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A 0^
. (Christian)

Marccline, Miissuuri

May 1988

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ;

We praise the Lord that another month has passed of serving the
Lord and living for Him, What a privilege to know and serve Jesus,
The month of May was really a great month in the Lord's work. The

first week was busy getting the Kombi fixed up. to be used during the time
the interns are here. We put the VW engine in it and it seems to be running

good so far. We praise the Lord for that,

Roland and I went to Pretoria and checked on the visas for the six

people coming from St, Louis Bible College, The department of house affairs

had sent the ok for their visas that same day which was a blessing. We are
getting ready to pick the interns up as they arrive the 31st and will be here


two full months, Please keep them in your prayers,

The 8th of May was Youth Sunday ,and Mother's Day so the youth took
over both services, such as careing of the coimnunion, collections^ singing
and everything, Roland Joseph preached a special sermon for the youth and
their relationship with their parents. The youth did a great job as all had
a part in the services, some giving testamonies. They also are being very

faithful at the youth meetings and growing spiritually for which we praise
the Lord,
It is such a joy to see them take interest in Church activities.
The 11th through the 15th we had a preacher training seminar and as

it was a holiday here in South Africa the men were able to attend during the
day so we had as many as 21 during the day. The men were mainly from Kimberley but we had a few from surrounding places not too far away, Pete Laughren
and Steve Zipimerman came up from Cape Town and taught the seminar. They did
a fantastic job and the men were really happy# We had services each night
also and held them at the church building at the black township here, It was
good to spend the time with the brethren and we learned a lot that week. Bob

Mills from Johannesburg also spent the weekend with us and spoke on Sunday
morning, I also enjoyed a visit with Pete and Fran, always good to see some
of the family. We had a combined baptism service with the Church here and the

Black Township, they had 15 people to be baptized and we had 3, The building
was really packed and we had a blessed service. Please pray for these new
converts, the names of the ones from Kimberley are: Mr, l-lorolong, Pete, and
Joseph Janvake, It is good to have strong men in the Church and these 3 love
the Lord and are eager to serve Him in a great way,
Pat Allen and I have a good solid schedule for the interns while here,
the first 2 weeks will be in Johannesburg, then in Kimberley rest of month.

Please pray that we may fulfill the Lord's purpose while we preach, teach and
travel. Thank you for your love, prayers and support and please continue to pray
also that the funds will come in to make that "Youth Survey" trip to Singapore,
Lord willing.

Love you all.

In His Service
Jonathan Hamilton
Box 1624


Kimberley 8301
Republic of So, Africa

Marceline,Mo, 64658

RR #2 - E,Hau8er St,

u/icA 0^
. (Christian)
Marccline, iviissuuri

June 1988

Dear Friends:

I bring you greetings as always from Kimberley. All is doing well with
the Church and the internships* June has been a very busy month and X do really

appreciate your prayers and support*

The Lord has blessed us in so many ways I

can't begin to number them*

Professor I^rka and five students from St* Louis Christian College arrived
in South Africa the'Slst of May* Our Van was out of order so we used the Van at
Alethua where Dr* Stuart Cook is working while we were in Johannesburg area* The
first week was spent in a bush camp that Stuart Cook has and It was real nice to

get out away from the busy city life*

Dr* Cook and Pat Allen taught us a lot of

Cross Cultural Communication and gave us a better understanding of how the Black
African thinks as compared to a Westerner* We all became close to each other and
learned much about the African mind set*

John Garber* Stacy Gamer and Leanord Moore have done a super job of preachf
ing and teaching* The two girls, Amanda Baker and Janine Whited also have done a
fantastic job of getting to know the people and teaching also*

In fact, the entire _

group from SLCC have been the best of any internship X have worked with in the past*
They have had a great attitude and zeal in preaching the Gospel of Christ*
The second week was spent in Jo'burg visiting a few of the local Church4s,
Kimberley Road Church of Christ and a coloured Church in El Dorado Park also with
the folks 'at Alethia where Pat Allen has been doing a great job with the youth* We
came down to Kimberley and had Bible study in the homes of the people twice and had
a picnic with them one afternoon and other activities The interns have found out
how to love these prople in a short time*
The VBS was a fast and busy week and as
we had done a lot of planning for it things went off like clock work* There were 60
or more to attend which we thought very good*

One Sunday Dr* Bob Kurka had an ordination service for Brother Morolong to
be a Deacon* He had been working up to this for about 8 months and he is a good man*
The last weekend we had a youth retreat in Campbell* The interns were a little shock
ed as the town has only 1 filling station and 2 very small cafes to buy candy and
a- little food*
We spent Friday through Sunday at the Public school, that night we
had about 100 for youth meeting* The 20 kids from Kimberley went door to door and
brou^t them in* Xt was a great evening for good fun and preaching, then we had
classes and activities

on Saturday and a wonderful youth service on Sunday morning

which made it a long weekend and it was good to have a bath after 3 days of being

By the way, X did recieve the $1000.00 for the survey trip to Singapore and I
will .be leaving about the third week of August, Lord willing. Please continue to
pray that I will preach the Gospel of Christ with wisdom and boldness. May the Lord
bless you with every spiritual blessing for His sake. You are always in my prayers.

^love you all.

Your Brother





Mrs. 0. Hamilton, Fwd.Agt.

E. Hauser St. RR #2,Box 258

MarCeline, Mo.


u>ich 0/
Marceline, Missouri
Dear Friends;

We praise the Lord for the wonderful work He is doing here in Kimberley,
also for the six ladies that have obeyed Him in giving their lives to Him completelyo
They are Margaret Morolong, Racheal Kamies, Laveina and Maria Thompson, Callista Thomp
son and Allison. It was really a joyful time, Racheal is married with two children and
we are working on her husband, the others are highschool age. It was a pleasure to teach
them and to prepare them for the decision. It was a little quiet here during the month
without the Interns but also good to be back on a regular schedule. We had to get the VW
Conibi registration changed over to thd Kimberley Christian Church and that meant we had

to go through the"road worthy test,"

was not too bad for the shape it was
have been doing well, the people are
meetings are well attended and it is

communicate with the Lord.

put on some new tires and fix some lights but that
Our Monday and Tuesday night Bible Studies
eager and attentive to the Word, Wednesday prayer
encourgaging to see their desire to pray more and

The Ladies' meetings on Thursdays are doing well and the men

are really making some good house calls. We have been stressing soul winning as some
feel they can be Christians without doing that but they are begining to understand that it

is imparative. Our youth meetings are going strong but we have been unable to meet
nights in the school classrooms anymore so we are meeting in the home of one of the
So It is a small place,but will do as it is getting warm now and we can meet in the
during good weather. Please pray for the new ones in Christ I have mentioned that


will be faithful until death.

I left on September the 3rd for Singapore and it was a long and a little tire
some trip, but very refreshing in a lot of ways. I really thank the Lord for the Oppor
tunity to have the chance to*work work with the youth and visit my folks. They are getting
settled in Singapore and my Dad is very busy. As Overseas Directors of Outreach Internat
ional we were able to make some plans and decisions for the future work in Africa, China,
Singapore and other places. It has been great to be able to talk over these things about
the work of the Lord for the future. One of the congregations we have worked V7ith here in
Singapore have many college age youth and young couples. We have been able to spenA time
with them and talk about missions. There arc some of them interested in the work in China

and Pakistan for the future. One young man is seriously thinking of coming to South Africa
as intern with me next sunmier. We praise the Lord for their interest in missions. We had

the opportunity to share with the church here as well as be involved in doing and learning
from the young people. One thing we were involved with was visiting the home for the
handicapped. We worked with all these people who had various degrees of retardation. In fact,
they were fun to work with as we helped them to feed themselves on their own, learn humbers,
crafts, etc. We had recreation with them and taught them how to roll and do all sorts of
activities that are simple to us to do. They, could understand simple basic Bible Stories
and it was a joy to see the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ that even these people could
understand it. We got very close to these people in so short a time. Praise the Lord.
Dad has a very busy schedule until January when Rich Sheeleys return. It has been good to
have been here and mix with the youth of other lands and know that they are interested in
the Lord's work, Sonja and Karen will be returning to China next month, Lord Xi/illing. Wg
are excited about tlie \7ork and possibilities for the future in the work for the Lord,
Thank you so much for your prayers and support and being so faithful In both. May all the

Glory go to Jesus as we strive to "Fear God and keep His Commandments". Ecc.l2:13.
Your Servant and Brother In the Lord.

Joha than Harai1ton


24 Sept.


Jonathan Hamilton
Box 1624

Kimberley, South Africa

And: Supporting Churches & friends;
Grace and peace be unto you in the knowledge of our Lord,
Jesus Christ.

As the Lord leads, and as we in the mission of Outreach

International, make plans for new field work, we want to

make official as the Directors, that your ministry is one
of important yet perhaps unusual design.
Since your training has been on the mission field and your
work with youth evangelism projects has been blessed by the
Lord and been found in favor; bearing fruit to God's glory,
we present the following.

For the informing of supporting churches and individuals,

it is our intention to confrim the fact that you will be
called upon yearly or at other intervals, to assist this
mission in new field survey, recruitment of young workers
and other related duties.
This simply means that as part
of our team of internship leaders, and trained workers in
several cultures, your churches need to know that you may

be called upon to visit various mission fields. These times

of special assignment are f.or the purpose of helping settle
new recruits in a field where we do not have a long term

ministry established at present, or at places where our

director for international ministry itjay need the help of

you and others who are youthful in appearance, and able

to be accepted as "student status" or for other reasons
suited for

such tasks.

Our board of directors is aware of this type of need in

expanding the work of Outreach International, and in reaching

out to other unreached people groups in the world. It is
with their consent and recommendation as well as my own

that we ask your churches to be aware of this as you are

asked to help in other projects than the one you work on
presently. We will be happy to provide other detail for
those who may need i t as each project arises.

Thank yqu fo^i^^your cooperation and service,

A1 Hamilton

International Director, O.I.



30 Sept.



Francis Kd.

Rep. Singapore.

Jonathan L. Hamilton
1624 P.O.Box

Kimberley, South Africa

Dear Jonathan,

It is with deep gratitude and appreciation that our church

here in Singapore, and Outreach International Mission,
acknowledges your very valuable contribution to our work
here this last month.
Since your arrival, Sept.*4, we have
kept you busy with appointments arranged for our church youth
to meet and talk with you about mission work.
Long before your arrival here, our church (with an avg. age of
25) was anticipating your coming here from South Africa.

had opportunity upon our arrival here in Singapore, to aquaint

these young Christians with your ministry to youth in South Africa
Therefore they were anxious to discuss internships and other
types of mission work that they could, consider for themselves.
As far as I can now tell, your talk at church here in Singapore
and the other meetings with the youth have encouraged several
of our youth to begin giving serious thought to missions.
today I spoke with one who will be graduating from High School
and will now seriously consider missions.
There are others,
and we want to thank you for spending time and money, and to
thank your supporting churches and friends for sending you here
to Singapore. We count it of great spiritual benefit. Being
in" the age bracket of our group here,(which the missionary we
are replaing for 6 months. Rich Sheely, had taught well these
last two years),your influence has been tremendous.

We pray that you will be blessed upon return to South Africa

and that you will inform your churches that the time here in
the work in Singapore was(as Acts 18:23) a strengthening of all
the disciples here.
You will be hearing from several of the
members and youth here I am sure. Thanks again for making the
trip, when we know the money could have been used for other work
in your country.
Praise the Lord for using you here in this

new work. /?

Christian Canaan




P.O. BOX 490055 ATLANTA, GA 30349

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