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DeanN. Browning, Chairman, Lehigh County Bodd of Commissioners

Lehigh County Government Center
l7 S. SeventhStreet I

Allentown,PA 18101-2400

RE: Lehigh County CommissionerAppointment I

Dear Chairman Browning,

It is with great pleasurethat I am submitting my letter of application and resumefor your

considerationas it relatesto the recent vacancy of one of the Lehigh County
Commissionerpositions. I have had the privilege of serving the residentsof Lower
Macungie Township as an appointedCommissionepin the last two years while we
undertook the difficult task of transforming a governmentunder the new F[rst Class
structure. I believe my recent governmentexperierfce,coupled with a lifetime of
community serviee,my businessbackground,and $trongwork ethic, would be of great
value in this position and would allow me to contirrueto servethe community while
providing the leadership,dedication,and hard work expectedby Lehigh County

I look forward to hearing from you and can be reachedat 484-951-1289or at

DeanaM. Zosky
Emmaus, PA. 18049
(484)951- I 289,


Long Island University at Southampton College Bachelorof Science,Accounting,Cum Laude,1990

Major G.P.A.:3.9,StudentGovernmentTreasurer,ResidenlAssistant,1988/89ProvostCitizenship
Award. Earned100% of collegecosts
CEDEP Business Management Schoolr INSEAD campuS,Fountainbleau,France,Certificate of
completion,1999 (SisterSchoolof Harvardand PennBusinessSchools)
Lehigh University, MBA coursework
Certified Public Accountant Stateof Pennsylvania,1997:


Business Consultant, Sole Proprietor - Emmaus, PA. (Jahuary 2005 - present) ,

Performing business consulting services including Sarbanes Oxley legislatiorr compliance, internal
control, internal audit, process review and reengineering expertise, strategic and business planning,
accounting, cash flow and working capital management,lstrategicand other facilitation services, along
with sustainablebusinesspracticesconsulting.

Robert Half International - Albuquerque, NM (Septembef20ol - February 2002)

Business.Consultant (September 200I -F ebruarv 2002 )
Performed planning and testwork for an intemational high-tech client, Intel, related to a multi-million
dollar contract review. Responsibilities included coordiriation of all phases of lthe project with senior
management, review of all relevant financial information, completion of detailed testwork and
presentationof findings. Involved in formulating ongoing businessstrategyand processesto avoid future
concerns related to outside businesspartners, as well as ito provide consulting expertise and advice as

ResourcesConnection - Washington, DC (Deloitte and ToucheAffitiated CompAny) (January 2001 -

Business Consultant (JanuarJ)200I -September200I \
Performed audit testwork and helped client implement ai stock option plan. Acted as Interim Senior
Accounting Manager/SeniorRestructuring Manager for a Real Estate Development client undergoing a
Finance Department restructuring. Responsibilities included coordination of extemal financial audits,
review of all financial statementpackagessubmitted to owhers, creation and maintenaRceof a workpaper
system and performed project clean up of property fingncial statements, including acquisitions and
disposals. Participatedin the formation of new financial priocessesand proceduresand provided expertise
and advice on restructuring initiatives and businessstrategy. Performed an internal processreview of an
owner portfolio and provided written recommendationsand expertise on processtimprovementsolutions
as a separateengagement.

Mack Trucks,Inc. - Allentown, PA. (May IggT - October A000)

Mpnager Ftnanctel P
Report directly to the Chief Financial Officer. Director level position ultimately responsiblefor preparing
and presenting monthly, quarterly, and annual consolidatdd financial statemerts, 4s well as monthly and
annual forecasts. Preparecompany's long range strategic financial plan, as well as financial analysis and
risk management. Also prepare and present weekly estimptesof monthly bottom-line financial results to
management. Manage the company's capital commitments and coordinate and:managethe annual and
interim audit of financial statementswith external auditors. Research the impact of new accounting
pronouncements on presentation and results. Perforrtr various financial presentations to senior
managementon an ongoing basis and participate in all major financial decisionsexecutedby the CFO .

Internal Audit Manager (October \998-December 1999 i

Responsiblefor all phasesof the internal audit processincliudingthe planning of the annual audit plan, the
audit engagementscope,fieldwork, and review of findingsiwith upper managemertt.Managedthe internal
audit staff on all engagements.Preparedand presentedfindings at Audit Committee Meetings with upper
management,as well as coordinated risk assessmentof audit areas with externbl auditors. Completed
annual budgetsand other financial measurementtools for the department.
Senior Internal Auditor (Malt 1997-October ./9981 :
Responsiblefor all phasesof the intemal audit processincluding the planning, fiieldwork, and review of
findings with management, including developing interinal control improventent recommendations.
Worked closely with Internal Audit Manager to ensuresuocessfulcompletion of audit and supervisedthe

KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, Allentown, PA. (March 1996-May 1997)

SupervisinsSeniorAuditor (March 1996-Mav1997)
Responsiblefor all phasesof the external audit process irtcluding the planning, Xieldwork, and financial
statementpresentationand opinion phasesof the audit furtction with a variety of clients, including SEC
clients. Supervisedand reviewed work of all assistantand btaff auditors on relatediengagements.Worked
closely with engagementManager and Partnerto ensuresuccessfulcompletion of audit.

The Associated Merchandising Corporation, New Yorh, NY. (May 1992-MarchL996)

SeniorInternal Auditor (January I 995-Marchl9961
Responsiblefor performing various audits including domesitic,international, and IS areas. Preparedaudit
programs, conductedpre and post audit conferences,maintained workpapers, conlmunicatedaudit results
via audit report to COO and the Audit Committee, and performed follow up procedures on completed

Senior Financial Analyst (April 1994-January 1995,) ;

Responsiblefor negotiating Standby Letters of Credit termg, analyzing forward contractsversus on-order
position to determine adequacyof hedging coverage,responsiblefor Commercial I.etters of Credit issued
to vendors, and maintained various compgter databaseswhich interact with Lettet of Credit information.
Liaison between shareholdersand their correspondingbanks regarding financial isstres.
Senior Accountant (May 1992-April 19941 .
Responsiblefor performing monthly account reconciliationls for various balancesheetaccounts,prepared
quarterly Commercial Rent Tax and Sales and Use Tax returns, prepared quarterly balance sheet and
income statement,reconciled fixed asset subsidiary ledgei to general ledger, andrpreparedannual fixed
assettax depreciationinformation.
Coopers & Lyhrand LLP, New York, NY (July 1990-Mayt 1992)
Responsiblefor preparing information for financial staterirents. Reconciled all subsidiary ledgers to the
general ledger, prepared Sales Tax Returns, prepared quarterly balance sheets,analyzed provisions for
doubtful accounts, prepared gain and loss schedulesfor clignt engagementsand prepared partner analysis.

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants - member

Leadership Lehigh Valley - Class of 2000 - A one ydar program designed tb promote community
leadership and volunteer cofirmitment by preparing community leaders for their roles as Board of
Directors for Not-for-Profit organizations. Curriculurfr included visits to various organizations,
managementtraining, including fundraising, board structurpand protocol, legal isgues,role of the BOD in
the NFP organization.

PennsylvaniaHorticultural Societ))- Organizer and Judge,Fhiladelphia Inner-City Community Gardens


Salisbury Township- 2006Volunteerof the YearAward- award bestowedon township residents

demonstratingcommitment to their community through vollunteerservicewith a fqcus on environmental
protection (nominatedby CommissionerMartucci and RepriesentativeKaren Beyer).

Perlis Montessori School Earth Day Proqram Creator- wQrk with the teachersand studentsof the Perlis
Montessori school and environmentaleducatorsto createand run the schoolsEarth Day program which
includes an all day event which featureshand on leaming experiencewith an environmentalfocus, the
history and politics of earth day, as well as a focus on citizehship and stewardship.i

Co-Creator, Edible Schoolyard Garden. EmmausHieh Sch?ol- Worked with the principal, teachers,and
studentsof the EmmausHigh School to develop, plan, and preatean Edible Schoolyardgardenin the
inner courtyard of the school. Students are using the inner {ourtyard garden to grow their own fruits,
vegetables.and herbs,as well as native plants for a wildlife'habitat garden.and are using both the
greenhouseand the gardenas a living classroomto learn lessonswith their teachersabout science,math,
botany, art, ecology, and community citizenship. The gardeinwas generouslysupportedand embracedby
many membersof the community including Ardath Rodale and Organic Gardeningrmagazine.local
farmers and nursery owners,the Wildlands Conservancy,arid many others.
Member, Committeeto PreserveFarr Road- local citizensicommitteeformed to work in partnershipwith
the Wildlands Conservancyto purchasethe Farr Road tract to enablethe Wildlands Conservancyto
expandthe Pool wildlife Sanctuaryfor benefit and enjoyment of the public.

Member. PennsylvaniaPerimeter Ridefor Cancer- particifated in the 5 day, 500 nrile ride bike ride
which is done every two yearsacrossthe statewith a group pf 60 dedicatedriders and support crew to
raise money for the American CancerSociety and the Drearh Come True foundation.
Vice President,Lower Macungie Township Commissioner4Q\\S/2}}9) - Appointed by the court to serve
a two-year term as one of five township leadersunder the nBw First Class statusfor the township.
Focusedon providing transformationalleadershipand stratpgyto move township toward a transparent,
professionally run township, presentlythe fastestgrowing tbwnship in the state,with 30,000 residents.
Entailed significant changethroughout the organization in light of past financial and other
mismanagement.Financial accountability and internal confrol initiatives had a critricalfocus to move to a
best in classposition through implementation of processreview and reengineeringand sound fiscal
govemance. Also worked diligently to promote communitir involvement and visioning with the aim of
creating opportunities for the residentsto explore and enjo$ the wonderful township resourcesat their
disposal. Worked collaboratively with community organiz&tionsuch as the LCCD; LVPC, local
governmentoffrcials, DCNR, DEP, and the Wildlands Contervancy. Createdthe first Environmental
Advisory Council in the township and revitalized the Parks;Recreation,Open Spaceand Farmland
Preservationboard along with the Historical Commission. Revitalized the townshlp's community gardens
with classesand resourcesfor gardenersof all abilities. Championedthe creation of a master site plan for
Camp Olympic and the preservationand renovation of the historic Leister Farm as well as the preservation
of the townships farmland and greenways.

Member. Lehigh Valley Plannine Commission - 2008 - prepent

Co-Chair. Member. Executive LeadershipCouncil - Renew Lehigh Valle], - 2008 r present

Regional orgarization focusedon the Valley's rcvitalizatiofl through regional cooperationwith
community, not for profit, government,and businessleaderg.

Citv of Allentown Blue Ribbon Committee. ExpenseCom+ittee Chairperson"200?

Asked by the Mayor of the City of Allentown to Chair the ExpenseCommittee of outside businessand
finance expertsto review the statusof their financesand mdrkedetailed recommendationfor financial

City of Allentown GreenRibbon Committee.2009

Asked by the Director of Community and Economic Develepmentto be part of a team that determinesthe
city's strategyfor a greeneconomy and sustainabilitypractices.


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