Endo Pulmo and Rheuma Recall A2

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Endo Pulmo and Rheuma

Prelims A2 Second Sem 14-15

Dr. Constantino, Ligon, and Sy
Pulmo (samplex 100%)
1. oscillatory sound on narrowed airways : wheezing
2 pulmo oscillation of narrowed airways... (ans: wheezes)
5 : hyper resonance will be appreciated in the ff:
a. t b.e c. Pleural effusion d. Pneumohyrdrothorax
6. early consolidation
a. increase fremitus
b. decrease frem,itus
c.whispered pectoriloquy
d. egophony
7. Air not available fot ventilation
A. Anatomic dead space
B. Physiologic dead space
8. Best procedure to view mediastinum:
a. CT
b. CXR AP View
c. Bronchoscopy
9 Relationship of ventilation and blood in the lungs
A. ?
B. spirometry
C. V/Q scan
10 can distinguish emphysema frm asthma
a) FEV1
d) spirometry
13. Aspergillus infection
a. KOH
b. Gm Stain
c.AFB Smear
d. Silver stain
19. denotes disease of the small airways:
a. FEV1 b. FVC c. RV d. TLC
20. Hyp0xemia due t0 refrct0ry inc in fe, o2/fi02
A. Hyp0ventilati0n
B. Diffusi0n
C. V/q mismatch
D. Shunt
21. pulm hypertension except
A. Narrow luminal diametet
B. Inc vascular bed surface area
C. Inc thickening....
D. None
22. Ph 7.30 PACO2 28 HCO3 18
A. Simple met acidosis and respi alkalosis

B. Partially Compensated metabolic acidosis

C. Partially Compensated Resp Alkalosis
D. Fully Compensated Metabolic Acidosis
25. Hyperventilation can be caused by:
A. Diazepam
B. Beta Agonist
D. Increase FIO2
29. Obesity - hypoventilation syndrome.
a. Obstructive load to ventilation
b. Restrictive load to ventilation
c. A result of defects in metabolic respiratory control
d. A resut of defects in neuromuscular control
Endo (puro basic na tanong; 11 items)
1: what is the normal weight of the thyroid gland?
a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40
4. Critical 1st step in thyroid hormone
9. Consistent of Thyrotoxicosis
b. hoarseness
c. polyuria
d. menorrhagia
16. Case ab0ut thyr0toxic0sis. Drug of ch0ice?
A. Methimaz0le
B. Ptu
C. Carbimaz0le
17. thyroiditis differentiated from graves
A. 24 raiu
B. Tsh
C. Ft4
D. Ultrasound
18. A 28 year old male Nodule of 2.5. Iodine deficient area. Make it high risk for thyroid ca?
A. Male B. 28 C. Nodule of 2.5 D. Iodine deficient
21. Cancer that causes increase PTHrp which increases bone absorption:
A. Leukemia
B. Lung Ca
C. Lymphoma
D. Multiple Myeloma
25-30 a. Central Diabetes Insipidus b. Acromegaly c. Cushings d. Nelson's Syndrome e. SIADH f. Prolactinoma g. Pheocromoctyoma
25. Triad of headache, palpitation & diaphoresis.
28Massive hyperpigmentation
29. Galactorrhea - prolactinoma
30. Euvolemic Hyponatremia
Rheuma (mahirap sya irecall sorry po)
3 Normal synovial fluid composition
A. Cell count 4000/hpf with predominance of mononuclear cells

B. high level of hyaluronate

C. Presence of fat globule in aspirate
D. Absence of bacterial growth
8. Primary goal of treatment?
a. Accurate diagnosis
b. Prevent deformity
c. Timely ___(?)
d. ??
11. LT 60 years old presented with a right knee pain for 6 mos. + bulge sign, -redness, + tenderness, limitation of movement. What
diagnostic procedure will you choose?
b. intraarticular aspiration
c. ESR, Crea
d. plasma uric acid

26. criteria for initial hyperuracemia

a. repeated attack less than 1 year
b. tophaceous
c. gouty nephropathy
d. ,mcg 5mg/dl without gout attack
27. CAPD
a. male
c. knees
29. Synovial Fluid Finding/s in Gout
a. increase hyaluronate
b. WBC 15000/PMN predominates
c. Increase protein level
d. Negative birefringent crystals
30.Chronic Inflammation
a. increase ESR
b. anemia
c. hypoalbuminemia
d. thrombocytopenia

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