Time of The College Day (Date) Part of The Project I'm Working On Reason For Allocating This Certain Slot

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Time of the college day


Part of the project Im

working on

Reason for allocating this

certain slot

Afternoon (10/2/2015)

Logo design

Afternoon (12/2/2015)

Logo design

Morning (23/2/2015)

Mind map and potential

ideas of campaign poster

Creating my logo in the

first part of the project
will be beneficial to the
rest of the tasks, due to
the fact that I require the
logo for other products I
am making in this project.
Even though planning
tasks are another option, I
think my logo design will
be the priority in this task
and will save confusion
and challenges later in
the project.
I will still be working on
this design from the 10th
and due to the use of
Photoshop, I wont be
able to work on this
product at home and if
required, I will use this
spare day for planning
tasks and other tasks that
dont require this bit of
software. However, due to
the fact I have a few ideas
about the logo, I might be
nearing the end of the
logo design by the time I
get to this particular day.
I will start the plan work if
I havent already
completed it in the half
term week that is
technically contingency
thats fallen halfway
through the project. I will
have to do some work in
the half-term due to the
month we have been
given for the project and
the planning tasks are the
most likely things to get
down in this time.

Afternoon (23/2/2015)

Outline of final idea

Afternoon (24/2/2015)

Completed A3 poster

Morning and afternoon


Flats plans for the

membership forms

However, if I dont find

time, these planning tasks
will e done on the 23rd.
Due to me having a few
ideas from tasks 5 and 6,
this will be a relatively
short tasks and wont
require that much time,
hence the fact that I have
scheduled just a morning
to complete the task.
Hopefully, by that time, I
will have an almost
definite idea of what I
want to create and
outlining this idea
shouldnt take too long
and should be completed
in an afternoon. For these
little planning tasks, Im
trying to distribute as
little time as possible, due
to the big project tasks
been so time consuming
later on in the project.
Due to the fact hat I will
have an outline of what I
have to create and the
logo design completed to
add onto the design, it
wont take as long as I
first imagined it would but
Im still allocating three
production days to
complete the task.
Due to me not been able
to access the design work
at home, I wont be able
to carry on with my poster
work I was trying to
complete on the 24th.
Instead, I will dedicate
this day to trying to make
the flat plans for the
membership forms.
However, the flat plans
will be simple enough to
complete and I might be
able to start and perhaps

Morning (26/2/2015)

Completed A3 poster

Afternoon (27/2/2015)

Completed A3 poster

Morning (2/3/2015)

Completed membership

Afternoon (3/3/2015)

Completed membership

complete the mind maps

required for the
merchandise also.
After having my day off
production, I am back to
designing my poster and
by this point, it should be
taking shape and nearing
the end of the task and
final product.
If I havent finished the
product by now, I have
this time to complete the
poster and add the final
little touches to it.
However, if I still need to
add a few finishing
details, there will be
contingency time at the
end to do so.
After completing the flat
plans in my day off, I will
be able to get straight on
with producing my final
membership forms. While
the most difficult part will
be finding all the charity
information and direct
debit features from SAS, I
will hopefully have
collected and then
collated this information
so I can start the
production straight away
on the Monday. The 28th
or the 1st are two days
that I can collect this
information, They are
weekends but I know that
I will have to work on
days off and on weekends
if I want to finish the
project in the projected
time frame.
After starting it in the
morning, I will have
hopefully started to add
the copy and the direct
debit information to the

Afternoon (4/3/2015)

Completed membership

Morning (5/3/2015)

Annotated mood board of

surf related merchandise

form. After this stage, I

will worry about the
layout and the colour
before moving on to the
fontal features. I believe
that the textual features
re the most important
part of this design and
other features will be put
on the less urgent
category in my priority
list. Realistically, I believe
I can add all the copy to
my design by the time the
day ends on the 3rd and I
will only need another
day to complete the task.
By this point, all the copy
should have been added
on the form and the
colours and fontal
features should have
been thought about,. For
this reason, I believe that
I could finish this product
on the 4th and move on to
merchandise later in this
Seen as this particular
day falls on my day off
and any design work will
be unable to be
completed, I will have to
do more planning work
and by the time I get back
to college on the 6th, I will
have finished this
planning task. Its a
shame this day falls on
my day off because I had
momentum on the design
task and felt like I could
complete a mass block of
it if I would have had this
day at college. Despite
this, I could come into
college on this day to
focus on design work, due
to college having the

Morning (6/3/2015)

Artwork for merchandise

Afternoon (7/3/2015)

Artwork for merchandise

Morning and afternoon

(10/3/2015) *the final last
day is 17/3/2015 due to a
week for half term been
missed in the middle of
the project*

Mock up-s of 3 pieces of


resources required to
work on design work. This
will allow me to do some
of my artwork for
Out of all the tasks in this
project, this is one of the
most difficult one, with
creative ability been
required to complete this
task. However, Im hoping
because I have worked on
existing products with my
mood boards, I will have a
few ideas by the time this
day of production on my
merchandise comes
After working on this task
at college on the 6th, I was
going to stay at college to
try and get further with
the task and the key with
creative work is that if
you have momentum,
dont stop with the work,
carry on and try and get it
complete. This afternoon
slot will hopefully be the
last slot I will require for
the artwork and the last
day (10/3/2015) can be
allocated to attaching my
design to the
merchandise and
uploading all the work to
blogs etc.

Prior to this, I will have

decided on which pieces
of merchandise I wanted
to make so this process
just involves taking the
designs and putting
them on my products.
Even though this seems
relatively simple, I have
left a full day to
complete this task, due

13/2/2015 22/2/2015
11/3/2015 17/3/2015
Weekends (14th, 15th, 21st,
22nd and 28th February, 1st,
7th, 8th, 14th and 15th March)
Days off (11th, 18th and 25th
February, 4th and 11th March)


to the fact that some

products might need
amending to
accommodate for
various changes in
accordance with my
product range (a t-shirt
will need altering if I
wanted to put the design
on a cushion or similar
for example).
This time that I have
allocated for contingency
spans over the while
project and it ensures
that I can afford to take
extra time on things and
still finish the project
well in time for the
deadline. However, this
could go the other way
and I could finish the
project very early and
have poor time
management if I
complete a lot mote
work than expected in
the early contingency
slots. To ensure I dont, I
have added the
contingency time last
and made it least priority
because in actuality, I
think I will only need a
few of the these
contingency days to
ensure I finish off the
tasks. In particular, the
artwork for my
merchandise and final
membership form might
need extra time to be
completed, due to me
only giving it two days to
complete and I might
actually need 3 or four to
do these particular

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