Empresa, Cultura y Negocios en El Mundo: "Team Contract"

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Empresa, cultura

y negocios en el

Team Name: Amazing Team

Team # 4

Team Members:
Vanessa Lpez Castillejos


Michelle Cabrera Rodrguez



Fernando Edmundo Martnez Apatiga


Team Procedures............................................................................................. 1
Team Expectations.......................................................................................... 2
Team Participation........................................................................................... 2
Personal Accountability.................................................................................. 3
Strategies for failing to follow procedures and fulfill expectations.......4
Agreements & signatures.............................................................................. 4

Team Procedures

Day, time and place for regular team meetings.


Thursday 12.02 at 13:00 pm Library

Tuesday 17.02 at 13:00 pm Library
Preferred method of communication (e.g. e-mail, cell, whatsapp)

In order to inform each other of team meetings, announcement,

updates, reminders, or even problems in delays
We have a communication group in whatsapp in wich all the members of
the team are included.


Decision-making policy

When we have important decisions to make, each one of us

expose a point of view, then we vote for the best choice and the majority
voted option will be the choosen one.


Methods for setting and following meeting agendas

Michelle will announce at our group when will the following

meeting take place, just as a remember for the team.


Method of record keeping

Luis, as our team leader will be the responsible of recording all

progress which our team makes each session, and will send all the work
to our team members.


Team Expectations
Work Quality

Project standards

We hope to achieve a quality project in which all our class mates

understand the important points that we discovered in our investigation.
We will focus on finding only relevant information that makes us get a
better understanding of the class.


Strategies to fulfill these standards

Research from important information only from relevant sources

like books and data bases from the library.
Make a comparison of all the information obtained from each one of the
team members so we can achieve the most relevant news and articles
for our project.

Team Participation

Strategies to ensure cooperation and equal distribution of tasks

At the beginning of the work we will distribuite different team roles to

ensure that each member participates and we will be communicating to each
other so if anyone needs help or want to ask the team for something, this also
will work as a way to comprobe that all members make their part.


Strategies for encouraging/including ideas from all team members

All ideas who want to be contribuited will be upload at our group team so we
could evaluate and make the proper decision of including it or feedback to the


Strategies for keeping on task


Following this plan of work, and if there is something nexpected, find a

way to solve or re schedule it and continue tith the original plan for dont waste


Preferences for leadership

Informal leadership, that means that the role of leadership will be a

moral role, cause if we add to the plans everything is supposed to be perfectly
on time, also, the leader has to be aware of all the process and deliveries of the
works and paper that we have to deliver on time.

Personal Accountability
Expected individual attendance, punctuality, and participation at all
team meetings
We've agreed that it is impossible to be always in all meetings, cause of
different schedules or events, but that doesnt mean that we will not be aware
of what was made in the meeting, so it will be responsibility from all the
individuals to ask about the resolutions and way that we made the meeting.
And if we have the possibility to attend to the meeting be on time for respect
everyone else's time.

Expected commitment of responsibility for fulfilling team assignments,
timelines and deadlines.
This is an important point, ALL the commitments and responsibilities of
the assigned task has to be delivered on time, if there is any confusion the
member who is making it will ask for help for be sure that everything is correct
and delivered on time for don't affect the group.


Expected commitment of communication with other team members

All the members of the group have to be in communication with the

team, all in reason to be aware of the steps and deliveries that we had at the

moment ( one week for time frame ) and for realize that he/she is still actively
involved into the team.


Expected commitment of commitment to team decisions and tasks

It has been cleared previously, even if the member has not the faculty of
take the decision he/she has to provide his point of view, in this process the
leader will have more reasons for take the decision that will be better for the
team, also, every task assigned to the members has to be on time for dont
affect other member tasks.

Strategies for failing to follow procedures and

fulfill expectations
Describe, as a group, how you will handle infractions of any of the
obligations of this contract
As a group we have defined that we wil provide two chance for all the
members to fail in to her tasks, in these two opportunities it will be provided a
feedback to the member for let him know about what has to be changed or
improved. ( A chance doesn't mean to dont deliver the taks, its just about the
time frame for deliver it).


Describe what your team will do if the infractions continue

In case that the infraction continue and the member keep doing it even
after the feedback we will continue to affect the grade in the co evaluation that
we will have, and it will be dismissed .2 points per day delay or .4 for task dont

Agreements & signatures

I participated in formulating the standards, roles and procedures of this
contract I understand that I am obligated to abide by these terms and
conditionsI understand that If I do not abide by these terms and conditions, I
will suffer the consequences stated in this contract.

1. Vanessa Lpez Castillejos
A01328985 _______________


2. Michelle Cabrera Rodrguez ....

A01327775 _______________
3. Fernando Edmundo Martnez Apatiga ..
A01271150 _______________
4. Jos Luis Olvera Gmez
A01325000 _______________


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