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Vastu Shastra

To The Science of Building a House

Tips From Vastu

1. The main entrance should be in the East or North but it should not be in front of the compound wall.
2. The wall of the house in the North-Eastern side should have minimum height.
3. If the wall of the house in the East is tall, it stalls the entry of prosperity, the Goddess Laxmi, into the
house. Therefore, it should be small in height.

4. The southern side of the house should be as tall and heavy as possible.
In any room of the house the beam or column should not cross in the center.
5. Terrace or balcony in the house should be either in the East or the North.
6. A well, pole or a temple should not be there in front of the main entrance of the house.
7. The slope of the house should be towards East, North or North-East.
Similarly, the slope of the plinth also should be towards East, North or North-East.
8. The height of the plinth should be maximum in the direction of South-West.
9. The main entrance of the house should not be in front of that of the opposite house.
10. The house should be equipped with the protective wall.
11. The upper storeys of the house should be constructed on the Southern or Western part.
12. The cupboard in the wall should be the Southern or Western part direction of the house.
13. A. The basic things you have to keep in mind should be as follows:

14. Keep the Gas in the southeast corner of the kitchen

15. Person should face the east while cooking.
16. Drinking water should be in the northeast of the kitchen.
17. Sink should be in the south portion of the kitchen.
18. A. For safe and sound interior planning of your house make sure that there is plenty of light, air with
proper ventilation and minimum furniture.
19. Bed Room: The master bedrooms should be in the Southwest corner of the house. If the house has more
than one floor, then it should be on the top-most floor. The ceiling should be level, this makes the energy
of the room uniform, which in turn gives one a steady state of mind. Childrens room should be in the
northwest or west side. To have a better concentration they should have a separate study close to their
20. Kitchen: The ideal place is the southeast corner of the building or a kitchen in the west of the building
can also be tolerated.
21. Study Room: The best locations for this room are the north, west, northwest, east, and northeast. These
directions attract the positive effects of Mercury for increasing brain power, Jupiter for increasing
wisdom, Sun for increasing ambition and Venus helps in bringing about creativity in new thoughts and
22. Dining room: The dining room and kitchen should be on the same floor and it should be adjacent to the
kitchen from the left. The entrance to the dining room and the main door should not be facing each other.
The dining table should be square or rectangular in shape and should not be attached or folding against
the wall.
23. Bathrooms: Bathrooms and toilets should be adjacent to the northeast corner. They should never be
constructed in the center or in the southwest corner of the house. Drawing Room: It should always be
constructed towards the north. The rooms located in the northern part of the house should be bigger in
size as that compared to the rooms in the southern part of the house. They should be shorter to them in
height by one to three inches. This is an important rule of Vastu Shastra. Furniture should be square or
rectangular in shape.
24. Store Room: If essential then the store room should be constructed in the southern part of the building,
otherwise grain and other provisions can be stored in the kitchen or in other rooms and cupboards.
Things should not be stored in diwans and box beds because it affects the magnetic environment of the
self and the room causing sleeping disorders. Waste Storage: Daily wastes from the kitchen should be
kept covered in the southwest corner of the kitchen.
Height of Rooms: The rooms in the northern part of the house should be larger than the rooms in the
southern side by 6-9 inches, and lower by 1-3 inches. Height of rooms should ideally be 12- 14 feet.
Doors/Windows: As far as doors are concerned, the main door should be larger than the inner doors and
all doors should open towards the walls. All windows should be at least 3 feet 6 above ground level, and
should be at the same level from the top. Window openings should be on the northern and eastern sides
of the buildings.
A. As per Vastu Shastra, the number of doors and windows of a house should be even in number.

Q. What are the planets associated with the directions in Vaastu Shastra ?
South East
South West
North West


North East

Guru Ketu

Dragon's Head
Jupiter Dragon's Tail

A. According

to the Vastu Shastra scriptures, the various directions denote the following aspects:
East (Purab) Pitrustaan(Manes): It should not be blocked , since it is the source of male issues.
Southeast (Aagneya) (Fire) source of health, place of fire, cooking and food.
South (Dakshina)- Source of wealth, crops and happiness.
Southwest (Naryuthya)-(Earth) source of character, behavior, cause of longevity and death.
West (Paschima) Source of name, fame and prosperity
Northwest (Vaayavya) (Air) Source of change, income from business, enmity and friendship.
North (Uttara) Maathrusthan - This should not be blocked as it is the source of female issues.
Northeast (Eshanya) (Water) Source of health, wealth, prosperity and of male issues.
A. The major factors to be kept in mind while selecting a plot are:
Geographical surroundings,
Level of the land,
and Roads around the plot.
A. Anything that is an essential part of a home, is inscribed in the Vastu Shastra. Doors, in every sense, convey a
lot of pertinent attributes about a house. Here are a few that Vastu defines:
The Main-Gate should have two panels.
The main door should not open inside the house.
The doors in the house should not be noisy. The total number of doors, windows and ventilators in the house
should be even in number for eg. 2, 4, 6 etc. but should not end with a 0 i.e. 10, 20, etc. If the front door frame
is painted black, then the owner might have to face hardship.
If the door has cracks or is too old, then the owner will have a tough time gaining respect in society.
A. If the steps leading to the entrance are damaged or broken, then the master of the house will face problems
with his career and his expenses will soar. The staircase should ascend clockwise. The total number of steps
should be such that on division by 3, a remainder of 2 should be obtained for eg. 7, 11, 17, etc.
A. It certainly does, the interior is one of the biggest parts of the house. Here is what Vastu Shastra says about
Bright colors should not be used in the house.
Cold and light colors should be used for painting the house.
Paintings or photographs depicting war, sad faces, birds like owl, crow, pigeon, erotic pictures, etc. should not
be used for decoration in the house.

In VASTU Shastra, eight directions - North, East, West, South, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and Northwest
are considered important. If you are planning to build your bungalow or any other building on the basis of
VASTU Shastra, first of all you should have knowledge of your plots direction. Then you should decide in
which direction you ought to keep your main gate. You may if necessary, take the help of a compass to know the
As the numerals have their apparent influence of human life, similarly influence of the directions is also
apparent. Richness or penury of a person can be known from the location of his house. In which direction is his
house located? Which direction does the entrance of his house face? How is the interior decoration? These and

other related things reveal the economic condition of a person. Similarly changes that must be made in order to
bring prosperity and to prevent imminent danger or crisis can also be known with the help of VASTU Shastra.
As everybody knows there are four major directions - east, west, north and south. Besides these, four subdirections are also considered. These are Agney (Southeast), Nairitya (Southwest), Vayavya (Northwest) and
Ishaan (northeast). Each of these directions and sub-directions has its own merits and demerits and yields results
accordingly. Every direction has a deity or lord that rules it.
EAST: Indra is the ruling deity of the east. He was born out of Brahma's mouth and is capable of destroying
enemies. He can appear in any form as per his wishes. He is also the lord of rains and has the wind as his
assistant. Increment in wealth, cereals and animal stock can be effected through worshipping Indra. Indra is also
the king of the heaven. Elephant Airavat is Indras vehicle and Vajra (lightning) in his weapon.
The east is also the abode of gods like Surya, Agni, Indra, Jayant, Ish, Parjanya, Satya, Bhup and Akash.
The east is also known as a direction of lineage. During the construction of the house, some portion must be left
open in the east. It leads to long life for the owner.
WEST: The west is the opposite of the east. No work can progress in the west. Varun (Neptune) is the lord of
this direction, which is under the influence of sage Agastya. The sea is the abode of Varun (Neptune). He
therefore has most influence on the water bodies. A proper utilization of westerly portion of plot leads to
reputation, fame, prosperity and success for the owner.
NORTH: Kuber is the lord of this direction. Literally, Kuber means the one who controls the imminent events
and causes increments. He has inaccessible wealth and property. Kuber is the king of Yakshas and Kinnars and
is a friend of Rudra (Shiva). Kailash is the abode of Kuber who has three legs, eight hands and a yellow dot in
place of eyes.
Mercury is the planet that rules the north. It is more influential in the dark phase of every lunar month. North is
a also an abode of the gods like Kuber, Diti, Aditi, Shail, Naga and Bhallat, etc.
North is also a place of mother. Leaving some portion open in north leads to prosperity of maternal side as well
as provides wealth, comforts, peace etc. for the owner.
SOUTH: Yama is the lord of this direction. He is the son of Surya and is hostile towards Vishnu. Nakshatra
Bharani is the most important for him. During the last eight days of the lunar months of Ashwin and Kartika this
nakshatra is more influential. South direction weakens human life, hence all the auspicious tasks are forbidden
in the south. South is also an abode of the gods like Yama, Gandharvas, Mriga, Pusha, Vitath and Kshat. In all
the south direction yields nothing but mourning, depression and pain.
AGNEYA (SOUTHEAST): Direction that lies midway between the east and the south is known as Agneya
(southeast). Agni (fire) is the lord of this direction. He is the preserver and defender of every being. Agni also
carries the message of people who worship and offer oblations with devotion to God.
Worshippers of Agni are economically strong and long living. Agni himself takes care of the people who make
offerings into him. Agni also provides them with comfort, peace, prosperity and progeny.
While constructing a house, the first pillar must be erected in the southeast direction. Alternatively, kitchen of
the house should occupy a place in this direction. This is the foremost and an important rule of VASTU Shastra.
First day of every month also represents the element fire.A warm Agneya direction makes a man healthy,
whereas a faulty use makes the owner short tempered.
NAIRITYA (SOUTHWEST): It lies midway between the south and the west directions. Nairitya is the ruling
lady of this direction. Literally, Nairitya means repeated happening - whether be it the birth of a baby or any
other event. It also means that anything not done at proper time cant have a repetition. If the house is built in
this direction, the home suffers continuous decay.
The southwest portion of the house should never be left open, nor should a pit be dug in this direction. This
direction is an abode of demons and ghosts. To prevent the accumulation of inauspicious and pain causing
things, digging of pit in southwest is prohibited. If for some reason, digging is necessary it should be covered as
early as possible or a sapling be planted in its place.

VAYAVYA (NORTHWEST): It lies mid way between the west and the north. Vayu (wind) is the lord of this
direction. Five kinds of Vayu - Prana, Upana, Samana, Vyana and Udana, are necessary for human life.
Hanumana and Bheema are the representations of Vayu. Those who worship Vayu in the form of Hanumana get
their desired results at once.
Northwest angle is the progenitor of friendship or enmity. Hence, a faulty use of this portion of plot may result
in a majority of enemies. If you use this angle of your plot wisely and flawlessly, you will have many friends
who will undoubtedly benefit you.
ISHANYA (NORTHEAST): The angle that lies midway between north and the east is known as Ishanya
(northeast) direction. Shiva is the lord of this angle. Pashupat is the weapon of Shiva. Nakshatra Ardra is the
symbol of Lord Shiva. Semul (silk-cotton) tree is considered auspicious in this direction.
Worshipping of the ruling God of this direction yields many virtues in the life of the worshipper. The portion of
the house in this direction must be kept holy for it yields many kinds of divine powers to the owner. Proper
utilization of this portion of house provides wealth, reputation, property and every kind of excellence for the
owner. A faulty utilization of this angle, however, may block successful continuation of progeny.
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