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Patrick Smith - 13 February Dissection

by Bruce Francis Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:25 pm

Dear Patrick
I have decided to send your sports editor a towel so he can throw it in to save you. I abhor violence. I
think boxing should be banned because it is barbaric. But at least in boxing they have a provision to
throw in the towel when a boxer is taking a beating. They even have a rule to stop a boxer stepping
into the ring until he has proved he has recovered from a beating. Its time your sports editor threw in
the towel (sacked you), to save you and the newspaper. The bile you continue to spit out suggests you
are punch drunk.
RE: Move aside Sherlock, the NRL integrity unity is on the case 13 February 2015
Item (Smith) 1: More than two years on from reporting a possible problem with its 2012 supplements
program, the Bombers are still clogging the runway.
My Comment.
This implies you believe Essendon self-reported on 5 February 2013. It is time you and your
newspaper stopped deceiving your readers. I have told you and Wal Mason at least a dozen times that
on 19 October 2011, Dr Reid self-reported. He told the AFL that he had been marginalised and that
Dean Robinson had given the players peptides behind his back. As the AFL believes Brett Clothier
told Hird on 5 August 2011 that all peptides were banned, the AFL should have acted immediately.
The AFL should have reported the matter to ASADA (see clause 4.6 of the AFLs anti-doping code),
and then run down to Essendon and stopped the supplement program. The AFL did nothing. Even the
VWA believes the AFL had a responsibility to act at that time. To my knowledge, you and your
newspaper have never mentioned the 19 October 2011, despite my pleadings. Until you inform your
readers about what happened on 19 October 2011, and until you inform your readers about the
Essendon organisation structure, Hirds job description and the Victorian OH&S Act, you should be
banned from writing. The same goes for 99 per cent of the no hoppers on my media distribution list.
Item (Smith) 2: Might get a result late March. And its not Stephen Look at me, Im an idiot Dank.
The one man who could have sorted all this out if he had the integrity to tell his story to the tribunal
continues to live on the periphery when he really is the eye of the biggest storm to hit the AFL.
My Comment:
1. It is highly defamatory to call Dank and idiot, and I suggest you recant as soon as possible. In my
university days, Idiot was a term used by psychologists. On the Binet scale, an idiot is recognised as
having an IQ of between 0 and 25. An imbecile has an IQ of between 26 and 50 and a moron has an
IQ of between 51 and 70. It is unconscionable of you to get down into the gutter and label Dank as an
2. You should change hands when you get to 99 if you think Dank could have sorted everything out
by appearing at the tribunal:
Dank testified under oath before the ACC in May and November 2012 that he didnt administer the
players Thymosin Beta-4. If the ACC had evidence to the contrary, it would have charged him with
perjury. In the circumstances, it is reasonable to assume that after over two years ASADA has no such
evidence and therefore ACC believes him.
But you obviously dont believe Dank. If Dank gave the same evidence before the tribunal as he did

before the ACC, you still wouldnt believe him.

You have refused to publish many things which would involve criticising the AFL and ASADA.
That indicates bias. There is no evidence you would believe Dank no matter what he said.
This may come as a shock to you, but in Australia, ASADA has to prove guilt, the players dont
have to prove their innocence. Thus, it is not Danks responsibility, or duty, to prove the players
On the available evidence, Dank is squeaky clean about Thymosin Beta-4. However, he may or may
not be squeaky clean about other issues at Essendon. For example, he may have some explaining to do
over the 315 blood tests claimed on Medicare. He may have some explaining over administering
substances which werent on the players consent forms. I have not canvassed issues outside
Thymosin / Thymomodulin and Thymosin Beta-4 so I have no idea whether he would be
incriminating himself by appearing before the tribunal.
Dank is aware that ASADA changed Ian Robsons evidence. He is aware that ASADA fabricated
evidence and omitted evidence. He is aware that ASADA not only testified in its own investigation
but it testified falsely. He is also aware that the ASADA chief executive M/s Andruska was taking her
riding instructions from M/s Gillard, Kate Lundy, Andrew Demetriou, Gillon McLachlan and Brett
Clothier. Why would he throw himself at the mercy of such a disgusting organisation?
Bruce Francis
Cc The Media; Bombertalk4; The Governor
13 February 2015

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