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Thank God we pray to the presence of Almighty God, because of the grace,
the gift, we can finish the "Travel Reports Insights Development of Java-Bali
SMAN 38 Jakarta" as well as possible.
We hope this report will be useful to add insight to readers. We also realize
that in this report there are still many shortcomings and mistakes, and
therefore we expect advice and criticism from readers, so we can develop
better again and again in the future.
Hopefully, this report can and easy to understand for anyone who read it.
Had this report will be useful to us as the author and the reader. Before that,
we also apologize if there are flaws in this report, both of grammar and
writing errors. Final word Wassalamu'alaikum wrwb.

Jakarta, December 26, 2014

Ansar Kurniawan

1. Background Activity
The learning process in general can be done anywhere, with any method.
Including interspersed with recreation while learning together. This activity is
as the name suggests that the development of insight, so that we can
develop our insight to go directly to the desired object. In addition to these
activities the students of class XI we can find out and look for a suitable
reference State University with us. Due to these activities also visited
universities, namely Airlangga and ITS.
2. Objectives
To see firsthand the cultural diversity, particularly in the area of Bali, as well
as observation of some objects, such as Java Park 2, and add in the face of
the world lecture preparation.
3. Participants
Participants who participate in the event that the student / I Class XI MIA and
IIS, principals, teachers and supervising employees.
4. time
Held on 7-14 December 2014
5. Places Visited
Places visited in this activity are:
- Java Park 2, Batu Malang
- Airlangga University, Surabaya
- Institute of Technology, Surabaya
- Tanah Lot, Bali
- Lake Bedugul, Bali
- Factory Joger, Bali

- Gulf Benoa, Bali

- Pandawa Beach, Bali
- Kuta Beach, Bali
- Watching the Barong Dance, Bali
- Kintamani, Bali
- Malioboro, Yogyakarta
- Some centers souvenirs in Malang, Surabaya, Bali and Yogyakarta
6. Costs
The fees charged Rp. 2,400,000

1. Preparation and Departure
Before leaving, do some preparations, namely:
- Attendance participants
- Storing luggage
- Direction of a tutor in the bus
- Distribution of breakfast
- Prayer together
The delegation departed at 5:30 pm, until back in Jakarta on 15 December
2014 at 01:15
2. Activity Travel / Tourism Object
On 7 December, the group headed to the city of Malang, had a break for
lunch and dinner at Tasik Malaya, and Kebumen. Up in the city of Malang
approximately 08:00, breakfast in Malang and visit Java Park 2. Java Park 2 is
a recreation place educative containing endangered species of animals, the
difference with other zoos, Java Park 2 more modern styled, animal
collections were diverse and mostly just rare animals such as kangaroos,

tigers, lions. And some foreign animals we saw, maybe even just knew there
were such animals. In Java Park 2 also there are 34 rides plays like a Fantasy
World in Jakarta, this certainly is a distinct advantage. There is also a wildlife
museum contains a diorama and some preservation of endangered species,
such as insects and giant fish, there is also a dinosaur bone. A total of 1000
species are preserved. Java Park 2 is a very instructive to me. Because we
can observe the rare animals rare animals we encountered. Total collection
as much as two thousand heads of animals consists of 100 species of
animals in Java Park 2.

On December 8, at night, the group arrived in Surabaya. The next morning

the group visited the University Press and the Institute of Technology. This is
an example of two State Universities in Indonesia to, there we were given
several explanations, including the two state universities driveway,
departments in the state universities, and some of the advantages that they
have, Airlangga University has 13 faculties, whereas ITS has 5 faculties. After
visiting Airlangga and ITS group continued on, crossing to Bali.
On 10 December, the delegation visited Tanah Lot in Bali. But unfortunately
when it was high tide, so we could just play around and take pictures at the
edges only. In the temple there is a lot of land amid the beach. According to
legend, this temple was built by a Brahmin who wander from Java. He is a
successful Nirartha strengthen the trust of the Balinese Hindu teachings and
build the heaven Sad in the 16th century. At that time the ruler of Tanah Lot,
Bendesa Beraben, jealous of him because his followers began to leave and
follow Nirartha. Bendesa Beraben Nirartha told to leave Tanah Lot. He agreed
and before leaving Tanah Lot him with his power move to the middle of the
stone boulders beach (not into the sea) and build a temple there. She also
changed her shawl into a snake temple guards. These snakes are still there
today and scientifically snakes include the type of sea snakes that have the
characteristics of a flat tail like a fish, yellow and black stripes have 3 times
more potent venom of cobra. End of the legend that Bendesa Beraben
'eventually' become a follower Nirartha.
Furthermore, on the same day the group headed to Lake Bratan in Bedugul
tourist area. When we arrived there, the weather was rainy, and foggy, so
there is no any activity on the lake at that time. But it did not last long. After
the rain stopped we can enjoy around the lake by boat, at a cost of 30,000
rupiahs per person.

After of Lake Beratan in Bedugul, the delegation visited the factory Joger.
Joger itself is a typical shopping by bali, bali including knick knacks, T-shirts
with unique words, sandals and much more. Buy some souvenirs at Joger as
indicating that the person had been to Bali.
The next day, on December 11, the delegation visited the Gulf region Benoa.
Benoa Bay itself is a white sandy beaches and calm wave. There we offered
to go to turtle island for a fee of 50,000 rupiahs, on turtle island are white
turtle breeding, we can interact with the turtles contained therein. In the Gulf
region Benoa also provides a lazy river, including banana boat, parasiling,
and many others.
On the same day, after visiting Benoa Bay, the group went to the Pandawa
beach. Pandawa beach is said is tourist spot recently discovered. On this
beach, managed by the residents in the village itself, without any foreign
investors to avoid exploitation. White sandy beaches and waves pandawa
higher than Benoa Bay, naturally, because the beach is dealing with the
Indian Ocean. On the Pandawa beach also being built statues figures in the
Mahabharata, while the 5 Pandavas and their mother Kunti had stood firm
Furthermore, the group moved on Kuta Beach to enjoy the Sunset. Kuta
Beach is a very famous beach in Bali, here a lot of foreign tourists, when
seen from the color of sand, Kuta Beach is a little more than the black sand
beach Pandavas but no doubt, this beach is the perfect place to enjoy the
Having satisfied all day around Bali, the group returned to the hotel, but
previously visited places by-the typical Balinese first. The next day the group
to Kintamani, but before the attraction of Barong first, Barong Dance itself is
a traditional dance of Bali, which tells the battle between Barong against
After witnessing Barong, the group headed Kintamani, Kintamani is a village
located in the hills, where we enjoyed lunch while treated to a beautiful view.
That view of mist covered mountain shelf, shelf mountain side there is also a
lake. But unfortunately we were not to the tourist area there, just stop by for
a meal while enjoying the scenery.
The next morning on December 13, the group headed Jogjakarta, in jogja, we
were visited by a center-by at first, and then to Malioboro. Malioboro Street
are all sorts of trinkets Jogja, ranging from bracelets, clothes, hats, watches

and of course bakpia if you want to shop here, we have to be good at

bargaining in order to get a cheaper price. After from malioboro, we headed
to the hotel and dinner. Then rest.
On December 14, we return to Jakarta, and arrived in Jakarta on December
15, at 01:15. Over already our trip for a full 1 week. It was a memorable trip
and broaden our all.

1. Impression and Messages
I was pleased with the holding of this Insight Development. In addition to
increasing knowledge, also provide fun and happy atmosphere in all
participants, and also provide valuable experience, and togetherness that is
2. Suggestions
It is expected the students to the discipline of the time, because it is a pity if
only because some people, wasted time to visit attractions, resulting in
interference with the plans that have been developed previously.
It is also expected vigilance of student / I itself, because many events lost HP
on tour this time. Instead it gets pleasure heart was filled with a sense of
regret and fear as valuable goods was lost.

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