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YOUR TASK : In this biography , put the verbs between brackets () in the correct tense ( Simple Present/ Preterite

/ Plu Perfect). Mind the

irregular verbs. Write in the appropriate time markers in the spaces. Choose from the box below.
ten years later - later - on - when - the following year - 1996 - on the 4th of February - 1955 - during this time - when she turned
- a year after - December in - by - later in her life - at age - throughout her life - shortly after - 1956 after her death - the next day - In 1932 - in her early years - until the age of eleven - 1913

Rosa Parks, born Rosa Louise McCauley (BE) a pivotal figure in the fight for civil rights. She (BE) a
protester of segregation laws in the US, and her actions (LEAD) to major reforms (changes), including a Supreme Court ruling against
segregation. The 'First Lady of Civil Rights', as identified by the U.S. Congress, Rosa Parks is one of those great females who (THROW)
themselves wholeheartedly to the cause of giving the underprivileged a better life and a better future.

Rosa (BE BORN ) --------------------------------, --------------- to James McCauley,a carpenter and Leona
Edwards, a teacher. ----------------- her parents (SEPARATE), she and her younger brother Sylvester,
(MOVE) with their mother to Alabama. ------------------------------, she (BE HOMESCHOOLED) --------------------------------------- . --------------, she (ATTEND) the Alabama State Teachers
College for Negroes for her secondary education. However, she (HAVE TO) drop out subsequently, as
she (HAVE TO) care for her sick grandmother and then her mother.
------------------------- , Rosa (MARRY) Raymond Parks, who (WORK) as a barber in
Montgomery and who ----------------- (BECOME) became a member of the National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People (NAACP). -------------------------------- Rosa Parks (TAKE ON) various jobs from being a
domestic worker to a hospital aide.
------------------------------------- she (FINISH) her high school education, thanks to her husband's support.



















---------------------------------------, Rosa (WITNESS) the segregation between the white and the black people.
She (SEE) it happen in schools and colleges, in the workplace and even in the public transport.
------------ December 1, ------------ , a Montgomery, Alabama, bus driver (ORDER) Mrs. Parks to give up her seat to
a white man. ----------------- she (REFUSE) ,she (BE ARRESTED) and she

this (BEGIN) a nationwide movement that (LAUNCH)


career of none other than Martin Luther King Jr. and a 382 day long Montgomery Bus Boycott. This (PAVE) the way for the
removal of the racist and discriminatory attitude within the United States of America.
-------------------------------- the bus boycott, ------------- the 13th of November, -------------, the United States Supreme
Court (PASS) a court order which (DEEM) the racial segregation on buses to be unconstitutional. The
order (REACH) Montgomery on the 20th of -------------------, 1956 and the bus boycott (END) ------------------------ . --------1957, after receiving many death threats, Mrs. Parks and her husband, Raymond Parks,
(MOVE) from Alabama to Detroit, Michigan.
-------- 1977, Raymond Parks (DIE) of cancer. --------------------------------, Rosa Parks and Elaine Eason
Steele (CO-FOUND)the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development which (HELP) young
African-Americans develop leadership skills to improve the community and learn about the civil rights movement. --------------------------------------- 80, Mrs. Parks (WRITE) her autobiography, called "Quiet Strength," which (BE
PUBLISHED) in 1994. ----------------------------------- , she (RECEIVE) many honors, including the Presidential
Medal of Freedom by Bill Clinton in -------- and the Congressional Gold Medal. -------------------------------------, -------- October
24, 2005, ------------------ 92, Mrs. Rosa Parks (LIE) in state in the US Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C., to
honor her pivotal role in US history. She (BE) the first woman and the second African-American to be given that honor. Rosa Parks'
biography is a picture of a woman who (HAVE) the strength and the courage to stand for what (BE) right and correct.

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