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Ad Analysis of Coca Cola

Submitted To

Sir Amjad Shamim

Submitted By

Mohsin Safdar

Oct 22,2012

Written Analysis of Coca Cola Advert

The product being advertised is a fizzy drink.
The brand name for the product is coca-cola this name has been chosen for
the product because it sounds fun and lively like a dance and energetic. This
is a successful name for the product because it caches your eye and when
you say it, it has a kind of rhythm so the name sticks in your mind.
The audience for the product is everyone.
The motive for the advertisement is because they are thirsty and they want
to be popular.
The main image on the advertisement is
all the fun items shooting out the bottle
of coke. This has been chosen because it
suggests when you drink it your life will
become full of adventures. The image
has connotations of fun, excitement and
refreshment. This would attract the
target audience because it is colorful
and fun.
The camera distance used in the
advertisement is long shot this shot has
been chosen because you can clearly
see everything on the advert. The
camera angle in this advertisement is
neutral so that you can see everything
on the page.
The typeface used in the advertisement
is a basic bold font, clear and easy to
read This has been chosen because the
producers want it to stand out and let people know its theyre The image has
connotations of adrenaline, fun and love This would attract the target
audience because they want action and to love and have fun these thinks
appeal to most people.
The camera distance used in the advertisement is a long shot all the bottle
and more is visible in this shot This camera distance has been used because
they want you to see that when you drink this bottle your view of the world
extends The camera angle used in the advertisement is neutral This has
been chosen because they want you to see all of the image and the ones
around it the lighting in this shot is fairly good but as it is a animated

advertisement its quite hard to tell.

The typeface used in the advertisement is mainly just Arial except for when it
says Coke thats more of a wild fun font.
This has been used because they want the title of this product to stand out
but it is also used in the slogan and they dont want to use the same word
twice to they make the word coke different so that it stands out from the
other words It would attract the target audience because its not just saying
a random bunch of words and its easy to know what theyre talking about.
The main color(s) used in the advertisement is/ are red, white and yellow The
color red has connotations of love excitement adrenalin and in some cases
blood and death but these two are not associated with this ad because the
red they use is a bright colorful one The choice of colors would attract the
target audience because they stand out and look enjoyable.
The logo used in the advertisement is the coke bottle with the word coke on
it This is successful because its looks nice and stands out It would attract the
target audience because the colors are negative to each other the
background is red and the writing is white but the bottle is white and the
word coke on it is red.
The slogan used for the product is open up to the coke side of life This is
effective because it shows that there is a better way of living and a more fun
way of life
The language used in the advertisement is fairly simple and mostly only one
syllable The word life has connotations of well life I suppose This would
persuade the audience to purchase the product because it will make their life
better and their missing out on something if they dont drink the coke.

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