Section A Short Story: How Noah Discovered A Magical Land

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Short Story: How Noah Discovered a Magical Land

Noah was a good man who lived long ago. He lived on his farm with plenty of animals and
his wife Lot, who worked in a lollipop factory as a lollipop taster, so she became fat and had
bad teeth!
Noah was loved by the animals and birds who came to live with him because he was nice to
them. There was Hop-a-long Syd the Gorilla, and his sister, Swinging Josie, who lived in
Noahs orchard, and Sandy and Andy Camel who carried Lot and Noah everywhere.
Then there was Zachary and Zoe Zebra, Eddie and Ellie Elephant, as well as the tigers,
Toothless and Ruthless, who guarded Noahs farm for him. Toothless wasnt really ruthless
because all her teeth fell out when there was nobody there.
Raucous Rodney and Jenny Raven were two birds who lived inside the elephants ears and
annoyed Noah by perching in his long beard. Fred and Freda Flamingo caught fish for Noah
with their big beaks.
Two giraffes, Gerry and Gerty, painted Noahs big boat, which was called the Ark, by
reaching up with their long necks with a brush between their teeth.
One day the wind shook the trees and the apples fell off. Hop-a-long Syd jumped for joy
because gorillas loved apples, and he was able to have a good feed.
Then a loud voice boomed. It was God.
Noah! Take your birds and animals and sail away from this place. I have warned the people
to be nice to you, but they have ignored me. I told them that I would punish them and they
didnt believe me. I am going to make it rain for 40 days and 40 nights!
And the rain poured down.
The animals looked up at the sky and asked, What shall we do, Noah?
Noah said, We must leave before the Flood. But Gertie the Giraffe said, We havent
finished fixing the holes in the boat.
Then Lot said, We can use the sticks I brought from the lollipop factory. Nobody wants them
now because the Floods coming. The elephant passed the sticks up to the gorillas who
hung from ropes and hammered the nails into the sticks to repair the Ark.
What about fresh water? asked Lot. We cant drink sea water.
Then Ellie The Elephant raised up her trunk and trumpeted loudly, Eddie and I will fill a
barrel with water from the river.
The water was rising quickly, so Noah called to the animals, Line up in pairs and get on
Polly Peacock asked, But why do we have to get on in twos?

Noah was embarrassed and answered, You know Im so absent- minded that I forget if I
count more than two.
All the birds and animals filed onto the Ark. Daisy Dove asked, Where are the ravens?
Noah jumped up and cried Oh dear! His long beard shook and then Jenny Raven fell out of
There you are, Noah said. But wheres Rodney?
Then a shrill voice cried, Im here!
It was Raucous Rodney, who flew out of Ellie Elephants ear.
Percy Peacock raised his colourful tail and said, Fancy hiding in an elephants ears. I
wouldnt hide in one, he added, proudly.
Zachary the Zebra said We havent got any masts or sails!
Freddie Flamingo replied, Dont worry, Freda and I will make holes in the deck with our
beaks and the giraffes can stick their necks in them, and you can put sails on them.
Noah was embarrassed and asked, What shall we do for sails? I forgot to bring them with
Then Ellie and Eddie Elephant trumpeted. You can use your pyjamas, they said, and the
Ark sailed away.
The wind blew and the sky turned black and lightening shot out, striking the Ark.
Zachary Zebra galloped along the deck crying Neigh! Neigh!
The ravens squawked and Lot screamed, for the Ark had caught fire. Daisy the Dove said,
Wake up the Elephants! They can put out the fire with their trunks!
What a good idea, said Noah, and Raucous Rodney squawked in the elephants ears. They
woke up and trumpeted loudly, filled their trunks with water and squirted it at the fire. Noahs
long beard shook with pride as he looked at his marvellous elephants and ravens. Raucous
Rodney perched inside Ellie Elephants ear and fell asleep, and his sister flew into Noahs
They were all hungry and Noah had an idea. He looked at Freda Flamingo. Ive got a good
job for you. Dive into the water and catch some fish for us. And she came back with her
beak full of fish.
The next day Zachary the Zebra said Anybody fancy a game of football?
Yes! Came the answer.
Zoe Zebra scored the first goal for his team Swinging Kickers, but Eddie Elephant soon
scored another for Big Feet United.
Zachary scored the next goal then, with the score at 10-10, Eddie Elephant passed to
Zachary Zebra who kicked it as hard as he could and the ball disappeared.
Daisy Dove flew into the sky to look for it.
Wheres she going? Everyone cried.

Suddenly the ball flew out of the clouds and landed next to Eddie Elephant who trumpeted,
for who should be sitting on the ball but Daisy Dove, who kicked it to score the winning goal
for Big Feet United.
Where did she come from? cried Eddie.
Never mind that, said Noah. Where did the ball come from?
It must hit have something and bounced back! shrieked Polly Peacock. Then Noah saw a
mountain, surrounded by jungle.
Just then the voice of God boomed, This is a special land for you and your friends, Noah,
that I have kept for you because you have been kind to the animals and birds. You will be
happy here.
We can swing in the trees, cried the gorillas. And we can eat the leaves, cried the
giraffes, and the birds sang and the tigers roared with delight.
And that was how Noah and the Ark discovered a fabulous land where they lived happily
ever after.





Take your birds and animals and sail away from this place.


Noah said, We must leave before the Flood.


Then Lot said, We can use the sticks I brought from the lollipop factory.


What about fresh water? asked Lot.


Noah called to the animals, Line up in pairs and get on board.


Polly Peacock asked, But why do we have to get on in twos?


Daisy Dove asked, Where are the ravens?


I am going to make it rain for 40 days and 40 nights



We can swing in the trees, cried the gorillas.


Dive into the water and catch some fish for us


1. Noah! Take your birds and animals and
sail away from this place.

2. Noah said, We must leave before the

God ordered Noah to take his birds and
animals and sail away from that place

Noah said they had to leave before the Flood


3. Then Lot said, We can use the sticks I

brought from the lollipop factory.

Lot said they could use the sticks that she

bought from the lollipop factory.

4. What about fresh water? asked Lot

Lot asked what about fresh water

5. Noah called to the animals, Line up in

Noah told the animals to line up in pairs and

pairs and get on board.

6. Polly Peacock asked, But why do we

have to get on in twos?

7. Daisy Dove asked, Where are the

get on board.

Polly Peacock asked why they had to get on in


Daisy Dove asked where the ravens were.


8. I am going to make it rain for 40 days

and 40 nights

9. Dive into the water and catch some

fish for us.

10. We can swing in the trees, cried the



God said he wanted to make it rain for 40 days

and 40 nights.

Noah asked Freda Flamingo to dive into the

water and catch some fish for them.

The gorillas cried that they could swing in the


Noah! Take your birds and

God ordered Noah to take

animals and sail away from

his birds and animals and

this place.
Noah said, We must leave

sail away from that place

Noah said they had to leave

before the Flood.

Then Lot said, We can use

before the Flood

Lot said they could use the

the sticks I brought from the

sticks that she bought from

lollipop factory.
What about fresh water?

the lollipop factory.

Lot asked what about fresh

asked Lot.
Noah called to the animals,

Noah told the animals to line

Line up in pairs and get on

up in pairs and get on board.

Polly Peacock asked, But

Polly Peacock asked why

why do we have to get on in

they had to get on in twos

Daisy Dove asked, Where

Daisy Dove asked where the

are the ravens?

I am going to make it rain for

ravens were.
God said he wanted to make

40 days and 40 nights

it rain for 40 days and 40

We can swing in the trees,

The gorillas cried that they

cried the gorillas.

Dive into the water and catch

could swing in the trees.

Noah asked Freda Flamingo

some fish

to dive into the water and

catch some fish for them.



1. Ally knew the fact that her new husband had been cheating on her.
2. It was too hot to run.
3. She could not bear carrying the big burden, as her hands are bare.
4. Where should we meet to try out the delicious meat?
5. The dentist filled up the whole hole with silver.
6. I know the answer you want and the answer is no.
7. The deer is very dear to me.
8. If you had any sense you would know it costs more than 12 cents to get an icecream
9. I like to read books that are red in colour.
10. I need to sew the dress before Thursday, so it is better I start now.


It has been a week yet I feel weak,
I know it is no use,
To stare at the stairs but,
It became a routine
That I can bear with my bare soul.
Who am I to question fate?
When it was plain fact
The plane crashed and killed
Everyone I loved.
Finally, I admitted it aloud
And allowed myself
To grief.

Aloud- allowed

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