The Precipice of Civilization Defined As Humanity's Inventive Sociological Genius

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The Precipice of Civilization Defined as Humanitys Inventive

Sociological Genius
Omar Alansari-Kreger

We are often intimidated by the power of our own interpretation.

Civilization is an acquired art that requires the multifarious participation from
every kind of person imaginable. Civilizations are made possible whenever
human endeavor lauds the use of its diversity into a consolidated vacuum.
There is this epiphany that descends into the mind and at that point we have
reached a form of enlightenment that is as invigorating as it is liberating. As
generational enlightenment saturates the mind a renaissance is not far behind.
Suddenly, we are left to our own devices and are encouraged to indulge in the
fruits of our cognitive creativity. Each study, discipline, and trade that foments
out of the yoke of human endeavor begins with the initiation of original ideas;
each one is often associated with the mind of an inventive genius.
After a period of time a generation desires to etch its rightful place in
history; that is made possible whenever our productions are channeled into a
centralized cultural platform. Hence, the pursuit of civilization is predicated on
the cultural traditions of humankind which are nearly innumerable in scale.
That is something that eventually develops into a sociological blueprint which
spells out the means and methods in which one form of civilization is made
possible in our own time. Each civilization has some sort of center and that
alludes to that consolidated vacuum which brings the best and brightest
generational minds together at a designated period of time. Whenever we are
bestowed with such a powerful union a civilization is born because each one
follows a common cultural tradition which is once again a typified sociological
The essence of that spells out the holy grail of all things civilized and
civilizational. Originating from that we are left with the driving forces that
make enlightenment possible and the genesis of that leads to a foundational
renaissance which initiates a civilization into the limelight of history. The

human experience has proved that what begins as a craft is often transformed
into an art which produces conceptual forms of inspiration for future
generations to follow. The original idea of civilization began as a simple
sociological prompt which formed into a cohesive vacuum of rapport. That gave
us an ability to realize that humans work better when they work collaboratively.
A genius is able to bring life to their vision through the cooperation of
others and the frequency of such an activity creates an entire realm of human
industry which is the ultimate attestation of civilization itself. Thus, civilization
is the axiomatic reflection of genius and each one reflects the productions of its
people through mediums of culture and sociology. Each new beginning of
civilization should be defined by some kind of renaissance. What we are able to
learn from our generational predecessors should provide us with an ability to
resume the intellectual curiosities of our forefathers. From a historical basis, if
that happened more often sociologically, perhaps humankind wouldnt keep
reinventing its own wheel from epoch-to-epoch?

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