Examples Bending

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(Lovas Szilgyi: Mechanika-Szilrdsgtani pldatr, J 9-1179)

Original examples: pages 65 - 79.
Solutions: pages 271 300.
3.5 Determine the maximal value of the external distributed load q, if
e = allowable = 80 MPa !
3.6 Draw the bending moment diagram! Check the beam for bending, if

e+ = allowable
= 350 MPa, e = allowable
= 750 MPa ! Draw the stress diagram!
3.7 Check the beam for bending! Draw the stress diagram, and calculate the ratio of
plastic versus elastic load bearing capacity c! e = allowable = 200 MPa .
3.8 Determine the maximal value of M 0 , if e = allowable = 140 MPa . What is the value of
the maximal plastic bending moment M 0 t = M 0 plastic , if f = yield = 160 MPa ?
3.9 Determine the maximal values of M a and M b , if

e+ = allowable
= 30 MPa, e = allowable
= 80 MPa .

3.10 Which arrangement is more favourable, a or b? Determine the maximal value of


the external distributed load q, if e+ = allowable

= 210 MPa, e = allowable
= 660 MPa ,
and the safety factor is n = 2,5! Draw the stress diagram!
3.11 Determine the maximal value of the force F, if e = allowable = 140 MPa ! Determine
the maximal value of elastic ( Fr = Felastic ) and plastic ( Ft = Fplastic ) load bearing
capacity, if f = yield = 160 MPa ! Draw the stress diagram in both cases!
3.12 Determine the maximal value of the plastic load bearing capacity Ft , if
f = yield = 200 MPa !
3.13 Check the beam for bending, if e = allowable = 70 MPa ! Determine the maximal value
of elastic and plastic load bearing capacity of the cross-section, if
f = yield = 90 MPa ! Draw the stress diagram!
3.14 Design the beam for bending and round off the value of a for cm! Determine the
value of elastic and plastic load bearing capacity of the cross-section, if
e = allowable = 120 MPa and f = yield = 150 MPa !
3.15 Design the diameters of the bars (rounding off for mm), if the e = allowable = 70 MPa !
Design the beam for bending (rounding off for cm), if e = allowable = 7,5 MPa !
Determine the elastic and plastic load bearing capacity of the beam, if
f = yield = 10 MPa ! Calculate the ratio of plastic versus elastic load bearing capacity
3.16 Determine the maximal value of elastic and plastic load bearing capacity of the crosssection and their ratio c, if f = yield = 200 MPa !
3.17 Determine the position of the maximal normal stress in the column consisting of two
separate sections! F, a, b, l, e, A and J x are given.

3.18 Determine the value of the maximal normal stress!

3.19 Determine the position of the maximal normal stress in the beam!
3.20 Determine the position and the magnitude of the maximal normal stress!
h0 = 30 cm, h1 = 10 cm, b = 5 cm, F = 20 kN .
3.21 Draw the internal force diagrams! Calculate the values of h, r and a! Check the beam
and calculate the ratio of plastic versus elastic load bearing capacity c! Which crosssection will be more economical from the point of view of bending?
3.22 We cut a rectangular cross-section from a circle made of wood of diameter d. What
will be the ratio h/b to create the largest load bearing capacity for bending? The value
is given.
of efa = allowable
3.23 We made a new cross-section from a steel section: the original height was 400 mm,
the new one is 560 mm. What is difference in the load-bearing capacity?
3.24 Determine the shape of a cantilever from the condition that in every cross-section the
maximal value of the stress will be the same! The height h is constant, while the width
b varies along the length of the cantilever.
3.25 Determine the function of the curvature of the beam,
- if the cross-section at the support is totally exploited, or
- if h = h0 = const., b = b( z ) , or
- if h = h( z ), b = b0 = const. , or
- if, h = h( z ), b = b0 = const. , and the function is third order one.
Which version will be the most economical?
3.26 We created a beam, where the stresses are the same in all cross-sections (see Figure
3.26). Determine the maximal value of the load p, if the e = allowable = 180 MPa !
Calculate the theoretical lengths of the reinforcements!
3.27 Design the beams of the slab! The spans of the beams are 5 m, the load is
p = 3kN / m 2 and the other parameters are: b / h = 2 / 3 and e = allowable = 10 MPa .
3.28 The length of a water-gate is 4 m, it is made of wood. The planks are supported with
steel I-sections. Design the thickness of the planks and the size of the I-steel, if
efa = allowable
= 10 MPa, eacl = allowable
= 140 MPa !
3.29 Design the planks of the water-gate, if efa = allowable
= 8 MPa !
3.30 A wooden beam is put under the columns. Design this beam for bending, if
efa = allowable
= 10 MPa, etalaj = allowable
= 0,1 MPa , and the forces expressed by the
columns are F =30 kN!
3.31 Draw the bending moment diagrams and check the beam for bending, if
e = allowable = 20 MPa !
3.32 Determine the maximal values of the normal stresses!
3.33 The radius of the curvature (R) of the beam is given. Determine the value of the
external load F !
3.34 Determine the maximal values of the normal stresses with the method of
superposition and also with the general method! Draw the stress diagram!
3.35 Design the parameter a of the beam! Check the beam and draw the stress-diagram!
Determine the elastic and plastic load bearing capacity of the cross sections and the
e = allowable = 90 MPa and f = yield = 120 MPa !

3.36 Determine the maximal values of the normal stresses with two different methods!
Draw the stress diagram! Calculate the function of the normal stress and the equation
of the neutral axis!
3.37 Draw the bending moment diagram and calculate the maximal values of normal
stresses with the general method! Draw the stress diagram!
3.38 Determine the maximal values of the normal stresses with the help of the general
method! Draw the stress diagram!
3.39 Determine the maximal values of the normal stresses with the method of Culmanns
kernel and with the general method! Draw the stress diagrams! Calculate the function
of the normal stress and the equation of the neutral axis!
3.40 Determine the values of the maximal normal stresses! Draw the stress diagrams!
3.41 Draw the bending moment diagram and calculate the maximal values of the normal
stresses with the general method! Draw the stress diagrams!
3.42 M , A and are given. What will be the ratio a/b to get the minimal value of the
normal stress?
3.43 Draw the maximal normal stress as the function of ! Determine the value giving
the highest maximal stress! Calculate the plastic load bearing capacity of the crosssection with a = 10 cm, b = 20 cm, f = yield = 200 MPa !

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