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15 May, 2014 | Proudly Brought To You By LifeScience.


The Future of Drones: Sky-High Hopes

vs. Regulatory Realities
By Denise Chow, Staff Writer

When Raphael Pirker needed overhead shots for a commercial he was filming at
the University of Virginia, instead of spending thousands of dollars to rent a
helicopter, he attached a camera to a 5-lb. (2.3 kilograms) model airplane,
creating a custom drone to capture high-flying aerial views of the campus. A year
earlier, the 29-year-old photographer piloted a similar drone around the Statue of
Liberty in New York, buzzing the monuments iconic crown and recording
stunning close-up views of Liberty Island and downtown Manhattan.
Drones have been used by the military for decades, but Pirkers videos offer a
glimpse of just one possible way these robotic fliers could be used in the future.
As advances in technology have made drones smaller and more accessible, their

potential applications are extending far beyond their use as warfighters for the
military or toys for hobbyists.
And people are taking notice. In December 2013, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos
created a buzz throughout the tech world when he introduced the idea of using
drones to deliver goods to online shoppers. The proposal sparked peoples
imaginations for how drones could be used commercially bringing to mind
images of city skies full of delivery drones carrying parcels to peoples doorsteps.
[5 Surprising Ways Drones Could Be Used in the Future]
The technology for this same-day delivery service, dubbed Prime Air, is already
being tested, according to Amazon, but the futuristic endeavor hinges on
forthcoming guidelines from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the
regulatory agency charged with overseeing civil aviation.
A new industry
Still, Amazon is not the only company investigating future uses for drones. In late
March, Facebook purchased Ascenta, a U.K.-based aerospace company that
manufactures solar-powered drones, for $20 million. And earlier this month,
Google acquired Titan Aerospace, a solar-powered drone company that Facebook
had reportedly also been courting, for an undisclosed amount.

The tech giants are thought to be using their fleets of high-altitude, solar-powered
drones to extend the reach of Internet connectivity across the entire planet.
But tech entrepreneurs, artists and innovators are noticing the power of drone
technology as well. Like Pirker, Hollywood filmmakers say drones offer an
inexpensive way to capture aerial footage without the noise and unavoidable
vibrations of helicopters; nonprofit organizations are experimenting with using
drones to deliver provisions or medical supplies to desperate communities in
remote locations; conservationists are already using drones to monitor animals in
the wild without disturbing their natural habitats; and private companies are
developing drones to assist with disaster-relief and search-and-rescue operations.
Robotics including drones is going to be one of the most important and
influential technologies of the 21st century, John Villasenor, a professor of
electrical engineering at UCLA and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, a
nonprofit think tank based in Washington, D.C., told Live Science. So its not
surprising that they have led to so much interest and discussions, not only in the
business community but also more broadly.
While still a burgeoning industry, worldwide spending on drones is expected to
more than double over the next decade, totaling just more than $89 billion by the
year 2023, according to a market study published last year by Teal Group Corp.,
an aerospace and defense research company based in Fairfax, Va. In fact, the FAA
estimates that as many as 7,500 small commercial drones could be operational
within five years in the United States.
We are going to see an explosion of drone entrepreneurship in the coming
years, said Timothy Reuter, president of the D.C. Area Drone User Group, a
community organization dedicated to teaching people how to build and operate
personal drones. Aerial photography and videography will be the gateway drug,
but its going to extend so far beyond that, and were going to see people do really
exciting things with this technology. [How Unmanned Drone Aircraft Work
What the future holds

But the road ahead could take more complicated efforts than merely tinkering
with the technology and adjusting to the thought of seeing drones whiz by
overhead, experts say. And its Pirker whos been at the center of these
Pirkers aerial tours over lower Manhattan and the University of Virginia made
him something of a pioneer, but the trailblazer is also at the heart of a decisive
legal battle against the U.S. government.
In 2011, Pirker became the first and only drone operator fined by the FAA for
flying a drone without a license. The agency fined Pirker $10,000 for his aerial
stunt over the University of Virginia, claiming the photographer flew recklessly
close to buildings and people. The first-of-its-kind penalty was appealed and
brought before Patrick Geraghty, a federal judge with the National Transportation
Safety Board. Last month, Geraghty ruled that despite the FAAs protestations,
there are currently no laws in place banning commercial drones, and effectively
dismissed the fine against Pirker.
The ruling was considered a victory for the burgeoning domestic drone industry,
but it was just the beginning of a complex legal fight.
Pirker may have found himself at the vanguard of drone technology what some
predict could revolutionize the field of personal robotics but he is hardly the
only innovator who sees vast commercial potential for drones. Yet with the
technology currently floundering in regulatory limbo, the United States may be in
danger of falling behind in the industry, with innovation and the potential
economic benefits from drones mired in bureaucracy, experts say.
One of the things thats sad is the U.S. regulatory environment is really holding
us back, Reuter told Live Science. While the rest of the world is rapidly moving
ahead, we are losing ground in international competitiveness.
Legal hurdles
The FAA, which did not respond by publish time to multiple requests for comment
from Live Science, has barred the commercial use of drones until regulations are
developed to ensure the unmanned aerial bots can be safely operated in cities,
near buildings and people, and in the same airspace as manned aircraft. Late last
year, the agency released a preliminary road map detailing its plan to adopt
oversight of unmanned aircraft operations. Still, regulations for small drones that

weigh less than 55 lbs. (25 kg) are expected no earlier than 2015, and it could be
years later before rules are finalized for larger vehicles.
In a way, drones have advanced so quickly that the law hasnt caught up with the
technology, said Daniel Burrus, a technology futurist and the founder and CEO of
Burrus Research, a Wisconsin-based research and consulting firm. Until we get a
ruling, its a bit like the Wild West.
Meanwhile, other countries including Australia, Canada and the United
Kingdom have already enacted more favorable policies toward the development
of drones and commercial applications of the technology, said Brendan Schulman,
Pirkers attorney and a special counsel at Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel in New
York City.
In Japan, for instance, some farmers have been using a radio-controlled drone
designed by the Yamaha Motor Co. to spray fertilizers and pesticides over crops
for the past 20 years.
But there are regulatory bodies in other countries that are taking just as
restrictive an approach to drones as the FAA, at least for the time being,
Schulman said.
Ours is not a unique position in the world, but its certainly not progressive at
all, he added. There are countries that are far ahead of ours, in terms of
supporting, promoting and authorizing the commercial use of drones. [Photos
from Above: 8 Cool Camera-Carrying Drones]
This is precisely why industry stakeholders are closely following the Pirker case,
said Ryan Calo, an assistant professor of law at the University of Washington in
Seattle. Pirkers case represents the first time the legality of the FAAs
commercial ban has been examined, and the outcome could have important
implications for drone operators in the future.
Even though the judge ruled in Pirkers favor last month, the FAA has appealed
the decision, and the ensuing legal process could alter the current regulatory
environment and offer a glimpse into how the agency may handle the 2015
Pirker is a really good test case, Calo told Live Science. Ultimately, I dont see
a scenario where what the FAA does collapses the industry, but it could delay
things and give other countries a competitive advantage. Arguably, it has already

slowed the development of the industry.

Regulation vs. innovation
Still, regulations are a necessary part of integrating any type of emerging
technology into societies, Burrus said.
Whenever you have a new technology that could create a hazard or could hurt
people, you need rules and regulations, he explained.

As part of the regulatory process, the FAA will also have to consider the limits of
just how much commercial drone activity is safe. If Amazons Prime Air is
approved, Burrus said, what would stop other companies from following suit with
similar delivery services? And if thats the case, would densely populated cities
see swarms of drones constantly flying overhead?
If this is happening over parts of the countryside, it might be fine, but if all these
drones are flying over Manhattan, it could be crazy and, not to mention,
dangerous, Burrus said.
The possible ubiquity of drones has also ignited debates about privacy rights.
Advocacy groups worry that drones used in law enforcement, for example, could
open the door to abuses of power.
Our belief is that we need a system of rules to ensure that we can enjoy the
benefits of drone technology and that includes the benefits with private uses of
drones without bringing us closer to a surveillance society, said Allie Bohm, an
advocacy and policy strategist with the nonprofit American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU), a nonpartisan organization dedicated to defending the rights and
liberties of Americans, based on the countrys laws and Constitution.

Even hobbyist drones could be used for nefarious purposes, such as snooping on
people, spying through windows or gaining unauthorized access to peoples
backyards, Bohm said.
Yet many of these issues fall under the purview of existing Peeping Tom laws
and privacy torts, Schulman said. Many of the privacy concerns raised so far, he
claims, have been knee-jerk responses to a new technology, and have strayed
from the root of the problem.
The reaction thus far has been to try to restrict or target the technology for
regulation, as opposed to targeting the offensive conduct, Schulman said. I
think thats the wrong approach to have. We should certainly have discussions
about privacy, but we need to focus on what really matters.
Finding a balance
To help with the regulatory process, the FAA selected six test sites across the
country to conduct research on the certification and operational requirements
needed to integrate drones into the national airspace. On April 21, the agency
announced its first test site a location in North Dakota is now operational.
As the FAA crafts the rules that will shape the drone industry, the tricky part will
be to find the appropriate balance between regulating against reckless behavior
and allowing enough freedom for innovation to occur naturally within the rapidly
advancing field, experts say.
Schulmans concern is that the FAAs rules will be too restrictive, which could
create an unreasonable burden on the emerging technology. He compares the
process unfolding now between the FAA and the commercial drone industry to
what happened in the mid-1990s during the commercialization of the Internet,
which was initially created as a tool for the government and the military.
If, at that time, a federal agency said to the American public that they cannot
commercialize the Internet until all regulations are in place concerning its use, it
would have prevented many of the most valuable companies from emerging
everything from eBay to Yahoo to Google, Schulman said. If the government had
stood in the way of the commercial use of the Internet, it would have been very
damaging to the American economy.
Follow Denise Chow on Twitter @denisechow. Follow Live Science @livescience,
Facebook & Google+. Original article on Live Science.

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