was our house. And here we ar
e today," I continued.

An hour later we still hadn't come up with anything and I quit. I called Jesse a
nd he quickly answered, "hello beautiful?"

"I'm so sorry," I cried.

"Whoa! Babe what's wrong?"

"I ruined our date and we haven't even gone anywhere yet-"

"Exactly so how could it be ruined? Vi, I will love anything you plan."

"I don't want you to pretend to love it."

"Violet I wouldn't do that. I would let you down easy though if it was something
I didn't like. But I know I will. I know you and you know. I know you can think
of something."

"I just can't Jesse. That's the thing I feel like you know me better than I know
you. Remember when you took me ice skating to make up for my dream of going to
Antartica to meet penguins? Well I feel like you don't have things like that. I'
m all girly I share things like that and you just make them come true. I just wa
nt sometihng to be about you."

"Do you want me to tell you something?"

"No, that's cheating."

"Violet just think. Think about everything we've ever talked about. There's got
to be something that you can use," he replied. Soon the call ended and I was sti
ll stressing out. Soon I let the girls leave me so I could think.

Jesse has mentioned a lot of stuff. He said he wanted a lap dance before. He als
o always says he'd want me on top when we have sex. I think my husband has a sex
addiction, the sad thing is if he does I think it's contagious because I think
I'm catching it. Anyways...he likes grapes, only the green kind, which he told m
e on our first date. I did want us to have a nice romantic dinner. I had the per
fect idea!

"Okay! I got it. Dress nicely yet casual. We're going to be doing some outdoor e
vents but also going out to some nice places," I texted Jesse.

"Alright babe. How are my twins?"

"Good, not giving me a baby bump," I replied.

"Babe you have one, just barely."

"Whatever, I can't see it, it still looks flat to me."

"I'll see you later then."

"Be ready by three," I stated.

"I have four hours to get ready, okay."

"Okay. Love you Jesse."

"Love you more Violet," he replied and I put my phone away. It was elven in the
morning, I told you I woke up early. I woke up at five this morning and was just
spending time with my husband. I knew what I wanted to do and I was going to ne
ed a lot of help doing it.
"I need you to buy candles, rose petals, a blanket, some type of massage oil, an
d some white christmas lights," I texted Skylar. Sky immediately responded and w
e discussed what type i wanted and all that good stuff. I told her to buy that t
hen meet me at the mall.

I had texted Courtney and Tanya to meet me at the mall. Monica was at home so I
headed over to see her. I asked her to make her little vampire dish for Jesse to
night and then to find a desert recipe I could make him. She said she had to go
to the store and I asked her to pick up a few of mine and Jesse's favorite sweet
s. I was going to cook a dinner for us later and for lunch I was making it casua
l and taking him to this pizza parlor out of town where our first stop of the da
y for our date was.

I then got the twins and took

ngerie, and a sexy but casual
hrough a bunch of stores with
side to mess around in but go

them to mall with me. "Tonight I need a bikini, li

dress," I stated and they nodded. We began going t
no look dresses. I wanted something okay to go out
out in public at a bar looking nice.

It was pretty warm September so I wanted to wear a dress. Jesse

e today! I don't know how we do it but as a couple we do really
. I swear we were so perfect. Sure it took me two hours to come
but now I had more than one! Yay! I was so excited and I really
enjoy it.

was going to lov

nice date things
up with an idea
wanted Jesse to

We then headed to Victoria secret to buy the lingerie. I didn't know what type I
wanted. I just wanted something sexy and something Jesse would love. I grabbed
a few items and headed into the dressing room. I tried on first the most innocen
t one since it covered me up but it wasn't the typical slutty lingerie. It was a
black satin camiset. It had pink lace over the bust of the cami and then matchi
ng black shorts with lace at the corner of the bottoms of it. I liked it a lot a
nd it was so comfy. It wasn't the sexiest choice but I wanted it so bad. Just to
use as pajamas. I took a pic of myself in it and sent it to Jesse.

"I like that babe, are you getting that for me?" He asked.

"Do you really? It's so comfy, it's made out of satin," I replied.

"Yes get that! I love stuff like that. It looks shiny and I want to touch it and
then it's so thin and it's easy to feel you up," he sent back with a winky face
. I blushed and slipped out the cami and short set. I was definitely getting in
but not for tonight, for our England trip. I tried on this sexy one Tanya picked
out for me and blushed. Jesse was going to love this one. I was wearing this on
his birthday. He likes birthday sex and he damn sure was going to get it with m
e in this sexy little outfit.

I tried it on and let the girls see me in it one by one and they all agreed to s
ave it for his birthday. I slipped the babydoll off and put it in my to get pile
. The next one I tried on was also hot it wasn't something I put on as pajamas b
ut it wasn't that Jesse wants me right now look I was going for. It was a black
lace halter babydoll. It made my boobs look good, had little slits at the bottom
corners, and stopped at the top of my ass. I sent Jesse a picture of me in it f
rom a side view and let's just say he gave me a call and begged me to get it.

The black halter and the one I was trying on next I was also getting for our tri
p to England. It was an orange babydoll made of cotton and it was so soft. It ha
d a ruffle at the top, over my boobs, and a ruffle at the very bottom of it. It
was very cute. It was something I was used to tease Jesse in before taking him t
o the bed.

I tried on a pink lace flyaway baby doll and it was cute but it wasn't for me. I
didn't like the way my boobs looked in it and I didn't like showing my stomach
that way, flat or not. I also decided to get this daark blue pleated baby doll t
hat I loved. Over my boobs had lace, then under that was a bow and the whole thi
ng stopped right at my butt. It showed a lot of cleavage with it's zig zag piece
s on the outside of my boobs then went over my shoulders.

Then there a floral embroided garter slip that was really sexy but it maid me lo
ok like a maid and it was hard to see the design after I had it on. It was white
with black flowers on the ruffle at the bottom and on the part over my boobs. I
t had thin straps that went over my shoulder and had criss cross ribbon at the s
ide, over my hips. That was the last one I tred on before I found the perfect on
e for tonight. "Remind me to buy more after I have this baby," I stated, rubbing
my belly and the girls nodded.
"Once my babies are a month old I want to take him out again. I want it sexy lik
e this too," I added and the girls laughed.

"You're going to give poor Jesse a heart attack," Ciara joked and we all laughed

"Nah if that happened he wouldn't be able to sleep with her," Courtney laughed a
nd we all were sent in a fit of giggles again. I bought all my stuff before leav
ing. The next place we went was Wet Seal. Then we went to Forever 21 where I pic
ked up a few casual things, nothing for tonight besides some jewelry maybe if th
ey matched my dress after I buy one.

"I need clothes for England and then for tonight. I need a dress that I can go w
alking around in all day long then still be able to wear at a bar or something,"
I informed and everyone nodded.

"What color you looking for?" Clara asked.

"Either for tonight or his birthday I want a blue dress, since that's his favori
te color. I also want casual dresses for the trips and fancy ones since I know w
e'll be going to dinner a lot and stuff," I answered.

"Well how about for his birthday you wear blue and tonight you wear something th
at brings out your eyes. And then for the trip buy a bunch of dresses then add t
hem to the rest of your stuff. I know you said you wanted to buy Jesse some new
clothes for him over the trip so let's do it all together so you can be complete
ly done packing. Make some changes in your suitcase with new outfits," Courtney

"Sounds like a plan. I want matching outfits for one day," I stated. Everyone no
dded and we all began searching again. Soon I found the perfect dresses. I found
a pretty blue one for Jesse's birthday and one for today that had purple in it.
I bought pretty gold heels to match it they were simple but beautiful and weren
't that uncomfortable.

Once we were done shopping we all headed back to the pack house. It was so weird
. At Jessse's parents place, the clan house Jesse still had his room which is ou
r room and at the pack house I have my room which is also our room. Now we have
our own house too.

We had stopped at bath and body works and so I used my new body wash while I was
in the shower along with strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner. I took my
time in the shower and once I was done I was being rushed to get dressed. I slip
ped on my strapless bra and matching white lace panties before pulling on my dre

My dress was gold and purple and I loved it. The dress was short and hit mid-thi
gh. It was strapless and had a heart shaped neck line. At the bust it was soft b
ut semi-dark purple that had dark blue, gold, silver, red, and brown colored seq
uins. Under the bust was a barely darker shade of purple kind of making a waistb
and that scrunched together and had a rhimestone made star or flower shaped thin
g with the same color of the sequins followed by seqins on the sides of it.

Going down was pure gold skirt that was made out of silk. It had patches of ligh

t blue on it, purple with slighlty pink lines swirls, yellow sunflowers, and a b
unch of random design in it that was very cute consisting of gold, orange, yello
w, and purples. Then over was this dark orange/yellow over layer that was hard a
nd was like a small sheer grid with ruffles on the bottom, and the whole thing c
overed the first layer. Then on top of that was a pretty matching purple that wa
s lighter and was sheer so you can see through, which was the same as the orange
one but it was on top of that.

I had lotion covering my exposed arms and legs. My feet were in solid gold heels
that had a belt go around ankle and were peep-toes. They were cute and simple a
nd they matched. I thought I looked cute for the day and appropiate to go out la

I stepped out the bathroom and sat down in a chair. Behind me was Courtney strai
ghtening my hair, I had Clara doing my toes purple, Ciara doing my finger nails
yellow on every other finger then going to go over the rest in the purple nail p
olish Clara had, and Tanya was ready to do my make up.
I sat back and relaxed then an hour an a half later I was completely done. Court
ney had curled my hair perfectly even though I knew it wasn't going to last all
day but later it would be straight to perfection. My toe nails were all purple w
ith yellow polka dots. My finger nails were yellow and purple going over every o
ther finger. On one thumb it was solid purple on the other it was yellow. My poi
nter fingers had the opposite color in polka dots. My middle fingers were normal
. My ring finger had the opposit color in sun flowers. Then my pink was left alo
ne. I liked it that way though. It was detailed but didn't look too busy.

Then my make up. My god it looked amazing. I had my eyebrows done today before I
got hom, forgot about that. And my hair was trimmed but not layered this time s
o it can all grow. Anyways my eyebrows looked good I got them waxed for the firs
t time and they look nice not like they looked bad before though.

I had rosy pink cheeks that wouldn't be noticed when I blushed, soft pink tinted
lip gloss that wasn't sticky, and then my eyes were colorful. Over my eyelid wa
s a pretty bright neon yellow that stood out and it didn't matter that it didn't
match the yellow in my dress. On top of the yellow was a deep orange, and under
my eye was purple. I had on a bit of eyeliner, some mascara, and gold rhineston
es in the corner of my eyes.

I then put on some gold and purple bracelets, this gold locket Monica got me for
my birthday last year that had a picture of Jesse and I in it, and the gold ear
rings Jesse gave me on our last date. I also had on like always my wedding and e
ngagement ring. I was all ready for my date and I couldn't wait to see Jesse. I
missed him already and it was close to four. The girls gave my golden wallet pur
se before rushing me out the house. I talked to Monica for awhile and confirmed

She gave me all the ingredients I needed to make my dinner. Jesse and I were eat
ing twice. I knew we'd eat when we got home but I also thought we could eat righ

t after sleeping together. I promised myself not to be too lazy to do that. She
also gave me Jesse's dinner that I carried home. He was going to have to eat tha
t after our night of making love because before that I was being romantic and we
were going to cook together. Monica also made the desert which I was taking wit
h me too.

I texted Jesse and let him know I was on my way home and he told me he was nearl
y ready. I don't know what that meant but I was sure everything was fine. When I
got home I knocked on the door and my lovely husband opened the door.

He looked hot. Drop dead gorgeous. So damn handsome. It's like every time I see
him he gets sexier. He shot me breathless but dazzling smile before stepping bac
k to let me in. Once I was in the house he grabbed the things in my hand from me
and I instructed him to put them both in the fridge. I followed him into the ki
tchen, checking him out. He was wearing dark black jeans, the black boots I boug
ht him for his birthday, the watch I got him two years ago for christmas, and a
gray button up long sleeve shirt that he had rolled up to his elbows. His whole
upper body was practically ripping through his silky shirt and I found myself dy
ing to feel up on his arms, over his biceps and triceps. And everything else esp
ecially his abs, his whole eight pack.

I shook my head a bit to clear my dirty thoughs and then smiled. We both looked
good and were both dressed appropiately. Once he had put the food away he turned
to me. He grabbed my hand and twirled me around. "You god you look br
eathtaking. Damn, Vi I love the dress, I love your make up, and your hair looks
good," he complimented and I sighed in delight.

He was so sweet. I stepped closer to him and his arms wound themselves aorund my
small waist. "You look so handsome, very sexy actually. I like your messy hair,
this tight shirt on you, the fact you're wearing stuff I've bought you, and you
smell so good. Plus you shaved, I like, a lot," I replied and he chuckled.

"Can I have a kiss?" He asked, staring at my lips. I nodded and leaned up to kis
s him softly. My hands traveled up to his head full of hair and I began running
my fingers through his blonde locks. My god do I love this man.

When we pulled away he told me had to grab his wallet and so I waited for him. I
put my phone on silent and shoved it into my little purse. Once Jesse came back
down I put out my elbow and he put his arm through the loop, linking our arms t
I smiled happily and led him out the house, locking the door shut. Being the gen
tlemen he is he walked me to the driver's side and opened my door for me. I gigg
led but thanked him and watched him hop in the passenger seat of my corvette. I
loved my car. I still can't believe he got this for me. "I can read your thought
s. And it's been two years, you have your license and you're a good driver. I th
ink maybe for your birthday we'll get you another car," he shrugged.

"I don't need another car. You also have like three so you don't need one either

"I do so. We need a family car. Your corvette won't be fitting two carseats back
there. And I refused to drive my baby with my babies in it," he retorted.

"Fine we can buy a nice car. Hey babe, when our kids are old enough to drive for
their 16th birthday let's make sure we get them a car. Only if they've started
learning to drive and everything," I stated.

"Sounds like a plan. If we have a girl or girls they can't date until they're 18

"Make it 15," I ordered.

"What? Why? No."

"Why not?"

"You were 16 and I took away your virginity."

"We were in love," I pointed out.

"So and our daughter could be in 'love'."

"She needs to experience dating."


"Fine you have that arguement with her."

"I will," he declared and I chuckled. I turned on the radio, changing it to his
favorite station and then he soon grabbed my hands just to hold it while I drove

with my left hand. We went all the way out of town which took awhile but before
five o'clock we were at the pizza parlor. I smiled at Jesse before we both hopp
ed out the car. I brought my purse and joined his side, wrapping an arm around h
is waist. He threw an arm over my shoulder before we began walking and headed in
side the place.

We both ordered our pizza, which I paid for, and then sat down in a booth just t
o talk. I knew him so well but at the same time I felt like I didn't know things
that would lead to being a perfect date so I decided to ask him a bunch of ques
tions. Some I had predicted the answers correctly to.

"Okay. Name somethings you've always wanted to do," I said.

"Umm I've always wanted to go to Hawaii. I've always wanted to sleep with Jessic
a Alba-"

"Excuse me?"

"It's a joke. I don't know really."

"Okay. How about this, I tell you something about me you don't already know and
then you reply with something similiar?"

"Sounds easy enough."

"Ever since I saw the movie Shrek I've always wanted a pet donkey. Of course I d
on't now but I would love to see one," I stated.

"When I saw the movie Wilbur for the first time I begged my parents for a pig fo
r three months straight," he chuckled.

"A pet pig?"

"A pet donkey?"

"Touche. Um...I've had this secret fantasy that I would meet the man of my dream

s in an art gallery and he would buy me my favorite painting," I blushed.

"Sorry about that," he winked and I laughed. He hummed to himself before speakin
g, "A fantasy of mine has actually been to go streaking before," he said uncomfo
rtably and I gaped at him.

"You've never done that?" I asked.

"Nope. I was never at the right place, at the right time, or with the right peop
le to do something crazy like that and I wouldn't do it alone but at the same ti
me there was no one I could or would do it with because it's actually pretty wei

"I'd do it with you," I smirked.


"Why not? We've obviously seen each other naked before," I laughed, patting my s
tomach gently. He nodded and smiled at me.

"Alright I got one. I used to have a dream of being an actor."

"I wanted to grow up to be a nurse."

"You can still be a nurse."

"I know but I decided that I want to be a teacher," I stated.

"You finally decided? Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes Jesse. I love all the medical stuff I've learned but we already have a pack
doctor and I don't really want to work in hospital. I want a simple job. I love
kids and that's something I want to do. I want to teach in a high school though

"I thought you'd want to teach little kids."

"I did. But thinking about we're going to be having our own kids in a few months
. How can I help them with homework and stuff. I'll forget because I'll be used
to helping kids color inside the lines and stuff."

"Well then you do that babe. But I'm just saying we're both very smart. I could
definitely help our kids with school. And I doubt you'd forget," he replied and
I shrugged.

"If I could have one wish, I wish that me and you will live a long and happy lif
e with each other," I smiled.

"If I could have one wish it would be for us to renew our vows when we get old,
have a small family, and stay happy and youthful," he said softly and I grinned.

"I love you."

"I love you so much more Violet," he said. I opened my mouth to protest but he p
ut a finger over my lips before leaning over the table to place a tender kiss on
my lips. His tongue had invaded my mouth, while his hands had grabbed mine, his
lips moved softly against my own as if they were fragle beings, his hair brushe
d against my forehead, our noses brushed,and the taste of pizza filled my mouth
while I breathed in his Dolce & Gabanna cologne.

We pulled away slowly and finished our food before leaving the place. I drove to
a place not too far from the pizza parlor and when we got there Jesse chuckled.
"This will be fun," he smiled at me and I grinned right back at him.

He hopped out the car and I followed suit. He waited for me to join his side bef
ore grabbing my hand. We were going through a confield maze! I was so freaking e
xcited. Jesse and I soon got started and were walking around just making regular
conversation. We never had a moment with nothing to talk about. We were just so
in sync and knew each other so well. I knew Jesse would like this only because
he loved any type of game type thing. Plus he liked trying new things and he's n
ever done this before.

"Alright babe left or right?" He questioned.

"Um...Right," I answered and he tugged me int hat direction. We made the right t
hen continued. I guess that was the right way since we didn't run into a dead en
d. "How about we go left this time?" Jesse asked and I nodded.

We went left and it turned out fine. We walked around holding hands, sharing a f
ew laughs as we came to dead ends, and I ran my free hand along the cornfield wa
lls that surrounded us. We finally finished over an hour later and we found ours
elves laughing because of all the fun we had. "We have to do that again some tim
e," he said, "maybe when the twins learn to walk."

"That sounds like a promising adventure," I joked and he chuckled while nodding
in agreement. We both then heade back to car in a comfortable silence between us
. When we got in the car he asked where we were going and I debated on telling h
im. I sighed, giving in.

"We're going to the aquarium," I stated.

"Really?" He grinned and I looked over at him. His eye lighted up and everything
, There weren't too many things that got Jesse excited like this. He gets pumped
for things but barely every excited. He was excited when he got Spencer, once w
e were both happy about me being pregnant, showing me our house, and finding out
he was the only guy I was ever with.

"Yeah," I smiled. He settled down happily in his chair and I grinned while conti
nuing the drive. The aquarium we were going to actually was free to get in which
was perfect for us. It was getting late so I decided to cancel the idea of goin
g to a Karaoke bar. One because I didn't think he'd drink knowing I couldn't, pl
us he would need his fake id for that since he wasn't yet 21 years old.

I would save that for the future when he can drink and maybe when I can too. My
other idea was to go play mini golf or go to a comedy club. It was already five
and the show at the comedy club starts at eight. I guess I'll just cancel the mi
ni golf, which was actually pretty awesome, sometime in the future or maybe whil
e we're in England.
Jesse and I walked around and I was amazed by how much he liked it there. I enjo
yed the aquarium but I was more of the zoo type person. I knew he liked the zoo
too since he loved Tigers, even though his wife was a dog. I shook my head befor
e getting angry with the large cats at the zoo. Lions and tigers, gross.

Jesse stopped again and got close to the fish tank. I grinned at my boyish like
husband and stood behind him with my arms around his waist and my face pressed a
gainst his cold back. He simply stayed there for awhile and I let him. I wasn't
in a rush. If we showed up late I didn't care. I wanted him to enjoy himself, I
really did.

We started walking again and I found myself staring at sharks with him. That was
awesome but also scary. I had to hide my face in Jesse's chest while the shark

s were fed in front of us. Oh god, make it stop. "You okay pumpkin?" Jesse asked
and I numbly nodded. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head before suggestin
g we keep walking. We looked at more fish and even saw some sting rays. We trave
led the whole aquarium even going to the rainforest part to see the frogs and st
uff, which Jesse liked just as much as the sharks.

We left around 7:30 but I didn't complain. We'd get to the comedy club when we g
et there. I drove the whole 45 minutes and then we got out the car. Jesse was gr
inning again, he didn't look as excited but I knew he was anxious and looking fo
rward to it. We headed inside and found a table and made ourselves comfortable j
ust in time to see the first comedian go up.

When the show was over it was around eleven at night. Jesse and I were both stil
l smiling from the last couple of jokes as we exited the building saying bye to
people we met and shared a table with. They were really nice people. After that
though it was finally time to take my man home.
Chapter 49

*Violet's P.O.V*

When we got to the house Jesse and I were both still in a good mood. We both hop
ped out the car and he insisted on pushing me up against the car to kiss me. I m
oaned and kissed him back, taking advantage of the opportunity to have some of h
is attention. I pulled him closer to me and he slipped his hands under my dress
just barely. His hands carressed my thighs softly and I was pushed further again
st the car. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he placed his hands on my hip

I knew we couldn't kiss forever but I wanted to savor the feeling and the taste
of him, which was lemonade actually. That's what we were both drinking at the co
medy club. We soon pulled away and my hands ran along the sides of his face. "Wh
y'd you have to be so beautiful?" I asked and he chuckled softly.

"What's that mean?"

"It just means you're irresistible," I stated and he kissed on my mark in approv
al. I bucked my hips against him making us both moan. God was my mark sensitive.
"Baby let's go, I have a surprise for you," I stated and he nodded. He pecked m
y lips a few time before complying and putting me down.

I linked arms with him and led him to the porch. We both went inside and I shut
the front door behind us. I led him into the kitchen and asked him to help me gr
ab the desert platter that Monica had made for us. He placed it on the table and
then I grabbed the large grocery bag out the fridge. "Well now I have planned f

or us to make a nice dinner together," I smiled and he nodded.

"Sounds cool," he replied. I pulled out the recipe and had Jesse look over it. N
either one of us had, had it before but that didn't matter. We trusted his mom's
judegment and we were both going to cook it and try it out for ourself. I pulle
d all the ingredients out the bag and soon Jesse was reading out the instuctions
while I did as he said to then we switched jobs and did some of it together.

Once it was done we both carried out plates outside and Jesse grabbed the desert
platter. I flicked on a switch in the kitchen and smiled happily. I owed the gi
rls big time. The Christmas light I needed were hun up around the back yard just
like I wanted. I opened the door and let Jesse head through. He grinned when he
saw all the lights. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "It gets better," I

I shut the door carefully behind me and led him over to the table in the middle
of the back yard that was set up for us. It was a circular table that had a deep
colored orange table cloth covering it. White and purple rose petals were set u
p around the edges of the table. Every other one was white while the other ones
were obviously purple. There were two blue candles that coincidentally had gray
pieces in the middle, the were sat in the middle of the table. Two gold place ma
ts were sat infront of two white covered chairs. I placed my plate on a place ma
t then grabbed the platter from Jesse, placing it to the side.

Jesse placed his plate down and insisted on pulling out my chair for me. I smile
d happily and sat down. He walked to his side and sat in his chair. I grabbed th
e lighter and handed it to him. "You care to do the honors?" I smiled. He nodded
and took the lighter to light both of the blue candles.

After he lighted the candles we began to eat. We both really enjoyed the pasta d
ish and shared a few good laughs. "I love being with you like this," I stated.

"I love you, everything about you," he replied softly, grabbing my hand and kiss
ing it. I blushed and kissed his hand back. He chuckled at me but we both contin
ued eating. "We have a long night ahead of us," I winked and he wiggled his eyeb

I opened the desert platter and smiled. "My favorite," he smiled and I chuckled.
Monica is the best! "Your mom made it," I stated honestly.

"So what? She did it for you. She did it for us, she knows how important this ni
ght was to you. I love you taking me out. I really had fun tonight," he stated.
I blushed and handed him slice of the delicious chocolate cake.

Jesse had a sweet tooth for chocolate, as did I. That's why I didn't understand
a long time ago why he didn't immediately say chocolate when our baker for our w
edding cake asked what we wanted.
The cake was simply chocolate. It had small brownie pieces in it, chocolate syru
p in it, and on top had chocolate icing with chocolate sprinkles on top of that.
There were chocolate covered strawberries in the center of the cake, only four
of them with their green stems sticking out.

"I haven't told you but here now and at the aquarium you've look beautiful under
the lighting. Your eyes showed the purple in them earlier but right now look si
lver like your wolf's eyes," he commented.

"I think you're the best husband ever," I said. He winked back at me and I giggl
ed. We both ate some cake before I pulled him out of his seat. He chuckled at me
and I began trying to dance with him. "There's no music," he complained.

"Then sing to me," I requested.

"What do you want me to sing?" He asked.


"Best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting. Could it be that we have be
en this way before? I know you don't think that I am trying. I know you wearing
thin down to the core. But hold your breath because tonight will be the night th
at I will fall for you, over again. Don't make me change my mind. Or I won't liv
e to see another day I swear it's true. Because a girl like you is impossible to
find, you're impossible to find," he sang.

"This is not what I intended. I always swore to you I'd never fall apart. You al
ways thought that I was stronger. I may have failed but I have loved you from th
e start. But hold your breath because tonight will be the night I will fall for
you, over again. Don't make me change my mind. I won't live to see another day I
swear it's true. Because a girl like you is impossible to find, it's impossible
. So breathe in so deep, breathe me in. I'm yours to keep. Hold onto your words
'cause talk is cheap. And remember me tonight when you're asleep. Becase tonight
will be the night I will fall for you, over again. Don't make me change my mind
. Or I won't live to see another day I swear it's true. Because a girl like you
is impossible to find," he continued.

"Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again. Don't make me ch
ange my mind. Or I won't live to see another day I swear it's true. Because a gi

rl like you is impossible to find, you're impossible to find," he finished, sing

ing the song, Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade.

I smiled happily and continued to dance. He asked me to sing a sonf and I blushe
d. I couldn't say know since he did sing me a song. " you have any song
in mind?" I asked.

"No. Sing anything you like."

"I like Taylor Swift," I blushed.

"Babe I don't care. Just sing to me," he chuckled and I took in a deep breath. T
he first song that popped into my head was "I Love You" by Avril Lavigne. I love
d her and I loved that song.

"La la, lala la la. La la, lala la. I like your smile. I like your vibe. I like
your style, but that's not why I love you. And I, I like the way you're such a s
tar, but that's not why I love. Hey, do you feel? Do you feel me? Do you feel wh
at I feel too? Do you need? Do you need me? Do you need me? You're so beautiful,
but that's not why I love you. I'm not sure you know that the reason I love you
is you. Me and you. Just you. Yeah the reason I love you is all that we've been
through. And that's why I love you," I began singing.

"La la, lala la la. La la, lala la. I like the way you misbehave when we got was
ted, but that's not why I love you. And how you keep your cool when I am complic
ated, but that's not why I love you. Hey, do you feel? Do you feel me? Do you fe
el what I feel too? Do you need? Do you need me? Do you need me? You're so beaut
iful, but that's not why I love you. I'm not sure you know that the reason I lov
e you is you. Me and you. Just you. Yeah the reason I love you is all that we've
been through. And that's why I love you. Yeah, oh. Oh! Even though we didn't ma
ke it through, I am always here for you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're so beautiful b
ut that's not why I love. I'm not sure you know that the reason I love you is yo
u. I'm not sure you know that the reason I love you is you. Me and you. Just you
. Yeah the reason I love you is all that we've been through. And that's why I lo
ve you. La, lala la la. La, la lala la. La, lala la la. La, la lala la. La, lala
la la. La, la lala la," I finished and he smiled.
"I love you too," he grinned and I giggled but was stopped when his lips met min
e. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to me. I began workin
g on his buttons, trying to make work of getting off him.

"In a rush?" He asked, pulling out of our hot kiss.

"No, just another surprise," I smiled and he raised an eyebrow. I smacked his ha
nd away and ignored his questioning gaze. He let me strip him naked and then I l

et him help me. I knew how curious he was but I didn't mind. I was going to igno
re him. I stopped him while I was in my undergarnment. He groaned and began feel
ing me up.

"Stop Jesse," I blushed. He chuckled and I grabbed his hand, tugging him over to
the pool that had white lillies floating around along with small candles. I gra
bbed his swimming trunks off of one of the lounge chairs and handed them to him.
He slipped them on and I sat down on a chair, grabbing my new all white bikini.
Jesse sat behind me and unhooked my bra for me. Out of nowhere his tonge was pl
aced on my neck and went down my back, along my spine. My hair was over my shoul
der, out of his way.

Once he stopped I handed him my bikini top. He helped me put that on then we put
on the bottoms. We both then hopped in the pool that was surprisingly warm. Jes
se and I blew out all the candles and we played around in the water. I loved see
ing him all wet, it was so sexy. Plus I knew how much he loved the water.

We played around all night and before we got too tired I asked him to bring in o
ur clothes and our food. He complied in cleaning up. I knew it wasn't what a goo
d date would do but afterall he was still my sweet husband.

I quickly ran upstairs to the bedroom. I yelled and told him to come up when he
was done. I ran into the bathroom and grabbed the bag the girls hid for me. I qu
ickly slipped off my wet bikini. I dried myself off quickly before slipping on t
he lingerie. I blow dried my hair the best I could and wiped off my messy make u

I was wearing an embroided baby doll. It tied around my neck and it was a v-neck
. Over my boobs was lace and it was see through. The whole thing was a nude colo
r. Under the lacey bust part was straight see though showing my barely flat stom
ach. It flared out from the bust and it looked so damn good on me. My boobs look
ed good and I had a nice natural tan going on. The other piece to the set was a
nude colored thong with ruffles on it.

I smiled at the note Skylar left me telling me to tease him a bit. I slipped on
the heels she picked out for me that were also a nude color. Damn I looked good.
"Jesse?" I called.

"I'm in here," he replied. I took a deep breath and walked out the bathroom. Jes
se was stilll in his swimming trunks and had water droplets running down his pal
e but muscular back. I bit my bottom lip and walked towards him. "Babe?" I calle
d and he turned around to face me. He froze for awhile before his eyes widen.

"Huh?" He asked and I didn't reply. Once I reached him I wrapped my arms around

his neck.

"Did you need a towel?" I asked and he shook his head no. I nodded and let him g
o. He grabbed me by my hips and pulled me back into him as I had turned to walk
away. "Where do you think you're going?" He questioned.

"I was just going to get you a change of clothes," I shrugged.

"Can we worry about clothes later?"

"Or we can handle that now."

"Or we can have some fun," he whispered in my ear huskily.

"Jesse!" I laughed, pulling out his grip and hitting his arm. I told him I was g
oing to do the dishes that we had brought in along with the other ones left in t
here. I headed out the room and went downstairs to the kitchen.

I turned on some music on from my phone before beginning to wash the dishes. Jes
se came marching down the stairs and I began moving my hips a bit to the music.
"Time stops, like everything around me is frozen. And nothing matters but these
few moments when you open my mind to things I've never seen. 'Cause when I'm kis
sing you my senses come alive," Miranda Cosgrove sang to her old song, "Kissin U
Jesse's hands landed on my hips from behind but I continued to sway them from si
de to side. He moved closer pressing his chest against my back. "Feel so right a
nd secure. Have you noticed I lose my focus and the world around me dissapears?"
I sang quietly.

"I never felt nothing like this. You're making me open up. No point even trying
to fight this. It kind feels like its love," I continued. He began kissing on my
neck and I tried to appear as if he had no affect on me. His hands slid to my f
ront until they were going over the thin material that covered my stomach.

Jese and I both froze when the next song came on. "Jessie is a friend. Yeah, I k
now he's been a good friend of mine. Lately something's change," Rick Springfiel
d began singing.

"You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl. I wish I had Jessie's girl. Where I c
an find a woman like that? I'll play along with the charade. There doesn't seem

to be a reason to change. You know I feel so dirty when they start talking cute,
" Jesse sang to me.

"But the point is probably mute. 'Cause she's watching him with those eyes. And
she's loving him with that body I just know it. And he's holding her in his arms
late, late at night," we sang together.

"I'm looking in the mirror all the time. Wondering what she don't see in me?" He
continued and I smiled. We both continued to sing along to the sing, "Jessie's
Girl." What a coincidence. I think I love this song way more since I've met Jess

The next song that came on was by One Direction. Jesse groaned in annoyance and
I shoved my butt into his core. "If you don't want to take it slow, and you just
wanna take me home," I sang and Jesse began nibbling on my ear.

I continued to singing and dance to the music but Jesse didn't care. Jesse
made it a point to know every song either one of listened to so I knew he
the words. I had their CD and as I listened to all the songs so did Jesse.
ew every song. "God if I could have anyone of those boys," I moaned loudly
esse nipped at my mark.

and I
We kn
and J

"Not funny," he growled lowly.

"I think it's pretty funny," I replied. I went through my songs and put on one o
f my favorites by the cute boy band.

"People say we shouldn't be together, we're too young to know about forever," th
e song began.

"They don't know about the things we do. They don't know about the I love you's.
But I bet you if they only knew they'll be-they would just be jealous of us. Th
ey don't know about the up all nights. They don't know I waited all my life just
to find a love that feels this right," Jesse sang in my ear and I melted.

This had to be one of my favorite songs. It was so sweet and catchy. Plus it was
by one of my favorite artist. It was the song "They Don't Know About Us," by On
e Direction. "They don't know how special you are, what you've done to my heart,
" I sang lowly.

"They don't know what we do best, that's between me and you, our little secret,"
Jesse whispered and I giggled. I finished the dishes and pushed Jesse away. I w
ent and turned out the lights that were outback. I'd clean up that later. "Viole
t," Jesse groaned.

"Hmm?" I asked innocently.

"I think I've waited long enough," he said lowly. I raised an eyebrow in fake co
nfusion. He sighed dramatically before storming over to me. "Way too long in fac
t," he growled sexily, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

I squealed and then began giggling. I loved when he was all possessive. He was s
o damn hot that way. Especially when he took charge. He ran all the way upstairs
and I moaned. God I never got tired of that rush he gave me when he did that.

He barged into the bedroom and laid me gently on the bed. He had kicked the door
shut so I was fine. I knew Spencer was running around the house or probably sle
ep somewhere. Jesse climbed on top of me and kissed me hungrily. I moaned at the
agression but none the less kissed him back of course. My hands gripped his swi
mming trunks and pulled him closer to me. I wanted him so bad and right now.

He pulled away too early and lowered himself. He found himself kissing up my leg
s going over my calves, my knees, and up my thighs until he reached my thong. He
slowly removed my heels while making eye contact with me. His ice cold blue eye
s shined with love and seemed to penetrate through my soul. I loved this man wit
h all my heart that it hurt so bad just thinking about not being with him.
He tossed my heels over his shoulders and each one landed with a thud. I stopped
him and laid him down on the bed. I grabbed the massage oil I asked Sky to get
me and opened it. I squirted a lot on his chest and began rubbing it in senually
and he groaned. He held my hips while I straddled him. I moved my butt over his
hardening member as I pushed forward to reach the top of his chest and back.

He grabbed the oil and brough it closer to me. He squirted it and got it to go o
ver my exposed chest. I tilted my head back and arched my back. His hands began
to rub it in, his hands trying and teasingly slipping under my little outfit to
massage my boobs.

He put more on his hands and then slipped his hands up my shirt piece and massag
ed my torso while staring at my face. I leaned down and captured his lips in a h
eated kiss. I grinded my lower half against him and the aroma of our scents comb
ined surrounded the room. I heard him groan lowly before slipping his tongue thr
ough my chapped lips. God it was so hot in here.

His hands roamed my body and they stopped at the back of my thong. He began tugg

ing on it and I got on my knees to help him pull them down. He pulled them down
as far as they would go until hitting his chest. I pulled away from his dark red
lips and stood up. I pulled the thong off and flung it across the room. I was a
bout to take off the top but he jumped to his feet, shaking the bed and did the
honors of getting off of me by carefully untying it from my neck and kissing acr
oss my back while his hands worked on my breast on the other side of my body. I
moaned and arched my back, laying my head on his shoulder while his lips kissed
across my shoulder.

His hands dropped to my thighs and slipped up until they brushed over my core an
d began tugging down my top. I helped him slip the top down my body until it hit
the bed and surrounded my feet. Suddenly Jesse had a tight grip on my hips and
picked me up so I stepped out of the surrounding top.

He then got me down until I was on my knees and he was behind me. He smacked my
ass before hugging me from behind and kissing the back of my neck. I was kind of
nervous. We never did it this way and I don't know if he wanted to. Relief fill
ed me when he flipped me over. He leaned down and kissed me before slowly plungi
ng in between my legs. I moaned at the feeling. Making love with Jesse was defin
itely one of my new found hobbies. I just loved it so much. His lips went to my
nipples then back to my lips as we explored each other bodies like it was our fi
rst time.
Chapter 50

*Violet's P.O.V*

Jesse had just got back from his camping trip and was telling me all about it. I
saw on the couch and he laid on it with his head on my lap while I ran my finge
rs through his hair. He needed it cut, badly. I loved his hair so much but I did
n't want it too long only because I wanted to be able to see into his blue eyes.
At the same time it was so sexy washing him having to turn his head and flip hi
s hair out his eyes. So sexy.

"We went fishing, we went hunting, then we stayed the last night in a hotel to g
et clean up before coming home. I ate so much fish that it makes me sick thinkin
g about having it anytime soon. In the hotel we all went to the bar and had dinn
er. It was so funny. Allen and I pretended to be gay just to get some girls to l
eave us alone. Don't be mad. You know I'm all yours and occassionally Allen's,"
he joked.

"I don't like sharing," I smirked and he sighed.

"Well now I have to pick between the love of my life/baby mama and my best frien
d who practically rasied me. I can't abandon him honey," he said and I gave him
a palyful growl.

"Just kidding. I'd dump his ass for you," he winked and I leaned down to kiss hi
m before he went on about his gay talk of him and his best friend. If I didn't k
now any better I'd say he was gay. Haha! Yeah right. The boy was too much of a p
layer and a perv to be gay. Even for his own best friend who got around ten time
s as much as Jesse did. Plus he's happily dating my best friend.

"I love you," I whispered and his eyes softened.

"I love you and you and you," he stated, kissing on my baby bump. Yup that's rig
ht! I finally got one. Right before Jesse went on his trip, thank god because to
see his dissapointed face if he missed that would just make him hate the trip e
ven though he should have loved and would have seeing how happy he was.

"In about two weeks we'll find out the gender and I'll be sixteen weeks, almost
half way there," I replied.

"I want to know so badly," he whined.

"Yeah to see if we have a Blaise or Blaire in there," I giggled.

"Or a Blaise and Blaine."

"Or Blaire and Brooke," I smiled. He grinned back at me and carefully sat up, pu
lling me on his lap. He kissed the side of my neck and we talked more about the
babies. He was so excited to do the babies nurseries and so was I. We wanted to
paint and decorate so bad. Jesse was craving to spoil our babies the moment they
were here and I knew he would. He spoiled me but I still acted fine, I think so
at least.

After talking about our babies we decided to head over his parents' house just t
o hang out with everyone there. We were so happy right now and that alone was en
ough to help me sleep well at night despirte it was hard during this time of my
pregnancy at least for me.

"Violet! Babe-" Paris began, hugging me from behind. He was cut off by Jesse thr
eatening him. Paris rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek before letting me go. "C
alm down," I laughed and Jesse sent me a glare. I whimpered and sat down on his

"Don't be mean to me," I pouted.

"Don't interfere then," he retorted and I narrowed my eyes. Being the good wife
I am I let him get away with that. I cuddled further into him and he held me sec
urely. His hands rubbed my baby bump while he talked to his friends. "Are we sti
ll hanging out tomorrow?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah man, I got everything set," Allen smirked

"Set for what?" I questioned curiously and they both simply stared at me.

"Hello?" I called and they ignored me completely and changed the subject. I didn
't even want to know then. If it was bad then Jesse is going to be in big troubl
e. I'll just have to wait and find out.

I hopped off of Jesse's lap and headed into the kitchen where Monica was cooking
me something to eat. "It smells so good in here," I moaned and she chuckled.

"Well I hope you're hungry because your food will be done any minute now," she s
tated and I nodded. I sat down at the table and soon Jesse, Nigel, and Allen joi
ned me. Nigel and I talked for awhile since Jesse and Allen were still chatting
it up. Jesse was sitting next to me, rubbing my thigh affectionately.
Monica brought me my food and I immediately dug in. I felt like I hadn't eaten i
n days! Once I was done eating I went to talk to Monica about Jesse's party tomo
rrow. We were simply having a bonfire at my house tonight. We have a lot set up
and I can't wait. I think Jesse's going to love it. Since it's a bonfire it will
be at night so he won't see it coming. Then tomorrow afternoon we were having a
big family lunch. When Jesse and I got back from our week long trip in England
we were telling the pack and clan since not everyone knows. Well most do but we'
re doing it officially.

I sent the girls over to my house, giving them my keys so they can get everythin
g set up. The pool was open, we had a trampoline, the fire area was set, the tab
les were set, and the radio was out back. Sky was supposed to order pizza before
I headed home for the party. I had my outfit upstairs in Jesse and I's old room
. Monica was going to bring over the food she made today for everything over. Ke
ndra was bringing the desert she made. Courtney was picking up the cake I ordere
d for him.

The party started at six and well it was still early even though the girls were
already on their way to my house. They were going to be making calls to see who
was coming. I needed to know how many people there were so I could tell Sky how
many pizzas to order.

I then rushed the guys to take Jesse out. I would have just got dressed but then
he'd want to know where I was going since he wouldn't leave without saying good
bye. "I'll be back soon baby, I love you," he said.

"I love you too, but I'm going to head home."

"Well take my car, I'll walk home," he replied and I nodded.

"Okay, be careful. Have fun," I smiled and he lowered his head to place a gentle
kiss on my lips before kissing and patting my stomach before taking off with th
e guys. I watched him leave and sighed to myself. Was I supposed to be missing h
im already? I don't think so.

I ran upstairs and quickly began getting dressed. I had this really cute but sim
ple dress I was going to wear. I hate shopping now. I can't wear anything tight
since most things have belts and stuff that go over the stomach and my stomach n
o longer flat enough for that high waist outfits.

I slipped on the dress and smiled it was perfect for me and for today. It was a
white dress that had brown almost black colored flowers with small stems all ove
r it. It was short in the front and long in the back with the print all over it.
It had spaghetti straps that went over my shoulders and a silver colored belt t
hing that was right under my boobs that actually filled the dress nicely. The dr
ess was loose so I could fit it even though I wasn't that big and you could see
my pulged out belly.

I slipped on a pair of silver diamond earrings, a silver heart shaped neckalace

Sky bought me at the mall, and a pair of white sandals that tied around my ankle
more than once and had a belt across my toes and one from my toes to my ankle.
They were so cute and well Jesse didn't really want me in heels so I was going t
o listen to him.

Once I was done getting dressed I decided to just brush out my hair and leave it
in it's natural golden brown waves. I pushed my hair straight back, not parting
it and put in a silver head band that had a bow on the left side.

After all that I headed downstairs to let Monica know I was leaving and that her
and Harold can head out too. I then quickly drove home in Jesse Mercedes Benz.
I swear he has a car problem. I think he wants a truck for us and a car. Why? I
don't know. He thinks if we had a truck it will be easier to get around with the
kids and to fit more people. And he wants a normal car where the kids can actua

lly sit in the back seat. He does have really nice cars and I understand he does
n't want to get them dirty do to our soon to be born babies.

I shook my head lightly and focused on the road. I parked in the driveway and th
en headed inside. I hopped out the car and headed inside the house. The girls ha
d decorated the inside, putting balloons everywhere, a big banner that says, "Ha
ppy Birthday Jess!", and there was a bunch of crazy decorations but it looked go
I think it's weird how everyone but me calls him Jess. I know they don't do it a
ll the time but they do it. Allen does it the most and the guys do it. Dalton re
fers to him as Jess sometimes and Carson calls him Jess. The girls tend not to b
ut sometimes they do. Maybe it's just me. Mikey calls him Jess too. Hmmm...

I headed into the kitchen and saw all the platters set out. Perfect! I went outb
ack to see the girls pulling out all the lounge chairs for the pool. I was not s
wimming tonight but I knew Jesse probably would so I had laid out his swimming t
runks on the bed in the bedroom. I went back inside and gathered everything for
smores and then carried it all on a tray putting it on a small table near the si
tting area surrounding the fire.

Harold and Monica arrived and Harold was nice enough to get the fire started for
me. I called Dalton and he said he was on his way with Simon and Ferrah. I crin
ged at the name Ferrah. I had nothing against her personally but the whole Candi
ce thing got to me. Plus Dalton didn't really like her. Dalton wasn't the type o
f guy who went for the crazy, party hard type girl. He didn't seem to be in a go
od mood anyways. Dalton was a really nice guy and I liked him with Candice becau
se he kept her stable basically. She was too much most of the time but he had he
r on a leash, practically. And that's not a bad thing. The girl liked being a st
ripper, she likes drinking until she's wasted, and she loves hitting on every ho
t guy she sees.

I then got in contact with Malcolm who said he was going to be here a little lat
e since him and Kendra were picking up the kids from Kendra's parents. Malcolm l
et me know his mom was already on her way and she would be there probably early.
Courtney talked to Carson who said he was on his way with his girlfriend.

Reba soon arrived and I greeted her. I got a call from Jesse's grandparents, Deb
ra and Clark. They said they were going to be a little late. Theresa and AlfredHarol's parents were already on their way according to Harold.

Courtney got in contact with Allen and we told him to keep Jesse out later. It w
as already past six and the only people here was me, Courtney, Clara, Ciara, Reb
a, Skylar, Reagan, Tanya, Justin, Lilly-Tanya's daughter who's five, Justin Jr.Justin's six year old, Ashley-Justin's four year old daughter, Weston, Michelle,
William-Weston's two year old, Eli, Olivia, there four kids-Emilia (10); Lizzie
and Livenda (5); and Elliot (3).

I was busy playing with Emilia. She was a sweet girl who was growing up too fast
according to Eli. She really loved hanging out with me and I loved just talking
to her. I thought she was realy mature for her age and we got along. She was th
e oldest child but had no older sibling to look up to. Her twins sisters were al
ways together, in their own worlds. Elliot simply bothere his twin sister and wa
s too young to do anything with.

"Alright sweetie I have an idea. After my little trip with Jesse I'll take you o
ut and we'll have a girls day?" I suggested and Emilia squealed.

"Really?" She smiled and I nodded.

"I'll just ask your parents," I stated and she nodded. I let her run off and she
went and joined Skylar and Ciara one the trampoline. Clara was the one who was
playing with Eli's twin daughters. Reba was chatting it up with her sister. Reag
an, Weston, and Eli were all sitting by the fire, drinking. Ashley and Lilly wer
e playing, getting along very well. While William was hanging out with Elliot an
d Justin Jr. who they just call Junior or Jay.

I went and answered the door since the door bell had went off. I opened the door
to reveal Dalton, Simon, and a girl who I guess was Ferrah-Simon's girlfriend.
Dalton pulled me in a too welland I laughed. I knew he wasn't doing too well af
ter breaking up with Candice. I understood though. He did what was best for him.
He shouldn't have to deal with a disobedient and immature mate.

Simon pulled me in a hug and kissed my cheek. "You look beautiful," he complimen
ted and I blushed. My hands went to my stomach as I smiled and nodded, "thanks S
imon." Someone cleared their throat and Simon turned to face his girlfriend. He
wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into his side.

The girl had this dirty look on her face and was glaring at Simon. "Violet this
is my girlfriend Ferrah, babe this is my friend Violet," Simon introduced. I rem
oved one of my hands off my stomach and held it out for her. She reluctantly sho
ok my hand and then I stepped back. Well I guess she didn't like me.
I ushered them in and then waied for Jesse's grandparents to reach the door seei
ng they were here too. Theresa hugged me and then Alfred did. They gushed over m
y pregnancy, so happy to have a great grandchild on the way and two at that. I l
ed them to the backyard and then I got a text from Kendra saying they were five
minutes away.

I got in contact with Jesse through our mind link and was telling him that I wan
ted him to come home. It would take him awhile but I knew it was fine. Monica ta
lked to her parents who wer coming down the street apprently so she went to go w
ait for them while I finally got to sit back down. I sat next to Dalton who look
ed at me sadly. "She has a boyfriend," he stated and my eyes widened.

"What?" I gasped.

"His name is Tony."

"Are you serious?"

"Yup. She hasn't slept with him yet."

"It hasn't even been a whole week," I stated.

"I know," he whispered.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be it's my fault. I broke up with her."

"Yeah but that was so she could get her act together not start seeing random dud
es. What's wrong with that girl?" I asked.

"I don't know, I really don't. I love her to death but if she could move on so e
asily what does that mean?"

"I'm sorry Dalton. I haven't talked to her. She called and asked for a place to
stay but you know how Jesse feels about her sometimes. He doesn't hate her but h
e was upset with the barbeque and he said if you kicked her out then it was for
good reason. ANy other time not even Jesse could be that heartless," I stated.

"Jesse is heartless," Simon chimed in and I sent him a growl in warning and he c
huckled quietly.

"He has a point. Jesse can be a prick," Courtney agreed, taking a seat with us.

"Jesse is a sweetheart," I stated.

"Yeah right. The guy would kill a complete stranger if he knew they were checkin
g you out," she laughed.

"That's just him being possessive," I muttered.

"Don't listen to them. Jesse loves you," Dalton smiled.

"Oh I know he loves me," I grinned, patting my stomach.

"He's got to be excited about that right?" Dalton asked, nodding to my belly.

"Jesse doesn't get excited for just anything. He's happy, mad, annoyed, or worri
ed. End of story. I've only seen him excited about the baby, our wedding day, th
e time he got his puppy, and before we slept together along with me telling him
I loved him," I answered.

"He really has changed," Courtney confirmed.

"I can't see Jesse as anything that I don't see now. Sure he can be rude, innapr
opiate, easily tempered, over protective, and possessive but I don't think he's
mean. I think he's capable of it. I know there are sides I haven't seen of him b
ut he does that on purpose. He doesn't want me scared of him-not that I would be
," I replied.

"The man is a killing machine. He is the strongest guy in the world. No ifs, and
s, or buts about it. He does what he has to do. He's not a man looking for blood
-not couunting that he he's a vampire. He just knows how to get a job done. He's
good at what he does," Dalton commented.

"He's good at everything," I laughed.

"That's not true," Courtney argued.

"My husband is the most competitve guy I know. He doesn't play for fun. It's all
or nothing for him. He's a genius, he's strong, and he's fast. There's nothing
he's not good at," I informed.

"Yeah he's probably good at being gay too," Courtney joked.

"Apparently so. Your boyfriend and my husband pretended to be gay to get rid of
some girls. With his ego I'm surprised he told me that. He thought it was funny
though so yes he's good at that too if he can get two sluts to believe he's gay,
" I mumbled.

"It's probably not that hard. The man has eyes for no one but you," SKylar chuck
led, joining our little group.
"I know, he's so amazingf" I shouted and they all laughed.

"I swear you guys don't know him like I do," I gushed.

"Yeah because no one else is sleeping with him," Simon laughed and I gave him th
e middle finger.

"No seriously. Jesse can be jerk, he knows it and I know it. He's so sweet thoug
h. He's more romantic then any guy you've ever met. He's extremely fun and is a
huge flirt-to me. Plus he's so god damn sexy. He's very pateient too. I mean wha
t guy do you know would wait eight months just to sleep with you again? It took
us forever to start dating because I was too scared of being in a relationship.
But my first boyfriend ever just happened to be a guy I fell in love with, withi
n two months or so. Who I dated for a month before sleeping with him. He makes m
e happy, happier than I ever been in my life. When my parents were alive I was h
appy. I got whatever I wanted, I had the best friends, best grades, guys liked m
e but I wasn't interested, and well I had parents who loved me. Not even having
all that made me as happy as I am just being in Jesse's arms. He can be clingy b
ut so can I. He really does love me and as long as we're together we're happy. O
f course we're not perfect because I know I can make him angry I've only done it
twice but that was it. We have fought a few times but made up within the same d
ay-within the hour besides once since I went to bed before waking up and forgivi
ng him. It's just we know we were meant to be which is why no matter what we're
not taking the easy way out and leaving each other no matter what," I confessed.

"What if he cheated on you?" Skylar asked.

"I'd be mad and I'd take a few steps back in our relationship. I probably would
be living in this beautiful house alone for awhile until he earned my trust back
. I wouldn't break up with him though," I answered.

"Seriously?" Simon asked.

"I'm not that type of girl. I love him. Everyone makes mistakes. If he still wan
ted me, which I imagine he would then he would still have me. I'm not going to l
et him go just because some other girl got involved. I'm not stupid enough to le
t go of the best thing that ever happened to me. To lose the only person I have
ever loved and could ever love. Plus the chances of him cheating on me are the s
ame chances of him turning gay," I laughed.

"I think everyone could take a few pointers from their relationship," Monica smi
led, sitting next to me.

"What? You and Harold have been together forever," I replied.

"Yeah it took us more years to get together than anything. Twenty one years of b
eing in love and running in circles before finally I stopped being a bitch and m
ade him mine," she stated and Harold chuckled.

"It wasn't your fault," he muttered, glaring over at Clark.

"It was my fault. I was a grown woman. I just loved my dad too much to disobey h
im. I cheated on my fiance for over a year with you just for me to be told I cou
ld never see you. I lost the guy anyways, it wasn't like he even liked me. You w
aited five years to begin dating someone else after sleeping around. I was singl
e for ten years before meeting that British guy. Two years later with him I met
your girlfriend. You guys broke up over me and I ended my relationship because I
realized I still loved you. I tried to get in touch but you had moved again to
Italy for years. Then your ex won you back and you got engaged. You waited four
years for her. Two years later you were engaged to the French bitch. Then almost
a year later, months before the wedding I bumped into you at a grocery store. I
wasn't letting you get away after six more years of waiting. I tried to be happ
y for you but I couldn't resist you. I'll never regret having an affair with you
," she smiled.

My eyes widened and soon I found someone massaging my shoulders. It was Jesse. J
esse?! I jumped and pulled away. Oh no! "Surprise," I frowned, turning to face h
im. I missed him arrive. "Mom and Dad you guys are really sad. I only waited a m
onth for Violet," Jesse smirked and I smacked his chest.

"Um last time I checked I only took a month to decide that I wanted to be with y
ou," I smiled and he rolled his eyes.
"Hey dad, we have a lot in common. I like French chicks too," Jesse said, wiggli

ng his eyebrows and I growled at him.

"I'm joking babe. I obviously only have a thing for chicks named after crayons,"
he teased and I laughed along with everyone else. Jesse gave me a small kiss be
fore heading inside to get something to drink. I can't believe I missed him come
in and Malcolm and Kendra arriving.

Simon and Ferrah joined us again. I didn't see them leave! Ferrah sat down while
Simon went to go fetch her something. Jesse stepped back outside and my eyes we
re glued to him. "Who is that?" Ferrah asked. Her voice sounded suggested and ve
ry interested.

I turned to face her but she was staring somewhere else. I turned in the directi
on she was looking and jealousy bubbled up inside of me. It wasn't somewhere els
e it someone else, Jesse. "That's my husband," I stated and she looked at me and
scoffed, rolling her eyes in disbelief.

Jesse finally reached us and Dalton scooted down on the couch so Jesse could sit
next to me. Jesse wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. "Th
anks for the party sexy," he smiled, kissing the side of my neck.

"Anything for you," I replied, turning to face him. I gave him a long kiss knowi
ng we were being watched by Simon's girlfriend. When we pulled away he began kis
sing down my neck. That I didn't see coming but I didn't care. It felt so good.
I let out a low moan before stopping him. "Stop, we have guests," I whispered an
d he shrugged.

"So what?" He asked, covering my lips with his own before I could protest again.

"Hey Jess we have a surprise for you, it's all Violet's fault," Allen smirked. A
ll the guys got up. It was Carson, Allen, Nigel, Holden, Rico, Paris, and Lane.
They all stood infront of the crowd, since everyone was here and was practically
surrounding them. Nigel beckoned us over and we headed to center stage to watch

Carson pointed at Courtney who laughed and turned on some music. Jesse groaned a
nd buried his face in my neck. "What did you do?" He asked and I giggled.

"I might have been humming it before and then told them how we had listened to i
t the other night," I admitted and he chuckled.

"Jessie is a friend. Yeah, I know he's been a good friend of mine. But lately so
mething's changed, that ain't hard to define. Jessie's got himself a girl and I
want to make her mine," Allen began.

Jesse chuckled and put his cup down before asking me to dance. "And she's watchi
ng him with those eyes and she's lovin' him with that body, I just know it. Yeah
'n' he's holding her in his arms late, late at night," Paris sang.

"You know, I wish that I had Jessie's girl, I wish that I had Jessie's girl. Whe
re can I find a woman like that?" Holden smiled.

"I play along with the charade, there doesn't seem to be a reason to change. You
know, I feel so dirty, when they start talking cute. I wanna tell her that I lo
ve her, but the point is probably moot," Rico said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Cause she's watching him with those eyes. And she's lovin' him with that body,
I just know it. And he's holding her in his arms late, late at night. Like Jessi
e's girl, I wish that I had Jessie's girl. Where can I find a woman, where can I
find a woman like that?" They chorused.

"And I'm lookin' in the mirror all the time. Wondering what she don't see in me.
I've been funny, I've been cool with the lines. Ain't that the way love suppose
d to be? Tell me, where can I find a woman like that," Lane sang.

Everyone was up and dancing in couples. "You know, I wish that I had Jessie's gi
rl, I wish that I had Jessie's girl, I want Jessie's girl," Carson sang loudly.

"Where can I find a woman like that, like Jessie's girl, I wish that I had Jessi
e's girl," Nigel grinned. "I want, I want Jessie's girl," they finished and ever
yone was now laughing as they danced.

"Violet you got to sing this," Courtney said. I raised an eyebrow before I reali
zed it was one of my favorite songs. I loved Colbie Caillat and I loved this son
g by her. Allen dragged me to the 'stage' before telling me to sing.
"You're stuck on me and my laughing eyes. I can't pretend even though I try. I l
ike you, I like you. I think I felt my heart skip a beat. I'm standing here and
I can hardly breathe. You got me, yeah, you got me. The way you take my hand, it
's just so sweet. And that crooked smile of yours, it knocks me off my feet. Oh,
I just can't get enough. How much do I need to fill me up? It feels so good it
must be love. It's everything I've been dreaming of. I give up, I give in, I let
go, let's begin. Because no matter what I do, my heart is filled with you," I s
ang, pointing at Jesse.

I reached a hand out to him and he walked over. He placed his hands on my hips f
rom behind me and we began dancing while I sang along top to the song, "You Got
Me." The next song had me laughing.

"That's who you remind me of, Jesse McCartney," Tanya laughed. Jesse rolled his
eyes before singing lowly.

"Gonna take my time and work up on ya, sexy little lady. Trying to get me starte
d, work that body. Hurt me when you shake it. You got, you got. What I want, I w
ant. And the way you flaunt it girl I'm only loving, this wonderful feeling, is
taking me over. Your sexual healing is pulling me closer. I just invited myself
into your life, and now that I got it, I'm gonna to need it all the time. Sunshi
ne. Girl I just need ya, sunshine. I can't live without it, sunshine," Jesse san
g along to the song, "Sunshine."

"Now put your finger tips up to my lips cause I just want to taste ya. With my h
ands all up and down your hips you know I'm tryna trace ya. You got, you got. Wh
at I want, I want. So let me have it, this addict just needs a fix. Girl, it's o
n tonight!" Jesse sang.

We danced some more while Jesse McCartney sang the chorus alone. I loved my husb
and so much. He made me so happy and I was enjoying doing so much for him. "I ju
st can't let you, your body's out of control. My heart is pounding like I'm drow
ing when I'm not with you. When I come up for air, I swear you answer my prayer.
It's cold and dark without your sunshine," Jesse sang in my ear and I continued
to grind a little bit on him not that he minded.

I loved how we were listening to old songs. I loved that. I didn't care. The nex
t song that came on was by Hinder, "Better Than Me." All the guys began singing
and I found myself laughing along with the girls.

"I really miss your hair in my face and the way your innocence taste!" They yell
ed. Jesse winked at me making me blush a bright red color. "Those are our boys.
But since they like Hinder so much why don't we play something more original," I
suggested and Sky nodded.

She relayed the message to Courtney who went to change the song while the guys w
ere singing. "Oh yeah!" Nigel cheered.

"Honey why you calling me so late? It's kinda hard to talk right now. Honey why
you crying, is everything okay? I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud," all
the guys sang.

"Well my girl's in the next room. Sometimes I wish she was you. I guess we never
really moved on. It's really good to hear your voice, saying my name, it sounds
so sweet. Coming from the lips of an angel, hearing those words it makes me wea
k," they continued.

"But girl you make it hard to be faithful, with the lips of an angel," they fini
shed the chrous singing to the song, "Lips Of An Angel." Jesse walked away and p
ulled me in his arms placing a firm kiss on my lips. I knew how much he loved mu
sic and well he was enjoying. "My girl's in this room, I don't want anyone but y
ou," Jesse said, changing the words but they fit perfectly on the beat of the so
ng. I smiled happily and let him just hold me while our bodies swayed to the bea

After the song was over we all calmed down a bit. A few people were dancing, som
e of the guys got on the trampoline. A few girls got in the ppol. Jesse was maki
ng smores with me, Dalton, Tanya, and Justin. Skylar seemed to be avoiding Reaga
n which broke my heart. I could already tell he was in love with her. And the wa
y he was looking at her I was sure he has been for awhile now.

It wasn't only him that participated in the mating. She said she was going to be
with him but it's like she wasn't. I felt like she was pulling him closer and b
eing cute but more teasing him in a way then pushing him far away. It had to suc
k to be Reagan. And I felt bad because I feel like not on purpose but I did that
to Jesse.
Skylar was still in love with Alvin. It was written all over her face. She was s
cared to be with Reagan and I get that but it wasn't fair to try to present her
as his mate to other girls but not be fully committed to him since they were mat
es. She had to know it was wrong. She can't just claim him to get girls to back
off. Sure she wasn't going after guys but still if she was going to say he was h
ers then she needed to be his.


soon got everyone to come inside so we can have cake. We sang to Jesse and wel
he loved the cake. He blew out the candles, making a wish before kissing me. H
had two cakes. One was store bought and the other one Monica and I made. On th
store bought one I wrote a little message for him which he read outloud,

"Your finally twenty one so let's have some fun.. No matter what it's all about
you today even though my life is all about you, ever single day. Today is a mile
stone we're crossing together to celebrate you being of age to finally drink. So
please have fun even if you're drinking with out me since I'm pregnant...speaki
ng of that, I know we have a baby on the way, two actually but just know I'm alw
ays here to stay. Just put up with my mood swings and I'll deal with you being d
runk. I married you not too long ago and been in love with you for over two year
s. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you. No matter what you do or wha
t I do I know our love is strong enough to get us through anything that could or
may happen in the future, the future that involves us with our twins as a big h
appy family. Happy twenty first baby, I love you forever and always.

Your wife,

The note read. He then turned around to me and pushed me up against the patio do
or. He kissed me hungrily, his hands gripping my dress tightly. I didn't know wh
y that little letter made him react so aggressively but I liked it. The kiss was
hot and he wanted me and the feeling was mutual. He pulled away and began attac
king my neck with open mouthed kisses. I moaned and pulled him closer by the col
lar of his shirt. "Baby," I moaned into his ear. He groaned lightly and pressed
his hard on against me.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"We have...have to...." I trailed off. He shook his head and picked me up by my
thighs, pulling them around his waist. I moaned loudly as his hard on hit right
against my core. He began moving and soon we had people whistling, clapping, and
cheering while others tried to get Jesse to stop.

"Jesse? It's your p-party," I muttered. He shrugged that off and laid me down on
a couch in the living room. "I want you right now," he stated and I bit my lip.

"Babe calm down. We can't," I said.

"We can," he argued, slipping his hands up my dress. I smacked his hands away an
d grabbed his face in my hands and he crashed his lips down to mine. I threw my
head back and let my hormones take over. It was hard to fight them when you were
in a horny stage of pregnancy.

"Right now Violet," he whispered, pulling away. I was pantikng for air but my ha
nds didn't stop from slipping under his shirt while he began pulling my panties
down. "Jesse Stevens!" Harold roared. I froze and my hands stopped on his eight
pack. I moaned in agony as he let go of my panties and sobered up a bit from the

"Harold I got this," I snapped. Harold's eyes landed on me and they softened. He
stiffly nodded before sending us both stern looks and leaving. He understood I
was pregnant and my hormones were out of control. He knew I didn't want to do th
is with Jesse. Well I did, I really did. But I knew it wasn't the right time or
place. There were kids everywhere!

"Jesse?" I called.

"Don't. Just don't talk," he said.

"We made out. Who cares? It's your party. I'm your wife. "

"That's not what I meant. I'm trying to calm down," he chuckled and I blushed. H
e leaned down and pecked my lips before climbing off of me.

"Sorry sweetie," he apologized and I waved it off.

"You're fiune. But can I know why you kissed me like that? Not that I didn't li
ke it or anything."
"I don't know. I read your note and I lost it. I'm so lucky to have you. I turne
d around to see my loving wife but the look on your face was so sexy. You poutin
g or biting your lip is my weakness along with you crying. I just couldn't take
it. I love the fact we're having twins. I love the fact you want to spend the re
st of your life with me," he explained.

"I thought I made that clear the moment I agreed to build a pack house?" I asked

"Hmm? I thought it was decided after we slept together," he smirked.


"I meant because that's when we told each other I love you for the first time,"
he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure," I muttered.

"It is!" He shouted, with a huge smile on his face. I giggled before grabbing hi
s hand and dragging him back into the dining room. Jesse cut one cake while Nige
l cut the other one. Everyone went back to talking and enjoying themselves. Emil
ia and Mikey even teased me about kissing Jesse.

After everyone had cake and icecream we all began joking around. I tried cheerin
g up Dalton and Reagan but it was no use. I would be talking to both Skylar and
Candice. After everyone was settled down we all sat around the bonfire just talk
ing. I had Max on my lap while Mikey was propped on Jesse's lap. Jesse was on my
right while Emilia was on my left.

"Hey want to open your presents?" I asked Jesse and he nodded.

"Yeah it's getting late," he said. I nodded and got Max up.

"Hey can someone give me a hand with the gifts?" I asked. Simon, Nigel, Holden,
Allen, and Weston all came to help me. We grabbed all the bags before bringing t
hem outside and sitting them infront of Jesse. We sent Max and Mikey over to the
re parents before we got everyone's attention and everyone was sitting down. "Al
right let's open Tanya's and Justin's so they can get their kids in bed," I chuc
kled, handing him the big blue bag.

He got rid of all the tissue paper before pulling out the first item. The first
thing he pulled out was a beer can opener. Then there was a naked shaped woman's
body shot glass followed by a pill case that said Hangover Helper. He also got
a gift card to Bass Pro Shops. He was going to have a field day with that. He al
so got a Lowe's gift card which will come in handy when we do the twins rooms. T
hen in a box there was this black hoodie that said, "Dad's Beer" with a over flo
wing cup of beer on it.

"I fuc-freaking love this," Jesse smiled, kissing me hard on the lips.

"I didn't give it to you," I chuckled.

"Yeah but I'm not going to kiss Tanya and definitely not Justin," he retorted an
d everyone laughed. "Thanks so much guys," Jesse grinned.

"You're welcome," they chorused. They then said goodbye to us taking their sleep
y kids with them. I handed him Eli and Olivia's gift next since they had kids to
get home too. He ended up getting a gift card to Cabela's, a snack football hel
met-that got Jesse all anxious to use, he got a flask, and a book all about Beer

After that family left we did his grandparents. He opened the gift from Theresa
and Alfred first. He got a giftcard to Home Depot, cocktail shakers, and a steel

wine tool set. Then from Clark and Debra he got two aprons which were husband a
nd wife, a wine decanter, and a chip and dip set. Jesse thanked both couples for
his gifts.

Next was Weston and Michelle who got him wine glasses, drink coasters, and a hom
ebrew beer kit. Jesse was so ready to get drunk. I told him not tonight though.
Next gift was from Simon, which was beer glass mug that said his name on it, a b
oard game all about wine, and a coffee mug that said, "blessed to be a DAD" the
Dad part inside of a cross.

Next to go was Malcolm and Kendra. They got him bowls that had his favorite supe
rheros on them. He got a Thor bowl, Wolverine cup, and a Spiderman plate. The id
ea came from Mikey apparently. Malcolm loved teasing Jesse about being a dork. I
t was so funny. He got a plate with Elvis on it. Now Jesse loved all of it but t
hat Elvis one was going on a shelf in the dining room, not to ever be used.

Then we got into the girls. Courtney got him a hair set. Oh my god. She bought h
im a dark blue blow dryer, a comb set, and a brush. I laughed my ass off at that
. He had a hair problem. He's been trying to keep that on the low but there was
no hiding it. He loved his hair!
From Skylar and Reagan he got a candy bouquet, a box of cigars, and a big case o
f beer. Jesse was excited as hell to party. Then Ciara and Clara bought him all
the Batman movies and a caramel Godiva chocolate set. He loved Caramel. I think
he had a real problem. Safe to say both of the girls got huge kisses on their ch
eeks which had them both blushing.

Next we had the guys. First was Dalton. He got him a basket that had three bottl
e of wine, Ghiradelli truffles, pistachios, cheese, crackers, and sauses. It was
a bunch of stuff in there. He also got martini glasses and a bottle of whiskey.

Next was Holden who got him a poster of Jessica Alba in a bikini. I was not too
happy with that and Jesse knew it. Of course my loving husband laughed at my ang
ry face. Anyways he got the Three Days Grace newest CD he didn't get when it cam
e out and a game where you have to name the movie.

Then we had Nigel who simply bought him a bunch of shot glasses that were suppos
ed to fill up a checkers board, which came with a glass board and cocktail tool
set. Paris got him golf clubs and a typical chocolat box but inside had small bo
ttle of different type of alcohol. I know that alone costed him a lot since he h
ad to buy each bottle.

Rico got him a gift card to Nike, a corkscrew, and a pitcher with a beer company
's logo on it. Lane got him a new white Noth Face jacket, beer pong balls, and p
lastic cups. These guys were ready to party. They needed to wait until tomorrow
though. Then Carson got him an eight piece beer tasting set and two jerseys of J
esse's favorite football team for the twins. It was so cute and it could be for

a girl or boy so it was perfect.

Last guy was Allen who was so excited to give Jesse his present. "You're my best
friend dude! You won't believe what I got you," Allen grinned. Jesse chuckled a
nd excitedly opened his bags from Allen. The first thing he got had Jesse cheeri
ng loudly. It was a floating beer pong set for the pool. Then he got Martini pic
ks, he got a around the world beer bucket, which had a bottle of Red Stripe fro
m Jamaica, Stella from Belgium, Sapporo from Japan, New Castle from England, Gui
nness from Ireland, and Molson XXX from Canada. It gets better too gourmet foods
from different states. He also got a CD case and a portable speaker he could pl
ug up his phone too.

Then from his parents he got a wine cask, a game that makes you do crazy stunts,
and a beertap system. And lastly he got his gifts from me. I got him a gift car
d to Express, his favorite cologne, superman and batman pint glasses with capes,
a set of Godiva chocolate a basket full with a bottle of wine, one liter beer b
oot with his name on it, a drinking darts game, Bud Light party string lights, a
cocktail set that was themed as a chemistry set, and a hangover aid kit bucket
that had chapstick, gum, bottles of gatorade, bandaids, bottles of water, Ibupro
fen, Aleve pills, mouth wash, Tylenol, Tums, Ginger Ale, cough drops, mouthwash,
earplugs, sunglasses, juices, candy, and a few snacks. I literally threw anythi
ng and everything in there. Those boys were crazy and well they can suffer durin
g the night since they can't sleep it off so they'll need all they can get.

I told Jesse his other present will have to wait until tomorrow. He reluctantly
decided to wait for it and we both said bye to all of our guest before going to
the bedroom to finish what we started during the cake cutting time. Damn these p
regnancy hormones! Who was I kidding? I was going to be sleeping with him anyway
s after his birthday party.
Chapter 51

*Violet's P.O.V*

I sat here talking to Monica on the phone about baby names. Today was Jesse's pa
rty and well he was in the basement enjoying it with the guys. I wanted to give
him alone time with them. I'd be back to check on all of them soon.

"I really like the name Blaine, it's very unique," Monica complimented.

"I know that's what I like about it. You won't hear that anywhere. Plus come on
he'll stand out anyways being a future alpha or vampire king. I think it will fi
t perfectly if we have a son who will be a ruler depending on whether he comes o
ut a vampire or a werewolf," I replied.

"And the name Jasper is nice. Blaine Jasper sounds mysterious and dangerous. Gir
ls will be all over that when he's older. Plus Jasper isn't too common and Blain
e is just out there so I think it makes an amazing combination. You should defin
itely leave that the way it is."

"Awe thanks. Jesse and I out of random came up with the B names. Then we centere
d the middle names around the first letter of our names. So if we have two boys
the other will be named Blaise, that's spelled B-l-a-i-s-e instead of Blaze with
a 'z' like blazer."

"That's odd."

"I know. That's unique too. But think about it say Blaine and Blaise or even Bla
ise and Blaine. It sounds so good together, or atleast I think so. I haven't bee
n so excited for names since before I got to say I was Violet Stevens."

"Blaise what?" She asked, laughing at me at the same time.

"Blaise Vance," I answered.

"Blaise Vance? I don't think that sounds right. I don't know how I feel about Va
nce. What about...Blaise Victor?"

"I don't like the name Victor, I know too many of those."

"Well I don't know. Blaise Van Stevens?"

"That sounds nice. I'll talk to Jesse about it."

"Alright so what if there are two girls?"

"Blaire Vienna and Brooke Jane."

"I love the name Blaire. It's not too common. Vienna sounds cute and innocent. I
don't really care for the name Brooke but it does sound fitting saying Brooke J
ane Stevens."

"I know. I feel like Blaire would be an amazing business woman name which would
be good if we have a girl since she'll rule the pack or the clan one day."

"I love the names though Violet. As long as you and Jesse are happy then go with

"We are happy. We like the names but I'll talk to him about the Vance thing."

"Well it's really up to you. Whether that's his name or not I'll get over it and
I'll love him just the same," she reassured.

"Thanks Monica. Now I'll talk to you late I'm going to go check on my husband."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too mom," I grinned before hanging up. Once I was off the phone I head
ed out the bedroom and all the way downstairs to the basement where loud booming
music and voices were coming from. I laughed as I saw the guys playing beer pon
g. Jesse was playing with Holden against Allen and Nigel. The other guys were ch
eering while talking to one another. Well actually Paris and Lane were playing v
ideo games. Leaving Carson and Rico doing the cheering.

The moment Jesse saw me he threw his ball quickly aiming way off befor emaking h
is way over to me. I laughed at his eagerness and was pulled into a huge hug. "H
ey beautiful. Where have you been?" He asked.

"I was talking on the phone with your mother. I'm glad you and the guys are havi
ng fun. Tanya and Justin are on the way. Dalton and Simon will be here soon. Wes
ton and Eli just finished the training for tonight so they'll be here within the
hour. Courtney will be letting herself in any minute. Skylar and Reagan just le
ft the pack house. So everyone will be here shortly. I'm just glad you got an ho
ur or two alone with the guys."

"I know. Thank you for all this. Now don't leave me. I hate that. For my birthda
y all I need is you by my side. I don't need any gifts or a party. But at least
at the party can you spend time with me?" He asked.

"Babe I'm sorry. I'm always busy trying to make sure everything is going well an
d stuff."
"It always goes well. Now please stay with me. Everyone can let themselves in,"
he replied and I nodded happily.

"Whatever you want birthday boy," I grinned and he leaned down to kiss me softly
. We then went back over to the table so Jesse could finish his game. I took a f
ew of his throws and he happily held me in his arms.

"Oh yeah! We won! That's what you get asshole," Jesse smirked, rubbing it in All
en's face. Allen simply gave him the bird beefore throing one of the balls at hi
m. Jesse just had to throw it back until soon a cup went flying acorss the table
, thank god it was empty.

"Alright! Guys lets stop!" I shouted over all the noise. They all slowly calmed
down and Courtney was here so she grabbed her boyfriend and pulled him away from
the little fight. "I love you," Jesse whispered in my ear and I blushed. I didn
't see that coming.

"I love you too," I stated, turning around in his arms so my barely there baby b
ump came in between us. "I love this dress on you," he smiled.

"Thank you Jesse," I muttered before pecking his lips. I was wearing a long blue
summer dress. It looked simple but later for the real party I was going all out
. The party wasn't actually at the house. This was just for the guys to hang out
. We were going to have to leave soon. Dalton and Simon were going straight ther
e along with Weston and Eli with their wives. Tanya, Justin, Courtney, Skylar, a
nd Reagan were coming so we can carpool since they are all close by and are read
y to go.

Jesse didn't know that though. Matte of fact it was time to get him ready to go.
"Hey guys, I'm stealing my husband! We're going out for a drive. We'll be back
shortly," I told everyone and they nodded.

Jesse didn't complain one bit when we left the house. I got him in my car and ta
lked to him about the baby names the whole ride to the hall we had for the night
. When we arrived there Jesse was confused I just told him to get out the car. O
nce we were out the car I dragged him inside. We took the long way to get here j
ust so everyone will be here soon. So by the time Jesse was in his tux we'd be r
eady to go. Everyone was getting all dressed up for this which had me really exc
ited and happy.

Once we were inside I flipped a switch adn all the lights turned on. Jesse gaped
at the scene befor turning to me with a raised eyebrow. "Happy birthday," I smi

led and he grinned. He hugged me tightly, picking me up and spinning me around.

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome Jesse," I smiled. He kissed my forehead before walking aorun the
place. Once he was done looking at everything I told him he had to get dressed
up. He complied easily and went to go change. We both got ready in the same bath
room and I had him help me with my dress.

I was wearing a long red cocktail dress. It was a bright red in a way and the dr
ess was made of silk. It had two thick straps that went over my shoulders then c
rossed in the back, so my back was being shown. From my shoulder blades down I w
as covered, that's where the dress zipped. In the fron of the dress it was cut a
little low, showing my nice chest. Over my boobs the dress scrunched up towards
the middle. Then silver flowers made up some shinty material outlined the bust
area and down over the bust area.

It was plain red silk over my stomach, but tight to an extent so you could see m
y pulge of a bump with my twins inside. Then on the left leg a bit above my knee
was a slit that went down my leg to the floor. The dress had a small train to i
t that looked lovely. I matched the dress with some silver heels. The heel not t
oo big and it tied around my ankle then two more times a bit above that. Along w
ith a strap across my toes and one across the middle of my foot. They were cute
heels and simple to an extent.

I put on a bit of make up. Putting on red eyeshawdow and gray on the corners to
give it kind of that smoky effect. Then my lips were coated in blood red colored
lipstick, I had on a bt of blush, eyeliner, and mascara. My toes and finger nai
ls were red. I had on a red bracelt to match. Then that was it. I was ready to g
o. I slipped on my tight diamond necklace and my small diamond earrings then Jes
se and I walked out the bathroom together. Everyone already here and waiting.
Everyone cheered when we came out and Jesse and I smiled. The hand he was holdin
g he used to pull me into his side, wrapping his arm around my waist. I leaned i
nto him as everyone said happy birthday to him and he thanked them all for comin

Soon the party was in full swing. Jesse was playing poker with Weston, Allen, Da
lton, Rico, and Lane. Carson, Holden, and Nigel were playing Black Jack. Tanya a
nd Justin were sitting at the bar talking. Reagan, Simon, Eli, and Paris were al
l at the craps table. Skylar and myself were sitting down at a table just talkin

Jesse soon quit his poker game and surprisingly asked me to dance, which I eager
ly agreed to. Jesse wasn't one of thos guys who didn't dance. I knew he hated fe
eling like people were watching him do it though. When we went to the club I lik
ed to dance and Jesse wasn't going to let me dance with another guy, not that I

really would want to. He'd dance with me and we grind against each other the who
le night. It was fun and I enjoyed it.

At our wedding we danced nicely, at his party yesterday we did too-not too facny
but not too sexy either, and that's how it was tonight. We were just having fun
and swaying to the music the DJ was playing.

Soon we were asked to play pool. Yeah we had a pool table just in case people we
re interested in the whole casino type games stuff. On one team it was me, Jesse
, and Skylar against Michelle, Simon, and Allen.

Jesse and Allen were being themselves, competetive for no reason at all. Jesse e
ven had to help me one time and well I really liked the position of him pressed
up against me from behind. He wasn't as turned on as I was seeing he didn't have
pregnancy hormones and he was just trying to make me do better so he could win.

"Allen just quit. There's nothing you can beat me in," Jesse bragged.

"Alright Mr. Cocky, just shut up," Courtney chimed in.

"Courtney stay out of it," Allen advised and I nodded my head. Please don't let
her start a fight. I know Jesse and Courtney didn't get along but they were doin
g fine up until the day Courtney told me she found Jesse coming out of Layla's r

"Jesse be nice," I added and Jessed sighed dramatically before nodding.

"Only for you," he replied and I winked at him. We both stepped to the side and
moved onto the next game. I was not leaving his side tonight until he started ge
tting drunk, then I was taking him home after he had his fun.

By the end of the night my husband was drunk and so were all his friends. Simon
had passed out, Dalton was texting away on his phone looking upset, Reagan was a
bit drunk but was still sat at the bar, Weston and Michelle were already home,
Eli was dragging his light weight of a wife out the place, Skylar and Courtney w
ere both chatting away with the guys, and Tanya and Justin were cuddled up sippi
ng on some drinks.

I couldn't stand it. Reagan and Dalton are great guys. They deserve to be happy.
I don't know what it was but mates these dates are just horrible. I was rejecte

d by my first
lost my first
mutual while
er during the
ing him along

one, Dalton's is kind of slutty, and Reagan's died. Unlike me who

mate I got a better one who I fell in love with and the feeling is
he stole his alpha's mate who he was in love with and slept with h
spur of a momant and they mated. Now she's heart broken and string
which he doesn't deserve.

"I love you Vi," Jesse slurred, planting a sloppy kiss on my neck.

"Jesse you are so drunk man!" Allen shouted loudly making me cringe while Courtn
ey and Sky giggled.

"Violet, I'm so thirsty. B-babe, get me another drink," Jesse begged, ignoring A

"Jesse I think you're done for the night."

"No!" He yelled, suddenly hopping to his feet.

"Let's take the party home!" Holden cheered and Jesse invited everyone over to t
he house. Everyone complied besides Dalton and Reagan. I told Reagan to take Sky
home I knew she was drunk. She was throwing a fit but I got her to calm down bu
t she still wasn't happy with her mate who she made feel worst by saying she hat
ed him and blah blah blah.

Dalton agreed to take Simon home to avoid something happening between him and Je
sse. It was likely something would since they were both drunk plus they're not c
ompletely cool with each other since Jesse thinks Simon loves me and well becaus
e Jesse according to Simon, "stole me away" from him.
I drove Jesse home while Carson who was so fucked up decided to run and allt he
guys joined. Jesse wanted to, too but I didn't want him to. I wanted him with me
. It put my mind at ease to know he was safe and sound. All it took was a kiss a
nd a small pout for him to give in and the kiss wasn't even on the lips. It was
on his chest that was exposed due to a few buttons that were undone on his dress

Once we were home we waited for everyone else then I left Jesse to party with th
e guys. Tanya and Courtney also went home so it was Jesse with just his friends
and he didn't mind one bit. I headed up to bed and told him to come hold me late
r, which I doubted he would do. Surprisingly he did. He woke me up though tellin
g me after stopping drinking an hour before he came up so he was calmer he had g
ot the hungover sidee effects which sucks since he's a vampire and can't sleep i
t off.

I made him take some medicine then helped him into bed with him. He was holding
me but wouldn't be quiet. "I love you and I really really-" he was saying.

"Jesse, please be quiet. I'm so tired. Your babies are trying to sleep. Now can
you please be a good husband and hold me without talking."

"I'm sorry Vi. I am. I mean...I mean I'm g-going to be quiet. I-I promise babe..
.baby? Are you sleep? Don't go to sleep," he rambled.

"I'm not sleep. I can't sleep with you talking."

"Oh," he chuckled.

"Goodnight Jesse."

"Vampires don't sleep," he whispered in my ear and I sighed.

"I know but werewolves do."

"Oh yeah," he hicupped and I giggled at that. He did it again and began laughing
loudly. I smiled and cuddled closer to him. "Night handsome," I muttered before
somehow dozing off to sleep.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

I smiled happily as Violet woke up. We were at the cabin like she wanted and wel
l she was just waking up after a beautiful night of love making. A smile graced
her lips when her eyes met mine. Sh leaned up a bit and I decided to help her ou
t by leaning down to kiss her back. The moment her lips met mine she moaned.

Her hands wrapped around my neck and she pulled me closer. I carefully climbed o
n top of her and groaned. Damn I forgot I wa also naked. Well this wasn't the sm
artest position to be in right now. I pulled away frolm the kiss to her dissapoi
ntment and she whimpered. "I'm sorry babe," I apologized, climbing off her.

"Is it because I'm fat?" She frowned.

"What? No Violet. One you aren't fat and two you're pregnant. If that was a prob
lem then I would have enjoyed last night as much as I had."

"Are you sure? I've gained eight pounds Jesse."

"Yeah and three are in your boobs, two or your hips, and the other three towards
your stomach," I joked and she punched me in the gut but it didn't do anything.

"You're such a jerk," she muttered, sitting up and letting the covers reveal her
naked body. God her boobs were so huge. I can't just sit here while she examine
s her stomach. "Let's take a shower," I suggested.

"No. Look at me. I'm getting fat. Do you think I'll gain weight in my legs?"

"No Violet," I answered and she sighed in relief.

"Babe I'm going to be honest. I think you're boobs have gotten way bigger, not t
oo big for my liking but big enough that I just barely can fit them in my hands.
Now you're starting to turn me on so cover it up," I begged.

"You're such a horny bastard."

"Coming from the wife who wants to jump me every chance she can."

"I'm pregnant," she retorted and I rolled my eyes. That's not a real excuse. Tha
t's like me saying I'm a guy. I got out of bed and she followed suit. We both en
ded up taking a nice shower together and she brought up the baby names again. "F
ine I got it. His name will be Blaise Vincent Stevens. Is that better? I'm not c
hanging it. I like that name and I don't know any more names for a boy that star
ts with V," I stated.
"Hmm...Vincent? I like it," she grinned and I sighed in relief silently. We hopp
ed ut the shower and I handed her a towel frist before grabbing ym owna nd wrapp
ing it around my waist. It was surprisingly really early. She woke up a bit afte
r 4. Now it was a little after 5 in the morning. "Babe we have to leave in fifte
en minutes. I picked out our outfits so we can match. Anyways let's go," she rus

"Ok," I muttered. She rushed into the bedroom and soon was shoving clothes in my
hands. I dropped the clothes on the bed and took off my towel before drying mys
elf off quickly. I slipped on a pair of breifs and froze. "I know I wear boxers,
why the breifs?" I asked.

"Because they're so sexy on you," she moaned, checking me out. I wasn't going to
argue with that. I guess she couldn't really check me out in a pair of dark col
ored boxers. At least they were boxer breifs though. "Never doing this again," I
mumbled, slipping on a pair of dark blue jeans. I looked over at Violet and nea
rly groaned.

Her back was turned to me but I could see her neon green lace thong and matching
strapless bra. Her ass looked so nice. She didn't have a tan like she usually d
id but she looked darker against the lightness of the thong. I swear she teased
me on purpose.

She then began tuggin on some dark skinny jeans up her toned legs. I then stoppe
d checking her out and slipped on a red t-shirt that was nice and tight on me. N
ext I was putting on a pair of white and red Nike's. I grabbed my phone slipped
it in my pocket. Then grabbed my charger and stuff and put it in Violet's purse.
I shoved in her deoderant after she used it along with mine in the purse. I the
n went into the bathroom and bushed my teeth real quick.

Violet joined me in the bathroom and brushed her teeth with me. After I was done
I began combing my hair, parting it the right way before ruffling it a bit and
throwing some gel in it. Violet watched me with an amused mile before leaving th
e room.

She was wearing a red tube top, a black leather jacket, and the same white and r
ed Nike's I was wearing. She looked real cute and we were practically wearing th
e same outfit. She threw me my black leather jacket and I caught it with ease be
fore packing up my hair shit and putting it in her purse.

Violet simply brushed out her hair before saying she'd let it air dry then she w
as kicking me out the cabin. I carried her down to the bottom of the mountain an
d we hopped in her car. I let her drive me wherever she needed to and I stayed r
elaxed the whole time. Eventually we came to a stop and I opened my eyes. "An ai
rport?" I asked.

"Happy Birthday," she smiled, handing me an envelope before hopping out the car.
What in the world? My birthday was tomorrow-just saying. I carefully opened the
envelope and then pulled out the pieces of papers in them. It was two tickets t way! To England. She wasn't serious was she? Oh shit! I can't wait. I loo
ked out the window and saw Violet standing there holding up to small suitcases.

I jumped out the car and grabbed them from her. "No give me the purple ones they
're light. My shoes and your showes are mixed in one, that's the heavy one. And
the dark blue ones are just yours," she said.

Alright the blues are mine, purples are Violet, and black suitcases are shared.
I grabbed out the black and dark blue and took them all inside. Violet told me s
he was handeling everything so I was going to leave her to it.

She led the way inside and handeled everything. We even had a few moments to cud
dle up and kiss on a bench before boarding the plane. Violet made me carry one o
f her purple suitcases out of the three onto the plane since she thought we'd bo
th need what was in side of it. I didn't argue with her I just did what she aske

We were soon in our sears and I had the window seat! Yes! Violet begged me to ho
ld her so I did. It's not that I didn't want to but she was acting weird about i
t. I don't know why she was so insecure lately but it wasn't something I liked.

"Jesse," she whined, trying to move closer. I sighed before movign all the way t
o the right of my seat and pulled her closer. Her head rested on my chest while
her arms wound themselves around my shoulder. I had one hand on her hip and the
other on her belly. "I love you," I stated and she smiled.
"I love you too," she replied. The plane soon took off and she was no longer sca
red and didn't need me holding her. She then pulled out a note pad from her book
and handed it to me. It was a list. A list of things we were going to see in En
gland which included.

The list said, "London Eye, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, British Museum, Tower Br
idge, London Dungeon, River Thames, London Zoo, Palace of Westminster, Olympic S
tadium, Sea Life London Aquarium, National Gallery-London, Trafalgar Square, St.
Paul's Cathedral, The O2, Royal Opera House, Barbican Centre, New London Theatr
e, Tate Gallery-Britain, London IMAX, and Globe Theatre-London.

Surprisingly I didn't mind any of the things she had on the list. I was kind of
dorky but not to the extreme like Violet was. I didn't mind museums but I would
pick the aquarium or the zoo over it. I was okay with opera houses but I rather
walk around a gallery place. Either way I was going to enjoy this trip.

Once we got to our hotel it was too late to go anywhere since the flight was a l
ong one. Instead though I got one hell of a surprise after dinner. We had dinner
in our hotel which was freaking amazing. I ate so much tonight.

When we got to the bedroom I was ready to simly relax but Violet had other plans
. She came out the bathroom in nothing but lingerie. She looked so damn sexy yet
innocent with it on. She was wearing a satin babydoll. Over her boobs was satin
with the white and black cheetah print with a layer of black lace over it. Silk
straps went over her shoulders and tied around her neck. Under her boobs was a
see through piece of black lace, showing her upper stomach. Then the rest of her
stomach and a bit barely past her butt was white and black cheetah print made o
ut of satin.

She didn't have on underwear either! Perfect. She slowly walked over to me bitin
g her lips nervously but it was such a turn on. She instructed me to lay on the
bed so I did as she said. I kicked off my shoes and she began climbing on top of
me. She first took off my shirt before turning her back towards my face and str
addling me as she took off my belt and jeans. I moaned at the close contact she
was making with my quickly hardening member.

I kicked my jeans off my legs and she leaned her head down. Her babydoll sliding
up to reveal her back and showing her butt. She got my boxers off and I was alr
eady hard. She kissed the head of my member before turning around to face me. Sh
e lowered her body so her entrance was pushed from behind against my member. She
grabbed my hands and pulled me up so I was sitting up.

She brought my hands up to her boobs so I was cupping them. "Vi please, I'm tryi
ng to let you have control but you're so hard to resist," I stated.

"Jesse let me do this," she said seductively, pressing her lips against mine so
she didn't hear any protest from me. She rocked her hips a bit creating friction
between our cores. God damn! Was she trying to kill me?

She kissed me softly and I complied to the slowness though I wanted nothing more
than to kiss her hungrily and take her right now. When we pulled away from the
kiss she roughly pushed me back down and I groaned in agony. This was going to b
e torture.

Her head lowered down and soon her lips made contact with my member. Soon her mo
uth was wrapped around my member and her tongue was doing a lot of work. My hand
s grabbed her thighs and I held them tightly trying to control myself.

She continued until I eventually climaxed but still she didn't stop. I could sme
ll her arousal and her hands were doing more work feeling me up under my waist a
rea. I felt like I was dying from the pleasure. Eventually she stopped only to l
ick aroudn in between my thighs. I moaned loudly and slipped my hands up her bab
ydoll feeling on her back.

Just watching her was sexy as hell. Her boobs were ready to pop out the thing an
d I wanted that to happen so badly. Her hands massaged my thighs while she kisse
d around a bit until she kissed over my member and began trailing kisses up my c
hest. I groaned as she licked around my nipples. I was going to get her back for
She kissed on one nipple before doing the same to the other. She then kissed eac
h pack on my abs of an eight pack before licking around my belly button. I think
she was enjoying herself. She never got to explore me this much. She then hoppe
d off me and flipped me over. She sat a bit above my butt, straddling my back.

Her hands began massaging my shoulders while she sent scorching hot kisses on my
neck, all open mouthed kisses that made me want to beg for her to kiss me again
. She kissed on the nape of my neck before her hands ended up tangled in my hair
as she tugged on it while her lips moved since she licked down my back, over my
spine making me moan loudly into a pillow that muffled my voice.

She then got off me and I thought she was going to flip me back over but intead
her hands landed on my butt. I knew she liked my ass. I did. Her hands moved a b
it and I heard her moan lowly before she flipped me back over. She laid down on
her side and I looked at her. She smiled innocently before one of her hands wrap
ped around my member and began moving up and down slowly.

I nuzzled my face in her neck and placed a small kiss on her neck which made her
yelp in pleasure. I knew she wanted me but she wanted to have her fun and play
around with me first. "Faster baby," I panted and she raised an eyebrow. "Please
Vi," I begged, licking over her collar bone.

She moaned in response before moving her hand way faster than before. I groaned
with each stroke and my hands made their way to her boobs. My thumbs circled aro
und her hard nipples through the thin fabric covering her body.

I came in her hands and she moaned as I groaned. I grabbed her hand that she use
d and made her suck each one of her fingers which looked almost as sexy as watch
ing her do what she just did. My fucking god. How did I end up with this girl? S
he was so innocent that it was a turn on. She was so good in the bedroom that it
was the sexiest thing in the world.

"Happy birthday," she whispered in my ear before biting gently on my earlobe. My

eyes snapped to the alarm clock that read 12:00, midnight on it. I was official
ly 21 today! Violet then crashed her lips to mine and my eyes slammed shut. Toni
ght was going to be amazing!
Chapter 52

*Jesse's P.O.V*

Once we pulled away from the kiss Violet climbed more on top of me. She was stra
ddling my chest once again. I could feel how wet she was since she wasn't wearin
g any panties. Her hands went behind her head and next thing you know to black s
ilk straps fell down her shoulders and the only thing holding up her huge boobs
that were practically popping out of the babydoll fell out.

Her hands cupped her boobs and I groaned loudly. She gave me an amused smile bef
ore she leaned over, scooting her ass up so her boobs dangled right infront of m
y face. "Go ahead," she mumbled and my mouth immediately latched onto one of her
nipples. One of my hands grabbed her other boob and massaged it while flicking
her nipple every now and then getting a sexy moan out of her mouth.

She let me flip her over so I can see her face while I pleasured her. "Babe can
I take over, please. Completely," I begged.

"Yes," she answered in a soft moan, bringing my head back down to her chest.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Jesse. It's your birthday you can have whatever you want from me," she stat
ed, arching her hips. I controlled myself as her core was against my hard member
and she was trying to get me in her but I wasn't allowing it. She was going to
get the same sexy foreplay I got. I wanted to make her feel good. It gave me ple
asure to see that I could pleasure her.

I sucked each one of her nipples until they were soft and then I pulled the baby
doll off of her completely, chucking it across the room. I grabbed one of her h
ands and kissed her on her knuckles before taking her hands and making them hold
her boobs. It was so sexy seeing them pushed together. I kissed the top of her
perky boobs before spreading her legs wide open. I rubbed my member against her
wet core and she let out a loud yell.

Her hands grabbed my arms and her face looked pain. "Jesse?" She called but I ig
nored her. She was going to get her release. Tonight we were having everything.
It was going to be perfect. I let my hand come over her core before sticking in
one finger and moving it around her clit in slow circles. She moaned loudly and
arched her hips. I moved so I was laying by her side and soon added another fing

She was so close so I stuck in another finger until she exploded against my hand
. Damn that's so hot. I didn't stop and let the waves keep coming until her body
stopped quivering in ectasy. I pulled my fingers away from her tight spot and s
he sat up on her elbows. I sucked each one of my coated fingers and she threw he

r head back.

"Jesse I need you," she stated.

"Baby tell me what you want," I told her.

"Jesse," she moaned in agony.

"Tell me Vi," I demanded huskily. She groaned in frustration before arching her

"Please," she begged. Her hips as high as though go. I know what she meant but I
wanted her to say it. I massaged her torso nicely while she whimpered. "Jesse p
lease," she pleaded, souding on the verge of crying.

"Please what? Tell me what you want Vi," I said. Her hand came over her core and
I grabbed it. I knew she was desperate for it if she was going to do it herself
. One I don't think she would know how since I know she has never done it. "Let
go," she growled.

"No," I replied, kissing every single one of fingers.

"That's not what I was going to do," she whispered and I hesitantly let go of he
r hand. She dropped it over her core and moaned. "Jesse I'm so wet," she whined.

"I know," I replied and she brought her hand to my face. I nuzzled face into her
soft hand and she sighed. "Jesse please just do it," she sighed in exhaustion.

"Do what Violet?"

"Damn it Jesse. I'm not saying it."

"Why not?"

"I refuse to talk dirty," she blushed.

"Then I refuse to give it to you."

"Fine," she replied, sitting up. She was about to get off the bed until I pushed
her back down. She knew she wasn't going anywhere so I don't know why she tried
. Sure she didn't plan for this to happen but it was too late.
"Violet I want you to tell me every little thing you want," I growled in her ear
and she moaned in response.

"I want you lower your head over my core and lick me, suck me, and anyth
ing else."

"Then what?" I asked with a smirk and she closed her eyes.

"Then I want you to let me get on top of you and lower myself on top of your..."

"Say it," I urged.

"Jesse," she complained.

"Say it Vi."

"Your dick and...I can't!"

"Shh...keep going," I encouraged.

"B-but Jesse..."

"Violet just say everything."

"And let me ride you then I want you on top."

"Doing what?" I questioned.

"Plunging into me time and time again letting yourself go faster and harder with
each thrust," she rushed out and I smiled. I kissed her on her forehead before
lowering my head and letting my tongue lick over her core before squeezing throu
gh her wet walls. I let my tongue swirl around and explore her while she shook u
nder me in pleasure until her waves of cum drowned my tongue as she climaxed.

AFter she climaxed for the second time I laid on my back and got her on top of m
e. I held onto her hips securely and lifted her up before easing her onto my mem
ber, holding onto it with one hand so I went right on in. She then got the hang
of it again and was doing by herself.

As she sped up the pace it got a bit harder but she wasn't shy enough not to gra
b my meber and lead it back to her welcomed flaming hot core that was still the
tightest thing in the fuckign world.

After having her on top I got my turn and I made love to her for awhile until we
both climaxed two more times so that's five all together. Then something hit me
. It was my birthday. She said I could have anything I wanted from her. And ther
e was only one way I've never done it before with her. I've never done it that w
ay at all.

"Violet let's do it again," I said and she nodded.

"I mean from behind though," I added and she froze.

"No," she whispered.

"Please? I've never done it before. Come on babe. Be my first," I begged and she

"Not tonight," she muttered.

"But it's my birthday," I pouted and she nodded.

"Fine, is it going to hurt?"

"Probably like it did when you officially lost your virginity."

"Wait a second! You've never done it this way. So how many girls have given you
a blow job?" She asked angrily an I froze.

"Where did that come from?"

"How many Jesse?"

"A lot," I admitted.

"Some girls wanted me more that I wanted them. It just happened but they weren't
as good as you babe. Please let's not fight," I begged.

"Weren't as good. So they were good?"

"No they weren't. I didn't even ask for it. It just happened and sometimes I did
n't have enough time to go all the way so they did that..."

"And you probably returned the favor," she snapped.

"Whoa! No I didn't. I promised you my mouth has only been on one girl's-"

"Don't say it," she interrupted and I chuckled.

"Core. I promise you that. Maybe my fingers-"

"I don't want to hear that," she growled.

"Babe you were my first for somethings sexually. First girl I gave oral too, fir
st girl I made love to, first girl I'll do it from behind with, and first girl t

hat can make me beg for it."

"You're so lucky I love you," she smiled, before kissing me tenderly before tell
ing me to go ahead.

"How should I do this?" I asked more to myself than anything.

"I don't know," Violet blushed and I chuckled. I got her on her hands and knees
and then thought about it. I could stand off the bed or be a bit over her. I rat
her not stand. "Okay I can't do this," I stated.

"Just do it before you regret it," she mumbled. I hands landed on her firm ass I
bit my lip. Damn where did a girl get a body like this from. She gets sexier ea
ch day not that the first time I saw her naked I didn't want to sleep with her.
Well I technially didn't because she was a werewolf-besides the point!
"Would I be able to loosen you up like if I did it the regular way?" I asked.

"Jesse! I'm done!" She shouted. She went to move but my arms snaked around her w
aist. i got on my knees and went up behing her leaving one arm around her and le
t one of my hands examine her cute little but. I carefully found her hole and st
uck in my pointer finger. She hissed but I kept pushing. I wiggled my finger a b
it and she whimpered in pain.

"Shh...I'm sorry," I whispered in her ear, letting my body practically cover her
s since I was taller. I moved my finger more and she let out a moan in pleasure.
I added another finger and she bit her lip in pain. I moved both fingers togeth
er and tears filled her eyes. "It hurts," she yelped as I shoved in another one

"It's going to be fine," I reassured, moving my fingers. I stopped moving and he

r body relaxed a bit. "I don't know if you're going to fit," she frowned.

"I will," I stated. I pulled my fingers out one at a time before positioning mys
elf. "This is so gross," she giggled and I kissed her on her mark making her yel
p. "Not fair," she groaned.

"Shh...are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah babe," she answered and I grabbed my member and placed it against her befo
re slowly thrusting my body forwards. The head of my dick went in then I pushed

even further and she took in a sharp breath. My head was no longer near her face
so I couldn't see her expression.

I pushed in all the way and she yelled in pain. My hands came around her and I c
upped her boobs. I tried playing with her nipples to distract her as her body ad
justed to my size. "Tell me when I can move," I told her, kissing her on her low
er back.

"Go ahead, slowly though," she mumbled. I complied and slowly pulled out. I wait
ed a sec as she calmed down and prepared herself for me to enter. She whimpered
but allowed me to do it a few more times before she reassured me she was fine.

Next thing you know i was pounding into her and she was moaning with each nad ev
ery thrust. She even got more on her knees and off her hands and laid her head o
ver my shoulder. I could still move but it was easier wth her bent over but I di
d like her position I could see her face. I was enjoying myself too. Damn she wa
s tight in the back too.

By the end of the night well morning we were exhausted and panting for air. Viol
et was cuddled against me breathing hard while I tried to endure the pain of my
hot feeling body being further heated up by Violet's naturally heated body. gran
ted since i turned her she wasn't as hott as before but still ten times hotter t
han me. I knew she was trying to cool her burning hot body with my ice frozen fe
eling one. I felt like that to her while I felt like I was in the sun for longer
than I should be.

"That was nice," Violet commented after we both calmed our ragged breaths.

"Yeah it was baby," I replied. She kissed me gently before I kissed her belly an
d forehead. She then cuddled closer wrapping her body around mine before dozing
off to sleep.

*Skylar's P.O.V*

Violet and Jesse have been gone for three days now. She called me today and aske
d how I was doing. I was still kind of brand new to the pack so she wanted to ch
eck up on me. I was fine though. That was until she changed the subject to me an
d Regan. It didn't go well.

She told me I was being selfish basically. I argued over that and she told me to
give Reagan a chance. She said I liked him which I tried to deny that I didn't
have those type of feelings for him but I admitted that I did. And she ordered m

e to stop 'flirting' with other guys which I didn't think I did. If I was then i
t wasn't on purpose.

She was right though. I couldn't do this to Regan. He was a sweet guy and he was
in the saem position I was in. Only difference is he's ready for us to be togeh
er and I'm not. I miss Alvin. I miss being single after all the pain Alvin cause
d me. I have trust issues and I'm not ready to just be all lovey dovey with a gu
y who was the beta to my mate. I couldn't handle it and my wolf was rejecting hi
m for his disrespect and for not being loyal to our old mate-his alpha.
After talking to her I found myself like this. Alone and bored. Violet was righ
t now that I think about it. I was flirting with someone. A certain someone I ki
nd of liked, Holden. He was cute, funny, and I liked the serious side to him. He
flirted with me and even asked me to hang out with him some time. Sure he was a
vampire but I was half witch and werewolf. Being part witch wouldn't make me an
ything the way Violet is.

If I was with holden I could never be turned to a vampire since I was already a
hybrid and my witch blood would reject the change since I basically already pick
ed between werewolves and vampires well my mom picked that for me when she met m
y werewolf dad. Now they're both seperated thanks to me. My mom is bitter and bl
ames me for dad leaving her since I rejected being a witch and dad respected tha
t. Mom still taught me stuff and dad was unhappy with that. My dad raised me and
left my mom when he took me away and well I tried to talk to my mom and she hat
es me.

My dad was pretty old and was settled down with a new wife who has two daughters
and I felt rejected so I moved out got my own place and soon after met Alvin. N
ow look at me. I'm the mate to my ex-mate's bestfriend and I have a crush on a v
ampire who is my alpha's husband's friends.

I decided to stop thinking about Holden because that wasn't going to do me any g
ood. I mean Holden was very handsome. But Reagan was too. But everytime I looked
at my mate it made me feel guilty and disgusted with myself which I shouldn't f
eel when I look at someone who is supposed to love me and vice versa.

I got up and headed to Reagan's room. We used to share a room but I talked to Vi
olet and the moment a room opened up Reagan was moved into it to give me some sp
ace. I knocked on Reagan's door before letting myself in. Regan stopped talking
and the smile on his face left. My heart skipped a beat as I took in his appeara
nce. He was wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and there was a
girl probably older than me, closer to his age, sitting next to him on the couc
h, under his arm that was around her shoulder.

She was beautiful. She had strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes, freckles on her c
heeks, perfectly tan skin, and nice body since she was in nothing but a sheer go
wn type thing that was see through and she looked to be wearing nothing but unde
rgarnments under it.

All I could process was that they slept together. He was with another woman. She
was a beautiful slut. And he was happy. "Skylar? What are you doing in here?" R
egan asked.

"Obviously intruding," I snapped.

"What? Skylar don't go," he pleaded as I turned on my heel.

"Why not so I can see more of what I just saw?" I asked with my back turned to h
im still.

"There was nothing to see. We're not doing anything. I'm talking to a new friend
s, that's all," he stated, and soon I felt his arms go around my waist. "I promi
se that's all Sky," he reassured, pulling me closer so my back hit his chest.

"Yeah I bet there's nothing left to do but talk to your new 'friend' huh?"

"Sky what are you talking about?"

"You obviously slept with her!" I shouted and he tensed before he started laughi

"I didn't sleep with her. I would never sleep with her-no offense Megan. I'm you
rs baby, nobody's but yours. And I'm here for whenever you want me," he told me
and I turned to face him.

I lost my balance but his arms steadied me. "Then why are you in a towel and why
is she in that and nothing but panties and a bra on?" I asked angrily.

"Babe, look," he chuckled. He let me go and took off his towel. I gapsed before
I saw he had on shorts. Well not shorts but swimming trunks. Oh. How come I was
dissapointed he wasn't naked under there. No not because I wanted to have an exc
use to be mad at him but just cause I was hoping to see him naked.

"What about her?" I frowned.

"It's a cover up. I have a bikini on," the girl named Megan stated.

"Oh. Oh god. I'm sorry. Both of you, I'm really sorry," I apologized, my hands c
overing my face in embarassment.
"Babe Megan is one of the two secretaries that work for the pack doctor, Dr. Zim
merman. Her and her older sister Melanie. Both girls are married and mated so re
lax. But Megan and I both had ended up going swimming today. And just finished.
I invited her up to talk. There's a huge scratch on my back from the fight and s
he was advising me on what creme the doctor gave me to use since it hurt when I
was in the pool," Reagan explained before moving my hands from my face.

"Now calm down sweetie," he smiled, pecking my lips. I felt myself blush at the
small kiss that was infront of someone else. I wasn't much for PDA. I wasn't use
d to it. Alvin was my only real relationship and he liked to keep me hidden for
reasons that are obvious now.

"I'll give you guys some alone time. I have to be getting to work soon anyways,"
Megan said before leaving. I apologized again and said bye. Reagan then shut hi
s bedroom door and pulled me inside the room. "I loved how you got so jealous,"
Reagan teased.

"I wasn't jealous I was simply upset and felt betrayed," I argued and he rolled
his eyes. He sat down on his bed and pulled me down onto his lap, wrapping his a
rms around me.

"Now what may I help you with?" Reagan asked.

"I don't need your help."

"You don't? Then what did you come here for?"

"I can't just come check up on my mate?" I asked.

"You's just I wasn't expecting that."

"Well I wasn't expecting to see her," I retorted and he sighed.

"I didn't mean it like that Sky. It was a surprise and all. I thought you were a
voiding me or something," he frowned.

"I was. And now I'm not."

"What does that mean?"

"That means I can't keep being selfish. You're my mate and I need to stop 'strin
ging you along' or let you go. Now it's obvious I can't just let you go so for r
eal this time I want to take this slow."

"Alright," he smiled.

"That doesn't mean we're committed," I added.

"Then what does it mean?" He growled.

"I don't know," I muttered.

"Well let me know when you figured it out," he replied, easily removing from his
lap. I frowned before taking the hint and leaving. I ended up leaving the pack
house and was going to go for a run to go think when I ran into Holden. "Holden!
" I shouted in excitement.

His eyes widened and he looked at me before a smirk graced his lips. "Hey Sky, h
ow's it going?" He asked.

"Not good. I was about to go for a run," I informed.

"How about you join me for lunch?"

"You're really going to eat?" I asked.

"Nah. But seriously hang out with me. Maybe it'll get your mind off things," he

"Well what do you have in mind we do?"

"I was going to go play golf with the guys so if you want to join and replace Je
sse since he's not here you can," he said and I nodded eagerly.

"I've never played golf before."

"Never?" He asked.

"No," I blushed.

"That's cool. If your any good you can play with me more often. If not we'll tak
e baby steps and I'll take you to play mini golf," he teased, sending me a wink.
He grabbed my hand and led me to his car which was pretty nice. He drove to som
e golf place and it was huge.

We met with the guys who were all there. They were surprised to see me but they
didn't care. Everyone started playing and Holden shared his golf clubs with me.
Lane was being nice and instructing me on how to swing. I tried but I missed the
ball completely.

"Alright Lane shut up," Holden snapped. He stalked over to me, his muscles flexi
ng with each step he took. He reached me and snatched the golf club out my hand.
"Let me show you how to do this," he smiled and I calmed down. He had me scared
for a second.

He moved closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me flush again
st him with my backside against his front. He bent me over a beat and well I had
to hold in a moan as my butt pushed against his crotch. He didn't seem to care
as he let out a small groan. I could only imagine that it was in pleasure.
He brought his hands to my hips and adjusted me a bit before handing me the golf
club. His arms went around me until the coolness of his body was against my hot
skin. His arms over mine, our hands pressed against one another as he was on to
p of me. He brought our arms back together and then one arm dropped to wrap arou
nd my waist while I was bent over and he pulled me back. I thought I was going t
o be pressed further into him but I wasn't. I guessed he stepped back too. Then
his other arm followed through with the swing and our bodies moved forwards.

He let me go and I stood up straight. I watched my ball roll all the way down be
fore landing right in the hole. The guys all cheered and Holden smacked my ass.
"Nice job Sky," he winked before walking back over to the golf cart. I blushed b
right red before Nigel dragged me up to the golf cart. I hopped in with everone
and I was plopped on Holden's lap thanks to Holden so we can all fit.

"After this want to hang out and watch movies or something?" Holden whispered in
my ear, his hands rubbing up and down my thighs slowly and unconsciously.

"Yeah," I smiled and he nodded. He seemed so relaxed. It didn't seem like he was
flirting with me until he made it obvious with the whole smacking my ass thing
and his winking. When we got to the next hole everyone got off the cart. Holden
held me down on his lap and waited until everyone was gone to place me in the op
en see next to him. He wrapped one arm around my shoulders before looking down a
t me and leaning closer. "Do you need my help again?" He asked with a sexy smirk

"I don't know. I don't think you were much help," I joked.

"Oh really?"

"Really. I think it was all Lane's help."

"Whatever," he laughed before hopping out the cart. He waited for me to climb ou
t of it before walking down to meet everyone else. We came just in time. It was
Holden's turn. Holden hit the ball and made a hole in one. He was pretty good at
this and he knew it.

"Show off," I laughed, walking up to him and shoving my shoulder into his. He la
ughed and stepped to the side while I tried to position myself. Oh god. I bent o
ver a bit and put my golf club behind the ball, lining it up the best I could be
fore swinging my arms back anf following through by taking a step forward.

I hit the ball and well it went way past the hole, it was barely even on the gro
und. "Nice job," Holden snickered and I narrowed my eyes.

"Shut up," I pouted.

"Awe don't look so sad," he teased, pinching my cheeks. I laughed and swatted hi

s hands away. "You're such a jerk," I stated with a smile and he shrugged.

"Whatever," he replied and I grinned. He was so funny. Everyone went again and w
ell I failed to make it in the hole again. The fourth time finally Holden had, h
ad enough. He grabbed me roughly and pulled me in his arms, making me stand up s
traight. His arm and hands went on top of mine and he practically made the swing
for me. The ball went nicely into the hole and Holden smirked. "It was a good t
ry. But it's obvious your such a pro. Only a pro could miss that badly. But I un
derstand you just wanted an excuse to touch me," Holden joked.

"You wish," I scoffed.

"I do wish for a lot things but not that. I don't need an excuse," he replied, g
rabbing me by my hips and pulling me flush against him again but this time we we
re facing one another. "I can touch you if I wanted to as long as you don't mind
," he muttered, his eyes snapped from my eyes to my lips.

"I don't mind," I found myself saying, flirting right back. He smirked and leane
d down, his lips brushing against mine but instead of kissing me on the lips he
moved his mouth so he could kiss my cheek. God why was the man so irresistible?
Holden chuckled lowly before letting me go and grabbing my hand to lead us to th
e next hole. "I actually don't mind golf. I think I'll have to take you on that
offer of going to play mini golf though," I flirted and he smiled.

"I'd love to take you," he replied.

"You know,
ed at him.
p laughing
ined hands
Chapter 53

just so I can
I smacked him
with him. His
and smiled. I

embarass you infront of some kids," he teased and I gap

playfully on the arm while he began laughing. I ended u
laugh was just so contagious. I looked down at our entw
could get used to this feeling...being with Holden.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

I was so excited. Violet and I were back home. We went home and showered before
heading to our appointment. My wife was sixteen weeks pregnant and since our bab
ies are developing fast today we find out the gender of our babies! It's either
Blaine and Blaise, Blaine and Blaire, or Blaire and Brooke.

Violet and I both wanted the Blaine and Blaire combination. She'll get her girl
and I'll get a boy. Plus I knew I wanted a girl eventually and she felt the same
about a boy so why not get what we both wanted anyways. Hopefully we will.

Violet and I had the best time in England. I frekaing loved it. She loved it too
which was nice. I was twenty one and spent two weeks in England for my birthday
. Of course the only bad news we got was from people at home. One of my dad's ld
est friends just died the other day. He was killed. And well Violet isn't happy
that Skylar has the biggest crush on Holden.

I told Holden to back off and well he said he wasn't interested in her. He told
me he flirted with a her a bit and that was it. The thing is I think he realy li
kes her. According to Allen he's all over her and they flirt non stop. They've
been hanging out a lot too. I don't think that's right. Reagan and I are good fr
iends now and he's so in love with Skylar.

I know Holden might actually like her, that will be a first but he doesn't love
her. He won't be able to love her. She's not his type. She won't complete him. S
kylar is a bit too immature for Holden. She's simply fun, bubbly, and seems to b
e a party girl which he likes. That will keep himm interested until he realizes
things are too easy for him with Skylar.

One of the things that has him so interested is that she's easy-not in a sexual
way. But in general she's a bit naive. She's not interested in Reagan because sh
e feels guilty. She likes Holden becaus ehe gives her attention. He acts like a
realy boyfriend which she never had since she was too young to can't her ones be
fore Alvin and well Alvin was a psychopath.

Holden easily gets girls then he tosses them to the side. Eventually he'll get t
ired of SKylar and she'll be heart broken. He wants someone more serious. Someon
e who will be hard to chase. And one day he'll find her. He knows what he wasnts
but he's easily distracted by women like Skylar.

Also it's not too good on Violet's other friend. Candice is engaged to some guy
she's been dating for two weeks and four days. I told Violet she was a stupid gi
rl. I talked to Dalton and you know what I told him, move on! He deserves way be

Violet and I were perfectly happy. Once we got to the doctor's office we ran int
o the secretary Melanie. She greeted Violet and then lft while her sister Megan
took over. Dr. Zimmerman soon brought us to her room and Violet was adjusted. Sh
e was laid on the bed got the jelly on her stomach was weighted and Dr. Zimmerma
n talked to her about how she was feeling and everything was great.

There was another doctor in here, Dr. Alice Lemon. Now her last name made me lau
gh. She was a clan doctor one of the best there is besides the one from my clan
who was also in here, Dr. Patrick Mars and the last doctor was the best pack doc

tor from Gavin's pack, Dr. Erin Dewosky.

So we had one male doctor and a female doctor that worked with vampires. And the
n two pack doctors both females. Dr. Zimmerman began the ultasound and I saw my
babes. They were moving all around. Violet couldn't feel it yet though.

One of the babies flipped and Violet gapsed. "I need to know Jesse," Violet sque
aled. I nodded in agrrement, squeezing her hand.

"We're doing a doublecheck to make sure there's only twins," Dr. Mars stated.

"Violet and Jesse your next ultrasound will be with Dr. Mars and myself only. Th
at's when we will be able to determine if both baies are werewolves or vampires
or one of each. Today we are finding out the gender and me and Dr. Dewosky are g
oing to check on everything about the babies to check werewolf things while Dr.
Mars and Dr. Lemon check the vampire qualities to predict early," Dr. Zimmerman

"Yup, there's only two babies," Dr. Lemon smiled.

"Are we ready to find out the gender or we making it a surprise?" Dr. Zimmerman
asked, moving around the machine on Violet's belly. Violet has gained twelve pou
nds so far through her pregnancy. "We want to know," Violet stated and I nodded
my head vigorusly in agreement.
"Let's look at baby number one then," Dr. Zimmerman grinned.

"And it's a..." she trailed off as she tried to get a good look.

"A boy!" Dr. Zimmerman exclaimed.

"There's a perfect view of the second baby," Dr. Dewosky stated. Dr. Zimmerman m
oved the machine over and I gaped at the screen. She was right. Our baby had the
ir legs spread wide open for all to see. "It's a boy," Violet cried and I stared
at the screen.

I was having a boy. And a boy. I was having twin boys! Yes! I turned to Violet a
nd kissed her softly and passionately. I can't believe it. When we pulled away I
wiped her eyes. "You got your wish," Violet grinned.


"Think about it. You wanted more than one boy. Triplets. I just hope twin boys a
re good enough. Plus now you'll still have three kids if we try later in life an
d maybe we'll get our baby girl," she explained.

"Twin boys are even better than triplets," I replied and she sniffed. I kissed h
er on the forehead and turned back to the screen. The sound of over lapping hear
t beats filled the room from my two sons. Pride swelled up in my chest and I gri
nned. I blinked back some tears and looked at my wife. I couldn't be happier.

After that was done Dr. Zimerman went to print out pictures for us. Violet was c
leaned up and I sat on the bed with her, holding her tightly. "Two boys," she wh
ispered, rubbing her round belly. She had more than just a small baby bump. She
was wearing stretchier pants. Her shirts still fit but were a bit tight so she w
anted to do some shopping soon and I was going to take her to get some clolthes
tomorrow or something like that.

"I believe we're going to be having a future clan leader. Looking at the placent
a on the baby with the legs wide open it's much smaller. That's not a bad thing.
It's average size for a vampire a little bigger than average though," Dr. Lemon

"The other is huge, a bit biger than average for a wereolf but for an alpha wolf
it's a lot smaller. But both babies are perfectly healthy," Dr. Dewosky added.

"So we're having a werewolf and a vampire baby both boys. This is amazing," I st
ated and Violet nodded.

"That's how it seems," Dr. Mars grinned.

"Did you come up with any names?" Dr. Lemon asked.

"Yes. Since it's two boys the names will be Blaine Jasper and Blaise Vincent Ste
vens," Violet answered.

"Well here's something to think about. Most likely one is a werewolf and the oth
er is a vampire. We will double check when you're in your eighteenth week. But
something to think about is what name to give to the vampire and what name to gi

ve to the werewolf son," Dr. Mars chimed back in.

"We'll figure it out," I reassured. Dr. Zimmerman came back in and handed us eac
h copies of the picture of our boys. We soon left and thanked everyone for comin
g. They had to keep an eye on Violet's progress. Dr. Lemon was the one putting i
t in the record for werewolves since she is the highest ranked pack doctor like
Violet's Uncle Gavin is the head of all alphas, and well Dr. Lemon is his doctor

Violet and I were on our way home when I got a call from my dad. I never thought
I'd be happy to talk to him-okay that was mean but so funny. "Hello?" I answere

"Hey son. I know you just got home but we need to talk. We have a huge probelm K
laus was just killed," my dad stated. Klaus was dead? He was like an uncle to me
from my dad's side. That was two my uncles then.

"When did it happen?"

"I don't know. His body was just found by your Uncle Cliff. Cliff got a text fro
m Klaus telling hi to mee tt him in the woods and well Cliff got there and Klaus
was dead," my dad explained.

"Shit dad! What the hell is going on?"

"I think my old team is being hunted. There's only three guys and me left. The o
nly people older than us are my parents your mom's parents and Clark's old leagu
e," dad explained.
"What do you mean old team?"

"I'll explain in person. Are you busy?"

"Yes. I'm with my wife. We just had an ultrasound appointment."

"I'm so soryy."

"Don't worry about it. I'll be there in twenty minutes," I stated before hanging
up. I pulled over. We were almost home too. I took the keys out the ignition an

d leaned my head against the steering wheel. I blinked back some tears and took
a few deep reaths. My sadness quickly turned to anger and I hopped out the car.
Violet was giving me my space before but she refused to let me go anywhere angry

"My uncle is fucking dead. What do you want me to do? Throw a fucking party!" I
snapped at her and she froze. She had got out the car and stopped me from walkin
g off.

She sniffed and turned her back to me. Shit. I made her cry. I walked over to he
r and tried to wrap my arms around her but she shoved me away. "Don't touch me.
I can't believe you just yelled and cursed at me, for nothing. Is that how's its
going to be when you get emotional? You get angry and take it out on people yo
u love? We're about to have two god damn kids they won't deserve your abuse and
I definitely don't deserve it after all the shit we've been through together. Ev
erything we've done for each other," she retorted.

"I'm sorry Vi. You didn't deserve that. I was just angry."

"That's not an excuse."

"I know Vi. But seriously I didn't mean to snap at you. I need my space though."

"Don't say that. I don't want you to have to walk away from me. Don't do it," sh
e begged.

"I need to go run," I stated.

"Then let me go with you."

"No Violet. That's not safe. I want you to go to my parent's house and I'll see
you there."

"Jesse please lets go together. Screw the run I can calm you down," she replied,
wrapping her arms around me. I physically calmed down and relaxed. She pushed m
e up against the car hugging me for dear life. "I'm so sorry. It's going to be o
kay though. We'll fix everything," Violet persuaded.

"That won't bring anyone back," I nearly snapped and she stepped on her tippy to
es and kissed me desperately, begging me to stay with her. I kissed her back jus
t as desperately, hoping she can keep me together when I feel so fragile. I've n
ever felt like this in my life and when I did I got angry or went numb. Violet w
asn't going to have any of that.

We pulled away and my hands went to her stomach. I focused on my twins. My beaut
iful boys who would be here in five more months. Damn it! We forgot to find out
our due date. My eyes snapped open and I searched Violet's eyes as she did the s
ame to me trying to see if I was calm. "We didn't find out the due date. I want
to know," I blurted.

"I'll text Dr. Zimmerman now," she said in relief. I nodded my head and got her
back in the car before climbing in myself. I headed to the clan house to go see
my dad. I knew he had to be hurting even more then I was.

WHen i got there I hopped out the car and kissed Violet hard. We headed inside t
ogether and I left her with my mom while I went to talk to my dad. We skipped t
he whole greting thing and went into the meeting to talk. "What do you mean your
old team and grandpa's old league?" I asked.

"I'm pretty damn old Jesse. I waited a long time to have you. Your mom is only 5
years younger than me. When I was growing up my dad ruled the clan and that was
it. He was a great leader but he got sick. He handed over the pack to me when I
was only 17. I had knew Klaus since I was 10 and he was 16. We were really clos
e. Klaus and I got around with girls. We got with a princess, well there were tw
o. Well Klaus ended up marrying the girl while I broke up with the girl I was wi
th. Klaus was 23 and his new wife was old, she was 128 years old. And she had an
older brother who was almost 200. Klaus got filthy rich really. The girl was ki
lled and he was heart broken. He wanted revenge on the person who killed his wif
e. He was 26 then while I was only 20. We went into battle and well everyone was
killed, we won. We lost his wife's older brother, the oldest vampire who was li
ving, the king. Klaus took over the clan but got rid of the titles. While he was
settling in I was building my clan growing stronger and stronger," my dad began
"Then I met Cliff. His clan had been attacked out off nowhere. I let him stay wi
th me him and his clan. He ended up building a new clan later on but then Cliff,
Klaus, and I were all good friends. It started getting real ugly. We met Cliff'
s younger brother who was older than me, which is Thomas. Tom well he had a gamb
ling problem. Cliff was tired of him and kicked him out the clan. Thomas built h
is own clan. He got his act together and then we had four vampire kings. Thomas
had a good allie who was your Uncle Robert-who you know just died. Robert was 45
, Cliff was 52, Thomas was 49, Klaus was 34, and I was 28," he continued slowly
and I nodded my head, aborbing all the information being given. I had never hear
d any of this. I just knew my dad knew all my uncles before I was born.

"We all teamed up against this crazy blood thirsty clan which was an allie of yo
ur grandfather, Clark. We destroyed his whole clan and we were the most powerful
vampires. The only one who could compete with us was Clark and your mom's fianc
e, the son of the bloody thirst clan's vampire king, the only person who somehow

survived while everyone else was wiped out," dad frowned. I wonder how that hap

"Someone wanted your mom's fiance dead though. We found the guy and it was your
Uncle Craig. We all teamed up and well by then I met your mom and started dating
her. I found out she was engaged and well it got a bit tricky. I started having
an affair with her. It was over a year. She told her parents and her fiance sla
pped her. After she was comforted by me she was forbidden to see me by Clark. Be
fore I fled the country we killed her fiance, who built his own clan. After he d
ied someone else took over. Things were fine again," dad informed.

"Your grandfather hated me due to me killing his allie though, the one that supp
iled him with everything at that time, which was your mom's fiance. I still don'
t remember his name. Clark then made new allies which consisted of old ass guys.
George who was 159, Dorian she was 117, and some guy name Francis who was 82. C
lark was 66. Things were fine though. Clark seemed to get over hating me since
I was out of the picture for awhile. After twenty years I was with your mom so I
was 48 while she was 43. We got married and Clark reluctantly welcomed me to th
e family," dad shrugged.

"I didn't know at the time that Clark still hated me until I was ambushed. He se
nt some of Dorian's guys to kill me. Your Uncle Craig saved me. I don't know how
he knew but he found out and brought all the guys with him. It was us six again
st more than 100 men. We killed every single one of them. Klaus and I hunted dow
n Dorian and killed her and debolished her clan," dad smiled.

"Next was George. He was old and powerful so my dad got some info through
nnections and well we located George and his clan was taken out. We never
Francis though. We located him and destroyed only half of his clan. Since
lark and I have gotten along for Monica's sake. Now my guys are dying and
r if Clark has anything to do with it he's dead," Dad threatened.

his co
then C
I swea

My dad was scary when he was angry. But he had enough of bullshit. He went throu
gh a lot to win over my mom. I don't know all the details but it seems my dad an
d grandfather have a lot of history and a rivalry. My dad was honestly only 72.
He had me when he was 51. He's been married to my mom for 24 years. They over ex
aggerate a lot but they are really old. Neither looks a day over thirty. My mom
had me when she was 46 and now she's 67.

My dad was 48 and my mom was 43 when they became an official couple. They immedi
ately got married and well three years into their marriage they had me. Dad was
51 and mom was 46. I was 21 so 21 plus three years before me makes them married
for 24 years. Damn there 25th anniversary was comign up. I got to tell Violet th

"So you think it has something to do with grandpa Clark's old allies?" I asked.

"It has to. I don't think it was Clark. But Clark is the second oldest living va
mpire after Francis. Then my dad,l my mom, then your grandmother Theresa, my gu
ys, and then me, your aunt Reba then your mom."
"Dad I don't know what to do. I'll get Allen on this Francis guy. I'll talk to g
randpa Clark. For now get Uncle Cliff, Uncle Thomas, and Uncle Craig here. I can
't believe Uncle Klaus is dead," I frowned and he nodded.

"I'll invite them over," he replied and we ended our little meeting. Things were
never simple for me. It was a blessing and a cursefor meeting Violet. The momen
t she came into my life bad things happened but at the same time this probably w
ould have happened and I'm so glad and lucky to have her support me through all

I then left the room and went to find my wife who was showing my mom and COurtne
y the sonogram of the boys. "There you are, they want to know the gender," Viole
t smiled. I smiled forcefully back at her and she knew it since she immediately

I walked over to her and kissed her cheek. "Well let's tell them. Wait where's m
y best friend?" I asked.

"Allen get in here!" Courtney yelled making Violet cringe due to her enhanced he
aring. Allen soon was racing into the kitchen to stand by his girlfriend's side.
"You tell them," Violet said.

"No babe," I refused. I knew she wanted too. I'm surprised she waited for me.

"Please Jesse, tell them," she insisted. I knew she was doing it to cheer me up
and it was working. Her arms wound themselves around my waist and she grinned. "
We're having a boy," I said.

"And?" Courtney squealed.

"And another boy!" I shouted and Allen high fived me.

"What are the names for the boys again?" Dad asked.

"Blaine and Blaise," Violet answered and I nodded.

"That's great. At least when you have a girl or two. Or even a younger son they'
ll have big brothers to protect them," my mom chimed in.

"Yeah. We're both really happy," Violet responded, looking up at me with questio
ning eyes. I leaned down and kissed her, reassuring her that I was fine. When we
pulled away a smile graced her lips and her eyes fluttered open after a moment
and the purple in them sparkled brightly.

"I'm so damn happy," I stated and she grinned, before wrapping her hands around
my neck and kissing me hungrily. You gotta love my wife. She was so amazing. She
was beautiful, sweet, caring, smart, loving, and pregnant with my two boys. Cou
ld I ask for anything better? "By the way the due date for the twins is March 13
th," she stated breathlessly and I grinned. I guess there was my answer, I can't
. Nothing gets better than this despite all the craziness going on in the world.
Chapter 54

*Violet's P.O.V*

Here I was standing in a resturaunt in a maternity dress that was green and whit
e tied dye looking. I was here to see Candice. I was meeting her for lunch. I wa
s 21 weeks pregnant with my two boys. One was defintely going to be a vampire an
d the other one a werewolf and I found that out a few weeks ago.

It was November 2nd. A month and a day ago Jesse and I had met 3 years ago. Time
was going by so fast. And in eexactly a month would have been our 2 year annive
rsary of dating. Jesse and I decided not to celebrate it since we did before whi
le we were engaged. I can't believe it's been a year. In four months I will have
two beautiful sons. Then two months after that I will be 19 years old, the same
age Jesse was when I met him while I was 16 years old. Time is flying by and it
kills me to know.

Jesse just turned 21 but it seems like any day now it will be his 22nd birthday.
I've been with him for so long. We've been pretty busy though. I mean we starte
d dating, killed three sets of rogues, got married, got pregnant, and dealt with
more craziness. I loved the craziness. No matter what Jesse and I made sure our
relationship was our main priority besides the safety of one another and now th
e health and safety of Blaine and Blaise.

It was decided the same day we were told well it was confirmed that one was a we
rewolf and the other a vampire. Thank god we got one of each. That makes life si
mpler. We decided since werewolves havee temper that we'd make the werewolf son
of ours will be named Blaise. Like fire or flames, blazing hot.

Then Blaine did seem more mysteious, relaxed, and seemed more vampire-ish. Not t
hat we had a choice after picking Blaise to be the werewolf. Either way Blaine s
ounded more like a vampire name then a werewolf name. I was excited to have my b
abies. I couldn't wait for them to be here.

I shook my head and focused on finding Candice. I spotted her with bright neon p
ink hair, neon yellow pants, a lime green tube top, and a pair of green pumps. S
he looked like a hooker from a black light party. What the fuck?

I walked over to her and took a seat across from her. She looked at me and her e
yes widened. She opened and closed her mouth but didn't say anything. Good. I sm
irked to myself before speaking, "cat got your tongue? Perfect timing then becau
se I don't need you to talk. I think your being stupid and selfish. Your mate lo
ves and wants you. You're so lucky he hasn't found a girl that's more suitable f
or his type. You look a mess. And I think you're acting like a slut already enga
ged to marry some guy you didn't even know for a whole month."

"Excuse me? Coming from the pregnant 18 year old, who was 16 when she met her fu
ture husband. In only two months of knowning him lost her virginity and thought
she was in love-"

"I was in love with him and I still am. And the feeling is mutual. Not once did
he ever have to leave me because I was too immature even though I am actually 3
years younger than him. Nor did I ever leave him just to go be a slut and fuck t
he first guy I met after he said a break was needed. Even if my man left me I wo
uld fight for him. And who cares that I'm pregnant both me and the father want t
he boys. Plus I'm happy not just trying to get attention from people," I snapped

"Whatever Violet," she scoffed, getting out of her seat.

"It's not whatever Candice. You are being ridiculous and Dalton doesn't deserve
that. Instead of accepting and agreeing with what I'm saying you're trying to ch
ange the subject because you're a bitch. You are also acting like a slut, I'd be
surprised if you weren't pregnant yourself."

"Just shut up! If Jesse is so perfect go be with him!" She shouted.

"I will. And I know exactly what you're going to do. You're going to call Dalton
crying to him about how I was mean to you. Spend time with him only to leave hi
m for your man whore of a fiance. You're so predictable Candice that it's ridicu

lous and honestly pathetic," I said calmly, getting out of my seat and walking a
way, well semi-waddling.


left the resturaunt and made it to Jesse's car before the tears left my eyes.
hopped in the passenger seat and leaned over, grabbing onto my shocked husband
I let myself cry thanks to my stupid hormones. Jesse was quick to calm down an
I told him what happened. "I was so mean to her but I waws angry and upset wit
her. She's hurting her own mate. Dalton doesn't deserve that type of pain. She
doesn't deserve him. I'm so sorry for him but i also miss my friend. I was so c
lose to her," I sobbed.
"I know Vi. I'm sorry. It will all work out. Friends come and go though babe."

"I don't want to lose anymore friends," I cried.

"It'll be okay," he promised. I nodded and let him go, wincing as I saw the mess
of tears and make up I made on his shirt. "I'm sorry," I mumbled and he rolled
his eyes. His hands landed on my big belly and he smiled.

"Only your mommy could be worried about my shirt at a time like this. Don't worr
y though she's fine. Just carrying you two makes her a little crazy. But that's
okay daddy is here to make everything all better," he said to my stomach, placin
g two kisses on it.

"I don't know what to do now."

"How about we go shopping for the funeral. You need a black dress."

"I forgot about that," I muttered.

"It's a good thing I didn't," he chuckled.

"Yes it is," I smiled weakly and he kissed my forehead before telling me to buck
le up, which I immediately did.

*Skylar's P.O.V*

I smacked Holden on the chest flirtaciously and he winked at me. I couldn't beli
eve we weren't going out. He didn't seem like the boyfriend type and I knew I ha

d feelings for Reagan. I knew it was wrong to be with Holden but I liked him, a
lot. I just hated feeling guilty everytime I saw Reagan.

Anyways I was with Courtney, Monica, Harold, Ciara, Clara, and the guys. We were
trying to plan a baby shower for Violet and Jesse. We were planning all of it.
Monica is technically hosting it since she came up with the idea. We were making
it a surprise too. I was sick of the baby showers where the parents knew or the
mother-to-be knew. I wanted to know though in the future when I had my own kids

"Hey Sky how are you and Reagan doing?" Holden asked seriously.

"He won't talk to me," I shrugged.

"Why? What happened?"

"It doesn't matter," I muttered.

"It does. I saw you with him the other night."

"It was nothing Holden."

"It didn't look like nothing the way his hands were all over you," he remarked.

"It was nothing to me. We got into a fight and I told him I didn't want to be wi
th him."

"You did?"

"Yes I did."


"Because it was the truth. I'm not interested in him and he got the message. Now

he's just pretending I don't exist."

"So you're available?" He asked.

"I have been since the day we met."

"Bullshit," he mumbled, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Want to come over late
r?" He questioned, whispering quietly in my ear.

"Yeah," I whispered back breathlessly. He nodded and held me while Courtney pass
ed out a list. We all sat down and went over the list. I was propped nicely on H
olden's lap. Monica read off the things on the list and a certain person picked
something off the registry that they said they'd get. "I can get that," I stated
, referring to the playpen.

"Yeah we'll get it," Holden smirked. I looked down at him and then away as I blu
shed. God I wanted him so bad. I wanted a boyfriend and I wanted him to be mine.
At the end of the little meeting we all left. Holden and I headed back to his p

Upon arriving there he led us right to his bedroom. "What are we in here for?" I
laughed and he shrugged. We sat on his bed and out of nowhere he laid down and
pulled me down with him. "You know I like you," he said.

"I didn't know," I replied.

"Well you do now. Only problem is you have a mate."

"So what? We're not going to be together," I confirmed.

"Yeah and then there's the problem that Violet doesn't like me and doesn't want
us together."
"Violet is my alpha not my dad. I'm free to see whomever I want. She's my friend
she'll get over the fact you aren't her favorite person."

"It's not that she doesn't like me it's just we have a complicated past where we
didn't get along and I know she will never get along with me as well as she doe
s the rest of the guys."

"Maybe I'll bring you two closer."

"I don't know about that. She'll probably be more upset if we get together. She
stresses over us being together too much and the fact Candice is engaged to some
dude that's not Dalton. I don't know if we'll stress her out more if we get tog

"It wouldn't be a shock to her or anyone else."

"That's not the point Skylar," he sighed.

"You're making excuses," I stated.

"Whatever. Let's go watch a movie," he said and I sighed in dissapointment.

east I know he likes me. We both got off the bed and headed into his living
. We plopped down on his couch and watched a few movies. He seemed to be in
d mood since he didn't laugh much nor did he wrap his arm around me like he
lly did when we watched movies. I was sad that we didn't cuddle.

At l
a ba

After a few movies I decied to stop Holden from putting in another one. "What's
wrong?" I finally asked, grabbing onto his hand.

"What the hell is right?" He snapped.

"Us. I think we're right, together. I like you and you like me. Why should we be
worrying about other people?"

"It's wrong. You belong with Reagan. That doesn't mean I will stop liking you th
ough. It's just I can't do this. I have no right to be with you. You were never
mine and you never will be," he retorted.

"Holden, Reagan will move on."

"Just like you're trying to?"

"Yes!" I shouted in desperation. He aggressively pushed me into the couch as he

climbed on top of me to kiss me hard on the lips. I moaned in response immediate
ly and began to move my lips along with his. Wow. HIs lips were cold but his ton
gue was so warm against mine. My body got hot as his cold hands slipped under my
shirt and massaged my torso. I moaned and pulled him closer, wrapping my hands
around his neck.

My hands tangled in his hair and suddenly he was ripped away fromover his face.
That was amazing. He ran a hand over his face. That was amazing so why did he st
op? "That shouldn't have happened. We can't do this. Not until I know there's no
thing between you and Reagan. He's your mate Sky and I know you like him other w
ise you wouldn't have been kissing him before," Holden said and I frowned.

"Why are you doing this? Just earlier you were saying you wanted to be with me.
We're even sharing a present to give to Jesse and Violet, which only couples do
which we aren't. I want to be with you and if we were together I wouldn't cheat
on you. That's not who I am. Reagan got the message Holden. I know it's wrong bu
t I don't care. I like you. I can't help but feel the way I feel. And I feel hap
py when I'm with you. I like being with you. I have never felt this way before a
nd I really don't want this to end between us. I want more than just being frien
ds with you. Holden you flirt with me non stop imagine how much better everythin
g will be if we got together."

"Sky let's just take it slow," he said, ending the conversation. I asked him to
take me home and he agreed. I went to the pack house and went up to my room. I w
as tired and depressed. Going to sleep would due me some good. I'll deal with my
love life later.

*Jesse's P.O.V*

"I like that one," Violet squealed and I turned around to see what she was stari
ng at. After I got my wife to calm down I took her out to eat then shopping for
a dress. She found a beautiful long black dress that she was in love with. I bel
ieve as she was on the phone with Courtney she described it as, "a floor length
black dress made of silk with a heart shaped neckline, the dress being strapless
. A small slit on the left leg coming a bit below the knee and to the floor."

She matched the dress with a pair of black pumps that had a shoe shine that made
it capable to see your reflection in. Then I spoiled her some more by letting h
er get another dress to wear to my Uncle Klaus' funeral. This one was a black on
e of course but it was short and had ruffles all over it. The dress had quarte l
ength sleeves and came a bit above the knee. She bought black heels which were a
pparently black wedged sandals. She liked them and they made her legs look great
so I wasn't complaining though I preferred she didn't wear heels she begged me
to let her. I complied since I was sure she would be fine. Plus if she tripped o
r anything I would be there to catch her.

After that we went shopping for the baby. That cheered her up completely. She wa
s more than excited to get started on that. We were looking at cribs now. Violet
pointed at one that was all white and well it looked very spacious. It was a wo
oden one which is what we wanted. I walked closer to my wife and wrapped my arms
around her waist.

"I like this one," I stated and she jumped in excitement. I steadied her and gav
e her a scolding look. She smiled sheepishly up at me and I rolled my eyes. I ha
d a soft spot for her. Let me correct that I was soft completely when it came to
her. I only had one hard spot for her, and the opposite for the rest of the wor
ld and that was only when I had to be nice.

Violet calmed herself and we ordered the crib. Then we went to get bedding sets.
She fought with me over the color and I wasn't having it. It's going to be blue,
I stated, snatching the blue one out of her hand. She gasped and tried to snatch
it back but I held onto it firmly this time. Violet cut it out, I ordered. She wh
imped and pulled her hand back.

Fine you big meanie,

she frowned.

"Be quiet. If it was a girl then it could be purple and that would be your choic
e. I'm not picking green or orange. I want blue. I don't care how 'original' I a
m," I retorted. She pouted and I sighed. I wasn't giving in. I wouldn't do it. I
leaned down and kissed her pout away which made her scowl. "Let's get this and
move on," I said. I then turned around and walked away. I knew she followed beca
use she smacked my ass. When I turned to glare at her she was giggling non-stop.
I wrapped an arm around her and dragged her with me to finish shopping for our


Sorry it took so long. I'll be uploading the next chapter in a few days. I have
started a new books to keep you with something to read. My newest book is called
"Immortal Beast" it's about a vampire who is set on revenge. He's really mean b
ut finds love on the way but things get way too complicated in the relationship
since being with him becomes dangerous. Then another book of mine is "Alpha's Te
ase" it's about a teen human girl who knows about werewolves and finds her mate.
She moved into a strictly werewolf town and because of her she could be the dow
nfall of the pack. And last book is, "Mating Mr. Alpha" it's about a girl who is
human and is raised in a werewolf pack. She doesn't believe she can have a mate
and thinks she destined to be alone. But due to the title a sexy alpha is about
to become her mate ;) Then there's still my book, "Opening Up" it's one of my b
est strictly human book. Read them please. Anyways thanks for reading all this.
Chapter 55

*Violet's P.O.V*

I held Jesse tighter and he nuzzled his face in my neck. I frowned and held him
securely. I couldn't handle seeing him like this. He looked so sad and pained. U
sually it's the opposite way around. My husband was heart broken. We were in a c
hurch attending his Uncle Robert's funeral. Robert is the one that died while Je
sse and I were in England. I had met all five of Jesse's uncle when we were atta
cking Alvin. They were all in Harold's group.

"Can we leave?" Jesse whispered and my eyes widened.

"No babe," I answered and he frowned. His eyes were a bit red and I could only i
magine he was crying. I wiped his eyes but he pushed my hands away. "I want to g
o," he stated.

"No Jesse. I know it's hard but you have to be here. I know you love him," I sai
d softly taking his face in my hands. I brought his face lower and pecked his li

"You don't understand how I feel," he mumbled into one of my hands as he turned
his face. I tensed up and dropped my hands. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusio
n at me stopping the comfort I was giving him. "Last time I checked I attended t
wo funerals back to back for my parents who I loved very much. So don't tell me
I don't understand how it feels to love someone you love," I retorted queitly an
d he gaped at me.

"I'm sory babe. I wasn't thinking when I said that," he replied, placing his han
ds on my big belly. I placed my hands on top of his and smiled sadly. "It's fine
. It just hurts that my own husband said that, knowing I lost and loved my paren
ts," I whispered and he shook his head.

"I know baby. I know you get that a lot when people lose someone. I didn't mean
to say it to you. I really didn't. I'm just hurting," he explained.

"I know Jesse. The pain eases, I promise you that. I'll help you get through it,
" I smiled and he kissed my forehead.

"I love you," he stated.

"I love you too," I reassured. He placed a desperate kiss on my lips, projecting
all his pain and sufferring he was going through right now. I kissed him back,

pleading him to give into me. I could take care of him and my love was going to
be enough to help him get through all this.

We pulled away and Jesse laid on my stomach. I chuckled quietly but then focused
on the service. I ran my hands through Jesse's blonde hair, soothing it a littl
e bit. He held back some tears and I simply smiled sadly. He was going to be oka
y. After he deals with his grief he'll be fine. After the service Jesse and I go
t to go home since the funeral was over.

He was quiet the whole time. I would have driven but being I was freaking huge w
ith my pregnant belly Jesse wouldn't allow me to drive anymore. I would have lov
ed to be able to drive because the look on Jesse's face was murderous. I'm not g
oing to lie, it scared the hell out of me. I rather drive and let him relax.

I placed a hand on his thigh and rubbed it tenderly. He looked at my hand then m
y face with his whole face being emotionless. I sighed quietly as he turned his
eyes back to the road. When we got home Jesse hopped out the car. He walked to m
y side and opened my door. He had to help me up since I couldn't do it myself.

I was now twenty eight weeks. I looked like a whale. Thank god my dress I bought
over a month ago still fits since I bought it two dress sizes bigger than the s
ize that fit me weeks ago. Which makes me five times bigger than my actual dress
size. My belly wouldn't fit or my hips were too wide. Or my boobs were popping
out of my clothes. It was ridiculous.

Jesse walked me inside the house and up to the bedroom. He told me he would brin
g me up something to eat, which he did about twenty minutes later. I ate quietly
while he sat next to me on the bed, staring blankly at a wall.

"Only 12 more weeks," I smiled, patting my belly. Jesse's head snapped in my dir
ection and he gave me a weak smile. "I can't wait to have my boys here," he said
softly, kissing my stomach twice. I winced as one of the boys kicked hard where
his lips just were.

"Remind me to remind you to teach them to play soccer," I grumbled and he chuckl
ed. Jesse placed his hands on my stomach and pressed on it. The twins reacted an
d I was kicked lightly while feeling one of the babies flip. I was sure that Bla
ise was on the right and Blaine was on the left.
At our doctor appointments baby A-the vampire was on the left, which is Blaine.
Then baby B-the werewolf was on the right. That's how they stayed too. Jesse con
tinued to talk and play with our babies. They loved their daddy already.

"God I can't wait to see them," Jesse groaned and I giggled.

"I want them both to look just like you," I stated.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah I want them to have your pretty blue eyes and your bleache blonde hair."

"What I think they'd look better with your golden brown hair," he remarked.

"Nah, I like my idea better."

"Whatever," he laughed and I joined in.

"I wonder what they'll be like when they're older," I muttered.

"Players. They'll go through a million of girls. The good old days," he sighed i
n content and I smacked his chest.

"Not appropiate to say infront of my wifey," he said, whispereing loudly to our

boys. I rolled my eyes and ruffled his hair. He swatted my hands away as he comp
lained. I lauighed loudly and he grinned. "How do you do it?" He asked suddenly.

"Do what?"

"Make me happy when I'm more than depressed."

"I learned from the best," I smiled and he chuckled.

"God I love you," he stated before kissing me hard on the lips, taking my breath
away as his tongue dominated my mouth and he kissed me until my lips were numb
and swollen. We pulled away and he held my face in his hands delicately. "I will
never lose you," he promised.

"Damn right, I'm never leaving," I grinned and he carressed my cheek. He dropped
his hands to my belly then laid his head on it. "I love you guys," he murmured,
rubbing my tummy. He was so sweet.

"We have a doctor's appointment in two weeks," I reminded him. Every two weeks I
was going to the doctor. Then when I'm 32 weeks my doctor once me to come once
a week since I'm in 'critical condition' at that point. I'm so excited I will be
the first werewolf to have a vampire baby. Jesse and I were the first vampire m
ale and female werewolf couple along with being the first werewolf/vampire hybri
ds. They have a bunch of hybrids in life but not that mix.

"I know," he frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"My Uncle Klaus' funeral is the same week," he answered and I winced. Damn it. I
forgot about that. Why did I even remind him of that? I bit my lip nervously. I
just had him happy and I remind him that his uncles are dead. Way to go Violet.

I groaned and took his hands in mine. "After the babies are born lets runaway,"
I suggested and he laughed loudly.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm serious. Lets go wherever you want."

"Babe I'm fine," he chuckled.

"Come on Jesse, let's go to Hawaii," I grinned.

"I would love too but it's too hot up there for me," he frowned.

"We're going. You'll be fine," I said.

"Babe I wouldn't be able to go or take you to things in Hawaii like you would wa
nt me to."

"Who cares?"

"I do. I would want you to enjoy yourself."

"That's no fun."

"You went to Montreal for you bachelorette party."

"That's different. I had fun but I would have rather been with you."

"Vi, no. I'm glad you had fun. I've been to Montreal there's nothing I missed ou
t on. I want you to go to all the places I've been."

"Well I've never been to Vegas," I pouted.

"I'll take you to Vegas for your 21st birthday," he shrugged.

"I never left state before until I met you. I've been to Montreal and Florida-th
at's it."

"We'll go to New Jersey, California, Texas, Nebraska, Idaho, Pennsylvania, Franc

e, Turkey, Russia, Germany, and anywhere else you want to go."

"Fine," I sighed dramatically and he chuckled. We talked for a few more hours be
fore I dozed off on his arm.
*Jesse's P.O.V*

It's not going to happen. I can't. I just can't figure it out. Where the hell co
uld this guy be? I was looking for a man named Francis. I don't know his last na
me and when I confronted my grandpa Clark he just froze. He refused to answer an
y of my questions. It didn't end well. I told him I couldn't consider him as fam
ily if he kept such things away from me. He grunted and hung up on me. Asshole.

Violet had begged me to call him back and apologize but I refused. I wasn't apol
ogizing. I could be in danger, my dad could be in danger. If my dad is in danger
of being killed then my mom could be in danger too. If they go down the line I
could be in danger. If it goes that way then so was my wife and kids. And I didn
't want anything to happen to my pregnant wife.

I knew the moment word spread out about Violet being pregnant with the vampire k
ing's baby, the strongest vampire king in the world. People were going to try to
kill her, kidnap her, steal my kids and probably sell them, and anything else t
hey knew would hurt me.

Call me stupid but I would be that predicatable guy that would chase after my wo
man. If she was kidnapped I'd definitely bring her back to me no matter what it
took for me to do so. I loved her too much. That's why I'm protective now. Even
though I was having two boys you can bet that I was going to be on their case ab
out everything. My dad didn't cut me a break so my boys weren't getting any spec
ial treatment.

It was in my blood to be a great dad, fighter, and leader. My grandfather, Alfre

d raised my dad well. My grandfather built up this clan and he raised my father
to be the man he is. My dad made the clan the strongest in the world. My dad rai
sed me and trained me to be the man I am today. I am the strongest vampire in th
e world. Their are only two people who could take me on and that's Violet's uncl
e and my dad.

Back to work! Thinking about Violet always gets me so distracted, whether it's m
y feelings for her or just thinking about how beautiful she is.

Anyways I needed to find Francis, whose last name is unknown. My dad has brought
all my other uncles to live with him in the clan house. I have requested that t
hey call all their closest allies and warn them to be on guard. Their were three
weeks between Robert's and Klaus' death. Robert's closest allie was attacked th
e week after his death by some random clan. The vampire king there had no idea w
ho they were, but the clan was ran off from the territory they had invaded.

Uncle Klaus' allies have been warned thanks to me and my dad making a few calls.
I think everything was safe for now. My clan was highly involved and was going
to be protecting over many other clans. Which consisted of Klaus' allies-two of
them, Robert's allie, my uncles-Craig, Thomas, and Cliff, and their allies. It w
as a lot of work to do but that was okay. I wanted whomever did this to be kille
d. I wanted them to have a slow and painful death.

I groaned in annoyance. I was calling everyone I could but was having no luck. I
t wasn't going to be easy finding this Francis guy. I was going to have wait awh
ile until he made another move. Right now I was just going to have to be ready j
ust in case all while taking care of my wife. And starting a family.

I called it quits for the night. I'll let my dad worry about everything. Right n
ow my wife needed me and I was going to be there for her and our boys. I didn't
wangt to to miss anything in their life. I was going to be best dad I could be.
I loved my boys already and I can't wait for Violet to have them.

I headed out of my office and back upstairs to the bedroom. Violet was no longer
sleep. She was now tosssing and turning letting out little groans. I frowned, d
amn she couldn't sleep. I walked over to the bed and grabbed her restless body.
"Jesse?" She moaned.

"Hey baby. Relax for me, I'm about to climb into bed with you," I told her and s
he simply nodded. I had changed her into one of my t-shirts so she was ready for
bed. Now I was stripping down to my boxers to join her. I felt bad. I can't bel
ieve I left her. She's been having trouble sleeping through most of her pregnanc
y. Time was flying by though. She'd be having the twins in three more months.
I climbed into bed with her and she instantly cuddled up with me. I wrapped one
of her legs around my waist, holding her firmly against my body. She cuddled her
head into my chest and sighed in content. I smiled happily and kissed the top o
f her head, telling her how much I loved her. One of my hands werent around her
and was on her back, drawing small little circles on her lower back with my thum
b. I needed to give my pregnant wife more attention. She's been taking care of m
e the last few weeks since I have been upset and angry over the sudden deaths of
my two uncles.

Once Violet was sound asleep I took the time to rub her belly. I loved feeling m
y boys move. They were obviously still up at night. They were flipping and kicki
ng lightly-thank god. I didn't want to wake Violet. I talked quietly to the boys
. Just rambling on about things I wanted to do with them when they were older. I
knew Violet and I are were going to be just fine. She was going to be a great m
other and I was going to do my best at being a father. It was weird how Violet w
asn't nervous about becoming a mom. Maybe it was just me who was scared to becom
e a parent. I mean it sounds fun and I'm looking forward to it but I know it's n
ot going to be easy.

Around six in the morning she still wasn't up. I decided to climb out of bed and
make her breakfast. She'll be hungry most definitely when she does wake. I head
ed downstairs, taking only my phone with me. I went into the kitchen and opened
the refigerator. Our house was always stocked with food. Violet made sure of tha
t. We had a big freezer down in the basement for more of the big stuff. I didn't
know what I wanted to make. Most of the things in the freezer was food you can
just throw in the microwave or oven but that was more for a lunch or dinner. Bei
ng with Violet has made me eat way more often. Out of boredom I find myself eati
ng stuff like oreos or a bag of chips. It was a bad habit to do that but I was l
ucky, the food went right through me. It's like I never ate at all. The only tim
e vampires can be anything but skinny is if they're too skinny meaning they have
n't had blood in a very long time or when they're kids they can be chubby since
they aren't technically undead. It's like you have to turn your own kids. Of cou
rse without all the biting. At a certain age it just kicks in. It hurts like a b
itch though.

I grinned happily when I decided what to make her. She was going to be having pa
ncakes this morning. Not just regular pancakes either. I looked up afew recipes
and one stuck out to me. I was going to make one of her favorite types but decid
ed to save that for a more special occasion. I mean it was already December 21st
. Christmas was around the corner. I had bought a few things for Violet. Even th
ough she swore to me she didn't want anything. I still had to spoil her whether
she meant it or not. She decided to buy me something too though when I told her
I went shopping for her. I refused to let her do so but of course she went shopp
ing for me anyways. Also coming up is New Year's and Valentine's day. Then the m
onth after that is our baby's due date. For Thanksgiving that just passed Violet
and I celebrated at the pack house. The whole pack was there like usual for a b
ig banquet dinner.

Violet practically missed it before so it was only fair we both went to the pack
house instead of being with my family. Violet was surprised that I wasn't stayi
ng with my family knowing that my aunt was flying in. That didn't matter though.
My wife comes first and she was obligated to be there with her pack on an impor
tant day and I wasn't going to let her miss that this time. For Christmas we wer
e going to spend the morning with my family then go to the pack house for dinner
then head home together to open our gifts.

Violet had a few weaknesses when it came to food. She loved chocolate and she lo
ved red velvet flavored anything. While I loved anything with caramel in it and
I liked blueberries. I think this morning I am going to make her chocolate panca
kes. Yeah and i'll throw in some chocolate chips too. I began cooking the pancak
es following a recipe i found online. After the pancakes were done I placed them
on a big plate and let them cool down a bit while I continued to cook. I made s
crambled eggs, bacon, and made some chocalte covered strawberries.
I put the eggs and bacon on one smaller plate. The pancakes looked delicious. I
was defeinitely stealing one out of the large stack of six pancakes she had. Wha
t? Two for each person-two for her, Blaise, and Blaine. Scratch that two for her
and one shared for the twins. I wanted the other three. I stole three of her pa
ncakes and placed them on a seperate plate for myself. I got out some blueberry
syrup and grinned. I poured the syrup around the stack of pancakes before expert
ly pouring it down the sides and leaving the middle untouched. I got out the str
awberry syrup, Violet's favorite and poured it the same way. Then I went and gra
bbed the chocolate syrup out of the fridge. I poured chocolate syrup down the si
des of the pancakes not where the other syrup was and placed a lot in the center
of the stack.

I then grabbed the chocolate chips and placed them around the stack of pancakes
and placed some on the edges of the top of the stack. Then I got even more creat
ive. I took out the chocolate sprinkles Violet loved so much and poured them in
the center before placing the chocolate covered strawberries on top of the layer
of sprinkles. She was going to love it. I then took out two glasses and placed
them on the table. I got out the gallon of milk and poured it into the glass bef
ore adding chocolate syrup in each one and stirring it finely. Once we had choco
late milk done I put everything away. I also poured a cup of orange juice just i
n case, adding two green straws in so I could share it with my wife.

Once I was done I ran upstairs to go wake her. Violet was still in bed, sleeping
soundly. I almost didn't want to wake her seeing how peaceful she looked. I was
lked over to the bed and looked down at her. She was so beautiful. She just didn
't know what she did to men in general or what the hell she does to me. I tried
calling her name but it didn't work. I shook her a bit until she did wake. She b
linked her eyes and squinted due to the sun light that was pouring into the room
through the sheer black curtains that were up. "Morning," she croaked.

"Morning beautiful," I smiled.

"I'm so tired," she yawned.

"Too bad. Your husband wants your attention," I pouted and she chuckled.

"Well let me get up," she replied. I nodded and helped her out of bed. I led her
into the bathroom and while she used the bathroom I brushed my teeth. I moved o
ut of her way so she could wash her hands before she joined me in brushing her t
eeth. Her hair was all over the place and I couldn't help but smiling as it flew
around, off her shoulders. She didn't seem to insecure now days, surprisingly.
Yet again I didn't give her a chance to feel that way. Anytime we went out and s
he wasn't all dolled up while their were women she thought looked pretty I made
sure to give her all of my attention. I didn't mind having my hands all over her
either. I only had eyes for my wife and she was probably starting to understand
that. I also gave her compliments all the time. And I gave her belly a lot of a
ttention, talking and playing with my boys, which made her realize all the chang
es her body is going through is for a great cause.

After she was done brushing her teeth she began brushing her hair and theen wash
ed her face while I waited impatiently. She chuckled at my expression before kis
sing me passionately. I was completely blown away. My eyes widened in surprise b
efore shutting close as my hands cupped her face and I kissed her back with the
same amount of intensity. Her tongue pushed through my lips before swirling arou
nd in my mouth and coming in contact with my own tongue, that chased after hers.
I finally wrapped my tongue around hers so to say as I kissed her harder. God s
he tasted so good even with all the tooth paste flavor. When we pulled away we w
ere both panting for air.

I pulled her against me, the only thing between us was her belly. My hands were
on her hips and I was staring down at her lovingly. "I love you," I breathed and
she giggled. "I love you too Mr. Stevens," she grinned and I groaned lowly. I d
on't know why but it was so sexy when she called me by my last name. I bent down
and quickly lifted her into my arms. She yelped in surprise before her arms wra
pped around my neck. I chuckled and ran off, carrying her carefull downstairs to
the dining room where I food awaits.
I put her down when we reached the table. She gasped and turned to me with a bea
utiful expression on her face. She was grinning gorgeously, her eyes had lit up,
and her hands shot to her stomach. "For me?" She squeaked and I rolled my eyes.

"No for my other wife," I joked and she smacked my arm playfully. "Of course it'
s for you. Now come and eat, it's going to be so good," I said and she nodded. .

I pulled out a chair for Violet and she carefully sat in it. I pushed it in a bi
t before walking around her chair and taking the seat next to her. Violet took a
few pictures of her plate before digging in. She moaned with the first few bite
s of everything, telling me how good it all was. I couldn't agree more. You'd be
surprised how good chocolate and blueberry taste together. When we finished we
were both stuffed. "That was the best breakfast I have had in a long time," Viol
et complimented and I leaned over, placing a kiss on her chocolate covered lips.

She tasted heavenly. More like strawberries than chocolate but none the less goo
d. When we pulled away my phone was beeping. Violet grabbed my phone off the tab
le and looked at it. "You got a text," she informed.

"Read it," I requested. She put in my password which just happened to be her bir
thday, big shocker there. Her password to her phone was the date of when we firs
t started going out officially. "It's from Allen. He wants us to come over and m
ake sure we're dressed nicely but casual," she stated, her eyebrows furrowing in

"He didn't say why?" I asked.

"Nope," she muttered.

"Well then let's go get ready babe."

"What should I wear?"

"A dress," I answered and she rolled her eyes.

"Duh, I know that."

"I'll pick out one for you," I assured and she nodded. I helped her out of her s
eat and left her to walk herself upstairs while I took the dishes to the sink an
d washed all of them. I met Violet on the steps and helped her up the last coupl
e of them. God she was getting slow with all the waddling-just teasing. She stop

ped in the living room and was complaining about how I forgot to pick up my shoe
s and was wondering how my games were up here and not in the basement. I of cour
se just apologized and left it alone. She didn't nag me much but when she did it
drove me crazy.

When we reached the bedroom we both decided

for whatever Allen had planned. I couldn't
e, my bestfriend-not counting Violet. So if
I knew it was going to be good. I was real
hat it's for.

to shower first before getting ready

wait! Allen was a good friend of min
he had something planned for us then
excited for this outting. I wonder w

There's chapter 55! Next chapter will have a little surprise visit. And here's a
hint-Dalton and Reagan are great guys they might just move on with people witho
ut their mates-it won't say in this book though. That drama will be in book thre
e! Which is going to be called, "You Make Me Want To Drop." It's reason will be
revealed at the end of the next book, but part of understanding it will come fro
m a future chapter of this book. There's something to look forward to! I always
pick a title and plan exactly how I want it to end. Everything else is crazy! A
nyways there is only three more chapters then an epilogue! I think I know how I
want this book to officially end, you'll love it! On a different subject I have
new books out:
-Mating Mr. Alpha: A human living in a werewolf pack. Her bestfriend an alpha wh
o likes her but she likes his beta. And she's afraid she'll die alone since she
can't be with a human and all weres gets mate. It's more exciting then it seems
check out the description on my page! Read, you'll like a lot.
-Immortal Beast: It's a vampire book! My first solid vamp book! It's a little di
fferent then most. It's a love story but a twisted one since the main character
is pretty evil. It's in a male's P.O.V for the most part-something new! He wants
revenge and doesn't believe he can fall in love! Well follow his journey and ge
t to know Clay Dashwood and his true love if he falls for the right girl ;)
-Alpha's Tease: It's going to be a promising sexy book. But there is a plot. A h
uman family with secrets moves to an all werewolf town. The main character, Tali
a, is human and is mates with the alpha, who runs the pack that wants all the hu
mans gone. The alpha, Nash, thinks his little teasing mate is innocent though an
d wouldn't harm the pack. Boy is he wrong when she can be the cause of all the p
ack's new found problems.
-Falling For Another: A girl abused by her mate, the beta of her pack. Her name
is Macy. She has a daughter and she has a secret to hide from her old pack. She
gets news-her secret, and decides to run away with her baby girl. A sexy and mat
eless man takes her in and well after being miserable so long and wanting to be
wanted and loved the two fall for each other. It's like a school crush all it ta
kes is one glance! It'll be hot and full of sexual stuff ;) She's a woman who ha
s needs and wants to feel real love and affection :P

That's it. Sorry, long message! Love you all. Hope to upload very soon. Look out
for messages from me to know about uploads on this book and my others. Read tho
se books to keep you occupied. They all will be updated very soon! Thanks for re
Chapter 56

*Violet's P.O.V*

I was finally ready. I was wearing a pink dress with green, white, and red flowe
rs all over it. I had a matching dark green cardigan that was long sleeved to ke
ep me warm. I was wearing black leggings under my dress. And my feet were in car
amel colored boots that stopped a little bit undermy knees. My hair was left wav
y. My make up was done nicely. I had pink eyeshadow on my eyes and at the corner
s were gray giving me that smoky effect that i loved so much. I had on some eyel
iner, mascara, and blush. My lips were coated in ice pink colored lip gloss. Tha
t was it. I painted my nails a sheer pink colored that required many coats while
Jesse did his hair. He was actually taking the time to comb it out perfectly an
d make sure his part was done and defined his face.

He wasn't going for the bed head look that was just so sexy. He was wearing blac
k jeans, black boots, and a turquoise blue button up shirt that had vertical whi
te stripes on it. He looked hot as hell and he knew it. I couldn't keep my eyes
off him and he has already told me to stop drooling-jerk. Before we left though
he gave me the best back massage. It felt so good. He was kissing on my neck whi
le his hands rubbed nicely on my sore parts of my back. God I love that man so m

We then left the house and he decided to take the truck. He didn't want to drive
his car because he complained that it needed to be cleaned. Of course he meant
the outside of it. We sat in the car listening quietly to the radio. It wasn't t
hat cold outside, which was dissapointing. I really wanted it to be snowing on C
hristmas day. When we got to the house Allen and Courtney hopped in the truck. "
Alright I have some directions for you so just listen and drive," Allen said.

"Well hello to you too," I teased.

"Well good morning Violet. You look lovely my dear," he grinned and Jesse sent h
im a glare.

"Watch it," Jesse warned.

"What? I was just telling the truth," Allen smirked.

"Hey Violet, hi Jesse," Courtney greeted and I said hi back as did Jesse. The wh
ole ride Courtney and I sang along to every song we knew while the guys argued
since Allen was bad at giving directions. Eventually we came to a stop. I furrow
ed my eyebrows in confusion. What the hell? We were outside ouf a small brick bu

ilding that was only one floor. What were we doing here?

Everyone hopped out the car besides me who struggled getting out. Jesse watched
with amusement since I didn't take him up on his offer to help me out. it was an
epic fail on my part since I fell back into my seat. Jesse laughed loudly befor
e carrying me out the truck and kicked his door shut gently. He put me down then
wrapped an arm around my waist as we followed the couple to the front of the bu
ilding. Seeing we parked on the side of it. Oops.

We reached the front door which was

d inside with Courtney. He held the
then the lights were flicked on. My
hen my jaw dropped. No way! "Here's
gged her.


black. Allen opened the door and steppe

open for Jesse and I. We walked in and
widened and I took in my surroundings t
baby shower!" Courtney grinned and I hu

I hugged Allen next who was obviously teasing Jesse over my shoulder which cause
d Jesse to rip him away from me harshly. I didn't even bother scolding my husban
d. He was possessive, protective, and got jealous. If you crossed the line with
him then you'll have to suffer the consequences. I was soon greeted by Monica an
d Harold then by everyone else. Jesse grandparents were here besides Clark, his
aunt was here, his uncles, Malcolm, Kendra, and the boys-Mikey and Max. All my f
riends were here. Courtney, Sky, Tanya, Clara, Ciara, and even Melanie and Megan
-the girls who were the secretary to my doctor. Dr. Zimmerman was also here with
her husband. Michelle and Olivia were here with their kids and husbands. Dalto
n, Simon, Ferrah, and Dalton's cousin Carly who was visiting. I wasn't too happy
Simon's girlfriend was here. But Dalton reassured me she wasn't staying. Carly
was a nice girl who was actually 26, older than Dalton and myself of course.

Also here was my Uncle Gavin and Aunt Natalie. Then Jesse's guys-Carson, Allen,
Holden, Lane, Paris, Nigel, and Rico. Jesse's friend Howard was here-someone who
actually works in my school, wierd. Carson's girlfriend was here, Brenda. Justi
n-Tanya's boyfriend was here with his kids. That was it. I was sad Candice wasn'
t here but it was for the best. I didn't want her here nor did I want her fiance
here. Reagan was also here, so everyone was here besides Clark and Candice. Wow
we have a party!
The place was beautifully decorated. It was much bigger than it looked. On the l
eft there was a small kitchen but there was a table along the wall of the kitche
n that had a large window you could see through. Another table was on the wall g
oing perpendicular to the first one. Both table were full of food. There was ano
ther buffet table that was by the entrance that held two cakes. A bunch of gift
bags, some cards, and a basket of white and blue lolipops that said it's a boy o
n them with little teddy bears too. Everything was so cute.

There was a large chandelier in the middle of the whole room with a long rectang
ular table under it. All the other tables were round and blue table cloths on th
em. A white vase with blue flowers, mints around the vase that said it's a boy,
white plates with blue napkins on top of the plate covering the silverware. All
the chairs had matching blue seat covers. There was white and blue ballons all o
ver the place that said it's a boy. A big banner in the back of the room went al
l the way across the wall and it had a message, it read, "Twins! It's a boy and

a boy! Baby Shower for Blaine and Blaise." It was so cute! Under the banner was
a few tables that were covered with gifts. One table had only boxes or bags of d
iapers, boxes of baby wipes, or big toys. Then there was rocking chair next to t
he tables.

Jesse and I were seated at the table with the chandelier above it. We sat in the
middle of the table on one side. There were ten more spaces free. Looking aroun
d I could see that Reba had a round table with her son and his family. Eli and W
eston shared a table with their families. Tanya and Justin were at a table with
their kids along with Clara and Ciara sitting with them. My uncle and aunt were
seated at a table with Harold, Monica, and Jesse's uncles along with his grandpa
rents. Another round table was full with Lane, Paris, Rico, Nigel, Reagan, Simon
, Ferrah, Dalton, and Carly at it.

Sky and Holden were standing up talking intensely it seemed. Megan, Melanie, the
ir husbands, and Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman were at a table. That means we had a tab
le to ourselves and to pick who we wanted to sit with. Jesse and I agreed on hav
ing Allen and Courtney. That left eight seats. We brought over Carson and Brenda
. I knew Jesse and Carson were still catching up. Plus I wanted to get to know B
renda. I loved making new friends. It was good to hang out with just girls some
times. I let Dalton and Carly come over. I called Sky over too. Holden came alon
g too. Jesse knew how upset that made me.

"Holden go sit with the guys," Jesse said.

"Why?" Holden asked.

"It wasn't up for discussion, go," Jesse demanded. He squeezed my hand he was ho
lding reassuringly and I sighed in relief as Holden walked away. Sky stood up an
d gave me a dissapointed look before walking after him. I frowned and Jesse shoo
k his head. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on my lips, pleading with me
to keep my emotions under control. I did the best I could. I invited Reagan over
to sit with us instead which he was happy to do. Then suddenly Candice walked t
hrough the door. She walked right over to me and hugged me. Jesse was hesitant b
ut let us go to talk.

"I'm so sorry Violet. I love you, your like a

sed to do. He broke up with me. I just wanted
n't hurt me, that he didn't hurt me. Now look
Anyways it' s not about me. Courtney invited
't bring Derek. I actually left him. Well I'm
agement is off. Anyways shower,"

sister to me. But what was I suppo

to move on. Show him that he could
at him with that chick over there.
me and I wanted to see you. I didn
still staying with him but the eng
she laughed.

"Thank you for coming. Who is Derek? How old is he?"

"He's 20. I'll tell you about him later. He's really sweet. He's a werewolf. He
hasn't found his mate. He's in college-"

"He's three years younger than you," I giggled. She scowled and tried to walk aw
ay but I grabbed onto her wrist. I knew how she always said she'd never date a y
ounger man. She had to be kidding then. There was no way she was serious about t
his guy. Either way we talked some more and I caught her up with everything. The
n she came and joined me at mine and Jesse's table. I forgot to mention Dalton w
as here with his cousin not an potential love interest. Uh-oh. Jesse and I gave
in, we let Sky come over with Holden. That was the only way it was going to work
. We were smart about it though. Candice took a seat next to me leaving only one
seat open which was for Sky. Holden was on the other side next to Allen, closer
to Jesse's side of the table.
Everyone got along fine. Reagan was sitting next to Carly while Dalton was on th
e other side of her. The only people in between Reagan and Sky were me, Jesse, a
nd Candice. Everything was perfect. Jesse and I got up and went to go get someth
ing to eat. He made us both plates while I simply told him what I wanted. It was
already past noon since it took Jesse and I awhile to drive here and to get dre
ssed this morning.

Jesse and I ate and talked to everyone. It was all going smoothly besides the od
dness with the love triangle of Sky, Holden, and Reagan along with the awkwardne
ss of Candice and Dalton not being together. It was okay though. I was talking t
o Brenda and Carly-when she wasn't wrapped up in a conversation with Reagan. Jes
se kept telling me Sky was going to lose him to Carly. Of course I didn't listen
to him. Reagan loved Sky. He wasn't moving on that quickly. Then again Jesse po
inted out Reagan has waited a long time before they became mates and then four m
onths after they became mates to have her. It wasn't fair to him to have to wait
for her or love her but see her with her own mate-Alvin. And to finally think h
e had her, only for her to try to get Holden to go out with her.

After everyone had eaten all the kids went out to play under the supervision of
Jesse's grandparents who didn't want to play any of the baby shower games. Jesse
and I were pulled up to the empty side of the room near the gifts. The first ga
me that everyone was playing was to guess how big I was. They were measuring my
waist well my belly. Everyone had a card to write on and they were guessing now.
They were also guessing how many M&M's there were in this huge baby bottle. You
got to pick from 1 to 1000 for the bottle one.

After all the cards were collected for each Courtney let me sit down while Jesse
and Allen decided on the first game to host together. Monica had measured me an
d now was goign through thos cards to see who got the closest number or the exac
t number and Sky did the same but for the bottle. Courtney went and got some mus
ic playing. Jesse and Allen began handing out papers. We were playing bingo. For
some reason I was really excited to do so.

We quickly got started. Jesse would pull out a card and read it off then Allen w
ould. The first person to win was Brenda who was going to get a prize. We contin
ued to play and the next person who won on the same card had been Nigel who teas

ed me. Jerk. I never won games like this. We flipped our cards over and played a
gain. Third place happened to be Ferrah. Now I hated the girl, it was official.
Okay hate was a mean and strong word. I really, really, really don't like her.

After bingo the boys sat down and the next game was doing a wordsearch. Harold h
ad given out all the gifts to Bingo. Brenda had gotten a $30 dollar gift card to
Red Lobster, Nigel got a chocolate gift basket, and Ferrah got a gift basket fu
ll of bathroom stuff like soap, lotion, and bath stuff. Lucky them. I tried not
to be in a foul mood but I couldn't help it. I don't want a damn prize, I just w
anted to win. Is it too much to ask for?

The first one to finish the crossword was Tanya. Then the next person was Dalton
. I began whining, telling Jesse to help me. He complained that he only needed o
ne word. "Jesse," I begged. He groaned and helped me find some more words. Befor
e we could finish Ciara had won. Jesse blamed me for him losing and I smiled she
epishly. The only word he needed I actually had. Tanya won a $75 dollar gift car
d to Toys R' Us, Dalton got a gift card to go to the movies, and Ciara got a bun
ch of hand sanitizers.

Then it was time to reveal the winners of the guessing games. Carly won for gues
sing my waist size and Reagan won for guessing the closest amount of M&M's which
was 876 inside and he guess 872. He was really close. They both won a free trip
to the spa. They talked it over and were going to go together. The next game wa
s a scavenger hunt. There were 100 rattles and bottles that were hidden out back
of the building. In the bottles there was either money which was 1 to ten dolla
rs or some type of candy. I was sitting out this game.
Jesse was playing of course. Everyone was to get a partner and lucky me I got to
pick who it was. First group was Dalton and Simon then Ferrah and Candice, Jess
e and Mikey, Tanya and Justin, Ciara and Clara, Sky and Holden, Reagan and Carly
, Melanie and Megan, Harold and Monica, Rico and Lane, Carson and Brenda, Allen
and Courtney, and Nigel and Paris. The peiple who hid everything was Theresa and
Debra. I played with the kids while everyone else was on the scavenger hunt. I
talked with Alfred a bit. He was excited to have his first great grandchildren.
I was getting good practice being with kids. There were children of all ages her
e. From the age of 1 to eleven.

When time was up for the game I called everyone back inside. Once everyone was i
nside the building every group counted how many they had. In first place was Ric
o and Lane who were each given twent dollars plus whatever was in their baby bot
tles. Second place was Mikey and Jesse who got the best prize for them. It was a
fifty dollar gift card to some ice cream parlor on the edge of town. Third plac
e was Melanie and Megan. They both were given gift cards each. One was to the Lo
ft and the other was too Forever 21.

The next game involved boys vs. girls. I was also sitting this game out. It was
tug of war. Monica and Harold decided to sit out too. Mikey went and joined the
kids. Then I had to make the teams even. "Alright let's see...Jesse on one side,
Courtney on the other," I said. Jesse went to the right and Courtney went to th
e left.

Then it was Carly and Dalton, Brenda and Carson, Allen and Sky, Nigel and Reba,
Candice and Rico, Holden and Ciara, Clara and Paris, Tanya and Justin, Malcolm a
nd Kendra, Simon and Ferrah, Reagan and Megan, Lane and Melanie, Eli and Olivia,
and Michelle and Weston. Then it was even fifteen guys and fifteen girls. The f
irst round the guys won. Second round the guys won. So we decided to make it unf
air but even. Weson, Eli, Holden, and Nigel sat out. Third round the guys still
won. Monica joined the game, Aunta Natalia did too, and so did Dr. Zimmerman. Fo
urth round the girls won!

That was it. The guys almost had it too. After the game I got to kiss my husband
a bit before everyone came inside. We were calling it quits for the day. It was
getting late and kids were getting cranky. Everyone gathered around while I sat
in a rocking chair with Jesse on my left. Courtney, Harold, Allen, Monica, and
Skylar were all making an assembly line. Courtney and Allen at the back if it's
heavy Allen has it. Then Harold and Monica pass it while Sky is writing everythi
ng down, who it's from and what it is.

First gift was in a bag it was from Eli and Olivia. We got a card, clothes for t
he boys, and a few toys. The next gift was from Simon and Ferrah which had a car
d with some money in it, I don't know what it's called but a machine to clean th
e baby bottles, and some bibs. Next was Courtney and Allen's gift. They had got
a bunch of clothes for the baby, some toys, and diapers. They also had bought a
stroller, a single one-which was good if we weren't taking out both babies. Next
was Ciara and Clara who gave me three gift cards to go clothes shopping for mys
elf after losing some weight. The cards were to Deb, Forever 21, and Hollister.
The next gift was from the guys-Lane, Holden, Rico, Paris, and Nigel. They bough
t a walker for each one of the babies, blankets-both were disney one had Cars on
it and the other was Monsters Inc, and there was a matching outfit for the boys
that was for Jesse's favorite baseball team, that had Jesse excited.

The next gift was from Brenda and Carson which was a few bottles, a diaper bag,
and a single stroller. Then Dalton and Carly got me a card, Jesse got a gift car
d to some place for some shoes, there were diapers, and some toys. The next gift
shocked me. Not because of what it was but from who it was from-Skylar and Hold
en. They got me a playpen, a diaper bag, and a gift set from Bath & Body Works.
The next gift was from Monica and Harold who got two high chairs, some clothes,
Jesse got a few video games, and they got me a laptop so I didn't have to use Je
sse's all the time. They said it was for school since I'm finishing up my last y
ear after the twins are born and plus it will come in handy when I become a teac
The next gifts were full of clothes, toys, diapers and wipes, bibs, bottles, and
gift cards. There were bath sets for the boys from Clark and Debra. Malcolm, Re
ba, Mikey, Max, and Kendra bought two car seats. Alfred and Theresa bought a vid
eo game set for the boys that was to teach them things-I was glad they'd be lear
ning! I got a bunch of baby books to read, more bath stuff, and from Monica, Deb
ra, and Reba I got a scrap book full of their family tree and pictures of them p
regnant and of their kids when they were little. My favorites were of Jesse when
he was a baby in the tub. He was so cute! He was also embarassed when I began l
aughing at the picture. He was a cute baby but it was funny to imagine him being
a sweet and innocent little boy since he was a sexy and experienced man now.

After all that we cut the cakes. One said "It's Two Boys" with a little cariage
on it. THe cake was chocolate on the inside and had a blue icing border. The ot
her cake said, "Awaiting Arrival of Blaise and Blaine Stevens." That cake was h
alf white cake and the other hald was strawberry. Monica was serving ice cream t
o everyone, Paris had red velvet cupcakes, Courtney was giving cookies, Sky had
brownies, Harold had apple pie, Allen had blueberry pie, and Nigel was serving c
heesecake. Everyone was getting some type of desert or multiple ones.

Jesse and I thanked everyone for coming and gave out gift bags at the door. Thei
r were gift bags for boys and girls for kids and gift bags for each person or co
uple. After everyone was gone we thanked all our friends well Courtney, Allen, H
arold, Monica, and Sky. The day had been great and I was so happy. Allen and Jes
se loaded up the truck. Harold was going to put some stuff in his car and take i
t to our house. He was also driving everyone else home afterwards.

At the end of the day Jesse and I were putting away all of our stuff. The high c
hairs were set up in the dining room. The playpen was in the living room. The st
rollers were in the closet. The car seats were in the closet also. All the beddi
ng stuff was in the linen closet. All the bathstuff was in the boys bathroom, th
e only one on the third floor for everyone but me and Jesse. All the diaper boxe
s were split evenly. There were some in Blaise's room and some in Blaine's room
in the closets. Same goes for all the baby wipes.

Jesse and I also finally packed our emergency bags. We packed the diaper bags fo
r the day I'm released from the hospital where I'm giving birth. Dr. Zimmerman w
ill be there with all the doctors from the last time, so four again. They all wo
n't be in the delivery room but will be taking care of the babies after they are
born to check normal stats for vampire kings and alpha werewolves to make sure
all is normal.

I packed two suitcases. One was being put in Jesse's car and the other was going
in his truck. That way if we're home we take the truck. If we're out somewhere
and my water breaks we would have taken the car so there needs to be a bag in th
ere. The suitcases each have clothes for me adn Jesse, the clothes each one of t
he babies are going to wear. And necessary stuff to stay a few nights in the hos
pital if necessary. There was also one of each diaper bag that was full of diape
rs, wipes, lotion, powder, bottles, pacifiers, and extra baby clothes.

Everything was set. Jesse and I were ready to have our babies. When they come ho
me it was going to be great. We have bassinets in our bedroom for the first few
nights. The nurseries are each set up. Jesse and I thought about it. The first f
ew weeks or months even they'll probably share a crib. They can go back and forw
ard. One night in Blaise's room the next in Blaine's that way their sheets will
always be clean. Babies tend to be a mess at all ages.

Jesse ran me a hot bath to help me relax and after the bath we were both in bed.
I was tired as hell. Jesse was tired to and had no problem laying down with me

and holding me in his arms, which actually soothes me and makes it easier to fal
l asleep. He had his hands on my stomach, his arms coming around me from behind.
My babies both at ease, not moving or kicking too much. I think they were sleep
ing too. Today couldn't have been more perfect.
Chapter 57

*Violet's P.O.V*

Jesse and I have been having a great day. It was Christmas Eve! We were inviting
all our friends over for a Christmas breakfast. We had made cookies today, talk
ed about me getting a new car-one more suitable for driving kids in, signed a bu
nch of Christamas cards, did some grocery shopping, picked out recipes to make f
or tomorrow's breakfast, and wrapped all our presents besides the ones that are
for each other.

It was now eleven o'clock at night. We were sitting in the living room. Jesse ha
d the fireplace lit, we both had cups of hot chocolate-special treat for me, we
also had milk and cookies out on the coffee table, and had just been watching th
e Grinch. We were both about to exchange one small gift. It was our little tradi
tion we were doing. Jesse got up and grabbed one of my gifts from under the tree
. I told him which one I wanted to give him and he grabbed that too.

He sat back down on the couch with me and held onto his gift and gave me mine. I
bit my lip in excitement. "Alright you open yours first," I grinned. He shook h
is head and insisted I go first but I refused. I wanted him to open his gift. It
's more special to open your gift first and I wanted to make him happy so bad. I
loved him so much. He does everything for me. He could at least open his gift f

He sighed in defeat and began opening his gift. He removed all the gold wrappin
g paper before tossing it to the side and looking at the white box in his hand.
He had to turn it over to see what it was. When he did his jaw dropped. "You sho
uldn't have," he grinned and I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really? I think I still have the receipt so I can return it-"

"I didn't say all that," he interrupted with a small laugh. I joined in and laug
hed with him before he hugged me and gave me a kiss in appreciation, thanking me
for his new gift.

"I can't believe you got me a new Ipod."

"I can't believe you broke your other one."

"This one is way better and its newer."

"Either way stop breaking stuff," I scolded and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever babe. Open your present," he replied. I did as he said and began unwra
pping my gift from him. I placed the green wrapping paper to the side and found
a small blue velvet box. I smiled and opened the the small square box. I gasped
as I saw what it was. It was pearl earrings and a matching pearl necklace. I lov
ed pearls! I closed the box before flinging myself at Jesse, hugging him tightly
. He hugged me back, chuckling softly. "Thank you!" I squealed and he kissed me
on the top of my head.

"You're welcome baby," he smiled as we pulled away. I wrapped my hands around hi

s neck and pulled him down so I could kiss him. His lips met mine fiercely. He w
as ready for the kiss and it showed. His lips moved nicely against mine. Our hea
ds turning a bit as we kissed more. Our mouths moving in sync against one anothe
r as our lips molded perfectly against one another's. My hands moved down and gr
abbed his shirt tightly in my hands, pulling him closer. His hands went to my hi
ps as his arms enclosed around my body. He groaned in my mouth before deepening
the kiss.

I moaned and he pinned me down to the couch. My legs wound around his waist and
he groaned. His hands moved lower and rubbed my thighs. I could feel the coldnes
s of his hands seep through my jeans. He pulled away from the kiss and moved his
lips to my neck. I knew he was in the mood and there was no stopping either one
of us. The moment his lips hovered over my mark and he rebit my mark I knew I w
as a goner. He moaned against my neck before pulling away. He sucked over my mar
k to stop the bleeding. I was proud he didn't get distracted by my blood. His ha
nds moved down to the front of my jeans. He un-did my jeans and began pulling th
em down my legs.

We haven't did it in so long. It's been a couple of months. I was starting to th

ink since I gotten bigger he didn't want to do it with me. I didn't want to brin
g it up because I knew it would only upset him. He would deny it and try to reas
sure me which would probably have worked. I mean he tells me I'm beautiful and s
tuff but sometimes I just don't feel like he means it mainly because I don't bel
ieve it.
"Vi, I want you right now. I can't wait any longer," he mumbled against my skin
as his lips moved towards my cleavage. I moaned and pulled back. "Bedroom," I pa
nted and he nodded. He reluctantly climbed off of me and picked me up carefully.
He quickly ran us to the bedroom, barging in and not shutting the door. He laid
me on the bed and then stripped out of his clothes and I watched him with lustf
ul eyes while biting my lip anxiously.

Once he was in nothing but his boxers he climbed on top of me and got me out of
the shirt I was wearing. "Damn Vi," he groaned, looking over me. I frowned in co
nfusion. "You look...damn..." he breathed.

"I look what?" I pouted.

"Babe? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I muttered. I tried sitting up so I could climb out of bed and put so
me clothes back on. "Where do you think your going? It's not happening Vi. Relax
please," he said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Baby what don't you understand? We're doing it. There's nothing going to stop m
e. I want you so badly. Shit Vi, there's nothing I can do sto calm myself down r
ight now."

"You want me?" I questioned and he groaned.

"You know what...I can't do this. I'll be taking a cold shower. Goodnight-"


"What? Vi, what do you need?"

"You," I cried and he froze.

"Will you please explain to me what's going on?" He begged.

"I thought you didn't find me attractive. You kept stopping and well-"

"Stop. Why do you do this to me? Why Violet? I love you for crying out loud. I w
asn't sleeping with you because we never have time. We always have plans or your

tired. I didn't need to be having sex with you to stay in love with you. I will
always love you. I will always find you attractive. There's no other woman or w
omen. There will never be any female in the world who I will ever look at in tha
t way. There's just no one else for me. And if I haven't made that clear I'm sor
ry. I love you Vi and I want you all the time honestly. I just control myself an
d treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Now listen closely because the ne
xt time I have to do this I'm not going to be nice about it. Stop being so damn
insecure. I know your a female and I understand that. You need to realize that y
ou are beautiful whether your sick and in sweats, with no make up on, or dolled
up. Embrace it babe. Shit, I know it and so does every guy in the world knows yo
ur sexy as hell. Please don't even for a minute think you're not beautiful, ravi
shing, gorgeous, sexy, cute, and anything else in the world because you are. You
are mine and that means I want you," he cut me off.

He ended his little speech with a soft and desperate kiss on my lips. He was pra
ctically begging me to believe him and I did it's just I don't feel beautiful. I
feel fat, crampy, and ugly as hell. I mean I was pregnant. With twins! I was hu
ge. My ankles are swollen. My breasts hurt half of the time. I can't see my own
damn toes. I can't even get up half of the time. I mean come on!

I kissed him back intensely. He was right. I needed to stop thinking so negative
ly. It was stupid to do so when I have the sexiest, sweetest, smartest, and grea
test man in the world who loves me. He was mine so there was no reason to care a
bout anyone else. He wasn't going to leave me. He didn't care about any other gi
rl in the world. I wasn't going to play this game anymore. I feel pretty sometim
es when I'm all dressed up. Jesse has a point even on my worst days he wants me.

His hands moved firecely getting me out my bra and panties. He stripped himself
of his boxers before making love to me for a couple of hours through the night.
Everything was perfect. We both enjoyed ourselves and expressed our love for eac
h other and when it was over he said Merry Christmas. I kissed him softly before
saying it back to him and dozing off to sleep.

Christmas day flew by fast and it had finally began snowing when Jesse and I hea
ded to his parents house for the afternoon. New Year's went by too. Monica held
her annual party which Jesse and I enjoyed yet left early. I had gotten tired an
d all the smells of alcohols were making me sick. Next was Valentine's Day where
Jesse spoiled me to death. He even made me breakfast in bed which was red velve
t pancakes in the shape of hearts with cream cheese icing on top.
Before I knew it I was in the month of March. I found myself in the doctor's off
ice on my due date. Apparently my babies weren't ready to come out. Next thing y
ou know four days had flew by and it was St. Patrick's Day. I was hanging out wi
th Courtney and Skylar. Allen, Holden, and Jesse were downstairs hanging out. Th
e girls and I had just finished doing our nails. Tonight we were all going out o
n a triple date. Even though Skylar and Holden were in the same place they were
since the day they met. They flirted and acted like a couple but then Holden pul
led away and was acting uninterested. Holden tried talking to other girls appare
ntly and well he hooked up with a few but at the end of the day he still wanted
Sky but he wasn't giving in just yet.

"Babe come down!" Jesse yelled.

"Hello! Can you carry me?" I asked.

"Of course," he answered, coming into the room. I stuck my tongue out at him. St
upid jerk. He helped me up to my feet before carrying me bridal style downstairs
to the kitchen. The girls joined us with the guys and then Allen held out a pla
te that held a cake covered in white icing with a four leaf clover on top and th
e words Happy St. Patrick's Day Girls. I hugged Jesse and he held me tightly. Ho
lden pulled Sky in his arms and kissed her lightly on the lips. He let her go qu
ickly and she turned to face him. She gaped at me and I smiled weakly. I wanted
her to be happy. She was like a little sister to me even though she was older. T
hough I wasn't happy that she wanted Holden it was her life not mine. She had to
figure out what she truly wanted in life. She was mated to Reagan if fate didn'
t think they were perfect for each other then it wouldn't have been possible. Sh
e was meant for Alvin but he turned evil. He had a second chance to be happy wit
h her but instead still went after me. Reagan lost his mate and well the two wer
e meant to be. They just needed to stop playing around-mainly Skylar.

Anyways we all got a piece of the cake. It was green on the inside. That was wei
rd but it didn't matter. I took a bite and moaned. Damn that was good. Too good
actually. "Velvet," I stated and Jesse smirked.

"How'd you know?" Allen asked.

"I told she would," Jesse grinned.

"It's my favorite," I answered, kissing Jesse softly. We all ate the cake and ta
lked the whole time. Skylar was happily snuggled uo in Holden's arms, Courtney w
as being a jerk like usual teasing Allen who was being just as bad and pretendin
g he didn't care, and Jesse and I were simply relaxing. I was trying to be happy
though I felt like crap. I wanted my babies to come already. I was sick of bein
g pregnant and I really wanted to meet my boys.

After sitting around all day in the house we all began getting ready. Holden and
Skylar had a guest room while Courtney and Allen had their own guest room. Jess
e and I were taking our time getting ready. I had this green dress I was wearing
and I needed Jesse to zip it up. He was more concerned about ways to get me out
of all my clothes tonight. I was wearing a lacey bra and a panties that didn't
cover all of my butt. Jesse was more than awar of my undergarnments he was actua
lly very interested in them.

Jesse zipped my dress up reluctantly then grabbed my flip flops for me and place
d them infront of my feet. "I don't get paid enough for this job," he complained

and I smacked his ass. "I don't get paid at all for being pregnant," I retorted

"You do so you'll get two beautiful boys. Not one baby but two-your welcome," he
smirked and I shook my head at him.

"In that case you get paid in sex," I winked and he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Still not enough. That makes me sound cheap."

"You're also going to get two boys after I push them out-your welcome," I teased
, throwing his own words back at him. He sighed dramatically before dragging his
feet into the bathroom so he could do his hair. I slipped on my flip flops and
was ready to go. My hair was straightened; I had on green eyeshadow, green eyeli
ner, mascara, and red lipstick on; my nails were white with a green four leaf cl
over on my thumb, my pointer fingere had green polka dots, my middle finger was
solid green, my ring finger had a green stripe on the top with white in the midd
le and an orange stripe on the bottom, and my pinky was orange with white polka
dots; and lastly my flip flops were white with green stripes.
Jesse was wearing black jeans, white Nike's, a plaid shirt that consisted of the
colors white, green, and black. His hair was currently being styled to perfecti
on of being messy yet neat. He was so complicated. He put gel in it after partin
g it and combing it all out. Then he ruffled his hair a bit. It was sexy but see
med stupid to me. I mean I liked it but I didn't get why he had to spend so much
time doing his hair all the damn time.

Once we were both ready to go he helped me down the stairs where we met everyone
else. We all left the house and Jesse and I hopped in his car. Allen and Holden
were also driving so they were just going to follow Jesse. We eventually came t
o a stop at a resturaunt. It was just in time to because I had to pee so bad. Je
sse quickly got me out the car and rushed me inside. He walked me to the restroo
m and waited for me while I used it. Once I was done we met everyone else at our

It seemed to be going well between everyone. I know Allen and Holden weren't doi
ng too well after getting into some arguement. Allen and Reagan are actually rea
lly good friends. Allen told Holden to back off of Skylar but Holden came on str
onger and has been attached at her hip. Allen was even more upset when he found
out Holden had slept with some chick he met at a club on one of their nights out
. Then Holden lied about it and said he left the club early to go spend the nigh
t with Skylar, whcih Allen found out was a lie because Skylar had been over my h
ouse, keeping me company while Jesse was out with the guys that Thursday night.

Allen didn't reallly like liars. He also felt that mates were meant to be. Jesse
had told me how Allen had given him a hard time about me being Simon's mate whe
n he found out up until the point Jesse told him Simon rejected me. I respected

Allen. Even though he was a jokster he was also a sweet guy who was like an olde
r brother to me. Or a brother in law. He was smart and kind. He looked out for m
e and well if I needed help he was going to be there for me just like I know Can
dice or Courtney would be there for Jesse even though they technically didn't li
ke him.

Dinner went smoothly but when we were leaving Jesse got a phone call. It seemed
real important. The call lasted less than thirty seconds. "Shit! Girls get in my
car, now!" Jesse demanded.

"We have company fellas," Jesse informed and Allen smirked.

"I'll see you guys on the flip side," Allen grinned before running to his car an
d hopping in. Holden cracked his knuckles before walking off and getting in his
car. Jesse hopped in the car, Sky and Courtney were already in the back seat. Je
sse told everyone to buckle up and once we all were he took off, speeding down t
he road. I closed my eyes as I tried to calm my nerves. I was fine. I was with J
esse and he was going to keep me and our babies safe.

Jesse was driving over 80 miles and well we weren't even on the high way yet. Ou
t of nowhere a big black truck appeared behind us. The truck was gaining on us u
ntil Jesse hit the gas pedal harder. My hand shot to his thigh and I held onto i
t for dear life. Jesse looked at me and shot me a reassuring smile as if we were
n't going to die if he made one wrong move.

His eyes went back to the road and he made a sharp turn. I bit my lip nervously
and closed my eyes again. I was more than scared right now. My parents died in a
car crash. One that involved people chasing another car that looked simmiliar t
o theirs. My parents were mistaked for them and were hit from behind and their c
ar flipped and went right into a jersey wall. Long story short after hitting the
wall they were brutally beaten and then died in the hospital.

Jesse cursed and soon the truck hit us from behind but Jesse sped up, nearly hit
ting a few cars. I couldn't stop watching everything that was happening. Jesse w
as driving like a maniac but had the most calm expression on his face that was e
ven more terrifying. Jese soon got off the road and soon we were driving in the
woods. He soon stopped the car and hopped out of it. The truck came speeding dow
n towards us and Jesse sighed. "This is only going to hurt me a little and hurt
them alot," he mumbled to himself.
Then he jumped infront of the truck! What the fuck? The truck came to a stop onc
e it hit Jesse's body. Jesse went flying in the air until his back hit a tree. H
e groaned and got back up. He walked towards the truck with a murderous look on
his face. I looked at the truck to see a dent of Jesse's body in it. Damn my man
was strong. Jesse reached the truck and began pushing it away from where we wer
e. He pushed all the way back until it hit a tree from behind. He then lifted up
the truck. He picked the whole truck up and I watched with my jaw dropped open.
He held the truck over his head before throwing it to the other side of the for
est. The truck landed with a thud and Jesse ran to it and reached it in two seco

nds before grabbing each person in the truck and snapping each and every one of
the guy's neck.

Afterwards he called Allen and soon Allen arrived. Jesse and him talked quickly
discussing how many people Allen killed and how many Holden was going to hold as
prisoner. Allen got Skylar and Courtney in his car after talking to Courtney an
d reassuring her he was fine. Jesse then hopped in the car and sighed. "Babe? Wh
y are you crying?" He questioned.

"Huh?" I asked, my hands wiping my eyes. I was indeed crying. Oh.

"Violet what's wrong? I'm fine babe."

"I didn't even know I was crying."

"You didn't? Are you okay though?"

"I'm fine," I reassurred and he nodded. It was true I was fine. I'd tell him abo
ut my parents one day. Right now I don't want know what just happened. Jesse wil
l handle it. Jesse leaned over and kissed me before putting on his seatbelt.

"I knew it was time to get a new car," Jesse joked and I rolled my eyes.

"You can get it fixed," I retorted and he shrugged. Everything was fine. Jesse a
nd I were headed home. Everyone was alive and safe. Sure Jesse was hurt a bit bu
t he swore he was fine. I wasn't going to bother him about it. I was pregnant an
d I was living. I was fine. My husband was fine and he was with me so all was we

Woo! One chapter to go! Hoped you liked this. This story was sweet and cute. The
drama here only moved so fast for a reason. This series has a lot to come. It's
a never ending plot through the stories. The next book will finish up and expla
in things. I couldn't give to many details in this book otherwise there wouldn't
be a sequel. And I really don't need your opinion on what I'm doing with this b
ook and the next. I don't appreciate comments of saying that's stupid for what h
appened here to link to the next book. Yeah, it's been said. Plus if not there's
no reason to write. And it's not the same exact storyline it just involves prac
tically the same people. But thanks guys! The next book should be it for Jesse a
nd Violet. I want to keep going though and od one for the twins once they're bor
n. But who knows? Now I'm rambling on and on...Thanks for reading.

Chapter 58

*Jesse's P.O.V*

It was March, 26th. That was thirteen days past Violet's due date. Violet was ge
tting restless and upset. It's been practically two weeks since the twins should
have been born. I have to tell Violet all the time that the boys will come when
they're ready. She wasn't too happy about that. She was eager to meet our sons
and so was I but I was being patient. She also has been in a foul mood due to th
e fact her back and feet always hurt. She hasn't been eating as much the last we
ek or so.

After our crazy encounter on St. Patrick's Day she's been zoning out a lot. She
has also cried in her sleep a few times since then. She has something on her min
d and I want to know what it is. I wasn't bringing it up though. I was going to
wait until she was ready to tell me what was going on with her.

On St. Patrick's Day apparently there were some guys who stopped at the clan hou
se. They were spotted by Paris and Lane. The guys all followed them as they left
and well they ended up at the resturaunt I was at. They wanted dirt on me and t
hey got it. I wasn't only married but to the only female alpha in the world and
she was pregnant with my child. Too bad the bastards didn't live to spread the n

When we were all leaving the restuarunt Lane called telling me what was going on
. They had just arrived when we were leaving. I don't know how the guys knew whe
re we were and the prisoners we took didn't want to talk. I did enjoy getting ou
t some anger by killing every single one of them. I did get some info though. I
got coordinates to some place where they were sent from and well apparently it w
asn't regular longitude and latitude coordinates so it was going to be a little
harder to find these guys. I was going to find them though.

This guy I know was in the navy, Sean. He was going to figure out the coordinate
s and then I was taking a little trip and visiting my admirers and killing every
single one. I liked the idea of having a killing spree right now. I wasn't lett
ing my wife know that or she'd never let me go. I needed to let out a little ang
er and these fucking pricks deserved to die. It was a win-win situation and I wa
sn't going to pass it up.

I was working day and night from my phone because I wasn't going to let Violet
feel neglected. She didn't want to hang out with the girls or anyone else she wa
nted my attention twenty four seven and I was going to give it to her. Right now
Violet was laying down, with her head in my lap watching some chick flick that
I was pretending to be interested in. Of course she knew I wasn't going to like
it but she appreciated the fact I was watching it with her.

I didn't care though. My hands were cupping her boobs and my thumbs were teasing
her nipples. I knew she was turned on but she wasn't going to have sex with me
until the twins were born and I understood that. I mean she was past her due dat
e and so the boys could be coming any day. It was late in the afternoon around d
inner time but Violet said she wasn't hungry. Either way I was entertained.

"Jesse stop it," Violet whined and I smirked.

"No, I want you," I pouted and she narrowed her eyes. She hated when I pouted. U
nlike me she wasn't immune to it like I was to hers. When she pouts I kiss it aw
ay and move on unless she does the whole puppy dog eyes thing because then I'm a
goner. I was pretty sure it only worked since she was in the dog family.

"Jesse we can't," she reminded me.

"No you can't," I smirked and she gaped at me.

"You're so selfish!" She shouted in disbelief. I chuckled and moved my hands to

her belly. I leaned down and kissed her gently. "I'm not selfish. I'm a man with
needs," I winked and she rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile.

"Sucks to suck because-"

"Speaking of sucking-"

"Jesse Stevens! If you don't cut it out," she hissed, smacking my chest and I la
ughed loudly.

"Come on baby," I pleaded and she shook her head.

"No," she replied.

"Why not? I'd do you the favor if you wanted it this bad. No I have done this fo
r you-"

"That's not why..."

"Tell me why? You've done it before," I pointed out.

"I know but I don't think this is going to work. Me on my knees, really? I can't
even see them. Plus I don't think I'll be able to balance myself on my knees or
have you forgotten my belly is swollen since it's holding your boys. It's not h
appening Jesse," she retorted and I groaned.

"Your lucky I can't be pregnant or you'd never get lucky," I muttered and she gi

"You really want it that bad?"

"I was only joking at first but now the idea sounds really good and I wouldn't m

"How about we don't do it tonight? And once we have the boys you can have me any
night you want," she persuaded.

"Fine. But I'll be wanting you every night for the rest of our life," I smirked
and she grinned.

"I don't mind one bit," she played along before cupping my face in her hands and
pulling me down so she could kiss me. I kissed her softly and she moaned in my
mouth. I knew she was turned on but I knew there was no way I was having sex ton

We kissed for awhile then we pulled away. Violet got off of me with my help and
went to change the movie. Thank god for that. She had bent down to grab a movie
and then froze. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Babe? Need help?" I asked and she looke
d at me and her jaw dropped.

"I think we have problem," she stated and then looked down at the carpet. I foll
owed her gaze and saw a small wet spot. What the fuck-Oh! Oh! Shit! I got up and
walked over to her. She laughed nervously and I quickly picked her up. "How you
feeling baby?" I asked.

"That was the weirdest thing ever. I mean it felt so weird. I just had water tri
ckling out-"

"I don't need that much info on it."

"Jerk," she mumbled and I chuckled. I carried her to our bedroom and helped her
change clothes. She put on her clothes and I put on actual clothes because I don
't think Violet would want me in a hospital shirtless and in nothing but basketb
all shorts. After we were both dressed I quickly got her in the truck. I got in
the truck myself and drove away.

I told Violet to call her doctor and she was doing as I said. I sped to the hosp
ital and when we got there Violet was having contractions which were about twent
y fives minutes apart. She was taking them well. Everytime she had one she just
held her stomach until it went away. Once we were in the hospital my clan doctor
was already there. Perfect, Dr. Zimmerman did reach him. Dr. Mars talked to us
and asked how Violet was doing and I filled him in.

Dr. Mars got us a room and well Violet and began the waiting process. It was eig
ht at night and my parents were already on their way and so was everyone else. I
t was going to be a long night. The first to arrive was Allen and Courtney-Blain
e's god parents. Since he was the vampire it only made sense to give him vampire
god parents. Blaise has yet to be given god parents. We didn't have a werewolf
couple since Dalton broke up with Candice-for good reason. And well Sky was just
another chick caught in Holden's bullshit ass charm. Violet thought Dalton and
Candice would have made up before the boys were born but then she got engaged an
d that fucked shit up for us.

Skylar and Reagan were our back up plan but Sky just had to go getting attached
to Holden like she was some lost puppy. I'm sorry I'm not in the best mood. God
was it that hard to be with the person you were meant to be? I mean come on Viol
et had a mate and yet she still ended up with me-meant to be.

Violet's contractions were happening more frequently only seven minutes apart an
d each one had Violet clutching my hand tightly. She was pretty damn strong, luc
kily I was stronger. I left Violet momentarily to catch my parents and Allen and
Courtney up to date on what was going on with Violet. I left them again to be w
ith my wife.

Everyone had arrived and well one by one people stopped in to say hi then went b
ack to stay int he waiting room. I finally got in contact with Violet's uncle an
d well him and his wife are on the way. My mom had called my aunt and she was on
her way. Allen called Carson who was going to be here tonight.

By midnight Violet's contractions were fifteen minutes apart and each one had he
r moaning in pain while squeezing my hand for dear life. She was only 4 cm dilat

ed. Violet was getting frustrated completely. She was complaing she's over two w
eeks and the babies are still taking forever. I couldn't ease her mind though. I
knew she was upset and eager. There was nothing I could do to speed up the proc
Thanks to some advice from the nurse Violet began pacing the room. She was deter
mined to have the babies soon but I doubted that it was going to happen. I distr
actd for awhile after she was too tired to walk. She was only five cm now. And i
t was two in the morning.

Violet and I told all the werewolves to go home and get some sleep. Violet wasn'
t haven't this baby any time soon and we both knew it. I sat in Violet's bed and
rubbed her back that was hurting. We waited a few more hours and around five in
the morning Violet's contractions were more intense.

So many people were still here. My parents, the guys, Courtney, Sky, Weston, Dal
ton, Carson, Violet's uncle and aunt, Reba, Malcolm, my grandparents even Clark,
and my uncles. I was getting tired and Violet was exhausted.

The only werewolf that was awake was Weston. Sky was leaning on Holden's shoulde
r and Dalton was knocked out in his chair. I was thankful they were here though
whether they were sleep or not.

Violet's contractions were only 7 minutes apart and were lasting 50 seconds. She
was letting out small yelps out in pain. I couldn't take her pain away and that
's what hurt the most. She was 8 centimeters around six in the morning. "We're a
lmost there baby," I encouraged and she smiled.

"I know," she breathed, rubbing her stomach.

"It's going to be fine. They'll be out soon," I reassured. It was ridiculous. Us

ually we could have waited until around now to get to the hospital but of course
Violet was a special case and needed to be observed. The only people in the roo
m was me, Violet, Dr. Zimmerman, and Dr. Mars. They were constantly checking her
vital signs and well she was doing good but she was easily getting dehydrated f
or some reason. At one point we were both chugging water together. She complaine
d she wasn't thirsty but I needed her to drink something.

Violet buried her face in my neck as another contraction hit and she screamed lo
udly making me wince. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly. Thank g
od she wasn't one of those angry women when in pain. She began crying as the con
traction last for a minute or so. When she pulled away I wiped her eyes and plac
ed a kiss on her lips. She was taking deep breaths and well she was doing fine.
I was rubbing her stomach since she said that helps a bit.

I had my lips on her neck kissing lowly. Her back was hurting her and I didn't k
now how to make it feel better. I've already given her two back massages with no
luck of helping it for more than ten minutes of relief. Her back tends to arch
when she gets a contraction.

About five minutes later another contraction hit. She clenched her teeth and his
sed in pain while enduring it for another minute. "God don't ever get me pregnan
t again," she growled and I laughed.

"Don't you want a girl?" I asked and her

iss during her next contraction and well
pull away but I kissed her harder. When
her neck. "I do want a girl," she smiled

eyes softened. I brought her in for a k

it kept her focused on me. She tried to
we pulled away I let my lips kiss down
and I grinned back at her.

"Alright Violet let's get you into the delivery room," Dr. Zimmerman chimed in.
Violet's face lit up and I kissed her on her forehead. I watched the doctors and
the nurses take her away while I went to talk to everyone. "She's going to the
delivery room. If you guys want to go into the room you can. Mom, Dad, Gavin, an
d Natalia can you come with me?" I asked.

Everyone followed me and Dr. Zimmerman let us all in. Violet looked up and smile
d happily as she saw me. She reached out for me and I hugged her. When we pulled
away she turned to see everyone else. "Monica! Don't leave, please," Violet beg
ged and my mom smiled sadly, tears filling her eyes.

My mom always wanted a girl. Violet was her daughter and my mom was a real mothe
r figure for her. My mom nodded and then I let Natalia talk to Violet first. Vio
let cried a bit and thanked her for being there for her. Next was my dad. My dad
and her talked for a bit and he told her how much he loved her and how she was
like his own child. Violet also cried her eyes, wetting his shirt.
Then Gavin went. He told her how proud her parents would be of her. How he was s
orry they weren't here. And told her he loved her and that he would always be th
er for. It was getting too emotional for me. I was about to cry, shit! Gavin sho
uld be a motivational speaker. I understood though. He loved Violet so much as i
f she was his daughter. And that made sense he has known her since the day she w
as born.

After that everyone left besides my mom who was talking to Violet. I was on Viol
et's other side, half sitting on the bed with one of my arms around her. She was
leaning into me and begging me to make everything go faster. She was already in
so much pain before it was even time to push.

Finally when time was ready Dr. Mars was standing away from Violet's lower half.
No one was ever going to see that part besides me and her female doctor. Call m
e possessive I don't care. And anything before she was potty trained and a few y
ears older doesn't count. All the nurses that were in here was all females.

No one was on Violet's lower half besides Dr. Zimmerman with a ladyon her left t
elling her information while Dr. Mars was telling her everything was ready and s
he was set. I had asked for a wet cloth that was cold for Violet who was saying
she was hot. I placed it on her forehead while we waited.

My mom was holding one of Violet's hand while I held the other and my other hand
was removing the cloth. Then dropped to her back that I rubbed softly. "Alright
Violet on the count of three I want you to push as hard as you can," Dr. Zimmer
man instructed.

Violet nodded her head vigorously and I stopped rubbing her back and squeezed he
r hand lightly before she had to push. Violet sqeezed my hand hard and I had to
calm myself from freaking out due to her strength. I think one day Violet was go
ing to give me a run for my money. She's almost as fast as me and well she was s
tronger than half of my guys.

Violet took a second to breathe before having to push again. Before the third pu
sh Violet readjusted herself. "Are you feeling any pressure?" Dr. Mars asked.

"A little," Violet panted. A contraction hit her and she was told to push. She h
eld her breath and pushed hard while Dr. Zimmerman counted down ten to zero. She
pushed again after taking a second to breathe. Once the contraction was over sh
e relaxed against me and frowned. "I love you," she grinned and I chuckled.

"I love you too," I beamed and she sighed.

"Can I have a kiss?" She asked and I nodded. I leaned down and kissed her softly
before another contraction hit and she was pushing with all her might, practica
lly breaking my hand. Damn that one hurt. Violet was panting for air and then pu
shed harder, letting out a loud moan. I frowned and soon was holding both of Vio
let's hand since she was squeezing my mom's too tight. Violet began getting frus
trated after awhile.

My mom talked to Violet a bit and encouraged her more while I focused on relievi
ng some of the pain for her. I let my mom leave so Violet could focus on me. "Ba
be come on, you can do this. Your doing just fine. I promise you it'll be over i
n no time," I stated and she nodded.

She repositioned herself and gripped onto the the arm rest on the bed getting re
ady to push again. I stood by her side, wiping her forehead of sweat everytime s
he got a break and was whispering soft things in her ear. "Push!" Dr. Zimmerman


Violet groaned and pushed again. "Again Violet! I see a head!" Dr. Zimmerman yel
led. Violet pushed even harder and held it a little bit longer before laying bac
k and breathing hard. "Shit Jesse this hurts," she cried.

"Vi we almost got him, I need you to keep going," I urged and she nodded. She pu
shed again and I stayed for a moment. Then moved to go check it out. I could bar
ely see the head. Okay this was kind of gross but whatever. "Push Vi," I demande
d and Violet pouted. I gave her a stern look and she pushed hard. I smiled as I
saw the forehead of my baby. Anothe5r push had the baby's nose and mouth reveale
"Vi no! He's going back in," I gasped. Violet pushed again and the whole head wa
s out. I grinned and watched as Dr. Zimmerman felt around the baby's neck. "Almo
st there Vi, breathe sweetheart," Dr. Zimmerman advised.

My baby boy turned a bit and Dr. Zimmerman then had Violet pushing for longer. O
ne shoulder at a time came pushing out until Dr. Zimmerman had my baby in her ha
nds. I cut his umbilical cord then he was in Dr. Zimmerman's hands again. Dr. Ma
rs was giving Dr. Zimmerman information from reading the electronic fetal monito

Dr. Zimmerman handed the baby off to one of the nurses, who I watched as she cle
aned my son's nose and mouth. Along with washing him up a bit and wrapping him a
blanket and etc. I then was back at Violet's side when I heard her loud scream
fill the room. I held her hand as she pushed. She was exhausted and I understood
that but she had to keep going. We still had another baby coming out. "There's
the head," Dr. Zimmerman said.

Wow that was fast. The second baby was taken to be cleaned up and soon baby numb
er one was given to Violet momentarily while I got to cut the umbilical cord. Af
terwards Violet pushed out her placenta which was disgusting. Not lying at all.

I was then given my other son. He was so beautiful. Everyone left us alone for a
moment. I sat back down on the bed with Violet. "This is Blaise," I stated and
Violet looked at our son in my arms. "How do you know?" She asked.

"Everyone knows werewolves have a tan," I smiled and she chuckled.

"True. Then this Blaine," she cooed at our other son. We soon switched and I hel
d Blaine in my arms. He finally opened his eyes and bright blue ones stared up a
t me. "Hey Vi aren't most babies blue eyed when they're born?" I asked.

"Yeah," she shrugged.

"Darn it."

"We'll know soon enough," she promised. Soon the family all got to come in and w
e let everyone hold the babies before leaving us alone again. Dr. Zimmerman and
Dr. Mars checked on the babies. They confirmed which baby was which and we were
right. Everything was almost normal. "For a vampire baby your son is bigger than
average but that's because he's a vampire king. But the thing is he's almost as
big as his twin," Dr. Mars said.

"He doesn't look chubby," Violet frowned, peeking over at Blaine who was again i
n my arms.

"I don't know what that means but your son, Blaine is perfectly healthy."

"What about Blaise?" I asked.

"Blaise is bigger than an average werewolf but a bit smaller than what he should
be for a future alpha. He should weigh between eight to ten pounds. He weighs 7
pounds and 6 oz. He's healthy though so there's nothing to worry about. For all
we know this could be perfectly normal. We'll figure it all out later," Dr. Zim
merman explained.

"What's Blaine's weight?" Violet questioned.

"He's 7 pounds and 2 oz. He should weight between 5 and 6 pounds. I know it soun
ds small but it's normal which explains why all vampires are skinny and don't ea
t so they don't weigh much. They have no real internal organs. Either way he's f
ine and we'll see how things turn out. He probably won't gain any weight anytime
soon while Blaise gains a few pounds," Dr. Mars answered.

"We'll leave you alone. Just relax your babies are fine. A nurse will be in soon
to help you breastfeed the boys before taking them to the nursery. You can have
them sleep in here though if you want," Dr. Zimmerman stated and we nodded. The
y left and we thanked them both before talking a bit.

"Can we switch?" Violet squeaked and I nodded. We carefully switched babies so I

was holding my werewolf son. He was so cute. Oh god. I can't cry. Fuck it. "Jes

se stop," Violet pleaded and I saw holding back some tears.

"I can't. Look at our boys. They're so beautiful Violet. Blaise and Blaine. Blai
ne Jasper and Blaise Vincent Stevens. We created them," I whispered softly. Blai
se's small hand grabbed onto my pinky and I smiled weakly.

Violet was the first to let the tears fall and seeing her crying made me blink a
nd let the tears fall down my pale cheeks. I wiped my eyes with one hand while B
laise began crying. He soon grabbed my pinky again and sucked on it. I tried to
pull my finger away but it wasn't working. I looked at Violet and she was talkin
g to Blaine. She rubbed her nose against his and his eyes fluttered close.
Violet smiled and pulled away before pecking him gently on the lips. "Hey! Did y
ou kiss Blaise already?" I frowned and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"No, why?"

"Good you kissed Blaine first so I can kiss Blaise first," I smirked and she rol
led her eyes. I placed a small kiss on my son's little lips. Okay sure it wasn't
as cute as watching Violet do it. Yet my wife got a kick out of it. I kissed Bl
aine next and then she kissed Blaise. Before we got to switch babies again a nur
se came in.

A nurse helped Violet breastfeed Blaine who was very stubborn. Once he was suckl
ing on her breast the nurse and I helped Violet get Blaise on her other breast.
It was hard to get milk to come out so the nurse advised me to help her and I di
d. I bit on her nippled gently then sucked on it and then pulled away. "I didn't
need to taste that but not bad babe," I winked and Violet gave me a disgusted l

"You're such a weirdo, how did I ever fall for you?" She teased.

"Because of my charm," I smirked and she laughed.

"That's true but you seem to be losing it the longer we're together."

"Then I'll just have to dump you, now won't I?" I retorted and she gaped at me.

"Yeah right. You'd never do that to me. Plus you'd have to get a divorce to get
rid of me," she smiled and I sighed.

"Damn. I guess I'm stuck with you," I joked.

"You have been since the day we met," she pointed out and I laughed.

"True but since then I guess you could say you've become less of a burden," I sh

"You guess?" She laughed.

"I love you Vi," I smiled, changing the subject teasingly. She narrowed her eyes
but none the less said it back and asked for a kiss which I gave her. When we p
ulled away Blaine was squriming in Violet's arms so I took him. I held him the r
ight way and then looked at Violet. I smiled softly, "thank you."

"No thank you. For giving me a life I never imagined I could have. To ever fall
in love, get married, or ever have kids none the less get pregnant...with twins,
" she whispered softly, finishing up feeding Blaise. I helped her with her gown
so her breast were covered and we waited a few minutes in silence for a nurse to
come in.

Two nurses came and they took our babies away to be taken care of. They were goi
ng to be staying the night with Violet and I though. I helped Violet out of bed,
she still had an IV in her arm. I helped her move with the machine so she could
use the bathroom. "Ew. Babe I feel like I'm on my period. Can you get me a chan
ge of clothes? I don't want to sleep in this gown tonight," she said and I nodde

"Sure babe. Let me get you back in bed then I'll send people in to say goodbye a
nd let them know they can visit tomorrow."

"Okay," she replied. I helped her back into bed then did as I said I would. On m
y way back from the truck I was told by Dr. Mars that Violet could go home in tw
o days. They wanted her here tonight and tomorrow night to check on Violet's rec
overy which was going fine.

I took all the stuff up to the room and

ly. I then got to see my boys again and
d her some pajamas and then handed them
let was going to have to change clothes
er IV so it was easier for her to move.

then said bye to all my friends and fami

my wife who was waiting for me. I grabbe
to her. Blaine had started crying so Vio
by herself. One of the nurses took out h

Violet changed in the bathroom and freshened up a bit. Damn it. Blaine needed a
diaper change and I was afraid it wasn't pee in it. I told Violet he needed a ch
ange when she came out the bathroom and she laughed. "So change him," she shrug

"No, I don't want to," I whined and she rolled her eyes. She came over to me and
walked past me and grabbed a diaper and some wipes. She had me lay him back dow
n and then told me unwrap him out of his blanket. I did as she said and then con
tinued. I scrunched up my nose as I removed the two stick flaps from the sides a
nd the diaper unfolded and was open. "Be lucky he's a newborn and it's barely an
ything there," Violet smirked.
I groaned and shooed her away. I knew how to change a baby's diaper. I changed B
laine carefully. I was kind of scared that I was going to hurt him or something.
After he was changed Violet handed me some clothes. "Put this on him, he needs
some clothes on him to stay warm," she said.

I nodded and checked her out as she went to change Blaise's diaper. She was wear
ing red pajama pants and one of my gray t-shirts. She looked good too. Her stoma
ch was flat and she was no longer waddling. She changed Blaise and put a onesie
on him and I did the same to Blaine. "Jesse keep your eyes off me," she blushed.

"I can't help it," I argued and she rolled her eyes. She threw her hair up in a
bun before picking Blaise up. She rocked him gently in her arms and I admired he
r. She was already a great mother. I picked up Blaine and looked down at him. He
was my son. One of them at least. I was so happy to have both of them. I didn't
care I was only twenty one or that their mother-my wife was only eighteen. We w
ere parents and we were going to raise two infants into defined young men.

I didn't rock Blaine in my arms because I was scared I'd drop him. I loved kids
and I knew how to take care of them but not when they were this small. I mean ma
ybe in five months we can talk. But my sons were so tiny. "Your little hands wra
pped around my finger and its so quiet in the world tonight. Your little eyelids
flutter 'cause your dreaming so I tuck you in and turn on your favorite night l
ight. To you everything is funny, you have nothing to regret. I'll give all I ha
ve honey if you could stay like that. Oh, darling don't you ever grow, don't you
ever grow up. Just stay this little. Oh, darling don't you ever grow, don't you
ever grow up. It can stay this simple," I sang softly to one of Taylor Swift's
songs, Never Grow Up.

I knew every Taylor Swift song she had and I wasn't ashamed of that. Sure someti
mes it bothered me listening to her all day long thanks to my wife who made her
an artist I listen to instead of a female I check out. She's a pretty girl but n
ot hot like I used to think she was. Still has nothing on my wife so it doesn't
matter. "I won't let nobody hurt you. I won't let no one break your heart," I co
ntinued singing and Violet smiled, walking over to me and leaning her head over
my shoulder.

She gently bumped her hip against mine and I got the point. We both swayed side
to side as I sang. Violet then sang herself, "waking up to see that everything i
s okay. The first time in my life and now it's so great. Slowing down I look aro
und and I am so amazed. I think about the little things that make life great. I
wouldn't change a thing about it. This is the best feeling. This innocence is br
illiant, I hope that it will stay this moment is perfect. Please don't go away,
I need you now. And I'll hold onto it don't you let it pass you by."

I recognized the song. It was Innocence by Avril Lavigne. "I found a place so sa
fe, not a single tear. The first time in my life and now it's so clear. Feel cal
m, I belong, I'm so happy here. It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere.
I wouldn't change a thing about it. This is the best feeling," she continued unt
il both boys were silently sleeping. Violet and I kissed each baby before we lay
ed them down. I pulled each baby to my side of the bed since I was going to be t
he one with all the night shifts.

Violet cuddled against me and we kissed a bit while talking for a few hours. She
didn't want to go to sleep despite the fact I knew she was tired. "Alright, I'm
going to bed. I love you Jesse. I love you so much," she whispered softly.

"I love you too Violet, more than you'll ever know," I mumbled, kissing the top
of her head while she dozed off into a deep sleep, getting all the rest she need
ed after such a long night. It all paid off though. Our boys were here.

Blaine Jasper Stevens was born first. He was born at 7: 56 AM 26 seconds after i
t hit 7: 56. He beat his brother by a minute and 36 seconds. Blaise Vincent Stev
ens was born at 7: 58, two seconds after hitting 7: 58 AM. On their birth certif
icate it will say their full names. Blaine's birth time will be 07: 56: 26 while
Blaise's will be 7: 58: 02. They were born on March 27th. Blaise weight 7 pound
s and 6 ounces while Blaine was 7 pounds and 2 ounces. Either way they weighed m
ore than me. I was 5 pounds and 5 ounces while Violet had weight 6 pound and 9 o
unces. My boys were finally here! Living and breathing. Perfectly healthy newbor
ns. That came out of a perfect delivery after hours of labor and their mom was d
oing just fine. I couldn't ask for anything better. I had a family of my own now
. All mine.
Aw! The babies are born! Two adorable boy. Blaine and Blaise are finally here! I
am so excited for the next book. This was the last chapter. The epilogue will b
e up in a few days or so. Then the sequel, You Make Me Want To Drop will be uplo
aded and we're in for more of an adventure. Since it's going to pick up right wh
ere this story left off we're going to get right into the action. There won't be
too much romantic lovey dovey stuff this time since their is no need. They're t
ogether, they're married, and they have babies already :) Next book will mainly
be in Jesse's P.O.V. It's finally a vampire problem without any rogues involved.
..or is there? ;) You'll have to wait to find out. You'll love it. Anyways I'm d
one rambling. Tell me what you think about the chapter. And thanks so much for r

*Violet's P.O.V*

I kept my eyes closed as I tried to go back to sleep. It was no use though. I ne

ver could go back to sleep after waking up. Before I moved a muscle to get out o
f bed I heard the door creak. That's probably my loving husband now. "Yes, we're
going to see mommy. Yeah, mommy is getting old. I know guys," Jesse said and I
furrowed my eyebrows.

He obviously had the twins. I was just about to greet my three favorite men when
something landed on the bed. "Spence!" Jesse hissed. I couldn't help it, I star
ted laughing. I opened my eyes to see Spencer get in my face. I reached out and
began petting Spencer. "Morning boy! I love you too baby. Who's a good boy?" I a
sked and Spencer rolled onto his stomach.

"I'm a good boy," Jesse frowned. I stopped playing with Spencer and looked up at
my other favorite men. So I had four important men in my life. I couldn't forge
t Spence, he's getting so big. "You weren't last night," I winked and he chuckle

I sat up and Jesse kicked Spencer out. I leaned over and grabbed the handsanitiz
er that was on the night stand. I was then handed both of my boys. They were as
cute as ever. They were in cute little onesies. Blaine's was dark green with the
words "I LOVE Mommy," in white. And Blaise's was red with the words, "Momma's B

They both had on fluffy matching socks and little caps over their heads. I laid
the boys down on the bed and smiled. "Good morning Blaine, Morning Blaise," I gr
eeted with a huge smile. Both boys gave me a toothless grin that stole my breath

"Doesn't daddy get a good morning?" Jesse asked. I rolled my eyes but nodded non
e the less. I reached out for him and he came in my arms, leaning down and kisse
d me softly on the lips which made me melt even further this morning. When we pu
lled away I smirked, "you could have had that if you didn't leave me this mornin

"I had things to do," he argued and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. How long have the boys been up?"

"About an hour," he shrugged and I nodded. He scooted me over on the bed and wra
pped an arm around my waist. "But enough about them, let's talk about you old la
dy," he teased.

"Leave me alone," I blushed.

"Happy Birthday baby," he grinned, kissing me on the temple. I sighed in content

and leaned into him. My hands playing with Blaine's feet. "Thank you Jesse," I
muttered and he nodded.

"I think the boys might be hungry though so you get on that. They have fresh dia
pers so all is well," he informed.


"I'll be back in a few minutes," he said before leaving. I shrugged it off and l
ooked down at my boys who were squirming in place. My baby boys were five weeks
old. They were so darn cute. Blaise had pretty blue eyes that were more of an aq
ua blue rather than dark blue like Jesse's. I think it only looks that way since
Blaise has a small little tan while Jesse is simply pale. Blaise had golden blo
nde hair which is a nice mix of mine and Jesse's hair color. My hair is golden b
rown and Jesse's is bleach blonde. Perfect mix of things. Both boys had a full h
ead of hair, which Jesse was so happy about. He brushed their hair out every mor

Blaine on the other hand had brown hair. It was simply brown, not golden brown l
ike mine. I think he got it from his grandma, Monica. It was a light brown right
now but I had no doubt that it would get darker. Blaine also had pretty dark gr
een eyes. Now those came from my mother. She was the only one out of all of us t
hat had green eyes. In Jesse's family they had blue, brown, or hazel eyes. I got
my eyes from my dad yet my son had my mother's eyes. He looked just like his gr
andmas and I didn't mind that. He was so cute.

I pulled my shirt over my head,

sleep anymore. I usually didn't
and had him on my left breast.
pick up an impatient Blaine. I
m so he would latch on.

revealing my breasts since I don't wear bras to

but sometimes I forget. I picked up Blaise first
I helped him latch on before having to carefully
had to move Blaine around with my arm holding hi

I simply waited as they lapped their tongues and sucked away. Jesse still didn't
like me breastfeeding. He thought it was weird to see someone besides him touch
ing my breasts. He got over it. Freaking weirdo. He's very possessive alright. O
nce the boys were done I put Blaine on my shoulder and had Blaise lean over my l
eg while I tried to burp them both.

Blaise easily burped and spit up. Gross. Blaine took awhile but let out two loud
burps. Wow and he's only a small baby. I laid them both down and put my shirt o
n. I grabbed the pack of baby wipes on the nightstand and opened them to grab a
baby wipe to clean up Blaise's spit. I was loving being a mom. During the day I
changed most of the diapers. Jesse tended to cook for me. I breastfed the boys o
nly. The boys take a two hour nap while I finally get to go shower and all that
good stuff.

Jesse usually gets up before me and showers just before the boys are woken up. I
t was only eight in the morning now. I sat on the bed playing with the boys maki
ng them smile and well make gurgle sounds while my husband was still not present

About ten minutes later Jesse came through the door with a tray. I smiled up at
him and he placed the tray on the nightstand before grabbing the twins and layin
g them in their basinets that were still in his room. He kept them occupied with
toys while he came back to me and placed the tray on my lap. "Breakfast is serv
ed my darling," he smiled.

I looked at the tray to see a bunch of food. There was a small stack of chocolat
e chip pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, and a cinnamon roll. I had a glass of ora
nge juice and a mint chocolate chip milkshake. "You went to the store?" I asked.

"Yes I did and I got your favorite," he said, taking a sip of my milkshake. I gr
inned happily and kissed my husband on the cheek before I began eating. My panca
kes were so good. They were drenched in strawberry syrup and had whipped cream o
n top. I ate all my food and when I was done Jesse took my dishes and told me to
go take a shower.

I didn't complain. I needed a nice long and hot shower. I went into the bathroom
and stripped out of all my clothes. I could hear Jesse talking to the boys so e
verything was fine. I turned on the water and got the shower started. I took my
hair out of its pony tail before hopping in the shower. The hot water hit my bac
k and I sighed in content.

I took a long shower, washing up nicely with my strawberry lemonade scented body
wash. And the shampoo and conditioner of the next few weeks was scented green a
pple. Jesse loved my scent but he didn't care for the green apple. After my show
er I grabbed a towel and dried off. I felt nice and refreshed. The last couple o
f weeks have been hard but Jesse and I make it through and are happy.

I left the bathroom and found myself alone in the bedroom. I walked over to the
dresser and grabbed myself some clothes. I dropped my towel and slipped on my la
ce panties and matching white bra. I walked over to the closet and stepped insid
e. What should I wear? I didn't know what Jesse had planned for today. I was loo
king forward to it though. I knew he wasn't going to listen when I told him I di

dn't want to do anything.

I slipped on a pretty lavender colored dress. It was strapless and came a little
past mid-thigh. It had white and blue flowers all over it with bright green lea
ves. I matched it with a blue cardigan that was short sleeved. I had white flats
that had a blue bow at the top of them. I did my make up in purple and then put
on a white head band that had a big white flower on the left. Awe! I looked so
cute and sweet.

"Violet! Babe are you ready?" Jesse asked and I chuckled.

"Yeah!" I answered.

"Well come down here," he requested. I headed downstairs and was greeted by all
my friends. "Happy Birthday!" They shouted.

"Awe! Thank you," I squealed, hugging everyone. Courtney handed me some balloons
while Sky and Holden had the cake. "I love your dress," Monica complimented and
I thanked her, hugging her tightly.

"What is everyone doing here?" I asked my husband.

"Well you see grandma and grandpa are babysitting this afternoon," Harold answer
ed and I grinned.

"Yay! I need a break," I groaned and Jesse wrapped me in his arms.

"From all three of them," I added and Jesse gaped at me. I laughed loudly along
with everyone else then decided to explain to my husband, "I meant Spencer. I co
uld never get tired of you."
"That's what I though," he smirked, kissing me on the cheek. I chuckled lightly
and soon was kissing my baby boys goodbye. We all left and I hopped in Jesse's c
ar with him. I had no idea where I was going but it didn't matter. "Alright babe
it's my birthday and I have to do something crazy. What if I get a tattoo or a
piercing?" I asked.

"No," he replied.

"What about on my nose? I can get a tongue piercing or my belly button?"

"I'll think about it."

"I mean how sexy would it be if I got my belly button pieced. Imagine me in a bi
kini in the summer or just me stripping out of my clothes when we're all alone..

"Violet cut it out. No. It's not happening no matter how sexy I think you will l
ook with it."

"Why not? You got to be young and have fun," I pouted.

"Babe I'm sorry I took away your life," he said sarcastically and I rolled my ey

"You know that's not what I meant. I wanted to marry you and I did. I wanted kid
s and I got them. I don't regret doing everything while I was only 18 but that's
what I wanted and I am happy with the choices I have made in life."

"I know sometimes it gets to me though. I mean you are only 19 now. We have two
sons that keep us both busy constantly and they're only 5 weeks old. I just want
you to have some fun but your a mom now your not getting any piercings or tatto
os," he replied and I laughed.

"Fine but can I at least have a kiss?" I asked and he nodded. We had came to a s
top at a red light so he leaned over and gave me a long kiss before sitting back
down properly in his seat and driving when the light changed.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"Just to an amusement park," he shrugged and I squealed. I was so happy! I wante

d to have fun with my friends. I couldn't wait. Jesse chuckled and placed his h
and on my thigh. "Today is going to be amazing," he reassured.

"It would be amazing no matter what whether we're doing whatever you have planne
d or cuddled up in bed playing with the twins. I'm just happy when I'm with you,
" I said softly and he smiled.

When we got to the amusement park I was being rushed inside. I think Jesse was m
ore eager than I was. Today had to be good but I was hoping it wasn't too awkwar
d. Sky and Holden were stll not dating but were taling, Reagan I think is talkin
g to someone himself, Dalton is single, and Candice is bringing her boyfriend wh
o I finally get to meet.

Jesse and I waited for everyone and well Allen, Courtney, Carson, Brenda, Holden
, Sky, Weston, and Michelle were all with me. I didn't know what was going on wi
th everyone else. Simon was here with his girlfriend but I didn't mind. Ferrah a
nd I kind of got along. She really liked Simon but I had a bad feeling Dalton wa
s right, they weren't going to work out. Especially since she hasn't found her m
ate yet.

Candice walked over with her boyfriend. He might only be twenty but he was good
looking. He had tan skin, black hair, and hazel eyes. He was muscular and tall.
She didn't do too bad. She doesn't have bad taste, I knew that. She easily got g
uys too. Now how was that guy even in college just looking at him he looks kind
of dumb. No offense. I wasn't one to judge but sometimes you can just tell when
there's a muscle guy with no brains and he looked like that type and it makes se
nse because Candice could be really stupid hence she's with him.

Jesse pulled me in his arms and I giggled. "Stop checking him out," he whispered
in my ear. I knew he thought that. I turned in his arms and wrapped my arms aro
und his neck. "I only have eyes for you babe. I was just seeing how Candice did
and well she didn't do that bad but she could do better and have someone that lo
oks like he has a brain that functions," I said and he laughed.

"Be nice. Maybe he'll be the one for her and Dalton can finally have a happy lif
e," he replied and Candice growled. Oops.

"I think she heard you," I muttered, holding back a laugh.

"Good!" He yelled loudly and I smacked his chest. He leaned down and pecked my l
ips before letting me go. I hugged Candice and she introduced me to Derek. He wa
sn't really interested in meeting me because his eyes were somewhere else. I fol
lowed his gaze and saw it was toward the twins. The twins were both 17 now about
to be 18. I didn't know which one he was looking at but I had a good idea it wa
s the innocent one, Clara.
Clara was the brains and the sweet one who helped at shelters while Ciara was a
party girl who had a new boyfriend every week. She wasn't a slut though, shockin
g-I know. She was just a girl desperate for a male's attention but she was smart
enough to know which ones were jerks or were nice. Too bad they've all been jer

Clara was blushing and was trying to hide her face behind her hair. I narrowed m
y eyes and my wolf tried to take control which scared me. I pushed her all the w
ay back down and Jesse was demanding for us all to start walking so we did. I ra
n to Jesse's side and grabbed his hand. Today was a beautiful day.

Next thing you know four hours had went by and we were all going out for lunch.
After that I was heading somewhere with only Jesse. It was only four in the afte
rnoon. I didn't know where we were going but I guess it didn't matter. I was alr
eady having a good day.

Jesse and I ended up going to watch the sunset. We talked the whole time and I w
as sat on his lap. It was good to just spend some alone time. No babies crying o
r any friends telling me their drama. My husband and I needed a break and it was
nice just to get away from everything for a few hours just for us to be alone.

It was around six when we left our nice spot on the hill. Jesse smiled at me and
I raised an eyebrow. He drove for awhile until we came to a spot outside a nice
building. Jesse hopped out the car and walked around to my side. He helped me o
ut the car and I raised an eyebrow. He just shook his head and walked me to the
front of the building. He opened the glass doors and we stepped inside. It looke
d so beautiful and elegant here.

Jesse kept an arm around my waist as he led me even further into the building. J
esse led me into a room finally and I gaped at the scenery. "You didn't?" I shou
ted and he laughed. He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I did," he whispered in my ear. He kissed the side of my neck and I let out a l
ittle moan. He let me go and grabbed my hand. I looked around at the Twilight th
emed room. How ironic, huh?

Along the wall to my right was a table with a black table cloth over it and it h
ad two cakes on it, a bunch of bags, and a notepad. Across the room where I was
standing there were three long tables. The one in the middle had a black table c
loth while the other two had red ones. Jesse and I moved closer to the table. On
the first red table there was a platter of cookies. On each one it said Team Ed
ward, Team Jacob, Bite Me, Twilight, or had an apple on it. There was also a cup
cake tower that had cupcakes in black baking cups with red roses on it. And the
cupcakes were either red velvet with black icing on it in a rose or was chocolat
e cupcakes with red icing on it making a rose.

Then there was ladybug cake that was so cute. Then some regular food.
ck table there was a chocolate fountain and the chocolate was red! It
some! There were were brownies that had white icing on them that said
of all the characters from Twilight. Then there was a green bowl that
h of red apples. Wow. There was a bowl of chips and a smaller bowl of

On the bla
was so awe
the names
had a bunc

On the other black table there was a big bowl that

t that were in beer bottles it looked like and the
a label on it that said Type A, Type B, Type O, or
food left out on that table. Behind all the tables
that lined the wall, falling down to the floor.

was black and had drinks in i

drink inside was red. It had
Type AB. There was even more
were black and red streamers

Hanging from the ceiling scattered around the room were black and red paper late
rns. There was a bunch of balloons near the table at the door that were in shape
s of hearts, lips, or circular with Twilight characters on them. My favorite was
the heart shaped one that said, "Love at First Bite." I thought it was cute.
There was two small tables one on the right and one on the left of a huge tv. Ab
over the one on the right said Jacob. I walked over to it and laughed. There was
a tray of cookies with paw prints on them, cookies in the shape of bones, and a
bowl that had the label kibble on the outside. Jesse let me know it was brownie
flavored Chex Mix. It was really good too. Edward's small table had strawberrie
s covered in red chocolate, cookies that had jelly in it, little bags of twizzle
rs, and packets of blood-fake of course. It was so cute. I loved all of it.

There was a huge round table in the big room and well I walked over to see it wa
s where we all would be eating at. The chairs had black seat covers and a red bo
w on them. The table cloth was red with black roses on it. There were black plat
es, wine glasses that were designed to look like blood was coming out of them, n
apkins that were Twilight themed, and silverware in a red napkin with a black bo
w. There were red candles holders all over the table. A little menu card on top
of all the bowls on top of the plates for each person. It was perfect and I was
so excited.

Everything else was

my clothes. We were
amas too! Jesse and
s on. "I don't have

decorated nicely and I loved it. Jesse soon had me changing

having an all night movie marathon. Everyone had to wear paj
I stripped out of our clothes and he asked me what team I wa
a team," I shrugged.

"Good your team Edward tonight," he smirked.

"But I'm a werewolf."

"You married me," he retorted and I laughed. I pulled on the red pajama pants th
at had the words Team Edward written a million times on them in fancy black font
. The shirt was black and in white it also said Team Edward. Jesse was wearing a
matching outfit and I made him take pictures with me. He also put a pin on my s
hirt that said "Happy 19th Birthday." And he had on a pin that said, "Twilight r
uined my wife." It was funny and cute. He's lucky I love him.

After that he put our clothes in a bag and took it to the car. I found myself lo
oking at the other food tables. There was a clear pitcher thing full of red liqu
id that had a label that said, "Thirsty? Drink Blood." I looked around more and
saw so much foor and so much decorations. There were red boxes with black floral
print on it and inside was red well pinkish popcorn! A-mazing! Jesse couldn't h
ave done a better job.

When Jesse came back Courtney and Allen were with them. I was told they helped d
ecorate and I thanked them. Everyone else was going to be shocked. They all had
their pajamas and well even Courtney and Allen were in them. Everyone knew the t
heme but no one had been here but Jesse, Allen, and Courtney.

I talked to Courtney for awhile until guests arrived. Courtney was wearing Team
Jacob while Allen had Team Edward. Candice and Derek were here. Both Team Jacob.
Candice reaction was priceless. She squealed like pig before hugging me and loo
king around at everything.

Everyone from earlier was here and we were all settling down. Jesse had ordered
pizza which had arrived on time. There was the Twilight soundtrack playing while
Courtney started playing some games. First was this game where everyone has to
name who each vampire is. There was a banner hanging up with a picture of twenty
people. You had to name all of them. Everyone started at the same time and it w
as pretty hard. I couldn't think of some of their names.

I was the first to finish and I gave it to Courtney to check. I got it right! Ya
y! Next to win was Candice. I think me and her had a problem-obsessed. Afterward
s Courtney gave out the answers and we recycled the papers. The next game was bi
ngo. Some were playing that while others were eating and there were a couple of
chess boars out.

WIth Bingo there were names of a bunch of characters and Jesse was reading off q
uotes from all the movies. Of course Ciara won then Sky and then Derek. Seriousl
y? God I never win at bingo. After that we all took a personality test and I end
ed up being like Alice. Jesse wasn't happy with his answer of being like Jacob.
I thought it was the funniest thing in the world. He tried to tell me the game w
as rigged.

We were all now sitting around the big tv with our boxes of popcorn when Monica
and Harold showed up my babies. I hopped ot my feet and ran across the room to t
hem. I grabbed Blaise out his carseat and shreiked. He looked so cute. He had on
a black onesie that said Team Jacob. His socks were also black. He had on littl
e pants too that were black and said Team Jacob in fancy white font that matched
everyone else's pajamas.
Blaine had on the same outfit Jesse and I did. Instead of a shirt was a onesie a
nd his socks were red. Oh god they looked so cute. Jesse came over and grabbed B
laise and said hi to his parents. I greeted my parents too and then we all sat i
nfront of the TV as the first movie came on. I got reaquainted with Blaine while
the movies was on. He was so cute and looked just like his daddy in the face. H

e had Jesse's nose, chin, and lips. Blaise was the exact same way.

The first movie went by nicely and I missed the trivia since I went and changed
they boys diapers. I came back and joined everyone. The boys were wide awake and
had no problem getting attention from everyone. After each movie we did a few t
rivia questions from this book Courtney had.

When it was over everyone left with gift bags. There were black ones for Team Ja
cob and red ones for Team Edward. Jesse had said if you were a girl grab the one
with pink tissue paper and for the guys there's was silver tissue paper.

In all the guy's ones for Jacob there was chocolate bars themed Twilight, carame
l covered apples, a paw print cupcake, and a key chain that had a quote from a c
haracter from the saga. In the girls there was chocolate bars, black lipstick, b
lack colored chocolate lolipops in the shape of a wolf's head, a picture of Tayl
or Lautner, key chain, and a batch of paw print cookies.

For Edward's guys there was a bottle of red fruit punch with a blood label, choc
olate bar, quoted key chain, small tube of a red cocktail drink, and fangs. For
Edward girls there was red lipstick, fangs, chocolate bar, red lolipops in the s
hape of lips, and apples filled with jelly-awesome!

It all went perfect and well it lasted all night. The boys had just finally fall
en asleep when we got home a bit after midnight. They were half sleep though so
Jesse and i had t be careful and quiet otherwise we'd be dealing with cranky and
crying babies.

We got them each in their own cribs and then headed to our room. Spencer was in
his cage and was sleep. We left the cage open so he wouldn't start barking when
he woke up and wanted to get out. Jesse and I were both in a good mood and I sur
prisingly wasn't tired. I was really happy and relaxed.

Jesse was eager for us to have some real alone time and I wasn't complaining. He
was kissing on my neck from behind while I was gathering stuff from the dresser
. I moaned and just quit. I turned to face my husband and sighed. "You don't giv
e up do you?" I asked and he chuckled lowly.

"Not on you," he answered and I smiled before pressing my lips to his. He groane
d lowly and began backing us up to the bed. Between the two minutes that happene
d we were both in nothing but our under garnments. He pushed me on the bed and I
bit my tongue to hold back a yelp in surprise. He leaned down and climbed on to
p of me kissing all over my body and sucking on my mark. I arched my back and pu
lled him closer.

His hands slipped in my panties and I gasped before holding back a moan. He met
my eyes and his shined with lust and love through the light coming through the c
urtains from the the moon. "You make me want to scream," I panted and he threw h
is head back and laughed loudly before I covered his mouth my mine to keep him q

He understood though. I was holding back loud moans and screams because we could
n't wake the boys or we never be able to continue tonight. We kissed fiercely an
d our hands and lips were all over each other as we made sweet and passionate lo
ve for the first time since I had the twins. And one thing I know is that it fel
t so good all through the night just like it did the night we created our boys a
nd mated and also like our first time all over again. We expressed our love for
each other without any words just like we did the first time. It was when I real
ized I loved him and he told me he loved me. What can I say? My life was perfect
as long as I had my sexy vampire king husband.
It is over!!! I'm so sad but I loved this chapter. I had fun with it actually. I
think it was really sweet. And again the sequel is called, You Make Me Want To
Drop. That will be the last book on Jesse and Violet. I think...I do want to do
a book on the twins when they're older. I have some ideas for that but I still h
ave to write the sequel first. That will be in Jesse's P.O.V for the most part.
Sometimes we get Violet's part but it is Jesse's story since it's his vampire pr
oblems. But Vi will have many chapters too because I love her and the series I g
uess you could say is mainly her story over all.

But anyways...At the beginning of the sequel I will focus on the couple in the f
irst chapter well prologue. Then the actual chapters will jump right into the bu
ilding up information like what is all going on to lead up to the climax! We wil
l have P.O.V's that are unknown I'll label it P.O.V #1 or #2 so everyone will kn
ow there are more than one :) And there will be some surprise P.O.V's hopefully.
In book one we had Simon's P.O.V and Gavin's. This one had Harold's and Sky's.
Even Layla's at some times. Then the unknowns being revealed...Alvin. Next book
will have Sky's for a few times. There is a reason though! I promise that. And a
lways a happy ending. So maybe Candice and Sky will get there act together with
their mates or Dalton and Reagan will find true love with all the happiness in t
he world. Not sure yet ;)

That's it. Look out for the sequel coming this weekend. I'm so ready to get writ
ing on that book. I'm busy with school like all week but this weekend it will de
finitely be up. I'll be working from Friday night and Saturday morning. Hopefull
y get it up Saturday sometime or Sunday morning. But it will be up. Fan me and l
ook for my messages on stuff. And in the meantime read my other books. I prefer
the ongoing one's like Opening Up-My best and Fav. human only book, Mating Mr. A
lpha-full of surprises, Immortal Beast-favorite mythical stuff as in werewolf/va
mpire stuff (so in love with that book and the main character. It's fun not havi
ng a perfect love life and writing that for someone.)-Would love som support on
that book, and Alpha's Tease-action and romance along with steamy scenes ;)

That's it though guys. I'm rambling because I don't want the book to be over. Bu

t there is still You Make Me Want To Drop. The reason behind that came from the
last chapter (hint, hint). Don't say anything if you think you have an idea. Sen
d me a private message but don't comment the idea becausae you may be right. But
that's it. I'm done. Love you all. Had fun with this book and hoped you all lik
ed it. Tell me what you thinks. And thanks a ton for reading.

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