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English 9

Relationships Unit: Interview

Learning Target:
I can write about the significance of relationships in someones life.
1. Think about and ask an older person you are comfortable with.
2. Interview this person. Get them to tell you a story about a relationship
that has been significant to them ie, they learned something from it, they
grew through it, they became better people through it, etc.
3. Take notes on the interview.
4. Fill out the plot chart form.
5. Rough draft the interview in narrative form using the plot chart.
6. Have someone revise the narrative.
7. Submit a final copy of the narrative using WRCA/ Write in Style format.
On Back!

Name: ____________________
1. Use this space to take interview notes. You are asking your interviewee to
tell you a story about a relationship that has been significant to them ie,
they learned something from it, they grew through it, they became better
people through it, etc.


2. Relist the major plot elements of your interview here:

Setting: (What was the relationship between the people? Where did they
meet? How did they know each other? What was their relationship like to
Rising Action this will be the bulk of your written work (What happened?
How did the relationship develop? What was the relationship like? What did
your interviewee begin to understand?)
Climax: (What is the lesson learned by your interviewee? How does the
relationship form them?)
Falling Action/ Resolution: (What happened to the relationship? Is the
relationship still going today? How do the lessons of the relationship still
3. Rough Draft either use this space or type it out


4. Type and submit your final copy using WRCA format
Jethro McGuilicuty
English 10-3
Mr. Kralt
January 27, 2208

Title is centered and follows the date

by two lines.

students name (fake, obviously)

class name
teachers name
date that paper is to be handed in

The information is singlespaced and in size 12

Times New Roman Font.

Great English Paper Title

This is where the essay would begin. Be sure that you indent your first paragraph. You
will continue to use only size 12 Times New Roman Font but you must make sure that the entire
essay is double spaced.
When you start your second paragraph there are more things to remember. Do not forget
to indent it, just as you did with the first one. Do not leave any sort of extra large space between
the paragraphs; that is what the indentation was for. Definitely do not try to shrink or stretch the
margins. It makes the reader think either you do not have a lot to say and that you are trying to
hide the fact that you are shallow or that you have said too much and that you are pretending that
your essay is not wordy and boring. Continue to write with the format you have been using.
Other things that you do not need to include in formal essays and which are distracting to
the reader are cheap looking pictures that you find in clip art, those oversized banners that look
like they are from a Safeway flyer, word art, backgrounds, coloured fonts, and so on and so forth.
Basically, do not try to spice up your essay with gimmicky little extras that do nothing more than
distract the reader and cheapen your work.
Keep the format of your essays simple. They will look more professional, will be easier
to read, and will make the teacher a lot happier.

Relationship Interview Rubric




Word Choice

The paper has no clear sense of
purpose or central theme. The
reader must make inferences
based on sketchy or missing
Errors in spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, usage and
grammar and/or paragraphing
repeatedly distract the reader
and make text difficult to read.
The writing lacks a clear sense of
direction. Plot elements not
used properly.

The writer struggles with a
limited vocabulary.

Sentence Fluency

The reader has to practice quite

a bit in order to give this paper a
fair interpretive reading.


The writer seems uninvolved

with the topic and the audience.

The writer is beginning to
define the topic, even though
development is still basic or

The paper is clear and focused. It
holds the readers attention.
Relevant support and details enrich
the central theme.

The writer shows reasonable

control over a limited range of
standard writing conventions.

The writer demonstrates a good

grasp of standard writing

The organizational structure is

strong enough to move the
reader through the text
without too much confusion.
Plot elements used with
some effectiveness.
The language is functional,
even if it lacks much energy.

The organizational structure of this

paper enhances and showcases the
central idea or theme of the paper;
Plot elements used with high level
of effectiveness.

The text hums along with a

steady beat, but tends to be
more businesslike than
The writer seems sincere, but
not fully engaged or involved.
The writing attempts formality
but is not compelling.

Words convey the intended message
in a precise, interesting, and natural
The writing has an easy flow, rhythm
and cadence. Sentences are well
The writer of this paper speaks
formally to the reader in a manner
that is individual, compelling,
engaging, and shows respect for the


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