The Importance of The Family (Zenit)

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The newly published Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church dedicates
one of its first chapters to the institution of the family, described as "the vital cell of
The opening number of the section of the family begins with how Sacred Scripture
repeatedly underlines the importance and centrality of the family. The book of
Genesis narrates the creation of the first man and woman, and the family is
portrayed as having a central role in creation. Other Old Testament books speak of
the love to be found in the family, which is also where children are taught wisdom
and the virtues.
The Compendium recalls Paul VIs words during his visit to Nazareth in 1964, when
the Pontiff spoke of Jesus being born and living within a family, "accepting all its
characteristic features, and he conferred the highest dignity on the institution of
marriage." (No. 210)
The Church, continues the text, sees in the family "the first natural society, with
underived rights that are proper to it, and places it at the center of social life." (No.
211) The family founded on marriage between a man and a woman is important
both for natural reasons, as the principal place of interpersonal relationships, and
also for supernatural reasons, as a divine institution.
The Compendium then explains the importance of the family for society. For each
individual the family is the cradle of life and love where they are born and grow. (No.
212) The climate of affection that unites the family is also where we learn about
truth and goodness.
Moreover, the family unit is a community of persons where moral values are taught
and the spiritual and cultural heritage of society are passed on.
The family is also essential in ensuring people are strong in their commitments, and
promote both social responsibility and solidarity.
Given its vital importance the family has priority over society and the state. "Every
social model that intends to serve the good of man must not overlook the centrality
and social responsibility of the family." (No. 214)
Invoking the principle of subsidiarity the text affirms that public authorities must not
take away from the family tasks that it can carry out by itself, or in association with
other families.
Marriage - foundation of the family

With regards to marriage the Compendium explains that the family is founded on
the free choice of spouses to unite themselves. The institution of marriage, while it
is regulated by human institutions and laws, is, even more importantly, a
partnership established by God and endowed with its own laws. (No. 215)

Marriages divine character, and the natural right to marriage, places limits on what
society can legitimately do in regulating marriage. The dignity and specific
characteristics of marriage must be safeguarded. The fundamental characteristics
of marriage are: totality, in which the spouses give themselves to each other
mutually; unity, created by the union of the couple; indissolubility and fidelity, which
a definitive mutual self-giving requires; and fruitfulness, to which marriage is open.
An important part of marriage is the transmission of life through the birth and
nurturing of children. Nevertheless, number 218 adds that procreation is not the
only reason for marriage and that when a couple is unable to have children the
value of communion between the spouses remains.
The Compendium also deals with the sacrament of marriage, explaining that it
unites couples within the Church according to Gods plan. In fact, the sacrament
makes the family a sort of "domestic Church" in which the family is called to be a
sign to the world. And the love of the married couple is also raised to a new level by
the sacramental grace.
Love and the family
The role of love within marriage and the family is another theme dealt with in the
text. The family is a place where communion is brought about, and thanks to love
each person is recognized, accepted and respected. (No. 221)
Love, affirms the Compendium, is essential for human beings. But marital love is
more than just emotions or sexual expression. It is a full and total gift, marked by
unity and fidelity. Moreover, the nature of conjugal love requires the marital union to
be stable. The introduction of civil divorce "has fueled a relativistic vision of the
marriage bond" and can be termed "a plague on society." (No. 225)
For those couples who have divorced and remarried the Compendium adds that the
Church does not abandon them. "She prays for them and encourages them in the
difficulties that they encounter in the spiritual life, sustaining them in faith and
hope." (No. 226) Nevertheless, they cannot receive the Eucharist until they obtain
reconciliation through the sacrament of penance.
The text also rejects attempts to redefine marriage through the introduction of new
concepts that see gender as dependent merely on social and cultural factors.
"Physical, moral and spiritual difference and complementarities are oriented
towards the goods of marriage and the flourishing of family life." (No. 224) It is

therefore incongruous to demand that same-sex unions receive the status of

marriage. At the same time the Compendium calls for homosexuals to be fully
respected in their human dignity, but also encouraged to exercise chastity. (No.
The Compendium is also critical of de facto unions as they are based on a false
conception of the freedom to choose. Marriage is more than a simple agreement to
live together but is a social instrument and the principal means for helping each
person to grow in an integral manner. (No. 227)

A sanctuary of life
Another section addresses themes related to life matters within the family.
"Conjugal love is by its nature open to the acceptance of life." (No. 230)
This is particularly the case for Christian families, that by virtue of the sacrament
should be witnesses of the gospel of life. The Compendium acknowledges the
weight of this responsibility, but encourages couples to take decisions based on "a
generous acceptance of life." (No. 232)
Excluded, as being morally unacceptable, are anti-life means such as abortion,
sterilization and contraceptive methods. Couples, however, may decide to use
methods based on periodic abstinence to regulate the number of children, based on
a consideration of the personal, family and social factors.
On the other side of the coin the Compendium excludes the idea that parents have
a right to children. A desire for children at any cost leads to the use of reproductive
techniques that are ethically unacceptable.
Nurturing children
The Compendium also explains the familys function in bringing up children, "a
completely original and irreplaceable role." (No. 239) The parents love is placed at
the service of their children and animates all educational activity. Parents have both
a right and a duty to educate their children, which the state should respect. The text
also insists that to carry out this function parents have a right to found educational
institutions and that the state should provide economic support to these non-public
The primary role of the parents in education is particularly the case when it comes
to religious and moral formation. But it must also be respected in the area of sexual
education. The Compendium stresses the importance of linking sexual education
with an instruction in moral norms and the human values.

Childrens dignity must also be protected, first of all by protecting their right to be
born within a real family. As well, the Compendium draws attention to problems
such as child labor, lack of health care and sexual exploitation.
The concise and complete treatment of the family in the Compendium provides a
useful resource for pastors and lay people interested in knowing more about the
position of the Church regarding many of the fundamental issues touching marriage
and family.

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