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Tizen Developer Conference Edition

by Jon Lansdell, Cheng Luo, and

Michelle Somerville

Tizen For Dummies, Tizen Developer Conference Edition

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Contents at a Glance
Introduction....................................................... 1
Part I: Introducing Tizen..................................... 5

Chapter 1: Getting an Inside Look at Tizen............................................. 7

Chapter 2: Exploring the Tizen Architecture........................................ 17

Part II: Getting Practical.................................. 29

Chapter 3: Getting Started...................................................................... 31

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw........................... 47
Chapter 5: Testing and Debugging......................................................... 73
Chapter 6: Porting Your Web App to Tizen.......................................... 91

Part III: Tizen in Detail................................... 107

Chapter 7: Building Your UI.................................................................. 109

Chapter 8: Taking Advantage of Location-Based Services................ 121
Chapter 9: Working with Multimedia................................................... 129
Chapter 10: Using Hardware in Tizen.................................................. 145
Chapter 11: Messaging........................................................................... 159
Chapter 12: Working with Contacts..................................................... 171
Chapter 13: Getting Organized with Calendars.................................. 181

Part IV: The Part of Tens................................. 189

Chapter 14: Ten Really Useful Resources........................................... 191

Chapter 15: Ten Reasons You Should Develop for Tizen.................. 195

Acknowledgments.......................................... 199

Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................ 1
About This Book......................................................................... 1
Conventions Used in This Book ............................................... 1
Who Should Read This Book..................................................... 2
How This Book Is Organized..................................................... 2
Part I: Introducing Tizen.................................................. 3
Part II: Getting Practical................................................... 3
Part III: Tizen in Detail...................................................... 3
Part IV: The Part of Tens.................................................. 3
Icons Used in This Book............................................................. 4
Where to Go from Here.............................................................. 4

Part I: Introducing Tizen...................................... 5

Chapter 1: Getting an Inside Look at Tizen. . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Discovering Tizen....................................................................... 7
Focusing on HTML5.......................................................... 8
Tizens place in the mobile world.................................. 8
Figuring Out What Makes Tizen Different.............................. 10
Tizen is based on standards......................................... 10
Tizen is open................................................................... 11
Tizen is innovative.......................................................... 12
Tizen has industry support........................................... 12
Comparing Tizen to Other Platforms..................................... 12
Getting Familiar with the Tizen Association......................... 13
Getting Involved........................................................................ 13
Submitting patches......................................................... 14
Mailing list and IRC......................................................... 14
Forums............................................................................. 15
Bug tracker...................................................................... 15

Chapter 2: Exploring the Tizen Architecture . . . . . . . . . 17

Introducing Web Apps............................................................. 18
The web runtime............................................................. 19
Installer............................................................................ 20
Runtime core................................................................... 20
Plugin core....................................................................... 21
Using Tizen Web APIs............................................................... 21


Tizen For Dummies, Developer Conference Edition

Exploring the Tizen Device APIs............................................. 22
Tizen................................................................................. 23
Alarm................................................................................ 24
Application...................................................................... 24
Bookmark......................................................................... 24
Bluetooth......................................................................... 24
Calendar........................................................................... 24
CallHistory....................................................................... 24
Contacts........................................................................... 25
Content............................................................................. 25
DataControl..................................................................... 25
DataSynchronization...................................................... 25
Download......................................................................... 25
Filesystem........................................................................ 25
MessagePort.................................................................... 26
Messaging........................................................................ 26
NetworkBearerSelection................................................ 26
NFC................................................................................... 26
Notification...................................................................... 26
Package............................................................................ 27
Power............................................................................... 27
Push.................................................................................. 27
SecureElement................................................................ 27
SystemInfo....................................................................... 27
SystemSetting.................................................................. 27
Time.................................................................................. 28

Part II: Getting Practical.................................. 29

Chapter 3: Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Installing the IDE....................................................................... 32
Creating Your First Tizen Web App........................................ 34
Using a sample app......................................................... 35
Using your own template............................................... 35
Importing an existing project........................................ 37
Tizen web application.......................................... 37
Other web applications....................................... 38
Writing the Code....................................................................... 39
HTML Web Page Editor.................................................. 39
HTML Preview................................................................. 41
CSS Preview..................................................................... 41
Minifying CSS and JavaScript.................................................. 42
CSS.................................................................................... 42
JavaScript........................................................................ 43

Table of Contents


Building Your Project............................................................... 43

Running Your Project............................................................... 43
Help Is on the Way.................................................................... 44
Help documentation....................................................... 44
Sample applications....................................................... 45

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw . . . . 47

Examining the Pieces................................................................ 48
The Application Package......................................................... 48
Localized content........................................................... 49
The configuration file..................................................... 50
Breaking down the config file............................. 50
config.xml the easy way: the
Configuration Editor......................................... 52
Start file............................................................................ 59
JavaScript........................................................................ 59
Style sheet....................................................................... 60
Application icon.............................................................. 60
Author signature............................................................. 60
Distributor signature...................................................... 61
Third-party source code or libraries........................... 61
Adding source code or libraries to a project......62
Adding source code or libraries in index.html......62
Putting the Pieces Together.................................................... 63
Example 1: A 5-minute application............................... 63
Creating the application project........................ 64
Editing the icon file.............................................. 64
Editing the configuration document.................. 64
Editing the start file.............................................. 65
Running the application...................................... 65
Example 2: Something a bit more complicated.......... 66
Using the Tizen APIs............................................ 68
Looking at index.html.......................................... 68
Figuring out what is in main.js............................ 70
Defining style attributes in style.css.................. 71

Chapter 5: Testing and Debugging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Testing Your App...................................................................... 74
Running in the Simulator............................................... 74
Testing with the Emulator............................................. 75
Using the Emulator Manager
to create an image............................................ 76
Launching an Emulator instance........................ 78
Using the Connection Explorer........................... 79


Tizen For Dummies, Developer Conference Edition

Running your application in the Emulator........ 80
Using the Event Injector...................................... 80
Testing your app on a device........................................ 82
Connecting the device......................................... 83
Running your app on the device........................ 83
Tracking Down the Bugs.......................................................... 83
Debugging in the Simulator........................................... 84
Debugging in the Emulator............................................ 85
Debugging on the device............................................... 86
Debugging JavaScript..................................................... 86
Using the Smart Development Bridge.......................... 88
Using SDB commands.......................................... 88
Discovering the connected devices................... 89

Chapter 6: Porting Your Web App to Tizen. . . . . . . . . . . 91

Everything You Wanted to Know about Web Apps
(But Were Afraid to Ask)...................................................... 92
Web apps on different platforms.................................. 93
Tools and frameworks................................................... 94
Standards......................................................................... 94
Distribution..................................................................... 95
Porting Problems Solved......................................................... 95
Handling different package formats............................. 96
Making your layout flexible........................................... 98
Fixing inconsistent behavior....................................... 101
Porting device specific libraries................................. 103
Making your app more portable................................. 104

Part III: Tizen in Detail................................... 107

Chapter 7: Building Your UI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Delving into the Nuts, Bolts, and jQuery Mobile................ 110
Embedded custom data attributes............................. 110
Page structure............................................................... 110
Events............................................................................. 111
Exploring the Tizen UI Widgets............................................. 112
The UI Builder: Just Drag and Drop...................................... 113
Choosing your widgets................................................ 114
Implementing events in the UI builder....................... 116
Adding Some Flourish to Your UI......................................... 117

Table of Contents

Chapter 8: Taking Advantage of

Location-Based Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Finding Your Way.................................................................... 122
Displaying a Map..................................................................... 122
Finding an Address................................................................. 125
Google Geocoder API................................................... 125
X Marks the Spot..................................................................... 126

Chapter 9: Working with Multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Introducing the Multimedia APIs.......................................... 130
Discovering Content............................................................... 130
Content........................................................................... 131
Getting permission....................................................... 132
Example: Creating a playlist........................................ 132
Capturing Images and Video................................................. 134
Using the Application Manager................................... 134
Application Control object................................ 134
Launching an application.................................. 135
Example: Taking a photo............................................. 136
Playing Audio and Video........................................................ 138
Example: Playing local audio files.............................. 138
Example: Playing local video files............................... 140
Multimedia Streaming............................................................ 141
webkitGetUserMedia.................................................... 141
Example: Streaming video from
your devices camera............................................... 142

Chapter 10: Using Hardware in Tizen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Introducing NFC...................................................................... 146
Using NFC in your Tizen Apps.................................... 147
Setting up NFC............................................................... 149
Setting up the listeners................................................ 149
Reading a tag....................................................... 150
Writing a tag........................................................ 152
Using NFC in peer-to-peer mode................................. 153
Detecting Device Orientation................................................ 154
Detecting Device Motion........................................................ 157
Using the Vibration API.......................................................... 158


Tizen For Dummies, Developer Conference Edition

Chapter 11: Messaging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Introducing the Messaging API............................................. 160
Message service............................................................ 160
Message structure........................................................ 160
Message............................................................... 161
MessageBody...................................................... 161
MessageAttachment........................................... 161
Message storage................................................. 162
Getting Permission................................................................. 162
Getting Practical: Searching for Messages.......................... 162
Creating the page.......................................................... 163
Filling the message list................................................. 165
Initialisation........................................................ 165
Searching for messages..................................... 165
Drawing the list................................................... 166
Searching the message list.......................................... 168
Processing user input........................................ 168
Searching for messages..................................... 169

Chapter 12: Working with Contacts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Meeting the Key Personnel.................................................... 171
Address books.............................................................. 172
Contacts......................................................................... 173
Getting Permission................................................................. 174
Managing Your Contacts........................................................ 174
Adding a contact........................................................... 174
Retrieving a contact..................................................... 176
Deleting contacts.......................................................... 177
Exporting a contact...................................................... 178

Chapter 13: Getting Organized with Calendars. . . . . . 181

Introducing the Calendar API................................................ 181
CalendarManager.......................................................... 182
Calendar......................................................................... 182
CalendarItem................................................................. 182
Getting Permission................................................................. 183
Creating a Task........................................................................ 184
Retrieving Tasks...................................................................... 185
Setting an Alarm...................................................................... 187

Table of Contents

Part IV: The Part of Tens................................. 189

Chapter 14: Ten Really Useful Resources. . . . . . . . . . . 191
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide .......................................... 191
Douglas Crockfords JavaScript Lectures............................ 192
JavaScript: The Good Parts................................................... 192
JavaScript Patterns................................................................. 192
Browser Developer Tools...................................................... 192
JavaScript Libraries................................................................ 193
Keeping up with HTML5......................................................... 193
Smashing Magazine................................................................ 194
The Linux Foundation on YouTube...................................... 194
And . . . You.............................................................................. 194

Chapter 15: Ten Reasons You Should

Develop for Tizen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Tizen Is Easy to Learn............................................................ 195
Tizen Doesnt Reinvent the Wheel........................................ 196
Tizen Supports the Latest Standards................................... 196
Tizen Supports These Standards Very Well............................. 196
Tizen Fills in the Gaps............................................................ 196
Tizen Is Consistent................................................................. 197
You Can Easily Get Help......................................................... 197
You Can Give Back.................................................................. 197
Tizen Isnt Just for Mobile..................................................... 197
Tizen Isnt Just for Web Developers..................................... 197

Acknowledgments........................................... 199



Tizen For Dummies, Developer Conference Edition


elcome to Tizen For Dummies. This book will be your

best friend to help you understand the technologies
and story behind the Tizen platform.
If you already know about web technologies, such as HTML
and JavaScript, you can use the information in these pages to
give you a head start in developing Tizen apps.

About This Book

The information in this book is based on the Tizen 2.1 release.
Tizen is a fast-moving, evolving project, and you may be running a later version. Changes happen, bugs are fixed, behaviors change, but the key concepts dont. These key concepts
are the heart of this book.
The Tizen SDK Help will always provide the most up-to-date
reference information. Check out https://developer. and the resources listed throughout this book to
ensure that you stay up to date.

Conventions Used in This Book

When this book was printed, some code or web addresses
may have needed to break across two lines of text. If that happened, rest assured that we havent put in any extra characters (such as hyphens) to indicate the break. So, when using
this code or one of these web addresses, just type exactly
what you see in this book, pretending as though the line break
doesnt exist.
When youre choosing a series of menu commands, we use
to indicate the different commands youre choosing. So when
you see choose FileNewTizen Web Project, you should
simply click the File menu, click New from the menu that
appears, and then click Tizen Web Project.

Tizen For Dummies, 2nd Edition

In addition, we often refer you to the Tizen website or the SDK
Help file. You can open the Help file from within the Tizen
IDE by choosing HelpHelp Contents. You can also find help
online at the Tizen website at https://developer.tizen.

Who Should Read This Book

When writing this book, we made a few assumptions about
you, the reader. Youre either:

A software engineer with experience developing for the
desktop, but no experience developing mobile apps.
Youre keen to start developing mobile apps and want to
know what Tizen offers.

A technical manager, evaluating the opportunities Tizen
offers for your next project on mobile.

A developer with a good grasp of web technologies,
such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, who is curious about
Tizen. (Dont worry if youre not a web guru; we dont
expect you to be.)

A parent with small children, looking for something to
read during the precious hours while the kids sleep.
If any of the preceding applies to you, or you just stumbled
upon this book and found your curiosity piqued, the information presented here will give you a good idea of what the
Tizen platform is and how you can start developing for it.

How This Book Is Organized

To help you find the information you need, this book is
divided into four parts.


Part I: Introducing Tizen

If you want to know what makes Tizen different and discover
Tizens place in the mobile landscape, you can find the answers
in this part. We examine how Tizen compares to other platforms
and explain the importance of the Tizen community.
We also give you a tour of the components of the Tizen platform, explain how web applications fit in and provide you
with a quick summary of the Tizen Device APIs.

Part II: Getting Practical

Part II encourages you to fire up the Tizen IDE and start developing apps. Think of the first three chapters of this part as
a Tizen orientation trilogy, where you discover everything
you need to know to build your first Tizen app. In addition, if
youve built a web app for another platform and want to move
it to Tizen, we explain many of the issues youll encounter
when porting.

Part III: Tizen in Detail

Part III explains the Tizen Device APIs in more detail. We dont
include all the APIs or try to replace the information you can
find in the Tizen SDK Help. Instead, we focus on what you
need to know to build a fully featured Tizen web app.

Part IV: The Part of Tens

No For Dummies book would be complete without a part of
tens. In this part, you discover ten really useful resources and
ten reasons why you should develop for Tizen.

Tizen For Dummies, 2nd Edition

Icons Used in This Book

Throughout this book, you can see small pictures in the margins. These icons have special meanings:

The Tip icon points out important information that can save
you time or make a task easier.
This icon marks information you wont want to forget.

Be careful when you see this icon!

This icon highlights information that is nice to know but not

crucial to the discussion. Feel free to skip this information if
youre not interested in it.

Where to Go from Here

The content in this book is designed to be easy to navigate.
Dip in and dip out of each chapter as the mood takes you. We
dont expect you to read the book cover to cover, but if you
do make it to the end before your friends do, please dont
spoil the ending.
Think of this book as your first stop on your Tizen development journey. We explain the concepts, identify gotchas, provide hints, tips, and handy sample code, and draw on our own
experience to help kick-start your Tizen development efforts.
If youre an experienced web developer, you may want to
focus on the chapters that explain Tizen device APIs and
show you how to apply your existing knowledge of HTML and
JavaScript to create Tizen web apps.
If youre new to web development, it may feel at times as if
youre navigating uncharted waters. Think of this book as
your map. You discover how Tizen web applications are created using a mixture of technologies, including W3C APIs,
third-party Javascript libraries, and Tizen-specific APIs, all
mixed together to create powerful apps.

Part I

Introducing Tizen

In this part . . .

his part is your Tizen orientation session, where we

issue you with your virtual map, compass and backpack as you start to explore this new platform. You learn
about Tizens place in the mobile landscape and what
makes this mobile platform different from the rest. You
explore the structure of a typical open source platform,
see where Tizen fits in and find out how you can get
involved in the Tizen community.
In Chapter 2 you learn how Tizen is organized and discover how Tizen web applications look and behave like
native ones. We also explore Tizens support for web standards and introduce the Tizen device APIs which allow
you to create powerful and feature-rich apps.

Chapter 1

Getting an Inside
Look at Tizen
In This Chapter
Discovering what makes Tizen unique
Becoming part of the Tizen community

ou may have heard of Tizen, but not know what it is.

No worries! In this chapter, you discover Tizens place
in the mobile world and some of the many reasons why this
open source software platform is one of a kind. You also find
out how Tizen compares to other mobile platforms and how
to become involved in the Tizen community.

Discovering Tizen
Tizen is an open source, standards-based, cross-architecture
device software platform designed to find a place in
everything from smartphones to smart TVs and beyond.
The Linux Foundation announced the Tizen project in
September 2011 and the Tizen Association was formed in 2012
to drive industry engagement and support for the project.
Currently, the main contributors to Tizen are Samsung and
Intel, but with increasing industry support, you can expect
more organizations to become active contributors. Currently,
the Tizen Association board has 12 members from different
industry sectors, including many mobile operators.

Part I: Introducing Tizen

Tizen has solid open source foundations, and it makes use
of established open source components, such as WebKit,
GStreamer, Xorg, and Connman. If you want to know how
Tizen compares to other open source mobile platforms, see
the section Tizens place in the mobile world, later in this

You can find out more about Tizen and the Tizen Association
at and

Focusing on HTML5
Tizens primary focus for application development is HTML5,
which is rapidly emerging as the preferred development environment for mobile applications. Tizen support for HTML5
is extensive and powerful. It includes support for most of the
major W3C APIs included under the banner of HTML5, as well
as many supplementary web APIs.
The first prerelease version of Tizen emerged blinking into
the spotlight of the developer community in January 2012.
The final 1.0 version, code named Larkspur and including
Linux and Windows versions of the SDK and the Tizen Web
UI framework, was released in May, just before the first Tizen
Developers Conference in San Francisco. At this event, the
attendees were given a reference device, known as the software development platform (SDP), or lunchbox, as it is nicknamed due to its less than svelte appearance.
The version of Tizen we used to create this book is 2.1, which
was released in May 2013, and introduced many new web
APIs. The Tizen 2.0 SDK was the first to include C++ APIs
which you can use to create native apps. However, web apps
are still the main way of developing for Tizen and thats the
focus of this book.

Tizens place in the mobile world

Our years of mobile development has taught us one simple
fact creating a mobile platform is hard. The average smart
device includes a dazzling range of technologies that put
desktop computers to shame. We expect our smart devices
to entertain us, help us find our way home, run our schedules
and just occasionally make phone calls. No one person can be

Chapter 1: Getting an Inside Look at Tizen

expected to be an expert in everything from application development to the low-level technologies that enable your phone
to talk to the cellphone towers. Figure 1-1 shows the different
perspective that users, application developers and platform
developers have on the way a typical open source platform is
organised. Put yourself in the shoes of each of these people
as we show you how Tizen fits in to the mobile open source

Figure 1-1: Different perspectives on the layers of a mobile open source


The way platforms are organized is often described in terms

of an onion. You gradually peel away the layers until you
reach the core.
At the top layer, we have applications and services. Its whats
contained here that helps end users make their decision
about which device to buy. They choose their devices according to what apps and services are available for them to use.
Next we come to the platform level. This layer is where youll
find the APIs and SDKs that allow developers to create applications. Its where youll find Tizen and the APIs discussed in
this book. Tizen has many similarities to other platforms, but
you discover the differences too.


Part I: Introducing Tizen

Delving deeper we come to the middleware. Many middleware components will come from conventional desktop open
source projects. Different platforms will pick and choose
which open source components to include. The great thing
about open source software is the range of components
The lowest layer is the kernel. For open source mobile platforms, this layer will generally be a Linux kernel. The kernel
interacts with middleware components to talk to the hardware. Its the middleware layer that the platform developers,
who contribute to the components of the platform, will be
most interested in.

Figuring Out What Makes

Tizen Different
When Tizen was announced, some of the most common
questions asked by developers, analysts and users included
whether a new platform was needed at all and what makes
Tizen stand out from the crowd.
In this book, we attempt to answer some of these questions,
but for now, here are four ways in which Tizen is different
from the rest.

Tizen is based on standards

HTML5 is a set of standards that enjoys support from across
the industry, and its a standard that Tizen supports very
well. HTML5 supports multiple browsers, operating systems,
and devices. In its latest incarnation, HTML5 provides greater
access to device hardware, advanced audio and video capabilities, and more flexibility for design and layout. Using HTML5,
developers can create cross-platform applications, writing the
code once and running it on multiple platforms. The extent to
which a platform supports the HTML5 specification is vital for
developers who want to make the most of the latest features.

Chapter 1: Getting an Inside Look at Tizen


Tizen supports most of the official HTML5 standards, along

with some supplementary and legacy standards. Designed to
get the most out of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, Tizens web
engine is tuned to within an inch of its life to squeeze best
performance out of these technologies.
Not only does the Tizen web engine (based on WekKit2 since
Tizen 2.0) perform well, its web browser also scores highly in
web standards compliance tests, finishing first according to
the scores from, which test how
well a browser supports HTML5 specifications.

Tizen is open
As an open source software platform, Tizen provides many
opportunities for both individuals and Original Equipment
Manufacturers (OEMs) the people that make the phones.
Anyone can grab the source code and customize it to meet
their own needs. Any OEM can ship Tizen devices with a customized user interface, app store, or set of services.
Open source projects also encourage collaboration. Software
engineering is changing, and its a challenge for an individual
or even an organization to build something without using
open source code. Collaborating with the open source community is a more efficient and cost-effective way of development, and it generally avoids re-inventing the wheel.

Defining open
At any gathering of open source
developers, the one subject
guaranteed to cause an argument
aside from which pizza restaurant to
order from is What is the definition
of open source?
In this book, we describe Tizen as
open source because the source

code to the platform is freely

available, anyone can download it,
and you can use it for any purpose in
any project. We accept that this may
not meet everyones definition of
open source software, but this is our
definition, and were sticking to it.


Part I: Introducing Tizen

Tizen is innovative
Innovation can come from many sources. It may be an idea
from an individual or an organisations R&D projects, but
most innovation comes from collaboration.
The Tizen Project brings these different resources and knowledge together. Everyone can contribute ideas and innovations
to the platform, and everyone can benefit.
Innovation doesnt stop at collaboration; it also brings differentiation to a product and leads to more choice for end users.

Tizen has industry support

One lesson learned from previous open source platforms is
that being open source doesnt necessarily guarantee success
or innovation. A project must have strong industry support.
The Tizen Association board includes many operators and
device manufacturers, and a strong ecosystem built around
Tizen offers opportunities far beyond smartphones. You can
look forward to your applications running not only on mobile
phones, but also on in-vehicle infotainment systems, notebooks, tablets, and Smart TVs.
At the time of writing, the board members of the Tizen
Association are Intel, Samsung, Fujitsu, Huawei, KT, NEC
Casio Mobile Communications, NTT docomo, Orange,
Panasonic Mobile Communications, SK Telecom, Sprint and

Comparing Tizen to
Other Platforms
Tizens openness contrasts with closed, proprietary platforms, such as iOS, Blackberry 10 and Windows Phone, for
which the source code is not available. The choice for users
of these platforms is also limited, with only Windows Phone
licensed to other manufacturers and the rest available only on
the vendors devices.

Chapter 1: Getting an Inside Look at Tizen


Of the open source alternatives, WebOS and Firefox OS are

both platforms with potential, but they dont have the same
level of industry support as Tizen.
Android is the best known open source platform, but the governance of the platform is arguably not as open, and its standards support isnt as comprehensive as Tizen.

Getting Familiar with

the Tizen Association
The Tizen Association and the Tizen Project, under the Linux
Foundation, are complementary to each other. The industry
and market-facing aspects of Tizen are driven by the Tizen
Association, while the engineering of the Tizen software platform takes place within the Tizen open source project hosted
by the Linux Foundation. The Linux Foundation runs the Tizen
Project, with a focus on platform development and delivery.
You can find out more at
The board of directors decides the commercial direction of
the Tizen Association. The board decides on the platform
requirements, business strategy, application store requirements, and industry partnerships. It aims to evolve the ecosystem of the Tizen platform.
Several technical steering groups (TSGs) govern the Tizen
Project. Intel and Samsung, as the two primary platform contributors, chair the TSGs, and other interested parties can

Getting Involved
You can participate and contribute to the Tizen Project at different levels. As described on the Tizen website (www.tizen.
org), you can be a platform contributor, an application developer, a user, or a Tizen product vendor.
At the platform level, the membership for the TSG (for example, groups responsible for areas such as Release Engineering,
Quality Assurance, and Program Management) is invitation


Part I: Introducing Tizen

only and will mainly be open to the Tizen vendors. However,
the Community Office, Localization, and some Middleware
groups will be open to participation on a merit basis.

Submitting patches
If you think you can improve the existing code of the Tizen
platform, you can submit your changes to the Gerrit system
for code review. The maintainer, release engineers, and the
QA team will review your patches and decide whether they
will be accepted based on the quality of your code. Once the
changes are approved, you can submit them to the Gerrit
system and Gerrit will merge the changes into the Tizen code
base. You can find a guide to submitting changes at:
The Tizen wiki is available for collaborating on documentation
related to the Tizen project:
If you have any information or tutorials you want to share
with the community, youre free to add them to the wiki.
However, before contributing, you should check the User
Guide and style guides.

Mailing list and IRC

Several mailing lists and an IRC channel enable community
members to share information and ask questions about the
Tizen platform.
Details of these mailing lists and how to join them are provided on the Tizen community website:
The IRC channel is #tizen at:, and the
channels logs are available to view:

Chapter 1: Getting an Inside Look at Tizen


Another source of help and information are the forums available on the Tizen developer site:
The forums are available to any developer with an account to
ask questions, contribute to discussions, and share information.

Bug tracker
Tizen uses JIRA to track bugs and gather requests for new
Anyone with a account can add a new bug, comment
on an existing bug, or even submit a patch to fix a bug.


Part I: Introducing Tizen

Chapter 2

Exploring the Tizen

In This Chapter
Looking at Tizens organisation
Exploring the role of the web runtime
Getting an inside look at the web APIs
Listing the Tizen device APIs

izen isnt just for smartphones and tablets; its designed

to drive a wide range of device categories from smart TVs
to netbooks and beyond. For example, the IVI project is setting standards to allow Tizen to be used as part of in-vehicle
infotainment systems in cars, planes, and buses. In the future,
you may find Tizen on Blu-ray players and digital TVs or powering a new generation of netbooks.
Because Tizen is open source and standards based, developers in the open source community can find uses for Tizen in
devices far beyond whats available today. Maybe youll find
Tizen in your fridge or alarm clock or in a home automation
system. The possibilities are endless.
Its the incarnation of Tizen defined for smartphones and
tablets that we concentrate on in this book. Web developers
dont have to know the inner workings of Tizen in order to
create apps, but the more you know about the platform, the
more informed your development choices can be.


Part I: Introducing Tizen

Introducing Web Apps

The term web app is actually quite broad. Our definition
is apps based on web technologies that can access system
resources and that you can install on a device although they
dont have to be.
Is a website a web app? Yes, it is. Websites are built with
standard web technologies and can use W3C APIs to access
some device features. They dont have to be installed because
everything happens in the browser.
Tizen web apps are created using a combination of W3C/
HTML5 specifications, supplementary web specifications, and
Tizen web app device APIs. The important thing to know for
this section is that Tizen web apps are just like traditional apps:

They can access system resources.

They can launch other apps.

They provide services.

They generally behave like traditional native apps do.

Going native
The 2.1 release of the Tizen SDK
includes a set of C++ APIs which
you can use to create native apps.
Depending on your requirements,
you can choose whether to create a
web app or take the native approach.
Developing a native app is a good
choice if your app is performance
intensive or you need access to

device functionality not supported

by the web APIs. However, web
apps are more portable, support all
the HTML5 standards and still have
most of the features of native apps.
This book concentrates on web
apps, but you can find full details of
the C++ APIs, as well as examples
and tutorials, in the SDK help.

Chapter 2: Exploring the Tizen Architecture


The web runtime

Each web app runs in its own process. In the task manager of
a Tizen device, you can see a Tizen web app just like a native
app. You can utilise process scheduling and management, and
platform security features also apply.
The web runtime provides a framework for installable web
applications. The role of the web runtime is to install and
launch apps and provide integration with the native platform,
exposing Tizen APIs so that web apps can access device features. The web application can be integrated with the task
manager and package manager, and it can also receive some
of the system events, such as out of memory, screen orientation, and system locale change.
The web runtime is also responsible for access control checking. Whenever a web app calls a JavaScript API, the web runtime checks that the app is allowed to access that particular
feature, returning an error if access is denied. This process
provides a high level of runtime security.
Figure 2-1 shows the components of the web runtime. As you
can see from Figure 2-1, the web application talks to the web
runtime, which then communicates with the layer below to
access the features of the device. The web runtime consists
of an installer, runtime core, plugin core, and security components. The following sections look at these areas in more detail.

Figure 2-1: The Tizen web runtime.


Part I: Introducing Tizen

When an application is installed, the Tizen package manager
is called to install the web application. The package manager invokes the web runtimes app installer program, which
checks that the app is properly signed and then starts the
installation. Once installed, the app is registered with the web
runtime database using the information supplied in the apps
configuration file, including the app ID, name of the app, and
icon. The apps icon then appears in the menu screen.
When the user uninstalls an app, the app is unregistered from
the web runtime database, and all app resources are removed
from the client.

Runtime core
The runtime core is responsible for managing the lifecycle of
an application, including startup, suspend and resume, and
When an app launches, the Tizen launchpad executes the
web app process. This creates a new process for the web app
and initialises some of the callbacks that will be invoked for
certain system events. When an app is initially launched, the
runtime will retrieve the web apps start file, usually called
index.html, initialise the web view and load this .html file.
If the app provides a service for example, getting an image
from a web service then this feature will be registered as
a service, using the Image MIME type. When another app
requests the image service, the app will receive the request
and handle it.
The Tizen web runtime rendering engine is based on WebKit2.
This is the same WebKit used in the Tizen browser. As a
result, web apps can take advantage of the same HTML5 APIs
and the same 2D and 3D optimisations and CSS3 optimisations
that the built-in browser uses.

Chapter 2: Exploring the Tizen Architecture


Plugin core
The plugin core is what enables the web app to talk to the
device/platform via JavaScript APIs. It communicates with
the JSCore module in the platform layer (refer to Figure 2-1)
and implements on-demand loading of plugins at runtime. The
advantage of on-demand loading of plugins is that the web
app starts faster because plugins are loaded only when the
JavaScript needs them.

Using Tizen Web APIs

You create Tizen web apps using a combination of W3C/
HTML5 specifications, supplementary web specifications, and
Tizen-specific device APIs. Tizen provides support for many
HTML5 features, such as audio and video, offline web storage,
web workers, and 3D transform and transition effects. You can
use these standard technologies in a web application. Tizen
also includes support for some APIs not specified in W3C
but that are part of supplementary common web standards.
Included in this list are typed arrays and the viewport metatag
Figure 2-2 shows the relationship between W3C APIs, supplementary APIs, and Tizen-specific device APIs. Of course,
when you build web apps, youre also likely to use various
JavaScript utility libraries, such as jQuery and jQueryMobile.
With so many libraries available for you to use, you dont
need to re-invent the wheel.

Checking the specs

You can find the current status of
Tizens support for particular W3C
APIs in the online help in the Tizen
W3C API Specifications section.
HTML5 is a moving target, and
Tizens API support is evolving. By
the time you read this book, the
HTML5 support will be even better.

In fact, because Tizen provides such

good HTML5 support, you can create
many web apps without using any
Tizen-specific APIs at all. You can still
access some device features, such
as geolocation, and some sensor
features all from within a portable
completely standard web app.


Part I: Introducing Tizen

Figure 2-2: The APIs available to a Tizen web application.

Exploring the Tizen Device APIs

So why does Tizen need its own JavaScript device APIs? Well,
it turns out that while the W3C specifications do provide
a lot of features, some gaps exist. Tizen device APIs were
created to fill these gaps. For example, you can find Tizen
APIs for manipulating contacts and calendars in Chapters 12
and 13. These Tizen APIs are all contained within the Tizen
namespace. You also discover how to give your apps a consistent look and feel in Chapter 7, which introduces the Tizen
Web UI Framework.
The idea behind these APIs isnt to compete with the W3C
APIs. In fact, Samsung and Intel participate on various standards committees that define W3C APIs. The aim is that the
Tizen device APIs will one day be absorbed into W3C so that
theyll become standards.
Tizen is still an evolving platform and Tizen device APIs are
designed to supplement, not replace, the functionality of the
W3C APIs. However, the device features provided by the W3C
APIs are also becoming more comprehensive. You might find

Chapter 2: Exploring the Tizen Architecture


that new W3C standards are introduced that provide the same
functionality as some of the Tizen device APIs discussed in
this book. In this case, you should update your application to
use these APIs and help to make your apps more portable and
future proof.
You can find a complete specification of the device APIs in
the SDK help, but the following sections provide a quick overview and point you to the more detailed information and code
samples in later chapters.
The SDK also includes code samples covering most of the
device APIs; see Chapter 3 for more information on using the
samples included with the SDK.

The Tizen JavaScript object is used to access device APIs
such as Contact, Calendar and NFC.
For example, to access the default address book, you use the
following code:
var addressBook =
The contact object is a property of the tizen object and contains a ContactManager object, which provides access to
the Contacts API, including the getDefaultAddressBook()
function. The same pattern is used with the other device APIs.
Throughout this book and in the Tizen SDK, the web Interface
Definition Language (IDL) is used to describe APIs in a language independent way. This allows the APIs to be described
using terms familiar to those of you with a background in
strongly typed object oriented languages, such as C++, even
though the APIs are accessed through JavaScript.
Apart from being the base object used to access the other
device APIs, the tizen object also provides access to a set
of generic functions, including error handling and filters.
Chapter 9 demonstrates how to use filters.


Part I: Introducing Tizen

The Alarm API allows you to set an alarm to run an application
at a specified time and launch it if its not already running.

The Application API allows you to retrieve a list of running
applications and launch other apps by using an application
control. So, you might launch the camera app to take a picture
or record video or use the media player to play music files.
You can also provide services to other apps. Chapter 9 covers
launching an application using an application control.

The Bookmark API provides access to the devices bookmarks. You can use it to retrieve bookmarks, as well as add
and remove both bookmarks and bookmark folders.

The Bluetooth API provides access to the Bluetooth protocol,
which can be used for transmitting files over short distances
between devices.

The Calendar API allows you to manage events and tasks
so that it can handle your schedule or to-do list. Chapter 13
explains the Calendar API in detail.

The CallHistory API provides access to the call history functionality, such as finding and removing call history entries.

Chapter 2: Exploring the Tizen Architecture


You use the Contacts API to manage contacts and handle multiple address books. Chapter 12 explains the Contacts API in

The Content API lets you search for content on the device,
either stored locally or on a memory card. Chapter 9 shows
you how to use these features.

The DataControl API, introduced in Tizen 2.1, is used to
access data exported by other applications, for example
native applications. You can use the functionality provided
by the DataControl API to operate on both SQL and key-value

The DataSynchronization API, supported from Tizen 2.1,
allows you to synchronize device data with a server using the
OMA Data Synchronization 1.2 protocol.

The Download API, introduced in Tizen 2.0, is used to download files from the Internet and monitor the download status.

The Filesystem API provides access to the devices file system.
The SDK includes more information, including tutorials.


Part I: Introducing Tizen

The MessagePort API allows you to exchange data with
another web application, or with a native application. Data is
sent using the RemoteMessagePort, and data is received from
the LocalMessagePort.

The Messaging service allows you to send SMS, MMS, and
Email messages and search messages on the device. Chapter 11
explains this API in more detail and provides source code for
searching SMS messages on your device.

The NetworkBearerSelection API, new to Tizen 2.1, allows you
to specify a particular network connection to be used from
your web applications to connect a given domain or host.

Near Field Communication (NFC) is used for short range wireless communication. NFC enabled devices can be used for
mobile payments and in a range of other applications. We
explain Near Field Communication (NFC) in detail in Chapter 10.
You discover the different applications of NFC technology and
how to use NFC in your Tizen web apps.

The Notification API, introduced in Tizen 2.0, provides a way
of alerting the user to events happening in your app. You can
find details of how to create and manage notifications in the
SDK help.

Chapter 2: Exploring the Tizen Architecture


The Package API, new to Tizen 2.1, allows you to install and
uninstall packages, retrieve information about the packages
installed on the device, and monitor any changes to installed

Another new API introduced in Tizen 2.0, this provides access
to a devices power state and allows you to control display
dimming and brightness, for example. More information,
including a tutorial are included in the SDK.

The Push API, new in Tizen 2.1, allows web applications to
receive push notifications from the push server.

The SecureElement API, introduced in Tizen 2.1, provides
access to secured elements on the device, such as a UICC/SIM,
embedded security element or secure SD card.

Provides access to device specific information, such as local
storage, battery levels, cellular network, and so on. More
information and a tutorial are included in the SDK.

The SystemSetting API, introduced in Tizen 2.0, lets you get
and set various device properties. At the time of writing you
can get and set the following device properties: the device
and lock screen wallpaper, the ringtone for incoming calls and
the email message notification sound.


Part I: Introducing Tizen

Provides date and time functions, including working with the
current date and time and locale specific date and time handling. Chapter 13 uses the Time APIs to set the date and time
of calendar tasks.

Part II

Getting Practical

In this part . . .

n this part we start to get practical. You download and

install the Tizen SDK, start to find your way round the
tools, and build your first Tizen app. In Chapter 3 you
learn enough to get up and running, while Chapter 4 takes
you through each component of a Tizen app in detail.
Youll explore some of the sample apps and discover how
theres a world of third-party JavaScript libraries ready for
you to use in your apps. Chapter 5 tidies up the messy
business of testing and debugging.
You might have an existing web app that you want to port
to Tizen, in which case you will find some useful tips in
Chapter 6. We also explain how you can design your Tizen
web app to make it more portable.

Chapter 3

Getting Started
In This Chapter
Installing the Tizen SDK
Building your first web app
Getting Help

etting to grips with a new platform can feel like travelling to a country for the first time. You may be the
kind of traveller who likes to turn up at the airport hours in
advance, with a well-planned itinerary, phrase book, and a list
of the local hotspots. Or, like some authors we could mention,
you may prefer to run to catch your flight, carrying only a
pair of sunglasses and a smile. Both travellers will get to their
destination, both will probably have a good time, but for all
their spontaneity, the less prepared traveller may be left with
a nagging feeling that he may have missed out on something.
In this chapter, you find everything you need to build your
first Tizen app. If youre feeling adventurous or just cant wait
to get coding, this chapter will be all you need to get started.
But if youre new to web development or the Eclipse IDE or
you just want to make sure that you get the most out of the
development environment before diving in head first, then
think of this chapter as the first part of a trilogy.
Chapter 4 looks at each component of a Tizen app in detail,
while Chapter 5 uncovers the secrets of testing and debugging. Tizen development may not be everyones idea of an
adventure, but youll be well prepared for the trip.


Part II: Getting Practical

Getting perspective
A perspective describes the layout
of views to help you achieve a
particular task. In the case of the
default Tizen Web Perspective, that
task is web development, so youll
see views including the Connection
Explorer, and HTML Web Page Editor.
Chapter 5 introduces the Connection
Explorer, while the HTML Web Page

Editor is covered in its own section

later in this chapter.
You can also open up other useful
views not shown in the current
perspective by choosing Window
Show View. Theres much more
detail about perspectives, views, and
the workbench in the Tizen SDK help.

Installing the IDE

The Tizen SDK provides a set of tools for developing Tizen
web applications. The IDE is based on Eclipse, which will be
familiar to you if youve done any Symbian, Android, or bada
development. The SDK also includes a tool chain to build apps
for your chosen hardware platform and lots of sample code,
tutorials, and documentation to help you get started.
This chapter refers to the 2.1 Magnolia version of the Tizen SDK.
To begin your journey into Tizen development, you first need
to download the SDK from the Tizen website at https://
The currently supported platforms are:

Ubuntu (11.10/12.04) 32-bit & 64-bit

Windows XP 32-bit

Windows 7 32-bit & 64-bit

Mac OS X (Intel) 64-bit
You can download two files for Windows, Ubuntu or Mac OS X:
the installation manager and the SDK Image. The installation
manager is responsible for installing the SDK, and you can
use it in one of two ways. You can download the SDK from the
server during the installation process, or you can download

Chapter 3: Getting Started


a separate SDK image file and choose to install the SDK from
this package.
This latter approach allows you to complete the SDK installation when youre not connected to the Internet.
After you install the SDK, the first time you launch the IDE
youre asked to select a workspace. On the Welcome screen
that appears, choose the Workbench option. The Tizen Web
Perspective appears, as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1: The Tizen Web Perspective

Now youre ready to start developing apps.

If you install the SDK on Mac OS X 10.7.5 or later and an error
dialog appears when you launch the Install Manager, then you
may need to change your security settings temporarily
to prevent the OS X Gatekeeper feature from blocking the
Choose Apple MenuSystem Preferences, open the Security
preference pane and click on the General tab. Under the
heading Allow applications downloaded from, choose the
Anywhere radio button. You should now be able to launch
the Install Manager.


Part II: Getting Practical

Once youve finished installing the Tizen SDK, restore your
settings to the previous state.

Creating Your First

Tizen Web App
The easiest way to create a new Tizen project is by using the
New Project wizard. The wizard allows you to create your
application using some predefined templates or create a project from one of the built-in sample apps. You can also use
user-defined templates, which we explain in more detail in the
User-defined templates section.

Its well worth taking a look at all the templates and sample
code provided in the IDE, to give you a head start creating
your app.
To launch the New Project wizard and choose a template,
follow these steps:
1. In the IDE, choose FileNewTizen Web Project.

The New Project wizard appears. You see a selection

of templates and sample applications to choose from
(see Figure 3-2).

2. Choose the template or sample you want to use.

Tizen offers several predefined template types:

Basic: A blank application template.

Tizen WebUI Framework: A set of templates

with all the necessary files for creating a web
application using the Tizen web UI framework.

jQuery Mobile: A set of templates containing all

the files to create a web application using the
jQuery Mobile framework.

Tizen Web UI Builder: A set of templates containing all the files to create a web application
using the Tizen Builder.

3. Name your project.

4. Click Finish.

Chapter 3: Getting Started


Figure 3-2: The New Project Wizard.

These templates include the basic structure for an application and all the relevant JavaScript libraries required for the
selected UI framework. All you need to do is add your application specific code.

Using a sample app

If you want to create a slightly more complicated application,
you can use one of the sample applications provided in the
SDK as a starting point. Walking through the sample code is
also a great way to become familiar with particular features.
The New Project wizard provides many sample applications to
demonstrate the use of Web technologies and the Tizen APIs.
The Tizen developer website also provides other samples
that you can use to start developing an application. (See the
Importing an existing project section, later in this chapter,
for more details on how you can use these samples.)

Using your own template

If you have an existing template from another web-based
platform or youre developing several applications based on


Part II: Getting Practical

a common structure, you may want to define your own template. The New Project wizard provides an option for creating
an application based on your own user-defined templates.
Before you can use this option, you need to create your own
application project template. You can create a user template
based on any project, using the Export wizard. To use the
Export wizard, follow these steps:

1. Right-click the project in the Project Explorer view

and choose Export.

The Export dialog box appears.

2. From the Select an Export Destination list, doubleclick the Tizen folder icon and then select the Tizen
User Template, as shown in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3: The Tizen user template.

3. Click Next.

The User Template Export wizard appears.

4. Enter the name and export location.

Chapter 3: Getting Started


5. Select the Import a Template check box so that your

template will appear in the New Project wizard.

6. Click Next.

The icon selection screen of the User Template Export

wizard appears.

7. Add any icons that you want to be shown in the new


8. Click Next.

The images and descriptions screen appears.

9. Add any images or descriptions that you want

displayed in the new wizard.

10. Click Finish to complete the export of your user


Importing an existing project

Using the New Project wizard isnt the only way to create an
application; you can also import existing applications into
the IDE.

Tizen web application

To import an existing Tizen web app, follow these steps:

1. Choose FileImport.

The Import dialog box, shown in Figure 3-4, appears.

2. From the Select an Import Source list, double-click

Tizen and then select Web Projects and Widget file.

3. Click Next.

The Import Widget screen appears.

4. Enter the root directory or click the Browse button

to select the projects you want to copy into the

5. Click Finish.
The project is imported into the workspace.


Part II: Getting Practical

Figure 3-4: The Import dialog box of the New Project Wizard.

Other web applications

If you have a web application developed for the desktop or
another mobile platform, you can import it into the IDE by
following these steps:

1. Choose FileNewProject.

2. In the wizards drop-down list, double-click the

General folder and then click Project (see Figure 3-5).

3. Click Next.

4. Uncheck the use default location check box and

enter the name and location of your project.

5. Click Finish.
Your project is now created and loaded into the workspace.
After you create the project, you need to edit two files:
.project and config.xml. You can find full instructions on
how to edit these files on the Tizen developer website:

Chapter 3: Getting Started


Figure 3-5: Import other web apps.

Writing the Code

The SDK provides many useful tools to help you write and
edit your apps code. These tools are designed to help you
throughout your development process, helping you preview
your HTML code as you create it, crafting the look of your
pages with CSS Preview, and making the JavaScript coding
process easier and more efficient.

HTML Web Page Editor

The IDE provides a WYSIWYG editor for editing HTML files.
The Web Page Editor allows you to view both the source code
and preview the HTML as youre developing your application
(see Figure 3-6).
The IDE offers several options, shown in Table 3-1, for viewing
your HTML content.


Part II: Getting Practical

Table 3-1
HTML View Modes

Web Page Editor View Modes

Show Design Page & Source Page as Vertical
Show Design Page & Source Page as
Horizontal panes
Show Design Page only
Show Source Page only

You could choose to handcraft your HTML, but you can

also use the palette feature provided in the IDE. HTML4 and
HTML5 palettes are provided for you in all views except the
Source Page Only mode. To use an object from the palette,
just select a component and drag it to the required location
on either the Design or Source page.

Figure 3-6: The Web Page Editor.

Chapter 3: Getting Started


HTML Preview
You can instantly preview a HTML file using the HTML
Preview tool (see Figure 3-7). Google Chrome is used to display the Preview, so the appearance will be more accurate
than the preview in the Web Page Editor, which uses your systems default browser.

Figure 3-7: The HTML Preview.

To view your HTML file in the HTML Preview tool, select the
Preview button from the IDEs toolbar.

CSS Preview
You can instantly preview the look and feel of any CSS file
using the CSS Preview tool, shown in Figure 3-8. Google
Chrome is used to display the content in the Preview, and any
changes you make will be reflected immediately.
To view your CSS file in the CSS Preview tool, select the
Preview button from the IDEs toolbar.


Part II: Getting Practical

Figure 3-8: The CSS Preview.

Minifying CSS and JavaScript

The IDE provides tools to minify your CSS and JavaScript files
if you need to reduce the size of your code.

The CSS tool removes comments, white space, extra semicolons, empty declarations, zero values, and so on from your
CSS code.
To minify your CSS file, right-click the file in the Project
Explorer, and the options in Figure 3-9 appear at the bottom of
the list. Choose the Minify CSS option, and the file is minified
with a new version of the file (.min.css) created.

Figure 3-9: Minify CSS.

Chapter 3: Getting Started


The JavaScript tool removes comments and extra white
space, replaces identifiers, and performs micro-optimisations
in your JavaScript code.
To minify your JavaScript file, right-click the file in the Project
Explorer, and the options in Figure 3-10 appear at the bottom
of the list. Choose the Minify JS option, and the file is minified
with a new version of the file (.min.js) created.

Figure 3-10: Minify JavaScript.

Building Your Project

A Tizen application is packaged in a .wgt file that can be
downloaded and installed on a device or Emulator. You can
find out more information about an application package and
its content in Chapter 4.
When youre developing your application, if the Build
Automatically option is enabled, then the application package
will be rebuilt every time you save any changes. Any errors or
warnings found in your JavaScript code will be shown in the
Problems View at the bottom of the IDE.

Running Your Project

You can test whether your application works by running it in
the Simulator or Emulator environment or on a Tizen device.
For more information about how to test your project, see
Chapter 5.
If you want to, you can select one of the sample applications
introduced in the Using a sample app section, earlier in this
chapter, and try building and running the app for yourself.


Part II: Getting Practical

Help Is on the Way

The Tizen SDK provides a comprehensive set of Help documentation, tutorials, and sample code to help you get started.
You can find lots of other resources, too, including the developer site, wiki, forums, mailing lists, and a bug tracker. Blogs
and forums created by community members are also just a
quick Internet search away, and these resources will only
increase as the community grows.
You can access Help documentation and get information
about any APIs by hovering over the function names. The IDE
also provides an Auto completion feature to avoid making any
typing errors when using the Tizen APIs.

Help documentation
You can find the most up-to-date information about Tizen in
the SDK Help documentation. You can open the Help from
within the IDE, by choosing HelpHelp Contents. You can
also access Help on the Tizen website:
Here are some of the most useful Help sections to consult to
find out more about the platform and creating apps:

Getting Started with Tizen/Overview/Architecture
describes the platform architecture and introduces the
components that make the platform.

Getting Started with Tizen/Development Environment/
Tizen SDK describes the tools available in the SDK and
tips on how to use them.

Tizen Web App Programming/API References/Device
API Reference provides detailed information about the
Tizen device APIs and how to use them within your web
application. This specification uses Interface Definition
Language (IDL), which is used to describe APIs in a language independent way.

Chapter 3: Getting Started


Tizen Web App Programming/Programming Guide
includes the Device Guides, which explain the functionality of each device API and provides code examples for
the main features.

Tizen Web App Programming/Tutorials includes tutorials
that take you step by step through some more detailed
examples for the main APIs.

Tizen Web App Programming/API References/UI
Framework Reference is a guide to all the Tizen Web UI
Framework widgets and offers examples of how to use
them in your web application.

Sample applications
In addition to the tutorials and the sample applications provided in the SDK, several sample web applications are available for download from the Tizen developer site:
These applications use a variety of standard HTML5,
JavaScript, and CSS3 techniques and can be run either on the
desktop or a mobile device. Each application has a tutorial
describing the main features of the application and how they
were implemented.
You can use the instructions described in the Other web
applications section, earlier in this chapter, to import these
projects into the IDE.
See Chapter 1 for more details about the Tizen wiki, mailing
list, IRC channel, and forums.


Part II: Getting Practical

Chapter 4

Piecing Together the

Application Jigsaw
In This Chapter
Introducing the application package
Getting inside the configuration file
Seeing how a Tizen app fits together

s a web developer, you can count on standards, such

as the W3C APIs that form part of HTML5, but the apps
that use these APIs arent so much developed from scratch
as assembled from a jigsaw puzzle of pieces. You may have
an app that uses W3C APIs, makes use of a library (such as
jQuery), and even includes JavaScript, HTML, and CSS files
generated by a tool like Dreamweaver. The possibilities are
endless, but knowing how to piece all these parts together
and add your own code to the mix can be a challenge.
In this chapter, we examine the components of the application
package, including the configuration file that contains the app
settings. We show you how to put the pieces of the puzzle
together to create a Tizen web app, from the simplest possible
app to a more advanced app that makes use of the Tizen
device APIs. Armed with this information, youll understand
how a Tizen app is put together and have a solid foundation
for creating your own apps.
For full details about downloading, installing, and taking your
first steps with the Tizen SDK, go to Chapter 3. Chapter 5
covers testing and debugging.


Part II: Getting Practical

Examining the Pieces

The way you work through this chapter is up to you. You can
use it as a reference that you dip in and out of as you write
your app or follow along with the Tizen IDE in front of you.
If you want to follow along, then why not build one of the
sample apps as described in Chapter 3? This section isnt
based around one app, but if you have one of the Tizen
samples loaded into the IDE, youll be able to find the main
components as theyre explained.

The Application Package

When you build a Tizen app for the Simulator, Emulator,
or device, the app is packaged in the W3C standard widget
format, a zip format compressed archive that has a file type
of .wgt. This package contains all your JavaScript, HTML,
and CSS files, together with the images, configuration file, and
other resources that your app uses.
To take a closer look at the package, double-click the .wgt
file in the Project Explorer. The package contents are revealed
and look something like the app package shown in Figure 4-1.
You can find the specification of the W3C widget format at

Figure 4-1: Systeminfo example application package content and


Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


If youve minified any JavaScript or CSS files to reduce the

size of your code, by default both the original and the minified
version will be included in the package. You must remember
to manually remove the original version either from the final
package or from your project and update your project files to
use the minified version of the file.

Localized content
The example shown in Figure 4-1 is missing one key ingredient
of a well-designed web app, and thats localized content.
One of the ways to ensure that your web app displays content
appropriate to the current locale is to use folder-based localisation. With this approach, you create a folder for each locale
for which youre creating localized content. For example, for
the French locale, put localized HTML files, images, and other
resources into the /locales/fr folder at the root level of
the application package. If the current locale is set to French,
then the platform will first look inside this folder for French
localized resources.
Figure 4-2 shows the package for an app using folder-based

Figure 4-2: Example application with localized content-package content

and structure.


Part II: Getting Practical

For each locale, you can localize as much application content
as is appropriate. For example, in Figure 4-2, the Spanish (es)
locale, unlike the French (fr) locale, only has localized
content for the index.html file and will fall back to use the
default version of the icon.png file.
You can create all the necessary files and folders for localizing
your app using the Tizen Localization wizard. To launch the
wizard, right-click your project in the Project Explorer panel
and choose the LocalizationLocalization Wizard menu item.
This wizard allows you to choose which files to localize, as
well as the locales you want to support.
You can find the folder naming standards as part of the widget
specification at

The configuration file

The configuration file is an XML file that contains information about the features of the application. The Tizen platform
supports the configuration file as defined in the W3C widget
specification and adds some Tizen-specific extensions.
You can create or edit this XML file either by hand or by
using the Configuration Editor provided in the IDE. You must
include this configuration file in your application package.

Breaking down the config file

Listing 4-1 shows an example of a config.xml file used for a
simple Tizen web application:

Listing 4-1 Example config.xml file

<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?>
<widget xmlns=
xmlns:tizen= id=http://
yourdomain/SysteminfoSample version=0.1.7
<tizen:application id=LCj1zMvDil.SysteminfoSample
package=LCj1zMvDil required_version=2.1/>

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


<content src=index.html/>
<icon src=icon.png/>

The first line of the config.xml file is the declaration identifying the XML version and encoding used:



The next part of the config.xml file defines the widget element and its attributes:
<widget xmlns=
xmlns:tizen= id=http://
yourdomain/SysteminfoSample version=0.1.7

The namespace declaration will be the same for all Tizen web
apps. It just specifies that the app is a W3C format widget that
uses the Tizen-specific extensions.
The id attribute is mandatory and uniquely identifies your
widget in this case, the Systeminfo sample. If you have your
own domain name, then use it in place of yourdomain in
Listing 4-1. The id doesnt have to be a valid URL and is just
used for identification.
You can also set other optional attributes, including version,
height, width, viewmodes, and defaultlocale.
The widget element can also contain a number of optional
child elements, representing additional information about
your application. We explain what these elements are used for
in the next section.


Part II: Getting Practical

<content src=index.html/>
<icon src=icon.png/>

Finally, the Tizen application id, package and minimum API

version attributes are defined. The Tizen application id and
package attributes are Tizen specific extensions which are
used to identify a Tizen application. The package attribute
is mandatory, and is represented with a randomly generated
10-character alphanumeric value. The application id is also
mandatory, and is represented by the package id and the
applications project name:
<tizen:application id=LCj1zMvDil.SysteminfoSample
package=LCj1zMvDil required_version=2.1/>

config.xml the easy way: the Configuration Editor

Rather than creating the config.xml file by hand, the Tizen
IDE makes things easier by including a Configuration Editor.
This tool automatically adds all the mandatory elements and
helps you generate a valid config.xml file.
To open your config.xml file for editing in the Configuration
Editor, right-click the file in the Project Explorer panel and
choose Open WithWidget Configuration Editor. Figure 4-3
shows the Configuration Editor open at the Overview window.
(You may recognize some of the information in Figure 4-3 if
you read the last section.)
The Configuration Editor displays the contents of the
config.xml file in nine separate tabs: Overview, Widget,
Features, Privileges, Access, Localization, Preferences, Tizen,
and Source. The following sections describe the content of
each tab.

In the Overview tab, you can enter general information about
your application.

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


Figure 4-3: The Configuration Editor.

The items shown in Table 4-1 are the attributes that you can
set through the Overview tab in the Configuration Editor.

Table 4-1

Attributes in the Overview Tab




IRI identifier for the widget


The current version of the widget


Full human-readable name for a widget (for example,

for use in an application menu)


Custom start file that the user agent is expected to use

when it instantiates the widget


Custom icon for the widget

In the Widget tab, you can enter specific information about
your application.
The items shown in Table 4-2 and Table 4-3 are the attributes
that you can set through the Widget tab in the Configuration


Part II: Getting Practical

Table 4-2

Specific Information in the Widget Tab




People or an organization associated with the

creation of the widget


Email address associated with the author Web

Web Site

IRI associated with the widget for example, your

website, Facebook id, and so on


Software license, including copyright and

redistribution terms

License URL

Valid IRI or a valid path that points to the detailed

license information


Human-readable description of the widget

Table 4-3 Attribute Information in the Widget Tab




Preferred viewport width of the instantiated custom

start file


Preferred viewport height of the instantiatedcustom

start file

View Modes

Authors preferred view mode (full screen, and


In the Features tab, you can declare all the mandatory hardware and software components that are required by your
application. This information will be used by the Tizen application store to filter applications, ensuring that only those
applications which are compatible with a users device are
To add a feature to your applications config.xml file, select
the Features tab and click the Add button. A new row is added
to the Features table, and you can add the feature string.

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


A privilege is a URI-identifiable runtime component for
example, an API such as
systeminfo. In order to access an API at runtime, your
application must register it in the config.xml file. To add a
new privilege to your applications config.xml file, select
the Privileges tab and click the Add button, as shown in
Figure 4-4.
If you select the Internal radio button, youll be able to select
from a list of Tizens built-in privileges. Optionally, using the
other radio buttons and text boxes, you can enter a URL or
the name of a file that contains a privilege definition.

Figure 4-4: Add a new privilege.

After you select the new privileges, click the Finish button.
After you finish making changes to the configuration file,
choose FileSave or close the config.xml window and click
Yes when youre prompted to save your changes.

The Tizen platform supports WARP, the W3C Access Request
Policy. So by default, applications are restricted from accessing network resources. If your application needs to access any
network resources, you must add them in the config.xml file.


Part II: Getting Practical

To allow access to a network URL, select the Access tab
and click the Add button. Enter the network URL and select
whether the application should be able to access the URLs
In the Example 1: A 5-Minute Application section, later in
this chapter, we show you how to create a simple app that
displays content from the Food Networks website, as shown
in Figure 4-7. Well leave it to you to decide if were partial to
Youll notice that was added
to the access origin section of the config.xml file. The app
needs to access this external resource in order to retrieve the
data to display.

The Tizen platform supports localization of selected elements
in the config.xml file, including the application name and
Any elements that you can localize will be displayed in the
Localization tab. To localize a config.xml element:

1. Right-click the element and choose Select Languages.

The Select the Locales dialog box, shown in Figure 4-5,


Figure 4-5: Locales. Add any new locales you want to support.

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


2. To do so, choose the required locales from the

Available locales list and click the Add button to add
them to the Selected locales list.

3. Click OK to return to the Localization window,

shown in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6: Localizing the application name.

Elements that can be localized appear with a triangle

icon on the left side.

4. To add the required localized strings for each language, start by clicking the triangle icon to reveal a
list of the locales selected in Step 2.

Figure 4-6 shows the application name expanded to

show the Italian and Korean locales. In this example,
you can provide a localized version of the application name for these locales by entering text in the box
labeled Selected Element:Name.

5. Choose a locale from the list and type the localized

text in the Selected Element box at the bottom of the

6. Repeat Step 5 for all the elements and locales for

which you want to provide localized content.

7. Choose Save or close the config.xml window when

youre done.

A preference is a persistently stored name-value pair that is
associated with the application. You usually use a preference


Part II: Getting Practical

to store application settings, such as whether a calendar app
was last opened in month or day view, for example.
To add a preference name-value pair to your applications
config.xml file, select the Preferences tab and click the Add
button. A new row is added to the Preferences table, and you can
add the name, value, and whether the preference is read-only.

In the Tizen tab, you can enter any Tizen-specific information
about your application. This information includes the applications id, the minimum version of the APIs that the application
supports, the location of the start file if hosted on an external
server, settings such as screen orientation, support for context menus, background support, encryption and installation
location, and any app control information.
Table 4-4 shows the attributes that you can set in the Tizen
tab if your application provides an application control for
other applications to use.

Table 4-4

Tizen Information




Page that provides the functionality described by

operation, scheme, and mime


Action to be performed by the application


URI scheme to describe what type of URI can be



mime type that can be handled

The Source tab shows the XML content of the config.xml
file. You can use this tab to view the values youve set up
using the other configuration tabs. You can also manually edit
the file.

The config.xml file must conform to the XML formatting

rules and the W3C specification requirements, so be careful
when manually editing this file.

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


Start file
The start file is the file that is loaded by the web runtime on
application startup. The New Project wizard provided in the
IDE creates a default application start-up file for you called
Your start file doesnt have to be named index.html. You
can give it any name you like, but you must define the name
of the start file in the content elements src attribute in the
config.xml file. For example:
<content src=my-app.html/>

The start file is where you create your web applications

visual content, structure, and controls. You can edit this file
using the HTML Web Page Editor tools provided in the IDE, as
described in Chapter 3.

If your application requires any interactive elements, you can
program them using JavaScript code. You can include this
code directly in your index.html file within a <script>
element, or you can load it from an external JavaScript file.
The New Project wizard provided in the IDE creates a default
external script file called main.js for you to add to your
JavaScript code.
In order to load your external JavaScript code, you must
include your script in the header section of the index.html
file using the following code:
<script src=js/main.js></script>

If youre using multiple JavaScript files, dont forget to load

them all in the header section of the index.html file.
If youve minified your JavaScript files, dont forget to include
this version in the index.html file instead of the original
for example:

<script src=js/main.js.min></script>


Part II: Getting Practical

Style sheet
Generally, your index.html file should contain only the
basic content and structure of your application, with any style
and presentation information contained within style sheets.
The New Project wizard provided in the IDE creates a default
style sheet called style.css, which you can use to apply
styles and presentation information to the elements used in
your application.
To load a style sheet, include the following link in the header
section of the index.html file:




You can preview the look and feel of any style elements using
the CSS Preview tool, as described in Chapter 3.

If youve minified your CSS files, dont forget to load this

version in the index.html file instead of the original for
<link rel=stylesheet href=css/style.css.min />

Application icon
The icon.png file is the applications default icon file and
should contain a logo or some other graphical representation
of the application.
The use of this icon file depends on the Tizen device youre
developing for, but it generally appears in the application
menu screen.

Author signature
An author can digitally sign any application to ensure its
integrity. This signature file, which cryptographically covers
all nonsignature files within the application package, is the
author signature.

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


This file isnt mandatory in the package, but if the application

is signed by the author, only one author-signature.xml
file can exist.
Check out the SDK Help for more details about creating an
author signature.

Distributor signature
A distributor can also sign an application to ensure its integrity. This signature file, which cryptographically covers all
nonsignature files and the author signature, if it exists, is the
distributor signature.
This file isnt mandatory in the package. The package can contain more than one distributor signature, so the naming convention is signature1.xml, signature2.xml, and so on.
Check out the SDK Help for more details about creating a distributor signature.

You can find additional information about author and distributor signatures in the XML Digital Signatures for Widgets
specification at

Third-party source
code or libraries
Sometimes you may want or need to use external libraries to
implement UI controls or functionality that isnt a standard
part of the Tizen platform. Using third-party libraries is a
really simple way to reuse existing technology and implement
advanced features in your application.
After you add the libraries to the project and load them in the
start file, you can use them in your application code.

Before making use of any third-party source code or libraries

in your application, please ensure that you check the license
thoroughly and comply with the terms and conditions of use.


Part II: Getting Practical

Adding source code or libraries to a project

You can add source code or libraries to your application project in several ways:
You can add a new file by right-clicking your project in the
Project Explorer panel and choosing New from the menu. You
can then choose to add a new folder or source file (html, css,
and so on) to the project.
You can add existing files to your project by right-clicking
the required project folder in the Project Explorer panel and
choosing ImportGeneralFile System. Then choose the
files you want to import. Alternatively, you can add files by
dragging and dropping them into the project via the Project
Explorer panel.

Adding source code or libraries in index.html

In order to use any external source code or libraries in an
application, you need to load them in the applications start
file, index.html. In this example, all the external source
code and libraries shown in Listing 4-2 are loaded in the head
section of the index.html document.

Listing 4-2 Loading External Source in index.html

<link href=css/wijmo/jquery.wijmo.wijprogressbar.css
rel=stylesheet type=text/css />
<link href=css/wijmo/jquery.wijmo.wijutil.css rel=stylesheet
type=text/css />
<link href=css/wijmo/jquery.wijmo.wijexpander.css
rel=stylesheet type=text/css />
<link href=css/wijmo/jquery-wijmo.css rel=stylesheet
type=text/css />
<link href=css/style.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css />
<script src=js/jquery-1.7.min.js></script>
<script src=js/jquery-ui-1.8.12.custom.min.js></script>
<script src=js/wijmo/jquery.wijmo.wijutil.min.js type=text/
<script src=js/wijmo/jquery.wijmo.wijtooltip.min.js

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


<script src=js/wijmo/jquery.wijmo.wijprogressbar.min.js
<script src=js/wijmo/jquery.wijmo.wijexpander.min.js
<script src=js/main.js></script>

Make sure that you load your JavaScript files in the order
dictated by any dependencies. For example, in this code, the
main.js file is loaded last because its dependent on features
provided in the wijmo libraries.

Putting the Pieces Together

In the previous section, we identify the role of each piece of
the Tizen application jigsaw. In this section, we explain how
you can slot together this mix of your own JavaScript code,
third-party JavaScript libraries, and services provided by
websites and even other applications to create your own
Tizen web app.
We introduce two sample apps to demonstrate what you
can do with Tizen. The first is one of the simplest possible
web apps, while the other is a more complex example. These
examples should give you a good idea of how different types
of Tizen applications are put together so that youre ready to
create your own.

Example 1: A 5-minute
A simple Tizen web application is a package that contains
only a start file and a configuration file. In this example, we
show you how to quickly create a simple web application to
run on your mobile device.

The most simple web application you can create is a hostedweb application. Basically, its an application that launches a
mobile web-page into your web-runtime.


Part II: Getting Practical

Creating the application project

Create an application using the Basic Template as described
in Chapter 3. Because this template contains more parts than
you actually need, you can delete the css, js, and images
folders in the project from the Project Explorer panel.

Editing the icon file

You should create an icon file with an image or logo representing your application so that it can be displayed in the
The size and format of this icon depends on the platform
youre developing for.
Replace the default icon.png file in your project with the
new icon.

Editing the configuration document

Open the Configuration Editor and modify the default
config.xml file.
Add the application identifier, name, version, and any other
information you want to include. On the Access tab, add
any relevant network resource URLs for ensuring that your
application has access to the website.
When complete, your config.xml should look similar to the
one shown in Listing 4-3.

Listing 4-3 config.xml

<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?>
<widget xmlns=
xmlns:tizen= id=http://
yourdomain/My-App version=1.0 viewmodes=fullscreen>
<icon src=icon.png/>
<content src=index.html/>
<description>Hosted web application example</description>
<access origin=

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


<tizen:application id=NylyS9tSdz.My-App
package=NylyS9tSdz required_version=1.0/>

When you save your changes, the IDE will verify that the
config.xml file is valid. If any errors occur, the IDE displays
a warning dialog box.

Editing the start file

Open the index.html and replace the content with the code
shown in Listing 4-4, substituting the URL for your required
website in the script to set the window.location.

Listing 4-4 index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<meta name=viewport content=width=device-width,
<meta name=description content=5-minute application/>
<script type=text/javascript>

Running the application

After you make these changes, you can build the application
and run it on your device, the Emulator (see Figure 4-7), or
the Simulator. For instructions on running the application, see
Chapter 5.
If you havent set the network URL(s) correctly in the
config.xml file, the application wont be able to display the
web page, and the system will launch the devices browser
and display it there instead.


Part II: Getting Practical

Figure 4-7: Simple app running in the Emulator.

Example 2: Something a
bit more complicated
In this example, we introduce the use of JavaScript, CSS, and
Tizen APIs in a web application. Rather than showing you a
step-by-step guide to creating this more complicated app, we
look at the default Systeminfo sample application provided in
the SDK.
First, you need to build and run the Systeminfo app from the
Tizen SDK. You can find detailed instructions in the Chapter 3.

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


If you already know your way around, just choose FileNew

Tizen Web Project from the menu. Then choose Systeminfo
from the list of samples and build and run the app in the
Simulator or Emulator. The opening screen is shown in
Figure 4-8.
This sample application uses the Tizen Web UI Framework
and demonstrates how to use the System Info Tizen APIs. Its
a good starting point to understand how to include JavaScript
and CSS functionality in a web application and also to see how
to use the Tizen APIs.

Figure 4-8: Systeminfo sample application.


Part II: Getting Practical

Using the Tizen APIs

Because this application is using Tizen APIs to get information
from the device, the following privileges are registered in the
config.xml file:

When these features are registered, the application can

immediately access the functionality provided by the
Application and Systeminfo objects. So for example, to
retrieve the current battery level on the device, the following
code is used:
onBatterySucess, onError);

The getPropertyValue() method is an asynchronous

method, which returns immediately. The platform attempts
to retrieve the battery level and either returns the value in
the onBatterySuccess() callback function, or an error is
returned in the onError() callback function. Many of the
device APIs provided in the Tizen platform use this common

Looking at index.html
At the beginning of the index.html file is the head section of
the document. This section contains elements for defining the
character set and an application description. This section is
also where any JavaScript files and style sheets are loaded.
In this index.html, we load a single style sheet and JavaScript
files for jQuery, the Web UI Framework, and our app:
<meta charset=utf-8/>
<meta name=description content=Systeminfo API Tutorial/>
<script src=tizen-web-ui-fw/latest/js/jquery.js></script>
<script src=./js/config.js></script>

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


<script src=tizen-web-ui-fw/latest/js/tizen-webui-fw-libs.
js data-framework-viewportscale=false></script>
<script type=text/javascript src=./js/main.js></script>
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=./css/style.

This index.html file is a little more complicated than the

one in Example 1 because it also contains some elements in
the document body. The application contains two pages: one
for the list of System Info items and the other for displaying
the data.
The first page, with the id main, contains text in the header
area, a list element in the content area, and control bar element in the footer area:
<div data-role=page id=main data-add-back-btn=true>
<div data-role=header data-position=fixed>
<h1>System Information</h1>
<div data-role=content>
<ul data-role=listview>
<li id=storage-info>Storage</li>
<li id=battery-info>Battery</li>
<li id=cpu-info>CPU</li>
<li id=display-info>Display</li>
<li id=orientation-info>Device orientation</li>
<div data-role=footer data-position=fixed>
<div data-role=tabbar data-style=toolbar>

The second page, with the id info, contains text in the

header area and a list element in the content area:
<div data-role=page id=info data-add-back-btn=true>
<div data-role=header data-position=fixed>
<h1 id=info-title></h1>


Part II: Getting Practical

<div data-role=content>
<ul data-role=listview id=info-list>
<div data-role=footer data-position=fixed>

Figuring out what is in main.js

JavaScript code is event driven, triggered by a user action or
an external event, so JavaScript files mainly contain a collection of related functions. Any variables that are defined in a
JavaScript file will get initialised when the JavaScript file is
loaded from the index.html file.
If your application needs to perform any initialisation actions
on startup, you can do this when the page is loaded. Because
this example uses the Tizen Web UI Framework, which is
based on jQueryMobile, initialisation occurs when the pageinit event is fired. So, for example, to handle the back button
being pressed, you add the following code in your main.js
$(document).delegate(#main, pageinit, function() {
$(#main .ui-btn-back).bind(vclick, function() {
return false;

You can also bind any other actions to events during initialisation in the same way. In this sample application, all the click
events for the items in the list elements are implemented in
this way:
return false;


The remainder of the main.js file contains the functions for

retrieving system information and formatting it for display on
the page. These functions are all invoked by the actions that
were bound to the user events during initialisation. This is
how the appropriate piece of system information is displayed
when the user clicks an item in the list.

Chapter 4: Piecing Together the Application Jigsaw


Defining style attributes in style.css

In a Tizen Web UI Framework application, the style attributes
are defined in theme files for example, in the tizen-webui-fw-theme.css file. If you want to override any of these
style or layout attributes or add any custom ones, you can do
so in the style.css file.
For example, in this application, the following colour attribute
is set for the list label element:
li>label {

You can modify style and layout attributes and preview them
immediately using the CSS Preview feature provided by the
IDE, as shown in Chapter 3.
Multiple style sheets can be used in your application to style
your elements, but due to the way that cascading style sheets
are merged, you must be careful about the order they are
linked to in the index.html document head.

Looking at other options

Performing the initialization while
handling the pageinit event is just
one way to write your initialisation
code. You can also take several
other approaches. If youre using
jQuery, then you usually perform your
initialisation when the documentready event is triggered, which is
when all the HTML elements in the
page have finished loading.
Alternatively, you may decide to do
your initialisation when the standard
window onload event is triggered.
The drawback of the onload event

is that its generated only when all

the content of a page, including
images, has loaded. This situation
may be a problem if your page
contains images and other content
stored on remote servers, which may
take a while to load.
Ultimately, you should choose
whichever method is suitable for
your application, based on the
application type, the quantity of
content that it displays, and the type
of initialisation actions you need to


Part II: Getting Practical

Chapter 5

Testing and Debugging

In This Chapter
Testing your app on the Simulator, Emulator, and a device
Debugging your application

n an ideal world, your application will emerge fully formed,

free from bugs and working smoothly on all released
devices some of which may not have even been thought of
yet. But because you probably dont live in an ideal world, its
vital to test your app at all stages of the development process.
From adding the first few elements of functionality and user
interface ideas right through to the final finishing touches
before release, you need to ensure that your app is tested on
as many devices and in as many situations as possible.
The Tizen SDK includes a set of tools to help you with testing
and debugging throughout your development process. The
Simulator and Emulator let you test your application before
you run it on a device, while the Remote Web Inspector
helps you track down the bugs that creep into even the most
carefully written project.
In this chapter, we give you a tour of these tools and explain
how you can use them to make sure that your app is a well
prepared as possible when you, as its proud parent, send it
out into the wide world.
This chapter refers to the tools included with the 2.1 Magnolia
release of the Tizen SDK.


Part II: Getting Practical

Testing Your App

The quickest way for you to test and debug your applications
without having to package and install them on the Emulator
or a device is to use the Simulator.
The Simulator is based on the Ripple UI framework and runs
in the Google Chrome browser, so you must have Chrome
installed on your development machine. The Simulator uses
the Chrome/WebKit backend to render your applications
layout, and you can debug your app using all the standard
Chrome development features, including the Web Inspector.
In the Simulator, the Tizen device APIs are implemented using
JavaScript, so you may see differences between running your
app in the Simulator and running on the Emulator or a real

In the Simulator shipped with the Tizen 2.1 release, the implementation of some of the APIs may be incomplete, check the
Tizen 2.1 Release Notes for more information.

Running in the Simulator

To run your application in the Simulator, right-click your
project in the Project Explorer window and choose Run As
Tizen Web Simulator Application or click the Run icon at the
top of the IDE window and choose Simulator from the Run As
dialog box, shown in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1: Run As dialog box.

Chapter 5: Testing and Debugging


Figure 5-2 shows the Simulator running in a Google Chrome

browser window.
The Simulator lets you control device settings so that the
simulated environment is closer to the one youre developing for. You can also inject events, such as incoming calls,
location information, and sensor values, to check that your
app responds to these events correctly. The Tizen Emulators
Event Injector is even more powerful; we discuss it in more
detail in the Using the Event Injector section, later in this
Press F12 to launch the Web Inspector to debug your code
and view console log messages.

Figure 5-2: The Simulator.

Testing with the Emulator

The Simulator is best used for perfecting the look and feel of
your app and testing functionality that isnt Tizen specific.
For testing device specific functions, youll want to turn to the


Part II: Getting Practical

The Emulator in the Tizen SDK is based on the open source
QEMU project. You can think of the Emulator as a strict implementation of a device specification, matching the device much
more closely than the Simulator. It emulates the entire platform, including built-in applications, user settings, and access
to the file system, including movies and images, just like a real
You can also control the screen size and pixel density of
the Emulator image, inject events into your application, and
create multiple Emulator images, all of which help ensure
your app is running smoothly before you run it on a real
Of course, you still encounter differences when testing on the
Emulator versus a device for example, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
arent supported in the current version. However, if you dont
have access to a device, the Emulator is the next best thing.
In version 2.1 of the Tizen SDK, the Emulator supports only
images that use the x86 architecture, but later versions will
support ARM.
You can enhance the performance of x86 Emulator images on
the host machine using hardware virtualization support built
into Intel processors that support Virtualization Technology
(VT). If youre running on Windows or Mac OS X, youll need
to install the HAXM (Intel Hardware Accelerated Executed
Manager) soft- ware to enable this feature, while on Linux,
you need to use a Kernel Based Virtual Machine (KVM). This
feature really makes a big difference to the performance of the

You can find the system requirements and instructions for

installing the Intel HAXM on Windows or Mac OS X on the
developer website at:

Using the Emulator Manager to create an image

Before you can launch your application in the Emulator, you
need to use the Emulator Manager to create an Emulator

Chapter 5: Testing and Debugging


image. To launch the Emulator Manager, click the Emulator

Manager icon in the Connection Explorer panel. The
Emulator Manager window appears, as shown in Figure 5-3.
You can also launch the Emulator Manager from the
command line or from the application menu.

Figure 5-3: The Emulator Manager.

To create a new Emulator image:

1. In the Emulator Manager, click the Create New option

for the version of the platform youre targeting.

The detail panel on the right of the window now

includes a Create button.

2. Click the Create button and give the Emulator a


Confirm and Cancel buttons now appear at the bottom

of the window.
You can configure several options for the Emulator,
including the display resolution and density.

If your system supports hardware acceleration

through KVM or HAXM, make sure that the HW
Virtualization option is marked as Enabled.
3. Click Confirm.

Your new Emulator appears in the Emulator Manager



Part II: Getting Practical

Launching an Emulator instance

To launch an Emulator instance, select the required Emulator
image in the Emulator Manager list and click the Launch
button. The Emulator launches. After the Emulator is connected, it appears in the Connection Explorer panel.
You can configure several options of the running Emulator.
Simply right-click the Emulator and choose items from the
menu shown in Figure 5-4. You can set the device rotation and the scale, take screenshots, and set the USB keyboard options. You can also launch an sdb shell command
window by clicking the shell option. For more about the
Smart Development Bridge (SDB), see the section The Smart
Development Bridge, later in this chapter.

Figure 5-4: The Emulator configuration menu.

Chapter 5: Testing and Debugging


Using the Connection Explorer

The Connection Explorer is used to view and manage connected devices both Emulator instances and actual devices.
You can also use the Connection Explorer to view and modify
the contents of the device or Emulators file system. Figure 5-5
shows the file system of a connected device.

Figure 5-5: Viewing and modifying the Emulator file system.

A great feature of the SDK is that it allows you to test your

application on multiple Emulators and devices simultaneously. This ability is really useful when you want to compare your UI design running on multiple different screen
resolutions. When you use this feature, the currently active
device or Emulator instance is highlighted in the Connection
Explorer, as shown in Figure 5-6.

Figure 5-6: The Connection Explorer.


Part II: Getting Practical

This highlighting is important because it helps you ensure
that youre launching your application or injecting events into
the correct Emulator instance.

Running your application in the Emulator

To run your application in the Emulator, right-click your project in the Project Explorer window and choose Run AsTizen
Web Application or click the Run icon at the top of the IDE
window and choose web application from the Run As dialog
box, shown in Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7: The Run As dialog box.

Your application is then copied, installed, and run on the

currently active running Emulator. Figure 5-8 shows the
Systeminfo sample application launched in the Emulator.
While your app is being installed on the Emulator, you can see
the status of the operation in the Progress panel.

Using the Event Injector

While your app is running in the Emulator, you can use the
Event Injector to inject real device events into the Emulator to
see how your app responds. If you have a location-aware app,
for example, you can test it by injecting a latitude and longitude value into the Emulator.
In Version 2.1 of the Tizen SDK, the Event Injector can simulate device, location, NFC, sensor, and telephony events.
Figure 5-9 shows the Event Injector window.

Chapter 5: Testing and Debugging

Figure 5-8: Application running in the Emulator.

Figure 5-9: Event Injector.



Part II: Getting Practical

The Event Injector is located in the IDE on the right-hand side
of the default Tizen Web Perspective, as shown in Figure 5-10.
If you dont see the Event Injector, go to the Window menu in
the IDE and choose Show ViewEvent Injector.

Figure 5-10: The Tizen Web Perspective.

The Event Injector is a very powerful testing tool. You can

inject events into the currently active Emulator instance by
selecting various options from the different tabs in the Event
Injector. The device events you can send to the Emulator
include simulating battery and RSSI levels, ear jack and
USB connections,and mounting SD card images. From the
Locations tab, you can choose to enter a manual location
or prelogged GPS data from a log file. You can simulate the
detection of NFC tags, inject values for the accelerometer,
magnetic, proximity, and other sensors, and even simulate
receiving and sending sms messages and calls.

Testing your app on a device

Testing your app using the Simulator and Emulator can only
take you so far. Before your app is finished, you need to test it
on a real Tizen device. The Tizen SDK makes testing your app
on a device relatively easy, and its a very similar process to
testing using the Emulator.

Chapter 5: Testing and Debugging


You must set your device date and time to the current date,
or youll be unable to deploy any web applications to it.

Connecting the device

If youre using the Windows version of the SDK, you need
to download and install the Windows USB driver from www.
When the Windows USB driver is installed correctly or youre
using the Linux or Mac OS X version of the SDK, you can connect the device to the computer using a USB cable. The connected device appears in the Connection Explorer, as shown
in Figure 5-11.
To select the device, highlight it in the Connection Explorer.

Figure 5-11: The Tizen device shown in Connection Explorer.

Running your app on the device

Running your app on the device is just like running on the
Emulator: Right-click your project in the Project Explorer
window and choose Run AsTizen Web Application or click
the Run icon at the top of the IDE window.
Your application is copied, installed, and run on the device.

Tracking Down the Bugs

If you live in an ideal world, you dont even need to read this
section. Your code will perform flawlessly on the Emulator
and device, and you wont need to even launch the debugger. For those of you that arent so talented, the presence of
powerful, easy-to-use development tools is vital when developing for any platform. Fortunately, Tizen provides a range of
debugging options.


Part II: Getting Practical

The Tizen SDK includes the Remote Inspector tool, which
allows you to remotely debug and profile your web application running in the Emulator and on the device. The Remote
Inspector is based on the WebKit Web Inspector and has been
enhanced to support remote debugging. You can also debug
applications running on the Simulator, which supports the
standard WebKit Web Inspector.
You can use both the Remote Web Inspector and the Simulator
Web Inspector to debug JavaScript and inspect the Document
Object Model (DOM), CSS, and resources. It also provides profiling based tools such as stack analysis and storage usage analysis.
The key bindings of the Web Inspector conflict with the key
bindings of Eclipse, with Eclipse taking precedence. So if you
want to use the Web Inspector shortcut keys, you need to
unmap the Eclipse key bindings. You can find more information by searching for key bindings in the SDK Help.

Debugging in the Simulator

To debug your web application in the Simulator using the
Web Inspector, you first need to launch it using one of the
methods described in the earlier Running in the Simulator
section. Then you can launch the Web Inspector by pressing
the F12 function key (see Figure 5-12).

Figure 5-12: The Web Inspector.

Chapter 5: Testing and Debugging


After you open the Web Inspector, youre ready to debug your
JavaScript as described in the Debugging JavaScript section,
later in this chapter.

Debugging in the Emulator

To debug your application in the Emulator with the Remote
Inspector, right-click your project in Project Explorer and
choose Debug AsTizen Web Application or click the Debug
icon at the top of the IDE window.
Your application is then copied, installed, and launched in the
currently active Emulator, and the Remote Inspector is
displayed in a new Chrome browser window, as shown in
Figure 5-13.

Figure 5-13: The Remote Inspector.

To use the Remote Inspector, you must have the Google

Chrome browser installed on your host machine.


Part II: Getting Practical

Debugging on the device

To debug your application on the device, you just perform
the same operations as if youre using the Emulator: Rightclick your project in the Project Explorer window and choose
Debug AsTizen Web Application or click the Debug icon at
the top of the IDE window.
Your application is then copied, installed, and launched
on the device, and the Remote Inspector appears in a new
Chrome Browser window.

Debugging JavaScript
Note: This information is relevant for whichever debugging
environment youre using.
To debug your JavaScript, choose the Sources option from
the menu to view the JavaScript files in the Remote Inspector
window, as shown in Figure 5-14. You can select the required
JavaScript file to debug by clicking the arrow next to the

Figure 5-14: The Remote Inspector sources view.

Chapter 5: Testing and Debugging


To set a breakpoint in the JavaScript, right-click the number

next to the line of code you want to add the break point to
and choose the Add Breakpoint from the menu, as shown in
Figure 5-15.
Then perform the operation in the Emulator that will execute
the code where youve added the breakpoint. When the
breakpoint is hit, the code execution pauses (see Figure 5-16),
and you can inspect variables, view the call stack, and step
through the code.

Figure 5-15: Setting a breakpoint.

You can also debug your JavaScript by adding debug statements into your code using the console.log() function.
Any log messages will be displayed in the IDEs console panel
at the bottom of the Web Perspective.


Part II: Getting Practical

Figure 5-16: Hitting a breakpoint.

Using the Smart Development

The SDK includes a device management tool called Smart
Development Bridge (SDB). You can use this command line
tool to manage multiple device connections and provide basic
commands useful for application development.
You can use SDB with either the Emulator or a Tizen device.
To use SDB with a Tizen device, you must set the device to
SDB mode. You can set this mode from the device by choosing SettingsMore System SettingsDeveloper Options from
the menu and enabling the USB Debugging mode
To use SDB commands to communicate with your device or
Emulator instances, you need to open a terminal window on
your computer and either navigate to the $INSTALL_LOC/
tools folder or add this directory to your $PATH environment variable.

Using SDB commands

Table 5-1 shows a list of SDB commands that you can use to
interact with a device or Emulator instance.

Chapter 5: Testing and Debugging

Table 5-1

SDB Commands



sdb connect

Connect to device through TCP/IP

sdb disconnect

Disconnect from a TCP/IP device

sdb push <local>


Copy file/dir to device

sdb pull <remote>


Copy file/dir from device

sdb shell

Run remote shell interactively

sdb shell <command>

Run remote shell command

sdb dlog [option]


View device log

sdb forward <local>


Forward socket connections, such as sdb

forward tcp:26102 tcp:9999

sdb help

Show the Help message

sdb version

Show version number

sdb start-server

Start the server

sdb kill-server

Stop the server if its running

sdb get-state

Print the target device connection status

sdb get-serialno

Print <serial-number>

sdb status-window

Continuously print device status for a

specified device

In the Emulator, you can also open an SDB shell from the
Emulator configuration menu (refer to Figure 5-4).

Discovering the connected devices

You can find out what devices or Emulator instances are
connected using this command:
sdb devices
This command returns a list of the devices attached. This
list is the same as the list of devices displayed in the IDEs
Connection Explorer (refer to Figure 5-11).



Part II: Getting Practical

If you have more than one device or Emulator instance connected, you need to specify which instance to direct the SDB
command to:
sdb s emulator-26100 shell
Table 5-2 shows the options that you can use to direct the
commands to the required device or Emulator instance.

Table 5-2

SDB Options




Directs the command to the only connected

USB device; returns an error if more than one
USB device is present


Directs the command to the only running

Emulator; returns an error if more than one
Emulator is present

-s <serial number>

Directs the command to the USB device or

Emulator with the given serial number

Chapter 6

Porting Your Web

App to Tizen
In This Chapter
Getting a web app primer
Solving common porting problems

s any mobile developer knows, the write-once, run-anywhere promise of HTML5 is still a long way from being
realized. Web developers face a lot of challenges, including
designing CSS style sheets to cope with different screen sizes,
fine-tuning JavaScript code to handle subtle differences in
device APIs, and even deciding which app store to sell their
wares in. But those same developers also know a good opportunity when they see one and wont let a few problems get in
their way.
In this chapter, we examine different aspects of the web app
landscape, including platforms, JavaScript frameworks, web
API standards, and app stores. We focus on some of the most
common web porting problems and provide some solutions.
If youve built a web page or developed a web app for another
platform, this chapter acts as your guide to porting your web
app to Tizen. If you want to make your Tizen web apps more
portable, were here to help with that, too.


Part II: Getting Practical

Everything You Wanted to Know

about Web Apps (But Were
Afraid to Ask)
With the improvement in the performance and capability of
HTML5, web applications are booming on mobile. Theyre
easy to install and maintain, and they allow developers to
create platform independent apps. On one hand, the popularity of mobile web applications brings a lot of focus and interest. On the other, the landscape and ecosystem are becoming
very crowded. (Figure 6-1 shows you just how crowded.)
Before you jump onto the bandwagon, its worth considering
all the aspects of mobile web app landscape.

Figure 6-1: The web app landscape.

Chapter 6: Porting Your Web App to Tizen


The origins of web apps

The web application (or web app)
concept was first introduced in
the Java world as a collection of
servlets, HTML pages, classes, and
other resources that can be bundled
and run on multiple containers from
multiple vendors. This is defined in
the Java Servlet Specification v2.2.
When the XMLHttpRequest (XHR)
and asynchronous web technologies,

such as Asynchronous JavaScript

and XML (AJAX), became popular,
a web application was redefined as
a client application using the web
browser as a runtime (sometime
referring to as a thin client) to access
the information from web server
or local storage. The early popular
web applications included webmail,
online stores, and wikis.

Web apps on different platforms

Tizen isnt the first platform to provide an environment for
web apps, and it wont be the last. Many platforms support
web apps to some extent, including Blackberry OS, iOS,
Android, Windows Phone, Firefox OS (formerly Boot2Gecko),
and WebOS. Each of these platforms takes a different
approach to web app support.
For example, on iOS and Android, the primary development
environment is native applications, and web apps are very
much second-class citizens by comparison. Device access for
these web apps is limited to the features provided by the W3C
device APIs.
On Tizen, by contrast, the primary development environment
is HTML5. Web apps work just like normal apps. Using W3C
device APIs and extended Tizen APIs, you can do pretty much
everything you need to do from within a web app.


Part II: Getting Practical

Tools and frameworks

One big advantage of creating apps using web technologies
is the huge range of existing tools available. You can use
frameworks to build your UI and make it suitable for mobile
devices. These frameworks include jQuery Mobile and Zepto.
js, which contain utility functions to make your job easier.
Some UI frameworks, such as SenchaTouch, even make your
web app look exactly a native app on certain platforms.
You can also use JavaScript libraries to add particular functionality for example, Box2DJS, a physics engine used in a
lot of games, and RGraph, which you can use to create pie
charts, bar charts, and other good-looking graphs. Another
useful JavaScript library is Modernizr, which detects whether
particular HTML5 and CSS3 features are supported by your

Taking the time to explore existing technologies and choosing the right tool for your job will definitely help shorten your
development time.

Another good thing about the web technology is that its
open and standards driven. The World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) is the main body that drives these standards for
example, the device APIs on mobile. But other organisations,
such as the GSM Association (GSMA), publish requirements
and APIs for web apps.
The GSMA OneAPI is designed to allow developers to create
platform independent apps containing features such as operator billing that work for all network operators. This builds
on the work of previous organisations such as the Wholesale
Application Community (WAC), which is now integrated into

Chapter 6: Porting Your Web App to Tizen


Some platforms extend the W3C device APIs by defining their

own proprietary device APIs. However, using these APIs
makes your web app less portable, so you gain features at
the expense of compatibility. Its the web app developers

The final part of web app landscape is the distribution channel, including the app stores in which you sell your web apps.
The distribution channel is the most important part of the
ecosystem because its how youll start making money from
your app. However, supporting multiple stores on multiple
platforms can also become complicated.
Some stores, such as the Chrome Web Store and the Mozilla
Marketplace, accept stand-alone web apps, but use different
packaging formats. The Chrome store requires web apps to
be packaged as .crx files, while Mozilla Marketplace requires
.xpi packages. Other stores, including the Apple iOS App
Store and Google Play, accept only native applications, so
youll have to wrap your web code in a native app in order to
gain entry to these stores.
Note: The Tizen store is in the preparation stage at the time of

Porting Problems Solved

Creating a web app that provides a consistent user experience and performs well across all platforms is still a challenge
for developers. The reasons are varied, from different mobile
web browsers, web engines, and varying implementations
of WebKit and W3C standards to device-specific differences,
such as screen size and ratio.


Part II: Getting Practical

In this section, you find solutions to some of the most
common porting problems and discover how to make your
web app work well on Tizen.

Handling different package

Table 6-1 shows the packaging formats used by different platforms. To port your web app from one of these platforms to
Tizen, you need to package your files as in the standard W3C
web widget format, a .wgt file.
.xpi stands for Mozilla Cross-platform Installer. .crx stands
for Google Chrome Extension.
Web apps come in three different styles:

A hosted web app hosts its content on a web server
and is accessed using a browser. Its easy to maintain
and doesnt need anything installed on the device, but it
requires a network connection to retrieve its content.

A packaged web app, such as a Tizen web app, is
installed on the device, works just like a native app, and
can work offline without a network connection. Many of
these apps also access content from remote web servers,
which, of course, requires a network connection.

A hybrid app is built using the same web technologies
as hosted and packaged apps, but wrapped up in a native
app shell from within which your web code is run. The
iOS App Store and Google Play only accept native apps,
so to sell your app in these stores, you must build it as a
hybrid app.

(installable bundle)



*This file/folder is optional







/img folder*





Chrome Store


/img folder



/css folder

/js folder





/img folder*

/css folder

/js folder



Windows Phone

Web App Package Formats


Table 6-1


/img folder*

/css folder*

/js folder*





Chapter 6: Porting Your Web App to Tizen



Part II: Getting Practical

Making your layout flexible

If you use hard-coded values for the layout design in your CSS
file, your app will probably not display correctly when running on a device with a different screen resolution or ratio
(16:9 compared to 4:3, for example).
The solution to this layout problem is to use percentage
values (fluid layout) or em values (elastic layout) for the
layout or to adjust the viewport using the media queries provided by CSS3.
Figure 6-2 shows an example of a web page with a fixed layout.
The elements inside the container have a fixed width, and the
layout wont be adjusted when the app is run on a device with
a different screen resolution or ratio.

Figure 6-2: Fixed layout design.

If you run the original Aura sample on a device with greater

horizontal and vertical resolution, the layout wont use
the full screen, and the results will look something like
Figure 6-3.

Chapter 6: Porting Your Web App to Tizen


The following CSS code is taken from the main.css file of an

open source application called Aura:
.stage {
width: 1024px;
height: 600px;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);

You can download the original Aura source code from
The preceding code was initially designed for the Blackberry
PlayBook, which has a screen resolution of 1024 600. If you run
the same application on the Tizen reference device, which has
a higher resolution of 1280 720, the background image occupies only part of the screen, as shown in Figure 6-3. To solve
this problem, you can use the percentage values for the DOM
elements, and the fluid layout example is shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-3: Aura on Tizen.

Our updated CSS code for a fluid layout of the Aura app looks
like this:
.stage {
width: 100%;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);


Part II: Getting Practical

Figure 6-4: Fluid layout design.

The principle of a fluid layout is to use percentage values to

accommodate a change in screen resolution. Because the
percentage value is a relative value, it refers to the size of its
parent element. In Figure 6-4, you can see that the width of
each element is specified as a percentage of the width of the
containing block.

When using HTML5 in strict mode, the parent element of percentage element must also have its size in percent. Otherwise,
an error occurs.
You can use other methods, such as the viewport and media
queries, to optimise your mobile apps layout. You can set the
layout viewport to the device width with this HTML code:



This code ensures that your app is optimized to take advantage of the full device width of a mobile device.
The media query in CSS3 allows you to detect the screen size
of device and adjust the style accordingly:

Chapter 6: Porting Your Web App to Tizen


@media screen and (max-width: 1024px){

.stage {
width: 1024px;
height: 600px;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
@media screen and (max-width: 1280px){
.stage {
width: 100%;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);

Fixing inconsistent behavior

One common reason that you may have problems when porting your web app to Tizen is the inconsistent behavior of
HTML5 device APIs.
The WebKit comparison table created by Peter-Paul Koch
(available on his blog at illustrates
that none of the current mobile platforms provides an identical implementation of WebKit. Koch ran compatibility tests
on 19 different versions of WebKit running on browsers on
platforms including iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Symbian,
and the inconsistent results he received led him to declare,
There is no WebKit on Mobile. Just because a browser or
web runtime is based on WebKit, you cant rely on consistent
behavior when you port your web app between platforms.
When Aura was first ported from the Blackberry Playbook to
Tizen, the behavior of the accelerometer produced some interesting results. In Figure 6-5, notice that the clouds are flying at
a 90-degree angle instead of falling straight down. Either some
quite unexpected weather was on the way, or the code that
used the accelerometer was producing some strange results.
Digging into Auras JavaScript code of rope.js, we found the
explanation: The PlayBook implements the accelerometers x,
y, and z axes differently to Tizen (and most other platforms).


Part II: Getting Practical

Figure 6-5: Accelerometer performance.

The W3C device orientation API definition states that The

device coordinates frame is defined relative to the screen in
its standard orientation, typically portrait. But the portrait
mode as implemented by the PlayBook corresponds to the
landscape mode of most other devices.
When it comes to the implementation of gravity and acceleration in Aura, on Playbook, it looks like this:
var gravity = new Vector(0, 9.8);
var acc = new Vector(0, 0);
window.addEventListener(devicemotion, function(event)
acc.x = event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x;
acc.y = -event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y;
}, true);
function draw(){
if(acc.x * acc.x + acc.y * acc.y > 9) {
var accAngle = Math.atan2(acc.y, acc.x);
gravity.x = Math.cos(accAngle) * 9.82;
gravity.y = Math.sin(accAngle) * 9.82;
} else {
gravity.x = 0;
gravity.y = 9.82;

Chapter 6: Porting Your Web App to Tizen


The variable accAngle represents the angle between the

rope and the x axis. To fix the cloud problem on a Tizen reference device that is implemented according to the W3C standards, you have to change one line of the JavaScript to this:

accAngle = Math.atan2(-acc.x, acc.y);

This is just one real-life example of the pitfalls of porting web

apps between platforms. Other inconsistencies may include
the availability of JavaScript code acceleration, which may
affect performance, or the permissions required to access
device APIs.

Porting device specific libraries

Some platforms include particular frameworks and libraries to
make web app development easier, but this can create a porting problem. For example, webOS uses the Enyo framework,
which was previously used only by webOS apps. Now Enyo is
a cross-platform framework that you can use on different platforms, such as Tizen.
In this section, we show you how to port OnyxSampler, which
is an Enyo UI library sample, to Tizen.
To port OnyxSampler to Tizen, follow these steps:

1. Create a new Tizen web app using one of the templates in the SDK

2. Download the OnyxSampler source.

You can find the OnyxSampler source at: https://

3. Copy the index.html file from OnxySampler to

your project, replacing the original file

4. Copy the App.js file from OnyxSampler to your

projects js folder

5. Update the JavaScript paths in index.html.


Part II: Getting Practical

6. Add the following to your index.html file, replacing any existing <script> elements:
<script src=>
<script src=>
<script src=>
<script src=js/App.js></script>
<link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=http://>

By adding the URLs of enyo.js, enyo.css and other

related files to the index.html file, you are specifying that these files should be loaded at runtime. While
this means that you have to have an internet connection for the app to run, it does ensure that youre
always using the latest version of the libraries.
An alternative approach would be to copy all the
JavaScript files to your project, but this increases the
memory footprint of your app and of course these files
might become outdated.
Notice that weve also included App.js which you
copied to the project in Step 4.

7. Run your app on the Simulator or device from within

the Tizen IDE.
Figure 6-6 shows OnyxSampler running on Tizen.

Making your app more portable

Unfortunately, you cant rely on web browsers to implement
HTML5 features in a consistent fashion. To allow for this
variation, you need to ensure that your JavaScript code is

Chapter 6: Porting Your Web App to Tizen


Figure 6-6: OnyxSampler on Tizen.

For example, the following code shows how to implement

support for the vibration API in a browser-independent way:
function getVibrationFunc() {
var vibrate = function() {};
if (navigator.vibrate) {
vibrate = function(p) {navigator.vibrate(p);};
} else if (navigator.mozVibrate) {
vibrate = function(p) {navigator.mozVibrate(p);};
} else if (navigator.webkitVibrate) {
vibrate = function(p) {navigator.webkitVibrate(p);};
return vibrate;


Part II: Getting Practical

You can also use the mondernizr.js library to detect
whether certain HTML5 and CSS3 features are supported by
your browser. Modernizr makes it easier to write conditional
JavaScript and CSS to handle different situations. You can find
out more from

Part III

Tizen in Detail

In this part . . .

n this part we look at the Tizen device APIs in detail.

You develop code using a mixture of Tizen-specific
features and HTML5 APIs. We focus on what you need to
know to develop a fully-featured web app, together with
hints and tips to make your development easier.
You learn how to use the Tizen UI Framework to build a
great-looking user interface and how to make use of features such as location and sensors. You find out how to
access the devices contacts and calendars, and how to
play back audio and video using a mixture of Tizen-specific
features and the HTML5 APIs.

Chapter 7

Building Your UI
In This Chapter
Introducing jQuery Mobile
Using basic controls
Taking advantage of UI building tools
Creating advanced UIs

f all the ingredients that go to make up that killer app, a

well-designed, attractive and fluid user interface is the
most important. No matter how great your app may be, if the
user interface is cluttered, slow, or difficult to navigate, then
your app will gather virtual dust on the shelves of your favourite app store. Take the time to create a great UI, and your
app will stand out from the crowd. Users will discover its features and will be more likely to recommend your app to their
friends. Your app will be well on its way to bestseller status,
and you can look forward to lying on a beach, being brought
drinks with their own little umbrellas.
Creating the user interface for a touch-based device represents its own set of challenges. Your application needs to be
consistent, but it should also be innovative and stand out
from the crowd. One example is the Flipboard app, which has
been a success on both iOS and Android.
In this chapter, we introduce Tizens web UI Framework and
show you how you can create apps with simple and easy-touse UIs. We explain the basic UI elements, how to use the UI
builder and how Tizens support for the latest CSS features
allow you to create Flipboard-like effects.
This chapter puts you well on the way to creating a great UI.
We leave the rest of your killer app to you.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Delving into the Nuts, Bolts,

and jQuery Mobile
Tizens UI Framework is built on jQuery Mobile, an open
source framework that makes use of the features of the jQuery
and jQuery UI open source frameworks. Using jQuery Mobile,
developers can create cross-platform UIs for mobile web
apps. Tizen adds its own features and user interface elements
to give your apps a unique Tizen flavour.
To understand the jQuery Mobile framework, you should
know some of the basic concepts first. So, without further
ado, the following sections examine the important nuts and

Embedded custom data attributes

In the HTML5 specification, custom data attributes are
intended to be used to store custom data private to a web
page or app. The jQuery Mobile framework makes heavy use
of custom data attributes to embed data into HTML5 markup.
These data attributes are used to initialize and configure UI

Page structure
To use jQuery Mobile, you just need to create an HTML5 page.
The page must start with an HTML5 doctype to take advantage of jQuery Mobile library. In the head tag, you can specify
a meta data tag viewport for the initial scale and screen size
of your mobile web app. Under the body tag, you can create a
single or multiple jQuery Mobile page by using data-role=
page inside the div. This creates a view that uses up to
the full screen of your mobile device if the status bar area is
Inside the page div, you can also add the header, content,
and footer sections, as shown in Figure 7-1.

Chapter 7: Building Your UI


Figure 7-1: Page structure.

jQuery Mobile also provides various types of custom events
to create useful hooks between the UI and your JavaScript
code. These events cohabit nicely with the native events of
the platform. For example, touch-related events include tap,
taphold, swipe, swipeleft, swiperight, and pinch.
To assign the event to your UI, you just use the following
$(document).on(swipeleft, function(event, data){

//your implementation of swipeleft event

While we explain some of the basic concepts of jQuery

Mobile, for much more detail, visit http://jquerymobile.
com. jQuery is also included with and used by Tizen. Its offi cial website is


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Exploring the Tizen UI Widgets

The Tizen Web UI Framework is an extension of jQuery and
jQuery Mobile plus other open source components, such as
It adapts a lot of common concepts and widgets from the
jQuery Mobile library and adds Tizen-specific UI widgets and
themes to make your Tizen web app look just like a native app.
Table 7-1 shows the widgets available in the Tizen UI Framework.
Some widgets are provided by jQuery Mobile (marked as JQM),
while Tizen-specific widgets are marked as New.
As you can see, quite a few new widgets are specifically
designed to match the native UI of Tizen, including a tabbar,
data time picker, and a multimedia view.
The TizenWinset sample in the SDK demonstrates the use of
many of these UI widgets.

Table 7-1

Widgets in the Tizen UI Framework






Basic check box

Radio Button


Radio button



Basic buttons

Search filter bar


Input form for text search

Segment Control


Group of buttons appearing as a

single button



Set values as the handle is dragged



Show the progress of an ongoing




List of items

List Divider


List separator for grouping lists

Virtual List


List with dynamic data management

Extendable List


List that can be extended

Swipe List


List item that can be swiped out



Pop-up window

Chapter 7: Building Your UI





Context Popup


Small pop-up containing a list

Flip Toggle Switch


Simple two-state switch



Small pop-up indicating device




Image collection



Grouped items in a header or footer

DateTime Picker


Date and time picker



Touch friendly scroll bar

Multimedia View


Video and audio player



Grid with dynamic data management



Scroll around a large list using


Split View


Display different HTML content in

two divided panes

Gallery 3D


Display images along a curved

path on a 3-dimensional coordinate

Note: These are the UI elements available at the time of writing. For more details
consult the UI Framework Reference in the SDK help.

The UI Builder: Just

Drag and Drop
The UI Builder, introduced in Tizen 2.0, lets you build your
user interface visually. You can build your UI by dragging and
dropping rather than manually coding HTML.
To use the UI Builder, you first need to create a new Tizen
web project in the IDE (choose FileNewTizen Web Project)
and choose Tizen Web UI Builder from the list of templates.
Go through the steps to create the new project, and you see
that a file called has been created inside your
projects page folder. You use this file with UI Builder to
create your UI.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Choosing your widgets

Getting to grips with the UI Builder is easy, especially if
youve used similar tools for desktop or mobile development.
Figure 7-2 shows the UI Builder interface, while Figure 7-3
shows the page folder and page files in the Project Explorer.
The Palette, which is shown on the left of the Page Design
View in Figure 7-2, contains all the widgets and elements that
are available to use in your app. These widgets are grouped
into different categories, such as Buttons, HTML, and Form
Elements. You drag and drop widgets from the palette to the
Page Design View to construct your UI. (For more detail about
the IDE, see Chapter 4.)

Figure 7-2: Page Design View.

Two tabs appear at the bottom of the Page Design View:

Design: Select the Design tab while youre building the UI.

Preview: Select Preview to see the result as your design

Chapter 7: Building Your UI


Figure 7-3: The UI Builder.

The Outline and Properties Views, which are shown on the

right-hand side of Figure 7-3, are used a lot during the UI
design process. The Outline View shows the hierarchy of div
elements within the page. This view provides easy access to
elements on the page. In the example shown in Figure 7-4,
which was generated using the Navigator UI template, you can
see that the List Item elements appear within the List.

Figure 7-4: The Outline View.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

After you drag the UI widget to the page, you can adjust its
default properties from the Properties View. In the example
shown in the Figure 7-5, we change the text of the List Item
from In The Gym to the more realistic In The Kitchen.

Figure 7-5: Widget Properties View.

Implementing events in
the UI builder
The UI Builder can also generate code to handle the events
supported by Tizens predefined UI widgets. For example, a
list item supports the SwipeLeft event, and you can generate
the skeleton JavaScript code to handle this event from within
UI Builder.
Highlight the list item in the UI Builder and click the Event
Handler tab in the Property Panel. You see a drop-down
menu, which lists all the events the List Item widget supports. Choose SwipeLeft to assign this event to the List
Item and click the triangle that appears below the menu, as
shown in Figure 7-6.

Chapter 7: Building Your UI


Figure 7-6: Adding the SwipeLeft handler to the list item.

Clicking the triangle will generate the code to handle this

The UI Builder will generate the skeleton code to handle this
event and add it to the JavaScript file page1.js
* @param {Object} event
* @base _page1_page
* @returns {Boolean}
_page1_page.prototype.listitem3_onswipeleft = function(event) {


Adding Some Flourish to Your UI

Tizen supports the latest HTML5 CSS3 features, which allow
you to build some slick user interface effects into your apps.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

In this section, we show you how to create a UI using the CSS3
3D animation features. While these features arent Tizen specific, they do demonstrate the compatibility and performance
of the Tizen web runtime. (You can find more details about
CSS3 support in Tizen in the W3C API Specifications section of
the SDK Help.)
The Flipboard app is an example of a successful mobile app
with an innovative user interface. Flipboard is an app that
creates your own social news magazine from your Twitter,
Facebook, Google+, and other news feeds. Flipboard makes
use of the flipping gesture as the primary way to navigate
through content. Flipboard is consistent, easy to use, and
fun a lot of the reason that the app was successful.
There is an open source project that provides an experimental Flipboard layout and user experience. Its primarily
designed for mobile web sites, but thanks to the HTML5
capabilities of Tizen web apps, its easy to integrate into your
own app.
You can download the project source code at
The project provides a plugin for the jQuery library called
jquery.flips.js. This plugin defines several classes for
the page elements:

f-page is for the pages between the cover and back that
you need to flip.

f-cover is the cover page.

f-cover-back is the back of the cover.
For the page layout, the box class presents the content of the
page for example, the images and articles. These boxes each
need an additional height and width class to give the
element percentage-based dimensions.

Chapter 7: Building Your UI


A sample HTML page looks like this:

<div id=flip class=container>
<div class=f-page f-cover>
<!-- ... -->

<div class=f-title>
<!-- ... -->
<div class=box w-50 h-100>
<div class=img-cont img-1></div>
<h3>Headline <span>Published May 7, 2012</span></h3>
<p>Some text</p>
<div class=box w-50 h-100>
<!-- ... -->

<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<div class=f-page f-cover-back>
<!-- ... -->

Figures 7-7 and 7-8 show the final code running on the Tizen
development device. The cover page contains the image and
flip text.

Figure 7-7: Cover page f-cover on the Tizen developer device.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Figure 7-8: Flip pages f-page on the Tizen developer device

The Flipboard type page layout example uses some other

open source elements to provide extra functionality, including:

modernizr.js for checking your browser support of
CSS properties

jquery.touchSwipe.js for dragging and swiping the

jquery.history.js for keeping track of the current

Chapter 8

Taking Advantage of
Location-Based Services
In This Chapter
Displaying a map
Converting between addresses and co-ordinates
Dropping a pin on a map

ith GPS now a standard feature on smartphones, app

stores are heaving under the weight of apps taking
advantage of the opportunities offered by location-based
services. There are navigation apps, location-based social
networking services (such as FourSquare, Path, and Google
Latitude), and even apps designed for local search.
Users love location-based services because they provide a
sense of connection with the world around them. You can
discover whats happening at your current location, find
where your friends are, and even be notified of offers at a
nearby store. Location is about far more than finding your
way home.
There are lots of third-party solutions that make it easy to add
location based features, such as maps and geocoding, to your
Tizen web apps. In this chapter, we show you how to use one
such service, Google Maps, together with the W3C geolocation
API to display your current location on a map. We also explain
how to translate between a location, given as longitude and
latitude, and a human readable address.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Finding Your Way

Map data normally refers to the geographic data and mapping
information that is collected by location service providers,
such as Navteq, Telemap, Tele Atlas, and Open Street Map
(OSM). These companies provide geographic databases and
mapping services to third parties.
Location service providers define APIs, which let you access
services such as mapping, routing, and POIs. Some of these
APIs are highly dependent on the services of a particular
provider, such as Google Maps, OSM, and Navteq. The
OpenLayer and deCarta APIs are more flexible and aggregate
the services of many different providers.
You can find more information about the location services
provided by OpenLayer and deCarta, on their websites:

OpenLayer JavaScript APIs:

deCarta JavaScript APIs:

Displaying a Map
While you can use any of the JavaScript mapping APIs for displaying a map in your Tizen web app, we use the Google Maps
API for this example. Heres how you display a map based on
your current location:

1. Get your current location.

You need to use the W3C geolocation API to retrieve

the longitude and latitude of the devices current

Chapter 8: Taking Advantage of Location-Based Services


function(position) {
console.log(Latitude: +
position.coords.latitude +
Longitude: +
function(error) {
console.err(Failed to get current

2. Create the map options.

After you have your current position from Step 1,

make sure that the map is centred on these co-ordinates. The Google Maps API lets you specify a set of
mapOptions for specifying how the map is displayed.
This includes the map centre, zoom level, map type,
and Google Street View options:
var mapOptions = {
center : new google.maps.LatLng(
zoom : 6, // zoom value from 0 up to 18
mapTypeId : google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
streetViewControl : false

3. Display the map.

The final step is to assign the div element that contains the map. For example, if you want to display the
map in the page content, add the following to your
HTML file:
<div data-role=content id=map>

Then create the map object in your JavaScript code:

var map = new google.maps.Map(document.
getElementById(map), mapOptions);


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Figure 8-1 shows a map displayed in the Tizen Emulator.

Figure 8-1: Displaying a map in the Tizen Emulator using the Google map

You need to request an API key in order to use the Google

Maps API. You can find more information here:
You also need to include the Map API URL in your Tizen
project config.xml file because its an external resource
that is accessed from your Tizen app. See Chapter 4 for
more details about how to add a URL to the access section
of config.xml.

Chapter 8: Taking Advantage of Location-Based Services


Finding an Address
Displaying a map given a longitude and latitude is relatively
simple, but sometimes all you have is a human-readable address.
Converting this address into a longitude and latitude is known
as geocoding, while the process of translating coordinates to a
human-readable form is referred to as reverse geocoding.
In this section, we show you how to make use of the Google
geocoding service, but there are many other third party geo
coding APIs available.

Google Geocoder API

The Google Maps API provides a geocoder class for geocoding addresses dynamically from user input using the google.
maps.Geocoder object.
Suppose that you have a text input bar <inputid=address
type=textbox> in your HTML code. Listing 8-1 shows
how you would translate the user input into coordinates.

Listing 8-1 Geocoding an Address to Co-Ordinates

var geocoder;
function codeAddress() {
var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var address = document.getElementById(address).value;
geocoder.geocode({ address: address},
function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: results[0].geometry.location});
else {
alert(Geocode was not successful for the
following reason: + status);


Part III: Tizen in Detail

As shown in Listing 8-1, the google.maps.Geocoder()
method is used to create a new Geocoder object. The geocode() method then translates the address that the user
entered, with the results returned via a callback function.
Two objects are returned in the callback function: GeocoderResult and GeocoderStatus. The
GeocodeResult has four properties:

An array of GeocoderAddressComponents

A string containing the human-readable address of this

A GeocoderGeometry object

An array of strings denoting the type of the returned
geocoded element.
The GeocoderResult result objects are returned as an
array because one geocoder request may return multiple
GeocoderResult objects. In our example, we just read the
first object from the array.
The GeocoderStatus object tells you the status of your geocoder request. The predefined values are ERROR, INVALID_
Google also provides the Geocoding web service. You can use
an HTTP request to access the geocoder directly. This service
is designed for geocoding static addresses for placement of
app content on a map. Its not designed to respond in real
time to user input.
For more information about Google Maps Geocoder API, go to

X Marks the Spot

You need to pin the location you searched (or geocoded) with
a marker on the map. Because no Tizen map device API is
available at the time of writing, we use the Google Maps overlay API to display the marker on the map.

Chapter 8: Taking Advantage of Location-Based Services


To create the marker in Google Maps API, you need two

objects: the map where the marker will be displayed and the
location for the marker. The following code creates a marker
at the specified co-ordinates on a map you created in the
Displaying a Map section.
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: results[0].geometry.location

The marker appears on the map, as shown in Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2: Displaying a marker on a map.

If the map property isnt specified when the marker object

is created, you can use the setMap() method to display the
marker once the map object is available:


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Chapter 9

Working with Multimedia

In This Chapter
Discovering content
Capturing audio, images, and video
Playing video and audio
Streaming from the camera and microphone

hile the calendar and contacts of a smartphone hold

the key to organizing our lives, its the multimedia
features that help us relax. We carry the latest movies with
us on long journeys, listen to our favourite songs on our daily
commute, and use the camera to capture pictures of our
friends, with outfits and hairstyles that may come back to
haunt them in years to come. Multimedia features are vital for
any smart device platform.
In Tizen, multimedia support is implemented using a mixture
of device APIs and W3C APIs. Multimedia is a fast moving
area, so much so that some of the information in this chapter
is subject to change. But its also one of the most exciting
areas of web app development.
In this chapter, we explain how to use Tizens content features
to search for media on your device. We show you how to play
back audio and video files, capture images using the camera,
and push the boundaries of W3C features by implementing
video conferencing type features.
So, hold on to your hats or failing that, make sure that
youre sitting comfortably and enjoy a practical ride through
the latest multimedia possibilities for your Tizen web apps.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Introducing the Multimedia APIs

Note: Some of the features mentioned in this chapter are
based on draft versions of W3C specifications, so they may
change in the future due to the evolving nature of these
Table 9-1 shows APIs you need to use to implement various
multimedia features in your Tizen web apps. Some of these
are Tizen-device APIs, and some, like getusermedia, are at a
very experimental stage.

Table 9-1

Multimedia Features


Recommended API

Multimedia content discovery

Tizen Device API: Content

Capturing audio

Not currently supported

Capturing images

Tizen Device API: Application

Capturing video

Tizen Device API: Application

Playback of audio files

HTML5 audio element

Playback of video files

HTML5 video element

Streaming video from the

devices camera

W3C API: getUserMedia

If you dont have access to a Tizen device, you can use a

webcam with the Emulator to try out the multimedia functionality described in this chapter. See the SDK Help documenta tion for more information about how to set up a webcam with
your system.

Discovering Content
The Tizen Content API provides functionality for searching
for content stored either locally on your device or an external
memory card.
You dont want this sensitive information falling into the
wrong hands, and the Tizen platform restricts app access to

Chapter 9: Working with Multimedia


the content by using permissions. There are different permission levels, which your app will set depending on whether you
want to just find an item or modify an items attributes. These
permissions are set in the config.xml file. (See the Getting
Permission section, later in this chapter, for more details).
If the appropriate permissions are set, a ContentManager
object is created and stored in the content property of your
apps tizen object. You then use this ContentManager to
locate content. If the correct permissions are set, you can also
update any items editable attributes. You can find details of
the available methods and the editable attributes in the SDK
Help documentation.

A content item is an object that contains the attributes of a
single piece of content, rather than the content itself. You use
the Content interface to access an items attributes.
In the Tizen platform, the Content interface is extended by
the AudioContent, ImageContent, and VideoContent
interfaces with attributes specific to the content type. Table
9-2 lists these attributes.

Table 9-2

Attributes supported by Content

Content Type



id, name, type, mimeType, title,

contentURI, thumbnailURIs,
releaseDate, modifiedDate, size,
description, and rating


album, genres, artists, composers,

lyrics, copyright, bitrate,
trackNumber, and duration


geolocation, width, height, and



geolocation, album, artists,

duration, width, and height


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Getting permission
Because content is private data, the Tizen platform restricts
access to this data using different permission levels.
Permissions are set in the config.xml file. (See Chapter 4 for
more on permissions.)
Here are the permissions related to content:

read to your permissions gives you access to the
methods in the API for searching for content, and
watching for added, updated or removed content.

write to your permissions gives you access to the
methods in the API for updating the attributes of items.

Example: Creating a playlist

In this example, we show you how to create a playlist of your
ten most recently added audio rock tracks, using the Content
APIs. You need to use the find() method to search through
all the content, specifying some filters and a sort mode to
narrow down the result to your most recently added tracks.
Before you start to use the Content APIs, you must set the
correct permission in your applications config.xml file.
In this example, you need to set the
privilege/ permission level.
Then you create a couple of attribute filters to narrow down
your search to audio content and tracks classified as rock:
var audioFilter = new tizen.AttributeFilter(type, EXACTLY,
var genreFilter = new tizen.AttributeFilter(genres,
CONTAINS, rock);

Chapter 9: Working with Multimedia


You can combine these filters using a composite filter with the
INTERSECTION filter type, which is equivalent to a logical AND:
var searchFilter = new tizen.CompositeFilter(INTERSECTION,
[audioFilter, genreFilter]);

Because you want to create a list of the most recently added

tracks, you need to create a sort mode for sorting the items
based on the modifiedDate attribute, presenting the data in
a descending order:
var sortMode = new tizen.SortMode(modifiedDate, DESC);

Then you can use the find() method to search for the first
ten items that match your search requirements:
tizen.content.find(audioFoundCb, errCb, null, searchFilter,
sortMode, 10);

As the find() method is asynchronous, you must define a

success callback in which to handle the response:
function audioFoundCb(content) {
// List the audio files found
for (var i=0; i<content.length; i++) {
console.log(Location: + content[i].contentURI
+ Track title: + content[i].title);

The success callback returns an array of Content objects,

which you can use to create your playlist. You can determine
the location of the audio content on the device from the
contentURI attribute of the Content object.
If you have any errors in the search criteria for example, if
the filters used contain an incorrect parameter the error is
returned in the error callback:
function errCb(err) {
console.log(Error: + err.message);


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Capturing Images and Video

The Tizen web API doesnt currently provide direct access to
the devices camera. If you want to take pictures and record
video in your app, you need to launch the built-in Camera
application by using the Tizen Application Manager and
Application Control features.
In this section, we introduce the Application Manager and
Application Control features and show you how you can
launch the Camera app to take a photograph.

Using the Application Manager

The Tizen Application Manager provides a way for you to use
another application to perform a specific function, such as
viewing images or sending emails. The great thing about this
feature is that you just request an action and let the platform
do the rest; you dont need to know which application will be
launched to fulfill your request.
If you do happen to know the application ID of the app you
want to launch, you can do so explicitly using the Tizen
Application Manager launchAppControl() method. You
can find out more information about how to use this method
in this situation in the SDK Help documentation.
The Application Manager is provided by the Tizen
Application API. When the appropriate permissions are set,
an ApplicationManager object is created and stored in the
application property of your apps tizen object. You then
use this object to access the Application API.

To use this feature, you need to edit the application permissions in the config.xml file to include the http://tizen.
org/privilege/application.launch permission.

Application Control object

To launch another application using the Application Manager,
you first need to create an Application Control object that
describes the type of action you require.

Chapter 9: Working with Multimedia


An Application Control object consists of an operation, URI,

MIME type, category, and data array:

The operation is a string that defines the action to be
performed by the Application Control.

The URI defines the data on which the operation will be
performed for example, the location of a picture to be

The MIME type defines the specific type of the URI for
example, the type of image.

The category is a string that defines the category of the
application to be launched.

The data array contains any data, in key-value pairs,
needed by the service, such as keywords to search for.
The type of operations available through the Application
Control depends on the platform youre developing for. See
the SDK Help documentation for more information about
some of the basic services available.

Launching an application
The application object provides a launchAppControl()
method, which your app calls to launch the service defined in
the Application Control object.
When the system receives the launch request, it processes
the parameters of the Application Control object to select
the application that provides the appropriate service. If the
system finds a suitable application, it launches it, passing the
information contained in the Application Control object.
The launchAppControl() method is asynchronous, so
you can define optional success and error callbacks to get
status information. The success callback is triggered when the
application is launched successfully; to get the status of the
requested operation and any data passed back to your app,
you need to define a reply callback. This is how you get the
location of the image chosen by the user in the gallery app,
for example.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

The reply callback uses the ApplicationControlData
ArrayReplyCallback interface, which specifies two methods: onsuccess() and onfailure(). The onsuccess()
method will contain an ApplicationControlData array
with any data passed back from the Application Control, such
as the URIs of the selected images.

Example: Taking a photo

This section shows you the Application Manager in action. We
launch an application using an Application Control, to take a
photo using the devices camera.
First ensure that you have the application launch permission
set in your config.xml file, as explained in the earlier Using
the Application Manager section.
Create an Application Control object with the operation
create_content and the MIME type set to image/jpg:
var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl(,

You dont need to set a URI, category or any data for this
camera Application Control request.
After you create the Application Control object, your
app requests that this application is launched using the
launchAppControl() method:
tizen.application.launchAppControl(appControl, null, successCb,
errCb, appControlReplyCb);

The launchAppControl() method is asynchronous, so you

should define callback functions to get status information and
any data returned from the camera application.
The success callback tells your app that the camera application has been launched successfully:
function successCb() {
console.log(Camera application launched successfully);

Chapter 9: Working with Multimedia


If problems occur with the launch request, if the app cant be

found, or if it fails for some other reason, it will be reported to
the error callback:
function errCb(err) {
console.log(Error: + err.message);

Once launched from your app, the Camera application opens

in image capture mode, as shown in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1: The Camera application.

If you want to launch the camera in video recording mode,

you should set the Application Control objects operation
parameter to
create_content and the MIME type to video/3gp.
When the user exits the camera application, the appropriate
reply callback is triggered.
The Camera application triggers the onsuccess() callback
if the user has captured a photograph and it has been saved
in the filesystem. An ApplicationControlData array is
used to return the location of the photograph taken. Your
application can parse this data and retrieve the location of
the photograph.
If an error occurs or the user has exited the Camera application without taking or saving a photograph, the onfailure()
reply callback is triggered instead.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Playing Audio and Video

Tizen supports the playback of audio and video using the
HTML5 audio and video elements. These elements allow you
to embed audio and video playback functionality within a web
You can find detailed information about the HTML5 audio
and video elements in the W3C specification at http://www., and you can use
the examples in this chapter to help you get started.
The codecs available on a target device for audio and video
playback are manufacturer dependent, but in the Emulator,
the following codecs are supported:

For audio: AAC, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, MP3, WMA, and

For video: H.263, H.264, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, WMV3, VC1,

Example: Playing local audio files

In this example, we show you how to play a local audio file in
your web application. Combine this with the playlist example
shown in the earlier Example: Creating a playlist section, and
you have a media player for your tracks.
The code shown here plays an audio file called test.mp3
that is contained in a folder called audio within the application package. You can also play a file from a location such as
/opt/media/Music/test.mp3 in the file system.
To add an HTML5 audio element to your application, put the
following code in your applications start file:
<audio id=audioPlayer src=audio/test.mp3 autoplay></audio>

This code adds an audio element to your application, with the

id audioPlayer, and it plays the test.mp3 file automatically
when the application starts.

Chapter 9: Working with Multimedia


If you dont want your audio to play automatically and want to

provide the user with default controls to start and stop, use
the following code:
<audio id=audioPlayer src=audio/test.mp3 controls></audio>

You can also create your own custom controls for an audio
player. In this case, you use the following code to add an
audio element to your app:
<audio id=audioPlayer src=audio/test.mp3></audio>

If youre not using the default controls, you need to add the
buttons and other controls for your custom playback UI.

If you want to display any visual elements (such as subtitles),

you can also play your audio file through the HTML5 video
To set the audio file to be played programmatically, simply
add a JavaScript function to set the audio source.
The following code shows you how to assign an audio source
when a button is clicked. You can create the audio element
and the button in your start file
<audio id=audioPlayer></audio>
<div id=playButton>
<button onclick=playAudio();>Play</button>

and then implement the JavaScript function to assign the

audio source:
function playAudio() {
var audioPlayer = document.querySelector(#audioPlayer);
audioPlayer.src = audio/test.mp3;;

When the user clicks the Play button, the audio file is loaded
into the audio element and starts playing.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Example: Playing local video files

This code example demonstrates how to play a video file
stored locally on the devices file system.
Using a video element in your application is very similar to
using the audio element. The main difference, other than the
content type, is that when using a video element, you need to
set the size of your playback area.
To add an HTML5 video element to your application, add the
following code to your applications start file:
<video id=videoPlayer src=/opt/media/Videos/Helicopter.mp4
width=300 height=150 autoplay></video>

This code adds a video element of size 300x150 to your

application, with the id videoPlayer. It starts playing the
Helicopter.mp4 file automatically when the application is
As with the audio element, you can configure the behaviour
of your video player using attributes such as controls and
Another feature you can use is the poster attribute. You can
use this attribute to set an image to be displayed while no
video is available. You can create the video element, with the
poster attribute and a button, in your start file:
<video id=videoPlayer poster=/opt/media/Images/Helicopter.
jpg width=300 height=150></video>
<div id=playButton>
<button onclick=playVideo();>Play</button>

Then implement the JavaScript function to assign the video

source and start playback:
function playVideo() {
var videoPlayer = document.querySelector(#videoPlayer);
videoPlayer.src = /opt/media/Videos/Helicopter.mp4;

Chapter 9: Working with Multimedia


Until the user starts playing the video, the Helicopter.jpg

image appears in the video player.

Multimedia Streaming
In a Tizen web application, its possible to access multimedia streams from local devices, such as the video camera
and microphone. This functionality is based on the W3C
getUserMedia specification.
The getUserMedia specification is a work in progress and
not fully standardized. Many browser projects have implemented their own versions of the specification. The Tizen
platform uses WebKit and provides access to local multimedia
streams through the webkitGetUserMedia API.
The implementation of getUserMedia is very much bleedingedge technology. Any APIs or functionality discussed in this
section are liable to change in future versions of the specifica tion and may work differently in later versions of Tizen.

The webkitGetUserMedia API is the WebKit implementation
of the getUserMedia specification. Its used to create a local
media stream from either the devices camera, microphone,
or both.
The webkitGetUserMedia API is an access method, prompting the user for permission to use the audio/video input. If the
user gives permission, the APIs success callback is triggered
with a local media stream object. If the user refuses permission, the optional error callback is triggered.
The local media stream object generated by the webkit
GetUserMedia API can be displayed in a video element,
which is what we focus on in this section.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

For more information about media streams and how you can
use them in your web application, see the W3C WebRTC specification at
In order to display the local media stream in a video element
the stream needs to be converted into a format that is compatible with the video element. The video element requires
the input media resource for display to be in the format of
a URL.
The WebRTC specification defines a URL interface which
provides a createObjectURL() method that you can use
to create a Blob URL from a media stream object. As with the
getUserMedia API, the WebKit project has implemented its
own version of this specification and provides a webkitURL
interface containing a createObjectURL() method.
This createObjectURL() method takes the media stream
object generated by the webkitGetUserMedia API and creates a URL that is suitable as an input for the video elements
source attribute.

Example: Streaming video from

your devices camera
In this example, we show you how to stream video from your
devices camera to a video element displayed in your application. You can use this feature in a video conferencing app so
that the user can see and hear her own video feed as well as
the remote one.
First, add a video element to your start file:
<video id=videoPlayer autoplay width=300 height=150></

When using getUserMedia with a video element, you must

create your video element with the autoplay attribute; without this attribute, you see only the first frame of the video

Chapter 9: Working with Multimedia


Add the webkitGetUserMedia method call to your

JavaScript function, setting the media stream options to both
audio and video:
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({video:true, audio:true},
playStream, errCb);

In your success callback, you need to set the video elements

source attribute to the stream from the video camera. You
can set this attribute using the createObjectURL() method,
which outputs a Blob URL for the media stream in a format
compatible with the video element:
function playStream(stream) {
var videoPlayer = document.querySelector(#videoPlayer);
videoPlayer.src = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);
localMediaStream = stream;

The video and audio from the devices camera is now

streamed live in the video element.
If you store a reference to the local media stream, you can use
it to stop the stream from the camera:

The optional error callback is for the scenario when access to

the camera is refused:
function errCb(err) {
console.log(Error: + err.message);


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Chapter 10

Using Hardware in Tizen

In This Chapter
Discovering what you need to know about NFC
Understanding device orientation and motion
Working with the Vibration API

he smart device in your pocket or car, TV, or tablet

has become a navigation unit, a games console, a high
quality camera, and now, thanks to the rising popularity of
Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, an electronic
wallet. Advancements in hardware, such as sensors, have
transformed mobile devices. From the first phone equipped
with an accelerometer, the N95, to todays devices packed
with hardware such as a digital compass, ambient light
sensor, proximity sensor and NFC, the hardware in a smart
device has helped to make it a key part of our work and play.
Sensors are what help you interact with smart devices,
collecting information about the device and the surrounding
environment. The accelerometer sensor monitors the orientation and movement of the phone, the proximity sensor
detects the distance between phone and other objects, the
ambient light sensor detects the level of environmental light,
and the magnetic sensor reports the direction of device.
Then there is NFC, a technology for short range wireless
communication, which is exploding in popularity and is well
supported by the Tizen device APIs. This chapter shows how
to use NFC in Tizen and also explains how Tizen supports
standard W3C sensor APIs.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Not everything we talk about in this chapter is a sensor. We
also explain the Vibration API, which provides access to the
devices vibration hardware.

Introducing NFC
Near Field Communication (NFC) isnt a new technology.
You can trace its roots back to 2004 when Nokia, Philips,
and Sony founded the NFC Forum. The technology is based
on the Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) standards. The
difference is that RFID is a passive information tag and cant
process the information sent from other devices, while NFC
enabled devices can do more, such as card simulation and
peer-to-peer communication. Thats why NFC needs the
processing power of a smart device.
NFC provides a wireless communication method with some
unique characteristics:

Close proximity

Low speed

No setup required

No battery required for a passive tag
At the moment, it seems that NFC is everywhere. Google is
encouraging adoption of Google Wallet, which allows
consumers to make small transactions via NFC-enabled
devices, such as the Nexus S and Samsung Galaxy SIII. The S
III was also the device used by Visa and Samsung to provide
mobile payment services during the London 2012 Olympics.
But NFC has uses far beyond mobile payments. For example,
the Android Beam feature, introduced in the Ice Cream
Sandwich (4.0) release, allows users to exchange small
amount of information, such as web URLs, between phones
just by touching them together. Several manufacturers have
introduced NFC-enabled speaker systems, which allow you to
start streaming audio from a device with a single touch.

Chapter 10: Using Hardware in Tizen


These examples are just the tip of the iceberg, NFC has many
other uses. According to the NFC Forum specifications, NFC
devices can be operated in three different modes, shown in
Figure 10-1:

Read/write mode: NFC devices are able to read or write
small amounts of information to NFC-compatible tags.
Possible uses include getting information from an NFC
tag on a smart poster or creating your own personal NFC

Peer-to-peer mode: Two NFC devices exchange data.
This data could include Bluetooth or Wi-Fi link setup
parameters, virtual business cards, or digital photos.

Card Emulation mode: The NFC devices appear to an
external reader much the same as a traditional contactless
card. This enables contactless payment and ticketing.

Figure 10-1: Components used in the different uses of NFC.

Using NFC in your Tizen Apps

Most of the existing NFC APIs are platform specific, Java APIs
exist for Android and Blackberry devices, and to that list, we
can now add the JavaScript API provided by Tizen.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

NFC the low level details

Figure 10-1 shows the components
and protocols used in the different
NFC use cases. The components are
organised into layers:
The radio frequency (RF) layer
is based on two International
Standards: ISO 18092 and ISO
14443. ISO 18092 defines the
interface and protocol for NFC.
ISO 14443 defines the proximity
identification cards or objects
that are tags.
In the data link layer, the NFC
Data Exchange Format (NDEF)

is the message encapsulation format uses to exchange

information, and Record Type
Definition (RTD) defines the
detail of a NDEF message. It
gives the guidelines for reserved
well-known types and third-party
extension types. The Logic Link
Control Protocol (LLCP) defines
the format of bi-direction communication in peer-to-peer
mode. Its based on network protocols such as TCP/IP and OBEX.

The Tizen NFC APIs support two modes: read/write and

peer- to-peer. The card emulation mode requires additional
security and isnt available on Tizen at the moment.
To use NFC features in your app, the first thing you need to
do is add the required permissions to the config.xml file. For
example, if you use the tag feature, add
<tizen:privilege name= />

to config.xml. More information about the privilege values

required for NFC features can be found in the SDK Help
If the required permissions are set, an NFCManager object is
created and stored in your apps tizen object. You use this
object, stored in tizen.nfc, to access the Tizen NFC

Chapter 10: Using Hardware in Tizen


Setting up NFC
To use NFC, you have to create the NFCAdapter object. It is
fairly simple to create the adapter by just calling

nfcAdapter = tizen.nfc.getDefaultAdapter();

This code returns the default NFC adaptor on the device.

Because there is no error callback for this method, you can
also check the error message by using a try and catch
try { nfcAdapter = tizen.nfc.getDefaultAdapter();
console.log( + : + error.message);

Next you need to turn the NFC adapter on by calling set

Powered(). This function takes three parameters: a Boolean
value indicating on/off, a callback function for successful
completion and an error handling callback.
//e.g. ServiceNotAvailableError: NFC service is busy

Setting up the listeners

After you successfully turn on the adapter, you need to set
the appropriate listeners to communicate with other devices.
A tag listener allows the device to detect attaching and
detaching of NFC tags, while a peer listener allows the device
to detect another available peer when using peer-to-peer


Part III: Tizen in Detail

To set the tag listener, you need to set up at least one
NFCTagDectectCallback function to handle tag events:
onattach and ondetach. There is an optional parameter: a
tag filter array. If the tag filter isnt provided, the listener is set
to detect all tag types.
//handle the onattach and ondetach events

To set the peer listener, you call the NFCPeerDetectCall

back function:
//handle onattach or ondetach events

Reading a tag
When a tag is detected by the device, it calls the tag detected
callback function. At this point, you can carry out an operation
on the detected tag. For example, to read the tag, you use the
readNDEF method.

Listing 10-1 Read record

var onTagDetect = {
onattach: function(tag){
onsuccess: function(message){
for(var i=0; i < message.recordCount; i++){
case tizen.nfc.NFC_RECORD_TNF_EMPTY:
//go through different records

Chapter 10: Using Hardware in Tizen


//error callback of readNDEF()

Listing 10-1 gives a typical example of how to read a NDEF

message. The readNDEF function takes two parameters: a
compulsory NDEFMessageReadCallback and an optional
ErrorCallback. A NDEF message may contain multiple
records. Each NDEF record consists of a high level TNF Record, a
second level of type, an ID, and payload, as shown in Figure 10-2.

Figure 10-2: NDEF message.

Tizen defines three types of NDEFRecord: NDEFRecordText,

NDEFRecordURI, and NDEFRecordMedia. For a known type
of record, instead of using the general payload property from
the NDEFRecord, you can use the more specific property
according to the type of record. For example, you can use the
text property if you know the record type is text:
if( record instanceof tizen.NDEFRecordText)
document.getElementById(Payload).innerText = record.text;

Otherwise, you can use the payload property of an unknown

type record, which is a buffer.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Writing a tag
The implementation of writing a tag is very similar to the code
required to read a tag. After the NFCTagDetectCallback is
triggered, you can use the writeNDEF() method of the tag
object to write information to the tag:
var onTagDetect = {
onattach: function(tag){
//handle success case
//handle failure case

The writeNDEF method takes three parameters. The first

parameter is the NDEF message needed to write to the tag.
The optional second and third parameters are callback functions, which handle the success and error situations.
To create the NDEF message, you need to create an
NDEFMessage object ndefMessage. The NDEF message
encapsulates one or multiple NDEF records. In Tizen, an
NDEFMessage object has two properties: a record count and
a record array
var ndefRecord = new tizen.NDEFRecordText(
Text Payload, en-US, UTF16);
var recordArray = new Array(ndefRecord);
var ndefMessage = new tizen.NDEFMessage(recordArray);

After you create the NDEF message, you can pass it to the
writeNDEF method.

Chapter 10: Using Hardware in Tizen


Using NFC in peer-to-peer mode

The last NFC use case you can implement on Tizen is the peerto-peer mode. Peer-to-peer mode always involves two or more
NFC devices (peers), and its a two-way communication. Tizen
provides both send and receive NDEF message functionality
for the peer-to-peer mode. One peer can send a NDEF message
proactively, but can only receive an incoming NDEF message if
the receive listener is set.
To implement peer-to-peer mode, you first need to detect the
peer. After you set the NFCPeerDetectCallback (see the
earlier Writing a tag section), you receive an attached event
when a peer is detected and a detached event when a peer is
The second step is to the setReceiveNDEFListener to the
adapter itself to enable the app to receive incoming messages
from another peer.
When a peer is detected, you always need to check whether
the peer is connected or not. If its connected, you then
can send the message to that peer. Figure 10-3 shows the
sequence of how two peers (A and B) exchange information.

Figure 10-3: Peer-to-peer communication flow chart.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Listing 10-2 Peer-to-Peer Sending and Receiving Messages
onattach: function(peer){
var ndefMessage;
var recordArray = new Array(new tizen.
en-US, UTF16));
ndefMessage = new tizen.NDEFMessage(recordArray);
onsuccess: function(message){
for(var i = 0; i < message.recordCount;
switch(message.records[i].tnf ){
case tizen.nfc.NFC_RECORD_TNF_
// read the record
//peer not connected
//peer lost

Listing 10-2 shows the JavaScript code to allow peer A to send

and receive messages from peer B.

Detecting Device Orientation

Unlike NFC, which uses platform-specific APIs, the
accelerometer on Tizen uses only the standard W3C device
orientation APIs. As defined in the W3C specification, the
deviceorientation event supplies the physical orientation

Chapter 10: Using Hardware in Tizen


of the device, expressed as a series of rotations of a local

coordinate frame with three axes x, y, and z, shown as
Figure 10-4.
To get orientation information, you just need to add the listener to the DOM node:
this.tiltLR = data.gamma;
}, true);


Figure 10-4: Device coordinates.

The event listener takes three parameters:

The event type: A string representing the event for which
the handler is being registered.

Listener: A callback function to fire when the event is

Use capture: A Boolean indicating whether to bind the
event to its target element or bubble the event up the
DOM tree of targets.

Event capturing and event bubbling refers to the order of event

handling when one DOM element is inside another and both
are handling the same event. You can find out more about


Part III: Tizen in Detail

event capturing, event bubbling, and the document object
model (DOM) in general here:
When the device orientation is changed, the listener function
is triggered. The orientation event returns the rotation data,
which includes how much the device is rotated around the z
axis by alpha degree (compass direction); around the x axis
by beta degree (tilt the device front-back); and around the y
axis by gamma degree (tilt the device left-right).
After you have the orientation data, you can use it to control
the UI element for example, an image rotating according to
the device orientation using CSS animation:
// Apply the transform to the image
document.getElementById(imgLogo).style.webkitTransform =
rotate(+ tiltLR +deg) rotate3d(1,0,0, +
document.getElementById(imgLogo).style.MozTransform =
rotate(+ tiltLR +deg);
document.getElementById(imgLogo).style.transform = rotate(+
tiltLR +deg) rotate3d(1,0,0, + (tiltFB*1)+deg);

You can use the SystemInfoDeviceOrientation property

provided by the SystemInfo API to determine whether the
device is in portrait, landscape, reverse portrait or landscape
The following code:
(DEVICE_ORIENTATION, onOrientationSuccess,


Will return a status of PORTRAIT_PRIMARY, PORTRAIT_

SECONDARY in the success callback, depending on the current
device orientation:
function onOrientationSuccess(orientation) {
console.log(orientation status is +orientation.status)

Chapter 10: Using Hardware in Tizen


To use the SystemInfo API, you need to add the http:// privilege to your
config.xml file.

Detecting Device Motion

In a similar fashion to getting device orientation information,
motion data is also provided by the accelerometer sensor
and the gyroscope sensor. The acceleration data is returned
in three axes: x, y and z. These are measured in meters per
second squared (m/s^2).
To get the motion data, you need to add the device motion
event listener to your window object:
var acceleration = data.accelerationIncludingGravity;

In some devices, if there is hardware (for example, a gyroscope) to exclude the effect of gravity from the acceleration
data, you can use the acceleration property directly:
function motionHandler(data){
var acceleration = data.acceleration;

The difference between these two properties is shown in

Table 10-1. This shows the values for a device face up and
then moved upwards, forward, left and up and to the right.

Table 10-1

Acceleration Data Sample


Accelerating Up Accelerating


{0, 0, 0}

{0, 0, 5}

{0, 2, 0}

including Gravity

{0, 0, 9.81}

{0, 0, 15}

{0, 2, 9.81}


Accelerating Up
& to the Right


{3, 0, 0}

{5, 0, 9}

including Gravity

{3, 0, 9.81}

{5, 0, 11}


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Using the Vibration API

The vibrator is a tiny motor that drives a piece of uneven
metal and causes the vibration. Tizen uses the W3C Vibration
API for its vibrator. The vibrator interface is implemented by
the Navigator type, and theres only one vibration method:

This method accepts either an integer parameter representing

vibration time in milliseconds or a series of integers
representing the patterns of vibration. Odd entries represent
vibration time in milliseconds, even entries still periods in
milliseconds between the vibrations.
navigator.vibrate([1000, 500, 1500]);

If you want to achieve cross-platform code for the vibration

code, you can use following code for detecting the right API
to use:
function getVibrateFunc() {
var vibrate = function() {};
if (navigator.vibrate) {
vibrate = function(p) {navigator.vibrate(p);};
} else if (navigator.mozVibrate) {
vibrate = function(p) {navigator.mozVibrate(p);};
} else if (navigator.webkitVibrate) {
vibrate = function(p) {navigator.webkitVibrate(p);};
return vibrate;

Chapter 11

In This Chapter
Creating and sending messages
Searching for messages
Building a User Interface for message searching

ts often said that the smarter smartphones get, the less

they are used for actual voice calls. Walk around any town,
and youre likely to see smartphone users deep in concentration, tapping at their screens as they send SMS, email, and
other forms of messages to friends and colleagues who may
actually be standing right next to them.
These days, people like to message more than talk, and the
Messaging API is a vital part of any smart device. The W3C
specifications dont contain any Messaging APIs, and Tizen
fills that gap by providing its own Messaging API.
The Tizen Messaging API allows you to create an application
with integrated messaging functionality, using SMS, MMS, or
email messages. You can use these Messaging APIs to create
and send messages, read messages, and manage stored messages and their attachments.
In this chapter, we introduce the Messaging API, explain how
to create and send SMS and email messages, and then get
practical by introducing an SMS search example. This example shows you how to search SMS messages on the device and
also demonstrates the use of some of the UI features introduced in Chapter 7.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Introducing the Messaging API

As with all the other Tizen APIs, due to the fact that messages
contain a users private data, access to the messaging functionality is controlled using permission levels in the config.
xml file. (See the upcoming Getting Permission section for
more detail.)
If the appropriate permissions are set, a MessageManager
object is created and stored in the messaging property of
your apps tizen object. You can then use this object to
retrieve the messaging services provided by the platform.

Message service
In order to use messaging functionality in your application,
you first have to retrieve the message service for the required
service type. A message service is the interface that gives you
access to the message creation, sending, and reading capabilities of the platform. Email, SMS, and MMS messaging service
types share a common interface.
For example, to access email functionality, you retrieve the
email service with the following code:
msgServiceCb, errCb);

This service request API is asynchronous, so any available email messaging services are returned in an array of
MessageService objects by the success callback.
Once the required message service is retrieved, you can send
messages and load message content and attachments. For
email, you can synchronise content with an external server.

Message structure
A message consists of a Message object, which contains the
attributes of the message, a MessageBody object, and optionally any MessageAttachment objects.

Chapter 11: Messaging


The Message interface describes the properties of a message,
such as the message recipients, subject, sender, type, and so
on. (The message attributes and the service types they apply
to are described in the SDK Help documentation.)
The Message interface constructor is used to create a
Message object. For example, heres how to create an SMS
msg = new tizen.Message(messaging.sms,
{ plainBody: Hi Sarah, how are you?,
to: [1234]

Once created, this message can either be sent using the SMS
message service or stored as a draft in the filesystem using
the MessageStorage interface.

The MessageBody object describes the body of a message
with the following attributes: an id, the loaded status, a plain
text part, an html part, and inline attachments for email
When reading a message, if the loaded status attribute of the
message body is set to false, it indicates that the body hasnt
been downloaded from the server. If this is the case, the body
must be downloaded using the MessageService objects
loadMessageBody() method.

The MessageAttachment object describes the content and
properties of a message attachment with the following
attributes: an attachment id, a message id, the MIME type, and
the file path of the downloaded content.
If a message contains one or more attachments, the messages
hasAttachment attribute will be set to true. Because
attachments arent always automatically downloaded from
the server, you may need to download them using the load
MessageAttachment() method.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

The first thing to check is whether the message body has
been downloaded. If it hasnt, then the attachments array
will be empty. After the message body has been downloaded,
check the attachments filePath attribute. If its null, the
attachment hasnt been downloaded, and you should use the
loadMessageAttachment() method to retrieve it.

Message storage
Each message service object in the system has its own message storage object. This provides an interface to query,
update, and delete messages and subscribe to any changes in
the message storage object. It also provides functionality to
find specific messages, conversations, or message folders.

Getting Permission
Because messages are private data, the Tizen platform
restricts access to this data using different permission levels.
Permissions are set in the config.xml file and are explained
in detail in Chapter 4. Here are the ones related to messaging

read to your permissions lets you find and watch
messages, conversations and folders from the message

write to your permissions lets you add, remove and
update messages in the message storage, synchronize
content and folders with external mail servers, and send

Getting Practical: Searching

for Messages
In this example, we combine some of the messaging functionality introduced in this chapter with some Tizen UI Framework
components and show you how to create an application that
finds all your SMS messages that contain a specified word.

Chapter 11: Messaging


The application consists of a single page displaying a search

bar in the header area with the messages displayed in the
content area, as shown in Figure 11-1:

Figure 11-1: Message search app.

Creating the page

This example uses the Tizen Web UI Framework Single-Page
Application template. (For more information on templates and
how to create a project using one see Chapter 3.)
This template includes all the Tizen Web UI Framework
JavaScript files and style sheets you need to create a simple
single page application. These files are loaded in the head
section of the start file (index.html).


Part III: Tizen in Detail

To create the UI similar to that shown in Figure 11-1, replace
the body section of the index.html file with the code shown
in Listing 11-1.

Listing 11-1 index.html

<div data-role=page id=main data-add-back-btn=true>
<div data-role=header data-position=fixed>
<input type=search id=searchBox
</div><!-- /header -->
<div data-role=content>
<ul id=msgList data-role=listview></ul>
</div><!-- /content -->
<div data-role=footer data-position=fixed>
</div><!-- /footer -->
</div><!-- /page -->

Our application contains a header, content, and footer section

within the page area.

Header: The header contains a title and search bar and
is fixed to the top of the page. The search bar used is an
input element of type search.

Content: The content section contains a list of the SMS
messages. The list element uses the data-role listview
to apply all the necessary styles and list functionality
provided by the UI framework. Because the actual content of the list will be dynamically created based on the
search result, you dont need to add any other information to this index.html file.

Footer: The Footer contains the default back button and
is fixed to the bottom of the page.
Thats all you need to do to create the application page. The
next two sections look at how to fill the message list and
implement the search functionality.

Chapter 11: Messaging


Filling the message list

The content section of the page contains a list of all the SMS
messages on the device that meet the search criteria.
When the application is started, no search string is entered,
so all the SMS messages stored on the device are displayed in
the list.

This example uses the Tizen UI Framework, which is based on
jQuery Mobile, and applications are developed using a page
structure. Any initialisation code that needs to be run when
the page is loaded should be executed when the pageinit
event is fired.
In this example, the initialisation code includes functionality to retrieve the SMS message service, and event bindings
for the page and the search box. This is implemented in the
main.js file, as shown in Listing 11-2.

Listing 11-2 Page Initialisation

var init = function () {
$(div[data-role=page]:first .ui-btn-back).bind(click,
function(event) {
var currentApp =
$(#searchBox).bind(input, updateList);
$(#searchBox).bind(change, updateList);
// get message service
$(document).bind(pageinit, init);

Searching for messages

The message service callback function returns an array containing message service objects. In this example, the SMS message service object is retrieved from the array and stored in a
local variable.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

To search for all the SMS messages on the device, you need to
use the message storage objects findMessages() method
with a tizen filter. In this example, you should create an attribute filter to narrow down your search to SMS messages only,
as shown in Listing 11-3.

Listing 11-3 Message SERVICE Callback

var msgService = null;
var msgStore = null;
function errCb(err) {
console.log(Error: + err.message);
function msgServiceCb(services) {
msgService = services[0];
msgStore = msgService.messageStorage;
var typeFilter = new tizen.AttributeFilter(type,
EXACTLY, messaging.sms);
msgStore.findMessages(typeFilter, msgFoundCb, errCb);

Drawing the list

The findMessages() method is asynchronous, so when the
action is completed, the callback function is returned with an
array containing all the messages that meet the search criteria. At this point, all the SMS messages stored on the device
are returned within the array.
If no SMS messages are found, the success callback is invoked
with an empty array. If any errors occur while searching for
contacts, the optional error callback is invoked.
To display the messages as shown in Figure 11-1, you need
to populate the msgList list element that was defined in the
index.html file.
The list items are displayed using Tizen UI Framework bubble
class elements, with incoming messages displayed on the lefthand side and outgoing messages displayed on the right-hand

Chapter 11: Messaging


Listing 11-4 shows the code to create and display the message
The first action is to clear any previous list data using the
remove() method, and then you can append the new list
data. To differentiate between the incoming and outgoing
messages, you can check the from message attribute, which
will be empty for outgoing messages.
To create each list item, you need to append a list item element with the relevant bubble class type to the msgList list
element. In this example, the body text and timestamp of the
message is added to the list item. After the list has been populated, you tell the framework to update the list using the List
Views refresh() method.

Listing 11-4 List Drawing

function addZero(time) {
return time < 10 ? 0 + time : time;
var msgData = null;
function drawList() {
// Clear the list
$(#msgList li).remove();
// Draw the bubble list
for(var i=0; i<msgData.length; i++){
if(msgData[i].from == ){
$(#msgList).append(<li class=ui-li-bubbleright>
+ msgData[i].body.plainBody
+ <span class=ui-li-bubble-time>
+ msgData[i].timestamp.getUTCHours() + :
+ addZero(msgData[i].timestamp.
+ </span></li>);
} else {
$(#msgList).append(<li class=ui-li-bubbleleft>


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Listing 114 (continued)
+ msgData[i].body.plainBody
+ <span class=ui-li-bubble-time>
+ msgData[i].timestamp.getUTCHours() + :
+ addZero(msgData[i].timestamp.
// Refresh the list
function msgFoundCb(messages) {
msgData = messages;

Searching the message list

So far, the example app finds all the SMS messages stored on the
device and displays them in a list. Now you need to add functionality to search for messages containing a specified string.
For this, you use the search input element, displayed in the
header section of the page, to accept user input and the message storage objects findMessages() method to find the

Processing user input

The search UI element is used to get user input. When the
input element is activated, the user can enter his search
string. Theres no Accept or Submit button, so the list needs
to be updated after each letter is entered in the search bar.
Figure 11-2 shows a search in progress.
When the user enters a character in the search bar, the input
elements input event is triggered.
To update the list to display only the messages containing the
search string, you need to handle this event. In the initialisation code in the main.js file, you already defined a method
to handle this input event. The code in Listing 11-5 shows
how to implement this updateList() method. update

Chapter 11: Messaging


List() checks whether the search string has changed; if it

has, the findString() method is called.

Figure 11-2: Searching for the word address

The search input element has been configured to display a

Cancel button next to the search bar. When the Cancel button
is selected, the contents of the search bar are cleared automatically, and the list needs to be reset. Unlike user entry in
the search bar, clicking the Cancel button doesnt trigger an
input event. Instead, it triggers a change event. So in order
to reset the list, you also need to implement a method to
handle this change event.
In this example, both the input and change events are handled by the updateList() method.

Searching for messages

When the updateList() method is called, it retrieves the
current value of the search input element, which is the string
the user entered. This value is used to filter the SMS message
list, to display only those messages that contain the search
To find all the SMS messages containing the search string,
you should create an attribute filter for the message type and
one for the search string and combine them using a composite filter with the INTERSECTION filter type, as shown in the
findString() method in Listing 11-5. You can then use this
filter with the findMessages() method to get the messages.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Any messages found will be returned in the callback function
and displayed using the same method as described in the
Filling the message list section, earlier in this chapter.

Listing 11-5 Updating the List



var typeFilter =
EXACTLY, messaging.sms);
var strFilter = new tizen.AttributeFilter(body,
var searchFilter = new tizen.CompositeFilter(INTERSECTION,
[typeFilter, strFilter]);
// If search string isnt empty use composite filter,
// otherwise use type filter
if(str != ) {
msgStore.findMessages(searchFilter, msgFoundCb, errCb);
} else {
msgStore.findMessages(typeFilter, msgFoundCb, errCb);
function updateList() {
var input = $(#searchBox).val();
if(input != prevString)
prevString = input;

Chapter 12

Working with Contacts

In This Chapter
Exploring the Contacts API
Manipulating contacts
Exporting and sharing contacts

eres a little exercise for you. Choose five people that

you talk to regularly, by phone, text, email, instant
messenger, or on some new social network that has become
inexorably popular since we wrote this book. Without sneaking a look at your phone, write down the contact details of
your chosen friends, family, or colleagues. If youre like us,
then youll soon be guessing email addresses and trying to
pluck phone numbers out of thin air. The treasure trove of
information stored within your devices address books is hard
to do without.
The W3C APIs dont include the functionality for manipulating address books and contacts, but you can access it by
using the Tizen-specific Contacts API. You can access multiple
address books, search for, update, and delete contacts, and
import and export from vCard format. The API is documented
in detail in the SDK Help, but in this chapter, you find practical examples that will give you a head start in implementing
contacts functionality in your web apps.

Meeting the Key Personnel

The Contacts API in Tizen is responsible for managing contact
information and address books. Because this type of information is sensitive and you dont want this falling into the wrong
hands, the Tizen platform restricts app access to the address


Part III: Tizen in Detail

book by using permissions. Your app sets different permission levels in the config.xml file, depending on whether
you want to just read the contents of address books or make
changes. (See the Getting Permission section, later in this
chapter, for more detail.)
If the appropriate permissions are set, a ContactManager
object is created and stored in the contact property of your
apps tizen object. You then use this ContactManager to
access the devices address books.

Address books
It doesnt matter how many address books you have or where
they are stored (for example, on your device or SIM card)
you use the same ContactManager interface to retrieve
For example, to retrieve the unified address book, you use the
following in your code:
var addressBook =;

The unified address book is an aggregation of all the address

books in the system, and contains all the contacts.
If you want to access a specific address book, use the
getAddressBook(AddressBookId) method. Alternatively,
to get a list of all address books on a device use getAddress
Books(). You can find code demonstrating this method in
the Adding A Contact section later in this chapter.
Depending on which ContactManager method you use,
the address book information will either be returned as an
AddressBook object or as an array of AddressBook objects.
The AddressBook interface provides the methods to get,
find, add, update, delete, and watch contacts within the
address book. As mentioned in the Getting Permission section, later in this chapter, access to some of these methods
may be restricted depending on which permission you have
set for your application.

Chapter 12: Working with Contacts


Doing everything at once

Whenever you make changes
to the address book, such as
adding, modifying, and deleting
contacts, the JavaScript API needs
to communicate with the native
platform, which can affect your
apps performance. If you have
multiple operations to perform,
its better to combine these into
a batch operation using the
addBatch, deleteBatch,
and updateBatch functions.

These operations are processed

asynchronously so that your app
doesnt have to hang around waiting
for a response.
Note that batch operations dont
give any progress information;
their success or failure callbacks
are invoked only when the whole
operation is complete. So if youre
performing a large number of
operations, you should break these
into batches of around ten contacts.

A contact is a set of information that contains all the data you
hold about a specific person or organisation, including name,
phone numbers, and email addresses.
To retrieve a specific contact from the address book, you can
use the Address Books get() method. This method returns a
contact object, which contains all the information related to
the contact.
The following contact properties are supported: id, person
Id, addressBookId, lastUpdated, isFavorite, name,
addresses, photoURI, phoneNumbers, emails, birthday,
anniversaries, organizations, notes, urls, ring
toneURI, and groupIds.
The Tizen Contacts API supports the standard vCard version
3.0 and includes functions for importing contacts from and
exporting to vCard format. Take a look at the Exporting a
contact section, later in this chapter, for a code sample.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Getting Permission
Because contacts and address books contain private and
sensitive data, the Tizen platform restricts access to this data
using different permission levels. Permissions are set in the
config.xml file and are explained in detail in Chapter 4. Here
are the ones related to contacts:

to your permissions gives you access to the methods in the
API for retrieving address books, getting/finding/watching
persons or contacts, and retrieving contact groups.

write to your permissions gives you access to the
methods in the API for adding, modifying and deleting
persons, contacts or groups, and linking or unlinking a
contact to a person.

Managing Your Contacts

This section takes a practical approach to demonstrating the
Contacts API by showing you code to create, search for, and
delete your contacts. Youll then be well prepared to add this
functionality to your own apps.

Adding a contact
In this example, we show you how to add a single contact to
an address book.
Before you can perform any operations on an address book,
you must first retrieve it from the system. Heres how to get
all the available address books:, errorCB);

When the operation completes successfully, the

AddressBookArraySuccessCallback function is invoked
with an array containing all the available address books. You
can retrieve a specific address book from the array:
var addressBook = addressbooks[0];

Chapter 12: Working with Contacts


You then need to create and initialise a new Contact object

by calling the tizen.Contact constructor function and
specifying the properties of the contact:
var contact = new tizen.Contact({
name: new tizen.ContactName({firstName: Walter,
lastName: Bishop}),
emails: [new tizen.ContactEmailAddress(walter@],
phoneNumbers: [new tizen.
ContactPhoneNumber(5552773, [HOME])]

Notice that we pass newly constructed objects representing contact name, email address, and phone number to
the tizen.Contact constructor. You can also specify the
ContactOrganization, ContactAnniversary, and other
properties. See the Tizen SDK Help for a full list of properties
Alternatively, you can also create a Contact object by specifying the properties as a formatted vCard string:



+ VERSION:3.0\n
+ N:Bishop;Walter\n
+ FN:Walter Bishop\n
+ TEL;HOME:5552773\n

After you create your contact, you can then add it to the
address book:

This example shows how to add a single contact to the

address book using the synchronous add() method. If you
want to add a number of items at once, use the asynchronous
addBatch method for better performance. (See the section
Doing everything at once for more details).


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Retrieving a contact
In this example, we show you how to get a specific contact
from the address book. You can get a contact in two ways:
using the contact reference or searching with filters.
If you know the ContactRef of the contact youre looking for,
you can directly retrieve the contact from the address book
using the get() method.
The ContactRef is a unique reference to the contact, as it
contains both the id of the address book the contact is contained within and the id of the contact.
You can create this reference using the ContactRef constructor with the AddressBookId and ContactId of the
contact youre trying to retrieve. The address books id
and the contacts id are both attributes of the Contact
object, which are set after the contact has been added to
the AddressBook.
var contactRef; // Value initialised with known data
var addressBook =
var contact
console.log(Name: +
+ Email: + contact.emails[0].email
+ Tel: + contact.phoneNumbers[0].number);

If you dont know the ContactRef of the contact you want,

you can use a filter to search for contacts with specific attributes. The Tizen object provides several filter options that
you can use when searching for a contact.
In this example, we show how to search for a contact using
an AttributeFilter based on the value of the contacts
firstName attribute:
var attrFilter = new tizen.AttributeFilter(name.firstName,
CONTAINS, Walter);

Chapter 12: Working with Contacts


You can perform more complex queries by combining multiple filters together. (See the SDK Help documentation for
more information.)
This attribute filter gets used within the find() method:
addressBook.find(successCB, errorCB, attrFilter);

The find() method is an asynchronous method, which

searches for any contacts in the address book that match
the conditions in the filter and returns them in the defined
success callback. If no contacts are found matching the conditions, the success callback is invoked with an empty array. If
any errors occur while searching for contacts, the optional
error callback is invoked.
function successCB(contacts) {
console.log(Number of contacts found:
+ contacts.length);
for (var i=0; i<contacts.length; i++){
+ contacts[i].name.firstName +
+ contacts[i].name.lastName
+ Email:
+ contacts[i].emails[0].email
+ Tel:
+ contacts[i].phoneNumbers[0].number);
function errorCB(err) {
console.log(Error: + err.message);

Deleting contacts
The AddressBook object contains methods that allow you
to update or delete multiple contacts in a batch operation.
These operations are asynchronous, so success or failure of
the operation is indicated by the invocation of the appropriate callback method.
In this example, we show you how to delete all the contacts in
a specific address book.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

To get all the contacts in the address book, you can use the
find() method:


In this example, because you dont pass in a filter parameter to the find() method, the full list of contact items is
returned in the success callback.
The success callback is invoked with the array of Contact
objects. To delete all the contacts in the address book, you
use the removeBatch() method. This method takes an array
of ContactIds as an input, so you need to create an array
of ContactIds from the array of Contacts returned in the
find() methods success callback.
function successCB(contacts) {
if (contacts.length > 0) {
var contactIds = [];
for(var i=0; i<contacts.length; i++) {
deleteSuccessCB, errorCB);

When the removeBatch() operation is completed successfully, the optional success callback is invoked. If any errors
occur during the operation the optional error callback is

If youre going to do something like this in your application,

we recommend that you ask the users permission first. Its
the polite thing to do.

Exporting a contact
In this example, we show you how to export a contact in the
vCard format. The Contact API supports vCard version 3.0.
The Contact object provides a convertToString()
method to convert all the parameters contained within the
contact object into a string that complies with the vCard

Chapter 12: Working with Contacts


You can get a contact from the address book using either
of the examples shown in the Retrieving a contact section,
earlier in this chapter. Then you just call the convert
ToString() method:
var contactRef; // Value initialised with known data

addressBook =

var vCard = contact.convertToString(VCARD_30);


In the current SDK release (Magnolia), the Simulator

JavaScript backend doesnt have an implementation for the
convertToString() method. So its currently not possible
to test this feature in the Simulator environment.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Chapter 13

Getting Organized
with Calendars
In This Chapter
Using the Calendar API
Creating and retrieving tasks
Adding reminders to a task

well-managed calendar on a device takes on the role of

your very efficient personal assistant. It helps you balance your family and work life and reminds you of everything
from birthdays and anniversaries to flight check-in dates and
project deadlines. This is one assistant that helps keep your
life organized without ever asking for time off.
Like contacts, which we discuss in Chapter 12, calendar functionality isnt included in the W3C APIs, so the Tizen Calendar
APIs are designed to fill in the gap. Tizen has two types of
Calendar: a calendar for storing events that acts as a schedule
and a calendar for storing tasks that fills the role of a to-do list.
The SDK Help tutorials include example code for manipulating
calendar events, so in this chapter, we introduce the Calendar
API and then get practical with some code for manipulating
calendar tasks.

Introducing the Calendar API

The Calendar API allows you to manage calendars and the
events and tasks stored within them. Because youll want to
protect this sensitive information, the Tizen platform restricts


Part III: Tizen in Detail

access to this data through different permission levels.
Permissions are set in the config.xml file. (See the upcoming Getting Permission section for more details).
If the appropriate permissions are set, a CalendarManager
object is created and stored in the calendar property of your
apps tizen object. You then use this CalendarManager to
access the devices calendars.

This calendar object implements the CalendarManager
interface, which provides methods to access the calendars
stored in the system. The same interface is used to access
both event calendars and task calendars.
So, for example, to retrieve the default event calendar, you
use the following code:
var calendar = tizen.calendar.getDefaultCalendar(EVENT);

The Calendar interface provides the methods to get, find,
add, update, delete, and watch items within the calendar.
Access to some of these methods is restricted depending on
which permission youve set for your application.
You can perform single add, update, and delete operations
on the calendar synchronously, or you can perform multiple
add, update, and delete operations using asynchronous batch
methods. See the A New Batch sidebar in this chapter for
more details about batch functions.

CalendarItem is an interface from which both the
CalendarEvent and CalendarTask interfaces are derived.
The CalendarItem interface defines the functions and attributes that are common to both events and tasks.

Chapter 13: Getting Organized with Calendars


Supported properties
The following properties are
supported for all calendar item
types: i d , c a l e n d a r I d ,
description, summary,
isAllDay, startDate,
duration, location,
geolocation, organizer,
visibility, status,
priority, alarms,
categories, and attendees.

The calendar event type

supports the following additional
properties: i s D e t a c h e d ,
endDate, availability, and
The calendar task type supports
the following additional properties:
dueDate, completedDate, and

To retrieve a specific calendar item from the calendar, you

can use the calendars get() method. This method returns
either a CalendarEvent or a CalendarTask object, depending on whether youve performed the get() operation on an
event calendar or a task calendar.

Getting Permission
In order to use any of the Calendar API features, the relevant
privilege must be set in the applications config.xml file.
(See Chapter 4 for more information about the config.xml

read to your permissions gives you access to the methods in the API for retrieving calendars, getting/finding/
watching items, converting items to strings, cloning
items, and expanding recurrences.

write to your permissions gives you access to the methods in the API for adding, modifying and deleting events
or tasks.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Creating a Task
In this example, we add a single task to the default task calendar.
Before you can perform any operations on the task calendar,
you first need to retrieve it from the system:
var calendar = tizen.calendar.getDefaultCalendar(TASK);

You then need to create your task using a tizen.

CalendarTask constructor.
You can specify the initial values for a new task in two ways:
using a CalendarTaskInit object or from a string formatted in the iCalendar todo format VTODO. Look at the Support
for iCalendar sidebar in this chapter for more details about
Tizens support for this standard.
You can create a task using a CalendarTaskInit object
with the following code:
var task = new tizen.CalendarTask({
description:Tizen Developer Conference,
summary:Prepare presentation material,
dueDate:new tizen.TZDate(2013,4,22,8,0),

The month parameter of the TZDate constructor supports

values in the range 011, in the same way that the JavaScript
Date object does, so in order to represent the month of May,
you need to set the month parameter to 4.
Alternatively, you can create a task by passing a formatted
VTODO string and the format parameter:
var task = new tizen.CalendarTask(BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n
+ DESCRIPTION:Tizen Developer Conference\r\n
+ SUMMARY:Prepare presentation material\r\n
+ DUE:20130522T080000\r\n

After you create your task, you can then add it to the calendar:

Chapter 13: Getting Organized with Calendars


A new batch
In Chapter 12, we explain
that operations that involve
making changes to the address
book can be combined into
batch operations to improve
performance. You can also use
the addBatch, updateBatch,
and removeBatch functions to
combine multiple changes to the
calendar, such as adding, updating,

and removing events or tasks, into

batch operations.
These functions are asynchronous,
so you supply a callback function
that will be invoked when the
operation is complete. Your app
continues processing and stays
responsive without having to wait
for the changes to the calendar to be

Retrieving Tasks
You can get a task from the calendar in two ways:

By using the task id

By searching for specific task parameters in the calendar

The task id is the identifier that was assigned to the task when
it was added to the calendar.
If you know the task id, you can retrieve the task from the calendar using the get() method:
var taskId;
taskId = ... // gets a valid Task ID from somewhere
var calendar = tizen.calendar.getDefaultCalendar(TASK);
// Retrieve task
var task = calendar.get(taskId);

If you dont know the task id or you want to search for multiple tasks, you can use a filter with the find() method.
The tizen object provides several filter options that you can
use when searching for a task.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

In this example, we use an AttributeRange filter and the
tasks dueDate attribute to look for all tasks that are due in
the next 30 days:
var currentDateTime = tizen.time.getCurrentDateTime();
var endDate = currentDateTime.addDuration(
new tizen.TimeDuration(30, DAYS));
var dateFilter = new tizen.AttributeRangeFilter(dueDate,
currentDateTime, endDate);

The addDuration() method adds the specified duration

value to the TZDate object. If you want a date or time earlier
than the current value, you should set the length unit to be a
negative value for example,
new tizen.TimeDuration (-30, DAYS).

This attribute range filter gets used within the find()

calendar.find(successCB, errorCB, dateFilter);

The find() method is an asynchronous method, which will

search for any tasks in the calendar that match the conditions
in the filter and return them in the defined success callback.
If no tasks are found matching the conditions, the success
callback is invoked with an empty array. If any errors occur
while searching for tasks, the optional error callback is
function successCB(tasks) {
console.log(Number of tasks found:
+ tasks.length);
for (var i=0; i<tasks.length; i++){
+ tasks[i].description
+ Summary:
+ tasks[i].summary
+ Due Date:
+ tasks[i].dueDate);
function errorCB(err) {
console.log(Error: + err.message);

Chapter 13: Getting Organized with Calendars


Setting an Alarm
In this example, we show you how to retrieve a task item from
the calendar, add a reminder alarm to it, and then update the
To get a specific task item from the calendar, you can use the
get() method:
var task = calendar.get(taskId);

You then need to create an alarm using the tizen.

CalendarAlarm constructor.
We set an alarm to be triggered on an absolute date, specified
using a TZDate object:
var dueDate = task.dueDate;
var alarmDate = dueDate.addDuration(
new tizen.TimeDuration(-5, HOURS));
var alarm = new tizen.CalendarAlarm(alarmDate,
Reminder: Presentation slides due in 5 hours!);

We set the alarm to be triggered at an absolute time, which

was calculated as 5 hours prior to the tasks due date.
Alternatively, you can create an alarm that is triggered at a
specified duration before the items start time:
var alarm = new tizen.CalendarAlarm(new tizen.TimeDuration(15,
Reminder: Keynote about to start in 15 minutes!);

After you create your alarm, you can then add it to the task
and update the calendar:
task.alarms = [alarm];
calendar.update(task, false);

If you want to check whether the task has been updated, you
can retrieve the task from the calendar and check the last
ModificationDate attribute or the alarms attribute.


Part III: Tizen in Detail

Support for the iCalendar format

iCalendar is a standard calendar
format supported by Google Calendar,
iCal, Lotus Notes, Thunderbird, and
many other applications. You can
recognize iCalendar format files by
the .ics suffix.
The Tizen Calendar API supports the
iCalendar format as documented in
the RFC5545 standard. The mapping

of the Tizen event and task attributes

to the VEVENT and VTODO attributes
in the iCalendar specifications are
detailed in the SDK documentation.
The CalendarItem interface
also provides a couple of methods to
clone a calendar item or convert it to
iCalendar version 2.0 format.

Part IV

The Part of Tens

In this part . . .

o For Dummies book is complete without a Part of


Here you find ten resources that were helpful to us when

we learned and tuned our JavaScript skills.
We also present ten reasons why you should develop for

Chapter 14

Ten Really Useful

In This Chapter
Blogs, videos and talks from the experts
JavaScript libraries to lighten the load
HTML5 tips, tricks and gotchas

his is a personal list of resources that we found useful

when learning JavaScript and HTML5, including tools that
we used when writing this book. The great thing about web
development is that youll find a lot of resources freely available and just a click away.
We dont claim this is an exhaustive list and youre sure to
find many more resources as your web development adventures continue, but we think youll find some valuable information in this list.

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

There are many JavaScript books out there, but this is one,
written by David Flanagan and published by OReilly (ISBN
978-0-596-80552-4) is one that weve found to be particularly
comprehensive, practical and useful. It currently weighs in at
over 1000 pages, so try not to drop it on your foot.


Part IV: The Part of Tens

Douglas Crockfords
JavaScript Lectures
Douglas Crockford is involved in the ongoing development of
JavaScript, was responsible for the JSON (JavaScript Object
Notation) data format and for many popular JavaScript tools.
Hes considered the JavaScript expert; when he speaks, its
worth hearing what he has to say. In 2010/11 he presented
a series of lectures on the history of JavaScript, its features
and programming style. You can find these lectures here:

JavaScript: The Good Parts

This book (OReilly ISBN: 978-0-596-51774-8), also by Douglas
Crockford, has helped us out of many a sticky coding situation. It starts from the premise that JavaScript was designed
in a hurry, before it was refined, leaving behind a lot of bad
parts. Its a small book, but concentrates on correct coding
and bad habits to avoid.
You can also find a lot of information covered in the book

JavaScript Patterns
Object oriented languages such as JavaScript, lend themselves
to the design and use of design patterns reusable solutions that
can be applied to common coding problems. While JavaScript is
not strongly typed like C++ and Objective-C, it does provide many
object-oriented features such as constructors and inheritance.
This book, written by Stoyan Stefanov and published by
OReilly (ISBN: 978-0-596-80675-0) provides code templates
and explains the best approach to creating reusable code in
JavaScript. Its another essential volume on our bookshelves.

Browser Developer Tools

There are some great developer tools built right into your
browser, which can help you debug your web applications.

Chapter 14: Ten Really Useful Resources


Google Chrome includes a set of tools based on the WebKit

Web Inspector (as used for the Tizen Simulator, see
Chapter 5). You can find more details here: https://
One of the most powerful tools is Firebug (http://get which works with the Firefox browser and
allows you to debug JavaScript and also modify HTML and
CSS in real time.
Real-time preview of changes to HTML is also a feature of the
Safari development tools (
Since Safari is a WebKit based browser, these tools are also
based on Web Inspector.

JavaScript Libraries
There are thousands of JavaScript libraries out there which you
can use to add features to your app and to save you time. Chapter
4 explains how to use external JavaScript libraries in your code.
jQuery ( is the most popular and
powerful JavaScript framework and is actually included with
Tizen. It allows you to write code thats portable. Weve found
it particularly useful for AJAX (
ideas/ajax-new-approach-web-applications) features
and grabbing data from external websites. It also makes it
easy to traverse DOM (Document Object Model) trees.
We mention Modernizr ( in
Chapter 6. Its handy for detecting the features of a browser
and writing portable code which works well across browsers.
Also worth checking out is Wijmo (
a set of UI widgets bad on jQuery.
These are just a few libraries we found especially useful; youre
sure to find many more to assist your development efforts.

Keeping up with HTML5

Keeping up with the HTML5 APIs can be a full time job, but
there are some websites which we can recommend:


Part IV: The Part of Tens has good tutorials on a whole
range of web development topics. is a good
place to start when checking out the available resources. is a good place to get
your questions answered.
Youll find that all these sites link to lots more information
sources, but thats why its fun to explore.

Smashing Magazine
A special mention to Smashing Magazine (and not just
because we like the name). Their website at www.smashing contains hundreds of articles on web design
and development.
Its particularly useful for those with a web design background.
Smashing Magazine also publish books, including Smashing
jQuery by Jake Rutter (Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-97723-1) which is
well worth checking out.

The Linux Foundation

on YouTube
You can find the Linux Foundation channel at
Type Tizen into the search bar and youll find videos of presentations from various conferences (including some featuring the
authors of this book!) and up-to-date Tizen news and demos.

And . . . You
Of course the most important resource is you. The best way
to learn a new skill is by doing it. We hope this book encourages you to write a web page, start tweaking some JavaScript
examples, create a Tizen web app based on the examples and
start developing the next great killer app.

Chapter 15

Ten Reasons You Should

Develop for Tizen
In This Chapter
Taking advantage of an easy-to-use interface
Getting Help when you need it
Breaking the boundaries of mobile

f youre one of those people who turns to the back of a

book to find out whodunnit, think of this chapter as ten
reasons why you should read the rest of the book.
If youve read through everything cover to cover, think of this
chapter as ten reasons to put down this book, launch the IDE,
and start developing Tizen apps.
If youre somewhere in between, then think of this chapter as
ten reasons to reward yourself with a cup of tea or coffee (and
perhaps a biscuit) before reading something else in the book.

Tizen Is Easy to Learn

Tizen web apps are developed using the language of the web JavaScript for the code, HTML for the layout, and CSS for the UI.
If you can create a website, you can build a Tizen web app.


Part IV: The Part of Tens

Tizen Doesnt Reinvent

the Wheel
Tizen makes uses of popular JavaScript libraries, such as
jQuery and jQuery Mobile, which are used in many websites
and web apps. If you already know these libraries, youre well
on the way to developing Tizen apps.

Tizen Supports the

Latest Standards
If its part of the W3C/ HTML5 specifications, Tizen will
support it (at least partially in the case of some of the draft
specifications). For web developers, Tizen is the platform to
develop for.

Tizen Supports These

Standards Very Well
Tizen scores very high on the HTML5 standards compliance
tests at Visit this site from a
Tizen browser to see how well the standards are implemented. (Were that confident in the results!)

Tizen Fills in the Gaps

While many features are provided by the W3C APIs, standards
dont cover everything. Tizen fills in these gaps with devicespecific APIs covering calendars, contacts, and many other
features smart devices need to access, including Bluetooth
and power management.

Chapter 15: Ten Reasons You Should Develop for Tizen


Tizen Is Consistent
These device APIs use patterns that will be familiar to you
if youre used to libraries such as jQuery. If youre already
a web developer, it wont take you long to become a Tizen

You Can Easily Get Help

Like many other open source projects, a whole community is
out there to help you. There are forums, an IRC channel, and a
wiki, and websites are springing up all the time. If you have a
question, the answer is out there.

You Can Give Back

You can give back to the Tizen community by reporting bugs,
suggesting changes and new features, and even influencing
the future of the project.

Tizen Isnt Just for Mobile

Tizen is for smartphones and tablets but also for TV set top
boxes and even cars, via the IVI (in-vehicle infotainment)
project. Maybe you have your own idea for a Tizen smart

Tizen Isnt Just for

Web Developers
Tizen is evolving quickly, and while web apps are a great solution, theyre not the only way of creating Tizen apps. The 2.0
release of Tizen introduced a native API, so now you have
more development choices.


Part IV: The Part of Tens

The authors would like to thank:
Dr Yong-Suk Moon, Justin Hong, Ray HS Yun, Hokyung Kim,
and Philip Northam for their help in making this project
We would also like to thank our colleagues in HQ, SCRC, SPRC,
and SISO, especially Hyeyoung Jung, DaeHo Han, TaeHee Lee,
JunHo Lee, and Yuqiang Du.
Special thanks go to BK Wang, EunYoung Choi and all other
Finally, we would like to thank our colleagues for their support, encouragement, and a never-ending supply of biscuits.
More personally:
From Cheng: To Mom, Dad, Mary, Luke, and Tong with love.
From Jon: Love to Julia and Iliya, for keeping me crazy.

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