Ramadhan and Its Own Economic Beauty

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The Ramadhan Economic Beauty in Indonesia (Economic Re-Configuration)

Ramadhan has its own beauties and we have to admit that. The beauties are
existing in all level (individual, family, society, city, state) (cultural, economic, social
and politic), all of these makes social and economical piety from the religious
tendency. From many examples, we may take several like the family cohesion (when
parents miss their sons and daughters vice versa and the trajectory is the back to
home or a place called home or back to village phenomenon in the concept of
togetherness and family affection).
Here, Ramadhan describes as the space that contains geographical and time
dimension or in the other words consisting of spatio-temporal dimension. The
context and implementation of Islamic values embedded in Ramadhan as the space.
The religious piety increases during the space and the continuum phenomenon
decreased when the Ramadhan as the space-time ended. That is the common
In 12 month a year, 1 month significantly change the normal order or common
pattern. That 1 month gives a new breath, illustrating as the pause system that
pausing the regular uncontrolled system. The month reveals the alternatives of the
way of life as well as reconfiguration of daily order. We can portray the Ramadhan
and its phenomenon from different side of angles (social, economic, political or in
technology affected people as the contemporary phenomenon).
The reconfiguration as I stated above that occurs in all level. In the media, for
example, we may see the frustrating programmers to choose when they have to put
their prime/peak time. In normal months, the prime time scheduled in family time
about 7pm 10 pm, but now they have to change all the scheduled into several
time (when before break the fasting, after tarwih and before sahur) and all of these
in limited time. Moreover, after their hard efforts to reschedule, only a few muslim
pay much attention to the television programs. In majority muslim populated
country, we might say they failure to get significant market.
From this
phenomenon, if we saw from different angle we got the result people more
productive in time by reducing time spending on watch the TV shows. Or in the
other words, the time spending used more appropriate than ordinary month. The
discipline of time and rescheduled daily life.
The television programs also try to be as religious as they can in order to sharp
public perceptions. The another frustration also occurred in artists performances,
their western behavior and attitude perforce transformed into muslim or muslimah
values which is contrast to their daily normal habit (against personality). And for
politician and key person of government who also not get much attention in
Ramadhan is trying to appear in public before break the fasting time as good
religious muslim-muslimah images and their wives collaborating into group with a
minimum natural talent of singing and acting show after that with the new model of

hijab and the display of their jewelry, a narcissism symptoms. The bad men/women
turn into a good holy religious men/women instantly, as the Ibn Khaldun satire
corrupt humors in the bodies of domestic animals (Khaldun 1958 ) .

Economic reconfiguration
Avoiding the social phenomenon repetition annually from Ustads statements in
tarwih like earlier 1/3 month the mosque full, the last 1/3 month the Mall/fashion
shop full, here we go fast forward to the economic matters. My attention here to
focus the mobility, the circulation (quantity, direction and velocity) of money or in
the other illustrating is the new economic sequences from mainstream condition.
Here I am not supposed to write what the ideal is, or what the best concept to
implement but only capture what phenomenon that occurring during the
extraordinary month called ramadhan.
The amount of money circulation categorized into geographical spaces. The capital,
big cities and regencies. The biggest percentage of money circulates in capital
Jakarta and its support area and this called nationally or core or Centrum in terms of
archipelagic administrative. The big money circulation only exists in its certain
class of people (the big businessmen and their industries (manufacturing, services
and so on), the national elites (government, state apparatus, politician) or in group
circulates inside the middle upper class of society. In regencies also have a same
pattern the money only circulated in same group or class in society. The class is the
agglomeration mode to recognize easily the money owners among society
But the big amount of money circulation does not guarantee the welfare of people
because like I stated above only occurred in certain class. What effects if big
amount of money only operates in certain class especially inside the
businesspersons or other rich persons with various occupations. The effects are the
forming of the scheme of saving, property accumulation and the transformation of
money into capital in the solid-fixed canals. In Jakarta or big cities, they inject their
capital into several investments like banking and banking offers credits or in market
stocks, currency trading or other business based on speculation. Thus becomes
middle upper business cycles model.
Middle class based on industrial workers mostly consume for the properties and
sublime services supporting urban life style. So until here, we found a portrait of
money mobility and direction, the upper class to the executive services and
properties and so on, the middle class routes their money to the second executive

services and properties. Therefore, the mobility and direction of money become the
problems in order to make all society welfare or poverty reduction.
Ramadhan and its economic sequences
We always hear about the THR (Tunjangan Hari Raya), this thing is the important for
the workers. In normal month (outside Ramadhan) the THR rarely gave from its
company/institutions to the workers.
In Ramadhan space the THR becomes
obligation. This is not the commitment of businesspersons pattern but the vertical
instructional from state because the Ramadhan. After 11 months over exploitation
and absorbing the surplus value from its worker, one month (Ramadhan) pushes the
obligation to give the workers extra paid. This is the sequences among 11 months of
the uncontrolled system.

Small Scale Economic

From micro economic phenomenon, Ramadhan opens widely job opportunities to
catch up in economic as the small seller or other small-scale services. In normal
time and sequences the economic patterns are monopolistic and oligopolistic (only
in a few number of economic players). We cannot see this phenomenon outside the
Ramadhan when the people from lower class feel energetic to the economic
chances. Thus also supported by the daily reconfiguration (time managing or time
order) that the fasting person only consumes when the fasting break time. In
commonly, Indonesia as geographical economical modes provided raw materials
and were at the same time market for industrial product but in Ramadhan the
economic spirit is neither not based on natural exploitation nor industrial products.
The economic spirit comes from below from small scale economic to fulfill basic
needs not tertiary one.
Meanwhile the sublime services like hotel occupancy and other services are lower
than other months. That means quantity of money in the hand of middle upper
who always route their money in the sublime services (salon, travelling, hotel,
karaoke, cinema and so on) can be transformed into small scale economic (culinary,
cakes and so on). And for small food economic there is no speculation inside the
business, we never found that the dadar from earlier price Rp.1500 offering by
seller down to Rp.1000 as the buyer bidding.
Illustrating the quantity of money, The state budget is Rp.1500 Triliun. When this
budget flows into various programs the quantitive of money is not reduced or lost
but only the differences of dispersion of the money owners (where the money

The bank saving also decreased. People significantly take their deposits especially
nearly the ramadhan ended. This illustrating that motives in saving such as money
accumulation can be circulated into the consumption based on small-scale
economic activities and direct to the other e.g bring money to the villages but
In Bogor, the money transaction of the Takjil reached Rp.600 juta/night
(muslimdaily.net). Bank Indonesia provided Rp.103 T cash money during Ramadhan
and Idul Fitri 2013 increased 20% than previous year. The BI estimation around
Jakarta cash money absorbing until Rp. 31 Triliun, Rp. 20 Triliun for Eastern
Indonesia and Rp. 50 Triliun for western Indonesia (Neraca 2013). In Palembang
estimated Rp.2.2 Triliun circulated during ramadhan (sumateraupdate 213). In east
Jawa estimated Rp.11,9 T, in Surabaya particularly reach Rp.3,6 T (RRI 2013). In
SULAMPAPUA BI estimated Rp.4 T, in south Sulawesi particulary reach R.p.2.5 Triliun
(rakyatsulsel 2013). We must consider that not only the currency quantitatively but
also the velocity. Velocity is important to rate money in circulation is used for
purchasing goods and services.
The mudik phenomenon or back to village described the money mobility from urban
to suburban and rurals. The pemudik person who back to his/her hometown
brings some amount of money to their villages. Therefore, the ramadhan is not only
giving the new breath to the city (from crowded, stressful to peaceful) but also
transferred money circulation from big cities to the villages. As the consequences
brightening the village up. If we illustrating the world as city-village, in this
economic term we get remittances as the source of state devizen or foreign
exchange that support economic.
Islam principles : avoidance of riba (in the board sense of unjustified increase) and
gharar (uncertainity, risk,speculation). In Islamic financed consist of risk sharing ,
promotion of economic and social development through zakat (almsgiving) (Warde
2000). Zakat is obligation for moslem who has capability and ability to do that.
Indonesia uses mainstream economic model (capitalism finance model) that
contains riba (something prohibited in Islam) model. Zakat obliged the people to
sharing their material happiness to others. Thus can be seen as poverty reduction
scheme because only the Ramadhan forced people to think their rich condition must
be shared to other. In Ramadhan we can easily see the philanthropist action and
generosity from rich people to the poor. In Ramadhan, the poor placed as the
important persons that must be helped by the rich people. Zakat, sadeqah, infaq
and other schemes provide that aims. It illustrated the money circulation and
direction increase significantly form up to lower. As I stated above the 11 ordinary
months, money only flows upper-to-upper and middle to middle. This sequences
give the example the social economic development that individualism reduced into

The Contemplation
The Quran puts the definitive indicators prayer focus, avoiding the unimportance
action and statement, fulfill zakat and protect from self desire (QS 23:2-6). The
examples that I mentioned above sketch the patterns of economic configuration in
Ramadhan beauty. The vertical and horizontal relation. Ramadhan expelled people
from economic, social, political daily barbarism. The daily sin as the unproductive
activities significantly reduced and the results are the new sequences of life that
support and embrace all people. Ramadhan is a pause system.
for some mainstream economics, the Ramadhan only the particular one In term of
the change of micro economic behavior. And maybe it is the trivial from the
profound, no break new ground, no new. Maybe the people are fewer enthusiasts to
portray the micro economic phenomenon but I treat it with enthusiasm. When we
start from realities then concluded the thesis obtains the minimum discrepancy
from models and realities, from theorem and what we saw
sFrom the horizontal is strengthening everything (human relations, family cohesion
and so on). From the vertical dimension, Ramadhan appears as the self reflection
mode. Despotic people, self correction by self blaming, the dialectical inside
person feeling and mind in correlation to the vertical contemplation to the God, the
annual self success measurement, all of these occur in the vertical dialectical. The
contemplation from human to the creator of all living and things.
It is not about islam and the spirit of capitalism but the way of Islam as the
alternatives of the capitalism dryness system. The capitalism has been
dehumanizing people by individual motives as if the human life forever. Islam
answered it that the world efforts are contemporary; it is only preparation for the
eternal after life.

The Takbir has been filling the air, may Allah bless us.

Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin, Sorry for all mistaken I have done.

Makassar, 7 August 2013

Mu p i d p de l r e c c l al a s s s
Ordinary month by money flows or spending



Ramadhan, money flows or spending

Khaldun, Abd Ar Rahman bin Muhammed ibn. The Muqaddimah trans. Franz
Rosenthal. New York: Princenton , 1958 .
Warde, Ibrahim. Islamic Finance in the Global Economu. edinburgh: edinburgh
university press, 2000.

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