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FONA International
Traveling Mobile Exhibit Proposal: FONA Flavor Express

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What if every flavor science student across

the USA had a first-hand experience with FONA
before they even enter the workforce?

How many new potential employees and customers

would be engaged and introduced to FONAs
innovative flavor solutions?

How much additional media coverage could FONA

attain with a unique and interactive marketing


FONA is a full-service flavor company focused on delivering complete, custom solutions to

their customers. They pride themselves on understanding their target audience and
developing solutions tailored specifically to the market, brand, strategy, and vision of the
companies with which they work.Their services extend fully across the product
development process, ranging from ideation to logistics. FONA is committed to the
relentless pursuit of excellence and aims to be the leader in the flavor industry by
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upholding this standard in every regard. As per the company vision statement, The FONA
brand will be synonymous with innovation and industry-leading business models.

Overview of the FONA Flavor Express

The FONA Flavor Express is conceptualized as a traveling exhibit staffed by one driver and
two FONA employees going to colleges and universities for the purpose of adding value to
the community and gaining increased exposure through direct interaction with potential
customers, employees, and fans. According to data from the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) and the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), there are currently 52
colleges and universities throughout the USA with programs in food and flavor science. By
utilizing an interactive mobile exhibition truck, FONA Flavor Express, FONA can make
connections with the professors, students, companies, and professionals connected to
these programs, thus increasing their exposure in the flavor science industry.

FONA needs a unique, creative way to set itself apart as a top-tier flavor company.
Currently, FONA relies primarily on trade shows as a platform from which to build
awareness of the company. Given the relatively small size of FONA in comparison with
some of its larger competitors, the FONA Flavor Express concept will allow FONA to
differentiate itself from its competitors and gain momentum through its creativity and
ingenuity rather than sheer spending power and name recognition. As it stands, FONA
already has curriculum that can be repackaged and repurposed for the FONA Flavor
Express, so the majority of work that would need to be done on FONAs part has already
been completed its simply a matter of taking the show on the road.


The objective of the FONA Flavor Express is to drive FONA toward their goal of breaking
into the top tier of flavor companies It will do so by increasing awareness and supporting
field sales through national mobile marketing. The exhibit will aim to improve retention and
heighten awareness among prospective customers. The overall objective of the FONA

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Flavor Express is to create new opportunities for media placement and to build the FONA

Strategic Goal
Market FONA to potential customers and
future employees in a strategic, creative
way by visiting colleges and universities
with food science programs and making
FONA come to life on stage through
engagement with FONA food scientists.

Expected Results
1. Improve relationships between FONA and potential employees/customers
2. Solidify FONAs reputation as experts in the field of flavor science
3. Increase awareness about FONA for prospective customers
4. Attract an increase in local and national attention by creating media in strategic places
5. Demonstrate to both the flavor industry and the general public that FONA is innovative
and forward thinking

Community and Education

The FONA Flavor Express will also allow FONA to expand its Flavor University program for
a more flexible demographic. Preschool through high school students stand to benefit from
FONA Flavor Express, as do older members of the community. Programs and
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demonstrations can be adjusted and personalized for everyone from young children to
older adults and done everywhere from childrens hospitals to senior adult assisted living
homes, giving FONA the opportunity to refresh its community outreach efforts and
continue adding value to the community.


Project Parameters and Cost Estimate

The following cost estimate for this project is based on preliminary research done by the C.
Grant & Company team. More detailed cost estimates will be provided as the scope of
project becomes more defined.

Project Stage Breakdown

Research Phase
The first phase is critical for developing both the general framework and some of the finer,
more specific points of FONA Flavor Express. C. Grant & Company will meet with key
FONA personnel and make final plans regarding which colleges and universities to include
on the initial tour. FONA University material will need to be developed and refined to be
suitable for a traveling exhibit. Legal and/or insurance liabilities and requirements will be
assessed, including local permits.

Budget Development Phase

The schematic design is developed with a fully-detailed, fully-engineered design. At the
beginning of the budget development phase the logistical parts of the operation are
complete. By the end of this phase the project is fixed and the final approvals are
complete. A list of the tools and specifications needed are determined in this phase.
Equipment is purchased or leased.

Creative Planning Phase

Preparation of the final documentation defining how the project will be built and fabricated
takes place. These are the documents that will actually be used in the fabrication shop.
They are prepared by the team and submitted to the contractor and include both drawings
and specifications. The design takes physical form as the components are built.
Construction is based on the approved construction/fabrication documents. Promotional
materials are developed and channels for communication with various media outlets are
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Execution, Testing and Adjustment

All exhibit components and technologies are installed and programmed. All features are
tested during this stage in an initial visit to one of several universities located near FONA
headquarters to ensure they will meet the project's program requirements. FONA Flavor
Express will be physically transported to a test location. Once the exhibit is fully set up, all
technology will be tested and beta visitors will experience the exhibit first-hand to ensure
complete functionality. This stage concludes when all elements are functioning together
correctly and accepted by FONA.

Schedule and Estimated Costs

Cost Range



3-4 months

Budget Development

1-2 months

Creative Planning



3-6 months
3-4 months

CGC Transport


CGC Management Fee


Mobile Exhibit Costs




Mobile Exhibit Costs
All associated transportation costs (fuel, insurance, mileage, driver) are covered in the
Mobile Exhibit Costs. A driver with CDL certification will be provided to transport the truck
containing the exhibit throughout the duration of the tour; the drivers food, lodging, and
salary are all covered in the Mobile Exhibit Costs.


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Project Management
C. Grant & Company will manage the project from concept to completion including
research, creative strategy, budget tracking, and creation of all marketing materials. Fee is
included in line item costs.


We recommend initiating the process of leasing a truck and converting it into FONA Flavor
Express 1.0. Repurpose currently existing Flavor University courses, tailoring them to be
suitable for live demonstration and interaction with both intentional visitors and those just
passing by. Beginning with day trips to Illinois Institute of Technology and the University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign will allow FONA to refine the FONA Flavor Express program and
find what works best before going on an extended tour. After completing the day trips, a
tour of the midwest region is recommended for the beginning of the fall semester (mid to
late September) before the weather turns too cold for outdoor demonstrations. The
southeast and southern regions will provide more flexibility weather-wise, so traveling there
in the winter months is more feasible. Later in the spring semester (early April to mid-May)
would be an opportune time for both the northeastern and pacific regions.

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