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I 1,2010


To: DavidBarilla :
Chairmanof LehighCountyDemocraticCommittee
Countyof LehighClerkto theBoard LEHIGHCOUNTY
From:Marc Basist


It is with a greatdeal of interest and enthusiasmrthatI submit my name,to be

consideredamong the highly qualified candidatesapplying to fill the remaining portion
of Bill Leiner's County Commissionerterm in offroe.

I believe I have much to offer as a County Commissioner. I have extertsivebusiness

experienceand will be able to work effectively with the current County Commissioners
in a respectful and productive manner in order to addressthe numerousdifficult decisions
needing to be made over the next severalyears. I am a realist and a modelate, which I
believewill be an assetduring discussionsand decisionmaking processes.

My ability to understandand presentviable solutions to issuesfacing Lehigh County

can be attestedto by the results in the recentNov. €lections. I ran againstthe highly
respectedand favored incumbent, Dr. Percy Dougherty, in the Republicanrdominated
district 2. With limited financial resources,I was slrccessfulin obtaining more votes than
any other Democratic candidaterunning in other districts. I attribute this
accomplishmentto taking the advice given to me by David Jones. And so,I knocked on
numerousdoors of both Democratsand Republica4sand sharedmy suggestedsolutions
to our County's problems. Many voters, includinginumerouslifelong Republicans,liked
my ideas and appreciatedmy energy. ,

Nov. 2009 Elections voting results:

l. Marc Basist 3,718
2. JeanneMcNeil 3,499
3. David Jones 3,318
4. Daniel McCarthy 3,675
5. Hilary Kwiatek 3,490

Warmest Regards,

qf^,* 8"*t

Cc: DeanBrowning,
Boardof Comrnissioners
& Dr. PerayDougherty.

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Marc I. Basist
Allentown,PA 18103


{. BostonUniversitySchoolof Management
BA/BS (1981). :

CommodityHedgersInc., Boardof DirectorChief FinancialOfficer
andDirectorof Sales. i ,
* Responsiblefor the successin the utilizatiohof SpecialSensingMicrowave
ImagerTechnologyfor the agriculturaland'commoditytradingindustries.

2006-PresentKistler Tiffany Benefits health cafe consultantin the Lehigh Valley.

1986-2004Linvatec Corporation selling orthof,edicequipment in Boston, MA and

Allentown, PA
* SalesRepof the yearandwinnerof everyachievableawardnumeroustimes.
* Awarded/honoredasthe top salesin the nationin the medicalindustryby
CardinalHealth,in a nationwideindustrysprveyin 1989. ,

1984-1986Alcon Surgical selling ophthalmic qquipment in Tampa, FL and Boston,

{. Top Quota Producer,Doubled Salesin two years.

1981-1984Pitney Bowes selling copiersand brfsinessequipmentin Rochester,NY

and Tampa,FL.
* Rookie of the month for 2 consecutivemonths.
* Top 10 in salesout of 6,000 salesreps in thB nation.

1. AllentownRotaryInternational.
2. St.ThomasMore,memberof Menof St.ThomasMgre.
2. AllentownYouthSoccerLeague.
4. BoardMemberof LehighValleyHighSchoolfor theiSchoolof the Performing
5. Mentorfor LehighValleyConferenceof Churches.,
6. LehighValleyAlzheimer'sAssociation
7. CivicTheatreof Allentown.

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