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Agility (Air)
Chance (Water)
Counter Attack

Immune to [X]
Intelligence (Fire)

Internal Fire

Loot [X]
Multiple Targets
Strength (Earth)
Resistance [X]

This Character rolls one additional dice for the Critical Roll when casting a{Air}spell. When this Character is the target of
a{Air}spell, it rolls one additional dice for the Armor Roll. This Power allows for a third die to be rolled if the pawn also has Critical or
if a spells additional effect would result in the placement of one or more +1 AP markers on the spells target, use the frozen +1 AP
markers instead.
This characters spells can only target the cells adjacent to him.
This Character blocks the lines of sight.
This Character rolls one additional dice for the Critical Roll when casting a{Water}spell. When this Character is the target of
a{Water}spell, it rolls one additional dice for the Armor Roll. This Power allows for a third die to be rolled if the pawn also has Critical
or Armor.
Each time an oppenent's Character inflicts one or morewoundsto this character, the Character will suffer1 woundhimself.
The first time this Krosmaster buys a Demonic Reward during its turn, it does not have to spend any AP and the Jade Demonic Reward
costs only 5 Kamas, the Gold Demonic Reward costs only 10 Kamas and the Ruby Demonic Reward costs only 15 Kamas (the cost of
the Granite Demonic Reward is not modified).
If a spells additional effect would result in the placement of one or more-1 MP markers on the spells target, use the frozen -1 MP
markers instead.
This character suffers 2 fewer Damage each time they suffer Damage (Water, Air, Earth, Fire or Neutral), frozen or not.
When this pawn is K.O.'d, it automatically casts its Explosion spell.
At the end of this characters turn, if he has picked up at least 1 Kama during his turn, he can take 1 additional Kama token from the
This character suffers 1 additional damage each time they suffer damage (Water, Air, Earth, Fire or Neutral), frozen or not.
This characters attack spells become frozen spells, so they inflict frozen damage rather than normal damage. Does not work against
targets with the Internal Fire power
if a spells additional effect would result in the placement of one or more -1 AP markers on the spells target, use the frozen -1 AP
markers instead.
Whenever a character with this Power casts a Heal Spell, the number of injury healed are increased by1.

At the end of the cast of a Spell in which this pawn is the target, the total damage inflicted to this pawn is reduced to 0 if this Spell is
This pawn rolls one additional dice for the Critical Roll when casting a{Fire}spell. When this pawn is the target of a{Fire}spell, it rolls
one additional dice for the Armor Roll. This Power allows for a third die to be rolled if the pawn also has Critical or Armor.
This character cannot receive frozen Injury markers, frozen MP or frozen AP markers; if they would receive some, they will be given an
equal number of normal markers instead. Additionally, their heal spells can heal
frozen injuries as if they were normal injuries. The additional effects Splicing, Desplicing, Akseleraktion and Glaciaktion do not work
against targets with the Internal Fire power.
This pawn ignores the Blocking Rules. It cannot perform Lock Rolls and opposing pawns cannot perform Lock Rolls against it.
When an opposing Krosmaster KO's this pawn, its controller takes X Kamas from the reserve and adds them to his stock.
Whenever an aMultiple Targets defined as a special Area of Effect. Once the main target of the spell has been determined, all other
cells (and what they contain) that could have been targeted by the spell become additional targets.
This pawn blocks the lines of sight
Whenever an allied character defeats an enemy Krosmaster, you are rewarded 1 kama from the reserve per unit you control with
if a spells additional effect would result in the placement of one or more +1 MP markers on the spells target, use the frozen +1 MP
markers instead.
This pawn rolls one additional dice for the Critical Roll when casting a{Earth}spell. When this pawn is the target of a{Earth}spell, it
rolls one additional dice for the Armor Roll. This Power allows for a third die to be rolled if the pawn also has Critical or Armor.
This character ignores the additional effects of any non-Personal Spell, except those that inflict additional damage or injuries.
When this Krosmaster KO's an opposing Krosmaster, you gain an additional GG. When an opposing Krosmaster KO's this Krosmaster,
it's controller gains an additional GG.
During the cast of a Spell in which this piece of game is the target, the Damage inflicted by the Spell to this Piece of Game are
reduced by 1 point if the Spell is a[X] Spell.

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